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Course : B.Tech Regulation : R20 Year/ Sem : II – I
Subject : Software Engineering
Name of the faculty : Dr. A. Hanumaiah

Topic Name: The Nature of Software, The Unique Nature of WebApps, Software Engineering,
The Software Process, Software Engineering Practice, Software Myths.
1) Explain Challenges faced in Software engineering? [set-3][january 2023][7M]
2) Define the terms: software, software engineering. Focus on the challenges faced
in software engineering? [set-4][january 2023][7M]
3) Lucidly present the core principles of software engineering? [set-3][january 2023][7M]
4) What are WebApps? Give their features? [set-3][january 2023][7M]
5) What is a myth? Give a focus on various software myths regarding Management
and Practitioner? [set-2][january 2023][7M]
Topic Name: A Generic Process Model,Process Assessment and Improvement, Prescriptive
Process Models, Specialized ProcessModels, The Unified Process, Personal and Team Process
Models, Process
6) Explain the incremental process model along with its advantages and
disadvantage? [set-1][january 2023][7M]
7) What do you mean by team process model and personal process model?
Differentiate them? [set-1][january 2023][7M]
8) Explain with neat diagram the prototyping model for software development?
[set-4][january 2023][7M]
9) Give the key features of software process models with examples? [set-4][january 2023][7M]
10) What are the advantages of iterative development? [set-2][january 2023][7M]
11) Explain about the evolution of software engineering methodology? [set-4][january 2023][7M]
Topic Name: Agility, Agility and the Cost of Change, Agile Process, Extreme Programming
(XP), Other Agile Process Models
1) What is Agility? Compare and contrast various Agile process models.
[set-][january 2023][7M]
2) What are the three key elements of Agile methodology? Explain them.
[set-3][january 2023][7M]
3) How does agility changes the Cost of development? Describe? [set-3][january 2023][7M]
4) Discuss about Extreme Programming (XP) in detail. [set-2][january 2023][7M]
5) Give the features of the toolset used in Agile process. [set-2][january 2023][7M]
Topic Name: A Tool Set for the Agile Process, Software Engineering Knowledge, Core
Principles, Principles That Guide Each Framework Activity, Requirements Engineering,
Establishing the Groundwork, Eliciting Requirements, Developing Use Cases, Building the
Requirements Model, Negotiating Requirements, Validating Requirements.

6) Explain about Eliciting Requirements. Why is it mandatory? [set-2][january 2023][7M]

7) Describe the steps to be followed in developing use cases? [set-2][january 2023][7M]
8) Explain briefly about Requirements management? [set-3][january 2023][7M]
9) Explain the ways and means for collecting the software requirements and how are they
organized and represented? [set-1][january 2023][7M]
10) Describe different checks to be carried out during requirements validation process.?
[set-3][january 2023][7M]

Topic Name: Requirements Analysis, Scenario-Based Modeling, UML Models That

Supplement the Use Case, Data Modeling Concepts, Class-Based Modeling.
1) How system modeling is achieved using UML? Explain with a suitable Example?
[set-1][january 2023][7M]
2) What is system modeling? Explain the process of creating models and the factors that should
be considered when building models? [set-1][january 2023][7M]
3) Give an overview of various steps in requirements engineering process?
[set-1][january 2023][7M]
4) Explain the design of class-based components? [set-3][january 2023][7M]
Topic Name: Requirements Modeling Strategies, Flow-Oriented Modeling, Creating a
Behavioral Model, Patterns for Requirements Modelling, Requirements Modeling for

5) ) Discuss about Requirements Modeling Strategies in detail? [set-3][january 2023][7M]

6) What is behavioral modeling? What are the basic components of behavioural modeling? How
does DFDs assist in requirements engineering process? [set-4][january 2023][7M]
7) Give an overview of various steps in creating a behavioral model? [set-3][january 2023][7M]
8) Explain about Scenario-Based Modeling. Give its role in requirements analysis.
[set-2][january 2023][7M]
9) Give the measures to validate the requirements of software system. [set-2][january 2023][7M]
10) Give an overview of various steps in requirements engineering process.
[set-1][january 2023][7M]
Topic Name: Design within the Context of Software Engineering, The Design Process, Design
Concepts, The Design Model.
1) Describe the steps in indentifying a good design? [7] [set-1][january 2023]
2) Write the steps in the component level design for WebApps? [7] [set-1][january 2023]
3) How can we design data at component level? Focus on cohesion and coupling
metrics.? [7] [set-3][january 2023]
4) How to translate the analysis model into the design model? Explain with an
example scenario? [7] [set-2][january 2023]

Topic Name: Software Architecture, Architectural Genres, Architectural Styles, Assessing

Alternative Architectural Designs, Architectural Mapping Using Data Flow
5) Write about architectural styles and patterns [7] [set-2][january 2023]
6) What are the three types of software architecture patterns? Illustrate each with
suitable example. [7] [set-4][january 2023]
7) Explain how to map data flow into a software architecture? [7] [set-2][january 2023]
Topic Name: Designing Class-Based Components, Conducting Component-Level Design,
Component-Level Design for WebApps, Designing Traditional Components, Component-
Based Development.
8) How a component is designed based on function? Explain? [7] [set-1][january 2023]
9) Describe the steps in the design of class- based components. [7] [set-2][january 2023]
10) Discuss about Component- Based Development. In detail.? [7] [set-1][january 2023]
Topic Name: The Golden Rules, User Interface Analysis and Design, Interface Analysis,
Interface Design Steps, WebApp Interface Design, Design Evaluation, Elements of Software
Qualtiy Assurance, SQA Tasks, Goals & Metrics, Statistical SQA, Software Reliability, A
Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Strategic Issues, Test Strategies for Conventional
Software, Test Strategies for Object-Oriented Software, Test Strategies for WebApps,
Validation Testing, System Testing, The Art of Debugging, Software Testing Fundamentals,
Internal and External Views of Testing, White-Box Testing, Basis Path Testing.
1) Explain the metrics for Analysis Model? [7] [set-3][january 2023]
2) Describe test strategies for Conventional Software [7] [set-3][january 2023]
3) Discuss about Black box Testing in detail? [7] [set-3][january 2023]
4) How does quality assurance differ from software testing? Explain with a suitable
example.? [7] [set-4][january 2023]
5) Discuss in detail SQA activities? [7] [set-4][january 2023]
6) What strategies need to be followed for testing object oriented software? Explain them.?
[7] [set-2][january 2023]
7) Discuss about software reviews. Elaborate on its categories? [7] [set-1][january 2023]
8) What are the reasons behind performing white box testing? What types of errors? it can
identify? Explain. [14] [set-4][january 2023]
9) What is meant by SQA? Discuss in detail SQA activities? [7] [set-1][january 2023]

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