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2 Department of Education-Region III

Juan Luna St., Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City 2300

Reading Strategy



Reading Materials for Non-Comprehenders
First Edition, 2022

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials
from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education- Tarlac City Schools Division

Maria Carmen P. Cuenco EdD. CESO V
Lourdes G. Dela Cruz PhD

Development Team

Writer: Virginia C. Aguilar

Editors: Dorothy G. Manabat, Miriam C. Santiago

Reviewers: Reymar D. Paguio PhD – Education Program Supervisor in

English, Lily Beth B. Mallari- Education Program Supervisor, LRMS

Layout Artist: Virginia C. Aguilar

Management Team:
Robert E. Osongco PhD – Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
Reymar D. Paguio PhD – Education Program Supervisor in English
Lily Beth B. Mallari – Education Program Supervisor in LRMS

Printed in the Philippines by the Department of Education –

Tarlac City Schools Division

Office Address: Sto, Cristo, Tarlac City, Tarlac

Tel. No: (045) 982-4514
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Reading Strategy


The world has stopped due to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. All entities
have faced challenges to continue their processes and mechanisms just for the
purpose of surviving, seems like this pandemic hasn’t found its period but rather
death in its sentence. The world has found itself bending hardly in its knees and
education is one that really felt the drawbacks of it. Education landscape- its policies
and implementation guidelines were modified and some newly crafted to fit the
context of distance learning. Indeed, education has crawled it ways to
In the Philippines, schools remained completely closed throughout most of
2020 and in September of 2021, the government allowed the pilot run of limited
Face-to-Face classes in low-risk areas. The prolonged school closure is attributed to
challenges in the distribution of learning materials, questions regarding the quality of
the modules, and strong reservations from practitioners in the education sector. In
view of the longer duration of closures, evidence shows that COVID-19 slows down
the goal of lowering learning poverty—which is defined as the percentage of 10-year-
old children who cannot read and understand a simple story. Learning poverty in the
country was estimated at 69.5 percent in 2019 based on TIMSS (Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study). Also, the 2019 Southeast Asia
Primary Learning Metrics Report revealed results that are alarming where the
majority of Grade 5 students are not able to read at their level. Additionally, for
Reading, the report shows that 27 percent of Filipino pupils in Grade 5 are only able
to recognize single words, while only 10 percent of them developed reading
proficiency to allow their proper transition to secondary education (Inquirer, Dec. 3,
In Region 3, low proficiency level in English, Math, and Science remains a
dilemma as revealed by the results of standardized tests which also manifested from
the results here in Tarlac City Schools Division thru reading assessments and
academic profiling of learners.
Based on the results of the Posttest of Academic Profiling of learners
participating in face-to-face classes, 1,402 or 11% of Key Stage 1 learners could not
identify the correct way of reading; 1,737 or 14% could not perform letter name
knowledge; 2,784 or 22% could not identify letter sounds; and 2,934 or 23% failed to
identify first letter sound. In terms of Word decoding, 5,288 or 42% could not read
familiar words; 5,764 or 46% had difficulty decoding invented words; and 6,232 or
50% could not perform oral passage reading. In terms of comprehension, 6,705 or
53% failed the reading comprehension while 6,408 or 51% failed the listening part.
Lastly, 6,969 or 56% could not perform dictation.
For Key Stage 2, only 2,664 or 22% of learners are in independent level and
4,416 or 37% are in instructional level. For the frustration, a total of 4,594 or 38%
was found out to be in this level and 352 or 3% of them are still, unfortunately, non-
readers. For Grades 7 and 8, only 311 or 8% of learners are in independent level
and 1,198 or 38% are in instructional level. For the frustration, a total of 1,647 or
52% was found out to be in this level and 28 or 1% of them are still, unfortunately,

These results clearly show that learners are having difficulty in word decoding
and comprehension which are the main components of reading. Hence, the Division
has come up with its intervention to address the learning losses in literacy which is
the Project RESCUE (Recovery and Engagement of Struggling readers through
Curriculum Updates and Explicit instruction).
According to Fisher and Frey (2014), learners need a host of experiences with
rich informational texts and a sliding scale of scaffolds and supports to access the
information within them; moreover, Perin (2015) claimed that teachers need to
explain, model, provide guided practice, and engage students in independent
practice rather than merely assigning reading. Likewise, National Reading Panel
(2000) underscored that text comprehension can be improved by instruction that
helps readers use specific comprehension strategies. Thus, successful
comprehension involves teacher-directed instructions in comprehension strategies
which is basically the core of explicit instruction.
Truly, these reading materials are directly intended for non-decoders and non-
comprehenders to become proficient readers. The materials for non-comprehenders
are aligned with explicit instruction with the integration of the six types of
comprehension namely literal, reorganization, inference, prediction, evaluation, and
personal response with the incorporation of different forms of questions while for
non-decoders the 10 elements of Early Grades Reading Assessment (EGRA) were
incorporated and discussed comprehensively.
Thus, these reading materials ought to aid teachers and even parents in
improving the reading proficiency level of learners and in establishing a culture of
reading in every school.

Table of Contents
Copyright Page i
Title Page ii
Preface iii
Table of Contents v
Introductory Message vi
Predicting the Outcomes 1
Reading Activities 3
A Visit to the City 3
The Value of Sleep 7
Pablo’s Vacation 11
The Race 16
Bathing in the Rain 21
References 26
Answers Key 26

Introductory Message

This Reading Material for Non-Comprehenders Key Stage 2 is

made to cater to the learner’s needs in understanding simple
stories/poems that include literary and academic texts through different
reading skills. This is a product of benchmarking of enthusiasts reading
teachers at Tarlac City Schools Division, the realm of excellent
With careful consideration of the approaches to teaching reading
each Reading Skill is composed of literary and academic texts. The
passages or texts are arranged from simple to complex as you discover
and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Have fun and enjoy learning!

For the Learning Facilitator

This Reading material is prepared to help you in facilitating
learning. This learning material is crafted based on pedagogical,
experience-based, and technical aspects of reading. The examples
presented in this material are contextualized. Your task is to address
the inquiries of your learner in reading skills. Help them grow as
selfless, critical, well-versed reader.

For the Learner

This Reading will help you read with comprehension and apply
critical thinking and reasoning skills. Activities, questions, directions,
and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each
lesson. Inquire to your teachers on the topics that need clarifications.
Lastly, for you to become an independent reader.


Name of Learner: ___________________________Score: __________

Grade & Section: ___________________________Date: ___________

Background Information:
Predicting outcomes is a reading comprehension skill shows
one’s ability to predict what will happen next to a given situation or
Making prediction is when we use clues in the story to foresee
what will happen next.
There are two ways to predict an outcome:
1. What the reader already knows or experienced.
2. Clues that are given a picture or story.

Examples: Look at the picture below.

Question: What is most likely to happen?

What is happening in the picture? Where do you think they will be
You will be able to predict what will be the outcome or what will
happen next based on the details given in illustrations, images or

Read the paragraph below.
Marta is your cousin from mother’s side, you saw her last summer
vacation with her family with traveling bags in a bus terminal going to
Baguio. Question? Can you predict where is Marta’s family going next
Predicting outcomes can be as short as one sentence or long like a
long passage.
There are important things to consider in predicting outcomes:
a. look for clues,
b. use past experiences, and
c. combine available pieces of information that are helpful to
predict an outcome.
• Give outcomes of a text
• Predict possible ending to a story
• Improve predicting outcomes comprehension skills

Reading Activities
Study the list of words on the vocabulary check before
you proceed to the first text.

Vocabulary Check!
change (v.) the act, process, or result of changing
city (n.) an inhabited place of greater size, population, or
importance than a town or village
station (n.) a regular stopping place in a transportation route
surprise (v.) to attack unexpectedly
visit (v.) to go or come

Read the story carefully then answer the comprehension
check, encircle the letter of the correct answer.

A Visit to The City

Mang Tibo had not visited the city lately. Every time he came
to the city, he would write his son to pick him up at the station.
Because he wanted to surprise his son, he did not write him about
his coming this time.
Mang Tibo was surprised to see the many changes in the
city. When he got down the bus, he did not know where to go.

Source: Corcodia C. Logue, Saturnina R. Ferrer, Regina R. Cordez, Miriam B. Capili:

Developing Reading Power 5 Revised Combined Edition

Comprehension Check!
1. Who visited the city?
A. Mang Pedring
B. Mang Tibo
C. Mang Tanny
D. Mang Tato

2. Why did Mang Tibo choose to visit the city?
A. Because he wanted to relax in the city
B. Because he wanted to see his younger brother
C. Because he wanted to see and surprise his son
D. Because he wanted to see changes in the city

3. What happened to Mang Tibo after he got down on the bus?

A. He lost his way
B. He enjoyed looking around
C. He took a walk around the place
D. He stopped and sat on the bench

4. What should Mang Tibo have done when he got lost?

A. Called a friend in the city
B. Gone back to the province at once
C. Looked a policeman and asked for help
D. Gone to the nearest radio and TV station

5. What was Mang Tibo likely to decide after the incident?

A. Never go to the city again
B. Never leave the province
C. Never go to the city without a companion
D. Never go to the city without asking his son to meet him

6. Do you think Mang Tibo will be able to meet his son? Why and
why not?
A. Yes,
B. No,
C. Maybe,
D. Uncertain,

7. Complete the statement by writing the things that could happen
next. Mang Tibo is already old, so he will become .

8. If you were the son of Mang Tibo, would you allow again your
father to visit you without a companion? Why or why not?
 Yes,
 No,
 Maybe,
 Uncertain,

9. Does the story focus on how a father visit the city?

A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. I don’t know

10. How will the information in this short story be useful to you?
A. It will guide me to visit a city.
B. It will be useful to me before making a surprise for
someone’s birthday.
C. It will guide me in what decision should I make before going
to a place I am not familiar with.
D. It will guide me to be familiar with a place I will be visiting for
the first time.

Learner’s Score:

Process Questions for Learners

1. Have you encountered any difficulty in
predicting the outcomes in answering
the selection/passage?

2. Do you think you are ready to proceed

to the next activity?

Learner’s Reflection!

Note to the Learner

Answer the question honestly. Your answers will be the guides
of your teachers whether you are now ready to proceed or
subject for deepening. Share your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.

Process Questions for Teacher

1. How did you find the activity?
2. Was the learner able to predict the
outcomes in the texts correctly?
3. Did the learner encounter any difficulty
in this activity, if yes how did you
address it?

Teacher’s Reflection!

Note to the Teacher

If the learner was able to answer 5 or more questions correctly, the
teacher may proceed; otherwise, the reteach reading
comprehension strategy.

Study the list of words on the vocabulary check that before
you proceed to the second text.

Vocabulary Check!
growth (n.) progressive development
organ (n.) bodily parts performing a function in an activity
rest (v.) to get rest by lying down
strength (n.) the quality or state of being strong
value (n.) relative worth, utility, or importance

Read the text carefully then answer the comprehension
check, encircle the letter of the correct answer.

The Value of Sleep

Sleep rests the body. It helps one grow.
The body and all its organs grow while at rest. It
is the time when body repairs are made.
An adult needs about eight hours of sleep
every day. Boys and girls need more sleep than
adults. They should go to bed earlier and wake
up later. Still, l younger children should have
more hours of sleep. The younger they are, the
more they need sleep for growth and strength. Except for periods
of nursing of feeding babies sleep almost the whole day and night.

Source: Corcodia C. Logue, Saturnina R. Ferrer, Regina R. Cordez, Miriam

B. Capili: Developing Reading Power 5, Revised Combined Edition

Comprehension Check!
1. What does the body need for us to grow?
A. sleep rests
B. a little rest
C. proper exercise
D. proper wearing of clothes

2. Who needs more sleep?

A. adults
B. babies
C. boys alone
D. growing children

3. What happened when you sleep?

A. It makes the body feel lazier
B. It creates eyebags on your eyes
C. It makes the body grow healthier and stronger
D. It creates miracles and magic while the body is asleep

4. What do you think will happen if you lack sleep?

A. I will be healthier
B. I will be sluggish and dull
C. I will become taller and smarter
D. I will know more than people who sleep longer

5. When do the body and all its organs grow?

A. while playing
B. while at rest
C. while dancing
D. while singing

6. What benefit will you get if you have enough sleep?
A. I will become chubby
B. I will become healthy
C. I will become taller
D. It helps your mind and body relax and recover from your day

7. How many hours does an adult need to sleep?

A. 5 hours of sleep every day
B. 10 hours of sleep every day
C. 8 hours of sleep every day
D. 6 hours of sleep every morning

8. If you were a baby, how many hours of sleep do you need in order
to grow?
A. 18 hours of sleep
B. 24 hours of sleep
C. 12 hours of sleep
D. 15 hours of sleep
9. What should boys and girls need to do to become taller and
A. They should sleep late at night.
B. They should play the whole night.
C. They should go to bed earlier and wake up later.
D. They watch Korean drama before going to bed.

10. Why sleep is important?

A. It helps us grow, strong and healthy
B. It develops our bones and teeth
C. It gives us vitamins and minerals
D. It gives us energy to work the whole day

Learner’s Score:

Process Questions for Learners

1. Have you encountered any difficulty in
predicting the outcomes in answering
the selection/passage?
2. Do you think you are ready to proceed
to the next activity?

Learner’s Reflection!

Note to the Learner

Answer the question honestly. Your answers will be the guides
of your teachers whether you are now ready to proceed or
subject for deepening. Share your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.

Process Questions for Teacher

1. How did you find the activity?
2. Was the learner able to predict the
outcomes in the texts correctly?
3. Did the learner encounter any difficulty in
this activity, if yes how did you address it?

Teacher’s Reflection!

Note to the Teacher

If the learner was able to answer 5 or more questions correctly, the
teacher may proceed; otherwise, the reteach reading
comprehension strategy.

Study the list of words on the vocabulary check before you
proceed to the third text.

Vocabulary Check!
branches (n.) a secondary shoot or stem
brittle (adj.) easily broken, cracked, or snapped
spend (v.) to use up or pay out
vacation (n.) a period spent away from home
warn (v.) to give notice to beforehand especially of danger

Read the story carefully then answer the comprehension
check, encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Pablo’s Vacation
Pablo was spending his vacation with his
grandmother in the province.
“Do not ever dare climb that big Duhat tree over
there,” his grandmother warned him. “Your father fell
from that tree when he was a boy. We thought he
would never live. How I cried, then!”
“I’ll remember, Grandmother,” answered Pablo.
But Pablo was Pablo, and left alone to himself he
reasoned out, “Juan is Juan and Pedro is Pedro. What
happened to Juan is not bound to happen to Pedro.”
Saying this, Pablo climbed the old Duhat tree. He
didn’t know that Duhat trees have brittle branches until
the one where he was holding on, broke.
Source: Corcodia C. Logue, Saturnina R. Ferrer, Regina R. Cordez, Miriam
B. Capili: Developing Reading Power 4, Revised Combined Edition

Comprehension Check!
1. Who spent the vacation with his grandmother in the province?
A. Pedro
B. Pablo
C. Paulo
D. Persy

2. Where did Pablo spend his vacation?

A. in the city
B. in Manila
C. in Baguio
D. in the province

3. What was grandmother warned Pablo?

A. “Do not ever dare eat Duhat fruits.”
B. “Do not ever dare cross the bamboo bridge.”
C. “Do not ever dare climb that big Duhat tree over there.”
D. “Do not ever dare climb that big Santol tree over there.”

4. Who fell from the tree when he was a boy?

A. father
B. Pedro
C. elder brother
D. elder sister

5. What happened next after warning Pablo by his grandmother?

A. Pablo fell to the ground
B. Pablo jumped from the Duhat tree
C. Pablo climbed higher and higher
D. Pablo gathered plenty of Duhat fruit

6. What do you think did Pablo’s grandmother say?
A. Were you hurt?
B. Did you gather much Duhat?
C. Did you climb very high?
D. Did you enjoy on top of the Duhat tree?

7. What do you think did Pablo promise himself?

A. I’ll never climb that Duhat tree again
B. I’ll climb that tree when I’m bigger
C. I’ll ask father to climb the tree for me
D. I’ll ask my best friend to join me in climbing the Duhat tree

8. Why did grandmother warned Pablo in climbing the Duhat tree?

A. She does not want Pablo to experience what his father
experienced before.
B. She does not want him to enjoy climbing the Duhat tree.
C. She does not want him to be on top of the Duhat tree.
D. She does not want him to experience the excitement of
climbing a tree.

9. What characteristic trait does Pablo have when answered “What

happened to Juan is not bound to happen to Pedro.”
A. curious
B. hardheaded
C. irresponsible
D. disobedient

10. If you were Pablo and continue disobeying your grandmother’s
advice, what will happen to you?
A. I will be the best grandson.
B. I will be successful in my life.
C. I will experience failure many times.
D. I will experience happiness in my life.

Learner’s Score:

Process Questions for Learners

1. Have you encountered any difficulty in
predicting the outcomes in answering
the selection/passage?

2. Do you think you are ready to proceed

to the next activity?

Learner’s Reflection!

Note to the Learner

Answer the question honestly. Your answers will be the guides
of your teachers whether you are now ready to proceed or
subject for deepening. Share your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.

Process Questions for Teacher

1. How did you find the activity?
2. Was the learner able to predict the
outcomes in the texts correctly?
3. Did the learner encounter any difficulty
in this activity, if yes how did you
address it?

Teacher’s Reflection!

Note to the Teacher

If the learner was able to answer 5 or more questions correctly, the
teacher may proceed; otherwise, the reteach reading
comprehension strategy.

Study the list of words on the vocabulary check before

you proceed to the fourth text.

Vocabulary Check!
barefooted (adv.) with the feet bare
broken (v.) damaged or altered by
comfortable (adj.) affording or enjoying physical comfort
project (n.) a definitely formulated piece of research
race (n.) a contest of speed

Read the story carefully then answer the comprehension
check, encircle the letter of the correct answer

The Race

Four boys worked together on a school project. The project was

well-done and won a prize a comic book.
“I’ll be the first one to take the comic book home”, said Nardo.
“Why don’t we have a race?” put in Luis. “The first one to reach
that gate over there will be the first one to take the comic book
home, the second in the race will be the next, and so on.”
“That’s a fine idea,” agreed all the others.
“I’m glad I’m wearing my new leather shoes,” said Nardo.
“My rubber shoes are very comfortable,” said Ramon. “I think I’ll
win the race”.
“I’m going to take off my rubber slippers,” said Nilo. “I think I
can run faster without them.”
“Oh, no!” said Luis. “Don’t you see the stones and broken
glasses that were unearthed by the heavy rain last night? I’d rather
run with my wooden shoes than go barefooted.”

But Nilo had his own way. Luis started counting and at the
count of ten, all four boys began running. They had not gone far
when Nilo suddenly stopped and held his left foot.”

Source: Corcodia C. Logue, Saturnina R. Ferrer, Regina R. Cordez, Miriam B. Capili:

Developing Reading Power 5, Revised Combined Edition

Comprehension Check!
1. Who are the characters in the story?
A. Nardo, Luis, Nilo and Ramon
B. Romel, Luis, Nardo and Milo
C. Jose, Nardo, Nilo and Randy
D. Nardo, Luis, Nilo and Randy

2. What do the boys worked together?

A. a school chairs
B. a school gate
C. a school memo
D. a school project

3. What was the thing they agreed upon with whom to take the comic
book home?
A. to have a race
B. to have a contest
C. to bring his rubber shoes
D. to bring leather shoes

4. Was the prize they won worthy?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. All of the above

5. Who among the four boys run with wooden shoes?

A. Nilo
B. Nardo
C. Ramon
D. Luis

6. Does the story focus on competition among children?

A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. A little

7. How will the story “Race” be a lesson to you?

A. For not to become proud and boastful
B. To be humble always
C. To become greedy
D. Both A and B

8. Are the characters in the story fight with one another?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. A little

9. Who do you think was the last?
A. Luis
B. Nardo
C. Nilo
D. Melvin

10. What must have happened to Nilo?

A. He must have stepped on a broken glass
B. He must have decided to withdraw from the race
C. He must have been tickled by a stone
D. He must have been finished the race

Learner’s Score:

Process Questions for Learners

1. Have you encountered any difficulty in
predicting the outcomes in answering
the selection/passage?
2. Do you think you are ready to proceed
to the next activity?

Learner’s Reflection!

Note to the Learner

Answer the question honestly. Your answers will be the guides
of your teachers whether you are now ready to proceed or
subject for deepening. Share your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.

Process Questions for Teacher
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Was the learner able to predict the
outcomes in the texts correctly?
3. Did the learner encounter any difficulty
in this activity, if yes how did you
address it?

Teacher’s Reflection!

Note to the Teacher

If the learner was able to answer 5 or more questions correctly, the
teacher may proceed; otherwise, the reteach reading
comprehension strategy.

Study the list of words on the vocabulary check before you
proceed to the fifth text.

Vocabulary Check!
arrive (v.) to reach a destination
bathing (v.) a washing or soaking of all or part of the body
shivering (adj.) to undergo trembling
sickly (adj.) somewhat unwell
sneezing (v.) to make a sudden violent spasmodic audible
expiration of breath through the nose and mouth
Bathing in the Rain

Read the story carefully then answer the comprehension
check, encircle the letter of the correct answer

Bathing in the Rain

“Come on, Luis! Come on, Nardo! Bathing on the rain is fun,”
invited Milyo who was already bathing in the rain.
“Our mother is not here,” agreed Luis. “Besides she doesn’t
allow us to bath in the rain. She says we are sickly.”

“That’s your chance, then. Your mother is away so you can
join me and have fun. You’ll stop before your mother arrives. Then,
she’ll never know. Nobody will tell her,” answered Milyo.
“Fine! Fine!” said Nardo, the younger of the two boys.
“Please, kuya, let’s bath in the rain.”
“Well, well” agreed Luis. “We’ll you join just for a short while.”
The three boys played in the rain. They ran there and there.
They threw water at each other. They played with paper boats and
then with a big ball. They forgot all about the time.
Soon Nardo was shivering from cold. He was sneezing now
and then when they went home, they saw their mother waiting for
them at the door.
Source: Corcodia C. Logue, Saturnina R. Ferrer, Regina R. Cordez, Miriam B. Capili:
Developing Reading Power 5, Revised Combined Edition

Comprehension Check!
1. Who invited Luis and Nardo to bathe in the rain?
A. Marlon
B. Milyo
C. Mark
D. Melvin

2. Who insisted among the three boys to bathe in the rain?

A. Nardo
B. Milyo
C. Luis
D. Mark

3. Does mother allow them to bathe in the rain? Why or why not?
A. Yes, for them to have fun
B. She never allows them
C. No, because the boys are sickly
D. No, because rainwater is dirty

4. How did the three boys play in the rain?

A. They played with paper airplanes
B. They forgot all about the time
C. They played with paper boats
D. All of the above

5. What do you think happened to Nardo?

A. He got a cold
B. He learned to swim
C. He became stronger
D. He became hardheaded

6. Who do you think did mother scold?

A. Luis
B. Nardo
C. Milyo
D. Marlon

7. Do you think the boys would ever play in the rain again?
A. Yes, for them, playing in the rain is fun
B. No, they don’t want to get sick anymore
C. Occasionally, if there is a heavy rain
D. Maybe, if their mother allows them

8. Who among the three boys you admire most and why?
A. Luis, he listens to what their mother says
B. Nardo, he is a playful kid
C. Milyo, he is brave in playing in the rain
D. No one among the three boys

9. How will the story be a lesson to you and to other kids?

A. Do what you want to do in your life
B. Always listen and obey to your mother
C. Listen to your friends for your own satisfaction
D. Make other people happy

10. If you will not obey your parents, are you going to be successful in
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Never

Learner’s Score:

Process Questions for Learners

1. Have you encountered any difficulty in
predicting the outcomes in answering
the selection/passage?
2. Do you think you are ready to proceed
to the next activity?

Learner’s Reflection!

Note to the Learner

Answer the question honestly. Your answers will be the guides
of your teachers whether you are now ready to proceed or
subject for deepening. Share your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.

Process Questions for Teacher

1. How did you find the activity?
2. Was the learner able to predict the
outcomes in the texts correctly?
3. Did the learner encounter any difficulty in
this activity, if yes how did you address it?

Teacher’s Reflection!

Note to the Teacher

If the learner was able to answer 5 or more questions correctly, the
teacher may proceed; otherwise, the reteach reading
comprehension strategy.


Corcodia C. Logue, Saturnina R. Ferrer, Regina R. Cordez, Miriam B. Capili:

Developing Reading Power 5 Revised Combined Edition

Illustration 1, “The Value of Sleep”, July 18, 2022,

Illustration 2, “Pablo’s Vacation”, July 18, 2022,

Illustration 3, “A Visit to the City”, July 18, 2022,

Illustration 4, “The Race”, July 18, 2022,

Illustration 5, “Bathing in the Rain”, July 18, 2022,

Answers Key:

10. D 10. A 10. C

9. True
may vary
9. C 9. C
8. No, answers 8. B 8. A
7. forgetful 7. C 7. A
vary 6. D 6. A
6. Answers may 5. B 5. A
5. D 4. B 4. A
4. C
3. A
3. C 3. C
2. C 2. B 2. D
1. B 1. A 1. B

10. A 10. B
9. C 9. B
8. B 8. A
7. D 7. B
6. A 6. C
5. D 5. A
4. A 4. D
3. A 3. C
2. D 2. A
1. A 1. B

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