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Chap 6 Function.

s ll1
Chapter 6
I Functions
This section aims to:
l. distinguish a.function .frorh a mere relation; and
2. .find the domain and range o/.functions or relations

A relation is any set of ordered pairs (x, y) of real numbers. There are two
rtant factors connected with a relation - domain and ronge. The set of values of x is
led the domain (denoted by D) of the relation, and the set of values of y is called the
(denoted by R) of the relation. Any letter, or perhaps a symbol. may be used to
ignate a relation. For example, the relation defined by
f(x) = {(0, l), (1, 2), (2,3),(2.3), (3, 4)}
the domain D = {0, 1,2,3}, and the range R= {1,2.3,4} .
The is
function a relation such that no two ordered pairs have the same ./irsr
'nt. A function may be denoted as y-f(x) which is read,,f of x',. A function may
be written as f; x -> y, where x e domain while y € range.
Two functions often need restrictions, those with radicals and the rational
ions. The following illustrate the domain:
a. f(x) = Jrx I isdefinedfor 2x - I > 0 or x ) 2'
b. f(x) = is defined for all real numbers * l;
c. f(x) = --rI . is defined for all real numbers * +l
x -l
,o Methods of Defining a Relation
a) Listingoforderedpoirs b) Ruleform
The last method is usually associated with an equation. For exomple, the relation
f(x) = {(0. l), (1, 2), (2. 3). ...}
r be described in a rule form as f1x;=
{(x. y)l y = x+1, x an integer}
l4/e use lhe rule methotl .for some relations where the listing or ortlerecl pctir.s i.s
consuming or impossible to list dou'n all the pairs.
Example 6.1.1. Find the dornain and range of the follou,ing functions:
a. y=Ji b. y=lxl c' Y=x- :)

d' Y=x3 e. Y="&L f.)=../xl-4 9' )'=x+l
a. By definition. the square root of any negative number does not exist. Thus.
t is defined only for nonnegative reals i.e. the dontain is x > 0. From the given. is
er negative. Thus. the range is the set ofnonnegative reals. i.e. y ) 0.
'b. The value of y exists for any real number given
for x. Thus. the domain is the
r of reals. Since the absolute value of anv real number is never negative. then tl-re rcrnge
i;e set ofnonnegative reals.
The value of y exists lbr any real number given for x. Thus. the elontuirt is the
-''f all reals. Notice that )' will never be negative for any real x. Thus. the rctnge is tlte

nonnegative reals. or y > 0.
116 Chap 6 Relations and Functions
and y wili
. In the polynomial x3, the variable x can assume any real number.
reals. For the range. solve for x in
always be defined. Thus, the domain is the set of Describe the domain anr
always exists' Thus the
terms of y, i.e. x = 3J, . But the cube root of any real number la,
range is the set ofall reals.
is x > I
e. Bydefinition. "J'a-1 isdefinedonlyif x -1> 0' i'e'' thedomain
Forthe range,solvexintermsofy,i.e., x = y2 +1. Butxwillalwaysexistfor,anyrea-
the given function is speciticallr
number chosen for y. Though y can be any real number,
defined only for nonnegative reals. Thus the rortge is y 0 ' Domain: all Reals

f. Since the square root of any negative number does not exist,
then f is defined 1: Range: L-2.21
2a. y.
product o.f 2 factors to be positive' {hen both-factor:
I *' - 42 0. We note that for the
4 ) 0. t':
ure positive, or bothfactors are negative. Thus, we have two cases for x2 -

I (x + 2)(x -2)>0
Casel: x+2> 0 andx -2>0 Case2: x+2< 0 andx -2<0
x > -2 and x22 x<-2and x<2
Solutiono./Case./.x>2 Solutiono-fCase2 x<-2 Domain: L2.2J
The solution of case I union case 2 gives the tlomain; i.e., the
drtmuin consists t Range: ' 10.41

reals greater than or equal to 2 or less that or equal to - 2 or 11''-)

I y2 + 4
For the range, we usually solve for x, i'e' x = tJy2 + 4 ' Since
real number for y' Thoug
always positive, the square root always exists for any chosen
y .un any real number, the function is specifically defined only for nonnegatir
reals. Thus, the range is Y > 0 .

The domain is the set of reals * -l ' For the range' u'e solve
for x' i Domain
. Thus. x is defined for any real number chosen for y except
l' or the range Note: The arrou, indicates t
1-y serye as boundaries.
II. State'whether or not the f(

Example 6.1.2. Find the domain and range:

la. { (1, 1),(-1, 1),(2,4)
c. f(x)=1/(x2+1) 2a. {y>x,x=2}
a. Y =2x-3 b' Y=5 d.

Solutions. a. The function is linear. Thus, the domain is the set of reals; 3a. {(x.y)/v=I+l
' xJx+
range is also the reals. 4a. {(x,y) / y2 =x-1 }
b. The domainis the set of reals. The range consist only one element {5}'
c. f(x)=1/(x2 +1) is defined for all real numbers since x2 + I is never 0 for III. Writeyes if the rational nr

t real number x. Thus, the domain is the set of reals'

la, Y=x2-11
r d. J9_x7is defined when 9-x, > 0, or (3+x)(3-x)>0.Then we have b. y-x3-l

cases for 9 - x2 2 0. i.e. 2a, y - Jl;lI
Casel:3+x>0 and3-x20 Case2:3+x<0 and 3-xSCi
xS-3 xZi b. 'v = --!-
; x2-3 x<3 x-l
; Soiution ofCase /: - 3S xS3 Solution of Case 2: A 3a. y = J9:7
T.he domain is the union of case I and case 2, i'e'
b' Y ='6;7
-3SxS3. or [-:,:] IV. Find the domain;

For the rqnge, we solve for x in terms of y' i'e' la. y-xz+2 b. I
x =rF_V Ans all Reals
In the same fashionof argument we set t\4'o cases and find -3< y <3' But the g

defines onl.v the positive numbers for y' Thus' the range is 0 < y < 3 '
tbr r
I. Describe the domain and rbnge of each graph based on one-unit scale for each indicated
Thus Y , - rv,
la, *]*||]fll|+l-+ b.

Domain; all Reals

Range: L-2.2J

Domain: L-2.2J Domain:

Range: 10.4.l Range:

Range: Range:
Note: The arrav, indicates that the graph is continuous whereas curves bounded by two points
serye as boundqries.
II. State'whether or not the following relations are functions.
la. { (1, 1),(2,4),(-2,3)\ function b. { (x, y)l y = x2 + I
1), (-1,
2a. {y >x,x=2 } not a function b. { (*, y) / y3 = x }

3a. {(x,y)ty=fi}**,1 function. b.{(x,y)/y=l x l}

4a. { (x, y) I y2 =x-1 } notafunction b. {(U 9l y=2x+l }
III. Writeyes if the rationalnumber is a part of the domain; and ro if not.

il la. y=x2-ll
b. Y-x:-l
a) f(1) Yes
a) f(l) Yes
b) f(2) Yes
b) (-l) Yes
c) (-3)
c) f(3)
2a. y -.,,Dx *5 a) f(72) No b) f(3/2) Yes c) (-2)
!r b. v=l- a) f(0) Yes b) f(l) No
t ' x-l
3a. y =J9=7 a) f(-12) No b) (-3)__Jes_
c) f(-t)

c) f(s)
b. y= ^EA a) f(1) Ves b) f(2) Yes c) fC8)
Find the domain:
la. y=7P1-2 r-';-'=
^za.y- vxz+5
{' b. !=x3+2 b.y="fi:P
s Ans aliReals all Reals allReals -3<x<3
1 I8 Chcn 6 Rp.lations and'Filhciions

Name Score .Score % 12 Computations

Section-Professor. Date This section at
Exercises 6.1 l. computefu
2. determine
L Describe the domain and range of each graph.

la. b. The value of I

value ofy is dependen

&pendent variable.
Given Y = f(r
clement in the pair ol
Domain: value f(a) is obtained
Example 6.2.1
b. Solutions. a. l
b. f(-1) =2(-r

' (- L)='(
Domain: Domain: Example 6.2.2
Range: Range:
a. f(x)=*, *
II. State whether or not the following relations are functions.
la. { (2, 1), (2,2), (2.3), (2, 4) b. { (x, y)l v2 = x + I }- Solutions; a. T

b. Y=3x-5
2a. Y =2x+3 *.n,G"?4=
3a. Y r-2, Y Nr integer b. y'< 2,Y an integer
III. Write yes if the rational number is a part of the domain; and no if not. b. f(x) - Ji ,
1. .Y=3x+5 f(x+h)-l
2'Y=4 h
Though there is a radir
^ 'v-.- 2x-4
5. v= J,p4
IV. Find the domain and range:
Exomple 6.2.3
1a. Y = 11 .u 3 b. y =2*-7
Solution. If f(

,x (*
/.d. Y= D. 'V = ---;
' x-l
Domain: Domain:
Range: Range: Example 6.2.1,
JEI. Y=\l lx-J b. v= J.,*4
Range: Range:
" {-t)=l
C.Z Co.
This section oims ro:
I compute functionar varues
for a given varue in the domain; and
2. determine domains of sum, diference, product and quotient
for two given

The value of f(x) is obtained upon assigning a specific value foi x. Since
v.alue y
9f is dependent upon the choice of x, we call x the independent variable and y the
dependent variable.
Given y = f(x) and let a be in the domain of f. Then f(a) represents thp second
element in the pair of defining f, or is meant the value of the function
at x = a. This
value f(a) is obtained by replacing x by a in f(x).
Example 6.2.1 Let f(x) = 2;3 - 3x2 - Sx + 2. Find a. f(t)
; b. fG l) ; c. t(_
*l .

Solutions. a. f(l)=2G)3 -3Cl)2 -5G)+ 2=4

b. f(-l)=2(-l)s -S(-1yz -S(-l) +2=2

. {- L)=r(-+)' - r(- })' -'(- i).r= -+ - i . |+z=, *5r=Z

Example 6.2.2 Comprt" IEa.SIG), ir
a.f(x)=I,x*O; b.f(x)=..8; c. f(x)=a1(+b; d. f1x; =;z
solutions. a. The value of f(x + h) is obtained by substituting x+h forxinf(x).
rrren, IEafl--(e = + -+ =t*# * =m+,
b. f(x) = Jf , f(x + h) = aGJ-F. Then {-+!a) - f;E - fr
fi+h-_fr +-F x+h-x_
E-*J* -hffiI6
+ Jx
h h ffi;E :.---::=

Though there is a radical in the denominator, the intention is to eliminate h.


c. f(x) = €u(*b, f(x+h) =a(x+h)+br $+.II) =

% ="
o. f(x+D-f(x) =
g4/ = **W= 2x+h
Exampte 6.2:3 If f(x)=1. Sho* that f(a)-f(Or=(*)

Solution. If f(x) = l, then f(a) = and f1b1=

] | . fnese values give
(u*) =
H = =
# -# =
* -+ = r(a)-r@).

Exompte 6.2.4. tf f{u) =

ffi , find
" {-L); b. K-2) ; c. f(-l).

-r-(-r)' -g b.r(-2)=]ff=-$
t(-rt)= 2 \ 2) = 4 :_9.
"' ,.(-L)' z
.. (-r)
it.((-iil' =-?,=-,
120 Cha'o 6 Relations and-Functions -

Example 6.2.5 If f(x)=+, showthat a.f(-x)=-f(x); b. If f(x)=+,

J"'-t r/*'-l
Given f(x) = Jv'
showthat f(-x)=f1x;.
la. f(3)
Sotution. a,f(-x)=+ =-+= -f(x) b, f(-x)=++ =$ =r1*t 2a. f(1)
J(-*)'-t r/(-*)=-t Jx'-l
Find the vaiue o:
Exampli-o:*s { l(r) =24x-r, find a. f(0); b. f(-t); c. f(l); d, r1}y; .. r1};.
la. f(3)
Solution.a. f(0)=rj:]; b. f1-ty =Z-5 =*, " f(t)=2t =8; d, rtll= 2t-t=t; 2a. f(1)

.. rrll - 27-t =, Ulven I(r) = --:-

Example 6,2.7 lf f(x)=[x] denote the greatest integer less than or equal to x,
1a. f(-3)
find a) t(1.2); ulrt- j l; c)f(-1); d)f ( -Jl); e. f(-35) la f(-l)
Solutions. a.f (1.2)= 1;b.f( -|=-l;c,f(-l)=-l;d. tC,{,)= -2;e, f(-3.5.1=-4
.- ftx+L
Exampte 6.2.8 If g(y)=*, showtrrut j[cfvl+g(-y)l=g(y') L onlpute

ia. f(x)=xi1
v s$2)=J;
t - y-
la. f(x) = x2 - 1

1r .*,\r- r[ v - v l-= t [v*v'-v*v'l vz = s(y') -13. 61y';= 1

7[e(r)+c(-eJ= ;L-, -,*]
, x
1l--1_7-]: =7 Given frx) = x2'
Operations with Functions x.
Given two functions yr = f(x) and yz = g(x), then: . a. f(-3)
Sum of twofunctions: yt*yz = f(x)+g(x) = (f +gXx) :a. f(-5)
Dffirence of two functions: yt-yz = f(x)-g(x) = (f -gXx) 3a. f(-{)
Product of two functions: yry: = f(x).g(x) = (fgX.x) la. f(3)
Quotient f two functions : yrl yz = f(x)lg(x) = (f/g)(x)
In each of the four operations, the domain of the resulting function consists of Civen f(x) = -y '

those values of x common to the domains of f and g, with the exception that in case iv. '.a. f(2)
we exclude values of x for which g(x) = 0.
Exomple 6.2.9 Given f(x) = x2 a1 and g(x) = x' -x . Compute f(x)+g(x). Given f1x; = ---::
f(x)-g(x), f(x)'g(x), f(x)/g(x). : a. f(-5)
a. f(x)+g(x) = (x2+l)+(x'-x) - x + l,
= 2x2 D. =R. :e. f(-3)
b. f(x)-g(x)"= (x2 +1)-(x2 -x) : x + l, Dr_* = R.
Given f(x) = x:
c. f(x)'g(x) : (x2 +l)(x2 -x) = xo - x3 + x' - x, Dr, = R- :a- f(x) + g(x)
d. f(x)/g(x;: x-2 +1 : Drrr=R*0.1
x(x-l)' Given f(x) = xl
x2 _ x =l
n'here R denotes the set of reals. ^:. ri3).g(3)
Example 6.2.10 Given f(x) + and g(x)=x' -xt-1. Compute
= x3
-x2 +1 Gir en f(x) = 5x +
a. f(x)+g(x), b. f(x)-g(x),
,,c. f(x).g(x), d. f(x)lg(x) -:- ff+gl(3)
Ans a. f(x)+g(x)=0 b. f(x)-g(x) = 2(x3 -x2 +l)
c. f(x).g(x) = -xu +2x5 -xa -2x3 +2x2 -l d. f(x)/g(x) = -1
Chao 6 C ations on Functions 121
Exercises 6.2
Conzputations on Functions
Given f(x) = 5;+ -2x3 -x2 -x -1. findthe follou'ing:
la. f(3) Ans 338 b. f(-2)
= f(xI 2a. f(1) Ans A b. f(-1)
Find the vaiue of each of the foliowing if f(x) : **-*
1a. f(3) Ans I b. f(6)
2a. f(i) Ans *[ b. f(-1)
Gir en i (x;' = --:----:: . find the following:
4X +.t
to x, la. it-3t b. f(4)
Ans -fi
Za. f(-1) Ans -13 b. fH
3a. fq]; Ans f b f(_+)

. Compute
f(x+h)*f(x) . h;e 0. if
1a. f(x)=x*1 Ans 7 b, f1x;=a-1
2a. f(x) = x2 - Ans 2x+h
1 b. f(x) = xz +2
3a. f1x; = 1 Ans __=:_ b. f(x) = -2-
x x(x + h) x-i
Given f(x) =
x2-x3 find the foliou'ing
x+5 '
1a. f(-3) Ans 18 b. f(0)
2a. f(-5;1 Ans cioes nol exist b. f(-2)
3a. f(-*) Ans t2
b f(+)
4a. f(3) Ans _94 b. f(2)

of Given f(x) = -v-' . 6n6

iv, la. f(2) Ans -f, b. f(3)
Given f(x) = compute the following:
s(x), .
1a. f(-5) Ans ) b. f(4)
= R,
2a. f(-3) Ans $ b. f(-4)
- R,
I. Given f(x) = x3 - x and g(x) = x3 - 2x2 + x. Compute
= R, la. f(x) + g(x) .4r". 2xi - 2x: b. f(x) - g(x)
ill.Given f1x) = x2 -1 and g(x) = x -1, find
ia. 1i3) g(3) Ans 16 b. (3)+g(3)
. Given f(x) = 5x +3 and g(x) = 2x2 -1, find
la. [1'* s](3) Ans 35 b. tf - el(3)
Name Score
6.3 Graphs and T:
Professor Date
This section r
Exertises 6.2 iScore.,,<^- l. illustrate
Computations on Functions i 014 -Larv- 2. sketch the
L Given f(x) = -2x' - x2 - x - l. find
1 f(-2) 2. f(-t) A method for
is known as the Car
up this system, u'e
f(x+h)-f(x) intersecting a vertica
IL Compute .if scaled off uniformll'
called quadrants wi
l. f(x)=x*l 2. f(x)=x-l beginning from uppe
The plane ha
P(x, y), the x-coordir
called the ordinate <
the perpendicular dis
III. Given f1x)=
*;l . find ordinate is the pe4
-x'-l point. The coordi
r. f(-2) 2. f(-3) quadrants have their
P(x, y) is determine<
to and at a distancr
parallel to and at a d;
Fig, 6.3.2 shr
IV. Given f( x) =-x-t.find right of the y-axis an
The totalitl'c
, ,(i) ,
a function or relatir
relation. Although
points moy be a goc
the function or relati
V. Given f(x) = x' -2 and g(x) = x - 5, find the following: In sketching
l. 2. [f(x) + g(x)](-a) Once the domain is
[f(x) + e(x)](3) values are permissit
graph; the range gt
vertical and the hori
Refer to .Ext
functions: 1) y =
3. [f (x) .f(g)](-2) a. [f(x) + g(x)](-3)

;i0i"t;;'i,''].,: .l'l . i
3x + I
vl. Given f(x) = For what values of x will make Ranpe: v 20
2x -l
l. f(x) = Q 2. f(x) undefined
The vertical and hor
The intersection of t
This section aims to:
f illustrate the bosic terms connected with the Cartesian coordinate system,.
2. sketch the graphs offunctions and relqtions and their inverse.

A method for locating points in a plane with the use of ordered pairs of numbers
is known as the Cartesion coordinate syitem or rectungular coordinati
system. To set
up this system, we ordinarily draw in a plane a hoiizontal line (called the x-axls)
intersecting a vertical line (called the y-axis) at a point
lcalled the origin). These axes are
scaled off uniformly. The coordinate axes divide the piane into four"equal
called quadrants which are numbered from I to IV in a counterclockwise
beginning from upper-right portion.
The plane has an infinite number,of points, denoted by
P(x, y), the x-coordinate called the abscissa and the y-coordinate u (-, +) I (+, +)
called the ordinate of the point p. The abscissa of the point is *x- - rP(x'
the perpendicular distance from the y-axis to the point, w-hile the
ordinate is the perpendicular distance from thi x-axis to the
point. The coordinates of points located in the different
quadrants have their signs as shown in Fig. 6.3.L The point IIt (-, -) IV (-, +)
P(x, y) is determined by the intersection of a rine drawn paralrel
to and at a distance of x from the y-axis, and a line drawn
parallel to and at a distance ofy from the x-axis.
Fig. 6.3.2 shows the point (3, 1) where it is 3 units to the
A (-2. .vU )_
right of the y-axis and a unit above the x-axis. ?-- -----?C: (3, r)
The totality of all the points whose coordinates belong to I

a function or relation is called the graph of the .L
functioi or B l----
relation. Although all such points whose coordinates satisfu a -r)
given equation y = f (x) cannot be plotted, a sfficient numbei of p = 12, _Z)
points may be a good approximation to the picture or groph of
the function or relalion.

_ In sketching a graph, it is helpful to utilize the concept of domain and. range.

Once the domain is known we can easily say where to start the computation
and what
values are permissible to assign for x. The domain gives the verticai projection
of the
graph, the range gives the horizontal p'rojection of tlte graph. fhe riteisection
vertical and the horizontal projections is the expected regtin iytne grapn
if the

Refer to Example I in Section t.I for the domain and range of the following
functions: 1) y= x2 Z) y ="fi:T 3) y= lF-

y=rfi-1 y="[i7_a
lllor:-,''.,.,', il.Li , oalS Domainz x2l Domain:x)20x5-2
Range: v 2 0 Ranee, v > 0 -Ranse: y > 0
The vertical and horizontal projections are indicated in the following figures (Fig.
The intersection of the two proiections gives the expected region of the graph.'
Example 6.J./ S[etih ttre giaptr of the relation defined by u.y' = x; b.y = i/i
Solutions. a) First determine the domain by solving for y in terms of x i.e., Other *a
y2 =xor y-tfi.But the square root function is defined for x>0.
Thus, the Some examples c
domain consists of the set of nonnegative reals. We then tabulate a sufficient number of One counter exa,
points by assigning arbitrary values for x and compute the conesponding values of y. functions arc not
x o I 4 a) Iny
v 0 1l t2 Example,
Plotting the points, the relation defines a curve called a parabola, opening to the Solution.
right with the vertex at the origin. The parabola has two branches whose equations are the set ofnonnegr
defined by y = tJx . Fig 6..?.4 shows the graph of the parabola y2 = x, or given in Fig, 6,3
equivalently y=tfi. Thistypeof equation y2 =x ot y=tJi iscalledadouble- value of y gives F
valued function, i.e. any vertical line taken from the domain x = a 2 0 intersects the Types of Functi
parabola in two points, except at the origin. The double-valued function implies that each A familiar
bmnch when treated separately becomes a function.

Y=fi \. \ x aumbers,
lf the degr
x x
Y=-Jx x=0 V.A. isometimes writte
y=0 H.A. function, The gre
Fig.6.3.4 Fig.6.3.5 Fig.6.3.6 polynomial is 2,
*rittenBS Jl=2r2
0. The graph is given in Fig. 6.3.5, The
b) Assign any real number for x except
hs graph is a para
line x=0 istheverticalasymptote. Solvingforxgivesx = lly. Theline y=0 serves
of a polynomial i
asthe horizontal asymptote of the graph. -'a3 * O, the functir

The Vertical Line Test ! = a, it is called

polynomial functir
If the graph of a relation is known, we can easily tell whether the relation is a A function
funitton. Ifiust one vertical line intersects the graph of the relation in more than point, rutionol fraction.
then these would represent points of the relation with the same firsl element but different
mtional fraction.
second elements. This violates the definition of a function as shown in the above figure on solving for x gives
the right (Fig. 6.3.Q.
6e graph. The x-i
Example 6.J.2 Sketch the graph of the function y = x2 (-2,4\ Y=-2, or (0, -2
Solution. The graph is a parobola (Fig. 6.3.7).
Special Functior
Some func
Fig.6.3.7 qecial functions,
One-to-one Functions
Let f be a function, f isone-to-one,or simply written as I - l, if and only if for , the signa
any pairs (xr, yr) and (x2, y2) which belong to f, if x1 * x2, then f(x1) = Yt * yz= f(u.). a) The abs
Another way to say is that if f(xr) = f(x2), then Xl = X2. In other words, a function is This fi:rrE:tiE-ur has e
considered one-to-one if for one value of y we get one exactly value of x. A familiar b /fiasu'r'ls;i:d ir .Fi;
example of one-to-one function is the linear function y : ax * b. This represents the
graph of a straight line. On the cont?ry, the horizontal line y = a is not one-to-one. For b) The sec
instonce, the line y = 2 is not l-1 since (-l) : f(l) = 2,but -l * l. Geometrically' if
function, denoted t
there is one horizontal line intersecting the graph in at least two points, then the
function is not one-to-one. the horizontol line lest can be used to dbtermine whether a
function is one-to-one.
l.e.t Other examples of onei-to-one f\nctions are: y= Ji, y=x3, y=*, y=ffi .

the examples of not one-to-one are: a) y = x2 ; b) y = x2(x - l) ; c) y = I x I ; d) y = xr .

of counter example is enough to disprove a statement. Thus, to show that the above

ions are not one-to-one) we use the counter example by substituting I and -l for x.
a)'lny=f(x)=x2,takexl = I andx2=-l,then(-1;=(l)= l,but I *-1.
Example 6.J.J Sketch the graph of the absolute-value function y = I x l.
the Solution. The domain is the set of reals, while the range is
are set ofnonnegative real numbers, The graph is a v-shaped curve

'Of in Fig. 6..1.8, Since f(1) = f1-11= l-l I = I , but I rr -1, or one
rble- of y gives two values of x, then f is not one-to-one,
the pes of Functions
A familiar type of function polynomial in x, i.e.
y =f(x)=3nxn *op-1Xn-l *o,11-2xn-2 *.,.+Blx {-89, an*O,
n is a nonnegative integer and coefficients an, on_I, ,.., Erl, 8s, are any real

lf the degree of o polynomiolfunction is /, i.e.y=alx+ao, where a1, as€R

written as ax + by = c, where a, b, c, e R), the function is called a linear
rction, The graph of any linear function represents a straight line. If the degree of a
ynomial is 2, i.e. y=a2x2+E1X+a9, where a.2, a'leR and a2*O (sometimes
ittenas y=ax2 +bx+c,wherea,b,c e R),thefunctioniscalled quadroticfunction.
graph is a parabola, opening upward if a > 0, and downward if a < 0. If the degree
a polynomial is 3, i.e. y=a3x3+ a2x2*a1x+Q,9, where dg, 3.2, or, soeR and
* o, the function is called a cubic function. lf the degree of a polynomial is 0, i.e.
= a , it is called a constant function. Its graph is a horizontal line. The domain of any
function is always lhe set of reals.
A function can be expressed as the quotient of two polynomials is called a
fraction. For exomple, the function f defined by f(x)=(x +2)/(x-l), x*l is a
fraction. The line x = I is called a vertical asymptote of the graph. Also,
,lving for x gives ; = (y + l)/(y - l) . The line y = I is called the horizontal asymptote of
graph. The x-intercept (set y = 0) is x = -2, or (-2,0). They-dz tercept (set x = 0) is

I Functions* (Optional Topic)

Some functions in mathematics have special symbols. We may call these as
functions, and these are the ohsolute-value function, the g?eatest integer
,lhe signumfunction, and the odd and evenfunctions
a) The absolute value function, denoted by y= l*-.1
fur:rtir:ir has a v-shaped groph with vertex at q.on the number line (the x-axis). ihis
)u illustp tti::d. in -Fire. ti" -?.8.

l* b) T"he second special

function, the greatest-integer function, is often called the
is used to designate it. The greatest-integer
because the bracket
ion, denoted by [x], is defined as

Ee lxl = greatest integer less lhan or equal to x

The domain of this function is the set of reals. The range is
the set of integers. For example, [2]=2, [.5]=1,
l-2.5)=-3, [n]=3, and !JD)=I. The function y=[x] has I. Use the verticai line t
the graph shown in Fig. 6.3.9. The open and closed dots
indicate whether the'endpoint should be excluded or
included, respectively. The range of [x] is Z, while domain
is the set of reals. Note thot in sketching a graph of
ay = [x] , we use the half-open intervals such as [a, b). Fig.6.3.9
c) We define the signumfunction, denoted sgn x, by
I l, for x>0. Ans function
y=sgn*=] O,for x=0, II. Find the integer for ei
[-t, for xco. la. [2.1]
The graph of the function is shown in Fig. 6.3.10. The 2a. sig (-j)
domain is the set of reals; the range is {-1, 0, I }.
ill. State which are odd o

ia. f(x) = -"t-

Example 6.J.r' Sketch the graph of y = I xllxl. x4-l
Solution. If a function involves the bracket function. [\'. State u,hich of the fol
then we use half-open intervals to sketch the graph.
la. f(x)=13-Y-r
O<xcl, Ix]'=0, y= lxl[x]=g
l<x< 2,[x)=1, lxl= x, and y= lxl[x]=x \'. Determine the x and r
il-L# "ia. Y=2x-3 -1n.
2<x<3, Ix]=2,lxl = x, and y= lxl[x]=2x
VI. A curve rl,hose 'equ;
-t<x<o, Ix]=-1,Ixl= -x,and y=lxllxl=x i] _++€ 6.3.1l
nameiy. y>f(x) cal
instance, with respeci
-2<x<-1, Ix)=-2, lxl= -x, and y= lxltx]=2x ffi, (righl region). Also r
Then we have the graph as shown on Fig. 6.3.1 l.
1, < x (left). The grai
De/inition 6,3,1 Afunction that remains unchanged
when x is replaced by - x, i.e. f(-x) = f(x), is called an
even function (Fig. 6. 3. I 2).
Definititt4 6.3.2 A function such that f(-x) = - f(x) ,
*--Ttr., .
w r' to ! i
is called the oddfunction (Fig 6.3.13).
For example, f1x; = x2 is an even function, since
Fig. 6.3.12'

f(-x) = (-x)2 = x2 = f(x) . The following are evenfunctions: (2,E)Y=xS

s.w.r. I Sketch the graph of th
x4 ; xG ; x2-5 ,' -&: , ...=5--
JI'= ' x2 -r -r) origir
1a. v=2x+3

Also, f(x) =;3 is an odd, since f(-x) = (-x)3 = -f(x) . Nole hov iv
The following are oddfunctionsz
v x x3-x
' J3= ' x2-r Fig.6.3.13
. Geometrically, that graph of an even function is symmetric with respect to tl, Y>2x+3
y-axis. The odd function is symmetric with respect to the.origin. A graph symm.
with respect to the orijin means that upon rotating the upper-half plane 180' in
counterclockwise direction, the groph in the Jirst quadrant coincides wilh that in the
quadrant, and the graph in the second quadrant coincides wilh that in the
. Chao 6 Graohs and Ty?es ofFunctions 127
Exercises 6.3
Graphs and Types of Functions
L Use the vertical iine test to identif-r,'which of the following graphs represent functions.

Ans function Ans function Ans not a function Ans not a function
Find the integer for each of the following:

1a, [2.1]
2a. sig (-|)

b. f(x; = +
Ans -1

State which are odd or even function or neither

la. f(x) - __t:_


2a. f(x) = Z*_* b. f(x)

xa-l Jx2-1 Jxa-l
IV. State which of the following is a polynomial function. Ans laand ]b
la. f(x)=x3-x-2 b. f(x)=J 2a. f(x)=1x U. f(x) = x2 - Jx
\/. Determine the x and l,intercepts
ta. Y=2x-3 Ans 4;-3 b'Y=x3+8
Vl. A curve u.'hose equation is y = f(x) can separate ti're xy-piane into two regionsl
namely'. y>f(x) called the right region and 1'<f(x) called the left region. For
instancerwith respect to the line x = 2, the regions are x < 2 (left region) and x > 2
(righl region). Also with respect to the iine 1, = x, the resions are y > x lright; and
1 < x (left). The graphs of the regions are shown as follou,s:
{.2 x> 2



x<2 y>x )'< x

LrJ. I Sketch the graph of the two regions for each of the following curves:
-ii x 0 -z -3 f- Io-l-tl
la. Y=2x+3
v J 0 "
b. r,= 2x
lv l-glo I


li Cb 5 Rclaions od Functions
Nmre, Score Score Inverse Relati
se.tio nui.. This section t
" ""'"""""""""""""'"i
Exercises6.3 i ;;;;; 1. enumerolt
Graphs and Types oTiurrtron .ff:::::] -o/o
i function a

I. Use the vertical line test to identify which of the following graphs represent functions, 2. find the in
We recall thz
I+Y=l ider the relatia
= {_1, 0, 1,7,3)
and the second c

II. State which are odd or even function or neither observe that the r

la, f(x) = ;4 - 16 -5 D(g) = R(h) ar

b. f(x)=lx-x3l when the coo
eof the originr
2a. f(x) = x3 - r,' -
i Note that the
b. f(x) = 13 - 12 introduce the for
DeJinition. G
3a. f(x)=;fr1
b. f(x)=+
If the functior

III. State which of the following is polynomial Take note tha

la. f(x) = x7 - xz -Ji ph of Inverse I
b. f(x)=v3-12-J3x-fi
The graph of
IV. Determine the x and y intercepts
ined by interchar
la. y-xz-1 b. v' = -5x- of f1x;.
x-l Y=
.r-intercept: x-intercept: Geomelricalll
y-intercept: y-intercept: by reflecting
V, Sketch the graph of the two iegions for.each of the following curves:
' la. Parabola opening upward with vertex at (0, 0), i.e. y = x2 f=xa.sshown
b. Parabola opening downward with center at (0, 0), i,e. y = -;z Example 6.4

the elements of
Solution. In
the inverse of f
2a. y = -x3 b'Y3=x Example 6.4.,

'Y = -x3 Solutign. Tt
f-l by rev
={(y, x)/y =2x-
Inverse Relations
This section aims to:
l. enumerote and illustrate the steps in obtaining the inverse relation of a
function or relation and sketch their graphs; and
2. find the inverse relation or inverse function of a relation.

We recall that a relation g on the set of real numbers R is a subset of R x R.

ider the relation g as g={(-1, -3), (0,0), (1,3), (2,6),(3,9)l whose domain is
={-1,0, 1,7,3} and whose range is R(g)={-3,0,3,6,9}. If we interchange the
and the second coordinates of each ordered pair of g, we obtain the relation
h = {(_3, _ l), (0, 0),(3, l), (6, 2), (9, 3)}
observe that the domain of g is the range of h, and the range of g is the domain of h.
, D(g) = R(h) and R(g) = D(h). We call h as the inverse relation of g, i.e. h = B-t.
when the coordinates are interchanged, we produce a new relation called the
of the original relation.
Note thst the equation y = f(x) and x = f-l(y) wouldyield the same graph. We
introduce the formal definition of inverse relalion.
Deftnition. Given a relation g. The inverse relation of g denoted by g-' is the set
g-r = {(y, x) / (x, y) e g}.
If the function y - f(x) is one-to-one, we define the invercefunctionby
Toke note that f-r does not mean the reciprocal llf.
ph of Inverse Relation ,'!=;
The graph of an inverse relation y=f -r(x) is
ined by interchanging the roles of x and y in the f-'(*)
of Y= f11;.
Geometrically, the graph of Y=f-'(x) is
by reflecting the graph of y.=f(x) about the
y = x as shown in Fig. 6.1.1.
Example 6,4.1, If f = {(-1, 0), (1, 2), (3, 4)},
the elements of the inverse f-1, and sketch its

Solution. Interchanging the components of f

the inverse of f as indicated in Fig. 6.4.2,i.e.

f-r = {(0, 1), (2, l), (4, 3)}.

Example 6.4.2.|f f(x) = 2x +3, find the inverse of f(x) .
Solution. The given function may also be written as f ={(x, y)/y=2x+3}.
f-r by reversing the coordinates of every ordered pair of f , i.e.,
= {(y, x)/ Y = 2x+ 3}. Solving for x gives

x= f-, x)/x
f , and so, =
' written Exponential and Lr
The inverse f-l may also be as
=!a+3 We next consir
clearlv, if ,y=r
r-' =
f-r(v))/r-r(v) = #}. t, Exponential Funr

f-r(y) =
+,then, f-r(x) =+. b>0,bllandX,&)
Detinition. Tl

Therefore, if f(x) = 2x + 3 then f-r(x) = (x -3) I 2 '

Example 6.4.6
The graph is given in Fig' 6.4.3. ln this case, since
f(x) is ine-lo:one,lhen the inverse relation is also Solution. We
a function. ,l -3 I

Steps for Solving t-r(x) yT,,J4

l. Solre for x
We plot the points anr
2. Replace x with f to obtain Fig. 6.4.6
3. Replace y with x.
Observe that i
a ftnction:
Exomple 6.4.4. Findthe inverse relation and state whether this is a. Whenx>(
a. y=4-5x b.Y=*z
b. Whenx<(
Solutions. a. f(x)=4-5x = y. Solving forx, we have x =(Y-4)(-5)'
(4 x)/5 is also a function' c. The graph
the function f(x) is o"e-to'one,the inverse y = f-l(x) = -

' d. The graph,

b. If y=x2.then*=tl& ' Interchanging
(2.4) that there is no x-inter
x and y gives y = f-r(x) =t.Ii' obviously' f(x) is | , Y=x
't b. Logarithmic Funr
nol onc-lo-orc. Thus. the inverse relation f is nol a /4
To obtain the i
.function. The graph is given in Fig.
1-t = (4, 2)
This is done by appl'
. xl 0l ll-ll 2l-2
f-: Y=x-ffi l, -l) both sides
logu y = lo96 b*
of the
, or

then we gel the logat

Fig.6.4.4 the inverse of the exp
the logarithmicfuncti
Example 6.r'.5. solve for the inverse of y = x3 ; sketch the
graphs of f and
y = Iog 6x, if an
f(x) = xl, The graphs ofr
Sotution. Since the function Y=
or y"3 is one'lo'one, then
x= the inverse Example 6.4.7
-l y=x Solution. We
function is y = f (x) - xl/3 ' or y3 = ' 16
, ,l rl I I 2
For the graphs of f and f4 (FiS' 6'4'5), we
assign a numbir of points as indicated in the
tllogrl=o llogz2=
following tables: Note: a. The log N ir
b. log N has n
x 0 I 2 c. We use the
Y=x3 0 I 8 -1 -8 number. However, the
(-1,- l) (-2, Fig.6.4.5 by noting l&af the fun,
x (0, 0) 0, l) (2, 8) - 8,
functions. This mean
of the function y =
x 0 I 8 -l -8 coordinates of x and
iY3=x 0 I 2 -1 -2 )- = 2x. With the interci
xry (0, 0) 0, l) (8, 2) (-1,- l) (-8, - 2) next table we obtain
y = log2 x aS in Fig. 6.
. Chao 6 Inverse Relations l}l
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
We next consider two more specialfunctions that are inverses of each other.
,y=r a. ExponentialFunction
x-3 Detinition, The *ponentialfunction with base b is defined by f(x) = b', where
/r, 2 b > 0, b I I and x, any real number.
r.0) -
Exomple 6.1.6. Sketch the graph of f(x) = lx .

Solution. We set a table of coordinates as follows:

,l -3 I + l-rlolrlzlt
We plot the points and then connect them with continuous curve f(x) = 2x
to obtain Fig. 6.4.6
Observe that in the graph of the exponential function:
a. When x > 0, f(x) = 2x increases in value as x increases in value.
b. When x < 0, f(x) = 2x increases in value as x increases in value.
c. The graph of f(x) = 2* passes through the point (0, l), the y-intercept.
d. The graph of f(x) = 2* approaches, but does rol cross the x-axis. This means
that there is no x-intercept. The x-axis is a horizontol asymptote of the graph of y =2, .

b. LogarithmicFunction
To obtain the inverse of f(x) = bx, we solve for x.
This is done by applying ttre logarithm with base b on
both sides of the equation. Thus, we have
loguy = logt,b*, or loguy - xlogsb. Since lo96b=1,
then we get the logarithmic functio'n y = f(x) = lo96 x ,
the inverse of the exponential funclion. Thus, we define f-'(x) = logn x
the I o g a rit h mic fun ct ion as fol lows :
y = log 6x, if ond only dx= bY, b > 0, b t l. Fig.6.4.7
The graphs of the inverse functions y = log 6 x and y = b* are given in Fig. 6.J.7.
Example 6.4,7, Sketch the graph of y = log 2 x.
Solution. We sef the table of coordinates as follows.

"vl logrt=0 llogu 2=l I log24=2 I logz8=3 l-logz2=-tl-togr4=-21-logz8=-3

Note: a. The log N is undeJined if N < 0. Also, Iog 0 is undefined (no value); log I = 0.
b. logN has negative value if 0 <N < l; logN haspositivevalue ifN> l.
c. We use the calculator to obtain the logarithm of a
number. However, the table of coordinates can be simplified
by noting thatthe functions y =2* and y = log2 x are inverse
functions. This means that to obtain the table of coordinates
of the functrion y = log z X, we simply interchange the
coordinates of x and y in the given table of coordinates of
y = 2*. With the interchange of coordinatesas indicated in the
next table we obtain the graph of the logarithmic furiction
y = log2 x aS in Fig. 6.4.8.
132 Chan 6 Relations and Functions
Exercises 6.4 l\iame
Inverse Relations Section_
i. Use each functionto verify f If-'1x)] = x. Illustration. If f(x) =2x-l,then
f [f-r(x)f ='(+)= '\

z )-' -^ I Solve for x for eacl
+,and 2 la' Y = ^rE-t
1a. f(x) = 3x + 5 b. f(x) = J3x1
2a. f(x) =f-t b. f(x) =3x-!2 2a. xY-y=3x

IL Solve for x for each of the following.

la. y=13-1 Ansx=r.F+l b' Y3 =2x+1
l# tl. Find the following
2a. 2y+ 3x = -5 Ans * = b. +-lv=5
3 t' 1

la, 4x -)V =3 ;
3a. x2 *y2 =l Ans * =t.l - t' b. y = JN:T
III. Find the following inverses at some indicated point: Illustration. If f(x) =2x-1,
and f -r(5) = =,
then f-r(x) =
+, T .
2a, x2 +Y2 =l I f-
|a. ; f-'(-l)
2x+ 3y = 4 Ans I b. y=3x-1 ; f-t(2)
2a. Y=3*-j ; f-r(-5) Ans -) b. y=*z ' 1-t(2)
3a. y=,tx:T ;f1(2) Ans 5 b. 2Y =3x-5; f-t1-1;
3a. y=r(1 ' 6-
III. Find the inverse and state if it is a function or not.
la. y2 =x-1 Ans f -1(x)= x2 +1, function b' =x+l

2a. y = 3x +5 Ans f-l (*) =Ij,J .function b' Y = 4x-7

3a. Y = -x Ans f -1(x)=-x, function b' Y=x Find the inverse an,
la" y2 = xl -l
4a. y=lx-ll Ans f-t(x)=1+x,notfunctiort b. y=lx+11

IV. Sketch the graphs of the given relation and the corresponding inverse relations.
la. x2 =y Ans y^ .f(x)=x' b. Y2 =x-l 2a. Y=x,+l
(2, 4)
t....t"t (4, 2)

ta Sketch the graphs r

la. y=Jx-l
2a. Y =x+2 Ans b. y= *+l
'f''(r)= x-2
Score-Score oh

Exercises 6.4
Inverse Relotions
Solve for x for each of the following:
Ia. y = b, y=x2-l
2a. xy-y=3x b, xy-x=3

Find the following inverses at some indicated

la, 4x -tt =3 ; f-r(J) b, v=**1
' 2 2',: f-r(-l)

2a. x2+yz=l; f-t(l) b. y=x:; f-t(l)

3a. y-ffi ; f-t{JT) b. y=.,8:t ; f-r(-3)

Find the inverse and state if it is a function

or not.
la. y2 = xl -l b. Y2=x2+l

2a. y=xr+l b. y=x3-l

Sketch the graphs of the given relation and the

corresponding inverse relations.
la' y --.,[J b' Y= Jx;l
134 ChaO 6 Relations and Functions

REVIEW'EXERCISES VII. Given f(x) = x2 -1 ant

Chapter 6 I. [f(x)+g(x)]atx=-2
l. Find the domain of the variable x for which the following equations determine y as a {. [1Qlu,
*=-, s.
function of x
I' Y-xY=7 Ans allreals*1 2' Y =x2 -l lns all reals YIII. Find the inverse of y,
3. y=,[4-x Ans x<4 4. Y3=x-l lns alireals l. y=4x+l 2. )

5. y = Jx2 +4 lns all reals 6. Y =x3 -2 lns all reals rru f-t(x)=+ Ans

7. Y2 =4-x2 Ans -23x32 8 y=*+ Ans allreals x+| D(. Find the domain for eac

e x-l
^ vt = --i:-----:- ,
Ans tt r - {
all reals * -| ro. y = lns all reals
l. Y=x3
2x+5 +.-1 4' =2x
II. Encircle the letter corresponding to the rational number which is not a part of the Y2

domain of the given function. X Use the vertical line test

l. y=Jx-l a.t(2) b.f(r) @11-ti a. n0ne Ans No
^'' t - x-l
t rt
- a. f(r) b.f(-2) O(-+) d. none
a. f(l) b. f(-2)
y = Jx?J
O(-+) d. none ,/
.4. v=f,J a. f(0) b. f(l) @q-t; a. none
.t a. ) b. f(0) c. (l) @ ron,
' x2+l
6. y=../i-x2 a.f(l) b.f(-l) @(-+) d. none
7. Y=x2-x-l a.(l) 'b. f(-l ) c. f(0) @non,
IIl. Find the inverse relation of each of the following functions and state yes if the
rational number is a part of the domain of the inverse function; and no if not.
Find the x- and y-interce
L flx) =;\ a. rr1-11 Yes b. rr(l)_,^ro c. r'(o)-Yes
r. y=ffi Ans \.,
2. t1*l=ffi a.ft (-41
\ t ,- No u. f'1-]1 res c. f- '1]; res
. Find the vertical and ho
b. f-r(-z) Yes rr(o)
3. f(x)=1211 a. ft121 Yes c. Yes
l. y=#+ Ans x=-
4. f(x) = sfi1 - e a. f-'(o) .rgo b. rr(-2)-ryo c. f-'1t1 ryo
I. Solve the following prr
s. rt*F=f a. f-'101 res b. f- '1t; res c. r'(-t )&r l. If h(x) = -x -+, find
IV. Find the inverse at some indicated point. 2. If f(u, v) = ffi, find
l. y =3x+l; f-t(2) A^* 2. ,=*; f-r(-l) a^ -l 3. If f(x) = v3 -1,;2 4 3,
3. y=Jx2-l; f-t(-2) Ans l_Ji 4. y = fiJ ; f-t(0)lzs I 4. If g(y) = show
V. Compute f(x+h)-f(x) , h*0,if
5. If 9(t) = tt , find (-
l. f(x)=2**3 Ans 2 ?.f(x)=12-1 Ans Zx+h 6. If f(x) = x2 , prove th
.3. f(*)=+ ens
t 4. r(")=* Ir?s
im:h 7. If f(x)=x2, find x su
VI. Given f(x) = 1z -1 and g(x) = x2 -l . Compute the following and state the domain. 8. If f(x)=3x+1, find I
l. f(x)+g(x) Ans 2x2-x-l 2. f(x)-g(x)- Ans -x+l 9. If f(x) = 3x -2 and I
f(x) x=
Ansx+l , g(x)
''i' , x+l 10. If f(x)=3x-2 and I
e(x) mt x
I l. If' g(x) - 4x{ 3x2 + 2
l. [f(x)+g(x)]atx=-2 2. [f(x)_g(x)]atx=_5 3.
4 [#]"x=-3 s
[#]*.=_, 6 [ffi]" *=_; ; tp;arx=_2
VIII. Find the inverse of y = f(x) by solving for x. .

l. Y=4x+l 2. y=-7x+5 3. y=2x3+l 4.y=l/*

lrs f-r(x)=+ Ans f-t(x)== Ans fa(x)=r,F 16 f_r(y)= I
**zI lX. Find the domain for each of the following functions.

of the




5. tt Ans

. Find the x- and y-intercepts.

, -;-
r. v=#* a,s
!, I 2. y=x2-l Ans+1, -l
4) res
I. Find the vertical and horizontal asymptote.
) L y=#+

l) No_
en, *=-tr 2. y=#n, *=1
I. Solve the following problems.
-l)Ycs l. If h(x) = -* -*, find h(-l), h-r(-l) Ans I .t
2. If f(u, v) = t*, fina f (j, ])+ f (q v) Ans 0
2 3. If f(x) = 13 -3;z + 3x , solve for x. Ans y+l =(x-l)3, x= 111rffi
4' If g(v) = , show tt ut jtetr)+e(-y)l
+ = s(y2) Ans g(y)+g(-y) =
# =zs(y2)
5. If A(t)=tt, find (N-2),qV).
6. If f(x) = x2 , prove that f(uv) = f(uX(v)
Ans !, +
7. If f(x) = x2 , find x such ,1ru, IGp =.I$LP
8. If f(x) = 3x + I , find [f(x)]2 , f(x2) , and f[f(x)] .

9. If f(x) =3x-2 and g(x)=x5, find f[g(x)+3] and f[g(x)]+3

10. If f(x) =3x-2 and g(x)=xs. find f[g(x)_f(x)]
and ftg(x)l_ftf(x)l
ll.lf g(x)-4xa 3x2+2x-Z,find g(2), g(_2), g(+), g(_x).

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