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Lab 4: Block Diagram Analysis

Received Date :

Submission Date :
Date Submitted
18 May 2023
Weightage :5%

Semester : February 2023


Each student is required to submit a report contains the process and procedures based on the lab

Mode: Individual
Mode of submission: Hardcopy
This assignment will carry 5% of your subject weightage.
The Lab report will be marked in according to Rubric Lab cover is BLUE color

** If you have any difficulties in submitting the assignment according to the date given, please don’t
hesitate to let me know.

Name Student ID

Mitchell Brapui Tidan 012022020436

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................3

2. OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................4
3. EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................4

4. PROCEDURE .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

5. RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 4

6. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................8

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................8
We have a greater knowledge of the functions of a system thanks to block diagrams,
this is because they enable us construct links inside the system. The rectangular
components that make up this particular form of diagram are where the term "block
diagram" gets its origin. In addition to being used to depict processes, they are also
used to define both software and hardware systems.

A block diagram is made up of individual blocks that each represent a distinct

component of a system, as well as signal lines that outline the connections between the
individual blocks. In the field of engineering, block diagrams are utilized in areas such
as the theory of feedback control and signal processing. A block within a block diagram
could define a function, an action, or a model. Block diagrams are commonly used in
computer science.

MATLAB contains these important features:

1) Technical calculations can be performed with this high-level language.

2) The software provides a development environment for managing code, files, and

3) The software integrates interactive tools for exploration, design, and iterative
problem solving.

4) Several mathematical functions are provided, including linear algebra, statistics,

Fourier analysis, filtering, optimization, and numerical integration.

5) Create three-dimensional and two-dimensional visuals of the highest quality to

help with data visualization.

6) Capabilities for building unique graphical user interfaces.

7) Can be integrated with outside languages like Microsoft Excel, C/C++,

FORTRAN, Java, and COM.
The objective of this experiment is to build the MATLAB programme that would evaluate
the transfer function for a full system.

MATLAB Software


1. Locate the relevant numbers and values on the block diagram.

2. Determine which numbers correspond to which components of the block diagram and
how many steps are required to complete the task.

3. Combine the block diagram in the appropriate manner, beginning from the inside

4. After that, the code is imported into MATLAB in order to simplify the block diagram.

5. Verify that the simplified block diagram has the correct information.

6. For additional examples, repeat steps 1 through 5.

In terms of the results, there are four examples and one laboratory exercise that were
presented on the day that the experiment was carried out. The examples shown in
examples 1 through 4 demonstrate how to obtain the transfer function from a serial
block diagram. The lab activity was designed to ensure that participants understand
how to utilize the command in order to gain a deeper understanding of the transfer
function equation.
Example 1

>> numg=[2];deng=[500 1 2 3];

>> sys1=tf(numg,deng);
>> numh=[2 2];denh=[3 4];
>> sys2=tf(numh,denh);
>> sys=series(sys1,sys2)
sys =
1500 s^4 + 2003 s^3 + 10 s^2 + 17 s + 12

Continuous-time transfer function.

Example 2
>> numg=[1];deng=[500 0 0];
>> sys1=tf(numg,deng);
>> numc=[1 1];denc=[1 2];
>> sys2=tf(numc,denc);
>> sys3=series(sys1,sys2);
>> sys=feedback(sys3,[1])
sys =
500 s^3 + 1000 s^2 + s + 1

Continuous-time transfer function.

Example 3
>> numg=[1];deng=[500 1 1];sys1=tf(numg,deng);
>> numh=[1 1];denh=[1 2];sys2=tf(numh,denh);
>> sys=feedback(sys1,sys2)
sys =
500 s^3 + 1001 s^2 + 4 s + 3
Continuous-time transfer function.

Example 4
>> ng1=[1];dg1=[1 10];sysg1=tf(ng1,dg1);
>> ng2=[1];dg2=[1 1];sysg2=tf(ng2,dg2);
>> ng3=[1 0 1];dg3=[1 4 4];sysg3=tf(ng3,dg3);
>> ng4=[1 1];dg4=[1 6];sysg4=tf(ng4,dg4);
>> nh1=[1 1];dh1=[1 2];sysh1=tf(nh1,dh1);
>> nh2=[2];dh2=[1];sysh2=tf(nh2,dh2);
>> nh3=[1];dh3=[1];sysh3=tf(nh3,dh3);
>> sys1=sysh2/sysg4;
>> sys2=series(sysg3,sysg4);
>> sys3=feedback(sys2,sysh1,+1);
>> sys4=series(sysg2,sys3);
>> sys5=feedback(sys4,sys1);
>> sys6=series(sysg1,sys5);
>> sys=feedback(sys6,[1]);
>> sys
sys =
s^5 + 4 s^4 + 6 s^3 + 6 s^2 + 5 s + 2
12 s^6 + 205 s^5 + 1066 s^4 + 2517 s^3 + 3128 s^2
+ 2196 s + 712
Continuous-time transfer function

Lab Question
>> ng1=[1];dg1=[1 2];sysg1=tf(ng1,dg1);
>> ng2=[1 2];dg2=[1 4];sysg2=tf(ng2,dg2);
>> nh1=[1];dh1=[1];sysh1=tf(nh1,dh1);
>> nh2=[1 5];dh2=[1];sysh4=tf(nh2,dh2);
>> nh3=[4];dh3=[1];sysh3=tf(nh3,dh3);
>> sys1=feedback(sysg1,sysh1);
>> sys2=feedback(sysg2,sysh4);
>> sys3=series(sys1,sys2);
>> sys4=feedback(sys3,sysh3);
>> sys4=feedback(sys3,sysh3)
sys4 =
s^3 + 11 s^2 + 42 s + 50
Continuous-time transfer function.
Regarding the issue that occurred while doing the experiment in the laboratory, the
challenge consisted of figuring out how to solve the lab exercise, determining how the
issue could be characterized by referring to the provided block diagram, and calculating
the transfer function with the help of MATLAB. This issue was encountered while
attempting to tackle the issue. You may solve this problem by referring back to the
example that goes from step one to step four. This will help you comprehend how the
transfer function operates and how to implement it in the lab activity.

As a result of this experiment, we can come to the conclusion that utilizing MATLAB
can help make things much easier and simpler. For instance, doing transfer function
using MATLAB requires a specific input such as numg= after we have listed down the
nominal values for each parameter. This conclusion was reached as a result of this
experiment. The purpose of the lab test is to determine whether or not the students
have a working knowledge of MATLAB and whether or not they have access to the
necessary tools or systems during the process. This is important because, without these
things, the command that will be entered during the lab experiment will not work as it
was intended to, and more importantly, whether or not the students understand how to
use the input command in the correct manner during the lab experiment.

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