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Industrial Property Rights Protection: Analysis

of the Integrated Circuits Act of Thailand

Industrial Property Rights Protection:

Analysis of the Integrated Circuits Act of Thailand

Settapong Malisuwan, Ph.D.1 and Jun Xu, Ph.D.2

The Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court,
Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, Thailand
Graduate College of Management, Southern Cross University, Australia.

Abstract significant role in knowledge-based economy.

This is primarily due to the advancements in
To encourage continued investments in the field of electronics, computers and
R&D to result in technological advancements telecommunication. Microelectronics, which
in the field of microelectronics, protection of primarily refers to Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) embedded ranging from Small Scale Integration (SSI) to
in the layout designs is a very important issue. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) on a
In Thailand, protection is provided for the semiconductor chip, has rightly been
layout design of integrated circuits through recognized as a strategic technology
the Protection of Layout-Designs of especially for Information Technology (IT)
Integrated Circuits Act, B.E. 2543 (2000). based society. Design on ICs requires
The law is on intention to provide protection considerable expertise and several hundreds
to creators of layout-designs of integrated of man-years of effort depending on the
circuits in order to help boost the microchip complexity [1]. But while integrated circuits
industry in Thailand. However, the Act is are, like many types of computer software,
very complicated to understand for people in very expensive to design, they can be
IT society. The purpose of this paper is to relatively cheap to produce and easy to copy.
explain and analyze the legal principles of Unauthorized “second-sourcing” of integrated
the Integrated Circuits Act, B.E. 2543 circuits is reported to be quite common [2].
(2000). The development of intellectual
property protection for integrated circuits in To respond to the challenge of protecting
international level is also discussed in this industrial property rights in integrated circuit
paper. This paper will be a valuable design in the United States, the United States
contribution towards integrated circuit Congress enacted the Semiconductor Chip
industry especially for integrated circuit Protection Act (USSCPA). Consequently,
designers. many countries and trade blocs modeled laws
on the USSCPA during the mid – 1980s [2].
Keywords: Intellectual Property, Integrated After that, the World Intellectual Property
Circuits, and Law Organization (WIPO) settled the terms of a
treaty which matches the USSCPA, the
1. Introduction Treaty on the Protection of Intellectual
Property in respect of integrated circuits. The
Electronics and Information Technology Treaty is usually called the “Integrated
are the fastest growing sectors that plays Circuits Treaty” [2].

International Journal of The Computer, the Internet and Management Vol. 14.No.3 (September-December, 2006) pp 1-7

Settapong Malisuwan and Jun Xu

Many international companies have the Trade Mark Act, B.E.2534

located integrated circuit production plants in (A.D.1991), as amended by the
Thailand. The implementation of legislation Trademark Act (No.2), B.E.2543
protecting industrial property rights in (A.D.2000)
integrated circuits will ensure resource 3. Patents and Product Designs under
security for these companies to expand such the Patent Act, B.E.2522 (A.D.1979),
industry in Thailand. as amended by the Patent Act (No.2),
B.E.2535 (A.D.1992) and as
Since Thailand is a member of the amended by the Patent Act (No.3),
World Trade Organization (WTO), it is B.E.2542 (A.D.1999)
required to implement the intellectual 4. Layout Designs (Topographies) of
property laws into compliance with the Integrated Circuits under the
current WTO Agreement regarding Trade Protection of Layout-Designs of
Related Intellectual Property (TRIPS Integrated Circuit Act, B.E.2543
Agreement). All signatories of the WTO are (A.D.2000)
expected to eventually adhere to it. 5. Protection of Undisclosed
Copyrights, trademarks, geographical Information under the Trade Secret
indications, industrial designs and patents, Act, B.E.2545 (A.D.2002)
integrated circuits and trade secrets are the
major branches of TRIPS [3]. It should be noted that the protection of
an integrated circuit is a separate issue from
Thailand also is a party to several the protection of the copyright and trade
international treaties and bilateral secrets (if applicable), present in the software
agreements, such as [4], that may be stored in an integrated circuit.
1. Agreement Establishing the World Copyright law is too general to accommodate
Trade Organization the original ideas of scientific creation of
2. Agreement on Trade – Related layout-Designs of integrated Circuits. Certain
Aspects of Intellectual Property aspects of integrated circuit products may be
Rights, including Trade in patentable, for example the structure and
Counterfeit Goods. (Trips) method of operation of electronic circuit
3. Convention Establishing the World manifested in an integrated circuit, or the
Intellectual Property Organization industrial processes used to manufacture
(WIPO) integrated circuit products. However, patents
4. Berne Convention, of September 9, do not appropriately accommodate the
1886, for the Protection of Literary requirements of intellectual property rights
and Artistic Works protection for the layout designs of
integrated circuits. This is because in the
Thai first intellectual property law was context of layout designs, the concept of
promulgated in A.D.1892. It was aimed at originality is of utmost significance, whether
literacy protection. Currently Thailand has 5 it is a “novelty or not”. While the Patent
intellectual property laws. They are: Law requires that the idea should be original
as well as novel [1].
1. Copyright and related rights under
the Copyright Act, B.E.2537 Therefore, all aspects above may be
(A.D.1994) eligible for additional protection under the
2. Trademarks, Certification Marks, Integrated Circuits Act, separate and apart
Service Marks, Group Marks under from the rights available under the Integrated

Industrial Property Rights Protection: Analysis
of the Integrated Circuits Act of Thailand

Circuits Act. Protection under the Integrated In the year 2000, Thai government
Circuits Act can be much broader than the introduced a law focused on the circuit
protection available under the Integrated design industry due to the country's strong
Circuits Act, and should generally be commitment to the TRIPs Agreement and
considered in addition to protection under policy promoting technological transfer and
the Integrated Circuits Act [5]. development. This law, the Act on the
Protection of Integrated Circuit Designs
The aim of this paper is to explain and 2000, became effective on August 10, 2000
analyze the legal principles of the Integrated [6]. The protection of layout-designs of
Circuits protection in Thailand. The integrated circuits is in accordance with the
development of intellectual property provisions prescribed in this Act only and
protection for integrated circuits in this protection will not be subject to the law
international level is also discussed in next on patent (the Patent Act).
sections. In this section, many important aspects
of the Protection of Layout-Designs of
Integrated Circuits Act, B.E. 2543 (A.D.
2. The Protection Of Layout-Designs Of 2000) will be analyzed in simple fashion.
Integrated Circuit Act, B.E. 2543 (A.D.
2000): Analysis The term “integrated circuit” is defined
in section 3 of the Act as meaning “a circuit,
“BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX; in its final or an intermediate form, in which
Given on the 4th Day of May B.E. the elements, at least one of which is an
2543; Being the 55th Year of the active element, and some or all of the
Present Reign. interconnections are integrally formed in or
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on a piece of material and that is intended to
is graciously pleased to proclaim that: perform an electronic function”. This
WHEREAS it is expedient to have a definition identifies the characteristics
law on protection of layout-designs of required for layout design protection for an
integrated circuits; integrated circuit [6].
Whereas it is aware that this Act
contains certain provisions in relation The term “layout design” is also defined
to the restriction of rights and liberties in section 3 of the Act as meaning “the three-
of person, in respect of which section dimensional disposition, however expressed,
29, in conjunction with section 48 and of the elements, at least one of which is an
section 50 of the Constitution of the active element, and of some or all of the
Kingdom of Thailand to permit by interconnections, of an integrated circuit; and
virtue of law; includes such a three-dimensional
Be it, therefore, enacted by the King, disposition prepared for an integrated circuit
by and with the advice and consent of intended for manufacture” [6]. This
the National Assembly…..” [6] definition identifies the characteristics
required for layout design protection.
During 1999 the Thai government has
been preparing legislation to protect plant In section 6 of the Act, some aspects of
variety rights, integrated circuits, innovation of the integrated circuit designs
geographical indicators and trade secrets [7]. are addressed as follows [6]:

International Journal of The Computer, the Internet and Management Vol. 14.No.3 (September-December, 2006) pp 1-7

Settapong Malisuwan and Jun Xu

“Layout-designs eligible for protection creation or production in Thailand or in a

under this Act are as follows; country party to an international convention
(1) a layout-design which a designer as referenced above.
has created by himself and is not
commonplace in the in the If the circuit design has been exploited
integrated circuit industry; commercially within or outside of Thailand,
(2) a layout-design which a designer an application for registration must be filed
has created by combining elements, within two years from the date commercial
interconnections of layout-designs exploitation first took place. It should also be
or integrated circuits that are noted that circuit designs not commercially
commonplace in the integrated exploited within fifteen years from creation
circuit industry in a way of can not be registered. The right to a circuit
resulting in the layout-design which design is protected once registration is
is not commonplace in the granted and a certificate issued. The
integrated circuit industry.” registration of a circuit design is valid for 10
years from the date of filing the registration
As mentioned above, in order to qualify application or first date of commercial
for protection under the Act, the layout exploitation, whichever is earlier. The right
design must meet the definition of “layout of the right-holder of a circuit design will
design” or “integrated circuit” under the Act expire if the right-holder renounces the right
and it must be original. to the circuit design by surrendering his
certificate of circuit design, or dies without
Under sections 8-12 of the Act, a circuit leaving any heirs. An order of the Director-
designer who has created a circuit design has General or the Board, or a court judgment
the right to apply for protection provided by canceling the registration of the circuit
this Act. However, if a circuit design is design, will also result in the expiration of
created under an employment contract, the protection [7].
employer is entitled to apply for protection.
A government agency, local government or The right-holder has the exclusive right
state organization which is a juristic person to reproduce, import, sell or distribute in any
is entitled to apply for protection of a circuit manner for commercial purposes his
design created under a hire-of-work contract, protected circuit design, an integrated circuit
made to order, or made under the supervision containing his protected circuit design, or a
of such organization unless otherwise agreed product incorporating such integrated circuit.
in writing. If several persons have However, reproduction for use in the course
independently created identical circuit of evaluation, analysis, research or
designs, the earlier applicant is entitled to the education, or reproduction for one's own
protection [8]. benefit and not for commercial purposes,
will not be held as an infringement of the
In section 13, the Act requires the right of the right-holder [7].
applicant for protection to be a Thai national
or juristic person whose principal office is in As mentioned in [2], an infringement of
Thailand, or a national of a country party to eligible layout rights occurs when a person,
an international convention on the protection acting without the owner’s authority, does
of integrated circuits to which Thailand anything substantially falling within the
belongs, or who is domiciled in or has an scope of the owner’s exclusive rights: though
effective establishment for circuit design the right of commercial exploitation is only

Industrial Property Rights Protection: Analysis
of the Integrated Circuits Act of Thailand

infringed if the person knows or should (5) a layout-design or an integrated

reasonably know that the owner has given no circuit lawfully acquired from the
authorization. For the penalties in chapter 7 commercial exploitation of the right
of the Act, anyone reproducing a protected holder;
circuit design without the permission of the (6) person who created a layout-design
right-holder is liable to a fine from Baht identical to a layout-design in respect
50,000 to Baht 500,000. Any infringer of which the right holder is accorded
importing, selling or distributing for protection, provided that he has
commercial purposes a circuit design is independently created it by himself.
liable to a fine from Baht 20,000 to Baht
200,000. The court can also order the
confiscation or destruction of all infringing 3. Registration of Layout-Design and
circuit designs, integrated circuits and Term of Protection
infringing products or take other action to
prevent resale [7]. The application for registration of a
layout-design for having protection under
In brief, under the Act in section 23, any this Act must be in accordance with the
of the following acts are not to be taken as rules, procedures and conditions prescribed
infringements [6]: in the Ministerial Regulation.

(1) the reproduction for the purpose of As addressed in section 15 of the Act, an
evaluation, analysis, research or application for registration must at least have
education; the following particulars [6]:
(2) the reproduction for the interest of
oneself which is not an act for (1) name, nationality, domicile and
commercial interest; address of the designer as well as any
(3) a layout-design or an integrated assignment of a right to apply for
circuit lawfully acquired from the protection, provided that there is such
commercial exploitation of the right an assignment;
holder; (2) the date of creation of the layout-
(4) an integrated circuit in which the design and the date of a first
protected layout-design of the right commercial exploitation thereof
holder is incorporated or in respect of including description of the
a product incorporating such commercial exploitation;
integrated circuit; provided that the (3) a painting or photograph of drawing
person committing it did not know or identifying the layout-design or other
had no reasonable ground to know, at articles producing the like result,
the time of acquiring such integrated including data on electronic function
circuit or product that the layout- of the integrated circuit;
design infringing the right holder's (4) a sample of an integrated circuit in
rights was incorporated. In such case, which the layout-design is
the person committing it may, after incorporated, in the case where it has
being notified that such integrated been commercially exploited; and
circuit or product incorporates the (5) other particulars as prescribed in the
layout-design infringing the right Ministerial Regulation.
holder's rights;

International Journal of The Computer, the Internet and Management Vol. 14.No.3 (September-December, 2006) pp 1-7

Settapong Malisuwan and Jun Xu

Under the Act in section 19, the fourteen months of operation, approximately
protection period lasts for a minimum of ten 80% of which involved intellectual property
years, which is typically calculated from the claims [13]. Recently, The Thai government
time when the layout is first commercially has increased its efforts to enforce
exploited [6]. intellectual property laws.

Very few countries have established

4. Roles of the Central Intellectual specialized court to deal with intellectual
Property and International Trade property protection. Different countries and
Court legal system have adopted very different
ideas regarding the character and scope of
In fact Thailand has exceeded its damages [14]. Intellectual property and
obligation under Article 41(5) of the international trade cases are far more
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of complicated than other criminal and civil
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS cases. Thus, to render decision on such cases
Agreement), in order to fulfill its obligation requires not only knowledge on domestic
and to create a user-friendly forum for law, but also deep understanding of social
settlement of disputes in international trade, and economic issues as well as technology
the Central Intellectual Property and and international commercial practice.
International Trade Court (CIPITC) is Therefore, the court should be adjudicated by
established [9]. This specialized court is a judges who possess knowledge and full
new dimension for the promotion of foreign understanding of intellectual property and
investment and trade. The court is international trade law and practice. In
established by the Act for the Establishment addition, neutral experts, who possess
of and Procedure for Intellectual Property knowledge and experience in relevant
and International Trade Court B.E. 2539 matters, should also be recruited to serve as
(1996) [10]. The court, inaugurated on 1st associate judges [12].
December 1997, has power to adjudicate Integrated circuits have economical
both civil and criminal cases regarding value like any other property. Economic
intellectual property and civil cases return is the main benefit in motivating
regarding international trade. The territorial further research and development of
jurisdiction of the CIPIT Court covers the integrated circuits. Laws are required to
whole Bangkok Metropolis, Samut Prakan, provide protection to creators of layout-
Samut Sakhon, Nakhon Pathom, Nonthaburi designs of integrated circuits from any illegal
and Pathum Thani Provinces. At present, infringement. The holders of the intellectual
before establishing the Regional Intellectual property right are granted the exclusive right
Property and International Trade Court, the to exploit their intellectual property either by
territorial jurisdiction of the CIPITC extends self-exploiting or by licensing to others for
throughout the Kingdom [11]. royalty [4].

Since intellectual property and

international trade cases possess different 5. Conclusions
characteristics from ordinary civil or
criminal cases, the new procedure has been The development of intellectual property
devised in order to achieve convenient, protection for integrated circuits is discussed
speedy and fair proceeding in these cases in this paper. Many important aspects of the
[12]. Some 2,500 cases were field in its first Protection of Layout-Designs of Integrated

Industrial Property Rights Protection: Analysis
of the Integrated Circuits Act of Thailand

Circuits Act, B.E. 2543 (A.D. 2000) are also [8] Geraldine Tracy, Sunee Osatarayakul
analyzed and explained. The paper shows and Sasima Tinirut (2000), The
that the need to ensure protection for Layout- Protection of Integrated Circuit
Designs of Integrated Circuits acts as a Designs Act B.E. 2543, Tilleke &
reward and encouragement for an adequate Gibbins International Ltd. .
level of investment of human, financial and [9] Vichai Ariyanuntaka (1998),
technological resources. However, the “Rethinking Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Rights in relation to the Rights Enforcement in the Light of
integrated circuits is still evolving and needs TRIPs and Specialized Intellectual
further study to gain more understanding for Property Court in Thailand”, The
IT society. Intellectual Property and International
Trade Law Forum, Special Issue.
[10] Weerawit Weeraworawit (1998),
References “Copyright in Thailand”, The
Intellectual Property and International
[1] K.N. Johry (2000), “Some aspects of Trade Law Forum, Special Issue.
Intellectual Property Right in [11] History of Central Intellectual Property
Telecommunication Sector”, Centre for and International Trade Court
Science & Technology for the Non- (CIPITC), CIPITC Journal, 2003.
aligned and other Developing Countries, [12] Akarawit Sumawong (1999),
New Delhi (India). “Infringement of Intellectual Property
[2] Patrick Keyzer (1999), “Industrial Rights, Some Case Studies in the Field
Property Protection of Integrated of Copyright an Related Rights:
Circuits and Plant Variety Rights in Thailand’s Experience”, The
Thailand”, The Intellectual Property Intellectual Property and International
and International Trade Law Forum: Trade Law Forum, Special Issue.
Special Issue. [13] Case Statistic of the Central Intellectual
[3] Kanokluck Boonsakulkit and Suradej Property and International Trade Court,
Saengpetch (2001), Intellectual The Intellectual property and
Property Legislation in Thailand: International Trade Law Forum,
Developments in 2000, March. Special Issue 2000.
[4] Bodin Asavanich (2003), “Role of IPRs [14] Wutipong Vechayanon (1998),
for the social and economic “Intellectual Property Rights
development of the APEC region”, Enforcement and the Role of
Federation of Thai Industries, May 16. Intellectual Property Court in
[5] “Protecting Integrated Circuits”, Thailand”, The Intellectual Property
Bereskin&Parr, and International Trade Law Forum, Special Issue.
[6] Protection of Layout-Designs of
Integrated Circuits Act, B.E. 2543
(A.D. 2000).
[7] B. Treerapongichit (1999), “Patents
and Copyrights – European Experts
Help Thailand Combat Violations”,
Bangkok Post, 19 Feb.

International Journal of The Computer, the Internet and Management Vol. 14.No.3 (September-December, 2006) pp 1-7

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