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Partners for Health Reformplus

Assessment of
the Amran
Cement Plant
March 2005

Prepared by:

Dr. Mutasem El-Fadel, PhD

Professor of Environmental
American University of Beirut

Mr. Ibrahim Alameddine, MS

Environmental Specialist
Water & Environment Sustainable

In collaboration with
Dr. Mohamad El-Mashjary, PhD

This document was produced by PHRplus with funding from the US Agency for
International Development (USAID) under Project No. 936-5974.13, Contract No.
HRN-C-00-00-00019-00 and is in the public domain. The ideas and opinions in this
document are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of USAID or its
employees. Interested parties may use the report in part or whole, providing they
maintain the integrity of the report and do not misrepresent its findings or present
the work as their own. This and other HFS, PHR, and PHRplus documents can be
viewed and downloaded on the project website,

Abt Associates Inc.

4800 Montgomery Lane, Suite 600 Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Tel: 301/913-0500 Fax: 301/652-3916

In collaboration with:
Development Associates, Inc. Emory University Rollins School of Public
Health Philoxenia International Travel, Inc. PATH Social Sectors
Development Strategies, Inc. Training Resources Group Tulane
University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine University
Research Co., LLC. Order No TE 099

Partners for Health Reformplus is USAID’s flagship project for health policy and health
system strengthening in developing and transitional countries. The five-year project (2000-2005)
builds on the predecessor Partnerships for Health Reform Project, continuing PHR’s focus on
health policy, financing, and organization, with new emphasis on community participation,
infectious disease surveillance, and information systems that support the management and
delivery of appropriate health services. PHRplus will focus on the following results:

Implementation of appropriate health system reform.

Generation of new financing for health care, as well as more effective use of existing

Design and implementation of health information systems for disease surveillance.

Delivery of quality services by health workers.

Availability and appropriate use of health commodities.

March 2005

Recommended Citation

El-Fadel, Mutasem, Ibrahim Alameddine, and Mohamad El-Mashjar. March 2005. Environmental Assessment of the Amran Cement Plant. Bethesda,
MD: The Partners for Health Reformplus Project, Abt Associates Inc.

For additional copies of this report, contact the PHRplus Resource Center at or
visit our website at

Contract/Project No.: HRN-C-00-00-00019-00

Submitted to: USAID/Yemen

and: Karen Cavanaugh, CTO

Health Systems Division
Office of Health, Infectious Disease and Nutrition
Center for Population, Health and Nutrition
Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support and Research
United States Agency for International Development

We wish to extend our appreciation for the support and hospitality of their Excellencies Dr.
Mohamad Al-Iryani, Minister of Water and Environment (MWE) and Mr. Taha Abdullah Hagir
Governor of Amran, Dr. Mahmood Shedewa, Director General of the Environmental Protection
Authority (EPA), Mr. Abdul Malik Al-Amashi, Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Irrigation, Dr. Jamal Nasser and Dr. Nasser Badi Al-Dhayanni from the Ministry of Public
Health, and Mr. Bakea Ali Bakea, Head of the Environmental Committee in Amran. The
assistance of Mrs. Ellen von Zitzewitz at the MWE and Mr. Hillal Al-Riyachi at EPA are highly

We would like to acknowledge the cooperation, assistance and hospitality of Mr. Nooman
Dowaid, General Manager at the Amran Cement Plant (ACP), Mr. Hussein Al-Huseini, Mr.
Abdel Wahab Al-Zubairi, Mr. Hussein Al-Rumaim, and other staff at ACP by providing
information and data about ACP and granting access to the Plant.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Cheri Rassas, Ms. Rana El-Khalil, and the
staff at Abt Associates in Yemen and the US for their dedication and continuous support
throughout the study.

Last but not least, special thanks are extended to the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) for funding this Environmental Assessment and for continuously
endorsing much needed developmental projects in Yemen. The feedback and follow-up of Dr.
Ahmed Attieg, Project Manager at USAID, is greatly appreciated.


This report presents an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Amran Cement Plant (ACP)
that is currently undergoing expansion works that will increase its annual production capacity
of Portland cement to more than 1,600,000 tons. At the time of this study, construction works
associated with the new production line had been either commissioned or partially completed.
The study was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
through the Partners for Health Reformplus (PHRplus) project following requests by the
Ministry of Water and Environment, the Environmental Protection Agency as well as the
Management of ACP that have expressed commitment towards implementing the plans
recommended in the study. The scope of work implemented in the preparation of the EA
study included the definition of existing legal and administrative framework, description of
the existing and proposed expansion facilities, definition of baseline environmental
conditions, identification and analysis of potential environmental impacts, analysis of
potential emission control alternatives, and the development of an environmental
management plan with mitigation, monitoring, as well as capacity building and institutional
strengthening requirements.

The EA showed that ACP provides a significant positive socio-economic impact related to
the potential increase in job opportunities for locals as well as providing a product that is
much needed to meet the demand for the construction and development activities that are
occurring on the national scale. In contrast, several potential adverse impacts can negatively
affect the environment particularly those associated with emissions, effluent discharge, and
waste generation. In the absence of control measures, the assessment of current and projected
emissions indicated that ACP operations may result in serious exposure to particulate matter
for nearby receptors and the plant workforce. Other indicators that can potentially be
impacted include traffic, noise, surface and ground water quality, soil quality, terrestrial
biodiversity, resource use, health and safety, landscape and visual intrusion. As such, the
adoption of proper environmental management plans will likely enhance the sustainability of
cement production and the expected benefits from ACP operations.

Undoubtedly, potential adverse impacts associated with the operations at ACP can be
minimized by relying on effective mitigation, monitoring, and training plans to support

management decisions. In the context of this assessment, a mitigation plan proposed several
impact-mitigation or control measures that will earn ACP more acceptability, by eliminating
or reducing to the extent possible potential adverse impacts. Similarly, a monitoring plan of
impact indicators outlined above as well as operations indicators was developed. The plan
defines for each indicator the monitoring means and methodology, the parameters to be
monitored, as well as the monitoring location and frequency. Capacity building, training, and
awareness components were also defined to assist ACP in the implementation process of
environmental management plans.

The analysis of alternative compared the adoption of a Best Available Technology (BAT) or
end-of-pipe technology for reducing particulate matter (PM) emissions to the “do nothing” or
“no control” scenario. Evidently, the implementation and proper operation of a BAT will
minimize emissions and will result in an acceptable impact on air quality. The advantages
and disadvantages of the two most commonly used emissions control BATs, namely Fabric
Filters (FFs) and Electro Static Precipitators (ESPs), were also examined in the context of
ACP. While slightly more expensive, FFs appear to be more appropriate for ACP. Last but
not least, two proposals set forth for constructing a bag house system were examined.
Information and data needed to refine the examination were defined.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................... ii
SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................v
CONTENTS........................................................................................................................... vii
FIGURES............................................................................................................................... xii
ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. xiii

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background...............................................................................................................1
1.2 EA objectives............................................................................................................1
1.3 Environmental screening ..........................................................................................1
1.4 Scope of work ...........................................................................................................2

2. LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ..................................................2

2.1 Concerned authorities ...............................................................................................2
2.2 EIA procedures and guidelines in Yemen ................................................................4
2.3 Environmental standards ..........................................................................................6

3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..........................................................................................10

3.1 Location ..................................................................................................................10
3.2 Project components.................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Quarry, transport, and storage of raw materials ............................................12
3.2.2 Feed material preparation ..............................................................................13
3.2.3 Clinker production.........................................................................................14
3.2.4 Cement production ........................................................................................16
3.2.5 Packing and loading ......................................................................................16

4. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ..............................................................18

4.1 Physical environment..............................................................................................18
4.1.1 Topography ...................................................................................................18
4.1.2 Geology and lithology ...................................................................................18
4.1.3 Climate and meteorology ..............................................................................21

4.1.4 Hydrogeology and surface water...................................................................23
4.1.5 Ambient air quality and noise levels .............................................................23
4.2 Biological environment ..........................................................................................25
4.3 Socio-economic environment .................................................................................26
4.4 Public health ...........................................................................................................28

5. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS .........................................................29

5.1 Air quality...............................................................................................................30
5.1.1 Dispersion modeling......................................................................................34
5.1.2 Definition of simulation scenarios ................................................................43
5.1.3 Simulation results ..........................................................................................44
5.1.4 Limitations.....................................................................................................64
5.1.5 Environmental and health impacts of cement related air emissions..............64
5.2 Waste generation ....................................................................................................66
5.2.1 Cement Kiln Dust..........................................................................................66
5.2.2 Construction wastes.......................................................................................67
5.2.3 Operation and maintenance wastes ...............................................................67
5.2.4 General refuse................................................................................................68
5.3 Traffic .....................................................................................................................68
5.4 Noise and vibrations ...............................................................................................69
5.5 Surface and ground water quality ...........................................................................75
5.6 Soil quality..............................................................................................................78
5.7 Terrestrial biodiversity............................................................................................81
5.8 Resource use ...........................................................................................................81
5.9 Health and safety ....................................................................................................83
5.10 Landscape and visual intrusion...............................................................................85
5.11 Socio-economics.....................................................................................................86
5.12 Summary of impact analysis...................................................................................87

6. ANALYSIS OF EMISSION CONTROL ALTERNATIVES ....................................88

6.1 Fabric Filters...........................................................................................................89
6.2 Typical ESP ............................................................................................................91
6.3 The “no control” scenario .......................................................................................94

7. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION PLAN...............................................................95

7.1 Mitigation of air quality impact ..............................................................................95

7.1.1 Mitigation of PM emissions ..........................................................................96
7.1.2 Mitigation of NOx emissions ......................................................................101
7.1.3 Mitigation of SOx emissions.......................................................................102
7.1.4 Mitigation for the emission of trace gases...................................................102
7.2 Mitigation of solid waste ......................................................................................104
7.3 Mitigation of traffic impact ..................................................................................105
7.4 Mitigation of noise impact....................................................................................106
7.5 Mitigation of surface and groundwater impact.....................................................107
7.6 Mitigation of impacts on soils ..............................................................................109
7.7 Mitigation for terrestrial biodiversity ...................................................................110
7.8 Mitigation of resource use ....................................................................................111
7.9 Mitigation of health and safety impacts................................................................112
7.9.1 Site security .................................................................................................112
7.9.2 Site safety ....................................................................................................112
7.9.3 Enhancing safety at site facilities ................................................................113
7.9.4 Establishing environmental controls ...........................................................113
7.9.5 Regulating transportation ............................................................................114
7.9.6 Developing emergency/contingency plans..................................................114
7.9.7 Ensuring personnel protection.....................................................................115
7.10 Mitigation of landscape and visual impacts..........................................................115
7.11 Mitigation of socio-economic impacts .................................................................116
7.12 Summary of mitigation measures .........................................................................117

8. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ...........................................................125

8.1 Air quality.............................................................................................................125
8.1.1 Criteria.........................................................................................................126
8.1.2 Methodology ...............................................................................................126
8.1.3 Monitoring locations ...................................................................................129
8.1.4 Frequency ....................................................................................................130
8.2 Noise .....................................................................................................................130
8.2.1 Criteria.........................................................................................................130
8.2.2 Methodology ...............................................................................................130
8.2.3 Monitoring locations ...................................................................................131
8.2.4 Frequency ....................................................................................................131
8.3 Surface water and groundwater ............................................................................131

8.3.1 Sampling location and analysis criteria.......................................................131
8.3.2 Methodology ...............................................................................................132
8.3.3 Frequency ....................................................................................................132
8.4 Soil........................................................................................................................132
8.5 Solid waste............................................................................................................132
8.6 Terrestrial biodiversity..........................................................................................133
8.7 Resource use .........................................................................................................133
8.8 Health and safety ..................................................................................................133
8.9 Landscape and visual intrusions ...........................................................................133
8.10 Socioeconomics ....................................................................................................134
8.11 Operations monitoring ..........................................................................................134
8.12 Summary of monitoring plan................................................................................134
8.13 Data management .................................................................................................138
8.14 Reporting ..............................................................................................................138



APPENDIX A: Memorandum of understanding between amran cement plant

and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)..............................149
APPENDIX B: ACP contributions to governmental organization, local councils,
and social welfare organizations...............................................................153
APPENDIX C: ACP’s preliminary analysis of the two proposed Fabric Filters
(IHI AND F.L. SMIDTH)..........................................................................155
APPENDIX D: Draft monitoring program for ACP........................................................165
APPENDIX E: Environment assessment presentation ..........................................................

Table Page
1. Concerned authorities with selected respective responsibilities in the context of the cement industry .... 3
2. Selected items extracted from Law 26: Environment Protection Law........................................................ 5
3. EIA procedure in Yemen .............................................................................................................................. 6
4. Proposed standard for ambient air quality.................................................................................................... 6
5. Occupational noise exposure limits.............................................................................................................. 7
6. Permissible ambient noise levels at receptors located in the vicinity of cement industries........................ 7
7. Summary of FHWA Noise Abatement Criteria ........................................................................................... 7
8. Yemeni noise standards ................................................................................................................................ 7
9. Emission limit values for constituents release from cement plants.............................................................. 8
10. Permissible level for the discharge of industrial wastewater into the public sewer network...................... 9
11. Major geological units and lithology in the Amran area............................................................................ 19
12. Chemical analysis of Amran soil................................................................................................................ 19
13. Characterization of the water resources in Amran ..................................................................................... 23
14. Available air quality monitoring equipment with corresponding location................................................ 24
15. Measuring locations of ambient noise levels ............................................................................................. 24
16. Measuring locations of ambient PM and gaseous levels ........................................................................... 24
17. Crop types and areas in Amran Governorate ............................................................................................. 28
18. Reported diseases in the Amran governorate for the year 2002 ................................................................ 28
19. Distance between site and nearest receptors .............................................................................................. 29
20. Formation mechanisms of principal gaseous emissions from cement manufacturing.............................. 31
21. Types of dust and their generation causes at cement plants ...................................................................... 31
22. PM emission sources from the cement industry......................................................................................... 32
23. Summary of the minor gaseous compounds that are emitted from the cement industry .......................... 34
24. Structural characteristics of the main emitting stacks at ACP................................................................... 37
25. Emission factors for the main emitting stacks at ACP............................................................................... 38
26. Area sources at ACP ................................................................................................................................... 39
27. Identified discrete receptors........................................................................................................................ 42
28. Adopted emissions dispersion scenarios .................................................................................................... 43
29. PM exposure levels under Scenario S1 at selected discrete receptors....................................................... 46
30. PM exposure levels under Scenario S2 at selected discrete receptors....................................................... 52
31. NOx exposure levels under Scenarios S3 and S4 at selected discrete receptors....................................... 57
32. SOx exposure levels under Scenarios S5 and S6 at selected discrete receptors........................................ 61
33. Environmental effects of major constituents emitted from cement manufacturing .................................. 65
34. Measured noise levels at ACP as compared to typical energy-equivalent noise levels
reported for the cement industry................................................................................................................. 71
35. Measured noise levels at ACP .................................................................................................................... 74
36. Soil pH and associated impacts .................................................................................................................. 79
37. Adverse health effects of CKD................................................................................................................... 84
38. Summary of impact analysis....................................................................................................................... 88
39. Summary of specifications for the two proposed Bag House systems at ACP ......................................... 90
40. Reported costs for Bag House units used at cement plants........................................................................ 91
41. Reported costs for ESP units installed in cement plants ............................................................................ 93
42. Comparison of the characteristics of FFs and ESPs used in the cement industry..................................... 94

43. Comparative evaluation of PM BAT emission reduction versus the “do nothing” scenario.................... 95
44. Common control measures for particulate emissions from cement manufacture ..................................... 96
45. Emission reduction factors for materials storage ..................................................................................... 101
46. Common control measures for major gaseous emissions from cement manufacture ............................. 103
47. Traffic control measures ........................................................................................................................... 106
48. Guidelines for CKD use in agriculture..................................................................................................... 110
49. Proposed mitigation measures .................................................................................................................. 118
50. Summary of the proposed monitoring plan .............................................................................................. 136

Figure Page
1. Overview of Qaa El Bon ............................................................................................................................. 10
2. Portland cement production at ACP prior to the expansion plan ............................................................... 11
3. Cement manufacturing process at ACP ...................................................................................................... 12
4. Quarrying, transport, and storage of raw materials at ACP........................................................................ 13
5. Existing ball-raw mill .................................................................................................................................. 14
6. Existing preheater/pre-calninator dry process at ACP................................................................................ 15
7. Schematic diagram of a rotary kiln with pre-heater/pre-calcinator............................................................ 16
8. Cement loading at ACP ............................................................................................................................... 17
9. New cement packaging unit at ACP ........................................................................................................... 17
10. Topography of the area surrounding the ACP............................................................................................ 18
11. Geological map for Amran ......................................................................................................................... 20
12. Yearly temperature profile for Sana’a ........................................................................................................ 21
13. Prevalent wind speeds and direction .......................................................................................................... 22
14. Terrestrial biodiversity in the vicinity of ACP........................................................................................... 26
15. Agricultural activity in the vicinity of ACP ............................................................................................... 27
16. Location of discrete receptors for impact assessment................................................................................ 30
17. BREEZE ISC GIS Pro input parameters .................................................................................................... 35
18. Point source emissions at ACP ................................................................................................................... 37
19. Area source emissions from ACP............................................................................................................... 39
20. Three dimensional view of the simulated topographical features of the Amran area ............................... 41
21. Adopted contour legend for PM ................................................................................................................. 44
22. PM exposure levels at selected discrete receptors under existing production
capacity of 600,000 tons/year..................................................................................................................... 47
23. Daily PM exposure levels under existing production capacity of 600,000 tons/year ............................... 48
24. Monthly exposure levels under existing production capacity of 600,000 tons/year ................................. 49
25. Annual exposure levels under existing production capacity if 600,000 tons/year .................................... 50
26. PM exposure levels at selected discrete receptors following the proposed expansion
plan to 1,600,000 tons/year......................................................................................................................... 53
27. Daily PM exposure levels following production expansion to 1,600,000 tons/year................................. 54
28. Monthly PM exposure levels following production expansion (1,600,000 tons/year) ............................. 55
29. Annual PM exposure levels following production expansion to 1,600,000 tons/year.............................. 56
30. NOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors under existing production
capacity of 600,000 tons/year..................................................................................................................... 58

31. NOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors following the proposed expansion
of production capacity to 1,600,000 tons/year........................................................................................... 59
32. SOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors under exiting production
capacity of 600,000 tons/year .................................................................................................................... 62
33. SOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors following the proposed expansion
of production capacity to 1,600,000 tons/year ........................................................................................... 63
34. Improper handling of wastes at ACP.......................................................................................................... 68
35. Improper transportation of cement bags from ACP ................................................................................... 69
36. Methodology for the assessment of noise impacts at ACP........................................................................ 70
37. Noise meters used at ACP to measure ambient and industry related noise levels .................................... 71
38. Method of adding two noise sources .......................................................................................................... 72
39. Noise level propagation from ACP ............................................................................................................ 73
40. Cracks in the walls of a residential unit adjacent to the ACP operated quarries....................................... 74
41. Uncontrolled fuel discharge along the Amran-Maarib road ...................................................................... 76
42. Fuel and oil spillage and leakage at ACP................................................................................................... 78
43. Uncontrolled disposal of rejected raw material at ACP............................................................................. 80
44. PM emissions resulting from transportation and hauling activities at ACP.............................................. 99
45. Continuous air emission monitoring equipment and meteorological parameters ................................... 127
46. Ambient air quality monitoring equipment .............................................................................................. 129
47. Framework for implementing the environmental management plan....................................................... 135
48. Advertisement campaigns by the cement industry in Lebanon ............................................................... 141

ACP = Amran Cement Plant
AWWTP = Amran Wastewater Treatment Plant
BAT = Best Available Technology
BOD5 = Biological Oxygen Demand
CKD = Cement Kiln Dust
Cl = Chlorine
CO = Carbon monoxide
CO2 = Carbon dioxide
DO = Dissolved Oxygen
EA = Environmental Assessment
EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment
ELV = Environmental Limit Values
ELV = Emission Limit Value
EMP = Environmental Management Plan
EPA = Environmental Protection Authority
ESP = Electrostatic Precipitator
EU = European Union
F = Florine
FF = Fabric Filter
FHWA = Federal Highway Administration
FHWA = Federal Highway Authority
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
GoA = Governorate of Amran
GPS = Global Positioning System
GPS = Global Positioning System
H2S = Hydrogen Sulfide
H2S = Hydrogen Sulfide
HC = Hydrocarbons
HFO = Heavy Fuel Oil
IHI = Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.
ISC = Industrial Source Complex
MoAI = Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation
MoIT = Ministry of Industry and Trade
MoPH = Ministry of Public Health
MoWE = Ministry of Water and Environment
NH3 = Ammonia
NO2 = Nitrogen dioxide
NOx = Nitrogen Oxides
NWRA = National Water Resources Authority
OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PC = Personal Computer
PM = Particulate matter
PM10 = Particulate matter with diameter less than 10 microns

PME = Powered mechanical equipment
PPE = Personal protective equipment
PPE = Personal Protection Equipment
SO2 = Sulfur dioxide
SOx = Sulfur Oxides
SS = Suspended Solids
STP = Standard Temperature and Pressure
TOC = Total Organic Compounds
TOR = Terms Of Reference
TSP = Total Suspended Particulates
TSS = Total Suspended Solids
USEPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency
VOC = Volatile Organic Compounds
WHO = World Health Organization
YCCIM = Yemen Corporation for Cement Industry and Marketing

% = Percent
Ω = Ohms
µg = Microgram
BTU = British Thermal Unit
cm = Centimeter
dB(A) = Decibels (A)
g = Gram
ha = Hectare
Kg = Kilogram
Km = Kilometer
kW = Kilo Watt
kWhr = Kil Watt Hour
L = Liters
m = Meter
m2 = Meter square
m3 = Meter cube
mg = Milligram
min = Minute
MJ = Mega Joule
mm = Millimeter
Nm3 = Normal cubic meter
C = Degree Centigrade
K = Degree Kelvin
sec = Second


1.1 Background
Cement industries worldwide have come to recognize that in order to remain competitive in
the future they must combine sound financial performance with a commitment to social
responsibility, environmental stewardship, and economic prosperity (WBCSD, 2002). Along
these lines, the Yemen Corporation for Cement Industry and Marketing (YCCIM) has
committed to achieving better environmental compliance for the sector at the national scale.
In this context, YCCIM and the Management of the Amran Cement Plant (ACP) signed in
June 2003 a memorandum of understanding with the Environmental Protection Authority
(EPA) to 1) conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the newly proposed
production line, 2) comply with environmental standards set forth by EPA to reduce
emissions and decrease potential exposure, 3) conserve resources, 4) along with the
establishment of an environmental monitoring program at the ACP (Appendix A).

This report presents an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the ACP that is currently
undergoing expansion works that will increase its annual production capacity of Portland
cement to more than 1,600,000 tons. At the time of this study, construction works associated
with the new production line have been either commissioned or partially completed. The
study was funded by the United States Agency for International development (USAID)
through the Partners for Health Reformplus (PHRplus) project following requests by the
Ministry of Water and Environment (MoWE), the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
as well as the Management of ACP who expressed commitment towards implementing the
plans recommended in the study.

1.2 EA objectives
The objectives of the EA report include assisting ACP and concerned stakeholders and
governmental authorities in recognizing environmental, social, and economic impacts of the
existing and proposed expansion facilities, recommending appropriate control, mitigation and
monitoring measures, as well as increasing awareness about the plant and its potential

1.3 Environmental screening

According to the Ministerial Decision Number 148 that was issued in the year 2000, the
construction and operation of cement manufacturing plants requires a full EIA. Since ACP is

fully operational and the new expansion plans are currently being executed (the expansion
plans were developed prior to this report), it is more meaningful to refer to this study as an
EA rather than an EIA.

1.4 Scope of work

Besides this introductory Chapter, the scope of work implemented in the preparation of the
EA study consists of the following:

• Definition of existing legal and administrative framework (Chapter 2)

• Description of the existing and proposed expansion facilities (Chapter 3)
• Definition of baseline environmental conditions (Chapter 4)
• Identification and analysis of potential environmental impacts (Chapter 5)
• Analysis of potential alternatives (Chapter 6)
• Development of an environmental management plan including mitigation, monitoring,
well as capacity building and institutional strengthening (Chapter 7)


This chapter presents the legal and administrative frameworks related to cement
manufacturing in Yemen with emphasis on the context of ACP. Relevant policies,
regulations, and standards related to the implementation of the project are also outlined.

2.1 Concerned authorities

Several ministries and government bodies are directly responsible for or indirectly involved
in the proper operation and management of cement plants in Yemen including:

• Ministry of Water and Environment (MoWE)

– Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
– National Water Resources Authority (NWRA)
• Ministry of Public Health (MoPH)
• Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT)
• Local Governorates (Governorate of Amran (GoA) in the case of ACP)
• Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MoAI)
Table 1 outlines the general functional responsibilities of these governmental authorities. At
this stage, it is expected that ACP will be responsible for implementing environmental
management plans at its facilities in coordination with other governmental bodies particularly
the MoWE/EPA and the Governorate of Amran.

Table 1. Concerned authorities with selected respective responsibilities

in the context of the cement industry
Organisation/Authority Responsibility
Ministry of Water and • Overall coordination
Environment (MoWE) • Preparation of new and revised regulations

Environmental • Set up EIA methodologies and procedures

Protection Authority • Review of EIAs
(EPA) • Propose general policies to protect the environment and adopt
environmental design research as the general framework for an adequate
solution of pollution problems
• Co-ordinate between concerned national agencies and follow up and
assess their activities as well as coordinate with regional and international
organizations interested in the protection of the environment
• Set up standards for environment pollution control and the protection of
terrestrial and marine fauna and flora
• Draft laws and regulations for environmental protection

• Review regional and international agreements on environmental

• Set up programs for international co-operation and environmental
protection for implementation in accordance with general policies of the

Government of Yemen
• Collect data, carry out assessments, and prepare reports on the status of
the environment, and establish environmental monitoring systems
• Set up the general framework of environmental education and training
programs to enhance public awareness and induce individual and
collective participation in environmental protection
• Record and evaluate natural resources changes and inform the Cabinet of
these changes by means of regular reports
• Prepare a national plan for the training of a Yemeni cadre in various
environment fields
• Organize local seminars and deliver lectures concerning environmental
• Represent Yemen at international conferences and seminars and conduct
bilateral meetings
• Manage the Yemen Environmental Protection Fund
• Enforce air emission monitoring at polluting industries
NWRA • Strategic review with respect to national water resources
• Review of water-related standards aiming at the protection of surface and
groundwater sources
• Establish standards for effluent reuse
MoAI • Review of standards aiming at the protection of soil and crops
MoPH • Develop standards aiming at protecting public health
• Conduct health impact assessments
• Monitor exposed groups and population segments
Governorate of Amran • Coordinate and assist in implementing local ministry functions
MoIT • Supervise the industrial sector
• Coordinate between the public cement industries in Yemen
• Provide assistance and support to industrial establishments
2.2 EIA procedures and guidelines in Yemen
Law 26 for the Protection of the Environment was issued in 1995 (Table 2). The law defines
the organization of environmental protection, environmental information system and
participation in the management and protection of the environment, as well as the responsible
authorities. Within this law, provisions are proposed to conduct an EIA for developmental
projects. Furthermore, the Ministerial Decision Number 148 that was issued in the year 2000
developed an Implementation List for the Execution of the Environmental Protection Law
thereby approving the EIA procedures in Yemen. The Ministerial Decision provides a list of
project types that require an EIA. Included in this list are projects that involve the
construction and operation of cement manufacturing plants. The decision outlines the
elements to be examined in an EIA report, which are consistent with the scope of work
described above. Table 3 outlines EIA procedures in Yemen.

Table 2. Selected items extracted from Law 26: Environment Protection Law
Title Key points Description
Definitions Definition of environmental terms
Aims and general Objectives: 1) protect the environment, 2) prevent and
General rules
basis combat pollution, 3) maintain natural resources, 4) include
and principles
EIA within economic plans of project
EPC1 Responsibilities of EPC1 are defined
Protection of Protection of surface and ground water
water and soil and Land use planning must take into account the environment
Protection of establishment of Limit damage to soil
water, soil, and protected areas
Agricultural lands are protected against commercial and
use of pesticides industrial development
Use of eradicative Control the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals
Control of Prevention of dumping, collection, discharging or burying
environmentally environmental pollutants
damaging Designation of areas clear of pollution
activities Protection of natural resources
Polluting establishments should develop a contingency plan
for environmental protection
Environment Need to protect the environment, specially surface and
technical ground water, air, marine and noise
standards, criteria EPC shall decide on standards and parameter limits
and specifications It is not permissible to exceed environmental standards except
in case of an emergency or equipment failure
Project permits Projects and establishments which constitute potential sources
and evaluation of of pollution or may harm the environment must be issued a
Environmental permit
Impacts Submission of EIA for existing projects, establishments and
Environmentally activities within a period of six months
damaging Handling of List of dangerous and toxic substances along with their
activities hazardous wastes control
and materials Prohibiting the public as well as the private sectors from
importing, storing, and/or disposing of dangerous, toxic or
radioactive substances
Protection of the Economic plans must take into account environmental
environmental and impacts and mitigation measures
economical Projects must not be issued approval in case they damage the
development environment
All competent bodies, especially those concerned with
development and economic planning, shall take into
consideration the protection of the environment and control of
pollution and the rational consumption and utilization of
natural resources
Environmental EPC and other authorities may supervise and operate
monitoring environmental monitoring networks
EPC may impose monitoring on projects and keep records
Violation and Environmental inspectors are entitled to inspect
compensation establishments that are harming the environment
for Establishments should provide needed information to
environmental environmental inspectors
damages Establishments are liable to pay compensation and face
judicial charges for the environmental damage that they cause
: EPC (Environmental Protection Council) has been renamed the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority)

Table 3. EIA procedure in Yemen
EIA Stage Action Agency involved
Screening Decision on whether or not the project EPA
requires an EIA
Scopping of the EIA Developing TORs EPA, Concerned Ministry or
Initiating initial public consultation party, Donor(s)
Managing the EIA Consultants undertake the EIA and Private Consulting Firms,
organize workshops or meetings for Concerned Ministry or party,
participation of stakeholders Donor(s)
Reviewing the adequacy of Review contents and provide comments Concerned Ministry or party,
the EIA for necessary revisions EPA, Donor(s)
Once EIA is acceptable, EPA issues
clearance letter which may include
conditions (changes in design or
location, monitoring requirements)
Monitoring and supervision Ensuring implementation of agreed Private Contractors, Concerned
mitigation measures and reporting to Ministry, EPA, Donor(s)
relevant agencies
Evaluating the Effectiveness Review contents; derive lessons learned Concerned Ministry, EPA,
of the EIA for future projects Donor(s)

2.3 Environmental standards

The EPA has been actively engaged in the preparation of national environmental quality
standards for air, water, and soil. To date many of these standards are still in draft form. As
such, International Standards are commonly relied upon. In the context of the ACP, several
standards will be adopted including ambient air quality (Table 4), occupational noise
exposure limits (Table 5), and noise guidelines in surrounding zones (Tables 6, 7, and 8). The
emission standards that were adopted in the present EA include Emission Limit Values (ELV)
for flue gas emitted by cement industries (Table 9) and ELVs for industrial effluent
discharged into the public sewer network (Table 10).

Table 4. Proposed standard for ambient air quality

Constituent Value (µg/m3) Authority
50 Annual
100 Daily
50 Annual
150 Daily
60-90 Annual
150-230 Daily
150 Annual
300 Daily
50 Annual
SO2 Yemen
150 Daily
100 Annual
NO2 Yemen
150 Daily

Table 5. Occupational noise exposure limits
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Standard, dB(A) Averaging time (hour)
90 8
105 1

Table 6. Permissible ambient noise levels at receptors located in the vicinity of cement industries
(World Bank, 1998)
Maximum allowable log equivalent dB(A)
Receptor Day time Night time
(07:00–22:00) (22:00–07:00)
Residential, institutional, educational 55 45
Industrial, commercial 70 70

Table 7. Summary of FHWA Noise Abatement Criteria (FHWA, 1997)

Land Use
Standard Description of Land Use Category
Leq (dBA)
A 57 (exterior) Land where serenity and quiet are of extraordinary importance and serve an
important public need and where the preservation of those qualities is essential
if the area is to continue to serve its intended purpose.
B 67 (exterior) Residences, motels, hotels, public meeting rooms, schools, churches, libraries,
hospitals, picnic areas, recreational areas, playgrounds, parks.
C 72 (exterior) Developed lands, properties or activities not included in A and B
D _ Undeveloped land
E 52 (interior) Residences, motels, hotels, public meeting rooms, schools, churches, libraries,
hospitals, and auditoriums

Table 8. Yemeni noise standards

Noise standard Leq dB(A)
Land use Category 11:00 PM-7:00 AM
7:00 AM-6:00 PM 6:00 PM-11:00 PM
Rural residential areas
45 40 35
and recreational area
Suburban residential
50 45 40
Urban residential areas 55 50 45
Urban residential areas
60 55 50
with some businesses
Industrial and business
70 70 70

Table 9. Emission limit values for constituents release from cement plants (as mg/Nm3)
Constituent Pakistan 1 World Bank 2 Lebanon 3 EU Yemen
PM 50 4
200 -500 5
30 200 4-500 5
• Cement kilns 300 or 3 Kg dust/Ton of
• Grinding, crushing, 500 (dry process)
clinker coolers and
related processes
SOx 1,700 400 500 100
4 5
NOx 600 600 500 500 -800 500
: National Environmental Quality Standards 1999 (CPP, 2003)
: World Bank guidelines for cement industry (World Bank, 1998)
: Lebanese National standards for environmental quality MoE (LMoE, 2000)
: For new facilities
: For existing facilities

Table 10. Permissible level for the discharge of industrial wastewater into the public sewer network
(NWRA, 1999)
Parameter Unit Allowable limit
COD mg/L 2,100
BOD mg/L 800
pH 5.5-9.5
Temperature C 45
TSS mg/L 1,100
TDS mg/L 2,000
Oil and grease mg/L 100
Phenols mg/L 10
Sulfates mg/L 1,000
Phosphate mg/L 50
Cyanide mg/L 5
Sulfur mg/L 1
H2S mg/L 10
Iron mg/L 50
Chlorides mg/L 600
Fluorides mg/L 8
Arsenic mg/L 5
Tin mg/L 10
Barium mg/L 5
Boron mg/L 5
Cadmium mg/L 1
Hexavalent chromium mg/L 5
Cupper mg/L 5
Lead mg/L 0.6
Mercury mg/L 0.01
Cobalt mg/L 0.05
Lithium mg/L 5
Vanadium mg/L 0.1
Aluminum mg/L 5
Nickel mg/L 5
Selenium mg/L 0.1
Silver mg/L 1
Manganese mg/L 10
Beryllium mg/L 5
Zinc mg/L 15


3.1 Location
Amran, the capital of the Amran Governorate, is located approximately 50 km north of the
capital Sana’a. The town is located within Qaa El Bon, a wide high-altitude (more than 2,200
m above mean sea level) agricultural valley that is part of the Yemen Mountain Massif. The
valley is considered to be one of the most fertile lands in Yemen and is intensively cultivated
(Figure 1) while agriculture is predominantly rain-fed, irrigated farming is increasing in
importance. The area surrounding ACP and the town of Amran is bound by mountains that
extend to the north and south thus delineating the spatial extent of the Qaa El Bon.

The city of Amran is considered to be a major junction point connecting Sana’a to the
Northern towns of Sa’dah, Houth, and Hajjah. Similar to many towns in Yemen, Amran has
been experiencing rapid expansion in recent years. In 1996, the population of Amran was
estimated at around 29,000 inhabitants. The population is expected to reach 44,500 by 2005.

Figure 1. Overview of Qaa El Bon

3.2 Project components
The ACP was initially envisaged as part of a Five-Year Plan (1976-1981) for Yemen that
aimed at promoting development and boosting the local economy. ACP began production in
October 1982 at a capacity of 500,000 tons of Portland cement per annum through the use of
a dry manufacturing process1 noting that actual annual production has exceeded the design
capacity in recent years (Figure 2). As such, the management of ACP started planning for
expansion plans that will increase the total production capacity to over 1,600,000 tones per
year. The plan, consisting of the addition of a new production line, was recently
commissioned and is currently in an advanced state of execution.

Production (cement x10 tons)

Production (tons/year) Design capacity (tons/year)




90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02

Figure 2. Portland cement production at ACP prior to the expansion plan

Worldwide, cement manufacturing processes have very similar operational patterns

consisting of several distinct stages that include the following:

• Quarrying, transport, and storage of raw materials

• Feed materials preparation
• Clinker production
• Cement production
• Packing, loading, and distribution

A schematic diagram showing the various stages involved in the production of cement at
ACP is presented in Figure 3.

The dry process, using pre-heaters and pre-calcinator, is both economically and environmentally preferable to the wet
process because energy consumption is approximately half of that required by the wet process

Raw mill

Quarry Cement mill

Packing &
Crusher Kiln
Storage silos
Clinker silos

Figure 3. Cement manufacturing process at ACP

3.2.1 Quarry, transport, and storage of raw materials

The raw materials for the production of cement are usually provided from dedicated quarries,
with limestone being the primary raw material required for the industry. Limestone rocks and
crushed stones are generally loosened by drilling and blasting before being transported by
large haul trucks for further processing. Subsequent processing operations include crushing,
screening, size classification, material handling, as well as storage operations. As such, trucks
operating in the Amran quarry deposit their cargo in a hopper that feeds into a series of
screens that separate large boulders from finer rocks, thus reducing the load on the primary
compound crusher (Figure 4). Large boulders are crushed and reduced in shape (product size
90 percent < 25 mm) before being passed onto a covered belt conveyor that transports the raw
material through an automatic gamma-ray analyzers before depositing them in a storage yard
structure open from four sides fitted with a roof Figure 4). Sandy clay that is bought from a
quarry site operating along the road linking Amran to Sana’a, is also stored in the same area.

(a): Quarrying activities

(b) Transport, screening, and crushing (c): Storage area

Figure 4. Quarrying, transport, and storage of raw materials at ACP

3.2.2 Feed material preparation

At this stage, raw materials are prepared and processed to undergo the critical stage of pyro-
processing through which the materials are conveyed from the storage yard into dedicated
service hoppers. Both the existing as well as the new production process lines at ACP have
four service hoppers (limestone, high quality limestone, sandy clay, as well as impurities).
Raw materials from the service hoppers are proportioned in a set ratio before undergoing
mixing. Proportioning involves determining the suitable proportions of materials to be
combined to form the raw mix. The proportions are governed by the chemical properties of
the materials to be used and the desired properties of the clinker to be produced. After
proportioning, the raw materials are thoroughly mixed to obtain a uniform distribution of the
various components, a crucial step to the final quality of the cement. Mixing continues in the
raw mill that grinds the incoming feed to achieve an output that has the proper particle-size, a
process that targets optimal fuel efficiency during pyro-processing as well as strength in the
final concrete product (CIF, 2000b). During this stage, the raw materials are also dried by
using the exhaust hot gases from the pyro-processing unit. An auxiliary Heavy Fuel Oil
(HFO) fired drying unit is also available to provide additional drying when needed. Note that

the existing production line has a regular ball raw mill with a capacity of 145 tons/hr (Figure
5), while the new production line will be fitted with a vertical raw mill with a capacity of 350
tons/hr. Following raw mill grinding, the raw mix is transferred to homogenizing silos where
it is pneumatically fluidized and mixed. After homogenization, the raw meal is stored in silos
and sampled to assure quality control prior to the pyro-processing stage (USEPA, 1995a).

Figure 5. Existing ball-raw mill

3.2.3 Clinker production

The heart of the cement manufacturing process is the pyro-processing system, which
transforms the feed material into clinker − the basic input to cement production. The clinker
formation process can be divided into 4 stages:

• Drying and preheating,

• Calcination,
• Sintering or clinkering
• Cooling

Evaporation and preheating remove the moisture and raise the temperature of the raw mix in
preparation to calcination. Calcination breaks the carbonates down into calcium oxide and
carbon dioxide that is evolved in the process. Clinkering completes the calcination stage and
fuses the calcinated raw mix into the hard clinker nodules (CIF, 2000b). The processes taking
place consist of a temperature dependent decomposition of the raw material minerals
according to their nature, followed by a recombination of the liberated free reactive oxides

forming clinker minerals. Several clinker production techniques are adopted worldwide, with
the most common and technically advanced system being the preheater/pre-calninator dry
process that is adopted both at the existing (4 vertical cyclones and a pre-calcinator) and the
new (5 vertical cyclones and a pre-calcinator) production lines at ACP (Figure 6). This
technique ensures an improved thermal efficiency and an increased productive capacity
through the addition of vertically arranged, in series, cyclone-type pre-heater vessels before
the rotary kiln (Figure 7). The pre-heater vessels are supported by a structure known as the
pre-heater tower that significantly increases the heat transfer rate by allowing a more intimate
contact between the solid particles with the hot gases. Additional thermal efficiency and
productivity gains have also been achieved by diverting around 60 percent of the combustion
fuel to a calciner vessel at the base of the pre-heater tower. This addition, can achieve nearly
95 percent calcination of the feed before it enters the kiln thus making it feasible to reduce
kiln size (USEPA, 1994b; 1995a). Note that hot gases from the pre-heater tower are often
used as a source of heat for drying raw materials in the raw mill. Following the clinkering
stage, the clinker leaves the rotary kiln at a temperature ranging between 1,200 and 1,250° C
and as such requires rapid cooling to allow its transport and handling, as well as to prevent
undesired chemical reactions that may negatively affect the quality and the grindability of the
clinker (CEMBUREAU, 1999). At ACP, around 25 percent of the exhaust gas from the rotary
kiln is released as by-pass due to the alkaline nature of the raw materials.

Figure 6. Existing preheater/pre-calninator dry process at ACP


Air lift/

Figure 7. Schematic diagram of a rotary kiln with pre-heater/pre-calcinator

3.2.4 Cement production

The final step in cement manufacturing involves a sequence of blending and grinding
operations that transform the clinker to finished cement. The clinker is first transferred to
covered storage halls or clinker silos where it is held prior to milling. Then, the clinker is
ground into a fine powder with other materials that impart special characteristics to the
finished product. Up to 8 percent gypsum (CaSO4) is added to the clinker during grinding to
control the cement settling time (EA, 2001; USEPA 1995a). In addition, ACP adds natural
pozzolans to the final cement product.

3.2.5 Packing and loading

The cement produced is conveyed to the packaging and dispatching facility whereby the
cement is either dispatched in dedicated trucks that are filled via retractable chutes or filled
within multi-wall paper bags (Figure 8). At ACP the semi-automatic packing machine has
been recently replaced with a fully automated machine that is equipped with improved dust
control equipment (Figure 9). Yet loading of cement bags is still predominantly manual
although a new automatic line has been installed.

Figure 8. Cement loading at ACP

Figure 9. New cement packaging unit at ACP


4.1 Physical environment

4.1.1 Topography
The ACP is located within Qaa El Bon, a wide high-altitude plain (more than 2,200 m above
mean sea level) that is surrounded by mountainous terrain. Figure 10 presents a topographical
map of the area surrounding ACP.

Elevation (m)


Figure 10. Topography of the area surrounding the ACP

4.1.2 Geology and lithology

The outcropping rocks in the study area are predominantly from the Quaternary and Jurassic
eras (Figure 11). The predominant formation in the area is the thick Amran Limestone
(thickness can exceed 1 Km in some areas) that dates back to the Middle Jurassic era.
Quaternary volcanic layers (especially south of Amran city) and thin non-continuous layers of
clayey soil, silt, sand, and gravel overlay the Amran Limestone in several areas (Gaith, 2002).
Table 11 presents an overview of the main geological features and lithological properties of
the area surrounding Amran.

Table 11. Major geological units and lithology in the Amran area (KFW, 2003)

Age Group/Formation Lithology Aquifer type Yield

Quaternary Quaternary Deposits clays-gravels, loess Porous Aquifer Low - high

Amran Group
Jurassic limestones, marls Fractured Aquifer low

The local soil is characterized as the silty clay loam that has a low infiltration rate and is
prone to surface crusting. The chemical characteristics of the soil in the area indicated that it
is alkaline, has a low salinity and is generally poor in organic matter content and nitrogen.
While heavy metal concentrations are within acceptable ranges, the extractable levels of
phosphorus and potassium are moderate. Table 12 presents the chemical characteristics of soil
samples that were collected from agricultural land in the vicinity of the Amran Wastewater
Treatment Plant (AWWTP). Note that the soil in Amran is moderately alkaline.

Table 12. Chemical analysis of Amran soil (KFW, 2003)

Parameter Unit Value
pH 7.65
Electric conductivity dS/m 0.25
Organic matter % Not detected
Total nitrogen % 0.80
Extractable phosphorus mg/Kg 21.6
Extractable potassium mg/Kg 12.0
Zinc mg/Kg 52.5
Copper mg/Kg 21.1
Nickel mg/Kg 17.4
Cadmium mg/Kg 0.5
Lead mg/Kg 24.5
Chromium mg/Kg 11.5

Figure 11. Geological map for Amran (scale 1:250,000)

4.1.3 Climate and meteorology
The area surrounding ACP is characterized by two well defined wet seasons (March-May and
July-September) with the rest of the year being predominantly dry. The average rainfall in the
area reaches 300 mm/year (based on data from 1985-1991) although rainfall is known to vary
considerably between the years. The area is also characterized by high evapo-transpiration
potential ranging between 1,500 and 2,500 mm/year. Ambient temperatures in Amran are
very similar to those recorded in Sana’a (Figure 12). The high altitude continental plateau that
extends in the area ensures relatively moderate temperatures throughout the year with cool
dry winters and significant variations between day and night-time recorded temperatures.


Temperature (oC)












Figure 12. Yearly temperature profile for Sana’a

Winds in the Sana’a area (including Amran) blow predominantly from the North-East as
illustrated in Figure 13. Wind speeds exceeding 8 m/sec are common, especially during the
summer season. Note that the adopted meteorological data describes the conditions in Sana’a
for the year 2002 (which is the latest complete annual record available for Sana’a). In the
absence of data for Amran proper, it was assumed that both locations have similar
meteorological characteristics particularly since Amran is 50 Km North of Sana’a and is
reported to have, to a large extent, similar physical characteristics.

(a): Winter season (b): Spring season

(c): Summer season (d): Fall season

(e): Yearly
Figure 13. Prevalent wind speeds and direction

4.1.4 Hydrogeology and surface water
No perennial surface water bodies exist in Amran, and as such the water supply systems in
the region are based entirely on available groundwater resources. However, due to its
unsustainable exploitation, the area has been experiencing a severe drop in the groundwater
table (by more than a 100 m) whereby it is estimated that the area will exhaust its
groundwater resources by 2040 (Grolier and Overstreet, 1983; HWC, 1992; DHV, 1993;
Alawi and Mezhelovsky, 1995; Gun and Ahmed, 1995; FAO, 1996; KFW, 2003). Table 13
presents a summary of the major hydrogeological characteristics of the Amran area.

Table 13. Characterization of the water resources in Amran (Grolier and Overstreet 1983; HWC, 1992;
DHV, 1993; Alawi and Mezhelovsky, 1995; Gun and Ahmed, 1995; FAO, 1996)

Parameter Characteristics
• Thick alluvial filling of tectonic basin, surrounded by Amran limestone
(W/NW) and quaternary volcanics (E/SE)
Soils • Mollisols
Tapped groundwater
• Alluvial valley fill
• Groundwater level estimated to be 150 m below ground
• Flow originally occurs in a predominantly northerly direction
Groundwater level/flow
• Due to the substantial decline in groundwater level the flow is mostly
determined by the existing cones of depression
• NWSA operated 12 groundwater wells in the area surrounding Amran
Groundwater abstraction
facilities • About 2,000 irrigation wells tap into the aquifer of the alluvial sediments as
compared to about 850 wells back in 1993
Estimated abstraction rate • Estimated at 77 million m3/year
Recharge rate • Not determined, but substantially lower than the existing abstraction rates
• Substantial depletion of groundwater resources
Main problem of water
resources • Exhaustion of groundwater resources is projected to occur by 2040 if existing
practices persist

4.1.5 Ambient air quality and noise levels

The study area lacks, like most areas in Yemen, baseline data on ambient air quality and noise
levels. While monitoring equipment has been acquired by the EPA (Table 14), they were not
adequately operated to date due to lack of resources. In the context of the present study, an
effort was made to collect baseline air quality and noise data for the Amran area. Ambient
noise levels at five discrete receptors were measured in December 2004 using digital noise
meters (Table 15). Most locations exhibited noise levels exceeding the daytime Yemeni sub-
urban noise standard of 50 (dBA), particularly downtown Amran. Similarly, measured
ambient concentrations of Particulate Matter (PM) and selected gaseous indicators (carbon
monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) (Table 16) at various

locations revealed potential exposure to levels exceeding international standards particularly
PM concentrations.

Table 14. Available air quality monitoring equipment with corresponding location
Equipment Quantity Monitored Constituent(s)
ENVIRO stationary ambient air quality 1 NO2, SO2, H2S, O3, CO, and HC
monitoring station
ELE stationary air quality monitoring station 1 SO2, NO2, and CO
High volume samplers 6 TSP
Portable TSP monitor 1 TSP
Custodian multi-channel personal gas monitor 1 NO2, CO, CH4, and O2
Car exhaust emission analyzer 1 CO, HC, CO2, air to fuel ratio, lambda
Gas chromatograph 1 A range of gases
Atomic absorption 1 A range of gases

Table 15. Measuring locations of ambient noise levels

Geographic coordinates Measured noise

Receptors levels 1
North East (dBA)
1. Nearby farmer’s house 15o 38’ 896” 43o 55’ 715”
2. ACP employee residence 15o 38’ 596” 43o 54’ 994”
> Yemeni and
3. Al-Shadhna village 15o 38’ 480” 43o 55’ 148” International
4. Downtown Amran 15o 41’ 910” 43o 56’ 535”
5. Al-Dhabr village 15o 41’ 910” 43o 57’ 607”
: Actual measurements were not included in the report because equipment calibration
could not be validated

Table 16. Measuring locations of ambient PM and gaseous levels

Geographic coordinates Measured PM, CO,
North East NOx, SOx 1
Bulk cement filling 15o 38’ 943” 43o 55’ 282”
Kiln 15o 39’ 042” 43o 55’ 363”
Preheater area 15o 39’ 068” 43o 55’ 390”
Grinding mill 15o 39’ 068” 43o 55’ 390” > Yemeni and
Al-Darb village 15 38’ 898” 43o 55’ 707” International
ACP Housing standards
15o 38’ 841” 43o 54’ 991” particularly PM
Al-Shadhna village 15o 38’ 477” 43o 55’ 141”
Qaa Bait Al-Urjee
15o 39’ 179” 43o 55’ 141”
Downtown Amran 15o 39’ 595” 43o 56’ 792”
: Actual measurements are not included in this report because equipment
calibration could not be validated

4.2 Biological environment
The biological diversity of Yemen occurs in a spectrum of habitats ranging from coastal
mangroves and coral reefs to the highlands and deserts of the interior. These habitats harbor a
great number of unique species many of which are endemic. In the past few decades, Yemen
has been witnessing an exponential growth in population (current population growth rate is
around 3.5 percent) that has compromised the sustainability of many of its unique ecosystems
and threatened the country’s natural biological wealth. The study area is part of the Yemen
highlands that maintain a high level of biodiversity and provide an important stopover site for
migrating birds. The highlands support the majority of endemic or near-endemic species of
plants and animals. The area hosts the endemic Arabian tahr (Hemitragus jayakari), Arabian
gazelle (Gazella gazella), Nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana), striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena),
wild cat (Felis sylvestris), and leopard (Panthera pardus). Although Arabian oryx (Oryx
leucoryx) is extinct in the wild, there are efforts to reintroduce it to the region. Representative
bird species include yellow-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthopygos), graceful warbler
(Prinia gracilis), brown woodland warbler (Phylloscopus umbrovirens), Yemen linnet
(Carduelis yemenensis), gambage dusky flycatcher (Muscicapa gambagae), Arabian
partridge (Alectoris melanocephalia) and black kite (Milvus migrans) (MoWE/EPA, 2004).
The site proper has a very sparse tree cover and is intensively cultivated. Moreover, the lower
slopes of the mountains surrounding Amran to the north and south are generally arid due to
the lack of appropriate soil cover and the prevalence of stony conditions that hinder to a large
extent the survival of tree species (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Terrestrial biodiversity in the vicinity of ACP

4.3 Socio-economic environment

The ACP cement factory is considered as the principal industry in the GoA and as such it is a
primary source of employment for the town. Other industrial establishments in the area
include a range of small commercial/industrial establishments such as repair and small-scale
fabrication workshops and food processing plants. On the other hand, tourism and the
services sector in the Governorate are still in their infancy and as such are not considered to
be a major source of employment or income generation.

Agriculture is the main economic activity in Amran as well as on the national scale
(agriculture accounted for about 23 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2001
and employed 53 percent of the total labor force). The wide valley in which the town of
Amran lies is intensively cultivated (Figure 15). The main agricultural crops that are currently
being cultivated in the area include a variety of cereals (Table 17) that are generally grown
under rain-fed conditions, although supplementary irrigation has been gaining ground in
recent years. Vegetables, mainly potatoes and tomatoes, are also important crops that are
concentrated in areas with access to irrigation networks or groundwater wells. Qat is another
important and lucrative crop that has been expanding in the Governorate replacing many fruit

trees especially on the fertile terraces of Amran. Table 17 presents an overview of the major
crop types as well as the corresponding cultivated areas for the Amran Governorate. The
cultivated crops are continuously changing depending on the needs of farmers, the market
price of cash crops, as well as on the availability of irrigation water. Consequently, certain
crops, such as sorghum, are regularly grown, but no specific crop rotations are followed.
Under rain-fed cropping, only one crop per year is grown in the summer wet season, while
two crops may be grown if irrigation is available. Poultry and livestock are also important
agricultural products in Amran.

Figure 15. Agricultural activity in the vicinity of ACP

Table 17. Crop types and areas in Amran Governorate (KFW, 2003)
Percentage of total
Crop Area (ha)
cultivated area (%)
Cereals 48,850 69
Vegetables 3,226 5
Fruit 1,286 2
Pulses 3,459 5
Cash crops 802 1
Qat 11,870 17
Fodder 1,262 2
Total 70,755 100

4.4 Public health

The Governorate of Amran has a relatively high incidence of illness occurrence amongst its
inhabitants (Table 18). Respiratory, dermatological, ophthalmologic, nervous, and urinary
disease as well as typhoid,and Hepatitis B infections are well above the reported national
values, while malaria, meningitis, tuberculosis, measles, and Hepatitis A infections are lower
than the reported national values.

Table 18. Reported diseases in the Amran governorate for the year 2002 (GoY, 2002)
Percent of population
Population Cases
Illnesses affected (%)
Amran Yemen Amran Yemen Amran Yemen
Respiratory 33,293 472446 3.35 2.50
Dermatological 11,653 115055 1.17 0.61
Ophthalmologic 8,796 148,766 0.89 0.79
Dysentery 2,297 22,649 0.23 0.12
Nervous 1,180 1,1041 0.12 0.06
Urinary 11,517 141,441 1.16 0.75
Typhoid 1,132 15,193 0.11 0.08
Malaria ~993,700 ~18,863,000 2,364 101,095 0.24 0.54
Meningitis 28 1741 0.00 0.01
Tuberculosis 160 6,447 0.02 0.03
cough 63 4,008 0.01 0.02
Measles 31 2,335 0.00 0.01
Hepatitis A 55 6,115 0.01 0.03
Hepatitis B 157 2,661 0.02 0.01


This chapter examines the potential environmental impacts associated with the ACP during
the operation phase. The parameters that may be affected in this context include air quality,
waste and wastewater generation, traffic, noise, surface and groundwater quality, soil quality,
terrestrial biodiversity, resource use, health and safety, landscape and visual intrusions, as
well as the socio-economic well-being. While the impacts of some parameters can be
assessed quantitatively using analytical and mathematical means, the impacts of other
parameters can be described only by relying on a qualitative comparative approach and based
on past experience. In this context, the assessment of impacts is directly related to the
definition of sensitive receptors such as domestic premises, hotels, hospitals, residences,
schools, offices, factories, shops, mosques, sports stadiums, or recreational areas. In the case
of the ACP, the proposed site is located in a predominantly semi-urban and rural setting. The
closest receptors to the site are the residential units at the Al-Shadhna and Al-Darb villages,
the employees’ residence at ACP, as well as the receptors in the city of Amran (Table 19 and
Figure 16).

Table 19. Distance between site and nearest receptors

Nearest receptor Distance (Km)
I Al-Dhabr village 7.0
II Amran town 5.0
III Al-Shadhna village 1.5
IV ACP employee residence 1.0
V Town of Thila 8.2
VI Town of Hababah 12.5
VII Town of Shibam 15.5


Al-Dhabr village
Amran Town
ACP Employee Residence Al-Shadhna village




Figure 16. Location of discrete receptors for impact assessment

5.1 Air quality

This section presents an assessment of potential air quality impacts attributed to the operation
of the existing production line at ACP (production capacity of 600,000 tons of clinker per
year) as well as the impacts that may arise upon the commissioning of the proposed
expansion plan that entails the addition of a new process line with a production capacity of
1,000,000 tons of clinker per year at ACP thus augmenting the total annual production
capacity to 1,600,000 tons.

Cement manufacturing is commonly associated with the release of significant quantities of

gaseous emissions which are mainly generated by the physical and chemical reactions that
transform raw materials into clinker, the associated combustion of fuels, and the handling of
materials both before and after clinker production. These emissions can be classified into two
general categories namely dust or particulate matter (PM) along with a wide array of gaseous
compounds such as the oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon; hydrocarbons including volatile
organic compounds; hydrogen fluoride; as well as ammonium nitrate and ammonia (Table
20). Historically, the main objective of emission control in the cement industry has targeted
PM and SO2 emissions reduction and to a lesser extent the emission of nitrogen oxides

Table 20. Formation mechanisms of principal gaseous emissions from cement manufacturing (VDI, 1985;
USEPA, 1994a, b; Hendriks et al., 1998; CEMBUREAU, 1999; CIF, 2000b; EA, 2001)
Constituent Formation mechanism Influencing factors
NOx Oxidation of the molecular nitrogen present in the Depends on the fuel used,
combustion air → thermal NOx formation combustion temperature,
Oxidation of the nitrogen compounds present in the fuel excess oxygen, and raw
→ fuel NOx formation
Oxidation of organic and inorganic nitrogen in raw
material minerals → raw materials NOx formation
SOx Oxidation of sulfur compounds in the raw materials Largely captured in the kiln
Oxidation of organically-bound sulfur in the fuel products
CO2 Calcining the limestone in the feed material Depends on the type of
CaCO3 →CaO + CO2 process and fuel used
Combustion of fossil fuels to generate process energy
CO Incomplete combustion of fuel and organic carbon content Contributions from raw
of raw materials. materials can be very
HC and VOC Volatilization of organic materials contained in the raw Determined by the organic
materials at the high kiln temperatures content of raw materials
Heavy metals Release of heavy metals naturally present in raw materials Depends on their volatility
and fuels and cycles within the kiln
Dioxins and furans Reaction of chlorine with evaporated organics from the Occurs at gas temperatures
raw materials between 200 – 400 °C
NH3 Reaction of ammonia contained in raw materials with Limited to few cement sites
chlorides and sulfates to form ammonium salts throughout the world
Cl, F Evaporation of small chloride and fluoride masses in raw Mostly circulated and
materials and reaction with evaporated alkalis bound in the clinker

Cement plants emit a considerable quantity of PM as a result of handling and processing raw
materials often in fine-grained forms, which render dust emissions practically inevitable. The
composition and grain-size distribution of the emitted dusts from cement plants vary widely
depending on the characteristics of the raw material. Accordingly, a distinction is made
between the types of dust, as outlined in Table 21. The most significant PM emission source
within cement plants is the pyro-processing system that includes the kiln, the bypass system,
and the clinker cooler exhaust stacks (Table 22).

Table 21. Types of dust and their generation causes at cement plants (VDI, 1985; USEPA, 1995a)
Type Generation mechanism
Raw material dust Quarrying, crushing and handling of raw material
Feed material dust Feeding, milling, stacking, blending, reclaiming, conveying, and
transferring of feed material
Cement kiln dust Feeding and processing of materials involving countercurrent
circulation of hot gases
Clinker dust Cooling involving air circulation and open-storage of clinker
Cement dust Feeding, milling, conveying, bagging and loading of cement materials

Table 22. PM emission sources from the cement industry (Canpolat et al., 2001)
PM emissions (% of total emissions)
Primary sources
• Rotary Kiln Stacks
• Clinker Coolers 91.4
• Cement Mill Stacks
• By-Pass Stacks
Secondary sources
• Silo
• Raw Mill 8.6
• Crushers
• Packaging and Grinding

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) formation is an inevitable consequence of the combustion processes

that are common to the cement industry. Essentially NOx emissions associated with cement
manufacturing are generated in cement kilns. Cement kilns emit NOx by two primary
mechanisms namely the oxidation of molecular nitrogen that is present in the combustion air
(referred to as thermal NOx and constituting the major source formation), as well as the
formation of NOx emissions from fuel combustion (referred to as fuel NOx). On the other
hand, sulfur compounds entering the kiln system either with the fuels or with the raw
materials emit sulfur oxides (SOx). The emissions are mainly in the form of sulfur dioxide
(SO2) (99 percent), although some sulfur trioxide is produced and, under reducing conditions,
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) could also be formed (EA, 2001). However, the alkaline nature of the
cement provides for direct absorption of SO2, which reacts primarily with the alkali oxides
that evaporate from the kiln. As a consequence of these reactions, about 70 to 100 percent of
the total sulfur entering the kiln is normally incorporated into the clinker structure mainly as
alkali sulfates and gypsum2. Thus, less than 12 percent of the sulfur involved is emitted as
SO2 in the kiln exhaust gases (VDI, 1985; USEPA, 1995a; CPP, 2003). Moreover, fuel sulfur
as well as raw material sulfur in the form of sulfates does not contribute much to SO2
emissions in the preheater/precalciner kilns because of the efficient scrubbing effects of the
hot feed that passes through the preheater and the precalciner. The main source of SO2
emission is the raw material sulfur that is present in the form of sulfides (pyrite, marcasite) or

SO2 is absorbed through the following chemical reactions that occur in the kiln:
Na2O + SO2 + ½ O2 → Na2SO4
K2O + SO2 + ½ O2 → K2SO4
CaO + SO2 → CaSO3
CaCO3 + SO2 → CaSO3 + CO2
CaSO3 + ½ O2 → CaSO4

organic sulfur (CEMBUREAU, 1999). Note that high sulfur contents in the raw feed and fuel,
can lead to operational problems like clogging in the cement kilns (CPP, 2003).

Other cement related emissions with less significant quantities include carbon dioxide (CO2),
carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals, and dioxins
(CEMBUREAU, 1999). Table 23 summarizes the major sources for the emission of CO2, CO,
VOCs, heavy metals, and dioxins in the cement industry. Note that additional emissions of
CO2, CO, NO2, SO2, and hydrocarbons are expected due to truck traffic to and from the
quarry and the operation of heavy equipment and transport vehicles on-site.

Table 23. Summary of the minor gaseous compounds that are emitted from the cement industry
Constituent Source
Cement-related CO2 emissions originate from fossil fuel combustion (about 45% of the
industry’s emissions); transport activities (about 5%). The remaining CO2 (about 50%)
originate from the manufacturing process that converts limestone (CaCO3) to calcium
oxide (CaO), the primary precursor to cement (WBCSD, 2002). It is estimated that CO2
emission ranges between 0.507 and 1.35 tons of CO2 per ton of clinker produced
(USEPA, 1995a).
Carbon monoxide contributions from raw materials in cement production can be very
significant compared with that from incomplete combustion of fuel. Approximately 85 to
CO 95% of the organic matter in the raw materials is converted to CO2 in the presence of 3%
excess oxygen in the kiln exhaust gas, and 5 to 15% is oxidized to CO (EA 2001;
USEPA 1995a).
The main source of VOC emissions from cement kiln stacks is organic matter present in
or attached to the raw material. A portion of this organic matter may be expelled in the
kiln system even at moderate temperatures between 400 and 600° C. Some of the
expelled organic compounds are oxidized but others leave the kiln as organic emissions.
A small proportion (usually less than 1%) of the total organic carbon (TOC) content may
be emitted as volatile organic compounds (VOC) such as hydrocarbons. The emission
level of VOC in the stack gas of cement kilns is usually between 10 and 100 mg/Nm3,
with a few excessive cases up to 500 mg/Nm3 (CEMBUREAU 1999). In general, the
occurrence of volatile organic compounds in the exhaust gas is often associated with
incomplete combustion. In cement kilns, the emission is generally low under normal
steady-state conditions, due to the large residence time of the gases in the kiln, the high
temperature and the excess oxygen conditions. Concentrations however may increase
during startup or upset conditions. These events can occur with varying frequency (CPP,
Trace elements such as heavy metals are naturally present in low concentrations in the
raw materials and fuels used for the manufacture of cement clinker. The behavior of
these metals in the burning process depends largely on their volatility. Heavy metal
emissions from cement plants depend on their content in fuels and raw materials,
Heavy metals industrial technology (e.g. combustion temperature), and emission control measures.
During the cement production process at high temperatures much of the heavy metals
present in the fuel and the raw materials evaporate and then condense on the clinker and
partly on fine particles in the flue gas. The latter portion of the metals finds its way to the
atmosphere after passing through the emission control equipment.
Dioxins can be formed in the combustion system when chlorine and organic compounds
are present. Under proper gas residence times, temperatures and oxygen contents within
Dioxines kiln systems dioxins/furans can be efficiently destroyed. Heterogeneous catalytic
formation - “de novo” synthesis - is possible at temperatures between 200 and 450° C in
the exhaust gas system provided precursors and other components are available.

5.1.1 Dispersion modeling

The BREEZE ISC GIS Pro version 4.1.3 model, an advanced Windows based version of the
EPA’s Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3 (ISCST3) model, was used to assess the
impact of gaseous emissions on ambient air quality in the Amran area. It incorporates features
that enable the user to estimate concentrations from a wide range of sources emitting non-
reactive compounds. It can simulate an unlimited number of sources, source groups,
receptors, receptor grids, eight short-term averages, and store up to two-hundred emission
rates (Trinity, 1999). The model requires 3 categories of input parameters namely (1) the

sources with corresponding properties, (2) continuous hourly meteorological data and a
depiction of the terrain, as well as (3) a description of receptor groups along with their
geographic location (Figure 17). Dispersion simulations from ACP were conducted for the
primary constituents linked with the cement industry namely PM, NOX, and SOx emissions.

Source characteristics
Point source Meteorology and topography Receptors and averaging
Area source Wind speed periods
Volume source Wind direction Geographic location of
Energy source Stability class receptors
Operation patterns Ambient temperature Identification of
Emission rates Mixing height affected receptors
Flue gas exit temperature Terrain elevation Defining averaging
Flue gas exit velocity Terrain classification period
Emission control measures

Concentration profiles
Time dependent exposure level for each receptor
Highest time dependent exposure level recorded
Generation of isopleths

Figure 17. BREEZE ISC GIS Pro input parameters

Note that emissions and dispersion/air quality simulations are limited by the accuracy of the
input data and the inherent limitations of the specific models used. While site-specific data
were used to the extent possible to develop emission and air quality modeling inputs, data
were not available at times and, thus, assumptions were developed as needed. Since no on-site
emission testing was available, typical values reported in the literature were adopted when
necessary. It should be stressed that all simulated concentrations represent incremental
increases associated with the operation of the ACP and as such do not account for background
or other nearby sources in the study area since such data were not available. Source characteristics

Breeze ISC GIS Pro requires the identification of the major emission sources in the study area
including their geographic locations, operational characteristics, as well as the corresponding
emission factors and rates. Emission factors and inventories have long been fundamental tools
for air quality management. Emission estimates are important for developing emission control
strategies, determining applicability of permitting and control programs, and ascertaining the
effects of sources and appropriate mitigation strategies. While some data were provided
directly by ACP, others were estimated by relying on design parameters and typical values
reported for the cement industry.

Emission sources at ACP can be divided into two main categories namely point and area
sources. Point sources include the main operating stacks (Figure 18 and Table 24). Tables 24
and 25 present the structural and operational characteristics of these stacks along with
emission factors adopted in this assessment. A range of factors were used because ACP does
not have an operational monitoring system at this time. Area sources which are formed as a
result of the handling, storage, and disturbance of dust include the operational portions of the
quarries as well as the plant area itself (Figure 19 and Table 26).

Figure 18. Point source emissions at ACP

Table 24. Structural characteristics of the main emitting stacks at ACP (ACP, 2004)
Existing plant Following expansion
Raw mill
Parameter Raw mill Power
Preheater- Clinker cooler Power Clinker Cement
Preheater- By pass engine
precalcinator By pass engines cooler mill
precalcinator kiln s
Height of chimney (m) 39 20 6 135 35 35 25 6
Diameter of chimney (m) 3.17 3.8 1.5 4.0 1.3 3.2 2.6 1.5
Flow rate in chimney (Nm /min) 2,345 2,636 10.6 7,500 4,650 4,650 1,300 10.6
Gas exit velocity (m/sec) 7.4 6.4 6 22.2 37.1 21.5 19.2 6
Temperature of emitted gas ( K) 408 448 623 608 623 608 359 623

Table 25. Emission factors for the main emitting stacks at ACP
Existing plant Following expansion
Raw mill
Parameter Raw mill
Preheater- Clinker cooler
Power engines Preheater- By pass Clinker cooler Cement mill Power engines
precalcinator By pass
precalcinator kiln
EF with no emission
1,157.6 2,469.6 2,291.7 2,291.7 2,597.2 11.5
control (g/sec)
EF with emission control
equipment with an 578.8 1,234.8 1,145.8 1,145.8 1,298.6 5.7
efficiency of 50 % (g/sec)
PM 0.008 0.016
EF with emission control
equipment with an 231.5 493.9 458.3 458.3 519.4 2.3
efficiency of 80 % (g/sec)
EF with BAT emission
1.16 2.47 2.29 2.29 2.59 0.01
control equipment (g/sec)
NOx Worst case EF with no
116 NA 229 NA NA NA
emission control (g/sec)
Regular EF (g/sec) 38.6 NA 0.28 76.4 NA NA NA 0.55
EF with BAT emission
19.3 NA 38.2 NA NA NA
control equipment (g/sec)
SOx EF with no emission
65.6 NA 129.9 NA NA NA
control (g/sec)
Regular EF (g/sec) 9.6 NA 0.09 19.1 NA NA NA 0.19
EF with BAT emission
5.3 NA 10.5 NA NA NA
control equipment (g/sec)
NA: Not applicable

Figure 19. Area source emissions from ACP

Table 26. Area sources at ACP

Emission rate (mg/sec×m2)
Area source No emission Emission control efficiency
control 25 % 50 % 80 %
Existing quarry 40,000 0.33 0.25 0.17 0.07
Quarry following expansion 106,929 0.33 0.25 0.17 0.07
Existing ACP plant 263,000 0.30 0.22 0.15 0.06
ACP plant following expansion 263,000 0.68 0.51 0.34 0.14 Meteorology and topography

Meteorological data and terrain description are important input parameters that affect the
dispersion of emissions from stack and area sources. Variations in concentrations at potential
receptors can occur with changes of meteorology and topography. As such, hourly
meteorological data were acquired for the entire year of 2002 which is used as a surrogate
year in this assessment. The data were recorded for Sana’a which has similar meteorological
conditions to Amran that currently lacks continuous monitoring stations. A summary of the
adopted meteorological data was presented in Section 4.1.3.

Complex terrain is defined as terrain at an elevation that exceeds the top of the stacks for the
simulated sources. In complex terrain, the plume height can be lower than the nearby terrain.
Intermediate terrain is terrain that exceeds the top of the stacks for the simulated sources but
does not exceed the plume height. Simple terrain can be used when the terrain elevations in
the immediate vicinity of the plant are less than 50 percent of the shortest non-fugitive stack
height being simulated (SCDHEC, 2001). The Amran area is characterized by its complex
terrain with a high altitude plateau (the Qaa El-Bon) that is surrounded by mountains and
hills. Data on terrain elevation in the study area were extrapolated using the ESRI’s ArcView

GIS software. A 65×67-cells grid, with a cell size of 750×750 m, was set up to cover the
study area. Then, by overlaying a GIS coverage of contour lines, the elevations of individual
grid points were estimated by an intersection and interpolation scheme. The grid-point
elevations were then processed into the required elevation file format for the Breeze ISC GIS
Pro (Figure 20).

ACP Employee

Hababah Quarry
ACP Amran

Shibam Thila

Figure 20. Three dimensional view of the simulated topographical features of the Amran area

Land use classification in the vicinity of ACP is needed because dispersion rates differ
between urban and rural settings. In general, urban areas cause greater rates of dispersion
because of increased turbulent mixing and buoyancy-induced mixing. This mixing is due to
the combination of greater surface roughness caused by more buildings and structures and
greater amounts of heat released from concrete and similar surfaces. The procedure to
determine whether to use urban or rural dispersion coefficients is described in the USEPA's
Guideline on Air Quality Models (1986) which uses the land use and population density as
classification criteria. The urban mode is selected if the land within a 3 kilometer radius of the
plant has heavy or medium industrial facilities, commercial or multi-family residential
compounds on more than 50 percent of the total area. Urban mode is also selected when the
population density within a 3-kilometer radius of the plant is greater than 750 people per
square kilometer. Otherwise the rural mode is selected. Rural mode was selected in the case
of ACP since the area surrounding the plant is sparsely populated and is either agricultural or
undeveloped. Receptors and averaging periods

Receptors are defined by a series of specific points with their corresponding geographic
coordinates in order to calculate the exposure levels at these locations. In this assessment,
receptors were selected at upper exposure levels. Sensitive locations were identified through
the adoption of a 65x67 Cartesian grid system (a total of 4,355 receptors), with a cell-size of
750×750 m. In addition, five discrete receptors were identified and incorporated within the
grid (Table 27).

Table 27. Identified discrete receptors

Discrete receptor Description Elevation (m)
Receptor #1 ACP Employee residence 1,750
Receptor #2 Town of Amran 1,750
Receptor #3 Town of Thila 2,250
Receptor #4 Town of Hababah 2,250
Receptor #5 Town of Shibam 2,250

The adopted averaging periods for exposure levels include daily, monthly and annual
averages. For each averaging period, the model reports highest average concentrations that
are calculated during the entire period at each receptor.

5.1.2 Definition of simulation scenarios
Scenarios were defined for simulating PM, NOx, and SOx concentrations. The scenarios were
developed to account for emissions prior to and following the start up of the new 1,000,000
tons/year production line. Moreover, the adopted scenarios accounted for the presence (with
varying efficiencies) or absence of emission control equipment/measures at ACP. Table 28
summarizes the adopted scenarios according to the simulated indicator.

Table 28. Adopted emissions dispersion scenarios

Indicator Scenario Sub-scenario
S1.1 = No emission control
S1.2 = Emission control equipment with an efficiency of 50
% for point sources1 and 25 % for area sources
S1.3 = Emission control equipment with an efficiency of 80
% for point sources1 and 50 % for area sources
S1.4 = Emission control equipment operating with BAT2 for
point sources1 and an 80 % removal efficiency for area
S2.1 = No emission control
S2.2 = Emission control equipment with an efficiency of 50
% for point sources1 and 25 % for area sources
S2.3 = Emission control equipment with an efficiency of 80
% for point sources1 and 50 % for area sources
S2.4 = Emission control equipment operating with BAT2 for
point sources1 and an 80 % removal efficiency for area Daily, Monthly,
sources Yearly
S3 S3.1 = Maximum emission factor
Existing S3.2 = Average emission factor
production S3.3 = BAT2
S4 S4.1 = Maximum emission factor
Following S4.2 = Average emission factor
Expansion S4.3 = BAT2
S5 S5.1 = Maximum emission factor
Existing S5.2 = Average emission factor
production S5.3 = BAT2
S6 S6.1 = Maximum emission factor
Following S6.2 = Average emission factor
Expansion S6.3 = BAT2
: Includes sources presented in Table 24. Note that emissions from power engine stacks were not varied
: BAT: Best Available Technology (Refer to Table 25)

5.1.3 Simulation results
The scenarios defined above were simulated under various emission rates or sub-scenarios
(Table 28) to assess exposure levels under real-time meteorological conditions. The results
were then compared with air quality standards (Table 4) to define the extent of exposure and
to risk areas. Simulation results are displayed in graphical form, whereby concentration
contour lines, or isopleths, are plotted around the generated Cartesian receptor network, using
an “inverse distance” gridding scheme. Exposure levels at the discrete receptors were also
recorded. Particulate matter dispersion

The adopted contour legend for PM is outlined in Figure 21. In the absence of emission
control measures at ACP a large area of Amran is exposed to PM levels exceeding the
allowable World Health Organization (WHO) health standards. The situation is aggravated
with the proposed expansion plan if control measures remain absent.

(a): Legend adopted for daily (b): Legend adopted for

and monthly ambient annual ambient concentration
Figure 21. Adopted contour legend for PM

Existing production capacity

Simulation results of PM dispersion and the corresponding exposure levels under the existing
production capacity of 600,000 tons/year and for the accounted for emission control scenarios
(ranging from no control in Sub-scenario S1.1 to the adoption of BAT in Sub-scenario S1.4)
are summarized in Table 29 and Figure 22. The results indicate that uncontrolled PM
emissions (Sub-scenario S1.1) expose large areas extending up to 15 Km from the plant to
levels exceeding the WHO annual ambient air quality standards (Figures 23 through 25).
Adopting a point source emission reduction of 50 percent and an area source reduction of 25

percent (Sub-scenario S1.2), reduces exposure but does not achieve the required daily and
annual standards for many areas that extend beyond 10 Km from ACP (Figures 23 through
25). An 80 percent reduction in PM point source emissions along with a 50 percent reduction
in area source emissions (Sub-scenario S1.3), achieved the annual health standard within 5
Km from ACP (Figure 25), while the daily standard was still exceeded out to approximately
10 Km from the plant (Figure 23). With the adoption of Best Available Technology (BAT)
for point sources and the implementation of a proper emission control plan to decrease area
sources by 80 percent (Sub-scenario S1.4), exceedance is limited to the area directly
surrounding ACP, where the highest daily ambient levels exceed the standards while annual
and monthly WHO ambient air quality standards are achieved (Figures 23 through 25).

Table 29. PM exposure levels (µg/m3) under Scenario S1 at selected discrete receptors
Employee residence Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
S1.1 (existing production capacity with no emission control)
Daily 2,348.6 1,220.3 395.2 201.7 184.6
Monthly 641.7 121.2 99.3 53.5 35.4
Annual 541.0 93.5 116.1 77.4 38.1
S1.2 (existing production capacity with emission control equipment operating at an efficiency of 50 % for point sources and 25 % for area sources)
Daily 1,273.1 (45.8)1 624.3 (48.8)1 209.9 (46.9)1 108.9 (46.0)1 94.1 (49.0)1
Monthly 367.3 (42.8)1 62.4 (48.5)1 52.1 (47.5)1 27.5 (48.6)1 18.1 (48.9)1
Annual 315.1 (41.8)1 48.5 (48.1)1 60.0 (48.3)1 39.9 (48.4)1 19.3 (49.3)1
S1.3 (existing production capacity with emission control equipment operating at an efficiency of 80 % for point sources and 50 % for area sources)
Daily 596.8 (74.6)1 262.2 (78.5)1 101.6 (74.3)1 50.7 (74.9)1 39.2 (78.8)1
Monthly 188.1 (70.7)1 26.5 (78.1)1 23.1 (76.7)1 11.6 (78.3)1 7.6 (78.5)1
1 1 1 1
Annual 165.6 (69.4) 21.0 (77.5) 25.8 (77.8) 17.1 (77.9) 8.1 (78.7)1
S1.4 (existing production capacity with emission control equipment operating at BAT for point sources and 80 % removal efficiency for area sources)
Daily 127.4 (94.6)1 18.4 (98.5)1 18.7 (95.3)1 7.0 (96.5)1 5.8 (96.9)1
Monthly 40.2 (93.7)1 1.6 (98.7)1 2.2 (97.8)1 0.8 (98.5)1 0.4 (98.9)1
1 1 1 1
Annual 38.6 (92.9) 1.6 (98.3) 1.8 (98.4) 1.1 (98.6) 0.3 (99.2)1
: Percent reduction from base conditions of uncontrolled emissions (Scenario S1.1)



PM (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(a): Daily averaging period


PM (µg/m )




Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(b): Monthly averaging period


PM (µg/m )




Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(c): Yearly averaging period

S1.1 S1.2 S1.3 S1.4

Annual WHO PM standard (60 µg/m3) Daily WHO PM standard (150 µg/m3)

Figure 22. PM exposure levels at selected discrete receptors under

existing production capacity of 600,000 tons/year

(a): S1.1: With no emission control (b): S1.2: With a control efficiency of 50 % for point
sources and 25 % for area sources

(c): S1.3: With a control efficiency of 80 % for point (d): S1.4: With BAT for point sources and 80 %
sources and 50 % for area sources control efficiency for area sources

Figure 23. Daily PM exposure levels under existing production capacity of 600,000 tons/year
(BAT: Best Available Technology)

(a): S1.1: With no emission control (b): S1.2: With a control efficiency of 50 % for point
sources and 25 % for area sources

(c): S1.3: With a control efficiency of 80 % for point (d): S1.4: With BAT for point sources and 80 %
sources and 50 % for area sources control efficiency for area sources

Figure 24. Monthly exposure levels under existing production capacity of 600,000 tons/year
(BAT: Best Available Technology)

(a): Sub-scenario S1.1: With no emission control (b): Sub-scenario S1.2: With a control efficiency of
50 % for point sources and 25 % for area sources

(c): S1.3: With a control efficiency of 80 % for point (d): Sub-scenario S1.4: With BAT for point sources
sources and 50 % for area sources and 80 % control efficiency for area sources

Figure 25. Annual exposure levels under existing production capacity if 600,000 tons/year
(BAT: Best Available Technology)

Expanded production capacity

Simulation results of PM dispersion and the corresponding exposure levels following
production expansion to 1,600,000 tons/year and for the accounted emission control scenarios
considered (ranging from no control in Sub-scenario S2.1 to the adoption of BAT in Sub-
scenario S2.4) are summarized in Table 30 and Figure 26. Under the expanded production
capacity of 1,600,000 tons/year, uncontrolled PM emissions (Sub-scenario S2.1) from ACP
tend to place a large portion of the population residing in the area that extends up to 24 Km
from the plant to concentrations exceeding the WHO annual ambient air quality standards
(Figure 29). Adopting a point source emission reduction of 50 percent and an area source

reduction of 25 percent (Sub-scenario S2.2) reduces exposure but does not achieve the
required annual standard for many areas located within a 20 Km radius from ACP. On the
other hand, achieving an 80 percent reduction in PM point source emissions along with a 50
percent in area source emissions (Scenario S2.3) reduces the annual exposure to elevated PM
concentration to the population residing 7 Km from ACP (Figure 29). Note that with the
adoption of BAT for point sources and implementation a rigorous emission control plan to
decrease area sources by 80 percent (Scenario S2.4), exceedance of WHO standards is very
much limited to the area directly surrounding ACP (Figures 27 through 29).

Table 30. PM exposure levels (µg/m3) under Scenario S2 at selected discrete receptors
Employee residence Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
S2.1 (Following expansion with no emission control)
Daily 3,529.1 1,950.5 986.0 570.4 440.6
Monthly 1,122.2 2,32.2 248.3 149.6 97.5
Annual 966.5 177.4 283.0 205.5 100.9
S2.2 (Following expansion with emission control equipment operating at an efficiency of 50 % for point sources and 25 % for area sources)
Daily 2,822.4 (20.0)1 1,427.1 (26.8)1 636.6 (35.4)1 374.5 (34.3)1 287.8 (34.7)1
Monthly 821.8 (26.8)1 158.6 (31.7)1 161.2 (35.1)1 94.7 (36.7)1 61.5 (36.9)1
Annual 710.3 (26.5)1 122.3 (31.1)1 184.2 (34.9)1 131.3 (36.1)1 64.1 (36.5)1
S2.3 (Following expansion with emission control equipment operating at an efficiency of 80 % for point sources and 50 % for area sources)
Daily 1,058.2 (70.0)1 439.4 (77.5)1 242.2 (75.4)1 142.8 (75.0)1 94.5 (78.6)1
Monthly 368.4 (67.2)1 52.1 (77.6)1 57.3 (76.9)1 32.3 (78.4)1 20.8 (78.7)1
1 1 1 1
Annual 332.2 (65.6) 41.2 (76.8) 62.8 (77.8) 44.9 (78.2) 21.3 (78.9)1
S2.4 (Following expansion with emission control equipment operating at BAT for point sources and 80 % removal efficiency for area sources)
Daily 314.0 (91.1)1 44.9 (97.7)1 45.3 (95.4)1 17.4 (96.9)1 14.5 (96.7)1
Monthly 99.4 (91.1)1 4.2 (98.2)1 5.5 (97.8)1 1.9 (98.7)1 0.9 (99.1)1
1 1 1 1
Annual 95.8 (90.1) 4.1 (97.7) 4.4 (98.4) 2.8 (98.6) 0.8 (99.2)1
: Percent reduction from base conditions of uncontrolled emissions (Scenario S2.1)



PM (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(a): Daily averaging period



PM (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(b): Monthly averaging period


PM (µg/m )




Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(c): Yearly averaging period

S2.1 S2.2 S2.3 S2.4

Annual WHO PM standard (60 µg/m3) Daily WHO PM standard (150 µg/m3)

Figure 26. PM exposure levels at selected discrete receptors following

the proposed expansion plan to 1,600,000 tons/year

(a): S2.1: With no emission control (b): S2.2: With a control efficiency of 50 % for point
sources and 25 % for area sources

(c): S2.3: With a control efficiency of 80 % for point (d): S2.4: With BAT for point sources and 80 % control
sources and 50 % for area sources efficiency for area sources

Figure 27. Daily PM exposure levels following production expansion to 1,600,000 tons/year
(BAT: Best Available Technology)

(a): S2.1: With no emission control (b): Sub-scenario S2.2: Following expansion with a
control efficiency of 50 % for point source and 25 %
for area sources

(c): Sub-scenario S2.3: Following expansion with a (d): Sub-scenario S2.4: Following expansion with
control efficiency of 80 % for point source and 50 % BAT for point source and 80 % control efficiency
for area sources for area sources

Figure 28. Monthly PM exposure levels following production expansion (1,600,000 tons/year)

(a): S2.1: With no emission control (b): S2.2: With a control efficiency of 50 % for
point sources and 25 % for area sources

(c): S2.3: With a control efficiency of 80 % for point (d): S2.4: With BAT for point sources and 80 %
sources and 50 % for area sources control efficiency for area sources

Figure 29. Annual PM exposure levels following production expansion to 1,600,000 tons/year
(BAT: Best Available Technology) Nitrogen Oxides dispersion

Highest daily and monthly concentrations as well as average annual NOx exposure levels
were determined for the different defined sub-scenarios and are presented in Table 31. The
results indicated that even with the absence of emission control measures at ACP the
population residing in the Amran area are not exposed to NOx concentrations exceeding the
allowable WHO health standards (Figures 30 and 31). As such, ACP is not expected to
introduce abatement measures to reduce its NOx emissions in the short term.

Table 31. NOx exposure levels (µg/m3) under Scenarios S3 and S4 at selected discrete receptors
Employee residence Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
S3.1 (Maximum emission factor before expansion)
Daily 56.9 36.3 12.2 5.6 5.5
Monthly 16.4 3.8 2.7 1.4 1.0
Annual 12.9 2.8 3.2 2.1 1.1
S3.2 (Average emission factor before expansion)
Daily 19.2 (66.3)1 12.3 (66.1)1 4.1 (66.4)1 1.9 (66.1)1 1.9 (65.5)1
Monthly 5.6 (65.9)1 1.3 1
(65.8) 0.9 (66.7)1 0.5 (64.3)1 0.3 (70.0)1
Annual 4.4 (65.9)1 1.0 1
(64.3) 1.1 (65.6)1 0.7 (66.7)1 0.4 (63.6)1
S3.3 (Operating with BAT before expansion)
Daily 9.8 (82.8)1 6.2 (82.9)1 2.0 (83.6)1 0.9 (83.9)1 0.9 (83.6)1
Monthly 3.0 (81.7)1 0.7 1
(81.6) 0.5 (81.5)1 0.2 (85.7)1 0.2 (80.0)1
Annual 2.3 (82.2)1 0.5 1
(82.1) 0.5 (84.4)1 0.4 (81.0)1 0.2 (81.8)1
S4.1 (Maximum emission factor after expansion)
Daily 57.4 36.7 25.9 15.8 10.8
Monthly 16.7 4.5 6.0 4.1 2.8
Annual 13.2 3.3 7.0 5.4 2.8
S4.2 (Average emission factor after expansion)
Daily 19.7 (65.7)2 12.6 (65.7)2 8.7 (66.4)2 5.3 (66.5)2 3.6 (66.7)2
Monthly 5.9 (64.7)2 1.5 2
(66.7) 2.0 (66.7)2 1.4 (65.9)2 0.9 (67.9)2
Annual 4.6 (65.2)2 1.1 2
(66.7) 2.3 (67.1)2 1.8 (66.7)2 0.9 (67.9)2
S4.3 (Operating with BAT after expansion)
Daily 10.6 (81.5)2 6.5 (82.3)2 4.4 (83.0)2 2.7 (82.9)2 1.8 (83.3)2
Monthly 3.2 (80.8)2 0.8 2
(82.2) 1.0 (83.3)2 0.7 (82.9)2 0.5 (82.1)2
Annual 2.5 (81.1)2 0.6 2
(81.8) 1.2 (82.9)2 0.9 (83.3)2 0.5 (82.1)2
: Percent reduction from base conditions of uncontrolled emissions under current production capacity (Scenario S3.1)
2: Percent reduction from base conditions of uncontrolled emissions following expansion (Scenario S4.1)



NOx (µg/m )

Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(a): Daily averaging period


NOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(b): Monthly averaging period


NOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(c): Yearly averaging period

S3.1 S3.2 S3.3

Annual WHO NOx standard (100 µg/m ) Daily WHO NOx standard (150 µg/m3)

Figure 30. NOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors under existing
production capacity of 600,000 tons/year



NOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(a): Daily averaging period


NOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(b): Monthly averaging period


NOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(c): Yearly averaging period

S4.1 S4.2 S4.3

Annual WHO NOx standard (100 µg/m ) Daily WHO NOx standard (150 µg/m3)

Figure 31. NOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors following the proposed expansion
of production capacity to 1,600,000 tons/year

61 Sulfur Oxides dispersion
Highest daily and monthly concentrations as well as average annual concentrations of SOx
were determined for the different defined sub-scenarios and are presented in Table 32. The
results indicated that even with the absence of emission control measures at ACP the
population residing in the Amran area are not exposed to SOx concentrations exceeding the
allowable WHO health standards (Figures 32 and 33). As such, ACP is not expected to
introduce abatement measures to reduce its SOx emissions in the short-term.

Table 32. SOx exposure levels (µg/m3) under Scenarios S5 and S6 at selected discrete receptors
Employee residence Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
S5.1 (Maximum emission factor before expansion)
Daily 32.1 20.5 6.9 3.2 3.1
Monthly 9.2 2.2 1.5 0.8 0.6
Annual 7.3 1.6 1.9 1.2 0.6
S5.2 (Average emission factor before expansion)
Daily 4.8 (85.0)1 3.1 (84.9)1 1.0 (85.5)1 0.5 (84.4)1 0.5 (65.5)1
Monthly 1.4 (84.8)1 0.3 1
(86.4) 0.2 (86.7)1 0.1 (87.5)1 0.1 (70.0)1
Annual 1.1 (84.9)1 0.2 1
(87.5) 0.3 (84.2)1 0.2 (83.3)1 0.1 (63.6)1
S5.3 (Operating with BAT before expansion)
Daily 2.7 (91.6)1 1.7 (91.5)1 0.6 (91.3)1 0.3 (90.6)1 0.3 (90.3)1
Monthly 0.8 (91.3)1 0.2 (90.9 1
0.1 (93.3)1 0.1 (87.5)1 0.04 (83.3)1
Annual 0.6 (91.8)1 0.1 1
(93.8) 0.2 (89.5)1 0.1 (91.7)1 0.1 (83.3)1
S6.1 (Maximum emission factor after expansion)
Daily 32.2 20.7 14.6 9.0 6.1
Monthly 9.3 2.5 3.4 2.3 1.6
Annual 7.4 1.9 4.0 3.0 1.6
S6.2 (Average emission factor after expansion)
Daily 5.0 (84.5)2 3.2 (84.5)2 2.2 (84.9)2 1.3 (85.6)2 0.9 (85.2)2
Monthly 1.5 (83.9)2 0.4 2
(84.0) 0.5 (85.3)2 0.3 (87.0)2 0.2 (87.5)2
Annual 1.2 (83.8)2 0.3 2
(84.2) 0.6 (85.0)2 0.4 (86.7)2 0.2 (87.5)2
S6.3 (Operating with BAT after expansion)
Daily 3.0 (90.7)2 1.8 (91.3)2 1.2 (91.8)2 0.7 (92.2)2 0.5 (91.8)2
Monthly 0.9 (90.3)2 0.2 2
(92.0) 0.3 (91.2)2 0.2 (91.3)2 0.1 (93.8)2
Annual 0.7 (90.5)2 0.2 2
(89.5) 0.3 (92.5)2 0.2 (93.3)2 0.1 (93.8)2
: Percent reduction from base conditions of uncontrolled emissions under current production capacity (Scenario S5.1)
2: Percent reduction from base conditions of uncontrolled emissions following expansion (Scenario S6.1)



SOx (µg/m )

Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(a): Daily averaging period


SOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(b): Monthly averaging period


SOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(c): Yearly averaging period

S5.1 S5.2 S5.3

Annual WHO SOx standard (50 µg/m ) Daily WHO SOx standard (150 µg/m3)

Figure 32. SOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors under

exiting production capacity of 600,000 tons/year



SOx (µg/m )

Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(a): Daily averaging period


SOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(b): Monthly averaging period


SOx (µg/m )


Employee Amran Thila Hababah Shibam
(c): Yearly averaging period

S6.1 S6.2 S6.3

Annual WHO SOx standard (50 µg/m ) Daily WHO SOx standard (150 µg/m3)

Figure 33. SOx exposure levels at selected discrete receptors following the proposed expansion
of production capacity to 1,600,000 tons/year

5.1.4 Limitations
Several limitations were encountered during the course of the present study. The absence of
reliable and long-term site-specific data has required drawing on literature reported values
that may not accurately describe actual operational conditions at ACP nor the baseline
environment in the Amran area. As such it is imperative to implement the proposed
monitoring program (refer to section 8.1) and to reassess the results and validate the
simulated exposure levels based on long-term and systematic monitoring data. It should be
kept in mind that all available models are far from being ideal and are simplifications of
reality. Models are only capable of providing a rough overview of real time processes and are
best used for comparison purposes. Note also that all air dispersion models including ISC
exhibit increasing uncertainty with short-term averaging periods. This uncertainty decreases
with increased averaging periods and as such predicted annual exposure levels tend to be
more accurate than daily levels. Finally, as indicated earlier, all simulated concentrations
represent incremental increases associated with the operation of the ACP and as such do not
account for background or other nearby sources in the study area since such data were not
available. Similarly, simulated exposure levels did not account for deposition due to the
unavailability of accurate and consistent data.

5.1.5 Environmental and health impacts of cement related air emissions

The constituents of cement-related emissions are associated with a wide array of
environmental, health, as well as aesthetic impacts that have been summarized in Table 33.
Of particular importance in the case of ACP, are the PM-related environmental and health
impacts. The magnitude of these impacts can be eliminated or significantly reduced with the
introduction of appropriate mitigation measures to limit dust emissions (see Section 7.10).

Table 33. Environmental effects of major constituents emitted from cement manufacturing
(Elsom, 1992; Boubel et al., 1994; Baumbach, 1996; Arya, 1999; Miller, 2002; USEPA, 2002a,b; WHO, 2002; Sharifi et al., 1997; Farmer, 1993)

Constituents Physical impacts Biological impacts Health impacts

Reduced visibility; damage to paints, Reduction of photosynthesis, retardation of growth Aggravation of respiratory conditions, increased
PM fabrics, metals, and building materials in plants and aquatic life respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung
damage, cancer, premature death
Precursor to ozone and acidic deposition, Discoloration and lesions on leaves, suppression of Irritation in respiratory tract, aggravation of lung
visibility reduction, water quality plant growth, damage to aquatic life and heart problems, oppressive odor, increased
deterioration, fading of fabrics and susceptibility to germs
textiles, and global warming
Corrosion and deterioration of metals Necrosis and discoloration in leaves, suppression Irritation in respiratory tract and eyes, changes in
SOx and building material, weakening and of growth and yield of trees lung functions, exacerbations of respiratory
fading of fabrics and textiles symptoms
Acidic deposition, materials damage, Not applicable Not applicable
global warming,
Not applicable Not applicable Blood toxicity, thinking impairment, headaches,
CO fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, visual impairment,
coma, irreversible brain damage, death
Precursor to ozone formation, Retardation of plant growth, chlorosis and necrosis Oppressive odor; irritations in respiratory tract and
VOC contamination of soil and groundwater in broad-leaved plants eyes; headaches; nausea; damage to liver, kidney,
and central nervous system; potential carcinogens
Contamination of soil, surface and Disruption of assimilation functions and cell Irritation in the skin and mucous membranes,
ground water membrane structure of plants, bioaccumulation in gastrointestinal effects, brain and nervous system
Heavy metals
and poisoning of terrestrial and aquatic life damage, increased blood pressure, reproductive
and developmental effects
Persistence in soil Changes in hormone systems, reduced reproductive Skin rashes, liver damage, weight loss, reduction in
capacity, and immuno-suppression in animals immunity

5.2 Waste generation
The operation of the ACP as well as the current construction works are a source of solid
wastes generation that can be divided into four distinct categories based on their composition
namely, Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), construction wastes, operation and maintenance wastes,
and general refuse. The impact of the generated wastes is dependent primarily on the
management option that is adopted.

5.2.1 Cement Kiln Dust

Particles that become entrained in the countercurrent gases or air are typically known as
CKD. This material is comprised of unchanged raw materials, dehydrated clay, decarbonated
(calcined) limestone, ash from fuel, and newly formed minerals produced by the chemical
transformations of pyroprocessing (USEPA 1998a). Often, CKD is collected and recycled
into the kiln thereby producing clinker from the dust. However, if the alkali content of the
raw materials is too high, as is the case at ACP, some or all of the dust is discarded or leached
(washed to reduce its alkalinity) before returning it to the kiln since the excess quantity of
alkali compounds present in the raw material can adversely affects the quality of the cement,
damage cement kiln linings, as well as increase dust emissions from the kiln stack. Most of
this alkali dust is evaporated inside the kiln and bled off from the back end of the kiln
(through a bypass system) (CIF 2000a, Bapat, 2001; USEPA, 1993a; 1995a). Currently ACP,
removes around 25 percent of the generated gas flow through the by-pass system.

At ACP, CKD is the largest solid waste stream produced on-site due to the alkali nature of the
raw materials excavated from the quarries. The estimated amount of CKD generated per day
is around 2 percent of the total amount of clinker generation (around 35 tons of CKD per
day)3. Note that according to the information provided by ACP the new production line is
expected to produce minimal quantities of CKD4. Currently, the generated CKD is stored in
an open storage yard prior to being hauled and disposed of in nearby plots without proper
environmental management. The open storage of CKD may lead to the spreading of the fine
dust along large areas particularly during windy conditions, causing damage and nuisance to
nearby residences and plantations, particularly since the ACP is located in an area that is
exposed to high wind velocities (due to the topography and area characteristics). Note that the

Assuming that the daily clinker production rate is 1,700 tons (current capacity at ACP)
In case the new production line will result in the generation of CKD, the expected amount will be around 56 tons/day
(assuming a production rate of 1,000,000 tons of clinker per year and a CKD generation rate of 2 percent)

improper disposal of CKD is known to damage ground water, surface water, soil, and air
quality as a result of leaching and wind dispersion (USEPA, 1998b).

5.2.2 Construction wastes

Construction wastes at ACP is generated from unused building materials at the new process
line and includes wood from formwork and falsework, equipment and vehicle maintenance
parts, materials and equipment wrappings, unusable/surplus concrete-grouting mixes-
demolition waste, and damaged equipments.

Construction wastes pose adverse impacts in case of improper disposal. The haphazard
disposal of construction wastes may cause visual intrusion, increase health and safety risks,
result in degradation of the receiving environment, as well as decrease the value of
surrounding property. As such, it is importance to allocate a proper disposal site.

5.2.3 Operation and maintenance wastes

The regular operation and maintenance works at ACP are another source of solid waste
generation that include worn-out bricks that are used as refractory material inside the kilns
and clinker coolers for heat insulation, scrap and used metals, faulty or worn-out equipment,
fluorescent tubes, batteries, empty containers, used paint, engine oils, hydraulic fluids, as well
as waste fuel. Failing to properly manage the waste stream will result in adverse
environmental impacts including odor generation, visual impacts, as well as health impacts
(Figure 34). Note that chemical wastes and lubricants may pose serious environmental, health
and safety hazards if not properly stored and managed. Furthermore, their improper handling
can lead to toxic effects among exposed workers, adverse effects on air, water, and land as
well as fire hazards. The seepage of chemical wastes into the sewerage network might also
disrupt sewage treatment works due to potential damage to biological treatment systems.

Figure 34. Improper handling of wastes at ACP

5.2.4 General refuse

ACP has more than 700 workers, site offices, workers quarters, and canteens, all of which
generate a variety of general refuse that requires proper management. General refuse consists
mainly of food wastes, aluminum cans and waste paper, which can result in potential adverse
environmental impacts if not properly managed. These include odor emissions, windblown
litter, and visual impact especially if the waste stream is not collected frequently. The site
may also attract pests, vermin, and other disease vectors if the waste storage areas are not
well maintained and regularly cleaned. In addition, the disposal of wastes at sites other than
approved landfills/dumps, can lead to similar adverse impacts at those sites.

5.3 Traffic
Transportation of raw materials (gypsum, pozzolanic rock, fuel) and cement to and from ACP
impacts traffic congestion on the roads leading to the plant including the main Amran-Sana’a
Highway. The proposed increase in production capacity at ACP (up to 1,600,000 tons/year) is
expected to increase congestion by contributing to around 3575 truck trips (two way trips) per
day as compared to the 1306 daily trips that are currently generated.

Assuming that pozzolanic rocks (560 tons/day), gypsum (187 tons/day), and sandy clay (400 tons/day) are transported
by 20 tons trucks to ACP while fuel (660 m3/day) is transported in 20 m3 tankers and cement (5,333 tons/day) is
transported in 20 tons trucks
Assuming that pozzolanic rocks (210 tons/day), gypsum (70 tons/day), and sandy clay (150 tons/day) are transported
by 20 tons trucks to ACP while fuel (250 m3/day) is transported in 20 m3 tankers and cement (2,000 tons/day) is
transported in 20 tons trucks

While these trucks are not expected to contribute significantly to the overall number of
vehicles traveling on the Amran-Sanaa highway, they will add to traffic congestion
particularly that they normally travel at lower speeds. Note that the existing condition of the
highway, which is predominantly narrow and lacks shoulders, safety barriers, and appropriate
lighting, limits overtaking potential that in turn increases congestion. Furthermore, the
improper transportation of cement bags from ACP can lead to severe congestion particularly
if some of the cement bags topple from the transportation trucks or if a cement bag is ruptured
(Figure 35).

Figure 35. Improper transportation of cement bags from ACP

5.4 Noise and vibrations

Noise is defined as “unwanted sound”. It has numerous adverse effects on people’s health and
well-being as well as on the environment. Several factors other than the magnitude of
exposure typically influence community reaction to noise including duration of intruding
noises and frequency of occurrence, time of year (windows open or closed), time of day of
noise exposure, outdoor noise level in community when intruding noises are not present,
history of prior exposure to noise source, attitude towards noise source, and presence of pure
tones and impulses (USEPA, 1978).

Most activities in the process of cement manufacturing entail the use of heavy machineries
that generate high levels of noise, much of which can be reduced by properly siting and
insulating the operations area (Hewlett, 1998). Noise generation from the cement industry
may either be permanent or intermittent. Intermittent noise is mainly due to blasting, the daily

starting of engines, and the loading of rocks into dumpers (WBCSD, 2002). Permanent noise
generating sources can be divided into three main groups namely (CEMBUREAU, 1999):

• Machine generated noise: this regards mainly process machines (crushers, grinding mills),
fan casings, motors/couplings and compressors. Generally, the type and age of machines
affect the level of noise generated, with older machines usually emitting higher levels of
• Air-flow generated noise: this applies to stack, fan inlet/outlet or air intake and ventilation
units. Generally, air flowing in a duct, pipe or stack generates noise whose sound power
level depends on cross section, flow contours and speed. Flow speeds higher than 15-20
m/s generate noise.
• Other sources: such as noise escaping from buildings or caused by the transport of
materials within the plant’s boundaries.

The assessment of the noise impacts resulting from the operation of the ACP plant under its
current production capacity as well as following the addition of the new 1,000,000 tons
clinker/year production line was conducted by developing noise contours in the area adjacent
to ACP as depicted in Figure 36 and described below.

Determining noise levels (Leq) for noise

generating sources

The sound levels (Leq) arising from

various sources are added to obtain the
total sound level emitted from the ACP
(the ACP is considered as a point
source noise emitter)

The Leq for the ACP is adjusted for the

radial distance x (in feet) from the plant
area to receptors

The adjusted Leq is then added to the

baseline noise value
Figure 36. Methodology for the assessment of noise impacts at ACP

Noise measurements were conducted at ACP using two digital sound level meters (Figure
37). Measured levels conformed to typical energy-equivalent noise levels that have been
reported for the cement industry. Note that noise level propagation during plant operation

have been simulated based on reported noise values (Table 34) since ACP is currently
undergoing heavy construction activities that may affect the measured noise levels.

Figure 37. Noise meters used at ACP to measure ambient and industry related noise levels

Table 34. Measured noise levels at ACP as compared to typical

energy-equivalent noise levels reported for the cement industry
(ETPI, 1999)
Noise levels(dBA)
Location Measured noise Typical noise
levels levels1
Quarry 2 NR 87-106
Crusher NR 90-105
Raw mill 98-103 97-115
Kiln 91-96 94-115
Cement Mill 93-104 91-107
NR: Not recorded
: Measured at 7.5 m from source
: Value measured during the loading and transport of
raw materials

The noise levels generated from various noise sources are added together. The methodology
for the addition of two sources of noise is presented in Figure 38, where (L2 - L1) is the
difference (in dBA) between the two sources, and ∆L is the number of dBA to be added to the
level of the noisiest source (the sum being louder than the noisiest).



∆L dB

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(L2-L1) dB
Figure 38. Method of adding two noise sources

The cumulative noise level that is generated from the existing plant ranges between 101 and
119 dBA, while the cumulative noise level that is generated after the new production line is
operational ranges between 103 and 122 dBA.

The total Leq resulting from the ACP is adjusted for the radial distance x (in feet) that
separates between the plant and nearby receptors using (1). Note that it was assumed that a
noise reduction of 15 dB(A) will occur as a result of the presence of on-site buildings and the
plant’s boundary wall. Noise levels that are contributed by the operation of the ACP are then
computed for selected receptors. Following this step, the ambient noise levels are added to
generate the total noise exposure. Figure 39 illustrates the contribution of the ACP to noise
generation without the addition of baseline noise levels. The resulting noise levels exceed
both daytime and nighttime Yemeni noise standards set forth for rural and sub-urban
residential areas, while the standard set forth for industrial areas is achieved within 2 Km-

L eq adjusted = L eq − 20 log(x + 250) + 48 (1)



Leq (dBA)


0 1 2 3 4
Distance from source (Km)
(a): Noise level propagation from the existing production line

Leq (dBA)



0 1 2 3 4
Distance from source (Km)
(b): Noise level propagation following expansion of the ACP plant
Yemeni noise standards for industrial areas
Yemeni noise standards for suburban areas (7:00 am to 6:00 pm)
Yemeni noise standards for suburban areas (11:00 pm to 7:00am)

Figure 39. Noise level propagation from ACP

Note that noise emissions on-site are of concern to on-site workers who are exposed to
elevated noise levels for an average period of 8-hr. Most measured noise levels along the
cement production line (Table 35) exceed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) 8-hour occupational noise exposure standard of 90 (dBA).

Table 35. Measured noise levels at ACP
Areas measured within ACP Noise (dBA)
Outside 85
Inside 100
Preheater (Tower) 82
Kiln 91-96
Homogenization silos 100
Near raw mill motor 103
Near raw mill grinder 98
Cement mill
Backside 93
Front-side 104
Control room
Door open 72
Door closed 64
Maintenance workshop (working at less
than 50 % efficiency)
Power station
Inside 92
Outside 105

Vibrations on the other hand, are produced by blasting of limestone and the like and from
heavy traffic on or off-site. The levels of vibration generated by mineral workings are
generally well below those that cause structural damage to properties. However, vibrations
transmitted through the ground and pressure waves through the air (“overpressure”) shake
buildings and may create a nuisance. In this context, blasting is an issue of concern for the
local people. Several residential units surrounding ACP have complained that vibrations from
the plant have resulted in property damage (Figure 40).

Figure 40. Cracks in the walls of a residential unit adjacent to the ACP operated quarries

5.5 Surface and ground water quality
Cement production does not normally involve significant quantities of liquid effluents, which
are usually limited to surface runoff, process, and cooling waters. As such the industry’s
impact on water quality is limited and site-specific. Nevertheless, the transport, storage, and
handling of fuels are potential sources of contamination for soil, surface water bodies, as well
as groundwater sources in the area. This is particularly true at ACP, whereby fuel tankers
openly discharge their extra load of fuel in nearby wadis stretching between Maarib and
Amran, thus potentially polluting valuable and much needed groundwater resources in the
area (as well as intermittent surface water in the form of flash floods) (Figure 41). The
uncontrolled discharge of residual fuel in the wadis is a result of poor management and
planning, whereby the differences in altitude and ambient temperatures (between Amran and
Maarib) are not accounted for. The transported fuel from Maarib tends to increase in viscosity
along the way to Amran that is located at a higher altitude and has a colder climate, thus
hampering the complete transfer of the fuel load at ACP. As a result, the fuel tankers depart
from Amran with residual fuel still in their tankers. In order to maximize their revenues the
drivers tend to dump the remaining fuel load along the Maarib road7 (the lower altitude and
higher temperatures at Maarib decreases the viscosity of the residual fuels) since the adopted
mode of payment for the transport of fuel at the Safer Oil Refinery in Maarib is volume based
(thus loading a larger volume of fuel increases revenue for the drivers).

It is important to note that residual fuel disposal is not from trucks bringing fuel to ACP only, but rather from all
trucks that distribute fuel in the region

(a): Fuel pools along the Amran-Maarib road

(b): Discharge in the vicinity of the roads which increases traffic accidents

(c): Fuel spillages reaching storm water drainage channels and wadis
Figure 41. Uncontrolled fuel discharge along the Amran-Maarib road

Furthermore, the handling and storage of fuels at ACP is poorly conducted leading to fuel and
oil spillage that can adversely impact groundwater and surface water resources in the area
(Figure 42). Another important source of potential water pollution in the cement industry is
the leaching of the highly alkali dust (CKD) that is generated as a waste stream-byproduct of
the manufacturing process. Evidence of damage to groundwater and surface water from the
on-site management of CKD has been documented in several cement plants (USEPA, 1998b).

Storm-water runoff is associated with the natural flow of water from adjacent lands
surrounding the site as well as from the site proper that is expected to show a decrease in its
ability to infiltrate water as a result of the increase of impermeable surfaces including
buildings as well as concreted and asphalted areas. The improper design of drainage channels
could lead to safety, socio-economic and environmental implications. It is during the wet
season (especially during the sporadic floods that occur almost annually), that the CKD as
well as spilled fuels and oils within the plant boundary can get entrained with on-site runoff
water leading to the potential contamination of important surface and ground water sources in
the area.

Other potential sources of aggression on surface and ground water sources at ACP include 1)
the untreated discharge of the effluent generated from the quality-assurance laboratory that
may be contaminated by chemicals such as acids and/or alkalis; 2) cooling water effluents
that contain dissolved solids (potassium and sodium hydroxide, chlorides, and sulfates) and
suspended solids; 3) sewage effluent from toilets and discharges from on-site kitchen
facilities8. Note that ACP is currently not connected to the AWWTP and uses unsanitary cess-
pools for the disposal of the generated wastewater.

Estimated to range between 34 m3/day (45.5 L/capita/day water consumption rate reported in KFW, 2003) and 75
m3/day (100 L/capita/day water consumption rate) and considering that ACP currently employs 750 employees.
Following expansion ACP will employ an additional 400 employees and the estimated daily generation rate is
expected to increase to reach between 52 and 115 m3/day.

Figure 42. Fuel and oil spillage and leakage at ACP

5.6 Soil quality

The storage, disposal, as well as dispersion of CKD constitute by far the most significant
threat to soil quality in the cement industry. Soils neighboring cement factories, especially
downwind areas, tend to exhibit elevated pH levels as well as high levels of chromium, silica,
iron, and calcium with concentrations decreasing dramatically with distance from cement
plants (Adamson et al., 1994; Mandre, 1997; Asubiojo et al., 1991; Mandre et al., 1998). The
disposal of the generated CKD in neighboring plots is a major source of soil degradation
particularly if disposal is conducted haphazardly and without taking into consideration the
assimilation capacity of the disposal area. ACP is currently disposing the generated CKD in

neighboring plots, a practice that is adversely affecting these sites as well as neighboring
areas that get exposed to CKD either as a result of wind erosion or water deposition during
the wet season. CKD is known to increase the alkalinity of the exposed soils. Note that the pH
tolerance limits of different plants vary widely, but for most commercial crops, a neutral pH
(between 6.3 and 7.5) is considered suitable (Batjes, 1995). The fact that the soils in the
Amran area are moderately alkaline (Table 12), exposure to CKD can further increase the
alkalinity level which in turn may result in soil property changes and decreased vegetation
growth (Table 36). Studies of CKD impacts on vegetation show decreased growth rates,
reduced diversity, as well as a drop in production. CKD was also observed to result in a
reduction of plant height, plant cover, number of leaves, leaf area, as well as the generation of
photosynthetic pigments and phytomass (Iqbal and Shafiq, 1998; Misra et al. 1993).

Table 36. Soil pH and associated impacts (Batjes, 1995, Landon, 1991, Mengel and Kirkby, 1982)
pH value Soil classification Impact interpretation
• Possible Aluminum toxicity and excess availability of Cobalt, Cupper,
Iron, Manganese, and Zinc
• Deficient in Calcium, Potassium, Nitrogen, Magnesium, Phosphorous,
and Sulfur
• Boron deficiency below pH of 5
≤ 5.5 Strongly acidic • Molybdenum becomes more available with decreasing pH
• Bacterial and actinomycete activity is reduced along with a
predominance of fungi
• Mineralization of organic matter and nitrification are restricted
• Below a pH of 3, functioning of cell membranes is impaired, resulting
in leakage of elements
• Preferred pH range for most crops, lower end of range may be too
acidic for some
Moderately • pH between the range of 6.0 and 7.0 hampers phosphorous fixation
acidic, slightly
5.5 - 7.3 • Neutral pH favors the fixation of molecular Nitrogen by free living
acidic, and
neutral soils soil microorganisms and by symbiotic microorganisms
• Above a pH value of 7.0 the availability of Iron, Manganese, Zinc,
Cobalt, and Cupper declines
• Above a pH of 7.0 there is an increase in the availability of Iron,
Manganese, Zinc, Cobalt, and Copper
Slightly alkaline • Increased risk of ammonia volatilization
7.3 - 8.5 and Moderately • First increasing availability of Phosphorus and Boron, but deficiencies
alkaline soils may occur at higher pH values
• Insoluble Calcium-Phosphates may be formed at higher pH
• Electric conductivity is generally high at higher pH values
• Calcium and magnesium are liable to become unavailable to most
• Often high sodium levels lead to toxicity and structural damage
Strongly to very • Toxicity of bicarbonates and other anions
≥ 8.5
strongly alkaline • Possible Boron toxicity common in saline and or sodic soils
• Availability of most micronutrients and of Iron, Manganese, Zinc,
Copper, and Cobalt is reduced, except for Molybdenum
• Decreased microbial activity

The lack of planning for waste/overburden disposal at ACP has resulted in the creation of a
waste hillock at the quarry site which has become a landscape spoiler and a main source for
the sliding of waste materials/silt into neighboring farm lands, thus leading to the loss of
fertile soils, damage to crops and property, and to the potential aggravation of the relations
between ACP and its neighbors (Figure 43). The improper transport, handling, and storage of
oil and lubricants at ACP can also lead to potential soil contact with petroleum derivatives, a
process that may require expensive treatment if levels reach hazardous thresholds.

Figure 43. Uncontrolled disposal of rejected raw material at ACP

5.7 Terrestrial biodiversity
Typically, the potential terrestrial ecological impacts arising from cement manufacturing may
include direct impacts as a result of habitat loss, loss of species, and habitat fragmentation as
well as indirect impacts on the surrounding habitats and associated fauna due to increased
human activities, dust accumulation, emission of noise and vibrations, accidental spillages
and leakages, as well as trampling.

In the cement industry, quarrying is the main source of habitat loss and fragmentation due to
the large quarries needed to supply the raw materials to the cement plant. Furthermore, dust
accumulation on vegetation and soils has shown to reduce net photosynthesis, water-use
efficiency, and respiration, resulting in lower primary production as well as to a change in
plant chemistry, species competition and faunal community structure (Sharifi et al., 1997;
Farmer, 1993; WBCSD, 2002). The continuous generation of noise and vibrations on the
other hand, can disrupt communication in fauna and lead to changes in behavior (e.g. food
gathering, mating, warning signals and brood care can be disrupted) that may lead to a
subsequent change in ecological communities (WBCSD, 2002).

At ACP, the biodiversity at the site is expected to be enhanced with the adopted landscaping
program that will include planting of green buffers that will improve the biological potential
of the area by providing a green area within the arid surroundings.

5.8 Resource use

The cement industry is a heavy consumer of resources namely energy and raw materials.
Energy consumption typically accounts for 30 to 40 percent of the production cost of cement,
depending on the raw materials and the production process adopted (CEMBUREAU, 1997).
Energy consumption in cement production is in the form of electric and fuel energy. Fuel
consumption is estimated to range between 2,900 and 5,100 MJ/ton of clinker produced (EA,
2001; IPPC, 2001; Hendriks et al., 1998; USEPA, 1994b; CEMBUREAU, 1999). Therefore,
it is beneficial to operate cement plants with low heat consumption and to achieve high levels
of fuel utilization (FLSmidth, 2001). Currently, ACP’s fuel consumption is considered to be
on the high-end whereby around 4,570 MJ of fuel are consumed for every ton of clinker
produced (assuming a consumption rate of 81.1 L of HFO with a calorific content of 37,585
BTU/L for every ton of clinker produced and a diesel consumption rate of 37.3 L for every

ton of clinker produced while assuming that the burnt diesel has a gross calorific content of
34,346 BTU/L9).

Concerning electricity consumption, cement production is known to consume anywhere

between 90 and 130 kWhr per ton of cement produced (CEMBUREAU, 1997; Canpolat et
al., 2001). The main electricity consuming sections in a cement plant are the mills (finish
grinding and raw grinding) and the exhaust fans (kiln/raw mill and cement mill) which
together account for more than 80 percent of the total electrical energy usage (IPPC, 2001).
ACP has reported an electricity consumption rate of 138.5 kWhr per ton which is relatively
high when compared to international rates.

Cement production is a high consumer of raw materials (limestone and gypsum), whereby the
industry transforms raw materials into final product. The average feed-to-production ratio in
the industry is around 1.72 for dry preheater process kilns (USEPA, 1995a). With the existing
production capacity of 600,000 tons per annum, the industry is required to consume
1,032,000 tons of raw materials. The planned expansion at ACP is expected to increase the
annual production rate up to 1,600,000 tons of cement per year thus requiring an annual raw
material consumption of 2,752,000 tons. Quarrying operations at ACP have been reported to
be responsible for changing the natural drainage in the area (by altering the topography) as
well as impacting the groundwater table as a result of blasting activities that generate
vibrations that can damage subterranean fissures and aquifers.

Water is primarily consumed for cooling of machineries such as the shafts of rotating kilns
and cement mills. No direct contact or mixing, however, is usually involved between the oil
and the water used and as such mechanical cooling waters can normally be recycled after use.
Another source of water use is the operation of the electrostatic precipitator, whereby
conditioning of the exhaust gases is often necessary and is commonly achieved by means of
water jet-spraying into an evaporation cooler upstream of the separator (such water is
normally evaporated and emitted at the stack as vapor) (VDI, 1985). ACP has reported that
the existing production line consumes around 450 m3/day of fresh water (or around 0.37
m3/ton of cement produced). The new production line at ACP will be able to achieve higher
water conservations whereby it has been reported by ACP that water consumption will be
around 177.6 m3/day (0.05 m3/ton of cement produced).

Adapted from Exxon-Mobil, 2004

5.9 Health and safety
The main health and safety concern in the cement industry has always been the exposure to
the fine dust that is generated in significant amounts through-out the cement manufacturing
process. Exposure to cement related dust has long been associated with the prevalence of
respiratory diseases as well as varying degrees of lung and laryngeal cancer, gastrointestinal
tumors, as well as dermatitis (Table 37). Exposure to cement generated dust can occur
through several pathways including inhalation, ingestion, as well as dermal exposure.
Workers in the cement industry are the most susceptible group to the adverse health impacts
of cement related dust with long periods of dermal, respiratory, as well as gastrointestinal
exposure routes (Fatima et al., 2001). Currently ACP employees are not equipped with the
required personal protection equipment and as such are exposed to elevated concentrations of
cement dust which can result in high occurrence of sick leaves that in turn reduces plant
productivity. The lack or improper training of the staff in charge of the operation and
maintenance could equally expose them along with nearby residents to elevated
concentrations of cement related dust.

Table 37. Adverse health effects of CKD

Target Effect Reference

Decrease in lung volumes and expiratory flow rates Weill et al., 1975
Lower lung function Oleru, 1984
Higher incidence of chronic respiratory symptoms and reduction of Yang et al., 1996
ventilatory capacity
Higher incidence of respiratory symptoms, chronic bronchitis, and Noor et al., 2000; Kalacic,
impaired lung function 1973; Izycki et al., 1979
Higher incidence of chronic bronchitis and recurring incidence of Maciejewska and
chronic rhinitis, laryngitis, pharynx catarrh and asthma Bielichowska-Cybula, 1991
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis McCunney and Godefroi,
Greater tooth surface loss Tuominen and Tuominen,
Cement plant workers

Greater intensity of parodontal disease Bozyk and Owczarek, 1990

Pulmonary and hepatic granulomatous disorders Cortex Pimentel and
Peixoto-Menezes, 1978
High incidence of retroflexion of the uterus, inflammation of the Dudkiewicz et al., 1983
ovary, erosion of the vaginal part of the uterus, prolapse of the
vaginal walls and incontinence among women workers
Inflammatory changes and chemical burns in skin of workers Maciejewska and
exposed to long-term contact with cement Bielichowska-Cybula, 1991
Significant increase in the incidence of chromosomal aberrations Fatima et al., 2001
Lung and laryngeal cancer, gastrointestinal tumours and dermatitis Noor et al., 2000; Olsen and
Sabroe, 1984
Increased risk of stomach cancer Mc Dowall, 1984
Incidence of colorectal cancers Jakobsson et al., 1990
Risk factor for right-sided colon cancer Jakobsson et al., 1993
Higher general mortality and significant excess of lung-cancer Haider and Neuberger, 1980
Polyneuritic symptoms, sleep disorders, headache and fatigue Brockhaus et al., 1981
associated with increased thallium intake among population around
General population

a cement plant
Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and varying degrees of airway Noor et al., 2000
obstruction among exposed population
Inflammatory infiltrations and atrophic and hypertrophic changes Janicka-Beuth, and
in the nose of exposed subjects Korenkiewicz, 1997
Higher prevalence of most respiratory symptoms in exposed Goren et al., 1999

Concerning the general population residing in the vicinity of cement plants, many studies
indicated potential human health risks due to exposure to the fine particulate matter, which
characterizes cement dust. Receptors exposed to PM levels exceeding ambient air quality
standards are expected to have higher incidences of respiratory diseases, yet it is not known
what percentage of the population is likely to develop morbid effects particularly that the

cause-effect relationships between PM and adverse health effects are uncertain (Abt, 2004).
On the other hand, exposure via indirect pathways or food-chain exposure may result in
excess cancer cases over a period of 70-years (USEPA, 1997). Several methods have been
explored to estimate health-based socio-economic benefits for decreasing ambient PM levels
(log-linear and the linear relationship), however their use requires long-term continuous
monitoring data coupled with good health statistics which currently lack in Amran.

Other adverse impacts on health and safety include common occupational risks associated
with the presence of heavy mechanical equipment, hot ovens, furnaces, crushers, explosives,
fans, as well as fire and explosion risks. These risks are inherent to the cement industry and
can only be minimized or mitigated through proper staff training and the adoption and
implementation of clear health and safety operational procedures (Refer to section 7.9).

5.10 Landscape and visual intrusion

Landscape disturbance and visual intrusions are inevitable at the site proper owing to the fact
that cement manufacturing is a heavy mineral-based industry that requires the exploitation of
large plots of lands for plant siting and raw material extraction. The quarrying activities as
well as the actual siting of the cement plant directly affect the existing landscape and land use
patterns through:

• Displacing current activities and existing flora and fauna at the plant and the quarry site
• Degrading the land due to quarrying activities
• Creating potential conflict with adjacent land uses (agricultural lands and residential
areas), thereby causing a visual disruption of the landscape
• Loss of agricultural land to industrial/quarrying use
• Change in topography (due to surface mining) causing visual impacts
• Dust deposition on roads, buildings, and vegetation

At ACP, the disposal of waste/overburden disposal has resulted in the creation of a waste
hillock which has become a landscape spoiler. Current quarrying practices have also not
accommodated for appropriate spoil covering and vegetation plans, with the result being that
the plant is now facing problems due to the sliding of waste/silt into neighboring farm lands
during the rainy season (Refer to Figure 43). Note that much of the current visual impacts can
be minimized by integrating the plant with the existing landscape and through the

development and adoption of rolling restoration plans particularly prior to the commissioning
of the new production line that will triple total production (Refer to Section 7.10).

5.11 Socio-economics
Cement manufacturing has evolved to become an integral contributor to modern economy,
and the cement industry’s principal socioeconomic development through the provision of
concrete, a useful product which has a wide and expanding range of uses, including
transportation, industry and commerce, housing, infrastructure, utilities, etc (WBCSD, 2002).
As such, the operation and expansion of ACP is considered as an important driving force for
the construction, development, and rehabilitation efforts that the private and public sectors are
dedicated to achieving and promoting in Yemen. The local production of cement is a strategic
necessity that will increase the independence of Yemen on other countries to achieve
development (currently Yemen imports cement from Russia, Egypt, the United Arab
Emirates, India, etc.). Furthermore, ACP contributes to the local economy of the area by
providing employment opportunities that often extend beyond the boundaries of the area.
Currently, ACP provides 750 direct employment opportunities. This number is expected to
reach 1,150 jobs at the completion of the expansion plan that will increase the total
production capacity from 600,000 to 1,600,000 tons per year. Indirect and induced
employment opportunities are equally important sources for the generation of income at the
community level. Indirect employment is usually achieved through the creation and
promotion of new job opportunities at the businesses that supply goods and services to ACP
including contractors (e.g., maintenance, catering, office services), transport providers, house
purchase and rental, equipment and services procurement, construction companies, equipment
manufacturers, caterers, etc. Induced employment on the other hand, is generated by the
direct expenditure of ACP workers in the local economy (and more specifically in the shops
and stores located within the geographic boundaries of the town of Amran and its surrounding
villages). In addition, ACP provides healthcare, education, accommodation and pensions for
its employees thus enhancing their socio-economic status. ACP has also been a major donor
for a variety of governmental organization (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry,
Ministry of Supply), local councils, as well as social welfare organizations (Appendix B).
Furthermore, ACP has contributed to the construction and/or implementation of local schools,
mosques, and water projects in the Amran area.

On the other hand, ACP is also responsible for several direct and indirect negative socio-
economic impacts that include a drop in the land value in the area surrounding the plant,

disruption of agricultural practices, increased exposure to dust, and potential respiratory and
dermal illness (see Section 5.9), limiting the recreational and tourism potential of the area
surrounding the site10, damaging the scenic qualities of the landscape, promoting a sense of a
decreased level of resident satisfaction with the general character and amenity of the area, as
well as leading to the development of a general perception of being exposed to adverse health

5.12 Summary of impact analysis

Potential environmental impacts at ACP are associated with air quality, solid waste, traffic,
noise, surface and groundwater quality, soil quality, terrestrial biodiversity, resource use,
health and safety, landscape and visual intrusion, as well as socio-economic impacts.
Undoubtedly, ACP provides a positive socio-economic impact related to the potential
increase in job opportunities for locals as well as providing a product that is much needed to
meet the demand for the construction and development activities that are occurring on the
national scale. On the other hand, several potential adverse aspects that are associated with
the project can negatively affect the environment particularly as a result of the associated air
emissions, effluent discharge, and the solid waste stream. As such, the adoption of proper
environmental management plans is needed to ensure the sustainability of cement production
and the expected benefits from ACP. Based on the analysis presented in this Chapter, Table
38 provides a qualitative summary of the significance of potential environmental impacts that
are associated with operations at ACP.

Impacts are due to the coating and soiling of surfaces leading to annoyance and lowering the aesthetic value of the
surroundings, corrosion of artifacts, as well as reduced visibility

Table 38. Summary of impact analysis
Impact Potential Magnitude
Air quality ---
Solid waste generation ---
Traffic --
Noise --
Surface and groundwater quality --
Soil quality --
Terrestrial biodiversity - -/+
Resource use --
Health and safety ---
Landscape and visual intrusions - - -/+
Socio-economics + + +/-
+++ High potential positive impact - - - High potential negative impact
++ Moderate potential positive impact - - Moderate potential negative impact
+ Low potential positive impact - Low potential negative impact
0 Neutral impact


Air quality management at the cement industry utilizes a number of control technologies to
achieve the desired degree of emission reduction. Various factors play a role in the selection
of these technologies, including emission standards, energy requirements, plant economics,
availability of spare parts, as well as the technical know-how to operate and maintain the
control systems. The choice of appropriate control processes and development of the flow
scheme requires an understanding of the unit operations, operational capabilities, and
environmental effects of various control components. The analysis of alternatives in the
context of the ACP includes an analysis of the proposed end-of-pipe dust emission reduction
technologies. The technology alternatives considered in this context include three potential
end-of-pipe equipments namely 1) a multi-compartment, pulse air purging bag-filter (capacity
10,180 m3/min @ 220oC) proposed by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. (IHI), 2) a
multi-compartment, pulse-jet FabriCleanTM Pulse-Jet Fabric Filter proposed by F.L. Smidth
Airtech (capacity between 9,004 and 14,761 m3/min @ 220oC), and 3) a typical Electrostatic
Precipitator (ESP). The aim of this section is to assist ACP decide on the Best Available
Technology (BAT) for reducing dust emissions, while taking into consideration financial
constraints. Finally, the “do nothing” scenario is compared with the installation of a BAT
end-of-pipe emission control technology at ACP.

6.1 Fabric Filters

Fabric filters (FFs) have been used in the cement industry well before ESPs were developed.
FFs use filtering media to separate the dust particles from the exhaust gas, which typically
constitutes woven fabrics and felts made of organic and inorganic fibers. With efficient
maintenance, high dust removal efficiencies may be achieved with FFs, which mainly
depends, however, on the filter charge as well as on the structure and the density of the filter

FFs are favored by the cement industry because of their simplicity, reliability, high removal
rates, and economic competitiveness. The main advantage of bagfilters is that the dedusting
efficiency is always very high even if the process parameters are changed (e.g. during start up
or shut down of the kiln, clinker cooler or cement mill, during switching from compound to
direct operation (raw mill on or raw mill off) (CEMBUREAU, 1999). Furthermore, they can
help in reducing SO2 emissions by promoting absorption to the alkaline dust cakes that collect
on the surface of the bags. In contrast, the main disadvantage of FFs is the high pressure drop

causing comparatively high power consumption at the filter fan. In addition, their
performance deteriorates for mechanical and process reasons, and fabrics usually have a
limited life. It is important, therefore, to prevent hot particles from entering and to avoid
severe temperature surge (VDI, 1985; CEMBUREAU 1999; EA, 2001).

Two proposals were evaluated (IHI multi-compartment pulse air purging bag-filter and F.L.
Smidth Airtech multi-compartment pulse-jet FabriCleanTM Pulse-Jet fabric filter) set forth
for constructing a bag house system that will enable ACP to achieve a dust emission factor of
30 mg/Nm3. Table 39 summarizes the main technical and economical components of the two
offers, while Appendix C presents the preliminary assessment that ACP has conducted to the
two proposals. Note that ACP has not reported its final decision on either offer.

Table 39. Summary of specifications for the two proposed Bag House systems at ACP
6,724,000 (up to December 31, 2002) 2,059,300 (up to April 30, 2004)
(Including Fabric Filter with 3,800 filter bags, controlled fan, and dampers;
Cost (USD) installation costs; cladding; additional fan, 2,200 filter bags, and 2,200 single
piece cages to achieve 3,000 tons/day production capacity; Bypass disc-damper
with gear motor; spare parts for 2 years of operation)
Cost of civil works Included Excluded
Treatment capacity (by production) For production of 2,625 tones/day For production of 3,000 tones/day
Dust emission 30 mg/Nm3 30 mg/Nm3
10,180 m3/min @ 220oC 14,761 m3/min @ 220oC and production capacity of 3,000 tons/day
Treatment capacity (by flow rate)
9,004 m3/min @ 220oC and production capacity of 1,750 ton/dat
Life time > 10 years
Implementation schedule 20 months
Type of bag house system Pulse-jet Pulse-jet
1.0 m/min (all chambers in operation) 1.03 m/min (all chambers in operation and production capacity 3,000 tons/day)
Maximum filtration (air to cloth ratio)
0.63 (all chambers in operation and production capacity 1,750 tons/day)
3,800 filter bags @ production capacity of 1,750 tons/day
Number of bags per compartment
6,000 filter bags @ production capacity of 3,000 tons/day
Number of compartments per chamber 6 10
Price of filer bag (Euros) Unknown 682 (up to April 30, 2004)
Type of filter Glass fiber PTFE Woven glass PTFE
Previous track record Extensive
12 months following start-up on all material and workmanship or 18 months
after shipment
Performance test accounted for Yes (not less than 3 PM emission tests)
Cleaning and maintenance Online Online

Table 40 presents the typical capital and operational costs associated with the installation of
FFs in cement plants. Since the IHI and the FL Smidth Airtech FFs are proposed to achieve
the same reduction efficiency and emission factor, capital and operational costs become the
main selection criteria. As such, the FL Smidth Airtech appears to be a more plausible option
because it is significantly cheaper and within the internationally reported range (Table 40 and
Table 41). Nevertheless, it is recommended to update the proposals based on similar Terms of
Reference (TOR) prepared by ACP. The TOR should clearly outline the selection criteria and
stress the need to develop a training plan for ACP staff to ensure that operations following
commissioning continue to comply with manufacturer specifications.

Table 40. Reported costs for Bag House units used at cement plants (CEMBUREAU, 1999)

Equipment Costs 1 Notes
Investment cost 1.5 - 3.5 Does not include conditioning
(106 x Euros) tower and filter fan
0.6 - 0.8 Cost for conditioning tower and
filter fan
Cement Pulse-jet Bag
kiln House filters Operating cost
(Euros/ton of clinker 0.15 - 0.35
Total cost (Euros/ton
0.5 - 0.9
of clinker produced)
Investment cost Price includes air to air heat
1.0 – 1.4
(106 x Euros) exchanger, filter and fan
Operating cost
Clinker Pulse-jet Bag
(Euros/ton of clinker 0.1 – 0.15
coolers House filters
Total cost (Euros/ton
0.26 – 0.38
of clinker produced)
Pulse-jet Bag Investment cost
0.3 – 0.5 Price includes filter and fan
House filters (106 x Euros)
Operating cost
(Euros/ton of clinker 0.03 – 0.04
Total cost (Euros/ton
0.08 - 0.12
of clinker produced)
: All values have been reported based a pre-heater and pre-calcinator cement plant with a capacity of
3,000 tons/day, a power cost of 0.04 Euros/kWh, an amortization over 10 years, as well as an interest rate
of 10 percent

6.2 Typical ESP

ESPs were developed for use in cement production in the 50s and 60s. ESPs utilize
electrostatic forces to separate the dust from the gas. A favorable separation efficiency is

achieved for particles with a specific dust resistivity between 109 and 1011 Ω cm. Removal
efficiency however, is highly dependent on the type of dust, the water-vapor content, and the
temperature of the incoming gas. As such, conditioning of the gas is often necessary, by
means of water-jet spraying for instance (currently practiced at ACP). The main advantages
of ESPs are the low pressure loss, reduced power consumption, and the ability to achieve
separation of coarse and fine particles for efficient evacuation of circulating elements.
Nevertheless, the efficiency of ESPs is highly susceptible to changes in process parameters
(e.g. during start up or shut down of the kiln, during switching from compound to direct
operation and during occurrence of CO peaks). Although ESPs are easy to maintain, on-line
maintenance is not possible (CEMBUREAU, 1999). Other disadvantages include the risk of
sparking off explosions of partially burned fuel or gas mixtures, resulting from incomplete
combustion in the kiln. The risk is minimized by automatically tripping the ESP when the CO
content of the kiln exhaust gas reaches a pre-set level, during which PM emissions will rise
significantly. The capital and operational costs associated with the installation of an ESP
system at a cement plant which are presented in Table 41, are within the same order of
magnitude as FF. Table 42 compares the advantages and disadvantages of FF and ESPs in
terms of reducing dust emissions. In the case of ACP, FFs , although slightly more expensive,
seem to be more appropriate owing to their resilience, low need of maintenance, lower water
consumption rates, and the modest technical know-how required to ensure appropriate
operation and maintenance.

Table 41. Reported costs for ESP units installed in cement plants (CEMBUREAU, 1999)

Emission source Costs 1 Notes

Investment cost 1.5 - 3.8 Does not include conditioning tower
(106 x Euros) and filter fan
0.6 - 0.8
Cost for conditioning tower and filter
Cement kiln Operating cost
(Euros/ton of clinker 0.1 - 0.2
Total cost (Euros/ton of
0.4 - 0.8
clinker produced)
Clinker coolers Investment cost
0.8 – 1.2
(106 x Euros)
Operating cost
(Euros/ton of clinker 0.09 – 0.18
Total cost (Euros/ton of
0.22 – 0.38
clinker produced)
Cement mill Investment cost
0.8 – 1.2
(106 x Euros)
Operating cost
(Euros/ton of clinker 0.09 - 0.18
Total cost (Euros/ton of
0.22 – 0.38
clinker produced)
: All values have been reported based a pre-heater and pre-calcinator cement plant with a capacity of
3,000 tons/day, a power cost of 0.04 Euros/kWh, an amortization over 10 years, as well as an interest
rate of 10 percent

Table 42. Comparison of the characteristics of FFs and ESPs used in the cement industry

Parameter ESP FF
Removal efficiency shows low Highly dependent on gas Up to 150oC and should be kept
sensitivity with operating temperature above gas dew point
Ability to control SO2 emissions No Yes
Does not lead to significant Yes No
pressure drops
Removal efficiency is not No (low efficiency during startup Yes
affected by process parameters and fluctuating operational
Online maintenance possible No Yes
Removal efficiency Up to 30 mg/Nm Up to 20 mg/Nm3
Low solid waste generation rate Yes No (damaged bags)
Removal efficiency is not No Yes (very limited impact)
affected by dust particle size
Conservation of water (low water No Yes
Capital cost Cheaper More expensive
Operational cost Cheaper More expensive
Available local operational and Low Low to medium
maintenance know-how

6.3 The “no control” scenario

The proposed adoption of a BAT end-of-pipe technology for reducing PM emissions was
compared to the “do nothing” or “no control” scenario. In this alternative, the dust emissions
from ACP will continue to be emitted into the environment with no control. This will increase
air quality degradation and potential adverse health impacts caused by the exposure to
elevated levels of PM. While the “no control” scenario means no capital and operational
expenditure, it is likely to result in long-term deterioration of environmental, health and
socio-economic conditions. Table 43 presents a simple qualitative comparative evaluation of
adopting PM emission reduction BAT technology at ACP versus the “no control” scenario.
Evidently, the latter is non-sustainable.

Table 43. Comparative evaluation of PM BAT emission reduction versus the “do nothing” scenario

Impact Adopting PM BAT “Do nothing” scenario

Air quality - ---
Water and soil quality -/0 --
Solid wastes generation (CKD) -- --
Health and safety +++ ---
Short term expenditure (capital - 0
and operational costs)
Long term savings (in terms of ++ --
reduced morbidity and mortality)
ISO 14001 +++ ---
Relationship with surrounding ++ ---
+++ High potential positive impact - - - High potential negative impact
++ Moderate potential positive impact - - Moderate potential negative impact
+ Low potential positive impact - Low potential negative impact
0 Neutral impact


The primary potential adverse environmental impacts that are associated with the operations
at ACP can be minimized by careful planning, adopting proper management practices, and
relying on effective environmental monitoring and training to support management decisions.
The mitigation plan proposes several potential impact-mitigation or control measures that will
earn ACP more acceptability, by eliminating or reducing to the extent possible many of the
impacts that were outlined in Chapter 5. Mitigation measures are intended to reduce the effect
of potentially significant impacts on the environment. Thus, they are highly dependent on the
significance of the predicted impact and the nature of the impact (permanent vs. temporary).

7.1 Mitigation of air quality impact

Several mitigation measures are available to eliminate or reduce the adverse environmental
impacts that the cement industry has on ambient air quality. These measures are compound-
specific and vary in their treatment efficiency as well as in their technical and financial
requirements. As such, air quality mitigation measures will be presented separately for each
constituent with mitigation measures ranging between BAT and low-cost treatments. Note
that ACP has initiated or plans to adopt several of the proposed mitigation measures to reduce
its dust emissions into the environment. The priority is clearly to mitigate PM dust emissions,
particularly that exposure to other constituents such as NOx, SOx, VOCs, and trace metals
appears to be of minimal concern (see section 5.1).

7.1.1 Mitigation of PM emissions

Cement plants emit a considerable quantity of PM as a result of handling and processing raw
materials often in fine-grained forms, which render dust emissions almost inevitable. The
largest PM emission source within cement plants is the pyro-processing system (point source
emissions) that includes the kiln, the bypass system, and clinker cooler exhaust stacks. Other
sources of PM emissions include fugitive and area source emissions that are generated from
the handling, quarrying, and storage of raw and final products. Table 44 presents a summary
of mitigation measures that could be adopted at ACP. A description of these mitigation
measures follows.

Table 44. Common control measures for particulate emissions from cement manufacture
Category Source Measure and description 1
reduction (%)2
Crusher • Fabric filters: pulse jet, reverse air, or shaker bag house 99.6 – 99.9
Raw mill • Fabric filters: pulse jet, reverse air, or shaker bag house 99.6 – 99.9
• Electrostatic precipitators: requires gas temperature
conditioning & CO leveling
Kiln system 99.5 – 99.8
Point source

• Fabric filters: reverse air, requires gas temperature

• Electrostatic precipitators: physical preconditions must
be considered
Clinker Cooler 99.6 – 99.8
• Fabric filters: Pulsed jet (newer plants), reverse air
(older plants)

Cement mill • Fabric filters: Pulsed jet (newer plants), reverse air or 99.6 – 99.9
shaker (older plants)
• Water sprays with and without surfactants, foams,
Quarrying site chemical dust suppressants, wind screens, equipment Not available
enclosures, and paving
• Closed silos with air-filtering separators, closed sheds
Storage areas Not available
Fugitive sources

(tents/umbrellas) with automatic handling system, wind

breaks, pile covers
Traffic areas • Paving, cleaning, wetting, speed limit, housekeeping Not available
Packing/loading • Closed sheds with fabric filters, retractable housed
/unloading chutes or telescopic tubes with suction hoods, reduction Not available
points of drop height
Conveyor • Closed pneumatic conveyors, closed hoppers with fabric
system/Transfer filters, drop height reduction Not available
EA 2001; CEMBUREAU 1999; INECE 1998; USEPA 1995a; AWMA 1992; VDI, 1985
AWMA 1992. Mitigation of point source PM emissions
The mitigation of point source emissions from the cement industry is usually accomplished
by adopting end-of-pipe control technologies that tend to de-dust the exhaust gas stream prior
to discharge. The two most commonly used end-of-pipe de-dusting techniques in the cement
industry are ESPs and FFs (Refer to Section 6). Both technologies are known to achieve good
removal efficiencies whereby ESPs are capable of achieving a dust concentration ranging
between 30 and 40 mg/Nm3 while FF can achieve concentrations ranging between 20 and 50
mg/Nm3. ACP has shown a commitment to adopt end-of-pipe control technologies for the
main point source emissions from its existing and expansion plants. Currently, the existing
manufacturing process line is equipped with an old ESP that de-dusts exhaust gases collected
from the raw-mill and the pre-heater/pre-calcinator kiln. The efficiency of the existing ESP
has deteriorated over the years with mounting technical problems and a need for regular
maintenance that is currently absent. Recently ACP opted for its replacement with a new FF
system that can achieve an exhaust dust concentration of 30 mg/Nm3. The new cement

production line (1,000,000 tons/year) will also incorporate an FF system that will be capable
of achieving the 30 mg/Nm3 emission limit to maintain low emissions of dust. It is imperative
that the new FFs be properly selected, installed, and maintained. Failure to do so will limit
efficiency, increase wear, and result in a dramatic increase in operational costs. As such, the
selected FF should have:

• An air-to-cloth-ratio that ranges between 60 and 100 m3/m2/h (a typical value for the
cement industry)
• Multi-compartments that allows increased flexibility particularly during maintenance
• Pulsed-air self-cleaning system
• High temperature resistant fabric material like Nomex to prevent the burning of bag fabric
from hot clinker particles, which may result in small holes in the filters

Furthermore, the FF should be operated and maintained according to the following general

• A proper and clear maintenance scheme should be developed in conjunction with the
manufacturing and installing company
• Regular replacement of bag filters according to the specifications provided by the
• Regular in-house dust emission measurement to gain more information about the
effectiveness of the FFs
• Readily available spare parts (particularly FF bags and fans) to better respond to
• Regular monitoring of the temperature of incoming gases to maintain suitable gas
temperatures and avoid damage to FF (by high temperatures that can lead to dew point)

The installation of the FF should allow for the automatic shutdown of the production line(s)
whenever the FFs are placed off-line. This option will increase transparency and enhance the
relationship between the plant and its surroundings. Furthermore, ACP should implement a
regular inspection and maintenance program for the FF compartments, cages, and filter bags
whereby faulty equipment are replaced immediately (fabric filer bags have an average age
ranging between 3 and 5 years).

101 Mitigation of fugitive PM emissions
Fugitive dust sources in the industry include quarrying and mining operations, vehicular
traffic during limestone extraction and at the manufacturing site, raw materials storage piles,
and clinker storage piles. The measures used to control emissions from these fugitive dust
sources are comparable to those used throughout the mineral products industries.

Transportation and hauling

Vehicular traffic PM emission controls include paving and road wetting. Paving is an
important mitigation measure that can significantly reduce dust emissions resulting from
traffic movement on-site and at the quarry. Since paving is a relatively expensive option, it is
usually restricted to the main roads and yards. As such, ACP can pave the main (permanent)
road that connects the primary limestone crusher to the various parts of the quarry, the main
road connecting the cement plant to the quarry, as well as the parking yard that is currently
being used to park the heavy equipment used on the quarry. Although most internal roads at
the Amran cement plant are asphalted, they remain important contributors to dust emissions
as a result of the high load of dust that is deposited on them. As such, paved roads should be
regularly cleaned by a road sweeper. Temporary and low traffic volume unpaved roads on-
site should be regularly spayed with water to suppress dust emissions and prevent the
carryout of fugitive CKD by the truck traffic (USEPA, 1998b). Effective wetting can be
achieved by reducing the diameter of the water droplets and increasing their number through
appropriate selection of pumps and nozzles used for the water spraying system (USEPA,
1998b). Currently, ACP is practicing road wetting without dust sweeping along its paved
roads. The wetting is relatively ineffective due to the large diameter and relatively small
number of water spraying nozzles that are being employed. Furthermore, the low wetting
frequency, the absence of an integrated dust management plan (no point-source or fugitive
dust control plan), as well as restricting road wetting to paved roads limit the effectiveness of
the adopted road wetting program. Another mitigation measure that could be adopted includes
setting up an automatic truck wheel-wash facility where drivers are required to wash truck
wheels prior to leaving ACP, thus reducing dust entrainment and dispersion along the public
road network of Amran, however the limited availability of water does not favor such a
measure. Speed limits should also be enforced as not to exceed 10 Km/hr except on paved
roads. Finally, trucks carrying dusty cargo should be covered by tarps or screening material
that should extend over the truck’s bed in order to prevent air entrainment and spillage during
hauling. Figure 44 presents some of the PM emission sources resulting from transportation
and hauling activities at ACP.

Figure 44. PM emissions resulting from transportation and hauling activities at ACP

Material handling and storage

Control measures for PM emissions that are generated from material handling and storage
encompass water sprays (with and without surfactants), chemical dust suppressants,
pelletization, erection of wind screens, along with the adoption of several process
modifications that include reducing material drop heights and enclosing storage operations
(USEPA, 1995a). Table 45 presents typical dust reduction efficiencies of various control
measures. Regular watering practices can enhance aggregation and cementation of fines to the
surfaces of larger particles, thus achieving a reduction of more than 50 percent in the rate of
fugitive dust emissions due to the formation of a crust that decreases the emission of dust (by
increasing the threshold frictional velocity). The use of chemicals to treat exposed surfaces
provides longer dust suppression. Continuous chemical treatment of material loaded into
piles, coupled with watering or treatment of roadways, can achieve a reduction up to 90
percent in the total particulate emissions from aggregate storage operations (Jutze and
Azetell, 1974). On the other hand, pellitization of CKD during storage can reduce PM
emissions by up to 92 percent (USEPA, 1998b). Windbreaks and source enclosures are also
good mitigation measures that can offer long term control techniques for limiting PM

emissions. Enclosures include silos as well as warehouse-type structures that should have a
roof, floor, as well as walls (USEPA, 1998b). On the other hand, temporary open storage
piles should be covered by a layer of soil (loam) to reduce dust emissions. Open stockpiles
should be properly treated and sealed with latex, vinyl, bitumen or other suitable surface
stabilizer particularly if the stockpile is more than 1.2 m in height and/or lies within 50 m
from the site boundary. Feasible mitigation measures that entail introducing process
modifications include:

• Pelletization could be adopted at temporary storage points within ACP particularly for
the CKD generated by the by-pass system. Pelletized dusty materials are also likely to
help reduce emissions during transport and at temporary storage piles. Pelletization is
achieved by passing the wet CKD through paired rollers that will produce small
spherical pellets with recessed surfaces
• Installing a water sprinkler system with medium pressure nozzles on the hopper of the
primary crusher
• Installing ventilation systems to be used in conjunction with hoods and enclosures
covering transfer points and conveyors. Fabric filters fit this kind of application very
well due to their flexibility in flow rate, dust burden, and geometrical arrangement.
Note that ACP has adopted such a system at its new and existing plants, yet the
existing production line needs upgrading and regular maintenance to ensure that no
leaks are emitting dust
• Minimizing drop distances of raw, waste, as well as final product by the use of
adjustable conveyors. Note that this option has been adopted at the new ACP plant,
particularly for crushed limestone storage

Table 45. Emission reduction factors for materials storage (DEH, 2003)
Reduction method Control Efficiency
Wind break 30 %
Water sprays 50 %
Chemical suppression 80 %
Enclosure (2 or 3 walls) 90 %
Covered stockpiles 100 %

CKD disposal

At ACP CKD disposal practices are responsible for considerable PM emissions since no
mitigation provisions are currently adopted. In case the ACP plans to continue disposing the
generated CKD, several mitigation measures should be introduced to reduce dust emissions.
The CKD should be first wetted and then compacted into layers by the use of either rollers or
other heavy equipment. Wetting and compaction of CKD induce the formation of a fairly
solid layer that is reported to be similar to a low-grade cement and will remain in a fairly
solid form until mechanically disturbed (USEPA, 1998b). Although some flaking or scaling
may occur that may produce fugitive dust from undisturbed compacted CKD, when subjected
to mechanical action the dry material is easily crushed and once again prone to substantial
fugitive emissions. For this reason, wet compaction must be part of an overall management
practice that includes covering and protection from mechanical disturbance once it is dry.
Furthermore, the compacted CKD should be covered by a layer of soil at the end of each
operating day to prevent dust emission.

7.1.2 Mitigation of NOx emissions

NOx emission reduction in the cement industry can be achieved either by adopting
combustion control approaches or through the installation of a post-combustion control
equipment. Currently, the BAT emission level for NOx ranges between 200 and 500 mg of
NOx/Nm3 (as NO2) (IPPC, 2001). Worldwide many cement plants were able to achieve
significant reductions in NOx emissions by means of adopting several optimization measures
such as process control, improved firing technique, optimized cooler connections, and
appropriate fuel selection (CPP, 2003). The optimization of the clinker burning process can
reduce heat consumption, improve clinker quality, increase the lifetime of the equipment
through the stabilization of process parameters, as well as reduce NOx emissions. The
reduction is usually achieved by reducing flame and burning temperatures along with the heat
of consumption. Kiln optimization can include many elements ranging from instruction-
training of the kiln operators up to installation of new equipment such as dosing systems,
homogenization silos, pre-blending beds, new clinker coolers, low NOx burners, after-
burning in a reducing atmosphere, on-line NOx sensors, etc. Note that the operational costs
for running an optimized kiln are usually less than those associated with operating an un-
optimized kiln, whereby savings can be achieved from reduced fuel and refractory
consumption, lower maintenance costs, as well as higher productivity (USEPA, 1994b; World
Bank, 1998; CEMBUREAU, 1999). At this time however, NOx emissions and corresponding
exposure levels in surrounding areas is of minimal concern at ACP and mitigation measures
may not be a priority.

7.1.3 Mitigation of SOx emissions
It should be noted from the start that pre-heater/pre-calciner kilns like the ones installed at
ACP (both the operational kiln and the one that is being installed) have relatively low SOx
emissions. This is due to the highly alkaline internal environments of the kiln that can absorb
up to 95 percent of potential SOx emissions. However, introducing high sulfide sulfur
(pyrites) in the kiln feed can reduce the sulfur absorption rate to as low as 50 % (USEPA
1995a). As such, SOx emissions are best controlled by using low-sulfur fuels and raw
materials coupled with continuous monitoring of the sulfide-sulfur content of the raw
materials entering the kiln (World Bank, 1998). In case of high sulfur content raw materials,
slaked lime should be added to the exhaust gas of the kiln in order to absorb some of the SO2.
It has been found that the best method of introducing the slaked lime is to add it to the kiln
feed directly (CEMBUREAU, 1999). Currently the BAT for SOx emission from cement
plants ranges between 200 and 400 mg SO2/Nm3 (IPPC, 2001). At this time however, SOx
emissions and corresponding exposure levels in surrounding areas is of minimal concern at
ACP and mitigation measures may not be a priority.

7.1.4 Mitigation for the emission of trace gases

In addition to PM, SOx, and NOx emissions, the cement industry emits CO2, CO, VOCs
(volatile organic compounds), heavy metals, and dioxins (CEMBUREAU, 1999). Table 46
presents a summary of the typical mitigation measures that can be used to reduce these

Table 46. Common control measures for major gaseous emissions from cement manufacture
(CEMBUREAU, 1999; EA, 2001; USEPA 1994a; Hendriks et al., 1998; WBCSD, 2002)
Achievable emission
Constituent Mitigation measure
reduction (%)
CO Choice of raw material: with low content of organic matter Not available
Choice of process: mainly shifting from wet to dry processes
Energy efficiency improvement: fuel and equipment efficiency, Up to 12
electricity use
Choice of fuels: shifting from high to low-carbon fuels Not available
Lower clinker/cement ratio: application of blended and
CO2 alternative cements. Substituting natural pozzolanic materials
for clinker substantially reduces process-related CO2 emissions. Up to 29
It represents one of the best, technically proven approaches for
reducing process emissions.
CO2 removal: mainly through combustion in a CO2/O2
Up to 70
Choice of raw material: with low content of organic matter Not available
Increasing O2 concentration: at the kiln inlet of long wet or long
Up to 40
dry kilns
Introduction of highly organic raw material components directly
VOC to the hot zone of the kiln, where organic compounds are burned Up to 95
before escaping
Activated coke: by passage of gas across packed beds of
activated coke where VOCs are adsorbed, mainly organic Not available
compounds larger than C5
Choice of raw material and fuel: with low content of volatile
Not available
and semi-volatile heavy metals
Heavy High efficiency dedusting: to reduce emissions of heavy metals
Not available
metals attached to dust
Activated coke: by passage of gas across packed beds of
Up to 99
activated coke where heavy metals are adsorbed
Control of post kiln conditions: mainly gas residence times,
Not available
temperatures and oxygen contents
Choice of raw material: with limited chlorine input Not available
and Furans
Efficient dedusting: incorporating special catalysts to reduce
Not available
emissions of dioxins adhered to dust

Note that besides emission related to cement manufacturing, emissions with similar
constituents are expected as a result of heavy machinery use such as truck traffic to and from
the site as well as on-site traffic. Measures to reduce vehicle-induced emissions include
proper maintenance and the adoption of a traffic management plan while avoiding congested
routes. Concerning on-site heavy equipment, proper maintenance procedures and the quality
of diesel fuel used are important to reduce emissions. In addition, equipment should be turned
off when not in use, which would reduce power needs and emissions.

7.2 Mitigation of solid waste
At ACP, CKD is the largest solid waste stream produced on-site. Other sources of solid
wastes include general refuse, chemical wastes, as well as faulty equipment. The generated
CKD can either be reused or disposed of. One approach to emission reduction is to minimize
the production of cement kiln dust by reducing gas turbulence in the kiln and avoiding
excessive flow velocities. The use of chains near the cool end of the kiln can also minimize
dust by trapping it before it is released in the kiln exhaust (USEPA, 1995b).

In case disposal is opted, the CKD can be wetted and then compacted into layers by the use of
either rollers or other heavy equipment. Wetting and compaction of CKD induce the
formation of a fairly solid layer that is reported to be similar to a low-grade cement and will
remain in a fairly solid form until mechanically disturbed (USEPA, 1998b). The compacted
CKD should also be covered by a layer of soil at the end of each operating day to prevent dust
emission. Furthermore, run-off control should be provided to prevent off-site migration
during storm events by collecting and treating storm water run-off. Note that the CKD
disposal site should avoid areas that are known to have karst aquifers and/or shallow water

On the other hand, reuse options include reuse in the cement manufacturing process, use as a
soil amendment11, or use as a stabilizing agent12. Direct return of dust to the kiln is a common
recycling practice. The dust may be returned to the hot end, to the middle of the kiln, or to the
feed material. However, cement kiln dust can only be reused if selected concentrations fall
within specified limits, because the clinker quality can be affected by the presence of certain
constituents. Alkali metals, such as lithium, sodium, and potassium, are of primary concern.
The raw materials used to produce clinker as well as the adopted kiln fuel influence the
chemical composition of the generated dust, and thus may affect recycling rates. Cement kiln
dust that contains alkalis or possesses other undesirable characteristics may be treated so that
it can be returned to the kiln system. Treatment techniques include pelletizing, leaching with
water or a potassium chloride solution to remove alkali salts, alkali volatilization, recovery
scrubbing (also known as flue gas desulfurization), and fluid bed dust recovery (USEPA,
1995b; IPPC, 2001). Pelletization in particular provides CKD the strength to withstand firing

CKD’s alkali nature can be put into use to condition highly acidic soils (Refer to section 7.6 for applicable
application rates).
CKD can be used to stabilize sewage sludge, waste oil sludge, contaminated soils, as well as to neutralize acid mine
drainages. As such, ACP should explore the possibility of using the generated CKD to stabilize the sludge generated
at the nearby AWWTP

upon re-entry into the kiln system without re-suspending large quantities of particulate matter
or changing the chemical characteristics of the clinker. The leaching process on the other
hand, generates wastewater that must be treated for high pH values and high concentrations of
dissolved and suspended solids (USEPA, 1998b).

Other sources of solid wastes at ACP include the containers that were used for the storage of
chemical wastes and fuels on site, expired hazardous chemicals, faulty equipment and as well
as regular refuse. Empty chemical and fuel tanks along with the hazardous wastes generated
at the ACP laboratories should be segregated and properly stored and disposed of at a
permitted site. Storage should take place in a separate area that has an impermeable floor,
adequate ventilation and a roof to prevent rainfall from entering. In addition, chemical wastes
should be clearly labeled in English and Arabic, stored in corrosion resistant containers and
arranged so that incompatible materials are adequately separated. Note that it is estimated that
approximately 40 percent of the hazardous wastes generated in a lab are due to unused and
off-spec reagent chemicals. Implementing a purchasing and inventory control as well as the
FIFO “First In First Out” system would reduce the amount of unused reagents that need to be
disposed of as wastes (USEPA, 1995b).

Faulty equipment should be segregated whereby equipment that can be recycled could be sold
to local recycling industries, while non-recyclable equipment especially old fabric filters
should be transported to an approved landfill for disposal along with the general refuse
(currently at the Sana’a landfill).

7.3 Mitigation of traffic impact

Primary measures adopted to mitigate traffic impacts include the proper dissemination of
information regarding the transport schedule (of gypsum, fuel, and pozzolanic materials to
ACP and cement from ACP). In this respect, proper planning and development of a traffic
plan that accounts for the reservations and inputs of nearby residents is essential to minimize
potential inconvenience on commuters as well as to ensure the safety of motorists and
pedestrians, particularly since the roads connecting ACP to Sana’a is not adequatly equipped
to handle heavy truck traffic. As such, truck movements should be limited to off-peak hours
to the extent feasible. In addition, adequate warning and signing are needed at least 500 m
down and up-gradient from the entrance of the ACP as well as on the exit that links ACP to
the Amran main road to warn people that heavy equipment and trucks are frequent along
these intersections. Other traffic mitigation measures are presented in Table 47.

Table 47. Traffic control measures

Control measure Typical examples

On-site • Entrance and exit located so as to provide maximum turning space and sight lines
• Vehicle movement in the direction of predominant traffic flow
• Adequate off-loading and loading space to ensure vehicles can wait on-site
• Adequate off-street parking for employees
• One-way traffic within the site to prevent obstruction to vehicles entering and
• Speed restrictions on vehicles entering and leaving the site
Off-site • Routing of traffic to and from ACP to avoid residential areas
• Scheduling of deliveries and departures to avoid over-night parking
• Ensuring that vehicles and containers are appropriate for transport and that they are
adequately maintained
• Use of locally designated traffic routes

7.4 Mitigation of noise impact

The outcome of the noise impact assessment revealed that noise levels in the areas
surrounding ACP are higher than both daytime and nighttime International and Yemeni
standards set for suburban residential areas. For this purpose, mitigation measures should be
adopted at ACP to limit the impacts of nuisance on affected receptors. For this purpose, the
erection of noise barriers to screen noise sources is proposed. Usually, purpose-built noise
barriers or screens constructed of appropriate material to be located along active work sites
could result in a noise reduction of up to 10 dBA. It is anticipated that a movable noise barrier
with a suitable footing and a small cantilevered upper portion can be located within a few
meters of a static plant and within about 5 m of mobile equipment, such that the line of sight
could be blocked by the barriers viewed from the noise receivers. The estimated noise
reduction by means of screening, provided that the barriers are carefully located, can provide
up to 10 dBA noise attenuation. With the installation of noise barriers with a 10 dB(A)
reduction potential, noise levels may reach the daytime Yemeni suburban noise standard (50
dBA) 2 Km away from the ACP but will not attain the nighttime standard (40 dBA). In
practice, the best noise reduction techniques are achieved by adopting the required mitigation
measures during the construction phase of the new plant. As such, ACP should work with the
consultants/contractors in charge of the construction works at the new production line to
introduce proper acoustic designs. Additional mitigation measures include good site practice,
selecting quieter mechanical equipment, as well as adopting proper scheduling of
construction activities. Scheduling noisy activities during the daytime periods (7:00 am to
6:00 pm) will ensure that the noise standard set for the evening will not be exceeded at
several instances. In addition, ACP should adopt good site practices and maintain proper on-
site management to minimize noise emissions from the works during all times including:

• Operating well-maintained mechanical equipment on-site
• Ensuring that equipment that may be intermittent in use are shut down between work
periods or throttled down to a minimum
• Adopting low noise equipment
• Installing rubber coating in dumpers and entry chutes
• Using personal protection gear such as earplugs, etc.
• Developing a greenbelt around the quarry area
• Controlling air-flow generated noise by adopting adequate sizing of inlet/outlet ducts
• Installing noise barriers around air blowers, pumps, and generators to reduce noise
impacts at nearby receptors
• Devising and implementing a rigorous inspection and maintenance program applicable to
equipment on-site

Concerning mitigation measures that could be adopted to reduce ground vibrations generated
particularly from blasting activities at the quarry site, ACP should adopt the following
measures (WBCSD, 2002):

• Limit blasting to trained personnel

• Initiate periodic recording of blast vibrations,
• Limit blasting activities to fixed days and hours that are acceptable with nearby receptors
• Disseminate the blasting schedule to nearby receptors
• Use milli-second delay detonator, deck charging, or other techniques to reduce vibrations
and noise
• Increase the use of surface mining that do not require blasting (currently only one surface
mining machine is present at ACP)

7.5 Mitigation of surface and groundwater impact

The primary sources of potential impacts to water quality will be from site runoff, which may
enter surface and groundwater waters directly. As such, open stockpiles of raw material and
CKD should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorm events to prevent the
washing away, while earthworks at the quarry should be well compacted to prevent erosion
especially during the wet season. Furthermore, ACP should adopt an adequate disposal/reuse
plan for the generated CKD to minimize to the extent possible the leaching of alkali dust (see
Sections and 7.2). The installation of an appropriate drainage system coupled with a
sedimentation tank is also imperative to reduce exposure time to potential discharge sources.

Water from the settling tanks can be reused by ACP as process water or for irrigation and
groundwater recharge purposes.

Mitigating the uncontrolled disposal of residual fuel along the Amran-Maarib road ranks as a
high priority. Achieving proper mitigation for this impact will require close coordination
between the ACP, the truck drivers association, and the Safer Oil Refinery in Maarib13.
Several mitigation measures can be adopted to stop the uncontrolled disposal of fuels in the
wadis and along the main Amran-Maarib road including:

• Establishing a heating system (heating blanket/heating motor) at the ACP for the fuel
tankers in order to help decrease the viscosity of the fuel. Note that such a system should
take into account the flammability of the transported fuels and should be coupled with an
emergency plan in case of fire or explosion
• Developing a new mode of payment that compensates the drivers based on the amount of
fuel that is actually delivered to ACP and not on the amount of fuel that is loaded at the
refinery. Note that the new plan should not entail a decrease in the amount of
compensation that the drivers are currently claiming to ensure their cooperation
• Establishing a buyback station near the oil refinery whereby the drivers can sell the
residual fuel back to the refinery. Establishing such an economic incentive may stop (or
greatly reduce) the uncontrolled discharge of fuels
• Imposing heavy fines that can reach up to dismissing truck drivers who practice
uncontrolled discharge of fuels along the road with suspension of driving licenses. Police
patrols should also be intensified along this road to cite violators.

Note that efforts should also be made to clean the existing spillages in the wadis where dried
fuel spills should be collected and transported to a landfill while fresh fuel pools should be
pumped in containers and reused in small industrial kilns or ovens.

Other sources of potential water pollution include oil/fuel leaks and spills as well as the
uncontrolled disposal of liquid effluents. The improper handling of fuels at the fuel receiving
area constitutes a potential source of pollution at ACP. As such, fuel tanks should be bunded
to limit environmental damage resulting from accidental spillage. Bunds should be
impermeable and resistant to the stored materials, avoid drains or taps that lead to a blind

Note that the oil spills along the Amran-Maarib road is not the sole responsibility of ACP since the damage is equally
caused by other users purchasing heavy fuel oil from the Safer refinery

collection point, incorporate the distribution pipes within the bunded areas while avoiding the
penetration of contained surfaces, have a design capacity in excess of 110 percent of the
largest tank or greater than 25 percent of the total volume of the tanks, and be subject to
regular visual inspection. In addition, oil and fuel residuals that are generated at vehicle and
machine servicing areas, vehicle wash bays and lubrication bays should also be mitigated to
avoid potential surface and ground water pollution. As such, oil-water separators and sand
precipitators should be constructed while oil collection trays should be provided to the
operators at the vehicle and machine servicing areas. Spent motor oils should be collected in
sealed containers and stored within closed drums located within the workshops until they are
reused14 or recycled. Oil contaminated cooling water should be treated in oil-water separators
to remove oil. The treated water can be reused to cool the flue gases in the conditioning tower
as well as the cement mill (ETPI, 1999; DEH, 2003). Oil leakage or spillage should also be
contained and cleaned up immediately. In addition, water released from the chemical
laboratory should be treated at least in a neutralization tank to control the resultant pH (the
effluent should have a pH that ranges between 6 and 9) (CEMBUREAU 1999; World Bank,
1998). In case the suspended solids in the effluent are high in relation to the receiving waters,
treatment may be required to reduce levels in the effluent to a maximum of 50 mg/l, which is
the effluent requirement for direct discharge to surface waters (World Bank, 1998).

7.6 Mitigation of impacts on soils

Adverse impacts on soils are a result of the improper handling, storage, and disposal of CKD,
on-site chemicals, as well as fuels. The generated CKD should be properly managed by
providing adequate storage (, appropriate disposal practices (Refer to section 7.2), or
by complying with soil application rates in case CKD reuse as a soil amendment is adopted.
The use of CKD as an agricultural soil amendment to raise the pH of acid soils to a level
appropriate for crops is well documented. Since the soil in Amran is moderately alkaline
(Table 12), the use of CKD is not recommended in the area surrounding ACP. Nevertheless,
it can be used (according to the guidelines presented in Table 48) in other parts of Yemen that
may have problems with acidic soils if the cost of transport is not limiting. Risk assessment
data (USEPA 1998a) on the use of CKD in agriculture indicates that the improper or
excessive use of CKD may present risk to human health and the environment and as such
application procedures and frequency should be controlled as outlined in Table 48.

Currently ACP uses the spent oils as fuel at the cement kiln

Table 48. Guidelines for CKD use in agriculture (adapted from USEPA, 1998a)

Parameter Unit Average Maximum

Application rate Tons/hectare/application 7.4 12.4
Application frequency Year 1/3 1/2
Tilling depth cm 15 10

Accidental discharge of on-site chemicals can adversely affect the soil in the area. Therefore,
proper storage of chemicals and fuels on-site and the installation of natural or synthetic liners
beneath chemical and fuel storage tanks are essential. Chemicals used on-site should
preferably be non-toxic and readily biodegradable. Other measures include containment of
fuel spills (Refer to Section 7.5) and the development of procedures for emergency clean-up.
The application of agrochemicals during on-site landscaping activities should also be avoided
to prevent potential soil and ground water pollution.

7.7 Mitigation for terrestrial biodiversity

Efforts should be made to preserve existing vegetation when feasible, avoid fires, prohibit
hunting activities and the disposal of wastes, hazardous and chemical material in non-
allocated areas, initiate a landscaping program on-site, as well as endorse a well planned
restoration and reforestation plan for the quarry and the buffer area that extends 500 m around
the ACP. The restoration and reforestation plans should be closely coordinated with the
Amran Governorate and should use indigenous flora in re-vegetation schemes on-site since
the use of exotic species hampers the recolonization of the area by the local fauna. Following
closure of the quarry, several steps should be undertaken to ensure the reintegration of the site
with its surroundings including (WBCSD, 2002):

• Removal of buildings, equipment, wreckage and wastes.

• Reshaping of quarry walls to prevent unloading cracks and potentially dangerous
• Reshaping of walls and loosening of compacted floors to facilitate revegetation and
ensure the aesthetic quality of the restored landscape.
• Retaining natural drainage on-site
• Revegetation using indigenous stocks of local vegetation such as the Tamarix aphylla,
Salvadora persica, Acacia spp, Ziziphus spina-christi, Commifora kataf and Cadaba

7.8 Mitigation of resource use
Efforts should be made to minimize water, energy, and raw material consumption at ACP.
Water use could be reduced through reusing the treated wastewater effluent at the AWWTP15
for landscaping purposes, thus limiting the pressure on the limited available water resources.
In addition, using the water that is collected after the oil/water separation tanks is highly
advisable for cooling purposes. Other water conservation measures include using closed loop
water recovery systems as well as providing provisions for the collection and use of rainwater

Power accounts for over 33 percent of the total operational costs of cement plants, as such
reducing energy consumption is both economically and environmental sensible (WBCSD,
2002). Power saving measures that are being implemented at ACP include the use of the
multi-stage cyclone pre-heater (most efficient pre-heater technology) as well as the reuse of
the heat content of the exhaust gas for drying raw materials. Nevertheless, power
consumption at ACP is considered relatively high when compared with international
benchmark values thus highlighting the need to conduct an energy consumption audit in order
to locate low efficient production sections and equipments (refer to section 5.8). The
optimization of the clinker burning process can lead to a significant reduction in heat
consumption, improve clinker quality, increase the lifetime of the equipment through the
stabilization of process parameters, and decrease NOx emissions. Kiln optimization can be
achieved by providing appropriate instruction/training of the kiln operators as well as through
the installation of new equipment such as dosing systems, homogenization silos, pre-blending
beds, new clinker coolers, etc. (CEMBUREAU, 1999). Other power-saving measures include
the use of energy-efficient equipment that should be properly operated, maintained, and
turned off whenever not in use.

Raw material use can be highly optimized through the adoption of computer aided deposit
evaluation and preparation techniques that can be used to plan for optimal quarrying schemes.
Usage of such techniques leads to resource conservation with minimal exploitation costs. A
commonly practiced resource use technique is block modeling of quarries according to type,
size, location, and quality of the raw material (WBCSD, 2002). The use of phospho-gypsum,
an industrial byproduct available from fertilizer plants as replacement to natural gypsum can
reduce natural resource use and help to reduce waste generation from fertilizer plants.

In case AWWTP has a surplus supply of treated wastewater that is not being used for agriculture

7.9 Mitigation of health and safety impacts
The occupational health risks in a cement plant are associated with exposure to the dust, noise
and vibration, as well as working with various heavy equipment. Besides these risks, the
people working in the quarry are exposed to the risks of explosives and fire irruption.
Mitigation measures that can reduce potential health and safety impacts can be divided into
seven main categories that include: 1) site security, 2) site safety, 3) enhancing safety at site
facilities, 4) establishing environmental controls, 5) regulating transportation, 6) developing
emergency/contingency plans, as well as 7) ensuring personnel protection. Note that ACP
currently implements many of these measures.

7.9.1 Site security

The site security plan restricting access to unauthorized personnel shall be checked to ensure:
• Restricting access to the plant by proper fencing
• Maintaining a buffer area around the plant and the quarry with a radius of 500 m
• Installing warning signs in Arabic and English at the entrance of the plant to warn people
about the risks associated with the cement industry
• Displaying emergency telephone numbers for Police, Ambulance, and Fire services in
Arabic and English
• Locking gates outside working hours
• Erecting a fence along the perimeter of the site, consisting of non-combustible wire
screens, 3 m high, and with a mesh of 50 mm or less to prevent unauthorized access
• Erecting site identification board of durable material and finish at the entrance of the site
giving the name of the site, and the name, address and telephone number of the site
• Providing at least one 24 hour guard for the plant
• Keeping a daily record of persons and vehicles entering/leaving the site

7.9.2 Site safety

The site specific safety plan to limit occupational accident risks on site shall be checked to
ensure that:
• Visitors report to the site office where they should sign-in and be issued a pass. Visitors
should also sign out on departure and surrender their pass. No visitors should be
permitted to access the operational areas unless they have received the express permission
and have attended a site safety briefing or are accompanied by an employee familiar and
knowledgeable in site safety procedures

• Staff and employees working on-site attend a safety and operational course before
commencing work
• Personnel and visitors to the operational areas of the site wear personal protective
clothing inclusive of high visibility clothing, protective footwear, and safety helmets

7.9.3 Enhancing safety at site facilities

Facilities on-site should have adequate safety precautions to limit potential occupational
accidents. Several key safety procedures presented below should be checked:

• Explosives are stored in a remote site within the boundaries of ACP that is far from
residential buildings, fuel tanks, and office spaces
• The explosive storage facility is fenced with barbwire, locked, guarded, and has access to
a well-compacted road and fire fighting equipment
• A drinking water supply is provided at the site
• Tanks are clearly labeled with details of contents, potential hazards (e.g. explosive,
flammable, toxic etc.), and emergency services telephone numbers
• Closed working spaces are properly ventilated (at least 5 Air Changes per Hour)
• Electrical grounding is ensured while handrails and guard railing should be regularly
inspected and maintained
• Compacted service roads are provided and maintained from the site entrances to the
active quarry areas

7.9.4 Establishing environmental controls

Key environmental controls that shall be adopted at the site include but are not limited to

• Maintaining a record of the types and quantities of wastes generated

• Maintaining a record on the disposal/reuse practices being adopted
• Ensuring that raw material and CKD transportation vehicles traveling to or from the site
are fully sheeted (i.e. flat bed) or well-contained from point of departure to arrival
• Cleaning vehicles leaving the site of debris from chassis and under-parts
• Ensuring that no waste materials are burned within site boundaries. A fire should be
regarded as an emergency and immediate action should be taken to extinguish it
• Preventing stagnation of water volumes to hamper insect and vector breeding

7.9.5 Regulating transportation
Key safety measures that should be checked for the transportation of the raw material, final
product, as well as wastes include:

• Vehicles should be cleaned at the end of daily operations

• Vehicles should be fitted with automatic backing lights and warning sound device
• Vehicles should be licensed and have appropriate third party insurance
• Drivers must be in the possession of a current relevant truck driving license

7.9.6 Developing emergency/contingency plans

The proposed emergency/contingency plan includes several measures including:

• A safety specialist should be responsible for the preparation, implementation and

maintenance of a safety program, which should be periodically evaluated. The
responsibility of the safety specialist includes performing safety training and conducting
safety inspections, sessions and practice. He should also be responsible for the
investigation of accidents. A safety committee should be formed and regular safety
meetings should be organized.
• Contingency plans should be established to maintain occupational health and safety
procedures for various aspects of operations, identify likely accidents, outline emergency
scenarios, establish command hierarchy, organize communication lines, determine
response actions, delegate responsibilities, designate evacuation signal, identify rendez-
vous points mark on appropriate maps for each work area, and coordinate with local fire
service, police and ambulance services.
• All safety equipment and tools should be regularly maintained. In addition, environmental
friendly fire-fighting equipment such as dry powder extinguishers should be provided
within the premises of the plant. Annual fire fighting training drills for the operating staff
should be conducted. The safety specialist should prepare, implement and maintain a
comprehensive fire protection and prevention program. The safety specialist should also
be responsible for the inspection and maintenance of the fixed and portable fire protection
equipment and for the investigation of fire incidents
• All emergency exits at ACP should be clearly marked (emergency lights and/or
fluorescence), and free from debris to ensure quick and free passage in case of emergency

7.9.7 Ensuring personnel protection
The mitigation measures that can be adopted to assure the safety of the personnel include
the following

• Individuals working on the cement manufacturing line should be provided with overalls,
PVC type overalls for wet weather working, respiratory masks, eye protection plugs and
defenders, ear protection plugs and defenders; and high visibility waistcoats
• Uniforms and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) should be kept hygienic and in good
condition. Workers should also be trained on the appropriate use of PPE and be
convinced with the importance of using PPE for their own safety and welfare.
• Personal ID cards should be provided for all employees
• A trained first aider should be present on-site at all times during operational hours. First
aid kits should be kept at several locations and be regularly inspected to replenish any
• The periodic health monitoring program for on-site workers should be enhanced to allow
record keeping of all illnesses and accidents occurring on-site. Regular medical checkups
should be provided for staff on a semi-annual basis

7.10 Mitigation of landscape and visual impacts

The visual intrusion and landscape alteration can be minimized by adopting several
mitigation steps that include:

• Preserving existing floral cover when feasible

• Avoiding on-site storage of wastes and equipment
• Prohibiting heavy equipment and transport vehicles from parking outside the fenced
boundary of the plant
• Selecting appropriate paint colors for the exterior of the buildings to help blend with the
• Complying with the building codes of the area and reducing the construction of elevated
• Maintaining buildings within the plant to preserve their architectural and visual appeal
• Planning and implementing an appropriate landscaping program for the site that takes into
account restoration or creation of native floral cover with local fauna and flora
• Planning and optimizating quarry operations to minimize actively working areas

• Shielding the quarrying face of the hill by erecting visual barriers
• Quarrying from hill faces away from public view
• Adopting a rolling restoration program (to the extent technically feasible) rather than
waiting until quarrying is finished. Annual budgets should have specific allocations for
quarry rehabilitation, its monitoring and appraisal. Native flora is important to re-
establishing and enhancing local fauna. When introducing plant species, native plants
should be used to maintain ecosystem integrity and to facilitate re-colonization of the area
by the surrounding native fauna (WBCSD, 2002)
• Establishing stable landforms and adequate drainage systems prior to the initiation of
revegetation work. Loose surfaces of overburden areas at the quarry site should be
reworked and compacted into several benches with acceptable slopes. Drain structures
should also be created to control the erosion of the slopes.
• Provisioning a greenbelt to minimize unsightly intrusion on the surrounding
• Planting one row of tree seedlings with at least 1 m of height, one per 3m, along the fence
line of the site
• Dedicating an area corresponding to at least 10 percent of the total site area for
landscaping and greenbelt

7.11 Mitigation of socio-economic impacts

Dissemination of the positive socio-economic impacts of the plant is an important measure
that should be considered. Historically, the cement industry often has had an “undesirable”
image. This preception has been based primarily on visible emissions and quarrying
operations, which generate noise, traffic, and dust. Nevertheless, the cement industry
worldwide has been actively involved in “greening” the industry and improving its
environmental compliance, by obtaining the ISO 14001 certification. Some cement facilities
have explored the utilization of their kilns to detoxify and eliminate wastes (including
hazardous waste16) while benefiting from the generated energy, particularly from rubber tires.
In the case of ACP, reducing emissions, especially dust, will be perceived as beneficial to the
well-being of the nearby community and will enhance its image. Other important steps that
can be undertaken by ACP to improve the relationship with the nearby community and build
confidence in the management of operations include:

Burning hazardous wastes in cement kilns requires a significant investment in expensive end-of pipe treatment
technologies to limit exposure to a variety of toxic gases and fumes

• Providing the local community residing in the vicinity of ACP priority in terms of job
opportunities, especially to individuals or families that may be negatively affected
• Adopting policies to recruit locally and to hire local contractors when possible
• Adopting a monitoring plan to assess adverse impacts on nearby receptors
• Instigating a formal system to respond in a timely fashion to complaints about nuisances
(emissions, noise, etc.)
• Permitting local schools and teams to use the sport courts at ACP’s residential complex
• Making emergency response teams available to local municipalities
• Making company clinics available to the surrounding community
• Committing to the publishing of data and reports on environmental performance
• Providing in-kind contributions to the local community
• Restricting the movement and transportation of heavy machinery outside the sites to off-
peak traffic hours and night time (if noise levels do not exceed the standards)

7.12 Summary of mitigation measures

Table 49 presents a summary of the proposed elements of the mitigation plan that should be
considered at ACP. The implementing responsibilities for implementing mitigation measures
falls within the jurisdictions of ACP.

Table 49. Proposed mitigation measures
Impact Mitigation measures Priority 1 Attributes/location of intervention
Air quality • Installing fabric filters (or electrostatic precipitators) to achieve a PM emission factor of 1 Exhaust gases from raw mills, kilns, and clinker
30 mg/Nm3 from all stacks coolers
• Using water sprays to suppress dust emissions from primary crushers 1 Feeding hood of primary crushers
• Using water sprays (with and without surfactants) on all open piles and storage yards 1 Open and temporary storage piles at ACP
• Installing wind screens around open piles and storage yards 1 Open and temporary storage piles at ACP
• Paving/asphalting the roads and yards that experience a high traffic rate and spraying 1 Roads within ACP, the road connecting the
regularly with small nozzle water spraying systems primary crusher with the various parts of the
quarry, the road connecting ACP to the quarry,
and the main yard facing the primary crusher
• Spraying unpaved roads regularly with small nozzle water spraying systems when 1 Unpaved low traffic roads
• Enclosing the raw material storage yard, maintaining it under negative pressure and 1 Raw material storage yard
equipping it with fabric filters
• Installing adjustable conveyors to reduce dropping height 1 Raw material storage yard
• Ensuring proper maintenance of equipment on-site 2 ACP workshops
• Enforcing speed limits 1 Speed limit of 10 Km/hr on unpaved roads and 20
Km/hr on paved roads within ACP
• Adopting good housekeeping measures at ACP to reduce dust build-up 1 Throughout ACP
• Planting a green-buffer around ACP and the quarry 2 Use endemic species such as Tamarix aphylla,
Salvadora persica, Acacia spp, Ziziphus spina-
christi, Commifora kataf and Cadaba rotundifolia
• Setting up of an automatic truck wheel-wash facility 3 On the exit from ACP towards the public road
• Covering trucks carrying dusty cargo with tarps or screening material, when practical 2
• Adopting a pelletization program for the generated CKD 3 CKD storage silo/storage yard
• Wetting, compacting, and covering with a layer of soil CKD at disposal site 1 CKD disposal site
• Adopting combustion control approaches to reduce NOx emissions 3 Preheater/precalcinator kiln
• Installing post-combustion control equipment to reduce NOx emissions 3 Preheater/precalcinator kiln stacks
• Using low-sulfur fuels and raw materials 2 Fuel tanks and purchasing department
• Adopting a continuous monitoring program of the sulfide sulfur content of the raw 2 ACP laboratory
materials entering the kiln
• Adding slaked lime to the exhaust gas of the kiln in order to absorb some of the SO2 in 2 Control room and ACP laboratory
case of elevated sulfur levels in raw materials or fuel
• Increasing the use of natural pozzolanic materials 2 Control room and ACP laboratory

Impact Mitigation measures Priority 1 Attributes/location of intervention
Solid waste • Reducing gas turbulence in the kiln and avoiding excessive flow velocities 1 Preheater/precalcinator kiln
• Using chains near the cool end of the kiln in order to minimize dust generation rates 2 Preheater/precalcinator kiln
• Wetting and compacting the generated CKD at the disposal site 1 CKD disposal site
• Reusing the generated CKD in the cement manufacturing process 1 Control room and ACP laboratory
• Reusing the CKD as a soil amendment 1 At agricultural plots with acidic soils
• Reusing the CKD as a stabilizing agent when possible 1 At the AWWTP
• Adopting pelletization of the generated CKD 3 CKD storage silo/storage yard
• Segregating, properly storing, as well as disposing of empty chemical and fuel tanks 1 Temporary solid waste storage areas at ACP
along with the hazardous wastes generated at the ACP laboratories
• Labeling the chemical wastes in English and Arabic, as well as storing them in corrosion 2 Temporary solid waste storage areas at ACP
resistant containers
• Implementing a purchasing and inventory control as well as the “First In First Out” 2 Purchasing department at ACP
• Selling recyclable faulty equipment to metal recycling industries 2 Temporary solid waste storage areas at ACP
• Transporting non-recyclable equipment especially old fabric filters to a government 2 Temporary solid waste storage areas at ACP
approved sanitary landfill
Traffic • Disseminating information regarding the transportation schedule at ACP 1 Coordinate with Governorate of Amran
• Limiting truck movements to off-peak hours 1 Coordinate with Governorate of Amran
• Installing adequate warning and signing at least 500 m down and up-gradient from the 1 Stop signs, heavy machinery signs, and speed
entrance of the ACP as well as on the exit that links ACP to the Amran main road bumps
• Adopting on-site traffic control measures 2 One way traffic within ACP; speed limit of 10
Km/hr on unpaved roads and 20 Km/hr on paved
roads within ACP; adequate off-street parking
spaces for heavy equipment and trucks

Impact Mitigation measures Priority 1 Attributes/location of intervention
Noise • Introducing good acoustic design for the new production line at ACP 1 Coordination with implementing contractors
• Adopting proper scheduling of construction activities 3
• Scheduling noisy activities during the daytime periods 1
• Operating well-maintained mechanical equipment on-site 2
• Ensuring that equipment that may be intermittent in use are shut down between work 2
periods or are throttled down to a minimum
• Installing rubber coating in dumpers and entry chutes 2 Primary crusher hopper, entry chutes of
homogenization silos
• Using personal protection gear such as earplugs, muffs, etc. 2
• Developing a greenbelt around the quarry area 2 Avoid exotic species and opt for endemic fast
growing species such as the Tamarix aphylla,
Salvadora persica, Acacia spp, Ziziphus spina-
christi, Commifora kataf and Cadaba rotundifolia

• Controlling air-flow generated noise by adopting adequate sizing of inlet/outlet ducts 2 Near motors, generators, and fans (primary
• Installing noise barriers around air blowers, pumps, and generators to reduce noise 1 crusher, raw mill, clinker cooler, cement mill,
impacts at nearby receptors homogenization silos)
ACP workshops
• Devising and implementing a rigorous inspection and maintenance program applicable to 1
equipment on-site
• Limiting blasting to trained personnel 1 Purchasing vibration meters
• Initiating periodic recording of blast vibrations 3 Blasting activities should be limited to weekdays
• Limiting blasting activities to fixed days and hours that are acceptable with nearby 1 and should avoid early morning hours and
receptors evening hours

• Disseminating the blasting schedule to nearby communities 1 ACP quarry

• Using of milli-second delay detonator, deck charging, or other techniques to reduce 1
vibrations and noise Purchase additional surface miners to reduce need
• Increasing the use of surface miners that do not require blasting (currently only one 1 for blasting
surface miner is present at ACP)

Impact Mitigation measures Priority 1 Attributes/location of intervention
Surface and • Covering open stockpiles of raw material and CKD with tarpaulin or similar fabric during 2 CKD storage piles/yards
groundwater rainstorm events to prevent the washing away
• Compacting earthworks at the quarry to prevent erosion especially during the wet season 2 ACP quarry site
• Adopting an adequate disposal/reuse plan for the generated CKD in order to minimize to 1 Adopt wetting, compacting, and soil covering of
the extent possible the leaching of alkali dust CKD at the disposal site
• Installing an appropriate drainage system coupled with a sedimentation tank and 2 Near fuel tanks, workshops, CKD storage
grease/oil traps in order to reduce exposure time to potential discharge sources piles/yards
• Developing a new mode of payment that compensates the drivers based on the amount of 1 Maarib refinery in conjunction with purchasing
fuel that is actually delivered to ACP and not on the amount of fuel that is loaded at the department
• Establishing a buyback station near the oil refinery 1 Operated by Maarib refinery
• Establishing a heating system (heating blanket) at the ACP for the fuel tankers in order to 1 Near fuel tanks
help decrease the viscosity of the fuel
• Imposing heavy fines that can reach up to dismissing any truck driver that practices 1 Maarib refinery in conjunction with purchasing
uncontrolled discharge of fuels along the road department and highway patrol
• Cleaning the existing spillages in the wadis whereby dried fuel spills should be collected 1 Hiring a qualified contractor with previous
and transported to a landfill while fresh fuel pools should be pumped in containers and experience in cleaning oil leaks
reused in small industrial kilns or ovens
• All fuel tanks at ACP should be bunded 1 Bunds should be impermeable and resistant to the
stored materials, avoid drains or taps that lead to a
blind collection point, incorporate the distribution
pipes within the bunded areas while avoiding the
penetration of contained surfaces, have a design
capacity in excess of 110 percent of the largest
tank or greater than 25 percent of the total volume
of the tanks, and be subject to regular visual
• Constructing oil-water separators and sand precipitators near workshops and fuel tanks 3 Collected grease and oil should be skimmed
before discharge
• Neutralizing the water released from the chemical laboratory 3 Build a stabilization pond with pH meter to
collect effluent from ACP laboratory
Soil quality • Providing for adequate storage, appropriate disposal practices, or complying with soil 1 Disseminate reuse safe practices and monitor
application rates in case CKD reuse as a soil amendment application rates and soil pH in affected lands
• Properly storing chemicals and fuels on site 1
• Installing natural or synthetic liners beneath chemical and fuel storage tanks 2
• Developing procedures for emergency clean-up of spilled fuel 2 Implement yearly drills for emergency clean-up
• Avoiding the application of agrochemicals during on-site landscaping activities 3

Impact Mitigation measures Priority 1 Attributes/location of intervention
Terrestrial • Preserving existing vegetation when feasible, avoiding fires, prohibiting the disposal of 3
biodiversity wastes, hazardous and chemical material in non- allocated areas
• Initiating a landscaping program on-site, as well as endorsing a well planned restoration
and reforestation plan for the quarry and the buffer area 2
• Removing all buildings, equipment, wreckage and wastes following closure of quarry
• Reshaping quarry walls to prevent unloading cracks and potentially dangerous collapse 3
• Reshaping of walls and loosening of compacted floors to facilitate revegetation and to 3
ensure the aesthetic quality of the restored landscape. 2
• Retaining natural drainage on-site
2 Construct water drains at the quarry site to allow
the descent of the water along natural drainage
• Adopting a revegetation program that uses indigenous stocks of local vegetation contours
2 Avoid exotic species and opt for endemic dust
resistant fast growing species such as the Tamarix
aphylla, Salvadora persica, Acacia spp, Ziziphus
spina-christi, Commifora kataf and Cadaba
Resource use • Reusing the treated wastewater effluent at the AWWTP for landscaping purposes 3 Coordinate with AWWTP on available quantities
and expected effluent quality
• Using closed loop water recovery systems as well as providing provisions for the 1 Installing closed-circuit cooling water systems
collection and use of rainwater with softening and separation for the mills and
clinker cooling sections
• Implement a power consumption audit 1 Measure consumption at each production section
• Optimizing the clinker burning process by providing appropriate instruction/training of 3
the kiln operators as well as through the installation of new equipment such as dosing
systems, homogenization silos, pre-blending beds, new clinker coolers, etc.
• Using energy-efficient equipment that should be properly operated, maintained, and 2
turned off whenever not in use
• Adopting computer aided deposit evaluation and preparation techniques that can be used 3 Purchase/develop a software system that
to plan for optimal quarrying schemes geographically outlines the characteristics of
underlying bed-rock
• Exploring the potential use of phospho-gypsum, an industrial byproduct available from 3 Check with nearby fertilizer plants on the
fertilizer plant as replacement to natural gypsum availability of phospho-gypsum

Impact Mitigation measures Priority 1 Attributes/location of intervention
Health and • Defining procedures on explosive handling and other precautions during blasting 1 Define explosive charge, column depth, and
safety appropriate mill-second detonator
• Enforcing site security 3
• Ensuring site safety 2
• Enhancing safety at site facilities 2
• Establishing environmental controls 1
• Regulating transportation on-site 3
• Developing emergency/contingency plans 2
• Ensuring personnel protection 2
Landscape and • Preserving existing floral cover when feasible 3
visual • Avoiding on-site storage of wastes and equipment 2
intrusions • Prohibiting heavy equipment and transport vehicles from parking outside the fenced 2 Provide off-street parking spaces for heavy
boundary of the plant equipment and transport trucks
• Selecting appropriate paint colors for the exterior of the buildings to help them blend with 2
the surrounding
• Complying with the building codes of the area and reducing the construction of elevated 2
• Maintaining buildings within the plant to preserve their architectural and visual appeal 2
• Planning and implementing an appropriate landscaping program for the site that takes into 1
account restoration or creation of native floral cover with local fauna and flora
• Planning and optimization quarry operations in order to minimize actively working areas 2
• Shielding the quarrying face of the hill from public view by erecting visual barriers 1
• Quarrying from hill faces away from public view 1
• Adopt a rolling restoration programs (to the extent technically feasible) rather than 2
waiting until quarrying is finished
• Provisioning a greenbelt to bar any unsightly intrusion the project may have on the milieu 2 Planting one row of tree seedlings with at least 1
m of height, one per 3m, along the fence line of
the site. Dedicate an area corresponding to at least
10 percent of the total site area for landscaping
and greenbelt
Establishing stable landforms and adequate drainage systems prior to the initiation of 2 Construct water drains at the quarry site to allow
revegetation work the descent of the water along natural drainage

Impact Mitigation measures Priority 1 Attributes/location of intervention
Socio- • Reducing potential exposure to emissions, especially dust 1
economic • Restricting the movement and transportation of heavy machinery outside the sites to off- 2
peak traffic hours and night time (if noise levels do not exceed the standards)
• Providing the local community residing in the vicinity of ACP priority in terms of 1
providing job opportunities, especially to individuals or families that may be negatively
• Adopting policies to recruit locally and to hire local contractors when possible 2
• Adopting a monitoring plan to assess potential adverse impacts on nearby receptors 1 Regular monitoring reports should be made
• Instigating a formal system which responds in a timely fashion to complaints about 1 Provide a hotline number with an operator that
nuisances (air pollution, noise, etc.) can dispatch an investigating team within 24 hr
• Permitting local schools and teams to use the sport courts at ACP’s residential complex 3 Coordinate with local schools and teams
• Making emergency response teams available to local municipalities 3 Coordinate with local fire fighting squadron
• Making company clinics available to the surrounding community 3
• Committing to the publishing of data and reports on environmental performance 1
• Providing in-kind contributions to the local community either through cement or other 2
building products
Priority level: 1= High priority measure; 2= Medium priority measure; 3= Low priority measure


The implementation of a comprehensive impact and compliance monitoring plan at ACP is of

utmost importance. The main objectives of the monitoring plan include:

• Assessing the performance and effectiveness of monitoring activities by comparing

monitoring results with the baseline data and / or environmental standards
• Identifying the extent of environmental impacts predicted in the EA
• Determining project compliance with regulatory requirements
• Adopting remedial action and further mitigation measures if found to be necessary

Monitoring of air quality, noise levels, surface and ground water quality, soil quality, solid
waste generation, terrestrial biodiversity, resource use, traffic, health and safety, landscape
and visual intrusion, socio-economics as well as operations is essential at ACP. For certain
parameters, sampling and chemical analysis are necessary while for others, only visual
inspection and photographic documentation by experienced personnel are adequate. In the
case of non compliance, efforts should be made to:

• Identify the most probable source

• Check on the proper implementation of the specified mitigation measures
• Review the effectiveness of the environmental management plan and propose alternative
actions as appropriate
• Increase the monitoring frequency to assess the effectiveness of remedial measures

Quarterly monitoring progress reports should be prepared, while yearly comprehensive

reports should be generated to present results of the monitoring activities and assess the
adequacy of environmental control measures. All monitoring records should be kept in an
acceptable format (in word processing format such as MS Word or spreadsheet such as MS
Excel) and reported regularly to the responsible authorities and concerned stakeholders.

8.1 Air quality

The main source of emissions at ACP is the pyro-processing system that includes the kiln, the
bypass system, and clinker cooler exhaust stacks. As such, stack flue gases and ambient air
quality should be monitored for selected indicators including at least dust (PM, PM10), NOx,

and SOx. If resources are available, other indicators could be added to the monitoring
program such as CO and VOCs.

8.1.1 Criteria
Yemeni standards and international standards can be adopted (Table 4) in evaluating ambient
air quality indicators. Similarly emission limit values can be adopted in evaluating on-site
emissions from point sources (Table 9).

8.1.2 Methodology Point sources
During operation, in addition to continuous monitoring of flue gas temperature and oxygen
level, the opacity and the concentrations of PM/PM10 shall be monitored on all pyro-
processing related stacks (Table 24) through the installation of opacity and dust monitors
(Figure 45a). It is advisable to install opacity/dust monitors that have an automatic in-situ
zero and span checking capabilities because equipment calibration can be a difficult process
in Yemen. Furthermore, a combustion gas analyzer fitted with a probe can be used to measure
flue gas composition particularly NOx and SOx (Figure 45b). Parameters such as weather
conditions, date and time of sampling shall be recorded in detail. Meteorological data, which
are essential for air quality monitoring during operation, should be collected by a continuous
meteorological monitoring station that can be installed on site (Figure 45c). This monitoring
station should record at least wind speed and direction, ambient temperature, rainfall, and
incoming solar radiation. Data recorded by the station may be collected through a central
computer located within the plant (in the lab or in a control room).

A periodic maintenance program should be implemented on fabric filters whereby

compartments, cages, and filter bags are checked for damage on a monthly basis or when a
PM emission surge is recorded by the continuous flue gas monitoring station.

(a): Stack mounted opacity/dust meter (b): Stack mounted combustion gas analyzer

(c): Tripod meteorological station

Figure 45. Continuous air emission monitoring equipment and meteorological parameters Ambient air

The 1-hr and 24-hr PM/PM10 levels should be monitored to indicate the impact of the emitted
dust on ambient air quality on selected receptors (Table 27 and Figure 16). Measurements
shall be conducted by drawing air through a high volume sampler (Figure 46) fitted with a
conditioned pre-weighed filtered paper, at a controlled rate. After sampling for 1 hour (or 24
hours), the filter paper with retained particles shall be collected and returned to a laboratory
for drying in an oven at 110oC followed by accurate weighing. The average PM/PM10 level
shall be calculated from the ratio of mass of the particulates retained on the filter paper to the
total volume of air sampled. When positioning the sampler, the following points shall be

• A horizontal platform with appropriate support should be provided to secure the samples
against gusty winds; airflow around the sampler shall be unrestricted (a portable high-
volume sampler can also be used)
• Any wire fence or gate to protect the sampler shall not obstruct airflow

• The distance between the sampler and an obstacle (i.e. building) shall be at least twice the
height that the obstacle protrudes above the sampler
• No furnace or generator shall be nearby
• A secured supply of electricity shall be provided to operate the sampler

An alternative means of measuring 1-hr averaged PM/PM10 concentrations is through a hand-

held particle counter (capable of sampling in the range 0.1-100 mg/m3) (Figure 46). This
method does not require laboratory analysis and gives instant PM/PM10 readings. Air samples
are drawn for a period of one hour and the device provides the time-averaged PM/PM10 level.
Calibration of the monitoring equipment should be conducted prior to implementation of the
monitoring program and as specified by the manufacturer.

Wind speed and direction shall also be recorded. Wind sensors shall be installed on masts at
an elevation of 2 and 10 meters above ground so that they are clear of obstruction or
turbulence. The wind monitoring equipment shall be calibrated once every six months. In the
case of unavailability of elevated wind sensors, it might be possible to use calibrated hand-
held anemometers on the condition that no obstructions are present.

Relevant data including temperature, pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time meter

reading for the start and stop of the sampler, identification and weight of the filter paper, and
date and time of sampling shall be recorded in detail. Finally, monitoring ambient
concentrations of NOx and SOx concentrations should be conducted through the use of
stationary or portable gas analyzers (Figure 46).

(a): Portable PM high volume sampler (b): Portable hand-held particle counter

(c): Portable gas analyzer

(d): Stationary full monitoring system (e): Stationary PM monitoring station

Figure 46. Ambient air quality monitoring equipment

8.1.3 Monitoring locations

Point source emission should be conducted on all stacks (Table 24). Stack dispersion
modeling revealed that a large area may be exposed to high PM or gaseous levels. As such,
permanent gas analyzers shall be installed at selected receptors (Table 19) or a portable gas

analyzer that is rotated between the site locations. With the consent of residents, the gas
analyzers should be mounted on building-tops). The monitoring data shall be regularly
collected, downloaded, and processed at a central PC within ACP. A copy of the monitoring
data shall be sent on a quarterly basis to the MoWE/EPA and the Governorate of Amran.

8.1.4 Frequency
While continuous monitoring at all locations is highly desirable, it may not be affordable at
this time. Therefore, the maintenance frequency for various indicators are outlined below
depending on the importance of the indicator. Continuous dust/opacity monitoring should be
adopted for all pyro-processing point sources at ACP, while NOx and SOx flue gas
monitoring can be adopted on a monthly basis if continuous monitoring instruments are not
available. Similarly, monthly sampling frequency shall be observed at ambient monitoring
stations for ambient 8 -hour PM/PM10, NOx, and SOx concentrations. In case of complaints
or whenever the highest impacts are likely to occur, 1-hr monitoring shall be conducted on a
weekly basis. It is recommended that following the commissioning of the new production line
and following the installation of the new fabric filters at the existing line, bi-weekly
measurements should be observed at all stacks and ambient air quality sampling locations in
order to assess the fabric filters performance and build a baseline. Combustion sources
(power generators) at ACP should be monitored on a semi-annual basis for temperature,
oxygen level, combustion efficiency, PM/PM-10, and SOx.

8.2 Noise
8.2.1 Criteria
The standards or criteria against which noise (measured as A-weighed equivalent sound
pressure level, Leq, in dB) monitoring can be assessed include the Yemeni noise guidelines in
different zones (Table 8), as well as the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) noise
abatement criteria (Table 7). In addition, occupational noise exposure should be assessed with
respect to the standards promulgated by the OSHA (Table 5).

8.2.2 Methodology
Sound level meters shall be used to measure noise levels in terms of Leq, in dBA. Calibration
of the meters shall be conducted on a quarterly basis, using a portable calibrator. Both meters
and calibrators shall be verified by the manufacturer every two years to ensure accuracy of
measurements. Calibrated hand-held anemometers shall be used for the measurement of wind

speed during noise monitoring periods. Noise monitoring shall be carried out for at least one
hour in order to determine the average noise level.

Noise measurements shall not be made in the presence of fog, rain, wind with a steady speed
exceeding 5 m/s or wind gusts exceeding 10 m/s. The monitoring locations shall be at a point
located 1m from the exterior of the receiver building façade and at a height of approximately
1.5 m above ground or at a height that has the least obstructed view of ACP in relation to the
receiver. Relevant data including temperature, pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time
meter reading for the start and stop of the sampler, date and time of sampling, and work
progress of the concerned area should be recorded concurrently with noise measurements.

8.2.3 Monitoring locations

Noise monitoring locations include the quarry, the primary crusher, the raw mill, kiln, the
cement mill as well as five sites selected around the perimeter of the plant at varying
distances to examine noise propagation and attenuation at the receptors identified in
Table 15. In addition, noise measurements should be readily conducted at locations where a
complaint is filed.

8.2.4 Frequency
A quarterly sampling frequency should be observed at all monitoring locations for 1-hour
noise monitoring. In case of complaints or whenever the highest impacts are likely to occur,
1-hr noise monitoring should be readily conducted.

8.3 Surface water and groundwater

8.3.1 Sampling location and analysis criteria
The improper handling, storage, transport, and disposal of fuels/oils and the generated CKD
are the major sources of aggression on surface and ground water quality. As such,
groundwater samples should be collected from tapped wells in the areas surrounding ACP,
particularly in the vicinity of the CKD disposal site (at least from three wells). Water samples
should be collected from the grease traps, oil/water separators, as well as sedimentation tanks
prior to discharge. In addition, water samples should be collected and analyzed from
potentially affected water sources whenever a spill occurs on-site or along the roads used for
fuel transportation (currently the Amran-Maarib road). Monitoring indicators include at least
pH, temperature, oil content, suspended solids, and COD. The standards or criteria against
which surface and groundwater quality will be assessed are presented in Table 10.

8.3.2 Methodology
Surface and ground water samples should be collected and placed in pre-cleaned (1 liter)
plastic/glass bottles depending on the target analysis. After collection, the bottles should be
properly sealed and placed in a cooler at a temperature below 4oC and transported to the
laboratory facility for analysis, preferably within 6 hours after the sampling time. A Global
Positioning System (GPS) should be used to approximate the geographic coordinates of
sampling locations. In addition, groundwater samples should clearly indicate the location of
the well and its corresponding depth. Relevant data including monitoring location/position,
depth, time, weather conditions (wind speed and direction, ambient temperature,
precipitation) should be recorded concurrently. In-situ monitoring instruments should be
checked and calibrated prior to usage and as per manufacturer specifications. Responses of
sensors and electrodes should be checked with standard solutions before each use.

8.3.3 Frequency
Surface and ground water should be monitored on a quarterly basis. In case of spillage or
whenever the highest impacts are likely to occur, water monitoring should be conducted
every two weeks.

8.4 Soil
Soil quality should be monitored at the CKD disposal site as well as in the agricultural plots
that are treated with CKD for pH adjustment. An annual sampling frequency should be
observed. Samples should be collected in pre-cleaned (5 to 10 liters) plastic/glass recipients
depending on the target analysis. After collection, the recipients should be properly sealed
and placed in a cooler at a temperature below 4oC and transported to the laboratory facility
for analysis preferably within 6 hours after the sampling time. Soil quality should be
monitored for moisture content, pH, salinity, and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate, potassium,
chloride, sodium). Heavy metal content (mercury, lead, chromium, copper, nickel, zinc and
cadmium) in affected soils should be monitored every three years.

8.5 Solid waste

Site audits on the solid waste streams generated at ACP shall be conducted to examine
various aspects of waste management including generation, storage, recycling, transport, and
disposal. The audit shall be conducted on a quarterly basis. The objectives of the audit should
be to ensure that the wastes are handled in an environmentally sound manner, mitigation
measures are implemented properly, and encourage the reuse and recycling of materials.

Quantities, photographic documentation, and interviews are essential elements of the audits.
The generation volumes of the CKD should be monitored daily. Furthermore, CKD samples
should be taken weekly in order to allow for pH analysis.

8.6 Terrestrial biodiversity

Semi-annual field surveys with photographic documentation should be conducted for
biodiversity indicators (percent of area recolonized, species present, dominant species,
survival rate of introduced flora by species) within the site and its immediate surroundings.
The presence or absence of common species should be documented when feasible.

8.7 Resource use

Energy17 and water18 consumption shall be monitored continuously to limit over-exploitation.
Continuous metering of energy and water shall also be adopted at the different stages of the
production line with special emphasis on high-energy consuming phases (kiln, raw mill,
cement mill, fabric filters, cement mill, primary crusher, preheater-precalcinator section,
packaging section). Resource-use audits should be conducted as part of the overall
performance assessment of the plant and to help identify system losses.

8.8 Health and safety

Continuous monitoring shall be conducted in order to determine the application of mitigation
measures and health and safety guidelines at ACP. The proper use of PPE shall be checked
daily by the head engineers, while monthly checks shall be implemented in order to assess the
condition of the installed safety signs, first aid kits, fire fighting devices, etc. Record keeping
of injuries/illnesses and major occupational accidents shall be followed at the plant and
reported according to injury/illness type (cuts, respiratory illnesses, dermal diseases, gastro-
intestinal infections, eye infections, burns, mortality, accidents leading to handicaps).

8.9 Landscape and visual intrusions

Visual inspection and photographic documentation are necessary to ensure the effective
implementation of mitigation measures and the protection of landscape and visual resources.
As such, field surveys shall be conducted on a quarterly basis to assess the impact on the
nearby landscape. These surveys should be used for planning exploitation locations and

Energy consumption should be presented in terms of KWh/ton of clinker produced; tons of heavy fuel oil used/ ton of
clinker produced; and tons of diesel used/ton of clinker produced
Should be reported in terms of m3/ton of clinker produced

quantities at the quarry sites as well as to monitor the adopted re-vegetation scheme
particularly the survival rates of the planted endemic flora.

8.10 Socioeconomics
Monitoring of socio-economic indicators such as employment generation shall be conducted
on a regular basis through employment records. Monitoring of social indicators such as
population perception, shall be conducted annually through field questionnaires, interviews,
and public meetings. It is essential to maintain constant open channels with the nearby
receptors and the Governorate of Amran.

8.11 Operations monitoring

The shift supervisors in charge of operations should maintain daily reports. Records of the
production rate, gas flow rates, counter readings, pressure values, temperatures, etc. for all
facilities and equipment should be reported. Characteristic operation data of major equipment
at the plant and remarks and comments of the shift supervisors concerning abnormal readings,
overloads, stoppage, outages and other operation events should also be recorded on a daily

8.12 Summary of monitoring plan

A summary of the monitoring indicators with corresponding location and frequency is
presented in Table 50. While ACP can assist in the implementation of the monitoring plan, it
is recommended that an independent third party consultant be responsible for the overall
implementation of the monitoring in close coordination with ACP, the EPA representing the
MoWE, and the YCCIM representing the MoIT. depicts a potential framework for
implementing environmental management plans at ACP.

Ministry of Industry Ministry of Water
& Trade & Environment

Yemen Corporation Environmental

for Cement Industry Protection Authority
& Marketing

NGOs and local

Amran Cement Plant community
Operations Committee

Oversight of environmental monitoring activities

Figure 47. Framework for implementing the environmental management plan

Table 50. Summary of the proposed monitoring plan
Impact Monitoring means Parameters Location Frequency
PM/PM10, Temperature Pyro-processing stacks at ACP Continuous

Measurment/sampling NOx, and SOx Pyro-processing stacks at ACP Continous/Monthly

(using the following analysis
techniques: extractive, PM/PM10, Temperature Cement grinding stack, clinker Continuous
paramagnetic, cooler stack, By-pass stack
electrochemical, non PM/PM10, SOx, Temperature, oxygen level, Combustion sources Semiannually
dispersive infrared, non combustion efficiency
Air quality dispersive ultraviolet,
chemiluminescence, cross- PM/PM10, NOx, and SOx Selected receptors (Table 19) Quarterly
duct opacity)
PM/PM10, NOx, and SOx Selected receptors (Table 19) Upon complaint
Monthly or in case
Audit Fabric filter components All fabric filters of a PM emission
Quarry, primary crushers, raw Bi-annually
mill, cement mill
4 sites selected around the Bi-annually and
Noise Measurement Leq (dBA) perimeter of the plant (ACP upon complaints
residence complex, Al Darb
village, Al Shadhna village, Qa’at
Bait Urji village)
Tapped wells located in the areas Quarterly
surrounding the CKD disposal
site (at least 3 wells)
Surface and Temperature, pH, oil content, suspended
Sampling Groundwater wells, installed Quarterly
groundwater solids, COD
grease traps, oil/water separators,
as well as sedimentation tanks

Spillage site(s) Every two weeks

Impact Monitoring means Parameters Location Frequency
Moisture content, pH, salinity, and nutrients Annual
(nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, chloride,
CKD disposal site as well as in
Soil Sampling the agricultural plots that are
treated with CKD
Heavy metal content (mercury, lead, Every three years
chromium, copper, nickel, zinc and cadmium)
Audits, photographic Generation, storage, recycling, transport, and ACP and CKD disposal site Quarterly
documentation, and disposal
Solid waste interviews CKD generation rate ACP Daily

Sampling pH CKD disposal site Weekly

Terrestrial Visual inspection and ACP, quarry sites, and landscaped
General condition of the floral cover Annual
biodiversity photographic documentation areas
Metering Water and energy consumption ACP and associated quarries Continuously
Resource use
Audit Raw material consumption ACP and associated quarries Continuously
Proper use of PPE, presence of safety signs,
Health and ACP, roads linking ACP with the
Health and safety surveys first aid kit, and fire fighting devices Continuously
safety main road network
Injury/illness records
Landscape Adopted re-vegetation scheme
Visual inspection and ACP, quarry sites, landscaped
and visual Quarry exploitation pattern and resulting Quarterly
photographic documentation area, surrounding receptors
intrusions visual intrusion
Socio- Field questionnaires Population perception ACP and region of influence Annually
economic Interviews Employment records ACP Continuously
Production rate, gas flow rates, counter
Operations Visual inspection and readings, pressure values, temperatures, All facilities and major equipment
monitoring documentation abnormal readings, overloads, stoppage, at the plant and quarry site

8.13 Data management
The monitoring data will be important for future environmental management in the cement
sector across Yemen. It will formulate the background to determine the accuracy of
environmental quality predictions and provide the scientific basis for establishing or
modifying environmental measures in the future. Therefore, it is proposed to develop a
database of the monitoring data collected. Periodic environmental monitoring reports should
be prepared to analyze the data, assess monitoring activities and provide recommendations to
ensure the effectiveness of the environmental monitoring plan during the project life.
Appendix D presents draft monitoring forms that can be refined during the implementation

A database, preferably computerized, should be developed and maintained for the various
monitoring activities. This will facilitate the statistical analysis of trends in concentrations
over time, as well as provide a record that can be independently audited by the EPA for
compliance with the environmental regulations. In addition to recorded levels of various
indicators, the database should report the time of sampling, the instantaneous meteorological
conditions, production capacity, method of sampling, location of sampling, as well as the
appropriate standards.

Sample analysis can be conducted either on-site if hand-held instantaneous equipment are
available or at a commercial laboratory. Competent laboratories that can assist in the required
analysis may be limited in Yemen. Universities can play a significant role in providing the
technical know-how and necessary equipment at a reasonable cost.

8.14 Reporting
Monitoring reports should be submitted to the EPA, the YCCIM, and the Governorate of
Amran for feedback on the overall monitoring program. These reports should summarize
monitoring data (air quality, noise levels, surface and groundwater quality, soil quality,
terrestrial biodiversity, resource use, solid waste, health and safety, landscape, socio-
economics) with full interpretation illustrating the acceptability or otherwise of environmental
impacts and identification or assessment of the implementation status of mitigation measures.
The monitoring reports should include at least the following sections/information:

(a) Executive summary
(b) Basic project information
• Project organization including key personnel and contact addresses
(c) Location of sensitive receivers and of monitoring stations
(d) Production capacity
(e) Environmental parameters
• Implementation status of environmental mitigation measures recommended in the EA
• Monitoring results
• Monitoring methodology
• Parameters monitored
• Monitoring locations
• Monitoring date, time frequency, and duration
• Weather conditions during the period
• Monitoring results tabulated with maximum and minimum values
• Diagrams showing the performance of the works
(f) Other parameters
• Daily consumption figures of electricity, water and raw materials
• Service hours of main machinery and equipment
• Information on major equipment repair, overhaul and other maintenance works
• Spare parts used and mobile equipment
• Times, duration, reason and remedying of emergency operation and outages
• Statistics of staff members and labor utilization
• Report of non compliance or exceedance of the environmental standards
• Record of complaints received including location, nature, actions and follow-up
• Records of health and safety accidents on-site



In the context of the ACP, capacity building in environmental management falls within
several sectors ranging from the management of air quality, water quality, traffic, solid waste

to resource conservation, as well as health and safety. Proper environmental management
dictates that construction and operation procedures be implemented in accordance to the
current state of the art and knowledge regarding environmental protection. This can be
accomplished by hiring competent personnel with the appropriate educational and
professional background and instituting periodic training programs and site-specific plans that
are adequate for protecting the general public and the environment as well as contributing to
the mitigation of potential environmental impacts. For this purpose, ACP employees as well
as the employees of contractors and consultants involved in the various activities of the plant
should be required to attend environmental training-awareness seminars-workshops. In an
effort to strengthen institutional capacity and environmental awareness, such seminars-
workshops should be opened for individuals from concerned ministries and agencies such as
the MoWE, EPA, NWRA, MoAI, YCCIM, MoIT, MoPH, NGOs, etc. The objective of the
seminars-workshops is to ensure environmental awareness, knowledge and skills for the
implementation of environmental management plans. Seminars-workshops shall be conducted
at least twice per year for a period of one to two days. A maximum of 30 participants should
participate in a particular seminar-workshop, which should address various topics including:

• Environmental laws, regulations, and standards

• Pollution health impacts
• Prevention and control measures
• Sampling techniques and environmental monitoring guidelines (air, noise, water, solid
waste, soil)
• Air quality management
• Solid waste management
• Water and wastewater management
• Traffic and pedestrians safety measures
• Risks associated with the cement industry
• The fundamentals of occupational health and safety procedures
• Procedures for dealing with spillage, fires and other accidents
• Instructions on the use of protective clothing
• Operating procedures at the plant
• BAT in the cement industry
• Emergency response plans at ACP

It is also recommended that the permanent staff at ACP who is in charge of coordinating the
implementation of the environmental management plans be given the opportunity to attend
relevant international workshops coupled with study tours at well controlled cement factories.
The formation of a high level Environmental Committee at ACP19 will be conducive at
showing commitment to environmental management. The committee’s role should focus on
assessing current environmental practices, developing an internal audit system, reviewing
environmental monitoring reports, identifying required control measures, initiating public
relations campaigns to report and advertise ACP’s environmental commitment (advertise
(steps being taken to comply with international standards, international accreditation such as
ISO 14001), maintaining a clear environmental policy, and establishing a transparent
communication with governmental and non-governmental agencies concerned in
environmental management. Note that launching a well planned public relations campaign
(i.e. television, billboards, newspapers, seminars at local schools and universities, plant visits)
highlighting ACP’s commitment to environmental protection can significantly improve its
image and gain the trust of the public particularly in the Amran area. In this context, the main
cement industries in Lebanon have been engaged in launching public relation campaigns
aiming to sooth and win-over the general public and the nearby communities. As such, the
two main cement industries have created environmental committees that have been able to
install and operate a continuous air quality monitoring system, gain the ISO 14001
certification, establish close links with international cement manufacturers, increase their in-
kind contributions, as well as launch advertisement campaigns to inform the public about
their commitment to enhance their environmental compliance (Figure 48).

Figure 48. Advertisement campaigns by the cement industry in Lebanon

Comprising the General Manager, the supervising head engineer(s), and the heads of the different departments


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Appendix A: Memorandum of Understanding between Amran Cement Plant and the

Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) (June 2003)

Appendix B: ACP contributions to governmental organization, local councils, and social

welfare organizations

Appendix C: ACP’s preliminary analysis of the two proposed Fabric Filters (IHI and F.L.

Appendix D: Draft monitoring program for ACP

Appendix E: Environment assessment presentation

Memorandum of Understanding between Amran Cement Plant and the Environmental
Protection Authority (EPA) (June 2003)

ACP contributions to governmental organization, local councils, and social welfare

ACP’s preliminary analysis of the two proposed Fabric Filters (IHI and F.L. Smidth)

Draft monitoring program for ACP



Name and position Contributed in section(s) Date

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:

Quality control by:

Approved by:


Raw material consumption

Type of raw material consumed Quantity consumed (tons/month)


Quantity of surface water being consumed in m3/month:

Quantity of groundwater being consumed in m3/month:


1. Analysis of the water quality being used in production and groundwater quality from
the wells surrounding the Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) disposal site:
Water source Analysis parameters
Location Description pH Nitrates Calcium Other

Specify the time period between each sampling round:

2. Analysis of drinking water quality at ACP:

Source/sample Total Fecal
pH Calcium E. Coli Nitrates Free chlorine
location Coliform Coliform

Specify the time period between each sampling round:

Describe sampling procedures:

Specify water analysis lab:


1. Electricity:
Specify the annual average electricity consumption (kWhr/year):
Specify the percentage of the electricity being produced at ACP (%):

2. Fossil Fuels:
Annual fossil fuel consumption rates
Type of fossil fuel Average annual consumption Cost (USD/year)

Fuel type Sulfur content Source

Heavy Fuel Oil

Fuel storage tanks

Tank number and location Capacity Fuel type

Solid waste generation, and management
Type Source Quantity Storage site Treatment option used (if available) Hauling/transport technique Final disposal site


Do hazardous wastes undergo segregation according to type: Yes No

In case the hazardous wastes undergo segregation describe the process by filling the
following table:

Hazardous waste management

Treatment option Final disposal
Type Source Quantity method on-
(if adopted) site


1. Describe the main point emission sources:

Collects emission Adopted emission reduction Flue gas exit Flue gas emission
Stack number Site Elevation Diameter
gases from technology (if present) temperature velocity or flow rate

2. Constituents of air emissions
Emission Treatment Flue gas Cement/clinker Prevalent meteorological
Time of
Constituent Concentration Site/stack monitoring technology adopted flow rate production during conditions during
technique adopted (if available) (m3/hr) sampling sampling
Averaging time:
Averaging time:
Averaging time:
Averaging time:
Averaging time:
Averaging time:
Averaging time:

Monitoring constituent release into the atmosphere

Specify the time period between each sampling round:

Describe sampling equipment used:

Specify party responsible for carrying out the sampling:
Last date equipment undergo calibration:
Party responsible for carrying out calibration:

3. Ambient air quality

Sampling Cement/clinker
Average time
Site Parameter Concentration method/ production Date
of sampling
equipment during sampling


Amran town



Town of

Town of

Town of

Specify the time period between each sampling round:

Specify party responsible for carrying out the sampling:

Last date equipment undergo calibration:
Party responsible for carrying out calibration:


1. Estimate the quantity of the generated effluent

Treatment option
Source Type Quantity Final disposal site

2. Effluent quality assessment:

Sampling method/
Source Parameter Concentration Date

Specify the time period between each sampling round:

Specify party responsible for carrying out the sampling:


1. Noise level at ACP

Equipment/production Cement/clinker production

Noise level dB(A) Date
section during measurement

2. Noise levels at nearby receptors

Cement/clinker production
Location Noise level dB(A) Date
during measurement
ACP residence complex
Al Darb village
Al Shadhna village
Qa’at Bait Urji village
Specify the time period between each measurement round:
Specify party responsible for carrying out the measurement:


Site Parameters analyzed for Concentrations Date


Personal Protection Equipment

Employees using it
Maintenance Party responsible
Type Use (number and job
frequency for maintenance

Maintenance frequency for the ventilation system

Adopted air changes for the ventilation system
Is the indoor lighting sufficient? List sections with insufficient
Yes No lighting:

Are the walkways clean, dry, and easily accessible List the walkways that are not
Yes No safe:

Are the emergency exits clearly marked and easily List the emergency exits that do
accessible? Yes No not comply:

Are there certain jobs that are associated with a high rate List these jobs:
Yes No
of absence and/or sickness?
Describe the type of accidents that happened during the
last operational year
Describe the causes that lead to these accidents
Describe what has been done to avoid the occurrence of
such accidents in the future

Environmental Assessment presentation



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