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In this chapter, the researcher explains the method of this research. It

consists of research design, population and sample, method of data collection,

and method of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui bahwasanya metode penelitian

terbagi kepada 2, metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dan pada penelitian

ini, peneliti menggunakan metode eksperimen. Metode eksperimen

adalah suatu cara mengajar yang dilakukan oleh pendidik dimana siswa

melakukan suatu percobaan, sehingga siswa secara langsung

membuktikan apa yang telah dipelajari. Dalam metode ini anak aktif

terlibat dalam pembelajaran dan melakukan secara langsung.

The type of research used in this research is Pre Experiment

Designs research. With pre design and post design test. This study will

use one classes in the study yaitu the experimental class. The table can

be described.

Class Pre test Action Post test

Eksperiment V V V
Here is a quasi image experimental design model nonequivalent

control group design (Sugiyono, 2010: 76):

O1 X O2

Information :

𝐎𝟏 = Experimental group before being given treatment

𝐎𝟐 = Experiment group after being given treatment

𝐗 = Treatment (use of educational game tools filling word)

3.2 Research Site and Participant

3.2.1 Research Site

Research site is this research is MAS Darul Ihsan, Siem, Darussalam.

Aceh Besar , Aceh. MAS Darul Ihsan was choosen to be a research place

because it was suitable to conduct the research for junior high school students’

level. The school has well-facilitated and the school also using English in the

curriculum for the students.

3.2.2 Participant

1. Population

The population is the whole object to be examined in a study.

Creswell (2008) claimed that a population is a group of individuals

with the same characteristics. Thus, the population of this study was

the second-grade students of MTsS Darul Ihsan in Aceh Besar.

2. Sample
Arikunto (2010) explained that a sample is a finite number of

elements in the population that represent the population. The sampling

technique used in this study is purpose sampling, where the Purposive

sampling is a non-probability method for obtaining a sample where

researchers use their expertise to choose specific participants that will

help the study meet its goals.Therefore, the researcher took the subject

as the sample, the students in class VIII-E, consisting of 35 students,

as the experimental class.

3.3 Data Collection

The data was collected by using a test to measure the

improvement of students’ vocabulary. A test is a measuring tool used to

assess the results obtained by students. There are two kinds of tests, pre-

test, and post-test. The researcher gave the pre-test before the treatment to

the students to figure out the student’s improvement in learning

vocabulary in the experimental class.

After the treatment, students were given a post-test to know the

improvement of their vocabulary in the experimental class type of test

used in this research is a vocabulary test.

3.3.1 Observation
Observation method (observation), which is a method of

collecting data by going directly to the field on the object to be studied,

namely the population (sample). This observation method is the main

strategy used by the author to obtain data and directly observe the

vocabulary learning interest of class VIII students of MTSS Darul Ihsan

Aceh Besar.

3.3.2 Test

A test is a procedure or instrument used or a tool given to

someone with the intention of getting answers that can be used as the

basis for determining a number score, the function of the test is as a

measuring tool for students. There are two tests conducted in this study,

namely the initial test and the final test of learning actions. The final test

was conducted to determine students' vocabulary skills. The test method

by researchers is used to obtain data on the results of the initial and final

abilities of students in class VIII MTSS Darul Ihsan Aceh Besar as an

evaluation after the action process takes place whether this media is

effectively used in school VIII MTSS Darul Ihsan Aceh Besar or not.

3.3.3 Documentation
The author uses the documentation method as a method to

complete data in the form of materials or to complete the information

that the author needs, namely the history of the founding of VIII MTSS

Darul Ihsan Aceh Besar, facilities and infrastructure, student attendance,

the condition of educators, and the establishment of MTSS Darul Ihsan

Aceh Besar.

3.4 Data Analysis

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