Mock Exam 4th SC 23 Final Draft

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Ibn Haythem School. Béja.

Timing: 2 hours
Level: 4 sc/maths /eco/info Mock Exam May 17th , 2023.

Name: ----------------------------------------------- Class: ------------------------ N°: --------------

Shortened the text from 402 to 380 words. We can delete the sentences in green to make
it 358 without affecting the questions:

1. In my late 20s, I found myself working for a woman who’d built up a successful online
retail business. She was looking to build a team around her to manage her marketing and social
media so that she could go back to designing the products she sold, which was what she enjoyed
most. She hired me as a marketing manager, but because of my limited experience (I graduated in
website design, but had spent some time at a marketing agency), I was almost expecting her to be
watching over me like a hawk. After all, this was a woman who’d built her business up from
scratch, and it clearly meant a lot to her.

2. To her surprise, however, Emma’s employer actively encouraged her to run with the ball
and experiment. During my first week, she’d often ask me ‘What do you think?’ At first, I
thought she was testing me, but she always seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say.
Whenever I answered her, she’d listen really intently.
One day, barely a month after I’d started, I went to her with an idea for a promotion we could run
on social media. She told me she didn’t really have time to talk about it but that if I thought it
would work I should give it a go.

3. In an effort to keep her boss in the loop — and to make sure she didn’t make any mistakes
so early on — Emma sent her boss regular emails, detailing what she was planning for the
campaign. I didn’t hear anything back after the first few, but then one day, my boss replied saying
that she hired me because she trusted me, and that it ‘wouldn’t benefit either of us’ if she
scrutinised every single thing I did. In the following weeks, she occasionally made comments or
suggestions when passing by, but mostly left me to it.

4. The week after we ran the promo, which actually went really well and got us a bunch of
new followers on social media, she emailed me to say that she knew I was ‘the right person for
the job.’ To this day, I’ve never had a boss who gave me so much freedom – she just let me do
my thing and it felt amazing.
I- Reading Comprehension (12marks):

1) Read the text and tick ( ) the most appropriate option: (1 mark)

This text is mainly about:

a) an inexperienced employee who did not get along with her boss. ( )
b) an indifferent employee who failed to meet the expectations of her boss. ( )
c) an empowered employee who enjoyed a positive relationship with her boss. ( )

2) Read and complete the following table with reference to the text: (2 marks)

Name: Occupation: Field of studies:

Emma ---------------------------------- ------------------------------

3) For each of the following statements, pick out one detail from the text showing that it is FALSE: (3

a) Emma’s boss never intervened in Emma’s work. (paragraph 3)


b) The project that Emma worked on was a complete failure. (paragraph 4)


c) Emma’s boss is a nosy and authoritarian person. (paragraph 4)


4) Read the text and tick the most appropriate option ( 1 mark)

“Emma’s employer actively encouraged her to run with the ball and experiment.” (paragrapgh 2)

a) To assume responsibility and work enthusiastically ( )

b) To take on a position and work idly. ( )
c) To run the corporation and play to avoid work. ( )

5) Read the text and answer the following question (1 mark)

Why was Emma expecting her boss to be to be watching over her like a hawk ?
Why did Emma expect her boss to observe and keep an eye on everything she did?
6) Read and find a word having nearly the same meaning as the following: ( 2 marks )
a) authentically (paragraph 2) = --------------------------------------------------------
b) examined and inspected carefully (paragraph 3) = --------------------------------------------------------
7) What does the underline word in the text refer to? (1 mark)
She (paragraph 3) refers to -------------------------------------------------------------

8) Give a personal justified answer to the following question (1mark)

If you were a manager, would you be bossy and interfere in every detail of your employees work? Why? Why not?

If I were a manager -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

because ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

II/Language (6 marks)

Task 1: Put the bracketed words in the correct tense or form (3marks)

Urban Exodus is when a large number of the population leave big cities to move to the suburbs or rural
Over the last 50 years or so, there has been an increased level of concern about city (dwell)(1)--------------
relocating to the countryside and the suburbs.
Actually, in recent decades, the increase of crime, the surge in population of various cultures and the
high-priced housing (result)(2) -------------------------------------------- in leaving urban areas.
Added to this, properties in rural locations can (often / purchase)(3) ------------------------------------- for a
lower cost than a similar-sized urban property, in particular those in our largest cities like London,
Manchester and Birmingham.
Rural properties tend to be (spacious) (4) --------------------------------------------- and are far more likely to
have their own gardens. They are for every person (crave)(5) ------------------------------------the peace and
homeliness of a countryside property too .
Furthermore, they proved to be ideal for older people, parents raising young families, or simply those
who want to live an (undoubted)(6) ------------------------------- safe life. Yet, young people wouldn’t be
able to bear missing out on the energy, vibrancy and boundless possibilities that come with living in a
thriving city.

Task 2: Fill in the blanks with words from the box. Be careful! There are 2 extra words (3 marks)

on - ejecting – prioritize - consumption - braking - off - properly - smooth

EcoDriving is a set of driving practices aimed at reducing fuel, vehicle emissions, and overall
environmental impact. It involves adopting driving habits that (1)------------------------------fuel efficiency,
such as driving at moderate speeds, maintaining a (2) -----------------------------speed, avoiding rapid
acceleration and hard (3) ------------------------------------, and anticipating traffic flow to reduce the need for
sudden stops and starts. Other EcoDriving techniques include reducing vehicle weight by removing
unnecessary items from the trunk , keeping tires (4) ----------------------------------- inflated to reduce
rolling resistance, and using air conditioning and other vehicle systems efficiently. EcoDriving not only
helps to reduce fuel (5) ------------------------- and environmental impact but can also save drivers money
(6) -------------------------------------------------- fuel costs over time. Additionally, many countries and
organizations have implemented EcoDriving programs to promote more sustainable transportation
III/ Writing. (12 marks)

1- Develop the following notes into a coherent paragraph. Do not change the order of the words. Add articles,
prepositions, relative pronouns and linkers. Put the verbs in the correct form and tense. Add verb to be and verb
to have where necessary and punctuate where necessary. (4marks)

1- Generally/your journey toward a healthier lifestyle starts / small change/ that you feel confident they are
easily/ achieve.

2- This shift in your lifestyle involve / eating nutrition/ foods, engage/ in regular physical activity / prioritizing your
mental health.


3- So, if you seriously focus /these gold/ rules, your efforts will / reward.


4-Briefly, this/ basic healthy habits / are simple and inexpensive, will long/ your lifespan and improve your good/-


You have recently come across the following statement in Carthage magazine” The state water distribution
company, Sonede, has already begun cutting mains water supplies every night between 9pm and 4am.” Being
an environmentally- responsible and a conscious person you decide to write a 12 – line article in the same
magazine to suggest at least three other possible measures to preserve water. (8marks)










------------------------ ----------------------


Cont / coh …………… / 3 Language …………… / 3 mechanics …………… / 2 Total: …………….. /8



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