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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part G:

J Aerospace Engineering
Optimization of lightweight sub-stiffened 2019, Vol. 233(15) 5507–5521
! IMechE 2019

panels with buckling analysis and Article reuse guidelines:

imperfection sensitivity analysis DOI: 10.1177/0954410019856782

Hao Chen, Yuanming Xu, Junhao Hu and Xi Wang

On the purpose of improving the structural efficiency of stiffened panels, which is widely used in engineering, three
promising layouts of sub-stiffened thin-walled structures were optimized in view of structure’s initial buckling and further
analyzed through post-buckling and imperfection-sensitivity analysis. The optimization tasks were carried out using an
integrated framework, which is based on the multidisciplinary optimization platform Model Center and finite element
method software ABAQUS. The particle swarm optimization algorithm was applied to optimize layout parameters.
Three optimal sub-stiffened panels were then evaluated based on their performance on critical buckling loads and post-
buckling ultimate strength under uniaxial loading. Imperfection-sensitivity analysis was also conducted to investigate the
stability behavior of the proposed panels with defect. The results indicate that the introduction of sub-stiffeners into the
traditional stiffened panel can achieve significant improvements on the panel’s buckling loads and ultimate strength under
uniaxial loading, which are favorable to expand design space for engineering structures under requirements of lightweight
with high bending stiffness and bucking resistance.

Sub-stiffened, buckling, optimization framework, finite element analysis, particle swarm optimization

Date received: 15 May 2018; accepted: 17 April 2019

as small integral blades and local thickened pad-ups,

Introduction the local stability may be increased and thus posi-
Metallic thin-walled stiffened panels have been studied tively improve the ultimate collapse performance of
and used widely in recent decades for their advantages the whole plate panel. Bushnell and Rankin2
of simple manufacturing process, high stiffness- revealed that the ability of structures to resist buckling
to-weight ratio, and other excellent traits. It has been could be greatly promoted and the sensitivity of stif-
regarded as an important structure in the field of aero- fened panels to the spacing of the main stiffeners
space, shipbuilding, and construction industry, where could be reduced as well by adding sub-stiffened struc-
the structures usually have to satisfy the requirement of tures to the panels between the traditional main
light weight and thus keeping thin-walled features. In stiffeners. Özakça et al.3 explored the mechanical
this sense, stiffened panels may undergo one or more behavior of four sub-stiffened structures using experi-
secondary instabilities leading to a mode-jumping, mental and nonlinear finite element (FE) methods.
a catastrophic change in the deformation due to an The results revealed that, with the reinforcement of
increasing load. Such changes usually happen abruptly well-designed sub-stiffeners, gains in initial buckling
and release considerable energy, which may cause and post-buckling bearing capacity can be over 15%
structural damage or, if it happens frequently, fatigue and 10%, respectively. A series of experiments and
problems.1 Therefore, how to optimize the structure numerical simulations4–6 were done and the results
form and further improve the stability as well as
the economic performance of the stiffened panels with-
out paying the price of weights, is of great significance School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University,
for the lightweight design of aerospace structures. Beijing, China
The concept of plate sub-stiffening is proposed for
Corresponding author:
its substantial potentiality in improving buckling and Yuanming Xu, School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, BeiHang
post-buckling behaviors of thin-walled stiffened struc- University, XueYuan Road, No. 37, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
tures. By introducing the sub-stiffened elements such Email:
5508 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(15)

showed that the critical buckling load of stiffened buckling load and ultimate load capacity. In addition,
panels was greatly increased compared to the refer- influence of single point defects on the stability of sub-
ence one under the condition of the same weight. stiffened panels was investigated. The comparisons of
Meanwhile, Tamijani et al.7 and Joshi et al.8 stability behavior for three different stiffener forms
carried out researches on vibration analysis and mini- of sub-stiffened panels with traditional stiffened struc-
mization of acoustic radiation of curve stiffened tures without sub-stiffening were conducted.
panels produced by electron beam free form fabrica-
tion technology (EBF3). Kapania et al.9 studied the
effects of certain factors such as, orientation, spacing, Models, optimization, and analysis of
location, and curvature, on the buckling performance sub-stiffened panels
of stiffened panels. It was observed that curvilinear
stiffeners tend to perform better than straight stiff-
Models and optimization
eners, e.g. Mehnen et al.10 investigated the stability The concept of sub-stiffened panels. Sub-stiffened panels
problem of stiffeners with complex shape. His work differ from traditional stiffened panels in that they are
indicated that blade structures and curve structures stiffened not just by primary stiffeners but also sub-
can improve the panel’s buckling index (which is stiffeners. For typical profiles of sub-stiffened panels,
defined as the buckling load per kilogram) four to height and thickness of sub-stiffeners are generally less
five times. Therefore, inspired by this idea, the buck- than those of the primary stiffeners in order to achieve
ling and post-buckling behavior of the original struc- a higher structural efficiency. Therefore, it is usually
ture might be improved if the curve stiffeners were desirable in the design of a sub-stiffened structure
introduced as sub-stiffened elements in the design of where the main stiffeners are rigid enough to limit
sub-stiffened structures. the out-panel displacements between the main stiff-
Availability of high-performance computing soft- eners when buckling occurs. Furthermore, sub-stiffen-
ware and advancement of computer-aided manufac- ers with smaller flexural rigidity are added to improve
turing have provided a higher flexibility in the process the local stability performance of the panel. Since the
of design and fabrication of advanced structures. buckling of stiffened panels is usually initiated by
Optimal design can be found with the help of opti- local areas and then developed into overall collapse,
mization platforms and finite element method (FEM) enhancements in local stability can hopefully improve
software. Scholars began to optimize the shape and global buckling behaviors.
layout of stiffeners to obtain better mechanical prop-
erties of stiffened plates. Rakesh et al.11 developed an The proposed sub-stiffened panel configurations. The sub-
optimization framework to design stiffened panels stiffened panels investigated in this paper are shown
with curvilinear stiffeners, EBF3PanelOpt. Wesley in Figure 1 and constructed on the premise of the
et al.12 and Mulani et al.13 made optimizations with same weight; structures are further optimized by the
curvilinear stiffeners and T-stiffeners using the soft- method of reducing the panel thickness and adding
ware of EBF3PanelOpt. Panel’s weight was mini- sub-stiffeners with less thickness and height into the
mized while subjected to constraints on buckling area between the main stiffeners.
load, yielding, and crippling or local stiffener failure. According to shape of the panel formed by stiff-
A similar framework was developed by Xu and eners, the stiffened panel is divided to have straight
Wang14 to optimize curvilinear blade-stiffened sub-stiffeners and nonstraight sub-stiffeners, where
panels, which turned out to have better stability nonstraight sub-stiffened panels can further be classi-
than straight stiffened panels under multiaxial load. fied into oblique or grid sub-stiffened (Figure 1(c))
Zhang et al.15 proposed an optimization method for and curvilinear sub-stiffened (Figure 1(d)).
metallic stiffened panels based on the design of experi- To simulate the uniaxial compressive load condi-
ment (DOE) and the updated Kriging approximate tions in an actual experiment, load and boundary con-
model. Multiple optimization studies of stiffened ditions are as shown in Figure 2. Nonloading sides are
panels with cutouts and curvilinear stiffeners were taken as free-boundary conditions, while the loading
carried out by Dang et al.16 To accomplish it, an opti- sides are tied to the boundary element using reference
mization framework, which considers multiple failure points whose degrees of freedom (DOF) in all direc-
modes such as buckling, damage tolerance, stress, and tions are limited except the loading direction.
crippling, was developed.
This article aims to investigate the buckling per- Layouts and main parameters of stiffened panel. The
formance of new curvilinear variable stiffness sub- layout of three proposed sub-stiffened panels, straight
stiffened panel, and compared with that of straight sub-stiffened panel, grid sub-stiffened panel, and
sub-stiffened and grid sub-stiffened panel. An opti- curvilinear variable stiffness sub-stiffened panel, are
mization framework integrating finite element soft- as shown in Figure 3. Straight sub-stiffened panel is
ware ABAQUS and particle swarm optimization currently the most widely used form of aeronautical
(PSO) method was used to optimize the design structures for the reason of easy manufacture. The
of the structures, in order to promote the critical number and size of sub-stiffeners can be adjusted
Chen et al. 5509

Figure 1. Diagrams of investigated sub-stiffened panels: (a) benchmark panel; (b) prismatic sub-stiffened panel; (c) grid sub-stiffened
panel; (d) curvilinear variable stiffened panel.

Figure 2. Boundary conditions and load of sub-stiffened panel.

Figure 3. Layout of sub-stiffened panel: (a) prismatic sub-stiffened panel; (b) grid sub-stiffened panel; (c) curvilinear variable stiffened panel.
5510 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(15)

easily as needed. Grid sub-stiffened panel is generated than that of the primary stiffeners. All design param-
by bringing grid stiffening into the sub-stiffening eters as well as their ranges were listed in Table 1.
design. The diamond design located in the central of
the panel is for the purpose of improving local flexural Design variables of grid sub-stiffened panel.
rigidity and thus increase of the critical buckling cap- Geometric parameters of grid sub-stiffened panel are
acity. Curvilinear variable stiffness sub-stiffened panel as shown in Table 2. The ranges of height and thick-
is generated by expanding the design space on the ness of sub-stiffeners and the thickness of plate is
basis of grid sub-stiffened panel. As mentioned in totally the same as that of straight sub-stiffened
Özakça et al.,3 sub-stiffened panels similar to this panel. Different from the previous panel, sub-stiffen-
form may have a better ability to resist buckling. ers here were composed of several grids, the opposite
The study of sub-stiffened panels in this article sides of which stay parallel, the loading end of sub-
takes traditional stiffened panel in Figure 1(a) as a stiffeners stay vertical to the panel edge in order to
benchmark, which means all panels were designed to ensure the stiffeners can basically guarantee the con-
have an equal length, width, and weight. Considering nection relationship. S1 is the margin of straight sub-
manufacturing limits, a series of constraints for the stiffeners, S2 is the length of the sub-stiffener, and  is
geometric parameters such as minimum thicknesses the angle between oblique sub-stiffener and the trans-
and maximum height need to be imposed. verse direction. Taking into account the difficulty of
manufacturing and processing, S2 ranges from 5 mm
Design variables of straight sub-stiffened panel. to 280 mm and h ranges from 5  to 85  . The layout of
Straight sub-stiffened panel is configured with three stiffeners can then be determined by S1 , S2 , and .
straight sub-stiffeners between each primary stiffener. Variables and its bound are presented in Table 2.
Design parameters are as shown in Table 1. Sub-
stiffeners are distributed symmetrically and parallel to Design variables of curvilinear variable stiffness sub-
the primary stiffeners, where S1 is the distance between stiffened panel. Design variables of curvilinear vari-
adjacent sub-stiffeners. Due to the limitations of man- able stiffness sub-stiffened panel are as shown in
ufacturing technology, the thickness of panel structure Table 3. A partial view is needed to give specific
tp should not be less than 1 mm. The thickness of the instructions, and the overall effect diagram of stif-
plate with sub-stiffener should be less than that of fened panel is seen in Figure 1. Every single sub-
the reference plate, namely 2.25 mm, because the intro- stiffener in the structure consists of two straight
duction of sub-stiffeners is at the expense of plate’s lines and a period of curve of which both ends are
thickness. Meanwhile, as mentioned above, the height tangent to the straight line segments respectively.
and thickness of sub-stiffeners (hst and tst ) will be less The sub-stiffener curve is represented using Bézier
curve which is expressed as

BðtÞ ¼ ð1  tÞ2 P0 þ 2tð1  tÞP1 þ t2 P2 ð1Þ

Table 1. Design variables of straight sub-stiffened panel.
where t is a shape coefficient, P0 , P1 , and P2 represent
Lower Upper three control points.
Variable Representation bound bound According to the control equation of the Bézier
tst Thickness of sub-stiffener 1 mm 4 mm curve, three points are needed to determine the quad-
tP Thickness of plate 1 mm 2.25 mm ratic curve. Variable a in the picture is defined as a
hst Height of sub-stiffener 5 mm 20 mm half-panel length, b is defined as the width between
S1 distance between 10 mm 150 mm
the two main stiffeners.  takes the range of [5  , 85  ]
sub-stiffeners considering the manufacturing limitation and the

Table 3. Design variables of curvilinear variable stiffness sub-

stiffened panel.
Table 2. Design variables of grid sub-stiffened panel.
Lower Upper
Lower Upper Variable Representation bound bound
Variable Representation bound bound
tst Thickness of sub-stiffener 1 mm 4 mm
tst Thickness of sub-stiffener 1 mm 4 mm tP Thickness of plate 1 mm 2.25 mm
tP Thickness of plate 1 mm 2.25 mm hst Height of sub-stiffener 5 mm 20 mm
hst Height of sub-stiffener 5 mm 20 mm S1 Length of longitudinal 10 mm 150 mm
S1 Margin of straight sub-stiffener 10 mm 150 mm sub-stiffener
S2 Length of longitudinal sub-stiffener 5 mm 280 mm  Angle of inclined 5 85 
 Angle of inclined sub-stiffener 5 85  sub-stiffener
Chen et al. 5511

connections between the stiffeners,S2 needs to meet where Fcr is the critical buckling load of the stiffened
S2 5 0:5  b  csc , which is a dynamic constraint. panels; m is the overall weight; max is the maximum
The PSO algorithm will automatically delete particles von Mises stress of the stiffened panels under the crit-
that do not satisfy the dynamic constraints when ical buckling load conditions; tst is the thickness of the
selecting a particle. sub-stiffeners; hst is the height of the sub-stiffeners; tp
is the plate thickness; xi is shape design variables of
Optimization problem formulation. As mentioned above, sub-stiffened panels. Detailed design variables of three
this study focused on the optimization design of stiffened forms of sub-stiffened are as mentioned above.
panels under uniaxial compression condition. Due to
material and machining defects, there often occurs struc- Optimization framework based on the model center. In
tural instability in stiffened panels far before the local order to explore the optimal design of panels stiffened
stress reaches its strength limit. Therefore, buckling by the sub-stiffeners, optimization framework as
behavior of sub-stiffened panels should be primarily be shown in Figure 4 is established based on finite elem-
investigated in the process of optimization. In consider- ent software ABAQUS and multidisciplinary design
ation of the huge computing resource consumption it platform Model Center.
may take to analyze post-buckling, the critical initial The optimization process is as follows: firstly, set
buckling load Fcr of stiffened panels is therefore used the target for the optimization problems of stiffened
as the objective function in the problem. panels, constraint conditions, and design variables
The overall weight of the stiffened panel must be related information. Then start from a given set of
equal to the reference panel’s, i.e. 2 kg. As a result, the initial design variables, generate Python parametric
thickness of the plate has to be decreased when sub- modeling scripts that contain the initial design, and
stiffeners were added. submit it to the ABAQUS core for processing. The
Meanwhile, in order to avoid local stress exceeding objective function and the constraints obtained after
the yield limit s of the materials and structural failure calculation and post-processing will be written to the
occurring when loading the designed structure Fcr , the output text file. At this time, optimization framework
maximum Mises stress in the structure must take the will automatically read text results, obtain the value of
material strength limit s as the upper limits. the target variable and constraints, and enter it into
In addition, the concept of sub-stiffened structure the algorithm to complete a cycle of the algorithm.
defines that height and thickness of the sub-stiffeners
are smaller than the primary stiffeners; therefore,
height and thickness of the sub-stiffeners should
have corresponding upper limits.
Mathematically, an optimization problem can be
defined as
min :f ðxÞ >
x >
subject to : hi ðxÞ ¼ 0, i ¼ 1, 2, . . . m =
gmin max >
j 4gj ðxÞ4gj , j ¼ 1, 2, . . . l >
xmin 5 xi 5 xmax , i ¼ 1, . . . , n

The optimization problem of the sub-stiffened

panel design, therefore, can be defined as, under the
condition of constant weight, to design a stiffened
panel with length 590 mm and width 440 mm and to
make sure the critical buckling load is the maximum.
The formation of this optimization problem is pre-
sented as
Max : Fcr >
subject to : m ¼ 2:0 kg >
max 5 s >
tst 4tstmax ð3Þ
hst 4hstmax >
tp 4tpmax >
; Figure 4. Optimization framework based on Model Center.
xmin 5 xi 5 xmax , i ¼ 1, . . . , n
FEM: finite element method; PSO: particle swarm optimization.
5512 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(15)

The PSO algorithm is used for function optimiza- very small, but the primary stiffeners were twisted
tion, and penalty function method is applied to and the area between primary deformed remarkably.
achieve effective constraints in this framework. As
for the theory and implementation of PSO, this article Post-buckling performance analysis. To verify the ultimate
will not go into details. bearing capacity and the full strength of several opti-
mized structures presented above, it is necessary to
The linear buckling analysis and buckling modes. For thin- perform an ultimate strength analysis for the post-
walled panels, the maximum in-plane load is usually buckling behavior. If the ultimate bearing capacity of
determined by the critical buckling load instead of the optimized structure turns out to be falling instead
yield load. To determine the critical buckling load of rising compared to the reference structure, this opti-
and the shape of buckling mode, it is necessary to mization design will be unreasonable and cannot be
make a linear buckling analysis, which is based on used to replace the original reference structure.
the linear elastic theory of small displacement and
small strain. During the analysis, the deformation of Nonlinear finite element analysis method. Using arc-
the structure configuration is not considered, which length method (Riks method), post-buckling behavior
means in each stage of the loading, the equilibrium of the sub-stiffened panels proposed in the paper
equation is always established on the initial configur- above can be analyzed and the ultimate load of the
ation of the structure. The equation of the eigenvalue structure can be obtained.
problem is formulated as follows Solving the nonlinear problem of structure by the
finite element method can be summed up as the solu-
ðK þ li SÞ’i ¼ 0 ð4Þ tion to the iterative formula of nonlinear static
where K is the stiffness matrix, S is the stress matrix, li
is the ith eigenvalue, ’i is the ith eigenvector of dis- ½Kði1Þ fXgðiÞ ¼ f F gli þ fRgði1Þ ð5Þ
placement, namely buckling mode shapes.
When a stiffened plate is subjected to in-plane There are n þ 1 unknowns in the formula but just n
loads, one of the following four buckling modes equations can be used, therefore, a basic constrain
may occurs: local buckling, torsional buckling, overall equation is needed to solve equations
buckling and partial overall buckling, as shown in
Figure 5(a) to (d), respectively. Local buckling, ðli Þ2 FT F þ XT X ¼ l2 ð6Þ
which means the deformations of plates and stiffeners
are limited to local places, usually occurs in thin and In the formulas mentioned above, K is the tangent
short wall structures. Torsional buckling, a twist stiffness matrix, namely the Jacobi matrix of the non-
deformation of stiffeners, usually occurs when the linear equations, X is the nodal displacement incre-
stiffeners are thin and high. In overall modes, there ment array, F stands for the external load array, l is
occurs global bending in the plate, and it usually the incremental coefficient of load generated by iter-
occurs on a thin plate. ation, parameter R is unbalanced force, namely the
Watson et al.17 noted that there may be another residual in each iteration.
buckling mode, namely partial overall. As shown in The basic idea is to adjust the acting load, so that
Figure 5(d). In partial modes, the longitudinal dis- the step size of the load factor and the displacement
placement of the primary stiffeners/plate junction is increments are controlled simultaneously in the solu-
tion process. It has been proved to be a powerful tool
for the quasi-static analysis of nonlinear structures
and was selected to solve the post-buckling problem
in this paper.

Initial geometric imperfection. An initial defect of

the stiffened panel is demanded to take into account
in the post-buckling analysis. In the absence of actual
initial defect measurements, a simulation method is in
Three methods are provided in ABAQUS to define
the initial imperfection: (1) Linear superposition of
buckling modes obtained in linear buckling analysis.
(2) Displacement values in static analysis. (3) Specified
node and its corresponding defect location value.
Here, the first-order initial critical buckling mode is
Figure 5. The computed buckling modes: (a) local; (b) tor- used to set the initial defects on stiffened panels. The
sional; (c) overall; (d) partial overall. scale factor is set as a hundredth of the panel
Chen et al. 5513

thickness. Boundary conditions of stiffened panels in comprehensive introduction of experimental procedure

the post-buckling analysis are the same as those for is given in the literature.6
the analysis of linear buckling. Loading is completed
by controlling the displacements at the longitudinal Model and parameters of benchmark panel. As
loading end. shown in Figure 6, the stiffened panel is 440 mm in
width, 590 mm in length, and 2.53mm in thickness,
Validation of benchmark panel FE model with experimental with stiffeners height of 28 mm and thickness of
results. In order to validate the effectiveness and accur- 2.8 mm, the distance between the stiffeners is
acy of the entire computing framework, the initial 167 mm, and the actual weight is 2.0 kg. Material
buckling, post-buckling, and collapse behaviors of used in the analysis is 2024 _T351 aluminum alloy
benchmark panel simulated by the FEM is compared whose material properties shown in Table 4.
with Quinn’s experimental results. A quite Model of sub-stiffened structure is established
by the finite element analysis software ABAQUS
(Figure 7). According to Cerini’s study,18 based on
the current design parameters, six element nodes at
least are required to form half-wave when panel buck-
ling. The entire stiffened panel is meshed using four
nodes quadrilateral shell elements (S4R).

Experiment validation. In Quinn’s experiments, two

specimens, namely specimen A (stiffened panels with-
out sub-stiffeners) and specimen E (straight sub-stif-
fened panel) are designed, manufactured and tested.
Since the shape and size, material, loading condition,
and boundary condition of specimen A are exactly the
same with the benchmark panel in this paper, it is
plausible that the computing framework is trust-
worthy if the simulation results can fit well with the
Figure 6. Layout of the benchmark stiffened panel. experimental results.
As can be shown in Figure 8, the numerical simu-
lations and experimental results fit well. Experiment
Table 4. Material properties of 2024 _T351 aluminum alloy. results show that initial plate buckling occurred at
74.9 kN and ultimate panel collapse at 216.6kN. The
Parameter Value simulation results of the two parameters are 73.5 kN
Material elastic modulus E (GPa) 73.774 and 214.2 kN. The relative errors of prediction and
Poisson’s ratio l 0.33 experiment are 1.3% and 1.1%, respectively.
Yielding strength s (MPa) 325 Meanwhile, the experimental first-order eigen mode
of benchmark panel fits well with the numerical
Density q (kg/m3) 2770
one as can be seen from Figure 9, which indicates

Figure 7. Model of the benchmark panel.

5514 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(15)

the applied framework and analysis procedures can particles, and the maximum speed of the particles is
accurately predict the plate deformation behavior. 0.9, weight inertia is 0.8, and acceleration factor is 2.1.
The computing is considered to be convergent when
the target value is continuously maintained constant
Optimization results and analysis
at five cycles; Figure 10 is an iterative optimization
For the convenience of description, hereafter the refer- result of three optimization problems.
ence stiffened panel without sub-stiffeners as shown in As shown in Figure 10, optimization of three forms
Figure 10 is called ‘‘structure A’’, optimization result of of stiffened panels is basically convergent after 10 cycles
straight sub-stiffened panel for ‘‘structure B’’, opti- and the result shows that convergence speed have rela-
mization result of grid sub-stiffened panel for ‘‘struc- tions with complexity of the problem, namely the
ture C’’ and optimization result of curvilinear variable number of design variables of stiffened panels.
stiffness sub-stiffened panel for ‘‘structure D’’.
Optimization results under uniaxial
Iterative optimization process. For investigating the effect
compression loads
of design variables, the same particle swarm optimiza-
tion configuration is used during each optimization Using PSO, the results of the above questions
problem. Considering optimization accuracy and obtained as follows, the optimal design variable
speed requirements, set 30 as the number of the

Figure 10. Iteration history of critical buckling load of three

Figure 8. Experimental6 and computational results. sub-stiffened panels.

Figure 9. Comparison of modal figure from experimental6 and computational results: (a) experimental result; (b) numerical result.
Chen et al. 5515

Table 5. Optimization results and design parameters.

Optimization results

Panel structure Fcr (kN) m (kg)  max (MPa) tst (mm) tp (mm) hst (cm) S1 (cm) S2 (cm) h ( )

Benchmark stiffened panel 73.5 2.0 93.1 2.25

Straight sub-stiffened panel 241.0 2.0 299.0 1.47 1.85 1.50 4.42
Grid sub-stiffened panel 208.2 2.0 289.3 1.02 1.87 1.56 5.62 9.01 49.2
Curvilinear variable 205.6 2.0 295.5 1.18 1.83 0.93 14.40 4.24 64.3
stiffness stiffened panel

Figure 11. Model from buckling analysis of optimized sub-stiffened panel: (a) benchmark stiffened panel; (b) straight sub-stiffened
panel; (c) grid sub-stiffened panel; (d) curvilinear variable stiffness stiffened panel.

values corresponding to the four forms are shown in sub-stiffeners are brought in have a reasonable
Table 5. material distribution between the panel and the sub-
Schematic diagrams of the first mode obtained by stiffeners, therefore a higher critical buckling load is
the corresponding linear buckling analysis are pre- obtained without the Mises stress of the stiffened
sented in Figure 11, which indicate that the optimal panel exceed the upper limits.
structures of three forms of sub-stiffened panels have Compared to structure A, structure B adds three
greatly improved the initial critical buckling loads straight stiffeners between the main stiffeners to
compared with the reference stiffened panel. It is improve the flexural rigidity of the panels and redis-
also noted that the maximum Mises stress is close tribute the out-panel displacements when the panel
to the artificially set upper limit 300 MPa under buckling occurs. Judging from the modal figures, the
the initial critical buckling load conditions. it can be number of longitudinal buckling half-waves of the
plausible that the stiffened panel structures where panel between main stiffeners drops from 3 to 1 and
5516 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(15)

the critical buckling load is raised greatly with the numbers of the panel raise from 3 to 5, and finally
application of sub-stiffeners. the stiffened panel structure goes into the overall
Grid sub-stiffened structure, namely structure C, buckling. Waveform jumping phenomenon is unfa-
whose first-order buckling mode is as shown in vorable during the using process of practical struc-
Figure 11(c), from where one can see the reason tures, because the release of energy may cause
why it can increase the initial critical buckling load structural damages.
of the stiffened panels is that stiffeners in grid shape
can not only reinforce longitudinal bending stiffness, Result of Straight sub-stiffened panel. The load–displace-
but also laterally divide the region between the main ment curve of straight sub-stiffened panel is as shown
stiffeners. Therefore, the out-panel displacement of in Figure 13. With the reinforcement of straight sub-
stiffened panels is limited mainly between the regions stiffeners, the linear deformation stage is obviously
divided by sub-stiffeners. Both longitudinal and trans- longer, and there is no obvious change in the shape
verse half-wave numbers of the panel have increased of the half-wave form in the process of loading from
in comparison with the nonsub-stiffener panel. the beginning to the failure, only one half-wave exists.
D structure applies curved blade sub-stiffeners After the linear stage, the stiffened plate reaches the
between main stiffeners. With this kind of geometric ultimate load capacity of the whole structure, namely
design, the weak middle regions of the panel can be 314.2 kN, which increased by 46% compared to the
strengthened and materials can be distributed reason- reference stiffened plate.
ably. As seen from the modal figure, the out-panel
displacement occurs mainly at both ends due to the Results of grid sub-stiffened panel. As shown in Figure 14,
strong stiffness of middle areas of the optimized the load–displacement curve of the grid sub-stiffening
structure. is similar to that of the straight sub-stiffening, there
exists a longer linear stage, and during the whole load-
ing process the waveform keeps stable state until the
Post-buckling analysis bending failure happens. Its ultimate bearing capacity
Result of benchmark stiffened panel. In Figure 12, the is 269.5 kN, which is a great improvement compared
instability process of the reference structure without to the reference plate although it is less than that of
sub-stiffeners is investigated. From the displacement structure B.
figure in destabilization process, it can be noted that
during the process of loading from zero to ultimate Results of curvilinear variable stiffness stiffened panel. As
load, mutation occurs twice in the distortion wave- shown in Figure 15, the load–displacement curve of
form of the structure, the longitudinal half-wave structure D is relatively smooth, and there is no

Figure 12. Load–displacement curve of the benchmark panel.

Chen et al. 5517

Figure 13. Load–displacement curve of the straight sub-stiffened panel.

Figure 14. Load–displacement curve of the grid sub-stiffened panel.

5518 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(15)

Figure 15. The load–displacement curve of curvilinear variable stiffness stiffened panel.

Table 6. Post-buckling analysis results.

Results A B C D

Ultimate strength (kN) 214.2 314.2 269.5 291.5

Improvement (%) 46.0 25.0 36.2

abrupt change in the load–displacement curve of the during the using process of practical structures. As
curvilinear variable stiffness stiffened plate. During shown in the load–displacement curve, the critical
the process of loading, the buckling mode maintained buckling load of three optimized forms of sub-
stability, a longer nearly linear stage existed in the stiffened structure are relatively high, there is a
beginning, after that, the limit point 291.5 kN was rather long period of nearly linear part, and waveform
reached, and then the structure began to destroy. jumping does not occur before the ultimate bearing
Results obtained by the post-buckling analysis cor- capacity is reached. Therefore, these structures are
responding to the three optimized structures in the undoubtedly beneficial for aviation structure design.
above paper are shown in Table 6.
As can be seen, compared with the reference struc-
ture without stiffeners, structures with sub-stiffeners
Imperfection-sensitivity analysis
have a great improvement in ultimate load-carrying In the process of production, transportation, and use,
capacity, and the ultimate bearing capacity of straight large size stiffened panels are easy to produce the
sub-stiffened panel B subjected to uniaxial load is defects when subjected to an external force or the
enhanced most, achieving a 46% increase. As for impact of a heavy object. Therefore, it is necessary
structures C and D, the carrying capacity under uni- to investigate the stability behavior of stiffened
axial loading is relatively weak; even then there is still plates with defects. A parameter, kNock down factor
an increase of more than 15% and more. (KDF), is usually used to measure the influence of
Waveform jumping phenomenon, which may cause defects on the mechanical properties of stiffened
instant damage to the structure, is unacceptable panels. In this paper, the defect sensitivity analysis
Chen et al. 5519

Figure 17. Comparison of disturbance load and out-of-plane

Figure 16. Diagram of single dimple imperfections. displacement.

of the benchmark panel and proposed sub-stiffened

structures is conducted.
Huhne and Rolfes19 performed the defect sensitiv-
ity analysis of stiffened structures. A geometric defect
is simulated by structural out-of-plane deformation,
which is produced by single point disturbance load.
This method is validated in Wang et al.’s20 research.
Therefore, in this paper, the defect is introduced using
the same method with the out-of-plane deformations
produced by a concentrated stress. The defects can be
characterized as

X ¼ XP þ XI
XI ¼ 

where Xp is the node coordinate vector of faultless

panel, Xi is the nodal coordinate offset vector caused
by defect. d defines the sum of the thickness of the
Figure 18. Sensitivity of single point defect of the stiffened
plate and the height of the stiffeners,  is the normal- panel.
ized defect base vector, which represents single point
defect in this paper. a is a dimensionless parameter
ranging from 0 to 1, it represents the magnitude of structures A, B, C, D is 26.50 mm, 24.54 mm,
imperfection, which means a ¼ 0 correspond to the 24.30 mm, and 26.38 mm, respectively.
perfect structure model, and a¼1 indicates that the Relation between ultimate capacity and distur-
defect amplitude reaches maximum. Diagram of bance load are as shown in Figure 18. When the dis-
single dimple imperfections is as shown in Figure 16. turbance load is relatively small, it has a great
Model Center and ABAQUS were used to accom- influence on the ultimate bearing capacity of the stif-
plish this nonlinear analysis, where the concentrated fened plate, where the ultimate bearing capacity
stress is applied on the geometric center of panel. The decreases rapidly with the increase of the load.
nonlinear static analysis of the benchmark panel indi- However, with the increase of the disturbing load,
cated that, when the disturbance load reach 30 kN, for example, after the disturbance is more than
the maximum out-of-plane displacement of the 20 kN, the reduction of the ultimate load is decreased
panel is 26.5 mm, which is close to the height of pri- until it is kept at a relatively stable level.
mary stiffeners. Therefore, the disturbance load is From the point of view of ultimate bearing capa-
increased from 0 kN to 30 kN with an increment of city, straight stiffened panel has the best performance
3 kN. Analysis results of stiffened panels mentioned among the four panels. However, with the increase of
above are as shown in Figures 17 and 18. the disturbing load, the ultimate bearing capacity of
According to the result, when subjected a 30 kN the grid stiffened plate decreases obviously, but the
concentrated force, the maximum sag amplitude of value is still higher than that of the base plate.
5520 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 233(15)

forms of sub-stiffened panels under the uniaxial com-

pressive loading conditions. However, the lack of
local transverse strengthening features of straight
sub-stiffened panels might not give good stability per-
formance under the biaxial loading or combined axial
and shear loading conditions where the grid and cur-
vilinear configurations are favored.
Sensitivity analyses of single point defect were also
carried out to achieve a better simulation of practical
defective structures. The results showed that, when
under the influence of single point disturbance, the
straight stiffened plate has the highest ultimate bear-
ing capacity while the grid sub-stiffened panel has the
lowest sensitivities of single point defect.
In summary, the stiffened panels with sub-stiffeners
have outstanding performance in improving the sta-
bility of structures; this means the mechanical proper-
ties of the thin-walled structures can be greatly
improved without pay the price of weight by an
Figure 19. kNock down factor (KDF) of the stiffened panel.
appropriate design of sub-stiffened panels. In the
fields of aircraft’s frame, beam and skin support struc-
In practical engineering, KFD is usually used as an ture with large number of stiffened panels, it could be
index for measuring the influence of defect on proper- expected that the design of sub-stiffeners will achieve
ties. The calculating formula is given as favorable weight reduction effect and improves the
damage tolerance performance. The same is true for
Ficr other structures using stiffened panels. Therefore, the
kd ¼ ð8Þ
Fpcr results of the study may have important application
values for aerospace, shipbuilding, and construction
where Ficr is the ultimate strength of the defective industry.
panel and Fpcr is the ultimate strength of the faultless
panel. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Obviously, when the disturbance load is 0 kN, it The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
corresponds to the defect-free condition. Graph show- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
ing the KDF change with disturbance loads is this article.
obtained in Figure 19.
From the calculation result, grid stiffened panel has Funding
lower sensitivities of single defect, while the curvi-
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
linear variable stiffness stiffened panel seems more
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
sensitive compared with the rest of the panels. When
the load reached 30 kN, the KDF of four types of
panels are 0.56, 0.57, 0.61, and 0.48, respectively. ORCID iD
Junhao Hu
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