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The education sector is an important, pivotal and major dimension of the development

process. Since the beginning of the blessed renaissance our wise government had

focused attention on the provision of education for citizens who are the means, as well

as the goal of development and growth for the benefit of the Omani citizen. In view of

the urgent need for higher education, Sultan Qaboos University was established to

serve as the base for the education in the sultanate.

Contrary to popular Western belief, women from the Arab world are not all just

housewives and mothers. In fact, in Oman, they fill many roles as well as maintaining

their commitments to family. Most of them are educated; some are in business for

themselves, hold political positions, and volunteer toward the well being of their


Importance of Women’s Role

Last year, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos emphasized the importance of women’s role in

the growth of the country. “Many years ago I said that if the energy, capability and

enthusiasm of women were excluded from a country’s active life, then that country

would be depriving itself of 50 percent of its genius. I have taken very good care that

this should not happen to Oman, and I look forward to the further progress of women

in my country with the greatest pleasure and confidence.” His Majesty added that he

foresees increasing involvement of women in Oman’s government. Not only have

women already been elected to the Majlis Council, a political group that questions

ministers on economic and social policy, but many have entered business, government

service, and technical establishments and are making a valuable contribution to the

Sultanate’s existence.

Women in Education and Social Culture

The spread of education and new opportunities for girls and women have been the

most striking feature of Sultan Qaboos reforms. Not only were girls offered the same

opportunities as their brothers but women have not had to leave their ports on

becoming pregnant or it their husbands move out of their district, as their posts are

held for two years. Speaking to Rayya Al-Riyami, a college lecturer, member of The

Omani Women’s Association and a dedicated volunteer to her community, one soon

realizes the impact of Omani women in their society. Most of her effort focuses on

building up the self-image of Omani women and helping them continue their studies

in pursuit of their personal goals. Ms. Al-Riyami has also been the director of Oman’s

Girl Guides, which is similar to a government position in the leadership required. She

was one of the few women who stood for election when Sultan Qaboos established a

Majilis al-Shura consultative council to convey to him popular sentiments from

different parts of the country. Although her campaign was unsuccessful, two other

women were appointed to the Council.

Growth of Education

There has been a tremendous growth and improvement in the education level of

women in the society. The Omani Women’s Associations (OWA) were formed to

recruit women for voluntary social work and give them a greater role in the country’s

development. Today, 27 local OWA groups have 2,965 active members. Women’s

groups run lectures, seminars, exhibitions, workshops and training courses.

The Women’s Voluntary Work Co-ordination Committee encourages women to take

up voluntary work, co-ordinates women’s associations around the country and

encourages women to take part in activities. Women’s training centres and rural

development centres offer support in wilayats where there are no Omani Women’s


There are 17 such centres, which offer a range of social, cultural and economic

programmes to promote social development. In 2001 3,817 women attended these

women’s centres. An additional 14 rural centres in remote regions provide training in

crafts and traditional industries such as homemade foodstuffs, and other social and

development programmes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of women education are many. The main advantages

and disadvantages depend on the type and thinking of families. Women who are

educated can lead their families in better ways than an illiterate woman. Educated

women can guide their children far better than an illiterate woman. Educated women

can give better education to their children and can guide them and help them in their

education life. Both husband and wife working can reduce the load of budget of the

family. Educated women have started working in the society and women are now

selected in the ministries and given higher positions. There are several drawbacks of

women education; workingwomen has very less time to concentrate on her family.

She spends very less time with her family and husband. Educated women often work

in the society and get exposed with male colleagues and leads to misunderstanding

between husband and wife.

In my opinion I can conclude that women education is good in the society. The

Ministry of Education should provide more information on the importance of women

education. The illiteracy level of women is very high in the interiors and therefore

there should be camps and social service associations that would provide the

importance of women education in the society. Also women education should be

given with certain rules and regulations in order to protect the Islamic and Omani

traditional culture. The mothers in the family should give the importance of education

to their children right from their childhood so that they get all the useful information

about the importance of women education.




In almost every walk of life, Omani women are breaking the glass ceiling too, and are

reaching top decision-making positions. We have women in the ministries and

universities; they are presidents of clubs and heading corporate as well as individual

business enterprises. They are a part of the Majlis Al Shura too, standing for elections

against men.

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