BreadTalk Project Proposal

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Republic of the Philippines


I. Project Title: SSG’s BreadTalk with Heighteners

II. Name of Proponent: Rodolfo Nelmida Jr. and Lei Amanda C. Belsa

III. Project Time Frame: Every Saturday, 1PM

IV. Project Contacts: Bread Society International/ SSG Officers

V. Project Summary:

BreadTalk is held every Saturday via zoom meeting with different schools participating.
Spearheaded by Bread Society, this talk aims for students to read and listen to the word of
God. Bread Society also has an objective of putting God's words into action through this talk.
This talk also helps students to clarify their questions through the use of the Bible. With the
help of BreadTalk, one can apply things they get to learn in their life. With an active
continuation, many students from different schools continue to participate.

VI. Project Background:

The Supreme Student Government keeps on conducting various projects and programs to
help empower students. In order to create an impact and influence on learners’ discipline, the
SSG continues to work hard. As time passed by, we catered projects anchored with the
department's Core Values Makatao, Makakalikasan, and Makabansa.

Beneficial to execute a program that meets the Maka-Diyos core values of the Department
of Education, our SSG collaborated with Bread Society International. BreadTalk started in
2019, with San Jose del Monte Heights High School being the pioneer. Through the help and
support of the Bread Society, we successfully launched BreadTalk.

The program has many objectives. One of them is to let students know God and let their
faith grow by using the beauty of God's words. We believe that sharing God's words is
valuable. To apply this, we came up with an idea where we invited other schools.

By the grace of God, the support of Bread Society, and the help of the whole SSG, our
school is no longer the only one that studies the Bible. In different parts of the Bulacan chapter,
many schools participated.
VII. Project Objectives:
The significance of the BreadTalk program is to put all the wisdom, truth, and good values
into action. Other than that, its execution is to show our support to the call of our Education
Department. That is to strengthen its Maka-Diyos program.

VIII. Project Methodology:

For us to launch the program successfully, we used the video-communications app called
zoom. In addition, we organized the program by having different kinds of systems like a name
format. Due to the pandemic, everyone who wants to participate needs the internet. To solve
the difficulty, we helped our students by sending them a load.

IX. Project Cost:

The SSG thought that we should use our funds to send load to students. Load/internet is
essential to connect to the webinar and to have a more successful event.

X. Monitoring and Evaluation:

To be led by the assigned SSG Officer, the SSG has monitored that the program expands
as time goes by. To the point that schools from other chapters joined as well. BreadTalk
continues its success by showing unique topics taught by various speakers.

As a result of our evaluation, BreadTalk continues to grow with the help and support of
Bread Society and SSG. BreadTalk also conducts other fun activities for students to enjoy
without forgetting their objectives and goals.

XI. Next Steps:

We are looking forward to more participants joining. To fulfill that, we will continue to invite
more students to engage with our program. We are encouraged to discover new ideas and
innovations for a more effective program.

With the continuous implementation of the program, we need to complete our papers
regarding the program. We will also continue to send our reports to our SSG Adviser. We
expect learners to join several enjoyable activities conducted by Bread Society International.

XII. Appendices:
List of schools that actively participates in BreadTalk: San Jose del Monte Heights High School,
La Verdad Christian College, Bulacan State University, Felizardo C. Lipana National High

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