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Study timetable

Fill in regular activities like school, sports, and work. Then add the times you plan to revise. Print and place in prominent positions as a reminder.

© NSW Department of Education, August 2018 1

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
7:00 am Wake up

8:00 am Get Ready

9:00 am school

10:00 School
11:00 School
12:00 School
1:00 pm School

2:00 pm School

3:00 pm School

4:00 pm Relax

5:00 pm Daily Routine

6:00 pm Cambridge Ex 4G Pray, Eat, Read

Last column of Q4 Quran
TO 12, 13 to 16,
 Ext 17 to 20

7:00 pm Japanese practice Food Tech, Math

8:00 pm Food Technology Japanese, History

9:00 pm Science, English

2 XXXTitle of unitXXX

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