AGC 5712 Respiration Reading Assignment Study Question

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Respiration quiz - Study questions

1. What is plant respiration, include chemical equation for aerobic respiration and distinguish
it from photosynthesis (include photosynthesis chemical equation)
2. Describe the three stages of cellular respiration (name of stage/ process, site where it takes
place, initial and the final products of the stage) Don’t bother too much about
3. Is respiration an anabolic or catabolic reaction, explain reason for given answer
4. What is the effect of respiration on postharvest life of harvested produce?
5. What factors affect the rate of respiration in harvested produce and how can respiration
rates be reduced?
6. What is anaerobic respiration? Under what conditions does it occur? And what are
products of anaerobic respiration? What is the effect of anaerobic respiration on quality of
harvested packaged produce?
7. How is respiration in harvested plant products measured?

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