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Medicine is a treatment of human diseases. It’s a mutable body of knowledge, skills,

traditional applicable to preservation of health and the cure of disease. The
boundaries of medicine blend into psychology, sociology, economics and even culture
heritage. “Medicine must therefore be concerned not only with an abnormal molecule
but also with an abnormal childhood and medicine is continually changing.
Traditional medicine is better than modern medicine.” Said one of the doctors in
SQUH in a seminar last year.

Medicine is a science from which one learns the states of the human body with
respect to what is not, in order to preserve good health when it exists and restore it
when it is lacking TCM, used in the treatment of infertility, minimizes undesired side
effects and accumulated toxicity from invasive procedures and drug therapies, known
and unknown. Medical care is, in addition, always multifaceted with the needs of the
society being served by various local traditional practices as well as the formal
learned medicine. The medical practice of the society varied, not only according to
time and place, but at the various strata comprising the society. The economic and
social level of the patient determined to a large extent the type of care sought, and the
expectations of the patients varied, as did the approaches of the medical practitioners.

The medical care in the medieval Islamic lands involved a rich mixture of religions
and cultures to be seen in both the physicians and the patients a coexistence and
blending of traditions probably unrivaled in contemporaneous societies. The medical
profession in general transcended the barriers of religion, language, and country.
Chaucer then goes on to name physicians from the Medieval Islamic world: Ibn
sarabiyan or Serapion as he was known to Europe a Syria physician of the 9 th century;
Razis the great clinician of the early 10th century, and arisen or aricenna as other
encyclopedia was an important in Europe as it was in the Middle East. Just as early
Greek medical teaching served a common intellectual frame work for professional
medical practice in the Islamic near east, so Arabic medical literature of the 9 th to 12th
centuries, through Latin translations, provided late medieval Europe with ideas and
practices from which early modern medicine eventually arose. The earlier Greek
medical teaching were welcomed and valued by an emerging Islamic empire which

need to find ways of dealing with medical problems common to all peoples disease,
pain, injuries, and successful childbearing. This heritage of medical theory and
practice, mingled with some Persian, Indian and Arab elements, was assimilated and
elaborated by a community of both Muslim and non-Muslim physicians speaking
many languages-Arabic, Persian, Syrian, Hebrew and Turkish, though Arabic became
the lingua Granca and Islam the dominant faith. From Spain and North Africa
through the central lands of Egypt, Syria and Iraq to Iran and India in the East, and
over a period of roughly twelve centuries (from the middle of the 8 th to the present
century). Islamic medicine has shown great variation and diversity. As cosmopolitan
Islamic culture developed, shared traditions spanned vast areas and crossed many
centuries. Some people prefer traditional medicine because it is made form the
natural things there are also many advantages and disadvantages from traditional
medicine and modern treatments. However, relying on traditional medicine is most
all the good. People need to be up-to-date with modern medicine. Spirit and practice
of the wise women tradition – c – 2001 by Susan S-weed. As we enter the twenty
second century, herbal medicine is being integrated into mainstream mesicinr in the
treatment. Instead of using drugs to dry of congestion and cool off fenders she says
popish clods are better western medical traditional, Japanese acupuncture, Tibetan a
cup juncture, Kampo, and Chinese herbal medicine for pain, headache, and arthritis.
Information on traditional has contributed greatly to our modern western 5 system,
and Sufi medicine is one aspect of these extensile science. One unique aspect of
suffix medicine is treatment of human diseases. Its amusable body of knowledge,
skills, traditional applicable to the pres – origin of health and the cure of disease. The
boundaries of medicine blend into psychology, sociology, economics and erne culture
heritage. Medicine must therefore be concerned not only with an abnormal molecule
but also with a normal childhood and medicine is continually changing. In my
opinion traditional medicine is better than modern treatment. In the oats also the
treatment is so good for people who feel pain in their body. Today the life has
changed and they use another treatment for people who sake.

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