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Algal Diversity and Commercial

Algal Products
New and valuable products from diverse algae may soon
increase the already large market for algal products

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Richard J. Radmer

A lgae are an extremely diverse

group of organisms that make
up the lower phylogenetic
echelons of the plant kingdom. A
precise definition of this group is
Production methods
range from
gae and plants (Gibbs 1992), At the
other end of the spectrum, green
algae are closely related to higher
plants. Dinoflagellates and eugle-
no ids have certain characteristics
elusive; they share many obvious low-technology ocean that are intermediate between
characteristics with higher (land) prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and the
plants, whereas their distinguishing farming to cutting-edge term mesokaryotes is sometimes
features from other plant groups are applied to these algae (Lee 1989).
varied and more subtle (Bold and man ufacturing These mesokaryotes may be more
Wynne 1985). Most of the algae are closely related to the red algae and
photosynthetic (like higher plants) the slime molds than to other algal
or are closely related to organisms port the idea that algae are a group groups. Although molecular meth-
that are. Algae perform roughly 50% of organisms that have indepen- ods of phylogenetic analysis are new
of the photosynthesis on this planet dently acquired chloroplasts (intra- and controversial, the data to date
(John 1994) and thus are instru- cellular bodies that contain the pho- indicate that the algae are heteroge-
mental in supporting the biosphere. tosynthetic machinery; Gibbs 1992). neous at the molecular level.
In this article, I review the char- The taxonomic classification of The extensive phylogenetic diver-
acteristics and classification of al- algae is still the source of some dis- sity of algae shown in Figure 1 is
gae and highlight the profound di- agreement; Bold and Wynne (1985) reflected in many aspects of their
versity of its members.l then describe summarize 14 such classifications, existence. A few examples include:
some commercially available prod- in addition to their own. Algae are
ucts derived from algae and a few generally grouped into more than a Growth mode. Figure 2 illustrates
product areas in which algae may dozen major groups, primarily on the multiple means by which vari-
make a significant contribution in the basis of pigment composition, ous algae can derive their metabolic
the near future. storage products, and a variety of energy. Although a defining charac-
ultrastructural features. Table 1 fea- teristic of algae is their ability to
Diversity of algae tures one such classification scheme. grow photosynthetically at the ex-
More recently, the techniques of pense of light energy, some algae (a
The algae have long been recog- molecular biology have been used to few percent) are able to thrive in the
nized as a heterogeneous group of determine the affiliations of the vari- dark at the expense of food sources
organisms, ranging from the micro- ous algal groups and their relation- such as sugar. This so-called het-
scopic blue-green algae, which are ships to other taxonomic groups. erotrophic growth mode is similar
closely related to Gram-negative Some interesting and surprising re- to that used by yeast, fungi, and
bacteria, to the large, complex kelps, sults of these studies are shown in bacteria. The use of these growth
which can exceed 10 m in length. Figure 1. Note that the various algal modes varies. Some algae can use
Recent molecular biology data sup- groups are scattered all over the only a single growth mode: they are
map. The blue-green algae (also the obligate phototrophs and obligate
Richard ]. Radmer is president and known as cyanobacteria) are prokar- heterotrophs. Other algae are more
founder of Martek Biosciences Corpo- yotes closely related to many com- versatile: facultative phototrophsl
ration, 6480 Dobbin Rd., Columbia, mon bacteria. These algae are also heterotrophs are able to switch from
MD 21045. © 1996 American Institute considered to be the progenitors of one growth mode to the other, al-
of Biological Sciences. the chloroplasts of some higher al- though they are generally likely to

April 1996 263

Table 1. Major groups of algae according to Lee (1989). Three minor groups are structures (as exemplified by the
not tabulated. Nuc = nuclear characteristics (Prokaryote, Mesokaryote, or Eu- kelps). In this article, I divide algae
karyote); Chi = chlorophyll type; PBr = phycobiliproteins (presem in three groups). into two structural groups-the
Data on oils from Lee et a1. (1985). micro algae and the macroalgae.
Microalgae are best seen under a
microscope; the individual organ-
Common name No< Chi PBP Storage product isms are often less than 1 mm in
their largest dimension. Macroalgae,
Blue-green algae Pro , yes Glycogen on the other hand, can be seen with
Red algae Eu a, d yes Glycogen the unaided eye. Less obvious, but
Green algae Eo a, b ou Amylose
Euglenoids Meso a, b ou Paramylon perhaps more fundamental, differ-
Di noflagella tes Meso a, c, 00 Amylose ences in the internal cellular struc-
Cryptophytes Eu a, c1 yes Amylose tures of various algae have also been
Golden algae Eo a, c l ' c, 0O Ch rysolaminari 11, oil described (Lee 1989). For example,
Haptophytes Eo a, (I' (, no Chrysolamirwnn
differences in the organization of
Diatoms Eo <1, (I' (, 00 Chrysolaminarin, oil

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Yellow-green algae Eu a, ( 00 Chrysolaminarin the genetic material reflect the fact
Chloron1onads Eu a, ( no Oil that some algae are prokaryotes
Brown algae Ell a, ( I ' (2 00 Laminarin whereas others are eukaryotes.

Golden algae
Ecological diversity_ The genetic and
Diatoms phenotypic diversity of algae is mani-
EI JKARYOTES Y cHow-green algae fest in their nearly ubiquitous distri-
Brown algae bution in the biosphere. Algae com-
monly grow in fresh water and

('Jfeen algae
OKARY~S seawater, and several species grow
in extremely high-salt environments,
such as the Great Salt Lake, Utah,
and the Dead Sea, in IsraeL Within.
these aqueous habitats, some algae
grow within a few hundred microme-
ters of the water surface, others in-
habit the subsurface water column,
Euglenoids and a few thrive at the limits of the
photic zone (which is often 200-300
m below the surface). Algae also
grow in soils (from rich hum uses to
Plant chloroplasts austere desert sands), inside rocks,

Blue-grCt-"Jl algae .....
Plant mitochondria
__J in snow fields, and in more exotic
locations, sLlch as the fur of sloths
and polar bears. Finally, algae can
either be free living or exist in asso-
ciation with other organisms, as in
the case of lichens.

Metabolic diversity. Algae produce
many different and unusual bio-
Figure 1. Phylogenetic scheme based on the analysis of ribosomal RNA sequences chemical compoLlnds, including fats,
by Wainright et a1. (1993), modified by Hecht (1993). Common names, rather sugars, pigments, and bioactive com-
than scientific names, are used in an attempt to clarify the relationships for the pounds. The diversity of algal me-
nomaxonomist. Major phylogenetic groups are all capitalized. tabolism is manifest in some un-
usual ways, such as in:
grow better in one of the two modes fixed carbon sources. (See Kaplan et
than the other. Interestingly, some al. [1986] for a more detailed de- • Fish oils. These oils are currently
algae are able to blend these two scription of the various growth being promoted for their beneficial
growth modes, for example, simul- modes of algae.) health effects, primarily on the basis
taneously deriving metabolic energy of their high content of omega-3
from light and cellular building Structural diversity. Algae appear fatty acids. Interestingly, fish can-
blocks from carbon sources such as in nature as single-celled organisms, not efficiently synthesize these fatty
sugars. These hybrid growth modes, as colonies of similar or identical acids and, like humans, must obtain
often referred to as mixotrophy, cells, as filaments (both branched them primarily from their diet. Thus,
provide certain algae with the means and unbranched), as membraneous fish oils are, in reality, algal oils that
to make maximal use of light and thalli, and as complex multicellular have been accumulated through the

264 BioScience Vol. 46 No.4

food chain. Carbon dioxide _ __ ~ _ _ _-Light
• Toxins. Okadaic acid and its de- Water
rivatives cause a human affliction
called diarrheic shellfish poisoning,
which results from the ingestion of Phototrophy
shellfish containing these com- Mixotrophy ALGAE
pounds. These bioactive compounds Heterotrophy

were initially isolated from sponges;
however, subsequent work has dem-
onstrated that the okadaic acid com- Sugars, fals, etc.
pounds are produced by algae (spe- Oxygen
cifically, dinoflagellates) closely
associated with the sponges (Shimizu Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the grmvth modes used by various algae.
Table 2. Products froIn macroalgac. From .Jensen (1993), except agarose data were
Large number of species. Algae rep- estimated by the author. Phycobiliprotein dara were provided by A. Tsetsis,

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resent a large and virtually unex- Marrek Biosciences Corp., Columbia, Maryland, personal communication.
plored group of organisms. Even
though the phycological community Market value
is small compared with many other Product (million SUS)
scientific disciplines, new species are Nori rood 1800
being identified at a rate of approxi- Wakame Food 600
mately one per week (Radmer and Kombu Food 600
Parker 1994). A recent analysis by Alginates Food products 230
Paper products
John (1994) suggests that the Biomedical applications
roughly 36,000 known species of Carrageenans Food products 100
algae represent only approximately Cosmetics
17% of the species existing today. Pharmaceutical produCfs
Agars rood products 160
These numbers indicate that there Biomedical applications
are currently more than 200,000 Agarose Biotechnology applications more than 50?
algal species worldwide. Seaweed meal Al1lmJI feed 5
Manure ("Macrl") Agriculture 10
Liquid fertilizer Agriculture 5
Algal products Phycobi I iproteins Biomedical uses 2

The modes of production of com-

mercial products from algae range although their availability is spotty Nori is a primary constituent of
from, at one extreme, the harvesting and their reliability and position sushi, a Japanese food item that is
of wild stands of macroalgae with within the distribution chain (e.g., becoming increasingly popular in
minimal postha rvest processing, to, wholesale versus retail) varies for the West. Because of its history and
at the other extreme, the intensive many of the product areas. I also commercial success, this product
cultivation of microalgae in closed include a few products and product provides a good example of the
culture systems (i.e., fermentation ideas that are in development but macroalgal production procedures
systems or their photosynthetic not currently available commer- currently available.
equivalent) with extensive post- cially. The seaweed industry is often
harvest processing. Thus, the pro- described as a cottage industry, and
duction of algal products spans the Foods from macroalgae. The major the methods employed in the har-
gamut from low-technology ocean foods derived from macroalgae are vesting and drying of the seaweed
fanning to cutting-edge pharmaceu- shown in Table 2. The algal biomass are often small scale, traditional,
tical-like manufacturing. The major for these products is derived from and primitive (Naylor 1976). In the
algal products are currently pro- wild, managed, or cultivated stands case of nori, however, modern tech-
duced by what is called the seaweed of macroalgae that undergo a mini- niques introduced in the 1960s have
industry. This industry is based on mal amount of processing after har- provided the means to rapidly in-
the harvest and use of macroalgae vest. In these cases, the product is crease production yields (Oohusa
(i.e., seaweeds), primarily brown the biomass itself, rather than chemi- 1993). Nori cultivation is, in real-
algae, the largest and most conspicu- cals extracted from the algae. Any ity, a type of farming in which seed-
ous of the macroalgae, and red al- postharvest processing serves only like propagules, called conchospores,
gae, a diverse algal group. to clean and preserve the intrinsic are seeded onto nori nets, which are
In the following sections I de- character of the alga. hung in sheltered ocean areas. Be-
scribe a variety of algal products, Non. The major algal product in fore the mid-1960s, nori cultivation
grouped on the basis of their pro- the world today is nori, the algal was limited to shallow, sandy bays,
duction mode and product type. blade (called a thallus) of certain where the nori nets could be hung
Economic data are also presented, species of the red macroalga Porphyra. between poles stuck in the bottom.

Apnl 1996 265

After this time, the nets were often which can be served with meat, fish, Ascophyllum. Alginates are typically
attached to surface buoys, so that or soups or as a vegetable (Lee 1989). recovered from the macroalgal bio-
deeper water could be used for cul- The annual market for these prod- mass by extracting the insoluble al-
tivation. Around 1970, a system was ucts is approximately $600 million. ginic acid salts with hot alkali (so-
developed to raise the nets out of the Other macroalgal foods. Many dium carbonate). The sodium
water, which allowed the controlled other macroalgae are also used as alginate is then separated from the
drying and temporary storage of the human food. For example, the red insoluble seaweed residue by filtra-
Porphyra thalli. These sophisticated macroalga Palmaria paimata, known tion and purified (McHugh 1987).
growth systems and procedures, as dulse, has been consumed by The primary characteristic of al-
coupled with fast-growing cultiva- shoreline populations of northwest ginates is their ability to form vis-
tion forms and mechanized methods Europe since approximately the cous solutions when dissolved in
for processing, have provided ample tenth century (Lahaye and Vigou- cold water, which provides thicken-
production capacity, and nori sup- roux 1992). Another dulse, Rhody- ing, gel-forming, water-retaining,
ply has recently exceeded demand menia sp., is harvested and con- and suspending properties to solu-
(Oahusa 1993). sumed in parts of North America, tions containing them. These fea-
Many nori products are avail- particularly the Maritime Provinces tures underlie their importance in

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able; of these, toasted nori sheets of Canada (Naylor 1976), where it food, industrial, and biotechnologi-
are the largest product segment. is promoted as a sea vegetable. cal applications. Approximately
With a market value of approxi- Naylor (1976) briefly describes ap- 27,000 tons of algi nates, with a value
mately $2 billion and a product vol- proximately two dozen other macro- of $230 million, were sold annually
ume of 40,000 tons per year (Jensen algal foods. around 1990 (Jensen 1993).
1993), nori represents the most suc- Carrageenans. The carrageenans
cessful algal product group at the Industrial products from macroalgae: are a complex group of polysaccha-
present time. Although nori is pri- the Hydrocolloids. Table 2 also sum- rides derived from red macroalgae.
marily consumed in Japan, Korea, marizes the uses and market values Their unifying characteristic is that
and China, sales in other countries of the major polysaccharide prod- they are all made up of galactose-
are rapidly increasing-US sales in ucts derived from algae. These prod- related monomers (a-1,3-D-galac-
1991 were estimated to be $20- $25 ucts, also referred to as hydrocol- tose and ~-1,4-3,6-anhydro-D-ga­
millioa (Merrill 1993). loids, make up the major industrial lactose) to which sulfate groups are
Wakame. Another major algal products derived from algae at the attached. Three major types of car-
food product is wakame, a group of present time; their combined mar- rageenans, designated kappa,
related foods derived from a brown ket value is well over 5500 million. lambda, and iota, are used com-
alga known as Undaria pinnatifida. The marine macroalgae from which mercially. They arc primarily de-
This macro algal product has been these products arc prepared (certain rived from Eucheuma cottanii,
cultivated commercially since the species of red and brown algae) a,e Chondrus crisp us, and Eucheuma
mid-1950s (Yamanaka and Akiyama harvested from the wild, from man- spinosum. The carrageenans are
1993). Like nori, wakame is pro- aged wild stands, and from culti- typically recovered from the macro-
duced mainly in Japan, Korea, and vated beds. Carrageenans and agars algal biomass by extraction with
China, with Korea being the major are obtained from different species hot water. Subsequent processing
producer. Wakame is more exten- of red algae. Alginates are obtained depends on the characteristics of the
sively processed after harvest than from species of brown algae. Unlike product desired (Stanley 1987).
most other macroalgal biomass the food products described above, Like the algi nates, the carrageen-
products. The most popular wakame the macroalgal biomass for these ans can be used to gel, thicken, sus-
product is boiled and salted, which products undergoes extensive extrac- pend, and stabilize foods and other
results in the green product most tion and processing to yield the final products. Approximately 15,500
preferred by consumers. product (Lewis et al. 1988). The tons of carrageenans, with a value
As with nori, the primary market extreme case is agarose, which is of $100 million, were sold annually
for wakame products is Japan, where derived from agar (already a pro- at the beginning of this decade
it is available in many forms (e.g., cessed product) by extensive sepa- (Jensea 1993).
salted or dried cut) and is used as an ration and purification (Renn 1994). Agars. The agars are mixtures of
ingredient in soups, salads, noodles, Alginates. The alginates are salts polysaccharides extracted from cer-
aad the like. As of 1990, roughly of alginic acid; these salts, and the tain red macroalgae. Like the carra-
20,000 tons, with a market value of sodium salts in particular, are also geenans, their unifying characteris-
$600 million, were sold annually. known as algin. They are polymers tic is that they are all composed of
Kombu. The third major algal composed of D-mannuronic acid galactose-related monomers, in this
food product group is kombu, which and L-guluronic acid monomers. case, D-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-
is derived from Laminaria japonica The sequences and proportions of L-galactose. The agars also contain
and related species of brown these constituents vary with the varying amounts of sulfate, pyru-
macroalgae. These algae are col- source of the algin. The major com- vate, and methoxy groups, the con-
lected during the summer, dried mercial sources of alginates are tent of which vary with the source of
naturally, and then boiled. A vari- brown macro algae, particularly spe- the macroalgal biomass and the sub-
ety of kombu products are produced, cies of Laminaria, Macrocystis, and sequent processing procedures. They

266 BioScience Vol. 46 No.4

are derived primarily from species millions of dollars annually (see algae harvested, with sophisticated
of Gracilaria, Gelidium, Ptero- Table 2). Naylor (1976) describes (and expensive) techniques, such as
cladia, Acanthopeltis, andAhnfeltia. some of these products and their flocculation, centrifugation, and
Like the carrageenans, the agars are dissemination and use. microscreening, used to isolate the
usually extracted with hot water. An interesting group of high-value small algal particles. (Compare this
Subsequent processing steps serve macroalgal products is the ph yco- case with the simple harvest of
to generate a concentrated filtrate, biliproteins. These protein-contain- macroalgae and agricultural prod-
which is allowed to gel; this gel is ing pigments, which are unique to ucts.) Thus, harvesting costs can
then treated, dehydrated, and milled certain algae, serve as valuable fluo- contribute substantially to the cost
(Armisen and Galatas 1987). rescent tags with many applications of the overall process. Successful
The ahility of agars to form stable in high-technology areas, such as microalgal production overcomes
gels that retain their characteristics flow cytometry, fluorescence-acti- this problem, either by bypassing it
under a range of conditions (e.g., vated cell sorting, and histochemis- (as in the case of Spirulina) or by
temperature, humidity, and chemi- try (Glazer 1994). The major prod- producing a product with a value
cal milieu) underlies their value in uct in this area is R-phycoerythrin, high enough to justify these expenses
many applications. In addition to which is currently derived from spe- (e.g., beta-carotene from Dunaliella).

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their use in foods, agars are the cies of Porphyra, either cultured or Because of these pond manage-
media of choice to grow and ma- harvested from the wild. Because R- ment and harvesting limitations, a
nipuate microorganisms such as phycoerythrin exists as part of a recurring problem in the develop-
bacteria and yeast. Because of their mixture of several different phyco- ment of microalgal products has been
special characteristics, agars can biliproteins, sophisticated separa- the high cost associated with cultur-
often command a substantially tion and purification procedures, ing and harvesting microalgae. Al-
higher unit price than the alginates usually involving chromatography, though there is likely to be case-by-
and carrageenans. Annual sales of are required for the production of case variability, a detailed study by
these products amounted to approxi- the pure product. The high cost of Borowitzka (1992) indicated that
mately $160 million, on a volume of this process is balanced by the high microalgal biomass costs generally
11,000 tons, circa 1990 (Jensen value of the product as a biomedical exceed $10/kg dry weight, exclud-
1993). reagent. The raw material (purified ing such costs as downstream pro-
Agaroses. The agaroses are highly phycobiliprotein) currently sells for cessing. These findings are reflected
refined, specialized macroalgal prod- approximately $5000/g in a mod- in the marketplace; only high-value
ucts that have played a pivotal role est, $2-million market. products, such as beta-carotene, and
in the biotechnological revolution certain algal biomass products that
(Renn 1990). These products are Products from micro algae grown in can command a high price, such as
manufactured by isolating the less open mass culture. The mass cultur- Spirulina, are viable candidates for
ionic fractions of agar under highly ing of microalgae dates back to the commercialization. Indeed, these are
controlled conditions designed to 1940s. (Shifrin 119841 and Soeder currently the only commercially suc-
minimize lot-to-Iot variation. The [1986] provide interesting accounts cessful products in this category.
individual products are targeted to of this effort.) Microalgal mass-cul- Spirulina. Spirulina is a filamen-
a variety of specialty applications, turing systems are generally com- tous blue-green microalga that has a
each requiring specific quality as- posed of a series of connected shal- long history of use in the human diet
surance protocols. low channels (on the order of 30 cm (see Richmond 1986). Species of
The main applications for the deep) called raceways. The algal Spirulina have been consumed as
agaroses are in the biotechnology suspension contained in the race- dried algae cakes since ancient times
area, and these products are key ways is usually mixed by slowly in areas such as Lake Chad (in Af-
elements in powerful techniques such moving paddles. The management rica) and Lake Texcoco (in Mexico).
as gene mapping (Renn 1990). Be- of these ponds can be complex, and This alga thrives under alkaline con-
cause of the competitive and spe- efficient algal production is at the ditions and thus can grow as a rela-
cialized nature of this product area, mercy of prevailing weather condi- tively pure culture, because growth
market data are difficult to obtain; tions, probably even more so than of most other algae and other or-
the value of more than $50 million macroalgal culture or traditional ganisms is inhibited. This feature,
per annum in Table 2 is a crude agriculture. coupled with Spirulina's tendency
estimate. The unit value of some of The economical harvesting of to float and clump, provides a natu-
these products can be impressive, microalgae from mass culture ponds rally occurring edible algal bloom
ranging beyond $25,000/kg. has historically been a problem that that can be readily harvested with-
Other macroalgal products. In has hindered the commercial devel- out special techniques. Modern
addition to the major products de- opment of products. Dense cultures Spirulina production systems make
scribed, macroalgae provide several from highly productive ponds gen- use of these same features. High-
other products with significant com- erally contain only approximately alkalinity open ponds are inoculated
mercial impact. For example, three 0.1 % of small algal biomass par- and maintained to provide condi-
agricultural products-seaweed ticles (Shifrin 1984). Even in this tions for algal growth. The algal
meal, manure, and liquid fertilizer- high-yield case, 1000 g of water biomass is then harvested and dried.
each have annual sales of several must be handled for each gram of In the United States, Spirutina is

April 1996 267

used primarily as a health food, a Table 3. Products from microalgac. weight (Crueger and Crueger 1989),
matket niche in which it can com- Sources are given in the text. an order of magnitude less than the
mand a substantial price. There is a Product Market value cost of phototrophic growth. Equally
good deal of literature, both in peer- (million SUS) important, large fermentation fa-
reviewed scientific journals and in cilities, with capacities of hundreds
the popular press, concerning the Spirulin;J Food BO of thousands of liters, are available
value and suitability of Spirulina in Bet;J-c;Jrotcnc Nutritional 2S virtually worldwide.
the human diet (e.g., Richmond Chlorelb Food [00 Chlorella. The primary het-
1986). The safety of Spirulina has Labeled Growth media 5 erotrophic algal product is Chia-
been established through various compollnds rella, a green microalga that has
toxicological studies (Belay et al. been produced and consumed in
1993). The annual commercial pro- Spirulina, are the only algae rou- substantial quantities since the
duction of food-grade Spirulina was tinely cultured under open-culture 1960s, primarily in the far East.
approximately 800 tons in the early conditions; in both cases, the ex- Chlorella biomass is produced in
19905 (Belay ct al. 1993), with reo treme growth conditions serve ef- large quantities (hundreds of tons),

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tail prices often exceeding $100/kg fectively to exclude other, compet- often using a hybrid process in which
(see Table 3). 1I1g organisms. the biomass is generated in a closed
Beta-carotene. The dominant pig- The harvest of the carotene-rich fermenter at the expense of glucose
ment product currently manufac- Dunaliella cells from the large, di- or acetate and is then" greened" by
tured from algae is beta-carotene. lute culture medium represents a exposing the algae to light, either in
This fact is surprising for two rea- major effort and expense. The small open ponds or using transparent
sons: Beta-carotene is a constituent algal cells must be separated from plastic tubes. (Soong rJ 9801 gives
of all higher plants, and thus is con- large quantities of high-salt solu- an interesting account of this pro-
sumed as part of the normal diet, tion without disrupting the fragile, duction process.) After harvest of
and it is also produced synthetically wall-less cells. This effort represents the biomass by centrifugation, the
at a significantly lower price. Thus a major technological challenge, and algal product is dried, using conven-
its viability in the marketplace de- several clever proprietary techniques tional industrial procedures, and put
pends on the consumer's perception have been developed. into its final form.
that there are reasons to supplement After harvest, the high-carotene Chlorella is promoted and sold
the normal diet with this substance biomass is ptocessed by a variety of primarily as a health food product
and that there are real differences procedures to generate a variety of in the form of tablets or powder.
between the natural and synthetic products, ranging from crude high- Like Spiru[ina, it can command a
products. Both of these perceptions carotene biomass to high-concen- substantial price. The annual com-
are based on data published in peer- tration beta-carotene in a vegetable mercial production of food-grade
reviewed journals, although firm oil carrier. Because of the substan- Chlorella is at least 1000 tons
conclusions are currently lacking. tial price difference between the (Iwamoto 1993, Soong 1980); with
Beta-carotene is known to he an natural and synthetic products retail prices often exceeding $1001
effective antioxidant, which is the ($1400/kg versus $600/kg; see kg, the total market value is prob-
basis for its reputation as a health- Radmer and Parker 1994), the algal ably in excess of $1 00 million (Table
promoting food supplement (Bur- products can access only a small .l ).
ton and Ingold 1984). The purported fraction of the $100-million beta- Other fermentative products. Sev-
superiotity of the natural versus syn- carotene market (Table 3; Boro- eral other fermenratively produced
thetic beta-carotene is based, at [east witzka 1992). algal products are currently in de-
in parr, on the different isomeric velopment. For example, Running
composition of the two products Products from microalgae grown et al. (1994) have developed a fer-
(e.g., Makady et al. 1990). with fixed carbon. A small percent- mentation process for the produc-
Algal beta-carotene is produced age of algae arc capable of using tion of L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
by growing species of the salt-toler- fixed carbon, either in addition to using a selected strain of Chlorella
ant green alga Dunaliella in ex- light (mixotrophy) or in total dark- pyrenoidosa. This process has not
tremely high-salt environments, in ness (heterotrophy; see Figure 2). yet been commercialized.
open ponds or raceways, under high From a manufacturing perspective, Heterotrophic algal production
light. These growth conditions pro- heterotrophic algal growth provides also may playa significant role in
mote the accumulation of beta-caro- major advantages. Fermentation (the the area of aquaculture feeds. Bi-
tene to greater than 5% of the total process of growing heterotrophs in valve and shrimp hatcheries require
cell mass. (Glycerol, a low-value closed systems) is a well-developed substantial quantities of algae on a
product, is also produced as part of manufacturing technology with a continuous basis, and the produc-
this process.) The extreme growth vast experience base at a variety of tion of these algae can be a major
conditions used in this culturing pro- production scales. The cost of pro- part of the total production costs.
cess serve to drastically limit the ducing simple products, such as Currently, production costs for pho-
contamination of the open culture single-cell protein (microbial bio- tosynthetic algae used as feeds are
by other organisms. In fact, these mass used as a food or feed addi- probably greater than $160/kg dry
algal species, along with species of tive), can be less than $l/kg dry weight (De Pauw and Persoone

268 BioScience Vol. 46 No.4

1995). Most of the algal feeds for sunlight encounter operating costs aspect in the development of these
these applications are generated and at least as high as those endured for technologies.
used in the same commercial entity open ponds (Borowitzka 1992), • Although the algal kingdom is
(e.g., Fulks and Main 1991). A re- whereas those using artificial light extraordinarily diverse and may
cent attempt by Celsys (a company arc likely to accrue costs several- comprise more than 200,000 spe-
in Cambridge, United Kingdom) to fold higher than the other production cies, major algal products at present
commercialize this area by supply- modes (Radmer and Parker 1994). are based on only 10-20 algal spe-
ing heterotrophically produced feeds The only product area that cur- cies, almost all of them macroalgae.
was not successful. More recent rently has a high enough value to
work, notably by Gladue and Maxey offset the high costs of artificially The development of valuable
(1994), suggests that this area may illuminated closed photosynthetic products from algae is in its infancy.
still hold promise. algal culture is stable isotope-la- Historically, a major impediment in
Probably the most exciting recent beled biochemicals. These products, this endeavor has been the lack of
development in the algal product produced under completely closed suitable culture systems, so that the
area is the demonstration that valu- conditions in which the gas phase is supply of raw materials was depen-
able omega-3 fatty acids, notably recycled, are finding increasing use dent on harvest from the wild. The

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docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can in the areas of protein structure eluci- development of culture systems for
be efficiently produced using het- dation (particularly as applied to ra- the production of macroalgae, pri-
erotrophically grown algae (Kyle et tional drug design) and noninvasive marily in the Far East, has resulted
al. 1992). DHA plays a vital role in diagnostics (Cox et al. 1988). The in a stable supply of many of the
infant nutrition. It is the predomi- major products in this area, uni- macroalgae of commercial value.
nant structural fatty acid in the gray formly labeled I 'C-glucose, growth Similar developments in the supply
matter of the brain and retina and media uniformly labeled with 11C of microalgae are occurring today.
must be supplied, preformed, in the and ])N, and labeled amino acids Algal molecular biology is not
diet, particularly in the case of in- and other sugars, sell into a rela- nearly as well developed as that of
fants. DBA is present in human milk tively small $S-million market yeast or bacteria, and presently there
but not in most infant formulas cur- (Table 3). The unit prices are gener- is no publicly disclosed commercial
rently on the market. Despite the ally mnre than $100/g. development or production system
need for this microalgal product, that uses this technology. Similarly,
DHA is currently available only in Conclusions the culture of macroalgal tissues as
small (kilogram) quantities (for re- unicells or multicellular masses is a
search) and as a component of some The group of organisms collectively topic of current research interest,
infant formula products in Europe. referred to as algae is not a natural but no commercial product is made
It is not available to consumers else- assemblage. Although most algae are in this manner. One might expect
where. capable of photosynthesis, this ca- the development of new algal prod-
pability was probably acquired by ucts to accelerate as these technolo-
Microalgae produced in closed pho- several diverse taxonomic groups gies mature. The recent progress in
tosynthetic systems. Many biotech- independently and in various ways. the cryopreservation and cryo-
nological applications of microalgae These polyphyletic origins are re- storage of microalgae should greatly
(and probably macroalgae as well) flected in the profound diversity of aid in the maintenance and perpetu-
require the use of closed culture this group. ation of high-yielding algal strains.
(Radmer and Parker 1994). For those Algae currently provide the basis Although there has never been a
cases in which the alga of interest for a large, multibillion dollar in- reported case of a commercial
cannot be grown heterotrophically, dustry that is largely invisible, par- pharmaceutical product discovered
closed photosynthetic systems must ticularly to consumers in the West. or produced through algae, extracts
be considered. A few notable points are: of many algae have shown interest-
The photosynthetic growth of al- ing biological activities in a variety
gae in closed systems has been prac- • At the present time, food prod- of bioassays, and many interesting
ticed at the laboratory scale for the ucts, sold primarily in the Far East, and novel chemical entities ha ve been
better part of this century, and effi- comprise the major use of algae when isolated and characterized during
cient pilot-scale production units reckoned on the basis of known the course of this work. Product
have been developed as part of the market value. development in this area, as in many
US space program to supply food • The major industrial use of algae others, has been hindered by our
and atmosphere regeneration for is in the area of hydrocolloids; in inability ro culture the algae of in-
astronauts. (Watson 11979] de- aggregate, this business is a large terest under controlled conditions
scribes some of the patent literature one that has a major presence in the at a large scale. Progress in this area,
in this area.) However, the use of food industry. coupled with the ever-growing tools
these production systems for com- • Major components of the biotech- of biotechnology, should facilitate
mercial purposes is in its infancy. A nological revolution have been based the production of additional useful
primary impediment is the high cost on the use of agar and agarose, and and valuable products from this di-
of generating the algal biomass: the continued development of spe- verse and fascinating group of or-
Closed systems that make use of cialized agarose has been a vital gal11sms.

April 1996 269

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