c0216-小学英语词法专题训练:比较级最高级专项练习 258题 27页

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1.An elephant is ________ than a rabbit. ( )

A.big B.biger C.bigger D.biggest

2.I like eating rice ________. ( )

A.better B.good C.best

3.China has the ________ population in the world. ( )

A.large B.largest C.larger

4.It’s more ______ one thousand kilometres long. ( )

A.then B.that C.than

5.—How big is Beijing? ( )

—It has got _______ twenty million people.

A.more than B.about C.more then

6.I think the monkey is ________ than the elephant. ( )

A.smart B.the smartest C.smarter

7.Mike is ________ than Betty. ( )

A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest

8.The Great Wall is ________ in the world. ( )

A.long B.longer C.the longest

9.This dog’s tail is long, that dog’s tail is _______.

A.long B.longer C.heavier

10.My hair is ________ than yours. ( )

A.longer B.stronger C.smaller

11.Old tree is ________ than the duck. ( )

A.smart B.smarter C.smartest

12.This cat is _____ than that one. ( )

A.thin B.longer C.thinner

第 1 页 共 27 页

(1)old ______ young ______ short _____

(2)big _____ thin _______ hot ______

(3)heavy _____ funny ______ angry _____

14.Mr. Li is one of ______ in the hospital. ( )

A.most popular doctors B.the most popular doctors

C.most popular doctor D.the most popular doctor

15.Jane ________ in our class. ( )

A.dance fastest B.dances fastest C.dances the fastest

16.Tom is the _______in our class. ( )

A.young B.shortest C.younger

17.( )(10)Winter is the ______ season of the year.

A.cold B.colder C.coldest

18.This room is the ________ room in our flat. ( )

A.taller B.tallest C.tall D.older

19.Tom looks______ than Lucy. ( )

A.happy B.happier C.happiest

20.She is _________ than me.( )

A.strong B.stronger C.strongest

21.The weather is getting _____ in August. ( )

A.more hot B.hoter C.hotter

22.Our town is ________ than yours. ( )

A.beautiful B.most beautiful

C.more beautiful D.the more beautiful

23.Amy’s grandma is now. ( )

A.better B.good C.well

24.Tom is ________ than me. ( )

第 2 页 共 27 页
A.heavy B.heavier C.heavyer

25.He is ________ and _________ than me. ( )

A.taller; shorter B.shorter; strong

C.shorter; stronger D.tall; strong

26.The weather is getting warmer and_______. ( )

A.warm B.warmer C.warmest

27.The air in Beijing is getting much ________ now than a few years ago. ( )

A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest D.the cleanest

28.I’m _____ than you. ( )

A.strong B.tall C.stronger

29.China is the ________ country in Asia. ( )

A.largest B.larger C.most largest D.large

30.Whose kite is __________, Lucy’s or Lily’s? ( )

A.better B.best C.well

31.Now Tom is __________ than he was. ( )

A.more carefully B.much careful C.more careful

32.This computer is __________ that one. ( )

A.new B.newer C.newer than

33.I think the giraffe is ________ than most of the animals in the zoo. ( )

A.taller B.younger C.smaller

34.It's ________ than riding a bike. ( )

A.fast B.faster C.fastest

35.He is 2 years ________ than you.( )

A.old B.young C.younger

36.Mr Zebra is _________ than Mr Deer. ( )

A.10 centimetres tall B.10 centimetres taller C.tallest

37.You’re _______ than me. ( )

第 3 页 共 27 页
A.old B.older C.young

38.It’s ___________ in Guangzhou than in Beijing today. ( )

A.hot B.hoter C.hotter

39.Jane’s watch is _________________ than Jenny’s. ( )

A.nicer B.nice C.very nicer

40.It is one of the ______ towers ______ the world. ( )

A.tallest: in B.tallest; on C.tall; in D.tall; on

41.The yellow dog is __________ and __________ than the white one. ( )

A.taller; old B.taller; older C.tall; old

42.He is 1.6 ________ tall. He is ________ than this desk. ( )

A.meter; tall B.meters; tall C.meters; taller

43.The little monkey is ________ than the big one. ( )

A.funnier B.funny

44.Judy’s singing is ________ than Julia’s. ( )

A.loud B.louder C.loudest

45.I am ________ than all my classmates.( )

A.young B.younger C.youngest

46.There are _______ foreigners in our country. ( )

A.many and many B.more and more C.most and most

47.I read three picture-books last week, and this one is_______. ( )

A.the most funny B.the funnier

C.the funniest D.more funnier

48.Did you _____? ( )

A.feel better B.felt good C.feels better

49.She is _______of the two. ( )

A.the cleverest B.the cleverer

C.the clever D.cleverest

第 4 页 共 27 页
50.China is one of________ in the world. ( )

A.the oldest country B.the oldest countries

C.much older country D.much older countries

51.Their school is three times as ___ as ours.That means our school is ____ than theirs. ( )

A.big; three times smaller B.small; large

C.big; small D.large; twice smaller

52.I’m than you, Tony. ( )

A.slow B.slower C.the slowest

53.Zhang Peng is the ________ in our class. ( )

A.strong B.stronger C.strongest


54.Is Peter ______ ______ his cousin, Mike? (比……高)


例:—I think Alice is very bright.

—She certainly is. She is the brightest student in our class.

55.—Your brother Tom is very neat.

—He certainly is. He is ____________ person I know.

56.—Our upstairs neighbors are very nice.

—I agree. They are ___________ people in the building.

57.—This dress is very beautiful.

—I know. It’s ___________ dress in the store.

58.—I think Nancy is very friendly.

—I agree. She is __________ person in my office.

59.—Timothy is very quiet.

—I know. He is __________ boy in the school.

60.—Is their new baby cute?

—In my opinion, she is _________ girl in the hospital.

第 5 页 共 27 页
61.—That dog is very big.

—It certainly is. It’s _________ dog in the neighborhood.

62.—Your cousin Steven is very handsome.

—He certainly is. He is ____________ person I know.

63.—Morton Miller is very ugly.

—I agree. He is ___________ man in town.

64.There are ________ (少) cakes on this plate than on that one.

65.Who is the ________ (胖) in your family?

66.Our new school is much _____ than our primary school. (大)

67.John is taller than Jim. But Jim is _____ (强壮) than John.

68.It’s _____ (small) than a sheep.

69.When spring comes, the days get ________ and ________. (long)

70.—How difficult is physics? —I'm not sure.

—Is it _______ (difficult) than maths? —I don't think so.

71.The Changjiang River is the _______ (long) river in China.

72.A dictionary is much _______ (expensive) than a story-book.

73.An orange is a little _______ (big) than an apple, but much _______ (small) than a watermelon.

74.He is one of the _______ (friendly) people in the class, I think.

75.He is _______ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _______ (bad) at


76.Annie says Sally is the _______ (kind) person in the world.

77.Which is _________ (heavy), a hen or a chicken?

78.Almost all the students' faces are the same but Li Deming looks _______ (fat) than before.

79.Bob is _______ (young) than Fred but _______ (tall) than Fred.

80.The building here is much _______ (high) than that one.

81.In the afternoon, the sun is getting __________ (low) and __________ (low), but the shadow is getting

__________ (long) and __________ (long).

第 6 页 共 27 页

(1) Jack is ________ than Lingling .

(2) Peter's Tom's

Tom's story-book is ________ than Peter's.

(3)Mike's John's

Mike's jeans are ________ than John's.

(4) Father bear is ________than baby bear .

(5) The apple is ________than the watermelon .


Daddy Baby Mommy

1.______ is the tallest .
2.Mommy is _______ than Baby.


3.A is ______.C is the ________.

4.B is ______ than A.

5.B is _______than C.


第 7 页 共 27 页
A. B.

1. A is_____than B. B is____than A.

2. The girl is______than her mother .

Her mother is______than the girl.

A. B.

3. A is______than B. B is______than A.

4. The man is_________than the boy.

The boy is__________than the man.


1. The elephant is ___________than the monkey.

2. The tree is ___________than the flower

3. The chameleon is ___________than the snake.

第 8 页 共 27 页
4. The dog is ___________than the cat.


1. Mr Wang is ________ than Mr Li.

2. Mr Wang is ________than Mr Li.

3. Mr Wang is ________ than Mr Li.

4. Mr Li is ________than Mr Wang.

5. Mr Li is ________than Mr Wang.

87.The sun is getting _____ and the shadow is getting _____. ( )

A.lower ; longer B.lower; shorter C.longer; lower


1. strong _____________ 2. long __________

3. thin____________ 4. sad___________

5. young _______________ 6. big __________

7. heavy ______________ 8. short ___________

9. smart _____________ 10. beautiful ________________

89.Lesson 5 is _______ ( easy ) than lesson 6, but it is not so _______ ( interesting ) as lesson 6.

90.The street is as _______ ( long ) as that one, but it is _______ ( wide ) than that one. long wider shortest


第 9 页 共 27 页

1. sad _______ _______ 2. wet _______ _______

3. late _______ _______ 4. tidy _______ _______

5. few _______ _______ 6. fat _______ _______

7. easy _______ _______ 8. important _______ _______


1.bad _______ _______ 2.soft _______ _______

3.heavy _______ _______ 4.large _______ _______

5.clever _______ _______ 6.difficult _______ _______


1.happy _______ _______ 2.much _______ _______

3.far _______ _______ 4.little _______ _______

5. thin _______ _______ 6.busy _______ _______


old _______ _______ 2. big _______ _______

hot _______ _______ 4. brave _______ _______

well _______ _______ 6. good _______ _______

95.She liked the red dress ________ (good, best).

96. This is the_________ ( large ) power station that we have ever seen.

97.The Nanjing Road is the _______ ( crowded ) street in Shanghai.

98.Which is the _______ ( high ) mountain in the world?


1.(tall) I’m ______. My father is ______ than me. But my brother is the ______ in my family.

2.(long)My pencil is _______. His pencil is ______ than mine. But her pencil is the ______ of the three.

3.(big)The tiger is _______. The elephant is______ than the tiger. But the whale is the ________ animal in the


4.(small)The red box is _________. The green box is ________ than the red one. The blue box is the _______.

第 10 页 共 27 页

(1)That’s the _______ ( tallest, taller) dinosaur in this hall.

(2) It’s _______ ( tall, taller) than both of us together.

(3) How _______ ( taller, tall) are you?

(4)I’m 1.65 _______ ( meter, meters)


(1) A: How tall are you?

B: I am … metres. What about you ?

A: I am … metres.

I’m taller /shorter than you.

B: Yes. You are taller/shorter than me.

(2) A: How old are you?

B: I am … years old. What about you ?

A: I am … years old.

You are older /younger than me.

B: Yes. I’m younger / older than you.

1. I am _______ (tall) than my brother.

2. Your arm is _______ (long) than mine.

3. Lucy is the _______ (young) of the three.

4. Oliver is the _______ (tall) in our class.


102.John is __________than Jim.(更重的)

103.Amy is __________than Sarah.(更瘦的)

104.I'm ___________than him.(更年轻的)

105.My bag is ___________than his.(更大的)

106.Your father is __________than mine.(更强壮的)

107.Perhaps there will be ________(few) traffic jams in the future.

第 11 页 共 27 页
108.If you want to have a better mark, you should do _______(much) exercise.


Mom is very friendly. Jimmy is very friendly, too.

Jimmy is as friendly as Mom.

1. Sam is very strong. Tom is very strong, too.


2. Mary is lucky. Nancy is lucky, too.


例: Changchun is a small city. Beijing is a big city.

Changchun is smaller than Beijing.

3. Tom's box is big. Jim's box is small.


4. This doll is old. That doll is new.


5. John is 40 kg. Jack is38kg.



1. The tree is tall. That tree is __________.

2. This elephant is fat. That elephant is__________.

3. Lingling is strong. Sam is __________than Lingling.

4. This flower is big. That flower is__________.

5. This girl is good. That girl is __________than the first girl.

6. This pencil is short. That one is__________.

7. This boy is bad. That boy is__________.

8. This snake is long. That snake is__________.

9. A bird can fly high. A plane can fly__________.

10. This TV is small. That one is__________.

第 12 页 共 27 页

longer worse bigger older higher

1. Molly’s hair is _____________than Polly’s.

2. Beijing is _____________than Tianjin.

3. Mount Qomolangma is _____________than Mount Tai.

4. The Summer Palace is _____________than Jinan Park.

5. Darning and Lingling can play the erhu. Darning is _____________than Lingling.


than old more taller younger

1. There are __________ dinosaurs over there.

2. I’m one year _______ than you.

3. Your pencil is longer ________ mine.

4. I’m 14 years ___________.

5. The giraffe is __________ than the tiger.



1.Don’t worry. Your granny will get_______.( )

A.well and well B.better and better

C.well and better D.good and well

2.Kitty is 12. John is 11. John is ____ than Kitty. ( )

A.old B.older C.young D.younger

3.Which is ____, the sun or the moon? ( )

A.big B.biger C.bigger D.biggest

4.Jim is ____ than Jack. ( )

A.funnyer B.funnier C.more funny D.much funny

5.Who is _____, Tom or Dave? ( )

A.athleticer B.more athletic

第 13 页 共 27 页
C.much athletic D.very athletic

6.Ruth is _____ than I. ( )

A.intellectual B.intellectualer

C.more intellectual D.much intellectual

7.The bus is________ than the bike. ( )

A.faster B.fast C.slow

8.______ and ______people are using the Internet. ( )

A.Many; many B.More; less C.More; more

9.This cat is ___________ than that one. ( )

A.fat B.fater C.fatter

10.I’m 12 years old. My sister is 15 years old. ______( )

A.I’m 3 years older than my sister.

B.I’m 3 cm shorter than my sister.

C.My sister is 3 years older than me.

D.My sister is 3 cm taller than me.

11.Who is_____, Amy or Sarah? ( )

A.big B.taller C.longer

12.That elephant is bigger ________ the horse. ( )

A.and B.than C.then D./

13.—Which book is ________, the red one or the white one? ( )

—The red one.

A.thin B.thiner C.thinner

14.Is he _______ than his big sister?

A.gooder B.bader C.worse

15.Christmas is the ________(important) holiday in the UK.

16.Who is ____________ , Li Ming, Liu Yang or Wang Lin?

A.the tallest B.taller C.the tall D.the taller

第 14 页 共 27 页
17.A train is _____ than a bus. ( )

A.fast B.faster C.slower

18.There are ____ books in our library. ( )

A.many and many B.more and more C.some and some

19.The weather is getting _____ and it will be _____ enough to go hiking. ( )

A.warmer; fine B.worse; fine

C.warmer; well D.warm; good

20.Baker’s singing is _____ than Bob’s singing. ( )

A.bigger B.louder C.loud

21.Later, people made chocolate ________and sweeter. ( )

A.thick B.thicker C.thickest

22.It is one of the ___________library in the world. ( )

A.great B.famous C.most famous

23.The queen asked the mirror,who's the of all? ( )

A.fairest B.fair C.fairer

24.Line up from ____ to ____, class!( )

A.smaller; bigger B.younger; older C.shorter; taller

25.—You should wear . You hands are cold. —OK, I will.( )

A.more B.less C.many D.little

26.Tony, you shouldn't eat French fries, because they are junk food. ( )

A.more B.less C.fewer D.a few

27.We are going to write the ________ stories for children. ( )

A.good B.better C.best D.worse

28.This boy is _________than that one. ( )

A.good B.better C.gooder D.bad

29.Spring is coming. It's getting .( )

A.cooler and cooler B.hotter and hotter

第 15 页 共 27 页
C.colder and colder D.warmer and warmer

30.Bob is very fat. He should eat vegetables and meat. ( )

A.less, more B.fewer, more C.more, less D.more, fewer

31.Your bag is than .( )

A.heavy; me B.heavier; mine C.heavier; my

32.New York City is the ___________city in the USA.( )

A.bigger B.biggest C.big

33.Hangzhou is one of ________ cities I have visited. ( )

A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.the most beautiful

34.Egypt is one of __________countries in the world.( )

A.old B.older C.oldest D.the oldest

35.She is _________ than me. ( )

A.strong B.strongger C.stronger

36.Tomoto Day is the ___________ popular day in Italy. ( )

A.very B.most C.much

37.He is ________ than his baby brother. ( )

A.shorter and old B.tall and older C.taller and older

38.They are the ______ singers. ( )

A.good B.better C.best

39.The more exercise you take, the ____ you will be.

A.weaker B.healthier C.luckier D.worse

40.My ____ brother is three years _____ than I.

A.old, older B.elder, older C.older, elder D.old, elder

41.______the boy jump _____than the girl?

A.Does higher B.Do higher C.Does high

42.David jumps_____ than Gao Shan.

A.father B.fast C.far D.farther

第 16 页 共 27 页

( ) 1. Mike doesn't have a big schoolbag.

A.small B.tall C.heavy

( ) 2. Chen Jie is 157 cm tall.

A.small B.thinner C.short

( ) 3. This pig is thin.

A.big B.long C.fat

( ) 4. I'm shorter than Mike.

A.long B.taller C.tall

( ) 5. John's uncle is old.

A.good B.small C.young

( ) 6. Her Chinese book is old.

A.new B.small C.well

( ) 7. Chen Jie is younger and thinner than Liu Yun.

A.old and long B.older and taller C.older and fatter

( ) 8. Zhang Peng is 70 kg. He is the heaviest one in our class.

A.thinnest B.lightest C.shortest

( ) 9. Today is hotter than yesterday.

A.cold B.colder C.coldest

( ) 10. The rabbit runs faster than the turtle.

A.slower B.slow C.slowest

44.I am and than you. ( )

A.big, strong B.bigger, strong C.biger, stronger D.bigger, stronger

45.Yang Ling _____ than all the other students.

A.read better B.reads good C.reads better D.read good

46.The red ruler is_________ than that one.

A.taller B.younger C.shorter

第 17 页 共 27 页
47.Let’s go there _____ bus. It’s ______ than riding a bike . ( )

A.by; faster B.on; faster C.by; fastest

48.The shadow is getting ________. ( )

A.long and long B.long and longer C.longer and longer

49.Going by bus is ________ than ________. ( )

A.fast; walk B.faster; walk C.faster; walking

50.Mountain Everest(珠穆朗玛峰)is ________ mountain in the world.

A.the highest B.highest C.the tallest

51.It's in spring than in winter. ( )

A.beautiful B.beautifuler C.much beautiful D.more beautiful

52.I'm 12 years old . Mike is 11 years old . So I'm ____ than him . ( )

A.older B.thinner C.heavier



A: How_______ is your father?

B: He is 1.75 metres.

A:He is the_______in your family. How tall is your father?

B: She is 1.63 metres. She is _______than my father.

A: How tall are you?

B: I’m 1.55 metres. I’m the _______ in my family.


⑴long________ _______,wide________ _______,fat________ ________

⑵heavy________ ______,slow________ _______,few________ ________

⑶brightly______ _____,bad________ ________,far________ ________

⑷quickly______ ______,happy_______ _______,thin________ _______

⑸little______ _______,good_______ ________,tall________ _______

⑹many________ _______,big________ ________,fast________ _______

第 18 页 共 27 页
⑺large_______ ______,beautiful________ ________

55.Lesson 5 is _______ ( easy ) than lesson 6, but it is not so _______ ( interesting ) as lesson 6.


(1) That’s the _______ ( tallest/taller) dinosaur in this hall.

(2) It’s _______ ( tall/taller) than both of us together.

(3) How _______ ( taller/tall) are you?

(4) I’m 1.65 _______ ( meter/meters).

(5) There are _______ ( many/more) dinosaurs over there.


1. Amy is _____(taller/thin) than Chen Jie.

2. Our music teacher is_____(old/older)than the Chinese teacher.

3. The _____(old/older)teacher likes playing football.

4. The ruler is______ ( shorter/short).

5. The yellow pencil is ______(shorter/short) than the red one.


tall __________ short __________ long__________ young__________

old __________funny__________heavy __________thin __________

big __________small __________ strong __________ smart__________


A.例句:a. I am younger than my mother.

b. My mother is older than I.

59.My grandfather _____ old__ than my grandmother.

60.My grandmother _____ y__ than my grandfather.

61.Jenny’s hair _____ short__ than Lynn’s.

62.I _____ tall__ than Jing.

63.Jing _____ short__ than I.

B.例子:I go to the zoo to watch the animal.

第 19 页 共 27 页
64.I go to a restaurant to _____ su__ .

65.I go to sh__ to b__ a hat.

66.I go to the pa__ to f__ kites.

67.I go to the gy__ to p__ badminton.

68.Do you have anything _______ ( much, more, most ) to say?

69.There are _________(many) than ten rooms in Sandy’s house.

70.__________ that boy ___________________(最高)in his class?

71.Chinese _______________________(更重要), I think.



A: I wear size 35 shoes.

B: I wear size 37 shoes. Your feet are ________ than mine.


A: How ________ are you, Tom?

B: I am 75 kilograms.


A: Is the man ________ than the woman?

B: Yes, he is stronger than her.


A: How ________ are you?

B: I'm 1.45 metres. I'm shorter than you.

第 20 页 共 27 页

A: What ________ are your shoes?

B: My shoes are size 38.

77.My mother is ______ (short) and _______ (heavy) than my father.

78.I’m 14 years old. David is 12 years old. I’m _____ years ____ (old) than David.

79.My pencils are _______ (long) than _________ (your).

80.Some dinosaurs are ______ (big) than houses. Some are _____ (small) than our schoolbags.

81.The children are getting _______ (tall) and taller. They are getting _________ (strong) and stronger, too.

Because they eat free nutritious meals (免费营养餐).


1. I am _________ (strong) than you.

2. He did _________ (much) work than his brother.

3. The sun is _________ (big) than any star.

4. Chongqing is _________ (large) city in China.

5. Potala Palace is _________ (high) Palace in the world.

6. The Changjiang River is _________ (long) river in China.


1. ---How _______ are you? --- I’m 45 kilograms.

2. I’m 40 kilograms. You are 42 kilograms. You are_______ than me.

3. Your hands are bigger than_______.(我的)

84.根据 A 句完成 B 句,使两句句意一致。

1. A: Their football team is much stronger than the other two.

B: Their football team is ______ ______ of the _____.

2. A: I prefer science to any other subject.

B: I like science _____ _____ any other subject.

3. A: Jane went shopping yesterday, and I went shopping, too.

第 21 页 共 27 页
B: Jane went shopping yesterday and ______ _____ I.


85.Which is ________ (strong), the elephant or the pig?

86.Fang fang is not as ________ (tall) as the other girls.

87.—________ the girls get up ________ (early) than the boys? —No, they ________.

88.Jim runs ________. But Ben runs ________ (slow).

89.The lion said ________ (angry), “I'll eat you!”


longer bigger taller more shorter

90.I like reading ______ than playing games.

91.His house is ______ than mine.

92.Lucy is 11 years old. Jack is 13 years old. But Lucy is ______ than Jack.

93.I’m short, but my friend Tom is ______.

94.The Chang jiang River is ______ than the Yellow River.


95.Which is __________ (big), the sun or the moon?

96.Washington is __________ (small) than New York.

97.Zhang Peng is __________ (strong) than Wu Yifan.

98.The lion is ___________ (heavy) than the cat.

99.My father’s arms are ___________ (strong) than mine.

100.I am ___________ (thin) than my sister.

101.The bee is ___________ (small) than the bird.

102.The elephant’s ears are ___________ (big) than the panda’s.

103.—Would you like some _________ (many) noodles?

—Sorry, Mom. But I am full.

104.Sue is a little __________ (beautiful) than her sister.

105.A giraffe’s neck(脖子) is __________(long) than a goat’s neck。

第 22 页 共 27 页
106.Do you think Chinese is _______ (容易) than English?

107.Dalian is ________ (比……小) Shanghai.

108.Changjiang is ________ (比……宽)the River Thames.

109.Shanghai is _________ (比……忙)Hong Kong.

110.China is ________ (比……大)the UK.

111.It’s a city ________ (在……的南部)America.

112.New York is ________ (繁忙的城市).

113.The rabbit is small. The polar bear is big. (用比较级合并为一句话)


114.He is the tallest in the class. (同义句)

He is __________ than __________ __________ __________ in the class.

He is __________ than __________ __________ in the class.


115.Read, choose and write.

older cousin Who’s sister than daughter

— Hi, Cindy! that girl?

— Oh, she’s my , Jane.

She is the of my aunt Mary, my mother’s .

— She looks much than you.

— She is. She is five years older than I am.

— I have a cousin, too. He’s four years older I am.


1. You are 10 years old, Jenny is 9 years old. Danny is 8 years old.

So you are _____ than Jenny. Danny is _____ than Jenny.

2. You are 1.5 meters tall. Danny is 1.4 meters tall. Jenny is 1.3 meters tall.

So you are _____ than Danny. Jenny is _____ than Danny.


第 23 页 共 27 页
good kilograms older shorter meters heavier bigger

Hello, I’m Amy. I have a good friend. Her name is Lingling. We are in the same school. I’m 12 years old.

She is 13 years old. She is one year (1) ________ than me. But she is shorter than me. She is 1.52 (2)

_________. I am 1.55 meters. She is 44 kilograms. I am 43 (3) _________. She is (4) _________ than me. I

wear size 36 shoes. She wears size 35 shoes. My feet are (5) _________ than hers.

118.Read and fill in the blanks. 填空。

A:How_______ are you?

B: I’m 11 years old. How about you?

A: I’m one year _______than you. I’m 12 years old.

A: How _______are you?

B: I’m 1.58 meters.

A: I’m 1.62 meters. I’m _______than you.

B: Yes. How_______ are you?

A: I’m 40 kilograms.

B: Oh, I’m heavier than you. I’m 42kilograms.

119.—How _______ (tall) is Sally?

—She's 1.55 metres _______ (tall). What about Xiaoling?

—She's only 1.40 metres _______ (tall). She is much _______ (short) than Sally. She is also the _______ (short)

girl in the class.


120.tall—the tallest (______)

121.fat—the fatest (______)

122.strong—the strongest (______)

123.new—the newest (______)

124.old—the oldest (______)

125.clean— the cleanest (____)

126.heavy—the heavyes (____)

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127.cold—the coldest (____)

128.safe—the safest (____)

129.interesting—the interestingest (____)

130.fast—the fasttest (____)

131.They saw a film yesterday.(_____)

132.The pencil is 0.5 metres long.(_____)

133.She washed her clothes last Saturday.(_____)

134.It's a dinosaur.(_____)

135.Tom is taller than Mike.(_____)


1. Mu Lan is the most brave character of all.(_____)

2. Robin Hood is most exciting than Mu Lan.(_____)

3. He is a honest boy.(_____)

4. I always laugh at him.(_____)

5. She made more with her hands.(_____)


(____)1.The football is bigger than the baseball.

(____)2.The panda is thinner than the dog.

(____)3.The rabbit is smaller than the pig.

(____)4.Dinosaur A is longer than B. A B

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1. The deer is taller. (______)

The deer is shorter. (______)

2. The giraffe is taller. (______)

The giraffe is shorter. (______)

3. This monkey is thinner. (______)

This monkey is heavier. (______)

4.That elephant is thinner.(______)

That elephant is heavier. (______)


139.It is also one of the bigger cities in the world. (______) ________


140.We’ll grow big and stronger. (____) __________




Look out! The road is becoming _________ and _________ _________.


Our classroom is _________ _________ than theirs.


Jack's father is _________ _________ _________ than her mother.


1. 皮特跑的最快。


2. 我比你高。


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3. 这是第一个。这是一只小鸟


4. 这个比第二个更大。


5. 这是最长的。




Do __________exercise, You’ll get _________ .

2.今天早晨,SuYang 起床比 SuHai 迟。

This morning, SuYang_______ up ________ than SuHai.


_______school bag is________, Gao Shan’s or ________ _______?

146.Jane is too thin. She should ______ ______ ______.

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