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Chap 3 Special Pfoducts 5l

Chapter 3
3.1 Special Products
This section aims to:
1. enumerate the dffirent types of special productformulas;
2. perfornt multiplication of polynomials usiig special productformulas; and
r \ll ,?. distinguish polltnomials in factored form where .special product formttlas or
simply distributive property will apply.

There are certain cases of products of polynomials which have been classified
because of the special forms of the factors. These products can be obtained easily by
applying the Special Product Formulas. The formulas are also called o'special" because
we need not proceed to the distributive property in obtaining the products. The following
are the dffirent types of special products formulas:
Types of Special Prodacts
Type 1. Product of Two Binomials
(ax + by)(cx + dy) = acx2 + (ad + bc) xy + bdy2

Illustrations: a.(2x-5y)(8x +7y)=16x2 +(14-40)xy -35y2 =16x2 - 26xy -35y2

Example 3.1.1 Find the product of the following:
") as a.(2x -3y)(4x +5y) b. 1xz -4)(xz +5) c. (2x3 -5y4x3x2 +4ya;
math a. (2x-3y)(4x+5y) = 2(4)yz + (2.5 - 3.4)x! -3(5)yz = 8x2 -2xy -15y2
b. -41x2 +5) =
1xz x2 .x2 +(5 -4)xz -20 = x4 +xz -20
c. (2x3 -5y4x3x2 +4ys; = 6x5 -15x2y4 +8x3y3 -21yt
Type 2. Square of Binomial
.t.71. (x-y)2 =x2-2xy+y2
Note: The result of the square of a binomial is a perfect square trinomial.
It is important to emphasize that in (x + y)2 , x refers to the first term, and y the
of anr second term.
add 4. Thus, the square of the binomial comprises the following three terms:
. Your
1. square of thefirst term;
about. 2. twice the product of thefir$ rcrm and the second term; and
3. square of the second term.
a. (3x -7)2 =(3x)2 -2(3x)()+72 =9x2t-42x +49
b. lSxs -9yay =@43;z -2(5xe;19y+)+(9ya;z =.25x6 -90x3y4 +81y8
l) - i c. (4x: -3y0;z =\41<3)2 -2(4xs;1eyo)*(ayu), =16x6 -24x3y6 +9y12
l) - r
to -<

Example 3.1.2 Obtain the products of the following:
a. (2x-
a. 11i-+yyz b. 6xs -7y\2 Ans 25xG -7gx3y +49y2
Solution. a. (3x - 4y) 2 = (3x)2 - 2(3$@y) + (4Y)2 = 9xz - 24xy + l6yz Solutio

Type 3. Product of the sum and Difference of the same Two Terms
b. (2xa
(x+Y!(x-Yl =72-Y2
We use the distributive property to verify the above formula, i'e'
(x + y)(x - Y)=x2 -xY + xY -Y2 =x2 -Y2 Type 5. Speci

Thus, the product of the sum ond difference of the some two terms is equal to the
dffirence oJ' their square s.
Illustrations: a. (4x + 51l)(4x - 5y) = (4$z - (ly)z = 16x2 -25y2 Illustr:
b. 1xt t - y2lxxl | +Y2r)=x22 -Y42 b' 13cz
c. (4x3 -$Ys)(4xs +9Y5;=16;6 -81YIo This ce
d. Qx - +Ys)(7x + 4Ys) =49x2 - 16Y6 lead to a very I

e. (x6as +7)(x6as -7) = 1l23lo -49 Examir

f. lOxs -1 lya)(6xs +1 lya)=(6x3;z -(l ly+;z =36x6 -12tya a. .(5x -

E. (7x6 -3y8x7x6 +3y8)=(7x6)2 -(3y8)2 =Q$vr2 -9yto b. (5x -

, (#--"1# *+,,)= (#)' - (4zs1z = # -L6z,a Notice

Example 3.1.3 Find the products of thg following: To obti

a. (a-b+y)(a+b-Y) b. (4a -3b+ 5c)(4a + 3b-5c) a. (5

Solutions. a. (a -b+y)(a +b-y)=[a -(b-y)][a+(b-y)]=22 -(b -11)2

' =a2 -(b2 -2by +Y2)=a2 -bz +2bY -Y2 b. (5x -
b. (+a - 3b + 5c)(4a + 3b - 5c) = [4a - (3b - 5c)] [ a + (3b - 5c)]
=(4a)2 -(3b-5c;z =16a2 -9bz +3obc-25c2 Exam;
a. (7a"
Type 4. Cube of a Binomial
F+Yl3=x3+3x2Y+3ry2+Y3 Solutir
'(x - yl3 = x3 - 3x2y + 3:rYz - ,s b' (5xz

Use the distributive property lo verdy the foregoing formulas. Type 6. Squa
(x - y)3 = (x - y)(x - r;z = (x - 91xz -2xy + y2)
= x(x2 - 2xy + Yz1 - Y(az - 2rY Y2)
-: ;3 _ g12y + Sxyz _ ys Examl
I . 1az - a;s = (a2;3 - g14z1z(4\ + \a211+12 - 43 = a6 -12a4 + 48a2 - 64 b. (3x
2. lZat-y5)3=(2a4)3-3(214)20rs;13(2raXY5)2-0/5)3-8a12 -l?Al8y'+6a4yl0-yl5
+sa4broztl +brsz24 Anoth
3. 1ac +bszaF =(a4)s +S(a+)z(bsza)+3(aa)(bszs)2 +(bszs)3 -al2 +Sa8bs 28

a' [(a -
o (# -u*)' =(#l -<A+l'1s*'r*{#}sxzrz -(5xz;s b. (3x

L t

Example 3.1.4 Find the product of the following:
a. Qx-5y)s b. 12xa -5y:;:
Solutions. a. (2x _5y): = (2x): _ 3(Zx)2(5y)+
3(2x)(5y;z _ (5y)3
= 8x3 - 60x2y + 150xyz -l25yz
b. 12x+ - 5y:;: = ex+)3 -3ex\z(Jy3) + 3(2xr)(5y3)2 _ (5y3)J
= $1r2 - 60x8y3 + 150xay6
Type 5. Special Case of product of Binomial
and Trinomial

Illustration s: a. ea - 4b)1az + 2gab+ 1ft2) = (7a)t _ (4U;: = 343a3 _ 64b3

b. 1:cz - Jdn)(9c+ +l5c2da + 25d8) = (3c2)3 _ (5d+;: 27c6 _l15dt2
= t
. This case is so special because the definite forms of the binomial and trinomial
to a very simple product called the sum or
,ffirenc, ,i;;;;;;,
Examine the product of the forlowing sets
of binomiar and trinomiar:
a. (5x -3y)(25x2 +30xy +9y21 (5x-3y)(25x2c. -l5xy +9y2)
b. (5x -3y)(25x2+t5xy -9y2) d. (5x - 3y)(25y2 +15xy +9y2)
Notice that only (d) fits formula 5, i.e.
(5x -3y)(25x2 +t5xy+9y2) = (5x): _(3y)3 = 125x3 _27yt
To obtain the produbt of the rest, (a) to (c),
appry the distributive property, i.e.
a. (5x - 3yX25xz + 30xy +9y2)
=125x3 + i50x2y + 45xyz _7Sxzy_ _Z\yt90xyz
. = 125x3 + 75xzy _45xyz _27rt
b. (5x - 35)(25x2 + I 5xy - 9y2) = I 25x3 + 7 5x2y _ 4|xyz _ 7 5x2y _
45xyz + 27 yt
=125x3 _goxyz +27yt
Example 3.1.5 Find the products of the foiiowing:
a. (7a+b{)(49a2 -7aba +bs) b. 15xz - 6y)(25xt + 30x2y +36y:;
Solutions. a. (7a+b4)(+9az -7aba + b8) (7a)s
= n&a): = 343a3 +bt2
b. 15xz *6y)Q5x+ +30x2y +36y2)=(5xz)r-(6y)3
=125x6 _Zt6yt
6. Square of a Trinomial
(a +b+c)2 = a2 +b2 +c2 + UAiffiA"
a' (a - b - c)z = [a + (-b) + (--c)]2 = a2 +(-b)2 + (-rc)u + ?a(-b) + b(-c)+ 2(-b)(-c)
. = a2 +b2 + c2 _?ab_?ac+2bc
b' (3x + v -5)2
v+ (-r]2 = (3x)z + v2 + (-5)z +zex)(y) +Zex)(-s)+ 2(y)(*5)
- [3x +
= 9x2 + y2 + 25 + 6xy_ 30x _l 0y
Another Solution. Apply the square of binomial
a. l(a *b)-cl2 -(a -6;z *2@ -b)c+c2
=a2 _2ab+ b2 _ 2ac+,2bc+c2
b. (3x + y *rz =[(3x+y)-5]2 - (3x+ y)2
. = gx2 +6xy +y2 _30x _lOy+25
Example 3.1.6 Obtain the products of the following:
u. f.iU-";' b' (6x-Y-22\z
c. (a-x-y +z\(a+x+y-z) d' (2a+4b+c)z
Find the products of
f. (x3 -5y2as7+-w5)(xs+5y2-32e**5, la. (4x - y3)(4x + y:
e. (#-r*. #r 2a. (Sxt - ys)(5x: +
g. (x4-ys -26-bsxx4 -b3 -26 +ye) Hint: (xa -bs -zo)2 -0e)2
3a. (3x - flz
Solutions. a. (a+b-c)2 =a2 +b2 +c2 +2Alb-2ac-2bc
4a. (lat -b1z Ar
b. (6x -y -2212 =[6x+(-Y)+ 5a. (x-3)(x+3)(x2
= (6x)2 + (-y)2 + (-22)2 2(6x)(-y) Z(6x)(*22)
+ + + 2(l)?22)
6a. (x -2)(7P + 2x +
=36x2 + Y2 + 422 -l2xY -24ru + 4Yz
(x + y - z)l [a + (x + y - z)l=la2 - (x + y - z)21 7a. (0.2x - 5y7)(0.2:
c. (a :- x - y + z)(a + x + y - z) =la-
=a2 -lxz +Y2 +22 +2xy +2x(-z)+W)?z)l b. 14xr - 7y:)(4x: r

=a2 -x2 -Y2 -22 -2xY +2xz+2Yz 8a. (4x2 - 7yr)(4xz -

d.(2a+4b+c)z=(ea)2+(4b)2+(c)2+212a')(4b)+42a)(c)+2'(4b)(c) b. (5xa - 0.3ys)(5x-

=4a2 +16b2 +c2 +l6ab+4ac+8bc 9a. (l.05x4 - l3y)(l .t

. [#-Bws-#)'=$+ewre..# %P ffi.+ b. (l.05xr - l3yxl.r

l0a. (l4x: *l7y)(14>
f. 1;s -5y2a}sa-s7s)(1s +5y2-grn **s;=1x3)2-(5y2 -324 b. 19xr - l3y)(9x{
= y6 - (25ya + 928 + wlo -
3Oy27+ + I 0y2q7s - Azaw)
I la. (2xr - 5)(4xo + I
= ya - 25y+ - gzs - wlo + 3oy22a - I Oy2u/s + 6zaw5
b. 14xs + 5y7)(l6xr
g. (x4 - ys - z6- !s;(;a - bs - 26 1 ye) = (xa - b3 - 7af - lys1z l2a. (x5 -2y)3
=x8 + b6 +212 -2xab3 -2xaz6 +2b3z6 -yl
b. (2xr - 5p
Example 3.1.7 Find the products of the following:
b. ,(x4 -3ys)(x8 -6xays +9yr0) l3a. (2xr - 5yo1r
a. (x4 -3ys1118 +3xay5 +9yro;
c. (x-5)(x+5)(x2+25) d'(x2-5yXx4+5x2y+25y2) b. 13x:Y: - 1;:

(+*u 1.y-z\(4x5-y+zl) f' 1xe-2y+)(xt+2ya)(xo+4y8) l4a. (x:

- 2x + "l):
". b.1x:-4y-cr;:
Solutions. a. Using Type 5 Formula, we have
11+ -3ys)(xe +3xaY5
+9yro)=(x+)3 -(3y5)3 =xt2 -27yrs l5a. (xz -3x+5)z
does not follow the' standard
b. The given form of the binomial and trinomial b.12xr-l-ys1:
process, i'e' by distributive law
special product formula. So we shall use the ordinary l6a. (a-b+c-dxa
+l8x+yro -27yt5 b.(a-b-c+dXa
(xa -3ys)(xE -Gx4ys +9!rlo)=xl? -6x8ys *gxaylo--3x8y5
- xr2 - 9x8ys + 27 xayro -27yrs l7a.(x-y+c-dXx
c. (x - SXx + 5)(x2 + 25) = (x2 -5211rr2 +25) =(x2 -25)@z +25) b.(x+y-c+d;(x
' =(x2)2 -252 =xa -625
To find the product.
d. (x2-Syxxn *5azy +2512;=1x2)3 -(5y)s =x6 -125Y3 it case of the product
z\l = (4r.512 - (y - 7a)z la. (2x -31')14x: " 4"
e. (4xs + y - zo)(4xs - y + z6) = [ 4xs + - zo)] [4xs - 1y -
Atrs i
=l$;Io -Yz +2Y26'zr2
2a. (2x - 5t'X4x2 + I
+4y8;=1te -l6yt6
f. 1xs -2y*)(xs +2yl[x6 +4yB)=(x6 -4ya1xo
Exercises 3.1
Special Products

b: (4x - y{)(4x + ya) ln'r l6xr - y8

la. (4x - ,r;14x + Yr) Ans 16xz - yi6
2a. (5xr -ys;i5xi +ys) Ans 25x6 -yto
b' (7xc -3yo)(7xa +3y6) Ans 49xs -9yrz
3a. (3x-f)2 9x2-***#
Ans b' (4x-+)2 Ans r6xz -#***
4a. (7al - b)z Ans 49a6- 14arb + b2 b' (9aa - b)2 lrls 8la8 - l 8aab + b2
5a. (x-3Xx+3)(xz +g) Ans xa -gl b. (x+y)(x-y)(x2 +y2) Ans xa -yt
6a.(x-2Xx2+2x+4) lns x3-8 b' (x+2Xx2-2x+4) ln's xr+8
ln.s 0.04x?- - 25Ytr
7a. (0.2x- 5Y?)(0.2x + 5Y7)
b. (4x3 - 7Yr)14xr + 7Yr)
lns l6x6 -49Y0
Ans l6xa - 56x2Y3 + 49Yb
8a. (4x2 -7Y:)(4x2 -7Y3)
Ans !5x8 - 3x{Ys + 0'09Yro
b. (5xa - 0.3Ys)(5x{ - 0'3Ys)
Ans Ll025x8-169Y2
9a. (l.05xa - l3Y)(l '05xa + l3Y)
Ans L l025xa - 27 .3xaY + 169Y2
b. (l.05xa - l3YXl '05x4 - t 3t')
Ans 196x6 -476x3Y +289Y2
I 0a. (l 4x3- 7Y)(l 4x3 - I 7Y)

b. (9xa - l3y)(9x{ + l3y)

lns lx8 -l69yz

I la. (2xr -5)(4x6 +l0x3 + 25)

lns 8xe -125
+ 25r'r{) lns 64xls + l25y2r
b. (4xs + 5yz)(l6xt0 - 20x5)'?
ALls xl5 6xl0y + l2x5)'l - 8)'r
l2a. (xs -2y))
b. (2xl - 5)r
lrs 8xe - 60x6 + l50xr - 125
2711}'6 + 3x2!'3 - I
b.13x:yr - 1p '{rrs 27x61e -
l6x + 16
l4a. (x? - 2x +'l): '4rls s{ -'lx-r + lJxl -
+ Scay
lns x6 + 161': + cs - 8xi)'- 2x3c{
b.1x: - 4y - ct)r
lms x{ - 6xi + l9x2 - 30x + 25
l5a. (x2 - 3x + 5)2
+ 21'5
b.(2x{ -l - ys1: '{ns 4xs +l + yro -{xr -dx5r's
+d2 -br + 2bc -c:
l6a. (a-b+c -d)(a + b-c -d) '^lns a2 -2ad
b.(a-b-c+d)(a-b-c-ct) '{rts al +bl +cl -2ab -Zac+
xl +cl +d2 +2xc-2xd-2cd -1'l
l7a. (x-y+c -dXx+ -v +c-d) "lns
+d) xr +c: +d: -2xc+2xd-2cd-1':
b. (x + y -c +dXx - r'-c "ltrs
is done b1, the distributite proper\, ot
lI. find the product. detemrine it.
"' To
)1otr-qSt:ti p,od"'r of binomial and trittontial'
b' 12s+3y)(-lx-12x1'+9r'r)
la. (2x-3)'X'lx: - 611 -9v:1 Propertl'
lrrs #rsrri6 uriw Propern' '-lns Distribttlte

Distributire Proper$'
Ans Special Case "lns
56 Chao3 Special Products and Factorins
3.2 Factoring
Name Score-Score
Section-Professor Date This section ai
1. enumerate
Exercises 3.1 2. differentiat
Special Products -% 3. distinguish
Find the products of the following using the special product formulas if necessary:

, (,,. - z. (q*. Ll(,*,. v'] Factaring pol.

?)(',.. ?) l. 3i[ - 3) lbrmulas. Thus we sh
ro factor poiynomials.
A polynomial t
1. the coeffici
2. it cannot bt
3. (4x - y'X4x - y') 4. (3x2 - 7)(3x'? - t7
Types of
Type 1. Common M,
9 5. (7x*y2;149x'+7xy2 -yo) 6. (7x+y';149x'-7*y'.-yt) Illustrations:
2. 60abs - 105a2b'
I 3. 30xm+l -84xn+

Example 3.2.1
7. (2x- 5y')' 8. 14x4 *113 Solutions. a.
and b2 is b2. Thus, (
the common monomit

Thus, 18a3baw -|?ab:

b. Zga2b4c5 _ t

9, (4a - y3 + 5a2 )2 10, (7a -ya +9az)2

T1'pe 2. Difference o

2. 49b4 -16a1
3, asxa -16 =
ll, [5(2a-b)-3][s(2a-b)+3] 12. [5(2a*b)-31[5(2a-b)-3]
4. Z:-4x6,
Note. If the o,
ExamPle 3.2.i
Solution. I
13. (a-4b+cXa+4b+c) 14. (a-4b-c)(a+4b+c) ExamPIe 3.2.
" a. 16xa -1
b, xa - 81)'a
a. l6xa*1=
b. xa - 81ya '
3.2 Factoring
This section aims to:
1. enumerate the dffirent types he"v' p-:
2. dffir ent at e';;;;p' ffi
o o'iig fr o m ano t

--*i"*'ng process of the special Product

polynomrals is simply the reverse product formulas
tt'ti"otttt pto""ss of th" ipecial
formuias. Thus we
to factor "i;ift;;"piing
pol!;:H7:i*'th if:
integral coefficients is no longer factorable '
no common factor' and
1. the coefficients have polynomials of lower degree'
as the ;l;;itr*"
2. it cannot be expressed

Types of Factoring
Type 1. common Monomial Tg:
;;Gr a(x + Y)

Illustrations: 1' 24x2 -18x3 =ox21+-3x;

2.60ab5_105a2b4. 22.3.5ab5_3.5'7a2ba=3(5)ab4(4b-7a)=15a61(4b-1a)
= 6x(5x'-14xn)
3. lQlm+l -84xn+l =2'3'5xm+l - 22'3'lxn*t
Solutions.a.Thecommonfactoroflsand factor.'Dividing each giveh term by
is the comm", ;;;;
and bz is b2. Thus , @bz
factor gives: t%BP =3azbzw *a ffi=z
the common monomial

Thus, 18a3baw'!?abl - 6u6zQa2bzw -2)

T1-pe 2. Difference of Two Square: ,
yz = (x + y)(x. yU
Illustration ,, t.
gffi = eayz 1su;z =
(3a + 5bX3a - 5b)

+4aa)Qbz -4aa)
2. 49b4-16a8 = (7b)2 -(4ao)z =Qbz
(aa12+4)(a2x +2)(azx-2)
42 =1a+xz +'{)(a4x7 - 4) =
, 3. a8x4 -i6 = (aax2)2 -

=(#l -Qxt1z=(I+.',.'I'+-'?-'),
. ^^-,i
4xz -49Y6
Example 3.2.2 Facror
- (7y3)2 = (2x + 7y3)(2x - 7y3)
Sotution. 4x2 - 49y6 = (2x)2

- the following:
Example 3.2.3 Factor
xay6 Ans (xzy: + z\(xzy3 -24)
a. -1
16xa ", Ans (9x2+4ya)(3x+2y2)(3x-2y2)
b. xa-81ya d. 8ixa-l6ys
+ 1)(2x +1)(2x-1)
::ti:11: (4*)2-1 = (4x2 +1)(4x2 -1) = (4x2
+9yz)(xz -9y2) = (x2 +9y2Xx+3y)(x-3y)
b. xa -glya = (x2)2 -(9r:;z = (x2
Type 3. Sum and Difrerence of
Two Cubes
Illustrations: l. 8x3 -.l25ys (2x)3-6y)3 la. 34x3y
= = (2x_5y){4x2 +totry +25y2y
2. 27aa -64be = (fu2;3
-(4Us;s = (Sa2 -4bsxga4 +l2a2bs+ l6b6)
3. xl5 -yozr2 = (xs;3 -Uzz\s (xs _y274)(xlo
= + xsy2 za +y+2181 2a. 60x2y
Example3.2.4 Factor a.64xay_ry4
;. b. S4xz_l6ryrz.
first step in factoring is to examine if
."""ri"i';'jffi,.Jnt there is any commo' 3a. ft(a +

: :',: *]u1*
:::.?,-16;9rrz =2x(22x6_gyrz;
b. 54x? ^r')
= :rvr(4x;s -ysl = w@x-y)Goxz + 4x1r
=2x(Sx2 _2yo)(gx+ +6x2ya+ 4ya; 4a. Zxn+t _
Example 3.2.5 Factorrhe following
a.8xs-125 d. xs_xs*e'*r_A 5a. 34xaa3l
6. 21sy+16y e. 64x3 +22y6 Ans (4x+3yz)[6xz _t2xyz+ry4)
c. x6 - 7x3 - 8 f. 54x+ - Bx Ans Bx(Sx _lX9xz + Bx + l) IL Dffirence,
Solutions. a. 8x3 -125 la. t -81b2
=(2x)s -5s = (2x_5)(4xz +lox+25)
b. 2x3y + l6y = 2y1xs + g) 2y1; +
= 2)(xz _ 2x + 4) 2a. 4Yt
c. x6 -7x3 -8 =(x3 -g)(xs 11)=(x _2)1yz -16
+4x+4)(x+l)(xz _ x + 1)
d. x5 -x3 +8x2 -8 *.,*, _l)+g(xz _l) J4. g2x _ gz1
= 1>63 +g)(xz _t;
] (x + 211y2 - 2x + 4)(x+ t)(x _ t) {9. y2n _y2r
Type 4. Perfect Square Trinomial
5a. l gx4ylsc

Illustrations: l. 4x2 -l2xy+Oyz

2. 25xq -BAx2y4 +64ys IIL Sum and DiJ
=(Sx2 _gyayz
la. a3 +64
3. xs -2x3 +x = x(x4 -2x2 +l) y(12
= -l)2 = x(x+l)z(x_l;z
Example 3.2.6 Factor the following 2a. 2xe +16
a. x2-6x+9 e, 4x2-2Ory+2lyz Ans (2x_5y)2 3a. 216x3 -j
b. 4x2+t2xy+9yz f. ggaz_g4ab+tgb2 Ans 2ea_3b;z Ans (
c. 2x3+4x2+2x g. looxs _22Ox2+l2lx Ans
d. xe-2xsa3+a6x h. ga4_S0a2x +25x2 Ans lbaz_Sx;z
y' ,
Solutions. a. x2-6x+g=(x-g)z b. 4x2 +l2xy+9yz =(2x+3y)z
c. 2xs + 4x2 +2x = 2x(x2 + 2x + l) IY. Perfeu Squa
= 2x(x + l)2 la. x3 -6x2 +
d. x9 - 2xsa3 + a6x = x(x8 2.xaag+
- a6; = x(xl _.sf zla" iii;i2 *90r
Example 3.2.7 Factor: a. glx6-lgxa+x2
Solutions. b. 4xz_gx5+4x3 3a, x3 -2x2 +
a. 8 lx6 - I 8xa + x2 = ;2(g b<a gx2 4a. ba -Sbz +
-l + l) = x2(gx2 _ l)z xz6x _
= tyzlSx + l)2
b. 4xz - 8xs + 4x3 - {1s(:ca 2x2 + l) 5a. 2x5 - l6xj
- =dx30(z _ l)z 4xs(x
= + l)z(x _ }z
Exercises 3.2
l. Common Monomial Factors
la. 34x3ya _51x2y2 b' 12xay5 -l8xyo
Ans 77x2yz(2xyz -31

2a. 60x2y -7h<azw b.2l}ata_1g0a8c

Ans l0x2(6y -7x2zw)
3a. ft(a +2b).+ 10d(a + 2b) b. x(m+n)-(m+n)
Ans (a+ 2b)(5c + t0d)

4a. zxn+t - 4xn Ans 2xn(x-2) b. I Jxn+l _ (11

5a. 34x4a3b2cya _ 5 lxsagsy b. 6a3ba _lga2bs _|4aabs

Ans lTxaab2yQa,zsyt - 3xb)
Il. Dffirence of Two Squares
la. I - 81b2 Ans (1-9b)(1+9b) b. 49x? -ba
2a. 4yt - 100y Ans 4y(y + s)(y - s) b. 3x3y -l2xy
)q. s2x - szy Ans (e* - eyxex + ey) b. 34m _ 32n

4a. xzn - y2n Ans (xn + yn)(xn - 1,n; b. (a+b;z-1

5a. 1gx4vr8ca _ 7 b. 0'0002
'zb 0.1 8x6aro - yt4
n, {*ryrco
U +4Y:*zres, - )
zr)\-"' z3)

lIL Sum and Dffirence of Two Cubes

la. a3 + 64 Ans (a + 4)(az - 4a +16) b. x3-1
2a. 2xo +16 Ans 2(x2 +Z)(xt -2x2 + 4) b. 27a3 -8
3a. 216x3 -125 b. arsbe +27c3
Ans (6x - 5)(36x2 + 30x + 2)
+a. $-o+ (
4 -4YAY6
Y' m, [Y' ' '") b. a3 +H
IY. Perfect Square Trinomial
la. x3 9x- Ans x(x -3)z
6x2 + b. 25x3 - l0x2 + x
2:i. i;<i - 90x + 25
Ans (9x - 5)z b. 25x2 - 80x + 64
3a. x3 - 2xz + x Arz.r x(x - 1)2 b. 2x2 - 20x + 50
4a. ba -8bz +16 Ans @+2)2@-2)2 b. aa -?.az +1
5a. 2x5 - 16x3 + 32x Ans 2x(x + 2)2(x * 2)z b. 3xs j6x3 +3x

Score_Score o/o
Section.-professor Date- 3.3 Other Types of
Exercises 3.2 Type 5. Other Trino
I. common Monomiar Factors This type is sui
la. Z9xeya - 42x3yz +70x2y3 b. 15asb3c8 _30a7b4ce + 42asbcj the means and the extr
of the given trinomial.
Example 3.3.1
2a. 180s3t+150szt: -240sztz b. 42Oxyz7t _2l0xzyz_630xyzz a. x2-x-6
b. x2-5x-6
c, x2=5x+6
3a.72xn+t_4gx b. 85xn+t _ 5lxn
d. 6x2 +7xy -
e. x5+3x2-z
Solutions. a. f
- IL Dffirence of Two Squares T3, or t1 and +6 . 1

" la, 1tu2 _25y2 h lA}xa -12lyz

and extremes. Thus,


b. x2_5x_6 =(x_6)
*-64y2=(*,)'-G.v)2 b. !1+_r,,=[+l'_(y,),
x- Type 6. Factoring by
Sometimes prol
factorable. This type o1
3a. x4n _81 = (x2n)2 _92. 'b. at leastfourterms.
- x = x[(x2n)2 _12]
Example 3.3.2
a. ax+ay-bx-

IIl. Sum and Dffirence of Two Cubes c, x2-Y2+2Y'

la. x6 _ y3 b. x3y6 - I x2_(y_l

e, x5_x3+x2_

2a. xya +xay b.2x+l6xa

g. ab2 -3b2 -4a

IY. Perfect Square Trinomial
la. 9xa _24x2y +l6yz b. 4x8 _4axa +a2

2a. gaa _fu2b2 +b4

b. 25aa _10a2b2 +b4 Example 3.3.3 I
a. a2 -y2 +2y -

t b. aa _l_aax2 +
' Chap 3 Other Tvpes of Factorino 6l
3.3 Other Types of Factoring
Type 5. Other Trinomials
. x2 + (a + b)x + ab = (x + a)(x + b)
This type is subject to trial and error method because the sum of the products of
the means and the extremes of the factors should be equal to the middle (or linear) term
of the given trinomial.
Example 3.3.1 Factor the following
a. x2-x-6
b. x2-5x-6
c, x2-5x+6
d. 6x2 +7xy *20y2 Ans (3x - 4y)(2x + 5y)
e. xs +3x2 -4x Ans x(x + 1)(x - 1)(x2 + 4)
Solutions. a. The set of factors of x2 are x and x , while that of -6 are t2 and
T3, or t1 and T6 . The correct choice depends on the sum ofthe products ofthe means
andextremes. Thus, x2-x-6=(v+2) (x-3)
il-:*l I lz* ll

b.x2-5x-6:(x-6) (x+1) c. x2-5x+6 = (x-2) (x-3)

Type 6. Factoring by Grouping
Sometimes proper grouping of terms is necessary to make the given polynomial
factorable. This type offactoring is usually applied to algebraic expressions consisting of
at least fourterms.
Example 3.3.2 Factor the following polynomials
a. ax +ay -bx -by = a(x + y)-b(x + y) b, a2 * 6a+9- y2 = (a -3): - yz
=(x+yXa-b) =(a*3+yxa-3-y)
c, x2 - -t= x2 -(y2 -2y +l)
y2 + 2y d. x3 + x2 _ x _t = 12(x + l)_(x + 1)

xz - (y - l)2 = [x + (y - 1)][x - (v - 1)] =(x+lXI2-1)

=(x+y-1)(x-y+1) = (x + l)z(x - 1)

e. x5 _x3 + x2 -l = (;s -x3)+(xz -1) f. rs2 _ s _ r2s -p 1 = (r2s -s) -(r2s -r)
= x3(y2 - 1) + (xz - 1) = s(rs - 1) - r(rs - l)
= (x2 - 1)(x3 + 1) = (s - r)(rs - l)
= (x + lXx - lXx + 1)(x2 1) x+
g.ab2 -3b2 - 4a+12=b2(a-3)-a(a-3) h. x6 +4x2 -xo -4=x2(x4 +4)-(xa +4)
=(b2-a)(a-3) =(x-1)(x+l)(xa+4)
= (b - 2)b + 2)(a -3)
i. 4x2y +5-20x2 -y =4x2(y -5)-(y-5) j. x2 - 2x.7-yi = (x -l)z -yz'
= (4x2 - lXy - 5) =(x-1+y)(x-1-y)
= (2x + 1)(2x - lXy - 5)
Example 3.3.3 Factor the following polynomials
a. a2 -y2 +2y -l Ans (a-y+1)(a+y-l)
b. aa -l-s4y2 1-yZ Ans (a+ l)(a -l)(a2 + l)(l - x)(1 +x)
62 Chap 3 Special Products and Foctorino
Type7, Addition and Subtraction of Suitrble Terms
This type of factoring is usually appligd to polynomials of degree 4 with two
terms being perfect squares and both preceded by positive sign. ityougtr the addition
Other Trinomial
and subtraction of suitable terms, the given will aiways lead to the difference of two -la. x2
squares. -3x-28
Example 3.3.4 Factor the following: 2a.6x2+x-15
a.x4+4 b. xa+x2+l
c. x4 -14x2 +25 d. 4xa +l1xz +49 3a.4x2-4x-8
Solutions. 4a. xa -3x2 -4 t
a. Add and subtract 4x2 bosed on (xz +2)z b. Add and subtract x2 based on (xz + l)z II. Factoring by Gro
xa +4 = x4 + 4x2 +4-4x2 x4+x2*l=x4 +2x2+l-x2 la. xy+2x+y+',
= (x2 * 2) - 1Zy1z = (xz + l)z - 12
= (x2 * Zx+2)(xz -2x+2) =(x2+x+l)(xz-x+l) 2a. uv-3u +2v-
c. Guide: (xz - J): = x4 - l1xz +25 d. Guide: (2x2 +7)2 = 4xa +28x2 + 49 3a. x3-x2-x+l
xa -14x2 +25 = xa - l0x2 +25 - 4x2 4xa +l2xz + 49 = (4xr + 28x2 + 49) -l6xz 4a. xrs -
= (x2 - S)2 - (Zx)z (2xz +7)2 --(4x)2 6s - 3;
=(x2+2x-5)(xz -2x-5) = (Zxz _ 4x + 7)(2x2 + 4x +.1
Note that in the foregoing solutions, the isolated terms on the right such as 4x2
2 are perfect squares and must be preceded by 5a. 6ax-3ay -Zbx
and x a negative sign.
Type 8. Sum and Difference of Two Odd primes
lll. Addition and Subtt
Xn * yn = (x + y)(xn-l - 1n-2y.t- yn-3y2 -... + yn-t;
la. aa +5a2 +9An
xn - Yn = (x - y)(xn-l .u 1n-2y .r 1n-3y2 + ... + yn-l)
2a. xa+ aa
Example 3.3.5 Factor x6 - y6 Ans (xz +2at
Solution. [Jse the dffirence of two cubes
3a. xa -3x2 +l
x6 - y6 = (x2)3 -(y2)3 = (x2 -y2)(x4 + x2y.2 + ya)
, Ans
= (x + y)(* - yXx4 + 212y2 +.yo *r!r) - (x + y)(x - y)[(x2 + y2)2 _ (xy)2]
= (x * yXx - y)(x2 + y2 + xy)(x2 + y2 - xy) 4a. xa -3x2+l
Another Solution. Use the difference of two squores Ans
x6 - y6 = (x3)2 -(x-3)'? = (x3 + yl)(xl - y:)
= (x + y)(x2 - xy+ y2)(x - yXx2 + xy + y2) 54. x+ +2x2+9
Ans (x
Example 3.3.6 Factor a. xs + ys b. as - 32b5 c. x7+yz
d. 128-x7 e. 32xl -243ys f. 128x7-yr4 E. 243xrs +32yro Y. Sum and Dffirenc
Solutions. a. x5+ys =(x+y)(x4-x3yix2y-xy3+y4) la. x3-8y6
b. as - 32bs = (a - 2b)(ar +?a3b +.{ezbz + &b: + l6ba) Ans (x-
c. x7 +y7 =(x+yXx6 -xsy+xoy2 -x3y3 + x2yn -xy5 +y6) 2a. xs+32
d. 128- x7 - (2 - figa+32x + l6xz +8x3 +4xa + 2x5 + x6) Ans (x+2)(x+
e. 32x5 -243ys = (2x)s -(3y)s
3a. x5 -1
= (?* - iy)(?*).' +12.x)3(3v) J Qx)2Q1r)2 + (2x)(3y)r + (3y)4J
(2x - 3y)Q6xq +24x3y +36x2y2 + 54xyr + Slyai Ans (x-
f. 128x7 - Yr4 = Qx-yz)(64x6 +32xsy2 + l6xaya + 8x3y6 + 4x2y8 +2xyro + yrzl x' - 128
E. 243xrs +32yro = (3xr)s +(2yz)s
b. 2l8Vxt +l
= (1*1 * ?y1)(1.*i). -_Qxl)1(zyl) +(313)r(2rl)2 - 13xt11zyz)3 + ey2)4)
= (3x3 + 2yz)(8lyrz - 54xey2 + 36x6,4 -iqTryu + iOy6) 5a. x7 -.1'

b. l28yt *1
Other Types of Factoring
l. Other Trinomial
la. x2-3x-28 Ans (x+4)(x-7) b. xz-4x-t} Ans (x_6)(x+2)
2a.6x2+x-15 6x2-9x-15 Ans 3(2x-5)(x+l)
Ans (3x+5X2x-3) b.
3a.4x2-4x-8 Ans 4(x+t)(x-2) b. 3x2-gx-30 Ans 3(x-5)(x+2)
4a. xa -3x2 -4 Ans (x2 +l)(x+2)(x-2) b. 54x2 +9x-30 Ans 3(6x+5)(3x-2)
ll. Factoring by Grouping
la. xy+2x+y+2 (x+l)(y+2) b. grs+4r+2s+l lns (4r+l)(2s+l)
2a. uv-3u +2v-6 Ans (u+2)(v-3) b. ac-ad-bc+bd Ans (a-b)(c--d)
3a. x3-x2-x+l Ans (x+1)(x-l;z b. xi+x2-x-l Ans (x+l)z(x_l)
4a. xrs - 6s - 3xr + 18 b. 2aby-gy -5ab+20
lns (xr-6)(s-3) (2Y-s)(ab-a)
5a' 6ax -3aY- 2bx + ol^,ru b. 2ar -2as:z -rbr .";:'
-or(2x * yy Ans (r -s2)(2a-b3)
Addition and Subtraction of Suitable Terms
la. aa+5a2+9Ans (az-a+3)(az+a+3) b. xE+4 Ans (xt+2-2xz)(xa+z+2x21
2a. +4aa
xa b. aa +4a2 +16
(x2+2az+2ax)(xz+2az-2ax) Ans (a2-2a+4)(sz+2a+4)
3a. xa-3x2+1 b. xa+3xz+4
. Ans (xz-x-l)(xz+x-l) Ans (x2 -x+2)(xz +x+2)
4a. xa -3x2+1 b, aa -Baz + 4
Ans (x2+x'l)(xz-x-l) Ans (a2 +2a.-2)(az -2a-2)
5a. xa +2x2+9 b. xa-15x2+9
Ans (x2 +2x+3)(xz -2x+3) Ans (x2 +3x -3)(xz -3x -3)

Sum and Dffirence of Two Odd Powers

la. x3-8y6 b. x6+125y3
Ans (x-2Yz)(vz +2xy2 +4y2) Ans (xz +5y)(xa -5x2y+25y21
2a. xs+32 b. 32ys -1
Ans (x+2)(xa -2x3 +4x2 -8x+16) Ans (2y -l)(l6ya +8yt +4y2 +2y +l)
3a. x5 -1 b.32x5-l
Ans (x-l)(x+ + x3 + x2 + x + l) Ans (2x-lXl 6xq + 8x3 +4x2 + 2x + l)
4a. x7 -l2B Ans (x-2)1x0 +2xs +4xa +8x3 + l6xz +32x+64)
b. 2187x1 +l Ans (3x+l)Q29x!6 -24ks +9lxa -27x3 +9x2 -3x +1)
5a. x7 -1 Alts (x-l)(xo + xs + x4 + x3 + x2 + x +l)
b. l28yt a1 Ans (2y +l)(64y4 -32ys +l6ye -8y3 a Qyz -2y +l)
"_ouurs_ %

Exercises 3.3 S;il - """" """""""""'--j L Use the formula for

Other Types of Factoring i -f- _ I+50' Example: (42)(38)
Other Trinomial
-zi (41X39)
l. 15x2 +llxy -12y. 2. l5x2 + 7xy - By2
1. Ans
f,. Factor the following
1. 2ab2 -4a2b
Ans Zab(b
3. 2x6y - 6*oy'- g*ry, 4. 4x'yto - 4ox5y, + 36x2ya 4. ax+bx-cx
Ans x(a+
7. a2 -121b2
II. Factoring by Grouping Ans (a-tlbXa+
l. x3 +2x2 +x+2 'i. .a? --ab -r a - b 10.x3 -125
Ans (x-5)(x2 +5x.

Ans (3a-2)(9a2 +6t
3.2c2+4cd-3c-6d 4. xy+x -2y'-2y
16. t-729b3
Ans (l-9b)(1+9b+8
19. 5az -.125a
lll, Addition and Subtraction of Suitctble Terms Ans 5a(a+5)(a
L xo -lox2 + 9 2. x. - 7x2 +9 22.9x2+6x+l
Ans (3x.
Ans (Za+
3. x'-14x, +25 4. x'--2ix2 28. t2b2
+36 -34b-6
Ans 2(b-3)(6b
31. 6xz +2x-20
Ans 2(3x-5Xx.
lY, Sum and Dffirence af Tu,o Odd powers 34. a3b_2a2b2 +ab3
L x7+1 2. xr_l Ans ab(a-
37. (2a+b)az -(?a+b)
Ans (Za+b)(a-b)(a
40. ax+by+ay+bx
t 3. xlt' + ylsr:s 4. xls + Ans (x + y)(a +
43. l6x3y +4x2y -42x1
Ans 2xy(2x-3)(4x+
46. aa -2a3 +l)
Ans (a-Y)21a2 +a+'.
49. (x+5)z+5(x+5)-1
Ans (x + 12Xx +
Chapter 3
use the formula for the difference of two squares to find each product.
Example: (42)(38) = (40 + 2)(40 -2) = 1600 - 4 = t596
l. (41X39) Ans 1599 2. (96)(104) Ans 9984 3. (123X117) Ans 14391
Factor the following completely:
1. Zabz -4a2b 2. 8:f +4x2 -4x 3. -1){y +9x2r,z -6xy3
Ans Zab(b-2a) Ans 4x(2x-l)(x +l) Ans _3xy(4x2 _3xy +2yz)
4. ax+bx-cx 5.4x2-9 6.64a2-b2
Ans x(a+b-c) Ans (2x-3)(2x+3) Ans (8a- b)(8a + b)
7. a2 -127b2 8. 169a2 -625b2 9. 25xz -144y2
Ans (a-llb)(a+1lb) Ans (l3a-25b)(13a+25b) Ans (Sx_t2y)(5x+t2y)
10. x3 -125 ll. 216-a3 12. gxr +l
Ans (x-5)(xz +5x+25) Ans (6-a)(36+6a+a2) Ans (2x+l)(4xz
13.27at-8 t4. B-27a3 15. gx3 +343yt
Ans (3a-2)(9a2 +6a+4) Ans (2-3{g+6a+9a2) Ants (2x+7y)(4x2 _t4xy +49y2)
16. I_729b3 17. ax3 +ay3 lg. a8_b8
Ans (l-9b)(1+9b+Slbz) Ans a(x+y)(x2-xy+y2) Ans (aa+ba)(azibz;1a+b)(a-b)
19. Sat -125a 20. 20az -9a+l 21. l6aa -ba
Ans Sa(a + 5)(a - 5) Ans (5a-1)(4a-t) Ans (4az+b2)(2a+b)(?-a_b)
22.9x2 +6x+l 23.4x2+4x-3 24.81x3-3y3
Ans (3x+1)2 Ans (2x-1)(2x+3) Ans 3(3x_yX9xz +3xy+yz)
25.4a2+20a+25 26. b2 +18b+45 27. 2i}czd.-2da
Ans (2a+5)z Ans 3) Ans Zd(5c -d)(25c2 + 5cd + d2)
(b +15)(b +

28.12b2 -34b-6 29. 24a2 +25ab+6b2 30. 4ax2 +4ax+a

Ans 2(b-3)(6b+l) Ans (8a+3b)(3a+2b) Ans a(2x+1)z
31.6x2+2x-20 32.2x2-2x-112 33,2b2+l2b+16
Ans 2(3x-5)(x+2) Ans 2(x-8)(x+7) Ans 2(b+2)g+a)
34. a3b_2a2b2 +ab3 35.16x2-24x+8 36. 25a2 +50ab+25b2
Ans ab(a-b)z Ans 8(2x-l)(x-1) Ans 25(a+b)z
37. (2a+b)az -(2a+b)b2 38, (x-1)a:-(x-l)abz 39. az -2b+2a-ab
Ans (2a+b)(a-b)(a+b) Ans a(x-l)(a-b)(a+b) Ans(a+Z)(a-b)
40. ax+by+ay+bx 41. z-yz +2x-xyz 42. ax3 _by3 +axy2 _bx2y
Ans (x+y)(a+b) Ans (2-y2)(l+x) Ans (ax by)(x2 + yz)
43. 1 6xry + 4x2y -42xy 44. 3s2 _30szt+ 75s2t2 45. 8t-24b3
Ans 2xy(2x-3)(4x+7) 16 Jsz(l-Jr)z Ans 3(3-2bX9+6b+4b2)
46. a6 -2a3 +l 47. 7az -35b+35a-7ab 48. 10xa - 100,000
Ans (a-d'@'+a+1)2 Ans 7(a+5)(a-b) Ans 10(xl +l 00)(x + 10)(x -l 0)
49. (x +5)2 + 5(x +5)-14 50. aa +3a3 +3a2+a 51. 5(x+3)+y(x+3)
Ans (x + l2)(x + 3) Ans a(a+l)t lzs (x+3)(5+y)
66 Chap 3 Special Products and Factoritry
52. 3m2n(a+b)-(a+b) 53. 4ax -4ab-2bx-2b: 54. -40x8]'6-i6xevs
,4ns (a+b)(3m2n-1) Ans 2(x- b)(2a - b) Ans -8x8y'515y-2x1 L
57. l26x3yz+210y+72 Did you kn
55. 18x3y3-12x3y2+6xsy2 56. 4x2-8xy-3x+51'
than half of his I
Ans 6x3y2(3y_2+x2) Ans (x- 2y)(ar - 3) Ans 42yz(3x: +5y322) Euler also
58. 4y2 -12Y+47'z*l2z 59.3v*5x+15-x.v 60.36x+15y+30+18xy investigate the
Ans 4(y-3)(1'+z) .4rts l1+ 5)(3 - x) An,r 3(6x+ 5)(2 + y) rnathematical ar
and pupils, he w
63. u2 -4w-77v2 scientific comn
61" x2+8xy-l5y'2 62. az -1lab+30b2
Ans (x+3y)(x+5Y) Ans (a -5b)(a -6b) Ans (u-llv)(u+7v)
For all tl
remembering th
64. 2zz +202+32 65,2x3 -18x2+40x 66. 7x2 +l4xy -21y2 he was working
Ans 2(z+8)(z+2) Ans 2x(x-5)(x-a) Ans 7(x+3Y)(x-Y) him as the mo
of all time.
67. x2+i5x+36 68. 12-l6r+48 69. x2+7xy+10y2
Ans (x + 12Xx + 3) Ans (r - 4)(r -12) Ans lx+5y)(x+2Y)
72. 352 -+ 3
70. Ztz +24t+64 71. x: -2x2-24x -25x2yz -120xy:
5x3y _-)
,4ris x(x-6)(x+4) lr-)t
Ans 2(t + 4)(t + 8) Ans Sxy(x-8Y)(x+3Y)
73. Zxz -7x-99 74.4x2-8x-21 75.30x2-53x+21 Transform
Ans (6x-7)(5x-3)

Ans (2x+l iXx-9) Ans (2x-7X2x+3) small equal squ
to this square.
76.24x2-58x+9 77, 9x1 -24xy +16y2 78. 16x2 +24xy+9yz
Ans (4x-9X6x-l) Ans (3x-4Y)' Ans (4x+3Y)2

79.1xzy +34xy-84Y 80. x2y2+4xy+4 81. 49y: +42xy+9x2

Ans 2y(4x-7Xx+6) . Ans (xy + 2)2 Ans (7y +3x)2

82.3x2-30x+63 83. 42a7 -43a+6 84. 4xa +7x2y2 +76y4

Ans 3(x -3)(x - 7) Ans (7a-6)(6a-l) Ans (2x2+4y2 +3xy)(Zxz +4yz -3xri
85.x2-9yz-72*6r'186'x2-t'2-4y-487'4x2+4w2-9y2-8xw An ant is r

it wi
Ans (x+3y-z)(x-3y+z) Ans (x+y+2)(x -y-2) Ans (2x-2w+3y)(2x-2w-3-v)
back down two

IIl. Which of the following is true? CA

1. a3_b3=(a_b)3 lns False lnstructions: S
with their t

2. 9x2+15x+25=(3x+5)2 Ans False calculator.

perform tt
3. x2 + 8x + 64 is a perfect square trinomial' lrzs False the calcula
4. Ans False
x3 -27 =(x-3)(x2 +6x+9) Then tgrn
to read the anst
5. x+2 is a factor of x3 -8 Ars False
The birromial a. 2689 + |
.4rs False Clue: Try
6. x3_64=(x_4):
b. 28857 x '.

7. The difference of two squares can be factored as a sum and a difference. Ans True Clue: Hik,
AnsTrue c. 3697 + ii
8. x3-a3 =(x-a)(x2 +ax+a2) Clue: The

9. (3x+2)z -(2x-1;z =(x+3)(5x+1) AnsTrue d. 500xii-

Clue: ,4 sl
e. 34260 + 6
Clue: Use

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