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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3160513 Date:30/11/2021
Subject Name:Waste Water Engineering
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Differentiate between domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater. 03
(b) Write down the design criteria of Activated Sludge Process 04
(c) State the purpose of filter presses. Enlist and explain the types of filter 07
Q.2 (a) What are the objectives of Waste water treatment? 03
(b) Differentiate between extended aeration and tapered aeration 04
(c) Enlist the various sludge handling equipments used and discuss any one in 07
(c) Explain about fluidized bed and expanded bed reactor in Anaerobic treatment 07
of wastewater

Q.3 (a) Explain the concept of flocculation and the different types of flocculators 03
(b) Explain COD test. 04
(c) Short note on mass balancing in activated sludge process and trickling filter 07
Q.3 (a) Enlist various methane precursors in anaerobic decomposition 03
(b) Explain : Grit Chamber 04
(c) Explain the purpose of following unit operations/processes in a wastewater 07
treatment plant: (i) Attached growth biological process (ii) Secondary
Sedimentation and (iii) Nitrification

Q.4 (a) Explain the importance of equalization process in a waste water 03

treatment plant.
(b) Draw a schematic diagram of waste water management infrastructure. 04
(c) Short note : Duckweed pond and vermiculture 07
Q.4 (a) Draw only a neat flow diagram of sludge drying beds 03
(b) What are the effects of pH, temperature and other parameters on anaerobic 04
(c) Explain the UASB process with its design criteria 07

Q.5 (a) What can be done to prevent sludge bulking? 03

(b) Explain root zone technology for wastewater treatment 04
(c) Short note : Treated wastewater reclamation and reuse 07

Q.5 (a) Define the following terms: (i) Sludge volume index, (ii) Mean cell residence 03
time and (iii) Mixed liquor suspended solids
(b) List out the characteristics of waste water. 04
(c) Write a short note on “Natural evaporation “as a treatment of wastewater. 07

Q.1 (a) Differentiate between domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater.

Domestic wastewater refers to the wastewater generated from residential households, commercial
buildings, and institutions. It mainly consists of water from sources such as toilets, sinks, showers,
and laundry. Domestic wastewater typically contains organic matter, nutrients, pathogens, and other
contaminants associated with regular human activities.

Industrial wastewater, on the other hand, is generated by industrial processes and activities. It
originates from various industries such as manufacturing, mining, power generation, chemical
production, and food processing. Industrial wastewater can contain a wide range of pollutants
depending on the specific industry involved. These pollutants may include heavy metals, toxic
chemicals, oils, solvents, suspended solids, and high levels of organic matter.

(b) Write down the design criteria of Activated Sludge Process

Organic Loading: The organic loading refers to the amount of organic matter present in the wastewater
and is usually expressed in terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) or Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD). The design criteria determine the maximum allowable organic loading rate that the
ASP can handle effectively.

Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT): HRT is the average time that wastewater spends in the activated
sludge system. It is typically expressed in hours and is determined based on the desired treatment
efficiency and the characteristics of the wastewater. The HRT affects the microbial activity and the
treatment performance of the ASP.

Sludge Age: Sludge age is the average length of time microorganisms spend in the activated sludge
process. It is an important parameter in determining the microbial population and their ability to
effectively treat the wastewater. Sludge age is typically expressed in days and is influenced by the
waste sludge wasting rate and the solids retention time.

Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS): MLSS refers to the concentration of suspended solids,
including microorganisms, in the mixed liquor of the activated sludge system. The MLSS
concentration affects the treatment efficiency, settling characteristics of the sludge, and the aeration
requirements. The design criteria specify the desired MLSS concentration for optimal performance.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Levels: DO levels in the activated sludge system are crucial for the microbial
activity and treatment efficiency. The design criteria establish the desired DO concentration and
aeration requirements to ensure adequate oxygen supply for the biological processes.

Settling Characteristics: The settling characteristics of the activated sludge flocs play a crucial role in
the clarification process. Design criteria consider factors such as sludge volume index (SVI) and
sludge settleability to ensure effective settling and separation of solids from the treated wastewater.

Nutrient Requirements: Depending on the specific wastewater characteristics and effluent quality
standards, the design criteria may include the need for nutrient removal, such as nitrogen and
phosphorus. Additional processes, like nitrification and denitrification, may be incorporated into the
ASP design to achieve desired nutrient removal goals.
(c) State the purpose of filter presses. Enlist and explain the types of filter.

The purpose of filter presses is to separate solids from liquids by applying pressure and utilizing a
filtering medium. Filter presses are widely used in various industries and wastewater treatment
processes to efficiently dewater sludge, separate solids from liquids, and produce a solid cake with
reduced moisture content. The main purpose of filter presses is to achieve solid-liquid separation and
facilitate the handling and disposal of the separated solids.

There are several types of filter presses commonly used in industrial applications and wastewater
treatment processes. The main types include:

Plate and Frame Filter Press: This type of filter press consists of a series of plates and frames arranged
alternately. The plates have a filtering medium, such as cloth or filter paper, which retains the solids
while allowing the liquid to pass through. The frames provide support and maintain the pressure on
the plates. The liquid passes through the filter media and collects in the frame while the solids
accumulate on the filter plates.

Recessed Chamber Filter Press: In a recessed chamber filter press, the plates have recessed areas that
form chambers for the collection of solids. The filter cloth is placed over the plate and forms a seal
around the edges of the recessed chamber. The slurry is pumped into the chambers, and the solids are
retained in the recessed areas, forming a filter cake. The filtrate collects in a separate channel for

Membrane Filter Press: A membrane filter press is similar to a recessed chamber filter press but
includes an additional flexible membrane attached to the filter plates. The membrane can be inflated
with compressed air or water to apply additional pressure on the filter cake, improving the dewatering
process. The membrane filter press allows for higher cake dryness and enhanced solids separation.

Belt Filter Press: A belt filter press utilizes a continuous belt with a porous filtering medium to
separate solids from liquids. The sludge is spread onto the belt, and as it passes through a series of
rollers, pressure is applied to squeeze out the liquid. The solids are retained on the belt, forming a
cake that is then discharged for further processing or disposal. Belt filter presses are often used for
large-scale dewatering applications.

Drum Filter Press: Drum filter presses consist of a rotating drum with a filtering surface. The slurry
is introduced onto the drum, and as it rotates, the liquid is separated through the filter media, while
the solids are retained on the drum surface. The separated solids are scraped off the drum and
discharged, while the liquid passes through for collection.

Q.2 (a) What are the objectives of Waste water treatment?

Protecting Human Health and the Environment: The primary objective of wastewater treatment is to
remove or reduce contaminants present in wastewater to levels that are safe for human health and the
environment. By treating wastewater, harmful pathogens, toxins, and pollutants are removed or
neutralized, preventing their release into natural water bodies and minimizing the risk of waterborne
Ensuring Compliance with Regulatory Standards: Wastewater treatment aims to meet the regulatory
requirements and standards set by environmental agencies and authorities. These standards define the
permissible levels of various contaminants in treated wastewater before it is discharged into the
environment. The objective is to achieve compliance and prevent pollution of receiving waters.

Protecting Ecosystems and Aquatic Life: Wastewater treatment plays a crucial role in safeguarding
ecosystems and preserving aquatic life. By removing pollutants such as nutrients, organic matter, and
toxic substances from wastewater, treatment processes help maintain the balance of aquatic
ecosystems, prevent eutrophication (excessive nutrient enrichment), and protect the biodiversity and
health of aquatic organisms.

Water Resource Conservation and Reuse: Another objective of wastewater treatment is to recover and
recycle water resources. Treated wastewater, also known as effluent or reclaimed water, can be reused
for various purposes such as irrigation, industrial processes, and non-potable uses. By promoting
water reuse, wastewater treatment helps alleviate water scarcity, reduces the demand for freshwater
sources, and enhances overall water resource sustainability.

(b) Differentiate between extended aeration and tapered aeration.

Extended Aeration:

Extended Aeration is a wastewater treatment process that involves providing a prolonged period of
aeration to promote the growth of microorganisms responsible for organic matter degradation. Key
differentiating factors of extended aeration include:

Aeration Time: In extended aeration, the aeration process is typically extended for a longer duration,
often ranging from 24 to 48 hours. This extended period allows for more extensive biological
degradation of organic pollutants.

Sludge Retention: Extended aeration systems typically have a longer sludge retention time (SRT),
which refers to the average length of time microorganisms spend in the treatment process. The longer
SRT allows for better microbial adaptation and sustained treatment performance.

Nutrient Removal: Extended aeration systems may not be specifically designed for nutrient removal,
although some limited removal may occur through the biological processes. If nutrient removal is a
requirement, additional treatment units like anoxic or aerobic tanks may be included.

Process Control: Extended aeration systems often rely on maintaining stable and consistent process
conditions, including a controlled dissolved oxygen (DO) level, to ensure optimal microbial activity
and treatment efficiency.

Tapered Aeration:

Tapered Aeration is a wastewater treatment approach that involves gradually reducing the aeration
intensity over time to optimize the treatment process and energy efficiency. Key differentiating factors
of tapered aeration include:
Aeration Intensity: In tapered aeration, the aeration intensity is initially set at a higher level during
the early stages of treatment to provide sufficient dissolved oxygen (DO) for microbial growth and
organic matter degradation. However, as treatment progresses and the organic load decreases, the
aeration intensity is gradually reduced.

Energy Efficiency: Tapered aeration aims to optimize energy consumption by adjusting the aeration
intensity based on the changing oxygen demand. By reducing aeration when it is not required, energy
usage can be minimized while maintaining effective treatment.

Process Flexibility: Tapered aeration systems offer flexibility in adapting to varying influent
characteristics and flow rates. The aeration intensity can be adjusted based on the real-time organic
load, ensuring efficient treatment even during fluctuating conditions.

Nutrient Removal: Tapered aeration systems can be designed to incorporate specific processes for
nutrient removal, such as nitrification and denitrification. This allows for effective removal of
nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater, depending on the specific treatment objectives.

(c) Enlist the various sludge handling equipments used and discuss any one in brief.

Various sludge handling equipment used in wastewater treatment plants include:

Sludge Pumps: Sludge pumps are used to transfer sludge from one location to another within the
treatment plant. They are designed to handle the high solids content and viscous nature of sludge
efficiently. Sludge pumps can be centrifugal pumps, progressive cavity pumps, or piston pumps,
depending on the specific requirements of the sludge handling process.

Sludge Thickeners: Sludge thickeners are used to increase the solids concentration in sludge by
removing a portion of the water content. Thickeners use gravity settling or flotation to separate solids
from the liquid phase, resulting in a thicker sludge with reduced volume. Thickened sludge is easier
to handle, transport, and further process.

Sludge Dewatering Equipment: Dewatering equipment is used to remove additional water from
sludge, reducing its volume and increasing its solid content. Common types of sludge dewatering
equipment include belt filter presses, centrifuges, screw presses, and filter bags. These equipment
employ mechanical or pressure-based methods to squeeze or separate water from the sludge,
producing a drier cake-like material.

Sludge Dryers: Sludge dryers are used to further reduce the moisture content in sludge, producing a
dry and granular material. These dryers use heat, such as hot air or direct flame, to evaporate the
remaining water content from the sludge. Sludge dryers can be rotary dryers, paddle dryers, or
fluidized bed dryers, depending on the specific drying mechanism.

Sludge Incinerators: Sludge incinerators are used for the thermal treatment of sludge, where sludge is
combusted at high temperatures to reduce its volume and destroy pathogens and organic matter.
Incineration can be carried out in fluidized bed incinerators or multiple hearth incinerators, depending
on the specific requirements and regulations.

One commonly used sludge handling equipment is the Belt Filter Press (BFP). The BFP is a
dewatering device that utilizes a continuous belt with a porous filtering medium to separate water
from the sludge. Here's a brief overview of the Belt Filter Press:
Belt Filter Press (BFP):

The Belt Filter Press operates by applying mechanical pressure to the sludge through a series of
rollers. The sludge is spread onto a continuous belt, which passes through several stages. Firstly,
gravity drainage allows initial water removal. Then, a series of rollers compress the sludge, forcing
water to drain through the belt's pores while retaining the solids.

The compressed sludge forms a cake that is discharged for further processing or disposal. The water
collected from the filtration process is known as filtrate or effluent and is typically directed back to
the wastewater treatment process for further treatment.

The advantages of a Belt Filter Press include high solids capture efficiency, continuous operation,
compact footprint, and relatively low energy consumption. However, it is essential to consider the
specific characteristics of the sludge, such as solid content and dewatering requirements, to ensure the
optimal performance and efficiency of the Belt Filter Press

(c) Explain about fluidized bed and expanded bed reactor in Anaerobic treatment of

In anaerobic treatment of wastewater, fluidized bed reactors and expanded bed reactors are two
commonly used technologies. Here's an explanation of each:

1. Fluidized Bed Reactor:

Fluidized bed reactors (FBRs) are anaerobic treatment systems that use a bed of solid particles,
typically sand or granular activated carbon (GAC), which is fluidized by the upward flow of
wastewater. The bed of particles behaves like a fluid, creating a mixing and contacting environment
for the anaerobic microorganisms present in the reactor.

In a fluidized bed reactor, wastewater is introduced at the bottom, and the upward flow causes the
solid particles to become suspended and circulate within the reactor. The fluidization provides
excellent mixing, efficient mass transfer, and increased contact between the microorganisms and the
wastewater, enhancing the anaerobic treatment process.

The anaerobic microorganisms present on the surface of the fluidized particles break down organic
matter in the wastewater, converting it into biogas (mainly methane and carbon dioxide) and
producing treated effluent. The biogas can be captured and utilized as a renewable energy source.

Fluidized bed reactors offer advantages such as high treatment efficiency, compact design, resistance
to hydraulic shock, and the ability to handle high organic loading rates. However, they require careful
control of particle size, bed stability, and proper media selection to maintain optimal performance.

2. Expanded Bed Reactor:

Expanded bed reactors (EBRs) are another type of anaerobic treatment system used in wastewater
treatment. EBRs utilize a fluidized bed principle but operate at a lower velocity, allowing the solid
particles to remain in a partially expanded state.
In an expanded bed reactor, wastewater is introduced at the bottom, and the upflow of wastewater
causes the bed of solid particles to expand and fluidize slightly. The expansion creates void spaces
within the bed, allowing the biomass to accumulate and form a biological film on the surfaces of the

The wastewater passes through the expanded bed, providing contact between the microorganisms and
the organic matter. The anaerobic microorganisms in the biofilm degrade the organic contaminants,
resulting in the production of biogas and treated effluent.

Expanded bed reactors offer advantages such as simplicity of design, ease of operation, and resistance
to hydraulic variations. They are particularly suitable for wastewater with high solids content, as the
expanded bed provides a large surface area for biomass attachment and retention.

Q.3 (a) Explain the concept of flocculation and the different types of flocculators.
Flocculation is a process used in water and wastewater treatment to aggregate or clump together fine
suspended particles into larger floc particles. The goal of flocculation is to facilitate the separation of
these floc particles from the water, making it easier to remove them through processes such as
sedimentation or filtration. Flocculation is typically achieved by adding chemicals known as
flocculants to the water, which promote particle aggregation.
Different types of flocculators are used to facilitate the flocculation process. Some common types
1. Mechanical Flocculators: Mechanical flocculators use mechanical agitation or mixing devices, such
as paddles, turbines, or propellers, to create turbulence and promote particle collision and floc
formation. These flocculators are often used in large-scale water treatment plants.
2. Hydraulic Flocculators: Hydraulic flocculators utilize the flow of water through a series of baffles,
channels, or chambers to induce mixing and promote flocculation. The hydraulic energy generated by
the flow assists in bringing particles into contact and facilitating floc formation. Hydraulic
flocculators are commonly used in smaller-scale water treatment systems.
3. Inline Flocculators: Inline flocculators are compact units that are installed directly in the water flow
path. They use various mixing mechanisms, such as static mixers or shear inducers, to create
turbulence and promote flocculation. Inline flocculators are often used in water treatment systems
where space is limited.

(b) Explain COD test.

The COD test, also known as the Chemical Oxygen Demand test, is a commonly used method to
measure the amount of organic pollutants in water. It is an important parameter in assessing the water
quality and pollution levels in industrial and municipal wastewater, as well as in surface water bodies.

The COD test determines the amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize organic compounds
present in a water sample. It provides a measure of the overall organic load in the water, including
both biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances. The test is based on the principle that organic
compounds can be oxidized by a strong oxidizing agent.
Here's a brief explanation of the COD test procedure:
1. Sample Collection: A representative water sample is collected from the source under investigation.
It is essential to handle and store the sample properly to maintain its integrity until the testing process.
2. Digestion: In this step, a known volume of the water sample is mixed with a strong oxidizing agent,
typically a solution of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in the presence of sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
The acidic medium and the oxidizing agent facilitate the complete oxidation of organic matter in the
3. Heating: The sample mixture is then heated to a high temperature, typically around 150-175°C,
using a refluxing system or a digestion apparatus. The heating process helps accelerate the oxidation
4. Titration: After digestion, the remaining excess dichromate is determined by titration with a
reducing agent, usually ferrous ammonium sulfate (FAS) or ferrous sulfate (FeSO4). The reduction
of excess dichromate produces a color change in the reaction mixture.
5. Colorimetric Analysis: The color change resulting from the titration is measured using a colorimeter
or spectrophotometer. The intensity of the color is directly proportional to the amount of excess
dichromate, which, in turn, corresponds to the chemical oxygen demand of the original water sample.
6. Calculation: The COD value is calculated based on the volume of the water sample, the volume of
the oxidizing agent used, and the volume of the reducing agent required for titration. The result is
usually expressed in milligrams of oxygen per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm) of oxygen.

(c) Short note on mass balancing in activated sludge process and trickling filter.
Mass balancing is an essential concept in wastewater treatment processes, including activated sludge
and trickling filter systems. It involves accounting for the flow rates and concentrations of various
components in the influent and effluent streams to ensure proper operation and efficiency of the
treatment process. Here's a short note on mass balancing in both activated sludge and trickling filter

1. Activated Sludge Process:

The activated sludge process is a widely used biological treatment method for removing organic
matter and nutrients from wastewater. Mass balancing is crucial to assess the system's performance
and maintain a stable and effective treatment process. The key components involved in mass
balancing in an activated sludge process include:
- Influent: The influent wastewater enters the treatment plant and carries various pollutants, such as
organic matter (measured as COD or BOD), nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrate, etc.), and
- Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS): The MLSS refers to the concentration of suspended solids
in the aeration tank, which includes the microorganisms responsible for wastewater treatment. It is
crucial to measure and control the MLSS concentration to ensure proper treatment efficiency.
- Effluent: The treated wastewater leaving the system, also known as effluent, should meet specific
quality standards set by regulatory agencies. Mass balancing helps determine the removal efficiency
of pollutants in the activated sludge process.
To perform mass balancing in the activated sludge process, the flow rates and concentrations of
various components are measured at different points in the system, including influent, aeration tank,
and effluent. By comparing the input and output quantities, one can assess the removal efficiency and
identify any imbalances or issues that may require adjustments in operational parameters.

2. Trickling Filter:
A trickling filter is a biological wastewater treatment process that utilizes a bed of solid media,
typically rocks or plastic material, to support the growth of microorganisms that degrade organic
matter. Mass balancing is important in a trickling filter to evaluate its performance and ensure
effective pollutant removal. The key components involved in mass balancing in a trickling filter
process include:
- Influent: Similar to the activated sludge process, the influent wastewater contains organic matter
(COD or BOD) that needs to be removed.
- Trickling Filter Media: The solid media in the trickling filter bed provides a surface for the growth
of biofilm, which houses the microorganisms responsible for wastewater treatment.
- Effluent: The treated wastewater leaving the trickling filter is assessed to determine the removal
efficiency of pollutants.

To perform mass balancing in a trickling filter, the flow rates and concentrations of pollutants are
measured at the influent and effluent points. By comparing the input and output quantities, one can
evaluate the efficiency of organic matter removal. Additionally, monitoring the thickness and
characteristics of the biofilm on the filter media is crucial to ensure proper microbial activity and
treatment performance.

Q.3 (a) Enlist various methane precursors in anaerobic decomposition

Various methane precursors in anaerobic decomposition include:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Proteins
3. Fats
4. Cellulose
5. Lignin
6. Amino acids
7. Sugars
8. Organic acids
9. Alcohols
10. Pectins
11. Lipids
12. Polysaccharides
13. Volatile fatty acids
14. Aromatic compounds
These precursors are commonly found in organic matter and serve as sources of carbon and energy
for the microorganisms involved in anaerobic decomposition. During anaerobic digestion or
decomposition, these precursors are broken down by different groups of microorganisms, resulting in
the production of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as end products. Methane is the primary
component of biogas and has significant potential as a renewable energy source.

(b) Explain : Grit Chamber

A grit chamber, also known as a grit separator or grit chamber, is a primary treatment unit used in
wastewater treatment plants to remove inorganic particles, such as sand, gravel, and other heavy
solids, from the wastewater before it enters subsequent treatment processes. The main purpose of a
grit chamber is to protect downstream equipment and processes from abrasion and potential damage
caused by these abrasive materials. Here's an explanation of how a grit chamber works:
1. Inflow of Wastewater: The wastewater enters the grit chamber from the influent pipe. At this stage,
the wastewater contains a variety of suspended solids, including sand, gravel, small rocks, grit, and
other heavy particles.
2. Sedimentation Zone: The design of a grit chamber incorporates a large settling zone, allowing the
wastewater to slow down significantly. As the velocity decreases, the heavier particles begin to settle
under the force of gravity. Grit particles, being denser than the organic matter in the wastewater,
quickly settle to the bottom of the chamber.
3. Grit Removal: Once settled, the collected grit accumulates at the bottom of the grit chamber. To
prevent it from being carried away with the treated water, an intermittent or continuous grit removal
mechanism is employed. This mechanism typically consists of a screw conveyor, rake, or airlift pump,
which lifts the settled grit from the bottom and transports it to a separate grit collection device for
further processing.
4. Wastewater Overflow: As the settled grit is removed, the clarified wastewater rises and overflows
the chamber's weirs or baffles. The weirs are designed to control the water level and ensure that the
maximum amount of settled grit is retained in the chamber.
5. Grit Disposal: The collected grit is typically dewatered and then disposed of in an appropriate
manner. In some cases, it can be further processed to recover valuable materials such as sand for reuse.

Grit chambers are usually designed with a combination of horizontal flow, vortex, or aerated grit
chambers, depending on the specific requirements of the wastewater treatment plant. Horizontal flow
grit chambers rely on gravity and settling, while vortex chambers utilize centrifugal force to separate
the grit. Aerated grit chambers introduce fine air bubbles to enhance settling and floatation of lighter
organic matter, allowing better grit removal.

The efficient removal of grit through a grit chamber is crucial to prevent abrasion and damage to
downstream equipment, such as pumps, pipes, and mechanical components. It helps maintain the
overall efficiency and reliability of the wastewater treatment process by minimizing wear and
clogging issues.

(c) Explain the purpose of following unit operations/processes in a wastewater treatment

plant: (i) Attached growth biological process (ii) Secondary Sedimentation and (iii)
(i) Attached growth biological process:
The purpose of the attached growth biological process in a wastewater treatment plant is to remove
organic pollutants from the wastewater through the activity of microorganisms attached to a solid
medium or support material. This process involves the growth of a biofilm on the surface of the
support material, which provides a habitat for microorganisms. The wastewater flows over or through
the biofilm, allowing the microorganisms to metabolize and degrade organic matter present in the
wastewater. The attached growth process is typically employed in treatment technologies such as
trickling filters and rotating biological contactors (RBCs), where the support media provide a large
surface area for microbial colonization and the formation of an active and efficient biofilm. The main
purpose of this process is to enhance the removal of organic pollutants and improve the overall
treatment efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant.

(ii) Secondary Sedimentation:

The purpose of secondary sedimentation in a wastewater treatment plant is to separate the suspended
solids and biological flocs from the treated wastewater after the biological treatment process. In the
secondary treatment stage, microorganisms (activated sludge) are used to consume organic matter and
nutrients present in the wastewater. After the biological treatment, the wastewater flows into a
secondary sedimentation tank or clarifier. In this tank, the flow velocity is significantly reduced,
allowing the suspended solids and activated sludge flocs to settle under the force of gravity. The
settled solids form a sludge layer at the bottom of the tank, while the clarified wastewater overflows
or is collected from the top. The purpose of this process is to separate the solids from the liquid phase,
ensuring a high-quality effluent with low suspended solids content. The collected sludge can be
recycled back to the biological treatment process or further processed for sludge treatment and

(iii) Nitrification:
Nitrification is a biological process in a wastewater treatment plant that converts ammonia (NH3) and
ammonium (NH4+) into nitrate (NO3-) through a two-step oxidation process. The purpose of
nitrification is to remove nitrogen compounds, particularly ammonia, from the wastewater.
Nitrification is typically achieved through the action of two groups of microorganisms: ammonia-
oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). AOB convert ammonia to nitrite
(NO2-), and NOB further oxidize nitrite to nitrate. Nitrification usually occurs in an aerobic
environment, as the microorganisms involved require oxygen for their metabolic activities. The
process is essential for wastewater treatment plants that need to comply with strict nitrogen discharge
limits. By converting ammonia to nitrate, nitrification prevents the release of excess ammonia into
the environment, which can be harmful to aquatic life and contribute to eutrophication. Nitrification
is often followed by denitrification, a process that reduces nitrate to nitrogen gas, completing the
nitrogen removal cycle in wastewater treatment.

Q.4 (a) Explain the importance of equalization process in a waste water treatment plant.
The equalization process plays a crucial role in wastewater treatment plants by ensuring consistent
and stable operation and improving the overall efficiency of the treatment process. Here's an
explanation of the importance of the equalization process:
1. Flow and Load Balancing: Wastewater flow and pollutant load in municipal and industrial
wastewater can vary significantly throughout the day or during different seasons. The equalization
process helps balance these variations by storing and slowly releasing the wastewater. This prevents
sudden hydraulic and organic load fluctuations from overwhelming downstream treatment units,
allowing them to operate more effectively and efficiently.
2. Buffering and Protection: The equalization process acts as a buffer, protecting the treatment plant
from shock loads and toxic substances. It smooths out the hydraulic and organic spikes that can occur
due to intermittent discharges or sudden changes in industrial processes. By providing a controlled
and steady flow of wastewater to the treatment units, the equalization process minimizes the risk of
process upsets, equipment damage, and potential disruption of treatment processes.

(b) Draw a schematic diagram of waste water management infrastructure

(c) Short note : Duckweed pond and vermiculture
Duckweed ponds and vermiculture are two eco-friendly practices that can complement each other to
create a sustainable and efficient system for waste management and nutrient recycling. Let's explore
each of these concepts and their benefits.
Duckweed ponds are shallow bodies of water where duckweed, a small floating plant, thrives.
Duckweed has exceptional capabilities to absorb nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, from
water. By cultivating duckweed in ponds, it acts as a natural biofilter, reducing nutrient levels and
improving water quality. Moreover, duckweed is a valuable feed source for various animals and can
be harvested for use in livestock or aquaculture systems.
Vermiculture, on the other hand, is the process of utilizing earthworms to decompose organic waste
materials, such as food scraps and plant matter, into nutrient-rich compost known as vermicompost.
Earthworms consume the organic waste and produce castings, which are highly beneficial for soil
fertility and plant growth. Vermicompost enhances soil structure, retains moisture, and releases
essential nutrients in a form readily available to plants.
Combining duckweed ponds and vermiculture can create a symbiotic relationship between the two
systems. The nutrient-rich water from duckweed ponds, which contains excess nitrogen and
phosphorus, can be directed to vermiculture beds. The earthworms in the vermicomposting system
efficiently process the nutrient-rich water, further reducing the nutrient load while producing valuable
This integrated approach offers several benefits. Firstly, it helps to manage and recycle organic waste
effectively, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Additionally, it mitigates water
pollution by reducing nutrient runoff, which can lead to harmful algal blooms and oxygen depletion
in aquatic ecosystems. The vermicompost produced can be used as a natural fertilizer, promoting
sustainable agriculture and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.
Moreover, duckweed ponds and vermiculture can be implemented on various scales, from small-scale
systems in households and community gardens to larger-scale applications in agricultural or industrial
settings. They are relatively low-cost and require minimal energy inputs, making them
environmentally friendly alternatives for waste management.

Q.4 (a) Draw only a neat flow diagram of sludge drying beds

(b) What are the effects of pH, temperature and other parameters on anaerobic
1. pH: The pH level plays a crucial role in anaerobic treatment. Most anaerobic bacteria function
optimally within a specific pH range, typically between 6.5 and 8.0. If the pH deviates from this range,
it can negatively impact the activity of the microorganisms responsible for the degradation of organic
matter. Acidic conditions (low pH) can inhibit methanogenic bacteria, leading to reduced biogas
production, while alkaline conditions (high pH) can hinder the activity of acidogenic bacteria,
affecting the breakdown of organic compounds. Maintaining the appropriate pH range is essential for
ensuring optimal anaerobic treatment performance.
2. Temperature: Temperature strongly influences the rate of biological reactions in anaerobic
treatment systems. Different types of anaerobic microorganisms have specific temperature ranges at
which they operate optimally. Mesophilic anaerobic digestion typically occurs between 25°C and
40°C, while thermophilic anaerobic digestion occurs between 45°C and 60°C. Higher temperatures
generally accelerate the degradation of organic matter and increase biogas production rates. However,
temperature fluctuations outside the optimal range can inhibit microbial activity and impact process
stability. Monitoring and controlling the temperature within the appropriate range are critical for
achieving efficient anaerobic treatment.
3. Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT): HRT refers to the average duration that wastewater remains in
an anaerobic treatment system. It affects the contact time between microorganisms and organic matter,
allowing sufficient degradation. Longer HRTs provide more time for microbial action, resulting in
better organic matter removal. However, excessively short HRTs may not allow the microorganisms
enough time to fully degrade the organic compounds, leading to reduced treatment efficiency.
4. Organic Loading Rate (OLR): OLR is the rate at which organic matter is fed into the anaerobic
treatment system. It is typically expressed as the amount of organic matter per unit volume or weight
per day. High OLRs can overload the system, leading to incomplete degradation, accumulation of
intermediates, and process instability. It is crucial to balance the OLR to ensure optimal performance
and avoid detrimental effects.
5. Inhibitory Substances: Certain substances present in the influent can inhibit the activity of anaerobic
microorganisms. These include toxic compounds such as heavy metals, organic solvents, and high
concentrations of ammonia or sulfide. Inhibitory substances can disrupt microbial activity, hinder
organic matter degradation, and decrease biogas production.
6. Nutrient Balance: Adequate nutrient balance is essential for the growth and metabolism of
anaerobic microorganisms. The availability of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus influences
microbial activity and the breakdown of organic matter. Imbalances or deficiencies in nutrient
concentrations can limit microbial growth and affect the overall performance of the anaerobic
treatment system.

(c) Explain the UASB process with its design criteria

The Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) process is a widely used anaerobic treatment
technology for wastewater and organic waste treatment. It involves the use of a specialized reactor to
facilitate the anaerobic degradation of organic matter by a consortium of microorganisms.

Design Criteria for UASB Process:

1. Reactor Configuration: The UASB reactor typically consists of an upright cylindrical tank with an
influent distribution system at the bottom, a gas-solid-liquid separation zone at the top, and a sludge
blanket in the middle. The sludge blanket acts as the active zone where anaerobic digestion takes
place. The design should ensure efficient distribution of influent wastewater and uniform flow
throughout the reactor, allowing effective contact between microorganisms and organic matter.
2. Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT): The HRT is the average time that wastewater remains in the
UASB reactor. It is a crucial design parameter that determines the extent of organic matter
degradation. The HRT should be optimized based on the characteristics of the influent wastewater
and the desired treatment efficiency. Longer HRTs allow more contact time for microbial activity and
enhance organic matter removal, while shorter HRTs may be suitable for specific applications with
high organic loading rates.

3. Upflow Velocity: The upflow velocity of wastewater within the UASB reactor is important for
maintaining proper solids suspension and preventing the washout of sludge. It should be carefully
designed to ensure that the influent velocity is sufficient to prevent sedimentation and promote the
upward movement of wastewater while avoiding excessive turbulence that may disrupt the sludge

4. Sludge Blanket Height and Granule Size: The sludge blanket height in the UASB reactor is an
important design parameter. It should be maintained within a specific range to provide an optimal
environment for anaerobic microorganisms. The sludge blanket should have enough height to retain
biomass, but excessive height can lead to washout and reduced treatment efficiency. Additionally, the
size and characteristics of the sludge granules influence settling and retention within the reactor.
Granule size affects the biomass concentration, microbial activity, and gas-liquid-solid separation

5. pH and Alkalinity Control: The pH and alkalinity levels in the UASB reactor influence the activity
of anaerobic microorganisms. The pH should be maintained within the optimal range for the specific
microbial community involved in the anaerobic digestion process. Alkalinity plays a crucial role in
neutralizing acid formation during the breakdown of organic matter and maintaining the stability of
the anaerobic environment. Appropriate pH and alkalinity control mechanisms should be incorporated
into the design to ensure favorable conditions for microbial activity.

6. Gas-Solid-Liquid Separation: The UASB reactor design should facilitate effective gas-solid-liquid
separation to capture biogas produced during the anaerobic process while retaining the biomass within
the reactor. Various mechanisms, such as baffle plates, sludge blankets, and internal circulation
systems, can be employed to enhance the separation efficiency and prevent the carryover of solids
and gas.

7. Biogas Collection and Utilization: Proper design considerations should be given to the collection
and utilization of the biogas produced in the UASB reactor. An efficient gas collection system is
essential to capture and collect the biogas, which primarily consists of methane and carbon dioxide.
The collected biogas can be utilized as a renewable energy source or for other applications such as
heating or electricity generation.
(a) What can be done to prevent sludge bulking?
To prevent sludge bulking, several measures can be implemented. Firstly, maintaining proper sludge
retention time (SRT) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) ratios in activated sludge systems can help
control microbial population dynamics and prevent excessive growth of filamentous bacteria.
Adequate mixing and aeration should be ensured to promote the growth of floc-forming bacteria and
discourage filamentous growth. Regular monitoring of sludge characteristics, including settleability
and filamentous bacteria abundance, can help identify and address bulking issues promptly.
Additionally, optimizing nutrient balance, maintaining pH within the appropriate range, and avoiding
toxic influent substances are crucial for preventing sludge bulking.

(b) Explain root zone technology for wastewater treatment

Root zone technology, also known as constructed wetlands or vegetated submerged bed systems, is a
natural and sustainable method for wastewater treatment. It utilizes plants, soil, and microorganisms
to remove pollutants and treat wastewater effectively. Here's an explanation of root zone technology
for wastewater treatment:
In a root zone system, wastewater is directed to a specially designed treatment bed that contains a
media layer, typically composed of sand or gravel, along with rooted plants. The wastewater is
distributed evenly over the surface of the bed or introduced at specific points.
As the wastewater percolates through the media, it comes into contact with the plant roots and the
biofilm that develops on the media's surface. The plants play a crucial role in the treatment process.
They take up nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and absorb other pollutants, helping to
reduce their concentration in the wastewater.
Microorganisms present in the root zone system further contribute to the treatment process. They
colonize the root zone, forming a diverse and active microbial community that helps break down
organic matter and degrade pollutants through various biological processes, including aerobic and
anaerobic processes.
The root zone system operates through physical, chemical, and biological processes that work in
combination to treat wastewater. These processes include sedimentation, filtration, adsorption, ion
exchange, nitrification, denitrification, and plant uptake.
The treatment efficiency of a root zone system depends on various factors, including the type and
density of plants, media composition, hydraulic loading rate, hydraulic retention time, and
environmental conditions.
Root zone technology offers several advantages for wastewater treatment. It provides a natural and
aesthetically pleasing treatment option that can be integrated into the surrounding landscape. It
requires lower energy inputs compared to conventional treatment methods and can be operated with
minimal reliance on mechanical equipment. The system also has the potential for reusing treated
wastewater for irrigation purposes, thus promoting water conservation.
(c) Short note : Treated wastewater reclamation and reuse
Treated wastewater reclamation and reuse involve the process of treating wastewater to a quality that
makes it safe and suitable for various non-potable applications. Here's a short note on this topic:
Treated wastewater reclamation and reuse play a significant role in addressing water scarcity and
promoting sustainable water management. Wastewater, after undergoing a series of advanced
treatment processes, can be reclaimed and used for purposes other than drinking water, such as
irrigation, industrial processes, and environmental restoration.
The treatment of wastewater for reuse involves multiple steps, including physical, chemical, and
biological processes. These processes remove or reduce contaminants, including suspended solids,
organic matter, nutrients, pathogens, and emerging contaminants. Advanced treatment technologies,
such as membrane filtration, ultraviolet disinfection, and reverse osmosis, are often employed to
ensure the desired water quality.
The reclaimed water can be used for agricultural irrigation, which helps conserve freshwater resources
and supports food production. It can also be used in industrial processes, cooling systems, and toilet
flushing, reducing the demand for freshwater in these applications. Furthermore, reclaimed water can
be used for environmental purposes, such as restoring wetlands, enhancing aquatic habitats, and
replenishing groundwater.
Treated wastewater reuse offers several benefits. It provides an alternative water source, reducing the
pressure on freshwater supplies. It helps mitigate the environmental impacts of wastewater discharge
into natural water bodies by reducing pollution. Reclaimed water can also contribute to water
conservation efforts and support sustainable development, particularly in water-stressed regions.
However, there are considerations to ensure the safe and effective reuse of treated wastewater.
Adequate treatment processes must be in place to remove contaminants and meet stringent water
quality standards. Proper monitoring and control measures are necessary to ensure the health and
environmental safety of reclaimed water use. Public acceptance, stakeholder engagement, and
effective communication regarding the benefits and safety of reclaimed water are essential for
successful implementation.

(a) Define the following terms: (i) Sludge volume index, (ii) Mean cell residence time and
(iii) Mixed liquor suspended solids
Sludge Volume Index (SVI) is a measurement used to determine the settling characteristics of
activated sludge in wastewater treatment systems. It represents the volume occupied by a settled
sludge sample in milliliters per gram of suspended solids.
Mean Cell Residence Time (MCRT) is a parameter used to assess the average time that
microorganisms spend in an activated sludge system. It represents the average length of time that
microorganisms remain in the bioreactor before being wasted or removed.
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) refers to the concentration of suspended solids in the mixed
liquor of an activated sludge system. It represents the total mass of solids, including microorganisms
and particulate organic matter, present in the mixed liquor
(b) List out the characteristics of waste water.
Wastewater, which refers to water that has been used and contaminated, exhibits various
characteristics depending on its source and the pollutants it carries. Here are some common
characteristics of wastewater:

1. Physical Characteristics:
- Color: Wastewater can have varying colors, ranging from clear to various shades of yellow, brown,
or even black, depending on the presence of dissolved or suspended substances.
- Turbidity: It refers to the cloudiness or haziness of wastewater caused by suspended particles, such
as silt, clay, or organic matter.
- Temperature: Wastewater temperature can vary depending on its source and the environmental
factors influencing it. Industrial wastewater may contain higher temperatures due to process heat.

2. Chemical Characteristics:
- pH: Wastewater can exhibit a wide range of pH levels, from acidic to alkaline, depending on the
nature of the contaminants present.
- Dissolved Solids: Wastewater can contain dissolved substances such as salts, metals, organic
compounds, nutrients, and other chemicals.
- Heavy Metals: Industrial wastewater may contain heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and
chromium, which are toxic and pose environmental risks.
- Organic Compounds: Wastewater may contain organic pollutants like oils, greases, solvents,
pesticides, and other synthetic or natural compounds.

3. Biological Characteristics:
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): It measures the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed by
microorganisms in the process of organic matter decomposition. High BOD indicates a higher level
of organic pollution.
- Total Suspended Solids (TSS): TSS refers to the concentration of solid particles that are suspended
in the wastewater, including organic and inorganic matter.
- Pathogens: Wastewater can contain pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and
parasites, which can pose health risks if not properly treated.

4. Nutrient Content:
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus: Wastewater may contain significant amounts of nitrogen and
phosphorus, primarily from human waste and detergents. These nutrients, if not properly managed,
can lead to water pollution and eutrophication in receiving water bodies.

(c) Write a short note on “Natural evaporation “as a treatment of wastewater

Natural evaporation is a natural process by which water from wastewater is removed through the
conversion of liquid water into vapor by exposure to the atmosphere. It is a passive method of
wastewater treatment that relies on climatic conditions and the inherent properties of water to facilitate

In the natural evaporation process, wastewater is typically stored in open ponds or lagoons, allowing
for exposure to air and sunlight. As the water surface area increases and comes into contact with the
atmosphere, water molecules gain enough energy to transition from the liquid state to the vapor state.
During this evaporation process, the water's contaminants and impurities remain in the liquid phase,
resulting in a reduction in the wastewater volume.

Natural evaporation can be an effective treatment method for certain types of wastewater, particularly
those with high water content and low levels of pollutants. It is commonly used for the treatment of
brackish water, saline water, or wastewater with high salt concentrations. The process is often
employed in arid or semi-arid regions where water scarcity is a significant concern, and there is
limited access to freshwater sources.

The effectiveness of natural evaporation as a wastewater treatment method depends on various

factors, including climatic conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. Hot
and dry climates with high levels of solar radiation and low humidity are favorable for enhanced
evaporation rates.

While natural evaporation can contribute to water volume reduction, it does not remove or
significantly reduce pollutants or contaminants present in the wastewater. Therefore, it is crucial to
note that natural evaporation is not a comprehensive treatment solution for all types of wastewater,
especially those with high levels of organic matter, nutrients, heavy metals, or pathogens. Additional
treatment processes may be required to address these contaminants adequately.

Furthermore, the use of natural evaporation as a wastewater treatment method has certain limitations
and challenges. It requires sufficient land availability for the construction of evaporation ponds or
lagoons, which may not be feasible in densely populated or urban areas. The process can be time-
consuming, and the treatment efficiency is highly dependent on climate conditions, making it less
predictable and controllable compared to engineered treatment systems.

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