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My Life Truths Volume II

An Overview Of Downstream Onshore Processing Trains & Supporting Units / Structures-Edition 2012

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 1
Buildings Practice

Plants Facility
Industrial Projects
An Overview

Engineer Suraj Singh

My Life Truths
Volume II

An Overview of Downstream Onshore

Processing Trains & Supporting Units /
Edition 2012- To be updated later
1 Objective of this work is to present to engineering / general reader information about,
practical professional aspects about, Engineering involvement within Oil & Energy
Industrial facilities promotion. These industries produce various types of gases in
condensed form for transportation through pipelines for supply to real consumer or end
user and also, provide various petrochemical products as well as, many bye products
are produced. All disciplinary budding working engineers in industry & particularly,
in execution field shall be benefited by whatever information provided herein.
Contents have been extracted from practical experience earned in field in reference to
various contract documents.

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My Life Truths Volume II
An Overview Of Downstream Onshore Processing Trains & Supporting Units / Structures-Edition 2012

2 A brief on description of terms used has been included. It has been noted that experiences
attained are usually not recorded on documents for benefit of incoming young engineers,
to learn from seniors’ experience, resulting adversely on that knowledge requirement,
when these budding engineers depend solely on their respective individuals’ exclusive
learning in field, based on university educational learning, which is not virtually adequate
enough for a fast progress achievement. Therefore, to fulfill such working requirement to
extend all such learned resources to incoming new engineers, this small work in soft /
hard copy is presented to help those, who intend to know in advance about, an overall
perspective of building new facilities or extending existing one to augment for further
3 Information has been given in text form only. No photo or diagram could be
incorporated, for under obligations of contracts, such information should not be revealed
for a definite number of years from contract commencement day to maintain sanctity of
secrecy conduct clause included on various contracts. Only, certain Google Earth images
have been included to assist reader. This work may not provide with in-depth specialized
subjective knowledge, but definitely, illumine with an idea about, how various
engineering procedures move in field, which knowledge cannot be drawn from university
4 This book might prove beneficial for those candidates aspiring to become Certified
Professional Engineers within purview of EMF (Engineers Mobility Forum / IPEA,
Bharat / India representation by The Institution of Engineers India). Of course,
contents of book are very boring, but practical in working nature. All contents vary in
nature, including various usual procedures applied on EPC nature of contracts involving
in general, types of Industrial jobs carried out in industry applications. Also, included
certain statements & reporting procedures as well as, contract matters generally, adopted.
It is though uncommon among engineers to keep up / used to reading this type of work,
but, still practically, it is necessary. It has been my try to include all best collections from
my practical experience covering generally, all executive topics for extending assistance
to fellow engineers. It is hoped that reader shall enjoy boring work.
5 I am grateful to Cdr Eng A K Poothia, The Secretary & Director general of The
Institution of Engineers (India) for commending this work & extending most useful
advice for which, attempts were made to incorporate to some extent. Attempts shall
continue to incorporate readers’ suggestions as much as, practically feasible.
Author – IEI Professional Engineer Suraj Singh August 15, 2009
Refer to various photographs appended somewhere else. Source Google
Index Heading
1 Chapter 1 Industrial development, policy,
2 Chapter 2 Project Design, Contract award &
3 Chapter 3 Engineering
4 Chapter 4 Construction & Controls

5 Chapter 5 Testing- Pre Commissioning,

commissioning, start up, performance &

6 Chapter 6 Project management

7 Chapter 7 Detailed Engineering Requirements
8 Chapter 8 Building Design Concept
9 Chapter 9 Procurement

10 Chapter 10 Construction
11 Chapter 11 Pre-Commissioning
12 Chapter 12 Execution Plan

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13 Chapter 13 Environmental clauses for plant Industrial

city in
Construction Contracts
14 Chapter 14 HSES
15 Chapter 15 Commercial Sub Contracts
16 Chapter 16 References

Chapter 1
A Industrial development- Processing Facility formation
(Refer to photos)
1 It is necessary in interest of economical development that industrial project should be
promoted efficiently, for Industry being backbone of a nation, which keeps nation
moving forward. Sooner is industry created, better would be prospects for economy /
nation. Therefore, value engineering should efficiently be applied for product proposed to
be facilitated to enable consumer delivered with most economic & qualitative products.
2 When we talk of industrial development, we target to achieve mega industries for long
term production of intended products that may cost many billions dollars. Its concept,
FEED Front End Engineering Design, design, execution would certainly involve
considerable cost & time. All type of major industries require development in line to
meet public or economy requirement of self nation of inter nations. What class of
industrial should be promoted for modernization depends on various criteria as well as,
development value engineering. Oil & Gas, Power, Water Resources, Nuclear Energy &
many other infrastructures do require promotion, not only for an exclusive sake of
commercial business, but also, for sake of social as well as, economical development &
3 I have tried to include various procedures or steps in common that are required to
promote onshore downstream petrochemical facilities, which are meant for meeting
national & international requirements of natural & processed products. It should be kept
in view that promotion of any / every mega industrial is a national planning job, which
must be based on thoroughly conducted feasibility studies & research conducted during
long many years. Since, promotion of such development effects to some extent,
utilization of natural resources available in earth store that should not be blindly explored,
but, a balance / sustainability must be maintained for future generation to come. It makes
adopted decision be based on certain criteria that available resources may not be
exhausted at fast pace by current generation.
B Policy decision - Authorization -Technology Promotion
1 Government / State should promptly decide about, relevant policy in a positive manner,
for time remains extremely important factor to be worked out properly to get optimum
use of project, provided adequate funds are available within allocation of budget or
institutional financial borrowing should be made.
a Value engineering should be properly studied by concerned experts to reach a conclusion
that proposed product
b product shall be processed imparting no adverse effect to existing environment,
c product shall be most economical in production cost,
d product shall be easy to be transported to consumer market or end user facility,
e product shall be most beneficial to national society from every aspect / view of cost &
economy uplift as well as,
f product shall promote green technology & provide benefits to all people globally in long
2 A right project charter must be constituted at very initial stage of conception for a
permanent reference, including various information such as, aim, target, policy, political
impacts on area & nation, rehabilitation & other possible bad effects, requirement of
additional infrastructures, generation of employment opportunities in both stages of

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promotion of project as well as, its operation & maintenance, technology, stakeholders,
current value, earned value, long run value, continuous benefits, expected risks of all
sorts, whether or not, other alternative products could be promoted to achieve better value
3 Sustainability development means ‘state of art’ technology that has been developed for
application on projects, which technology does not go against existing requirements &
neither, impacts adversely on availability of natural resources, when future generation
require all such sources. This means that both, current & future generations should enjoy
availability of all natural resources as well as, green technologies, without compromising
with positive effects of nature.
4 Value engineering shall play a significant role to many extents, when use of technologies
promotions is concerned. There could be options as far as, technologies are concerned,
which options based on considered factors & involvement of various aspects would
decide / determine about, which technological application shall deliver better results on
proceeds of product in long term as well as, in short term.
5 Short term facts could be land consideration, design considerations, construction cost
consideration, product environment friendly impacts consideration, transportation cost
consideration, availability of experts & artisans consideration etc. whereas, long term
considerations would be maintenance cost, life of projects or facility, safety risks
involved, public risks involved, future availability of alternate easy & economical
technologies that be currently under research stage.
C Facility requirement
1 Value Engineering effective application, Effective Technology, Product End User
Requirement Necessity, Approval & Financing, International competition, Cost
effectiveness, Safety Health & Environment SHE tenability, Sustainability. Should these
points be met by proposal, project may be given a ‘go ahead’ subject to meeting other
2 Once Value Engineering factor has been included into plan consideration with full
integrity & incorporation of provisions in line with national & international policy for
such evolutionary developments, there remains no meaning to delay projects initiation by
its Charter authorization by respective stakeholders.
3 Finances have to be allocated to statutory requirements to give a ‘go ahead’ to various
phases or stages of project development, so that delivery be made in defined time for
follow up operations for consumers’ or end users. Since facilities demand various
disciplines, personnel, materials & equipment with licensed technology, all involved
criteria must be kept in consideration for a final start up.
D Facility Justification & Feasibility
1 Environmental sustainability - Cost viability in long term – Nationally beneficial to add
to economic growth – multipurpose approach & creation of employment, casual as well
as regular. Export potential of product.
2 Processing Technology & availability of raw or natural resource materials.
3 Adequacy of availability of terrain & routes.
4 Selection of planning & execution mode. Availability of expertise & experts along with
all other inter related professionals.
5 Availability of all human & all other resources, their respective original sources,
international agreements for bilateral trades with producing nation, finalization of design
rights, copyright, process technology license, agreement on various contract forms
adoption, agreement on international workforce migration for projects.
6 Public Private Participation or government responsibility or international joint ventures.
7 Availability of relevant trade zones based on applicable subsidy for industrial promotion
in general public interest for long term construction & operations.
8 Certainty of return by reliable proceeds after a defined set of years or an assessed

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duration after which, investment is made an assets for remaining life of plant facility.
A Components Elements of Certain Processing Facility - inclusions in general
1 Availability of natural gas or oil fields, from where, natural resources are being tapped
out from offshore location of various sea beds founded rigging platforms allowing risers
leading pipes to upstream onshore slug tanks. Availability of all well equipped facilities
of injections & risers for raw oil.
2 Availability of land for required downstream processing area onshore with acceptable
terrain that may be used for operating complete chemical process engineering
applications used on well designed relevant trains as well as, transportation of processed
products & bye products to specifically located outlet leading to consumers’ locations.
3 Plant / processing scheme & Technology supported with authorization by legal license
for defined period.
4 Liquified Natural Gas LNG tanks made of cryogenic steel, RCC / PSC containments with
spillage & other components etc. for storage purpose at minus temperature.
5 Plant processing trains elements, complete with detailed descriptions of heavy & light
industrial equipment
6 Utilities areas element for integration with plant equipment.
a Offsites element for sub assistance to aforesaid
b Intake Piping system arrangement for circulation & delivery into plant equipment
for cooling process or application.
c Seawater basin for storage of seawater to be used for cooling purpose during
various chemical processes, delivery of cooling water to plant & then,
recirculation for further cycle of processes cooling.
7 Piping, pipe supports, pipe sleepers & pipe racks for product transportation & relevant
handling operational activities.
a Service air & Instrument air circulation piping
b Chlorination plant with complete systems package for purpose of chlorinating
water for supplies to plant’s use.
c Storage & Warehousing for physical handlings of subsidiaries
d Drainage infrastructure from plant to receiving basin & then, to outfall structure
through discharge channels duly provided with metal lugs & channels
e Open Ditches completely lined to carry out to final discharge storm water from
various catchments areas of plant.
8 Complete Package drainage system for, oily water, acid water, dusty water, sewage etc.
that comprises probably many hundreds of RCC manholes, many kilometers of pipe lines
connection such manholes & chambers, leading & disposing to Sewage Treatment Plants
9 Water line for whole site, for various purposes including loss prevention i.e. fire
suppression, fire fighting with fresh water as well as, with back up seawater supply from
seawater reservoir or elsewhere.
10 Cooling water line throughout whole industrial area zone taking in water from intake at
sea, supplying to industries & then, through return headers, discharging to sea directly,
after being supplied once as well as, employing cooling water system technology to re-
circulate water & only, make up water to be supplied.
11 Pipe supports, pipe anchors, general anchors, big anchors / thrust blocks at various
spacing. Pipes supports to be connected to sleepers & direct supports using structural
steel connection for both, direct clamping as well as, achieving sliding action to make up
for expansion.
12 Electrical heat tracing provision for piping system carrying minus temperature liquid or
gas to keep pipe on required temperature not allowing freezing of material for example,
Sulphur gas can freeze within pipe line. Heat tracing works dedicatedly encompassing
pipes, transferring thermal energy to pipe & then, to internal minus temperature gas, so

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that, gas does not freeze in pipe & keeps on flowing at required temperature & velocity.
13 Administration as well as, Amenities buildings elements for facilitating operation &
maintenance as well as, consumer supply / receipt station that should contain various
offices with access control.
14 Electrical main station, substations, switchgears, package substations, pump houses,
guard houses, visitor’s areas, ring main units, transformers, heavy duty armoured cables,
centralized control to all such supporting, on site or off site buildings for electrical
distribution system & security system.
15 Central controlled as well as, Operations building to control whole plants operations from
one single location monitoring all engineering discipline plant surveillance 24 hours 7
days a week.
16 Consumer receipt stations to be used by consumer delivery control.
17 Intake pump houses & other processing Pump houses at various locations dulyintegrated
for controls all over plant facility.
18 Water retaining structures such as below ground sumps, receiving basins, drainage
channel, out fall discharge to sea.
19 Site security arrangements, fencing, surveillance, by installation of CCTV with state of
art technology.
20 Site telecommunications of all sorts for efficient use by operating personal available in all
security zones spread over entire facility.
21 All loss prevention arrangements including internal & external fire fighting. All
arrangements to cater for fire emergency, blast emergency or seismic emergency. Fire
tender station is significant to cater for this facility.
22 Adequacy of plant & non- plant area of roads & paving, maintenance tracks, road
crossings, utility crossings, road culverts, pipe culverts, transit manholes, controlled
defensive traffic movement & circulation etc.
23 Soil erosion protection for all machines & equipment, so that all these installed
equipment are not damaged due to possible eroding impact by heavy dust laden storms.
24 Facility bye product plants as extensions & all required elements for that.
25 All related civil engineering disciplinary structures for buildings, sheds, equipment
vessels as well as, other processing & non processing equipment.
26 Vessels such as cracking furnace, wash water structures, cracked gas compressor,
propane compressor, ethane compressor, boilers, auxiliary boilers, various types of
spheres, steel tanks, fuel towers, rotary equipment, reciprocating equipment etc. shall be
made part of plant with necessary foundations for these elements or components to be
constructed according to defined requirement.
27 Massive concrete blocks shall be required for many of such major foundations to found
heavy vibratory & other vessels.
a Civil engineering foundation structural requirement shall vary from a simple
machine plinth to independent footings, to combined footing, to strip footing to
raft & piles as well as, massive block foundations.
b Concrete shall generally be low heat producing cement based manufactured by
using micro silica or GGBS ground granulated blast furnace slag replacement up
to an extent of 70% and, also, pulverized fly ash PFA replacement as well as
combination thereof.
c Founding bases of pipe racks may be allowed, either by steel structure or RCC
construction. Foundations of pipe racks shall generally be of RCC bases /
independent footings.
28 Overhead crossing shall be required at many locations for various en route piping to jump
over down roads. This could be constructed using structural steel.
29 Cathodic protection, both critical & non critical requirement for centralized corrosion
control of plant reinforcement from a central control sacrificial anode station shall also,

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be provided for long term corrosion monitoring & controls.

30 Earthing provision for all individual structures, equipment as well as network.
31 Coloured (Green, Red etc.) Covered Cable trenches RCC walled, buried directly to
ground or cable ducts shall also, be included in design forming a major part of any /
every facility. These ducts shall be coordinated to various interface crossing requiring site
resolutions to protect plant supporting services interfaces clashes.
32 Heavy-duty Concrete pavement shall be provided in all plant areas for required purpose
of its maintenance respecting machines as well as, movement of heavy vehicles. On other
areas, where no pavement is included, stone aggregate shall be spread & compacted to
avoid soil adverse impact effect on all vessels or equipment.
33 In addition, all important administration areas shall be allowed an attractive soft & hard
landscape architectural provision. Access security arrangement shall also, be made with
automatic controls using card readers or finger prints scanning etc. & installation of
CCTV for continuous control & records.
a Inclusion of flare towers & radio masts are also, contemplated.

B Components brief
LNG tanks- (Refer to photo)
1 These components are meant to store Liquefied Natural Gas 80000cum capacity each
within steel tank.
2 A RCC with pre-stress arrangement for cables structure of about 80 m, diameter 800 mm
thick wall as we as, a height of 50 m, was used for prevention of spillage.
3 Each tank was allowed under its foundation soil improvement using many meters depth
of granular fill in layers not more than 200 mm thick.
4 RCC raft foundation was laid on improved fill pre engineered formation, after ensuring
required design safe bearing capacity.
5 Top of tank was covered with a permanent formed cupola structure raised to level by
compressed air pressure lifting.
6 Cryogenic steel was used to maintain about (–) 160 degrees Celcius temperature of
condensed gas.
7 Concrete of circular walls was poured using Kwickform proprietary custom designed
formwork in 5 m lifts each.
8 A cantilever operational platform was constructed on cupola. An onsite designed
plumbing system was erected temporarily for concrete curing activity round clock on
compete height during various stages of concrete pour / cover all vertical areas for curing.
9 Each LNG tank was provided with a RCC spillage tank located externally / outside top of
which was at finished ground level.
Compressors- (Refer to photo)
1 Compressors are to be installed as a part of various processing trains for Ethylene
production unit.
2 Being heavy reciprocating machines to be installed on massive foundations at elevated
levels tabletops would be constructed resting on massive concrete foundation.
3 Foundation concrete for one compressor probably, being 400 cum about 25m long, 12 m
wide as well as, 2 m deep well designed machine foundation for a reciprocating vibratory
4 This foundation has to carry thick columns above to support tabletop. Steel plate inserted
between equipment & epoxy grout.
5 Tabletops are constructed of thick framed slabs resting on thick columns.
6 Planned arrangements of Tabletop slabs are complicated in all respects regarding civil as
well as, mechanical inserts.
7 Such types of thick & massive elements require special type of cement probably with
high % GGBS replacement of OPC & which could also, be Pulverized Fly Ash PFA or

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8 Particular arrangements are worked for curing solutions for such low heat generating
cements to effect thermal curing methods utilizing no direct contact with curing water.
Cracking gas furnaces- (Refer to photo)
1 This meant for purpose of cracking gas from refinery as bye product for transmission to
compressors for production of ethane as well as, propane.
2 These are tall heavy structures vertically oriented in group of vessels & founded on a
common base.
Other structures (Refer to photo)
1 Included Wash Water structures, Auxiliary Boilers within processing trains.
2 Also, to be included various vessels such as spheres to contain gases as well as, tanks for
3 Foundations for tanks are generally constructed of RCC ring beams.
4 Other structures are generally, provided with independent footings / stripped using grade
Seawater basin- (Refer to photo)
1 A RCC open reservoir meant to continuously collect water from sea through 2 # 84”
pipes, store in this reservoir, supply to plant various trains requirement & after cooling
installed system, used water to be disposed off from various industrial locations to this
receiving basin & then, further to outfall chamber should water may not be used for
process unit system cooling.
2 It is a huge voluminous open structure constructed of RCC base slabs provided various
contraction & construction joints during its executive on site construction, peripheral
retaining walls up to 12 m high, not more than 9 m length of panels, as well as, covered
pump house unit area & baffles.
3 Such structures must be constructed water tight effectively from all locations of water
storage portions, duly tested for water tightness conforming to BS 8007 criteria.
4 Concrete protection is applied for both below ground as well as, above ground RCC
5 Testing would be little cumbersome for many days & factor to be used for computing
evaporations losses is also, complicated, since no standard data being available.
6 A parallel arrangement as a device has to be arranged to observe real evaporation loss
model, result of which could be applied to reservoir evaporation observations.
7 Many days shall be involved from start of water filling, autonomous healing of surfaces
& then, performing stage wise applicable water tightness testing.
8 It could amount to 2 to 3 weeks for testing performance & if, results being satisfactory,
removal of water from reservoir or otherwise, after removal of water, making repairs of
water leakage as recorded, by an application of resin injections to epoxy repairs, followed
by another water tightness testing for final observation of leakage.
Many other stationary (Refer to photo) as well as vibratory equipments
1 Equipments are included for processing plants for which, foundations are constructed
accordingly, either as footings bases or combined footings.
2 These horizontal or vertical vessels are erected on these bases connected using anchor
bolts & grouting done between sitting steel plate & top of concrete.
3 For vibratory equipment, epoxy grouting is applied, while for stationary equipment
cementitious grout is suitable.
Sump chambers
1 These covered chambers are used for collection of water from various catchment areas &
constructed of RCC underground structures duly tested for water tightness using BS 8007
2 Concrete protection is applied for both below ground as well as, above ground surfaces.
Manholes, Catch Basins, Rainwater Ditches etc. are constructed using RCC.

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1 Manholes are meant for sewerage line, oily manholes for oily discharge, catch basins for
2 Generally, these units would be provided in large numbers for certain plant area, making
it preferable to produce by pre casting on site, for which, all working details for proposed
yard are required to be issued to site.
Open ditches are constructed for discharge of storm water.
1 These ditches can also, be used for purpose to give way to fire water disposal during
any / every fire break out on installation.
2 This may also, be used for demanded purpose of intended water line maintenance
discharge from some single loop.
3 At commencement, ditch section is considered shallow, but as it reaches moving within
various catchment areas, ditch section is considerably deepened like a big city drain.
1 Piping (Refer to photo) of carbon steel or ductile iron or Fiber reinforced plastics family
GRP, ERP, GRE etc. are used depending on requirement & structural adequacy to sustain
various imposable stresses.
2 Stress analysis is carried out for various loops giving location of various supports as well
as, anchoring requirement.
3 Various types of supports are designed for varying diameter of pipes for on ground or
underground or aboveground use.
FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) Pipes
1 RTRP stands for ‘Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe’, a composite material consisting
of a thermosetting polymer, a type of polyester reinforced with glass or other fibers that
provide strength & stiffness to a composite material.
2 Different types of resins used for manufacturing GRP, GRV & GRE pipes are
‘Isophthalic resin’, ‘Vinylester resin’ & ‘Epoxy resin’ respectively, that are selected
according to required intended properties like chemical resistance, temperature resistance
& other mechanical properties.
3 Resins provide thermal & chemical properties such as glass transition temperature,
resistance to heat, chemical resistance etc. required for finished product. Properties of
GRP pipes can be varied by changing ratio of raw materials as well as, winding angle.
4 These pipes consist of three layers adherent to each having different characteristics in
relation to functional requirement.
1 Inner Liner – Veil (Glass), Resin: CSM (Glass), Resin
2 Structural wall - Roving (Glass), Resin
3 External liner- Veil (Glass), Resin

1 Inner Liner – Veil (Glass), Resin: CSM (Glass), Resin

a Inner Liner layer is chemical resistant due to being in direct contact with fluid &
therefore, responsible to resist chemical corrosion as well as, permeability.
b Internal surface is particularly smooth to reduce fluid head losses & also, opposes growth
of minerals & algae.
c This Liner has two monolithic sub layers. Inner one in contact with fluid is reinforced
with glass veil with resin content 90 %, while outer one reinforced with CSM glass with
resin content 70 % by weight. Standard liner thickness is about 0.5 to 1.5 mm.

2 Structural wall - Roving (Glass), Resin

a Glass Reinforced layers guarantee mechanical resistance of whole pipe against stresses
imposed due to internal & external pressure, external loads as well as, thermal loads.
b For GRP / GRV pipes, this layer is obtained by applying on previous partly cured inner
liner, continuous roving of glass wetted with resin under controlled tension.

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c For GRE pipes, structural wall is wound directly on a wet liner.

d This layer can contain aggregates like silica sand, if allowed by specifications, while,
thickness depends on design conditions.

3 External liner- Veil (Glass), Resin

a Topcoat or external liner is an outer layer of pipe consisting of pure resin. UV protectors
may be added, if so required, to protect pipe from effects of solar exposure.
b In case of meeting severe exposure condition like aggressive soils or very corrosive
environment, this external liner can be reinforced with a surfing veil or added with filters
or pigments.
c Fiberglass composites consist of glass fiber reinforcements, thermosetting resins &
additives designed & processed to meet specific functional performance criteria.
4 Amount, type & orientation of glass fibers in pipe provide mechanical strength. C Glass,
E glass & ECR / Advantex glass are used commonly depending on pipe application.
5 Various forms of glass reinforcements are named ‘surface veil’, ‘chopped strand mat’
(CSM), ‘chopped roving’, ‘filament roving’ & ‘woven roving’ (WR).
6 Raw materials like catalyst, accelerators, inhibitors, aggregates & pigments are used
together with resin & glass reinforcements to achieve desired properties of fiber glass
7 Catalyst is an organic compound, which, when added to resin in presence of an
accelerator, determines polymerization reaction at ambient temperature.
8 Accelerator is a chemical compound used together with a catalyst to shorten
polymerization time.
9 Inhibitor is added to resin to reduce reactivity at ambient temperature.
10 There are two manufacturing processes ‘Dual helical filament winding process’ &
another being ‘Continuous winding process’ (Drostholm)
Pipe racks
1 Pipe racks (Refer to photo) are used for required purpose of running piping from one
point to other over ground levels.
2 These are generally constructed of steel structures founding on RCC footings, but RCC
frames structures are also, used.
3 Several km of pipes are run on these racks, supported & anchored to rack structures.
4 These are fully accessible structures for maintenance purpose.
5 Open steel or plastic flooring is provided on decking.
Heat tracing
1 Heat tracing is applied on piping carrying minus degree gas, which may freeze during
flow & block flow within pipes, for protection of which, heat is continuously maintained
on piping to keep carried gas in condensed form.
2 Various loops are provided on piping routes for various purposes.
Pipe supports / sleepers
1 Pipe supports / sleepers are used for purpose of carrying pipes at near ground levels.
2 These are RCC units located at defined spacing.
3 For direct support of pipes, steel structural supports are employed remaining, either
connected or touching pipe by shoes over lengths at various spacing meant for purpose of
sliding also.
4 For deciding locations of such supports & their respective anchorages, stress analysis is
conducted that dictates required spacing, dimensions & pipe structural base design.
5 For a pipe of dia not more than 4 m, not more than 12 m spacing is adopted.
6 For other smaller dia pipes, spacing depends up on standard length of pipes.
7 Pipes that need sliding movement at joints are provided such a base that allows
movement of pipe in direction of its run.
8 For that purpose, PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluro Ethylene) bearings, fixed on steel plates, duly

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designed to withstand imposed forces are provided.

9Below pipe support shoe steel portion, a stainless steel plate is provided, so that this plate
slides over PTFE pads.
Anchor sleepers, big sleepers, thrust blocks
1 Anchor sleepers, big sleepers, thrust blocks etc. are employed at various points / locations
depending on stress analysis requirement on en-route pipeline.
2 These are thick & voluminous structures requiring thousand of cum of RCC for an
individual sleeper connecting a group of pipes.
3 On pipe loops, various kinds of stresses from all directions are imposed during operations
or flows, which are to be resisted by these sleepers.
4 At change in directions of pipe routes as well as, at Tee locations etc. big sleepers or
thrust blocks are provided to resist resultant forces.
5 These sleepers are constructed of massive blocks of RCC.

Access platforms are constructed to access to an area above pipe level for maintenance purpose.
EOT cranes are installed for such maintenance as well as, lifting & placing pipes & other
operating items in shops. These also, meet crossing over pipes requirements. Proper ladders,
handrails & open floorings are provided for safe access.
RCC box culverts
1 RCC box culverts are used / included for various crossovers of underground pipes below
2 Pipes culverts are also, used wherever required for necessary crossings.
3 For accommodation of spillage tanks, bund / embankment is carried out around to hold
oil during spillage.
4 Pipes are connected to culvert’s base slab using steel connecting arrangements.
5 Enough space is allowed for access of technicians for regular maintenance purpose for
free movement as well as, for circulation.
Receiving basin
1 Receiving basin is meant for collection of used water which comes back from processing
units for intended purpose to further discharge it into provided outfall at sea.
2 This basin is also, given a considerable size of structure for collecting water from various
return piping headers carried discharge, letting it / discharge accumulate & then dispose
that into outfall channel for further / final discharge into sea.
3 Various types of steel stop logs are installed to control flow according to provided
capacity of channel & receiving basin, keeping abreast also, relevant maintenance
function of provided piping.
4 Structure consists of RCC retaining walls in flow direction & RCC base slab.
Flare towers
1 Flare towers (Refer to photo) are required to establish a system to dispose of safely into
environment, released gases that cannot be used any further, keeping in view composition
effect of such disposable gas should / does not deteriorate existing environment.
2 Height of such towers is kept considerable, so that gases are burnt away into environment
3 Proper arrangements are designed for founding as well as, checking stability of tall
Pump houses
1 Pump houses are installed as large size & highly elevated steel buildings, housing a train
of various pumps, electrical equipment, chlorination plant, rotary drums, intake
equipment etc.
2 Piping is routed on ground, vertically as well as, horizontally on various types of supports
based on complex design.
3 Various types of structural steel access platforms are built for operational & maintenance

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4 Water is pumped into supply manifolds located just outside, where chlorination is applied
& then pipes are routed / run to main route on ground up to various industrial users.
5 Hundreds of thousands cum of RCC structures are built for supporting bases as well as,
for anchoring arrangements depending
General components for other facilities- For indicative information only
1 ‘Train’ indicates separate process trains. Train includes string
2 ‘String’ indicates parallel process line-ups of equipment within a Train. String is a part
within a Train
3 ‘Common’ to be used for equipment that does not exclusively belong to one train, but
serves total complex. Common part applies to entire processing plant
4 Process / Unit : Slug Catcher - Condensate Stabilisation (Column) - Flash Gas
Compression - Acid Gas Removal - Dehydration, Mercaptan and - Mercury Removal
Unit (Operating + Regeneration)
5 Sulphur Recovery Unit- Sulphur Degassing - Claus Offgas Treating - Off-Gas Thermal
Oxidation - NGL Extraction and Fractionation (Overall) - Refrigeration Unit - LPG and
Ethane Treating Unit (LTU) - Field Condensate Treating - Plant Condensate Treating -
LIN & LOX Storage & Vapourisation - Air Separation Units (ASU’s) - SGP Reactors -
Syngas Treatment - Steam Methane Reformer SMR Unit - One SMR plus one Pre-
reformer 1x 50% One SMR plus one Pre-reformer
6 Hydrogen Manufacturing - One High Temperature Shift (HTS) and PSA unit with
compression 1 x 50% One High Temperature Shift (HTS) and PSA unit with
compression - Heavy Paraffin Synthesis - Water Distillation Unit - Catalyst Activation
and Regeneration - Light Ends Stripper - Light Detergent Feedstock
7 Heavy Paraffin Conversion - Synthetic Crude Distiller - High Vacuum Unit
8 Catalytic Dewaxing - Base Oils Re-Distillation
Reliability and availability
1 Reliability and availability, particularly, ‘systems uptime’ should be key project drivers.
2 A ‘systems effectiveness model’ shall be developed for complex comprising base case
configuration of offshore facilities and GTL (Gas to liquid) plant configuration FEED for
project units, so that required overall system effectiveness of 335 stream days per annum
is reached in a cost effective manner.
Offshore development concept
1 Offshore development concept is based on direct transportation of produced fluids and
gas collected from seabed based wells controls of which located on platforms, moved to
shore, without conducting any offshore process or treatment.
2 From each platform, there shall be multiphase carbon-steel trunk lines to common slug
3 Chemical injection and regular pigging shall be applied for corrosion inhibition as well
as, hydrate formation inhibition to provided carbon steel lines.
4 Produced fluids are received into slug catcher in upstream onshore facilities.

Onshore upstream - comprises

1 Slug Catcher –
2 Condensate Stabilisation –
3 Acid Gas Removal –
4 Sulphur Recovery (Claus Unit) and Storage –
5 SRU Offgas Treating or SCOT Unit –
6 Dehydration and Mercaptan Removal –
7 NGL Extraction and Fractionation –
8 Final treating for finished NGL products: LPG and Ethane Treating Unit
9 Field and Plant Condensate Treating

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10 In Onshore Upstream facilities, Condensate and water / kinetic hydrate inhibitor (KHI) &
corrosion inhibitor ex slug catcher are separated.
11 Water is sent to a dedicated effluent treatment, which caters for KHI and possible saline
12 Condensate is stabilised and treated (for sulphur removal / conversion) for export sales.
13 Wet feed gas ex slug catcher is routed to gas treatment followed by NGL extraction and
14 Gas treating facilities remove sulphur components, water, CO2 and mercury from feed
15 Treating of ethane (ethane recovery and treating facilities shall be installed later) and
LPG products to further remove residual traces of sulphur, water and CO2. Sulphur
components so removed shall be converted to elemental sulphur for export as liquid

Onshore downstream: Synthesis

Onshore downstream synthesis comprises
1 Gasification Process- ASU Air Separation Units- Heavy Paraffin Synthesis- CAR
Catalyst Activation & Regeneration - Water Distillation - Steam Methane Reformer -
Hydrogen Manufacturing - ASU’s main purpose shall be to produce oxygen for use in
SGP Syngas as well as, also produce HP Nitrogen for CAR unit, LP Nitrogen and
compressed air for use as site utilities.
2 In SGP syngas shall be produced from natural gas (NG) and oxygen by partial oxidation.
3 SGP produces majority of syngas for subsequent conversion to a synthetic heavy paraffin
stream in HPS.
4 SGP syngas requires treatment to remove soot and undesirable by-products.
5 In SMR, hydrogen rich syngas shall be produced from NG and steam by a catalytic
reforming process. SMR syngas has a higher H2 content than SGP syngas and is used to
supplement syngas feed going to second stage of HPS reactors.
6 Reaction in HPS follows Fischer-Tropsch chemistry and produces significant quantities
of process water as a by-product.
7 WDU shall be used to strip hydrocarbons from process water, which be subsequently sent
to effluent treatment plant for recovery.
8 CAR Unit shall be used to regenerate HPS reactor catalyst.
9 HMU uses a High Temperature Shift (on a part of SMR syngas) and a PSA Unit to
produce an ultra pure H2 stream mainly for use as a reactant in SMR and Liquids
Processing Unit.
10 Onshore downstream: Liquids processing
11 Onshore downstream liquids processing scope comprises
12 Light Ends Stripper - Heavy Paraffin Conversion - Synthetic Crude Distillation &
Stabilisation- Light Detergent Feedstock Units
Base Oil Units:
1 High Vacuum Unit - Catalytic De-Waxing Unit - Base Oils Re-distillation Unit
2 LES, LDF, HPC, SCD & Base Oil (HVU, CDW and RDU) Units shall be also,
collectively referred to as Liquids Processing Unit or LPU.
3 In LES Unit water, CO and CO2 be removed.
4 In LDF Unit, components shall be recovered and after hydrogenation, rundown to storage
for sale as a product.
5 Remainder of HPS product shall be routed to HPC, where paraffinic molecules are
cracked and isomerised into middle distillate range components, which are subsequently
distilled by SCD into LPG, Naphtha, Kerosene, Gas Oil and an SCD bottom product
stream. In “Base Oil” mode of operation, SCD bottom product stream is routed to HVU
for further separation into Vacuum Gas Oil, a Waxy Raffinate fraction and a residual

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fraction, that is recycled to HPC. Waxy Raffinate fraction shall be catalytically

isomerised in CDW and then, separated into products according to boiling range and
viscosity in RDU.
6 In “No Base Oil” mode, SCD bottom product stream shall be recycled to extinction back
to HPC.
7 For no Base Oil case, throughput of complex is limited by capacity in HPC (one single
maximum size reactor per train).

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 2
Supporting facilities: Utilities
1 Utility systems comprise - Boiler Feed Water, Steam & Condensate Systems - Raw,
Demineralised, Potable & Service Water Systems - Power Generation and Distribution -
Cooling Water Systems:
a Cooling Water System, Chilled Water and Closed - Cooling Water System - Instrument
and Tool Air System - Nitrogen System - Heat Transfer Fluid System - Aqueous
Ammonia System
Utility systems
1 Utility systems shall be designed to allow stand-alone operation of GTL complex.
2 Steam and gas turbines shall be provided for shaft power and generation of electrical
3 Steam shall be generated in synthesis section thereby, effectively utilising exothermic
heat of process reactions.
4 Auxiliary boilers and gas turbines with Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) shall
be included to facilitate black start capability, to enhance reliability of steam and power
5 Cooling shall be done principally by air but cooling water may also, be used where
6 Steam is principal heating medium but, fired heaters and a heat transfer fluid system shall
be provided for specific applications.
Supporting facilities
1 Supporting facilities: Storage & off-sites - Storage and Offsite Systems comprise Relief
& Blow down System, including flares - Drainage, Collection and Primary Treatment -
Effluent Water Treatment - Sour Water Stripper - Flushing Oil System - Storage and
Loading Facilities including onsite product storage - Slops & Intermediate Storage.
2 In general, plant condensate (blended with naphtha) and GTL products shall be stored on
site and transported to RLC harbour for shipping.
3 Field condensate shall be stored in an on-site as well as, an off-site shipping tank prior to
export via RLC harbour.
4 LPG shall be transported directly to RLC facilities for refrigeration, storage and export.
Liquid sulphur shall be piped to common RLC facilities.
Design Basis – Mechanical Equipment
Table of Contents
1 General,
2 List of Codes, Specifications and Standards,
3 Design Basis – Mechanical Equipment,
4 Equipment Selection,
5 Spare Parts,
6 Shop Testing
Design Basis – Mechanical Equipment

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1 Purpose of this part is to provide design basis for all mechanical equipment (rotating
equipment + static equipment) on scheme & its various requirements intended to be
employed on plant facility for successful operation & functioning of plant processes
during entire life of plant facility.
2 It shall be used for verification of selection and detailing / sizing of equipment for
procurement engineering (while developing EPIC documentation).
3 Plant facility design and installation shall consider 100% equipment redundancy (where
applicable), 100% availability of plant, Equipment selection to ensure 99.7% reliability,
environmental conditions.
4 Packages and equipment shall be suitable for outdoor installation in salt laden, saliferous
and highly corrosive atmosphere prevalent at open Coastal area.
5 Basic Engineering Data developed shall be applied for development of FEED documents.
Design Life & Experience
1 Mechanical Equipment and associated auxiliaries shall be suitable for specified operating
conditions including any upset, start up, shutdown and emergency, be designed and
constructed for a minimum service life of 30 years with equipment providing at least 2
years of uninterrupted continuous service, while first major over-haul requirement, not
before 10-years being a design criterion.
2 Vendor experience for previous supply of at least 2 validly similar design equipment and
proven track record of at least two years trouble free running history / experience (in
conditions similar to this project conditions) shall be applicable.
List of Codes, Specifications and Standards
1 Main cooling water pumps and associated auxiliaries and other mechanical equipment
shall be designed and manufactured in compliance with Requisition, documents listed in
Requisition and applicable specification / data sheets included elsewhere, for
consideration as part of FEED document.
2 Applicable Codes, Standards and Reference Documents
3 Equipment Specification lists applicable International Codes and Standards.
4 Reference to every / any Standards or Codes shall mean latest edition of that Standard or
5 Code including addenda or supplements or revisions thereto, as on effective date of
6 Project Documents, General, Project Design Basis, Technical Specification of Vibration
Monitoring System, Piping Material Specification, Company specifications, Lifting
Equipment Technical Regulations, RA Pressure Vessel Design and Fabrication.
7 RA Above ground Welded Storage Tanks, RA Pressure Vessels, RA Air Cooled Heat
Exchanger Design and Fabrication, Plate Heat Exchangers – Design and Construction
8 RA Piping General Design, Diesel Engines, Diesel Engine Driven Generator, Equipment
Identification and Tag Numbering, Standard Specification for Painting and Wrapping of
Metal, Surfaces, Company standards applicable to other disciplines shall be listed in
individual, Equipment specifications and data sheets included elsewhere, for
consideration as part of FEED documentation.
International Codes and Standards – Use only, updated ones
API RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Location of Electrical Installation,
API 610 Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical and Gas Industry Services
(relevant sections shall be applicable),
API 520 Sizing Selection and Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices.
API 526 Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valve
BSEN 13414 Steel Wire Rope Slings, Safety Standards,
API 650 Welded Steel Tanks
UBC Uniform Building Codes (Earth Quake Zones),
API 2000 Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Tanks,

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API 670 Vibration, Axial Position and Bearing Temperature Monitoring, Systems.
API 673 Centrifugal fans for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Service.
BS 848 Fans for General Service,
HI Standards (HI-2.6) Hydraulic Institute Standards on Centrifugal Pumps,
NFPA20 Standard for Installation of Stationary Centrifugal Fire Pumps for fire Protection,
NFPA 24 Standard for Installation of Fire Mains,
AWWA American Water Works Association,
ANSI B 73.1M Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps,
ANSI B73. 2M Vertical Centrifugal Pumps,
ISO 2858 End Suction Centrifugal Pumps,
API 675 Positive Displacement Pumps – Controlled Volume,
ASME Sec.VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (Div. I),
ASME Sec. II Material Specifications (Part A, B, C & D),
ASME Sec. V Non-Destructive Examination,
ASME Sec. IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications,
BSEN 10204 Types of Inspection Documents – Metallic Product,
BS CP3, Chapter V Basic Data for Wind loads
Part2, ISO 9001 International Organisation for Standardisation,
ISO:3046 Standards for Combustion Ignition Engines,
ISO : 10440 (Part 2) Packaged Air Compressors (Oil Free),
FEM Standards Federation of European Manufacture Standards on Drum Screens,
ASME B30 Crane Safety Standards,
ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,
ASME B31.3 Petroleum Refinery Piping,
ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,
ASME B16.47 Large diameter steel flanges (NPS 26” to NPS 60”).
AMCA Air Movement and Control Association,
ISO 1940 Mechanical Vibration – Balance Requirements of Rigid Rotors,
ASTM A370 American Society for Testing and Materials – Standard Test, Method for
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

Principles to be adopted during selection

Principles to be adopted during selection & specification of prime equipment and equipment
within proposed package can be summarized as follows:
1 Design life of facility being 30 years,
2 High availability, Standard / Proven Equipment Model.
3 Safe to operate and Maintain, Typical subjects to be addressed / considered during
equipment selection and final preparation of purchase requisitions are addressed in
following sections.
4 Nameplates indicating major design parameters / specified parameters shall be screw
attached to equipment.
5 Nameplates shall be in SS316 materials.
Equipment Standardization
1 Design of rotating / mechanical equipment shall ensure high equipment availability and
2 Effort shall be made to standardize spares stocking by minimizing variety of makes and
types of auxiliary equipment used within package.
3 This standardization shall be applied so far as, it does not interfere with selection of an
optimal solution for specified operating conditions and duly considered equipment to
minimize spares stocking.
1 Equipment design shall meet noise level (85 dBA @ 1m) specified in Company

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2 It is Supplier’s full responsibility to ensure that noise level of supplied equipment
(including drive equipment as a combined unit) shall not exceed maximum allowable as
specified in Project HSE Plan.
3 Effort shall be made to select equipment with low noise level.
4 Where, it is not feasible despite best design available, acoustic enclosures and / or
acoustic insulation shall be provided.
5 Supplier shall submit estimated noise level & consider / advise measures that would be
applied, when equipment noise level exceeds to noise level specified at respective
specification and data sheets.
Instrumentation / Controls
1 Equipment Supplier shall include all required package / equipment / auxiliaries controls
for safe operation of equipment.
2 Instrumentation for communication with DCS shall be included to comply with
requirements specified in respective Equipment Specifications, Data sheets and P&ID’s.
Equipment Covered
This design basis covers requirement for following equipment:
1 Main Cooling Water Pumps - Vertically suspended, submerged pump end, mixed flow
seawater service Pumps complete with electric motor drive, VSD, Transformer,
2 Local Control Panel (LCP) and associated auxiliaries.
3 Centrifugal Pumps (General Service); includes hypochlorite dosing pumps / dilution
pumps etc.
4 Submersible Motor Pumps (Portable); includes sump pumps and drain water pumps.
5 Firewater Pumps (as per NFPA 20)
6 Instrument Air Compressor and Dryer Package
7 Centrifugal Fan (at Hydrogen disengagement Tank of Chlorination Plant)
8 EOT Cranes / Semi Portal Cranes (Pump house, Mechanical Plant, Receiving Basin,
Workshop / Warehouse and Piping Manifold area cranes)
9 Fixed Bar Screens cooling water common raking facility
10 Rotating Drum Screens
11 Stop Logs (Intake and Receiving Basin)
12 Emergency Diesel Generator Set.
13 Vessels and Storage Tanks
14 Electro Chlorination Plant Equipment
Equipment Selection
Main Cooling Water Pump Sets
1 By electric motor driven (through VSD), vertically suspended, submerged end mixed
flow seawater service line shaft pumps with right angle discharge head shall comply with
Project Specification requirements, HIS Standards and in general compliance to API 610
Standards (where applicable for this service such as, pump rotor dynamics, vibration
levels, line shaft and thrust bearing design criteria etc.).
2 Offered vibration monitoring system for pump / motor shall be in compliance with API
670 recommendations.
3 Pump datasheets shall address pump drive train requirements; VSD’s, Local Control
Panel (LCP) and complete electrical set-up would be provided by Pump Vendor (single
point responsibility for Tender Scope).
4 Vertical centrifugal pumps handling liquids, whose vapour pressure is below atmospheric
pressure can be provided with gland packing suitable for such service.
5 Pumps line shaft bearings shall be service fluid lubricated, however Supplier incorporate
pump bearing design or operation strategy that shall take care of start-up scenario of
stand-by pumps, that would be with dried up bearings.
6 Pumps shall be shop assembled to a possible maximum extent to consider minimum site

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assembly work and shipment limitations.

7 All pump houses being in non-hazardous area, while such pumps are operating in very
corrosive environment i.e. salt laden sea mist, dust, wind etc.
8 Flexible coupling shall be selected for every duty by main cooling water pump sets’
Vendor. Coupling guards shall be made from non-sparking material.
9 All pumps and auxiliary items located at Pump House shall be designed for outdoor
conditions as pump house is only a shelter with partially covered sides.
10 Pumps shall be in parallel operation with head rising continuously to shutoff is
philosophy requirement.
11 Pump’s right angle discharge head shall be with expansion-joint to tie-in with
downstream flanged CCV (Combined Check Valve).
12 In case of blocked discharge, specific unit shall be able to withstand shut off head
condition for at least 5 minutes, without causing any damage to pump and its auxiliary
13 In case of CCV failure, its specific unit shall be able to withstand reverse rotation up to
full speed.
14 Pumps materials for major items / wetted parts, shall be specified in Pump data sheets for
required vendor review, intended selection correctness i.e. compatibility to service fluid /
material grades availability etc. shall be its Suppliers’ responsibility for providing right
pump sets for required service.
15 Pump set items shall be brand new and would be selected by Pump Vendor to provide
single point responsibility of meeting specified pump duty requirements and service.
16 Pumps selection shall consider common pump model (to an extent feasible) that provides
stable continuous operating range and includes governing process flow requirements. To
achieve this pump model commonality, its pump driver could be of different rating and of
different VSD speed range.
17 Pump model testing is required. Complete testing requirements shall be as specified in
pump specification and Data sheets included elsewhere.
Centrifugal Pumps (General Service)
1 Centrifugal pumps for non-hydrocarbon service shall comply with Project Specification
and ANSI Standards B 73.1 M or B 73.2 M and ISO 2858; Pump construction shall be
specified on pump datasheet elsewhere.
2 Two-stage overhung and single stage double suction overhung pumps shall not be
3 Maximum allowable flow shall not be less than 120% of best efficiency capacity of its
rated impeller.
4 Pumps shall be selected so that it is possible to achieve 10% head rise / 5% head decrease
at rated capacity by replacement with new impellers.
5 Pumps shall have head curves rising continuously to shutoff.
6 Shutoff head shall preferably be in preferable range of 110 - 120% of rated head.
7 Pump impellers shall be closed or semi-open type – open impellers are not acceptable.
8 Use of inducers to enhance NPSH is not acceptable.
9 Its mechanical seal, when specified in data sheet shall comply with requirements of API
682. Mechanical seal design and material selection shall be suitable for proposed service
fluid continuous operation with maximum operating temperature. Seal system piping
shall be as a minimum in SS 316L or suitable to service.
10 Material of construction of pump components shall meet intended requirements as
specified in equipment data sheet and compatible to service.
11 Coupling shall be forged steel flexible type with spacer.
12 Removable coupling guards shall be made from non sparking material suitable for very
corrosive environment.
13 As a minimum, its electric motor nameplate rating shall be as below.

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14 Motor Nameplate Rating Percentage of Rated Pump Power = 18.5kW 120 20 – 55kW
110 = 75kW 105.
15 Inspection and Tests shall be carried out as per Engineering Standards and as covered, in
applicable specification.
Sump Pumps (Portable Submersible Motor-Pumps)
1 Portable Submersible Motor Pump shall be utilised for dewatering of pump house and
receiving basins.
2 When piping sections are to be cleaned from sediments, intended or planned pumps are
required to be compatible with nature of seawater service fluid with sediments / grits.
3 Proposed Manufacturer’s Standard design shall be acceptable for sump pit installation
based on drainage duty portable submersible motor-pumps.
4 Pump motor shall be oil filled type and provided with two sets of mechanical seals for
double security. Pump shall be fitted with cable and watertight cable connector.
5 These drainage pumps shall be provided with lifting hook for portability and placed /
lowered in sump pits of pump basin / receiving basin area whenever, basin emptying is
6 For safe custody, these pumps shall be stored in warehouse / maintenance workshop,
when not in use.
7 Tough duty submersible-motor pump’s housing and impeller shall be provided in
aluminum bronze (or alternately, in super duplex stainless steel) material and all major
components subjected to wear be coated with polyurethane for longer service life in fine
grain abrasive application.
8 Pump impeller shall be provided semi open type.
9 Pump motor shall be water jacketed to provide cooling to motor by service fluid.
Firewater Pumps
1 Fresh water service Firewater Pumps shall be planned to provide fire protection to
equipment by deluge.
2 Planned horizontal centrifugal type Fire Pump sets shall be manufactured in accordance
with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 20 design requirements.
3 One pump set shall be provided with an electric motor drive and other, with a diesel
engine driver.
4 An electric motor driven jockey (make-up) pump shall also, be installed to maintain
intended or required header pressure of fire Main Ring.
5 Required fire pump packages shall be provided with listed (UL / FM approved) pump set
items and pump controller for fire protection service auxiliary items included in
packages, comprise of circulation relief valve, water flow test devices etc.
6 Demanded selected pumps shall be a listed one per Firewater Pumps specifications and
pump requirements in-line with NFPA 20.
7 Pumps shall get supply from storage tanks of adequate capacity for expected duration.
8 Pump capacity selection shall be to NFPA 20 rated provisions and be specified at
respective data sheets. Fire pump shall not furnish less than 150% of rated capacity at a
total head of not less than 65% of rated head and total shutoff head shall not exceed
140% of its rated head.
9 Each pump shall have an automatic relief valve listed for relevant fire pump service
installed and set below required shutoff pressure at minimum expected suction pressure.
10 Demanded flexible coupling between pump and driver, shall also be listed for required
11 When more than one pump is installed on single suction line, suction pipe layout at
pumps shall be arranged, so that each pump receives its proportional supply.
12 An automatically controlled Fire Pumps shall be provided with a listed float operated air
release valve (when automatically controlled deluge system is planned).
13 Required Fire Pump installation shall include water flow test devices to allow test of

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intended pump at its rated conditions as well as, maximum flow condition.
14 Metering devices for pump tests shall be listed one. Each pump shall have its own test
15 Each individual pump shall be tested at its factory to provide detailed performance data
and demonstrate compliance to specification.
16 Jockey / Make-up pumps shall have rated capacities not less than any normal leakage rate
and discharge pressure sufficient to maintain system pressure.
17 Fire Pump Driver –
18 Lead fire pump and Jockey pump shall be with electric motor drive, while back-up fire
pump provided with diesel engine drive.
19 Both diesel engine and drive train components shall be as listed items for intended fire
pump service.
20 Controls
21 Each pump shall have its dedicated driver and each driver have its controller.
22 All controllers for planned motor and diesel engine shall comply with specification of
NFPA 20 Chapter 7 (motor) / Chapter 9 (engine).
Instrument Air Compressor – Dryer Package
1 Planned Air Compressor – Dryer Package construction shall be based onto Vendor
Standards designed for Coastal Area installations.
2 Package units (train of compressor and dryer) shall be installed on single lift skid and
compressor unit be located inside its enclosure for sound attenuation. Required plant
facility shall be provided with two numbers of packages operating under lead lag basis.
3 Air Compressor shall be oil-free, air cooled, electric motor driven Screw type Air
Compressor unit complete with its UCP (Unit Control Panel), lube oil console and air
cooler for lube oil and compressed air (inter and after cooler of compressor).
4 Package Start / Stop and lead / lag operation shall be monitored from skid installed UCP
on pressure level signals. Daily maximum average temperature shall be considered for
compressor and its compressed air cooler sizing.
5 Required oil-field type air-to-air heat exchange cooler in SS316 (SS – Stainless Steel) or
construction with marine installation coating shall be specified to provide rugged
construction in corrosive sea coastal environment.
6 Required compressed air temperature downstream of air cooler shall be limited to 58°C
(with air cooler sized for ambient temperature of 50°C).
7 Air Dryer unit shall be heatless PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) type complete with
twin molecular sieve (aluminum silicate) desiccants towers and timer based controls for
air flow switch-over. This unit shall be located downstream of Air Compressor unit and
shall handle specified flow delivered by upstream air compressor unit.
8 Compressed air shall be stored in Plant’s Service Air Storage Vessel and dried instrument
quality air stored at Instrument Air Storage Vessel sized to cater for required Plant needs.
9 Package instrumentation (PLC controls) for lead-lag controls, shall be in Vendor’s local
control cabinet; DCS communication as per package P&ID shall be achievable as a
minimum battery limit pressure, temperature and dew point level, shall be reported
besides running status. A common facility delivering complete plant needs including
instrument air needed for Chlorination Plant is envisaged in this Phase of project.
10 Fans (Cf Blower) - Fans shall comply with requirements of specifications generally per
API 673 and company engineering standard. Fans shall be sized to deliver demanded air
flow & differential pressure required for H2 disengagement duty under all operating
conditions. Normally two fans (2 x 100%) shall be installed each to run and deliver
required dilution air – with an automatic switch over controls to other fan in case, one fan
11 Design power margin for electric motor drivers shall be in accordance with Specification
at rated conditions. Fans shall be provided with barrier type filter systems. Filter shall be

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suitable for severe sandy & dusty atmosphere with rain hood and bird-screen. Fans shall
be shop tested for satisfactory performance and stand by switch-over controls.
Electric Overhead Travelling (EOT) Cranes / Semi Portal Cranes
EOT Crane
1 Planned Pump House is provided with maintenance duty EOT Crane to handle load lifts
during pump overhaul and general lifting needs. Currently Pump House has one 17m
span crane with main hook capacity of 60T and auxiliary hook capacity of 14T. Required
power distribution to planned long travel is by enclosed type bus bars system (with
rubber lip seal), while cross travel / hoisting power distribution is through power festoon
cable system.
2 In Project, its possibility of extending planned long travel of installed crane and any /
possible considerations for additional second crane shall be reviewed (as a separate
study) and post study recommendations should be implemented to suitability of purpose.
3 Planned crane construction as defined below, shall apply for any additional crane
4 Proposed EOT Crane shall be top running double girder type, designed for maintenance
duty class 2M (FEM 9.511) and suitable for safe area outdoor location (though installed
in Pump house shelter).
5 Proposed crane shall be provided with operator cabin located at one end of crane bridge
(girder) & also, provided with remote radio communication set-up for crane operator’s
6 Complete crane shall be designed to provide access platform / service walk-way for
servicing included equipment and flood-lights to illumine all work area.
7 Required power distribution to its long / cross travel and hoisting motion, shall be Similar
to Phase power distribution system, crane controls to incorporate normal and creep speed
motion controls for precise adjustment.
8 Crane load lift capacity per Phase crane and provision for auxiliary hook shall be
maintained as its load lifts provision are with adequate margin.
Semi Portal Crane
1 Planned Mechanical Plant (Screen Yard) is provided with maintenance duty Semi-Portal
Crane to handle load lifts during drum screen overhaul and general stop log lifting needs.
Currently has one semi-portal 23m span crane with main hook capacity of 10T. Required
power distribution to its cross travel and hoisting motion is through power festoon cable
system and long travel by cable reel.
2 In Project, possibility of extending its long travel of installed crane and any / possible
considerations for additional second crane shall be reviewed as a separate study.
Proposed crane construction as defined below shall be applied, when any / certain
additional crane purchase should be in brought into picture.
3 Planned semi portal Crane shall be top running double girder type electric overhead
traveling crane with one end of its crane bridge supported at runway beam while, other
end resting on a portal frame.
4 Proposed crane shall be designed for maintenance duty class 2M (FEM 9.511) and would
be suitable for safe area outdoor location.
5 Required crane shall be provided with crane operator cabin located at one end of its crane
bridge (girder).
6 Crane shall also, be provided with remote radio communication set-up for crane
operator’s use.
7 Complete crane shall be designed to provide access platform / service walkway for
servicing equipment and floodlights would be attached to crane bridge for work area
8 Required power distribution to its long travel shall be through enclosed type 7-bus bar
system (with rubber lip seal), while cross travel / hoist motion power supply would be

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provided through power festoon cable system.

9 A suitable sun shield shall be provided for included festoon cables – when in parked
10 Crane load lift capacity per Phase crane shall be maintained as load lifts provision is
provided with adequate margin.
Other EOT Cranes
1 Maintenance load lift facility e.g. E.O.T cranes of adequate capacity shall be installed at
following Plant Facility areas –
a Receiving Basin Area, Plant Workshop / Warehouse, Electro-Chlorination Plant and
Piping Manifold Section.
2 All equipment construction shall be similar as stated in foregoing.
3 Required power distribution for cross travel, long travel and hoist motion shall be
through power festoon cable system.
4 Required crane load lift criteria as detailed in material handling study shall be
Mechanical Plant – Bar Screen and Raking Mechanism
1 Bar screen panel consisting of fixed rectangular steel bar sections with 50 mm spacing
shall be installed at pump intake basin (upstream of rotating drum screens). Planned
screen bar panel shall be removable type and for facilitating an easy cleaning, these
should be installed with 80 degree angle of installation. Screen panel size similar to PH
installation shall be considered for this phase.
2 Planned common raking machine shall be demanded as grab bucket type rake assembly
with replaceable tines. Its assembly shall comprise of indicated following main
components – an electrically operated travelling trolley, an over head monorail traverse
and a power supply cable festoon, a hydraulically assisted grab bucket complete with
associated hydraulic power pack, a hoist mechanism for grab bucket lowering and a
hoisting complete with PLC type Local Control Panel and required pendant controls, a
trash / debris bin (to hold and carry 0.5 T of load) for disposal of rejects etc. Hoisting
mechanism and hydraulic power pack shall be attached to traveling trolley.
3 One number of rake machine for Pump House & rake machines for Pump House (1 op. +
1 sb.) shall be installed yet to remove trash / debris / marine seaweeds / sea shells etc.
duly arrested in bar screens. In addition, one complete warehouse spare suspended grab
bucket c/w hydraulic power pack shall be considered for planned Phase facilities.
Design Basis – Mechanical Equipment
1 An Alternate trash rake machine would also, be reviewed to consider efficient scraping of
bars at fixed bar screen panels (availability of traversing trash rake with scrapping in
ascending action for reclamation of attached sea shells and barnacles from bar screen
shall be investigated).
Mechanical Plant – Stop Logs
1 Plate gates type Stop Logs (stop gates) similar to existing Phase I installation and
dimensions compatible with civil design shall be planned for pump channels.
2 Guide frame for each stop log shall also, be provided by stop logs supplier to embed in
pump house civil work, when such logs are not in use.
3 Stop log designs construction and supply shall include equalizing valve and a common
lifting beam (Vendor supplied) with adequately sized slings.
4 Required stop log items supply and construction specification shall include material of
construction, coating / painting requirements and any / every effective corrosion
protection system viz. Cathodic Protection as applicable.
Rotating Drum Screens
1 Planned double side entry and central rejects disposal type rotating Drum Screen with 3
mm (~ 6 mesh) opening wire mesh panels (removable panels) shall be installed for fine
screening of intake seawater. One screen shall serve 2 nos. of pump basins.

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2 Planned Drum Screen shall consist of a rotating structure for drum and wire mesh panels
attached to drum periphery. Required screen panel backwash setup shall be incorporated
in drum screen design for efficient screening operation.
3 Intended equipment shall be meant for seawater service as such, construction in Duplex
Stainless Steel (DSS) materials (of suitable ASTM grade) is envisaged in Phase II of
4 Proposed sealing between civil work and screen drum to eliminate bypass of fed seawater
shall be achieved per recommendation / arrangement offered by equipment supplier.
5 Rotating motion to drum screen shall be through rack and pinion drive. Rack shall be in
sectors for attachment to drum by bolting.
6 Included drum shall be shaft mounted and supported on bearing block at both its ends.
7 Proposed Drum Screen Supplier shall include Lubrication console for Pillow Blocks
8 Inner periphery of drum shall be provided with elevated plate buckets to lift screenings
up to debris hopper located inside provided screen structure. This debris hopper shall be
provided in two separated sections to allow rotation of drum supporting structural
9 Included drum screen shall be provided with PLC type local control panel (LCP),
interfaced with water differential level instrument and drum screen drive to monitor &
control operational speed. Included LCP shall also, be interfaced with DCS.
10 Installation shall be provided with service / inspection platforms and suitable structure for
falling object protection to service equipment even in operation.
Vessels and Storage Tanks
Pressure Vessels
1 Pressure vessel shall be designed in accordance with ASME SEC VIII, DIV-1 ‘Boiler
and Pressure Vessels: Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels’ and be code stamped.
2 Pressure vessels shall also, comply with requirements of COMPANY standard and
3 Vessel heads shall be 2:1 ellipsoidal. Minimum shell and head thickness for carbon steel
pressure vessels, including corrosion allowance shall be 6.0 mm. Minimum internal
corrosion allowance for carbon steel and low alloy steel vessels, without any internal
coating shall be 3 mm unless specified otherwise in given datasheets. Minimum corrosion
allowance shall be added to both sides of non-removable CS internals, when exposed to
either corrosive fluid or vapour.
4 Removable CS internal parts shall be provided with corrosion allowance equal to half its
specified value on each surface exposed to either corrosion fluid or vapour.
5 All vessel nozzles connections are to be provided flanged connections.
6 Vessels shall be provided with manholes (24” min.) / hand holes (12” min.) or end
flanges as specified in equipment datasheets.
7 These components shall be provided for ease of servicing and operation and be complete
with davit. Required structural access platforms for operation / servicing shall be supplied
and installed by others, however, attachment clips shall be provided on manufactured
8 All equipment and relevant lifting accessories as tailing lugs, trunnions and lifting lugs
shall be designed to withstand equipment lifting weight considering an impact factor of
1.5 unless otherwise specified on datasheet. Wind and earthquake loadings shall be
calculated in accordance with standards. Wind and earthquake loadings shall not to be
considered to act simultaneously.
Storage Tanks
1 Design, material fabrication, inspection, erection (where applicable), testing and
preparation for shipment (where applicable) of welded steel tanks shall be in accordance
with API-650.

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2Rectangular tanks (if applicable) shall be designed in accordance with “Roark’s Formulas
for Stress and Strain” published by author Warren C. Young or similar structural design
practices. Tanks shall also, comply with requirements of COMPANY standard and
specification. Fixed roof tanks shall be of cone roof. Tank bottoms shall be sloped
downward conically (either crown up or crown down) as specified in provided data
3 If tank is provided with drainage sumps then, sump shall be equipped with a drain pipe
with flanged nozzle. Pressure / Vacuum relief devices shall be provided, if tank is
designed for pressure / vacuum conditions. Wind design loadings to be in accordance
with BS CP3, Chapter V, Part 2. Tank shall be designed for earthquake loadings
according to Uniform Building Code (UBC) with applicable Zone number as 1.
Emergency Diesel Generator Set
1 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) set shall comply with requirements of Company
standard and specification.
2 Proposed EDG package shall be self contained and would not depend on external utilities
for operation.
3 Diesel engine of package shall be 4-stroke, turbocharged type and provided with primary
battery start-up and back-up start by compressed service air of plant supply.
4 Engine shall be radiator cooled. Lubrication and cooling systems shall comply with
requirements specified in ISO : 3046 and COMPANY standard.
5 Dedicated diesel fuel system shall be provided with a day tank. Day tank capacity shall
be suitable for at least 8 hours running of proposed package at full load without
replenishment. Day tank may be made a part of its diesel engine generator skid or may be
as a separate tank located outside its skid.
6 Provided fuel system shall include spring loaded fuel valve (actuated by fusible plug /
melting fuse) that should shut upon “FIRE”. EDG shall be located indoor, inside
acoustically treated and ventilated building to meet its specified noise levels. EDG Room
ventilation shall be achieved by suitably over sizing included or provided motor driven
radiator fan.
7 Generator & other electrical equipment shall comply with requirements specified in
Company Standard Electrical Specification – Diesel Engine Driven Generator / Electrical
Design Basis. EDG package shall be provided with a control panel, which would be
located in switchgear room away from installed package. It shall be possible to start EDG
package from remote systems on failure of mains supply or manually from installed
package itself. Suitable synchronising hardwired interface shall be provided for same
Spare Parts
1 Spare parts for main equipment and auxiliaries shall be in line with requirements
specified in Project Spare Parts procedure and Company standards referred therein.
2 Generally, spare parts for pre-commissioning, commissioning & start up as well as, for
demanded defined maintenance period are provided.
Shop Testing
1 Main equipment and auxiliaries shall undergo shop and site testing.
2 Supplier shall prepare test procedures for specified tests and submit same for Company /
Contractor review / approval. Procedures shall be prepared in line meeting with
requirements of contract specification / applicable international standards as a minimum.
Test procedures shall also, identify suitable methodology of required test, applicable
international standards, acceptance criteria etc.
3 All inspection & test plans and equipment datasheets shall identify Company / Contractor
witness requirements clearly.
4 Based on above requirements, Supplier shall prepare project specific QR / QA plan /
Inspection & Test plan.

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1 Buildings included on facilities plants are of two classes, one being for process objective,
while other being for non process objective.
2 Generally, various buildings designated as Administrative, Amenities. Central Control,
Operation, Main & Substations, Pump houses, Gatehouses, Security controls etc. are
3 Also, included steel buildings for relevant industrial support purpose namely, workshops,
warehouses etc. These steel buildings are provided with all mechanical furniture, heavy
equipment like lathe machines, forklift, trolleys, steel furniture, tool cabinets, steel racks,
lockers etc. & tools.
4 All buildings require equipments such as office furniture & also, steel furniture such as
lockers, shelving, benches, racks etc. Buildings located within process areas are designed
to sustain blast forces.
5 Buildings located away a distance of more than 610 m from process areas, are designed
based on non blast design requirements.
6 All other buildings located within 200 m to 610 m from process areas are designed based
on blast resilience requirements.
Building Services
1 Building Services require HVAC chillers, package units, air handling units, ducting,
fittings such as fire dampers, volume control dampers, accessories & other controls.
2 False ceiling, grills & diffusers
3 Ducts for supply & return run in located plenum, between provided false ceiling & RCC
slab soffit
4 Also, included CCTV, structured cabling, fire fighting, electrical installation of low
power as well as, high power, fiber optical cabling, cable cellars, switchgears
transformers, telecommunications, radars controls, Information technology etc. all
whatsoever for smooth functional & support of plant operation.
Electrical supply
1 Electrical supply is distributed by Main station, sub main stations, transformers etc.
2 Designated areas where, transformers are located should be constructed around by
firewalls. Substation comprises of HV & LV areas, wherein switchgears are
accommodated within.
3 Proper insulation is carried out for on building envelope to reduce its thermal heat flow
into buildings to maintain its required design conditions for economical air-conditioning.
Fire suppression
1 Fire suppression system is used in process buildings by trade name FM 200 or Inergen
etc. to extinguish broken fire within seconds & minutes.
2 This gas spreads in unventilated or sealed space & extinguishes or suppresses broken fire
immediately in seconds.
3 Also, included smoke detection systems along with fire fighting system for internal as
well as, for exterior use.
4 Industries within plant area employ their individual systems for firefighting, but
preferably one, seawater back up fire fighting system is also included as standby. Fresh
water system is also, included for all those areas locating within expensive & strategic
equipment for electrical supply as well as, emergency controls.
Cathodic Protection
1 Cathodic Protection is used to control possible corrosion of included reinforcement by
providing electrode at any / whatever designated member of structure centrally controlled
from one location, where anode sacrificial technology is installed for monitoring &
control corrosion.
2 All reinforcing bars are clipped & wired naked maintaining their continuity of included

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3 In such cases, only non coated high strength carbon steel bars are included.
4 All joints are checked for ensuring electrical continuity in such cases.
5 Two types of systems are used. One is critical cathodic protection & other, is non critical
6 Critical system requires GI rope & C clamps or clips to pass over all steel reinforcing
bars & then, connected to electrode. Non critical system is installed only with one conical
boss clamped with binding wire on columns with later connection to central system.
Cooling Towers
1 Cooling Towers are installed when, supplied water is required to be re-circulated for
many uses or repetitions for concerned industry, in which case, only makeup water shall
be supplied to maintain effected or deficient balance of cooling water quantity.
2 For once through system, water is supplied & returned after cooling various industrial
systems into provided returned headers without any circulations. No cooling tower is
provided for such requirement.
3 In some cases, a combination of both systems re-circulatory & once through could be
adopted for economical reasons.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 3
Chapter 2
Project Design, Contract award & Miscellaneous
Some useful abbreviations generally used on design documents for references:-
1 A / G - above ground, AFC-approved for construction, AFD-approved for design,
2 BFD- block flow diagram,
3 CCR-central control room, CCTV-closed circuit television system, CCWS-common
cooling water system, CDR-conceptual design report, COM-commissioning, CP-cathodic
protection, CT-cooling tower, CW-cooling water,
4 DC-direct current, DCS-distributed control system, Easement- all and provided by Client
to be used by Contractor for purpose of construction,
5 EPIC- engineering, procurement, installation & commissioning, ESDV-emergency
shutdown valve, EWS-engineering work station,
6 FAT-factory acceptance test, FOTS-fiber optics transmission system, FEED-front end
engineering design, FMEA- failure mode & effects analysis, FO-fiber optics, FRP-fiber
reinforced plastic (generic name including GRP, GRV & GRE piping), F&G-fire & gas
7 GAD-general arrangement drawing, GIS- gas insulated switchgear, GPS-geo positioning
system, GRE-glass reinforced epoxy, GRP- glass reinforced polyester, GRV- glass
reinforced vinyl Easter,
8 HVAC-heat ventilation & air conditioning, HMI-human machine interface, HSSD-high
sensitivity smoke detection,
9 ICA-instrument, control & automation, IDF- intermediate distribution frame, I / O-input /
output, intool- trade mark name of Intergraph software for instrumentation eng, IST-
integrated system test, ITP-inspection & test plans, IO&M-initial operating &
10 LAN-local area network, LBV-line break valves, LER- local equipment room, LLCC-
local lot control centre,
11 MC-mechanical completion, MCC-motor control centre, MDF-main distribution frame,
MOV-motor operated valve, MTO-material take off, MWS-marine warranty surveyor,
12 ONAF-oil natural air forced, ONON-oil natural air natural,

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13 PABX-private automated telephone exchange, PA / GA-public address / general alarm,

PC-pre-commissioning, PCS-process & utility control system, PDS-power distribution
control centre, PDS- plesiochronous digital hierarchy, PDS-plant design system, PMS-
power management system, PEMS- power energy management system, PFD-process
flow diagram. PFS-process flow scheme, PH- pump house, PIS-plant information system,
PLS-programmable logical controller, P & ID- process & instrumentation diagram,
PSFS-process safety flow scheme, PSS-plant safety system, PSV-pressure safety valve,
PTZ-plant tilt zoom,
14 QR / QA / QC-quality requirement quantity assurance / quality control,
15 NCS-National construction specification,
16 RAM-reliability, availability & maintainability, RB-receiving basin, RFC-ready for
commissioning, RFQ-requisition for quotation, RMU-ring main unit, ROW-right of way,
RTU-remote transmission terminal unit,
17 SAFE- safety analysis function evaluation chart, SCADA-supervisory control & Data
Acquisition / monitoring system, SDH-synchronous digital hierarchy, SPT sustained
performance test, STM- synchronous time moduling,
18 TETRA-trunked radio, TPC-Third Party Certification agency, TPI-third party inspector,
TTL-transistor transistor logic,
19 UFD-utility flow diagram, UFS-utility flow scheme, UPS-uninterrupted power system,
20 VDRL-vendor data requisition list, VSD-variable speed drive, VSDS-variable speed
drive system

FEED- Front End Engineering Design

Involvement of multidisciplinary teams for required designs
1 Process engineers, chemical engineers, reservoir engineers, mechanical engineers,
electrical engineers, electronics engineers, IT engineers, civil & structural engineers,
coordinating engineers, cost control engineers etc. shall be included to formulate an
overall strategy of designing proposed plant system and further supported by soil
engineers, hydrographic engineers, geological engineers.
2 After having proposed basic design been desk conceptualized, further FEED detailed
works shall be undertaken by all disciplinary teams for elaborate formations relating to
various details to be used on proposed project.
a EPIC- Engineering Procurement, Installation & Construction
b EPC- Engineering Procurement & Construction
c Contractor, Sub Contractor, Supplier, Vendor
d Sub Contractors as Engineering Consultants or project managers
3 Front End Engineering Design FEED requires complete technological knowhow about
relevant proposed facility design, technology & construction details that is fed to Client
for inception of whole scheme, which Client approves & based on charted out or defined
FEED, tender documents are prepared for required Engineering, Procurement &
Installation contract award. This class of tendering necessitates an, extremely competitive
& competent bidders to be technically, commercially & in all respects, a completely well
established pragmatic sound organization. Complete Front End Loading is to be
established & provided to appointed design scheme.
4 EPIC contracting requires complete understanding of processing technology, all train
functions & life cycle of implementation of technology, design knowhow giving all
detailed design calculations for best & warranted performance of proposed facility as
well as, whole design & its performance in short as well as, long run of facility service
life, be commercially competitive.
5 EPIC contracting proposes its own qualified Sub Contractors as well as, qualified

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vendors organization to be included as further support. Design Sub Contractor shall also,
be included as support in case, proposed EPIC organization is not, either a competent
designer or consultancy group or not having, an in-house design capability.
6 All documents based on aforesaid abbreviations are produced schematically while,
preparing FEED documents for information purpose to bidder about intention of client
project requirement. FEED contractor of client should provide as much data as possible
to enable EPIC contractor to understand various client requirements fully for EPIC
implementation of contract & price according. It must again be stressed that FEED is
endorsed by proposed EPIC contractor, while submitting bid as an evidence of
acceptance of FEED & its incorporation on detailed designs, based on which, all works
shall be executed. FEED document is considered significantly valuable, since it gives
outline & details of complete design & philosophical requirements to be considered,
while designing all units, trains, structures & relevant equipment. Generally, all relevant
theories are included. All codes intended to be complied with, are included. Full
information about project & purpose is indicated. All intended elements or components to
be included within & integrated in various areas such as offsites, process, administration
& others are indicated. Indicative use & design requirements from engineering &
technical viewpoints are included.
Project Tender Documents
1 Aforesaid teams of engineers shall prepare all required documents necessary for
invitation of EPIC tenders from short listed parties. These documents must cover basic
requirements & design philosophies pertaining to all disciplines to enable bidder know
each & every requirement precisely.
2 All disciplines shall be given full feedback in all respects in form of project drawings,
specifications, soil test reports, survey reports, marine survey report, bathymetric survey
report, marine geological report, other conducted studies & observations, climatic
conditions, various milestones, relevant quality standards to be adhered to, including all
other essential parts of project contractual demands.
3 These documents should be crystal clear in providing requirements, without involving
any ambiguity. As far as possible, details about all equipment to be included on proposed
project should be given within various documents. All national & international codes to
be complied with should be enlisted explicitly.
4 Project design parameters should be explicitly defined. Which national or international
codes are relevant, should explicitly, be included for compliance.
5 Documents shall be provided in soft as well as hard copies. All files included within hard
copies must be supported by soft copies & all updates, regularly added for circulation to
relevant parties or bidders.
6 Production of such huge volume of design documents amounts to requirement of very
experienced teams of experts drawn from all disciplines to meet design schedule
requirements as well as, project construction requirements.
7 Project documents may include Budgetary, FEED, Designs, Drawings relating to all
disciplines, Soil exploration reports, processing drawings, trains drawings or prospective,
project specifications, general specifications, form of contract, general conditions of
contract, special conditions or particular condition of contract, Bill of quantities, if
available etc.
8 Presentation of demanded project should also, be included in person by holding site visits
many times to all bidders, so that no ambiguity is left from a clear understanding of
requirements. Such meetings provide opportunities to various prospective parties to raise
various questions & obtain necessary clarifications. It is much better to raise silly
questions sometimes, if given provisions are unclear, rather than avoiding them. It is
certainly a fact that some misunderstanding based incorrect assessment of any / whatever
cost for any / whatever project can cost millions of dollars as well as, loss of time &

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delay on scheme.
Maintenance Preparation Documents
1 This though applies at end of construction i.e. mechanical completion of project, but
information are required to be issued at FEED stage for long term evaluation purpose as
well as, value engineering consideration.
Contractor's obligations pertaining maintenance preparation
General engineering and procurement
1 Contractor shall take into account in its design of proposed FACILITY its maintainability
Criteria, philosophy and spares to be defined in proposed FEED Design Package. In
particular Contractor shall:
a Make permanent provisions for accessibility (without dismantling of other equipment),
dismantling / tooling, lay down and handling of heavy parts.
b Make provisions for online monitoring of vital rotating machinery.
c Define criticality ratings for equipment, sparing requirements for equipment, components
and relevant parts.
d Contractor shall prepare and submit necessary required maintenance documentation as
generally defined in various relevant Exhibits, integrate its maintenance requirements in
its Vendor selection process and obtain, Vendor’s documentation generally defined as
Requirements for vendors’ selection
1 Pre-qualification
2 Prior to issuing any / whatever call for tender for critical items, Contractor shall check
Vendors' capabilities such as:
a Ability to submit tenders conforming demanded quality requirements
b Technical and financial long term competency & stability.
c Existence and suitability of Quality Assurance procedures within Vendor's structure,
covering relevant manufacturing process, relevant quality control process of raw
materials, required assembly of components, required performance and conformity tests,
required internal quality audits, capability to supply after sales service for maintenance,
technical assistance, supply of parts, procedure for collection of product performance
feedback etc.
Bid Evaluation
1 Contractor shall take into account at bid evaluation stage, following defined Criteria for
Vendors selections and accordingly, advice Vendors that their bids shall be evaluated on
such considered basis, so that prospective vendors must include any / required / liable
price, if so effected by such considerations:
2 Bid price and conformity to project specification.
a Cost of two years or as specified, in projected contract recommended operating
spare parts for all involved machines or equipment to be installed on project.
b Reliability of Components (identification of components, non-standardized or
non-tested by Vendor, under conditions similar to project conditions). Various
components should be fully reliable to meet their intended functional requirement
for their efficient performance operations.
3 Standardization (identification of non-standard components, justifications for
recommending such components, cost of spare parts needed for such components). Full
cost of spare parts contractually required according to specifications shall be included
within bid correctly.
4 Availability guarantees-Ratio optimal conditions / optimal performances- Evidences to be
obtained from proposed prospective vendors by visiting to factory as well as, to various
references works carried out on track record. Proposed vendor shall provide with all
technical brochures of intended product to EPIC contractor along with its bid, all
documents giving all performance evidences. Equipment / spare parts performance shall

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also, be witnessed by visiting manufacturing location of proposed spare parts.

5Safety / Protection rating-Verification of performance evolution-Means for condition
monitoring - Recommended frequency and duration of maintenance- interventions (total
annual duration, maximum duration of a major intervention-Availability / Reliability /
MTBF / MTTR-Availability of after sales service (rating)-Availability of spare parts lists,
Availability of documentation lists-Availability of documentation lists-Operational List
of special tools maintainability-Modularity / Disassembly-Accessibility (rating)-Such
ratings should be obtained from some of available independent agencies published
documents, which should indicate that its observation & conducted relevant studies
performed, without involving any interference by proposed vendor. These third party
agencies usually publish correct effectiveness of these vendors product & services in
parts or in totality at regular intervals or as required for some special assignment.
6 Handling (rating)- Similar record should be confirmed from available data base of past
successful projects on history of vendor’s track record & included with submission to
contract engineer, as an evidence to monitor proposed product efficiency. Maintenance
Guarantees-This guarantee is required for intended contractual maintenance duration for
all involved machines, equipment etc.
7 Stability of Vendor, Quality Assurance, after sales structure- Proposals for maintenance
contract (rating), guaranteed reliability Contract (rating), training programme (rating)-
Vendor Maintenance Recommendations-Management and monitoring (rating)-First level
maintenance (rating)-Diagnosis tables (rating)-Preventive and on-condition operations
(rating)-Method of intervention (rating)- Identification of conformity certificates-
Requirements for component testing. Various provisions of all aforesaid documents from
prospective vendors’ records substantiate proposed vendor’s claim about, its reliability &
consequently, leads one-step to customer satisfaction.
Vendor’s obligations to be enforced by Contractor
1 Contractor shall generally carry out various procurement steps required to have
competent Vendors, who meet maintenance bid specifications requirements for intended
supply of equipment and consistent documentation- Contractor shall prepare and include
a Vendors' maintenance requirements specification in ‘call for tenders’ and ‘purchase
orders’ in line with given Client guidance and submit for client’s approval.
2 Contractor shall obtain, check, approve and issue Vendor maintenance documentation (as
Maintenance Dossier) and prepare their respective Mechanical Catalogue. EPIC
contractor shall comply with all given manufacturer’s instruction in respect of each &
every equipment or each product & all evidences in this respect shall have to be provided
as quality requirement assurance documentation to client engineer for approval &
permanent recording.
3 Expected Vendors’ Maintenance Dossiers shall generally include, but not be limited to as
following guidance is in essence only.
a Equipment data-Equipment descriptions-Equipment inventory-Technical data
sheets (reference number, serial number, tag number, purchase order number)-
Connection parameters (piping, electrical, instruments)-Software documentation
both in electronic format and as a hard copy-Operating documentation-Operating
procedures- On-line monitoring- On-line monitoring- First level maintenance by
operators- Lubrication schedule.
4 All these documents & also, some other additionally required one, shall be approved by
client engineer for implementation on its performance monitoring.
a Maintenance documentation (per type of equipment)- Scheduled inspections or
interventions-Preventive, on-failure and an overhaul maintenance procedures,
including description of personnel, tools, spare parts, drawings required - Trouble
shooting charts- Lists of consumables- List of special tools- Spare parts lists
(SPL), under format attached or equivalent- Drawing- General arrangement

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drawings- Section drawings- Schematic and wiring drawings- Control loop

diagrams- Logic diagrams, cause and effect sheets. All these documents shall be
properly numbered & recorded by EPIC document centre.
Technical Proposal
1 It is unavoidable in this age of tendering particularly, on various Industrial projects of
international Quality Requirement Assurance nature, that all bids are submitted in two
parts either together or separately, depending upon defined Client’s requirement.
Technical bid is always a lead submission package that is invited to fully &
comprehensively assure whether or not, involved project bidder is capable to execute &
prosecute intended requirements of project smoothly & efficiently keeping within limits
of constraints such as time, quality & cost. In case, submitted technical bid is rejected,
there shall be no further need for involved bidder to propose commercial part of project
2 Technical bid is a voluminous document containing complete details of bidder’s
intentions to carry out proposed project execution from its commencement to its
completion stage describing in details ways & methods for each & every part of intended
proposed project about, how these requirements shall be handled & whether or not,
bidder is adequately resourceful, technically capable & further scrutinizing all other
aspects done by client & engineer, bid is evaluated.
3 Technical bid should contain fully descriptive & completely integrated infrastructure of
involved bidder in all respects about design & execution philosophies, execution plan,
machinery & manpower proposal, alternative proposal, if so necessary contemplated by
bidder, full design criteria, materials proposed from its authentic source, acceptability of
Third Party Certification, deviation from defined contract & its controls, complete Safety
Programme Detailing & Risk Analysis, Hazard Study, Safety Records, Safety Plans
proposed, evidence of past safety capability records, various well designed formats to be
employed for using in whole duration of project
4 It also, requires descriptive proposals from its Quality Requirement / Assurance & quality
control section providing all necessary formats & detailed methods pertaining to quality
control maintenance including Inspection & test plans, check lists, & all quality
documentation procedures, execution or project construction method statements as well
as, provisions respect proposed independent materials testing laboratory.
5 All procedures pertaining to company documentations shall be included involving
internal documents matrix used & ensuring that documents traceability is / remains
smooth all times to come. Engineering procedures including procurement shall also, be
included within this proposal giving complete feedback on proposed designing system,
software to be used, designer’s potential, complete requirement of job related materials,
job temporary facilities to accommodate proposed manpower etc.
6 Since, required Technical Proposal is based on bid provided FEED documents by client /
company or client / company appointed FEED contractor, whatever contents of required
Technical Proposal be presented should be based on necessary technical directives related
compliance included within bid FEED. Bidder’s base firm proposal should not at all
deviate from bid FEED requirements. Competent bidder is required to endorse submitted
Technical bid stating that given bid is completely based upon provided FEED, which
meets all requirements unconditionally. Its content of certification should be given in
accordance to client format provided.
7 There may be an alternative proposal in addition to bidder’s firm proposal, which could
satisfactorily satisfy all requirements of FEED in addition to making cost saving & time
saving to promoting client according to defined Value engineering consideration that
owner / client could accept, if all proposals comply to provisions included within FEED.
Technical proposal is very comprehensive presentation content wise giving all necessary
information of proposed contract execution involving all aspects, from design to its

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related implementation performance & handover stage. No room is allowed for any
commercial reflection within Technical submission. In fact, by making evaluation of this
document’s contents, its thorough consistency & capacity of bidder is measured from all
bids & contracts aspects.
8 Many rounds of Technical submission including Technical meetings are conducted to
scrutinize submission of all included chapters. These chapters should be simple in
presentation style to allow full / complete clear communications from bidder to contract
engineer / client, to facilitate an easy understanding, pertaining to proposed project
execution. All sources of procurable materials, equipment & all other items / components
to be used / organized for all permanent inclusions on project should be enlisted in a
scheduled manner in line with all FEED requirements. Proposed works schedule to meet
bid defined milestones, should be explicitly described convincing everyone concerned
stakeholder on client / company end that bidder approach is feasible to achieve indicated
or defined targets in practical terms, so that commissioning of facility shall be smooth
without causing or leading to any problems.
9 All workforce & staffing levels as well as, management to supervise & direct bid project
should be clearly defined including required CVs of all key levels personnel. These levels
should meet bid defined criteria according to given FEED as well as, bid expected
professional competencies. Design procedures should be clearly defined in a precise
manner including giving all designations of Information Technology to be utilized for bid
project. In brief, all other proposals for bid proposed facilities for all temporary works as
well as, for all permanent works should be included explicitly. It is a long format, but
should be precise & clear point to point involving all requirements / points. Bid client is
never interested in a voluminous documentation for show off purpose, but a precise
contents giving all true & relevant information is always welcome. It should be
remembered that all these proposal documents shall be required for bid actual
demonstration proving required consistency as well as, competency & capacity reflected
on bid proposal. It is better not to propose something, which is not practiced by bidder
otherwise, demonstration could detract bidder. Many cases have been noticed, when after
submission of proposal, comments are received from client / company / engineer asking
for many clarifications, which are difficult to reply positively & satisfactorily. Better, be
straight forward for bid submission.
10 Quality required assurance as well as, Execution statements constitute very important &
significant role for providing value to project technical bid, for which due time &
devotion must be given by proposed bidder. Relevant experts should be engaged for
required detailed inclusions of all necessary information / inclusion within bid documents
for engineer / company / client consideration. Untoward information should preferably be
avoided. Once, project bidder is short listed either by client / company / engineer or by
project establishment of project bid competency, call for its commercial presentation
should be given to bidder. Failing Technical bid, there is no use, if Commercial bid is
submitted even, along with Technical bid complying with FEED requirements.
Contract award
1 Within this procedure, all short listed parties shall be invited to tender for company /
client EPIC bid, who in turn calculate cost of demanded facility on EPIC basis or EPC
lump sum firm price basis for either whole or part of project job in defined fixed time
based on compliance with all FEED documents provided. Complete submission shall
include Technical bid on one part & Commercial bid, on other part. Sufficiency of its
Technical bid part shall decide whether or not, its Commercial bid part should be
2 After having its Technical bid qualified by project bidder, qualified bidders shall be
notified by engineer / company / client about opening time schedule of its commercial
bids. Then EPIC contract shall be awarded after complete scrutiny of all bid documents,

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availability of contract performance bonds & ascertaining fully its sufficiency of project
quality as well as, capability of project proposed Contractor.
3 A letter of award shall be issued by Client representative / engineer instructing project
successful bidder to immediately commence project job giving one contract effective date
of commencement. A date shall be appointed by Client / engineer for project contract
execution between Client & successful bidder as well as, for initial / kick off meeting. An
agenda shall be drawn for kick off meeting defining sequence of agenda points to be
discussed & all officials & authorities from both parties would be required to be present
during this kick off meeting.
4 Project successful bidder / prospective contractor shall affirmatively make available its
representatives to execute formal contract documents on that appointed day, failing which
project Client enjoys legal right to claim bidder’s bank release tender bond amount to
compensate to client / owner / company.
a A date shall also, be fixed by Client instructing project Contractor to submit
required performance bonds, insurance policies about project works as well as, for
proposed personnel accidents coverage & all other necessary legal documents
regarding these contractual obligations, according to provisions included &
agreed on General Conditions of Contracts (GCC) as also, on particular
5 Details about all deductibles, amounts covered under all policies etc. shall be submitted
according to agreed documentation procedures.

Execution Programming a contractual binding document

1 Contractor shall immediately prepare a detailed execution plan based on project brief
‘level 1’ plan that was included within document Technical Proposal at bid stage for all
complete contract works from ‘level 1’ to ‘level 5’ or as its case may be, in specified
Primavera or MS project software format, as agreed with company / engineer or as
defined in project contract conditions / specifications.
2 Programme schedule shall cover an overall outline in Gnat format with CPM support,
include all contract milestones defined, discipline & element or component wise detailed
activities, detailed manpower, detailed machineries, recovering delays methods,
identification of problems with proposed resolutions, activities wise measurements of
works percentage based on agreed method of man-hours / workforce evaluation or time
based activities as well as, cost wise breakdown applicable to (WBS) Work Activity
Breakdown Structure / Work Breakdown Structure. Progress ‘S’ curves indicating
various phases shall be included showing man-hours histograms, work planned progress,
machines availability histograms, cash flow etc. whatsoever, required by client / engineer
or considered necessary for a good record & reflection of project progress measurement
or required to be applied for risk coverage to time, cost & quality controls.
3 Once Contractor’s programme is approved, it shall not be altered, but constitute as base
programme to monitor & control all project whole progress progress, coordinate & if so
required, time recovery shall be applied should there be caused certain / any delay to
project planned progress. This programme shall remain a part of contract. In addition to
an overall descriptive programme, monthly, 90 days look ahead monthly submit able
programme shall also, be charted out regularly to monitor achieved progress on detailed
basis. This submission of programme shall be supported by a detailed method statement
giving complete information about all phases of works & their relevant elements arranged
in an order keeping in view indicated priorities on contract project to accomplish
aforesaid approved programme effectively.
4 Major sequences of operations to be covered from project home office activities
including corporate management affairs, designing, procurement, documentation,
selection of sub Contractor, engineering, procurement, deliveries controls, customs,

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material storing, quality requirement / assurance, cost control & taking down to site
relevant activities in all respects. This part shall be taken up & considered very seriously,
as / for work progress movement rests on its actual level of performance. All foregoing
functions constitute supports to project front office performance. In case, these functions
are conducted inefficiently by back or support office, front end progress achievement
shall be adversely impacted.
5 Organization charts shall be presented showing contract design office, contract head
office, site office, sub Contractor’s offices & all others, directly or indirectly connected
parties & giving full description respecting all such project parties or stake holders &
about their corporate structures.
6 (CVs) curriculum vitae respecting Key Personnel to be involved for project complete
execution of contract project shall be proposed for approval by engineer / client. Without
such contractual approval, no key personnel shall be allowed to work on project contract.
Every project defines its level of requirements pertaining to essential qualifications &
expertise to have been achieved for all key personnel intended or proposed to be
dedicated to it for all smooth deliveries of contract requirements.
7 Format for Execution Programme only for indicative guidance
a Scope, Work breakdown structure, Contractor’s organization including details of
its organization, sub Contractors organization, job positions & descriptions of key
personnel down up to supervisory level, Contracting strategy-direct hire-direct
control or management, Home office activities, other Contractors Interface
coordination, Operations, Mobilization-break down of manpower by trade
including manpower histograms-major equipment utilization schedule. This can
be listed out to comprehend.
8 Construction sequence-
a Temporary facilities including utilities & camp accommodations, site preparations-
underground piping-underground electrical & instrumentation, civil foundations &
concrete work-structural steel-equipment erection, pipe fabrication-pipe erection,
electrical-instrumentation control systems-telecommunication, painting-insulation-
pipeline. Since sequence of construction for all activities may consume many chapters,
foregoing description is given only for an indicative guideline purpose, since those
technical matters are not in scope of this document.
9 Quality management systems, Material management system-customs formalities-port
storage-& transportation to site-warehousing-storage-material handling-general
responsibilities of field materials personnel-material receiving & inspections
requirements-maintenance procedures-protection & preservation procedures,
10 Safety Health & environment-responsibility of safety personnel-SHE process &
execution plan-SHE orientation-SHE site programs-construction environment control
procedures-permitting-medical facilities,
a Site security, Heavy lift & transport, Personal transport, Manpower (direct &
indirect), Field non manuals, Construction automation plan, document control,
11 Mechanical completion incorporating pre-commissioning, Pre-commissioning &
commissioning organization-job descriptions, Close out, Attachment-
a Site organization charts, Field non manual staffing plan, Sub contract plan-
number, name & scope of each subcontract, Level 2 construction schedule,
manpower loading-histogram by trade including both, direct & indirect.
12 Equipment utilization plan, Temporary facilities & camp accommodation plan.

Stages of Execution-EPIC / EPC - Project Delivery Contractor

1 Safety, Health & Environment- Safety plans-Training-Induction-Regular courses-Special
courses- Site Walks-Tool Box Talks-Risks Analysis-Corrective Programmes-Inspections-

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2 Quality Requirement Assurance QR / QA / QC- Quality plans-Training-Induction-
Regular courses-Special courses- Audits- laboratory- dossiers.
3 Engineering – Design detailed philosophy, Design, Detailing, Shop drawings- Working
drawings-Schedules-Technical Queries, Site works queries, Proposals for technical
resolutions, Documentation appraisals, Construction ability checks, inference of technical
documents, Engineering meetings, Construction Method statements
4 Construction & Controls - Mobilization-materials-manpower- equipment-procurement-
physical construction-contract management - construction project management.
5 Testing - Pre Commissioning, commissioning, performance & maintenance,
a. Operations & maintenance
6 Third Party Certifications
7 Project records - Issued for Construction documents-Red Lines Mark ups-As built-
Operation & maintenance Manuals
8 Punch List / Snags - Visual defects-Technical defects- minor non-conformance-snags-
rectification- remedial measures-investigations
9 Mechanical Completion- Pre commissioning & commissioning-site acceptance test-
performance - plant performance
10 Final Completion - maintenance & successful performance
11 Hand Over- Recording learning of lessons-suggestions-about sub Contractors- about
Client engineers-Close Out-discharge
12 Warranty liability - relevant defects guarantees for required periods.
Industrial Safety Briefs
Safety, Health & Environment-
1 First & foremost is always considered safety for every project. Slogan SAFETY FIRST is
very common among all safety promoting projects.
2 Without safety provisions intact, no work is allowed.
3 Safety is a must responsibility of everyone. Every person working on every project must
use personnel protective equipment PPE & all necessary special precautions must be
taken whenever directed by dedicated safety official responsible for any / every project.
4 All activities must be conducted in a safe manner to within its respective best possible
minimum cost incurred on safety to achieve zero accident performance.
5 In case, no proper arrangements are made to keep safety intact, project execution of any
whatever activity should be suspended.
6 On important works, safety team must be present to support project construction team for
helping conduct smooth safety management on all activities.
7 Site engineers should abide by any / every instruction & direction given by deployed
safety personnel.
8 Proper care must be taken during deep excavation works as well as, on ground &
overhead works.
9 Safety ensures- Know Safety No Pain, No Safety Know Pain.
Safety Plans-
1 Discipline activity based safety plans should be prepared in conjunction with construction
in-charge, approved & issued by corporate safety department for virtual guidance of
construction personnel.
1 Various classes of onsite training are considered necessary to be imparted to all site
personnel for onsite implementation.
2 No site admittance should be allowed to any personnel whether or not, full time working
on site, without imparting safety induction.

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1 Immediate on joining, all personnel should be given safety induction course duly
recorded on proper register for imparted training.
2 This course must include all precautionary instructions required to be complied with on
working site generally, to be prosecuted onsite.
3 Provision should be defined for punishment for those personnel working in safety
House Keeping-
1 Training should be given to all personnel to keep all working & other areas tidy during &
on end of working day.
2 All tools should be properly kept on site.
3 No material should not lie here & there unattended or be properly stored.
4 Working environment should be made & also, felt comfortable by all concerned
Supervising safety
1 Every supervisor should be trained for full understanding of managing safe supervision
over all site operations.
2 How to handle defined below & above ground works & about, how to handle all
overhead works.
3 How to make all workers understand all procedures of safe handling respective
operations, so as no operation should effect workers health badly or adversely causing no
overstress physically.
Heat stroke
1 On constriction sites particularly in hot & arid regions, adverse effects of heatstroke are
imminent to workers.
2 They should be taught all methods respecting about, how to prevent such incidents by
gradually inducting every worker to hot working conditions & over timings adjustments.
3 Often, heat stroke can lead to death of personnel.
Fire watch
1 Every workers should be clearly taught ways of possible fire incident chances & if
occurs, how to handle to extinguish such fire break down / spread.
2 Some responsible person should be allotted practical responsibility for fire watch
Toolbox talks
1 In general, prior to begin any / every activity, toolbox talk should be given to concerned
group working on given activity involving any / every / or all callings.
2 How minor or major injury may occur during carelessly using / handling involved tools
& about, how to act, if personnel is injured.
3 Details of involved activity, procedures about, how to safely handling tools & what
precautions necessary to adhere to should all be made clear & ensured that every
personnel understands such handling procedures correctly.
Tool Box Talks- Skilled workers
1 Every skilled worker, semi skilled or unskilled should know about proper use of tools &
maintenance of these.
2 They should be explained about all types of dangers, if various tools are not properly
used during work
Liquid consumption & food
1 Every worker should consume water or available drinks after a period of work interval
frequently to protect one from imminent adverse effect on body by occurrence of
dehydration & should therefore, be allowed frequent intermittent rest pauses during
working in hot weather conditions as well as, during carrying out of very critical
Dust prevention
1 Dust accumulation causes environment degradation & affects badly working activities on

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2 During such occurrence of inclement weather conditions, ample means of water should
be available to spread on site, so that dust does not lift, blow / flow or suspend into air.
1 Adequate arrangements must be made on site for all workers & staff to use sanitary
facilities throughout whole currency of relevant project to maintain its working area in
healthy & hygienic conditions.
Regular courses-
1 In groups, workers should be given feedback on every site safety as well as, gas inhale
prevention, during fire about, how & where personnel have to assemble, how loss
prevention fire alarm works etc.? How to construct for temporary platforms at high
levels to be used for various purposes, to meet every site instant requirement?
Special courses-
1 How to take precaution to avoid electric shocks or some other hazard?
2 Incentive should be given to all leading workers, who keep up proper safety as well as,
check & advise coworkers & colleagues, to take due measures.
3 Accessibility to site horizontally as well as, vertically should be explicitly explained to
4 Positioning of all ladders in excavated trenches, which location shall not be more than 8
5 Provision of all platforms guardrail of suitable height. For example, use of wooden or
Aluminum ladder in excavation areas or to various higher working areas.
6 Platform construction, its supports, its toe boards etc.
7 Fire extinguishers use descriptions. First aids use descriptions. How to access emergency
phones for hospitals?
Site Safety Walks-
1 Whenever necessary, site walk should be conducted by responsible safety engineer with
dedicated site in-charge to pin point existing deficiency on safety measures & on site
correction applied.
2 Preferably, safety walk meetings can be conducted once a week & observations during
walk meeting minute written for circulation, action & records.
Risks Analysis-
1 Keeping in view all types of operations on site, what risks are imminent should be
studied by project safety engineer / manager & study be conducted in cooperation with
responsible construction people, so that, expected causes of risks & their relevant
solutions be explained to site team for implementation of safety measures on site as well
as, properly demonstrated & documented.
Safety respecting heavy equipment-
1 Crane operation, shovel operation, concrete pump operation or some other equipment
operation requires a complete safe operation system. How to operate these machines
safely on site?
2 License of operators as well as, banks man or rigger’s instruction manual. Third Party
Certification for all cranes & hoisting equipment particularly. Only licensed operator
should be allowed to carry out hoisting or lifting operations.
1 Regular & frequently, safety programmes should be conducted on site from every aspects
or risk consideration, to make all aware of conducting overall safety to avoid any / every
minor or major accidents.
2 Practical training should be conducted for all equipment operators to let them understand
all effects of not conforming to defined safety practice operations.
1 Safety engineer should inspect working areas frequently to examine that all arrangements

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adopted on site for running operations, meet necessary criteria of adhering to safety rules
& if observed certain deficiency, responsible site engineer should be intimated for
resorting to corrective measures.
1 To motivate all workers on site to take due safety measures during working hours &
thereafter as well, compliance awarding system should be adopted for all workers, who
work on with full safety on site & regard safety measures during working.
1 Corporate safety team should check casually & as programmed, some safety records
physically on site & due observation circulated along with certain proposed corrective
2 A healthy worker on site works many times better than a sick & unsafe worker. It is
better to spend reasonable amount on safety rather than spending on loss of work causing
inefficiency on site. Every personnel on job is important & got a full right to go back
home safe & healthy.
3 SAFOP-Safe Operation- It is first key to get success of doing project in all respects.
4 SAFAN- Safety Analysis- Prior to an application of necessary safety, conducting its
complete analysis is a must to know & select one best safety method out of many
considered procedures.
5 SYSOP- System Security & Operability Analysis-It is very significant from safety
engineering viewpoint. Until complete problems are listed, applicable procedures may
not be known. Systems generally, involve safety against fire, safety against gas explosion
& safety against any / every electric default. Therefore, these import applications of
observing all precautionary measures, selection of which depends on various detailed
requirement as obtained from considered risk analysis & details of equipment operations.
6 OPTAN- Operator task Analysis-Control & field Operator-This part also, involves
detailed study as well as, precise applications. No slackening act should be allowed.
7 Attempts should be made to take due measure to prevent accident in hot work as well as,
in cold work areas & also, in restricted & confined entry areas. Permit to Work PTW
system must be applied to various works in such areas of every facility.
Quality Assurance / Requirement, QA / QR / QC Briefs
Quality, Manual-Plans-Training-Induction- Regular courses- Special courses- Audits-
laboratory- dossiers
1 Term Quality Assurance or Requirement, which includes quality description, quality
compliance requirement, quality control, being significantly important from client /
customer satisfaction viewpoint that must be clearly understood by all participants /
stakeholders on proposed project. Many stakeholders do have an unclear concept
respecting these terms.
2 For information, QR / QA is a principle term, which applies to overall quality system
management, means Total Quality Management, while quality control applies to
particular quality control procedure. For example laboratory testing of material, site
checks, inspection & test plans & so many other technical procedural involvement during
construction operations constitute quality controls. Follow up of defined whole
procedures, as included within approved Quality Plan from project inception to its
handover & discharge that is to be made successfully to client / customer with full
satisfaction is termed Quality Requirement / Assurance.
3 It is understood that compliance with agreed system procedures would certainly deliver
quality product. But, recently, one term entitling Quality Requirement has been on lead
role that demands at every step of quality operations to evidence about, whatever has
been included on project must be required on production evidently, without granting any
concessions. QR / QA involve/s major policy & competency of client / company.

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4 Based on successful completion of various projects conforming to QR / QA, past track

records confirms competent standing / capacity of company on QR / QA. Company
means not be an exclusively its management, but all members of company at all levels of
corporate & home office, middle management, lower management & workers. These
include working involvement respecting all disciplinary & operational departments of
company in both home offices, branch offices, field offices & in front end fields, market
contribution, market collaboration & involves so many other aspects as well, which
cannot be covered in brief explanation. Foregoing explanations also, apply to contracting
organization as well.
5 It is added now QA involves QR Quality Requirement for all its intended purposes in
construction organization as well as, contracting organization. No activity should move
without its involvement.
Quality plans
This term includes Company Quality Manual & Project Quality Plan.

Company quality manual

1 A primary document of company announcing company’s quality basic policies in full. It
provides various details regarding corporate management, company’s organization,
directors’ responsibilities, management of its various departments, documentations
system, procedures for policy decisions, policy decisions, incorporations & accounting,
definitions regarding company’s goals, instructions, job descriptions of its middle &
lower level officers, detailed operational descriptions, procurement & material handlings
procedures, human resources management, accounting management, transportation, but
not limited to exclusive these. Company’s planned approach in business & defined
approach or methodology to satisfy a prospective customer. Manual is a permanent
document amendable after having done revisions from time to time once its original issue
/ publication worked successfully and depending on achieved advancement & progress of
organization. Virtually, it is like a written constitution of company telling or describing
everything about its company management performance roles.
2 All operations & project sections are included as completely descriptive, giving elaborate
information to all concerned persons. Based on whatever contents within this document,
further documents for respective presentation & approval are prepared for future
upcoming projects or tenders submission. Relevant major policies included within this
document shall guide constituent contents formation within various project Quality Plans
to be operated on newer prospective projects.
3 This document main chapters include describing or summarizing company’s policy,
company’s potential, company’s long term achievable objectives in national as well as, in
international market, company’s organization approach & necessary basis, company’s
various included sections or divisions, corporate structure, constitution of its governing
board & applicable regulation or respective bye laws, staffing level, job descriptions of
corporate & senior staff, company’s strength comprehensively giving machinery as well
as, manpower / workforce, company’s knowhow potential all, but not limited to these.

Company’s Project Quality Manual

1 For purpose of including within its technical package submission for tender bid as well
as, for contract documentation submission for approval purpose, a document containing
specific project details in conformance with company’s quality manual giving elaborate
explanations of various ways or methods & philosophies of executing relevant project
from its award to its handover & final completion stage is entitled as Company’s Project
Quality Manual.
2 It shall include all aspects relevant to quality applications meant for a specific project. It
shall cover all requirements relevant to a particular project.

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3 It may be referred to as an agreement of practically working on project site among all

constituent parties involved on a particular project contract.
Project Quality Plan
1 This document is specifically constituted for conducting management control functions
respecting relevant project & provides all information applicable to prospective job,
which cannot be generalized otherwise. Included contents respecting various issues
within it depend on & respond to many specific requirements of project & may differ
from one project to another one as well as, from one discipline to another one. Contents
within this document should be indexed like chapters headings indicated below for only
guidance purpose, while real requirements index can be designed for certain specific
a Description & magnitude of proposed project & company’s general policy towards this
project- Brief details of prospective project & contract- Project design requirements-
Project execution programme- Corporate office involvement- Joint venture involvement-
Sub Contractors involvement- Specialist vendor/s involvement- Corporate management
& Co ordination- Corporate Safety, health & environment- Corporate Engineering & all
others, if relevant to project.
b Corporate Quality assurance-Corporate Procurement-Corporate supports for all
disciplines-Project site / field management & Co ordination-Project site / field Safety,
health & environment-Project site / field Engineering-Project site / field Quality
assurance-Project site / field Procurement-Project site / field supports for all disciplines
2 Aforesaid chapters or parts to be included within this document, should be designed in
conformance to specific requirements meeting all contract criteria, company’s manual,
international practices & standards, conventional practical standards & defined ultimate
objective for customer satisfaction.
3 This document should be prepared by divisional quality manager / engineer in
conjunction with corporate as well as, project manager / construction manager / project
engineer, after studying all details & specifications relevant to its contract, General
Conditions of contract. Proposed draft should be approved by corporate management &
then by Client. It should be distributed as controlled copy that cannot be altered. Original
master document should be recorded with designated tracing reference as such, with
document controller. In case, any / certain alteration is required, another approval should
be obtained.
4 All relevant supervisory staff must know / understand to a maximum extent possible
about its contents, implications & interpretations regarding various provisions made
within such documents to their respective disciplines & explicitly explained to all
regarding, how these implementation shall be effected on project execution.
5 This document should detail necessary proposed documentations to be made on site in
relevance to specific project. These records should provide guidelines to be generally
used to produce documents namely NCR or Non Conformance Report, ITP or Inspection
& Test Plans, Check Lists etc. Proposed schedule of Method Statements about
construction & all other disciplines should also, be indicatively included. Term ‘Quality
Procedures’ is applied to all such documentations.
6 All foregoing Quality Requirement philosophies do refer to a system of quality
management that does not guarantee in itself, result in quality product. Quality product
depends on value of adhering to degree of compliance of quality testing procedure
applicable to respective product. Quality Control is a subsystem under purview of Quality
Requirement, while it is expected to meet demanded or specified requirements should
quality requirement procedures are fully complied with at every stage of quality system.
7 Quality system applies to all disciplines as well as, sub disciplines on a wider prospective
of Engineering Project Construction & Installation areas applicable on their FEED,
designs philosophies, designs concept, designs detailing, biddings, constructions,

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completion & operations as well as, maintenance. For achieving targets on all disciplines
of projects, various procedures to govern quality system work efficiently under agreed
principles are formulated for general as well as, specific applications on respective
discipline or part of it. All such sub disciplines required knowhow of working proposed
systems, respective relevant technologies, engineering, prosecutions & whatever resulting
8 Projects main control points or major disciplines names as Time, Cost & Quality are
significant & to an extent, these can be controlled & to that extent, quality requirements
are achieved. Time is 1st factor on top priority & its length is decided keeping in view all
foreseen risks & other factors that can pull time to any / whatever uncontrolled lines.
9 Cost is affected adversely in case, time is not honoured. Time based lost cost cannot be
recovered. Quality requires time for its application & as consequence, it may not be
achieved, when sufficient time is not allowed for its accomplishment. Fixing Time &
Cost remaining unchanged & delaying required activities, quality criteria shall certainly
be adversely affected leading to achievement of substandard product.
10 Basic principles on projects understandingly demand or expect that products should
comply with minimum required or demanded quality standards, while value engineering
expects, product to have quality higher than expected. Quality evaluation more than
defined one is termed value engineered over demanded quality. Every product is
expected to be added with such value engineering amount, which may or may not be
measureable in quality terms.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 4
Chapter 3
1 Company / Client believes from its vast experience that one of key foundation blocks for
successful, efficient and cost-effective end product FACILITY is quality of detailed
engineering and design. Therefore, Company / Client places a very high importance on
Contractor’s selection of an internationally recognized Detailed Engineering and Design
Sub-Contractor or “competent in-house” organisation with a proven track record of
undertaking and successfully delivering similar projects in a single location under one
roof. Accordingly, Engineering and Design Subcontractor shall mobilize their team for
Project. Company / Client shall verify this at time of review of CV’s and interviews of
Key Personnel. This shall be one of various key bid evaluation criteria required to be
made as basis for selection of Contractor. CVs shall be reviewed from an overall
qualification viewpoint, which means only academic qualification shall not be an
exclusive basis, but practical specific experience on interdisciplinary spheres, to be
considered for acceptance of competency evaluation respecting all proposed key
personnel, along with their general capabilities including such as, communication skills,
efficiency to carry out jobs in field as well as, in office environment, caliber on project
management & how they would effectively respond client personnel, while prosecuting
project coordination activities. Engineering being considered very significant part on
any / every project management involved throughout life cycle of project, without which,
all other departments of project cannot move. Engineering objective is to provide clear
details in all respects on any / every discipline for any / every part of project, so that
implementation of any / every item is affected, without causing any issue carried out
efficiently. This requires detailing in such a style that no further inquiry should be raised
by site personnel responsible for implementation & simultaneously, details should be

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convenient adequately to permit an ease or comfort on build ability or construction

ability. Otherwise, further post construction commencement required resolutions after
details are issued shall consume precious project time on making decisions & resulting in
delay on progress.
2 Contractor shall carry out site surveys to familiarize self with existing installations or
below ground services, if any / whatever pipelines, infrastructures, pipelines corridors
and tie-ins locations. Site survey is also, required to verify proposed pipelines routes and
confirm tie-ins location and configuration etc. and to retrieve necessary information
(data, drawings etc.) All survey records & database shall be verified by conducting full
survey of site to complete requirement of contractor’s scope of works. These actual
surveys shall form basis of actual design to be approved by either engineer or client.
Survey provided with FEED or tender document shall be treated only for guidance.
a It shall be Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all relevant documentation
and drawings available with Company / Client (at various locations) are retrieved
in a timely manner, so as not to impede progress of detailed Design. All records
or as built drawings required for purpose of coordination shall be required for
practical interfaces & coordination criteria, which should be requested to be
issued by relevant authority according to planned requirements.
3 Engineering shall include formal endorsement and upgrade of FEED including design
optimizations, detailed engineering applications, process engineering, procurement
processes, various installations during construction phases, commissioning and any /
every other engineering works that Contractor has to need develop for required designs,
detailed definition, procurement, supply, construction, Installation, Testing, Pre-
Commissioning, Commissioning, Start-Up, Initial Operation and Maintenance and hand-
over of FACILITY. Contractor shall certify, while submitting tender that every criteria
mentioned within FEED documents have been considered, while designing project &
included within bid price. Any / Every deviation should be explicitly detailed. Every /
Any alternative proposal should also, be elaborately detailed for engineer’s or client
consideration. At design stage, contractor shall be bound to apply all FEED requirement
& if possible, upgrade during design processes to avoid design revisions later. These
design processes shall require issue for information designs during processes, while final
drawings would be issued as issued or approved for construction. Design shall include
drawings covering all disciplines / final specification applicable to all disciplines of
project, bill of quantities, if so required or other various categories of documents
whatsoever to be drawn to facilitate design submissions.
4 Contractor shall start from engineering documentation supplied by Company / Client
contained in FEED Design Package and work on further develop design to achieve
Contract objectives and requirement. However, Contractor acknowledges that FEED
Design Package does not define Work in full detail. Contractor shall consider FEED only
as a guidance document for client’s requirement & therefore, fully develop project from
conceptualization to completion accordingly, so that project specifications are
satisfactorily met at end of project execution.
5 Contractor shall ensure maintainability criteria, maintenance philosophy and spare parts
philosophy, which are fully considered in development of detailed design from FEED.
Maintainability shall not be considered up to end of contractual period only, when final
handover is made, but also, should include facility life period maintenance philosophy to
permit optimization of maintenance cost. Designs that require continuous heavy
maintenance costs are not considered good. Designs that can be installed on fast track
basis as well as, that require reasonable regular maintenance costs are considered
suitable. Designs should be based on consideration of sustainable development to a
maximum extent feasible.
6 In undertaking detailed design, Contractor shall undertake all necessary geotechnical and

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geophysical surveys to ensure connections to existing Phase Installations are correct.

Geotechnical surveys shall include strata graphical determinations, soil properties,
tomography / seismic properties of soil, electrical properties of soil & whatever expected
to be investigated from plant installation viewpoint. Geophysical surveys shall include
area terrain, & location of various landmarks, water bodies etc. that are significant from
design view point.
7 Contractor shall carry out every / any and all engineering required for provisions of
construction Accommodation Camp, every /any construction facilities needed at
Construction Site within Plant Industrial City, as well as, every /any construction
engineering required for Work. All such provisions for temporary facilities shall comply
with, either local standards or international standards as specifically included within
contract. Relevant bye laws or regulatory provisions shall apply to all such designs.
8 Contractor shall carry out engineering per Contract Specifications. However, in case of
conflict or contradiction with Company / Client Corporate Standards and latest edition /
revision of recognized international standards, codes and practices, Company / Client
shall be consulted for taking appropriate joint decision. Company / Client’s decision shall
be binding on contractor having no cost and / or schedule impact to Company / Client.
Incorporation of decision shall be immediately made with designs on issue for
construction documents for implementation.
a Contractor shall undertake detailed design of FACILITY utilizing typical details
pertaining to project. These typical details should be available, either with FEED
or with other documents provided with conceptualized designs.
9 Company / Client Engineering Standards, which Company / Client are in possession of,
shall be made available to Contractor. However, Contractor shall have to arrange for
referenced Standards not available from Company / Client.
a Engineering and design of all tie-ins and tie-outs, to existing Phase installations
shall be undertaken in such a manner that do not cause interruption of water
supply to running facility or causing temporary shutdown to existing End Users.
Contractor shall work closely with Company / Client to achieve this task.

General Engineering Requirements

1 Contractor shall prepare all engineering documentation required for Work, documents
listed and produce all or any / whatever other documents necessary for successful
completion of Works. These documents should provide comprehensive engineering
design information pertaining to all disciplines involved on project, such that all relevant
discipline details are indicated self explanatory requiring as minimum attempts as
possible, for further issues to produce works executive details in form of shop & working
drawings, though which may not be completely unavoidable from all working
engineering viewpoints. Design provisions or requirements should be made explicitly
clear in its basics theoretical calculative form, giving adequate details to be well
understood & coordinated properly, all sequential activities for team engineers to co-
relate at various stages & at various offices. Clear details save time & provide efficiency
on performance of execution.
2 Buildability or constructability criteria is too significant to be understood & applied by
engineers & initial designers, which forces conceptions to be in line allowing
convenience of project prosecution methods & procedures, without allowing undue
wastage of time, economy & quality. Contractor’s engineering group in charge of
detailed engineering shall provide all details necessary to be produced for carrying out
job satisfactorily & conveniently, without causing any break of understanding project
details smoothly by engineers involved, but not limited to following engineering services:
3 Develop and update / upgrade drawings, drawings lists, documents index, Deliverable
Review and Approval Matrix, Deliverable Register, Data Sheets, Specifications etc. All

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such design documents should be continuously reviewed during issue of drawings for
construction & also, should there require any / whatever change on equipment or vessels
to cover both short lead as well as, long lead items. Has been noticed on major size
projects that real input parameters concerning designs of vessels or equipment is not
made available at initiation of designs stage, which uncomfortable state forces designers
to issue designs based on past equipment data or 90 % probability / possibility, so that
budgeting estimation & other scheduling procedures are kept continuously progressive.
4 Review & update documents for safety, operability, maintainability, reliability and
ensuring their concurrence with environmental regulations and requirements. Foregoing
operations direct to procedures involved to be applied during selection of equipment
necessary for processing. Generally, update in industries do delay selection of such
equipment making, information regarding their safety aspects, operability manners,
reliability response & environment suitability cannot be known, while designing relevant
foundations & process trains design engineering. Absence of such data requires design
team to apply from time to time available update of state of art information from one or
more manufacturer. Many alterations could be made from design initial stage to final
design decision making & in some cases, even foundation may be considerably modified,
after structures are constructed or whole design is revised during construction processes.
This may cause updating register of documents & raising continuous technical &
engineering queries for clarifications during coordination process.
5 Review / update FEED specification and datasheets (as required and prepare additional
documents whenever required), engineering drawings, PFD’s (Process flow diagrams),
P&Ids (Piping & instrumentation diagrams), calculation sheets, engineering material
requisitions, Vendor drawing requirements list & schedule (VDRLS), purchase
requisitions (PR) and amendments as necessary up to 'As built' status. As stated earlier in
foregoing, all such revisions shall be required in line to continuous changes on project
permanent requirements.
6 Prepare Scope of Work and Specifications of Sub-Contracts. Evaluate technical bids
received from Vendors and Subcontractors. Scope of work should be explicit intimating
bidder all works & activities necessary included on project. All design criteria, required
designs, schedules, distribution of responsibilities should be indicated crystal clearly
pertaining to all disciplines. Scope of works description should be well coordinated to
provisions on drawings & specifications. Specifications should include their general &
specific project required descriptions of systems, materials, equipment, instruments,
design parameters, design requirements, investigation reports, investigations to be made,
reference to applicable codes / rules or bye laws, statutory bodies involved, tolerances on
various activities on all disciplines. Evaluation of technical bid should be done
comprehensively ensuring that all provisions required & directed on FEED have been
incorporated in line with proposed systems on all disciplines. All required discipline
plans such as safety, quality, execution etc. have been included with bid. All other
requirements that should be adequate to control project from all project aspects have been
included with technical bid.
7 Review and approval of Vendors data, drawings, other documentation and include /
update Project design drawings (core drawings / specification to be submitted to
Company / Client prior to approval by Contractor. All such documents should be
included as a part of technical bid presentation, so that employer or client is able to know
about, what is being proposed by EPC contractor. Vendors should be from listed schedule
or those, who are well reputed & deliver proprietary material or equipment. All
datasheets giving technical details, designs, installation methods, all required
compliances in line to specifications or industrial standards, performance records &
projections should be included with every proposal.
8 Provide detailed material takeoff and continuous monitoring of material changes for all

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engineering disciplines.
9 Develop and update equipment lists, drawings, specifications, Basis of Design
Philosophies, Procedures, requisition schedules and all other necessary engineering
10 Develop testing procedures including SAT (Site Acceptance Test) for individual facilities
and Performance Test Procedure for FACILITY.
a Witness and report FAT (Factory Acceptance Tests) at Vendors Premises.
11 Provide engineering support for procurement, construction, installation, testing
procedure, Commissioning, Startup and Initial Operation and Maintenance including
assistance to Subcontractors / Vendors in interpretation of specifications and drawings.
12 Incorporate process requirements in detailed design and engineering.
a Prepare Final Documentation specified
13 Wherever, there exists a conflict in specifications, codes or standards, Contractor shall
immediately bring such conflict to notice of Company / Client on a ‘Technical Query’
form. Decision on all technical queries shall be made by Company / Client in writing,
which shall be final and binding, without any cost or schedule impact.

3DCad Model
1 Company / Client requires a 3-D CAD (PDS) model to be developed for project. FEED
3D model may be utilized by EPIC Contractor for further development. Final 3-D CAD
model shall include sufficient detail to allow plot plans and layout drawings to be
produced from model. Model shall include modeling of following as a minimum
a All Piping / pipeline
b Pipe supports / saddles for piping larger or equal to DN50
c Fresh Water Distribution System (Firewater storage and distribution)
d Electrical and Instrumentation items including cable trays, ladders or ducts (300 mm
width and larger)
e All civil / structural works
f Intake area upstream of Seawater Pumps.
2 All existing facilities (to extent required) at locations such as tie-ins, crossover on
existing piping / new pipelines, in existing culverts etc.
a All piping within package units such as, Electro chlorination plant
b Vents, drains, manholes and vacuum breakers
3 Contractor shall provide entire model to Company / Client as part of final documentation.
Contractor shall not employ any proprietary techniques or add-in programmes, while
developing 3-D CAD model that may prevent Company / Client from fully maintaining
model after takeover.
4 Contractor shall provide a user manual to aid future update of 3-D CAD model by
Company / Client.
5 Contractor shall provide view only access to 3D CAD model for Company / Client’s
nominated personnel, whether they are located on Contractor’s premises [Office or site]
or if, they are accessing system remotely during course of detailed engineering. A copy of
(review model) updated regularly during Construction and engineering stages shall be
available at Company / Client’s Offices at site. In addition, Contractor shall provide
documentation, training and support for Company / Client’s nominated personnel, so that
their respective use of system is unencumbered and effective.
Plastic Model
1 Contractor shall design, fabricate and assemble a plastic model for all facilities, which
include all pipeline / piping, all structures, buildings etc. to be included on Plant facility,
whatsoever, for making it operational.
2 Models shall be produced to an acceptable size, so that every part of project is clearly
identifiable by user personnel. As far as possible, all essential design details shall be

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included for exhibition purposes.

3 These models should be fabricated in different modes like drawings that mean bird’s eye
view, sections within that & many different views for clarity.

Engineering Design-
1 For EPIC or EPC, design part is a major contribution to successful execution of contract.
Design of whole project components / constituents are demanded to be produced one by
one meeting timely requirement to project plan. Designing team should understand
explicitly contract philosophy & FEED documents, prior to commencing design work.
Complete Project Design Systems should be produced based on FEED & best possible
design alternatives for a minimum cost. Project target to be achieved should be clearly
2 First & foremost significant part of design process is selection of processing machine /
equipment to be installed as a part of processing trains, which machines may include
horizontal & vertical vessels, vibratory & rotating machines, pumps, oil tanks, gas tanks,
all related control instruments, electrical installations, gas installations, safety
installations, all equipment necessary for complete facility safety & controls, fire fighting
controls etc.
3 Equipment selections may take time & delay whole facility construction therefore,
prompt decisions should be made in this regard. It should be kept in view that foundation
designs pertaining equipment depend on parameters of procurable equipment. Initial
foundations designs may be amended based on final selection for inclusion of equipment.
Related drawings about equipment based on feedback available from FEED should be
schematically produced for considerations of structural design engineers for initial use,
which shall vary, may be to an extent of 10 to 15 % during final stage of designs issue.
All designs should be correlated in sequence, so as not to miss any part of any machine in
train. All designs of equipment to be included other than trains should also, be similarly
produced in a timely manner.
4 All constituent parts or elements of project regarding all engineering disciplines should
be enlisted & a programme charted out to show start & issue dates pertaining to various
design related drawings for review & approval by Clients. Discipline wise engineering
design work should then be entrusted to charge of a disciplinary design engineer. All
design discipline engineers should report to engineering project engineer or Manager as
case may be. Initial drawings after complete checking & review of design calculations
should be properly recorded, approved & issued for Client review & approval.
5 Client should promptly review these drawings & issue consent to facilitate design team to
proceed further for detailed design work.
a Design drawings in general may be classified to following categories
6 Facilities Key plan showing all sections or zones
a Plan showing process & non process area indicating trains, utilities, offsites,
circulation, control as well as, administrative areas.
7 Plan showing existing facility if any / whatever, proposed location of sea intake as well
as, discharge into sea.
8 Plan showing out plan to facilitate construction of temporary structures for use by
9 Plan showing located areas for warehousing, storage, equipment maintenance, access to
site & all other necessary information Contractor or bidder shall require take into
consideration impact of cost on price.
10 Facilities drawings should be classified into layout of trains with location of all
equipment & piping scheme.
11 Facilities drawings showing all line plans & isometrics of processing technology &
piping giving capacities.

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12 Plan showing hazards & non-hazard areas, based on HAZOP studies conducted by a
specialist agency.
13 Plan showing complete & comprehensive philosophy adopted for proposed plant system.
14 Plan showing location of all buildings process as well as, non-process
15 Plan showing location of all utilities buildings & electrical infrastructure buildings.
16 Plan showing all major / minor buildings & other structures required for complete control
& administration of plant operation.
17 Plan showing philosophy of communication, satellite control, security fencing, roads,
maintenance access, landscape areas, environment related issues etc.
18 All equipment major & minor foundation layouts
19 All underground utilities & services including drainage, sewerage, chemical disposal etc.
& shall include catch basins, manholes, chemical manholes, oily manholes, open ditches,
closed drains, pipe culverts, cable trench, covered trenches, buried trenches, duct banks,
street lighting infrastructure, interconnecting cable infrastructures, proposed road
crossings, proposed interfaces, services to be coordinated with existing services requiring
work permits from operating authorities in form of hot & cold works etc. Cathodic
Protection philosophy for whole plant,
20 Architectural plans for buildings including elevation & sections
a Structural plans for buildings including elevations & sections
b Bar bending schedules for all members of structures building wise
21 Discipline wise plans for services such as electrical, HVAC, mechanical, drainage,
sanitary, loss prevention, fire fighting, water supply, telecommunication, CCTV closed
circuit television, security access, card readers, building management,
22 Roads layouts, maintenance roads layouts including types & sections
23 Plant Piping layouts & pipe racks around including overhead crossings
a Interconnection layouts
24 Structural plans for pipe racks giving all design details
a Structural plans for steel buildings giving all design details
25 External roads interconnection & access to plants
26 Landscaping giving all soft & hard landscape layouts

Engineering Detailing-
1 After having received preliminary drawings approved by Client, design team should
concentrate to produce all necessary drawings, which should then be submitted along
with building permit application to relevant municipality, if so required.
2 Design engineers should also, commence with detailing of all structural & architectural
elements of included parts of project. All other disciplinary details should also, be taken
up simultaneously. This part always consumes much time & therefore, adequate staffing
should be allowed for details production.
3 These detailing should include sections, various details on plans, details of all elements
necessary for execution or for transmission of information to equip shop floor drawing
engineers for working drawing production. There shall be definitely hundreds of such
details discipline wise. Crosscheck must be applied to all these details, prior to giving a
final approval. Working out of details shall require multiple considerations of thought to
be given for end results of design, so as to make it convenient for ease of construction
execution with application of minimum efforts with keeping cost to a minimum as far as,
practically feasible.
4 Concept of detailing is a cumbersome job requiring competent skill on part of design
engineer, who coordinates mentally all possible operations related to designing &
construction by these details. Details dictate on many outcomes on site & help
construction engineers a lot, if well thought of in advance. Sometimes, good-looking
details are difficult for execution.

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5 Details should be as easy as possible to save procurement as well as, execution duration
to minimize cost. It is suggestible that as far as practicable, standard items should be
included in designs for easy procurement. Also, these items are well known to
experienced supervisors involved with construction operations. Typical details
production shall give good results for production purpose. Unnecessary details should be
avoided. Details should be explicit to make engineering coordination easy for easy
references. It has been experienced that multiplicity of documents coordination creates
unnecessary difficulties for execution team, while clashes & absence of necessary details
as well as, so many other factors result in raising of engineering & site technical queries
ETQ & STQ respectively. These queries further augment recording & execution
complicity. Generally it happens due to involvement of many hands as well as, change of
heads on same job. Some competent engineer should concentrate on one activity to reach
it to conclusive decision, so as to be finally sent to drafting section.
6 Also, cross-references on drawings should be properly reflected for there are chances of
missing these. It is also, suggested regarding, what details are required should be planned
in advance of commencing detailing work in the form of a working schedule to keep a
control on quantity of detailing work.

Design Schedules-
1 Major items schedules respecting all disciplines should also, be included within detailed
designs to guide construction team for placing various Material Take Off MTO after due
verification. After producing all necessary detailed documents, a guiding bill of quantity
BOQ should be prepared for whole project to assist construction team to place various
order after due verification of quantities as well as, applicable specifications & codes.
2 No limit governs quantification of production of schedules, for it depends on discipline as
well as, size of project. There may be hundreds of such schedules for some project, while
some project may have only a few. But quality schedules help placement of procurement
3 Scheduling is no easy job. It requires complete knowhow of item under consideration. It
also, requires complete coordination within all relevant drawings & technical documents
to reach final take off quantities & applicability of specifications & drawings as well as,
specialist specifications produced by manufacturers. Scheduler has to go through all these
procedures immersing fully for all related items.
1 All aforesaid project documents, which may include all design drawings, detailed
drawings, schedules, project specifications designed by specialist engineers should be
registered properly according to agreed system of documentation & thereafter, be
submitted under cover of a transmission sheet to approving authority engineer for
technical approval in form of IFC Issue for Construction.
2 It is not essential that documents should be approved in first submission. Comments
received back from engineer should be incorporated on revised documents & resubmitted
keeping process continued, until documents are approved for construction.
3 After approval for construction status, document should be copied in required numbers as
agreed within documentation procedures duly sealed on document & circulated to
concerned parties. Copies should also, be transmitted to engineer for site use.
Shop drawings
1 All details as explained above cannot be practically produced within these documents.
Depending upon various factors related to available material, details provided on
approved drawings / trade practice & further minute technicalities involved for
production operations, it shall be essential to produce some more documents to be used
by shop floor engineer.
2 These documents shall be worked out from coordination among all such gathered

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information solving probable clashes & giving a final shape for production or execution
on site.
3 These documents should also, be passed through approval procedures & IFC document
should be issued to site for construction.
4 There shall be hundreds & may be thousands such documents necessary to be produced
from time to time of site requirement. These can be entitled shop drawings.
Working drawings-
1 Even after availability of all approved documents, there shall be required some more
drawings to be used by supervisors on site as well as, in workshop.
2 These drawings should support with further details of sequence of works in form of real
fabrication & execution at shop floor or on site.
3 These drawings should be well drawn clearly, so that supervisors do not require further
assistance to get job done without further details.
4 These drawings should also, be approved, but all drawings do not require approval.
5 In some case based on contract drawings & shop drawings, further details are worked out
which are consistent with approved drawings, may be used directly virtually off record.
6 Otherwise, these drawings should also, be approved by engineer in which case, proper
documentation is necessary followed by issuing procedures as explained earlier.
Technical Queries-
1 A technical query is raised, when some discrepancy is discovered pertaining to any /
whatever design item not correlating or corresponding between architectural & structural
or any / whatever other discipline drawing details.
2 For resolution of correct detail, discrepancies are raised in form of a technical questions
format giving full details regarding discrepancy & if possible, a solution should be
proposed or clarification sought or understanding for confirmation made.
3 This document is originated by relevant engineer, checked by technical or engineering
section & authorized by site management for transmission to engineer for response.
Engineer scrutinizes questions & writes back answers for execution on site & recorded as
‘red line mark up’.
4 There may be engineering queries ETQ or site technical queries STQ or SC site
clarification, depending on mode of format adopted on project.
5 ETQ is generally used by engineering working team only, whilst STQ is used for site
execution purpose.
Site works queries-
1 During carrying out works on site, dictated by site conditions & to comply with
specifications & design criteria, it usually happens that suitable adjustments have to be
made to design details on safer consideration.
2 Such situation requires an agreement between Contractor & engineer on site, which
should be recorded on STQ for confirmation.
Types of Working / Practical Queries for Coordination Purposes
1 Proposals for technical resolutions-
a Other than aforesaid queries, there shall be many instances, when alternative
detailed proposal are to be worked out for site requirement to meet design criteria
& practicalities, proposals for such problems are made for engineer’s approval.
b Full details in form of sketches are prepared & put in form of STQs or directly in
form of sketches as working drawing as convenient.
c All virtual disciplinary clashes on site due to unforeseen conditions may be
resolved on site & recorded as technical resolution in same manner.
2 Documentation appraisals-
a At time of contract execution as well as, during whole currency of contract,
Contractor shall from time to time receive thousands of documents in form of
contract documents, post contract documents etc. which should be appraised

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properly & competently.

bAll such documents should be registered in such a way that traceability functions
efficiently, without wasting time of engineers unnecessarily. Document controller
should have on his tips on database any / every required document located
c Arrangements should be such that documents for a particular element on job
should be proficiently filtered out for better control. Project in charge should
ensure that all required documents according to register as well as, fulfilling
practical needs of project for construction have been issued by designers.
3 Construction ability checks-
a Issued / approved for construction documents pertaining to all disciplines must be
checked sequence wise as well as, discipline wise to make sure that these contain
well coordinated information necessary for 100 % construction of relevant portion
or element. Project engineer should immediately notify any / every missing
information to be provided proficiently. Any / whatever clashes observed should
be recorded on ETQ or RTQ be raised for a possible resolution, without accepting
any delay to execution. Approval about queries procedure should be perused
personally in some urgent cases & resolution communicated to supervisor
concerned for onsite implementation, prior to mistaken work is carried out.
4 Inference of technical documents-
a Inference of technical documents is no easier an activity. Only a competent
project engineer or an experienced discipline engineer should be entrusted job to
explore any / every missing information as well as, to know, whether or not
issued documents are giving adequate information for purpose of full construction
or yet, technical queries are necessary to be raised. This activity requires total
concentration to study contents of design & their respective coordination &
mutual interfaces. It depends on volume of documents about, what duration is
required for complete understanding of technicalities involved on design. Study &
review should not be confined to design drawings only, but detailed specifications
should also, be included, so that complete project requirement is properly
integrated for physical execution.
5 Engineering meetings
a Meetings for engineering discipline form extremely significant portion of
contract. Actually this activity commences at tender negotiation time, when
technical proposal is submitted. Hundreds of clarification related questions are
raised by Client on contents of technicalities offered by Contractor as well as,
those at pre bid stage, as replied by Client based on Contractor queries. For a
collection of important queries, technical meeting is conducted to resolve issues in
hand directly between two parties.
b During contract stage, when design is submitted, meetings are conducted for
every discipline for providing a satisfactory response on design questions,
clarifications & software related issues or formal presentation of PDS project
document system. During this stage, meetings shall be very long, but impart
efficiency for decision-making & save time for approvals.
6 During construction stage, regularly programmed meetings are conducted for engineering
difficulties or other matter related therewith, which require urgent attention. These
meetings more or less form part of regular progress meetings, until lot of queries have
been accumulated necessitating separate meeting. Day to day meetings should be
conducted on site between area engineers of two parties to resolve matters subject to
approval of field engineering manager of Client.
7 Engineering meetings cannot be confined to aforesaid instances, but according to job
requirement, these have to be conducted at any / every level of supervision to expedite

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site works progress. These meetings also, involve contribution from quality assurance &
control engineering section on site for urgent decisions & acceptable to construction
8 Construction Method statements
a During construction phases, activity wise construction method statements are
required to be issued to supervisors on site to adhere to statements for smooth
carrying out of activity concerned.
9 These statements should be approved by Client, prior to commencement of relevant
activity. Method statement should be prepared by project or discipline engineer or quality
engineer or office engineer, depending on availability on site. This document should
contain full information regarding activity under consideration, which gives about, how
required sequence & technicalities shall be carried out & about how inspection should be
conducted based on requirement of Inspection & Test Plans / quality check list as well as,
conduct of necessary testing & laboratory involvement from time to time.
10 All disciplines require method statements. These should therefore, be prepared in
advance, checked & approved by site manager for further transmission to Client for final
approval as IFC or AFC & circulated to site as professional documents.
11 No limit governs method statements numbers. Agreement has to be made between Client
& Contractor on requirements.
12 For reference to reader, a number of method statements have been appended only for
knowledge exchange. These are based on practical experience & are used on projects.
Please use them for guidance only & create your own statements for particular
requirement. But basics of methods writing can be advised herein. Just think of what is
solution of particular construction operation.
13 Contemplate on what involved minor activities are. What are sequences & materials to be
used for temporary as well as, permanent inclusions? What are other requirements for
accomplishment of operation from inception of activity to final outcome? After having
considered all these, make a sequence thinking that you are available on works &
carrying out activity. How activity should be sequenced one after other & write statement
lines & then recompile to a comprehensive statement?
14 There shall be a long list of method statements or procedures from different engineering
15 For example, site preparation, camp construction, temporary facilities establishments,
earthworks, excavations, blinding concrete, formworks, reinforcement fabrication,
reinforcement assembly or placement, concreting, finishes activities, complete HVAC
system, electrical system, loss prevention system, specialist gas fire suppression system,
aluminum works, cladding works, structural steel erection at low as well as high levels,
road works, paving, piping both below & above ground, pre-commissioning,
commissioning, performance, maintenance, quality testing & many more.
16 It is not practically possible to produce all methods in one go, but quiet in advance of
relevant activity allowing time for approval. Statement should be prepared & submitted
for approval. Basics of activity should be conferred with relevant supervisors & quality
personnel & then finalized to specifications & design requirements. Document should
form an integrated approach for job as professional.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 5
Chapter 4
Construction & Controls-
1 Construction & controls are very interrelated sections for successful completion of any /
every project. Design may be done over safe or optimum, but real construction involves

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actual expenses, contract time & reputation. It should be motto of any / every
organization to apply good controls on every project to keep on line with programme /
planning, an actual part of controls. Control includes, progress, cost, time, budget, quality
requirement / assurance & engineering & safety.
2 These are all integrated divisions, which should move in unison to achieve project target.
A well-designed project could be jeopardized during construction phase from budget
viewpoint should it not be given due controls applications properly.
Schedules- Programming
1 Programming schedules indicating by GNAT bars or by CPM or PERT various graphical
representations respecting the overall & detailed plans for the time, activities, milestones,
manpower requirement, machinery requirement, cost flow & all other requirement &
running reviews of all these during the whole currency of the project from real progress,
lost time recoveries as well as look ahead projections. These documents are produced
involving all sections working for the project & reports are inter considered by all
2 Planning engineers or the project control engineers work for such activities dedicated on
the project & report from day to day & time to time basis. The planning activities
commence from the day of commencement to the final completion & documents are
produced from level 1 to may be level 5 depending on the project or the contract
specification requirement. Generally primavera or MS project software are used for the
professional documentation for planning purpose.
3 During tender stage also programming documentation giving complete details &
milestones, manpower, machines, cash flow etc are given for the inclusion with the
Technical Proposal, which is considered as one of the competencies of the proposal. In
case the details do not give full information about the proposed methods of execution for
which it forms a part, the proposal may be liable for rejection.
1 Very first step to get into stage of physical establishment for construction. Site is
formally taken over & all transfer stations are established using available satellite
records. Surveying department commences its works for establishment objectives.
Approvals are obtained from authorities concerned & from engineer / Client.
2 Applications are made for record drawings from statutory services authorities, if so
required. Applications are also, made to operating authorities for issue of all record
drawings, if so required for permits. Permit to work PTW is required, prior to
commencement of any / every excavation in hot & cold work areas. No excavation is
allowed in projects, until these permits are obtained. For application of work to start
permit, documentation is carried out giving details about applied work, official award
letter, availability of safety officers, full time supervisor, method statement etc. & then
application is considered for sanction.
3 Fencing is erected & establishment of temporary camp / offices are affected according to
engineer approved plans & method statement.
a All arrangements for required accommodation for personnel, sanitary facilities,
water supply for drinking as well as, for washing purpose, electrical & air
conditioning, fire fighting, access to camp, security, messing, sewage treatment
plant, leisure areas, common rooms, sports courts, parking, swimming pool, local
shops etc. as required by contract & temporary facilities that Contractor or
engineer deem necessary should be provided.
4 Similarly, site offices establishment should also, be constructed according to site
establishment approved plans & Permit to Work obtained before commencing for site
establishment offices. All provisions of utilities should be made according to contract,
engineer & Contractor requirement.
5 Site offices should start functioning on or before appointed date according to programme

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of mobilization. It should be kept in view that some agreed percentage of payment should
be released, when mobilization is completed & work can be commenced with.
6 Mobilization also, includes deployment of required manpower, machinery & supervisory,
construction, safety, planning & engineering as well as, administration staff, without
permitting any loss of time. This deployment shall accelerate procedure on
commencement of job in beginning, by which action time may be gained to keep in line
with approved programmes.
7 Smart & efficient project managers & engineers understand this aspect very well & keep
very proficient at this stage as additional efforts are required to commence with project.
Running project may not be that difficult to push, but starting & streamlining all
departments related operations demand efficiency & hard work.
8 Site offices require full fledged modern computerized facilities for conducting fast
interaction & communication, intranet, internet, telecommunication, conferencing,
sanitary, water supply, drinking water dispensers, refreshments, electrical supply, standby
generator, heat, ventilation & air conditioning, first aid, ambulance, doctor for immediate
attention with nurse, assistants & a well established site clinic.
9 Site offices require fully established stores, warehousing, mechanical & auto maintenance
& repair workshops, vehicular & equipment parking areas, labour temporary shelters for
lunch & tea etc. as well as, for rest pauses considered necessary under safety management
for prevention of heat stroke & environment attack during hot working hours.
1 Without arranging materials in time, no project can be completed in time. This is an only
item that may delay completion of project due to possible non delivery in time. Material
constitutes more than 60 t0 70 % budget for contract & every prudent Contractor should
intend to make as much saving as is possible out from this element of expenditure,
simultaneously keeping in line with quality requirement assurance & control procedures.
2 Every purchase department manager & owner of company performs its best to procure
acceptable material within reasonable & minimum cost, making trial & again from a
number of interested vendors both before & after award of a contract. There may be some
delay to decide pertaining to from which vendor or supplier materials would be procured.
This is also, expected in a similar fashion from prospective sub Contractors.
3 But relevant purchase managers should not endeavor to spend unnecessary redundant
time on this activity, but make a decision in time to get to site approved materials in
planned time including all FAT as well as, SAT & performance tests complied with.
4 Material approvals is a tedious & time consuming exercise, which must be given due
consideration & optimum time management for a possible successful completion of
contract. It has to be remembered that missing approval, no purchase order can be
released by procurement manager or project engineer / manager. It should also, be taken
note of that there are hundreds of required permanent inclusion able materials, respecting
which approvals shall have to be obtained. Every submission required full manufacturer’s
information, engineers specifications as well as, conventional practice demand / updated
standards & these should also, be covered within budget cost, otherwise escalation shall
result in as an impact should delay is allowed further resulting in delay on completion,
consequently, contractually leading to imposition of liquidated damages LD on contract.
5 Actually, it is suggested that major homework should have been carried out at tendering
time itself to avoid such delays of course, market may fluctuate, but there shall remain
room for negotiations with vendors or suppliers.
Manpower- Workforce
1 Significant is this element in absence of which nothing is practically feasible for working.
Difficulty is to be faced, when well trained workforce is not available in time from
expected source. Contractor shall try to deploy manpower / workforce costing within job
budget. There shall occur be so many problems for deploying them & providing

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demanded facilities on contract. Human resources department should be efficient to deal

with this matter, so that particular delay is avoided due to non-availability of required
planned manpower / workforce.
2 Workforce shall be time wise required respecting all disciplines & be kept on mobilizing
in & demobilizing out according to project requirement. Similarly staff shall also, be
mobilized & demobilized according to contract requirement. On considerable big size
projects, mobilization & demobilization programmes are prepared & approved by
engineer / Client to ascertain that job commences in time & after demobilization,
progress is not affected adversely. In fact, only after approval from Client is obtained,
any / required demobilization can be effected though approval shall not be withheld
unreasonably. Control of manpower / workforce constitutes in itself a separate mini
discipline involving complete procedures from making requirement, forming recruitment
strategy, approving strategy, using agencies & then interviews, short listing of selections
& appointment on contract followed by mobilization to job site. This is a long running
process, which must be preplanned to avoid any / whatever expected conflict with site
1 Equipment necessary for inclusion on project permanently requires considerable input
from Authorization, FEED stages to performance stage. Technology decision for project
dictates model & types of equipment to be installed for facility. Elaborate & descriptive
detailing is extremely necessary during designing, approval & procurement stages.
Equipment installed must satisfy design requirement, failing which facility shall be
jeopardized of required performance giving any / every possible halt to processing &
Client or operation authority, who shall place / impose designer or EPIC Contractor liable
to compensate all damages incurred to it by faulty commissioned equipment.
2 Equipment remains always too expensive requiring making competent decisions for
permanent inclusion as well as, for election of vendor. Decision pertaining model dictates
foundation designs. This need should also, be kept in view, while working on designs to
avoid delay on account of providing input to civil design team.
3 Frequent amendments / modifications have been experienced on major projects during
day of concreting or one or two days before. This type of bad practice should preferably
be avoided. If possible, certain decisions could be taken at FEED stage & EPIC
Contractor be directed to comply with vendor of equipment based on Novation of item
related manufacturing & supply services order.
1 Procurement means to supply to site all materials & equipment, which process
commences from requirement scheduling, vendor selection, quotation invitations, short
listing quotations, conducting specifications matches, ensure financial viability, ensure
approvability, make sure warranties applications & then final decisions based on
quotation that fits within budget & items be best for optimum performance according to
requirements of contract.
2 Every company has established its own procedures meeting guidelines of international
quality procedures ISO 9001 according to which, full corporate management is involved
for procurement management practically effected by procurement manager / engineer of
corporate part of company management. This department involves itself for complete
operations front estimations of items quantities through relevant delivery to site & taking
up issues to insurances in case of transportation damage.
3 During tender stage itself, expected items are invited for quotations for specialized &
important disciplines with negotiations done. Later on, subject to condition that work is
awarded to, further procedure continues, whereby final & confirmed quantities are
worked out based on engineer’s approval of proposed material or machine, which
approval proposal or submittal is separately applied to engineer or representative, prior to

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placement of procurement order. This is very time consuming process as submission,

comments, rejection, incorporation of comments, re approval etc. all are involved.
Process involved initially complete package submission meeting defined documentation
procedures. A competent & experienced engineer should be involved to carry out all
these procedures for technicalities are to be resolved during entire exercise. Study
pertaining to each & every requirement should be conducted by relevant disciplinary
engineer & quotations accordingly should be invited. Based on received quotations &
financial factors, further scrutiny of quotations regarding conformance to demanded
specifications & project design criteria are done. Then a comparative statement is
prepared giving full technical as well as, financial status with feasibility of timely
manufacture / delivery & financial matters such as, demand of letter of credits or other
financial support etc. All are reflected to be examined by management for making a
decision promptly.
4 Once decision is made in favour of one of suppliers, further submission procedures
should be started to obtain engineer & Client’s approval, since procurement order cannot
be placed, without obtaining Client’s or engineer’s approval.
5 After having obtained engineer’s approval, requirement is processed for placing a
procurement order by management & all accounting procedures effected / delivery
schedule confirmed. That schedule should also, be agreed by the engineer & adherence to
agreed dates have to be adhered, until unforeseen circumstances irrelevant to general
circumstances play any / required role.
6 Delivery should be made smoothly all in good condition to site & site manager should
arrange complete required examination by its team as well as, approval of delivery by
engineer concerned, so that delivered material or equipment is included for the part
percentage secured advanced payment as agreed on planning schedule.

Physical Construction-Contract management

Construction Project Management-Physical construction
1 After having mobilization been completed, it is time for commencement of permanent
works, for which actual contract is meant for. It is definite that civil construction takes
lead generally on all projects. This requires availability of all ‘approved for construction’
drawings circulated under control to relevant supervisors / engineers for purpose to
correctly prosecute works according to contract requirement. Sooner initiation of
commencement of permanent works is affected, better prospective remains to save time
and money on project construction.
2 Every site manager / project manager should endeavour project construction plans with
support of schedule engineer to keep at least in line with approved programme at least, if
not advanced one. For this attainment, all necessary resources availability should be
properly coordinated. For EPIC case, all design matters should also, be properly
coordinated to keep in line to facilitate easy construction. There may be certain case,
when due to some unavoidable circumstances, some portion of contract cannot be
prosecuted, project manager should immediately find an alternative portion to replace
prosecution, so as to keep an equivalent proportion of progress intact. Civil engineering
part of contract is never that easy for it requires basic works on site involving trades
persons / semi & unskilled workforce along with materials in site. Relevant engineers
supporting on site should be well experienced & proactive to take up responsibility for
results orientation. A well coordinated approach is always necessary, for there could be
many instances requiring on making site decision to resolve technicalities that must be
immediately effected of course, meeting requirement & properly recorded as a part of
field office engineering.
3 Physical construction requires a concentrated as well as, diverse attention of quality
assurance & control section or department on site. There should be caused no delay on

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this account for approvals & constant inspection attendance must be ensured whenever
necessary on particularly a fast track project.
4 Every activity is inspected according to Inspection & Test Plans ITPs based on a
checklist CL & percentage witness etc. Hold points should be released, when activity is
on that status. Most jobs are based on concreting constituting very important component
element of contract & quality requirement assurance should take proper attention for this
onsite operation. It should also, be noted that whilst, civil engineering activities are
prosecuted on site, simultaneously, offsite on a foreign station or in a foreign land, other
discipline activities for example production of equipment, pre engineered parts of
structure & other procurable items might be under manufacture, demanding factory
testing according to procedures approved. QR / QA & QC should take into consideration
of proper inspection attendance there as well under supervision or surveillance or witness
of engineer or experts for acceptance of factory products as ‘level 1’ & completion of
parts in factory or manufacturing place as ‘level 2’ inspection, prior to equipment is
shipped to site location. It is no use should equipment be rejected after delivery on site.
Contract management
1 It is very wide term on Industrial contracts. Basically it is main contract that requires
well-established professional management, but also, covers various subcontracts as well
as, services contracts. Requirement of complete knowledge of relevant laws, procedures
& coordination correspondence are extremely significant for performance of Contract
management. It is not just one discipline, but from beginning of project & until post
completion, Contract management shall be required to be applied & represented on site as
well as, in home office for resolutions of many complexities. This term also, covers a
wide part of documentations to be prepared for forming future arbitration basis as well as,
2 It may involve costing effects, claims, extras, extension of time claims, additional
contractual obligations, contractual correspondences & many more legal affairs, requiring
resolutions on contract or subcontracts as well as, services part of low tier vendors. This
term is very complex as its proper implementation necessitates contracts manager to
know & properly understand engineering, construction, co-ordinations & relevant
contractual & general laws applications on contracts.
Construction project management
1 Project site manager or construction manager or if project engineer be authorized for this
responsibility, got very leading & significant obligation to dispose off on a daily &
hourly basis.
2 What goes on site is direct responsibility for accountability.
3 Daily, weekly, monthly programmes as well as, all disciplines coordination being must
for speeding up of operations. Then also, it involves duty to arrange & coordinate
materials as well as, other resources to be utilized on project.
4 Attendance on engineering, construction, safety & other meeting is a must.
5 Outcome of construction depends on efforts of construction team.
6 Coordination with all team members as well as, team members of engineer Client is a
7 Co-ordinations with all sections of site teams & home office teams as well as,
procurement are very significant activities.
8 Authorizations of letters & correspondences produced by contract as well as, other
departments for project remain also, one of duties.
9 Reporting all functions to Client as well as, to home office & resolutions of all possible
solutions is also, one of responsibilities.
10 Authority has been invested with him to allow resources promotions & imparting training
for personnel of all categories as on job training. Job requires very dynamic & passionate

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person, who commands on all & gets respect from all sections / keeps good working
relations with Client as well as, with home office.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 6
Chapter 5
Testing- Pre Commissioning, commissioning, start up, performance &
1 Testing is carried out at various stages of given levels. It is conducted in factory during
processing as well as, after finishing of production. It is then conducted on delivery, prior
to installation & commissioning & also, during performance & operation.
2 Factory Acceptance Test, Pre commissioning test, Commissioning Test, Site Acceptance
test, Integrated system test, Sustained Performance Test
a Factory Acceptance Test, FAT
b Verify quality & quantity visually according to documents
c Demonstration of all system & diagnostic functions
d Demonstration of technical parameters
e Functional test for all components
f Power consumption
g Module, communication failure & recovery
h Mechanical checks
Pre Commissioning Test PCT
1 Upon completion of system installation, align, adjust & balance system for pre
commissioning performance in order to ensure conformance of system to
requirements of drawings & specifications. Deficiencies to be observed, corrected
& if so required, replacement of malfunctioning of damaged items with new ones
& conducting retesting until satisfactory performance conditions are achieved.
Prepare forms for systematic recording of acceptance test results.
2 After pre commissioning is complete, provide a letter certifying installation is
complete & fully operable, including names & titles of witness to preliminary
Commissioning Test CT
1 It shall base on FAT & performed on site after completion of installation & pre
commissioning test. Where systems interface between each other, all necessary
systems & interfaces shall be made operational, prior to starting test.
a Verify quality & quantity visually according to documents
b Demonstration of all system & diagnostic functions
c Demonstration of technical parameters
d Functional test for all components
e Power consumption
f Module, communication failure & recovery
g Mechanical checks
Site Acceptance test SAT
1 SAT shall be based on selected tests from commissioning tests & witnessed by
Client & Authority. SAT shall be performed at site after completion of
commissioning tests.
Integrated System Test IST
a To be performed of all subsystems or infrastructure used at physical, network &
application level.
b Equipment meets technical & functional specifications

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Specified equipment does not interfere with all other systems implemented & all
equipment function without having any interference from each other during full
operation conditions or under faulty conditions.
Sustained performance test SPT
1 Long term stability & reliability of system under normal operating conditions as
well as, its ability of automatic diagnosis of defects & alarming any / every
problem in a timely manner.
2 It is done after IST for 30 days or longer
3 A failure is defined as any / every occurrence preventing full or partial utilization
of system.
4 Availability shall not be affected & SPT be temporarily suspended in case of any
failure caused by supplied equipment or services.
EPIC Contractor shall design for approval by authority
a Design of sustained performance test
b Reliability of central equipment
c Field equipment reliability
d External interface input or output failure
e System sustainability as identified by frequency of false alarms
Operations & maintenance O & M
1 Every contract defines a particular duration of post practical or mechanical completion
initial operation & maintenance to make sure & evidently prove efficient performance
done by equipment / deliveries.
2 During this period training is also, imparted to Client personnel according to provisions /
requirements of contract, so that these personnel get used efficiently for proper control
about operation of new technologies.
3 During initial operation, contractor shall operate systems according to functional
requirement, complying strictly with equipment manufacturer’s instructions.
4 Contractor shall deploy its operators for purpose of initial operation duration & after
successful completion of initial operation, control of equipment then shall be taken over
by client.
a In case, during period of equipment performance as well as, initial operation &
maintenance, certain defects are discovered on deliveries, these are identified,
analysed & if so required, replaced or repaired as agreed with Engineer or Client.
b Operation & maintenance period recommences, until it is evident that no further
defects exist on deliveries.
5 There could be included within contract modalities pertinent whatever / any condition of
damage compensation to client applicable, because of equipment performance test
failure, which case requires EPIC contractor to make compensation to Client of
calculated claimable amount for failure of required deliveries performance of technology.
6 This is considered very significant condition in sense that compensation may amount to
many times cost of works.
7 Contractor should be careful during initial operation & maintenance by keeping
controlling eyes on all systems & discover any / every minor or major defect/s appearing
on operation & if detected any / whatever defect, must be brought to knowledge of
engineer & client for agreement of corrective steps to be taken & after correction,
reoperation commenced for successful initial operation completion duration.
Third Party Certifications TPC
1 On many specialists deliveries a clause is included that product should be certified by a
third party independently, which party shall be approved by Client or engineer, prior to
commencement of its scope of works.
2 Third party shall according to provisions of quality systems adopted or approved, inspect
deliverables in factory as well as, on site during procurement; pre-commissioning /

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commissioning & also, during performance & maintenance. No payment shall be made to
Contractor until third party certifies that delivered product complies in accordance to
project specification requirement as well as, meets all defined acceptable requirements.
3 Contractor shall have to arrange for all proceedings in all respects according to
requirement of Third party certifying authority about, how to effect item inspection in
factory as well as, on site in presence of engineer or engineer’s representative.
4 All provisions to be extended to third party inspector shall be made available in due time,
so that inspection be conducted smoothly.
5 Instruction given by third party shall immediately be implemented to accomplish job.
6 After having certification over, document received shall be processed for presentation &
examination by engineer & Client for this certificate/s has / have to be included as part of
mechanical completion certification
7 Third Party Certification services
a Contractor is to appoint a Third Party Certification Agency (TPC). List of
approved TPC is to be provided within the FEED documents.
b Third Party Certification (TPC) services shall be conducted in accordance with
DIN 50049, 3.1C and certificate to be provided by Third Party Certification
Agency shall include following as a minimum:
8 Proof of identification of material
a Tests report duly signed by Inspector
b Identification symbol of Agency or Inspector
c Certificate number and date of issue
d Different levels at which involvement of TPC are required shall include, but not be
limited to following:
Material Traceability Level
1 Any / Every material under following categories (Traceability Levels) shall require
specific certification or documentation as given below:
Level 1 - Full Material Traceability
1 TPC shall review data books of manufacturers and witness all tests in accordance with
DIN 50049 3.1C or equivalent.
2 These items shall be fully traceable.
3 Level 1 includes Critical System, structures and components, where failure could result
a A significant hazard to personnel
b A significant loss of production
c A significant environmental hazar
For example certification of ‘Level 1’ may include: ANSI / ASME B31.3, Generators,
Switchgear, Transformer, Craneage and supports
Level 2 - Material Traceability
1 TPC shall ensure that materials supplied to Project can be traced back to Manufacturer’s
Certificates (DIN 50049 3.1B or equivalent), which shall be compiled in a data book and
delivered with equipment package.
2 It is to be ensured that marked up drawings are supplied to Client for reference and
traceability purposes.
Level 2 certification is applicable to:
1 Critical system, structures, components, where failure could result in:
a A limited loss of production,
b A limited environmental hazard.
Level 3 - Material Traceability
1 Material shall have a Certificate of Compliance (DIN 50049 3.1A or 3)
Level 3 is applicable to material that is not in level 1 & 2.
1 Example of system / unit to be included in level 2,

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a Any / Every process system non-process wetted or non-pressure parts, which are not
included in level 1 or 2.
b Materials not included in levels 1 & 2 e.g. hand rails, floor plate, cable tray.
c Minor items e.g. sacrificial spool pieces of low value and non-hydrocarbon duty etc.
d Produced water, Lube oil, Instrument air.
1 Traceability level for an equipment package can be found by using ‘level 1’.
2 Component parts of an equipment package do not warrant same level of traceability.
3 Certification type should always be considered consistent with high criticality and type of
equipment / material being designed, procured or fabricated.
4 Consideration needs to be given to applicable international codes and standards to which,
particular equipment is being built.
Project records
1 All documents in whatever format produced shall be controlled by master record copy in
both hard as well as, soft mode.
2 These documents shall be duly numbered for purpose of efficient traceability.
3 Well established document centre of Contractor as well as, of Engineer shall affect this
requirement for all relevant incoming as well as, outgoing documents.
4 All records shall be well maintained & made accessible to relevant authorities under
direct control of document controller.
5 All contractual documents, schematic drawings, design drawings, approved for
construction documents, specifications, red line mark ups, deliveries, inspections,
procedures & others shall be kept in centre for an easy reference / review for authorized
6 Only controlled copy shall be issued to designated personnel for reference as well as,
official use.
Issued for Construction documents-
1 These documents are meant for construction purpose having due approval by engineer &
2 Without an availability of these documents, no work shall be allowed on site.
3 Site personnel should ensure that documents under use are approved for construction by
making an enquiry from document control centre.
4 Document control shall immediately affix superseded seal on documents not to be used
any further.
5 These documents are also, given various sequence of revision, depending on changes
effected thereto.
6 Document control shall regularly update register of documents showing these changes &
revision references & circulate to designated personnel.
Red Lines Mark ups- basis for As Built documents
1 Every operation on site should go smoothly, when all details are available.
2 There shall be instances due to site requirement of actual conditions, which possibly
might not have been included during original design that need immediate attention &
effects to a certain extent site for adjustments on practical execution of design, after
approval by engineer is granted.
3 These changes on site shall be recorded on drawings or specifications temporarily, as red
line markings / markups to be used as approved references for producing as built records.
4 Every red line mark up shall be intimated to engineer for purpose of obtaining an
approval for as built production.
5 These shall be recorded in document control as regular documents.
As built-
1 Every project requires documentation for works done on site for final handover dossiers.
2 Those changes recorded as redline markups shall be properly studied by discipline or

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project engineers one by one to decided, whether or not, these changes should be
reflected on approved for construction documents.
3 All redline mark ups shall be incorporated on to as built title drawings, before submission
to engineer as project dossiers.
4 Separate documents references shall be used for these documents for an easy reference as
well as traceability.
Operation & maintenance Manuals
1 All equipment belonging to every discipline procured from any / whatever vendor shall
be used on operation of facility permanently under proper maintenance.
2 Responsible facility operators should know explicitly about, how these machines or
equipment to be used.
3 Respective vendors should provide all operation & maintenance manuals for reference of
user describing fully about, how to meet all normal as well as, emergency requirement.
4 Contractor shall submit these manuals after processing formally as documents for
approval by engineer. These shall also, form part of handing over dossiers.
Punch List / Snags-
1 Before mechanical completion as a part of pre commissioning stage, joint inspections are
carried out to enlist minor defects as snags for all items one by one, according to
approved checklists.
2 These leads are given by quality required assurance & control department jointly with
construction & engineering.
3 These notes of snags are recorded & a time frame agreed to incorporate correction to
items that are correctable.
4 Items that need replacement, because of defects shall have to be replaced immediately,
without causing any delay, so as not to adversely affect project handover.
5 After conducting correction to these snags, inspections are made & final list is prepared
for minor defects that may not affect commissioning or performance of facility, which
may be taken up to be repaired during maintenance stage to agreement of parties
Visual defects-
1 It shall be easier to some extent for which, prosecuted items may allow visual inspections
for purpose of full or part acceptance admissible within quality requirement assurance
2 Item should then be closely inspected from inside & outside according to procedures
specified on Inspection & test check list.
3 Whatever observation made should be recorded & final interpretation punched for further
action, which shall decide level of acceptance & suggest further remedial action
4 These types of repairs should be immediately carried out to avoid unnecessary inclusion
on punch list.
Technical defects-
1 Where technical defects have been noted on records pertaining items amounting to severe
nature, that case invites items to be replaced immediately to avoid any / every delay on
2 In case, defects amount to very minute nature, which do not necessarily invite
replacement action, touch up repair may be agreed with engineer & after agreement,
according to procedures, repair be affected for re inspection & acceptance.
Minor non-conformance-
1 Where a non-conformance has been recorded to repair minor defects should these defects
be repairable, after agreement of proposal with engineer, repair be conducted & approved
by re examination.

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1 Snags have been covered in aforesaid explanation, but should be dealt with all according
to site requirement & item concerned. Some snags may require replacement of item in
full that should immediately be affected to avoiding any / every possible delay on
performance of system.
2 Investigations / rectification / remedial measures-
a During inspections, many categories of snags for punch list shall be observed &
pointed out. All these snags should be recorded & some important snags noted,
which amount to sloppy quality requirement assurance for which, investigation
must be resorted to immediately to establish responsibility of neglect during
3 Based on these reports of investigation & punch list reference, Non conformance reports
NCRs should be constituted, thereafter both contracting parties resolution recorded on
these for ‘acceptance & implementation’ following which, execution of resolution, re-
inspection & approval process repeated.
4 Precautionary measures as revealed by investigation of responsibility, as established
should also, be included within reports & on close out report for future lessons &
Mechanical Completion- Pre commissioning & commissioning-site acceptance test-
performance- plant performance-Final documentation
1 Final Project Dossiers shall be produced per Engineering Standard compilation of Project
Dossiers (Latest revision as on Effective Date of Contract) and as described below:
Mechanical catalogue-
1 Contractor shall prepare Mechanical Catalogue & make available 3 (three) months, prior
to being Ready for commissioning for system / sub system / unit stage as compilation of
‘engineering and vendor drawings’ and data for use during installation, commissioning,
startup, performance testing, operation and maintenance & include all documents as built
up & others as necessary for installation & operation of relevant system or sub system or
2 Contractor shall organize all Mechanical Catalogue by unit and equipment category,
which consist of several volumes, depending upon from case to case & be submitted in
approved format.
3 Mechanical Catalogue should be bound in hard, durable, binders, with Job Title and
Project Number embossed on cover. Table of Contents of each Volume is to appear in all
volumes. Contents should be sectionalized and separated by properly labeled dividers.
Volume thickness of each book shall not exceed eight 8 centimeters. Book pages are to
be A4 size. Drawings should be reduced to A3 size and may be accordion-folded to A4
size. All indices, labels, contents etc. stated should be in English language along with
electronic media format Data Books.
a All drawings and data shall be "as-built"
Mechanical Catalogue Contents
Mechanical Catalogues shall include items such as given herein:
1 Lists for items for example - engineering documents, requisitions, general and particular
specifications, Development Plan and Design Basis, Design criteria, Specifications and
data sheets, PFDs (process flow diagrams), P&Ids (piping & instrumentation diagrams),
line lists, Isometrics, ESD (electrical / electronic system diagrams), One line diagrams,
Utilities summaries, Plot plans and layout drawings-Approved For Construction (AFC)
drawings in all major disciplines (civil, structural, piping, electrical, instrumentation and
others), Equipment lists, Load lists, Instrument lists-Major calculation notes for all
disciplines, Instrument loop diagrams, Electrical short circuit and load flow diagrams,
Electrical trouble shooting diagrams, Electrical relay co-ordination diagrams, Vendor
drawings and documents for all equipment and materials, Un-priced purchase orders

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Quality assurance record book

1 Contractor shall prepare Quality Requirement Assurance Record Books consisting of a
compilation of quality assurance / quality control documentation representative of
material, manufacturer, fabrication, erection and test history of equipment ordered and
materials installed as appropriate.
2 Contractor to note that some of requirement stated herein may not be applicable to
Project. Purpose of Quality Requirement Assurance Record Book shall be to ensure that
quality assurance and quality control documents originating at engineering, procurement,
fabrication, erection and commissioning stages from multiple sources (Contractor,
Subcontractors, Vendors and their respective sub Contractors and vendors) shall be easily
retrievable in order to provide evidence that equipment and materials used and assembled
in FACILITY comply with Contract requirements at each step of Work.
3 Content of Quality Requirement Assurance Record Book shall vary depending upon type,
size and complexity of equipment. Each book shall contain all documentation referenced
in inspection data sheet and all records of testing required.
4 In view of requirement for full traceability of materials and dimensional control,
Contractor shall include drawings such as vessels, tanks and piping shop drawings
marked up with welding identification and material certificate numbers.
5 Documents for quality requirement assurance dossier shall be kept in specific quality
assurance files as soon as these are issued, remain easily retrievable and available for
consultation at all times during course of work.
6 Contractor shall organize Quality Assurance Record Book by Unit and equipment
category. There shall be several Quality Assurance Record Books each consisting of
several volumes. Final Quality Assurance Record Book shall be issued together with
other documents to be included in Final Documentation in required number of copies.
7 Contractor shall submit details of format and contents of Quality Assurance Record Book
for approval, prior to starting preparation.
a Quality Requirement Assurance Records Book shall be bound in hard, durable,
binders with Job Title and Project Number embossed on cover. Table of Contents
of each Volume is to appear in all volumes. Contents should be sectionalized and
separated by properly labeled dividers. Volume thickness of each Volume shall
not exceed eight 8 centimetres. Book pages are to be A4 size. Drawings should be
reduced to A3 size and may be accordion-folded to A4 size.
8 Contractor shall have all indices, labels, contents etc. stated in English language. Project
Manager / Engineer shall be consulted as to what arrangement shall be most suitable.
Also, Contractor shall prepare electronic media format Data Books. All drawings and
data shall be "as-built"
Contents of Quality Assurance Record Book
1 Quality Requirement Assurance Record Book shall include, but not be limited to
following items:
a Approved dossier index-Signed off copy of quality plan-Technical Certificates of
compliance as well as, non-conformance technical certificates for record if any /
2 Where NACE compliance is a requirement, NACE certificates-Typical material
certificates-Fully traceable material mill certificates-Weld procedures and qualifications-
Weld repair procedures-Welders qualifications-NDE procedures- NDE reports for
examination of welds including X-ray films
3 UT test sheets-NDE operative qualifications-Visual examination certificates-Dimensional
check report-Heat treatment Procedure-Heat treatment Charts-
a As built drawings-Vessel nameplate details-Weight and centre of gravity details-
Hydro test certificates-Pneumatic test certificates-Balancing reports-Over speed

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test reports-String test reports-Hazardous area test reports / certificates-Functional

tests, either mechanical, electrical, control system and others as required by
national standard or Client specifications, whether witnessed or not (as
applicable)-Crane SWL certificate-Electrical continuity / insulation resistance
test-Instrument calibration certificates-General electrical /
4 Pre-commissioning and Commissioning dossiers shall also, be included in Quality
Requirement Assurance Record Book.
Manuals and data book
1 Contractor shall prepare Operating, Maintenance and Other Manuals for Client to use for
operator training as well as, for preparing detailed operating procedures. Contractor shall
organize Operating, Maintenance, Safety, other manuals and Data Books by unit, System
or Sub-System.
a For that purpose, a number of manuals shall be required to be produced to allow
commissioning team to produce detailed procedures and instruction for operating
and maintaining FACILITY. Manuals are listed here in order that Contractor may
identify any / every information of an appropriate nature, which should be
compiled and handed over to Client.
2 Client shall specify procedure for coding, format and final completion of documentation,
drawing and certification to achieve a smooth hand-over from Client project task force to
operating staff. It is important that all stages of Work are properly recorded. Records and
documents generated during Work shall be included in Manuals by Unit, System or Sub-
System to be handed over to Client during transfer of responsibilities from construction
to commissioning to operation.
3 Complete document packages for each Unit, System or Sub-System shall be available
before transfer of responsibilities for Unit, System or Sub-System takes place.
Computerized records shall be utilized where appropriate.
a PFD’s, P& ID’s and single line diagrams prepared by Contractor shall be in a
format for direct input in Client CAD (Computer Aided Design) system. Also, all
such documents from Vendors shall be computable to Client CAD format
specified in TDMS specification. Manuals shall be written with regard to overall
construction and commissioning program, quality control, operations and
maintenance, so that they are available at right time for their proper utilisation.
4 Each Manual shall consist of several volumes. Client might have identified following
manuals to be generated as a minimum:
a Each Operating, Maintenance, Safety, Other Manuals shall be available in
preliminary form three months, prior to ready for commissioning for relevant
system or unit and be issued in final form together with other documents to be
included in Final Documentation at time of applying for Certificate of
Completion. Required number of copies of Operating, Maintenance, Safety and
Other Manuals as well as, format is defined somewhere in documents. Contractor
shall submit details of format and contents of Operating, Maintenance and Safety
Manuals for Approval, prior to starting preparation. Manuals and Data Books
shall be bound in hard, durable, binders, with Job Title and Project Number
embossed on cover. Table of Contents of each Volume is to appear in all
volumes. Contents should be sectionalized and separated by properly labeled
dividers. Volume thickness of each Volume shall not exceed eight 8 centimeters.
Book pages are to be A4 size. Drawings should be reduced to A3 size and may be
accordion-folded to A4 size, stated in English language. Project Manager /
Engineer shall be consulted as to what arrangement shall be most suitable. Also,
Contractor shall prepare electronic media format Data Books. All drawings and

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data shall be "as-built"

Facilities Manual
1 It shall describe overall FACILITY and contain basic data, which determines
methods of protecting, operating and maintaining FACILITY.
2 It shall contain operating parameters, including safe working limits for all vessels
and pipes.
3 It shall contain plot plans, area classification plans, together with escape routes
and other items to be approved by Client.
Access Manual
1 This manual shall show access and lay-down for maintenance of all items of
equipment and be developed by EPIC Contractor for further review and approval
by Client.
Operating Procedures Manual
1 This shall be collection of detailed operating procedures relating to each FACILITY or
2 Operating manual shall be categorized into Process Units, Utility Units, Auxiliary
Facilities, Safety, Control systems, Pipelines, Communications.
3 Manual shall describe FACILITY in sufficient detail to level of a competent operator
including, but not limited to following:-
a FACILITY description, Unit capacities and limitations, start-up and shutdown
procedures, emergency shutdown procedures, equipment list, PFD, P&ID, operating
parameters, cause & effect charts. Draft operating procedure manuals shall be produced
well in advance of Equipment and FACILITY commissioning.
Emergency Procedure Manual-
1 This shall contain all actions that shall be required be taken in response to an emergency
incident on site or in its vicinity such as acid spillage, pipe bursting, fire, accidents etc.
2 It shall describe organizational response required to deal satisfactorily with such incident,
required liaison with outside authorities & include any / every special procedures or
instruction relating to process / utilities equipment with normal operating procedures.
Engineering Manuals
1 These are record dossiers of all items of FACILITY and equipment to be supplied by
2 Manual should include Equipment data sheets / vendor documentation, specification,
spare part lists, drawings, repair procedures and QR / QA procedures etc.
Maintenance Manuals
1 These shall provide sufficient information to Client Maintenance Department and be
produced in a form, which shall facilitate setting up of a Maintenance Management
2 Final formal and content shall be decided by Client to reflect site policies.
3 Manuals should contain appropriate data to allow Client Maintenance to perform their
function effectively as well as, include vendor’s equipment description, detailed
drawings, spare lists, references, re-ordering procedures, maintenance and vendor
Training Manual
1 This manual shall be produced by Contractor for approval by Client.
2 It shall give a brief description of systems and associated subsystems.
3 It is intended to be used for training purposes only for which, it shall form basic of a
detailed programme for operation and maintenance activities of facility, system and
subsystem where appropriate.
Maintenance procedures
1 Maintenance procedures are to be split per main equipment or main equipment category.
a General-Detailed description of equipment and auxiliaries-

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b Detailed instructions for use-

c Detailed trouble shooting Section and details of self-diagnostic routine-
d Detailed dismantling instructions-
e Itemized spare parts lists with reference drawings-
f Recommended list of consumable-
g Maintenance schedule
Data book
1 Data Books are intended to provide information necessary for Client’s resident Technical
Department or an outside Contractor or consultant to understand processes involved,
calculate performance capacities, efficiencies and design modifications. Data Book(s)
shall in general conform to following:
2 Basic Engineering Data: General Information. Utility Information, Meteorological Data,
Summary report on Soil conditions, Site conditions, Operating and design parameters.
Elevations and Coordinate References and government requirements. Drawing Index of
all Client, Contractor and Vendor drawings This index shall include: (a) One column
wherein all drawings included in Data Book are clearly indicated and b) one column
wherein all drawings for which electronic format (CAD). Tape / diskette) supplied to
Client are clearly indicated. Also, those included in Equipment Reference File should be
so marked. Refer TDMS specification requirement. Contractor with Client approval shall
provide a database for recording of index.
Equipment Schedule-
1 Of all equipment by item number, description and specification number. Group
equipment by category i.e. tower, exchangers, vessels, etc. Also Manufacturer's name.
Process Units
1 Include Process flows (show oil and utility quantities for specified charge rates), P& IDs
by Unit, Block flow diagrams, Process plot plan, Heat and material balances, Process
calculations index and Battery limit line Tables for Process and Utility lines, Licensor’s
Water Systems
1 Including sources, treating facilities, cooling water etc. distribution and balances for
normal and maximum design conditions; fire water systems design pumps, hydrants, hose
and hose reels, fixed spray systems, monitors etc. systems plot plans, P&IDs and water
treating data sheets.
Air Systems
1 FACILITY and instrument: Include design basis (quantities, pressure, dew point).
2 Also, systems plot plans, flow sheets and tie-ins when provided.
Air Quality Control
1 Include design basis for air quality dispersal rates; setting stack heights and major
equipment used in control.
2 Also, flare stack height data related to smoking / non-smoking capabilities; maximum
emission allowances for C02, S02 etc. as required by local and other governmental
1 Include in-plant and community design noise level limit criteria, specifications, where
required local and other governmental noise limit regulation for in-plant and community
Electrical Systems
1 Including all distribution facilities, design basis abnormal load and peak demand
tabulation of significant operating conditions. Systems plot plan (including substation
locations), single-line diagrams of ‘generating and main distribution’ system. Design data
for switchgear and motor controllers. System description and data on telesignalling

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1 Include system description, special requirements (radio, walkie-talkie, etc.) and
equipment layouts.-
1 Include brief description, type of construction, plans, elevations and plot plans.
1 Special requirements as related to operating units and equipment.-
Equipment Data
1 Pump information to include pump list data sheets. Performance curves, outline and
dimensional drawings (including driver), mechanical seal arrangement drawings and
auxiliary (vents, drains, lube oil systems) piping drawings. All power System Studies to
be submitted as a stand-alone dossier complete with drawings, data, CDs etc.
2 Centrifugal & Reciprocating Compressors and Drivers information to include data sheets,
performance curves, general arrangement (outline) and cross-sectional drawings, steam
gland and sealing diagrams (when required), lube and seal oil diagrams indicating
instrumentation and control and outline drawings, specifications of lube oil and seal oil
consoles. Special Equipment such as mixers, filters, etc. to include data sheets, drawings,
piping arrangement, electrical.
3 Instrument information to include schedule, listing data by category (temperature.
pressure flow, etc.); process information and pertinent mechanical description
Maintenance Facilities information to include list (type, size) of permanently mounted
shop tools, special portable tools and special inspection equipment; plan and arrangement
drawings of simple buildings used for maintenance and bulk materials storage. Also,
major platform arrangements, including access for operations and maintenance. Line list
information shall be provided as per specification.
a Back up of control / DCS system configuration made for plant or package shall be
provided in CDs or DVDs in 4 (four) numbers.
Technical Data Management System (TDMS)
1 Contractor shall develop and provide Final Documentation in accordance with TDMS
Maintenance, Engineering Data Acquisition, Management and Maintenance Strategies for
SAP System
1 Supply of software is not included in Scope of Work of this Contract. Client shall install
SAP system software. Contractor shall compile data in accordance with SAP structure
per Scope of Work. Contractor’s Scope of Work is to input / entry data into SAP system
in conformance with Scope of Work and structure as indicated in SAP document.
Operation of SAP is included in Scope of Work of Contractor. However, Contractor shall
provide hardware and Software interface between SAP System and DCS. Between SAP
system consisting of SAP modules and DCS equipment, an Open access module is
required. SAP Open Access module shall extend functionality of SQL plus to provide
direct access to SAP modules from APIs of DCS equipment. Open Access module shall
be both a Client and server to SAP, so data exchange may be initiated by either SAP or
any / whatever application program on DCS (like Setcim and Infoplus of Aspentech etc.).
2 This dual functionality shall allow bi-directional event driven information links to be
developed between API (setcim) of DCS and SAP applications. This module at a most
basic level shall allow standard SAP PP-IP messages to be received and transmitted by
SQL Plus. Additionally, in order to accommodate customized SAP systems, SAP Open
Access Module shall also, allow user defined messages to be transmitted and received
from SAP Advanced Business Application Program (ABAP) which be developed by
Contractor per Scope of Work defined. Registration and definition of these messages
shall be handled by this module allowing applications to be developed, without any
changes to any of already existing SAP configurations.

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Final Completion- maintenance & successful performance

Hand Over-
1 Handing over site refers to mechanical or physical handover to client at practical
completion. Works should have been completed in all respects, so that these can be used
for intended purpose & production commences, according to plant designs & technology
2 All documents as explained in foregoing are compiled according to QR / QA system to
constitute a bunch of documents contractually for an approval by engineer & client for
permanent use by client. Immediately after handover, performance start up, operations
work & maintenance period commences, which continues up to an agreed period or
duration according to provisions within contract. A list of minor snags not affecting
performance should be prepared for repair in maintenance period, as agreed by client &
engineer. All punch list items as included within snags should be properly & efficiently
attended to so that it does not take much of maintenance period for reinstatement
conditions. All personnel meant for training operative of client should be engaged for
imparting to them formal training courses, according to agreed conditions for explaining
complete systems demonstrated properly, so that no mistake may occur during
Recording lessons learnt-
1 It should be endeavour of a professional contractor to record all incidents during contract
execution, which obstructed progress on contract & all instances evidencing cooperation
by engineer & respective staff. All problems faced or experienced by contractor should
also, be recorded on documents giving base for incorporating solutions for future
2 Contractor should also, describe mistakes or about, how otherwise problems could have
be tackled to minimize loss of time & expenditures.
3 Also, a record should be made for performance of engineer or client personnel & any /
whatever is suggested required improvement.
4 These documents are termed as close out report part.
5 Client & engineer should go through these records to amend its style of working on
future projects.
6 Suggestions-about sub Contractors- These should also, be included based on regular
records made during various progress stages.
a About Client engineers-These records should also, be based on regular comments
noted on progress achievement during contract period, giving necessary
suggestions about enhancing client or engineers works efficiencies & dealings in
interest of future projects.
7 Close Out- Close out report is very significant in essence, as it is entitled a final
document speaking / announcing all history summarised of project, which may be used to
learn various lessons for future use by all parties involved & can form an operational
research database for supervision analysis
8 Discharge- After obtaining final completion & maintaining certification, discharge
certification should be given by client & engineer, relieving contractor of construction
responsibilities, provided / however contractual warranties as well as, respective
liabilities remain in force as secured for coverage of certain guaranteed items on scope of
Technical safety, operation review & technical audit
1 Contractor shall arrange for technical safety, operability and maintainability reviews,
which are required to be carried out by Company / Client at specific stages of
Engineering, Procurement and Construction during Project development to check for
safety, reliability, operability and maintainability of FACILITY.
2 In addition, Company / Client at its sole discretion may appoint a third party to carry out

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such quality / HSE audits of Work.

3 Contractor shall make available all records and all aspects of Work at all times and at all
places, where Work is performed for detailed auditing by Company / Client or any /
every third party appointed by Company / Client.
4 In particular, Contractor shall make available for reference and Company / Client use at
all places, where Work is performed, a good quality copy of latest issue of all applicable
codes, norms, standards, drawings, specifications and qualified Contractor Personnel to
assist Company / Client.
5 Contractor shall also, provide a suitable venue for such reviews.
6 Additionally, Contractor shall carry out Hazards Analysis, Safety Analysis and Project
Health, Safety and Environment Review (PHSER).
7 Contractor shall also, prepare Safety Audit and Inspection Manual to submit to
Company / Client for approval.
8 Additionally, Contractor shall carry out safety, operability and maintainability reviews
and provide copies of Contractor’s findings to Company / Client.
9 Company / Client shall have right to attend such reviews.
10 Contractor shall implement review findings into respective Scope of Work.
11 Contractor shall also, submit Safety Requirement Specification.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 7
Chapter 6
Project Management
Various facilities at Construction Site
1 Contractor shall be responsible to arrange to acquire all services logistics required at
Plant Industrial City for performance of Works.
2 Costs of such services shall be included in Lump Sum Portion of Contract Price.
a Examples of required services are:
b Land rental for Accommodation / office camp and lay down area.
c Gate pass of personnel and vehicles, equipment, plant
d H2S, BA Certificate courses.
e Fresh water etc.
3 All these intended facilities shall be managed by contractor sufficient in advance, so as to
meet schedule requirement.
4 It should be noted that procedure for lease of planned land for camping consumes
considerable time by municipality or industrial city authorities as well as, other
5 Also, application procedures for security gate passes, based on its authority regulations
take certain hours for issues.
6 All these points should be kept in notice to initiate application quiet in advance to meet
schedule requirement.
Construction Accommodation Camp and Other Construction Facilities
1 Contractor shall choose from option 1 or 2 (below) for its accommodation camp.
Option 1 - Accommodation facilities Inside Fence of Plant Area.
1 Contractor may utilize accommodation facilities provided by Plant inside fence of Plant
2 Charges and fees shall be paid by Contractor to Plant operators for such accommodation,
if so preferred & available.
3 Contractor notes that Plant provided accommodation facilities shall be subject to
availability at time of request and be provided to Contractor or other parties on basis of
first come first served.

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4 In event that Plant accommodation facilities are not available, Contractor shall utilize an
approved Plant designated area and construct, operate and maintain its own
accommodation facilities.
Option 2 - Accommodation facilities Outside Fence of Plant Area
1 Notwithstanding above provision, Contractor may elect to have its accommodation
facilities to be located outside Plant area fence.
2 In such case, Contractor shall obtain necessary approval from local authorities as
mentioned in foregoing.
Other Construction Temporary Facilities
1 Contractor shall provide, maintain and operate a suitable lay-down area, fabrication area
and office camps and obtain permit from Company / Client Plant and / or Government
Agencies to build these temporary facilities at Plant Industrial City including permits for
all utilities such as power, water, telecommunication, etc.
2 In accordance with latest Health, Environment and Safety standards for which Company /
Client shall assist Contractor by issuing an introductory letter to Authorities.
3 Contractor shall submit office Accommodation and lay down area requirements for
Company / Client approval after Contract award. Contractor shall utilize these Temporary
Facilities for purpose of Project only.
4 Approved temporary office camp and lay down areas shall be issued / permitted to be
used at no cost to Contractor, provided that these space requirements are considered as
reasonable and justified by Company / Client / Plant.
1 Contractor shall take over construction preparation for Temporary Facilities after
obtaining approval from local authorities, Plant and / or Company / Client.
2 Contractor shall build, operate and maintain up to project Completion, accommodation
camp for Contractor Personnel and other related facilities. Camp design and construction
is to conform to design requirements to be developed by Contractor and approved by
Company / Client during engineering phase.
3 Contractor shall provide accommodation, catering and servicing (including safety,
medical aid, housing, cleaning, recreational facilities, laundry) in camp and generally
cater to all personnel (no accommodation to be provided to Company / Client personnel)
assigned to Construction Site. Contractor shall be responsible for operation, maintenance
and housekeeping of Accommodation Camps and other facilities.
a Contractor Personnel are to be accommodated in camp facilities in accordance
with latest Health, Environment and Safety standards.
4 After Completion, Contractor shall close down and reinstate Accommodation camp to its
original state (as a minimum) and other facilities, including all facilities provided to
Company / Client.
Office Buildings and Other Facilities
1 Contractor shall build, operate and maintain throughout duration of Work all other
required Construction Site facilities including, but not limited to following:
a Office buildings for Contractor and Company / Client Personnel.
b Reprography and communications (including phone, fax, radio etc.)
c Pipe fabrication shop.
d Warehouses and lay down area
e Warehousing facilities shall include covered storage, air-conditioned storage and outdoor
storage as appropriate. Piping must be protected with pipe caps.
f Radiography examination room. Toilets, washing facilities, showers and change rooms.
Testing laboratories, both civil, mechanical and E &I
g Concrete batching facility. Roads, paths and car parking for construction requirements.
Guard houses, entrance control and fencing. Craft work areas, Fuelling stations for
equipment, trucks, buses, adequate storage and handling facilities, Rigging loft, First aid

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medical stations (minimum three (3) stations), Equipment maintenance facilities, Labour
canteen facilities, Explosives storage if required, Lining storage area and work area.
h Steel fabrication area, Civil prefabrication work areas, Grit blasting, painting shop,
Utilities such as power, water, air etc. For phases of Work up to Completion, any /
whatever other facilities required for Work,
2 Contractor shall prepare details and obtain relevant approval of facilities proposed.
Temporary construction facilities provided by Contractor for Camp, Offices, lay down
areas fabrication shops etc. shall be subjected to inspection of State Environmental
Supreme Council such as sewage disposal, earth renewal and disposal, dirt transportation
disposal, spills etc. In case, Contractor is not compliant with minimum requirements,
Contractor shall take all necessary remedial actions for proper compliance.
Utilities For Accommodation Camp, Office Buildings and Other facilities at Construction
Power- accommodation camp
1 Contractor shall arrange for power to be provided from Electrical Department through
Plant or alternatively to arrange for its own power generation system,
Office buildings and other facilities –
1 Office buildings and other facilities are to be located close to Facility to be constructed.
Company / Client shall not allow Contractor to utilize existing Company / Client
facilities / utilities and Contractor arrange for its own power generation system.
2 Contractor shall arrange for temporary power and lighting arrangement in all work
related areas at Construction Site.

Fresh Water - Accommodation Camp

1 Fresh water at camps at Plant Industrial City shall be provided by Contractor, including
whatever connection/s is / are required for Work.
Office buildings and other facilities
1 Contractor shall provide for collection, storage, transfer and distribution of all water
required for office buildings as well as, other facilities at Construction Site.
2 Requirements shall also, include items such as concrete production, aggregate materials
washing, testing of piping, vessels, tanks, drinking water, personnel waste flushing and
for compaction of Construction Site fill.
3 Contractor shall provide for adequate water storage facilities for this purpose.
4 Wastes from accommodation camps, offices and other facilities at construction site
1 Contractor shall provide for collection of all sewage and wastewater from both areas,
accommodation camp and other provided facilities at Construction Site to storage tanks
and provide for contents to be treated at existing Plant Sewage Treatment Plant.
Construction debris
Construction debris may be disposed as follows:
1 Clean construction rubble and excavated materials hauled elsewhere within Nation to a
site approved by Company / Client and / or relevant body.
2 Garbage and construction unclassified rubbish to be hauled to a Site within Nation
approved by Company / Client and / or relevant body
3 Scrap steel to be disposed of through local organisations
4 Untreated sanitary waste and solid waste to be hauled to a treatment plant located to a site
within Nation approved by Company / Client and / or relevant body.
5 Contractor shall adhere to Environmental Guidelines and Company / Client
Environmental Protection Standards and apply to relevant National public authorities for
disposal of such construction debris.
6 Company / Client shall provide a letter of introduction for such application.
7 Contractor shall adhere to Regulation for Disposal of dredging material given in Contract

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Waste disposal
1 All wastes generated from Contractor’s Temporary Facilities shall be disposed off by
Contractor at disposal sites located within Plant Area as approved by Company / Client.
2 Contractor shall utilize Plant sewage treatment plant for its domestic waste / sewage
treatment, for which Contractor shall be charged at rate of ……. per cubic meter.
3 Contractor to arrange for transportation of sewage from accommodation camp to Plant
Sewage Plant.
Communication Systems during Construction,
1 Telecommunications (TEL), a governmental agency has total jurisdiction on
communications for this Project. During Construction Work on FACILITIES,
communications services shall be required for Accommodation Camps, Office buildings
and other facilities at Construction site.
2 Construction communications should be considered as a separate standalone part of
Project including power supply arrangements.
3 Contractor shall determine exact requirements.
4 A temporary exchange with sufficient capacity to meet anticipated heavy demand for
telephone and facsimile circuits during this phase shall be provided.
5 Telephone extensions and facsimile machines shall be required throughout duration of
Project for offices of Company / Client, Contractor and Sub Contractors.
6 Contractor shall seek TEL advice on their requirements to supply telecommunication
equipment upon request.
7 For use of individual groups working at Construction Site with no requirement for access
to external circuits, separate hand portable radio systems with base station repeaters shall
be provided.
8 More channels and hand portable / mobile units are anticipated during construction phase
than during normal operation.
9 Base station repeaters should be installed in construction office and coverage of work
areas obtained by use of directional antenna systems.
10 Alternatively, base equipment can be installed in suitable containers and located to
provide optimum coverage.
11 Contractor shall coordinate Construction Site communication system requirements
through Tel. Company / Client may provide a letter of introduction for such applications.
a All communications / correspondence with local telecommunications company
(Tel) shall be in coordination with Company / Client. Communication
requirement for Company / Client Personnel is specified.
Import of equipment and materials
1 All materials for Work shall be subject to customs regulations and inspection. Contractor
shall review and understand these regulations.
2 Contractor to note that Certificate of Origin must be certified by a Chamber of Commerce
and ratified (legalised) by a National Embassy / Consulate.
3 National customs shall reject any / either of these documents not ratified by a National
Embassy / Consulate.
4 Contractor to arrange authentication / legalisation of such documents
5 Contractor shall carry out co-ordination of movement of ships, offloading and handling
of equipment and materials delivered to Construction Site, in accordance with local
regulations and following requirements in relevant section of FEED Design Package.
6 Contractor shall give preference to Plant Port, while importing materials. Plant Port is a
modern port and has necessary facilities like exclusive heavy load berth, cargo berths etc.
To facilitate Project import Material, Alternatively, other Ports can also, be considered, if
necessary. Airfreight shall be through international airport at all stages.
7 Contractor shall clear all materials through National Customs for use at Construction

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Site. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of legalisation fees, Custom duty,
customs clearance etc.
Disposal of temporary facilities and construction surplus
1 Temporary Facilities installed, equipment and tools used and vehicles are either to be re-
exported or disposed of as case may be and as directed by National authorities.
Contractor shall be responsible to co-ordinate these activities with National Authorities.
Company / Client shall provide a letter of introduction for such applications.
2 Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of all construction surplus (overbuy)
immediately after completion of Work subject to Company / Client approval.
Guarantee Period
1 Guarantee Period for the Work shall be 24 months from Completion Date.
System Reliability and Water Availability
1 Contractor shall ensure that Facility is designed, specified, constructed and commissioned
to achieve an overall system reliability of not less than 99.7%. Contractor shall ensure
that water availability is maintained at 100% at all time to all consumers.
2 Contractor shall perform Reliability Study based on OREDA Reliability Data and
statistical data from Plant, which shall be requested by Contractor.
3 Contractor shall ensure that system reliability of 99.7% shall be maintained and proven to
Company / Client with manifold design arrangement. Contractor shall implement in
detailed design recommendations (e.g. Mean Time Between Failure [MTBF]
requirements etc.) Made in reliability report given in documents
4 It is a part of Contractor’s Scope of Work to monitor and establish design reliability and
availability by data collection and analysis for a period of one year from performance test
within contract closure date.
a Maintenance, Engineering Data Acquisition, Management and Maintenance Strategies
for SAP System
b Contractor shall compile input and entry data into SAP system in conformance with
Scope of Work and structure, as indicated in SAP document.
Project management, control and administration
Project Management
1 Contractor shall ensure that all parties involved in Work properly coordinate on all
interfaces dealing promptly.
2 Accordingly, Contractor shall ‘initiate and implement’ appropriate project management,
control and administration procedures.
3 Provision and implementation of Project control procedures for Work shall be following
whatever guidelines provided in Contract.
4 In particular, Contractor shall give proper attention to following:
Project Control
1 Contractor responsibility includes following as a minimum:
a Undertaking project management of design, Engineering, Procurement,
Construction, Installation, Testing, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning startup,
Initial Operation and Maintenance of FACILITY including ‘management and
supervision’ of all Subcontractors, Vendors and ancillary or temporary services
that are necessary for expeditious completion of Work in accordance with
2 Preparation and submission of organisation charts for Engineering, Procurement,
Construction, Installation, Testing, Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning (separately
for each phase and location of Work).
3 Provision of a project management team/s to manage implementation of Work.
4 Provision of Contractor Personnel to fulfill contractual requirement for timely completion
of Work.
5 Co-ordination and control of work of each work group e.g. Design, engineering,

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procurement services, project control, contracting, construction, Installation, Testing pre-

commissioning and commissioning to ensure Work is completed within Scheduled
Completion Date according to ‘specifications and drawings’
6 Implementation of a safety program throughout execution of work.
a Implementation of a Quality Assurance Program throughout execution of Work
and submission of periodic reports to Company / Client. Carrying out periodic
quality, safety, technical and schedule audits with Company / Client attendance
and advising Company / Client of results of such audits together with appropriate
action taken on any / every recommendation/s. Said audits shall be carried out at
30%, 60% and 90% of Engineering, Procurement and Construction progress.
7 Preparation of a complete set of Project Administration Instructions / Manual for Work to
obtain approval in line with requirements of Contract.
8 Contractor shall prepare, finalise and obtain Company / Client’s approval of project
Document Distribution and Approval Matrices, which be produced for each work phase
i.e. Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and
Initial Operation and Maintenance. Matrices shall include Contractor’s internal
distribution as well as, Company / Client’s involved parties, management and discipline
9 Contractor shall prepare, finalise and obtain Company / Client’s approval of project
Deliverable Registers, which be produced separately for each work phase i.e.
Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and ‘Initial
Operation and Maintenance’.
10 Management and coordination of all external interfaces associated with Work. These
interfaces cover Engineering, Procurement Services including supply, Construction, Pre-
Commissioning, Commissioning,’ Initial Operations & Maintenance’ activities.
11 Attending all management meetings with Company / Client at Contractor’s Design
Office, Construction Site and Company / Client offices in Nation in accordance with
a Reporting to Company / Client in accordance with guideline provided in Contract.
Construction Pre-Commissioning / Commissioning / Start-up and Initial Operation and
Maintenance Management
1 Contractor shall provide all Construction Management, supervision and support services
including, but not limited to following:
a Construction Management and Interface Management
b Construction supervision
c Safety Management
d Quality Requirement / Control / Quality Assurance Construction engineering and
technical control services
e Material control and warehousing
f Management of Subcontractor and Vendors
g TPC and TPI Services
h Disposal of construction surplus materials
i Dismantling and disposal of construction aids and Temporary Facility, except otherwise
directed by Company / Client.
j Commissioning, start-up, Initial Operation & Maintenance management.
Co-ordination with Vendors and sub-contractors
Contractor shall ensure following coordination requirments:
1 Timely supply of AFC drawings and information to be issued to SubContractors.
2 Timely supply of Engineering documents and information to be issued to Vendors.
3 Adequate expediting of Vendors’ drawings / data for incorporation in detailed
engineering and timely return of engineering comments and approvals of Vendors
drawings / data.

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4 Adequate expediting and conducting inspection of Vendors equipment and materials.

5 Timely supply of Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Testing, Start up and Initial
Operations and Maintenance spare parts to Construction Site.
6 Expediting Vendors for providing completed SPIR forms within stipulated period i.e.
Within three 3 months of placement of purchase orders.
7 Adequate provision of Vendors assistance for equipment during Construction, Pre-
Commissioning, Commissioning, Startup, Initial Operation and Maintenance and
Performance Test.
8 Timely supply of equipment and materials to be issued to Subcontractors for installation
and Construction.
9 Timely supply of One Year Operational Spare Parts, Capital Spares and Laboratory
Equipment when required to do so by Company / Client.
Centralised Document Control
1 Contractor shall provide and maintain Master Document Control Centre for Contract for
documents issued by or to Contractor at Contractor’s Design Office, Construction Site
offices and other operational centres through life of Contract. Contractor’s primary
responsibility shall include, but not limited to following provisions:
2 Centralised Document control facilities, document control staff, relevant hardware and
systems at above mentioned offices / centres Up to date PC based register of all
documents issued by and to Contractor.
a Read / Sort / Print access of Contractor’s Master Document Control Database to
Company / Client.
3 Issuing / obtaining Company / Client acceptance to proceed on all Document
Transmittals in advance of distribution in accordance with approved Document
Distribution Matrix.
4 Distribution of all Contractor generated documents duly sorted by function and
classification to Company / Client advising due dates for Company / Client comments.
5 Coordination, expediting and collection of Company / Client comments in accordance
with due date schedule.
6 Provide dedicated staff to carry out necessary document control function pertaining to
Company / Client specific requirements.
7 Provide additional staff viz. Document clerks as required by Company / Client Project
Manager to supplement / support the deputed document control staff.
Project Administration
1 Contractor shall develop detailed Project Administration Instruction Manual applicable
for Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning,
Testing, Start-up, Initial Operation and Maintenance covering all aspects of planning,
scheduling, progress reporting, cost control and project administration.
2 An effective system shall be implemented for planning, scheduling and reporting of
progress. Project Administration Instruction Manual shall be submitted for approval
within 30 thirty calendar days from Effective Date.
3 Contractor shall develop all Project Administration Instruction Manuals following
guidelines and any / every other requirement stipulated under Contract in accordance
with good professional practices.
Final Project Documentation
1 Contractor shall prepare and Handover to Company / Client Final Project
Documentations per Guidelines provided in relevant documents.
2 Final Project Documentations including following as a minimum shall be approved by
Company / Client. Mechanical Completion Manuals, Quality Requirement Assurance
Record Manual(s), Close-out Report, Project Dossiers
Closeout Report
1 Contractor shall prepare Closeout Report in accordance with requirements and guidelines

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2 Contractor’s Closeout Report development and update shall be done on monthly basis
from Contract Effective Date to ensure authenticity of report.

Services and facilities to be provided by company / client / contractor

Facilities provided by Company / Client to Contractor
1 Contractor Personnel shall be required to work at or visit Company / Client facilities at
Plant and elsewhere, whilst performing Work.
2 For this purpose, each Contractor Personnel must possess a valid gate pass.
3 Application for gate passes can be submitted to Company / Client for approval once
person has a valid entry visa stamp of Nation.
4 Contractor shall submit application for gate passes for Company / Client approval, when
all requisite formalities are completed in all respects satisfying requirements of security
authorities and deposit with concerned department / security office to obtain passes.
5 Contractor Personnel shall carry pass at all times, when on Worksite.
6 Contractor shall be responsible for all costs relating to Contractor Personnel in obtaining
passes, certificates and attending any / every kind of training.
Services and Facilities by Contractor to Company / Client
1 Contractor shall accept presence of Company / Client’s representatives as well as, any /
every third party nominated by Company / Client at Worksite, in his facilities and at
Subcontractors / Vendors’ premises for such purpose as Project co-ordination,
monitoring, review of drawings, specifications and schedule, inspections, testing etc. all
other aspects of Work.
Services and facilities at Contractor Design Office
1 Contractor shall provide and maintain following services and facilities for Company /
Client personnel at Design Office, where Engineering or Procurement Services are
performed for their entire service duration:
2 Contractor shall ensure that Company / Client offices within Contractor’s Design Office
shall be available for Company / Client access at all times i.e.
3 Company / Client staff have uninterrupted and unhindered access 24 hours a day, seven 7
days a week for full duration of their respective stay at Contractors’ Design Office.
4 Contractor to record that Company / Client staff shall not call respective security staff to
open doors to Company / Client offices outside normal working hours.
5 Contractor shall ensure that Air Conditioning and heating to Company / Client offices
during hot and cold seasons shall be working efficiently at all times.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 8
Offices and Related Services and Facilities (Indicative)
Sample Only Starts
1 One managerial office of not less than twenty 20 square meters.
2 Three managerial offices of not less than sixteen 16 square meters.
3 Fifteen single occupancy offices of not less than twelve 12 square meters. Common
working area would not be acceptable.
4 Secretarial / clerical, administration pool area adequate for at least four persons and
locked Document Control Area.
5 One fully furnished and equipped conference room for exclusive use of Company / Client
of not less than forty 40 square meters with conference table for a minimum of twenty 20
persons with all presentation equipment such as overhead projector, writing boards etc.
Contractor shall make available to Company / Client use of other conference rooms and
use of items of equipment such as television, computer projector, video (VCR) and like

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for meetings and / or presentation purposes, as required.

6 One fully equipped archive office of not less than twenty five 25 square meters with
filing cabinets, filing drawers, etc.
7 One Prayer Room of not less than thirty 30 square meters.
8 Shaded car parking for twenty 20 cars within basement of office building, which
Company / Client staff shall be accommodated in.
9 One high-speed multi-copy photocopying machine (A4 and A3 plain paper sizes) for
exclusive use of Company / Client. Photocopying machines specification shall include,
but not limited to, user friendly console, sorting and stapling facilities with at least twenty
20 trays, dual side copying, enlarging and reducing capabilities, minimum fifty 50 pages
feeder, A4 and A3 volume paper trays and speed of not less than sixty 60 pages per
10 One colour photocopier machine for exclusive use of Company / Client.
11 Two 2 paper shredding machines
12 Office scanner suitable for electronic transfer of documentation.
13 Office accommodation shall be supplied with all utilities and services (24 hours a day)
such as, but not limited to, electricity, lighting, ventilation, heating and / or air
conditioning, fully stocked and maintained dedicated kitchen with hot and cold
refreshments, toilet / washing facilities, to satisfaction of Company / Client. Maintenance
and daily cleaning of offices and common areas shall also, be provided.
14 Pantry with a person to serve tea / coffee etc. Shall be for exclusive use of Company /
15 Toilets with ablution for exclusive use of Company / Client Muslim staff shall be
maintained at EPIC Contractor’s Home Office.
16 Keys shall be provided, so that Company / Client office can be accessed at all times.
17 Offices furnishing items / furniture supplied shall be of good quality and should be
sufficient and include, but not limited to, carpeting, lockable desks, chairs, reference
tables, meeting tables, lockable filing cabinets, stick files, wall mounted notice boards,
white marker boards, drafting boards and telecommunications, as described hereinafter.
18 Provision of coat hangers, waste paper bins and normal office stationery such as, but not
limited to, stapling machines, hole punchers, A4 size writing pads, note books etc.
19 Diaries, Lever arch files, scientific hand calculators, pencils, markers, erasers, scissors,
staple extractors, pens, drawing pins, paper clips, stackable paper trays etc. are to be
provided as required to all Company / Client staff.
20 Stationery and consumables to be used for equipment specified shall be supplied, as
required. This shall include, but not be limited to stationery and consumables for
photocopier, facsimile, computer workstations, printers, paper guillotine etc.
21 Offices provided by Contractor for Company / Client shall be located in same building,
which Contractor intends to use for execution of Work and these would be segregated
from Subcontractors and other Contractor’s Clients.
22 All managerial and Company / Client staff offices including document control and
archive office shall be lockable. Secretarial and Document Controller offices to be of an
open space style. Contractor shall be responsible for security and safety of the office
Secretarial / Clerical Assistance
1 Two 2 secretaries / clerks fluent in English, complete with office space and furniture, per
specification of those for Company / Client and equipped and familiar with
telecommunications and computer equipment shall be provided.
2 All clerks shall be provided with their respective / independent / own computer
workstations, printers etc. (in addition to those provided to Company / Client elsewhere
in Contract, per specification of Company / Client.
3 All Secretaries / clerks shall be subject to Company / Client approval. Contractor shall

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provide all resumes and arrange for interviews by Company / Client of all secretaries /
Telecommunication Facilities
1 All offices, administration pool, archive office and conference rooms listed above shall
be supplied with telecommunication facilities, comprising telephones with speakers and
microphones for conference calls with access to domestic and international networks
through Contractor’s central switchboard.
2 Two laser facsimile machines with A4 size paper and with at least 100 pages memory
connected with two direct lines external to Contractor’s switchboard and with access to
domestic and international network.
3 Charges for telephone and facsimile calls including connection and rental charges shall
be to account of Contractor. Company / Client shall make use of international calls only
for business purpose.
Computing Facilities
1 Contractor shall provide and install following equipment and ensure proper maintenance
support (hardware and software) through Contractor’s own computer support group:
a Fifteen Computer Workstations with minimum 3.0 GHZ processor, 256 MB RAM
memory, eighty 80 GB Hard Disk, 512 KB cache memory, 3.5” floppy drive, DVD / CD
ROM drive, 15” SVGA monitor (17” for engineers involved in design review), Windows
98 key board (US Standard), Windows mouse and mouse pad. All Computer
Workstations shall be supplied network and Internet ready.
b Two Notepad Computers with minimum 2.0 GHZ Centrino Processor 3.0 GHZ
processor, five hundred twelve 512 MB RAM memory, eighty 80 GB Hard Disk, 512 KB
cache memory, DVD / CD ROM drive, 3.5” floppy drive, 15” TFT screen, built-in
Windows XP key board (US standard) and built-in-mouse and external mouse, integrated
headphone / speakers and microphone jacks, rechargeable battery with average of 3 hours
life time plus a carrying case and universal power adapter. All Notebook Computers
shall be supplied network and Internet ready.
c One computer workstation for direct access to Company / Client intranet through Internet
complete with printer.
Common Facilities
1 Common facilities to be shared between as many workstations as listed above connected
by a local area network and consist of:
2 Two A4 laser printers, 12 pages per minute.
3 One A4 and A3 laser printer, 12 pages per minute
4 One A4 / A3 scanner.
5 Use of A4 / A3 color laser printer and A3 color plotter, as required.
6 Software Back-up facilities.
7 All computer systems should be supplied ready to use.
8 Software, latest English versions for above Computers each, as specified here below:
a Windows and Winzip, Antivirus, Microsoft Professional Office. Adobe Acrobat Writer,
Network Software and card , E-mail Software – Lotus Notes
b Planning Software CONTRACTOR intends to use for WORK. Scanning Software, Any /
whatever software related to all engineering disciplines that Contractor intends to use for
WORK through Contractor’s Network. Flash Memory Sticks of at least 2 GB,
Contractor shall install all cables, connections, junction boxes and software for
installation of a local area network to service all above computers (including secretary /
clerks and Company / Client Assistant Engineers’ workstations) and common facilities.
c Contractor shall connect all computers to E-mail and Internet networks to enable
communication between Company / Client personnel and Contractor personnel and
communication with Company / Client management in National through Internet
Network or telephone modems. Contractor shall endeavour to use same software

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applications as shall be used by Company / Client (defined above) for ease of data /
reports between Contractor and Company / Client. Contractor shall ensure unlimited e-
mail access for Company / Client staff at his Home and Site Offices. Company / Client
shall not accept limitation on size of “Inbox”. There shall be unlimited megabyte size of
“Inbox”. Contractor shall ensure that remote access by Contractor of workstations used
by Company / Client shall be blocked. However, access may be permitted for short
periods following approval by Company / Client.
Messing Facilities
1 Contractor shall provide access to its home office canteen of senior personnel for
Company / Client Personnel and nominated third parties at costs equivalent to those for
Contractor’s employees.
Administrative Assistance
1 Contractor shall provide assistance for obtaining (in country of Contractor Design office,
where Work is performed) necessary permits, Governmental or administrative
authorization visas, residence visas, car rental, domestic and international travel booking
services and any / every other similar administrative matters for Company / Client
personnel and their families and any / every third parties nominated by Company / Client.
2 Contractor shall provide administrative assistance to Company / Client personnel, their
family and any / every third party nominated by Company / Client in relation to, but not
limited to following:
3 Arranging with removal firms for transport of personnel’s belongings.
4 Assisting personnel and their families to find leisure facilities, schools, hospitals,
accommodation for leasing and any / every similar matters. Contractor shall provide
requisite guarantee, if required.
5 Cost of above referred administrative assistance to Company / Client is included in lump
sum Contract Price.
6 In case of following items, Company / Client representative would issue specific
instruction to Contractor authorizing permission and Contractor shall have to bear cost
upfront. Company / Client would reimburse approved documented cost at actual for all
such expenditure through Variation to Contract. However, all costs related to
Contractor’s overhead expenses for arranging and assisting with above would be at
Contractor’s account and deemed to be included under Lump Sum Contract Price.
Payments of hospitalization costs (or guaranteeing payment, if acceptable to hospital
authority) for Company / Client personnel (in country of Contractor Design office, where
Work is performed) in case of an emergency, hospital admittance and until such time
payment is made directly by Company / Client to hospital. Company / Client would
furnish Contractor with a copy of such payment remittance for his record.
7 All fees, charges and costs for visas, permits, residence formalities etc.
Full and Shot-down Copies of Contract Document
1 Contractor shall provide thirty 10 shot down copies of Contract documents in A5 size for
Company / Client use (drawing to be on A4 size folded to A5 size).
2 Shot down Contract document copies shall be bound with good quality hard covers and
be subject to Company / Client approval.
3 Shot down copies of Contract Document exclude Technical Information Volumes.
Additionally, Contractor shall provide 10 full size copies of Contract documents
including Appendix F documents.
Mail and Courier Services
1 Contractor shall provide to Company / Client mail and courier services through
Contractor’s mail office.
Training of Company / Client Personnel
1 Training of Company / Client Assistant Engineers at Contractor’s Home office.
a Contractor shall provide cost for on job Training for five 5 Company / Client Assistant

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Engineers at respective Design Office as provisional sum.

b Contractor shall assign a Lead Engineer as Contractor’s focal point concerning training of
Company / Client Assistant Engineers.
c Focal point shall provide and be responsible for following:
i. Preparation and submission of training programs in accordance with PCP for Company /
Client review and approval. Co-ordination of all training activities and matters.
ii. Keeping track of training progress for all Company / Client Assistant Engineers.
Ensuring that training progress assessment reports are submitted in a timely manner.
iii. Liaison with Company / Client representative or respective delegate in all matters
regarding training of Company / Client Assistant Engineers. Providing seminars and
classroom courses for Company / Client Assistant Engineers.
iv. Arranging vendor factory / shop visits as necessary.
v. Contractor shall assign a Senior Engineer as a mentor for each Company / Client
Assistant Engineer in accordance to their / respective specific engineering discipline
during entire Engineering / Procurement phase.
1 Mentors shall be responsible for following:
a Familiarization of Company / Client Assistant Engineers with Contractor’s working
systems and facilities.
b Assigning project related activities to Company / Client Assistant Engineers and
providing sufficient guidance for them to be able to complete assigned work at expected
level of competency. Reviewing and evaluations of activities performed by Company /
Client Assistant Engineers.
c Reviewing monthly reports prepared by trainees and forwarding them to Company /
Client Representative with their recommendations.
d Submitting schedule of activities planned for assignment in advance to Company / Client
Representative or respective delegates.
e Preparing quarterly progress reports in accordance with format to be provided by
Company / Client.
f Training of Company / Client Assistant Engineers shall be planned in a way to enable
their respective full appreciation of overall engineering consideration with respect to their
discipline areas during evolution of Detailed Engineering and Procurement Services
works. This shall include, but not limited to following:
g Applicable engineering standards, codes and practices
h Engineering design calculations, operating philosophy, process simulations, equipment
selection and specifications.
i Preparation of specifications, data sheets, engineering drawing and engineering document
j Supplier evaluation and selection
k Quality, safety and environmental
l Familiarization with applicable computer software
m Conducting technical meetings, presentations and courses
n Construction procedures and philosophy
o Commissioning and startup procedures and philosophy
Services and Facilities at SUBCONTRACTORS / Vendors Premises
1 Contractor shall provide following at Subcontractors & Vendors premises:
a Contractor shall provide through Subcontractors and Vendors following services and
facilities for Company / Client personnel assigned permanently and / or temporarily at
Subcontractors’/ Vendors’ premises, where any / whatever part of Work is performed and
/ or manufactured:
i. Use of private offices similar in specification to as mentioned above.
ii. Use of Subcontractors’ / Vendors telecommunication facilities (telephone, fax and like)
for all WORK related matters, including international line access.

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iii. Use of Subcontractors’ / Vendors’ Computer workstations and printers.

iv. Use of Subcontractors’ / Vendors photocopying machines.
v. Access to Subcontractors’ / Vendors messing facilities.
1 Contractor shall provide training for Company / Client personnel through Vendors of
following equipment:
a DCS Equipment, Electrical Switchgear,
b Main Cooling Pumps including VSDS drives, GRP Piping / Pipelines
c F&G System, CCTV System (at site), Analysers (at site), Package Control (at site),
Laboratory Instruments (at site)
d Training shall be conducted at Vendors Premises for five 5 Company / Client personnel.
Over and above Contractor shall provide training for ten 10 Company / Client Operation
staff at Construction Site.
e Training At Vendors’ Premises Shall Cover All Areas of design, manufacturing,
operating, inspection and testing, QR / QA / QC regulation and packing, while team at
Construction Site should cover all operation and maintenance of equipment. Duration of
training shall be for a minimum period of three 3 weeks in Vendors’ premises and four 4
weeks for Construction Site.
f Course venues, equipment, stationery and documents shall be provided by Vendors at
Vendors’ premises and Contractor at Construction Site.
1 Services and Facilities at Construction Site
a Contractor shall provide and maintain following services and facilities for Company /
Client personnel and any / every third party nominated by Company / Client at
Construction Site, where Construction, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and startup
parts of Work are performed up to Contract Completion Date.

Offices and Related Services and Facilities

1 Contractor shall provide temporary office building at Construction Site for sole use of
Company / Client, which accommodates services and facilities detailed hereunder.
2 Company / Client’s Construction Site office building shall be close to Contractor’s
Construction Site office building.
3 Services and facilities shall include following:
a One managerial office of not less than twenty 20 square meters.
b Three managerial offices of not less than sixteen 16 square meters.
c Thirty five single occupancy offices of not less than twelve 12 square meters.
d Secretarial / clerical, administration and document control pool area adequate for at least
four persons and their respective furniture and equipment.
e Two fully furnished and equipped conference rooms for exclusive use of Company /
Client of not less than forty 40 square meters with conference table for a minimum of
twenty 20 persons with all presentation equipment such as overhead projector, writing
boards etc. Contractor shall make available to Company / Client use of items of
equipment such as television, computer projector, video tape player (VHS) and like for
meetings and / or presentation purposes, as required.
f One fully equipped archive office of not less than forty 40 square meters with filing
cabinets, filing drawers etc.
g One Prayer Room of not less than forty 40 square metres area), Shaded car parking for
thirty five (35) cars.
h Two high speed multi copy photocopying machine (A4 and A3 plain paper sizes) for
exclusive use of Company / Client. Photocopying machines specification shall include,
but not be limited to user friendly console, sorting and stapling facilities with at least
twenty 20 trays, dual side copying, enlarging and reducing capabilities, minimum fifty 50
pages feeder, A4 and A3 volume paper trays and speed of not less than sixty 60 pages per

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i Use of Contractor’s colour photocopier machines, as required.

j Two paper shredding machines
k One office scanner suitable for electronic transfer of documents.
l Office accommodation shall be supplied with all utilities and services such as, but not be
limited to, electricity, lighting, ventilation, heating and / or air conditioning, fully stocked
and maintained kitchen with hot and cold refreshments with a person to serve tea and
coffee (full time), toilet / washing facilities (prayer washing facilities shall be provided
close to prayer room), to satisfaction of Company / Client. Maintenance and daily
cleaning of offices and common areas shall also, be provided.
m Offices furnishing supplied shall be of good quality and should be sufficient and include,
but not be limited to, carpeting or vinyl tiles, lockable desks, chairs, reference tables,
meeting tables, lockable filing cabinets, stick files, wall mounted notice boards and white
marker boards, drafting boards, scientific hand calculators and telecommunications as
described hereinafter.
n Provision of coat hangers, waste paper bins and normal office stationery such as, but not
be limited to, stapling machines, hole punchers, A4 size writing pads, note books, diaries,
Lever arch files, pencils, markers, rubbers, scissors, staple extractors, pens, drawing pins,
paper clips etc. are to be provided as required.
o Diaries, Lever arch files, scientific hand calculators, pencils, markers, erasers, scissors,
staple extractors, pens, drawing pins, paper clips, stackable paper trays, etc. are to be
provided as required to all Company / Client staff.
p Stationery and consumables to be used for equipment specified shall be supplied, as
required. This shall include, but not be limited to stationery and consumables for
photocopier, facsimile, computer workstations, printers, paper guillotine etc.
q All offices and archive office shall be lockable. Contractor shall be responsible for
security and safety of office accommodation.
r Roads to Company / Client Site offices shall be paved with asphalt concrete.
Construction traffic, trailers and trucks shall not use these paved roads to
Company/Client offices
Secretarial / Clerical assistance
1 Two Secretaries / Clerks fluent in English, complete with office space and furniture, per
specification of those for Company / Client and be equipped and familiar with
telecommunications and computer equipment.
2 All clerks shall be provided with their own respective independent computer
workstations, printers etc. (in addition to those provided to Company / Client elsewhere
in Contract), per specification of Company / Client.
3 All Secretaries / clerks shall be subject to Company / Client approval.
4 Contractor shall provide all resumes and arrange for interviews by Company / Client of
all secretaries / clerks.
5 Contractor shall provide one General Helper person for general office routine.
Telecommunication Facilities
1 All offices, administration pool, archive offices and conference rooms listed above shall
be supplied with telecommunication facilities comprising telephones with speakers and
microphones for conference calls with access to domestic and international networks
through Contractor’s central switchboard.
2 Two laser facsimile machines with A4 size paper and with at least 100 pages memory
connected with two 2 direct lines external to Contractor’s switchboard and with access to
domestic and international network.
3 One office scanner suitable for electronic transfer of documents.
4 Charges for telephone and facsimile calls including connection and rental charges shall
be to account of Contractor.
Computing Facilities

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1 Contractor shall provide and install following equipment at temporary Construction Site
office buildings and ensure proper maintenance support (hardware and software) through
Contractor’s own computer support group:
a Twenty-five Computer Workstations with minimum 3.0 GHZ processor, two hundred
fifty six 256 MB RAM memory, eighty 80 GB Hard Disk, 512 KB cache memory, 3.5”
floppy drive, DVD / CD ROM drive, 15” SVGA monitor (17” for engineers involved in
design review), Windows 98 key board (US Standard), Windows mouse and mouse pad.
All computer workstations shall be supplied network and Internet ready.
b One Notepad Computer with minimum 3.0 GHZ processor, five hundred twelve 512 MB
RAM memory, eighty 80 GB Hard Disk, 512 KB cache memory, DVD / CD ROM
drive, 3.5” floppy drive, 15” Active matrix colour SVGA, built-in windows 98 key board
(US standard) and built in mouse and external mouse, integrated headphone / speakers
and microphone jacks, rechargeable battery with average of 3 hours life time plus a
carrying case and universal power adapter. All Notebook Computers shall be supplied
network and Internet ready.
c Contractor shall ensure that remote access by Contractor of workstations used by
Company / Client hall be blocked. However, access may be permitted for short periods
following approval by Company / Client.
Common facilities
1 Common facilities to be shared between as many workstations as listed above connected
by a local area network and consist of :
a Three A4 laser printers, 12 pages per minute.
b One A4 colour laser printer, 12 colour pages per minute.
c One A4 / A3 scanner.
d Use of Contractor’s A3 colour laser printer, A1 and A3 color plotters, as required.
e Software Back-up facilities
f 6 Software, latest English versions in all cases; for above Computer Workstations and
Notebook Computers, as specified here below:
i. Windows XP or latest one 1 copy per computer
ii. Microsoft Professional Office one 1 copy per computer.
iii. Network Software and card one 1 copy per computer.
iv. Email Software one 1 copy per computer.
v. Planning Software Contractor intends to use for Work two 2 copies.
vi. Use of any / whatever software related to all engineering disciplines that Contractor
intends to use for Work through Contractor’s Network.
vii. Latest English / Arabic software version of Windows and Microsoft Professional Office
with a full set of manuals each 2 copies.
viii. A full set of manuals for each software application.
ix. Antivirus One copy per workstation or one multiuser server based copy
x. All computer systems shall be supplied ready to use.
xi. Contractor shall install all cables, connections, junction boxes and software for
installation of a local area network to service all above computers including secretary /
clerks workstations and common facilities.
xii. Contractor shall connect all computers to Email and Internet networks to enable
communication between Company / Client personnel and Contractor personnel and
communication with Company / Client management in National through Internet
Network or telephone modems.
xiii. Contractor shall endeavour to use same software applications as shall be used by
Company / Client defined above for ease of data / reports between Contractor And
Company / Client.
Messing facilities
1 Contractor shall provide all messing facilities including food for Company / Client

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personnel and Company / Client nominated third parties at Construction Site as provided
for Contractor’s management personnel.
2 Food shall be of good quality and from a variety of international cuisines such as
Mediterranean, European, Oriental, vegetarian etc.
3 It is a specific requirement that all meals shall generally be low in oils and fats.
Contractor shall allow for a minimum of thirty 30 Company / Client personnel. Menu
shall be agreed with Company / Client.
Training of COMPANY / CLIENT Personnel
1 Contractor shall provide On Job Training for five 5 Company / Client Assistant
2 Contractor shall provide all services and facilities to Company / Client Assistant
Engineers, per specification of those for Company / Client.
3 Contractor shall provide offices, computing and telecommunication facilities for each
Assistant Engineer.
4 Services provided to Company / Client’s Assistant Engineers shall be in addition to those
listed elsewhere for Company / Client.
5 Contractor shall assign a Lead Engineer as Contractor’s focal point concerning training of
Company / Client Assistant Engineers.
6 Focal point shall provide and be responsible for the following.
7 Preparation and submission of training programs for Company / Client review and
8 Coordination of all training activities and matters.
9 Keeping track of training progress for all Company / Client Assistant Engineers.
10 Ensuring that training progress assessment reports are submitted in a timely manner.
11 Liaison with Company / Client representative or his respective delegate in all matters
regarding training of Company / Client Assistant Engineers.
12 Contractor Shall Assign a Senior Engineer as A Mentor For Each Company / Client
Assistant Engineer in accordance to his respective specific engineering discipline during
entire Contract duration.
1 Mentors shall be responsible for the following
a Familiarisation of Company / Client Assistant Engineers with Contractor’s working
systems and facilities
b Assigning project related activities to Company / Client Assistant Engineers and
providing sufficient guidance for them to be able to complete assigned work at expected
level of competency.
c Reviewing monthly reports prepared by trainees and forward them to Company / Client
Representative with their recommendations
d Submitting a schedule of activities planned for assignment in advance to Company /
Client Representative or his respective delegates.
e Preparing quarterly progress reports in accordance with format provided by Company /
f Training of Company / Client Assistant Engineers shall be planned in a way to enable
their full appreciation of overall engineering, construction, pre commissioning, and
commissioning work consideration with respect to their respective discipline area. This
shall include, but not limited to following:
1 Applicable Construction, Pre Commissioning and Commissioning standards, codes and
a Construction Quality, Safety and Environment Control
b Familiarisation with applicable computer software
c Equipment Factory Acceptance Test Travel, lodging - including meal and transportation
costs shall be provided by Company / Client
d Conducting technical meetings, presentation and courses

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e Welding, Civil and Painting Inspection

f Material control and traceability
g Construction and Commissioning operating and safety technical reviews
h Construction and Pre Commissioning work
i Commissioning and startup preparation work
j Contractor shall provide On Job Training for ten 10 Company / Client operating
personnel during Pre Commissioning and Commissioning, Initial Operation and
Maintenance phases of Work. Contractor shall provide a pool area with adequate
furniture in addition to what is specified for Company / Client elsewhere to accommodate
Company / Client operating personnel for entire duration of Pre Commissioning and
Commissioning phases. Contractor shall assign a focal point to administer training of
Company / Client operating personnel. Contractor shall submit a detailed training
program for Company / Client review and approval three 3 months, prior to start of Pre-
Commissioning work.
1 Tax Consultancy Services
a Option Price C calls for a Tax Consultancy Call off Service
b Detailed below is Scope of Work for this service:
i. Engineering and / or Design part of various major projects undertaken by Company /
Client in State of National are carried out by Contractor’s in different countries.
Company / Client intends to second its personnel to offices of Contractor and these
personnel stay overseas for a period that makes them liable to tax in that country.
ii. Tax on individual employees shall be paid by Company / Client. Company / Client
wishes to engage services of a Tax Consultant, managed by Contractor, who has
worldwide office infrastructure to advise Company / Client on all tax matters related to
personal income tax and complete the necessary documentation.
c Scope of Work for the Contractor’s tax consultancy work includes, but is not limited, to
a Pre-assignment / Pre-Departure Tax Services leading to information on pre-
assignment tax planning opportunities and procedures that assignees should be aware of
while on assignment.
On Assignment Tax Services in host countries.
1 Company / Client shall advise Contractor’s Tax Consultant as soon as Company / Client
personnel reach foreign country for Project development and intend to stay for a duration
long enough to attract tax liability with details like names of employee, their Staff
Number and likely period of stay.
a Upon receipt of above information supplied by Company / Client, Contractor’s Tax
Consultant is required to provide:
1 Current relevant provisions of Personal tax laws of country.
2 Liabilities of Company / Client towards compliance of tax laws.
3 Further details required, if any / whatever by Contractor’s Tax Consultant from Company
/ Client.
4 Based on input / feedback from Contractor’s Tax Consultant, Company / Client shall
issue an ‘Instruction to Proceed’ detailing Work required from Contractor’s Tax
5 Within 14 days of receipt of an ‘Instruction to Proceed’ Contractor’s Tax Consultant shall
provide to Company / Client:
a Execution Programme detailing arrangements and methods, which Contractor’s Tax
Consultant proposes to adopt for execution of Work including tax planning required, time
required, manpower and manhours required, estimated cost and necessary scheduling.
b Execution Programme when approved by Company / Client shall become part of
Contract and Contractor’s Tax Consultant would execute Work strictly in accordance
with Execution Programme. Contractor’s Tax Consultant shall:

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c Keep Company / Client fully informed of progress made in Work. Maintain liaison with
local tax authorities.
d Have regular contact with Company / Client employees in those foreign countries.
e Scrutinise requirement of advance tax payments and estimated tax determination thereof
and advise Company / Client accordingly.
6 Contractor’s Tax Consultant shall provide necessary tax returns, ensuring full compliance
of tax laws of country and file returns with appropriate tax authorities within specified
time. Arrive at total tax payable and advise Company / Client.
7 Complete tax assessments within specified time and endeavour to get:
a Clean Assessment Orders.
b Income Tax Clearance certificates for all employees.
c Contractor’s Tax Consultant shall put its best efforts to obtain for benefit of Company /
Client all lawful discounts, tax credits, allowances and refunds from tax authorities.
d Repatriation Tax Services involving execution of all tax related matters that are required
to be complied with by Company / Client employees, while making exit from host
country and reenter country of origin.
Post Assessment Tax Services
1 Eliminate / minimize possibilities of post assessment proceedings like appeals,
reassessment, litigation, etc.
2 Keep Company / Client informed from time to time of potentialities and possibilities of
Post Assessment Proceedings and recommend suitable preventive and / or corrective
actions that may be required to be taken by Company / Client / its employees in host
3 Contractor’s Tax Consultant is required to make every effort to avoid / mitigate such
4 Any / every or all of Work as mentioned above may be called upon for a particular
country or a number of countries, either simultaneously or at different points of time
through issuance of an ‘Instruction to Proceed’.
5 Payment of tax amount to tax authorities shall be based upon duly receipted
acknowledgement of tax authorities in host country.
6 Payment to Contractor shall be made on a flat rate per person per fiscal year basis against
completion / progress made in tax consultancy work.
7 Flat rate quoted by Contractor shall include for partners, lead consultants, senior
managers, senior consultants, managers / consultants & support staff.
8 Flat rate quoted is fully inclusive of all associated costs for employment of personnel and
all overheads and profit.
Project Soft wares
Contractor shall use following application software in preparation of project deliverables:
1 Word processing Microsoft Word 2000, Spreadsheet Micro soft excel 2000, Presentation
Mocrosoft powerpoint 2000, Database Microsoft access 2000 or equivalent, Project
planning Primavera Latest Revision, Piping Stress Analysis Caesar II, Finite Element
Analysis ANSYS, ABAQUS, COSMO or equivalent, Draughting AUTOCAD 2004,
Reliability Study RAMP (Ver 3.4 or latest) or equivalent 3D Modeling, (if chosen by
Contractor) PDS / PDMS Pipeline simulation (dynamic / surge analysis) pipenet or
internationally validated software, which shall be approved by Company / Client
Electrical System Studies CYME software Structural Design STAAD PRO & STAAD -
2 Company / Client shall not provide any software to Contractor. Contractor shall provide
pipenet Simulation Programme for Company / Client’s permanent use at end of project.
Company / Client personnel shall have access to Contractor’s pipenet Programme at
any / whatever time.
3 Contractor shall specify software used for sizing Control Valves, Relief Valves, Orifice

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Plates, Processor Loading etc. If software used is of proprietary nature and not standard
ones, a copy shall be provided to Company / Client for use in future Maintenance or
design modification. Sample Only Ends
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 9
Chapter 7
Detailed Engineering Requirements
Process Engineering
1 Contractor shall during bid stage verify process engineering work performed by FEED
consultant, which details would have been provided in bid documents and satisfy itself
that it must be a workable design. Contractor shall bid based on design philosophies and
provide all process guarantees.
2 Should there be any / certain technical deficiencies to prevent Contractor from providing
process guarantees, then these perceived technical deficiencies along with proposed
remedies or solutions must be clearly stated in Contractor’s bid.
3 In event, Contractor accepts process design as proposed by Company / Client, but fails to
address it as such in respective bid, it shall constitute acceptance of process design by
Contractor as well as, to provide all process guarantees.
4 After contract award and during detailed engineering, Contractor shall not reduce sizes of
equipment items or lines nor shall delete instrumentation or valves from proposed
process design, without getting written approval from Company / Client. Any / Every
modifications / revisions to P& ID’s, equipment data sheets, piping lay out and any /
Every Company / Client developed drawing / document shall be subject to review and
approval by Company / Client. Any / Every proposed reduction or deletion of equipment
items, lines or instrumentation and valves shall be submitted for Company / Client review
and approval.
5 Contractor shall be solely responsible for any / Every increase in size of equipment items,
lines, instrumentation and valves and any / every necessary process modifications after
contract award and during detailed engineering phase. It is therefore, in Contractor’s
interest to ensure that Bid Documents comprising basic process design package should be
well evaluated and accepted by him.
6 Detail design and engineering shall be based on design developed during FEED.
However Contractor shall be responsible for confirmation, verification and validation,
update regarding all process and process related documents / endorsement of all FEED
findings. These shall be reviewed, checked, verified and updated by Contractor per
design criteria, guidelines, codes and standards and acceptable practices. New system
design shall meet 99.7% reliability and 100% availability.
7 Contractor shall start from Engineering documentation supplied by Company / Client as a
result of FEED work or otherwise and contained in FEED package. However, Contractor
acknowledges that FEED package does not define plant in full detail and needs further
development in order to achieve desired objectives.
8 Contractor as part of detail design shall optimize all systems and update as necessary.
Relevant process documents included in this tender shall be updated, completed and
amended by Contractor to reflect further design detailing, design development and actual
equipment data, performances and characteristics.
9 Any / All changes to PFD, heat and material balance, equipment / instrument data sheet,
P&IDs or FEED package in general, as result of optimisation must be approved by
Company / Client before implementation by Contractor.
10 Contractor shall perform, as a minimum following process engineering activities, as part

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of scope of services:
11 Process basis of design and Process Design Philosophy
a Contractor shall review and update process basis of design and Process Design
Philosophy to include any / every other additional data considered for detailed
engineering. Contractor shall reconfirm Sea Water Demand figures and other design data
with Company / Client before proceeding with detailed design.
12 Steady state hydraulic study
a Contractor shall carry out hydraulic modeling and study based on final cooling water
network for whole project, using latest PIPENET simulation software. Contractor shall
demonstrate routings used in simulations are in agreement with latest available pipeline /
piping layout documents and drawings. In case, there appear marked differences between
routings used in simulations and actual layout during detailed engineering to an extent
that they shall invalidate hydraulic results and conclusions then Contractor shall carry out
new updated simulation. Based on flow rate defined by Company / Client for individual
consumers, Contractor shall optimize pipeline sizing that satisfies all operating and
maintenance scenarios. Soft copy of model shall be provided to Company / Client during
course of detailed engineering.
b Contractor shall provide access to Pipenet Simulation program for Company / Client
process engineers and hand over to Company / Client soft copies of simulation.
c Contractor shall determine allowable minimum water flow in network and propose
engineering and operation solutions to maintain higher flow in network piping system.
Contractor has to highlight consequences of not adhering to this requirement.
13 Transient Analysis
a For selected and approved cases only, Contractor shall carry out thorough and
detailed hydraulic surge analysis of entire cooling water system to determine any /
every adverse effects on system, e.g. Water hammer, undue stresses on connected
equipment and on pipeline supports etc. Based on hydraulic transient analysis,
Contractor shall determine and provide required protection measures such as
vacuum breakers and specify required valves closure time.
14 Contractor to note that during FEED, transient analysis of return cooling water network
related to recirculation system has not been done due to non availability of data for
cooling water pumps of cooling towers. Contractor shall obtain all necessary data of
pumps and carryout detailed hydraulic surge analysis for return cooling water network of
recirculation system during EPIC phase. If data is not available, same shall be assumed in
consultation with Company / Client.
15 Dynamic simulation studies shall be conducted by Contractor for following objectives:
a Verify operability and controllability of pumps under various transient conditions, such
as start up, coast down, emergencies and operational transients.
b Confirm Startup procedures.
c Confirm shutdown procedures.
d Confirm design requirement for vacuum breakers.
e Confirm closure time for valves.
f Confirm to restart procedures.
16 Soft copy of model shall be provided to Company / Client during course of detailed
engineering. Contractor shall provide access to pipe net simulation program transient
state for two 2 Company / Client process engineers.
a If Contractor intends to carry out transient analysis by its own in house expertise,
this must be approved by Company / Client prior to start of work.
17 Electro Chlorination system
a Contractor shall carry out a detailed hydraulic analysis and design for chlorination
system including distribution systems and generate / update all necessary
drawings / documents. Contractor shall carry out aforementioned scope of work

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suitable for continuous operation and shock dosing modes. Contractor shall also,
design for chlorine discharge monitoring system.
18 Utility Systems
a Contractor shall verify design and capacity of utility systems such as instrument air, plant
air and service water.
19 Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s)
a Contractor shall perform all works necessary to verify, correct or revise Process Flow
Diagrams, heat and material balances to reflect any / every change/s in design made as a
result of Contractor's work.
20 Utility Flow Diagrams (ufds)
Contractor shall perform all works necessary to verify, correct or revise Utility Flow
Diagrams, heat and material balances to reflect requirements of process and utility
design, which should be approved by Company / Client.
a Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID’s)
b Contractor shall review, fully update and develop Process, utilities and electro
chlorination P & IDs, provided in FEED Design Package, during detailed
engineering. All FEED “Holds” on P & ID’s shall be investigated appropriately
& reviewed by Contractor.
21 Diagrams - Further development of diagrams shall include, but not limited to finalising
all line sizes, including details of control valves / vacuum breakers etc. adding or
correcting mechanical, electrical and instrument details resulting from detailed
engineering and adding vendor details. Contractor shall implement and take actions on
items identified in FEED HAZOP as a part of Contractor responsibility. Further
Contractor shall ensure that all HAZOP actions have been closed out. Any / Every
auxiliary P& ID’s required, like for pumps protection or Cooling of Thyristors of
Variable Speed Drives (utilising De-ionised water) etc. shall be developed by Contractor
or obtained through equipment supplier / vendor. All valves including manual / gear
operated Valves shall be tagged.
a Contractor shall fully develop detailed P & ID’s for Phase and ultimate Phase and
update these drawings during course of EPIC, as required.
22 P & IDs - Any / Every proposed additions / modifications to P & ID’s, by Contractor that
may jeopardize or compromise currently built in operating reliability and or flexibility
shall be rejected. Contractor shall then rectify / modify design and P& ID’s to
Company / Client’s satisfaction and at no cost to Company / Client. Should there be a
conflict between P &IDs as developed and Company / Client specifications, former shall
prevail. It is understood and accepted that P & ID’s may see many revisions during
detailed engineering stage and even during network construction. Every revision shall
require Company / Client review and approval. Contractor shall carry out all changes /
revisions requested by Company / Client as part of contract. Upon successful network
commissioning, a full set of as built P & I D’s shall be prepared and submitted to
Company / Client for review and final approval and acceptance.
23 Line List
a Contractor shall review and fully update Line List based on results of detailed
b Contractor shall develop and complete basic line designation tables (LDT’s) in their
entirety during detailed engineering phase. Contractor shall verify all line sizes as
depicted on P & ID’s during bid stage. No reduction in any line sizes shall be permitted
after contract award. Any / whatever increase in line size, required as a result of
oversight on part of Contractor to check and verify during bid stage shall be to
Contractor’s account.
24 Process Data Sheets
Contractor shall perform sizing of all equipment and instruments and update / generate

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process datasheets for all items including, but not be limited to packages, equipment and
a Contractor shall provide process guarantees for satisfactory performance of each
equipment item provided in FEED package. Should Contractor find that certain
equipment items need to be modified and / or size / capacity / duty needs to be
increased; Contractor shall clearly state this in bid and provide desired design.
Failure to do so shall imply that Contractor accepts equipment sizes / capacities /
duties as depicted by Company / Client on all process data sheets forming part of
bid document and shall provide all process guarantees.
Contractor shall review and update following philosophy documents as necessary to incorporate
updates during detailed engineering.
a Process design philosophy
b Operating and control philosophy
c Philosophies shall cover as a minimum valving / isolation, maintenance, operations, blow
down, design temperature / pressure and chlorine distribution.
d Cause and Effect charts / PSFS
e Contractor shall be responsible for modifying / creating all Causes and Effect Charts and
PSFS diagrams to include all new facilities during detailed design.
f Utility / chemical summaries
g Contractor shall review and update utility / chemical summaries and alarm / trip settings
RAM study
a Contractor shall carry out a reliability and availability study to confirm that new system
can meet 99.7% reliability and 100% availability. Study shall be carried out on full
system utilizing recognized international standards and practices.
Pre commissioning, commissioning and startup manuals
a Contractor shall prepare detailed pre commissioning, commissioning startup manuals
based on pre commissioning / commissioning philosophy defined in FEED package.
Operating manual
a Contractor shall prepare detailed operation and maintenance manual covering operation
procedures, startup, shutdown, maintenance procedures. Format and content of operating
manual shall be discussed and agreed with Company / Client.
Performance test run
1 Contractor shall produce a detailed performance test run procedure to be approved by
Company / Client. Objective is to demonstrate that FACILITY is satisfactorily operating
in accordance with design parameters and achieves product specification / quantity and
other performance warranties, as specified under Contract.
2 Performance test shall be carried out within an agreed period between Contractor and
Company / Client from date of handover of network to Company / Client. Performance
test shall be carried out in accordance with approved procedure in order to determine
whether or not, network performs in accordance with design. Performance test shall be
carried out by Company / Client. Duration of test shall be a continuous 72 hrs.
Contractor may be present to witness performance test. Samples of water for chlorine
content shall be taken by Company / Client operating personnel and analyzed in
Company / Client laboratory. Contractor may choose to carry out its own analysis. In
this case, Company / Client shall take another set of samples for Contractor.
3 Results of analysis obtained by Company / Client shall then be compared with
Contractor’s analysis results. Analysis results obtained by Company / Client shall then be
analyzed once more. Should difference still remain then another two sets of samples
shall be taken and procedure repeated again. If at end differences still remain and in
event no agreement could be reached then a third party laboratory technician shall be

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brought to site to carry out analysis. This third party technician shall be acceptable to
both Company / Client and Contractor.
Other Requirements
1 Contractor to note that all equipment, instruments and lines have been provided with
temporary tag nos. These have been done Specific for FEED phase. Contractor shall
update all necessary documents with new identification in line with Company / Client
Standard after obtaining correct sequence numbers from Company / Client.
2 Contractor shall undertake HAZOP using an Independent Third Party Chairman
approved by Company / Client. Dates for HAZOP shall be agreed with Company /
Client. Contractor shall incorporate findings of HAZOP into detailed design, without
involving any cost and / or schedule impact to Company / Client.
3 As part of Phase, Contractor has to provide cooling water supply connection to Power,
which is defined in various FEED documents. But in order to meet immediate
requirements of Power, a temporary cooling water supply is being provided by others,
until such time permanent supply from Phase development becomes available. This is to
highlight to Contractor existence of a temporary connection for Power and Contractor has
to note this information before preparation of detailed drawings and to liaise with
Company / Client in this regard for any / every further details.
a Contractor shall provide following:
4 A DN200 tapping with manual operated Butterfly Valve on line
5 A DN200 manual operated Butterfly valve on same line Upstream of tapping. Tapping
and valves shall be near Pump House area.
6 Above requirement is per Company / Client requirement to have interconnection with
Phase. Interconnection shall be used in case of emergency and start up of Phase, if
Chlorination package of Phase is delayed.
7 As above requirement is specific and not part of the FEED design, this is not reflected at
any of other FEED documents / drawings.
8 Process Deliverables List
9 Following documents shall be developed by Contractor as a minimum. Contractor shall
provide a list of deliverables showing documents and drawings that should be produced
under this Contract. It is Contractor’s responsibility to develop any / every other
document/s that are required to complete detailed design to Company / Client’s
10 Updated Process Basis of Design
11 Steady state Hydraulic calculation report for cooling water system reflecting all updates
and amendments made by Contractor
12 Transient analysis report for cooling water system reflecting all updates and amendments
made by Contractor
13 Steady state Hydraulic calculation report for chlorine system reflecting all updating and
amendments made by Contractor
14 Process flow diagrams with heat and material balance diagrams
a Utility flow diagrams with heat and material balances, Process System
Description, Utilities System Description, Hydrochlorination System Description,
P&ids for process, utility and auxiliary systems, PSFS diagrams, Cause and
Effects Charts, Process equipment data sheets, Process instruments data sheets,
Line list, Operating and control philosophy, Process design philosophy, Alarm
and trip settings, Utility and chemical summary, Performance test run procedure,
Pre-commissioning and commissioning manuals, Operating manual and Startup /
Shutdown procedures. Safety Integrity Level
Mechanical Engineering
1 Contractor shall be responsible for but not limited to following
a Contractor shall review / update / upgrade and validate FEED specifications and

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data sheets for equipment and prepare material requisition documents, including
Vendor data requirement list & schedule (VDRL) for equipment in accordance
with Contract equipment list.
2 Contractor shall prepare detail engineering documents for specified modification works
of Phase (e.g. Sun shelter at PH for Semi Portal Cranes current collector and replacement
of existing cable reel power line of said crane etc. As specified in study, Existing Phase
crane use as a common crane) and when required, prepare specification, data sheets etc.
For equipment not covered specifically in FEED documents.
3 Contractor shall include for RAM Study to confirm requirement of additional EOT
Cranes at Pump house and Semi portal Crane at Screen Yard.
a Contractor shall witness and approve all documents necessary during major
testing such as mechanical run tests and Performance Tests. Also, Company /
Client shall witness inspections and tests, when required.
4 Contractor shall review and Validate Mechanical Handling Study Report (accessibility
and maintainability) of all Project FACILITIES and relevant data sheets would be
updated for procurement.
5 Contractor shall design, supply and install all necessary facilities as recommended in
mechanical handling report such as A-Frame, manual chain Hoist etc. which are not
covered in FEED documents.
6 Equipment List
7 Contractor shall complete / further develop the equipment list included in FEED.
8 Equipment Data Sheets
9 FEED document includes data sheets developed in accordance with process design
criteria for all major equipment items. Prepared equipment data sheets identify the
minimum design requirements. Contractor is responsible for review and update, as
required and preparing final detailed equipment data sheets for all equipment.
Civil / Structural Engineering
1 Contractor shall be responsible for, but not limited to following
Applicable for all Facilities
1 A preliminary site preparation drawing, along with soil survey report on borehole
samples has been included. In addition, rough grades have been established along with a
perimeter fence drawing, preliminary grading and drainage drawings, preliminary
roadway drawings, road and utility crossing drawings, pipeline drawings, foundation
drawings, structural steel drawings and other miscellaneous drawings showing lines only,
but no details. These drawings / documents are issued for information only.
2 Contractor has to remove existing pavement in order to place new foundations.
a Contractor's work includes, but not limited to review and verification of Plot Plans to
include any development resulting from supplier information, piping stress analysis,
requirements for constructability, plant safety, operation and maintenance to suit
completion of FACILITY.
1 A Geo technical report “Geo Technical Site Investigation” has been provided for
Building Area, Outfall Area and on Pipe Corridor's. Purpose of report is to provide
preliminary information on foundation recommendations.
2 Contractor shall be responsible to plan and carry out any / whatever supplemental soil
survey to verify data and to collect additional data at areas, where soil data is neither
sufficient nor available.
3 At completion of site preparation work, Contractor shall carry out site survey for setting
out work and to verify that Construction Site preparation is done, per Project requirement
in terms of extent and elevation of developed area for all FACILITY.
4 Contractor shall ensure that all existing survey monuments are preserved and properly
protected. Survey monuments damaged by Contractor during performance of Work shall

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be repaired or replaced by Contractor at its own cost.

5 Contractor shall locate and install new permanent monuments at each corner of facilities
Construction Sites and other locations as needed for Work to mark boundaries / establish
additional horizontal and vertical controls for construction work. Contractor shall record
locations of these monuments and benchmarks on Contractor's topographical survey
drawings together with their National Grid references and National Height Datum (NHD)
6 Contractor shall reference FACILITY grid system for all new coordinates and National
Height Datum for all elevations used for Work.
a As a minimum, accuracy of horizontal measurements shall meet requirements of
relevant Company / Client standards.
7 Accuracy of running levels for purpose of establishing grade elevations is expressed as:
a Maximum permissible error in mm = 8 times square root of distance of level run
in kilometres or as specified in Company / Client standards.
8 Topographical Survey
a Information and details, pertaining to existing roads, storm drainage etc. shall be
coordinated with Company / Client during execution of Project. However,
Contractor shall survey existing infrastructure to acquire actual information and
ensure consistency in design and construction. Contractor shall carry out a
complete topographical survey of work site and submit report with drawings to
Company / Client.
9 Contractor shall contact GIS Department for information, pertaining to transformation
parameters from grid.
10 Bathymetric Survey
a Bathymetric Survey shall be carried out by Contractor for sea bed profiles for
design of Outfall Structure.
Civil, Structural and Building
1 Contractor shall carry out following civil design and engineering for Work included, but
not be limited to following:
a Construction Site preparation, final grading, paving
b Excavation including dewatering
c Foundation works and carrying out soil improvement, soil replacement and / or
piling, as required. In reclaimed land area, soil improvement or piling shall be
considered for large equipment foundations, heavily loaded pipe sleepers and / or
foundations sensitive to settlement.
2 Roads, paving, culverts, footpaths, road markings, signs, safety barriers and guard posts
in compliance with Company / Client and other local Authority Standards, CS and
National Traffic Manual, Design guidelines for road pavement and road crossings in
Plant Industrial City. Flush kerbstones shall be installed at change of road construction
and road direction, while crash barriers / guard rails shall be installed at culverts, ramps
and change of road direction as a minimum. Company / Client shall not supply copies of
CS standards. Contractor shall have to obtain its own copies from Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Agriculture.
3 Underground services such as, sewers, drains, cable trenches, duct banks, pipe trenches
and other civil works associated with underground service installations including
underground piping, cathodic protection, electrical cables and grounding, instrument
cables and heating systems. Seawater pipes shall be installed above and underground.
Design cut and fill shall be for full width of pipe corridors, plus two side maintenance
tracks, which are part of other corridors adjacent to Cooling Water Corridors i.e. For
Phases, while construction of pipe supports shall be for Phase only.
4 Earth embankment / dikes and related concrete works, if required during construction to
be executed by Contractor.

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Structures in concrete, steel and masonry block, including, but not be limited to
equipment and pipe supporting structures and foundations, culverts and bridges,
pits, manholes, basins, ponds, receiving basin, discharge channel, outfall
structure, earth retaining structures, piping anchors and thrust blocks etc.
b Conformance to local law, regulations and practices
5 Contractor shall design, supply, install and commission impressed current cathodic
protection system to protect reinforcing steel re-bar of Pump house pit (above and below
ground), Receiving Basin, Discharge Channel, Outfall structures and for all structure and
foundations within water table or / and below ±0.0m NHD.
6 Extent and type of structure of wing wall to PH for future phases shall be finalised by
Contractor during detail design and subject to Company / Client approval. Contractor
shall refer to PH walls
7 Actual dimensions including buttress walls of Receiving Basin shall be detailed by
Contractor and finalised during detail design subject to Company / Client approval.
Physical modeling of Pump pits, Receiving Basin, Discharge Channel and Outfall
Structures are to be carried out by Contractor.
8 Specialist recommends that developed design for intake pumping station be subject of a
physical model test by Contractor in order to:
a Investigate detailed internal flow conditions
b Investigate potential vortex action at pump chambers
c Investigate potential pre-swirl at pump suctions
d Optimise required vortex suppression devices.
e Investigate performance in vicinity of pumps and to confirm pump chamber geometry
9 Proposed overall layout and dimensions for screen chambers is considered satisfactory
for FEED. However, that required width of each screen chamber element should be
subject to further review by Contractor, following identification of actual screen vendor
and actual screen dimensions.
1 Contractor shall carryout design for free bare land beautification including required
irrigation pipeline at Common Seawater Facility.
2 Soft landscaping
a Soft landscaping is to be installed around Building, comprising of grass area,
planting beds, plants, trees (palm trees for Operation Building only), shrubs and
like. This landscaping shall cover following area:
i. Operation Building - Tag No..
ii. Workshop / Warehouse Building - Tag No.
iii. Workshop Building - Tag No.
b Required irrigation pipeline is also, to be specified for watering of landscaping.
Source of water supply is available from connection to PLANT Landscaping
Water Network at CSF Main Road, which is presently under implementation.
3 Hard landscaping
a Area between buildings and roadways should be kerbed and filled with 100mm
depth of 20mm crushed and washed stone (i.e. Pebbles) to available space
between buildings and road. Earthing pits and cable markers shall be minimum
50mm above finished levels or be reinstalled appropriately. This landscaping shall
cover, but not be limited to following area:
i. Control Building (Extension) - Tag No.
ii. Electro-chlorination Building - Tag No
iii. Electrical Switch gear building for Chlorination -Tag No.
iv. 33kv Switchgear Building - Tag No.
v. VSDS Substation for PH - Tag No

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vi. VSDS Substation for PH - Tag No.

vii. 220kv Switch Gear Building -Tag No.
b Contractor to follow project specifications and Company / Client amendments,
while designing all Civil Works in addition to Civil and Structural Design Basis
and applicable codes and standards.

Underground Facilities
1 These shall include all civil work associated with electrical, instrument,
telecommunication, fire fighting system and cathodic protection, including cable trenches
of all types (concrete wall type, direct buried type etc.) & duct banks and associated civil
works for underground piping and cables including required pipe trenches, drainage
systems including sewers, drains, catch basins, manholes for various purposes.
Contractor shall follow project specifications and Company / Client amendments, while
designing Underground facilities in addition to applicable codes and standards.
Steel Structure
1 While designing steel structure, Contractor shall follow Project specifications, Civil and
Structural Design Basis, codes and standards. Contractor shall be responsible for
providing all steel structures. Strict quality control, supervision, inspection and testing
during fabrication / erection shall be implemented for production of steel structures. Only
new material certified to Project Specifications shall be used for permanent inclusion.
Materials conforming to code equivalent to latest ASTM Standards, such as BS or JIS are
acceptable for structural materials with prior Company / Client approval. Quality control
including materials, fabrication, welding, protective coating, transportation, handling and
storage has been outlined in Project Specifications and must be strictly followed.
2 With regard to use of hot dipped galvanised steel structures, Company / Client is
concerned with zinc embrittlement of stainless steel and high nickel alloys. Steel
structure with a potential to be in contact with equipment containing stainless steel piping
or equipment shall not be galvanized, but be painted in accordance with Company /
Client Painting Spec.
3 In addition, Contractor's design shall make provisions to prevent contamination of these
equipment and piping due to dripping of molten zinc from galvanised structural steel
because of fire. Thus, wherever there is a potential for contamination due to molten zinc,
Contractor shall either paint overhead structure in lieu of hot dipped galvanising, provide
adequate protection shields or insulate / fireproof structure.
a Operating stages and access on pipe racks, equipment supporting structures,
shelters and equipment as well as, stages and walkways on ground necessary to
facilitate FACILITY operation and maintenance, including structural platform
shall be provided by Contractor, for Company / Client's approval.
4 Contractor shall be responsible for determining requirement, developing detail design,
and providing small shelters such as those required for local panels and instrumentation
etc. These small shelters are not listed in Building List. Contractor shall seek Company /
Client approval for scope of small shelters.
5 Miscellaneous pipe racks and pipe supports, which shall be required in process and areas
are not shown on plot plans nor in Building List. Contractor shall be responsible for
developing layouts, detail design and providing these pipe racks and supports.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 10
Chapter 8
Building Design Concept

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Design General Specification

Structural Design Basis
1 Buildings, Process Structures, Pipe Racks, Miscellaneous Plant Structures, Vessels,
Exchangers and General Introduction
2 This specification gives minimum criteria for structural engineering and design purpose
necessary for structural engineering and design for framework and foundations of all
buildings, process structures, pipe racks and for foundations for vertical vessels,
horizontal vessels, heat exchangers, storage tanks, vibrating equipment, grade and
elevated slabs and masonry structures. Miscellaneous plant structures such as pits, sumps
and retaining walls etc.
Codes And Standards
1 Following Codes, Standards and Specifications form part of this specification. Only latest
codes shall apply to all requirements. Alternate Codes, Standards and Specifications
meeting requirements of Codes, Standards and Specifications may be used with approval
by Company.
2 Steel grade material S 275 JR to BS EN 10025 and bolts to BS 4190 and BS 4395 may be
used upon Company approval.
3 Steel grade 43A to BS 4360 may be used for small access platforms, without valves,
small pipe supports, handrail and ladders, subject to Company approval. American
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ANSI A12.1 Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and Toeboards.
ANSI A14.3 Safety Requirement for Fixed Ladders.
ANSI A64.1 Requirements for Fixed Industrial Stairs
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
AISC Manual of Steel Construction
AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
AISC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings
ACI 302.1R Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction
ACI 318M Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete Commentary on Building
Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete
ACI 325.3R Guide for Design of Foundations and Shoulders for Concrete Pavements
ACI 336.2R Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats
ACI 350R Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures
ACI 530 Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures
American Welding Society (AWS)
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel
AWS D1.4 Structural Welding Reinforcing Steel
American Petroleum Institute (API)
API 650 Appendix E
American Society For Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT)
ASNT-TC-IA Recommended Practice
Portland Cement Association (PCA)
PCA IS 003D Rectangular Concrete Tanks
PCA IS 072D Circular Concrete Tanks without Pre-stressing
National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)
NCMA TEK 59 Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

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American Association of State Highways And Transportation Official (AASHTO)
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges
American Society For Testing And Materials (ASTM)
ASTM A6 Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling
and Bars for Structural Use
ASTM A36 Specification for Structural Steel
ASTM A53 Specification for Pipe, Steel, Blank and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated Welded and
ASTM A123 Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products
ASTM A143 Recommended Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip
Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedures for Detecting Embrittlement
ASTM A185 Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric Plain for Concrete Reinforcement
ASTM A193 Specification for Alloy-Steel Bolting Material for High Temperature Service
ASTM A307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength
ASTM A325 Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints (Including Suitable
Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers)
ASTM A490 Specification for High-Strength Steel Bolts Classes 10.9 and 10.93 for Structural
Steel Joints (Metric)
ASTM A500 Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural
Tubing in Rounds and Shapes
ASTM A569M Specification for Steel with Carbon (0.15 Maximum Percent) Hot-Rolled-Sheet
and Strip Commercial Quality
ASTM A786 Specification for Rolled Steel Floor Plates
ASTM A830 Specification for Plates Carbon Steel Structural Quality Furnished to Chemical
Composition Requirements
ASTM C90 Specification for Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units
ASTM C270 Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry
ASTM F436 Specification for Hardened Steel Washers
ASTM F959 Specification for Compressible-Washer-Type Direct Tension Indicator for use with
Structural Fasteners
Uniform Building Code (UBC)
UBC Latest Edition
BS 4 Structural Steel Sections Part 1 Specification for Hot Rolled Sections
BS 4190 Black hexagon bolts
BS 4360 Weldable structural steels
BS 4395 High Strength Friction Bolts and Associated Nuts and Washers for Structural
BS 4449 Carbon Steel Bars for Reinforcement of Concrete
BS 4483 Steel Fabric for Reinforcement of Concrete
BS 4592 Grating
BS 4848 Hot-Rolled Structural Steel Sections Part 2: Specification for Hot-Finished Hollow
BS 5950 Structural Use of Steelwork in Buildings
BS 7419 Holding Down Bolts
BS 8004 Foundations
BS 8007 Design of Concrete Structures for Retaining Aqueous Liquids
BS 8110 Structural Use of Concrete
BS EN 20898 Mechanical Properties of Fasteners Part 1: Bolts, Screws and Studs
BS EN 10025 Hot rolled products of now-alloy structural steels and their technical delivery

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British Publications
U.K. Concrete Society Technical Report No. 34: Concrete Industrial Ground Floors
Cement and Concrete Association Technical Report 550: Design of Floors on Ground
British Cement Association Interim Note 11: Design of Ground Supported Concrete
Industrial Ground Floors
CIRIA Special Publication 31: CIRIA Guide to Concrete Construction in Gulf Region
CIRIA Report No. 91 Early Age Thermal Crack Control in Concrete

Quality Requirement Assurance / Quality Control

1 Contractor’s proposed quality system shall fully satisfy all elements of ISO 9001
“Quality Systems –
1 Model for Quality Requirement Assurance in Design / Development, Production,
Installation and Servicing” and ISO 9004-1987, “Quality Management and Quality
System Elements - Guidelines”. Quality system shall provide for planned and systematic
control of all quality related activities performed during design. Implementation of
system shall be carried out in accordance with Project Contract Agreement, Contractor’s
Quality Manual and Project Specific Quality plan. Quality manual as well as, project
specific quality plan shall be submitted to Company for review, comment and approval.
Design Requirements
1 Reference codes and standards
a All structural engineering design shall be within parameters of documents listed
above and constitute part of this design basis.
2 Measurement
a All dimensions, quantities and units of measurement shown on drawings or used
in specifications and calculations shall be in metric units, while pipe size may be
in inches.
3 Site Survey and Soils Report
a Company accepts no liability for information contained in Site Survey and Soils
Report (if any).
b Site survey
c All design shall be in accordance with horizontal and vertical controls contained
in survey report prepared by survey consultant.
4 Soils report
a All designs shall be in accordance with the recommendations contained in soils
report prepared by geotechnical consultant.
Basic Design and Drawing Concepts
1 Design and calculations
a Prior to starting detailed design, a basic design shall be made consisting of:
2 Basic sketch
3 Loading Derivation
4 Calculation
5 Stability check
6 Main Structural members
7 Basic Sketch
8 Sketch shall show proposed structure (in perspective and / or a series of cross sections).
9 Structural members may be shown as single lines.
10 Sketch shall include foundations & all other parts of structures in structural steel or in
structural concrete. All applied loads shall be shown on sketch excluding dead loads.
Calculations Calculation/s shall give design philosophy and all loads including dead
loads of relevant structural components.
11 Calculation shall state loads in main structural members (axial loads, bending moments,
shear and possibly torsion, reactions, deflections) and include upward reaction loads on

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foundation (load per unit of area). Calculation shall take into account soil investigation
report. If any / certain computer programmes are to be used for detailed design, these
shall be identified during basic design stage with all required documentation, provided to
demonstrate their adequacy & sufficiency.
12 Stability Check
a Stability of structure shall be checked for both factored and non factored load
13 Main Structural Members
a In assessment of sizes and dimensions of main structural members, most critical load
combination shall be considered. Structural details such as connections of steel beams
and columns or details of reinforcing steel over full length of a reinforced concrete beam
shall be designed and detailed by Designer.
14 Standard steel connection details may be designed by Supplier, but must be checked by
Designer duly certified by a Professional Engineer, or equivalent duly registered
complying with international standards of EMF.(Engineers Mobility Forum / IPEA) (In
Bharat India, The Institution of Engineers India represents EMF/ IPEA)
Detailed Design
Detailed design shall be based on basic criteria as well as, FEED.
Calculation shall clearly indicate:
1 Table of contents
2 Design philosophy employed on engineering assumptions
3 Applicable codes, formulas, graphs / tables
4 References to literature etc. for subjects not covered by applicable codes
5 Loading tables with loads location diagrams
6 If computer programs are used, following information shall be supplied:
a Logic and theory used
b Analytical model of structure used for computer analysis
c Users manual
d A hand calculation to prove validity of computer analysis, except if validated by
QR / QA / QC system.
e Loads and load combinations
Drawings and related documents
1 Drawings shall be of standard metric sizes, i.e. A0, A1, A2, A3, A4
2 Preferred computer aided design system is software used internationally as well as,
designer’s in house developed or other software approved by Company. These shall be
suitably prepared to facilitate microfilming and incorporate a numbering and indication
of revision system. Dimensions on drawings shall be in SI system, unless otherwise
specified. Levels shall be indicated in metres & all other dimensions in millimeters.
Layout drawings shall show highest point of grade as El. 100.00 and reference of this
level to local datum level for Process Units & in offsites actual level should be indicated.
All headings and notes shall be given in English. Each drawing shall bear following
information in title block.
3 Order number of Company, Name of plant, Name of unit, Name of part of the unit,
Example: Order number, Catalytic cracking unit, Compressor building
a Portal frames
4 Only drawings marked "Released for Construction (RFC)" or “Approved for
Construction (AFC)” shall be used for execution of works everywhere.
a This mark "Released for Construction" can be given only by Designer responsible
for design and engineering. Drawings shall be submitted together with relevant
calculations, including those required for submission to local authorities.
Revisions to drawings shall be identified with symbols adjacent to alterations, a
brief description in tabular form of each revision shall be given and if applicable,

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authority and date of revision shall be listed.

5 Term “Latest Revision” shall not be used. Claim to all drawings prepared by Contractor
under any / every order placed by Company shall be vested in Company and later have
right to use these drawings for any / every purpose for this project, without any obligation
to Contractor.
6 Contractor shall not disclose or issue to any third parties, without obtaining written
consent of Company any documents, drawings etc. provided at its disposal by Company
or any documents prepared by Contractor in connection with inquiries and orders for
purposes other than preparation of a quotation or carrying out these orders.
Structural concrete
Plan drawing
1 On this drawing, general information / data shall be shown as General Notes on right
hand side or any / whatever other suitable location of drawing.
General notes shall state that:
1 Levels are expressed in meters with reference to highest point of grade
2 Dimensions are expressed in millimeters
3 Bar diameters are expressed in millimeters
4 Furthermore, general notes shall list:
5 Quality (or qualities) of concrete
6 Quality (or qualities) of steel reinforcing bars
7 Quality (or qualities) of cement to be used
8 Concrete blinding (location, quality and thickness)
9 Polyethylene sheeting, if applicable (location and quality)
10 Concrete cover on bars (type of construction, location and thickness)
11 List of reference drawings and related documents stating respective title and number
12 Legend of Contractor’s reinforcing bar call out
13 Including an indication for which parts each quality is to be used.
Detailed drawings
1 On each of detail drawings, following information / data shall be listed:
a For general notes, see Drawing No. ......
b This detail drawing refers to Drawing No. ......
c For bar bending lists, see No. ......, sheet 1 to .......
d For weight lists, see No. ........, sheet 1 to ........
e Quantity of concrete (for each quality of concrete separately)
f Bending and weight lists
1 These lists shall always be made by Designer, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
2 Lists shall be prepared on detailed drawings or on separate sheets.
Scale of drawings
1 Plan drawings shall be made to a scale of 1:50 and detail drawings to a scale of 1:20.
Structural steel
1 Part of information / data supplied by Company may be in form of one or more
instruction drawings. If instruction drawings are provided, all dimensions shown on these
drawings shall also, appear on Contractor’s drawings.
2 General arrangement drawings
a These drawing shall show complete structure to be supplied. All main dimensions
and section to be used shall be included. All members to be fireproofed shall be
marked with an appropriate symbol or FP designation. A fireproofing legend shall
clearly identify symbols and designations with work to be performed. For
preparation of general arrangement drawing, Contractor may use a reproducible
of instruction drawings. For small and simple structures, this drawing may be
combined with base plate drawing.

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3 Base plate drawing

a This drawing shall show all dimensions and details of base plate, including anchor
bolts, which be taken into account in design of concrete foundation. When need
for a slight adjustment of anchor bolts during erection is expected, this shall be
indicated on drawing. Scale for details shall be kept at least 1:10. For small and
simple structures, this drawing may be combined with general arrangement
4 Construction drawings
a These drawings shall clearly show all constructional details of structure to be
supplied. Location of various parts in structure shall be indicated.
b Scale of drawings- Drawings shall be made to an appropriate scale.
5 Bills of material
a Bills of material shall show weights of all large members from viewpoint of
transportation and erection at site as well as, total weight of structure.
Steel structures
1 Structural steel design shall be carried out in accordance with relevant project, general
specifications and international codes. Plastic design method in AISC Manual shall not
be used in steel design. Steel structures shall be designed for loads and load combinations
allowed In this specification. Normally, only pinned column bases shall be used in design
of steel structures. Use of fixed base plates for certain type of pipe racks and buildings
may be necessary, because of deflection considerations. Where headroom, access or
equipment arrangement permit, wind and other lateral loads on a steel structure shall
preferably be transferred to foundations through vertical X-bracing or K-bracing included
on transverse and longitudinal column lines of structure.
2 As a second choice, wind and other lateral loads on a structure should be transferred to
foundations through moment resistant frames in one direction and vertical X-braced or
K-braced frames in other direction. Structures that resist lateral load with rigid frame
systems in two directions should be avoided. Method of bracing selected for a structure
should generally be used throughout structure. Compression bracing for steel structures
shall normally be designed with wide flange and structural tee shapes. For tension
bracing, single angle or structural tees may be used. Double angle bracing, because of
maintenance difficulties shall not be permitted for either compression or tension
locations. When using structural tees in compression, design shall include bending
induced by eccentrically loaded connections. Braces for structures subject to vibration
from equipment shall be designed as compression members. Horizontal bracing shall be
provided in plane of a floor, platform or walkway, when necessary to resist lateral loads
or to increase lateral stiffness of unit.
3 Floor grating shall not be allowed to resist lateral loads in diaphragm action, without
having been investigated. In a floor system, beam compression flanges should be
considered to be fully braced, when a concrete slab is cast to match bottom face of
compression flanges on both sides or when chequered plate is bolted or welded to
compression flanges or when grating or metal deck is welded to compression flanges.
Grating shall normally be either clipped or bolted and therefore, should not be considered
as adequate compression flange bracing. In such cases, additional vertical and / or
horizontal bracing in floor system shall be provided. Bar joist floor and roof systems are
generally considered to be too light for heavy industrial plant work. However, when
approved by Designer, bar joist systems may be used on a project.
4 Steel Structures shall be designed, so that surfaces of all parts should be readily
accessible for inspection, cleaning and painting. Pockets for depressions, which would
hold water shall be provided drain holes or otherwise protected.
5 Connections for steel structures shall conform to following requirements:
a Shop connections may be bolted or welded. Field connections shall normally be

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bolted, however, when approved by Designer, welded field connections may be

used. Bolted connections for primary members shall utilize high strength bolts
conforming to ASTM A325 or A490. A minimum of 2 M20 bolts shall be used
for all connections.
6 These connections shall be designed as bearing type. Those connections subject to
vibration or stress reversal shall be bearing type. Loads for bearing type connections shall
be based on threads excluded from shear plane. Turn of nut method or load indicator
washers shall be used for tightening all connections. Bolted connections for secondary
members (e.g. purlins, girts, stair framing etc.) shall be made with A307 bolts with
appropriate finish. Connections will normally be designed by Supplier and checked by
Designer in accordance with project construction specifications and loads shown on
drawings. Moment connections and special connections, however shall be worked by
Designer duly shown on engineering drawings.
7 Moment connections can be bolted or welded type, depending on type of structure and
situation. Designer shall determine type of connection to be used for each structure. All
shear connections shall be designed and detailed by Supplier and checked by Designer.
Reactions shall be shown on engineering drawings or per calculation note provided by
Designer. Plant area shall have primary structural connections continuously seal welded,
except high strength bolted field connections. Primary structural connections include
horizontal and vertical vessel supports, beams and columns on major pipe racks,
inaccessible maintenance areas etc.
8 Forces in truss members and all main bracing shall be shown on engineering drawings
with plus signs indicating tension and minus signs indicating compression or per the
calculation note provided by Designer. Minimum thickness of any / every structural steel
plate or bar shall be 10 mm. Gusset plates shall not be thinner than members to be
connected and shall have a thickness of at least 10 mm. Welded steel grating for platform
covering shall be 30 mm x 6 mm bearing bars at 30 mm on center. Cross bars shall be
twisted square 6 mm on each side and spaced not over 100 mm center to center, hot dip
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and A143 for corrosive environment. E70xx
welding electrodes shall be specified for all shop and field welding of structural steel. All
welds shall be continuous. All bracing shall be arranged to minimize torsion and where
practicable, be arranged concentrically about resultant line of force.
9 Connections wherever possible shall be arranged, so that their respective centroid lies on
resultant of forces those members intend to resist. When condition cannot be achieved,
members and connections shall be designed to resist any local bending due to eccentricity
of force. In practice, it is noticed that corroded steel plates and bolts limit expected
movement, which may result in additional stresses. Designer should consider this point to
include sequential additional stresses in their respective design consideration. Steel
structures supporting equipment shall be fireproofed, where required by risk & safety
Reinforced concrete structures and foundations
1 Cast in place or in situ concrete structures shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318,
except as indicated otherwise in this specification.
2 Cast in place or in situ concrete structures shall be designed for loads and load
combinations required according to codes & description elsewhere in project documents.
Working strength or limit state of serviceability design methods shall be used for
structural design of concrete members, unless otherwise indicated. Load combinations
and load factors for all concrete design shall be adopted in accordance with ACI 318.
Design and details of Cast in place concrete structures shall consider monolithic nature of
hardened concrete.
3 Construction joints in a concrete structure shall be located, so as to least impair integrity
and unity of structure. Construction joints in beams at column or pedestal faces should be

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avoided. Designer / Contractor Site Management shall approve location of all

construction joints on site agreement. Moving concentrated loads on elevated concrete
beams and slabs shall be treated in accordance with applicable recommendations of
referenced AASHTO specifications.
4 Slabs at grade for buildings and process areas shall be designed in accordance with
publications ‘Concrete pavements for heavy storage areas’
5 Underground structures such as basements, rectangular tanks, sumps, and pits shall be
designed in accordance with latest referenced PCA bulletins and / or BS8007. Design of
such structures shall include effects of ground water pressures and buoyancy. A
minimum factor of safety of 1.1 for buoyancy shall be used ignoring soil cohesion.
Concrete process treatment structures shall be designed in accordance with ACI 350 R.
For all liquid retaining structures, special precautions shall be taken for water tightness.
6 All joints shall be fully detailed by Designer. A corrosion allowance of 3 mm shall be
required for all anchor bolts. Bolts shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM
A123 and A143. Foundation design in addition to above applicable criteria shall meet
following requirements:
7 Foundations shall be designed in accordance with project geotechnical soils report.
Foundations for structures shall be sized and stability determinations made using service
loads only. Load factors shall not be included in these design operations. Unless there is a
conflict with project soils report, individual foundations shall normally be used for major
equipment. If combined foundations are appropriate, centroid of bearing area should
coincide with resultant of applied operating load, excluding live load.
8 All foundations shall be placed on sealed blinding concrete on firm, undisturbed soil.
Some seal slabs, however, may be placed on well compacted earth fill, if approved by
Designer. In such cases, engineering drawings shall specify kind of fill material and
degree of compaction required for fill material. Spread footings, combined footings and
mats should be designed assuming linear soil pressure distribution.
9 Where rigidity of foundation is questionable, an analysis considering interaction between
flexibility of foundation and subgrade soil reaction should be considered. For mats
particularly, this method of analysis may be in order. ACI 336.2 R contains suggested
design procedures. Foundations shall be proportioned, so as to minimize general and
differential settlements. In order to reduce overturning moment on individual footings of
buildings and process structures, transfer of column base shears into concrete grade slab
should be considered. Frictional resistance provided by grade slab shall equal at least
1.15 times applied column base shears.
10 For design purposes, a coefficient of friction of 0.2 may be assumed between concrete
slab and membrane. If this design approach is used, grade slab thickness and joint details
shall be properly designed. Where seasonal changes in soil moisture content occur
extremely, special details may be required to minimize foundation movements. Control
of foundation movements is especially critical for masonry structures. Designer shall
determine design parameters to control such movements.
11 Stability ratio SR based on service loads for isolated spread footings shall not be less than
1.5 when determined as follows:
a SR = D (P) / 2M = D / 2e Where: D = Diameter or width of footing, P =
Minimum gravity load at bottom of footing (exclude equipment and live loads,
include buoyancy), M = Maximum overturning moment at bottom of footing, e =
Eccentricity = M / P
12 Uplift factor of safety based on service loads shall not be less than 1.25. This factor of
safety must be maintained when 70 percent of dead load is combined with no reduction
of wind load for uplift.
13 Stability ratio SR based on service loads for buildings, process structures and other
framed structures shall not be less than 1.5, when determined as follows.

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SR = Resisting Moment / Overturning Moment, Where Resisting Moment =
Moment due to dead load of foundation and structure include buoyancy,
Overturning Moment = Moment due to lateral loads
14 Overturning and resisting moments shall be computed about most critical axis of rotation
of foundation block at soil / concrete interface. There may be more than one axis of
a Stability ratio SR of retaining walls based on service loads shall not be less than
15 For sustained loading:
a SR = Resisting Moment / Overturning Moment
b = 3.5 for cohesive soils
c = 2.0 for cohesionless material
16 For sustained loading combined with temporary loading:
a SR = Resisting Moment / Overturning Moment
b = 2.0 for cohesive soils
c = 1.5 for cohesionless material
d Where:
17 Resisting Moment = Moment due to dead load of wall and soil overburden include
18 Overturning Moment= Moment due to lateral loads
19 Resisting moment and overturning moment shall be taken about toe of retaining wall and
bottom of footing. For all service load conditions, sliding resistance of foundations
especially retaining walls shall at least be equal to 1.5 times applied lateral loads. Sliding
resistance shall be developed by, either friction between footing and membrane or by
passive resistance of shear keys extending below bottom of footing in case of retaining
20 In cases, where sliding resistance is developed by a combination of friction and passive
resistance, it is recommended that a minimum factor of safety 2.0 shall be provided.
Stability calculations shall include weight of foundation concrete and soil immediately
above footings. Effects of buoyancy on concrete and soil weights shall be considered.
Passive earth pressures shall not be included in stability calculations, except in design of
retaining walls with keys. In this case, only that pressure acting on key face shall be
considered. Foundation bottom level shall be defined taking into consideration
geotechnical soil report and other factors to be clearly noted on drawings. Keep standard
bottom of footing elevations, where possible. Consideration shall be given to
interferences with underground soil systems.
1 Region has been defined as being in an Ultra Hot Climate together with extremely heavy
concentration of chlorides in both ground and atmosphere together with high humidity
that result in rapid degradation of Reinforced Concrete structures. Degradation of
concrete is principally caused by reinforcement corrosion due to ingress of chlorides
and other aggressive salts, consequential increased volume of rust produced
commonly breaks off cover on reinforcement. Failure of R.C member then becomes
imminent. Degradation of concrete arises also, from use of salt contaminated
2 Durability and quality of concrete itself is of paramount importance. Factors to increase
durability, while designing shall be considered in concrete such as thermal insulation
coating measures as recommended in “CIRIA Guide to Concrete in Gulf Region”.
Quality of concrete is achieved by good engineering and detailing proper materials and
proportioning good construction techniques and concrete curing. One of main
characteristics influencing durability of concrete is its permeability to ingress of
chlorides, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, windblown chloride contaminated dust

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and other deleterious substances.

3Coatings shall be applied to all buried and exposed concrete surfaces as an essential
protection against attack from chlorides, other harmful elements and to provide
concrete to develop a refined pore structure enhancing impermeability. Coatings shall
have crack bridging properties on flexural members. Steel plates shall not be embedded
in concrete. Contractor shall develop a detail that allows attachment of plates to inserts
embedded in concrete. A detail shall also, be developed to ensure an effective seal from
exterior moisture is achieved around perimeter of plates at point of intersection between
concrete and plate.
Crack prevention
1 Crack widths shall be controlled by an expeditious use of combinations of reinforcement
sizes, spacing and cover.
a Crack widths shall be calculated using applicable formula in BS 8007.
2 Calculation shall be based on long term, steady state loading. For durability, it is not
necessary to consider peak loadings, although this may affect coating selection for
requirement for crack bridging and flexural performance.
a Crack widths apply at surface of concrete i.e. full depth of cover shall be utilized
in calculation.
3 Calculation of crack widths shall consider both load (flexural) and restraint (due to
thermal and shrinkage effects) induced cracking.
a In order to reduce flexural cracking to acceptance limits, it shall be necessary to
use reduced allowable stresses in reinforcement.
4 Calculation of crack widths shall not use ‘deemed to satisfy’ options of BS 8007, i.e. do
not calculate crack widths on PC and minimum reinforcement ratios.
a Minimum external restraint factor R shall be 0.5.
5 Methods of calculating crack widths in relation to temperature and moisture effects are
given in Appendix A - BS 8007.
6 Minimum fall in temperature between hydration peak and ambient T1 shall not be less
than 31° C for walls and 21° C for ground slabs.
a Seasonal temperature fall T2 shall be considered, where continuous construction
is used - BS 8007 - Table 5.1 - Option 1. This shall be not less than 30° C.
b Crack widths shall be limited as follows.
c Crack width shall be = 0.15 mm for all buried, submerged and exposed concrete.
d Crack width shall be = 0.30 mm for all concrete located in an air conditioned and
sealed environment.
e Crack widths shall be = 0.10 for all liquid retaining structures.
1 Use smaller diameter rebars at closer centers.
a For sections = 500 mm thick and for outside 300 mm of large sections,
reinforcement shall not be less than 0.35% of applicable gross cross sectional area
of concrete section.
2 Maximum spacing of reinforcement shall be 150 mm in any / every direction.
a Use fabric reinforcement where possible (‘nested’ where necessary) as this gives
better crack control.
b Do not bunch reinforcement or use in vertical or horizontal pairs.
c Reinforcement shall be adequately detailed to eliminate congested areas i.e. laps
to be staggered.
3 Place reinforcement nearest to surface, where it is greatest restrained length, which means
horizontal wall reinforcement shall be on outside of vertical reinforcement.
4 Ensure additional diagonal reinforcement is placed at each reentrant opening to prevent
cracks emanating from corners.
a All reinforcement shall be fully detailed by Designer on bar bending schedules

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BBS for fabrication.

5All concrete sections with a thickness of 250 mm or more, reinforcing bars shall be
placed on both faces over full section. In addition, minimum reinforcement shall be
placed in other two faces.
Concrete Cover
Adequate cover to outside of all reinforcement is essential for resistance to corrosion for
all types of sections & situations whatsoever..
a Minimum Concrete Cover mm- Concrete cast against or permanently exposed to earth,
all below grade structures and all marine facilities over or in contact with water 75
b Concrete exposed to weather, all above grade structures not enclosed by a temperature
and humidity controlled building 60
c Concrete not exposed to weather and located within a temperature and humidity
controlled building 50
d Where any / whatever individual structural element falls within two or more categories
then most stringent criteria shall apply for entire element.
e Horizontal rebar in walls and faces of large elements shall be on outside of vertical
reinforcement for more effective crack control.
f All concrete cover shall conform strictly with values given above unless noted otherwise
on design documents or in applicable standards.
g Required covers shall not be reduced by provision of protective coatings, membranes or
by membrane protective screed.
h If fire resistance of more than 2 hours is required, cover shall be as determined in Table
3.5 in BS 8110 Part 1 for particular element under consideration.
Concrete Grades
a Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength as given in Specification for
Externals Features
1 Features which collect sand and dust that can form with rain or dew into a corrosive
pollutant shall be avoided i.e. decorative patterns with holes and pockets, gutters, ledges
and exposed aggregate finishes. Top surfaces shall be designed with falls to encourage
run-off drainage.
2 Tops of all pedestal heads shall be sloped 1:20 away from base plate grout.
a Top of pedestal shall project a minimum of 100 mm from edge of column base
plate grout. Dimensions of concrete columns or foundations are designed taking
into account loads applied to & not by reference to geometric dimensions of base
3 Minimum pedestal heights excluding grout above top of adjacent paving shall be as
a Structural Steel columns: 150 mm to 200 mm
b Equipment (general): 100 mm to 300 mm
c Equipment (pumps): 100 mm to 300 mm
4 Grout is to be sloped 1:1 away from bottom outside corner of column base plate grout.
5 Shear keys shall not be used on pedestals / plinths.
6 Stress Raisers
a Complicated plan shapes, which produce stresses shall be avoided.
b Large and sudden changes of cross section i.e. wall junctions and counter forts in middle
of bay lengths shall be avoided. Locate joints adjacent to these stress producers or cast in
two separate sections.
c Provide appropriate extra reinforcement, where stress producers are unavoidable.
7 Casting in pipes, box outs, notches in middle of bay lengths shall be avoided.
8 Locate joints adjacent to these stress producers, if possible.

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Anchor Bolts
1 For small diameters, Chemical type anchors or cast in anchors are preferred. Where
chemical anchors are used, hole must be properly cleaned according to Manufacturer’s
instructions. Anchor bolts shall be designed for combined tension and shear per BS5950.
Minimum edge distance measured to outside of tube shall be 100 mm or 4 times bolt
diameter, whichever is greater.

Shear Keys
1 For standard conventional structures, shear keys shall not be used.
2 For situations, where shear keys are required, back up design calculations and
justification shall be given for approval.
Pits and Tanks
1 As a minimum requirement, recommendations of BS 8007 - Section 5 ‘Design, Detailing
and Workmanship of Joints’ shall be adhered to regardless whether or not, structure is
liquid retaining.
2 All construction joints shall be designed, detailed and shown on drawings by Designer or
Subcontractor for Construction with approval of Contractor.
3 Where continuous construction is necessary, method of ‘Temporary Open Sections’ as
specified in BS 8007 C1.5.5 shall be used. Such open sections shall not be more than 1.0
m containing “Lapped’ section of reinforcement. Use of sequential bay wall construction
shall not be permitted. Unless roofs are insulated, these sections are subject to extremely
high daytime temperatures and lower night temperatures. Consideration shall be given to
use of insulation or reflective coatings (e.g. aluminum). All such structures (other than
blast resistant structures) shall have an isolated roof slab on a sliding bearing (slip strip or
equal approved). Monolithic construction with supporting wall shall not be considered in
such design.
1 For ground slab paving construction, method used for design and construction shall be by
alternate ‘long strip method’ using a combination of transverse contraction joints,
whether induced or formed. Adjacent longitudinal strips shall be cast with longitudinal
tied joints between each strip.
2 Recommendations for slab design and construction shall be complied with provisions in
following publications:-
a Design of Floors on Ground by Cement and Concrete Assoc. Tech. Report 550.
b Concrete Industrial Ground Floors by U.K. Concrete Society Technical Report
c Design of Ground Supported Concrete Industrial Ground Floors by British
Cement Assoc. Interim Note 11.
3 Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction by ACI 302.1R.
a Location of all joints shall be shown on drawings with accompanying details of
each joint type. Isolation joints are to be provided around all equipment
foundations and pedestals.
Concrete Masonry Structures
1 Design of concrete masonry structures shall conform to ACI 530 and the UBC.
2 Concrete masonry structures shall be designed for loads and load combinations specified
1 All grout materials and application procedures shall be approved by Designer and
Manufacturer. Sand Cement grout shall not be used for any project. All grouting shall be
carried out in accordance with defined project specifications as well as, proprietary
standards. Epoxy based non shrink grout shall be evaluated by Contractor and
Manufacturer for each application for temperature creep as well as, strength and applied
in accordance with Manufacturer's specification.

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2 Grout material used below base plates for machinery, pipe racks, pumps, pipe supports
etc. shall not be placed higher than bottom of plate level and sloped outward at a 1:1
slope away from bottom of base plate to prevent water accumulation near base plate as
well as, to prevent cracking of grout as a result of corrosion around base plate edge.
Contractor shall develop a detail to ensure an effective seal from exterior moisture is
achieved around perimeter of base plates at point of intersection between grout and base
Fireproofing zones
1 Only specific structures and equipment located within a Fire Proofing Zone FPZ shall be
fireproofed as described in Specification for Fireproofing
1 Buildings, Process Structures, Pipe Racks, Miscellaneous Plant Structures, Vessels,
Exchangers and Tanks
2 Following loads shall be considered:
Dead Load
1 Soil Load Include as part of Dead Load
2 Operating Product Load
3 Test Load
Live Load
1 Sand Load Include as part of Live Load
2 Surge Load Include as part of Live Load
a Truck Load
b Wind Load
c Earthquake Load
d Crane / Impact Load
e Dynamic Load
f Thermal Load
g Erection Dead Load
h Maintenance Load
i Miscellaneous / Differential Settlement Load
j Earth / Hydrostatic Load and Buoyancy
k Blast Load
l Future Load
Above loads are defined as follows.
Dead Load
1 Dead load is defined as weight of all permanent construction including walls,
foundations, floors, roofs, ceilings, partitions, stairways and fixed service equipment. For
heavy industrial work, this would include equipment, vessels & internals, pipes, valves,
accessories, electrical and lighting conduits, switchgear; instrumentation, fireproofing,
insulation, ladders, platforms, and all other similar items. Weight of equipment shall be
extracted from Manufacturer’s data sheets and include auxiliary machinery, piping.
Equipment and piping should be considered empty of product load, when calculating
dead load. Gravity weight of soil overburden shall be considered as dead load
Soil Load Dead Load
1 Soil loads shall consist of lateral earth pressures.
2 Active and passive coefficients for lateral pressures shall be obtained from project soils
Operating Product Load Live Load
1 Load shall be defined as gravity load imposed by liquid, solid or viscous materials in
vessels, tanks, equipment or piping during operation. Unusual loading that occurs during
regeneration or upset conditions shall also, be considered.

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Test Load Live Load

1 Test load shall be defined as gravity load imposed by any / whatever method necessary to
test vessels, tanks, equipment or piping. When more than one vessel etc. is supported by
one structure, structure need only be designed on basis of that one vessel, which shall be
tested at any one time and that other/s will either be empty or still in operation.

Live Load
1 Live load is defined as weight superimposed by use and occupancy of building or other
structure, but not permanently attached to it.
2 For industrial design, live load can be defined as load produced by personnel, moveable
equipment, tools and other items placed on structure, but not be permanently attached to
3 Unless specified otherwise, use minimum live load values given in table below.
4 Uniform loads and concentrated loads do not occur simultaneously.
Types of Structures Load (kN/m2)
1 Walkways (not used as operating) 2.0 (or 3.0 kN point load)
2 Operating platforms (other than compressor and generator platforms 5.0 (or 5.0 kN point
3 Trench covers (non vehicular) 5.0
4 Roof (min) 1.0 (or 3.0 kN point load)
5 Sand on roof (min.) 0.75
6 Light Storage 6.25
7 Heavy Storage 12.5
8 Compressor and generator platforms;
9 Floor framing (Determine from use, but never less than) 5.0
10 Floor Grating and Slabs 10.0
11 For floor grating and slabs being subjected to a concentrated load from, either installation
or removal of equipment
12 Office first aid buildings, guards houses, control room, computer room, electrical
equipment room, laboratory room locker room 3.0
13 Canteens, Lunchrooms, Stairs, Halls 4.0
14 Library 5.0
15 Battery rooms 10.0
16 Mechanical, electrical, instrument workshop building 20.0
17 Bulk storage 40.0
18 Stairs and Ramps 2.0 (or 3.0 kN point load)
19 Handrailing 0.75 kN per linear meter applied horizontally at top of railing or a horizontal
force of 0.9 kN at any one point.

1 Sand Load (Live Load)

a Sand load shall be additive to live loads only, when area under consideration is used as a
‘work area’. A 0.75 kN/m2 load shall be used in design of flat roofs. Effect of sand
accumulating behind walls and upstands shall be considered in design of walls and roof
(treat similar to snow loading).
2 Surge Load (Live Load) Surge loads may occur in some vessels or equipment such as
fluid cokers, hydroformers, crackers etc. In such cases, magnitude and direction of load
shall be given in equipment specification. Project process engineer shall furnish a list of
equipment having surge loads and designer make allowance for such loadings in relevant
3 Truck Load (Live Load)
a Structures accessible to trucks shall be designed to withstand gravity, lateral and impact
effects of truck loading. Truck loading shall be HS20 or HS20-44 wheel loading as

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defined by AASHTO specifications. It shall be checked where applicable whether

maintenance and / or construction equipment loads are governing over HS20 wheel
loading. At least one road leading to main process areas shall be designated as a heavy
equipment route. Bridges, culverts and other underground facilities shall be designed for
maximum expected loading condition caused by transportation of heavy equipment
4 Wind Load (Live Load)
a Design wind loads shall be calculated based on a basic wind speed of 145 km per hour at
a height of 10 m above ground for terrain exposure C and a mean recurrence interval of
50 year. For this exposure and recurrence, value of importance factor of (I)=1.1. Designer
shall develop specific wind load calculation criteria and procedures using ASCE 7 for
various types of structures and equipment for project.
b For overhead pipe tracks 4m wide or less, wind load on three largest pipes shall be taken
into account. For overhead pipe tracks of over 4m wide, wind load on four largest pipes
shall be taken into account.
c Following tabulated velocity pressures shall be used for calculating design wind forces
for design of all structures, buildings and equipment and their parts, portions and
appurtenances for project. Pressure coefficient Cf = 0.8.
Pipe racks 4 m wide or less: Wp = 0.8 qh (D1+D2+D3) or pipe racks wider than 4 m: Wp = 0.8
qh (D1+D2+D3+D4) Where
Wp = Unit design wind load on piping
qh = Velocity pressure determined at piping elevation h
Dn = Diameter of pipe
Reference ASCE 7-1993 V - 145 km / hr 50 year mean recurrence, I = 1.1, Exposure C
Height Zone Above Grade (m)
Z Velocity Pressure in Kg/m2
qz Gust Response Factors
Gh and Gz
0-6 107 1.29
6-9 114 1.26
9-12 125 1.25
12-15 134 1.22
15-18 142 1.21
18-24 151 1.18
24-30 164 1.17
30-36 173 1.15
36-45 183 1.14
45-60 198 1.12
60-90 219 1.10
90-120 241 1.08
Factors in relation to wind loads
a Increases factors may be used to modify projected areas of vertical and horizontal vessels
(including insulation, if any) to allow for attachments such as manholes, nozzles, piping,
ladders and platforms.
b Shape increase factors may be used to modify projected areas of vertical and horizontal
vessels (including insulation, if any) to allow for attachments such as manholes, nozzles,
piping, ladders and platforms. Use Cf = 0.8.
c Wind loads shall be separately computed for all supported equipment, ladders and stairs,
except for vessels, where ‘projected area increase factors’ have already been accounted
for these items. Gust response factors G for main wind resisting systems of flexible
buildings, structures and vertical vessels having a height exceeding five times least
horizontal dimension or a fundamental natural frequency less than 1.0 hertz shall be
calculated. Calculations shall be based on a rational analysis that incorporates dynamic

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properties of main wind force resisting system. One such procedure for determining gust
response factor is described in ASCE
d No reduction shall be made for shielding effect of vessels or structures adjacent to
structure being designed.
e For main wind force resisting systems and walls, use Gh evaluated at height h top of
structure. An exception is given in various structural specifications for equipment,
variable gust response factor Gz is used. For components and cladding, use Gz evaluated
at centroid height z above ground.
Earthquake Load (Live Load)
a Earthquake load shall be applicable according to project Location & in conformance to
Uniform Building Code (U.B.C.) 1997-Division III-Seimic zone Tabulation Section
Crane / Impact Load (Live Load)
1 For structures carrying live loads that induce impact, live load shall be increased
sufficiently. If not otherwise specified, live load increase shall be following:
Vertical Load Horizontal Load
a For supports of elevators (dead and live load) 100%
Cab operated traveling crane support girders & and their connections
b 25% 20% 10%
1 Pendant operated traveling crane support girders & and their connections 10%
2 Monorails, trolley beams, davits 50%
3 Light machinery, shaft or motor driven 20%
4 Reciprocating machinery or power driven units 50%
5 Hangers supporting floors and balconies 33%
6 Increase sum of weights of rated capacity of hoist, crane trolley, cab and hooks.
7 Apply one half of load at top of each rail acting in either direction normal to runway rails.
a Longitudinal force shall, if not otherwise specified be taken as 10% of maximum wheel
loads of crane applied at top of rail.
b Live load on crane support girders shall be taken as maximum wheel loads.
Dynamic Loads (Live Load)
1 Each structure shall be designed to withstand effects of vibration and impact to which, it
may be subjected. Each structure and foundation supporting a compressor, turbine, pump
or other machinery having significant dynamic unbalance shall be designed to resist peak
loads specified by manufacturer. Vibration amplitudes of supporting structure or
foundation shall be kept within acceptable limits for dynamic forces that occur during
normal machine operation. In case of a tall and slender structure, there may be a need
investigate dynamic effects of wind gusts.
a Centrifugal pump foundations for pumps less than 750 kW do not require a dynamic
analysis. However, foundation to pump assembly weight ratio shall not be less than 3 to
b Foundations for reciprocating machinery, centrifugal machinery and centrifugal pumps
over 750 kW require a three dimensional dynamic analysis.
Thermal Load (Live Load)
1 ASCE 7 mentions thermal loads however ASCE thermal comments are not geared to
heavy industrial work. Thermal loads shall be defined as forces caused by changes in
temperature. Primary source of thermal loads in an industrial plant is expansion or
contraction of vessels and piping. Another source of thermal loads in a redundant
structure is expansion or contraction of entire structure or individual structural
components. Provisions shall be made for thermal forces arising from assumed
differential settlements of foundations and from restrained dimensional changes due to

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temperature changes.
2 Thermal loads and displacements caused by operating conditions shall be based on design
temperature of item of equipment, rather than operating temperature. Design atmospheric
temperature ranges from a minimum of 5 deg C to a maximum of 58 deg C. Low friction
slide plates (Fluorogold, Teflon / PTFE or an approved equal) shall be used, if vessel
operating condition weight is greater than 45 kN at sliding end. For preliminary design,
temperature drop of 1.9 deg C / mm from bottom of shell to bottom of saddle may be
assumed. Following friction coefficients shall be used for calculating frictional restraint
due to temperature change or lateral loading on sliding surfaces:
Surface Friction Coefficient
1 Steel to steel (corroded) 0.35
2 Steel to concrete 0.50
3 Teflon to teflon
4 A straight line variation of 0.17 to 0.08 for bearing Stresses from 0.0 N/mm2 to 0.7
N/mm2 respectively Bearing stress greater than 0.7 N/mm2 0.17 to 0.08 0.08
5 Graphite to graphite 0.15
For computing friction loads due to effects of pipe expansion in pipe racks, use following
friction coefficients:
Number of Lines on Support Friction Coefficient
1 1 – 3 0.3
2 4 - 6 0.2
3 7 or more 0.1
For a given support, if considering only larger lines and ignoring smaller lines results in greater
loads. These forces and associated friction coefficients shall be used instead of considering all
1 A concrete pipe rack beam shall be designed for an arbitrary horizontal pipe anchor force
of 15 kN acting at mid span, unless design calculations dictate a higher force and more
locations. Pipe anchor force shall not be distributed to foundations.
2 For pipe anchor forces transferred by longitudinal girders to structural anchors (bracing)
an arbitrary force of 5% of total pipe load per layer shall be taken into account, unless
design calculations dictate a higher force. These forces shall be distributed to
3 Foundations and structures, which are subject to temperature impact/s shall be designed
for various loading conditions and also, for any / whatever temperature difference, which
may occur in parts of structural members.
a Anchor and guide forces shall be obtained from Designers Piping Engineering
b Structural Steel Pipe Supports shall be designed in accordance with Industry

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 11
Standard Structural Design Methods
Erection Dead Load
1 Erection dead load is weight of equipment at time of erection plus weight of foundation.
Foundation weight is combined weight of footing, pedestal and overburden soil.
2 All possible loading conditions during erection shall be considered and for any / every
member of a structure, most unfavorable be considered.
3 Heavy equipment lowered onto a supporting structure can introduce extreme point loads
on structural members exceeding any / every operating or test load. After placing of
equipment, exact positioning (lining out and leveling) can also, introduce extreme point
loads. Above should be interpreted on basis of contractor’s practical experience,

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manufacturer’s information and allowed for in design calculations accordingly.

4 Beams and floor slabs in multistory structures e.g. fire decks shall be designed to carry
full construction loads imposed by props supporting structure immediately above. A note
shall be added on relevant construction drawings to inform field engineer of adopted
design philosophy.
Maintenance Loads (Live Load)
1 Maintenance loads are temporary forces caused by dismantling, repair or painting of
2 Force required to remove tube bundle from a shell and tube heat exchanger shall be
assumed to act along horizontal centerline of exchanger with a value of 2 times weight of
bundle, but not less than 10 kN.
Miscellaneous Loads (Live Load)
1 Miscellaneous loads shall be defined as loads that do not fit into categories listed in this
Earth / Hydrostatic Load and Buoyancy (Live Load)
1 Earth and hydrostatic water pressures on retaining walls and underground structures shall
be determined.
2 Outward pressures on liquid retaining structures shall also, be considered. Buoyancy load
is equal to weight of volume of displaced water.
Blast Load (Live Load)
Negligible Blast
1 Practically, Buildings located more than 610 m away from potential explosive sources do
not require special provisions with regard to explosion resistance.
Blast Resilient
Practically, Buildings located within 200 m to 610 m distance from potential explosive sources
shall be designed to same loading conditions, as specified for buildings beyond 610 m zone and
in accordance with following design concepts:
1 Building structural frame, roof, walls, bracing and connections shall be designed in such
a manner that large plastic deformations of major frame members as well as, external
wall panels shall be allowed to occur, without causing partial or total building collapse.
Blast resilient buildings shall be designed and detailed in accordance with ACI 318,
Chapter 21, “Special Provisions for Seismic Design”.
2 Building frame shall comprise of reinforced concrete or structural steel.
3 Building walls shall be constructed as reinforced concrete, reinforced masonry with
concrete filled cells or properly designed carbon steel cladding system. Walls for these
buildings shall not be used as mainframe members or to provide structural stability and /
or structural strength.
4 Building roofs shall be constructed of monolithic reinforced concrete or a properly
designed carbon steel roofing system. Loose lightweight concrete roof slabs or asbestos
cement sheeting shall not be used. Gravel as a protection of roofing finish or loose tiles
for walkways on top of roof finish shall not be used.
5 For steel structures, structural steel bracing in roof and walls shall be provided.
6 Materials with a brittle behavior such as masonry shall not be used in such a way that
provides strength.
7 For additional architectural construction requirements, refer to Specification for
Architectural Design Basis (Not included)
Blast Resistant
Practically, Buildings within 200 m distance from potential explosive sources may be designed
to withstand anticipated blast effect. Blast loads or pressures to be used for design of various
structural elements shall be calculated in accordance with an acceptable method taking into
account dynamic response. Calculated blast loads shall not be less than following equivalent
static loads acting inward or outward perpendicular to surface:

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1 External Walls 100 kN/m2 except loads on doors and windows, which may be assumed
to be 30 kN/m2.
2 Blast loads on roof slab is dependent on span between supports.
a 50 kN/m2 for span of 3m
b 45 kN/m2 for span of 4m
c 40 N/m2 for span of 5m
d 35 kN/m2 for span of 6m
e 30 kN/m2 for span of 7m
f 25 kN/m2 for span of 8m and over
1 It is to be assumed that blast loads shall act simultaneously on and over one wall and
roof. These loads act with applicable dead loads. Suction on walls and roof shall be 50%
of above mentioned static loads and it is to be assumed that these loads shall act
simultaneously on one wall, roof and not in combination with above mentioned loads.
2 Structures shall be detailed in accordance to ACI 318, Chapter 21 “Special Provisions for
Seismic Design”. Pre stressed concrete shall not be used. In general, special attention
shall be paid to ensure continuity and a minimum of local stress concentration. Adequate
lapping of reinforcement is required. Following provisions shall supersede ACI 318,
Chapter 21 for Blast Resistant structures:
3 Concrete walls and slabs shall be reinforced each side in main direction with a minimum
of 0.6% in case of steel bars with a yield strength of 410 N/mm2 and a minimum
elongation of 14%. In other direction on both sides, a distribution reinforcement of at
least 20% of that in main direction shall be applied. Maximum spacing of bars shall be
150 mm center to center. It is preferable for wall and roof thicknesses to be between
limits of 250 and 400 mm in order to facilitate placing of required reinforcing bars. Shear
reinforcement shall be applied in beams only being a combination of stirrups and
horizontal sidebars: web reinforcement.
4 When the actual shear stress (V) is less than 1.3 N/mm 2 (Vc1): no web reinforcement is
5 When actual shear stress (V) is more than 1.3 N/mm 2 (Vc1) but less than 4.5 N/mm2
(Vc2): web reinforcement shall be required for (V-Vc1) N/mm 2.
6 Where:
V = Actual shear stress
Vc1 = Concrete shear stress lower limit
Vc2 = Concrete shear stress upper limit

1 At least 50% of bottom main reinforcement shall extend over face of support providing a
good anchorage between supports.
2 Wind or earthquake loads shall not be combined with blast loads.
3 Future Load (Dead or Live Loads)
4 Future loads including pipe rack extensions and building expansions shall be considered,
when so directed by Company.
5 Load Combinations
6 Piles, structures and members of structures as well as, their support and fixing points
shall be designed for various loading combinations given in following tables:

Load Description Abbreviations.

1 Weight of Structure DL
2 Empty Weight of Vessels and Equipment DLempty
3 Operating Load LLop
4 Hydrostatic Test Load Test

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5 Live Load LL
6 Moving / Truck Load LLmove
7 Wind Load WL
8 Earthquake Load EQ N/A
9 Crane / Impact Load CR
10 Dynamic Load DY
11 Thermal Load TL
12 Erection Load ER
13 Maintenance Load ML
14 Differential Settlement DS
15 Earth / Water Pressure HY
16 Blast Load BL
1 Loads shall be combined as specified below. Concrete bund walls shall be designed for
accidental load condition, when bund is completely filled with water to crest. Only
hydrostatic fluid acting in outward direction and gravity loading need be considered.
Factor of safety shall not be less than 1.3 for this loading condition.
Load Combinations A through G:
Primary Operation Test Erection Earthquake Maintenance Blast
Loads without wind with wind
DL x x x x x X x
DLempty x x1 x x x X x
Test x
LL x x x x x X
Crane x x x X
LLop x x 1 x
LLmove x x x X
WL x x 3,4 x 4
DY x x x2 X
TL x x X
ER x
ML x
DS x x x X x
HY x x x x X x
BL x
1 Most unfavorable load combination shall be taken into account.
2 Only if structure supports rotating equipment that shall be in operation, while a vessel is
being tested with water.
3 Only 50% wind load shall be taken into account.
4 Effect of wind forces acting on temporary scaffolding erected during construction or later
for maintenance, which shall be transferred to vessel or column be considered.
a When considering these effects, actual projected area of scaffold members
together with correct shape factor and drag coefficient should be used. As an
initial approximation, overall width of scaffolding itself can be taken as 1.5 m on
each side of vessel or column with 50% closed surface and shape factor 1.0.
5 Blast condition shall be taken into account for blast resistant design of buildings, where
6 In ultimate limit state design, due regard shall be given to different load factors for
various load combinations and adverse or beneficial effects of basic load cases.
a Where imposed loads (live loads) have a beneficial effect, these shall be zero.

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Structural Materials
General types of material to be used are defined below:
1 Structural Steel
2 Furnishing, fabricating and erecting structural steel and miscellaneous steel shall be in
accordance with Design General Specifications. Structural steel shapes and plates shall
conform to ASTM A36 or to BS 4 or BS 4848 or BS EN 10025.
Cast-in-Place or situ Concrete
1 Cast-in-Place or situ Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength in accordance
with Specification for Concrete Supply. Upon approval of Company, higher strength
concrete may be used.
2 Precast concrete shall be carried out only with approval of Company.
Reinforcing Steel
1 Requirement to prevent ‘stray current corrosion’ of steel in concrete (due to
implementation of impressed current, Cathodic Protection to nearby underground
installation) is to be in accordance with Specification.
2 Material Selection and Corrosion Monitoring Philosophy
a Reinforcing steel shall conform to BS 4449 Grade 460.
b Epoxy coating shall not be applicable where Cathodic Protection CP is provided.
c Welded wire fabric shall conform to BS 4848.
d Epoxy coatings shall not be used.
e Reinforcing is not required to be electrically continuous for any future cathodic
protection of concrete structures.
Concrete Masonry
1 Mortar shall be Type M mortar (f’c = 17.3 N / mm2) conforming to ASTM C270.
2 When determining allowable mortar stress, assume no inspection.
a Concrete blocks shall be Grade A, hollow-unit concrete blocks (f’c = 9.3 N/mm2)
conforming to ASTM C9O.
b Reinforcing steel shall conform to BS 4449 Grade 460.
Anchor Bolts
1 Anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM A36. Minimum size bolts for structural columns
and typical equipment shall be 20 mm, 16 mm bolts may be used for small pumps and
2 Anchor bolts shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and ASTM 143.
3 In special cases where A36 anchor bolts are not sufficient, ASTM A193 Grade B-7 shall
be used.
a Paint (only) for these high strength bolts may be used upon approval of Designer.
a All handrail shall conform to ASTM A36.
b Welding shall conform to AWS D1.1. All welding electrodes shall meet filler metal
requirements given in AWS D1.1. Electrode material shall be E70XX.
1 Grating shall conform to ASTM A569 or BS 4592. Grating size and method of
attachment shall be indicated in project specifications.
2 Grating and fixing material clips shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM
A123 and A143.
Floor Plate
1 Chequered floor plate shall be four way raised pattern steel plate with a thickness of 10
mm. Plate material shall conform to ASTM A36.
Following bolts shall be used for all connections, unless higher strength bolts are required and
noted on drawings:
1 Bolts 20 mm and larger shall be high strength ASTM A325M or A490M;

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2 Bolts 16 mm and smaller shall be in accordance with ASTM A307.

3 Anchorage of low temperature equipment (-50C) on steel structures shall use ASTM
A320.L7 bolts.
Unless noted otherwise on drawing, bolt size shall be as follows:
1 For main members: 20 mm (minimum)
2 For railings and ladders: 16 mm (refer to applicable standards)
3 For ladder cages: 12 mm (refer to applicable standards)
4 For stair treads: 8 mm (refer to applicable standards)
5 High strength bolts shall be installed in accordance with AISC.
1 All grout materials and application procedures shall be used in accordance with
Specification for Grouting.
Embedded Items
1 All embedded items shall be ASTM A36 material and be hot dip galvanized.
2 Contractor is to develop a detail, which effectively seals junction of embedded items and
concrete for Company approval.
Allowable Stresses
Structural Steel
1 Allowable stresses specified in AISC specifications shall be used for design of structural
Cast-in-Place Concrete
1 Allowable stresses specified in ACI 318M shall be used in design of concrete.
1 Allowable stresses specified in ACI 530 and UBC shall be used for masonry design.
Anchor Bolts and Base Plate Bearing
1 Allowable stress for anchor bolt shall conform to AISC and ACI Specifications.
2 Neither probability factors nor allowable stress increases shall be used for anchor bolt
3 Calculated bolt diameter required to resist specified design loads shall be increased by 3
mm to provide an allowance for corrosion.
4 Permissible bearing stress under base plates shall be, as given in ACI 318 Code.
a Stress Increase
b Allowable stresses specified in applicable codes given above for structural steel,
concrete and masonry shall apply for all design with following exceptions:
c Increase in allowable stresses for all structural elements and their connections:
d 20% - Test without Wind Load
e 33% - Including Wind
f Test Load Factor for Concrete Design
g Deflection and Vibration
Allowable Deflections
1 Following sections give normally permissible deflection limits for steel and concrete
2 Functional requirements of structure may impose stricter limits.
3 Systems should be reviewed for possible incompatible deflection behavior in piping,
equipment or building components and support deflections.
Beam Deflections (Based on Live Loads Only)
1 Maximum allowable deflection for beams supporting floor systems and equipment shall
be as follows:
Max deflection = L / 500 L = Span
1 Maximum allowable deflection for beams supporting brittle finishes such as plaster
ceilings shall be as follows:
Max deflection = L / 360 L = Span

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1Maximum allowable deflection for purlins supporting roof system shall be as follows
Max deflection = L / 400 L = Span
1 Maximum allowable deflection for cantilever beams shall be as follows:
Max deflection = L / 400 L = Overhang Length
1 Maximum allowable deflection for beams supporting steel platforms, staircases, pipe
racks etc.
Max deflection = L / 300 L = Span
Crane Runways
Max deflection = L / 300 L = Span
Overhead Traveling
Max deflection = L / 600 L = Span
Max deflection = L / 400 L = Span
Lateral Sway
1 Maximum allowable sway of buildings or structures shall be as follows:
Max deflection = H / 300 H = Height - if equipment supported
H / 200 H = Height - If equipment not supported
1 Maximum allowable sway for pipe racks shall be as follows:
Max deflection = H / 200 H = Height
1 Maximum allowable deflection for wall stanchions shall be as follows:
Max deflection = H / 300 H = Height
h = height of story or height of structure
1 These limits apply to sway between stories and to structure, as a whole.
Grating = L / 250 (Maximum span 1.6 meter)
Superstructure Vibration
1 Primary source of vibration in superstructures is harmonic unbalanced forces generated
by rotating or reciprocating equipment. Final design should be such that vibrations shall
be neither intolerable nor troublesome to personnel and not cause damage to machine or
structure or adjacent foundations, structures or services.
2 As a general rule, none of natural frequencies of structure should be within a band of
operating frequency of supported machinery. Band recommended to be avoided is 1.414
above operating frequency and 0.707 below operating frequency. To find structural
natural frequencies, a computer analysis shall be required.
3 All natural frequencies below 2 times operating frequency for reciprocating equipment
and below 1.5 times operating frequency for rotating equipment shall be calculated.
4 It shall be demonstrated that amplitudes at natural frequencies should be between 0.35
and 1.5 times operating frequency are within allowable values, even assuming that, due to
differences between actual structure and assumed model, resonance does occur. In this
case a reasonable amount of damping should be estimated.
5 Resonance condition requires a detailed three dimensional dynamic analysis. Once a
model analysis has been conducted, a harmonic response analysis shall be performed.
Response analysis shall indicate anticipated amplitudes of vibration, velocity, and
acceleration as well as, magnitudes of forces in structural members. From above
information, adequacy of design can be evaluated and if necessary, modifications may be
6 Maximum vibration amplitude of equipment shall not exceed lower of following values:
a Maximum allowable values stated by manufacturer of equipment.
b Amplitude (single amplitude) which causes effective velocity of vibration to
7 mm / s at location of machine bearing housings
a mm / s at any location of structure

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Dynamic amplitude of any / every part of foundation including any / every
reciprocating compressor shall be less than 80 µm single amplitude (80 x 10^-
c Effective velocity is defined as square root of average of square of velocity,
velocity being a function of time. In case of a pure sinusoidal function, effective
velocity is 0.71 times peak value of velocity.
d Depth of a steel beam supporting large open floor areas free of partitions or other
sources of damping should not be less than 1/20 of span to minimize perceptible
transient vibration due to pedestrian traffic.
8 Foundation Vibration
a The Designer shall determine which vibrating equipment is to be analyzed by
dynamic analysis.
Dynamic Analysis
1 For foundations for reciprocating machinery, centrifugal machinery and centrifugal
pumps 750 kW or over, a three dimensional dynamic analysis must be performed.
Foundation vibration generally involves a grade foundation designed to support one or
more reciprocating or rotating machines.
2 Generally same considerations for superstructure vibration also, apply to foundation
3 Primary differences being that these foundations are often rigid blocks and that soil
behavior along with foundation must be considered. Rigid foundations supporting only
one major machine can readily be analyzed using hand calculations and concept of elastic
half space theory. For flexible foundations or foundations with many machines, a
computer analysis should be utilized along with concept of elastic half space theory.
Designer shall prepare an instruction for foundation vibration analysis, which contains
current state of art approaches, soil information, machine information, dynamic analysis
aids, published response criteria, example solutions and a comprehensive list of
4 Dynamic amplitudes of any / every part of foundation including any / every reciprocating
compressor shall be less than 80 µm (80 x 10^-3 mm) single amplitude.
a For dynamic analysis, exciting forces shall be taken as maximum values that
according to Manufacturer of equipment suggestion / information shall occur
during lifetime of equipment. When exciting force is not given by Manufacturer,
it shall be determined from
b Q(kN) = [Rotor Speed (rpm)/6000] x Rotor Weight (kN)
5 Dynamic calculations shall be based on a mechanical model, wherein weights and
elasticity of both structure as well as, foundation and weight of equipment to be
represented in an appropriate way.
6 All natural frequencies below 2 times operating frequency for reciprocating equipment
and below 1.5 times operating frequency for rotating equipment shall be calculated.
7 It shall be demonstrated that amplitude of natural frequencies remains between 0.35 and
1.5 times operating frequency are within allowable values, even assuming that, due to
differences between actual structure and assumed model, resonance does occur. In this
case, a reasonable amount of damping should be estimated.
8 Natural frequency of supporting structure shall not coincide with any resonant frequency
of equipment.
9 Static deformation for rotating equipment foundations shall be calculated and shown to
be within limits stated by Manufacturer of equipment. Calculations shall include, but not
be limited to following causes of deformation.
10 Shrinkage and creep of concrete.
a Temperature effects caused by radiation and convection of heat or cold, generated
by machinery, piping and ducting.

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b Elastic deformation caused by changing vapor pressure in condensers.

c Elastic deformation caused by soil settlement.
Non Dynamic Analysis
1 For installations that do not warrant a dynamic analysis, (equipment weight less than
5000 kN), mass ratio concept is commonly used. In design of equipment foundations
subject to vibratory loading, where dynamic analysis is not performed, foundations shall
be proportioned as indicated below:
a Rotating equipment mass ratio = weight of concrete / weight of machine > 3
b Reciprocating equipment mass ratio = weight of concrete / weight of machine > 6
Miscellaneous Design Data
Clearances and accessibility
1 Minimum clearances for Equipment, Structures, Platforms and Supports shall be in
accordance with table in Specification for Design, Layout and Drawing
Coefficients of Static Friction
Coefficients of static friction for various material combinations are listed as follows:
1 Steel to steel Smooth, dry surfaced 0.3
2 Oxidizing steel 0.5
3 Steel to concrete or grout 0.5
4 Fluorogold, Teflon / PTFE and other similar materials, per Manufacturer's
5 Concrete to foundation materials
6 Clean sound rock 0.7
7 Clean gravel, gravel sand mixtures, coarse sand 0.55
8 Clean fine to medium sand, silty medium to coarse sand, silty or clay gravel 0.45
9 Clean fine sand, silty or clayey, fine to medium sand 0.35
10 Fine sandy silt, non plastic silt 0.30
11 Very stiff and hard residual or pre consolidated clay 0.40
12 Medium stiff and stiff clay and silty clay 0.30
13 Membrane sheet 0.20
Engineering Maintenance Manual
1 Designer shall prepare a detailed maintenance manual for use by operators. Manual shall
contain following information:
Design Basis
1 A brief description of basis of design of all foundations, structures and buildings,
including reference to detailed calculations for each to enable them to be retrieved, if
1 Recommendations for routine inspection of works to enable early detection of potentially
dangerous deterioration including guidelines regarding symptoms to be looked for such
as locations and types of cracking, which could be found in reinforced concrete structures
2 Routine forms for inspection are to be established.
1 A detailed listing of all materials used both generic types and Manufacturers' details in
works including concrete mix constituents, concrete surface coatings, steel grades,
painting details etc. to enable Company to obtain compatible materials for future
Maintenance and Repair Procedures
1 Details of recommended repair procedures for common types of failure such as
breakdown or mechanical damage to concrete surface coatings, cracking of small
foundations plinths, due to reinforcement corrosion etc.
Finishing Material Manual

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1 Additional list of all finishing materials used in project buildings, including material
catalogs and sources to enable Company to obtain such material or equal for future
Operational Requirements
Concrete asset management system (CAMS)
1 In view of continuous deterioration of reinforced concrete structures in plants, a
computerized database system shall be developed by Company to carry out periodical
inspections and monitor evaluation of disorder, if any / certain.
2 Data related to new structures / foundations is required to be entered by Contractor in
system in accordance with existing procedure.
Existing settlement check survey program
1 An existing computerized monitoring system for tanks and critical foundations carrying
large loads, rotating equipment foundations etc. shall be developed by Company.
2 As a result of this ongoing program, new tanks and critical foundations shall be required
to be monitored for future maintenance.
3 Contractor is required to provide following:
a Permanent bench marks to allow for future check surveys.
b List of tanks and critical foundations / structures proposed for monitoring.
c Monitoring devices (non corrosive material) embedded in concrete foundations and fixed
on tanks as required.
d Plot plans showing locations of monitoring points and permanent bench marks.
e A computerized form filled with first readings of monitoring points surveyed at
completion of Project.
Corrosion monitoring system for critical concrete structures
1 Some critical concrete structures due to operational requirements cannot be shut down for
inspection. A new technology exists, which allows for installation of metal sensors into
concrete structures in order to monitor corrosion risk at regular intervals. In this way,
protective measures can be taken, before excessive damage occurs and without need of a
shutdown for inspection.
2 Following structures are given as an example of types of structures to consider for
installation of sensors:
a Below ground culverts
b Outfall structures
c Brine tanks
d Below ground tanks such as sulfur pits
e Reinforced concrete or pre stressed pipes
Corrosion Monitoring System
1 Contractor is required to propose to Company corrosion monitoring system to be used
and to propose to Company critical structures, which should be equipped with system.
Contractor then is responsible to install agreed system to structures.
Units of Measurement
1 All dimensions, quantities and units of measurement shown on drawings or used in
specifications and calculation sketches shall be given in metric units, except pipe sizes,
which shall be given in English units of inches. Refer to “Basic Engineering Design
Design all buildings to adequate dimensions
1 Contractor shall design all buildings to adequate dimensions (lengths, widths and heights)
to accommodate necessary requirements inside. However, following minimum criteria
shall be followed.
2 Corridors connecting rooms within buildings shall be wide enough to allow possible
movement of equipment. Clear height of room from finished floor level to finished
ceiling levels shall be minimum 3500mm. Space between equipment and walls shall be

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wide enough for a technician to walk around with tools, instruments etc. (Refer to
Company / Client Electrical Specification) and carry out necessary inspection /
maintenance works.
3 External doors of building shall be minimum 2400mm wide x 3000mm high plus a
300mm transom. Internal doors shall be 1100mm wide x 2100mm high. HVAC system
shall be Direct Expansion (DX) Split System ducted and adequately sized for heat load
inside buildings. Contractor shall follow requirement of space between equipment and
walls per Company / Client Electrical Specification All Civil / Buildings works shall be
of construction type as indicated below;
Pump Pits (Sub Structure) shall be of reinforced concrete complete with impressed current
cathodic protection
Receiving Basin shall be of reinforced concrete complete with impressed current cathodic
Outfall Structure shall be of reinforced concrete complete with impressed current cathodic
Discharge Channel shall be of reinforced concrete complete with impressed current cathodic
protection. Bottom slab of discharge channel shall be constructed with reinforced concrete.
Pump Houses - steel frames with profiled metal sheet cladding with hot rolled steel section for
all structural members. Metal sheeting shall be protected with lightning protection rods to avoid
Electro chlorination and Electrical Switchgear Building -Reinforced concrete with block
work panel and storage area shall be structural steel framing / metallic roofing and siding
complete with protection against lightning. Electro chlorination building shall be fully covered
structure steel building with metal sheeting and provided with transulent sheet for lighting.
33kv Electrical Switch Gear Building for PH- Reinforced concrete frames with block work
VSDS Substation for PH- Reinforced concrete frame with block work panels.
VSDS Substation for PH- Reinforced concrete frame with block work panels.
Operation Building - Reinforced concrete frame with block work panels.
Local Lot Control Buildings - Reinforced concrete frame with block work panels. Contractor to
design all LLCC’s for Phases and to construct only Phase LLCC’s.
Gate Houses - Reinforced concrete frame with block work panels.
Workshop Building - Structural framing with metallic roofing, complete with translucent sheets
and lightning protection. Contractor shall allow for 3m high perimeter block wall and panels for
offices and other rooms.
Warehouse / Workshop Building - Structural framing with metallic roofing complete with
translucent sheets and lightning protection. Contractor shall allow for 3m high perimeter block
wall and panels for offices and other rooms.
Control Building (Extension) - Reinforced concrete frame with block work panels.
220 kv GIS Building – Reinforced concrete frame with block work panels.
Transformer Pens – Transformers shall be supported on reinforced concrete foundations in a
room having two sides as a minimum, covered with firewalls and front side with fence provided
with gates. Top of transformer pen has to be covered with metal sheeting.
Foundation for Analyser houses.
1 All concrete exposed to seawater or saline ground water shall be provided with additional
protection as appropriate, including cathodic protection to reinforcement, water proofing
system, extra cover to reinforcement, use of admixtures in concrete and protective paint
on surface of concrete. Corrosion Inhibitor shall be added to structural concrete mix at
minimum rate of 10 lt / m3 for Pump Pits, Receiving Basins, discharge channel, outfall
structure and to all structure foundations within water table or and below ± 0.0m NHD.
2 List of required buildings and their conceptual drawings with finishing material schedule
are provided. These building drawings are conceptual and have been developed based on

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preliminary building requirements and equipment sizing developed during Front End
Engineering Design. Contractor shall examine drawings in detail and shall modify
drawings as necessary to accommodate final equipment selection and operational
Material Specifications
Selection of material is based on Project Specifications and any / every deviations shall be
subject to Company / Client's approval.
Contractor shall import rock for outfall structure. Stone quarry shall be subject to Company /
Client approval.
Concrete as Specified in project specification shall have fly ash PFA, microsilica MS, corrosion
inhibitor like potassium nitrite and coarse aggregate Gabro type.
HVAC and Plumbing
HVAC Sample Only
1 HVAC system design and sizing shall be carried out by Contractor in accordance with
Project Specifications and also, all auxiliary systems / equipment shall be provided by
Operation building HVAC System
1 Operation building shall be air conditioned by duty / standby Direct Expansion (DX) split
units to ensure 100% redundancy. Treated air shall be supplied by 100 % capacity duty /
standby air handling units AHUs mixing fresh air and re circulating air. Air Handling
Units shall be located in HVAC plant room. Duty / standby condensing units shall be
located on operation building roof. Specification for DX Condensing Units / AHU's shall
be per Company / Client specification and other standards. Each AHU shall have a
centrifugal fan chamber with back draft and volume control / shut off dampers. Fan shall
be of 100 % capacity. Fan shall have a minimum 2 belts each. Adequately sized hinged
access doors shall be provided to access each section of AHU / CU. Electric heating coils
and steam humidification sections shall be provided in AHU’s.
2 Twin duty / standby auto changeover fans shall be used for toilets, pantry and Battery
room exhaust. Battery room twin fans shall be eexcl IIC, T6, non sparking type. In
battery room, loss of both fans shall inhibit boost charging of batteries. All fresh air
intakes shall have sand trap louvers / Prefilters and motorised shut off dampers. Exhaust
air outlet shall be fitted with weather louver.
VSDS Substation building PH, PH and 33 Kv switchgear Building HVAC system.
1 VSDS Substation Building PH, VSDS Substation Building PH and 33 kv Electrical
Switchgear building shall be air conditioned by independent HVAC system for each
2 Each building shall be air conditioned by duty / standby Direct Expansion (DX) split
units to ensure 100% redundancy. Treated air shall be supplied by 100 % capacity duty /
standby air handling units mixing fresh air and re circulating air. Air Handling Units shall
be located in HVAC plant room. Duty / standby condensing units shall be located on
respective building roof. Specification for DX Condensing Units / AHU’s shall be per
Company / Client specification and other standards. Each AHU shall have a centrifugal
fan chamber with back draft and volume control / shut off dampers. Fan shall be of 100
% capacity. Fan shall have a minimum of 2 belts each.
3 Adequately sized hinged access doors shall be provided to access each section of AHU /
CU. Electric heating coils and steam humidification sections shall be provided in AHU’s.
Twin duty / standby auto change over fans shall be used for Battery room exhaust.
Battery room twin fans shall be eexd IIC, T6, non sparking type. In battery room, loss of
both fans shall inhibit boost charging of batteries. All fresh air intakes shall have sand
trap louvers / Prefilters and motorised shut off dampers. Exhaust air outlet shall be fitted
with weather louver.
Electro Chlorination Building HVAC System.

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1 Chlorination cells building and electrical substation building within Electro Chlorination
Building shall be air conditioned by independent HVAC systems. Each sub building
shall be air conditioned by duty / standby Direct Expansion (DX) split units to ensure
100% redundancy. Treated air shall be supplied by 100 % capacity duty / standby air
handling units mixing fresh air and re circulating air. Air Handling Units shall be located
in HVAC plant room. Duty / standby condensing units shall be located on electro
chlorination building roof.
2 Specification for DX Condensing Units / AHUSs shall be per Company / Client
specification and other standards. Each AHU shall have a centrifugal fan chamber with
back draft and volume control / shut off dampers. Fan shall be of 100 % capacity. Fan
shall have a minimum of 2 belts each. Adequately sized hinged access doors shall be
provided to access each section of AHU / CU. Electric heating coils and steam
humidification sections shall be provided in AHU’s.
3 Twin duty / standby auto change over fans shall be used for Battery room exhaust.
Battery room twin fans shall be eexd IIC, T6, non sparking type. In battery room, loss of
both fans shall inhibit boost charging of batteries.
4 All fresh air intakes shall have sand trap louvers / Prefilters and motorised shut off
dampers. Exhaust air outlet shall be fitted with weather louver.
Control building (extension) HVAC System.
1 Control building (extension) shall be air conditioned independently by duty / standby
Direct Expansion (DX) split units to ensure 100% redundancy. Treated air shall be
supplied by 100 % capacity duty / standby air handling units mixing fresh air and re
circulating air. Air Handling Units shall be located in HVAC plant room. Duty / standby
condensing units shall be located on control building (extension) roof.
2 Specification for DX Condensing Units / AHU’s shall be per Company / Client
specification and other standards. Each AHU shall have a centrifugal fan chamber with
back draft and volume control / shut off dampers. Fan shall be of 100 % capacity. Fan
shall have a minimum of 2 belts each. Adequately sized hinged access doors shall be
provided to access each section of AHU / CU. Electric heating coils and steam
humidification sections shall be provided in AHU’s. Twin duty / standby auto change
over fans shall be used for toilets, pantry and Battery room exhaust. Battery room twin
fans shall be eexd IIC, T6, non sparking type. In battery room, loss of both fans shall
inhibit boost charging of batteries.
3 All fresh air intakes shall have sand trap louvers / Pre-filters and motorised shut off
dampers. Exhaust air outlet shall be fitted with weather louver.
4 Conversion of existing two rooms in to Laboratory in existing control room is foreseen
during FEED design. Contractor shall re balance complete Existing HVAC system for
Ground Floor to accommodate ventilation and cooling requirement of laboratories. For
Construction of Control Room Extension, existing HVAC condensing units shall be,
either relocated and connected to Ground floor existing AHU’s or secured to allow
construction of First floor works, without causing any disturbance to function of ground
floor HVAC system.
5 Upon completion of first floor construction, new condensing units for existing ground
floor along with first floor shall be installed on first floor roof and connected to
respective AHU’s.
Local Lot Control centres HVAC System.
1 Local Lot Control Centres Buildings shall be air conditioned independently by duty /
standby Direct Expansion (DX) split units to ensure 100% redundancy. Treated air shall
be supplied by 100 % capacity duty / standby air handling units mixing fresh air and re
circulating air. Air Handling Units shall be located in HVAC plant room. Duty / standby
condensing units shall be located on respective building roof.
2 Specification for DX Condensing Units / AHU’s shall be per Company / Client

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specification and other standards. Each AHU shall have a centrifugal fan chamber with
backdraft and volume control / shut off dampers. AHU fan shall be of 100 % capacity.
Fan shall have a minimum of 2 belts each.
3 Adequately sized hinged access doors shall be provided to access each section of AHU /
CU. Electric heating coils and steam humidification sections shall be provided in AHU’s.
4 Twin duty / standby auto change over fan shall be used for Battery room exhaust.
5 Battery room twin fans shall be eexd IIC, T6, non sparking type. In battery room, loss of
both fans shall inhibit boost charging of batteries.
6 All fresh air intakes shall have sand trap louvers / Prefilters and motorised shut off
7 Exhaust air outlet shall be fitted with weather louver.
Workshop / Warehouse building HVAC System
1 All Offices and Electrical room in workshop / warehouse building shall be treated with
wall mounted split units. Air cooled condensing units shall be located on external walls.
Vendors’ standard Indoor units shall be suitable for wall mounting.
2 Chemical / sensitive materials stores within warehouse shall be air conditioned
independently by duty / standby Direct Expansion (DX) Package units to ensure 100%
redundancy. Total 100 % treated fresh air shall be supplied by 100 % capacity duty /
standby Package units. Duty / standby Package units shall be located outside workshop /
warehouse building on ground.
3 Specification for Package Units / AHU’s shall be per Company / Client specification and
other standards. Each Package unit shall have a centrifugal fan chamber with backdraft
and volume control / shut off dampers. Package unit supply air fan shall be of 100 %
capacity. Fan shall have a minimum of 2 belts each. Adequately sized hinged access
doors shall be provided to access each section of Package unit. Electric heating coils and
steam humidification sections shall be provided in Package units air handling section.
4 Twin duty / standby auto change over fans shall be used for Chemical / sensitive
materials stores Pantry and Toilets room exhaust. Chemical / sensitive materials stores
twin fans shall be eexd IIC, T6, non-sparking type.
5 Warehouse storage area for Mechanical items and Electrical Cables shall be ventilated by
100 % capacity duty / standby exhaust fans installed on roof and air intake through wall
opening at low levels. Wall opening at low level shall be with sand trap louvers and G4
pre filters.
6 Workshop area shall be ventilated by 100 % capacity duty / standby exhaust fans
installed on roof and air intake through wall opening at low levels. Wall opening at low
level shall be with sand trap louvers and G4 pre filters.
Workshop building HVAC System
1 Offices area within workshop building including electrical room, electrical workshop,
instrument workshop, tool room, spares parts room, HVAC room and corridor shall be air
conditioned independently by duty / standby Direct Expansion (DX) split units to ensure
100% redundancy. Treated air shall be supplied by 100 % capacity duty / standby air
handling units mixing fresh air and re circulating air. Air Handling Units shall be located
in HVAC plant room. Duty / standby condensing units shall be located outside workshop
building on ground.
2 Specification for DX Condensing Units / AHU’s shall be per Company / Client
specification and other standards. Each AHU shall have a centrifugal fan chamber with
backdraft and volume control / shut off dampers. AHU fan shall be of 100 % capacity.
Fan shall have a minimum of 2 belts each.
3 Adequately sized hinged access doors shall be provided to access each section of AHU /
CU. Electric heating coils and steam humidification sections shall be provided in AHU’s.
4 Twin duty / standby auto change over fan shall be used for Toilets, Pantry rooms and
Locker rooms exhaust.

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5 All fresh air intakes shall have sand trap louvers / Prefilters and motorised shut off
6 Exhaust air outlet shall be fitted with weather louver.
7 Workshop area shall be ventilated by 100 % capacity duty / standby exhaust fans (i.e.
Four 50 % capacity fans) installed on roof and air intake through wall opening at low
levels. Wall opening at low level shall be with sand trap louvers and G4 pre filters.
Gate house HVAC System
1 Gate House Buildings offices shall be air conditioned with cassette type ceiling mounted
split units. Air cooled condensing units shall be located on external walls or on gate
house roof. Vendors’ standard Indoor units shall be suitable for wall mounting.
2 Twin duty / standby auto change over fans shall be used for Toilet exhaust.
220 Kv switchgear and control buildings HVAC System
1 220 Kv Switchgear and Control building shall be air conditioned by independent HVAC
system for each building. Each building shall be air conditioned by duty / standby Direct
Expansion (DX) split units to ensure 100% redundancy. Treated air shall be supplied by
100 % capacity duty / standby air handling units mixing fresh air and re circulating air.
Air Handling Units shall be located in HVAC plant room. Duty / standby condensing
units shall be located on respective building roof.
2 Specification for DX Condensing Units / AHU’s shall be per Company / Client
specification and other standards. Each AHU shall have a centrifugal fan chamber with
backdraft and volume control / shut off dampers. Fan shall be of 100 % capacity. Fan
shall have a minimum of 2 belts each.
3 Adequately sized hinged access doors shall be provided to access each section of AHU /
CU. Electric heating coils and steam humidification sections shall be provided in AHU’s.
4 Twin duty / standby auto change over fans shall be used for Battery room exhaust.
Battery room twin fans shall be eexd IIC, T6, non sparking type. In battery room loss of
both fans shall inhibit boost charging of batteries.
5 All fresh air intakes shall have sand trap louvers / Prefilters and motorised shut off
6 Exhaust air outlet shall be fitted with weather louver.
For all Buildings
1 Contractor shall design, furnish, install and place in satisfactory operation a chemical
waste sewer system with utilities for wash down of Battery room. Battery room chemical
waste sewer shall be provided with floor drain and be piped to a local storage system for
truck removal.
2 Plumbing facilities including number of equipment and fixtures and their capacities shall
be developed by Contractor in accordance with Project Specification.
3 Contractor shall allow for design, supply and installation of eyewash, complete with
plumbing and drainage works for all Battery rooms and electro chlorination area.
4 List of required buildings and their conceptual drawings with plumbing arrangement are
provided. These plumbing drawings are conceptual and have been developed based on
preliminary building requirements and sizing developed during Front End Engineering
Design. Contractor shall examine these drawings in detail and modify drawings as
necessary to accommodate final sanitary equipment selection and operational
1 In principle no road cutting is allowed in State. However, cutting for road / utility
crossings for cooling water pipe work, identified within Scope of Work is acceptable to
Company / Client. For these crossings, Contractor to design, procure and construct
approved road diversions, so as not to disrupt traffic at any time. Contractor shall
reinstate roads / tracks / ground to its original specification / condition. For all other

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crossings, Contractor shall design and construct road crossings by way of horizontal
drilling, without cutting main asphalted road and without disturbing traffic.
2 All pipe crossings for existing roads and corridors shall be made through micro tunneling
or cut & cover method depending on availability of the micro tunneling equipment. Road
design and construction shall be according to National Highway Design.
3 Road markings / road signs to be provided in both local language and English.
4 Crash barriers along culvert, bridges, change of road direction and along embankments
such as ramps to be provided.
5 Overhead steel pipe to be painted with sign warning and clearance
Marking road edges
1 Flush kerb stones shall be allowed for at change of road construction and change of road
2 Considerations for final grading and surface drainage shall allow excess water to flow
into open drainage and include following:
a Open ditch system should be connected to storm water basin.
b Water can be re routed to sea.
Roads & other areas as necessary to be paved.
1 In case of heavy rainfall, all building and equipment areas should be accessible.
2 Road levels shall be higher than adjacent graded level (as a minimum 500mm above
3 Detailed engineering should be developed by Contractor for following:
a Construction lay down; including temporary facilities; warehouse area; construction
camp; site offices for Company / Client and Contractor.
b Access road to Company / Client site offices shall be asphalted.
c Parking, road marking, traffic signs & information in both local language and English
Handling Devices Structures.
1 Rising pipes should be installed on structural steel pipe racks.
2 Road and utility crossing by indicated approximate sizes and elevation to NHD shall be
prepared by Contractor.
3 Minimum requirement of clearance between walls, bottom slab and soffit of top slab and
pipe shall be 600mm.
4 Also, note that 5.5m minimum clearance is required between roads, whether existing or /
and new and bottom of structures supporting pipes in utility crossings.
5 For consumer utility crossing involving any / whatever combination shall be designed
and built by Contractor.
6 Contractor shall design all pipe bridges and utility crossings required for Phase and
construct only Phase bridges. Minimum clearance shall be as indicated on FEED
drawings 6m.
Pipe Bridge Crossing Over Existing and New Discharge Channel
1 Contractor shall design and construct series of concrete support frames to support
pipelines over new and existing discharge channels.
2 Corridor crossing occurs just upstream of road bridge.
3 Contractor to construct foundation for Pipe Bridges, each end user shall construct their
own steel truss bridges for carrying pipes.
4 Required conceptual drawings Pipe Bridge are provided. These drawings are conceptual
and have been developed based on preliminary requirements and sizing developed during
Front End Engineering Design. Contractor shall examine drawings in detail and modify
drawings as necessary to accommodate final pipe sizes and routing.
Oil Spill Control Equipment
1 Contractor to design and construct Oil Spill Control Equipment based on SOW Scope of
work provided, however SOW provided is based on preliminary requirement of
Company / Client and same to be modified based on one constructed at Phase for Pump

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My Life Truths Volume II - Part 12
Electrical Engineering
1 Phase of the project shall derive power at 220kv from a new 220kv substation, as further
detailed below.
2 Power Supply for Local Lot Control Centers located at Consumer premises receive and
distribute Power at 415V. At intermediate locations, power supplies for Local Lot
Control Centers shall be derived from existing 11kv network, by providing 11kv RMU
units and 11kv / 433V Package substations and distributed at 415V. At Receiving basin
and Outfall areas, existing 11kv network shall be augmented by providing 11kv RMU
units and 11kv / 433V Package substations and power supplies to llccs shall be
distributed at 415V. Contractor shall provide following systems / facilities as a minimum.
220 kv System
1 Two 220kv / 34.5kv, 165 / 220 MVA transformers located near new 33kv switchgear
building shall be provided.
2 A 220kv Substation consisting of double bus switchgear shall be provided. Existing two
circuits of 220kv cables shall be cut and terminated to 220kv switchgear as incoming
cables. New 220kv cables shall be provided from 220kv switchgear to feed two existing
220 / 33kv transformers. Also, new 220kv cables shall be provided for two new 220 /
34.5kv transformers. GIS shall have provision for additional two 220kv feeder bays to
receive power from a future Electrical department substation.
33kv System
1 New 33kv double bus switchgear with Gas Insulated bus bars and vacuum circuit
breakers shall be provided and located in 33kv Switchgear building. This shall include
33kv gas insulated bus ducts connecting transformers to 33kv switchgear.
2 Expansion of existing double bus Siemens make 33kv switchgear gas insulated located in
existing 33kv Electrical Switchgear building-1 to cater to Phase loads located in Phase
3 One 33kv, 1250A rated tie feeder connecting existing 33 kv switchgear feeder allotted
from expansion portion to new 33kv switchgear.
4 Two 33kv / 6.9kv Transformers located near VSDS Substation for PH area.
5 Two 33kv / 6.9kv Transformers located near Electro Chlorination building.
6 Replacement of two existing 33kv / 6.9kv Transformers with higher MVA capacity
transformers located near existing 33kv Electrical Switchgear building-2.
7 33kv XLPE Cables along with termination kits and associated items for feeding vsds
transformers and various other loads.
8 Harmonic filters connected to new 33kv switchgear and to existing 33kv switchgear.
11kv System
1 11kv / 433V Package substations consisting of RMU’s, 11kv / 433V transformers, LV
Switchboard etc. For deriving Power supply for llccs in MOV corridor area, Receiving
basin and Outfall area.
2 11kv XLPE Cables with their termination kits and associated items for modifications /
additions in the 11KV network.
6.6kv System
1 New 6.6kv metal clad draw out type switchgear with insulated solid insulation bus bars
and vacuum circuit breakers shall be provided and located in VSDS Substation for PH
building. This shall include 6.6 kv bus ducts connecting transformers to 6.6kv
2 New 6.6kv metal clad draw out type switchgear with insulated solid insulation bus bars

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and vacuum circuit breakers shall be provided and located in new Electro Chlorination
building. This shall include 6.6 kv bus ducts connecting transformers to the 6.6kv
3 Expansion of existing 6.6kv switchgear Schneider make located in existing 33kv
Electrical Switchgear building 2 to cater to Phase loads located in Phase area.
4 Four 6.6kv / 433V Transformers located near VSDS Substation for PH building.
5 Two 6.6kv / 433V Transformers located near 220kv GIS Building
6 Two 6.6kv / 433V Transformers located near new Electro Chlorination building.
7 Two 6.6kv / 433V Transformers located at operation building.
8 Two 6.6kv / 433V Transformers located near VSDS Substation for PH building.
9 6.6kv XLPE Cables with their termination kits and associated items for feeding various
415 V System
1 New 415V Switchgear MCC assembly located in VSDS Substation for PH building. This
shall consist of an emergency section fed from an emergency diesel generator and shall
also, include 415V bus ducts connecting transformers to 415V switchgear.
2 New 415V Switchgear MCC assembly located in VSDS Substation for PH building.
This shall also, include 415V bus ducts connecting transformers to 415V switchgear.
3 New 415V Switchgear MCC located in new Electro Chlorination building. This shall
consist of an emergency section for feeding emergency loads and shall include 415V bus
ducts connecting transformers to 415V switchgear.
4 New 415V Switchgear MCC located in VSDS building for PH. This shall consist of an
emergency section fed from an emergency diesel generator and include 415V bus ducts
connecting transformers to 415V switchgear.
5 New 415V Switchgear MCC assembly located in 220kv GIS Building. This shall consist
of an emergency section for feeding emergency loads and include 415V bus ducts
connecting the transformers to 415V switchgear.
6 New 415V Switchgear MCC assembly located in Operation Building. This shall consist
of an emergency section for feeding emergency loads and include 415 bus ducts
connecting transformers to 415 V switchgear.
7 Modifications to existing 415V Switchgear MCC located in 33kv Electrical Switchgear
building No 2 to add manual synchronizing for Load testing of existing emergency
8 New 415V Switchgear MCC assembly located at existing Electro chlorination building to
feed loads of Power consumer. This shall consist of an emergency section feeding
emergency loads.
9 Modifications to existing 415V Switchgear MCC located in Electro chlorination building
to provide power feeders to Power MCC indicated above.
10 New 415V Power distribution centres for sub distribution of 415V Power supply (Normal
and emergency as applicable) at various load centres.
11 New 415V Switchgear MCC located in each.
230V AC UPS System
1 New 230V, 50Hz, UPS system shall be provided at following locations:
2 UPS with battery banks for Phase equipment located in Phase I area and located at
extension portion of Control Building.
3 UPS with battery banks for Phase located in VSDS Substation for PH building.
4 UPS with battery banks for each LLCC building located in End User premises, MOV
Corridor, Receiving basin and Outfall area.
5 UPS with battery banks for 220kv GIS located in 220kv GIS building.
110V DC System
1 New 110V DC UPS system shall be provided at following locations:
2 UPS with battery banks for Phase located in VSDS Substation for PH building.

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3 UPS with battery banks for Phase located in 33kv switchgear building.
4 UPS with battery banks for Phase located in Electro Chlorination building.
5 UPS with battery banks for 220kv GIS located in 220kv GIS building.
Control, Protection and Alarm Systems
1 Contractor shall provide control, protection, interlocking and alarm systems for Phase II
equipment as detailed below:
220kv System
1 Separate Relay panels, Control and annunciator panels shall be provided and located in
220kv GIS building.
33kv System
1 Separate Relay, Control and annunciator panels shall be provided for new switchgear and
located in new 33kv Electrical Switchgear building.
2 Separate Relay, Control and annunciator panels for extension of existing 33kv switchgear
shall be provided and located in existing 33kv Electrical Switchgear building.
6.6kv System
1 Relays control and annunciation system shall be mounted on 6.6kv switchgear LV
Compartment for new and modified switchgear.
11kv / 433V Package substations
1 Relays, control and annunciation system shall be mounted on 11kv rmus LV
Compartment / 415V switchgear compartment as applicable.
415V System
1 Relays, control and annunciation system shall be mounted on 415V switchgear LV
Compartment as applicable.
Substation Control and Monitoring Systems (SCMS) and Power Management Systems
1 Contractor shall provide following:
SCMS System FOR 220kv System
1 Separate SCMS system shall be provided for 220kv GIS. This shall include all necessary
Control, signals status and analog signals, alarms and alarm processing, event recording,
fault disturbance recording, fault history and analysis.
2 One Human machine interface HMI with necessary software and graphical interface shall
be provided for 220kv GIS. This shall have necessary gateways for Electrical department,
33kv SCMS and Power Management system PMS.
SCMS System FOR NEW 33kv System
1 Separate SCMS system shall be provided for new 33kv GIS. This shall include all
necessary Control, signals status and analog signals, alarms and alarm processing, event
recording, fault disturbance recording, fault history and analysis.
2 One Human machine interface HMI with necessary software and graphical interface shall
be provided for 33kv GIS. This shall have necessary gateways for Electrical department
and PMS.
Transformer Monitoring System
1 Separate transformer monitoring system equivalent to GE Faraday TMCS shall be
provided. This shall log all transformer signals from transformer monitoring devices.
PMS System
1 PMS shall be provided for overall control and monitoring of Phase electrical system
2 PMS shall be linked to Gateways of SCMS of 220kv and 33kv systems.
3 PMS shall be linked to data acquisition and control system of new VSDS and all control,
signals be enabled in PMS.
4 PMS shall be linked to data acquisition and control system of existing VSDS and all
control, signals be enabled in PMS.
5 PMS shall be linked to existing PMS and all control signals be enabled in new PMS.
6 PMS shall be linked to Transformer monitoring system and all signals and data be

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available at PMS.
7 For 6.6kv, all necessary Control, signals status and analog signals, alarms and alarm
processing, event recording, fault disturbance recording, fault history and analysis shall
be provided.
8 For 415V system, signals status and analog signals, alarms and alarm processing, event
recording, fault disturbance recording, fault history and analysis shall be provided.
Control shall be provided for Incomers, bus ties and feeders ties.
9 One 1 Human machine interface HMI with necessary software and graphical interface
shall be provided for PMS. This shall be located in Control building. This shall have a
gateway facility to DCS.
Tariff Metering Systems
1 Tariff metering system shall be provided on Incoming feeders of new 33kv switchgear.
2 Metering scheme shall be subject to approval by Electrical department.
3 Existing as well as, new metering signals are to be transmitted to NCC
Lighting Systems
1 Contractor shall provide lighting systems as detailed below:
2 Indoor lighting systems for all buildings in Phase. Building external lighting Photocell
controlled shall also, be provided.
3 Outdoor Areas Lighting systems Photocell controlled for intake area of Phase.
4 Stilling basin. Additional lighting to be provided to enhance lighting Photocell controlled
to 150 lux at Outer edge of Stilling basin.
5 Security Lighting Photocell controlled system shall be provided for intake plant overall
perimeter fence. This shall consist of pole mounted floodlights. Poles shall be located
inside perimeter fence. Floodlights shall be with high pressure HPSV lamps. Lighting
level at fence shall be 150 lux.
Earthing Systems
1 Contractor shall provide earthing system for all installations in Phase. This shall consist
of insulated earthing cables and stainless steel earth rods.
2 Earthing studies and calculations shall be carried out to establish parameters of earthing
system design.
3 Contractor shall perform studies using CYME software to plot ground potential contours
for 33kv and 220kv GIS installations to substantiate that touch and step voltages are
within tolerable limits. Both electronic and hard copies shall be submitted to Company /
Client as a part of final documentation.
Lightning Protection System
1 Lightning protection shall be provided for all buildings and tanks associated with Phase.
This shall also, include Control building extension.
2 Contractor shall provide calculations to establish design of system.
3 Both electronic and hard copies shall be submitted to Company / Client a part of final
Power System Studies
1 Following studies covering entire plant network shall be conducted. Studies shall be
conducted in accordance to Company / Client specification and harmonic requirements.
2 Studies shall be contracted to a Company / Client approved study Consultant. All studies
shall be carried out on Windows based CYME package, except Insulation coordination
study, which should be on PSCD EMTP software. VSDS vendor documentation shall
also, be CYME software package for analysis and reporting.
3 Other Specialized software may be used for insulation coordination studies, but this shall
be subject to prior approval of Company / Client.
Load flow studies
1 Load Flow studies shall be performed to validate chosen equipment ratings continuous.
This shall include motor starting studies.

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Short circuit studies

1 Short circuit studies shall be performed to validate chosen equipment short time ratings.
2 Actual fault levels at 220kv + PLANT substation shall be made available during detail
design. Fault level details shall be coordinated with Company / Client during detail
Harmonic studies
1 As harmonic levels are in excess of stipulation mentioned in specifications, Contractor
shall install necessary filters to mitigate harmonic levels to specified limits. Following
successful plant completion, Contractor shall perform extensive site verification tests to
prove that limits imposed have not been exceeded.
Protection co-ordination studies
1 Establish relay settings for all protection relays. These shall include protection settings at
all llccs.
Insulation co-ordination studies
1 Studies shall establish that insulation levels of equipment are adequate for probable
surges in system with a safety margin. Studies shall also, establish location, number and
rating of surge arresters / surge suppressors in system.
2 Both electronic and hard copies shall be submitted to Company / Client as part of final
Motor Starting
Substation Earthing
LV Power and Control Cables
1 XLPE insulated Copper Cables shall be provided as required to distribute LV Power and
for Control, protection and annunciation requirements.
2 Contractor shall route cables in concrete troughs, trays, conduits, raceways, underground
trenches etc. as detailed in cable layout drawings.
Emergency Diesel Generator
1 An emergency diesel engine driven generator with a minimum rating of 630kva shall be
provided to cater to loads of Phase emergency requirement loads and located in VSDS
Substation for PH. Contractor shall size and verify rating based on various loads
connected to emergency bus.
2 An emergency diesel engine driven generator with a minimum rating of 350kva shall be
provided to cater to loads of Phase II emergency requirement loads located in Phase area.
This shall be located in VSDS Substation for PH. Contractor shall size and verify rating
based on various loads connected to emergency bus.
Bulk Materials
1 Contractor shall provide as required Push button stations, receptacles 415V and 230V,
local control panels, junction boxes etc. as required for each system.
Scope at Remote PLANT Substation and NCC
1 Contractor shall provide necessary facilities at remote end for tele signalling.
Coordination with PLANT and Electrical Department
1 Design, installation and commissioning of all 220kv equipment including control and
signalling to PLANT substation shall require coordination / approval of Company /
Client, PLANT and Electrical department.
2 Contractor shall take responsibility / lead in obtaining approval for interface facilities
with PLANT and Electrical department. Company / Client shall facilitate coordination
and interface by a letter of introduction.
3 Contractor shall engineer, connect and configure signals for monitoring and controlling
FACILITY pertaining to this Project only. Twenty percent 20% of spares shall be
connected and configured as spares as, detailed in specification provided. Provision for
expansion shall be made for connecting any / every additional signals in future.
Harmonic Filters

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1 Harmonic filters shall be provided based on power system study requirements. This shall
consist of :
a One set to cater to requirements of existing 33kv network and connected to existing 33kv
switchgear (in modified portion). This shall be further split into two groups. Each group
shall be connected to individual bus section.
b One set to cater to requirements of new 33kv network and connected to new 33kv
switchgear. This shall be further split into two groups. Each group shall be connected to
individual bus section.
c Filters shall require a minimum of manual intervention and be designed for minimum
energy losses. Harmonic filter package shall be for Phase (existing).
Tele Protection System and RTU
1 Existing tele protection system SWT-3000 in existing 33 kv switchgear room shall be
expanded to be made dual redundant.
2 Existing tele protection system in PLANT shall be expanded to be made dual redundant.
3 A new dual redundant tele protection system shall be provided for new incoming cables
in new 33 kv switchgear room and new 220 kv switchgear room.
4 Existing RTU and existing C30 Controller located in existing 33kv switchgear room shall
be expanded to cater for additional feeders.
5 Tele protection systems at PLANT existing 33kv, new 33 kv and new 220kv are to be
integrated into a network via redundant, dedicated optical fiber cables. Network shall be
configured such that functions of anyone / everyone redundant tele protection unit that
has failed shall be automatically assumed by another tele protection unit within network.
Tele Signal Transfer
1 Existing communications system shall be extended and expanded in order to provide
voice and data links from new 220 kv substation to NCC.
2 A new SDH node PDH and PCM multiplex and supervisory system at new 220 kv
substation connected to PLANT via redundant optical fiber cables shall be provided.
3 Telephone and hotline telephone facility at new 220 kv substation shall be provided.
4 Existing SDH and associated equipment at PLANT and NCC shall be expanded,
including software upgrades to cater for new and expansion of the tele signaling and
telecommunication requirements or a new SDH equipment shall be provided.
5 Necessary software and hardware modifications, including map work, network display
etc. and additions shall be provided at NCC for new substation.
Miscellaneous Requirements
1 Reactive Power compensation equipment shall be provided, if necessary based on power
system study requirements.
2 Design shall be based on a design life of 30 years for all equipment.
3 Fiber Optic cables for all networked equipment
In order to coordinate with others, Contractor shall provide following:
1 Estimated annual load build up for Project based on available data on flow requirements
and utilities. This estimate shall be in tabular as well as, graphical format. First
submission shall be within four months of award date and tabulation be regularly revised
every six months with development of Project.
2 Priority shall be given to finalising load Schedules / load Data for all end user llccs, so
that early coordination of LV power supplies can be undertaken with respective end
3 Where new roads or maintenance tracks cross buried cables, Contractor shall install duct
banks to safeguard buried assets. Design of duct banks shall be suitable for a 30 Ton axle
Pipelines and Distribution
1 Contractor to note that terminology ‘Piping’ or ‘Pipelines’ anywhere / wherever in this
document refers to complete piping systems both ‘on plot’ and ‘off plot’ including

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Pumping Station piping, Manifolds, package piping, firewater piping, utility piping,
cooling water supply and return headers, piping from / to end users battery limits etc.
General Requirements
1 Contractor shall check, validate and endorse all FEED documents, drawings and data
during detail engineering as a part of its scope of work.
2 Contractor shall bring to notice of Company / Client in writing any / every
contradiction/s / conflicts in FEED documentation provided.
3 All detail engineering deliverables shall fully comply with requirements of all relevant
Company / Client standards / specifications and FEED documents.
Survey Requirements
1 Topographic and Geotechnical Survey for all cooling water corridors have been
performed as part of FEED engineering and survey report is included. Contractor shall
perform additional survey as required for detailed engineering to confirm pipeline
routings, tie ins, fouling / interface with other facilities, collection of data for detailed
engineering, installation of piping, road and utility crossings and pipe supports.
Detailed Engineering
1 Contractor shall perform detailed engineering for piping including, but not limited to
following activities:
Basis of Design
1 FEED Basis of Design for Piping shall be expanded as required for detailed engineering.
Any / Every change in Basis of Design shall be specifically highlighted and be subject to
Company / Client approval.
1 All FEED specifications shall be developed to detailed engineering status. Every / Any
modifications from FEED specification shall be specifically highlighted and be subject to
Company / Client approval.
2 Additional specifications, as required during detail engineering, shall be prepared by
Contractor. These shall be stand alone, self contained and Project specific.
1 Review piping drawings included in APPENDIX and produce complete piping General
Arrangement Drawings GAD’s, Equipment Layouts / Plot Plans, Sections, Piping
standards etc. For engineering and construction covering all pipe work
2 Verify that pipe routings indicated in FEED documentation have not been compromised
or fouling with by ongoing works / projects.
3 Prepare Key Plans, which shall show facilities subdivided into geographic construction
areas and sectors and their corresponding documentation.
4 Develop piping general arrangement drawings for entire facilities.
5 All drawings shall be produced from 3D CAD model and in AUTOCAD electronic
format and conform to Company / Client draughting standard requirements.
6 Plot Plans, Key & Area Plot plans. Overall Pipe Routing Plans. Firewater / Fresh Water
Routing & gads. Prepare a list and drawings on special supports.
7 Prepare Piping Isometrics for all piping having following information as a minimum:
a Complete line from start to end with all components with full dimensions.
b Complete Bill of Materials.
c Information on type and thickness of insulation.
d Information on Process conditions and parameters.
e Information on whether line is stress analysed, stress relieved etc.
f Information on pipe supports. Pipe supports to be shown on Isometric drawings only for
DN 50 and above piping. Information on reference drawing
1 Perform Mechanical Handling studies and prepare a report for Company / Client review.
Incorporate any / every changes required as a result of maintainability and operability

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1 Contractor shall reconfirm selected material and wall thickness for all piping as part of
detailed engineering activities.
2 Review and update all existing piping engineering calculations that have impact on
Project as appropriate and carry out new calculations, wherever required.
3 Contractor shall perform detailed flexibility analysis of all relevant piping based on final
pipe routing and design conditions. CAESAR II latest version shall be used for flexibility
4 Stress analysis of FRP piping shall be carried out by FRP pipe supplier utilizing specific
properties of supplied pipes.
5 Contractor shall perform detailed support design and develop new project specific
support standard / drawings and lists based on detailed engineering for all piping.
Carryout Surge Analysis for Fire Water Fresh Water System GRE Piping.
6 Finite Element analysis for Critical Components, supports and manifold Tees, reducers
etc. Using COSMO, ABAQUS or ANSYS Soft wares.
3-D Model
1 Prepare a 3D PDS model for entire facilities. Piping of all sizes shall be modeled. 3D
model shall further include modeling of pipe supports for DN 50 and above piping,
electrical and instrumentation items / cable trays, civil and structural information, all
equipment etc. Intelligent model to be submitted to Company / Client, updated to include
as built status of installed facilities. This shall be used by Company / Client for further
engineering during ultimate phase or future phase
Vendor Data Review.
1 Review, check and comment on all applicable Vendor calculations, drawings / data and
incorporate requirements in design and engineering.
1 Prepare all documentation for fabrication, erection, installation, inspection and testing of
piping. Tie ins, Prepare Piping Tie in schedule and details per P& I D’s and other Project
MTO and Requisitions
1 Perform and prepare Material Take offs and summaries for piping and support materials
including bulk material. Prepare material / purchase requisitions RFQ’s for all piping and
support materials.
2 Prepare Technical Evaluation Summary reports for all piping items.
3 GRP Piping. Coordinate between different GRP Vendors.
As Built Documentation
1 Prepare and submit final “As Built” documentation.
Piping / Pipeline Deliverables
1 Electronic copies in native format generic and hard copies shall be supplied in final
documentation for all disciplines.
2 Piping Basis of Design.
3 Piping Material Specification Piping Classes.
4 Piping Wall Thickness calculations Reports.
5 Technical Specifications for Pipes, Flanges, Fittings, Valves, Rubber Expansion Joints,
Bolts & Nuts, gaskets etc.
6 Process / Piping specialties specifications and data sheets. Valve Data sheets. Valve
Schedule. Specification for flexibility / stress analysis. Specification for Pipe Supports.
7 Specification for Fabrication, Erection, Installation, Inspection and Testing of Piping.
8 Specification for Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of Piping.
9 MTO for piping and support materials.
10 Requisitions for all piping bulk items, valves, specialities etc.

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11 Technical Bid Evaluation Reports.

12 Mechanical Handling study report.
13 Surge Analysis report for Fire Water Fresh Water System GRE Piping.
14 Plot Plans / gads / Pipe Routings Key Plans. Plot Plans Overall & Unit.
15 Piping General Arrangement Drawings key Plan & Plans & Sections / details.
16 Piping Isometrics AFC.
17 Tie in schedule and details. Critical Line List for Piping Stress analysis. Piping Stress
Analysis calculation reports.
18 Standard Pipe Support drawings. Special Pipe Support Drawings. Support Schedule. 3D
PDS Model Generic and Intelligent. Overall Pipe Routings
19 Reports / Calculations notes etc. as listed.
20 As built drawings for all above referenced drawings / documents

Specific Requirements
1 Design, Fabrication and Installation of FRP Piping. Detailed design and supply for FRP
(GRE / GRP / GRV) Piping are of specialist nature and hence shall be subcontracted to
Specialist GRP and FRP pipe manufacturer respectively.
2 Detailed Design shall include, but not limited to following:
a All thickness calculations for pipes and piping components.
b Update and issue of design and installation drawings.
c Flow / Surge calculations for system as may be appropriate.
d Static and Dynamic stress calculations and analysis.
e Design of jointing system based on design.
f Design and location of supports, anchors and design data for anchor blocks.
g Review of all proposed field design changes, which may affect FRP pipe work or support
throughout construction.
h Supply of FRP Piping and spool fabrication.
i Supply of piping components such as pipes, fittings, flanges etc. for FRP piping system.
j Supply of pipe supports such as saddles etc. Supply of fabricated spools.
k Further FRP vendor shall furnish Installation, inspection and testing procedures for FRP
piping and supervise site installation activities in order to ensure single point
responsibility of design, supply and installation.
Instrumentation & Controls
1 Contractor shall be responsible for, but not limited to the following:
1 Contractor shall be fully responsible for design and provision of instrumentation and
associated control systems for Project.
2 Responsibility extends to all required detailed design, material supply, engineering,
factory inspection and testing, packaging, logistics, calibration at site, installation, hook
up and field verification.
3 All systems shall be supplied, configured and tested in accordance with relevant Project
4 Refer Instrumentation & Control Basis of Design, General Instrumentation Specification,
Specification for package Instrument Installation
5 Contractor shall make a detailed site visit to study and familiarize existing
Instrumentation & Control system already implemented for Phase
6 Site visit report shall be submitted to Company / Client.
7 Instrumentation and Control system to be implemented for Phase shall only be
considered for Project. Phase related items would be a separate project in future.
8 Instrument scope shall include, but not be limited to items listed below:
Instrumentation Data base
1 Contractor shall develop a Master database of Instruments in ‘intools’.

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2 This database shall cover details of all tagged instruments and their respective signals per
Company / Client Drafting & Numbering system.
3 Basis for this list shall be P&ID. This database shall be dynamic until ‘As built’ stage of
4 All features of intools e.g. Index module, Data sheet module, Calculations, wiring,
Instrument Loop diagrams, hook ups etc. shall be utilized.
5 As a minimum, one license of ‘INTOOLS’ shall be made available for Company / Client
use during project stage and same license, complete database with associated information
shall be handed over to Company / Client at end of project.
Instrument specifications & Data sheets
1 Contractor shall generate a standalone specification and / or data sheet for every
Instrument and Control system. These documents shall be regularly updated until “As
built” stage.
2 Specification shall cover minimum requirements such as selection of type, Material,
requirements pertaining to Manufacturing, QR / QA / QC, Inspection, Painting, Storage,
Handling, Transportation and Maintenance & Operations etc. Data sheets shall cover
complete details of individual instruments.
Installation drawings and Documents
1 Contractor shall develop detailed instrumentation installation related drawings to
facilitate easy construction of Instrument & Control System. These drawings shall
include, but not limited to instrument equipment layout in building, location layouts,
cable block diagrams, cable routing layouts, cable schedule, Hookup Diagrams, Bill of
Materials, MCT schedules, Air supply distribution, Termination diagrams, Loop
diagrams etc.
2 Contractor shall develop a detailed Specification for Installation of Instrumentation &
Control System.
3 Input to various disciplines / participation in various studies
4 Instrumentation shall provide inputs to various disciplines associated with Project. Proper
coordination among all Project team members is expected. Instrumentation shall
participate in various studies (e.g. Hazop, Constructability review etc.) During course of
detail engineering.
1 Contractor shall prepare detailed Scope of supply which includes Documentation
requirement etc. Material Requisitions for each type of Instrument and Control system.
Enquiries shall be floated to Company / Client approved Suppliers only. A detailed
Technical evaluation shall be carried out and Technical Bid Analysis shall be submitted
to Company / Client. All relevant documents shall be updated to reflect make, model
number of individual instrument and submitted along with technical section of Purchase
Vendor Drawing approval
1 Contractor shall carry out detailed review and approval of all Vendor drawings and
documents. Vendor Data Books shall be submitted in format explained in relevant Project
Inspection & Testing
1 Inspection and testing shall be conducted as defined in relevant Project specification.
Distributed Control System DCS
1 Control system for Phase is EMERSON make Delta – V system. There are two options
for Phase. Either this system can be extended to cater for expansions including phase or
an independent third party Distributed Control System integrated with existing DCS
through ‘OPC’ Open System Connectivity. It is intended that Operator stations
implemented for Phase shall be continued to be in use for Phase and all future phases of
Project including Phase. Presently only one additional operator station is planned to be

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2 Contractor shall develop Control philosophy and all relevant documents for System
Supplier like Functional Design Specification, Control / Logic Narratives, I / O lists
(Hardwired & softwired), Loop typicals, Graphic specification, Layout of individual
Graphic pages, Logic Diagrams etc.
3 Contractor shall finalize hardware required for Project and ensure smooth integration. It
should be noted that plant would continue to run during implementation of this Project.
Contractor shall submit detailed Method statement for proper and uninterrupted transition
of new system.
4 A separate method statement shall be prepared for pre commissioning of Control system.
Depending on final architecture and routing of Fiber Optic cable, a sequential startup is
5 Due care shall be taken to define and implement communication links to various
subsystems like HVAC, Machine Monitoring systems, VSDS, Switchgears, F&G
Systems, End users’ systems, and various packages etc. DCS shall have redundant F.O.
6 Refer Specification for Control system, Specification for Machine Monitoring system,
Control System architecture and various equipment layouts of the buildings.
Fire & Gas System
1 Fire and Gas System to be used for Phase shall work on a F.O. redundant network of
single mode fibers. Also fire panel at each location shall communicate serially to DCS
over redundant link. Master Fire panel shall be located in CCR. Repeat signals shall be
connected to panels in PLANT Control at existing main Gate House and Fire Station
within PLANT .
2 Phase Seawater Pumping & distribution project has a ‘Cerberus’ make Fire & Gas
system having one operator station in CCR and one in PLANT control in existing main
Gate House. System has hardwired contacts to respective DCS subcontrollers. Also, this
system is communicating over multi mode fibers and not on Single mode fibers. In order
to integrate Phase systems, following two options are envisaged:
a Communicate all Phase alarms and signals to existing F&G Operator stations located in
CCR and PLANT control at main Gate House.
b Replace Phase system completely and bring Phase and Phase systems on to a single
3 In this option, for F&G panels in Phase building, either existing telecommunication F.O.
network single mode shall be used or new connections be made to the F&G panels at
nearest building that is being built in Phase of project.
4 Every unmanned Building shall have HSSD System. Manned building shall have smoke
detection and other associated detection system specified in relevant Project
specification. Fire & Gas detection and alarm systems for each building shall have a F&G
panel. All such F&G panels shall be connected to a new Master F&G control panel to be
located in existing Control room, PLANT Control located at Main Gate House known in
Phase as Fire / Incident Control Room and Fire Station, which would communicate with
Operator station.
5 Two new Gatehouses are planned in Project, which shall also, have alarm panels as
defined in relevant specification.
6 Fire and Gas system shall provide a fast, comprehensive and automatic means of
detecting, alarming and indicating presence of fire and combustible gas hazards. System
shall also, be connected to activate deluge of 220 kv / 33 kv transformers on detection of
fire. System shall close inlet dampers in control room and other buildings, when toxic gas
is detected. Refer Specification for F&G System and F&G System block diagram
Instrumentation on Package Equipment.
7 Contractor shall develop Control strategy for individual packages, where instrumentation

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and Control system shall be involved. All interfaces between various systems shall be
properly defined.
Refer Specification for Package Equipment Instrumentation.
1 Contractor shall implement water Metering System at discharge main header and each
consumer’s intake.
2 Dual beam multi path ultrasonic flow meters shall be used in line and should have
accuracy equal to or less than 0.5%. Ultrasonic meters shall be clamp on type. Mounting
arrangement shall be such that there should not be any loss of signals.
1 Analysers installed in Analyser House / shelter shall be utilized for environmental
monitoring at intake, outfall and at every consumer.
Control and On / Off Valves
1 All Control and On / Off valves for Project shall have Motorized actuators with exception
of any / whatever pneumatic valves having independent Instrument Air system for
Electro chlorination package. Actuators shall be intelligent type and should communicate
on single pair cable forming a network. A master station shall be located in CCR / LLCC
for certain number of movs based on Manufacturer’s recommendation. Output signal
from DCS to Control valves fvs and ccvs shall be hardwired. Combined Check Valves
ccvs shall have electro hydraulic actuators. Each CCV shall have an independent
hydraulic system and control panel.
2 Contractor shall develop network and implement for Project.
Other Field Instrumentation
1 Contractor shall ensure that all field instruments are procured from Suppliers listed in
Company / Client supplier’s list. Also, all Instruments shall completely comply with all
Project documents.
2 There is a special requirement to measure seawater temperature one meter below surface
at outfall. Temperature points shall be distributed in a semicircular fashion at a distance
of 100 meter from discharge point. A sensor attached to a floating buoy is a preferred
arrangement. Contractor may suggest any / some other alternatives for consideration by
Company / Client. Cables for these temperature sensors shall be sleeved with a pipe and
precast concrete blocks. Alternatively, remote wireless sensors and transmitters can be
considered. Access shall be provided for sensors inspection / replacement.
1 Contractor shall design a laboratory, design, supply, install, test and commission
laboratory instruments, per specification for Laboratory Instrumentation Doc. and
Laboratory Layout Drawing. Laboratory layout shows only indicative minimum
requirements and Contractor shall suggest any / whatever requirement of additional
equipment, space etc.
2 Instrument air required for laboratory shall be tapped and arranged from existing
Instrument Air compressor located near Electro chlorination package of Phase

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 13
F O Network
1 It is intended that a complete redundant Fiber Optic Network shall be utilized for
DCS - F&G – MOV - Telecommunication;
1 F O Cables shall run on either side of Cooling Water Pipelines. Cable shall be supported
over cable trays laid over Pipe sleepers on above ground portion. Cables shall be buried,
where Pipeline is also, buried.

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2 In case, all pipes are not laid in defined Pipeline corridor and second route of F O, cable
is not available due to this, Contractor shall be allowed to commission system on non
redundant F O network temporarily as a special case. However Company / Client
approval shall be taken in advance and should be properly reflected in all documents.
Once second route is available, ‘redundancy’ shall be implemented.
Instrumentation Deliverables
1 All documents and drawings shall be continuously updated until “as built” revisions.
Following is a minimum list of Instrumentation documents to be generated by Contractor or
enhance FEED documents, where applicable for implementation of Phase
1 Site Visit report, Instrumentation and Control Basis of Design, Specification of
Individual Instrument, Data sheet of Every Instrument, Material Requisitions, Technical
Bid Evaluation and Recommendation, Vendor Data Manual, System Specifications DCS,
F&G etc. Functional Design Specification / Control Narrative, Loop diagrams showing
terminal numbers and all elements of the loop, Logic Description, Flow chart derived
from Cause and Effect Matrix developed under Process discipline or narratives for trip,
shutdown or operation of equipment, Instrumentation Index Database, I / O Lists, System
Architecture Diagrams, Logic Diagrams and sequence charts, Instrument Cable Block
Diagrams, Cable Routing Layouts, Instrument Location Layouts, F&G Detector Layout,
Laboratory Layout, Instrument Junction Box wiring diagrams, Instrument Hook-ups,
Installation MTO, Instrument Cable Schedule, MCT Layouts for CCR and llccs, MCT
Schedule, Interface wiring diagrams, Equipment Layouts in Buildings, Instrument Loop
Diagrams, MODBUS address mapping details, Instrument Grounding Layout,
Calculation of Instrument Air Consumption, wherever applicable, Power Requirement
Calculations and distribution drawings, I / O allocations, Controller allocations, Sizing
Calculations for Valves, Orifice Plates, Power supplies, Instrument Air consumption,
Noise Calculations,
Following documents shall be generated by individual suppliers. These shall be duly approved
by Contractor and submitted to Company / Client.
1 Panel GA Drawings, Panel Dimensional Drawings, Panel Wiring Diagrams, Calibration
Procedure, Calibration reports, Operation Manual, Maintenance Manual, Spare Parts
Manual. Manual shall include complete Bill of Materials. All parts that have individual
part numbers shall be listed in manual. FAT and SAT procedures and completed dossier,
where applicable, for systems and packages. Contractor shall detail FAT and SAT
already included in Instrument Specification documents.
Instrumentation softwares required
1 Contractor shall specify all the proposed software to be used for Project.
2 Following is list of preferred software:
Database – intools, Flow Orifice Sizing, instrucalc / intools, Control Valve / Safety Relief Valve
Sizing – instucalc / conval / intools; Drawings – autocad.
Telecommunication System
1 Contractor shall be responsible for complete design and provision of telecommunication
facilities for project. Responsibility extends to all required detailed design, material
supply, engineering, factory inspection and testing, packaging, logistics, installation,
hook up, Integration and field verification. All systems shall be supplied, configured and
tested in accordance with all relevant Project Documents.
1 Contractor shall provide telecommunication facilities for existing Central Control Room
CCR, other new buildings in Intake Area and Local Lot Control Centres llccs being
covered in Phase of Project. Refer: Telecommunication Basis of Design, Document N#,
System Diagram - Overall Telecommunication System, Drawing #, Block Diagram –
Overall Telecommunication System, Drawing # and Equipment List –
Telecommunication System, Document #. Contractor shall interface with existing

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telecommunication facilities in existing buildings as stated in relevant documents.

2 Contractor is required to make itself fully aware of all relevant standards and regulations
such as following, on which design and installation of Telecommunication System shall
be based:
a Tel Publications
b IEEE wire regulations for Electrical Installations, ITU International Telecommunication
Union, C Electromagnetic Radiations Compatibility, Company / Client Standards, Project
c Contractor shall note that Company / Client Standard, SD-ITN-001, Cable Infrastructure
Standards of IT Department is vendor limited in some cases and therefore, shall not be
issued to vendors.
3 Contractor shall ensure that entire Telecommunication Works shall be carried out through
a qualified Telecommunication Systems Integrator. Contractor and Systems Integrator
shall attend liaison, review and progress meetings, in Nation on a monthly basis during
design phase and weekly site meetings during construction phase. Monthly meetings
during design phase to be for a period of 3 days and shall include site visits. Company /
Client, at its discretion may choose to conduct certain monthly meetings via
teleconference. Weekly meeting during construction phase to be for a limited period, as
required and shall include a joint inspection of work taking place at that time.
4 Contractor shall study and revalidate FEED both as a desktop exercise and via a number
of site visits to be conducted during initial stage of Project to familiarize and study
Telecommunication System implemented as well as, changes being implemented within
PLANT. Contractor shall make four 4 site visits for a period of two 2 full days each visit.
5 Contractor shall suggest any / every enhancements with rational to FEED following
FEED verification in form of a report for approval of company / client. Contractor shall
submit for approval of Company / Client Site Visit Reports for each site visit.
6 Contractor shall provide load analysis on any / each of existing power supplies that
should be directly utilized as a part of this project and provide a report with rational and
recommendations having considered all alternatives.
7 All systems shall be provided fully assembled, supplied, configured and tested in
accordance with relevant project specifications. Also, Contractor shall be responsible for
interfacing new systems with existing telecommunication systems. Any / every upgrade
work required on hardware / software of existing system for this purpose shall be carried
out by Contractor.
8 Contractor shall obtain prior approval from Company / Client of carried out detailed
design before proceeding with any / every purchase of equipment and any / every
installation work. Contractor shall participate in a formal design review in Nation six 6
weeks prior to purchase of equipment and include appropriate Company / Client
comments in design.
9 Contractor shall obtain Tel “Type” approval as required.
10 Contractor shall ensure adequate coordination between Telecommunications System
Integrator and all other disciplines / activities on site which take/s place in order to ensure
an efficient installation.
11 Contractor shall make provision and ensure common infrastructure like routing of Fiber
Optic cables should include llccs / Buildings planned to be implemented in future phases
e.g. By provisioning a coiled FOC length near Phase llccs.
12 Contractor shall be aware that there is telecommunications effort associated with new and
existing electrical substations and existing Electrical department network by virtue of
telesignal transferring systems and tele protection systems and that this effort is detailed
in Clause Electrical Engineering.
13 Contractor shall be aware that at present time Optical Transmission System in Plant
Industrial City Telecommunication network comprises redundant SDH nodes at STM-1

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(Alcatel SDH 1650 SMC) configured in a single ring on main and standby cables and that
other interfacing contracts, being performed by others shall initially retain single ring,
identified as PAB, POB, NTB, MGH, E2, RB, LNG 2, Fire Station # 3, IPP, W6, CB and
PAB and then reconfigure single ring into three 3 rings of STM-1 namely Port Ring,
Eastern Ring and Western Ring. Scope of Work in Phase is to implement a spur link
from Fire Station # to LLCC MOV Corridor H and integrate with Western Ring and
also, provide telecommunication system facilities and connectivity to various llccs, as
stated in Telecommunication Facility Requirements and Connectivity Table – Document
14 Contractor shall make itself aware of status of various concurrent interfacing contracts
and establish any / every impact to Scope of Work. Following interfacing contracts are
identified at this time:
a add a SDH / PDH node at Fire Station # 3. This new node shall be connected
to network via 2 x 24 core Single Mode Fiber Optic cable routed to existing
LNG 2 LLCC, which is closest node to Fire Station # and to LLCC in order
to form a logical ring i.e. Western Ring.
b add a PDH node at metering station located close to IPP LLCC. This PDH
node is being connected to network with a copper cable to IPP node.
c move SDH STM-1 from Port Administration Building PAB to new control
building for Berth 1A and 1B
15 (LPB-1). A new SDH STM-4 node Alcatel 1660 shall be installed in PAB together with
additional Cross Connect Alcatel 1515 CXC and PDH multiplexer 1511 BA This shall
form another logical ring, Port Ring.
16 Provide telecommunications facilities for LNG 1 from existing sub plant S and for W 4
from Fire station.
17 Contractor shall perform following Scope of Work:
18 Interfacing to existing Telecommunication Systems at various levels, including linking
through fiber optic network and upgrading / re configuring (re programming) of existing
ALCATEL system for additional facilities.
19 Supply of a compatible telecommunication system, which shall interface, tie in to
existing system / network and continue to have a closed loop configuration or multiple
loop configuration for existing STM-1 ring network and two new spur link locations, Fire
Station # and MOV Corridor H.
20 Supply of hardware and software upgrades, as required, for existing SDH system in order
that new terminal equipment shall be interfaced with existing equipment
21 Supply of two 2 redundant Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PDH equipment/s with
multiplexers and associated Network Management System NMS
22 Supply of Fiber Optic cable and accessories up to subscriber connectivity and software
configuration and upgrade.
23 Supply of a Telephone System comprising a copper cable distribution and necessary IDF,
junction boxes, patch panels etc. excluding PABX, which shall be supplied by others,
together with a number of Telephones, Fax Machines, Audio Multiplexers etc. and a
Hotline Telephone System operating between CCR and Consumer Control Rooms.
24 Expansion of and reconfiguration of an existing Public Address / General Alarm System,
including supply of all necessary hardware and software
25 Connectivity to any / every other required utilities.
26 Providing technical input required to support other disciplines.
27 Providing documents and drawings including “as built” revisions
28 Interface with and obtain approvals from Tel. This shall include design for Telephone
System infrastructure as well as, any / every “Type” approvals as necessary.
29 Provision of all data sheets for telecommunication systems, subsystems and equipment
Evaluate and confirm adequacy of all existing systems to accommodate new systems, sub

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systems and equipment.

1 Upgrade PC based Telecommunication Supervisory System to include new PDH nodes.
2 Upgrade Network Management System to include new telecommunication equipments.
3 Commission and Hand Over all systems, sub systems and equipment fully integrated.
Telecommunication System Specifications & Data sheets
Contractor shall generate a standalone detailed specification and / or data sheet for each
telecommunication system, sub system and equipment. These documents shall be regularly be
updated until “as built” stage.
Specification shall cover complete details of selection of type, material, requirements pertaining
to manufacturing, QR / QA / QC, inspection, painting, storage, handling, transportation and
Operations & Maintenance etc.
Contractor shall use telecommunications specifications in Appendix as an initial basis to develop
detailed engineering and specifications. Design and specifications shall be submitted to
Company / Client for approval.
Contractor shall ensure that every element in system shall have an associated Mean Time
Between Failure MTBF of better than 20,000 hours and that each subsystem shall have a Mean
Time To Repair MTTR of better than two 2 hours, assuming appropriate spare part is available.
Availability of system shall be 99.999 %
Scope of Work and Supply
Fiber Optic Cable & Accessories
1 For details of guideline specification, refer Specification for Fiber Optic Cable and
Accessories, Doc. #, Main Cable Routing Drawing, Doc. # and Fiber Optic Cable
Allocation Drawing, Doc. #
2 A duplicated main and standby Single Mode Fiber Optic Fire Retardant Armoured Cable
Network with Accessories shall be laid in order to provide transmission medium to
facilitate Instrumentation, Telecommunication, Fire & Gas, Electrical and Security
systems as indicated below:
a x 36 core cables shall be laid in two 2 separate physical routes for embracing all llccs to
be constructed to / from CCR in CB in a loop configuration.
b x 12 core cables shall be laid within Intake Area to accommodate Instrumentation
requirements e.g. DCS at various buildings and Pump houses to / from CCR in CB.
c x 24 core cables shall be laid between substations in Intake Area to accommodate
Electrical requirements e.g. Tele protection and Tele signal transferring.
d x 6 core non duplicated cables shall be laid to / from Telecom Room in CB and the four
4 hubs situated within Intake Area to cater for CCTV system. Cables shall also, be laid
between hub and its associated CCTV cameras.
e Optical Patch Cords / Connectors and Fiber Patch Panels shall be supplied to support
Optical Transmission System
1 For details of guideline specification, refer Specification for Optical Transmission
System, Doc. # and System Diagram - Optical Transmission System Doc.
2 A redundant PDH spur optical link is to be implemented between Fire Station and MOV
Corridor H. Each of FO transmitting stations shall be equipped with at least two 2 optical
receivers and two 2 optical transmall necessary hardware and software modifications
should be made in existing SDH STM-1 Western Ring in order to ensure that phase II
telecommunications facilities are seamlessly connected.
3 Existing SDH equipment shall be upgraded to provide CCTV Cameras signal transport
from Intake Area, LNG 2 and RB to CCTV monitors at CCR CB and to monitors /
system management and recording facilities at CR Plant situated at Main Gate House
4 An independent dual optical fiber single audio channel based telephone connection shall
be provided to four 4 llccs from a PABX to be implanted by others in Telecom

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Equipment Room at CB on audio multiplexer systems.

PCM Multiplexes and Channel Interface
1 PCM Multiplexers shall be provided in order to provide required telecommunication
facilities associated with Corridor H and should be equipped with common equipment
DC-DC converter from - 48VDC, equipment controller board, alarm board, 25Hz
generator with following user interfaces:
a 2W FXO channels, -2W FXS channels,
b Terminal equipment shall be of Alcatel make, type PCM 1511BA.
Cross Connect Equipment
1 Existing equipment duplicated Alcatel 1515 CXC connected in series shall be
reconfigured, as necessary, in order to complete system requirements.
Network Management System NMS
1 Existing Alcatel 1320 / 1353 CT / CX Network Management System NMS for control
and monitoring of all PDH / SDH nodes shall be upgraded with hardware for new sites
and latest version software and reconfigured as necessary to include new PDH nodes and
other routing channels to provide connectivity across new llccs. In addition, software
shall be made available on two existing desktop personal computers in CCR CB and PAB
and additionally on two laptop personal computers to be provided for maintenance
personnel at sites
Telecommunication Equipment Supervisory System
1 For details of guideline specification, refer Specifications for Telecommunication
Supervisory System, Doc #
2 Existing Hitachi make Telecommunication Equipment Supervisory System, which
operates on a separate LAN and provides alarm monitoring of entire Telecommunication
System shall be upgraded with hardware for new sites and latest version software /
reconfigured as necessary to include new PDH nodes. Further a Laptop PC shall be
provided, equipped with appropriate software and hardware accessories for programming
fault detection and engineering purposes.
3 Remote Supervisory Units shall be modular consisting of one or more modules. Each
module shall include 32 x volts less contact shall be provided from 48V DC supply.
PA / GA System
1 For details of guideline specification, refer Specification for Public Address and General
Alarm System, Doc. # and PAGA Field Location Layout Drawing #
2 Existing PA / GA equipment is NOVA 2001 and manufactured by GAI-TRONICS of
3 In order to ensure adequate acoustical coverage shall be available in Intake Area, an
acoustical analysis conducted including site investigation and measurement, together with
desktop calculations. Analysis shall take into account existing and future ambient noise
levels. Analysis shall be performed, utilizing a procedure to be approved by Company /
Client, within three 3 months of Effective Date. Results of analysis shall be used to
optimize quantities and locations, which should be included in a report to included
coverage drawings, with rational and recommendations to be submitted for approval of
Company / Client. Report shall also, contain recommendations with rational on existing
Phase coverage.
4 Coverage in Intake Area shall be verified by measurement, as conforming to acoustic
analysis as part of commissioning procedure.
5 Existing system shall be extended and upgraded as necessary, both hardware and
software in order to provide coverage at new llccs and buildings in Intake Area. System
shall be reconfigured and rezoned for new and existing sites to meet operational needs of
Company / Client. Further a Laptop PC shall be provided, equipped with appropriate
software and hardware accessories for programming fault detection and engineering

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Hotline Telephone System

1 For details of guideline specification, refer Specification for Hotline Telephone System
Doc. # and System Diagram - Hotline System Drawing #
2 Hotline Telephones shall be installed between CCR in CB to two 2 new customer sites
associated with llccs LNG-1 and LNG-2. Provision of Hotline Telephone service shall
include telephones and PCM FXO / FXS circuits. Existing Hotline Console at CCR shall
be upgraded to accommodate new handsets and indicators refer Hotline Console Layout
Drawing #
3 In event that customers sites are not available at time of commissioning then
commissioning shall affect in applicable LLCC.
Telephone & Data System
1 For details of guideline specification refer Specification for Telephone System Doc. #.
2 A PABX, Ericsson model MD 110, exists at PAB and all telephone users at existing llccs
and in Intake Area operate as remote subscribers via FXS / FXO circuits on SDH Optical
Transmission System. In 2nd quarter 2006 a PABX shall be provided by others at CB.
Therefore, all new llccs shall operate as remote subscribers from PABX at CB and all
users in Intake Area operate as direct subscribers. PABX at CB shall have sufficient
capacity and be equipped for all new subscribers in Intake Area and remote subscribers at
3 Active components of Data Network shall be supplied by others and LAN shall be
commissioned by others.
4 All cables, structured cabling, idfs, junction boxes, interfaces, interconnections etc. to
affect a comprehensive infrastructure shall form part of this Scope of Work.
Telephones, Fax Machines and Audio Mux
1 For details of guideline specification refer Specification for Telephones and Fax
Machines Doc. #
2 All telephone shall have RJ-45 connectors and types of telephones installed should be
different for different areas and functions, as tentatively defined on drawings and relevant
documents. Refer: Equipment List – Telecommunication Equipment, Document # for
3 All Fax Machines shall have RJ-45 connectors and be installed in locations tentatively
defined on drawings and documents and should be model L-360 or later version from
Canon or equivalent.
4 Four 4 Audio Mux with FXO / FSX capability are required to provide individual
telephone communications, over dual optical fiber, between PABX at CB and llccs.
1 All telecommunication equipment shall be connected to telecom earth at existing stations
and a separate telecom clean earth of less than one 1 ohm at each new location.
Power Supplies
1 A fully redundant nominal - 48VDC battery / charger system with 8 hours autonomy
shall be provided and used to supply all telecommunications related equipment at LLCC
MOV Corridor H. Battery / charger system shall be designed in accordance with Data
Sheet, DC UPS, Document # in order to supply power to telecommunication equipment
and have 50% spare capacity.
2 A fully redundant nominal - 48VDC battery / charger system with nominal 8 hours
autonomy shall be provided by others and used to supply all telecommunications related
equipment at Fire Station. PDH and associated equipment at Fire Station shall connect to
this existing supply.
3 A fully redundant nominal - 48VDC battery / charger system with nominal 8 hours
autonomy exists at each node in SDH / PDH Optical Transmission System and can be
utilized for like equipment.
4 Each new site shall contain a 230 V AC UPS, which should be utilized for any / every

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new PA / GA equipment.
1 Testing shall be conducted in order to demonstrate specifications of equipment, sub
system and system have been achieved and as stated in applicable system specifications.
1 Training shall be provided as stated in applicable system specifications in Appendix and
is to conducted at site. Training shall be per manufacturer’s standard syllabus and should
be conducted by manufacturer.
1 Documentation shall be provided for design, purchase, installation, “as built” and O&M
phases and as stated in applicable system specifications in Appendix.
Security System
1 Contractor shall be responsible for complete design and provision of Security System for
project. Responsibility extends to all required detailed design, material supply,
engineering, factory inspection and testing, packaging, logistics, installation, hookup,
Integration and field verification.
Security System for Plant Industrial City shall be highly confidential. Details shall not be
reproduced or / and copied.
Contractor shall provide a Security System for Intake Area, along Pipeline Corridor and at
Receiving Basin RB. Refer Specification for Security Control System, Document # Closed
Circuit Television System Diagram, Drawing #, Card Access Control System Diagram, Drawing
#, Field Location Layout Security System, Drawing # & Equipment Layout Security System,
Drawing #
Contractor is required to make itself fully aware of all relevant standards and regulations,
including Company / Client standards, base its design and installation on those standards and
Contractor shall note that Company / Client Standard, Cable Infrastructure Standards of IT
Department is vendor limited in some cases and therefore shall not be issued to vendors.
Contractor shall ensure that entire Security Works shall be carried out through a qualified
Security & Telecommunications Systems Integrator. Contractor and Systems Integrator shall
attend liaison, review and progress meetings in Nationa on a monthly basis during design phase
and weekly site meetings during construction phase. Monthly meetings during design phase to be
for a period of 3 days and shall include site visits. Company / Client, at its discretion may choose
to conduct certain monthly meetings via teleconference. Weekly meeting during construction
phase to be for a limited period, as required and shall include a joint inspection of work carried
out at that time. Company / Client shall agree to combine Telecommunications meetings with
those of Security in event same System Integrator is chosen.
Contractor shall study and revalidate FEED both as a desktop exercise and via a number of site
visits to be conducted during initial stage of Project to familiarize / study Telecommunication
System implemented as well as, changes being implemented, within Plant city. Contractor shall
make four 4 site visits for a period of two 2 full days each visit. Company / Client shall agree to
combine Telecommunications site visits with those of Security in event same System Integrator
is chosen.
Contractor shall suggest any / whatever enhancements with rational to FEED following FEED
verification in form of a report for approval of Company / Client. Contractor shall submit for
approval of Company / Client, Site Visit Reports for each site visit.
Contractor shall provide load analysis on any / each of existing power supplies that should be
directly utilized as part this project and provide a report with rational and recommendations,
having considered all alternatives.
Contractor shall be aware that existing CCTV System at Plant is in process of being upgraded to
an IP Ethernet based network and this is due for completion. Coverage of existing and upgraded

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system does not include location areas that form part of this Scope of Work.
All systems shall be provided fully assembled, supplied, configured and tested in accordance
with relevant project specifications. Also, Contractor shall be responsible for interfacing new
systems with existing telecommunication systems, any / whatever upgrade work required on
hardware / software of existing system for this purpose should be carried out by Contractor.
Contractor shall obtain prior approval from Company / Client of its detailed design, before
proceeding with any / every purchase of equipment and any / every installation work. Contractor
shall participate in a formal design review in Nation six 6 weeks prior to purchase of equipment
and include appropriate Company / Client comments in design.
Contractor shall ensure adequate coordination between Security System Integrator and all other
disciplines / activities on site ongoing in order to ensure an efficient installation.
Contractor shall perform following Scope of Work:
Provide a new CCTV system consisting of cameras, hubs / switches and monitors interfacing to
an upgraded existing CCTV System.
Provide a Card Access Control System CACS at Gate House # and Gate House # to automate
inbound / outbound vehicle & personnel movements.
Provide security fencing and lighting around intake facility.

Security System Specifications & Data sheets

1 Contractor shall generate a standalone detailed specification and / or data sheet for each
of security system, sub system and equipment. These documents shall be regularly
updated until “as built” stage.
2 Specification shall cover complete details of selection of type, material, requirements
pertaining to manufacturing, QR / QA / QC, inspection, painting, storage, handling,
transportation and Operations & Maintenance etc.
3 Contractor shall use Specification for Security Control System, Document # as an initial
basis of specifications to be developed. Specifications shall be submitted to Company /
Client for approval.
4 Contractor shall ensure that every element in system shall have an associated Mean Time
Between Failure MTBF of better than 20,000 hours and that each subsystem shall have a
Mean Time To Repair MTTR of better than two 2 hours, assuming appropriate spare part
is available.
5 Availability of system shall be 99.999 %
Scope of Work and Supply
Closed Circuit Television CCTV System
1 CCTV System shall include PTZ (Pan / Tilt / Zoom) cameras at Intake Area, Pipeline
Corridor and Receiving Basin RB together with fixed cameras, with alarm capability, to
accommodate provision of motion detection facilities around perimeter of Intake Area.
All cameras shall be IP.
2 Company / Client is in process of evaluating about, whether to proceed with motion
detection or not in Intake Area and consequently Security Field Layout Drawing # show
layouts with and without motion detection.
3 There shall be a combination of fixed focus cameras and PTZ dome type cameras around
fence of Intake Area to provide a system capable of motion detection. Only PTZ dome
type cameras shall be utilized for a system with no motion detection. In both systems,
additional PTZ cameras for enhanced monitoring within Intake Area shall be installed.
Refer Equipment List – Telecommunication Equipment, Document # for quantities.
4 Contractor shall state in Appendix B price reduction should motion detection not be
5 There shall be two 2 PTZ dome type cameras installed at each Pipeline Corridor and RB.
6 Three 3 new monitors shall be installed in CCR in existing CB. Signals from all cameras
in Intake area shall be available on these monitors. These signals shall also, be monitored

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at four 4 new monitors located in PLANT CR at Main Gate House MGH via existing
upgraded CCTV network. System control shall be from existing upgraded CCTV system.
7 Signals from CCTV cameras at Pipeline Corridor and Receiving Basin RB shall be
monitored / controlled by existing upgraded CCTV system from PLANT CR at MGH.
8 Existing SDH Optical Transmission System shall be upgraded with Ethernet Modules to
provide CCTV Cameras signal transport from Intake area, LNG2 and Receiving Basin
RB to CCTV monitors at CCR CB and CR PLANT at Main Gate House and to existing
Network Video Recording System at PLANT CR at MGH, which shall be upgraded to
accommodate additional data to be received.
9 Existing upgraded CCTV System Management shall be further upgraded, including
software configuration in order to connect and activate peripherals e.g. cameras and
monitors, as required to ensure a seamless integration of CCTV System at Intake Area,
Pipeline Corridor and RB.
Card Access Control System CACS
1 CACS shall be a standalone system installed in Gate Houses of Intake area. Separate
controllers shall be installed in each Gate House, integrated together in order to provide
redundancy for each Gate House.
2 Access Control system shall have following facilities:
a Card Readers to enable in bound and out bound vehicle and personnel traffic
b Vehicle gates; Turnstile gates; Automatic opening and closure of vehicle gates and
c Controlled access by pre programmed access cards or by security personnel access
d Recording of time and date of in bound and out bound movement
e Card readers shall be compatible to existing CACS being used at Main Gate.
Security Lighting
1 A photocell controlled, security lighting system shall be provided for Intake Area
perimeter fence. This shall consist of pole mounted floodlights. Poles shall be located
inside perimeter fence. Flood lights with high pressure HPSV lamps shall be used for
same. Illumination level at fence shall be 150 Lux with overlapping fields facing towards
fence, so that failure of one lamp shall not create any dark area on fence. Refer: Perimeter
Security Lighting Layout, Document #
1 Testing shall be conducted in order to demonstrate specifications of equipment,
subsystem and system have been achieved
1 Training shall be provided as stated in applicable system Specification for Security
Control and is to be conducted at site. Training shall be conducted per manufacturer’s
standard syllabus and should be conducted by manufacturer.
1 Documentation shall be provided for design, purchase, installation, “as built” and O&M
phases and as stated in Specification for Security Control,
Safety, Fire Protection and Loss Prevention
Contractor shall be responsible for but not limited to following:
1 Scope of Work includes design, fabrication, procurement, installation testing and
commissioning of Fire Protection, Fire & Gas and Safety Systems described in project
specifications, Loss Control Philosophies and Drawings in EPIC package, Appendix and
Company / Client Corporate Philosophy for Fire and Safety Company / Client-PHL-S-
001 and other related documents.
Firewater Systems
1 Existing firewater seawater system is to be extended to all end user plots at Plant

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Industrial City.
1 A new firewater fresh water system is to be provided at intake area. Power transformers
220 / 33 kv located at intake area, both existing and new to be installed are to be provided
with deluge protection. Existing collection pit shall therefore, have to be enlarged.
2 Contractor shall verify project Specifications and drawings for following systems and
develop as required and implement them.
3 Fire protection system including:
a Fire water Fresh Water supply, Storage. Fire pumps electric motor driven, diesel engine
driven and jockey pumps).
b Fire water distribution layouts seawater & fresh water network systems, including deluge
c Fixed and portable, manual and mobile fire fighting equipment including hydrants, hose
reels, water spray nozzles and other specialised fire protection systems
d Fire protection of Analyser Houses
e Fire and gas detection and alarm system
f Fire and Gas cause & Effect Charts
Verification of Project Specification
1 Contractor shall verify project specifications on Fire and Safety System and Fire Alarm
and Gas Detection System, develop them as required and utilize HSSD High Sensitivity
Smoke Detection system. Individual smoke detectors shall be ionisation type. Contractor
shall obtain necessary permits from Supreme Council and obtain import license for these
detectors. Company / Client shall issue recommendation letter to concerned authorities, if
requested by Contractor
2 Interface these fire alarm systems with DCS system to alarm at Main Control Room,
existing PLANT Fire / Incident Control Room at Main Gatehouse and a Fire Station #
3 All buildings, Main Control Room, LLCC’s, Substations, chlorination units etc. shall
have fire / smoke detection and alarm systems, which shall be interfaced to DCS at
respective locations and eventually to CCR.
4 All information from Phase system shall be available on operator desk in existing control
room, existing gate house and in new Fire Station #3. Presently all existing data &
displays of Phase are made available at PLANT Fire / Incident Control room at main
gatehouse through Telephone link.
5 Location of this PLANT Fire / Incident Control Room is within Security building
located at main entrance of Plant Industrial City.
6 Fixed and portable personnel safety equipment, including safety showers and face /
eye wash stations are to be located at electro chlorination plant and 33 kv Switchgear
Building, while self contained eye wash stations are to be located at all battery rooms and
analyser houses.
7 Safety studies and calculation reports performed during FEED, including Operational
Safety Study and FMEA / FTA Study shall be updated by Contractor.
8 Contractor shall carry out, in consultation with Company / Client, a complete and
detailed HAZOP Study during detailed engineering phase. A third party independent
chairman shall be team leader and HAZOP shall be carried out per Company / Client.
HAZOP review shall also, be carried out for Vendor Packages.
9 Contractor in a report issued to Company / Client for review and approval shall detail
findings and actions of study. Contractor shall incorporate as part of detailed engineering
work any / all modifications in network design as requested and required by Company /
Client to comply with any / every portion of study actions.
10 Contractor shall verify storm water sewer systems, taking into account appropriate
firewater disposal in event of a fire in accordance with project Specification. Contractor
shall develop escape route drawings for buildings.

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Fire Protection, Detection and Safety System

1 Contractor shall update, design and provide Fire Protection, Detection and Safety
Systems as developed during FEED.
2 Contractor shall be responsible for developing and establishing fire protection system,
avoiding interference with underground facilities. Guidelines on number and types of
firefighting equipment are given in Company / Client Corporate Philosophy for Fire &
Safety Company / Client and its references. Contractor shall verify, finalize and provide
number and types of fire protection, detection and safety items shown as a minimum.
Mechanical Equipment
Contractor shall be responsible for, but not limited to following.
1 Scope of Work includes review and update of FEED specification and data sheets (as
required for detail engineering development), fabrication, installation, testing and
commissioning of equipment installed at:
a Mechanical Cleaning Plant, Main Cooling Water Pump Packages Novated items, Utility
Services, Electro Chlorination Plant, Lifting Equipment for maintenance service,
2 Equipments installed at plant facilities are listed in Equipment List of Project Phase. All
activities of procurement shall be carried out during detail engineering including
development of Material Requisition / VDRL dossier.
3 Contractor shall verify FEED Specifications, data sheets / drawings and update / develop
as required to implement them.
4 Contractor shall include in work scope for development of equipment specification and
procurement engineering documentation as required, when not included missing or detail
engineering development in Equipment List of Project Phase.
Main Cooling Water Pump Packages
1 Contractor shall take full responsibility of owning novated Main Cooling Seawater Pump
Packages including electrical motor and VSDS system items for Phase in accordance
with Contract and ensuring guaranteed pump performance.
2 Items included in above pumps package shall be per Purchase Order dossier. Further
procurement engineering up to commissioning shall be Contractor’s responsibility and
scope include following:
a Expedite, review and approve Vendor’s data sheets and drawings.
b Participate and witness all required Factory and / or site inspection and testing; ensure
TPC is made available for items of these packages.
c Organizing / conducting pump physical model tests at Pump Vendor works to
demonstrate pump selection / performance,
d Organizing / conducting sump pit model tests at specified subContractor works to
demonstrate pump hydraulic performance with all required functional flexibility,
considering intake screening equipment, to verify intake sump and consequently,
screening equipment to finalize intake sump and consequently pumps house dimensions.
Sump model tests shall be carried out in presence of Company / Client and Pump
Vendor. Contractor shall take full responsibility to design and construct sump pit in
accordance with above results. Findings of Sump model test report conducted by
subContractor shall be endorsed and implemented by Contractor.
e This may include provision for additional splitter, flow stabilizing device, a weir etc. as
recommended in sump model test report.
f Carry out String test at Vendor’s shop for first two Main Cooling Water Pump Packages
including pumps, drivers, VSDSS and associated auxiliaries. For other identical pump
models, required performance tests shall be carried out at pump vendor works, using
electrical test setup established for previous string test.
g All necessary coordination with Vendors and / or SubContractors for timely delivery of
contracted scope
h Prepare all “as built” data sheets and drawings.

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i Carry out pre commissioning, commissioning and start up of pumps.

Deionised Water for VSDS
1 First fill of deionised water used for VSDS cooling system shall be provided by Pump
Packages supplier. Any / Every further topping up requirements shall be accomplished by
supply of deionised water by Contractor till Contract Completion.
Electro Chlorination Plant
1 Verify and confirm Chlorination package sizing and selection.
2 Prepare and update package data sheets and specifications.
3 Prepare material requisition packages.
4 Carry out bid evaluation and vendor recommendation.
5 Expedite review and approve Vendor’s data sheets and drawings.
6 Participate and witness all required inspection and testing.
7 Prepare all “as built” data sheets and drawings.
8 Carry out pre commissioning, commissioning and startup of packages.
9 Coordination with Vendors and Subcontractors
Mechanical Cleaning Plant
1 Contractor shall procure these items in accordance with project specifications / data sheet
included in FEED dossier and covered in Equipment List after review, verification /
detailed engineering and design.
2 Coarse screening shall be performed at Fixed Bar Screens installed at Screen Yard
upstream of pumps houses. Common traversing trash rake grab bucket cleaner and debris
collection system shall be installed as covered in applicable specifications / data sheets.
Screen bar material shall be to accomplish detachment / retarding of marine shells
clinging to bars.
3 Rotary Drum Screens are to be installed for finer mesh opening 3 x 3 mm screening
before seawater service fluid is fed for further pumping and construction materials
requirements are covered in applicable specifications / data sheets. Contractor shall
provide falling object protection for drum screens. Design approval of Company / Client
shall be required.
Utility Services
1. Contractor shall procure these items in accordance with project specifications / data
sheets included in FEED dossier and covered in Equipment List after review, verification
and detailed engineering and design.
2. Utility services include Instrument Air Compressor – Dryer Packages, Portable
Submersible Pumps for emptying compartments of Pump Sump Pits, Receiving Basin
and pumps for draining of piping sections / manifolds.
Lifting Equipment
Pump Houses and Screen-Yard Cranes Common crane and additional cranes:
1 In Phase of project extending of existing 60T / 40T capacity EOT Crane at pump house
and 10T capacity Semi Portal Crane at screen yard is envisaged. Common crane study
report included in FEED dossier provides details of modification to be implemented.
Besides this, an additional crane requirement at above two locations is subject to RAM
study recommendation. Contractor shall carryout RAM study and confirm requirement of
additional Cranes at pump house and Screen Yard.
2 Contractor shall procure these items in accordance with project specifications / data
sheets included in FEED dossier after review, verification and detailed engineering and
Manifold Area Cranes:
1 Phase II of project facilities envisages Craneage to handle CCVS and Isolation Valves
installed at manifold area. This new facility requirement is addressed in Material
Handling Study Report and FEED dossier Equipment List covers required equipment to
be installed for servicing of manifold area items.

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Other Handling / Lifting Facility:

1 Contractor shall procure and supply all material handling items covered in Equipment
List as stated in Material Handling Study Report, which should be updated during
detailed engineering stage after review and verification.
2 Contractor shall prepare procurement engineering dossier, when required for procurement
of off shelf items such as manual chain-hoist with trolley on monorail beam etc. and
supply same.
3 Mobile equipment viz. Mobile Crane, Fork Lifts etc. To assist transportation and
handling of materials are not covered in equipment list / material handling studies. Being
construction / operation aids, these mobile facilities are envisaged to be directly
purchased by Company / Client, only guiding specification / data shall be provided by
Contractor per detail engineering developments.
Noise Control
Contractor shall be responsible for, but not limited to following:
1 General Requirements Refer to Company / Client Corporate Philosophy for Fire & Safety
Company / Client, Environment Protection National Law
2 Contractor shall comply with all rules, guidelines, regulations, procedures, programmes
and policies in “Environmental Guidelines & Environmental Protection Criteria for Plant
Industrial City during execution of WORK.
3 “Environmental Guidelines & Environmental Protection Criteria for Plant Industrial City
4 Initial calculation shall be based on equipment meeting sound level and sound power
level limits of Company / Client Specification. Final calculation shall be based on vendor
quoted and tested equipment sound levels. These calculations shall be included in an
initial and final report, which should be submitted for Company / Client approval. These
reports shall contain following:
5 Equipment list. Equipment physical data such as size, speed and power.
6 Equipment location. Estimated industrial community sound level at Company / Client
determined locations. Estimated sound level contours including in plant areas at fence
line and at inner edge of perimeter infrastructure road in 2.5 decibel dba increments.
7 Equipment sound power levels used in model. Equipment sound levels at one meter.
Noise control treatments proposed. Vendor sound level reports. Vendor’s shop test
reports. Final report shall be called "Noise Control Design Basis - Summary Report".
8 Contractor shall conduct a coordinated overall noise control program, including cost
effectiveness comparisons. In addition, Contractor shall recommend such alternative or
additional acoustical design features or treatment as needed meet requirements.
9 Contractor shall ensure that sound pressure level of cooling water pumps shall not exceed
values specified in Contract by applying any attenuation devices.
10 Contractor shall be responsible for identifying any / every necessary reduction of
equipment sound level limits specified in Company / Client specification to ensure
compliance with FACILITY sound level provisions.
Environmental Control
1 Contractor shall be responsible for, but not limited to following:
General Design Requirements
1 Contractor shall finalize design documents incorporating design data, including emission
data obtained from Vendor’s. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with local
Environmental Control Regulation and Project Specifications provided in Contract. In
general, FACILITY should be designed to meet ambient air quality and water quality
guidelines of National regulations, as specified / demanded / required in Project
Engineering Evaluations
1 Contractor shall verify or finalize engineering evaluations to ensure that environmental
control systems, as designed shall comply with required regulations.

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Cathodic Protection System

1 Contractor shall be responsible for pre design survey, design, detail engineering, supply
of material, installation supervision, commissioning and start up of cathodic protection
2 An impressed current cathodic protection technique shall be utilized / applied to provide
corrosion protection for seawater screen equipments, earthing system, concrete
reinforcing bars of facility foundations and pipe support foundations located adjacent to
Intake Area. Sacrificial anode cathodic protection technique shall be utilized / applied for
protection of pipe support foundations in areas remote from Intake Area.
Cathodic Protection Systems shall cover following:
1 Seawater screen equipments-Bar screens-Drum screens-Stop log guides-Stop logs-
Facility Foundations-Pump house pit concrete reinforcing bars-Receiving basin concrete
reinforcing bars-Outfall structure concrete reinforcing bars including discharge channels-
All building foundations-All structure pipe supports/ foundations within water table or /
and below + /- 0.0 m -Earthing Systems -Pump houses -Building area at Intake -
Receiving basin -Manifold areas-LLCCs-Detail Design Specifics
Contractor shall incorporate specific following requirements into detailed design Scope of Work.
1 Contractor shall engineer, connect and configure signals for monitoring and controlling
FACILITY pertaining to this Project only.
2 Twenty percent 20% of spares shall be connected and configured as spares as detailed in
specification provided under Appendix.
3 Provision for expansion shall be made for connecting any / every additional signals in
4 Contractor to coordinate with PLANT and Electrical authority through Company / Client.
5 Due to marine / dusty / humid environment at Plant area, all transformers shall be
designed with suitable bushing / terminal enclosures or bus ducts, to avoid pollution and
random tripping.
6 Contractor shall submit to Company / Client Hydraulic Models of Phase along with
licensed Software programme, spreadsheets & Manuals used for analysis. Company /
Client shall have access to simulation models, while simulation work is being done by
7 Contractor shall undertake Hydraulic Model studies and submit results during detail
design stage.
8 Contractor shall comply with following requirements, when preparing hydraulic model:
a “Marine Works” in particular “Physical model requirement”
b Ensure that minimum flow of seawater is 300000 m3/hr.
9 Allow to clean up beach twice at start and at completion of works at intake and outfall
areas for a distance of 500 m extending both sides of intake and outfall areas i.e. total
distance of 3000m.
10 Allow for cut and fill complete with compaction to 100% of Maximum Dry Density
MDD, as specified for full widths and lengths of pipe corridors. Excavation may require
blasting. Excavation in rock & varying materials and backfilling shall be carried out in
11 All pipes shall be installed above finished grade on pipe supports / saddles complete with
inserts as design dictates.
12 Contractor shall develop and optimise pipe corridors to take all Phase pipes, mainly
pipeline routing / layout.
13 Contractor shall carry out site grading of pipe corridors to allow flow of rain, surface and
spill water to surface water drainage.
14 Allow for grading area completely around intake structure by cut / fill and compact to
receive Phase structures.

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15 Allow for design and construction of surface water drainage to cater for rain and spill
water. Water shall be collected by a network of concrete paved ditches and discharged
into sea. “V” or trapezoid concrete paved ditches shall be designed and constructed.
Protection to ditches and warning signs shall be allowed for.
16 Design and install chain link fences around building and local Control room areas as a
17 Covered car parking is required for operation building and as shown on drawing attached
in Appendix
18 Contractor is to allow for design and construction of 10% extra for each building e.g.
Building “X” has to be minimum 500 m2 to accommodate all personnel and equipment
in accordance with best international standards. Therefore, Contractor shall have to
design and construct building “X” to be 550 m2.
19 Allow for temporary access roads during construction such as diversion roads. Such
roads shall be subject to Company / Client formal approval.
20 Allow for seismic loading, where appropriate, in accordance with Uniform Building
Code for Zone 1.
21 Allow for design and installation of access over Cooling Water Piping. Number, type
and location are subject to Company / Client formal approval.
22 Allow for all concrete, whether mixed and placed in Marine works and / or other
structures to comply with project specifications.
23 Design and construct roads as access to substations, chlorination building, control
building, pump house and other buildings as shown in Plot Plan.
24 Allow for surveying and relocating sand dunes within pipe corridors, intake and outfall
25 All local Control Rooms at consumer lot interface as well as, other electrical installations
shall have separate battery rooms and space for telecommunication equipment.
26 At Consumer Lots / Interfaces, existing consumers have generally agreed to provide
required LV power supplies up to battery limit.
27 Contractor shall carry out a complete study on ‘Material’ for entire Phase project and
produce a report for Company / Client’s approval during early stages of project. Work
shall be carried out by a third party consultant or by Contractor itself, provided it has the
in house capability to satisfaction of Company / Client.
28 Contractor shall implement any / every approved recommendation or findings of studies
carried out during FEED such as RAM, FMEA, Hydraulic Studies by HRW, SYSOP,
29 Design of elevated floor slabs of substations shall be carried out per Drawing.
30 PLANT 11kv network is not part of CCWP Phase I installation, therefore all works
involving tapping into existing 11kv network of PLANT shall involve following:
a Collection of ‘As Builts” drawings and CYME calculations if any / whatever from
PLANT and verify that these are suitable for proposed modifications i.e. Perform load
survey, check protection settings etc.
b Verify that new loads, when added shall not affect operations. Calculations using CYME
& report of load flow, protection settings etc. shall be submitted to Company / Client for
review. Protection settings shall include 11kv source circuit breaker up to downstream
LV circuits of LLCCS.
c On completion of proposed works, existing ‘As Built’ drawings shall be updated to
reflect new works, as performed by Contractor. Also, soft copy of CYME calculations
shall be handed over as part of final documentation.
Sample Only Ends
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Chapter 9
1 Contractor shall perform procurement, expediting of all materials and equipment
necessary for performance of WORK in a timely manner and in accordance with
Execution Programme.
2 For purpose of this Contract, terms “seller”, “Vendor”, “Supplier” and “SubContractor”
shall be interchangeable in meaning and context.
Contractor shall be responsible for performance of following activities.
1 Identification of materials procurement requirements and preparation of a procedure for
Company / Client approval.
2 Preparation of all materials takeoff.
3 Preparation of requisitions
4 Preparation of Purchase Orders
5 Purchasing and Expediting
6 All vendors selection / evaluation, taking due account of Company / Client list of
approved Vendor
7 Consideration of minimum maintenance philosophy.
8 Adherence to any / every standardization requirements from Company / Client.
9 Consideration of quality related to Contractor’s warranties and guarantees.
10 Provision of best possible warranties and guarantees from vendors for Company /
Client’s benefit
11 Inspection and testing of all procured materials by TPC.
12 Transportation of all materials to Site including packing to sea freight / air freight
standard, as required.
13 Storage, preservation and handling at Site.
14 Identification of spare parts requirements.
15 Preparation and issue to Company / Client of completed spare parts interchange ability
record SPIR forms within 3 months of placement of Purchase Orders.
16 Procurement of pre commissioning, commissioning and startup spare parts.
17 Procurement of insurance of spares, If specified to do so by Company / Client.
18 Procurement of 1 year operation/s related spare parts, If required to do so by Company /
19 Customs clearance including payment of customs duty and payment of legalization fees.
20 Payment to Vendors
Efficient use of materials
1 Vendor support and assistance during construction, pre commissioning, commissioning,
startup and performance testing as necessary.
2 Obtaining all necessary certification / “as built” drawings and data from vendors
including Quality Requirement Assurance Record Manuals, Operations & Maintenance
Manuals etc.
3 Issue closeout report highlighting vendor performance.
Long Lead Items Novated to Contractor Sample Only
1 During FEED Phase of Project, equipment, packages and systems that have a longer
delivery time are identified as under:
a Main Cooling Seawater Pumps
b Main Seawater GRP Piping
2 Main cooling seawater pump scope of supply includes pumps, variable speed motors,
variable speed system, transformers etc.
3 Scope of supply for main seawater GRP piping includes GRP pipes, GRP fittings, GRP
flanges etc. GRP piping is split into 11 packages, which shall be supplied by multiple

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4Complete purchase requisitions, including specifications have been developed and issued
to potential suppliers. Quotations when received shall be reviewed for technical
compliance with enquiry and requisitions.
5 Company / Client intends to award purchase orders for above critical long lead items,
prior to Contract award, in order to maintain project schedule.
6 A copy of Material Requisition package for both above long lead items is enclosed with
this tender document in Appendix. Contractor shall consider that items listed in Material
Requisition shall be ordered by Company / Client on Ex Works packed and loaded on
truck / trailer basis.
7 Upon award of Contract Company / Client shall assign purchase orders to Contractor
through a novation agreement. Contractor shall take over full responsibility for successful
design and supply of long lead items to meet project engineering design requirements and
schedule. Contractor shall be single point responsible party for long lead items in all
8 Contractor shall endorse purchase order requisitions and specifications.
9 Contractor shall review and verify purchase order requisitions in all aspects and if
necessary shall carry out all required additions or amendments to purchase order
requisitions to cover up any / every omissions / errors / shortcomings / deficiencies as
deemed necessary for successful design, supply and commissioning of all long lead items
with prior approval of Company / Client.
Contractor shall be responsible for following purchasing activities as a minimum:
1 Prepare RFQ specifications and documents for all equipment and materials in accordance
with Project specifications. Ensure that terms and conditions of purchase, requirement of
Pre Commissioning, Commissioning, One Year Operational Spare Parts, SPIR forms,
Vendor site support services and Final Documentation have been reviewed by Company /
Client and included properly in enquiry document. RFQS shall be subjected to Company
/ Client Approval.
2 RFQ shall specify Quality Program of Vendors, which shall comply with requirements of
ISO 9000 series, 2001 edition and requirement of Company / Client QR / QA / QC
3 Conduct purchasing in accordance with Company / Client approved vendors and
Subcontractor List. Procurement of those items, which are not listed in approved List
shall be subject to Company / Client approval and should be carried out on a worldwide
competitive basis, except when technical regulations or specifications require otherwise.
Contractor shall abide by National regulations regarding countries of origin.
4 Review bids received from vendors and prepare technical and non priced bid tabulations
advising selected vendor and ranking of others. Company / Client review and approval
shall be sought, prior to placement of purchase orders for all major / critical equipment /
items. Review all equipment / material selection and verify their respective suitability
and operability for service intended. Before placement of purchase orders, assess and
ensure that financial status, availability of Vendors’ recommended Pre Commissioning,
Commissioning, One Year Operational Spare Parts, including quantity and unit prices
thereof, present work load and suitability of vendors are satisfactory to meet project
objectives. Technical bid tabulation and Vendor’s technical proposals / clarifications
shall also, be provided to Company / Client for approval, if Vendor is technically
5 Contractor shall submit to Company / Client lists and prices of 1 Year Operational Spare
Parts with technical and non priced bid tabulation.
6 Prepare purchase orders, complete with all attachments i.e. Purchase requisitions,
specifications, drawings, shop inspection and testing requirements, spare parts

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requirements, Vendors’ and Suppliers’ assistance requirements. Provide copies of non

priced purchase orders or any / every revision thereto to Company / Client.
7 Purchase all project equipment and materials per specifications and in accordance with
requirements of Execution Programme.
8 Contractor shall ensure that Purchase Orders are placed with only reliable Vendors /
Suppliers approved by Company / Client.
9 Contractor shall ensure that Critical Equipment such as Main Cooling Water Pumps,
VSDS, Chlorination Plant, Mechanical Cleaning Equipment, Switchgears, Motor
Operated Valves, Control Valves etc. shall be of proven type equipment, not prototype.
10 Issue status reports on purchasing activities to Company / Client in accordance with
Appendix D.
11 Review and approval of Vendor’s drawings and documents core drawings / specification
to be submitted to Company / Client prior to approval by Contractor.
12 All Vendors drawings and documentation shall be in accordance with Company / Client
Engineering Standard for draughting
13 Contractor shall engage services of Glass Reinforced Polyester GRP pipeline
manufacturer / designer, as a single point responsible party, to carry out detail pipeline
engineering, manufacturing, fabrication, jointing, installation, QR / QA / QC inspection
and commissioning for piping system supplied by particular manufacturer.
14 All activities related to novated items above.
1 In accordance with execution program, Contractor shall perform expediting of
equipment, materials, Vendor’s data, technical assistance, personnel and documentation
from RFQ to delivery at Construction Site for Vendors’ items including materials on
suborders. Contractor shall maintain a system to monitor progress on all purchase orders,
prepare and issue a detailed schedule to Company / Client in accordance with Appendix.
System shall be able to identify those items of equipment and materials, which are critical
or are potentially critical from Execution Programme viewpoint and require special
attention to ensure timely delivery, along with an action plan to achieve it.
2 Contractor shall not limit its expediting activities to only progress reporting. Contractor
shall take appropriate remedial action with Vendors, who run behind schedule.
Contractor shall promptly recommend appropriate alternative remedial action to
Company / Client and implement same.
3 All expediting efforts shall be directed towards achieving or improving equipment and
material delivery dates, while maintaining purchase order design specification, conditions
and Schedule Completion Date. Any / every actual or potential deviations or slippage
from these requirements shall be immediately transmitted to Company / Client in writing.
Contractor’s expediting activities shall include, but not be limited to following:
4 Contractor shall expedite and take all appropriate actions to obtain all technical data and
other documentation, including completed SPIR forms and Final Documentation from
vendors and their respective sub vendors in a timely manner.
5 During Guarantee Period, Contractor shall expedite all replacement materials, associated
documents and vendors’ assistance.
6 Contractor shall submit weekly Material Status Report to Company / Client.
Inspection and Testing
1 Contractor shall execute inspection activities for all equipment and materials in
accordance with following requirements:
2 Contractor shall carry out all inspection and testing required for all equipment and
materials and would be responsible for ensuring that all equipment and materials are
procured & provided strictly in accordance with prescribed specifications as defined in
Purchase Order.
3 Contractor shall specify identifiable requirements based on Company / Client' class of

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inspection' for each material requisition or whatever alternative procedures designed to

ensure an equally high standard of inspection. Minimum requirement of Company /
Client is specified. Contractor shall prepare a document establishing critical rating
system of all equipment and identify level of surveillance inspection required for
Company / Client’s review / approval and should form part of its overall Quality
Requirement Management System and Plan. Full load tests, reduced load tests and / or no
load string tests shall be conducted as specified within Contract. Minimum Company /
Client’s requirements are listed below:
4 Inspection shall be performed by qualified Third Party inspectors employed by
5 Shop inspection shall be carried out by Contractor at both point of manufacture and
where necessary at source of Vendors and / or sub vendors materials.
6 Contractor shall be responsible for all quality requirement assurance activities including
Vendors and / or sub vendors inspection.
7 Provision shall be made at all times for Company / Client to have option of participating
in pre inspection meetings, inspection visits and test witnessing. Contractor shall prepare
anticipated weekly testing programs providing Company / Client sufficient advance
notice for their respective participation at least fourteen (14) days. Contractor shall note
that FAT shall be witnessed by Company / Client Engineers and all services and facilities
to Company / Client Engineers would be provided by Contractor in accordance with
relevant Section of Appendix not included herein. Contractor shall provide twenty one
21 days notice to Company / Client for FAT.
8 Contractor shall submit to Company / Client written reports on expediting material
procurement and inspection carried out in sufficient detail for Company / Client to
monitor effectiveness of inspection. Inspection reports shall be issued to Company /
Client within three 3 calendar days of inspection visit. Contractor shall prepare and
provide to Company / Client an inspection coordination procedure to be developed in
accordance with Contract.
9 Contractor shall compile all fabrication and manufacturing data folders containing mill
test certificates, machinery test certificates, performance test Certificates, type Test
Certificate wherever required and all other relevant inspection data and submit all those
upon delivery of equipment and / or material to Construction Site.
10 Contractor shall be responsible for checking all materials on arrival at site and issuance of
any / every Overage, Storage and Damage Reports OS & DRS may be required.
1 Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and coordinating use of TPC services,
where required for equipment and materials in country of origin for statutory, insurance
or any / every other reasons.
2 Minimum requirement of TPC services is provided in Exhibit of Appendix.
3 Such requirement shall in no way relieve Contractor of its responsibilities agreed under
4 TPC shall function independently and report simultaneously to Company / Client and
5 List of Company / Client approved TPC Subcontractors is provided in Exhibit of
6 Contractor shall prepare a Certification Matrix in accordance with requirement of Exhibit
of Appendix for Company / Client Review / approval.
TPC scope shall include, but not be limited to following:
1 Checking Project equipment and bulk material list
2 Attending kickoff meetings and pre inspection meetings to specify and ensure that entire
Quality requirements have been met.
3 Reviewing high criticality rating of equipment and packages, before placement of

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purchase orders
4 Ensuring that type of certification required by Company / Client is compliant with
5 Reviewing Vendor’s data requirements lists and identifying those documents required for
certification purpose.
6 Checking that standards requested by Company / Client have been implemented for a
wide range of products and minimal approach has been adopted.
7 Reviewing and certifying Vendors quality plans and specifications for procurement
certification level.
8 Conducting monitoring visits to Vendors to review procedures for generating
9 Reviewing documentation prepared by Vendors as part of Final Dossiers /
10 Insuring that all special requirements for equipment in required service have been
complied with
Shipment and Freight forwarding
1 Contractor shall be responsible for sanctioning release of completed equipment and
materials for shipment after satisfactory completion of final inspections and certification.
2 Contractor shall execute forwarding activities for all equipment / material including long
lead equipment items.
3 Contractor shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating packing, marking and
transport of equipment from source of supply determined in purchase order to
Construction Site. Such work shall include:
a Preparation of seaworthy / airworthy packing, marking, shipping and documentation
b Inspection and certification as case may be, of packing, marking and loading.
c Taking responsibility for authentication of shipping documents including Certificate of
Origin by National Embassy / Consulate
d Develop plans and procedures for freight forwarding, handling and customs clearance of
equipment and materials to ensure that all freight is / are consigned to arrive at
Construction Site on time.
e Organize and ensure timely shipment of materials and equipment to Construction Site.
4 Prepare, maintain and issue a monthly shipping progress report and monthly shipping
forecast in a format approved by Company / Client.
5 Arrange for importation of all materials and equipment purchased, for receiving and
offloading at Construction Site, including organizing and securing approval from relevant
authorities for shipment and transportation of heavy and bulky equipments and materials.
6 Contractor shall give preference to Plant Port, while importing materials. Plant Port is a
modern port and has necessary FACILITY like exclusive heavy load berth, cargo berths
etc. to facilitate Project import materials.
7 Contractor shall provide its own craneage facilities for all loading and offloading
operations at heavy load and dry dock berths at Plant Port.
8 Contractor shall be charged by PLANT for use of port facilities. Details of these charges
are given in Appendix.
9 Contractor shall comply with Plant Port Regulations given in Appendix.
Sea / Air shipment, Inland Transportation and Customs clearance
1 Contractor is fully responsible for arranging inland transportation, sea / air freight,
legalizing / authorization of Certificate of origin and other shipping documents, voyage
insurance, customs clearance including payment of customs duty, legalization fees and
transportation of all equipment / material to Construction Site
Storing and Material traceability
1 All equipment and materials shall be carefully handled and stored in a designated area at

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Construction Site.
2 Fragile equipment sensitive to weather conditions such as instruments shall be stored in
totally enclosed, heated and / or air conditioned rooms. When installed, these shall be
protected from sun or from sand ingress by providing temporary shelters or plastic sheets.
3 Handling, preservation and storage of equipment and materials shall be carried out in
conformance with Vendors' instructions and Company / Client specifications.
4 All Materials including spare parts shall be subjected to an appropriate traceability
procedure, so as to ensure easy retrieval of materials and related documentation for each
item in all circumstances. For this purpose, Contractor shall provide experienced
personnel for warehouse management and goods inward / outward control utilizing PC
based software allowing status progress at all times.
Spare Parts
1 While floating RFQ, Contractor shall instruct Vendors to indicate requirement of Spare
Parts as shown below:
2 Commissioning Spare Parts – spares for pre commissioning and commissioning.
a Initial Spare Parts – spare parts to safe guard operation of equipment during
startup / running – in and first year of operation.
b Spare Parts for Normal Operation – spares for day to day maintenance for period
of one year following initial operation.
3 Contractor to ensure that, while submitting their quotation, Vendors shall provide
description of Spare Part items, number of Units recommended, ex work Unit Price
including seaworthy packing. Company / Client shall not approve any purchase order to
be placed, unless accompanied by One Year Operational Spare Parts and Capital spares
list and prices.
Pre Commissioning, Commissioning and Initial Operation &Maintenance Spare Parts and
1 Contractor shall procure and supply Pre Commissioning, Commissioning and Initial
Operation and Maintenance spare parts, chemicals and lubricants, special tools and
handling gear for each equipment as necessary up to Completion.
2 Contractor shall develop a procedure for proper receipt, stacking, storage and handling of
spare parts and provide all supplies and services in accordance with same.
3 Contractor shall provide list of all spares, prior to their usage for site activities.
Contractor shall record all spares used during site activities and update list on a monthly
4 Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that spares provided type and quantity match
with requirements of equipment.
Spare Parts for Normal Operation
1 One Year Operational Spare Parts as such do not form part of Contractor supplied items
under Lump Sum Contract Price.
2 Company / Client may procure One Year Operational Spare Parts and Capital Spares
through Contractor, for which Contractor shall be reimbursed in accordance with
provisions of Appendix of Contract.
3 Prices quoted by Vendors are to be kept firm throughout duration of Contract and no
escalation in this regard shall be entertained by Company / Client.
SPIR Forms
1 SPIR procedure and a sample SPIR form are enclosed in Appendix.
2 Contractor shall obtain through successful Vendors a completed SPIR form duly filled in
within three 3 months of placement of Purchase Orders.
3 Following review of SPIR, Company / Client may instruct Contractor to procure One
Year Operational Spare Parts.
4 It shall be noted that One year Operational spare parts are required to maintain
FACILITY immediately after Completion Date.

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5 Consequently completion of SPIR form with all related drawings etc. shall be undertaken
expeditiously by Contractor.
Company / Client approved vendors and Sub Contractors
1 Contractor shall ensure that it procures equipment and materials only from Company /
Client approved Vendors Ref Exhibit of Appendix not included.
2 For procurement of equipment and material, for which no vendor list has been provided
by Company / Client, Contractor shall propose suitable Vendors.
3 Contractor shall establish that Vendors / Suppliers proposed have previous experience of
supplying similar type of equipment / materials to such projects. Contractor shall provide
all relevant information for vendor proposed for Company / Client to determine
suitability of vendor and its ability to comply with pertinent requirements of Contract.
4 Any deviation to Company / Client approved vendor list shall be avoided.
5 When specifications call for a particular brand or type, any / every proposed substitutions
shall be subject to prior approval by Company / Client.
6 Notwithstanding foregoing, Contractor shall be fully responsible for procurement, timely
delivery and performance of vendors’ equipment, materials and services.
7 Should Contractor propose use of non recommended vendors, it shall present following
information to Company / Client in form of Prequalification document for review and
approval, prior to placing related Purchase Orders:
8 Financial records demonstrating commercial stability of proposed vendor for last three 3
a Records demonstrating that vendor has appropriate and relevant industry experience
and in particular, experience for supplying similar item
b Records demonstrating that vendor has services support for its products or services in
Nation preferred or in Middle East
c Records in form of correspondence / confirmation from vendor demonstrating
inability of listed Company / Client approved vendors to supply equipment /
9 Once prequalification documents have been reviewed, Company / Client may instruct
Contractor to undertake registration of some Vendor’s / Supplier’s with Company /
Client Materials Department before approval of Vendor / Supplier.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 15
Chapter 10
1 Contractor shall carry out all construction work in accordance with procedures and
methods prepared during detail engineering for all construction trades in accordance with
Project specifications.
2 All details of FACILITY shall comply with ‘Approved for Construction’ drawings,
specifications and all applicable engineering / technical standards and codes.
3 Contractor shall plan construction in such a way that FACILITY can be built, Pre
Commissioned, Commissioned and Started up in sequence.
4 In particular, Contractor shall Commission utilities well in advance for purpose of Startup
General Construction Requirements
1 FACILITY for Project shall be provided and constructed in a safe, timely and reliable
2 Latest construction techniques and equipment shall be used to provide an effective
construction approach to achieve Scheduled Completion Date.

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3 During construction of FACILITY, Contractor shall comply with Company / Client

safety and work permit procedures and should enforce a set of Approved safety rules and
precautions for Work at Construction Sites.
4 Contractor construction work shall include, but not limited to following:
a Obtaining all approvals and permits for Work per Company / Client regulations
b Establishing Construction Site safety rules and providing a Safety Manager,
Officers and staff for Work.
Providing construction personnel, temporary works, Temporary Facilities and other facilities
required for construction:
1 In order to ensure proper performance of Work in accordance with Subcontract Schedule,
from commencement of Work to its completion, Subcontractor shall fully adapt its
organization for each specific phase of Work to fulfill all Subcontract requirements and
accordingly, shall mobilize, develop and maintain overall functional organization and
corresponding resources, including, when, where and as necessary by providing
additional means.
2 All construction equipment, scaffolding, tools, protection, testing and control equipment,
auxiliaries, consumables etc. and personnel including management and supervision,
necessary for performance of Work in particular for handling, transportation,
warehousing, prefabrication, erection, testing. These include, but are not limited to:
a Provision of maintenance and running of construction equipment
b Provision of safety equipment and tools for personnel and works
c Provision of personnel small tools
d Provision of mechanical equipment and material necessary for working in water free
conditions, whatever volume or flow
e Provision, storage, distribution and disposal of consumables oil, lubricants, gas etc. and
auxiliary materials planks, timbers, tarpaulins etc.
f Provision of scaffolding and protection material
g Provision of materials and apparatus for technological laboratory to test materials,
welders and provision of materials and apparatus to test all completed works
h Safety equipment
i Providing accommodation, lodging and transportation for construction personnel from
Contractor, Subcontractors and Vendors
j Preparing construction procedures for Work, which shall be submitted for Company’s /
Client’s approval.
In addition Contractor shall ensure:
1 Preparation of Inspection and Test Plan ITP in compliance with above and Contract
conditions, to be submitted for approval to Company / Client
2 Execution and recording of all test and inspection for equipment / materials and Work
3 Verification / checking conformity of Work and provide records
4 Issuance of construction method statement per Company / Client request for critical
5 Contractor must be able to prove at all times that quality of Supply incorporated in Work
complies with quality specified in Contract.
6 Managing / coordinating and supervising work of Subcontractors and Vendors to ensure
Work is performed on schedule and in accordance with quality and safety requirements.
7 Preparing detailed schedules for Work in accordance with Execution
8 Programme, regular monitoring of this schedule and making appropriate adjustments to
obtain most efficient usage, taking into account interfaces with TEL, Electrical authority
MMAA and other parties involved.
9 Providing detailed manpower and construction facilities deployment charts.
10 Providing schedule and progress reporting in accordance with requirements of Contract:

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a Progress reports (daily, weekly, monthly, flash)

b HSE report
c Work schedules
d Physical progress reports
e Construction equipment status reports
f Supplies status reports, un priced copy of purchase orders, certificate of origin of all
equipment and materials to be provided by Contractor.
g Monthly status of material taken over by Contractor
h Updating of list of work items drawings
i Providing a quality requirement assurance plan and developing quality control
Providing all Temporary Facilities required for Work:
1 Erection, maintenance, dismantling and removal of all temporary Site facilities, including
all complementary works, civil, electrical etc. Inside allocated areas. It includes, but is
not limited to:
a Contractor and Subcontractor’s site facilities such as office, workshop, warehouse,
shelter, sanitary building, storage area, concrete or bituminous mix production plant etc.
including all complementary works, civil, raw and potable water and sewer networks,
power supply etc. Inside allocated areas, Lighting of works areas
b Temporary works to prevent personnel from injuries and / or properties from damage
c Scaffolding and safety equipment necessary for Works. Such scaffolding and safety
equipment must be left in place as long as, necessary to allow inspection, tests and
Offices Facilities
1 Contractor and Subcontractor office facilities
2 Company / Client office facilities
3 Contractor and Subcontractor warehouse
All site utilities for Contractor require include, but not be limited to:
1 Power supply
2 Power supply cost for Contractor’s use
3 Water supply Potable, Raw
4 Potable water Supply cost for Contractor’s use
5 Potable or raw water supply cost for construction works use except for piping hydro test
6 Raw water supply cost for piping or equipment hydro test
7 Treatment of raw water for hydro tests
8 Nitrogen supply for pre commissioning works
9 Nitrogen supply for Works including cost for Contractor’s use
10 Air supply
11 Air supply costs for Contractor use
12 Disposal of all sewer and wastewater, rubbish and trash
13 Fuels and lubricants for temporary facilities and construction equipment
14 Maintaining construction records in formats to be submitted for Company / Client
15 Ensuring timely mobilization of Vendors' representatives and / or any / every specialist/s,
and their respective retention at Construction Site for required duration.
16 Providing QR / QA / QC and inspection services for Work. This shall include, but not be
limited to civil, structural, welding, piping, mechanical, electrical, instrument and
painting inspectors.
17 Contractor shall mobilize a Third Party Inspection Agency TPI to perform following:
NDT and interpretation-Civil Lab Testing-Load Tests
18 Any / Every other required Personnel and QR / QA / QC Inspectors shall be provided by
Contractor. Contractor shall mobilize adequate level of Inspectors. QR / QA / QC

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Procedures and Equipment shall be subject to Company / Client’s approval.

19 Maintaining and operating an adequate system of control of availability of drawings and
specifications at their latest revision at all places, wherever Work is performed.
20 Maintaining and operating an adequate material control procedure at all places wherever
Work is performed.
21 Assisting Company / Client with technical safety reviews to confirm that FACILITY can
be operated, maintained, shutdown and started up in a satisfactory manner.
22 Managing field queries, field changes and revision of drawings.
23 Preparing a complete set of data sheets, specifications and as built drawings.
24 Preparing rigging studies as required.

Mobilize in a timely manner construction management team to Construction Site in Nation.

Contractor should in particular submit:
1 Detailed construction execution plan, taking into account Site constraints
2 Mobilisation plan
3 Scaffolding plan, including resources, technical solution proposed material specification
and scaffolding management SHE procedure
4 Nominative organization charts down to, but excluding Foremen level and corresponding
5 List of resources assigned to Work:
6 Personnel per category and nationality and split between different disciplines and
significant activities within each discipline as required in Particular Exhibits
7 Construction equipment type and quantity
8 Allocation of Site temporary facilities and storage areas to Contractor
9 The Site temporary facilities detailed layout drawing and description
10 Site storage areas raw materials, finished materials detailed layout
11 Provide housekeeping personnel for Work on basis of one cleaner per 25 persons.
12 Reinstate existing roads, track, channels and secondary roads to original conditions and
13 Arrange for protection of turtle eggs during construction.
14 Contractor shall do whatever is necessary to take care of rock, obstructions or / and
unsuitable materials present within Construction Site.
15 Contractor shall dismantle and remove X #s Temporary Cofferdam and take ownership
of sheet piles and deliver precast units to Plant Port as directed by Company / Client.
16 Contractor shall within 30 calendar days from Contract Effective Date supply and install
its own dewatering system in cofferdam constructed by other Contractor.
17 Contractor is aware that there are buried services (pipe, cable, and duct) within the
battery limits, and that coordination with Company / Client / Plant for as built drawings
shall be required during detail design and that hand excavation should be required in
certain areas during construction unless confirmed in writing by Company / Client.
18 Protection and preventive maintenance of Material handed over to or supply by
Contractor per state of art and supplier’s recommendations.
Contractor shall be responsible for following:
1 Respect of Site constraints safety, units in operation, site layout, location and setup of
temporary Site facilities etc.
2 Protection of all tracks and roads used by Contractor and subcontractor and located in
vicinity of Site
3 Make good to original condition at Contractor's cost of parts damaged by Contractor or
its representatives Concrete, steel structures, piping, instruments, painting etc.
4 Installation, dismantling and removal of all temporary protection devices used by
Contractor to protect personnel, structures, piping, facilities and equipment on Site
5 Any / Every precaution and measure to avoid damage caused by traffic, dust, noise and

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any / every other cause that may affect personnel, buildings, equipment or goods located
Contractor shall be responsible for following:
1 Daily collecting and removal of any / every used within works areas such as iron scrap,
debris etc.
2 Disposal of refuse and debris in relevant authorized dumps
3 Housekeeping of areas allocated to Contractor
4 Daily cleaning of Site and of all tracks and roads used by Contractor, which are located in
vicinity of Site. This also, includes spraying of water, if required, for stabilizing dust.
Destruction of temporary paving and concrete works including removal, transportation to
an authorized dump and leveling of concerned areas
5 Returning Site to a suitable condition at Completion of Work
Work Permits Procedures and Regulations
1 Contractor shall comply with Company / Client Work Permit Procedures and Regulations
appended in Appendix and with Electrical Authority / Plant Work Procedures, when
working at Plant and at NCC.
Following Company / Client Regulations shall also apply:
1 Electrical Safety Instructions
2 Plant Security guidelines
3 Consolidated Permit to Work system within Plant Industrial City.
4 Company / Client Lifting Equipment regulations
5 Plant Mutual Aid programme
6 Regulations for disposal of Dredged Materials within Plant Industrial City
7 Safety, Health and Environment Plan in conformance with Company / Client
Construction Site Preparation and Construction Site Access
1 Contractor shall accept the Construction Site work "as it is" and would complete
excavation work as required, dispose of ground water and rain water, provide complete
required infrastructure, including additional temporary fencing, security gates for
FACILITY, roads, ditching, sewers and more generally, be ultimately responsible for
finalization of any / every Construction Site preparation work required.
2 Construction Site preparation shall include Construction Site clearance, rough grading,
general earth works, leveling to grade selected, temporary boundary fencing, opening of
roads on Construction Site, excavation and blasting, if required. Contours are provided,
but ultimate responsibility for recording final contours shall be with Contractor.
3 Site preparations and transport of quarried construction materials shall be carried out in
an environmentally acceptable manner, so as not to impact surroundings.
Construction Facilities
1 Contractor shall obtain permission from Plant authority for getting access to areas close
to Construction Sites for offices, lay down, fabrication yard etc.
2 Contractor shall provide office facilities to Company / Client as specified in Appendix.
3 All utilities required in all areas during execution of Work shall be responsibility of
Safety and Security
Contractor shall take sole responsibility for safety including fire prevention of Work. Scope of
safety shall include, but not limited to following:
1 Providing safety and fire prevention procedures at Construction Site.
2 Providing evacuation and first aid facilities in accordance with local regulations for all
personnel assigned to Construction Site.
3 Providing adequate safety management and personnel, safety procedures, safety plans,
safety organization charts, safety instructions and safety talks and ensuring that these
procedures together with Company / Client's requirements are promulgated and enforced.

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4 Supervising all personnel assigned at Construction Site to ensure that they abide by safety
program. Generally, providing one safety officer for every 50 persons.
5 Regularly verifying adequacy of Subcontractors' craneage, rigging and scaffolding to
function safely and reliably.
6 Ensuring safety regulations and keeping safety records.
7 Reporting to Company / Client on status of planning and implementation of activities to
ensure safe construction and operation installations.
8 Issuing safety reports to Company / Client as specified in Appendix
9 Providing security gates and surveillance at various Sites.`
Extent of Construction Scope of Work
1 Construction work includes, but is not limited to activities described hereafter. Those
descriptions are not exhaustive and are given solely for Contractor’s guidance and should
be read and continued within context of present scope of work document.
2 Above Ground Piping Work Prefabrication and Erection including material management,
prefabrication and erection works, including all tests and control and flushing operation.
3 Instrumentation Work including installation, connection, testing of all material and
equipment in units and in technical rooms / control rooms, including loop testing from
control systems such as DCS, PLC to each local instrument.
4 Electrical Work including installation, connection, testing of all material and equipment
in units and in substations, including testing and energisation.
5 Site Preparation and Road, Piling, Underground Piping, Civil works and Building Works,
including earthworks, road, site preparation including fencing works, drainage,
pressurized underground piping erection, gravity pipe networks, all concrete works such
as foundation, structure, paving building construction including detailed design and
supply / erection of secondary works and HVAC systems and all related test and control.
6 Steel Structure Fabrication and Erection Works including detailed design, supply,
fabrication, transportation, erection and all associated tests and controls.
7 Insulation Works of piping and equipment including supply and erection of all type of
insulation and associated tests and controls.
8 Painting Works of piping, steel structure and equipment including supply and application
on field or on shop for piping elementary components of paint on, but not limited to steel
structure, piping and equipment.
9 GRP Piping Prefabrication and erection including material management, prefabrication
and erection work including all test and control and flushing operation.
10 Hoisting, mechanical assembly of all equipment and material including erection work,
alignment, test and control.
11 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning including installation, connection testing of all
material and equipment.
12 Storage facilities including detailed design, supply, fabrication, transportation, erection
and all associated tests and control.
13 Firewater tank, erection of fabrication tank, site construction, assembly and all associated
field tests.
Pipeline construction pipeline routing
1 Introduction
2 Pipeline construction scope shall compose of all works in relation to Piping / Pipeline
construction as outlined below and as defined by FEED Specifications, drawings,
Contractor shall be responsible for identifying all disciplines in extent of works requested for
piping / pipeline construction activities.
Pipeline construction activities shall include, but not limited to following activities.
a Installation of GRP piping manifolds at Pump Houses.
b Installation of all Pump House Piping for Pump Houses.

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c Installation of all utility Piping in Intake Area.

d Installation of all Piping for packages including electro chlorination unit.
e Installation of Piping above ground / buried for fresh water firewater system.
f Installation of extension of seawater, firewater system above ground / buried to cover all
new plots / facilities.
g Installation of cooling water supply pipelines above ground / buried from Pump House to
end user battery limits.
h Installation of cooling water return pipelines above ground / buried from end user battery
limits to receiving basin.
Note that ‘Installation’ includes all pipe, joints, valves, fittings, flanges, spectacles, supports,
anchors, manholes, inspection holes, vents, drains, sumps, pits, welding, jointing, non destructive
/ destructive testing, inspection & repair, trenching, lowering, backfilling, crossings of pipelines /
utilities / roads, ROW preparation, hydrostatic testing, any temporary supports etc.
1 Contractor shall make due allowance in its schedule and management of its Construction
activities for other ongoing Third Party activities at Construction Site and surrounding
2 Contractor shall be responsible for contacting and obtaining necessary permissions from
all relevant Governmental Authorities and Third Parties before construction works
commence. Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and consents in compliance
with requirements. Contractor shall verify location of any / every existing installations
and services to satisfaction of Company / Client and applicable service owners.
3 Contractor shall allow Governmental Authorities and Third Party service owners all
possible access to inspect and witness Works execution in vicinity of their installations
and should conduct such works in accordance with their respective requirements.
4 Contractor shall meet all its obligations in this respect in a timely manner such that there
should be caused no delay in carrying out Works.
5 Contractor shall utilize only approved certified testing laboratories for all destructive
testing to be carried out on Works under construction.
6 If Contractor wishes to provide testing facilities on Construction Site to carry out such
destructive testing, facilities shall be certified in accordance with relevant international
standards and also, approved.
7 Contractor shall note that Works include at least receipt, transportation, handling and
storage in addition to all other construction activities of all items included in novated
purchase orders by Company / Client to Contractor. Contractor shall comply with all
Company / Client instructions with respect to these particular items and its delivery to
Following drawings form part of Appendix of this document.
1 Plot Plan.
2 Pipeline Routing Plans including sections and details.
3 Survey Drawings for cooling water and firewater route corridors.
4 Contractor shall be responsible for verification and confirmation of all FEED
5 Contractor shall initially locate existing pipelines and other facilities and would place
barriers to prevent its personnel or equipment from working over and damaging existing
pipelines and other utilities.
Contractor’s scope of work shall include, but not limited to  following:
Installation of piping systems generally indicated on P&ID’s, preliminary plot plans and
preliminary main routing plans included in Contract.
1 All material handling, craneage and scaffolding
2 All prefabrication of piping systems
3 All erection of piping systems, including tie ins and crossings

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4 All prefabrication and installation of supports including material supply

5 All welding
6 All heat treatment, if applicable
7 All non destructive testing
8 All hydro testing, construction cleaning, draining and drying of piping systems.
9 All chemical cleaning, if applicable.
10 All reinstatement
11 All nitrogen or air testing
12 Performing all inspections and tests
13 Providing all weather protection measures, when and as required
14 Bolt tensioning
15 Provide all pipe spools and pipe fittings necessary for hydro test
16 Provision and installation of locking devices, to lock open certain valves where necessary
Scope of Modification Works
1 All works necessary for implementation of modifications at various sites or alternatively,
in workshops or other designated locations.
2 Scope of installation works
3 Installation at a definite location of equipment for project, activities to include setting,
first alignment / tightening and tensioning of equipment foundation bolts.
4 Installation of all Equipments / Packages / etc.
5 Provide support structure
6 Second alignment after final connection of piping
7 Provision and installation of services items such as temporary blinds, caps, grease etc.
8 Provision of protection against mechanical damage and damage from weather conditions.
9 Performing initial fill of lube oil, grease etc.
Prefabrication of Piping
1 Contractor shall perform a site survey and ensure spooling of correct dimensions suitable
for erection at site and determination of field welds.
2 Contractor shall prefabricate piping in quality controlled conditions offsite to maximum
extent possible.
Scope of prefabrication work shall include, but not be limited to:
1 Transport, receipt inspection, storage, conservation, handling and administration of all
materials at Contractor’s prefabrication shop location.
2 All prefabrication, hydro test including supply and disposal of test water and NDT works
and send it to painting yard for blasting and painting.
3 Transport including Loading and off loading of prefabricated elements from
prefabrication shop to worksites.
4 Tagging of all spools with isometric number and storage it in a safe designated area at
erection site.
5 Erection of piping
6 Access to existing facilities shall not be interrupted.
7 Future corridors reserved for other facilities shall not be encroached.
8 Temporary access to existing facilities / roads shall always be maintained.
9 Prepare work packs and identify piping spools for erection.
10 Erect rack structure, supports etc. and align
11 All erecting, testing and reinstating of piping systems, including supporting both
temporary & permanent.
12 All bolt tensioning required according to pipe specifications.
13 Installation of temporary strainers and removal after flushing.
14 Arrange and provide all testing and drying facilities
15 Supply, installation and dismantling of temporary supports.
16 All other necessary activities such as marking, re stamping, inspections, documenting,

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establishing procedures, obtaining approvals from Company / Client etc.

17 Surface protection, priming, painting, touchup etc.
18 Fabrication, erection and installation of U bolts, pipe clamps and / or other restraining
devices necessary for Work.
Pipe protection
At each location, where pipes cross roadways at an elevated level inside plant areas, permanent
bunting poles with warning signs shall be erected.
1 At all locations where pipes are installed adjacent to plant roadways and at all locations
where new facilities are being constructed or modified, permanent ‘armco or whatever’
type barrier protection shall be provided.
2 Installation of GRE / GRP piping
Construction Supervision
1 Coordination with all GRP vendors / suppliers at site
2 Arrange meetings with other Contractors interface to avoid fouling with existing
3 Access to existing facilities shall not be interrupted.
4 Future corridors reserved for other facilities shall not be encroached.
5 Temporary access to existing facilities / roads shall always be maintained.
6 On / off loading and storage
Installation of piping system
1 Insertion of all sealing rings, gaskets and locking devices
2 Make up of all laminated / bonded joints and coupled connections
3 Acceptance of anchor bolts
4 Acceptance of trenching backfill and compaction
5 Acceptance of each system as ready for hydro test
6 Hydro test of spools / joints and double bell couplers prior to system hydro test.
7 Guarantee of successful hydro test
8 Above acceptance shall be signed by Site Representative of GRE / GRP Manufacturer,
prior to Contractor proceeding with subsequent stage of construction in each case.
Contractor shall carry out pipe trenching in accordance with following:
1 Contractor shall perform all required trenching and excavation by machine or by hand,
including rock hammer and blasting, wherever required and provide all necessary
shoring, sheeting, dewatering, protection, stabilization and maintenance of trenches,
including supply and installation of temporary crossings over excavation, if required.
2 Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect any / every existing facilities
encountered during performance of Work. Where excavation is required within three 3
meters of any / every gas, oil, water, sewer, electrical, telephone or power lines,
Contractor shall give Company / Client ample notice at least two weeks in advance for
each work permit and follow Company’s / Client’s standard practice. Contractor shall
also, arrange for permits from various local authorities.
3 Contractor shall take special precautions, when working parallel and within five meters
of any / every existing pipes or below overhead lines. All Works in existing facilities
areas shall be carried out adhering to Company / Client Work Permit Procedures.
Welding and Radiographic Inspection
Contractor shall carry out welding and radiography inspection in accordance with following:
1 Contractor shall provide all services, materials and equipment necessary to develop and
submit to Company / Client for approval all required welding procedure qualifications,
welder qualifications, for production welding for mainline, installation of scraper traps,
installation of mainline valves and all other welding activities.
2 Contractor shall check all controlling dimensions and pipe roundness, prior to
installation, to avoid any / every delay. If discrepancies exist, Contractor shall notify

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Company / Client immediately in a timely manner of its corrective action for approval.
3 Ten percent 10% radiographic examination of all welds shall be performed using X-Rays.
Weld maps shall be prepared and maintained by Contractor and turned over to Company /
Client at completion of Work.
4 10% Radiography shall be taken as basis, however detailed NDT requirements should be
reviewed during execution of Work on case by case basis, depending upon criticality and
nature of services.
5 All radiograph films and test results shall be protected and stored by Contractor in a dry,
secure place, until they are handed over to Company / Client at completion of Work,
packed in good condition for permanent storage.
Road, Track and Existing Pipeline Crossings
Contractor shall carry out pipe, road, track and existing pipelines crossings according to
1 Contractor shall construct all roads, tracks and crossings on existing pipeline and other
facilities as required in accordance with approved drawings and in full compliance of all
local road requirements and regulations in National.
2 Contractor shall maintain traffic flow and movement of personnel during installation of
road crossings.
3 Where road crossings are performed by ‘open cut’ method, detours shall be provided.
Contractor shall obtain Company / Client approval for design of detours. All detours shall
be paved. After completion of crossing, Contractor shall reinstate roads and surrounding
area including detours to their original condition and to satisfaction of Company / Client
Pipeline Cleaning
1 Contractor shall ensure that internals of pipeline are thoroughly cleaned and inspected
prior to hydrostatic testing in accordance with approved project procedures.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
1 Contractor shall perform hydrostatic pressure testing of all piping in accordance with
approved project specifications and procedures.
Tie Ins
General Requirements-
1 Preparation of a detailed tie in index and schedule
2 Obtaining approval from Company / Client for all tie in locations.
3 Marking of tie in locations at site for Company’s / Client’s Approval.
4 Provisions of all spades, gaskets and bolts for tie in Works.
5 Removal of piping, if necessary
6 Prefabrication of tie in piping
7 Connection of tie in piping, including cutting and beveling.
8 Non destructive testing NDT of tie in location prior to and on completion of works.
9 Hydro testing and drying of relevant part of existing and new piping system.
10 Repair of coating on existing system.
Tie Ins during Shutdowns
1 Contractor shall furnish all equipment, materials, personnel, supplies and consumables
necessary for performing all tie ins. Contractor shall confirm adequacy of these tie ins.
2 Contractor shall plan and schedule tie in activities to take place during planned plant
shutdown periods or where there is not possible to minimize any plant shutdown
3 Contractor shall submit a procedure and method statement for each of tie in activities for
Company / Client review and approval including, but not limited to:
a Procedure / Method Statement-Work execution plan-Material for permanent
incorporation-Consumable requirement-Safety consideration-Hazard identification-
Operational Impact
4 Contractor shall tag physically mark on site each tie in location, after it is confirmed.

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5 Contractor shall produce an isometric drawing with complete material list for each tie in.
6 Contractor shall ensure all materials are available for the tie in Work prior to submission
of request to commence tie in works.
Final Cleanup
1 Project area and all other areas affected during construction shall be maintained clean and
free of environmental pollutants. Daily cleaning of Construction Site shall be performed.
2 At completion of Work, construction areas shall be restored as close as possible to their
original condition. This includes Construction Site, staging and storage areas, excavated
material stockpiles, existing structures affected as well as, any other areas disturbed by
Contractor during construction.
Cathodic Protection
1 Contractor shall install cathodic protection system, where necessary as indicated in
Cathodic Protection Specification and Scope of Work document and provide post
installation testing, interference testing and preparation of as built drawings and final
Mechanical Completion
1 Contractor shall plan in conjunction with Company / Client to achieve Mechanical
Completion in accordance with Execution Programme in readiness for Pre
commissioning activities. Mechanical completion activities are linked in Exhibit of
Appendix .
1 Without in any way limiting or detracting from effect of any other Clause hereof,
Contractor shall conform to Byelaws and Regulations concerning navigation and would
obey orders of any / every authorized and competent officer or agent of Government or
Port Authority in reference thereof.
2 Contractor’s operations must be conducted in such a manner that they do not interfere
with nor endanger, either use of working of waterways, anchorage wharves, jetties,
causeways, dolphins and approaches thereto, whether belonging to Company / Client or
to persons or any water borne traffic, except by prior arrangements with Company /
Client representative and Port Authority.
3 Contractor is to subject full details of any / each of operations that may cause any /
certain interference to shipping to Company / Client’s representative for approval at least
7 days before event and is to make such modifications as Company / Client’s
representative may require in order keeping such interference to minimum. Normal
movement of craft within harbour shall be notified to Marine Operations. All crafts shall
be fitted with VHF radios.
HRW Hydraulic Study Notes Conclusions
Contractor shall consider HRW studies conclusions as given below.
1 This Technical Note has described a design review and a computational fluid dynamic
model study of proposed Plant CCWS pumping stations
2 Study has considered most recent estimates of design flow rates, comprising -------m3 /
hr from Pumping Station ------- m3 / hr from Pumping Station and ------------ m3 / hr
from Pumping Station .
3 Design flow conditions at entrance / inlet to pumping station
4 Water levels at pumping station entrance and approach flow patterns considered in
analysis took account of flow into Pumping Station. Minimum water level of -0.95m
NHD corresponds to a head loss of only 0.07m in channel. Approach flow patterns are
direct and well behaved.
5 Review of layout in relation to design guidelines etc.
6 Typical maximum approach flow velocities to bar screens are considered to be within
acceptable limits in relation to potential turbulence levels at bar screens.
7 In worst case (i.e for PH-) at maximum flow, velocity in double entry channels at drum

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screens shall be typically 0.86m / s. This is a little high relative to HR Wallingford's

experience of other installations and it would be appropriate to confirm with relevant
screen vendors that a maximum approach velocity of some 0.8-0.9m / s is acceptable in
channels approaching drum screens.
8 In worst case, when one screen train is out of service, maximum velocity leaving screen
units shall be approximately 0.8m / s. This is considered a little high in relation to size of
fore bay area, as confirmed by CFD model. Flow modification measures e.g. Baffles or
columns are likely to be required in fore bay to ensure satisfactory flow patterns under
adverse combinations of screens and pumps in operation.
Submergence of pumps
1 Available submergence and proposed elevation for pump bay invert (-9.50m NHD) are
considered satisfactory in relation to required submergence conditions for minimization
of free surface vortices.
Overall dimensions and internal structures
1 Proposed overall layout and dimensions for screen chambers is considered satisfactory
for FEED. It would be recommended, however, that required width of each screen
chamber element should be subject to further review / detailed design during EPC -
following identification of actual screen vendor and actual screen dimensions.
2 In case of PH#, initially designed pump chamber width of 5.0m is smaller than standard
guidelines would suggest. Preliminary enquiries with pump manufacturers have indicated
that a pump chamber width of 5m would be acceptable even based upon a bell mouth
diameter of 2.7m. Taking this into account, proposed 5m width for each pump chamber is
considered satisfactory for FEED. It would be recommended, however, that required
width of each pump bay should be subject to further review / detailed design during EPC
- following final confirmation of actual pump vendor and actual bell mouth diameters.
3 Initial Design for pump bays provides for a “standardized” pump bay length of 10m,
which is satisfactory with respect to pumps for PH and PH, but short relative to standard
guidelines in case of PH#.
4 Proposed “standardized” distance from rear wall of a pump bay to pump centre line of
2.2m is in accordance with standard guidelines.
5 In general terms, splitter / benching, corner fillets and curtain wall arrangements are
considered appropriate vortex suppression devices / methods. On basis of "standard best
practice", it is considered that these features should be included in pump bays, as they
shall help serve to inhibit severe surface and sub surface vortex formations.
6 Free passage of air must be allowed at top of pump bays and other semi enclosed areas of
pumping stations.
7 Roof slab is expected to be clear of water surface, even for extreme water level / wave
conditions notwithstanding possible transient water levels in Intake Channel that might
result from pump startup or trip scenarios.
8 Possible improvements identified for testing in CFD model resulted from short pump
chambers in PH and restricted distance between drum screen chambers and pump
Computational fluid dynamics CFD model tests
1 Simulations have been undertaken for a variety of operational conditions in planned Plant
CCWS pumping station.
2 Calculated water level at entrance to pumping station takes account of flow into Phase I
pumping station PH and intake channel model demonstrated well behaved approach flow
to PH and PH. Therefore, although pumping station computational model does not
explicitly simulate PH, simulations take account of effect of flow into PH.
3 With original design and under adverse combinations of pumps and screens in operation,
significant oblique flow with local velocities approaching 1m / s was observed in pump
fore bays. Flow in pump chambers under these conditions was asymmetric, locally

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approaching 0.8m / s and there was rotation at pumps.

4 Revisions to the design have been proposed, in which columns are introduced at the
entrance to pump chambers to dissipate asymmetric jets. Further simulations have been
carried out to show effects on flow patterns. These show significantly improved flow
patterns in pump chambers, but there is scope for further improvement in fore bays.
5 CFD model studies indicate that overall pumping station dimensions are adequate,
subject to provision of dissipating structures described above and optimized during EPC.
Physical model study
1 To confirm and extend conclusions of CFD model study, it is recommended that a
physical model study be carried out during EPC phase. This would enable final
optimization of internal layout and confirmation of satisfactory performance under final
design operating conditions. For Physical modeling scope of work Refer to Appendix-
Hydraulic Study Report
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 16
Chapter 11
Pre-commissioning (PC)
Pre commissioning shall generally include following provisions and should be defined / followed
up by PC status Index:
1 Systematic conformity checks in accordance with applicable check list, carried out on
each part or item of equipment or component, such as pressure gauges, motors, cables to
visually verify condition of equipment, quality of installation, compliance with project
drawings and specifications, manufacturers’ instructions, safety rules, codes, recognised
industry standards and good practice.
2 Static, de energized tests and test start of specific equipment to ensure quality of a
number of critical components. This cold testing work shall concern all disciplines and
cover activities such as calibration of instruments, machinery alignment, setting safety
valves, pressure testing of piping systems, testing of cable continuity.
3 Piping and vessels flushing, cleaning, hydro testing and dewatering shall be supported by
specific reports.
4 Leak testing at 1.1 times design pressure is required to ensure that all inline components /
isolated portions of piping during hydro testing are installed.
5 Dynamic verifications that each elementary electrical and instrument function in
FACILITY is designed to achieve and shall perform properly. Typical examples of such
tests are: electrical motor uncoupled runs, instrument loop tests and electrical breakers
operation. Energising electrical networks shall be part of this activity.
6 Pre commissioning shall be organised by sub system following an approved sequence to
be prepared by Contractor.
7 Pre commissioning preparation shall start at engineering stage together with
Commissioning and Startup preparation and should include preparation of
documentation, mentioned hereafter, together with preparation of FACILITY breakdown
in Systems, sub systems and FACILITY startup sequence mentioned under Work Unit
description for commissioning.
Contractor responsibility of Pre Commissioning consists of, but not be limited to following:
1 Prepare plans, procedures-Prepare safety audit-Provide PC spares-Provide PC tools,
equipment-Co-ordinate activities of Vendors-Maintain all documents, records-Carry out
PC activities e.g. Conformity check-Main activities of PC are: Flushing / air blowing –
Hydro testing and-No-load motor runs-PC documents as follows:
a Check list-Test sheet-Status index-Punch list-Dossier

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Pre-Commissioning Check Lists

1 Conformity checks defined above shall be carried out in accordance with and reported on
Pre Commissioning Check Lists.
2 Pre Commissioning Check Lists shall define Scope of Work that must be systematically
performed on each selected item of equipment and should also, be used as a log to record
checks made. A typical sample of such Pre Commissioning Check Lists is attached in
Exhibit 03 to this Appendix A.
3 One Pre Commissioning Check List shall be filled in for each subsystem and type of
equipment or package.
Pre-Commissioning Test Sheets
1 Pre Commissioning tests shall be carried out in accordance with relevant specifications
and reported on Pre Commissioning Test Sheets.
2 A typical sample of such Pre Commissioning Test Sheets is attached in Exhibit to this
Appendix .
3 One Pre Commissioning Test Sheet shall be filled in for each test performed. Specific
reports and drawings shall support all other Pre Commissioning activities such as piping /
vessels flushing and cleaning.
Pre Commissioning Status Index
1 Pre Commissioning methods and procedures shall be defined and followed up in a
reference document entitled Pre Commissioning Status Index.
2 Pre Commissioning Status Index shall be an exhaustive list, arranged per subsystem,
discipline and type of equipment, for all equipment and materials subject to Pre
Commissioning operations.
3 Pre Commissioning Status Index shall summarise for each subsystem corresponding pre
commissioning checks and tests to be performed for each item of equipment or materials
i.e. Pressure gauges, electrical cables, pumps and like.
4 Each Pre Commissioning task shall be recorded on the Pre Commissioning Status Index.
Pre Commissioning Punch Lists
1 Pre Commissioning punch lists shall be established for each subsystem being Pre
Commissioned, for purpose of recording all discrepancies, damaged or missing
equipment, malfunctions, missing documents and any / every deviation from design
drawings and specifications.
2 Pre Commissioning punch lists shall be attached to Ready for Commissioning Certificate
for each subsystem.
Pre-Commissioning Dossiers
1 Contractor shall compile documentation pertaining to Pre Commissioning activities in a
dossier arranged by subsystem, which should contain all information required to
demonstrate that a subsystem has reached Ready for Commissioning status.
2 Pre Commissioning dossiers shall include following requirements:
3 Ready For Commissioning Certificates-Punch lists-Systems descriptions and marked up
drawings-Specific procedures-Pre Commissioning Status Index-Pre Commissioning
Check Lists-Pre Commissioning Test Sheets-Marked up AFC drawings latest status-
Vendors’' shop test reports-Vendors' documentation needed for commissioning.
1 This section deals primarily with Commissioning. However, in view of required
continuity of the completion activities i.e. Pre Commissioning, Commissioning and
Startup, this section also, deals with interfaces between such activities.
2 Contractor shall execute all activities required for Commissioning FACILITY i.e.
Checking, putting in operation and operating utilities Systems required for
Commissioning process and other facilities and all verifications required to demonstrate
that process facilities are in Ready for Start Up.

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Commissioning shall generally include following activities
1 Pipelines and Piping system: Operational Tests and leak tests
2 Instrumentation: Loop check, Logic check and Operational Tests of DCS / F&G systems.
3 Electrical: Operational Tests on all power system equipment, all motor runs, tests on
lighting system, tests on earthing system, tests on cathodic protection system etc.
4 Telecommunication: Functional tests.
5 Chemical loading / filling.
6 Actual run in and on line tests during a significant period of main process equipment in
closed loop wherever applicable and of utilities systems.
7 Checking, startup, operation and maintenance of utility systems.
8 Equipment packages shall be subject to Commissioning operations at Construction Site,
irrespective of amount of testing that may have taken place at manufacturers' shops.
9 Contractor shall execute all activities required to Commission FACILITY and ensure that
before each functional system of FACILITY is started that common activities have been
performed in accordance with requirement of Contract.
10 All operations shall be organised by subsystem and reported on that basis.
Contractor's responsibilities for Commissioning shall include, but not be limited to following:
1 Providing a team of suitable experienced and qualified personnel for Commissioning per
approved plans, schedules and procedures.
2 Preparing interface and Commissioning coordination procedure
3 Preparing safety audits and maintaining record of all approved safety audit items
4 Providing necessary Commissioning spare parts and ensuring their respective availability
at Construction Site at least three 3 months prior to Commissioning of each relevant
5 Coordinating activities of vendors and any / every Subcontractors participating in work
6 Developing all required software items
7 Maintaining all documentation and records of Completion Activities on microcomputer
8 Maintaining records of all changes for updating operating manual towards end of Work
9 Providing fresh clean water suitable for testing
10 Providing mechanical, electrical and instrumentation test gear and small tools necessary
to carry out calibration and testing.
11 Gathering and completing Commissioning dossier of complete systems
Operational Tests
1 Wherever applicable and as approved at Commissioning preparation stage, each
subsystem shall be subject of an Operational Test, provided Basic Functions of
subsystem have been successfully functionally tested.
2 Operational Tests shall consist of bringing a given system into operation under conditions
as close as possible to normal. Included shall be testing automated devices, controls,
normal and shutdown sequences in operation, with a view to revealing mechanical or
electrical faults likely to occur during prolonged normal operation of equipment. Such
faults may occur due to watertight performance defects, vibrations, overheating,
overloading and like.
3 Wherever applicable, Vendors' performance guarantees shall be verified during such
Operational Tests.
4 Typical subsystems to be subjected to an Operational Test are: fire water pumps, air
compressors, DCS system and process pumps in recycle mode under air or nitrogen
whenever possible.
5 Each Operational Test shall be conducted in accordance with a specific Operational Test
procedure to be established and approved at Commissioning preparation stage.
6 Following successful Operational Test for any / every System or Subsystem, Contractor
shall issue for Company / Client approval Ready for Startup Certificate for such System

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or Subsystem. Upon Company / Client approval of all Systems and Subsystem in

FACILITY, Contractor shall Startup FACILITY.
Vendor’s Assistance
1 Contractor shall provide all required Vendors’ support and assistance by mobilizing
Vendors’ representative and specialists to Construction Site.
2 Vendor support and assistance shall be required as necessary for following.
Rotary Equipment:
1 Main Cooling Water Pumps-Fire Fighting Pumps
Mechanical Packages:
1 Chlorination System-Fire Fighting System -Hoisting / Lifting Equipment-Pipeline
Metering Packages-Drum Screens and Trash Rake Machines.
2 Instrument Air Compressor / Drier Package-Stoplog guide ways installation
Process Items:
1 FRP Piping Systems-Cooling Water System Valves
1 HV switchgear-220kv Cables-LV Switchgear and MCC-Transformers
2 Variable speed drives and Motors-UPS / Battery system-Emergency Diesel Generator-
Cathodic Protection-Substation Control and supervisory system.
Control and Instrumentation:
1 DCS systems-Pipeline / Piping-GRP Vendor Support / Supervision-F&G systems-
Cooling Water Pumps control systems-Flow metering stations-Telecommunication
systems-Process Stream Analyzers-Laboratory Instruments.
Commissioning Dossiers
Commissioning Dossiers shall include following:
1 Ready for Commissioning Certificate-Punch lists-All Functional Test Sheets-All
calibration sheets and records-Vendor factory tests reports-Set points of relays, protective
devices-Record of site modifications in drawings-Statutory authority reports /
certificates-Marked-up drawings-System Description-Commissioning Procedures
Completion Activities
Startup all Facility
1 Upon completion of all remaining commissioning activities of FACILITY, Contractor
shall carry out Startup of entire FACILITY in accordance with procedures to be
developed by Contractor and approved by Company / Client. Startup activities shall be
planned in accordance with Execution Programme and should confirm design intent of
Project in terms of all design parameters, specification and Cooling Water quality.
2 Contractor shall provide all Personnel, Equipment, Tools, Rigging, Temporary Facilities,
Consumables and any / every other utilities as required to undertake FACILITY Startup.
3 Contractor shall liaise with and mobilize any / every Vendor and work in close
coordination with Company / Client to assure a timely successful Startup of FACILITY.
72 Hour Performance Test
1 Upon completion of FACILITY Startup, Contractor shall assure that FACILITY is
operating at steady and stable conditions, whilst maintaining flow rate to all consumers
including IPP.
2 Contractor to note that not all consumers are available at time of test to receive their
designated flow rate, as such Contractor shall produce / develop a 72 Hour Performance
Test Procedure approved by Company / Client to cater for this situation and demonstrate
that performance test can be carried out with absence of certain consumers.
3 When ready for 72 Hour Performance Test, Contractor shall give Company / Client 48
hours prior notice to carry out 72 Hour Performance Test. Upon Company / Client
approval, Contractor shall carry out Performance Test in accordance with approved
Procedure for a continuous 72 hours.
4 Contractor shall present all results of test to Company / Client after Test for Company /

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Client approval.
5 Once satisfied of 72 Hour Performance Test results, Company / Client shall issue
Contractor a successful 72 Hour Performance Test certificate. Contractor to ensure that
water supply to PLANT and other consumers is in no way disturbed or interrupted during

6 In case, not all consumers are available to receive their nominated flow Rate, Contractor
Shall Design, Supply and Install Any / Every Temporary Facilities to simulate that
particular consumer in terms of flow rate, pressure drop, temperature increase, as if all
consumers are actually there for purpose to carry out and to demonstrate the 72 hour
performance test.
7 All flow rates to consumers shall be measured including those needing Temporary
Facilities for 72 hour performance test.
8 Contractor shall design, procure and install Temporary Facilities, which should be subject
to Company / Client approval. Such Temporary Facilities can be based on plain Carbon
9 Contractor shall have consumer interface system connections to all consumers, inlet &
outlet, Mechanically Completed and ready to be connected to each consumer.
10 72 hour Performance Test shall be carried out satisfactorily by Contractor on or before
date stated in Appendix
Initial Operation and Maintenance
1 Contractor shall mobilize all operating and maintenance personnel and Vendor
representatives as required for operation and maintenance of all FACILITY on 24 hour
basis. Initial Operation and Maintenance shall start after 72 hour Performance Test and
up to and including Completion Date. Operation and Maintenance of FACILITY shall be
undertaken by Contractor in accordance with operation manuals and Vendor’s
2 Contractor shall setup a procedure and an Operation management system for operation
and maintenance of all project equipment with a view to record and log all interventions,
operating parameters related to each equipment for purpose of good records. These
control systems shall be coordinated with Company / Client Operations. All spares,
consumables, fills, lubricants, chemical shall be provided by Contractor during Initial
Operation and Maintenance of FACILITY.
3 Contractor shall study and define optimum manpower requirement to operate and
maintain Plant FACILITY. This study shall be based on various equipment
manufacturers’ data, information and specific details of FACILITY such as a FACILITY
layout, consumer interface, criticality of consumer needs should also, be considered. This
study shall be basis for Company / Client to set up its own operation and maintenance
4 Contractor shall maintain a continuous steady flow to PLANT and other consumers
during entire Initial Operation and Maintenance period.
Project Completion / Handover
1 Contractor shall complete all remaining Works under Contract such as, Punch List Items
clearance, Material reconciliation, Final Documentation, Training and any / every other
Works as specified in Contract.
2 Contractor shall ensure that Project is completed on or before scheduled completion date.
3 Contractor shall proceed with FACILITY Hand Over to Company / Client Operation in a
progressive and coordinated manner, so as to allow a smooth hand over by scheduled
completion date, after all training has been conducted by Contractor to Company / Client
4 Upon Completion Facility shall be considered as Handed over to Company / Client in
accordance with Contract.

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My Life Truths Volume II - Part 17

Chapter 12
Following statements have been included exactly as are produced during job by me for certain
international bids to support technically as a part of Technical Bid
Process Buildings Package
Sample Only
Engineering Design
a) Building Engineering Design Management necessitates an integrated approach to formulate
an overall philosophy, capable to achieve an intellectual product, covering & incorporating a
wide range of performance & serviceability requirements that shall completely meet intended
functions of proposed building adequately, satisfying architectural, structural & allied services
compatibilities with highest reliability factor.
For Target achievement of this fast track EPC project, it shall be kept in consideration by all
discipline engineers / designers to release applicable necessary documents on scheduled planned
1 To accomplish good performance respecting this part of package to meet best possible
standards, EPC CONTRACTOR shall invite, either to bid for consultancy certain
possibly 3 reputed & leading architectural engineering Firms to serve as Engineering
Services subcontractor or organize its own in house section or division for design part.
Based on merits of each offer as well as, applying meeting demanded competency
criteria, a preliminary selection shall be made.
2 After obtaining engineer / client / owner approval respecting proposed Firm, a formal
appointment shall be made by executing an engineering services agreement or in house
section head supported by design team would be appointed to carry out project designs
3 Engineering Services Subcontractor hereinafter shall be called ‘Design Firm’ or for in
house application be called EPC design section.
b) Scope of Firm or in house design section shall include, but not be limited to carrying out
design works within scope of contract as well as, following defined engineering services’
operations for all buildings included within ‘Process Buildings Package’
1 Undertaking additional surveys, intrusive surveys and investigations, as may be
necessary for support to intended engineering designs.
2 Soil Investigations as required on engineering basis for accomplishing engineering
designs shall also, be conducted.
3 Topographic survey shall be performed by CONTRACTOR employing a qualified GPS
competent party on a third party basis
4 Production of all architectural, structural & allied services schematic designs in all
respects beginning from FEED documentation or provided FEED interpretation.
5 Perform all studies, design calculations etc. for all activities & components within project
works scope.
6 Secure support for all governmental and local Authority permits and approvals, if so
necessary, when not procured by owner or client.
7 Provide statutory design certifications as required by relevant bye laws or other laws.
8 Compilation of all outstanding data deemed necessary for completion of project detailed

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engineering design.
9 Production of all architectural & structural detailed designs for engineer / owner or client’s
approval to comply with relevant provisions on contract & match subcontract requirements.
10 Act as EPC CONTRACTOR Design & Engineering representative for relevant Buildings
contract scope of works.
11 Civil & Architectural scope from its inception to completion as & when required.
c) Building services: conceptual drawings only for plumbing & sanitary, drainage, small power
& lighting, HVAC, Fire Fighting & Fire & Gas Detection / Loss prevention, Structured Cabling
System, security system
1 Liaison, coordinate & lead EPC CONTRACTOR / services subcontractors’ design &
engineering efforts.
2 EPC CONTRACTOR’s services subcontractors shall be responsible for delivering
detailed designs and engineering for their relevant scope based on provided conceptual
drawings and other basic documents directing designs criteria issued by Design Firm to
obtain necessarily approvals from Engineer / Owner / Client as case may be.
3 Firm shall issue its package drawings / documents production schedule immediately after
award & commence its design work at various levels, keeping in line to programme
4 Firm shall represent EPC CONTRACTOR at Engineer / Owner / Client offices / officials
at whatever locations, on site or off sites or overseas as EPC CONTRACTOR’s Design &
Engineering representative, during course of this contract from its inception to
completion as & whenever, so required.
5 Engineering coordination with Design Firm shall be conducted from EPC CONTRACTOR’s
head office. All field interfaces shall be conducted from site offices in collaboration with EPC
CONTRACTOR’s field engineers
6 All other remaining functional descriptions shall be conducted by EPC
CONTRACTOR’s personnel, located both in its head office as well as, on its site offices
depending on function wise technical nature, required to be conducted with, for either
resolution or for record.
7 All engineering design products shall be managed conforming to national & international
standards included on within contract documents for demanded technicalities as well as,
for project standard document controls.
8 Firm shall comply with provisions on agreed documentation system & conduct its
relevant operations in all respects accordingly. All produced approvable design
documents shall be given appropriate numbering reference to meet traceability
requirement. EPC CONTRACTOR operates its own system of centralized document
control, which shall be used fully complying in accordance to Engineer / Client / Owner /
Company Procedures by reformation, if so required.
9 Firm shall produce & issue required scheduled documents at various stages of works for
reviewing, approval & achieving AFC status etc. efficiently keeping in line with
approved project construction plan on various phases. Any delay on this account shall not
be acceptable to EPC CONTRACTOR management.
10 Immediately, after issue of control documents to project site team, field / design
engineers shall conduct review of design to ensure construction ability & consequently,
relevant design engineer raise technical queries to remedy certain discrepancies among
these documents, if so discovered, which should immediately be resolved by Design Firm
& duly informed to EPC Contractor / Engineer. All such documents shall be processed
through in action documentation system facilitating most convenient traceability for
consultancy & reference.
11 Consequent upon relevant resolution of discrepancies, affected design drawings shall be

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revised & reissued for construction, duly incorporated with agreed solutions & circulated
through documents control regularly to all concerned personnel.
12 Buildings services schematic drawings shall be issued to subcontractors for further
development of shop & working drawings for EPC Contractor’s approval & issued to
concerned parties, after getting duly approved for construction.
13 Necessary structural shop drawings shall be produced by EPC CONTRACTOR’s own
engineering personnel located in head as well as, on site offices, which should also, be
processed into document control system for EPC Contractor / Engineer & issued to
relevant concerned parties after getting duly approved for construction.
14 Preparation of requisitions for enquiry and award, technically evaluate bids and review of
vendor / lower tier subcontractor documentation shall be done by purchase manager in
collaboration with project manager. All these procedures have been incorporated on
company authorized procurement procedures document.
d) Detailed Engineering Design:
1 Preparation, issue and control of calculations, specifications, drawings, material
requisitions and bills of materials
2 Extent of computer applications for these activities
3 At its very first stage of commencement respecting detailed designs, Firm shall formulate
positioning of all framing members vertically & horizontally befitting coordinates as well
as, level controls, meeting intended architectural requirement maintaining applicable
basic design principles that conventionally, whole structural skeleton behaves as an
integral unit with its centre of gravity passing through or within its permissible vicinity of
forces’ resultant of all over applied forces considered avoiding any / every eccentricity
and that settlement of formation soil should be within permissible limits.
4 After considering all direct & indirect imposed loadings according to various relevant
codes, design model shall be generated using Firm software. Loadings shall include,
direct loads such as dead load, live load, seismic shear though may not applicable in
project location geographical location, that requires reference to seismic zoning map of
India / wind load, blast load / effect, test load / application & also, considering various
analysis, a most critical case of resulting stresses should be considered to be adopted for
preliminary dimensioning & further details of various vertical & horizontal members
forming initial framing skeleton.
5 Generated model in 3D may be made available for formal presentation to EPC Contractor
/ Engineer & Company to explain & justify design adopted philosophy, if so required.
Calculations shall be done trying various options of loadings in 2D / 3 D & included with
its design proposal for approval. These calculations shall be done & certified by a
Chartered Engineer of Firm for structural adequacy & structural intended performance.
e) Services Designs
Designs of services shall be carried out discipline wise.
1 Electrical - In accordance to provision of electrical loadings design criteria as indicated
on Company / Engineer / EPC Contractor’s documents, loadings, distribution of loading
& all other parameters shall be adopted & calculated adhering to national & international
standards, IEE as well as UAE authorities regulations & schematic drawings produced
meeting intended architectural schematic drawings requirements.
2 Similarly, all loads from system HVAC disciplines as well as, from other remaining
disciplines shall be included. This design coordination shall be conducted in close
interface with all disciplines to be affected / coordinated by responsible Services design
coordinator / Design Project Engineer or Manager. All these details shall be included on
drawings documents for approval.
3 All designs shall be generated using appropriate computer software package
f) Specialised discipline- Loss Prevention & others
1 On similar pattern as described in foregoing, detailed designs shall be calculated meeting

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all requirements of contract specifications, disciplinary performance as well as, meeting

international & conventional standards, complying local bodies statutory provisions.
2 From foregoing approved documents, Bill of Quantities shall be generated discipline
wise & building wise, which document should be utilised for purpose of Material
Approval Proposal, Issue of requisitions of approved materials to procurement manager.
Bill of quantities shall not constitute part of contract documents, but serve guidance. All
bills shall be generated using appropriate computer software package.
g) Specifications / Supplement Specifications
1 It is intended to adhere to Company specifications provided by Bechtel within documents
to every extent possible, however, to meet some particular requirement, supplement
specifications shall be drawn & proposed for approval, wherever necessary for producing
better product or materials for which, no specification is defined.
2 These shall be drawn in collaboration with Firm & CONTRACTOR design team keeping
in view an overall approach to documented specification criteria as well as, conventional
engineering & construction practice in similar circumstances.
h) Coordination Procedure
1 Following entitled coordination/s shall be conducted during various stages of design &
execution that have been outlined below
Coordination between CONTRACTOR & EPC head office
1 This part shall be conducted by regular interaction among CONTRACTOR
representatives Head Office based in Musaffa & EPC UK office to help resolve all pre &
post award issue of Engineering services & monitoring project controls
Coordination between CONTRACTOR & EPC site office
1 This part shall be conducted by regular interaction among CONTRACTOR & EPC site
representatives to help resolve all pre & post award issue of Engineering services &
monitoring project controls
Coordination between CONTRACTOR & Firm
1 This part shall be conducted by frequent interaction between CONTRACTOR & Firm
representatives of all disciplines for resolution of all designs issues, issue of all
documents, approval of all documents & resolution of all engineering issues on site
Coordination between CONTRACTOR / Firm & EPC
1 This shall resolve all issues respecting engineering designs particularly during design
stage as well as, generally during construction phases for efficient decisions making to
help smooth execution of all activities
Coordination between CONTRACTOR / Firm & EPC on site
1 This shall resolve all issues respecting engineering designs during construction phases on
site for efficient decisions making to help smooth execution of involved activities
Coordination between CONTRACTOR Site & Firm
1 This is essential to keep on fast track availability of complete design information for all
ongoing as well as, planned activities & should information be pending, it shall be
identified, coordinated & made available on site, prior to its requirement to avoid any /
every problem of execution
CONTRACTOR internal Coordination among various sections
1 CONTRACTOR in Head office organized with all corporate sections necessary to meet
requirement of this project shall operate as an integral functional team keeping on
resolving regularly & as required all issues of project designs & follow up in all respects.
This coordination is ongoing on daily basis & frequent interaction among all corporate
managers as well as, supporting professionals help resolutions of all current &
forthcoming issues. Management meetings are conducted regularly for making decisions
to avoid any / each pending identified problems
CONTRACTOR internal Coordination among various sections on site
1 Similarly on site, all project sections managers & supporting professionals shall

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coordinate to resolve all types of problems to avoid any / every pending identified
problems & notify to corporate management for immediate resolutions should solution
not be possible from site.
i) Review and Approval of Documents
1 This requires effecting an instant action on part of CONTRACTOR that, whenever any /
whatever document is received, it must be reviewed by its design team located at Head
Office / Site office as case may be, prior to formally submitting to EPC. After its
submission to EPC, EPC shall process it through its system & after obtaining company’s
approval, return approved or commented original to CONTRACTOR for further
necessary CONTRACTOR’s action. All documentation shall be carried out adhering to
CONTRACTOR documentation system after tuning that in line to EPC & Company
j) CAD Procedure
It is intended to use standard CAD software for production of design & drawings. All standard
system of designing shall be adopted at every workstation available in Firm offices. Details of all
available software & hardware have been given in attachment. Also, included hardware &
software details, which are functional in proposed Engineering sub contractor / Firm office
k) Engineering Reporting and Change Control
Status of design progress shall be submitted to Bechtel on a weekly basis during progress
meeting. Should any / whatever change be required, that shall be affirmatively considered
subject to cost impact resolution & then change incorporation request issued by CONTRACTOR
to Firm. Firm shall then work on revision, its calculations & advice to CONTRACTOR & EPC
of any / every adverse effect on structural adequacy / performance or if, certain / any amendment
to be applied to already worked element / member. Should there be no such adverse
consideration, design shall be revised & revised document issued following documentation &
approval procedures.
l) Document Control Procedure
CONTRACTOR operates its centralized DCC in head office that shall be tuned to EPC /
Company documentation system & extended to site office to meet project requirement.
CONTRACTOR document control system is enclosed for reference.
m) Vendor Print Numbering, Review and Distribution Procedure
All vendors shall be issued schedule of document numbers to be printed on documents
adequately in advance of documents preparation. All approved procedures of documents shall
also, apply to vendors' designs.
n) As built Drawings
1 As built drawings serve purpose of telling user about building records that should be used
for purpose of maintenance / or for whatever purpose possible in future.
2 It is therefore, an important & significant part of documentation as well as, also, a
contractual obligation on part of CONTRACTOR & EPC, which should be affected
smoothly & regularly throughout duration of project.
3 Should there be no change on Released for construction drawings i.e. construction has
been carried out all in accordance with approved documents provisions, there shall be no
purpose of As built drawings.
4 But in practice, to produce physical structures, some changes are imminent due to arising
of new requirement, changes, effects of disciplinary interfaces to bring work to proper
use functions etc.
5 During whole currency of contract, it should be an endeavour of CONTRACTOR that all
changes are recorded on contract documents as Red Lines mark up & issued to EPC for
6 These Red Lines mark up shall form basis of producing all As Built documents on
project. It is not drawings only that are to be recorded, but also, all changes whatsoever
for any document on record.

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7 All these As Built shall form part of hand over dossiers. Should ‘as built’ records be
maintained regularly, this part of dossiers shall be comfortably produced.
8 Site design engineers shall keep an eye on conduct of this activity & record changes
regularly as ‘red line’ mark up / process documentation to fulfil contractual obligation to
this extent possible.
9 It is expected of site engineers, design engineers as well as, land surveyors to coordinate
on site to comply with this obligation efficiently.
10 All survey changes or variations shall also, be recorded on drawings based on pre pour &
post pour records taken from survey section.
11 Surveyor shall present all such changes on corresponding documents to be recorded as
‘Red Line’ Mark ups.
Inspection & Test Plans
1 All necessary Inspection & Test Plans shall be originated by Quality Engineer in
collaboration with Engineering in head office & Engineering in site team.
2 These ITPs formats shall be issued for EPC & Company approval according to
procedures laid down on Project Quality plan.
3 Production of all these documents shall be responsibility of CONTRACTOR Quality
Manager / Engineer.
4 Complete details about quality management system have been included on respective
Quality Procedures document. Generally, ITPs for all disciplinary activities shall be
produced for EPC & Company approval from site office in due course.
5 All defined tests shall be conducted by EPC / Company approved laboratory located on
6 For those items tests shall be conducted by any / whatever EPC / Company nominated
laboratory, for which facilities are not available on site.
7 Details of these plans shall be submitted separately.
8 Every ITP shall be allotted a document number along with a numbered checklist. Check
list shall form basis of inspection requirements.
Project Controls
Project Control management requires formation of strategies those can be utilized optimally to
achieve target in minimum cost with best quality product
1 To achieve as aforesaid, it is extremely important that complete project should be
analyzed from whole to one & all necessary resources to be used should be known prior
to commencement of physical works.
2 Based on project design, construction, commissioning and maintenance durations,
Analysis, planning & charting out at various levels shall be carried out by Planning
Engineer. Further based on these periods, all necessary resources shall be arranged &
mobilized by human resources, materials and technical managers in collaboration with
Project Manager.
3 Plans shall be monitored regularly, as project construction progresses, on a weekly basis,
monthly bases & no delay allowed & if any, immediate recovery shall be planed.
Relevant reporting shall project real quantum of planned & actual physical works,
resources available, deficiency of resources, material procurement status, materials
delivered & expected time of arrival etc. & all necessary measures required to keep
construction on line & valuation worked accordingly. Every effort should be made to
keep progress in line with plan.
Note- Term Material herein includes equipment also
1 According to site requirement & provisions made on plan, for temporary materials &
consumables, requisitions shall be raised from site by relevant engineer, checked,
numbered & coded by material controller & approved by construction manager for
transmission to head office procurement manager for further action.

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2 Cost controller shall further check budgetary provision applicable & give clearance to
purchase manager for procurement.
3 Purchase manager shall then invite inquiries from various sources of material, negotiate
& prepare a comparative statement & based on merits of responses / quotations, record
respective comments based on comparative statement as well as, recommendations for
considerations by Management.
4 After reviewing proposal, management shall approve or reject proposal. Purchase order
shall be made on approved proposal. An alternative source shall be located for rejected
proposal. A copy of approval shall be provided to project manager for follow up delivery.
5 For permanent works, proposed material shall be submitted for EPC / Company approval
on requisite Material Approval request form along with brochures, samples if applicable,
processed through document centre after Project manager approval.
6 After obtaining EPC / Company approval on request, procurement manager shall process
requisitioned approved item based on budget quantities following in line procedures
applicable for temporary materials.
7 After material is delivered to site, material controller & relevant engineer shall check
quality & quantity of delivery. Any / Every deficiency in quantity, quality or any / every
damage observed shall immediately be notified to procurement manager through
construction manager.
8 Delivery information shall be circulated to concerned personnel & quality manager by
self doing or delegate an inspector or relevant inspector to check adequacy of quality & if
necessary, according to ITP provision shall invite EPC / Company engineer to inspect /
examine delivery. Selected samples of delivered materials shall be sent to an approved
laboratory for technical tests for purpose of certification of compliance. After inspections
& approvals, delivered materials shall be recorded in stores receipt documents, an issue
to site may be undertaken thereafter.
9 Post placement of purchase order, Procurement Manager shall track various stages of
material production & transportation or shipment to site / delivery & if so noticed that an
expectation exists for delay in delivery shall apply all efforts to expedite delivery on
appointed date.
10 Materials shall be stored in proper designated areas complying with manufacturer’s
instructions. Separate area shall be located for materials requiring certain temperature of
storage. Stores shall be well constructed & shaded. Generally, all consumables shall be
stored in shade provided with proper lock & key arrangement. Materials which remain
unaffected by exposition to weather may be stored open duly protected under proper
watch & ward.
11 Proper protection shall be made for all stored materials inside covered area or outside.
Necessary protection by removable membranes such as polythene or tarpaulins shall be
used to protect material from ingress of moistures or from effect of dust.
12 Storage of all materials delivered shall be done complying to set & approved procedures
making sure that all inventories can be verified at any / whatever time & that any / each
material can be traced any / every time easily.
13 All entries of incoming deliveries shall be recorded into register & verified by store
keeper & material controller that it complies with details on deliveries documents. Any /
Every deficiency noticed shall be immediately reported to procurement manager.
14 After acceptance of material by concerned authority only, a store issue shall be affected
& recorded on required issue documentation. Regularly status of all receipts, issues &
balance in stores shall be reported to construction & project manager, who shall act
further depending on project requirement.
15 Elaborate details have been given on CONTRACTOR procurement procedures document
16 International and local transportation and customs clearance
17 Materials & equipment that have to be imported from overseas shall also, follow

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foregoing procedures with addition that necessary Letter of credits shall be opened by
CONTRACTOR adequately in advance of required date of delivery adhering to schedule
date, so that delivery is shipped in time from original source. CONTRACTOR
procurement manager shall arrange all port clearances immediately of shipment arrival &
material shipped to work site. Tests & Examinations shall be conducted similarly as
aforesaid. Any / Every claims of insurances for damaged material shall be made
immediately after inspections have been conducted. Process to replace damaged material
shall be carried out at once to avoid any / every delay. If so required, CONTRACTOR
shall apply in time for any / every statutory road permit for efficient transportation of
material by suitable vehicles. Elaborate details have been given on CONTRACTOR
procurement procedures document.
18 Procurement and provision of construction spares, commissioning spares, insurance
spares and special tools
19 These shall be processed applying same methods of procurement & delivery received by
CONTRACTOR / its services or specialist sub contractors. Most probably, spares shall
form part of order package. Elaborate details have been given on CONTRACTOR
procurement procedures document
20 Recommendation for two year operating spares for approval by Company in accordance
with G-SPIR format requirements
21 This provision shall be followed & spares delivered according to contract & Company
requirement by CONTRACTOR / its services sub contractors. Elaborate details have been given
on CONTRACTOR procurement procedures document
22 Procurement and provision of two years operating spares at cost and extra over Lump
Sum Subcontract Price
23 Similarly this provision shall be effected & spares delivered according to EPC / Company
instruction to CONTRACTOR subject to approval of procurement cost prior to purchase order
placement by CONTRACTOR
24 Source inspection
25 If so required by EPC / Company, arrangement shall be made by CONTRACTOR after
meeting with vendor or manufacturer, a date & time appointed for inspection to
convenience of all parties concerned & required inspection at source conducted to
satisfaction of EPC or Company. Representatives from EPC and / or Company,
CONTRACTOR, services sub contractor & vendor shall constitute an inspection at
source team. Proper record of inspection shall be made.
26 Compliance with Company’s criteria and procedures for selection of vendors including,
but not limited to compliance with local registration requirements and approval of
purchase requisitions, bidders lists, technical bid summaries and award recommendations
27 We shall adhere to Company requirements.
28 Involvement by UAE in particular and GCC in general with respect to provision of local
materials and services shall be encouraged CONTRACTOR honor & respect with due
regards to provisions of UAE & GCC policies for materials & professional services,
which need be availed out of local & GCC sources subject to compliance with quality
requirement. Every effort shall be attempted by Procurement Manager to chart out
available ‘local & GCC sources’ & prepare a database to be used, whenever any / every
applicable procurement arises. This procedure is already followed by CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR vendors shall also, comply with this requirement.
Pre Mobilization Planning
1 A thorough and logical mobilization plan is essential for successful Start up of
construction activities.
2 This plan must detail all planning, preparation and pre construction activities

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necessary to ensure timely availability of drawings, personnel, construction

equipment, temporary facilities and materials at job site to properly support
construction efforts.
Mobilization Plan
1 This plan is already under preparation at this stage.
2 This preliminary mobilization plan shall be further developed after contract award
and concluded within a week of contract award. Mobilization plan shall be closely
coordinated with construction plan to ensure mobilization activities properly lead
into site / camp and provide a smooth transition into initial construction activities.
3 A time scale bar chart diagram / schedule shall be prepared with required early and
late activity bars detailing all main activities to achieve full mobilization of staff,
labour / workforce, construction equipment and camp / site facilities should be
prepared at commencement of contract.
4 Mobilization plans for staff & labour / workforce, accommodation and temporary
facilities established during bid stage as conceived in pre mobilization planning
would be studied and re evaluated in light of any / whatever changes, which may
have occurred since day of preparation. All necessary adjustment measures shall be
5 Additional site visits shall be conducted immediately after project kick off to
confirm data collected during bidding stage, reconfirm assumptions and establish
additional information required, so as to permit smooth and timely mobilization.
Following items shall be reviewed and confirmed.
a Access to job site
b Locations of temporary facilities
c Company requirements for properly validated licenses and certificates to be held by
construction personnel
d Transport plans
e Loss prevention and safety requirements
f Arrangements for first aid facilities
g Arrangements for drinking water and construction water
h Arrangements for electricity supply
i Arrangements for storage fuels and lubricants
j Arrangements for sanitary & its disposal facilities
k Final arrangements for security interface with Bechtel & Company
Work Centres
Contractor Head Office
1 Upon notification of contract award, key personnel to site Management Team shall
be assigned. Construction personnel shall be mobilized to project site office to
provide input and direction to project team. Successful project execution requires
construction experts to be active from onset of project. Only activity to continue
from Head Office after mobilization period is procurement. All procurement for
project shall be done from corporate procurement section, located in
CONTRACTOR Head Office at Mussaffa, Abu Dhabi.
Following specific activities must be addressed early to be fully effective:
1 Finalize construction schedule requirements and subsequent approval from
2 Review manpower requirements for both non manual and manual personnel;
update these requirements by means of staffing schedules, histograms and craft
mixes; and ensure subcontractors manning levels are compatible.
3 Review construction equipment needs / requirements and ensure that timely
subcontractors’ mobilization plans are available for reference to be used

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4 Review field procedures and method statements defining standards, policies and
procedures required for execution of works and ensure they constitute “Project
Specific” status.
5 Review environmental, safety and Health ES&H and site security plans to ensure
compliance with client’s applicable specifications and guidelines.
6 Review Construction Quality Plan in line with guidelines of ISO 9000 and check
Established QC parameters by discipline.
7 Overview temporary facility requirements, including indirects such as tools,
consumables, gases and like and check subcontractors compliance.
8 Actively pursue preliminary site activities such as approvals, permits, establishing
9 Ensure Lessons Learned & Practices from previous projects are well understood &
should be applied effectively from onset of works itself to achieve professional

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 18
Chapter 12
1 Actual ‘on site management’ would be from offices based on site next to
Contractor and Company’s office.
2 CONTRACTOR Site Office is fully supported by CONTRACTOR Head Office at
Following major activities shall be carried out at site offices.
1 Safety Regulation Enforcement
2 Quality Assurance Enforcement and Procedures
3 Construction Method Statements
4 Construction Planning
5 Site Documents Control
6 Field Engineering & Design Controls
7 Material Requisitions
8 Materials Control and Tracking
9 Materials Storage
10 Work Procedures
11 Physical Construction
12 Site Administration
1 Mobilization shall be coordinated from CONTRACTOR Head Office at Abu Dhabi
with input from CONTRACTOR personnel already mobilized for execution of Site
Preparation Package and Temporary Facilities for Contractor and Company.
2 Existing teams responsible for execution of those two mentioned packages already
have substantial cadre of experienced professional well versed in mobilization of
temporary facilities, project execution, QA / QC planning, Safety and security
operations etc.
Mobilization shall commence with following activities:
1 Kick off meeting to commence sub contract
2 Commencement of required land surveys to establish various horizontal & vertical
controls bench marks
3 Incept of engineering designs at Firm office
4 Soil Investigation by an approved laboratory
5 Construction of temporary facilities

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6 Obtaining various permits from Authorities and conclusion of arrangements with

local committees where necessary.
7 Third party independent concrete testing laboratory credentials submission for
Facilities Continue
1 Shortly after contract award, site surveying shall begin utilizing Total Station
System to establish accurate control points for performance of work.
2 As soon as practicable, plans and specification for site temporary construction
facilities shall be finalized and released for installation.
3 During installation of temporary facilities, existing CONTRACTOR site offices
shall be utilized to supervise site activities required for temporary facilities
4 On completion of site offices at Habshan, balance of CONTRACTOR construction
staff shall be mobilized to site along with construction equipment, tools,
consumables, warehousing, storage and other items necessary to commence work
in accordance with construction schedule. Temporary facilities at job site shall
include Generator Yard and Construction water storage tank, carpentry yard, rebar
fabrication, lay down area, warehouse and workshop facilities at location A4.
5 At start of construction, an emphasis shall be given on critical requirements of
construction schedule. Work shall be carried out under continual supervision and
inspection over performance. Progress shall be monitored on basis of actual
installed quantities compared to scheduled quantities.
6 For construction areas, dedicated work crews shall be allocated for each discipline
supervised by foremen and general foremen, who in turn shall report to discipline
supervisors / site engineers. Based on construction schedule requirements,
necessary operational crews shall be formed and controlled over to meet planned
progress target to be physically achieved satisfactorily.
7 It is responsibility of supervisor / site engineer to ensure efficient utilization of
respective material, workforce, tools and equipment.
8 For ‘construction operation water’ requirement, unless an alternative arrangement
is made available, water shall be trucked from nearby Desalination plant.
9 Site ‘construction and temporary facilities electricity requirements’ shall be met by
installing suitable size and suitable numbers of generators.
Subcontract Strategy
1 Building Engineering services shall be utilized by appointing a consulting firm, to
be responsible for complete architectural, structural design drawings & documents
productions as well as, for the services schematic designs drawings production.
Firm shall also, represent CONTRACTOR regularly during project currency
2 Detailed services designs shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR services sub
3 CONTRACTOR shall carry out broadly all civil engineering works employing its
own resources of manpower / workforce, machines, equipment etc.
4 Lower tier subcontracts shall be allowed for execution of single operations such as
supply of ready mix concrete, roofing finishes etc.
5 Ready Mixed Concrete is envisaged to be supplied from an established RMC
supplier, an establishment with proven track record duly approved by COMPANY
for supplying concrete, concrete plant located within 10 kms of site. However, in
mean time, without reservations, we are also, seriously considering installing our
own concrete batching plant.
6 In case, any / certain minor or specialized work is necessary to be sub contracted on
lower tier, Company procedures shall be apply for prequalification and award of

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Testing & Inspection

1 A field inspection and testing program shall be organized to be in line with
CONTRACTOR’s Quality manual & Approved Project plan under overall
responsibility of QR / QA / QC Manager.
2 Prior to conduct any / each testing, Contractor and Company as required by QC
Plan and ITP shall be advised of tests for witness.
3 Wherever required, vendor specialist shall be made available for conduct of testing
& inspections.
Material Management
1 Once material has arrived at site, material management shall come under purview
and custody of site store staff.
2 Storekeeper, supported by respective store assistant shall be responsible for custody
of material, prior to issue.
3 Material tracking from source to place of installation shall be conducted by
computerized system.
4 Construction manager shall be responsible to provide technical oversight and
direction for control of materials at construction site area. More information has
already been elaborated in foregoing.
1 Central procurement department located at CONTRACTOR, Musafa, Abu Dhabi,
UAE office shall be responsible for all purchases adhering to following procedure.
2 Preparation of Purchase Requisition shall be made based on taken offs quantities
calculated from approved drawings documents. Purchase requisition shall
completely, identify all applicable drawings, data sheets, specifications, vendor
documentation requirements etc. with inclusion of following information.
a Quantity of each item required with comprehensive breakdown
b Adequate information concerning nomenclature description, Material approvals,
Quality required, applicable specifications, design & other drawings etc. / or
detailed outline of material required.
c Required delivery dates for all major items.
d Delivery points of major items
e Inspection of goods at point of origin issue
f Certification of test data and / or compliance / warranty
g Method of shipment if goods imported, conditions / packing
h Instruction of holding, kitting consolidation, marking
i Drawings, manuals etc.
j Spare parts requirements
k Special Instructions to vendors
1 A technical evaluation shall be done in house to verify conformity with
2 Samples and technical information shall be submitted to Contractor.
3 Once final approval from client is obtained, purchase order shall be raised.
4 Upon receipt of Purchase Requisition, a purchase order shall be raised and entered
in computer register system, indicating cost and budget allocation.
5 Procurement department shall maintain a follow up system, so that contact
suppliers and / or manufactures may be made on continuous basis.
6 All questionable delivery commitments shall be expedited on a daily, weekly and
monthly basis, as required to ensure prompt delivery in accordance with

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Corporate Organization
1 Contractor is an umbrella organization, which has got numerous divisions within in
itself and which is also, parent company for various subsidiaries. Contractor is a
registered company specifically set up to target energy sectors and its clients.
CONTRACTOR has been operating under since 1995.
2 Broadly all activities of above divisions and companies can be divided into:
a General Construction
b Heavy Lifting and Transport Services.
c Trading
d Industrial
e Plant Construction.
Site Organization
1 Proposed site organisation and responsibilities of key personnel are enclosed.
2 All supervisory staff shall be highly experienced and qualified drawn from ongoing
projects wherever possible.
Manpower Resourcing & Mobilization
1 All personnel on site shall be employees of Contractor. All of required personnel to
execute work are already in UAE and working on other sites. These sites are due
for demobilisation in coming months.
2 Planning department shall produce a histogram schedule of resources by category.
These schedules shall define monthly manpower levels. Scheduled shall also, be
indicative of manpower mobilization.
3 Standard Contractor site supervision is based upon principle of training. A charge
hand shall be trained and supervised by a foreman. In normal cases, a foreman shall
supervise four charge hands. Charge hand shall then supervise approximately ten
labours / workers. Where a special process is conducted, this ratio may be revised
4 Training is a requirement of Contractor quality management system. Foreman and
charge hands shall conduct training of manpower in their respective roles and
functions. Recruitment of manpower shall ensure that background in relevant job
skill has been achieved. Training in quality awareness shall be an ongoing process
through quality department and foreman.
5 Sufficient numbers of site supporting staffs, which consists of Mechanics,
Electricians, Auto Electricians, Guards, Water boys etc. and other ancillary staff
should be deployed for unhindered progress of work.
6 Contractor contains at all times a vast pool of manpower / workforce in all
Disciplines. These workforces are at all times are deployed for working on various
projects in multi discipline fields.
Equipment Resourcing & Mobilization
1 Based on project schedule planning, department shall generate construction
equipment schedules.
2 Contractor is one of largest equipment rental companies in GCC with over 5000
fleet, where modern repair and machine facilities enable them to maintain a first
class fleet of equipment.
3 It has been our company policy to weed out old equipment on a periodical basis
and keep equipment fleet very young. We have one of youngest fleets of equipment
in GCC based on size.
Construction Method Statement– Process Buildings
1 Following award of project, a detailed contract scope works programme for whole
project shall be developed including all disciplines separately, based on already
approved outline preliminary programme appended under coordination of our

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Construction Manager and Planning Engineer

2Method Statements related to various project activities shall be submitted for
contractor’s approval prior to commencement of any / every activity during
execution stage.
1 Develop and manage a lower tier subcontracting plan and subcontractor list
CONTRACTOR plans to carry out most of civil activities itself, but selected items
shall be sub contracted on lower tier such as ready mix concrete, roofing
application, doors & windows manufacturing, painting application, raised flooring
application, suspended ceiling installation etc.
2 Perform all lower tier subcontracting activities including specification of packages of
Work to be subcontracted, pre qualification of bidders, issue of ITBs, bid evaluation,
recommendation and award.
3 All relevant information shall be provided by Project Manager to purchase manager, who
should act immediately to conduct required functions & lower tier deal finalized after
obtaining Company recommendation by Project manager
Management of lower tier subcontractors and their activities
1 These operations shall be manager & controlled by Construction Manager on site &
reported to Project manager
2 Monitoring and reporting of all lower tier subcontracting activities. This activity shall be
affected by project manager based on construction manager report. Report shall be
regularly provided to planning engineer, head office & Company.
3 Involvement by UAE in particular and GCC in general with respect to provision of local
services shall be encouraged. As included earlier somewhere else, that UAE national
policy shall fully be honored subject to making no compromise to quality requirement
4 Construction including providing labour / workers, supervision, safety and quality management,
inspection, vendor support, temporary facilities and services and construction equipment, tools,
utilities and consumables. All these issues have been elaborated earlier somewhere else.
Provision of Construction Camp, messing, transport to Jobsite, sanitation, utilities etc. for
1 All these shall be fully undertaken by CONTRACTOR based on site requirement.
Already a camp exists on site & further extension shall be made to meet contract
requirement. Messing shall be resolved by employing catering sub contractors, so that all
personnel & workers take good food.
2 All utilities shall be provided to maintain good housekeeping of camp. All safety &
emergency precautionary measures shall be undertaken to contract requirement.
3 CONTRACTOR operates its own system of transport, which shall be extended for use of
workers transportation. Similarly, arrangements shall be made for employed high tier &
low tier sub contractors on this package
4 All activities necessary for Mechanical Completion, Pre commissioning, commissioning,
and Provisional Acceptance
5 All activities for buildings part have been described on method statement appended
6 All testing facilities required at Jobsite
7 CONTRACTOR shall supply an independent testing laboratory equipped with all
equipment necessary for involved tests for this package properly managed by qualified
personnel meeting all QR / QA / QC testing & certification requirement.
8 Full responsibility for coordination with any / every Third Party Inspectorate
9 CONTRACTOR agrees to extend its full cooperation to meet any / every Third Party
Inspections. Project manager & Construction manager shall be responsible to affect this
part of contract.
Supply and coordination of lower tier subcontractor and vendor representatives as

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1 CONTRACTOR shall supply & coordinate with all lower tier sub contractors & vendors
or their respective representatives to requirement.
2 Supply of these shall be managed by Purchase Manager, while Project manager would
manage on site.
3 Coordination shall be conducted by Construction Manager
Provision of waste management at all Jobsite locations, including disinvestments of all
temporary works, upon completion of Work
1 Waste management shall be fully operational on a day to day basis both for garbage & sewage
according to planned arrangements.
2 Safety manager shall be responsible for operations of all such activities & report to Construction /
Project Manager regularly
Provision of medical and firefighting services at Jobsite and for temporary works
1 Medical male nurse shall be employed on job site First Aid centre.
2 Male nurse shall take care of providing First Aid treatment to injured workmen
immediately & then worker, if so necessary in opinion of the male nurse shall be sent to
Contractor site clinic for further treatment.
3 Safety manager shall be responsible for operations of all such activities & report to
Construction / Project Manager regularly
Sample Only
1 It is known from contract documents that 15 buildings for various intending use as Sub
Station + Bottle Store, New Control Building, Instrument Equipment Shelter + Bottle
Store and Operator Shelter have been defined to be constructed
2 Keeping in view nature of contract being EPC, CONTRACTOR have decided to apply
RCC in situ construction for all intended buildings accepting Company direction on
drawings for which, a confirmation was communicated to Company on May 7, 2005.
RCC framings shall meet design criteria of blast resistant & resilient structure
productions meaningfully. Sub Structures shall also, be constructed of RCC in situ.
3 Soil report bore holes log direct to employing spread footings in isolation, which shall be
integrated by grade beams / walls to form an unit for compaction settlement & long term
consolidation controls. However, to verify validity of soil report, CONTRACTOR shall
further conduct investigations based on Engineering Services sub contracting firm
recommendations, utilizing services of an approved laboratory. Foundations shall be
designed based on laboratory recommendations.
4 Phases of construction shall be adhered to meeting set out milestones, which are very
tight for purpose of physically executing buildings package. Construction teams shall be
constituted to meet requirement as exhibited on organization chart. One project site
manager shall be an overall responsible for all on site execution operations & conduct
interface with head office duly supported by safety, construction, quality, technical &
administration sections all to be well established on site.
5 Project & Construction manager shall in collaboration constitute six independent
dedicated teams for six working divisions / areas led by each site engineer directly
reporting to construction manager as shown on organization chart. Each team shall
comprise of one site engineer, required number of site foreman & further supported by
charge hand from each trade. For each team one quality assurance / control engineer shall
be deployed to conduct QA / QC procedures for relevant area. One General foreman shall
be deployed for labour / workers engagement responsibilities on various day to day
activities. For all other organization details, please refer to Project organization plan.
6 A surveying team shall be constituted lead by a chief / senior surveyor to carry out all site
setting works from stage of preliminary site survey to point of recording redlines for

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purpose of ‘as built’. Survey team shall coordinate with each site engineer to meet site
requirement. It shall be responsibility of each team to set out, inspect & record all
layouts, pre & post concrete data for purpose of approval & handover dossiers. All
horizontal & vertical controls shall be established & monitored by leader.
7 All approved controlled drawings shall be issued to surveying team to commence setting
out operations. After ensuring proper safety arrangements are in, survey barricading shall
be established & necessary grids control fixed & inspected by QA / QC. Excavation shall
commence after clearance is obtained & continue according to plan.
8 Proper safety shoring shall be arranged during this activity, when it crosses 1.5 m depth
& arrangement for suitable access into pit made to satisfaction of safety inspector &
company. All unsuitable excavated material shall continuously be removed from site &
suitable material tip off to designated area. All environment controls shall be taken care
off during conducting / carrying out this operation.
9 A surveyor shall continuously ensure depth of excavation does not exceed design
requirement. When excavation reaches formation level, dressing shall be started followed
by compaction of soil, so that area is ready for inspections.
10 CONTRACTOR QA / QC shall inspect formation. After required clearance, arrangement
shall be made for blinding all released area according to approved method statements.
Area shall be blinded to design thickness minimum 75 mm properly leveled & trowel
applied to make it suitable for purpose to receive heavy duty concrete protection layer
membrane. Then curing shall be carried out for 3 days. Application of protection
membrane shall commence thereafter over whole area of blinding.
11 Foundations shall be set out to design details to permit formwork erection & rebar
placement. All starter rebar shall also, be fixed supported by plastic spacer. On sides also,
plastic spacers shall be fixed to keep all rebar in proper position. Foundation top levels
shall be fixed using 25 mm plastic triangular chamfers horizontally. Chamfer shall also,
be fixed on vertical edges of forms. Inspection shall be conducted followed by concrete
pouring supplied by an approved ready mix plant. All ready mix record shall be
maintained according to QR / QA / QC approved procedures. After concreting is
finished, proper curing arrangements shall be made for required number of specified
days. Setting outs for further stub columns shall be done & preparatory works continued.
12 In parallel, all works regarding grade beams / walls shall continue complying with all
approved procedures. Fabrication of reinforcing bars shall be done in a designated area
while fabrication of forms too in another designated area all according to approved
procedures. After completing preparatory works for stub columns, inspections & pouring
shall be carried out following all procedures. Operations of grade beams / walls shall be
taken up on similar principle as other activities.
13 For sub stations, where cable cellar floor slab is to be built shall be prepared together
with surrounding sub structures. After curing is done for specified period, protection
membrane shall be applied on both horizontal & vertical surfaces, followed by inspection
& backfill in compacted layers to specified requirement. Field density tests shall be
conducted to monitor requirement of density & water content etc. Backfill shall continue
up to formation level below grade slabs blinding in buildings & where cellar suspended
floor slab is to be built, backfill shall be done around grade structures.
14 Preparations shall be carried out for cellar suspended slabs by erecting required
supporting system, forms fixed, reinforcing bars placed, all services inserts provided &
inspections conducted from all disciplines followed by concrete pouring observing all QR
/ QA procedures.
15 Similarly, on areas where grade slab is to be built, after completion of backfill up to
bottom of blinding concrete i.e. formation level, plastic sheet shall be laid after
compaction & leveling & all necessary underground services completion, blinding
concrete would be poured, leveled & wood floated well to make it sufficient enough to

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receive grade slab. After three days of curing on blinding, preparation for grade slab
works shall commence & reinforcing bars placed, either by site fabrication or using pre
fabricated mesh to design requirement. All necessary services shall be inserted,
inspections conducted & concrete poured. At this stage of building, major sub structural
elements have been completed giving a way to commence super structural works.
16 All preparatory works of superstructure elements shall come into full swing by
fabrication of forms & steel reinforcing bar fabrication to BBS details. Scaffolding shall
be erected for fixing & placing vertical reinforcing bars of columns & walls in all
required areas. Steel reinforcing bars shall be fixed placed with spaces & inspections
conducted. Any / required inserts necessary for electrical conduit or earthing shall be
installed immediately & inspection conducted.
17 Work of vertical forms shall commence for sides of columns as well as, walls fixed using
removable tie bolts with cones / boss at tie rod ends. Forms shall be made of fair face ply
to produce specified texture to elevation requirement. All exposed vertical edges shall be
chamfered using plastic chamfer 25 x 25 mm triangular section nailed to forms.
Inspections shall be conducted for elements ready for pouring. Pouring shall commence
keeping height of pour not more than 2 m using vertical pipe chute of pump reaching up
to necessary level. Curing shall follow adhering to agreed or approved procedures.
Similarly walls of transformer areas shall be built adhering to all QR / QA / QC
18 Next operation of erection of propriety scaffolding to support superstructure roof slab
shall commence strictly complying with scaffolding drawings. On parallel, operations of
fabrication of forms & reinforcing bars shall be taken up. All vertical & grid controls
shall be established by surveyor to keep in line & level all forms of beams alignment &
soffits. Level of slab shall be established & then work of form fixing commence followed
by placing of beams reinforcement.
19 Services inserts such as electrical conduits, HVAC inserts or block outs, if necessary &
other inserts shall be marked for establishment. Works of steel reinforcing bars placement
shall continue in parallel to speed up preparatory works. An inspection of preparatory
works shall be conducted by all involved disciplines. After obtaining approval for pour,
pouring shall be carried out adhering to pouring method statement compliance. Curing
shall be started immediately after finishing surface as required by curing compound
manufacturer’s instruction for application of compound & also, by using water in
combination all to agreed procedures.
20 Intermediate slabs on Battery rooms shall be constructed following foregoing procedure.
21 Erection of scaffolding around shall extend to cover parapet portion followed by
formwork & reinforcing bars fixing. On similar pattern as defined earlier, all inserts shall
be fixed followed by all relevant inspections & pour.
22 All aforesaid concreting operations shall be supported by necessary number of transit
mixers, concrete pumps, nozzle vibrators conforming to perform 10000 oscillation per
minute & all other necessary arrangements necessary to perform best task. Well trained
teams shall be engaged for such operations.
23 All necessary safety measures shall be installed. If necessary during hot weather, rest
pauses shall be allowed to workers with provision of liquid or salt water. Forms shall be
struck form elements carefully ensuring full safety intact. Concrete surface shall be
inspected immediately after removing form, cleaned & surface treatment to project
specification applied to produce specified class of surface texture i.e. smooth finish or
sandy or rough or grouted.
24 Any / Every defective concrete shall be applied with remedial measures as agreed with
Company or Client. On New Control Building, special forms shall be erected for dome
portion, followed by steel reinforcing bars fixing & pour. Wherever special openings
have been provided in designs within structural framing, those shall be provided within

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formwork itself. Now structural framing works have been completed giving way to attack
on internal walls & other items such as dry wall lining & preparation for roofing item. All
preparations shall commence for remaining works.
25 Block work shall be carried out wherever required for walls followed by services fix 1
related item/s & then plastered over as specified.
26 Roofing shall commence by scabbling concrete slab surface, laying of light weight foam
concrete in grade minimum % to receive water proofing membrane, membrane
application followed by water leak test for 72 hours & then polystyrene boards laid over
to be protected by concrete pavers. Separation geotextile membrane shall be provided
according to applicator direction. Over concrete protection paint on parapet, Aluminum
flashing shall be fixed to design details.
27 Services site team shall be inducted in full swing for carrying out all disciplinary
28 Suspended ceiling fixers shall also, enter in to commence work. Where there is required
no ceiling, work on slab finishes shall continue.
29 Wall lining work shall be carried out in accordance to design details, after ensuring
complete inspections of services conduits etc. are over.
30 Fixing of cable terminations framing steel as well as, framing steel for floor openings
shall be carried out according to details.
31 Flooring shall be carried out in according to design details. Tiling shall be followed on
required areas schedules to receive floor or wall tiles.
32 Concrete surfaces requiring protection shall be applied accordingly with 3 coat system or
any other approved.
33 Operations of constructing transformer foundations shall be carried out & protection
applied to that. Sumps shall be constructed to details in floor. Gravel filling shall be done
around transformer oil containments / enclosures.
34 All finishing items shall be carried out in wet areas & concealed piping be carried out
prior to that. Services operations shall be completed in all areas followed by finishing
works. Services inspections shall be conducted, prior to commence finishing works.
35 When works are ready involving scope of telecommunication routes, an entry shall be
allowed to related other sub contractor from other scopes provided with full cooperation
in all respects.
36 Similarly, car park shed shall be worked by constructing its foundations with anchor bolts
inserts. Engineered structure shall be erected on foundations.
37 Works for planter beds shall also, be completed accordingly to plan requirement. Works
of all ramps shall be constructed according to details.
38 Works of external services within 5m of building shall be completed & tested. All
surrounding or backfills shall be completed to specification provisions. Walkways works
shall commence by filling & leveling around building excluding instrumentation room on
plant side portions. Walkway Kerb shall be fixed to profile over blinding concrete with
haunch concrete over. Sand shall be filled over compacted & profiled area of walkways
whereon interlocking concrete blocks are to be fixed in to design pattern.
39 Around new control building, work of embankment shall be carried out to profile shown
& backfill done in layers to retain walkway. This embankment shall be used for grass
growing. All internal & external light fixtures shall be installed. New control building
requires complete furnishing excepting personal computers.
40 All furniture shall be procured, inspected & installed accordingly to relevant details.
41 Necessary directional signs to be installed in buildings shall be fixed to approvals. All
other furniture within scope shall be inspected & installed accordingly.
42 Foundation works for a 100 m mast to support radio antenna shall be carried out at New
Control Building, which activities include setting out, excavation, blinding, RCC block,
concrete protection.

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43 External landscape items such as gravel spreading, grass growing shall be undertaken
according to layout shown on drawing.
44 Pre commissioning, Commissioning, Provisional Acceptance and Final Acceptance
All services individual items integrity & tests shall be conducted by related sub
contractors & record maintained. After ensuring that each installation is efficient in
performance, release for commissioning shall be given. Details are included within
technical literature / datasheet
45 Supply and coordination of lower tier subcontractor and vendor representatives
as necessary All necessary lowers tier sub contractor & vendor representatives shall
be provided to scope requirement
46 All activities necessary to achieve Pre commissioning, commissioning and
Provisional Acceptance. Services disciplines such as electrical, fire alarm, & gas
detection system, fire suppression system, internal sanitary & drainage, infrastructure
of all other included services require pre commissioning, commissioning & provisional
acceptance. All fix 1 & fix 2 procedures shall be conducted according to ITPs &
approved procedures.
47 All utilities, fuels, lubricants, chemicals and catalysts required up to issuance of
Provisional Acceptance Certificate. Within Contractor scope
48 All required operating and maintenance documentation. All operating &
maintenance manuals shall be submitted covering work scope items
work scope items
50 For further details on services method statements for package, please refer to CCTC
documentation not attached within this proposal.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 19
EXECUTION PLAN Method statement
Civil Works / Site Preparations
Construction Method Statements
Sample Only
1 Civil Works & site preparations shall be executed according to Company & Contractor requirement
depending upon priorities.
2 It is expected that all design & relevant details pertaining to all involved structures shall be issued
for construction by Contractor in time according to agreed schedule of construction.
3 It is also, expected that site shall also, be made available in time to meet schedule requirement.
4 It is proposed to commence works from all available areas, respecting which, designs are available
immediately after mobilization & upon receipt of ‘Permits to Work’ if so required.
5 Areas belonging to standalone scopes may also, be taken upon one by one, depending upon
Company priority.
1 Smooth execution of construction works necessitates organization of certain competent teams
constituted of capable members fully trained in their respective callings. Team members should
upon receipt of project documents should not waste any day, but immediately commence with
practical works with resolutions of all technicalities issues. Surveyor should efficiently establish all
setting outs & its controls with prompt approval according to guidance of the site engineer. Site

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engineer in conjunction with site management should arrange all equipment necessary for smooth
excavation & other following activities. It is also, advised that feedback & homework planning has
also, been under charting process at pre mobilization stage, as envisaged somewhere else, in this
2 Since our organization works adhering to set standards of execution in compliance with quality
manual & project quality plan, all our staffing level shall affirmatively follow guidance & direction
provided to, optimally utilize for discharge of their functional responsibilities entrusted by
management, for product quality requirement / assurance as well as, customer’s satisfaction.
3 Our efforts shall be to organize works in such a way that trained teams are established on site for
carrying out important activities such as steel fixing, formwork, concreting, concrete protection etc.
Team members shall be proficiently skilled in respective trades & groups would be rotated on
project various locations in sequence to perform jobs on various work elements following guidance
& direction of trade foreman & general foreman, adhering to instructions given by site engineer and
/ or construction manager. Quality team shall monitor fully all these operations of construction
4 These teams shall be extended full technical & administrative support from engineering as well as,
procurement & all other controllers based on site as well as, in head office immediately, whenever
5 This document gives an overall strategy of proposed performance pertaining site
preparation & civil works, keeping in view quantities of various items / descriptions
involved & construction duration according to defined milestones.
6 Company major policies have already been incorporated within Execution plan of New
Buildings Package, which is an EPC forming a part of overall subcontract scopes.
7 This document should be considered as an extension of that, since main purpose herein is
to serve on communication of specifically significant procedures that may be adopted on
project based on our past experience of construct able competency, which has been
exhibited by outlining procedures & definitions that should be adopted for proficient
prosecution / execution, respecting various preparatory works items involved on project
under works code groups entitling Site Preparations & Civil Works scope involves sub
titles & their description of constructions as follows, which cover major portions of
Preparation & Civil Works for project.
8 Site protection & preparation- Surface leveling- Area for this activity shall be selected
according to scope indicated on IFC drawings. Inspection of available surface shall be
done first visually & then ascertained by spot leveling & undulations noted. Undulation
means certain types of ridges & valleys generally of irregular profile. Ridges shall be
chipped out & filled into valleys to form a balance throughout area under consideration.
All unsuitable material shall be removed to specified thickness using heavy equipment
such as shovels or bulldozers & selected good material filled. Dressing of whole area
shall be conducted to form an acceptable level line profile. Surface Compaction using
water shall be carried out to maintain required profile. Dry & wet compaction shall be
carried out to a suitable state of acceptance. Similar procedure shall be applied to sloping
surfaces. Areas covered around obstacles for both flat as well as, sloping shall be dressed
manually & compacted by plate compactors or light rollers.
9 Checking procedure- Profile should be within acceptable limits. Soft spots should be
10 Survey team shall locate and mark all services that are present upon site. This includes
above ground services as well as, buried services. These services, Electric, telephone,
gas, oil, chemical, water etc. shall be clearly marked using stakes and warning tapes.
These existing services shall be marked upon a site drawing and issues raised with client
for reaching a practical resolution.
11 Survey team shall also, mark upon site plan, all obstructions, structures and

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developments. Any / whatever obstruction encountered during excavation activities shall

be plotted and recorded.
Site Preparation & Earthwork Typical
1 Where hazardous material is encountered, it shall be identified and isolated. EPC &
Client shall be informed. Hazardous material shall be collected and removed to a licensed
tipping place. Details of material and tipping arrangements shall be documented for
review by client as appropriate.
2 Wherever within subcontract scope, existing structures, fences and developments shall be
demolished in a safe manner, as site stripping activities proceed. Necessary permits,
approvals and permission shall be obtained from concerned authorities, prior to
commencement of activity. Method of removal of these existing elements shall usually be
conducted by dozer or breaker. Where necessary, discussions on site shall be conducted
concerning alternate methods of removal, when full extent of these structures is exposed.
3 Removal of topsoil shall include all vegetation and rubbish material from work site.
4 Prior to start of topsoil removal, surveyor shall peg out haul roads that would be used by
construction equipment for all site preparation activities. These roads shall be constructed
by leveling of existing terrain. Grade pegs shall be set to an agreed grid to indicate
existing grade and reduced grade. Dependent upon quality of existing soil, where roads
shall be built, suitable compactable fill may be imported or relocated from other parts of
5 These roads shall be maintained as work proceeds.
6 Where required water shall be spayed for dust control.
7 For general removal of topsoil activities, using appropriate equipment, areas concerned
shall be excavated and graded to levels that should ensure adequate surface water
drainage. Geotechnical Engineer shall monitor activity, to ensure that topsoil material is
removed. Sampling and testing of resultant material shall commence and be conducted
for specification verification and compaction data.
8 Upon completion of topsoil removal activities, where appropriate, exposed surface shall
be scarified, moistened and compacted to achieve required density criteria. Areas shall be
divided into manageable sections that should be defined upon sketches. Geotechnical
Engineer shall monitor and test all sections. Results of tests shall be recorded upon
relevant QC format. Number of tests conducted shall reflect specification requirement.
QR / QA / QC Engineer shall monitor activities regularly.
9 In excavation areas, Geotechnical Engineer shall review material to be excavated to
ascertain its suitability for reuse as fill material. This excavated material shall be
transported to areas that require filling. Material shall be deposited onto areas to receive
filling, leveled, moisture conditioned and compacted. If necessary, stockpiling may be
10 Excavated areas shall be divided into manageable sections, which have to be defined
upon sketches. Excavated areas shall be monitored by Geotechnical Engineer to ensure
that any unsuitable material does not appear. Where unsuitable material appears, it shall
be removed.
11 Excavated formation surface shall be treated by scarification, moistened and compacted,
according to specification criteria. All areas shall be tested and results recorded.
12 Where areas are to receive fill, material that has been excavated shall be transported to
fill area, tipped, leveled, moisture conditioned and compacted. Material shall be spread
and leveled in 200mm layers. Areas to be filled shall be divided into manageable sections
that should be defined upon a sketch. Fill layer shall be moistened and compacted to
achieve required specification criteria. No further fill activity shall be conducted upon an
area that has not been approved and released by Geotechnical Engineer. Attention shall
be observed at edges and slopes to ensure that compaction criteria are achieved.
Additional layers of fill material shall be placed in same method as described above, until

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desired elevation has been achieved.

Production procedure
1 Verification exercise for fill activity on record has been conducted to establish
economical and effective method for fill activity.
2 Import and place fill to controlled areas of approximately 25m wide by 100 - 150m long.
3 Spread and level imported fill.
4 Add water to fill layer by passing water tanker over fill layer. Water tanker should pass
over layer twice. A time gap of approximately two hours is allowed for water to soak into
fill material.
5 Layer is now mixed with grader until a uniform blend of moist material is achieved.
6 Additional water is added by passing water tanker over layer in a uniform sequence. A
time period of approximately one hour is allowed for this water to soak into fill layer.
7 Fill layer is mixed again with grader, leaving fill level to correct grade.
8 Vibrating rollers shall now compact fill layer in a logical sequence that densifies layer
9 Field Density Testing of layer shall be conducted to ITP requirement.
Gravel Finishing-
1 Installation of gravel, crushed or natural shall be carried out by spreading to specified
thickness of 100 mm or 50 mm as case may be over prepared surface uniformly to site
feasibility. Mechanical or manual adjustment shall be carried out to spread gravel
followed by mechanical compaction to bring material to undisturbed acceptable profile.
Work shall be done to area indicated on IFC drawings.
Vegetal Soil Surface - Landscaping-
1 Humus for grass shall be spread over IFC drawing indicated area on flat as well as,
sloped surface to specified thickness & leveled roughly by mechanical means. Irrigation
network piping & fittings shall be carried out to indicated areas on IFC drawings. Supply,
laying & pipe connection shall be carried out accordingly to sub contract scope.
Protection of Existing Services
1 From provision of existing site drawings, provided by relevant authorities within project
site, existing services shall be located and exposed by hand excavation.
2 Survey Team shall check and accurately record these existing services. A line of pegs
shall be positioned to indicate route of existing services. Use of warning tape and / or
nylon cord to indicate and protect route of service shall be conducted. Survey Team shall
inform Infrastructure Engineer of exact location of service relative to warning flags.
3 Should an existing service be disbanded or redundant, that service shall be exposed to
allow confirmation of status of service. Infrastructure Engineer, through EPC
representative shall ask relevant authority within Project Site to review excavated service
and confirm status and action he requires for removal of service. Redundant service shall
be removed under supervision of Infrastructure Engineer according to agreed criteria of
that relevant authority.
4 Where an existing live service remains during site preparation activity, such as 33KVA electric
cable that existing live service shall be protected.
5 Survey Team shall locate live service upon ground using spray paint or small pegs. At
periodic locations along route of existing live service, defined by Survey Team, small
hand dug pits shall be excavated to identify service. Purpose of this exercise is to ensure
that location of live service is accurate.
6 Ten meters 10m either side of route of existing live service shall be erected posts. A
nylon cord with warning tape streamers shall be strung between posts. This shall clearly
indicate service and its route. Posts shall be fixed at suitable & sustainable centres.
7 Signboards indicating about, what live service within marked corridor exactly is shall be
displayed at sufficient locations along route.

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Where temporary roads cross existing cables, sufficient suitable fill material shall be
placed on top of cables to afford adequate protection to by distributing vehicle axle
loadings safely minimising stress concentration.
9 Safety Officer shall periodically check condition of barriers, where necessary
refurbishment shall be conducted
10 Galvanized fence- Galvanized mesh shall be installed according to IFC indicated
location. Supply shall be affected according to requirement. Excavation shall be carried
out for post embedment constructed to manufacturer instructions by using RCC plug in to
holes to support post of fence.
11 Reinforced concrete fence- Precast RCC fence panels shall be erected & connected to
already carried out foundations & inserts to fence requirement. Individual elements shall
be stocked properly.
12 Prefabricated reinforced concrete fence- Prefabricated elements of fence shall be
procured from market to IFC indication, erected on site & connected to already carried
out foundations & connected to structural requirement.
13 Vehicle gate- gates in complete package shall be supplied to IFC & specification
requirement as approved & installation be carried out accordingly to manufacturer
instructions & details.
14 Pedestrian gate- pedestrian gates in complete package shall be supplied to IFC &
specification requirement as approved & installation be carried out accordingly.
15 Road barrier- road barriers in complete package shall be supplied to IFC & specification
requirement as approved & installation be carried out accordingly.
Fence Erection
1 Final grade level of area shall be commencement point for fence construction.
2 A level survey shall demonstrate accuracy of site grading activity.
3 Survey Team shall set out line and level of fence, including post locations for all
4 Using a machine mounted auger, 300 and 450mm diameter holes as appropriate shall be
drilled for fence post foundations.
5 Drilled holes shall be cleaned and bedded to correct base level.
6 Fence post foundation shall be placed in drilled hole to correct line and level.
7 Dune sand shall be compacted around foundation.
8 Fence fabric shall be strung and tensioned per drawing details and manufacturers
9 Using hand tools, a trench shall be excavated for ground beam.
10 Ground beam shall be placed to correct line and level.
11 Suitable fill material shall be used to compact around ground beam.
12 Fence fabric tie staple shall be grouted in position, once fence fabric is tensioned.
13 Gap between ground beams at location of fence post shall be concreted to form a
continuous beam.
14 QR / QA / QC procedures shall be closed out on an ongoing basis.
1 Engineer shall ensure that current drawings relating to excavation activity are approved for
construction. Engineer shall ensure that there exist no conflicts with existing services or other
discipline issues. Constructability from drawing shall be ensured.
2 Surveyor shall provide line and level engineering that should enable excavation of
3 A system for quick reference shall be established.
4 Surveyor shall inform excavation foreman of these lines and levels.
5 Excavation foreman shall direct excavation equipment in an agreed sequence. Excavated
material shall be classified by laboratory test. Unsuitable material shall be removed off

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site to tip area. Where material is classified as suitable, required volume shall be
stockpiled on site in an agreed location.
6 Safety barriers shall be erected as work proceeds.
7 Where applicable, sides of excavation shall be sloped.
8 There is no requirement for ground dewatering equipment.
9 Should restrictions be imposed by adjacent structures etc. that would make sloping of
sides impractical, shoring or support of excavation sidewalls shall be agreed with EPC on
10 Surveyor and site engineer shall check excavation to confirm compliance with its levels
and lines. A survey shall be conducted of formation level upon completion of excavation.
11 Formation shall be visually inspected for unsuitable material. Any / Every such material
shall be removed.
12 Formation shall be scarified and compacted to required specification criteria. Laboratory
test results shall be provided. Upon acceptance of these results, area shall be released for
consequent activities.
Backfill to structures
1 Engineer shall ensure that all subsequent activities are passed and completed. Cleaning
shall be done.
2 Upon approval to backfill, engineer shall instruct foreman to carry out this activity.
3 Backfill material shall be sourced from suitable material stockpile. Backfill material shall
be placed in layers according to specification. Layer shall be moisturized and compacted
to agreed criteria.
4 Each backfill layer shall be field density tested by laboratory. An acceptable test result
shall allow next layer of backfill to be placed and compacted. This process shall continue,
until whole fill is completed.
5 Upon completion of backfill activity, area shall be cleaned of waste materials and left
tidy for next activity to follow.
6 Any / All safety barriers shall be removed to safety store.
Piling Typical
1 Equipment mobilization, Piling rig moving- shall be done accordingly & pile location set
out by surveyor. In case of precast piles, rig shall drill pile bore to specified diameter
vertically using steel insert protection at pipe toe.
2 Pre cast / stressed piles shall be inserted into bore with compression impact hammer
gradually till whole pile is driven into strata.
Detailed steps
1 It shall be ensured that pile remains vertical & in its set out location.
2 After pile is driven, sonic test, dynamic auscultation & load test shall be conducted to
specified requirement. Load test shall be conducted by reaction truck loading or actual
load applied in cycles.
3 Dynamic auscultation test shall be conducted to code requirement. All records shall be
4 After piles have been driven, demobilization of equipment shall be effected
5 Pile head preparation shall be carried out by cutting pile heads to expose reinforcing bars
for connection to pile head or cap reinforcing bars.
6 After proper placement of reinforcing bars of pile cap & pile head formwork shall be
erected & concrete poured for pile head or cap. Curing shall follow to agreed procedures.
Cast in place concrete piles-
1 Driven cast in place concrete piles with permanent casing- Location of piles shall be set
2 Casing shall be driven truly vertical into location using rig & continued, until design
depth is reached. Soil column shall be taken out by pressurized water.
3 Casing base shall be cleared & inspection for plumb & profile conducted. Reinforcement

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cage provided with concrete spacers shall be placed into casing properly fixed.
4 After inspections, concrete shall be poured into casing keeping a maximum drop of
concrete not more than 2m.
5 Concrete vibrator shall be kept working into poured concrete & gradually withdrawn
progressively as concrete moves up.
6 In case, casing is to be withdrawn, it shall also, be gradually withdrawn following gradual
& progressive pour. While withdrawing, care has to be exercised that verticality is not
7 Pouring shall be completed up to head of pile. All accumulated water shall be removed
by pumping continuously & piling area kept dry.
8 Pile shall be poured continuously avoiding whatever construction joint. All excavated
earth shall be removed from site.
Pile load test
1 Pile load test shall be conducted after lapse of specified duration.
2 Engineer shall select piles to be load tested.
3 Cyclic load testing shall be applied for 72 hours loading / unloading & reloading. Test
record shall be maintained according to ITP & procedural requirement. To ascertain pile
integrity, sonic test shall be conducted by a hammer impact & transmission of sonic
waves recorded using standard equipment.
Detailed Steps
1 This test shall be conducted for all piles, for it ascertains integrity & transparency of the
material used.
2 After piles have been tested successfully, preparation of pile head shall commence. Extra
portion of the concrete shall be cut to pile cap base level. All reinforcement effected by
concrete shall be cleaned, new reinforcement for pile cap & column starter bars installed.
Preparatory form shall be erected for pile cap. Concrete spacer shall be fixed properly.
Any / Every tie up beams preparatory works shall be carried out. After inspections are
conducted, concrete pouring shall be carried out & unformed surface finished smooth
enough to receive concrete protection.
3 Ensure sides are truly aligned as well as, remain in plumb. Ensure dimensions are correct
within tolerable limits. Ensure reinforcement placed to design details. Ensure spacers are
properly fixed & all reinforcing steel bars in its design locations. Ensure concrete level at
top is fixed properly using 25 x 25 mm plastic chamfers. Ensure vertical corners edges
have been fixed with plastic chamfer.
4 Since, most of pile caps shall be of thick sections, special arrangement shall be made for
curing using saturated Hessian, polythene sheets and clean sand fill below coverings, so
that no heat transmission is permitted from concrete surface. This type of curing is called
thermal curing. During high temperatures, water shall be sprinkled on forms from sides to
ensue minimum heat loss in early days of concreting.
Bored Continuous flight auger CFA Piles, reinforcement for Continuous Flight auger CFA piles
1 Similarly, CFA piles shall be continuously augur bored into any / every soil,
reinforcement placed in & concrete poured.
2 All tests shall be conducted according to previous explanations.
After piles have been cast, location survey shall be conducted for 5% of poured piles.
Micro Piles, Drilled micro piles, reinforcement for Micro piles,
1 Jet Grouting soil Improvement system- For proposed piles, locations shall be set out.
Rotary mast shall be utilized to drill a bore into strata, without removing soil & high
pressure cement grouting applied into bore.
2 Curing shall be carried out to requirement. All debris shall be removed from site.
Pile test
1 Sonic test by hammering for construction uniformity & homogeneity, Dynamic
auscultation test by impedance, Load testing compression,

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2 Load testing tensile test, Load testing horizontal loading test, pile location survey,
1 Grubbing - According to scope included on IFC drawings, trees, plants, bushes, roots
shall all be removed completely from soil ensuring that soil is not affected adversely.
These uprooted green materials shall be collected at one place for suitable disposal to a
designated area.
2 Scrubbing- According to scope included on IFC drawings, vegetation topsoil shall be
removed irrespective of its consistency & water content.
General Excavation-
1 In controlled plant area, prior to commence with excavation, legal ‘permit to work’ shall
be obtained from ‘operating authority’
2 It shall be made sure that no existing services run under proposed area from concerned
authorities record. Necessary benchmarks shall be established for surveying controls &
monitoring purpose. Where it is feasible to excavate whole unit area involving all
foundations & beams etc. using heavy excavation equipment, general excavation should
be carried out, which allows saving in excavation time keeping area tidy. Such area shall
be set out to IFC details, grids marked on timber rails around area periphery. Additional
marking shall be set for general area limits & proposed convenient ramp to allow easy
access / egress to & from area. Proper safety warning signs shall be erected around
proposed general area. Signs shall include KEEP AWAY DEEP EXCAVATION, HARD
3 In case of any / every mishap caused to existing services, immediate information shall be
notified to concerned authority, so that corrective action can be undertaken.
4 Excavation shall be started by excavator directly loading material into a dumper truck,
which would remove excavated material from location to stock pile areas in case,
material is suitable for reuse as backfill or to a designated dumping area otherwise. A
surveyor shall constantly monitor excavation formation level. Environment protection
arrangements shall be charted out to keep site tidy. During excavation in case of loose
soils such as sand, whose angle of repose does not permit, shoring shall be arranged
around periphery to prevent soil subsidence. Excavation & soil removal shall continue to
reach formation level. No further excavation shall be carried out. All debris shall be
removed from area, dressing conducted on rough formation to bring it to required profile.
Surface shall be watered & compaction carried out using heavy road roller of at least 8 T
capacity, which works in strips in parallel overlapping previous strip. Compaction shall
be conducted, until rebound occurs. Field density test shall be conducted to ensure correct
formation density has been achieved, Atterberg’s limit & moisture content remain within
acceptable limits.
5 In case, soil improvement is to be applied, further excavation shall be carried out to
design thickness of improved strata. After preparing formation for engineered fill,
selected granular material shall be placed into prepared formation in layers, watered &
compacted. Field density test shall be conducted for each layer of fill. Plate bearing test
may also, be carried out to know ultimate & safe bearing capacity of improved strata.
Now formation is ready to receive foundations on it. Formation levels shall be recorded.
6 In case water level is high & dewatering is necessary, proper plan shall be made to install
dewatering system, until whole of area is constructed up to ground level. Water shall be
pumped out & disposed to a suitable agreed discharge point keeping location tidy. But in
this case, according to investigation report, soil is free of water. No dewatering is
Sectional Excavation-
1 In controlled plant area, prior to commence with excavation, legal ‘permit to work’ shall
be obtained from ‘operating authority’
2 Where particular foundation or trench for a cable or an isolated or combined footing or

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vessel base etc. is to be excavated, excavation shall be carried out only for that particular
area / section. Necessary benchmarks shall be established. Setting out shall be done
accordingly for extent of area & grid control established. Safety signs shall be
established. All arrangement for necessary shoring resorted in advance. Excavation shall
start by mechanical equipment removing excavated soil into a dumper truck for disposal
to stockpile or to a designated area. In case, manual excavation is to be carried out for
protection of existing services, no machine shall be used, until specially permitted after
exposure of all existing services. In case of fiber optic cable exposure, only water jetting
should be used to excavate area. In case of any / whatever mishap caused to existing
services, immediate information shall be notified to concerned authority, so that
corrective action can be taken.
3 In case, water level is high & dewatering is necessary, proper plan shall be made to install
dewatering system until whole of area is constructed up to ground level. Water shall be
pumped out & disposed to a suitable agreed discharge point keeping location tidy. But in
this case, according to investigation report, soil is free of water. No dewatering is
Embankment- Typical
1 Profile shall be set for proposed embankment base.
2 Centre line of embankment shall be marked.
3 Loose soil from base shall be removed.
4 Embankment template shall be fixed at various spacing longitudinally. Backfill shall be
carried out in layers 250mm loose thick, watered & compacted using heavy roller.
5 Whole layer shall be compacted to achieve nonstructural fill density.
6 Field tests shall be conducted according to specification requirement.
7 Quantity of samples to be taken for test shall depend on extent of area under compaction.
8 Filling shall continue in layers, until whole section is completely backfilled.
9 Every layer shall be tested accordingly.
10 Structural backfill compaction density test shall be ensured for embankment to receive
heavy loading such as tanks, roads, foundations etc.
Earthwork for Storage facility-
1 Excavated material from other excavation areas shall be stockpiled at designated areas.
2 Reusable material for filling shall be screened out regularly from stockpiles.
3 Compliance of this material shall be ascertained by conducting classification tests & if
necessary, additional deficient materials of required grading be added to bring stock to
acceptable plasticity index or non plastic standard.
4 This material shall be used for formation of storage facility foundation fill works.
5 Tank foundation area shall be set out to IFC details. Design profile shall be established &
fill layers commenced with. Every layer shall be filled 250 mm thick watered &
compacted down to 200 mm. Field density test shall be conducted after compaction to
allow commencement of upper layer. All forthcoming layers shall be filled adhering to
same procedure & tested.
6 Top layer to receive bituminous surface finish shall be prepared suitable accordingly.
Surface shall be cleaned, leveled properly & top of surface finish level established.
Surface shall be primed with approved material. Conglomerate of 10 to 20mm size,
closed with 5mm aggregates & bituminous emulsion @ 1 kg/m^2 or in accordance with
Contractor standard to from a total compacted thickness 100 mm.
7 Surface shall be inspected & density test conducted by taking out compacted cores.
8 Similar operations shall be carried out on sloping areas.
Earth dikes- To retain basins
1 Similarly, filling works for earth dike shall be carried out as stated in foregoing from
excavated material & also, if required from supplied material as case may be.
2 Body of dyke shall be covered by application of an approved material to give acceptable

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finish to body of dyke per provisions on IFC drawings.

Soil Improvement- By Soil Substitution
1 Wherever shown on IFC drawings, scope of replacement of existing soil from plant area,
existing soil shall be excavated out in specified thickness & removed to dumping areas.
2 Suitable backfill material shall be procured from an approved source, including site
stockpiles & backfilling carried out to replace excavated portion of plant area.
3 Watering & compaction shall be carried out all according to approved procedures.
Testing shall be conducted to ascertain field density achievement.
Soil Treatment-
1 Wherever shown on IFC drawings, scope to treat soil belonging to an area, soil shall be
stripped out from area & transported to stockpiles for purpose to add into this material
cement or lime, water & mix mechanically.
2 After mixing of soil, re transport to original location shall be carried out, spread on to
area, leveled & compacted in acceptable thickness & bring profile to defined levels.
Whole area in scope shall be applied treatment accordingly.
Walkways Kerb-
1 Wherever shown on IFC drawings scope of laying & fixing walkway kerbs, proper
preparation of formation duly compacted shall be carried out. Blinding shall be laid to
required profile in gradient. Kerb shall be placed on blinding using defined cement
mortar mix sealing base of kerb & end to end joints perfectly. Alignment of kerb,
gradient, verticality & joint thickness shall all be controlled. Any / Every deviation in
alignment shall be within acceptable limits.
Walkways Foundation-
1 Granular material shall be filled below walkway finishes given required gradient. This fill
shall be compacted to nonstructural requirement.
Walkways Finishes-
1 Finishing over walkway foundation shall be applied according to IFC drawings &
specification requirement
2 Wherever shown on IFC drawings, 30mm thick rolled thickness of bituminous
conglomerate shall be applied.
3 Wherever shown on IFC drawings, 100mm thick RC concrete with prefab mesh paving
given float finish shall be applied with required number of joints properly spaced.
4 All loose soil shall be cleared and formation level made up and well compacted &
pesticide treatment applied, if so specified.
Laying Kerb stones Typical Sample
1 Setting out kerb excavation lines according to drawing
2 Excavation up to formation level i.e. 450mm from kerb top level
3 Form work fixing and pouring grade 20 concrete 450mm wide and 150 mm thick
4 Formwork fixing and pouring grade 20 concrete 150mm wide and 150 mm thick high
5 Pouring grade 20 concrete all according to approved procedures
6 Fixing 12 T reinforcing bars @ 200 c/c vertically supported to forms
7 Bedding in cement mortar 1:3, 25mm thick for kerb stones grade 20
8 Fixing kerb on mortar to true lines and levels with chamfer facing pavement & jointing
with mortar. Alignment tolerance shall be 3 mm in 75 mm both ways vertically as well
horizontally. End to end butting mortar thickness shall be 3 mm
9 Placing haunch back fillet concrete grade 20, as shown in triangular fillet section
10 Filling up to top of vertical concrete with earth fill & compaction
11 All areas below proposed interlocking course to be filled with 100 mm thick sand screed
all according to conventional procedures
12 QC inspection shall be conducted for kerb laying approval and ITP requested to be
signed off by QC
(Laying Paving Interlocking blocks)

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1 Thickness of interlocking blocks 60mm

2 Thickness of sand screed bedding 100mm
3 Plank runs shall be used to allow barrows to move on to avoid level disturbance
4 First surveyor shall set out pattern borders all according to shop drawing as well as,
design drawings
5 First Grey or other approved colour interlock blocks shall be laid to position & profiled to
form border pattern.
6 Blocks shall be laid in full but at edges of obstacles such as inspection covers, where cut
blocks may be required, whole blocks shall be laid first wherever possible and trim able
blocks exactly marked & cut to required size.
7 After profile is well formed to approval, fill in course to border areas shall be carried out
by laying Red or as approved colour blocks
8 After sufficient blocks have been laid, sand bedding shall be carried out using a plate
vibrator pressing blocks to required level in 2 passes covering entire area with each pass
to make bedding even
9 Sand screed shall be spread on surface of blocks with 2 more vibrator passes applied &
brushed under leading edge of vibrator to allow joints vibrated
10 QC inspection shall be conducted & QP requested to approve the paving
Roads, Yards, Paving (Asphalt)
Road Works Typical Sample
Following sequences shall be involved to do roadwork
1 Clearing all services work according to project drawings and inspections / Approvals
2 Preparation of area to be structured by removing topsoil, placing in imported fill material,
profiling levels to project drawing & compaction.
3 Applying pesticide treatment, if required
4 Application of all pre work items such as construction of kerbstone to complete sectional
details shown on project drawing miscellaneous details.
5 Inspection of surface
6 Sub base class B material shall be spread on area in strips of required thickness, keeping
more than design thickness by 25mm i.e. 150+25 mm
7 Sub base approved fill material to interlock class B material shall be spread on spread
material & dry rolling carried out to produce correct profile of section
8 Water shall be sprayed on surface to make it penetrate into & around all voids of spread
material & compaction by heavy roller carried out to densify whole course.
9 After required number of passes probably 6 given by 18 to 12 tonne rollers bringing laid
material to required thickness 150 mm & exhibiting rebound on surface, compaction by
rolling shall cease.
10 Density test shall be conducted all according to approved ITPs requirement
11 Compacted course shall be left for drying in due course allowing it to be ready to receive
Prime Coat MC1. Drying time shall not be less than 48 hours.
12 Prior to start of Prime course spreading, any / whatever defect is observed during visible
inspection shall be repaired in rectangular or square shape or as agreed with.
Asphalt concrete
1 Asphalt concrete shall be laid in widths of driveway roads according to project drawings.
2 Wearing course thickness being 40mm & that of dense bitumen binder course 80mm
3 Paving works shall be carried out in 2 stages
Stage 1
1 Laying & compacting bottom bituminous binder course
Stage 2
1 Laying & compacting top wearing carriageway
Surface preparation
1. Prior to application of dense bitumen binder course, already laid & compacted aggregate

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base course shall be prepared suitable for this purpose

2. Base course shall be corrected of any / every deviation more than 13mm from designed
profile at any / every point & not more than 9mm in 3m on longitudinal grade at any /
every location by, either adding to or removing from surface deficient or redundant
material respectively to bring surface to design shape, watered & compacted in
accordance to specification all as stated above
Main Operations
Following main operations are involved
1 Re preparation of aggregate base course surface with water & compaction by pneumatic
2 Application of Priming coat & drying out
3 Application of 60mm thick dense binder course
4 Power brooming completed dense binder course
5 Application of Tack coat & drying out
6 Application of 40mm thick bitumen concrete wearing course
1 All materials shall be mixed at an approved calibrated & approved Asphalt plant
2 All trucks and other equipment as included shall be readily available for inspection
1 Material shall be transported from plant to planned location in good condition by trucks
cleaned of all foreign material & covered with tarpaulin to prevent dust invasion in
inclement / adverse weather conditions
2 It shall be ensured by obtaining observations using thermometer that material, when laid
is within 130 to 165o degree Celsius
1 Coverage
2 Primer coat 0.8 to 1.4 litre / m^2
3 Tack coat 0.4 to 0.7 litre / m^2
1 QC inspections shall be conducted to ascertain true profile of aggregate base course &
corrections applied, if so required
2 All surfaces planned to be primed shall be barricaded & cleaned of all dirt & any
objectionable material
3 Bituminous material shall be applied evenly on dry surface by means of a pressure
distributor spray tanker within a temperature 30 o deg to 70 deg o C
Surfacing Binder Course
1 QC inspection shall be conducted, prior to commencement of binder course laying to
make sure that surface is satisfactorily clean, well dried & even to specified priming
conditions as well as, to receive binder course.
2 Material upon arrival at location shall be spread & struck off to prepared profile by
means of self poured, spreading & finishing equipment attached with a strike off
assembly distributing mixture to a strip 3 m wide
1 Steel Roller’s # of passes 6 to 8 depending on surface condition
2 Steel rollers 10 T capacity equipped with adjustable wheel scrapes, water tanks &
sprinkling apparatus to keep wheel sufficiently wet to prevent bituminous mixture from
sticking to steel surface shall be employed to roll profiled material immediately, after
material is laid to acceptable profile to prevent formation of undue displacement or hair
1 Roller wheels shall be kept properly moistened, without excess water or oil
2 Rolling shall be commenced from side and proceed towards centre each trip overlapping

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previous by at least 300 mm with keeping alternate trip not more than 5 km/h & it should
continue, until surface is impression free.
3 Mechanical compactors shall be engaged to compact roll inaccessible area layers.
4 Pneumatic tyres rollers shall be engaged only, after compaction by wheel roller is over.
5 It is significant to make sure that asphalt temperature does not fall below 80 deg C, prior
to full compaction is achieved
6 Roller shall not pass over edges of freshly laid material generally, except when edge is
located at a discontinuation for that day
7 QC inspection shall be conducted throughout above operations to make sure that material
is compacted to standards and temperature remains within limits mentioned as well as,
levels are maintained within specification tolerances particularly over areas involving
8 At commencement of work on area involving compacted & chilled edge, a bevel shall be
cut out, cleaned & tack coat applied to receive adjoining material
9 No traffic shall be permitted, until 12 hours lapse post rolling completion
Wearing Course
1 Planned surface shall be cleared of all dust & dirt using power broom or blowing
2 Tack coat shall be applied to specification requirement
3 Immediately upon arrival, material shall be spread & rolled similarly, as described in
4 QC inspection shall be conducted throughout above operations to make sure that material
is compacted to standards and temperature remains within limits mentioned as well as,
levels are maintained within specification tolerances
Reinforcement Fabrication
1 When reinforcement is to be “cut and bent,” foreman shall be issued with a current
reinforcing bar schedule. Foreman shall review schedule and allocate fabrication process
to relevant fabricator / steel fixer. Material required shall be sourced from yard storage
2 Correct bar diameter shall be cropped into specified length as given on bar schedule.
Cropper operator shall crop required bars of each diameter.
3 Upon bending of first of each bar type, it shall be checked by foreman for correctness.
This bar if correct shall be utilized as a check sample for all concurrent bars of that type.
Bending operator shall fabricate required number of bars of each shape code checking
against check sample, when each bar is completed. Any / Every error in bending of bars
shall be corrected, prior to placement in storage.
4 Correct bent bars shall be stored in bundles & protected against ingress of moisture.
5 Bundles shall be tagged with a suitable label that indicates relevant bar reference and
BBS document reference from which, these have been fabricated.
6 Completed bundles shall be stored within reinforcement yard, until such time, as those
are required upon site. Storage shall be done in accordance with procedure for store
Reinforcement Placement Typical
1 Relevant reinforcement bars, spacer blocks, chairs, stirrups and tie wire shall be collected
from stores as well as, fabrication yard and made available at work site. Material shall be
stored at worksite in accordance with storage procedure, pertaining to fabricated & non
fabricated reinforcing bars.
2 Current revision of reinforcement drawing that applies to structure being constructed
shall be checked by Project Engineer, Site Engineer, Q A for validity.
3 Steel fixers shall place and tie, reinforcement bars and accessories, in accordance with
current reinforcement drawing under direct supervision of reinforcing bar charge hand or
4 Particular attention to following items shall be monitored by charge hand steel fixer and

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a Lap length of bars.
b Tie wire protrusions into cover areas.
c Appropriate concrete cover to formwork and outside faces.
d Placement of adequate support chairs and stirrups.
e Spacing of bars.
5 Site Engineer & charge hand steel fixer / foreman shall check fabricated reinforcement,
when all placements of reinforcement bars are complete. Result of this inspection shall be
recorded upon Pre concrete inspection checklist by Site Engineer & QC.
6 Foreman steel fixer shall ensure that reinforcement has been correctly placed, prior to
informing Site Engineer & QC.
7 QC shall check all items of different shapes, spacing & numbers, spacer blocks,
additional chairs, if required.
8 Should any / whatever inserts, conduits, pipes, bolts etc. require fixing within structure
according to design details or shop drawings, steel fixer foreman shall arrange for
placement of these items according to directions by Project Engineer / Site Engineer.
Where a reinforcement bar clashes with such items, based on decision of Engineer,
Project or Site Engineer, steel fixer shall move relevant bar. An additional bar may be
required to offset this moved bar. Should any / certain doubt arise about moving bars,
charge hand shall inform foreman & Site Engineer to resolve issue with engineer.
9 Foreman shall inform Site Engineer, when these activities are complete.
10 QC shall inspect reinforcing bars placed in structure for compliance with design drawings
and details as well as, other working and shop drawings.
Formwork Erection Typical
1 Based on site engineer’s instruction, formwork foreman shall review drawing of structure to be
formed & decide together with site engineer, most suitable method of formwork erection.
2 Where prefabricated formwork can be assembled in carpentry workshop, fabrication shall
be carried out.
3 Surveyor shall establish lines and levels for erection of formwork. These lines and levels
shall be explained to foreman and supervisor in charge / charge hand of formwork
4 Foreman shall check that preceding activities have been approved, so that this activity
may commence. Sections of formwork required to form structure shall be taken to work
5 Form carpenters shall ensure that formwork faces are clean / in good condition for type of
finish required & applied over with shutter form oil.
6 Form carpenters shall assemble and fix formwork in accordance with current drawing.
7 Charge hand of carpenters shall monitor particular issues such as:
a Sealing of joints between formwork has been applied properly
b Verticality of formwork is given according to requirement. Tie bolts are in proper
positions, of required & snug tight.
c Adequate bracing and supports are in tact
d Provisions, where applicable for box outs and inserts have been applied
e Provisions, where applicable of chamfer and channels have been fixed
8 Supervisor and surveyor shall check lines and levels of formwork, when all bracing and
strutting have been completed. Wherever required, formwork shall be adjusted to
conform to required lines and levels.
9 Supervisor shall ensure that any / whatever damaged face of formwork is repaired.
10 Foreman shall review formwork, when completed.
11 Where anchor bolts or embedded plates are to be suspended in structure, supervisor shall
ensure that these arrangements are adequately supported as well as, securely braced. All

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inserts and bolt groupings shall be checked for location and level, prior to placement of
concrete as well as, after concrete is placed.
12 When formwork activity is complete, supervisor shall inspect formwork and associated
works, recording his observations on approved formats, formwork checklist and insert
check list.
13 QC inspector shall confirm acceptance of this activity, after review of items.
14 Where large formwork elements are encountered, QC inspector shall review formwork
bracings and supports with engineer.
Concreting Typical sample
1 Supply order for estimated quantity may be placed in advance, but real confirmation shall
be done based on pour approval.
2 After inspections of preparatory works, pertaining to any / every element namely
footings, stubs, columns, suspended slabs etc. & relevant approval, order for release of
concrete from batching plant shall be placed.
3 Required quantity shall be sequenced, depending on consumption frequency on site.
4 Concrete shall be poured, either by concrete pump or by mobile crane, depending on
necessity & convenience.
5 Necessary access to location shall be prepared using proper supports or platforms duly
inspected by safety officer in charge.
6 Immediately, at arrival of truck mixer of concrete on site, slump, temperature, air
contents etc. all test samples to specification requirement shall be taken by ready mix
supplier in presence of QA engineer.
7 In case concrete does not meet specification requirement, truckload shall be rejected.
8 Arrangement shall also, be made for filling of concrete cubes / cylinders on site &
number of specimen to specification requirement.
9 After truck is approved by QA to be transported to site location, concrete pump, which
should already be located in proper position, shall receive load & pump out to in situ
delivery location.
10 Concrete laying gang already present on site location shall receive & pour concrete mix
into prepared elements from a height not more than 2m from edge of boom chute pipe.
11 As soon as enough mix is available in element to compact mix conveniently, insertion
vibrator shall be used by a trained operator to compact mix till no more bubbles appear.
Foreman shall direct pump remote control operator about boom movement / stop & hold
points or stages during concreting.
12 Vibrator shall not be allowed to touch forms side or reinforcing bars. Over vibration shall
not be permitted
13 Each Footing shall be poured in one go, if it is not more than 500 mm in depth.
14 Widened portion of stub in touch with soil shall also, be poured in strips not more than
450 mm deep
15 Into columns, mix pouring depth at one rotation shall be 450 mm, duly vibrated each
strip & in all different strips vertically, pouring should be completed avoiding formation
of cold joint
16 Top level of concrete shall be leveled & columns form top covered with plastic sheet
17 Portion of pump boom pouring pipe chute shall be inserted into column preparatory
works to allow for a 2 m maximum vertical fall. Vertical forms of columns shall be
struck after 48 hours.
18 Inspection shall be made immediately post form striking & any / whatever defect in
concrete should be brought to QR / QA / QC Engineer notice for deciding remedial
19 Vertical surface shall be covered with saturated Hessian, further covered with polythene
sheet / membrane or alternatively, curing compound shall be sprayed over water wet
surface to form an impermeable membrane not to permit evaporation.

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20 Grade slab shall be poured in one go in depth bay wise between ground beams or walls.
21 For suspended slabs, beams shall be poured first around slab & prior to formation of cold
joint, slab concrete shall be poured & then whole slab pour completed.
22 Joints if so required shall be agreed in beginning of pour with engineer. Water shall be
sprayed over form during hot weather conditions, prior to pouring to avoid flash setting
of concrete with reinforcing bars.
23 In case, some plant break down is reported, immediately last poured line shall be stopped
by a providing a formed surface for concrete termination at that point & in no way shall
recommence remaining pour, prior to lapse of 24 hours with further approval obtained. In
such case, previous formed joint shall be scabbled / hacked to expose all aggregate by
removing laitance completely, washed with cement slurry & new concrete commenced
making proper bond with old concrete.
24 Due care shall be taken that no spacers, electric conduits or any other insert is disturbed
from its design or worked location. If so disturbed, it shall be immediately relocated
according to engineer’s site approval.
25 Immediately after compaction of concrete is over & concrete starts setting in,
arrangements for applying U1 finish to top of slab surface shall be done by timber
26 Immediate curing shall be applied by spreading polythene sheet membrane on slabs &
27 Then after about 2 hours, polythene sheet shall be withdrawn temporarily & saturated
hessian placed over concrete & recovered with polythene sheet followed by concrete
curing for specified period
28 If so, repair to hardened concrete is required, approved repair material shall be used
according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Concrete Paving Typical
1 All relevant underground services shall be laid in all respects, prior to commencement of
pavement work
2 Area to be paved shall be made ready by clearing all weak soil & by scarifying.
3 Approved sub base material 150mm thick or as specified shall be filled up to bottom of
concrete slab following profile given on drawing and compacted to 95% dry proctor
density FDD.
4 Weed killer chemical shall be applied to soil to prevent organic growth, if so specified.
5 Whole area shall be divided into parts to suit services and contraction joints formations &
as shown on drawings
6 On compacted filled area to be paved, polythene sheet 0.25mm shall be placed with end
overlaps at least 150mm at all joints and intersections.
7 End forms shall be fixed on sides allowing a provision to place 20mm diameter MS
dowel bars 650mm long & 300mm centre/s, half painted with 2 coats bit mastic paint
with 100mm long cardboard cap containing compressible material such as cotton waste at
Expansion joint to details shown on drawing. Thickness of expansion joint shall be
8 At contraction joints 25 x 25 mm plastic crack inducer shall be provided as shown in
detail & joints cut for a depth of 20mm with a concrete cutting machine. Welded wire
fabric mesh diameter 6mm - 200# shall be placed in bay centrally located with concrete
spacers below.
9 Forms shall be set to correct levels, so that total thickness of concrete is as indicated on
10 QC inspection shall be conducted for pour approval.
11 Concrete shall be poured in one layer and compacted using vibrators & given brush finish
to correct levels.
12 Curing compound shall be spread on surface for immediate curing covered with

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polythene sheet and later, within 2 hours damp hessian added by removing polythene
sheet temporarily and recovered thereafter.
13 Expansion joints between two adjacent slabs shall be filled with elastic joint filler and
sealed with a chemical resistant sealant complying with details shown on drawings.
14 QC inspection shall be conducted.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 20
EXECUTION PLAN Method statement
Civil Works / Site Preparations
Construction Method Statements
Sample Only
Concrete Lined Trapezoidal Ditches
1 Earth sectional depth dimension as included within specifications
Depth 300 to 500 mm; 501 to 1000mm; 1000 to 1500mm
2 Setting out dimension about proposed ditches shall be marked.
3 Excavation shall be started & shaped to design profile.
4 Compaction shall be done to non structural requirement.
5 Proper gradient as indicated on design drawings shall be maintained.
6 Isolation layer shall be applied, if so provided within specification.
7 Blinding shall be applied on compacted base to design thickness.
8 Preparation for lining concrete shall be carried out by placing in pre fabricated
reinforcement to design details & sides formed at edges parallel to ditch as well as, at
construction joints.
9 After inspection, concrete pour shall be carried out in alternate bays with unformed
horizontal as well as, sloping surfaces finished smooth. Remaining bays shall be carried
out in next day operation.
10 Curing shall be carried out accordingly to approved procedures.
Expansion Joints between ditches
1 Size of proposed joints to be filled / sealed is 15 mm wide x 15 mm deep.
2 Surface shall be cleaned of all dirt, dust and loosely adhering materials.
3 All grease and oil contamination shall be removed using hard small brushes, compressed
air etc.
4 Fiber board shall be removed to required depth.
5 Under normal circumstances, priming is not required.
6 Masking tape shall be used to confine joint borders, keeping adjoining concrete surfaces
7 Contents of Can shall be removed by a Trowel or a Spatula.
8 Bit mastic shall be applied to prepared and masked portions.
9 In case of vertical joints, bottom to top application sequence using a spatula or a trowel,
shall be followed ensuring that entire volume of joint is filled in to effect a total contact
with joint surfaces.
10 After application, sealant shall be smoothened and compressed into joint using a spatula
or a putty knife moistened with cleaning solvent.
11 Masking tape shall be removed immediately after application is completed to keep
concrete surface clean.
12 A full cure a stage, when solvent evaporation is completed shall normally consume 4 to 6
weeks post application of sealant.

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13 Painting over concrete surface, if so required shall be carried out only after full cure has
taken place.
Concrete Lined Rectangular Ditches
1 Setting out dimensions about proposed ditches shall be marked.
2 Excavation shall be started & shaped to rectangular design profile.
3 Compaction shall be done to non structural requirement.
4 Proper gradient as indicated on design drawings shall be maintained.
5 Isolation layer shall be applied, if so provided within specification.
6 Blinding shall be applied on compacted base to design thickness.
7 Preparation for lining concrete shall be carried out by placing in pre fabricated
reinforcement to design details & sides formed at edges parallel to ditch as well as, at
construction joints.
8 After inspection, concrete pour shall be carried out in alternate bays with unformed
horizontal surface finished smooth.
9 Remaining bays shall be carried out in next day operation.
10 Curing shall be carried out accordingly to approved procedures
Expansion Joints between ditches
1 Size of proposed joints to be filled / sealed is 15 mm wide x 15 mm deep.
2 Surface shall be cleaned of all dirt, dust and loosely adhering materials.
3 All grease and oil contamination shall be removed using hard small brushes, compressed
air etc.
4 Fiber board shall be removed to required depth.
5 Under normal circumstances priming is not required.
6 Masking tape shall be used to confine joint borders, keeping adjoining concrete surfaces
7 Contents of Can shall be removed by a Trowel or a Spatula.
8 Bit mastic shall be applied to prepared and masked portions.
9 In case of vertical joints, bottom to top application sequence using a spatula or a trowel
shall be followed ensuring that entire volume of joint is filled in to affect a total contact
with joint surfaces.
10 After application, sealant shall be smoothened and compressed into joint using a spatula
or a putty knife moistened with cleaning solvent.
11 Masking tape shall be removed immediately after application is completed to keep
concrete surface clean.
12 A full cure a stage, when solvent evaporation is completed shall normally consume 4 to 6
weeks post application of sealant.
13 Painting over concrete surface, if so required shall be carried out only after full cure has
taken place.
14 Galvanized grating shall be placed on ditch later.
Termination Details to protective membrane
1 Following operational sequences shall be involved
Case 1
Concrete surface shall be cleaned of all dirt & dust using a brush.
1 Application of waterproofing membrane according to specifications to defined levels, keeping top
200 mm or variable dimension according to drawing above finished ground level.
2 Lines shall be marked on all sides to correct level per drawing.
3 Bead Lengths to exact site dimensions shall be cut to suit a close fit between ends.
4 Every bead shall be provided with a minimum 3# screws to be drilled and fastened into
concrete penetrating membrane using an electrical operated Drill.

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5 After screws have been fastened and beads are in proper alignment, approved sealant
shall be applied to top of bead keeping about 5mm above bead with a down ward lap as
a Sealant shall be applied using a gun fitted with conical nozzles adjustable to suit width
into corner, using an even trigger pressure & cleaning nozzle occasionally to avoid
b A smaller timber spatula soaked in soapy water shall be used to compact sealant into joint
/ junction for a smooth polish finish formation.
c Mixing and application equipment shall be cleaned immediately after use.
6 QC inspection shall be conducted & relevant ITP signed off
Case 2
1 Where grooves have already been chased, waterproofing membrane shall be tacked in & sealant
applied to space left in groove according to specifications and manufacturer’s instructions. No
Aluminum bead shall be used in this case.
2 Sealant shall be applied around bead continuously. CONTRACTOR QC inspection shall be
conducted & relevant ITP signed off
Case 3
1 In gravel or soil area, membrane shall be terminated at a level ‘150mm plus’ below footing top
level keeping Aluminum bead details typical.
2 All other details shall remain as in ‘case 1’ if no rebate has been chased.
3 QC inspection shall be conducted & relevant ITP signed off
Case 4
1 In paved area, membrane shall continue up to termination level, but protection board cease at
20mm below paving level filled with mastic on top, keeping all other details as in case ‘1’ if not
chased for rebate.
2 QC inspection shall be conducted & relevant ITP signed off
Grouting to pipe rack bases typical
1 Surface to be grouted shall be chipped / scabbled without using mechanical bush
hammer, to expose aggregate and remove laitance. Finished surface shall be free from oil,
dust, dirt, paint, curing compounds etc. and be soaked in with water for 24 hours, prior to
grouting to minimize localized absorption as well as, to assist free flow of grout.
2 Bolt holes / pockets shall be made water free, prior to placement of grout.
3 Base plates / bolts shall be clean and free of oil, grease / paint and correctly aligned
according to approved drawings.
4 Stainless steel shims 50x50x10mm thick shall be in correct locations, covered with
mortar, so as to allow at least 50mm grout cover on shim sides.
5 Forms on essential sides shall be erected at locations with chamfers.
6 An electric drill fitted with a paddle shall be used for grout mixing purpose, using water
@ 3.5 to 4.5 litres per 25 kg bag of Master flow 928 or any / some other approved
grouting material depending on to requirement.
7 Mixer shall be clean with no standing water.
8 90% of measured quantity of water required to achieve desired consistency according to
batch volume be added to mixer, before adding grout and Masterflow 928 or any / some
other approved grouting material be added gradually, simultaneously pouring in
remaining 10% water quantity during mixing, which has to be kept on for at least 3 to 5
minutes, until a uniform lump free consistency is achieved.
9 Then grout shall be poured continuously, using grout pour cone with a constant
hydrostatic head of at least 15 cm.

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10 Having poured grout Masterflow 928 in place, all exposed grout shall be covered with
clean dampen Hessian and be kept moist, until grout is firm enough to accept a curing
11 Temperature range 4 to 32 degree C shall be maintained for 3 post pour continuous days.
12 Grout thickness varies between 25 to 50mm.
Water Tightness Test of RCC Structure typical Sump
1 Structure to be tested shall be completed of all RCC constructions according to specified
and agreed procedures.
2 Complete filling of tie rod holes with MBT Master Flow 544 or Conbextra GB or an
equal approved shall be carried out according to manufacturer’s instructions.
3 In fact, RCC structure should be tested without application of any treatment, but in this
case, specifications were different. Water Tightness Test is constructed for RCC structure
& not for treated structure
4 Inlet shall be laid in place to levels shown on drawings as reflected on water quantity
schedule i.e. Invert levels at maximum supply elevations.
5 External surfaces of structure shall be prepared & applied with specified protective
6 QC Inspection shall be conducted for approval of membrane.
7 Structural backfilling shall be carried out externally to project specifications & necessary
field density tests conducted to requirement.
Application of the floor screed as specified shall be carried out
1 Entire surfaces of structure to be tested shall be sweep blasted removing all loose spalls,
dust dirt etc. Prepared internal surfaces shall be inspected by QC for approval.
2 Following operations shall be involved to conduct water tightness test according to BS 8007:
1987 Section 9.1 applicable to liquid retaining structures.
3 A graduated stick shall be provided on wall top to show water levels to a ’mm’ count.
4Potable water shall be filled into respective pit structure at a rate 2m per 24 hours for
which, attached ‘filling scheduled quantities ‘shall apply. Attached schedule shall depend
on structure volume.
5 After water is filled in to required level, it shall be allowed to stay for a period of 7 days
for stabilisation, absorption and autogeneous healing. If so required, water shall be added
to maintain maximum test level in case, it is lost during this period.
6 Test shall commence from 8th day and continue for 7 days for a design crack width of 0.1
mm according to specification requirement.
7 Observations regarding water level drops shall be recorded every 24 hours by visual
measurements on mm scale.
8 Test records shall be documented on approved form.
9 ‘Structure Leak Test‘ and judgment on test made accordingly.
10 During this 7 days period, total permissible loss in level shall not exceed 1/500 of
average water depth of full tank or 10 mm.
11 After test is successfully completed, water shall be pumped out, either to other structure
for testing should that be ready to receive it or if not, to other construction areas for
curing or any / whatever other purpose as agreed leaving pit empty.
Remedial Work if required.
1 In case of unsatisfactory performance of water tightness test and upon agreement with
EPC, injection grouting method may be adopted to seal seepage routes.
2 Should structure not satisfy 7 days test, then after completion of remedial work, it should be
refilled and if necessary left for a further stabilising period; a further test of 7 days’ duration
should then be undertaken in accordance with this clause.

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Concrete Protection Coating Typical

Method involves following sequences in general.
1 Surface preparation, Mixing, Application Details- All grease, oil, dust, residual curing
compound, mould release agent or other contaminants, which could impair adhesion,
shall be removed from surface by degreasing and washing.
2 Whole surface to be coated shall be cleaned using water jetting and visually inspected to
ensure that roughness does not exceed grade 80 sandpaper.
3 All holes, voids, depressions, spalls etc. shall be filled with Masterseal 550 or an equal
approved mixed to a trowel consistency, scraped lightly into surface, allowed to dry and
later, roughened by hand wire brush on small areas and gently water jetted on larger
4 Filled areas shall be visually inspected to ensure that correct mechanical key is achieved.
5 Mixing- Master seal is supplied in pre measured units and shall be mixed on site using
clean containers.
6 Powder shall be slowly added to liquid component and agitated / mixed for say 2 minutes
by using a slow speed hand power drill fitted with a suitable paddle attachment, until a
homogeneous lump free consistency is obtained.
7 Mix quantity shall be such that it could be consumed in one hour during application,
without allowing any re tempering with water.
Application Coverage 1.8 Kg / sqm at 1 mm thickness.
1 Coating shall be 1 mm thick applied in one coat. In hot weather, surface to be coated
shall be shaded from direct sunlight. Areas to be coated shall be saturated with fresh and
clean water.
2 Prepared and saturated surface shall be inspected by QC.
3 Mixed material shall be applied, while surface is visibly damp, without any standing
water using short stiff brush or roller. Roller shall be used in major / large areas.
Evenness and thickness of applied coating shall be regularly checked during application,
while material is still wet.
4 Materials shall be allowed to dry and visually inspected.
5 QC inspection shall be conducted.
6 Any / Every missed areas shall be saturated and then touched up.
Lighting Poles Foundations Typical
Pre casting Area
1 Existing yard being used for pre casting of manholes, catch basins etc. shall be employed
for this purpose also.
2 Following operations are involved to carry out production of light poles foundation bases
Pre installation operations
Detailed Activities
1 Fabricate and erect side forms 4#s to specified dimensions.
2 Fabricate reinforcing bars according to specified details.
3 Provide non critical cathodic protection.
4 Provide PVC cable duct.
5 Provide bolt assembly to requirement and location.
6 Provide lifting lugs to carry a gravity load of at least 3 tonnes + handling stresses.
7 Pour concrete. Cure concrete immediately after pouring Post casting operations. To cure
for specified period.
8 Excavate location to required formation level. To blind area to be founded with concrete.
9 Waterproof blinding as specified. Keep area ready in all respects well oriented & aligned
to receive foundation directly to be offloaded. Apply water proofing membrane around as
10 Provide protection board as specified
11 Back fill surrounding space to relevant grade level Details.

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12 Typical size of foundation may be 1000x1000mm in plan and 1100mm deep.

13 A possible of 10 units may be produced by pre casting every day on an average.
14 Forms to exact size with preformed chamfers shall be prepared and erected.
15 Steel reinforcing bars shall be cut, bent to the required shape, placed and cage prepared
holding 75mm concrete spacers, be positioned into forms.
16 1# 350 mm internal radius 100 mm diameter PVC cable duct formed to dimensions shall
be anchored by binding wires to exact locations shown on drawing, keeping upper end
flush with concrete top.
17 Lifting lugs as shown on sketch shall be fixed in to correct locations.
18 Forms for block outs for lifting lugs shall be fixed in to correct locations as shown,
without clashing with duct or reinforcing bars allowing a protrusion of hook.
19 Bolt assembly shall be fixed in exact position according to design details.
20 Non critical cathodic protection shall be arranged, using a metallic continuous binding
wire connecting all horizontal reinforcing bars terminating into a boss fixed at one
location near top in middle of side opposite duct carrying portion.
21 All supports and dimensions shall be checked and plumb monitored.
22 QC inspection shall be conducted.
23 Concrete shall be poured to all prepared units in 3 layers in vertical sequence.
24 Appropriate vibrator shall be used for compaction of concrete.
25 During concreting, care shall be taken to keep anchor bolts’ position undisturbed and
intermittent checks should be continuously made to monitor spacing / centre/s between
26 After concrete is poured in full & well compacted, surface shall be leveled, using a
wooden float followed by light steel trowel.
27 Immediately, after concrete starts setting, approved curing compound shall be sprayed on
surface forming a continuous membrane, which be covered over with a polythene sheet
according to specifications.
28 After lapse of say 2 hours, polythene sheet shall be temporarily removed to spread over
concrete surface saturated burlap cloth or hessian and recovered immediately.
29 Side forms shall be removed within specified period. Vertical concrete surfaces shall be
spread with curing compound immediately after striking forms and covered with
polythene sheet according to requirement.
30 Curing shall be continued for specified period.
31 Relevant locations shall be made ready to receive precast units by completing excavation,
blinding, horizontal waterproofing and forming correct alignment.
32 QC inspection shall be conducted.
33 Unit shall be lifted by a mobile crane, loaded gently onto a trailer and transported to
location for offloading on to prepared ‘location to receive’ unit. Unit shall be installed on
marked location, according to correct orientation to lighting layout drawing.
34 QC inspection shall be conducted.
35 Protruding lifting lug eyes shall be cut to 60 mm inside block out, void filled with
concrete by first scabbling internal surface, followed by cement slurry grouting and
pouring concrete.
36 External surfaces of foundation shall be applied with concrete protective membrane
according to specifications.
37 QC inspection shall be conducted
38 Membrane protection board shall be provided covering surface to specified details.
39 Back filling shall be carried out according to specification up to required levels in layers
and up to required ground grade or pavement.
40 Points to locate cathodic protection shall be provided with a marker to trace boss.
Sequence shall be repeated for all lighting poles foundations.

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Pull Pits Typical

Operations in Pre casting Yard Pre casting Area
1 Existing yard being used for pre casting of manholes, catch basins and lighting poles
foundations etc. shall be employed for this purpose also, Form work.
2 Typical size of Pit type shall be taken from drawings.
3 On an average, 20 units shall be produced by pre casting every day
4 Wooden forms to exact dimensions with preformed chamfers shall be prepared and
Reinforcing bars placement
1 Steel reinforcing bars shall be cut, bent to required shape, placed with 75mm concrete spacers and
positioned into forms according to details provided.
2 Lifting lugs shall be fixed in to correct locations.
3 All supports and dimensions shall be checked and corrected, if required.
4 QC inspection shall be conducted, before pouring concrete and signatures appended to
Pouring concrete & finishing
1 Concrete shall be poured into all approved preparatory works in 1 layer by directly
delivering from concrete truck / transit mixer through chute 1 # ¾” needle vibrator shall
be used to compact concrete and 1 # reserved standby.
2 After concrete is poured in full & well compacted, surface shall be leveled using a
wooden float followed by light steel trowel.
1 Immediately after concrete is finished, surface shall be covered with polythene sheet with
edge lapped or tied down to exclude air circulation, without permitting membrane to be
in touch with concrete surface according to specifications.
2 After concrete has stiffened, but no longer than 2 hours, polythene sheet shall be removed
followed by immediate covering surface with saturated soaked with mix quality water
hessian and recovered with polythene sheet to prevent evaporation from hessian.
Throughout curing period, hessian shall be maintained in a permanent wet condition
using mix quality water.
3 Side forms shall be removed after specified period of 24 to 36 hours as agreed.
4 Vertical concrete surfaces shall be draped with saturated hessian immediately, after
striking the forms and covered with the polythene sheet held firmly in place along all
edges & kept continuously wet for duration of curing.
5 Curing shall be continued for agreed number of days.
6 QC inspection shall be conducted from time to time throughout operations.
Lifting, loading & transportation
1 Covers shall be lifted by a mobile crane, loaded gently onto a trailer and transported to
area concerned to offload on to prepared ‘location to receive’.
On site operations- post laying of Cable ducts.
1 Area around excavation coverage shall be barricaded to site requirement.
Setting out
1 Setting out shall be carried out by surveyor to required coordinates.
2 QC inspection shall be conducted throughout operation and ITP for survey check signed

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1 Excavation shall be carried out manually, if ducts are not encased in concrete to specified
formation levels i.e. 1300 mm varying from area to area from finished grade monitored by
2 Compaction and tests, if so required, shall be carried out accordingly.
Mass concrete base
1 Formwork for mass concrete that may 500mm wide and 150mm deep shall be prepared and
erected to settings.
2 QC inspection shall be conducted from time to time throughout operations and concrete
pour ITPs signed off
3 Concrete shall be poured to exact levels, finished properly and cured to specified procedures
Concrete protection
1 Concrete protection shall be applied to the mass concrete to the details & specifications.
Block work in walls
1 200mm Block work shall be constructed according to details to required levels, so that cover top
level is 100mm from finished grade / ground level. In case, ducts are not laid in, opening shall be
provided in wall
2 QC inspection shall be conducted from time to time throughout operations
Compacted sand fill
1 Uncompacted sand shall be filled as indicated on drawing & in accordance with specifications.
Compacted backfill
1 Remaining portion shall be backfilled and compacted to specification requirement.
2 Top surface shall be well prepared, compacted and leveled to receive pre cast covers.
Placing pre cast covers
1 Covers shall be offloaded by a crane from a trailer, as transported from pre casting yard to
relevant locations ready with one layer 0.25mm thick polythene sheet with laps 300mm, spread
2 Covers shall be properly spaced and leveled to details shown on drawing.
Sand fill
1 300mm deep sand backfill shall be carried out over laid ducts not encased in concrete.
1 As dug compacted backfill shall be carried out above sand fill to specifications.
2 QC inspection shall be conducted from time to time throughout operations with relevant
ITPs signed off
Lugs Fill
1 Sand shall be filled in lifting lugs recess.
Concrete Protection
1 Exposed concrete surface is a part of pavement and therefore no protection shall be applied.
Massive Block Foundation- Thick Element – Typical
1 Wherever specified any / every reinforced concrete structure more than 800 mm in
thickness & more than 8 cum of RCC quantity, following procedure shall be followed.
2 Excavation shall be carried out to approved procedures
3 Blinding shall be carried out to approved procedures

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Reinforcement & formwork fixing shall be carried out to approved procedures
Cathodic protection, if so specified shall be fixed to design details & respective
continuity among reinforcing bars checked.
6 Specific attention shall be given to concrete pour sequence.
7 Since quantity of pour element & depth shall be considerably greater, concrete should be
poured in continuous stepping fashion forming an acute angle with vertical, so that
formation of cold joints is completely avoided.
8 Portion poured previously after vibration must receive over / new batch of concrete pour
within concrete setting time.
9 A sketch shall be issued to site giving complete sequence of pouring.
10 Concrete foreman must adhere to that & complete pour successfully.
11 Massive pour requires thermal curing as explained somewhere else, in this document that
shall be applicable here as well.
Foundations connected to paving concrete
1 These considerably small foundations shall be placed on pavement concrete to transfer
minor equipment stresses.
2 Construction shall include erection of forms & reinforcement placement duly connected
to paving.
3 Setting out shall be done & forms erected.
4 Set out location area shall be roughened by scabbling
5 Reinforcing bars shall be fixed to details.
6 Concrete spacers installed to sides of forms & bottom.
7 Any / every electrical insert shall be placed in.
8 Top level line shall be fixed with plastic chamfers.
9 After inspection, concrete shall be poured & curing effected to approved procedures.
Duct banks
1 Excavation shall be carried out to defined sectional size.
2 Proposed formation area shall be compacted to receive concrete.
3 Blinding concrete shall be placed to required thickness.
4 Forms for sides of duct bank concrete shall be erected.
5 Nominal reinforcing bars shall be placed to the details.
6 Design ducts shall be placed & fixed in defined positions, using proper supporting
arrangements, so that during concreting operation these ducts remain in set positions.
7 Ends shall be closed properly allowing ducts protrusion from end forms.
8 Ducts ends shall be closed preventing ingress of dust or any / whatever foreign material.
9 Inspections shall be conducted & concrete poured & cured accordingly to specified
10 After concreting is completed, marker shall be placed over duct concrete & over backfill
Cable Trenches
Dummy / walled trench section Typical
Following operational sequences in brief are involved.
1 Setting out to exact alignment route of trench to specified coordinates.
2 Barricading involved area to safety department direction and requirement.
3 Excavating trench to specified levels and sectional details.
4 Preparing formation to achieve required levels and dimensions.
5 Formwork for sides of mass concrete strip beams.
6 Pouring mass concrete to strip beam forms. Setting out alignment for trench block walls.
7 Block work 150mm thick in walls to specified levels up to pavement down stand beam soffit

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8 Preparation and concreting pavement portion monolithic with down stand beam extended up to
top of block wall.
9 Backfilling trench with excavated earth to specifications.
10 Placing precast coloured concrete covers in 1m or 3m standard lengths on relevant compacted
11 Sealing joint between pavement and trench cover. Cable marker shall be provided.
Details about above operations in general
1 Surveyor shall set out alignment of trench concerned according to relevant details given on
paving and underground services location plans to reference Coordinates.
2 QC shall conduct inspection
3 Safety arrangement shall be discussed with safety department and implemented accordingly to
control trench excavation, to provide barricades, night lights, to divert traffic, if so required and to
adopt any / every other necessary measure.
4 Excavation shall be carried out by an excavator to lines and levels.
5 Surveyor shall monitor all stages of excavation to achieve required profile.
6 Excavated material shall be transported immediately by a dump truck to earth stockpiles
7 After excavation is over, formation levels shall be well dressed and compacted to specification
8 Forms shall be fabricated for mass concrete section.
9 Fabricated forms of width 350mm and depth 100 mm shall be erected / fixed on prepared
compacted formation duly aligned and leveled.
10 QC shall conduct inspection throughout stages of construction
11 Mass concrete shall be poured to marked levels and tamped by wooden float.
12 Forms shall be struck after specified period.
13 Curing of mass concrete shall be carried out according to approved procedures and for specified
14 Alignment of block walls 150mm thick shall be set out and block work carried out in courses in a
straight line and plumb.
15 Whole number of courses shall be laid. Fractional block course, if so remained to make up
required wall height shall be constructed as a part of pavement down beam concrete by extending
bottom to top of block walls.
16 Pavement / down beam monolithic pouring shall be carried out to specified details according to
17 QC shall conduct inspection throughout stages of construction
18 Backfilling shall commence and trench filled according to specifications.
19 Pre cast covers of 1m or 3m standard length shall be placed on filled trench internal surface to
specified levels.
20 Concrete shall be coloured to specification requirement.
21 QC shall conduct inspection throughout stages of construction
Where dummy trench runs over duct bank Typical
1 All operations described in general shall be applicable herein as well with following

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amendments / additions to certain activities.

2 Excavation shall be carried out to top of duct concrete only.
3 Walls shall be started from duct top level.
4 Additionally, where underground pipe runs crossing Trench, specified pipe shall be laid, prior to
block work is commenced or openings should be formed in walls.
5 Pipe laying operation shall be carried out. It could be done by others, depending upon scope of
6 Flat width of crossing shall be in size equal to value given by equation “Duct Bank length +
300x2 “.
7 Where dummy trench and direct buried trench run parallel
1 All operations described in general shall be applicable herein as well with following
amendments / additions to certain activities.
2 While constructing buried trench, profile of dummy trench shall dictate profile of buried trench.
Sloping profile to a grade 1 in 2 shall be formed as shown on drawing.
Where cable trench crossing with closed drain pipe trench
1 All operations described in general shall be applicable herein as well with following
amendments / additions to certain activities to be supplemented.
2 Profile of cable duct trench shall dictate profile of direct buried trench.
3 Transition of formations between trenches and crossing shall be in grade 1 in 2 as shown on
4 Length of duct bank shall be equal to value given by equation.
5 Width of closed drain trench in mm + 2x100.
6 Crossing flat width shall be duct bank length + 2x300.
7 A gap of 100mm shall be kept between duct bank top and closed drain bottom surfaces.
8 Duct bank shall be constructed according to details.
9 Cable tiles under closed drain trench shall be provided in direct buried trench only.
10 A joint shall be provided between pavement and closed drain trench wall.
Where direct buried trench crossing under dummy trench
1 All operations described in general shall be applicable herein as well with following
amendments / additions to certain activities to be supplemented.
2 A level difference of 350mm shall be kept between elevations of crossing formation and dummy
3 Level transition shall be established by grading 1 in 2. Cables passing under dummy trench shall
be protected by cable tiles to be provided by others.
4 Trench corner wall shall be constructed to details showing corner length on trench internal face.
Where trench with dummy Trench crossing under direct buried cable trench
1 All operations described in general shall be applicable herein as well with following
amendments / additions to certain activities to be supplemented.

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2 Profile of cable duct trench shall dictate profile of direct buried trench.
3 Transition of formations between trenches and crossing shall be in grade 1 in 2 as shown on
4 Length of duct bank shall be equal to value given by equation.
5 Width of direct buried cable trench in mm + 2x100.
6 Crossing flat width shall be duct bank length + 2x300.
7 A gap of 100mm shall be kept between duct bank top and closed drain bottom surfaces.
8 Duct bank shall be constructed according to details.
9 Cable tiles under closed drain trench shall be provided in direct buried trench only.
Where direct buried trench crossing under direct buried cable trench
1 All operations described in general shall be applicable herein as well with following
amendments / additions to certain activities to be supplemented.
2 A level difference 700 mm shall be kept between direct buried trench and crossing formation
3 Crossing formation width shall be equal to value from equation in mm = direct buried cable
trench width + 400x2.
4 Transition of formations between trenches and crossing shall be to grade 1 in 2 as shown on
5 Cable tiles shall be provided in unpaved areas and at trench crossing.
Electric Trench Layout at Pumps Typical
1 All operations described in general shall be applicable herein as well with following
amendments / additions to certain activities.
2 Pump base shall be constructed to details. Trench walls shall be continued to shape as shown.
1 If so required and felt convenient for certain uniform section reaches, pre cast concrete
units 100 mm thick may be utilised to substitute 150 mm thick walls directly resting on
prepared formation.
Underground Piping
In scope, following types of pipes are indicated to be included.
1 Carbon steel pipes gravity network 4” diameter to 14” diameter, coating material &
welding, flange, gasket, bolting, testing, valve & flanges, sand filling, back filling /
pressure network etc.
2 Non reinforced concrete pipes, cutting, jointing, sand bedding, anchor blocks 200 to
500mm etc.
3 Reinforced concrete pipes, cutting, jointing, sand bedding, anchor blocks 200 to 2000
mm etc.
4 Ceramic gres pipes & fittings, sand bed, Y, T, cuts, leak test, 100 to 500 mm diameter
5 Bonna type pipes & fittings, sand bed, T, Y, anchor blocks 250mm to 2500mm diameter
6 Plastic pipes PVC gravity network 110 mm to 410 mm diameter etc.
7 Polythene pipes gravity Y, T reduction piece, cuts, sleeves, leak test etc.
8 Plastic pipes pressure network 110 mm to 410 mm sand bed etc.
9 PVC pipes heavy duty 110 mm to 410 mm send bed etc.
10 Polythene pipes pressure Y, T reduction piece, cuts, sleeves, leak test etc.

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11 Cast iron cement lined pipes gravity etc.

12 RTRP pipes pressure+ gravity 100 to 800 mm etc.
13 Following activities are typically involved to carry out underground piping system etc.
14 Ensure no underground existing services exist in area concerned.
15 Setting out alignment of proposed route according to survey details.
16 Providing safety control barriers on both sides of excavation allowing enough clearance
for excavator & truck to work without hindrance.
17 After approval of setting out, excavate set out portion as trenching & continue up to
design depth according to formation level of pipe bedding following approved excavation
18 Pipes & fittings shall be stacked properly on both sides of trench according to
manufacturer’s instruction.
19 Prepare bedding formation to design levels & longitudinal profile specifically for gravity
20 Surveyor shall monitor levels throughout
21 QC inspection shall be conducted to check bedding
22 Bed shall be filled with sand up to pipe external surface level.
23 Proper arrangement shall be made to down take pipes. After down taking pipes & fittings
to trench bed & placing roughly into set out alignment, surveyor shall give exact
alignment of route.
24 After route has been aligned truly & fittings included, counter weight using sand on pipe
surround shall be applied temporarily to avoid pipe uplift during pressure testing or
mechanical anchors employed, depending upon diameter of pipe & quantum of water
25 All joints shall be connected or filled according to specifications.
26 Wherever specified, for steel flanges, bolting shall be carried out
27 Wherever specified, for plastic or P V C pipes, push fit system of jointing shall be
28 Wherever specified, for plastic pipes, joints shall be glued using tangit
29 Wherever indicated to anchor bend etc. at turning using thrust block, block shall be
constructed of concrete to resist resultant pressure during pressurizing.
30 Wherever specified for concrete or R C C pipes, special jointing material shall be applied
to meet requirement.
31 Wherever required to use cut pipes to complete length, pipes either Bonna or carbon steel
or concrete or any / some other make, pipe shall be cut to actual length of piece required.
32 After all jointing has been completed pressure testing shall be conducted for ready
portion with application of required bar pressure.
33 Risers of pipes shall be installed on both ends of pipe line, filled with water under
pressure, which should continue for specified period of 24 to 72 hours during which
period, observations of water levels falling & leak detection be conducted & recorded.
34 Any / every leak detected in any / whatever part, that pipe part shall be removed & re
installed & test repeated all according to approved ITPs
35 After test has been successful, pipe service marker shall be placed for identification
purpose & granular material filled on pipe & its surround, so that at least 200 mm layer is
established on crown of pipe.
36 This fill shall be compacted lightly.
37 Later from this level to ground, granular fill material shall be used to backfill remaining
section duly compacted in layers all according to approved procedures.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 21

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EXECUTION PLAN Method statement
Civil Works / Site Preparations
Construction Method Statements
Sample Only
Epoxy grouting to vibrating machine bases Typical
1 Thin section - A gap between a base plate and substrate below 25 mm
2 Thick section- A gap between a base plate and substrate above 80mm
3 Normal thickness- In between thin and thick sections
4 Following activities are involved for normal thickness
5 Surface preparation
6 Metal parts that should not be bonded to grout like jack screws of reciprocating
machinery and part of foundation bolts shall be sealed with tape, prior to grouting.
Detailed Activities
1 Base plates and equipment bases shall be uniformly supported in order to eliminate sag,
distortion and leveled, using both anchor bolts and jackscrews.
2 Stainless steel shims 50x50 Sq x 10mm thick shall be placed in correct locations covered
with mortar, so as to allow at least 50 mm grout cover on shim sides.
3 Full extent of foundation surface under base plate or equipment to be grouted shall be
chipped / scabbled & brushed to remove weak upper layer of concrete and any / whatever
oil soaked concrete areas, prior to installation of base plate.
4 Base plate surfaces in contact with epoxy grout shall be grit blasted, so as to expose white
5 All surfaces and bolt pockets to receive grout must be clean & free of rust, oil, dirt, paint
and residual curing compound.
6 All base plate holding down bolts etc. must be free of rust, oil, dirt or contaminants that
could impair bond Formwork, unless otherwise shown on design drawing, entire area
under base plate shall be grouted and forms fixed around plate, keeping a minimum of
25mm clearance from plate edge and at least 50mm from edge of pouring side, so that
total grout able area is equal to underside of plate and clearance around plate.
7 Before formwork is fixed, it shall be ensured that foundation area to be grouted and bolts
holes are clean.
8 A liquid tight formwork as practicable shall be fixed around base plate to prevent leakage
of resin keeping top of forms 25mm above underside of base plate.
9 A chamfer 25mm x 25mm shall be provided on sides, so that top of chamfer and top of
grout are in one level, in case whole of foundation area around plate is to be grouted.
10 A 45 degree sloping surface above form on pouring side shall be constructed to create a
pressure head to enable grout material flow to cover full width of pour.
11 A coating of an approved release agent shall be applied to formwork.
12 QC inspection shall be conducted to ascertain form profile and general preparatory works
Grouting application
1 All dirt and debris shall be removed from formwork using compressed air Sufficient
Grout material to completely fill prepared area in a continuous process shall be made
2 Mixing equipment shall be demonstrated to be in a suitable as well as, in good working
3 A stand by equipment shall also, be made available
4 Concrete surfaces to be grouted shall be completely dry, before grouting
5 Mixing Base and reactor components shall be poured into a suitable mixing vessel and

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mixing carried out for 1 minute or until successfully blended.

6 All required quantity of aggregate shall be added to mixing vessel, which is to be kept
turning and mixing continued, until a uniform lump free consistency is achieved.
7 Over mixing shall be avoided to prevent air entrainment Placing.
8 All bolt pockets shall be filled with grout, prior to pouring rest of under plate space as a
separate operation to prevent voids formation
9 Pouring of grout shall start from one end of base plate and continued, until material
reaches far side.
10 Mixed grout shall be steadily poured down formwork slope to avoid air entrapment.
11 Pouring shall be carried out only from one side of base plate to avoid creation of voids
and any / every reduction of effective bearing area
12 When grout reaches far side of formwork, which shall be ensured by poured material
rising above bottom of base plate, pouring location has to move along length of base
plate, keeping process continued, until whole area is completed.
13 QC inspection shall be conducted throughout above operations to ascertain proper
implementation of procedures according to manufacturer’s instructions.
1 Exposed surfaces shall be brushed with Solvent # 2 just before or as grout gels
1 No curing is required
As-built Drawings
1 As built drawings serve purpose of telling user about building records that should be used
for purpose of maintenance / or for whatever purpose possible.
2 It is therefore, an important & significant part of documentation as well as, also a
contractual obligation on part of CONTRACTOR & EPC, which should be affected
smoothly & regularly throughout duration of project.
3 Should there be no change on Released for construction drawings i.e. construction has
been carried out all in accordance with approved documents provisions, there shall be no
purpose of as built drawings.
4 But in practice, to produce physical structures, some changes are often imminent, due to
arising of new requirement, changes, effects of disciplinary interfaces to bring work to
proper use functions etc.
5 During whole currency of contract, it should be an endeavour of CONTRACTOR that all
changes are recorded on contract documents as ‘Red Lines’ mark up & issued to EPC for
approval. These Red Lines marks up shall form basis of producing all ‘As Built’
documents on project.
6 It is not drawings only that are to be recorded, but also, all changes, whatsoever for any
document on record. All these ‘As Built’ shall form part of handover dossiers. Should ‘as
built’ records be worked up on / produced regularly, this part of dossiers shall be
comfortably produced for submission to Engineer.
7 Site design engineers shall keep an eye on this activity & record changes regularly as ‘red
line’ mark up & process documentation to fulfil contractual obligation to this extent
8 It is expected of site engineers, design engineers as well as, land surveyors to coordinate
on site to comply with this obligation efficiently.
9 All survey changes or variations shall also, be recorded on drawings based on pre pour &
post pour records, taken from survey section. Surveyor shall present all such changes on
corresponding documents to be recorded as ‘Red Line’ Mark ups.
10 Following paragraphs management procedures have been included just for purpose of
information as already covered within New Buildings package Inspection & Test Plans
11 All necessary Inspection & Test Plans shall be originated by Quality Engineer in
collaboration with Engineering in head office & Engineering in site team. These ITPs

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formats shall be issued for EPC & Company approval according to procedures laid down
on Project Quality plan. Production of all these documents shall be responsibility of
CONTRACTOR Quality Manager / Engineer.
12 Complete details about quality management system have been included on respective
Quality Procedures document. Generally, ITPs for all disciplinary activities shall be
produced for EPC & Company approval from site office in due course.
13 All defined tests shall be conducted by EPC / Company approved laboratory located on
14 For those items, tests shall be conducted by any / whatever EPC / Company nominated
laboratory, for which, facilities are not available on site. Details of these plans shall be
submitted separately.
15 Every ITP shall be allotted a document number along with a numbered checklist. Check
list shall form basis of inspection requirements.
Project Controls
1 Project Control management requires formation of strategies those can be utilized
optimally to achieve target in minimum cost with best quality product
2 To achieve as aforesaid, it is extremely important that complete project should be
analyzed from whole to one & all necessary resources to be used or deployed should be
known in advance prior to commencement of physical works.
3 Based on project design, construction, commissioning and maintenance durations,
Analysis, planning & charting out at various levels shall be carried out by Planning
4 Further based on these periods, all necessary resources shall be arranged & mobilized by
human resources, materials and technical managers in collaboration with Project
5 Plans shall be monitored regularly, as project construction progresses, on a weekly basis,
monthly bases & no delay allowed & if any, immediate recovery shall be planed.
6 Relevant reporting shall project real quantum of planned & actual physical works,
resources available, deficiency of resources, material procurement status, materials
delivered & expected time of arrival etc. & all necessary measures required to keep
construction on line & valuation worked accordingly. Every effort should be made to
keep progress in line with plan.
Note- Term Material herein also, includes equipment
1 According to site requirement & provisions made on plan, for temporary materials &
consumables, requisitions shall be raised from site by relevant engineer, checked,
numbered & coded by material controller & approved by construction manager for
transmission to head office procurement manager for further action.
2 Cost controller shall further check budgetary provision applicable & give clearance to
purchase manager for procurement. Purchase manager shall then invite inquiries from
various sources of material, negotiate & prepare a comparative statement & based on
merits of responses / quotations, record respective comments based on comparative
statement as well as, recommendations for considerations by Management.
3 After reviewing proposal, management shall approve or reject proposal.
4 Purchase order shall be made on approved proposal.
5 An alternative source shall be located for rejected proposal.
6 A copy of approval shall be provided to project manager for follow up delivery.
7 For permanent works, proposed material shall be submitted for EPC / Company approval
on requisite Material Approval request form along with brochures, samples if applicable,
processed through document centre, after Project manager’s approval.
8 After obtaining EPC / Company approval on request, procurement manager shall process
requisitioned approved item based on budget quantities following in line procedures

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applicable for temporary materials.

9 After material is delivered to site, material controller & relevant engineer shall check
quality & quantity of delivery.
10 Any / Every deficiency in quantity, quality or any / every damage observed shall
immediately be notified to procurement manager through construction manager.
11 Delivery information shall be circulated to concerned personnel & quality manager
himself shall or delegate an inspector or relevant inspector would check adequacy of
quality & if necessary, according to ITP provision shall invite EPC / Company engineer
to inspect / examine delivery.
12 Selected samples of delivered materials shall be sent to an approved laboratory for
technical tests for purpose of certification of compliance.
13 After inspections & approvals, delivered materials shall be recorded in stores receipt
documents, an issue to site may be undertaken thereafter.
14 Post placement of purchase order, Procurement Manager shall track various stages of
material production & transportation or shipment to the site / delivery & if so noticed that
an expectation exists for delay in delivery shall apply all efforts to expedite delivery on
appointed date.
15 Materials shall be stored in proper designated areas complying with manufacturer’s
16 Separate area shall be located for materials requiring certain temperature of storage.
Stores shall be well constructed & shaded. Generally, all consumables shall be stored in
shade provided with proper lock & key arrangement. Materials which remain unaffected
by exposition to weather may be stored open duly protected under proper watch & ward.
17 Proper protection shall be made for all stored materials inside covered area or outside.
Necessary protection by removable membranes such as polythene or tarpaulins shall be
used to protect material from ingress of moistures or from effect of dust.
18 Storage of all materials delivered shall be done complying to set & approved procedures,
making sure that all inventories can be verified any / whatever time & that any / every
material can be traced any / every time easily.
19 All entries of incoming deliveries shall be recorded into register & verified by store
keeper & material controller that it complies with details on deliveries documents. Any /
Every deficiency noticed shall be immediately reported to procurement manager.
20 After acceptance of material by concerned authority only, a store issue shall be affected
& recorded on required issue documentation. Regularly status of all receipts, issues &
balance in stores shall be reported to construction & project manager, who shall act
further depending on project requirement.
21 Elaborate details have been given on CONTRACTOR procurement procedures document
1 An elaborated, detailed and logical mobilization plan is essential for a successful
start up of construction activities. This plan must exhibit complete schedule,
preparation and pre construction activities necessary to ensure timely availability of
drawings, personnel, construction equipment, temporary facilities and materials at
job site to properly support construction efforts.
2 This plan is already under preparation at tender stage & schedule about all three
packages have been included with bid.
3 This outline plan shall be further developed after contract award and concluded
within a week of contract award.
4 Mobilization plan shall be closely coordinated with construction plan to ensure
mobilization activities properly lead into and provide a smooth transition into initial
construction activities.
5 A detailed bar chart schedule shall be prepared with early and late activity bars,

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involving main activities to achieve full mobilization of staff, labour / workforce,

construction equipment and camp / site facilities shall be prepared at
commencement of contract.
6 Mobilization plans for staff & labour / workforce, accommodation and temporary
facilities established during bid stage would be reviewed, re evaluated to ensure its
fitness to meet project requirement & updated to include any / every other activity
necessary to meet final requirement, which might have occurred then, since day of
original preparation. All necessary adjustment measures required shall be
incorporated with update & resolutions reached.
7 Additional site visits shall be undertaken immediately after project kick off to
confirm validity of data collected during bidding stage, reconfirm assumptions and
establish additional information required to permit smooth and timely mobilization
& adhering to further activities durations strictly. Following descriptions shall be
reviewed and confirmed.
a Access to job site whether or not, available without causing any obstacle.
b Location areas of temporary facilities whether or not, available & if not
resort to appropriate procedures.
c Company requirements for properly validated licenses and certificates to be
held by construction personnel for equipment, machines, vehicles, trades.
d Transport plans including movement of equipment & vehicles.
e Loss prevention and safety requirements for camp as well as, for site offices
& site
f Arrangements for first aid facilities
g Arrangements for drinking water and construction water, availability of
h Arrangements for electricity supply, requirement of generators & also,
study of direct supply
i Arrangements for storage fuels and lubricants
j Arrangements for sanitary & its disposal facilities
k Final arrangements for security interface with EPC & Company
l And all other essential activities needed for successful mobilization
1 Aforesaid review shall provide an impetus to promptly chart out all processes
involved with mobilization with all solutions handed to construction team for an
efficient implementation.
2 About CONTRACTOR Management Procedures in brief
3 Work Centres - CONTRACTOR’s Head Office
4 Upon notification of contract award, key personnel to site Management Team shall
be assigned.
5 Construction personnel shall be mobilized to project site office to provide input and
direction to project team. Successful project execution requires construction experts
to be active from onset of project.
6 Only activity to continue from Head Office after mobilization period is
7 All procurement for project shall be done from corporate procurement section
located in CONTRACTOR’s Head Office at Musaffah, Abu Dhabi.
Following specific activities must be addressed early to be fully effective:
1 Finalize construction schedule requirements and subsequent approval from
2 Review manpower requirements for both non manual and manual personnel;
update these requirements by means of staffing schedules, histograms and craft
mixes and ensure subcontractors manning levels are compatible.

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3 Review construction equipment needs / requirements and ensure that timely

subcontractors mobilization plans are in place / available.
4 Review field procedures and method statements defining standards, policies and
procedures required for execution of works and ensure they constitute “Project
Specific” status.
5 Review environmental, safety and Health ES&H and site security plans to ensure
compliance with client’s specifications and guidelines.
6 Review Construction Quality plan in line with guidelines of ISO 9000 and check
Established QC parameters by discipline.
7 Overview temporary facility requirements, including indirects such as tools,
consumables, gases and like and check subcontractors compliance.
8 Actively pursue preliminary site activities such as approvals, permits, establishing
9 Ensure Lessons Learned & Practices from previous projects are well understood &
should be applied effectively from onset of works itself to achieve professional
CONTRACTOR’s Site Office
1 Actual ‘on site management’ would be from offices based on site next to
Contractor and Company’s office.
2 CONTRACTOR Site Office is fully supported by CONTRACTOR Head Office at
Following major activities shall be carried out at site offices.
1 Safety Regulation Enforcement
2 Quality Requirement / Assurance Enforcement and Procedures
3 Construction Method Statements
4 Construction Planning
5 Site Documents Control
6 Field Engineering & Design Controls
7 Material Requisitions
8 Materials Control and Tracking
9 Materials Storage
10 Work Procedures
11 Physical Construction
12 Site Administration
1 Mobilization shall be coordinated from CONTRACTOR’s Head Office at Abu
Dhabi with input from CONTRACTOR personnel already mobilized for execution
of Site Preparation Package and Temporary Facilities for Contractor and Company.
2 Existing teams responsible for execution of those two mentioned packages already
have substantial cadre of experienced professional well versed in mobilization of
temporary facilities, project execution, QR / QA / QC planning, Safety and security
operations etc.
Mobilization shall commence with following activities:
1 Kick off meeting to commence sub contract
2 Commencement of required land surveys to establish various horizontal & vertical
controls bench marks
3 Incept of engineering designs at Firm office
4 Soil Investigation by an approved laboratory
5 Construction of temporary facilities
6 Obtaining various permits from Authorities and conclusion of arrangements with
local committees where necessary.
7 Third party independent concrete testing laboratory credentials submission for

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Shortly after contract award, site surveying shall begin utilizing Total Station System to
establish accurate control points for performance of work.
1 As soon as practicable, plans and specification for site temporary construction
facilities shall be finalized and released for installation.
2 During installation of temporary facilities existing CONTRACTOR’s site offices
shall be utilized to supervise site activities required for temporary facilities
3 On completion of site offices at ASAB, balance of CONTRACTOR’s construction
staff shall be mobilized to site along with construction equipment, tools,
consumables, warehousing, storage and other items necessary to commence work
in accordance with construction schedule.
4 Temporary facilities at job site shall include Generator Yard and Construction
water storage tank, carpentry yard, reinforcing bar fabrication, lay down area,
warehouse and workshop facilities at location A4.
5 At start of construction, an emphasis shall be given on critical requirements of
construction schedule.
6 Work shall be carried out under continual supervision and inspection over
7 Progress shall be monitored on basis of actual installed quantities compared to
scheduled quantities.
8 For construction areas, dedicated work crews shall be allocated for each discipline
supervised by foremen and general foremen, who in turn would report to discipline
supervisors / site engineers.
9 Based on construction schedule requirements, necessary operational crews shall be
formed and controlled over to meet planned progress target to be physically
achieved satisfactorily.
10 It is responsibility of supervisor / site engineer to ensure efficient utilization of
respective material, workforce, tools and equipment.
11 For ‘construction operation water’ requirement, unless an alternative arrangement
is made available, water shall be trucked from nearby Desalination plant.
12 Site ‘construction and temporary facilities electricity requirements’ shall be met by
installing suitable size and suitable numbers of generators.
Subcontract Strategy
1 CONTRACTOR shall carry out broadly all civil engineering works employing its
own resources of manpower / workforce, machines, equipment etc.
2 Lower tier sub contracts shall be allowed for execution of single operations such as
supply of ready mix concrete etc.
3 Ready Mixed Concrete is envisaged supplied from an established RMC Ready Mix
Concrete supplier, an establishment with proven track record duly approved for
supplying concrete by Company, within 10 kms of site. However, in mean time,
without reservations, we are also, seriously considering installing our own concrete
batching plant.
4 In case, any / certain minor or specialized work is necessary to be sub contracted on
lower tier, Company procedures shall be apply for prequalification and award of
Testing & Inspection
1 A field inspection and testing program shall be organized to be in line with
CONTRACTOR’s Quality manual & Approved Project plan under overall
responsibility of QR / QA / QC Manager.
2 Prior to conduct any / whatever testing, Contractor and Company as required by
QC Plan and ITP shall be advised of tests for witness.

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3 Wherever required vendor specialist shall be made available for conduct of testing
and inspections.
Material Management
1 Once material has arrived at site, material management shall come under purview
and custody of site store staff. Storekeeper, supported by respective store assistant
shall be responsible for custody of material, prior to issue.
2 Material tracking from source to place of installation shall be conducted by
computerized system.
3 Construction manager shall be responsible to provide technical oversight and
direction for control of materials at construction site area.
4 More information has already been elaborated in foregoing.
1 Central procurement department located at Cntractor, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi, UAE
office shall be responsible for all purchases adhering to following procedure.
2 Preparation of Purchase Requisition shall be made based on takeoffs quantities
calculated from approved drawings documents.
3 Purchase requisition shall completely, identify all applicable drawings, data sheets,
specifications, vendor documentation requirements etc. with inclusion of following
a Quantity of each item required with comprehensive breakdown
b Adequate information concerning nomenclature description, Material approvals,
Quality required, applicable specifications, design & other drawings etc. or detailed
outline of material required.
c Required delivery dates for all major items.
d Delivery points of major items
e Inspection of the goods at point of origin issue
f Certification of test data and / or compliance / warranty
g Method of shipment if goods imported, conditions / packing
h Instruction of holding, kitting consolidation, marking
i Drawings, manuals etc.
j Spare parts requirements
k Special Instructions to vendors
A technical evaluation shall be done in house to verify conformity with specifications.
1 Samples and technical information shall be submitted to Contractor.
2 Once final approval from client is obtained, purchase order shall be raised.
3 Upon receipt of Purchase Requisition, a purchase order shall be raised and entered
in computer register system, indicating cost and budget allocation.
4 Procurement department shall maintain a follow up system, so that contact
suppliers and / or manufactures may be made on continuous basis.
5 All questionable delivery commitments shall be expedited on a daily, weekly and
monthly basis, as required to ensure prompt delivery in accordance with
Organization - Corporate Organization
1 Contractor is an umbrella organization, which has got numerous divisions within in
itself and which is also, parent company for various subsidiaries. Contractor is a
separately registered company specifically setup to target energy sectors and its
clients. CONTRACTOR has been operating since 1995.
2 Broadly all activities of above divisions and companies can be divided into:
a General Construction
b Heavy Lifting and Transport Services.
c Trading
d Industrial

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e Plant Construction.
Site Organization
1 Proposed site organisation and responsibilities of key personnel are enclosed.
2 All supervisory staff shall be highly experienced and qualified drawn from ongoing
projects wherever possible.
Manpower Resourcing and Mobilization
1 All personnel on site shall be employees of Contractor.
2 All required personnel to execute work are already in UAE and working on other
sites. These sites are due for demobilisation in coming months.
3 Planning department shall produce a histogram schedule of resources by category.
These schedules shall define monthly manpower levels.
4 Scheduled shall also, be indicative of manpower mobilization.
5 Standard Contractor site supervision is based upon principle of training.
6 A charge hand shall be trained and supervised by a foreman. In normal cases, a
foreman shall supervise four charge hands.
7 Charge hand shall then supervise approximately ten labours / workers. Where a
special process is conducted, this ratio may be revised accordingly.
8 Training is a requirement of Contractor quality management system.
9 Foreman and charge hands shall conduct training of manpower / workforce in their
respective roles and functions.
10 Recruitment of manpower / workforce shall ensure that background in relevant job
skill has been achieved.
11 Training in quality awareness shall be an ongoing process through quality
department and foreman.
12 Sufficient numbers of site supporting staffs, which consists of Mechanics,
Electricians, Auto Electricians, Guards, Water boys etc. and other ancillary staff
shall be deployed for unhindered progress of work.
13 Contractor contains at all times a vast pool of manpower in all Disciplines.
14 These workforces are at all times working on various projects in multi discipline
Equipment Resourcing and Mobilization
1 Based on project schedule, planning department shall generate construction
equipment schedules.
2 Contractor is one of largest equipment rental companies in GCC with over 5000
fleet, where modern repair and machine facilities enable them to maintain a first
class fleet of equipment.
3 It has been our company policy to weed out old equipment on a periodical basis
and keep equipment fleet very young. We have one of youngest fleets of equipment
in GCC based on size.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 22
Execution Plan- Method statement
(project implementation strategy)
New Buildings Package
Sample Only

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Engineering Design
a) Building Engineering Design
1 Management necessitates an integrated approach to formulate an overall philosophy, able
to achieve an intellectual product covering & incorporating a wide range of performance
& serviceability requirements that shall completely meet intended functions of proposed
building adequately satisfying architectural, structural & allied services requirements.
Target achievement of this fast track EPC project shall be kept in consideration by all
discipline designers to release necessary documents on planned line.
2 To accomplish this part of package to best possible standards, CONTRACTOR shall
invite certain possibly 3 reputed & leading architectural engineering Firms as
Engineering Services sub contractor. Based on merits of each offer as well as, applying
competency criteria, a preliminary selection shall be made. After obtaining EPC approval
respecting this Firm, a formal appointment shall be made by executing an engineering
services agreement.
3 Engineering Services Sub Contractor shall hereinafter be called ‘Firm’
b) Scope of Firm shall include, but not be limited to carrying out following engineering
services’ operations for all buildings included within New Buildings Package
1 Undertaking additional surveys, intrusive surveys and investigations as may be necessary
for engineering designs. Soil Investigations as required accomplishing design
2 Topographic survey shall be performed by CONTRACTOR
3 Production of all architectural, structural & allied services schematic designs
4 Perform all studies, design calculations etc.
5 Secure all governmental and local Authority permits and approvals, if so necessary.
Compiling whatever outstanding data deemed necessary for completion of detailed
engineering design
6 Production of all architectural & structural detailed designs for EPC approval according to
contract & sub contract requirement.
7 Act as CONTRACTOR’s Design & Engineering representative for relevant Buildings
contract scope
8 Civil & Architectural scope from its inception to completion as & when required
c) Building services: conceptual drawings only for plumbing & sanitary, small power &
lighting, HVAC, Fire Fighting & Fire & Gas Detection / Loss prevention, Structured Cabling
1 Liaison, coordinate & lead CONTRACTOR appointed services subcontractors’ design &
engineering efforts
2 CONTRACTOR services subcontractors shall be responsible for detailed designs and
engineering for their respective relevant scope based on conceptual drawings and other
basic documents issued by Firm to obtain necessary approvals from EPC
3 Firm shall issue its whole / package drawings / documents production schedule
immediately after award & commence its design work, keeping in line to programme
4 Represent CONTRACTOR at EPC offices / officials at FRANCE, Abu Dhabi and / or
Project Site as CONTRACTOR’s Design & Engineering representative during course of
contract from its inception to completion as & when required
5 Engineering coordination with Firm shall be conducted from CONTRACTOR’s head office. All
field interfaces shall be conducted from site offices in collaboration with CONTRACTOR’s field
6 All other remaining functional descriptions shall be conducted by CONTRACTOR’s
personnel both in head office as well as, on site office, depending on function wise
technical nature
7 All engineering design products shall be managed conforming to international standards

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included on contract documents for technicalities as well as, document controls.

8 Firm shall comply with agreed documentation system & conduct its operation in all
respects accordingly. All design documents shall be given appropriate numbering
reference to meet traceability requirement. CONTRACTOR operates its own system of
centralized document control, which would be used fully complying in accordance to
EPC & Client Company Procedures by reformation, if so required
9 Firm shall produce & issue scheduled documents at various stages of works for
reviewing, approval & AFC etc. efficiently, keeping in line with project construction plan
on various phases. Any delay on this account shall not be acceptable to
CONTRACTOR’s management
10 Immediately, after issue of control documents to site team, field / design engineers shall
conduct over review of design & construction ability & consequently, relevant design
engineer raise technical queries to remedy any / whatever discrepancies among these
documents, if so discovered which should immediately be resolved by Firm & duly
informed to EPC. All such documents shall be processed through documentation system
facilitating most convenient trace ability for consultancy & reference
11 Consequent upon resolution of discrepancies, effected design drawings shall be revised &
reissued for construction duly incorporated with solutions & circulated through
documents control regularly to all concerned personnel.
12 Buildings services schematic drawings shall be issued to sub contractors for further
development of shop & working drawings for EPC approval & issued to concerned
parties, after getting duly approved for construction
13 Necessary structural shop drawings shall be produced by CONTRACTOR’s own
engineering personnel in head as well as, on site offices, which should also be processed
into document control system for EPC & issued to concerned partiesn after getting duly
approved for construction
14 Preparation of requisitions for enquiry and award, technically evaluate bids and review of
vendor / lower tier subcontractor documentation shall be done by purchase manager in
collaboration with project manager. All these procedures have been incorporated on
company procurement procedures document.
d) Detailed Engineering Design:
1 Preparation, issue and control of calculations, specifications, drawings, material
requisitions and bills of material.
2 Extent of computer application for these activities.
3 At very first stage of commencement of detailed designs, Firm shall formulate
positioning of all framing members vertically & horizontally befitting coordinates as well
as, level controls, meeting architectural requirement maintaining basic design principles
that whole structural skeleton behaves as an integral unit with its centre of gravity passing
through or within permissible vicinity of resultant of all applied forces considered
avoiding any / whatever eccentricity and that settlement of soil is within permissible
4 After considering all direct & indirect imposed loadings according to relevant codes,
design model shall be generated using Firm software.
5 Loadings shall include, direct loads such as dead load, live load, seismic shear though not
applicable in Abu Dhabi geographical location / wind load, blast load / effect, test load /
application & also, considering various analysis, a most critical case of resulting stresses
shall be considered to be adopted for dimensioning & further details of various vertical &
horizontal members forming framing skeleton.
6 Generated model in 3D may be made available for presentation to EPC & Company to
explain & justify adopted philosophy, if so required.
7 Calculations shall be done trying various options of loadings in 2D & 3 D & included
with design proposal for approval.

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8 These calculations shall be done & certified by a Chartered Engineer of Firm for
structural adequacy & structural intended performance.
e) Services Designs
1 Designs of services shall be carried out discipline wise.
2 Electrical - In accordance to provision of electrical loadings design criteria as indicated
on the EPC / Company documents, loadings, distribution of loading & all other
parameters shall be adopted & calculated adhering to international standards, IEE as well
as, UAE authorities regulations & schematic drawings produced meeting architectural
schematic drawings requirement
3 Similarly all loads from HVAC disciplines as well as, from other remaining disciplines
shall be included.
4 This shall be done in close interface with all disciplines coordinated by Services design
coordinator / Design Project Engineer or Manager.
5 All these details shall be included on drawings documents for approval
6 All designs shall be generated using appropriate computer software package
f) Specialised discipline- Loss Prevention & others
1 On similar pattern as described in foregoing, detailed designs shall be calculated meeting
all requirements of contract specification, disciplinary performance as well as, meeting
international & conventional standards, complying local bodies statutory provisions.
2 From foregoing approved documents, Bill of Quantities shall be generated discipline
wise & building wise, which document should be utilised for purpose of Material
Approval Proposal, Issue of requisitions of approved materials to procurement manager.
Bill of quantities shall not constitute part of contract documents, but serve guidance.
3 All bills shall be generated using appropriate computer software package.
g) Specifications/Supplement Specifications
1 It is intended to adhere to Company specifications provided by EPC within documents to
every extent possible however, to meet some particular requirement, supplement
specifications shall be drawn & proposed for approval wherever necessary for producing
better product or materials for which no specification is defined.
2 These specifications shall be drawn in collaboration with Firm & CONTRACTOR’s
design team, keeping in view an overall approach to documented specification criteria as
well as, conventional engineering & construction practice in similar circumstances.
h) Coordination Procedure
1 Following entitled coordination/s shall be conducted during various stages of design &
execution that have been outlined below
Coordination between CONTRACTOR & EPC head office
1 This part shall be conducted by regular interaction among CONTRACTOR’s
representatives Head Office based in Musaffah & EPC FRANCE office to help resolve
all pre & post award issue of Engineering services & monitoring project controls
Coordination between CONTRACTOR & EPC site office
1 This part shall be conducted by regular interaction among CONTRACTOR & EPC site
representatives to help resolve all pre & post award issue of Engineering services &
monitoring project controls
Coordination between CONTRACTOR & Firm
1 This part shall be conducted by frequent interaction between CONTRACTOR’s & Firm
representatives of all disciplines for resolutions of all designs issues, issue of all
documents, approval of all documents & resolution of all engineering issues on site
Coordination between CONTRACTOR / Firm & EPC
1 This shall resolve all issues respecting engineering designs particularly, during design
stage as well as, generally during construction phases for efficient decisions making to
help smooth execution of all activities
Coordination between CONTRACTOR / Firm & EPC on site

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1 This shall resolve all issues respecting engineering designs during construction phases on
site for efficient decisions making to help smooth execution of involved activities
Coordination between CONTRACTOR Site & Firm
1 This is essential to keep on fast track availability of complete design information for all
ongoing as well as, planned activities & should information be pending, it shall be
identified, coordinated & made available on site, prior to its requirement to avoid any /
every problem of execution
CONTRACTOR internal Coordination among various sections
1 CONTRACTOR in Head office organized with all corporate sections necessary to meet
requirements of this project shall operate as an integral functional team, keeping on
resolving regularly & as required, all issues of project designs & follow up in all respects.
2 This coordination is ongoing on daily basis & frequent interaction among all corporate
managers as well as, supporting professionals help resolutions of all current &
forthcoming issues.
3 Management meetings are conducted regularly for making decisions to avoid any /
every / all pending identified problem/s
CONTRACTOR internal Coordination among various sections on site
1 Similarly on site all project sections managers & supporting professionals shall
coordinate to resolve all types of problems to avoid any / whatever pending identified
problems & notify to corporate management for immediate resolutions should solution
not be possible from site.
i) Review and Approval of Documents
1 This requires effecting an instant action on part of CONTRACTOR that whenever any /
whatever document is received, it must be reviewed by its design team located at Head
Office / Site office as case may be, prior to formally submitting to EPC.
2 After its submission to EPC, EPC shall process it through its system & after obtaining
company approval, return approved or commented original to CONTRACTOR for
further necessary CONTRACTOR’s action.
3 All documentation shall be carried out adhering to CONTRACTOR’s documentation
system after tuning that in line to EPC & Company requirement
j) CAD Procedure
1 It is intended to use standard CAD software for production of design & drawings.
2 All standard system of designing shall be adopted at every workstation available in Firm
3 Details of all available software & hardware have been given in attachment.
4 Also, included hardware & software details, which are functional in proposed
Engineering sub contractor / Firm office
k) Engineering Reporting and Change Control
1 Status of design progress shall be submitted to EPC on weekly basis during progress
meeting. Should any / whatever change be required, that shall be affirmatively considered
subject to cost impact resolution & then change incorporation request issued by
2 Firm shall then work on revision, its calculations & advise to CONTRACTOR & EPC of
any / every adverse effect on structural adequacy / performance or if any / every
amendment to be applied to already worked element / member.
3 Should there be no such adverse consideration, design shall be revised & revised
document issued following documentation & approval procedures.
l) Document Control Procedure
1 CONTRACTOR operates its centralized DCC Document Control Centre in head office
that shall be tuned to EPC / Company documentation system & extended to site office to
meet the project requirements.
2 CONTRACTOR operated document control system is enclosed for reference.

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m) Vendor Print Numbering, Review and Distribution Procedure

All vendors shall be issued schedule of document numbers to be printed on documents
adequately in advance of documents preparation.
All approved procedures of documents shall also, apply to vendors' designs.
n) As built Drawings
1 As built drawings serve purpose of telling user about, building records that should be
used for purpose of maintenance / or for whatever purpose possible.
2 It is therefore, an important & significant part of documentation as well as, also, a
contractual obligation on part of CONTRACTOR & EPC, which should be affected
smoothly & regularly throughout duration of project.
3 Should there be no change on Released for construction drawings i.e. construction has
been carried out all in accordance with approved documents provisions, there shall be no
purpose of ‘As Built’ drawings. But in practice, to produce physical structures, some
changes are imminent due to arising of new requirements, changes, effects of disciplinary
interfaces to bring work to proper use functions etc.
4 During whole currency of contract, it should be an endeavour of CONTRACTOR that all
changes are recorded on contract documents as ‘Red Lines’ mark up & issued to EPC for
5 These ‘Red Lines’ mark up shall form basis of producing all ‘As Built’ documents on
6 It is not drawings only that are to be recorded, but also, all changes whatsoever for any /
every document on record.
7 All these ‘As Built’ shall form part of hand over dossiers. Should ‘as built’ records be
maintained regularly, this part of dossiers shall be comfortably produced.
8 Site design engineers shall keep an eye on this activity & record changes regularly as ‘red
line’ mark up & process documentation to fulfil contractual obligation to this extent
9 It is expected of site engineers, design engineers as well as, land surveyors to coordinate
on site to comply with this obligation efficiently.
10 All survey changes or variations shall also, be recorded on drawings based on pre pour &
post pour records taken from survey section.
11 Surveyor shall present all such changes on corresponding documents to be recorded as
‘Red Line’ Mark ups.
Inspection & Test Plans
1 All necessary Inspection & Test Plans shall be originated by Quality Engineer in
collaboration with Engineering in head office & Engineering in site team.
2 These ITPs formats shall be issued for EPC & Company approval according to
procedures laid down on Project Quality plan.
3 Production of all these documents shall be responsibility of CONTRACTOR’s Quality
Manager / Engineer.
4 Complete details about Quality Management System have been included on respective
Quality Procedures document. Generally, ITPs for all disciplinary activities shall be
produced for EPC & Company approval from site office in due course.
5 All defined tests shall be conducted by EPC / Company approved laboratory located on
6 For those items, tests shall be conducted by any / every EPC / Company nominated
laboratory, for which facilities are not available on site.
7 Details of these plans shall be submitted separately.
8 Every ITP shall be allotted a document number along with a numbered checklist. Check
list shall form basis of inspection requirements.
Project Controls
1 Project Control management requires formation of strategies those can be utilized

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optimally to achieve target in minimum cost with best quality product

2 To achieve as aforesaid, it is extremely important that complete project should be
analyzed from whole to one & all necessary resources to be used should be known, prior
to commencement of physical works.
3 Based on project design, construction, commissioning and maintenance durations,
Analysis, planning & charting out at various levels shall be carried out by Planning
4 Further based on these periods, all necessary resources shall be arranged & mobilized by
human resources, materials and technical managers in collaboration with Project
5 Plans shall be monitored regularly, as project construction progresses, on a weekly basis,
monthly bases & no delay allowed & if any / some / certain, immediate recovery shall be
6 Relevant reporting shall project real quantum of planned & actual physical works,
resources available, deficiency of resources, material procurement status, materials
delivered & expected time of arrival etc. & all necessary measures required to keep
construction on line & valuation worked accordingly. Every effort should be made to
keep progress in line with plan.
Note- Term Material herein also, includes equipment
1 According to site requirement & provisions made on plan, for temporary materials &
consumables, requisitions shall be raised from site by relevant engineer, checked,
numbered & coded by material controller & approved by construction manager for
transmission to head office procurement manager for further action.
2 Cost controller shall further check budgetary provision applicable & give clearance to
purchase manager for procurement.
3 Purchase manager shall then invite inquiries from various sources of material, negotiate
& prepare a comparative statement & based on merits of responses / quotations, record
respective comments based on comparative statement as well as, recommendations for
considerations by Management.
4 After reviewing proposal, management shall approve or reject proposal.
5 Purchase order shall be made on approved proposal.
6 An alternative source shall be located for rejected proposal.
7 A copy of approval shall be provided to project manager for follow up delivery.
1 For permanent works, proposed material shall be submitted for EPC / Company approval
on requisite Material Approval request form along with brochures, samples, if applicable,
processed through document centre, after Project manager’s approval.
2 After obtaining EPC / Company approval on request, procurement manager shall process
requisitioned approved item based on budget quantities following in line procedures
applicable for temporary materials.
3 After material is delivered to site, material controller & relevant engineer shall check
quality & quantity of delivery.
4 Any / Every deficiency in quantity, quality or any / every damage observed shall
immediately be notified to procurement manager through construction manager.
5 Delivery information shall be circulated to concerned personnel & quality manager
himself shall or delegate an inspector or relevant inspector should check adequacy of
quality & if necessary, according to ITP provision shall invite EPC / Company engineer
to inspect / examine delivery.
6 Selected samples of delivered materials shall be sent to an approved laboratory for
technical tests for purpose of certification of compliance.
7 After inspections & approvals, delivered materials shall be recorded in stores receipt

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documents, an issue to site may be undertaken thereafter.

8 Post placement of purchase order, Procurement Manager shall track various stages of
material production & transportation or shipment to site / delivery & if so noticed that an
expectation exists for delay in delivery shall apply all efforts to expedite delivery on
appointed date.
9 Materials shall be stored in proper designated areas complying with manufacturer’s
instructions. Separate area shall be located for materials requiring certain temperature of
storage. Stores shall be well constructed & shaded. Generally, all consumables shall be
stored in shade provided with proper lock & key arrangement. Materials which remain
unaffected by exposition to weather may be stored open duly protected under proper
watch & ward.
10 Proper protection shall be made for all stored materials inside covered area or outside.
Necessary protection by covering with removable membranes such as polythene or
tarpaulins shall be used to protect material from ingress of moistures or from effect of
11 Storage of all materials delivered shall be done complying to set & approved procedures,
making sure that all inventories can be verified any / every time & that any / every
material can be traced any / every time easily.
12 All entries of incoming deliveries shall be recorded into register / verified by store keeper
& material controller that it complies with details on deliveries documents. Any / Every
deficiency noticed shall be immediately reported to procurement manager.
13 After acceptance of material by concerned authority only, a store issue shall be affected
& recorded on required issue documentation. Regularly status of all receipts, issues &
balance in stores shall be reported to construction & project manager, who would act
further depending on project requirement.
14 Elaborate details have been given on CONTRACTOR’s procurement procedures
International and local transportation and customs clearance
1 Materials & equipment that have to be imported from overseas shall also, follow
foregoing procedures with addition that necessary Letter of Credits shall be opened by
CONTRACTOR adequately in advance of required date of delivery adhering to schedule
date, so that delivery is shipped in time from original source.
2 CONTRACTOR’s procurement manager shall arrange all port clearances immediately of
shipment arrival & material shipped to work site. Tests & Examinations shall be
conducted similarly as aforesaid.
3 Any / Every claims of insurances for damaged material shall be made immediately after
inspections are conducted. Process to replace damaged material shall be carried out at
once to avoid any / every delay. If so required, CONTRACTOR shall apply in time for
any / every statutory road permit for efficient transportation of material by suitable
vehicles. Elaborate details have been given on CONTRACTOR’s procurement
procedures document.
Procurement and provision of construction spares, commissioning spares, insurance spares and
special tools
1 These shall be processed applying same methods of procurement & delivery received by
CONTRACTOR / its services or specialist sub contractors. Most probably, spares shall
form part of order package. Elaborate details have been given on CONTRACTOR’s
procurement procedures document
2 Recommendation for two year operating spares for approval by Company in accordance
with the G SPIR format requirements
3 This provision shall be followed & spares delivered according to contract & Company
requirement by CONTRACTOR / its services sub contractors. Elaborate details have been given
on CONTRACTOR’s procurement procedures document

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4 Procurement and provision of two years operating spares at cost and extra over Lump
Sum Subcontract Price
5 Similarly this provision shall be effected & spares delivered according to EPC / Company
instruction to CONTRACTOR subject to approval of procurement cost, prior to purchase order
placement by CONTRACTOR
Source inspection
1 If so required by Company, arrangement shall be made by CONTRACTOR after meeting
with vendor or manufacturer, a date & time appointed for inspection to convenience of all
parties concerned & required inspection at source conducted to satisfaction of EPC or
Company. Representatives from EPC and / or Company, CONTRACTOR, services sub
contractor & vendor shall constitute an inspection at source team. Proper record of
inspection shall be made.
2 Compliance with Company’s criteria and procedures for selection of vendors including,
but not limited to compliance with local registration requirements and approval of
purchase requisitions, bidders lists, technical bid summaries and award recommendations
3 We shall adhere to Company requirements.
4 Involvement by UAE in particular and GCC in general with respect to provision of local
materials and services shall be encouraged
5 CONTRACTOR honors & respect with due regards to provisions of UAE & GCC policies for
materials & professional services, which need be availed out of local & GCC sources subject to
compliance with quality requirement.
6 Every effort shall be attempted by Procurement Manager to chart out available ‘local & GCC
sources’ & prepare a database to be used, whenever any / whatever applicable procurement
arises. This procedure is already followed by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR’s appointed
vendors shall also, comply with this requirement.

Pre Mobilization Planning

1 A thorough and logical mobilization plan is essential for successful startup of
construction activities.
2 This plan must detail all planning, preparation and preconstruction activities
necessary to ensure timely availability of drawings, personnel, construction
equipment, temporary facilities and materials at job site to properly support
construction efforts.
1 This plan is already under preparation at this stage.
2 This preliminary mobilization plan shall be further developed after contract award
is notified and concluded within a week of contract commencement. Mobilization
plan shall be closely coordinated with construction plan to ensure mobilization
activities properly lead into and provide a smooth transition into initial construction
3 A time scale bar chart diagram shall be prepared with early and late activity bars
detailing main activities to achieve full mobilization of staff, labour / workforce,
construction equipment and camp / site facilities should be prepared at
commencement of contract.
4 Mobilization plans for staff & labour, accommodation and temporary facilities
established during bid stage as conceived in pre mobilization planning would be
studied and re evaluated in light of any / whatever changes, which may have
occurred since day of preparation. All necessary adjustment measures shall be
5 Additional site visits shall be conducted immediately, after project kick off to

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confirm data collected during bidding stage, reconfirm assumptions and establish
additional information required to permit smooth and timely mobilization.
Following items shall be reviewed and confirmed.
a Access to job site
b Locations of temporary facilities
c Company requirements for properly validated licenses and certificates to be held by
construction personnel
d Transport plans
e Loss prevention and safety requirements
f Arrangements for first aid facilities
g Arrangements for drinking water and construction water
h Arrangements for electricity supply
i Arrangements for storage fuels and lubricants
j Arrangements for sanitary & its disposal facilities
k Final arrangements for security interface with EPC & Company
Work Centres
Contractor Head Office
1 Upon notification of contract award, key personnel to site Management Team shall
be assigned.
2 Construction personnel shall be mobilized to project site office to provide input and
direction to project team.
3 Successful project execution requires construction experts to be active from onset
of project.
4 Only activity to continue from Head Office after mobilization period is
5 All procurement for project shall be done from corporate procurement section
located in CONTRACTOR’s Head Office at Musaffah, Abu Dhabi.
Following specific activities must be addressed early to be fully effective:
1 Finalize construction schedule requirements and subsequent approval from
2 Review manpower requirements for both non manual and manual personnel;
update these requirements by means of staffing schedules, histograms and craft
mixes and ensure subcontractors manning levels are compatible.
3 Review construction equipment needs / requirements and ensure that timely sub
contractors mobilization plans are charted out / in place.
4 Review field procedures and method statements defining standards, policies and
procedures required for execution of works and ensure these constitute “Project
Specific” status.
5 Review environmental, safety and Health ES&H and site security plans to ensure
compliance with client’s specifications and guidelines.
6 Review Construction Quality plan in line with guidelines of ISO 9000 and check
Established QC parameters by discipline.
7 Overview temporary facility requirements, including indirects such as tools,
consumables, gases and like and check subcontractors compliance.
8 Actively pursue preliminary site activities such as approvals, permits, establishing
9 Ensure Lessons Learned & Practices from previous projects are well understood &
should be applied effectively from onset of works itself to achieve professional
1 Actual ‘on site management’ would be conducted from offices based on site next to
Contractor’s and Company’s office. CONTRACTOR’s Site Office is fully

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supported by CONTRACTOR’s Head Office at Musaffah.

2 Following major activities shall be carried out at site offices.
a Safety Regulation Enforcement
b Quality Assurance Enforcement and Procedures
c Construction Method Statements
d Construction Planning
e Site Documents Control
f Field Engineering & Design Controls
g Material Requisitions
h Materials Control and Tracking
i Materials Storage
j Work Procedures
k Physical Construction
l Site Administration
1 Mobilization shall be coordinated from CONTRACTOR’s Head Office at Abu
Dhabi with input from CONTRACTOR’s personnel already mobilized for
execution of Site Preparation Package and Temporary Facilities for Contractor and
2 Existing teams responsible for execution of those two mentioned packages already
have substantial cadre of experienced professional well versed in mobilization of
temporary facilities, project execution, QR / QA / QC planning, Safety and security
operations etc.
Mobilization shall commence with following activities:
1 Kick off meeting to commence sub contract
2 Commencement of required land surveys to establish various horizontal & vertical
controls bench marks
3 Incept of engineering designs at Firm office
4 Soil Investigation by an approved laboratory
5 Construction of temporary facilities
6 Obtaining various permits from Authorities and conclusion of arrangements with
local committees where necessary.
7 Third party independent concrete testing laboratory credentials submission for
1 Shortly after contract award, site surveying shall begin utilizing Total Station
System to establish accurate control points for performance of work.
Temporary Facilities
1 As soon as practicable, plans and specification for site temporary construction
facilities shall be finalized and released for installation.
2 During installation of temporary facilities, existing CONTRACTOR site offices
shall be utilized to supervise site activities required for temporary facilities
Staring Staff & Facilities
1 On completion of site offices at running Project Site, balance of CONTRACTOR’s
construction staff shall be mobilized to site along with construction equipment,
tools, consumables, warehousing, storage and other items necessary to commence
work in accordance with construction schedule.
2 Temporary facilities at job site shall include Generator Yard and Construction
water storage tank, carpentry yard, reinforcing bar fabrication, lay down area,
warehouse and workshop facilities at location A4.
3 At start of construction, an emphasis shall be given on critical requirements of

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construction schedule.
4 Work shall be carried out under continual supervision and inspection over
performance. Progress shall be monitored on basis of actual installed quantities
compared to scheduled quantities.
5 For construction areas, dedicated work crews shall be allocated for each discipline
supervised by foremen and general foremen, who in turn would report to discipline
supervisors / site engineers.
6 Based on construction schedule requirements, necessary operational crews shall be
formed and controlled over to meet planned progress target to be physically
achieved satisfactorily.
7 It is responsibility of supervisor / site engineer to ensure efficient utilization of his
material, workforce, tools and equipment.
8 For ‘construction operation water’ requirement, unless an alternative arrangement
is made available, water shall be trucked from nearby Desalination plant.
9 Site ‘construction and temporary facilities electricity requirements’ shall be met by
installing suitable size and suitable numbers of generators
Subcontract Strategy
1 Building Engineering services shall be utilized by appointing a consulting firm, to
be responsible for complete architectural, structural design drawings & documents
productions as well as, for services schematic designs drawings production.
2 Firm shall also, represent CONTRACTOR regularly during project currency
3 Detailed services designs shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR’s services sub
4 CONTRACTOR shall carry out broadly all civil engineering works, employing its
own resources of manpower, machines, equipment etc.
5 Lower tier sub contracts shall be allowed for execution of single operations such as
supply of ready mix concrete, roofing finishes etc.
6 Ready Mixed Concrete is envisaged supplied from an established RMC supplier, an
establishment with proven track record duly approved for supplying concrete by
Company, located within 10 kms of the site. However, in meantime, without
reservations, we are also, seriously considering installing our own concrete
batching plant.
7 In case, any / certain minor or specialized work is necessary to be sub contracted on
lower tier, Company procedures shall be apply for prequalification and award of
Testing And Inspection
1. A field inspection and testing program shall be organized to be in line with
CONTRACTOR Quality manual & Approved Project plan under overall
responsibility of the QA / QC Manager.
2. Prior to conduct any testing, Contractor and Company (as required by QC Plan and
ITP) shall be advised of the tests for witness.
3. Wherever required vendor specialist shall be made available for conduct of testing
and inspections.
Material Management
1 Once material has arrived at site, material management shall come under purview
and custody of site store staff. Storekeeper, supported by respective store assistant
shall be responsible for custody of material, prior to issue.
2 Material tracking from source to place of installation shall be conducted by
computerized system.
3 Construction manager shall be responsible to provide technical oversight and
direction for control of materials at construction site area.
4 More information has already been elaborated in foregoing.

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Central procurement department located at Contractor, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi, UAE office
shall be responsible for all purchases adhering to following procedure.
1 Preparation of Purchase Requisition shall be made based on takeoffs quantities
calculated from approved drawings documents.
2 Purchase requisition shall completely, identify all applicable drawings, data sheets,
specifications, vendor documentation requirements etc. with inclusion of following
3 Quantity of each item required with comprehensive breakdown
4 Adequate information concerning nomenclature description, Material approvals,
Quality required, applicable specifications, design & other drawings etc. / or
detailed outline of the material required.
a Required delivery dates for all major items.
b Delivery points of major items
c Inspection of goods at point of origin issue
d Certification of test data and / or compliance / warranty
e Method of shipment if goods imported, conditions / packing
f Instruction of holding, kitting consolidation, marking
g Drawings, manuals etc.
h Spare parts requirements
i Special Instructions to vendors
Technical Evaluation
1 A technical evaluation shall be done in house to verify conformity with
2 Samples and technical information shall be submitted to Contractor.
3 Once final approval from client is obtained, purchase order shall be raised.
4 Upon receipt of Purchase Requisition, a purchase order shall be raised and entered
in computer register system, indicating cost and budget allocation.
5 Procurement department shall maintain a follow up system, so that contact
suppliers and / or manufactures may be made on continuous basis.
6 All questionable delivery commitments shall be expedited on a daily, weekly and
monthly basis, as required to ensure prompt delivery in accordance with the
Corporate Organization
1 Contractor is an umbrella organization, which has got numerous divisions within in
itself and which is also, parent company for various subsidiaries.
2 CONTRACTOR is a separately registered company specifically setup to target
energy sectors and its clients.
3 CONTRACTOR has been operating under the CONTRACTOR Establishment
umbrella since 1995.
Broadly all activities of above divisions and companies can be divided into:
1 General Construction
2 Heavy Lifting and Transport Services.
3 Trading
4 Industrial
5 Plant Construction.
6 Site Organization
Site Organization
1 Proposed site organisation and responsibilities of key personnel are enclosed.
2 All supervisory staff shall be highly experienced and qualified drawn from ongoing
projects wherever possible.

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Manpower Resourcing & Mobilization

1 All personnel on site shall be employees of Contractor.
2 All of required personnel to execute work are already in UAE and working on other
sites. These sites are due for demobilisation in coming months.
3 Planning department shall produce a histogram schedule of resources by category.
These schedules shall define monthly manpower levels. Schedule shall also, be
indicative of manpower / workforce mobilization.
4 Standard of training on site - Contractor site supervision is based upon principle of
training. A charge hand shall be trained and supervised by a foreman. In normal
cases, a foreman shall supervise four charge hands. Charge hand shall then
supervise approximately ten labours / workers. Where a special process is
conducted, this ratio may be revised accordingly.
5 Training is a requirement of Contractor’s quality management system and foreman
and charge hands shall conduct training of manpower / workforce in their
respective roles and functions. Recruitment of manpower / workforce shall ensure
that background in relevant job skill has been achieved. Training in quality
awareness shall be an ongoing process through quality department and foreman.
6 Sufficient numbers of site supporting staffs, which consists of Mechanics,
Electricians, Auto Electricians, Guards, Water boys etc. and other ancillary staff
shall be deployed for unhindered progress of work.
7 Contractor contains at all times a vast pool of manpower / workforce in all
Disciplines. These workforces are at all times working on various projects in multi
discipline fields.
Equipment Resourcing & Mobilization
1 Based on project schedule, planning department shall generate construction
equipment schedules.
2 Contractor is one of largest equipment rental companies in GCC with over 5000
fleet, where modern repair and machine facilities enable them to maintain a first
class fleet of equipment.
3 It has been our company policy to weed out old equipment on a periodical basis
and keep equipment fleet very young. We have one of youngest fleets of equipment
in GCC based on size.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 23
Construction Method Statement– New Buildings
1 Following award of project, a detailed contract scope works programme for whole
project shall be developed, including all disciplines separately based on already
approved outline preliminary programme appended under coordination of our
Construction Manager and Planning Engineer
2 Method Statements related to various project activities shall be submitted for
contractor’s approval, prior to commencement of any / every activity during
execution stage.
1 Develop and manage a lower tier subcontracting plan and subcontractor list
CONTRACTOR plans to carry out most of civil activities itself, but selected items
shall be sub contracted on lower tier such as ready mix concrete, roofing
application, doors & windows manufacturing, painting application, raised flooring
application, suspended ceiling installation etc.
2 Perform all lower tier subcontracting activities, including specification of packages of
Work to be subcontracted, pre qualification of bidders, issue of ITBs, bid evaluation,

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recommendation and award.

3All relevant information shall be provided by Project Manager to purchase manager, who
should act immediately to conduct required functions & lower tier deal finalized, after
obtaining Company recommendation by Project manager
Management of lower tier subcontractors and their activities
1 These operations shall be managed & controlled by Construction Manager on site &
reported to Project manager
Monitoring and reporting of all lower tier subcontracting activities
1 This activity shall be affected by project manager based on construction manager report.
2 Report shall be regularly provided to planning engineer, head office & Company.
3 Involvement by UAE in particular and GCC in general with respect to provision of local
services shall be encouraged.
4 As included earlier somewhere else, that UAE national policy shall fully be honored
subject to making no compromise to quality requirement
5 Construction including providing labour / workforce, supervision, safety and quality
management, inspection, vendor support, temporary facilities and services and construction
equipment, tools, utilities and consumables.
6 All these issues have been elaborated earlier somewhere else
Provision of Construction Camp, messing, transport to Jobsite, sanitation, utilities etc. for
SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel.
1 All these shall be fully undertaken by CONTRACTOR based on site requirement.
2 A life camp shall be constructed on site to meet workforce accommodation requirement.
Messing shall be resolved by employing catering sub contractors, so that all personnel &
workers take good food.
3 All utilities shall be provided to maintain good housekeeping of camp.
4 All safety & emergency precautionary measures shall be undertaken to contract
5 CONTRACTOR operates its own system of transport, which shall be extended for use of
workers transportation.
6 Similarly, arrangements shall be made for employed high tier & low tier sub contractors
on this package
All activities necessary for Mechanical Completion, Pre commissioning, commissioning and
Provisional Acceptance
1 All activities for buildings part have been described on method statement appended as
well as, this document also, integrates to Civil Works & Site Preparation Execution &
Construction Method Statement.
All testing facilities required at Jobsite
1 CONTRACTOR shall supply an independent testing laboratory equipped with all
equipment necessary for involved tests for this package properly managed by qualified
personnel meeting all QR / QA / QC testing & certification requirement.
Full responsibility for coordination with any / every Third Party Inspectorate
1 CONTRACTOR agrees to extend its full cooperation to meet any / every Third Party
Inspections. Project manager & Construction manager shall be responsible to affect this
part of the contract.
Supply and coordination of lower tier subcontractor and vendor representatives as
1 CONTRACTOR shall supply & coordinate with all lower tier sub contractors & vendors
or their respective representatives to requirement.
2 Supply of these shall be managed by Purchase Manager, while Project manager would
manage on site. Coordination shall be conducted by Construction Manager
Provision of waste management at all Jobsite locations, including disinvestments of all

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temporary works, upon completion of Work

1 Waste management shall be fully operational on a day to day basis both for garbage & sewage
according to planned arrangements.
2 Safety manager shall be responsible for operations of all such activities & report to Construction /
Project Manager regularly
Provision of medical and firefighting services at Jobsite and for temporary works
1 Medical male nurse shall be employed on job site First Aid centre.
2 Male nurse shall take care of providing First Aid treatment to injured workmen
immediately & then worker, if so necessary in opinion of male nurse shall be sent to
Contractor’s site clinic for further treatment.
3 Safety manager shall be responsible for the operations of all such activities & report to
Construction / Project Manager regularly
SPECIFIC – Just Indicative Only for Information
1 It is known from contract documents that 9 different use buildings for various intending
use as Substation + Bottle Store, Instrument Equipment Shelter + Bottle Store and
Operator Shelter have been defined to be constructed
2 Keeping in view nature of contract being EPC, CONTRACTOR has decided to apply
RCC in situ construction for all intended buildings accepting Company direction on
drawings. RCC framings shall meet design criteria of blast resistant & resilient structure
productions meaningfully. Sub Structures shall also, be constructed of RCC in situ.
3 Soil on site is medium to very dense recommended to give 30 t / m^2 working bearing
capacity at 4 m depth & about 10 t / m^2 at 1 m depth according to soil investigation
Geotechnical report issued by Arab Centre for Engineering Studies for Project Site area.
Soil has been described as sand with some silt traces & classified as very good for
founding purpose, for no water is available within explored strata. No dewatering is
necessary for foundation zones. Utilizing good composition of soil, foundations shall be
designed to best of critical imposed stresses with most economical& optimum use of
construction materials.
4 Soil report bore holes log direct to employing spread footings in isolation, which shall be
integrated by grade beams / walls to form an unit for compaction settlement & long term
consolidation controls. However, to verify validity of soil report, CONTRACTOR may
without reservations further conduct investigations based on Engineering Services sub
contracting firm recommendations, utilizing services of an approved laboratory.
Foundations shall be designed based on soil report & further laboratory recommendations
combined, if so required.
5 Phases of construction shall be adhered to meeting set out milestones, which are very
tight for purpose of physically executing buildings package. Construction teams shall be
constituted to meet requirement as exhibited on organization chart.
6 One common project site manager shall be an overall responsible for all on site execution
operations & conduct interface with head office duly supported by safety, construction,
quality, technical & administration sections all to be well established on site.
7 Project & Construction manager shall in collaboration, constitute four independent
dedicated teams for four working divisions / areas lead by each site engineer directly
reporting to construction manager as shown on organization chart.
8 Each team shall comprise of one site engineer, required number of site foreman & further
supported by charge hand from each trade.
9 For each team one quality requirement assurance / control engineer shall be deployed to
conduct QR / QA / QC procedures for relevant area.
10 One General foreman shall be deployed for labour / workforce engagement
responsibilities on various day to day activities.

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11 For all other organization details, please refer to Project organization plan.
12 A surveying team shall be constituted lead by a chief / senior surveyor to carry out all site
setting works from stage of preliminary site survey to point of recording ‘red lines’ for
purpose of ‘as built’.
13 Survey team shall coordinate with each site engineer to meet site requirement.
14 It shall be responsibility of each team to set out, inspect & record all layouts, pre & post
concrete data for purpose of approval & handover dossiers.
15 All horizontal & vertical controls shall be established & monitored by leader.
16 All approved controlled drawings shall be issued to surveying team to commence setting
out operations.
17 After ensuring proper safety arrangements have been in, survey barricading shall be
established & necessary grids control fixed & inspected by QR / QA / QC.
18 Excavation shall commence after clearance is obtained & continue according to plan.
Proper safety shoring shall be arranged during this activity, when it crosses 1.5 m depth
& arrangement for suitable access into pit made to satisfaction of safety inspector &
19 All unsuitable excavated material shall continuously be removed from site & suitable
material tip off to designated area.
20 All environment controls shall be taken care off during this operation.
21 A surveyor shall continuously ensure depth of excavation does not exceed design
22 When excavation reaches formation level, dressing shall be started followed by
compaction of soil, so that area is ready for inspections.
23 CONTRACTOR’s QR / QA / QC shall inspect formation.
24 After required clearance, arrangement shall be made for blinding all released area
according to approved method statements.
25 Area shall be blinded to design thickness minimum 75 mm properly leveled & trowel
applied to make it suitable for purpose to receive heavy duty concrete protection layer
26 Then curing shall be carried out for 3 days.
27 Application of soil / water proofing protection membrane shall commence thereafter over
whole area of blinding.
28 Foundations shall be set out to design details to permit formwork erection & reinforcing
bars placement.
29 All starter reinforcing bars shall also, be fixed supported by plastic / concrete spacers.
30 On sides also, plastic spacers shall be fixed to keep all reinforcing bars in proper
31 Foundation top levels shall be fixed using 25 mm plastic triangular chamfers
32 Chamfers shall also, be fixed on vertical edges of forms. Inspection shall be conducted
followed by concrete pouring supplied by an approved ready mix plant.
33 All ready mix record shall be maintained according to QR / QA approved procedures.
34 After concreting is finished, proper curing arrangements shall be made for required
number of specified days.
35 Setting outs for further stub columns shall be done & preparatory works continued.
36 In parallel, all works regarding grade beams / walls shall continue complying with all
approved procedures.
37 Fabrication of reinforcing bars shall be done in a designated area, while fabrication of
forms too in another designated area, all according to approved procedures.
38 After completing preparatory works for stub columns, inspections & pouring shall be
carried out following all procedures.
39 Operations of grade beams / walls shall be taken up / carried out on similar principle as

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other activities.
40 For sub stations, where cable cellar suspended floor slab is to be built shall be prepared
together with surrounding sub structures.
41 After curing is done for specified period, protection membrane shall be applied on both
horizontal & vertical surfaces followed by inspection & carrying out earth backfill in
compacted layers to specified requirement.
42 Field density tests FDDs shall be conducted to monitor requirement of density & water
content etc. Backfill shall continue up to formation level below grade slabs blinding in
buildings & where cellar suspended floor slab is to be built, backfill should be done
around grade structures.
43 Preparations shall be carried out for cellar suspended slabs by erecting required
supporting system, forms fixed, reinforcing bars placed, all services inserts provided &
inspections conducted from all disciplines followed by concrete pouring observing all QR
/ QA procedures.
44 Similarly, on areas where grade slab is to be built, after completion of backfill up to
bottom of blinding concrete i.e. formation level, plastic sheet shall be laid after
compaction & leveling & all necessary underground services completion, blinding
concrete should be poured, leveled & wood floated well to make it sufficient enough to
receive grade slab.
45 After three days of curing on blinding, preparation for grade slab works shall commence
& reinforcing bars placed, either by site fabrication or using pre fabricated mesh to
design requirements.
46 All necessary services shall be inserted, inspections conducted & concrete poured. At this
stage of building, major sub structural elements have been completed giving a way to
commence super structural works.
47 All preparatory works of superstructure elements shall come into full swing by
fabrication of forms & steel rebar fabrication to BBS details.
48 Scaffolding shall be erected for fixing & placing vertical reinforcing bars of columns &
walls in all required areas.
49 Steel reinforcing bars shall be fixed placed with spacers & inspections conducted.
50 Any / every inserts necessary for electrical conduit or earthing shall be installed
immediately & inspection conducted.
51 Work of vertical forms shall commence for sides of columns as well as, walls fixed using
removable tie bolts with cones / boss at tie rod ends.
52 Forms shall be made of fair face ply to produce specified texture to elevation
requirement. All exposed vertical edges shall be chamfered using plastic chamfer 25 x
25mm triangular section nailed to forms. Inspections shall be conducted for elements
ready for pouring.
53 Pouring shall commence keeping height of pour not more than 2m using vertical pipe
chute of pump reaching up to necessary level.
54 Curing shall follow adhering to agreed or approved procedures. Similarly walls of
transformer areas shall be built adhering to all QR / QA procedures.
55 Next operation of erection of propriety scaffolding to support superstructure roof slab
shall commence strictly complying with scaffolding drawings.
56 On parallel, operations of fabrication of forms & reinforcing bar shall be taken up.
57 All vertical & grid controls shall be established by surveyor to keep in line & level all
forms of beams alignment & soffits. Level of slab shall be established & then work of
form fixing should commence followed by placing of beams reinforcement.
58 Services inserts such as electrical conduits, HVAC inserts or block outs, if necessary &
other inserts shall be marked for establishment.
59 Works of steel reinforcing bars placement shall continue in parallel to speed up
preparatory works.

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60 An inspection of preparatory works shall be conducted by all involved disciplines.

61 After obtaining approval for pour, pouring shall be carried out adhering to pouring
method statement compliance.
62 Curing shall be started immediately after finishing surface as required by curing
compound manufacturer’s instruction for application of compound & also, by using
water in combination all to agreed procedures.
63 Intermediate slabs on Battery rooms shall be constructed following foregoing procedure.
64 Erection of scaffolding around shall extend to cover parapet portion followed by
formwork & reinforcing bar fixing.
65 On similar pattern as defined earlier, all inserts shall be fixed followed by all relevant
inspections & pour.
66 All aforesaid concreting operations shall be supported by necessary number of transit
mixers, concrete pumps, nozzle vibrators conforming to perform 10000 oscillation per
minute & all other necessary arrangements essential to perform best task.
67 Well trained teams shall be engaged for such operations.
68 All necessary safety measures shall be installed. If necessary, during hot weather
conditions, rest pauses shall be allowed to workers with provision of liquid or salt water
to avoid impact of dehydration.
69 Forms shall be struck form elements carefully ensuring full safety intact.
70 Concrete surface shall be inspected immediately after removing form, cleaned & surface
treatment to project specification applied to produce specified class of surface texture i.e.
smooth finish or sandy or rough or grouted.
71 Any / every defective concrete shall be applied remedial measures as agreed with
Company or Client.
72 Wherever special openings have been provided in designs within structural framing,
those shall be provided within formwork itself.
73 Now structural framing works have been completed giving way to attack on internal
walls & other items such as dry wall lining & preparation for roofing item.
74 All preparations shall commence for remaining works.
75 Block work shall be carried out wherever required for walls followed by services fix1
items & then plastered over as specified.
76 Roofing shall commence by scabbling slab surface, laying of light weight foam concrete
in grade minimum 1.5% to receive water proofing membrane, membrane application
followed by conducting water leak test for 72 hours & then extruded polystyrene boards
laid over to be protected by concrete pavers. Separation geotextile shall be provided
according to applicator direction. Over concrete surface, protection paint on parapet to be
applied with further application of Aluminum flashing be fixed to design details.
77 Services site team shall be inducted in full swing for carrying out all disciplinary
78 Suspended ceiling fixers shall also, enter in to commence work. Where there is proposed
no suspended ceiling, work on slab finishes shall continue.
79 Wall lining work shall be carried out in accordance to design details, after ensuring
complete inspections of services conduits etc. have been over.
80 Fixing of cable terminations framing steel as well as, framing steel for floor openings
shall be carried out according to details.
81 Flooring shall be carried out in according to design details. Tiling shall be followed on
required areas schedules to receive floor or wall tiles.
82 Concrete surfaces requiring protection shall be applied accordingly with 3 coat system or
any / some other approved one.
83 Operations of constructing transformer foundations shall be carried out & protection
applied to that. Sumps shall be constructed to details in floor. Gravel filling shall be done
around transformer oil containments / enclosures.

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84 All finishing items shall be carried out in wet areas & concealed piping works, prior to
that. Services operations shall be completed in all areas followed by finishing works.
Services inspections shall be conducted, prior to commence finishing works.
85 When works are ready involving scope of telecommunication routes, an entry shall be
allowed to related other sub contractor from other scopes, who would be provided with
full cooperation in all respects.
86 Works of external services within 5m of building shall be completed & tested. All
surrounding or backfills shall be completed to specification provisions.
87 Walkways works shall commence by filling & leveling around building excluding
instrumentation room on plant side portions.
88 Walkway Kerb shall be fixed to profile over blinding concrete with haunch concrete over.
Sand shall be filled over compacted & profiled area of walkways whereon interlocking
concrete blocks are to be fixed in to design pattern.
89 Necessary directional signs to be installed in buildings shall be fixed to approvals.
Pre commissioning, Commissioning, Provisional Acceptance & Final Acceptance
1 All services individual items integrity & tests shall be conducted by related sub
contractors & record maintained.
2 After ensuring that each installation is efficient in performance, release for
commissioning shall be given. Details are included within technical literature / datasheet.
3 All units of every discipline shall be tested on site to confirm adequate performance.
4 All underground services invert level & crown level shall be checked ensuring proper
setting to alignment.
5 Manholes shall be cleared of all debris, dust or any / every foreign material. Water shall
be applied with pressure to clear dirt.
6 Functions of all electrical as well as, HVAC appliances & equipment shall be checked for
adequacy of functioning.
7 Similarly, all other services shall be checked to ensure that testing for commissioning can
be successfully conducted.
8 According to direction given by integrated datasheet & brochures, discipline wise testing
& commissioning shall be carried out & continues for one month.
Supply and coordination of lower tier subcontractor & vendor representatives as
1 All necessary lowers tier sub contractor & vendor representatives shall be provided to
scope requirement.
2 Specialist vendors shall be employed for specialist operations.
3 These representatives shall manage all activities required to be carried out on site for
purpose of construction execution, pre commissioning & commissioning to contract
4 These personnel shall interact with EPC & company, if so required for all technical &
engineering involvement.
All activities necessary to achieve Pre commissioning, commissioning & Provisional
1 Services disciplines such as electrical, fire alarm & gas detection system, fire
suppression system, internal sanitary & drainage, infrastructure of all other included
services require pre commissioning, commissioning & provisional acceptance.
2 All fix 1 & fix 2 procedures shall be conducted according to ITPs & approved
3 Brief description has already been elaborated in foregoing.
All utilities, fuels, lubricants, chemicals and catalysts required up to issuance of
Provisional Acceptance Certificate.
Within Contractor scope- All required operating and maintenance documentation.
1 All operating & maintenance manuals shall be submitted covering work scope items.

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2 These shall be prepared, compiled, documented & transmitted according to provision

of sub contract requirement.
work scope items
1 Further detailed method statements based on each significant activity shall be proposed,
while physically working on site prepared & approved by site management.
2 Yet some more details have been included for purpose of indication only within
presentation of Civil Works package that can be opened from this document itself on soft
copy. Click here
3 Both statements should be referred to as an integral document.
4 For further details on services method statements for package, please refer to CCTC
documentation to be attached within this proposal.
Sample Only
Taweelah Unit III Um Al Nar
1 Water Transmission Scheme-Water Reservoir-Construction Method Statement
1 Purpose of this document is to define procedures to be adopted for construction of typical
2 Four number reservoirs are to be built at one location.
3 This statement is meant only for general description of procedures for various operations
4 Other detailed typical statements shall be produced during real execution of works for
each activity as standard procedures applicable to project.
5 Project duration is 20 months
6 Period for tanks construction considered 14 months 60 weeks.
7 Two tanks to be constructed simultaneously
Ref. Documents
1 Drawings
2 Reference Attached from Doka Formwork
3 G A Walls & Columns Top 50 systems
4 Formwork D 2 Tables
5 Specification For Concrete
6 Specification For Concrete Reservoirs
1 Prior to construction of reservoir, all proposed forms shall be designed to final
requirement & calculations with drawings submitted for approval.
2 Construction execution of reservoir RCC structures shall be carried out based on AFC
Existing services
1 Records shall be checked for possibilities of any / every running service.
2 Any / every existing services so located shall be informed to relevant authorities as well
as, company for necessary actions.
3 Trial pits shall also, be excavated to scan whether or not, any / certain service exists.
Supervision & Control
1 Construction manager, Site engineer, construction foreman & charge hands shall control
all activities on site according to relevant job descriptions.
1 According to AFC drawings, surveying team shall locate setting out lines, coordinates as
well as, surrounding circulation area for construction purpose.

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2 Since dimension of built up reservoir are given around 130 M x 90 M, proper

arrangement shall be made to carry out mass excavation works.
3 Topographical levels shall be recorded.
4 Site shall be graded to required ground level.
5 All survey documents shall be prepared for purpose of verification.
6 Around area, guide barricades shall be erected for purpose of locating grids & reference
site levels.
7 Benchmarks shall be established on all corners for purpose of flying and reestablishing
any / every working location/s.
8 Establishment of base corners points as well as, base level benchmark shall be conducted
by licensed land surveyor & documents submitted to engineer for approvals & records
1 All safety measures shall be taken according to excavation requirement.
2 Warning tapes Safety cones shall be provided around defined working area.
3 All safety signboards meant for excavation safety shall be provided.
4 Warning night lights reflectors shall be provided around.
5 Ladders shall be provided for access into working area located not more than 8 m
spacing. Pouring platform for people to work safely shall be constructed. For convenient
access of heavy equipment into formation area, ramps shall be provided from existing or
graded level from 2 opposite ends.
6 If so required, dewatering arrangements shall be carried out continuously, until
foundation slab is constructed.
7 Toolbox talks shall be imparted daily for all important operations involved.
8 A safety officer shall inspect works every day, during all concreting activities, form
erection activities etc.
Concrete source-
1 Ready mix concrete from an approved supplier shall be used.
Rebar fabrication-
1 Rebar shall be fabricated on steel yard located elsewhere on site.
2 All fabricated bars shall be tagged according to BBS Bar Bending Schedule references
Form fabrication-
1 Fabrication of plywood forms shall be carried out on site based on Specialist formwork
vendor details. Supporting system shall be provided by form vendor, based on detailed
design approved by engineer.
2 On site, formworks shall be erected according to vendor provided design shop drawings.
3 Scope of vendor formwork system shall be confined to retaining walls, baffle walls,
columns, flat slab.
Procedures / Method for one reservoir construction
Summary of activities
1 General activities prior to structural construction
2 300 mm thick compacted granular sub base
3 75 mm thick concrete blinding
4 layers bituminous membrane
5 mm thick screed
Structural construction activities
RCC Elements involved-
1 Periphery retaining walls, Base slab, baffle walls, columns with heads, suspended slab,
all components of inlet & outlet chambers & components of overflow chambers.
2 Intermediate suspended slabs & walls & sump elements.
3 Box outs, construction joints, expansion joints, stair structure, Roof up stands etc.

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General activities post structural construction

1 Filling PVC pipes inserts within walls with approved propriety material.
2 Fixing of Manholes covers & frames on roof.
3 Roofing & waterproofing
4 Roof handrails
5 External Walls pattern formation.
6 1200 mm wide interlocking paving around reservoir construction
Detailed activities, prior to structural construction
Excavation & Sub Grade
1 After clearance from engineer, excavation shall be started using heavy equipments
removing excavated material directly into truck & transporting to tip off stock piles or in
case, material not to be used for filling purpose, it should be transported to a designated
dumping area.
2 During excavation, dust control shall be carried out by conventional approve means.
3 Excavation shall be carried out approximately to formation sub grade level only, all
according to profile shown on approved drawings.
4 Surveyor shall control levels to avoid over excavation. Excavated formation shall be
dressed manually as well as, using light rollers & after formation profile is established,
heavy rolling shall be carried out over entire area to reach field compaction to 95 % of
dry density FDD.
5 Field compaction test shall be conducted according to standards & specification
6 Quality Engineer shall inspect the profile
300 mm thick compacted granular sub base
1 Approved granular sub base is spread over entire area in 2 layers.
2 1st layer shall be laid in a thickness, so that after rolling, compacted thickness in both
courses is 300 mm.
3 Thereafter, 2nd course construction shall be carried out. Top profile of the sub base shall
be given according to details, which indicate/s a fall 1 in 500.
4 Site sample testing shall be conducted according to specification requirement for both

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 24
75 mm thick concrete blinding & mass concrete to requirement
1 Blinding shall be done in stages parallel to width of reservoir.
2 Whole blinding shall be divided into 6 bays each 20m wide & 90 m long.
3 One stage quantifies to about 135 cum, which is feasible for a convenient casting.
4 If so required, further formation of baying compartments could be established within
each bay for alternative laying.
5 Low profile strip formwork for controlling sides shall be prepared.
6 A concrete laying team shall be grouped for purpose, such that concrete received from
transit mixer is immediately pumped into location & spread using teeth shovel / garden
racks, to strip profile level.
7 Proper leveling shall be carried out using wooden float edge by masons.
8 Whole area shall be laid, profiled to true levels & given wooden float, after concrete is
ready to receive float.
9 Polythene sheet shall be spread over entire area.
10 Curing shall be carried out for 3 days only.
11 Before laying new concrete at set edge of previous blinding at edge, cement slurry shall
be applied to edge so that new & old concrete is properly bonded.

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12 Mass concrete shall be carried out, as shown on approved contract drawings

2 layers bituminous membrane
1 At end of curing, surface shall be cleaned of all dust particles, debris, water etc. &
inspected. Any / whatever cracks appearing or any / every damaged portion, wherever
located shall be repaired.
2 According to manufacturer’s instruction, bituminous membrane shall be applied over
blinded surface.
50 mm thick screed
1 Membrane shall be protected by an application of 50 mm thick screed layer as soon as
possible & cured accordingly by repetition of foregoing activities in sequence, but in
alternate bays.
Construction of peripheral retaining walls- major elements
1 Preparatory works for one corner L shape – 1 set, 4 stages in repetition
2 Ref to attached drg GA walls from DOKA
3 Preparatory works for straight walls – 1 set 40 m long, 6 repetitions
4 Ref to attached drg GA walls from DOKA
5 These elements comprise of base slab, shear key & upright RCC structures
Preparatory works for base slab- non propriety formwork
1 384 repetitions of each bay
2 Each bay comprises of 4 sides
Preparatory works for the columns- propriety formwork
1 40 sets, 10 repetitions
2 Each column comprises of 4 sides
3 Ref to attached drg Column top 50 from DOKA
Preparatory works for baffle walls- propriety formwork
1 10 sets, 4 repetitions
2 Each wall comprises of 2 sides
Preparatory works for inlet / outlet chamber as well as, overflow
1 1 set, 2 repetitions
2 These comprise of base slab, walls & suspended slabs
Preparatory works for suspended slab - propriety formwork
1 1 set, 2 repetitions
2 Flat slab construction
3 Ref to attached drg D2 Tables from DOKA
L shape wall
1 Setting out for each L shape wall at corner shall be carried out on screed for base slab
Toe + Heel portion.
2 Reinforcing bars shall be placed according to details provided with due spacers.
3 Chairs shall be provided between top & bottom reinforcing bar layers.
4 At end of everyday work, polythene membrane shall be spread over placed & fixed
reinforcing bars for protection from humidity.
5 Vertical forms shall be prepared at site using plywood & wooden battens, all to approved
6 Arrangement for construction joint shall be made for insertion of approved water bar, so
that lower half of water bar remains inserted in retaining wall base slab concrete.
7 Retaining wall base slab shall be continuous, without having any joint.
8 It shall be ensured that set lines of forms are in true alignment & plumb.
9 All vertical sides shall be well supported, so that 1m high concrete pressure is sustained
by supporting system adequately without bulging.
10 After providing clearance by site engineer, QC inspection shall be conducted &
engineer’s approval obtained for pouring concrete.
11 About 500 cum of concrete pour have been worked out in this programme that may take

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about 16 hours.
12Pouring shall be done in 3 layers, so that cold joint is avoided.
13Two pumps shall be used for this pour.
14Concrete delivery shall be continuous.
15Portion of green concrete at wall junction shall be roughened before concrete is hardened.
16Exposed portion of concrete shall be properly finished to defined levels & immediate /
instant as well as, specified duration curing shall be continuously carried out.
17 Following preparatory works for upper wall portion shall be continued.
Upright wall
1 Scaffolding shall be erected on both sides for accessing workers to fix reinforcing bars &
erect formworks for upright wall.
2 Reinforcing bars shall be placed properly in compliance with design details & engineer’s
approval obtained, prior to closure of forms.
3 At end of everyday work, polythene membrane shall be spread over placed & fixed
reinforcing bars for protection from humidity.
4 According to formwork vendor’s design, sides of forms shall be erected & fixed.
5 It shall be ensured that erected forms are in true alignment & plumb as well as, outer wall
forms in designed profile.
6 Anchoring arrangements sleeved in shall be fastened properly. All supports as shown on
details shall be provided.
7 A platform shall be built on top for workers safe access & working.
8 Water bar shall be inserted in all vertical positions duly welded using cross as well as,
Tees wherever required. Permanent bars shall also, be inserted as shown on vendor’s
9 Outer forms shall be checked for correctness of its compliance with design profile, while
vertical forms for verticality as well as, alignment.
10 QC inspection shall be conducted & engineer’s approval obtained
11 Programme shall be charted out for pouring about 250 cum in one go.
12 Concrete pouring chute pipe shall be inserted vertically into prepared works, so that net
drop of concrete is not more than 2 m.
13 Pour shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 450 mm, so that vibrator nozzle
penetrates internally.
14 This pour shall consume about 10 hours.
15 At end of pour, top surface shall be properly floated & either curing compound instantly
sprayed or covered with polythene sheet.
16 Side supports shall be struck only after lapse of 48 hours.
Base Slab bay / Floor slabs
1 Size of bay is 5 m x 5 m, 500 mm thick i.e. 12.5 cum. Total number 384 bays.
2 Preparation for 40 bays shall be done in one go i.e. 500 cum pour.
3 Construction joints to be prepared around to detailed requirements
4 Preparation of forms to be carried out around in general, keeping in view that it allows
for continuation of reinforcing bars and also, insertion of water bar.
5 At end of everyday work, polythene membrane shall be spread over placed & fixed
reinforcing bars for protection from humidity.
6 Reinforcing bars placement to be done continuously to details
7 Reinforcing bars for starter bars shall be placed for baffle walls in correct positions, wherever
8 Reinforcing bars for starter bars shall be placed for columns in correct positions, wherever
9 Provision of surface water strip shall be made according to details.
10 Provision of reinforcing bar chairs for top & bottom reinforcing bars supports shall be

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made. Proper placement of concrete spacers shall be made. All reinforcing bars shall be
properly bound to avoid any / whatever kind of slip or dislocation, even though steel
fixers would be available to attend pour to control reinforcing bars positions. Form
carpenters shall also, be available to control alignment & levels. Two pumps shall be
used for pour for 16 hours programme.
11 Immediately after finishing of top surface to defined profile, instant curing shall be
carried out. After concrete is set, curing shall be carried out as approved.
12 Repetition of bays shall be done accordingly to complete all 384 bays.
13 Side supports shall be struck only after 24 hours.
Straight walls
1 Base Slab preparatory works shall be carried out similarly as given in foregoing L shape
pattern excepting that forms are straight.
Upright wall
1 Each pour is about 100 cum.
2 In this case also, Scaffolding shall be erected for accessing workers to fix reinforcing bars
& erect formworks for upright wall.
3 Reinforcing bars shall be placed properly in compliance with design details & engineer’s
approval obtained, prior to closure of forms.
4 At end of everyday work, polythene membrane shall be spread over placed & fixed
reinforcing bars for protection from humidity.
5 According to formwork vendor’s design, sides of forms shall be fixed.
6 It shall be ensured that erected forms are in true alignment, profile & plumb.
7 Tie rods sleeved in shall be fastened properly.
8 All supports as shown on details shall be provided. A platform shall be built on top for
workers safe access & working.
9 Water bar shall be inserted in all vertical positions duly welded using cross as well as,
Tees wherever required.
10 Permanent reinforcing bars shall also, be inserted as shown on vendor’s design.
11 QC inspection shall be conducted & engineer’s approval obtained.
12 Programme shall be charted out for pouring about 250 cum in one go.
13 Concrete pouring chute pipe shall be inserted into form, so that net drop of concrete is not
more than 2m.
14 Pour shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 450mm deep, so that vibrators’ nozzles
penetrates internally. This pour shall consume about 5 hours.
15 At end of pour, top surface shall be properly floated & either curing compound instantly
sprayed or covered with polythene sheet.
16 Side supports shall be struck only after lapse of 48 hours.
1 About 75 cum is to be poured in one go for 40 columns.
2 In this case also, Scaffolding shall be erected for accessing workers to fix the reinforcing
bars & erect formworks.
3 Reinforcing bars shall be placed properly in compliance with design details & engineer’s
approval obtained, prior to closure of forms.
4 At end of the everyday work, polythene membrane shall be spread over placed & fixed
reinforcing bars for protection from humidity.
5 According to formwork vendor’s design, sides of forms shall be fixed.
6 It shall be ensured that erected forms remain in true alignment & plumb.
7 Fixing arrangements shall be fastened properly.
8 All supports as shown on details shall be provided.
9 A platform shall be built on top for workers safe access & working to allow for
comfortable & safe circulatory movement for crew.
10 QC inspection shall be conducted & engineer’s approval obtained. Programme shall be

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charted out for pouring about 75 cum in one go.

11 Concrete pouring chute pipe shall be inserted into form, so that net drop of concrete is not
more than 2m.
12 Pour shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 450mm deep, so that vibrators nozzles
penetrates internally.
13 This pour shall consume about 8 hours.
14 At end of pour, top surface shall be properly finish rough & covered with saturated
Hessian & polythene sheet.
15 Continuous curing shall be conducted thereafter. Side supports shall be struck only after
lapse of 48 hours.
Baffle walls
1 Each pour is about 75 cum. In this case also, Scaffolding shall be erected for accessing
workers to fix reinforcing bars & erect formworks for upright wall.
2 Reinforcing bars shall be placed properly in compliance with design details & engineer’s
approval obtained, prior to closure of forms.
3 At end of the everyday work, polythene membrane shall be spread over placed & fixed
reinforcing bars for protection from humidity.
4 According to formwork vendor’s design, sides of forms shall be fixed. It shall be ensured
that erected forms remain in true alignment & plumb.
5 Fixing arrangements shall be fastened properly.
6 All supports as shown on details shall be provided.
7 A platform shall be built on top for workers safe access & working to allow for
comfortable & safe circulatory movement for crew.
8 QC inspection shall be conducted & engineer’s approval obtained.
9 Programme shall be charted out for pouring about 75 cum in one go.
10 Concrete pouring chute pipe shall be inserted into form, so that net drop of concrete is not
more than 2m.
11 Pour shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 450mm thick / deep, so that vibrator
nozzles penetrates internally.
12 This pour shall consume about 5 hours.
13 At end of pour, top surface shall be properly floated & either curing compound instantly
sprayed or covered with polythene sheet.
14 Side supports shall be struck only after lapse of 48 hours.
Inlet chamber
1 Base slab of this chamber is at a lower level & 1m thick. It also, has walls & intermediate
cantilever structure to be connected to roof suspended slab.
2 This shall be separately carried out in two stages.
Outlet chamber
1 This has a basement sump in stepped profile. Base slab of this chamber is at a lower level
& 1.2m thick. It also, has grade level suspended slab.
2 This shall be separately carried out in three stages.
Access stairs to roof 2 numbers
1 These stair structures are to be constructed on 3 columns on isolated footings.
2 Columns have to carry cantilevered steps & one landing
1 Construction of footings shall be carried out comprehensively, according to conventional
trade practices.
2 Construction of columns shall be carried out comprehensively, according to conventional
trade practices.
3 Construction of waist slab & steps shall be carried out comprehensively according to
conventional trade practices.
4 Preparatory works shall be similar to, as defined in foregoing excavation, blinding,

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formwork, steel fixing, pouring etc. all shall be carried out comprehensively according to
conventional trade practices
Suspended Slab
1 Half portion to be carried out in one go, which has been calculated to be about 1400 cum.
This is a flat structure transferring loads on column heads. In one go, half portion of slab
is intended to be poured, as shown on drawing.
2 Arrangement of supporting system shall be strictly adhered to vendor’s instructions, as
shown on attached drawing. Preparation & erection of forms shall be done following all
approved details.
3 Reinforcing bars placement shall be done to details & spacers provided accordingly.
4 At end of everyday work, polythene membrane shall be spread over placed & fixed
reinforcing bars for protection from humidity.
5 Location of movement joints shall be prepared, so that 50mm thick joint filler is fixed in
position correctly as well as, supported to remain so during concrete pouring.
6 Forms for up stand beams shall also, be erected for respective monolithic pour with slab
concrete for which, fixing arrangements would be made accordingly.
7 All block outs for openings shall be prepared to defined locations & properly anchored to
remain in position.
8 Following quality checks shall be conducted, prior to pouring is commenced
Slab alignment to be conducted per following sequence
1 Levels
2 Profile of column head / drop heads
3 Alignment of up stands & verticality
4 Reinforcing bars placement as well as, locations & centering
5 Proper fixing of concrete spacers
6 All inserts or services fixes, if so required shall be placed in & approved.
7 It shall be ensured that no reinforcing bar is susceptible to any possible displacement any
time or a possibility to correction must exist during pour.
8 Certification of supporting system by form design vendor engineer
9 Construction or fixing of stop ends for construction joints
10 All access routes shall be properly tagged & certified by safety officer.
11 During concrete delivery site tests namely slump, temperature, air voids tests etc. shall be
Concrete Pour
1 For concrete pour, minimum 2 mobile pumps shall be required for continuous placement
of concrete & 1 pump to remain standby.
2 Keeping a speed of 10 minutes for delivery each truck, 60 cum each hour, 2 pumps shall
pour prepared portion in 10 hours, followed by another overlapping 10 hours required for
wooden finishing of unformed surface.
3 Instant curing shall be carried out by spraying curing compound over area to control
shrinkage cracks.
4 Later, after achieving final profile & finishing surface, polythene layer shall be spread
over saturated Hessian to keep wet for at least 10 days continuously.
5 Striking of forms shall be carried out only after lapse of 8 days. Whole exercise shall be
repeated for second half of the slab.
Reservoir testing
1 Structure when completed according to BS 8007, provisions water test shall be conducted
to check any / whatever leakage.
2 After closing all openings, water shall be filled gradually to required level.
3 Fall / drops in water level shall be monitored regularly at defined intervals according to
code provisions.
4 Loss of water should be within prescribed limits

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5 Though not necessary in this case, since water is in cover, for comparison of loss by
evaporation, a separate small container shall be kept, which would indicate loss in level
due to weather & fall / drop of reservoir level corrected accordingly to reach net loss in
6 After successful completion of water test, water used for test shall be pumped out to other
reservoir for testing of that reservoir in sequence.
1 After curing is completed, whole surface shall be scabbled / hacked properly to expose
aggregate to meet bonding requirement of foam concreting.
2 Surface shall be prepared & any / every services plinth required shall be constructed to
design details.
3 True profile required for drainage shall be prepared for foam concrete over entire area.
4 Foam concrete shall be produced on site & laid by specialist roofing sub contractor.
5 All other roofing operations shall be carried out accordingly to approved method
statement Roof waterproofing shall be tested by flooding with water for 48 hours.
6 Any / Every leak detected shall be made good according to agreed procedures.
Other General activities
1 Roof handrails shall be fixed to required locations.
2 Adequate arrangements shall be made to keep its internal space of reservoir well
ventilated during performing application of concrete protections.
3 All other activities about concrete protection shall be carried out for above ground
concrete on inner as well as, on external surfaces.
4 All operations of backfilling of walls up to formation levels shall be carried out according
to standard approved methods & field samples tested accordingly.
5 Preparation of walkways around shall be carried out for receiving interlocking blocks.
6 Compaction shall be done for formation of walkway area.
7 Works for laying kerbstone shall be carried out.
8 Laying of interlocking blocks shall be carried out to given profile & levels.
Shovel. Excavator, tipper trucks, Roller, Compactor, Concrete pumps, Truck mixers as &
whenever required, concrete vibrators, centrifugal pumps to boost out water from reservoir etc

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 25
Chapter 13
Environmental clauses for plant Industrial
city in Construction Contracts
1 Environmental Guidelines & Environmental Protection Criteria EG & EPC for Plant
Industrial City, National Environmental Protection Law and Environment and Natural
Reserves standards shall be complied with by Contractor and its Sub Contractors
operating within boundaries of industrial PLANT.
2 Contractor shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations of all relevant agencies
having jurisdiction, which now exist or which may come into effect during course of
Work, relating to environmental protection and management.
3 Contractor warrants that it shall use its best endeavours to protect and to take care of all
environmental and natural resources in order to prevent environmental pollution of any /
every kind resulting directly or indirectly from Work performed under this Contract.
4 Notwithstanding any / whatever provisions contained within Contract, Contractor shall
assume all liabilities for environmental and human health damage of any / every kind
arising directly or indirectly from Work, and would indemnify Company / Client and

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hold them harmless from and against any / every and all losses, claims, demands, costs,
proceedings, damages, charges and expenses howsoever arising therefrom, whether or
not, caused by negligence in whole or in part.
5 Without relieving Contractor of any / whatever of its obligations detailed herein or as
imposed by any / whatever relevant agency, authority or any / some other body having
jurisdiction, Company / Client may take part to any / every degree it deems necessary in
control, removal and remediation of any / every pollution or contamination, which is
responsibility of Contractor, under foregoing provisions or which is due to any / relevant
act or omission, directly or indirectly, of Contractor.
6 Contractor shall reimburse Company / Client the cost thereof provided always that
amount of any / every such cost may be deducted by Company / Client from any /
whatever money due or becoming due to Contractor.
7 Contractor shall furnish following documents for approval of Company / Client at least
four 4 weeks, prior to commencement of Work at construction site.
a Waste Management Plan
b Environnemental Management Plan
c Spill Contingency Plan
8 Contractor shall provide Company / Client with Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS for
all chemicals / materials, where applicable, which it shall use or supply, prior to
arranging shipment.
9 Contractor shall dispose of all waste including, but not limited to packaging, discarded
material, unspent and serviced material in an environmentally acceptable and approved
10 Contractor shall take immediate corrective action/s to remedy any / every / and all
occurrence/s of environmental pollution and report such incident/s per environmental
incident reporting requirement for PLANT.
11 Company / Client is entitled to impose such penalty as specified in Environmental
Guidelines & Environmental Protection Criteria for Plant Industrial City PLANT should
the Contractor fail to take appropriate corrective actions or to report such incident.
12 In case, of an environmental incident, Company / Client may take action to investigate
incident, assess its impact and / or take necessary corrective action and recover cost
involved by such action from Contractor.
13 Contractor shall complete and submit an Environmental Discharge Form in accordance
with relevant EXHIBIT to Company / Client, prior to commencement of any / every
14 Demobilisation may only commence upon authorization / approval of this form by
Company / Client.
Preventive Measures
1 Safety, Health, Environmental & Security
Standard Procedures / Hazard Control
1 This procedure is applicable to all projects construction site activities.
1 To establish a procedure for systematically identifying all hazards / risks
associated with a task or job and to implement appropriate control measures.
Preventive Maintenance
1 Preventive Maintenance is of utmost significance for such an industrial project that must
be kept in full considerations, while conceptualizing any / whatever scheme.
2 There should be conducted a session of brain storming to find out causes & solutions for
meeting any / every possible hazard that may crop in during operational life of project.
3 Every risk must be analysed as any / every miscalculation may lead to intensive fire
breakout, resulting in losses of billions of dollars as well as, severe human loss.

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4 There are nowadays several methods given in industrial safety as well as, loss prevention
methods for disaster management to prevent such mishaps.
5 Present scope of this book does not allow that to elaborate, but informatively included.
Let us divide whole plant industrial area into various zones depending on defined &
expected risks. Process area, non process areas, explosive zone, secured zone,
administrative zone & environment unsafe zone etc.
Process area
1 Process area can be confined to real train’s zone, which is a pure chemical product
engineering portion comprising of all vessels involving oil & its storage.
2 This is only major potential source leading plant to major fire as well as, explosion
3 All equipments must be made fireproof to certain extent possible. Building contained in
such zone must be made blast resistant.
4 All arrangements of fire suppression must be made. Proper arrangements must be made
for all personnel to use safety devices of all kinds, depending on nature of hazard, so that
all users wear preventive dressing / equipment.
Hot as well as cold
1 Hot as well as cold works areas are defined explicitly for purpose of preventive
adaptation as well as, for issuing permits to work within & without plant for engineering
construction works in future.
2 Safe procedure must be defined for such activities.
3 No work should be allowed, without granting such permits.
4 Lost gases or other products or bye products have potential to spread into environment air
consequently, transferring fire possibility a detailed study of that should be made to find a
resolution to adopt for suppression measures.
Non process areas
1 Non process areas should be located distant enough, say anything far up to 700 m from
real trains, so as effects are not relocated to this zone that requires only blast resilience
2 Accordingly, fire suppression & blast control provisions be applied to constructions as
well as, precautionary measures be defined for personnel.
3 Circulatory areas should be defined in between process & non process areas that cannot
be definitely delineated, but shall carry piping, traffic, roads & many other components
of plant.
4 Accordingly, provisions should be given for disaster management. Most important aspect
is control from fire everywhere for which, regular mockups should be conducted.
5 Assembly points should be clearly defined at various location that allow following fire
alarm to assemble & await further directions from wardens. Immediate medical
attendants & ambulance should be installed.
6 Piping routes must be defined respective corridors with proper fire protection & guards.
No unauthorized person should be allowed within these corridors.
Storage area
1 Storage area particularly of oil raw material must be provided full protection from firing
& explosion viewpoint.
2 This is actually a very high potential source of fire & can cause heavy losses to industry
as well as, to humans.
3 In case of fire disaster, adequately effective arrangements must be available fully all
times to vacate personnel as soon as, possible from assembly points & further off plant to
safer locations.
4 All classes of fire suppression arrangement must be kept fully functional at relevant
hazard locations clearly defined to personnel involved & competent fire fighting team
made available.

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5Regular training & mockups drills must be conducted to keep involved humans alert to
meet any unforeseen, as far as, adverse effects during an occurrence of earthquake are
Fire Protection
1 Contractor shall design fire protection system based on this specification.
2 Fire protection installations shall include all required systems and equipment for adequate
protection of process and utilities areas.
3 Design and engineering of the firefighting systems shall consider plant layout, isolation
philosophy, inventories & critical equipment.
Fire Hazard Analysis study
1 Design of firefighting systems shall consider effectiveness of individual agents.
2 Water Fire extinguishing, exposure protection and cooling, fire intensity control, ignition
prevention and prevention of vapor cloud formation.
3 Foam Securing and extinguishing of spill fires in plant.
4 CO2 gas Fire extinguishing by means of oxygen reduction inside enclosures.
5 Dry Chemical Powder Control and extinguishing small flammable liquid spill fires and gas flash
6 Inert gases ‘Inergen’ is one product recognised as environmentally safe to be used for Halon.
7 It is composed of naturally occurring gases Nitrogen, Argon and CO 2. Inergen may be used,
where an electrically non conductive medium is required. Inergen systems are designed and
installed complying with NFPA 2001. IG 541 is name of Inergen in NFPA 2001. Use of Inergen
is subject to ‘room integrity overpressure testing’. In manned areas, a qualified pre alarm status
must be in place. Fire proofing, layout, isolation with bunding and catchment shall also, be
Codes & Standards
1 It shall be Contractor's responsibility to be knowledgeable of requirements of relevant
International Codes and Standards.
2 Following latest edition codes and standards to an extent specified herein, forms shall be
used as a minimum.
a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
b NFPA 10 Portable fire extinguishers
c NFPA 11 Low Expansion Foam
d NFPA 11C Mobile foam apparatus
e NFPA 12 Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing System
f NFPA 13 Installation of Sprinkler System
g NFPA 15 Water Spray Fixed Systems
h NFPA 20 Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps
i NFPA 24 Private Fire Mains
j NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
k NFPA 70 National Electric Code
l NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code
m NFPA 850 Electric Generating Plants
n NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System
Reference Documents
Project Specifications:
1 Architectural Design Basis, Fireproofing, Electrical Design Guidelines, Power, Control
and Earthling Cables, Technical Specifications for Piping Systems, General Piping
Process and Utility Design, Layout and Drawing, Design and Installation of Glass Fibre

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Reinforced Epoxy and Polyester Piping, Combustion Gas Turbines, Painting,

Galvanising, Fire and Gas Detection System, System Cables, CCTV Philosophy,
Building Management Systems, Preservation and Export Packing, Safety Equipment
Specification, Criticality Rating Calculation Method, Shop Inspection and Test
Requirements, Health, Safety and Environmental Philosophy,
Project Drawings:
1 Fire Protection General Plant, Fire Water Diesel Pump
Document Precedence
1 Contractor shall notify Company of any / every apparent conflict existing between this
specification / related data sheets, Codes and Standards and any / every other
specifications noted herein.
2 Resolution and / or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from Company in writing,
before proceeding with design / manufacture.
3 In case of conflict, order of precedence shall be:
a Data Sheet/s, Narrative Specification, Project Specifications and Standards, Industry Codes and
Standards, Specification Deviation / Concession Control
4 Contractor only through Concession Request format shall seek any / every technical
deviations to this specification and its attachments.
5 Concession requests require Company's review / approval, prior to proposed technical
changes being implemented.
6 Technical changes implemented, prior to Company approval shall be subject to rejection.
Quality Assurance & Quality Control
1 Quality Management System shall comply with applicable requirement of ISO 9001.
2 Purpose of description herein is to determine factory inspection and testing requirements for fire
protection equipment, fire detection equipment, gas detection equipment and alarm system
equipment, including control panels that should be listed in project specification.
3 Level of shop inspection and test requirements is defined.
Fire protection and extinguishing system shall include, but not be limited to:
1 Water supply and distribution system including pumps, mains, hydrants, monitors, hose
boxes, hose reel stations and fire point shelters
2 Water spray systems for process equipment
3 An automatic CO2 fire suppression system inside gas turbine enclosures
4 Fire, smoke / gas detection and alarm systems in process areas
5 Automatic fire suppression systems protecting vital equipment inside buildings
6 Portable extinguishers dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide and water / other movables
7 General building protection manual call points, hose reels and portable fire extinguishers
8 Fire Training Facility
Basis of Fire Protection
1 Basic objective/s for fire protection is to limit or prevent escalation of a fire to avoid risk
to life and to minimize material damage, until source of hazard has been isolated or
2 Fire protection shall mainly be provided by automatically and manually operated fixed
installed systems in conjunction with portable and mobile firefighting equipment.
1 Fire prevention and protection measures shall be considered during all stages of plant
2 Process and equipment design shall be assumed following good engineering practices
such as sufficient spacing of equipment, incorporation of emergency shutdown system,
relieving system, drainage systems and other special safety considerations for individual

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process requirements.
3 Equipment arrangement and distances between fire hazardous equipment shall be set, so
that in event of a fire, possibilities for escalation are minimized, however, within an
operational complex, it is not always feasible to achieve complete separation of
equipment. Consequently, additional precautionary measures for fire protection shall be
evaluated and submitted for Company approval.
4 This applies particularly to those areas, where a chimney effect may occur. For example,
a minor fire at a pump may affect overhead equipment, causing fire to rapidly develop.
Also, updraft associated with air cooled heat exchangers may cause fire to spread. Design
of firefighting system shall be based on assumption that no firefighting equipment and no
manpower / workforce for fighting fires from outside plant shall be available in case of a
5 A fire within plant shall be controlled or extinguished by plant fire brigade, using plant
fire engines and plant firefighting equipment and devices. Philosophy for designing fire
protection facilities is to utilize automatic systems and mobile equipment, which require a
minimum number of fire fighters.
6 Access shall be provided for firefighting particularly for equipment handling flammable
liquefied gases or flammable products at or above auto ignition temperature and seal /
luboil units of rotating equipment. Some equipment shall be protected with water spray
systems to remain in operation, until fire brigade arrives to determine appropriate method
of extinguishing attack. Quantity of water required for fire protection shall be based on
that is required to control and possibly extinguish one major fire situation at a time under
following conditions: Operation of deluge systems in zone on fire or at least 1 monitor,
Operation of deluge systems of 2 adjacent zones, if or at least 2 monitors and 2 hydrants
or 2 monitors.
7 Note: For large complex units quantity of water required for fire protection shall be based
on Fire Hazard Analysis study and QRA, which would determine “worst case scenario”.
8 Detection systems shall be installed in all relevant areas process units and buildings to
detect fire, smoke and gas. These shall where required, activate fire protection systems or
raise an alarm for action to be taken.
9 Manual call point systems of 'break glass' type shall also, be installed throughout plant in
selected positions to raise an alarm. Indication panels shall be provided in control room
and fire station to enable operators to take appropriate action and to indicate, if a fire
protection system has been activated. Audible alarms and beacons shall be installed in
process units, which would automatically actuate on leakage of gas or on outbreak of a
fire. Cables for ESD solenoid valves shall be fireproofed and preferably laid in separate
10 Passive fire protection shall be installed wherever needed on steel supports, towers,
vessels, heaters and other process equipment, when subjected to severe temperature
generated by a liquid hydrocarbon or gas fire.
11 Positive pressure shall be maintained in substations and a fire protection clean agent
system installed to protect equipment against damage due to fire. Television cameras
with monitoring systems shall be installed to overlook general plant areas enabling
operators to take appropriate action, when fire, smoke or gas is detected. Around
hydrocarbon production facilities, zones or spaces shall be defined, in which a gas cloud
with gas concentration likely to be above lower flammability limit LFL be present, when
a major gas or vapor leakage occurs. These zones are called Restricted Zones.
12 Restricted zones concept shall be used to define preventive ignition measures to be taken
into account for items of equipment located inside a restricted zone e.g. shutting down
specified electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres. Hose boxes and fire points
containing portable firefighting equipment to be located at strategic points adjacent to
hazardous areas.

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13 Portable fire extinguishers shall be available in those locations, where rapid intervention
with a relatively small fire extinguisher may prevent a small fire from escalating.
Required portable equipment and its location shall be indicated in Fire hazard analysis,
which must be performed as part of detailed design to address each potential fire hazard
14 This analysis should consider following aspects:
15 Type of combustibles, Fire load of hazard, Flash points, Ignition sources, Temperature of
combustibles, Combustible liquids, Flammable liquids, Exposure to adjacent combustion,
Chemicals involved, Detection, alarm, automatic control and monitoring systems process
16 An early detection of a developing fire and an early warning to operational and
firefighting personnel form an important aspect in basic concept of fire protection.
Fire and gas detection system
1 Fire and gas detection systems shall be designed complying with Design Specification.
2 Systems shall be used to provide monitoring and control of plant.
3 Fire and gas detectors are part of fire and gas system.
4 System shall incorporate data acquisition and printer facilities.
5 System shall consist of, but not be limited to fully intelligent system cabinets and their
associated field interface cabinets located within IES instrument equipment shelters and
various buildings.
6 Each system cabinet shall incorporate a display matrix for areas it covers.
7 A maintenance console shall provide diagnostic facilities for system.
Alarm and maintenance printers
1 There shall be a separate Fire & Gas network connecting fire and gas alarm system of all
buildings and plant.
2 Necessary fire alarm signals shall be repeated on DCS through serial interface and displayed on
control room DCS consoles.
3 All fire alarm systems shall have local panels with display matrix in respective buildings.
4 Alarm lights and audible alarms shall be provided in plant for various systems.
5 Lights shall have different colors for different types of alarms.
6 These lights shall be located in same general areas, as detectors.
7 Alarm colors lights provided in plant area shall be same on matrix panel and CRT graphics and
therefore should be color coded as follows:
aBlue for flammable gas detectors
bRed for fire detectors and manual call points
cOrange for toxic gas detectors
8Maintenance shall be considered for detector location.
9Detectors for areas such as compressor shelters should be accessible from crane
10 Ladders may be used.
Flammable gas detection
Flammable gas detection in open areas
1 A flammable gas detection system shall be furnished.
2 Signal from flammable gas detectors shall be sent to Instrument Equipment Shelters IES
and then to Control Room CR.
3 CR shall send a signal to a panel in fire station.
4 Flammable gas detectors shall alarm at multiple points.
5 First alarm shall sound at about 10% of lower flammability limit LFL.
6 Sensor system shall be designed to alarm again at 25% of LFL.

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7 When 10% LFL is reached, each detector shall give:

a An individual visual alarm blue flashing light on concerned matrix panel showing
location of gas detection and system buzzer shall actuate.
b Signal shall be sent via data highway to fire and gas detection system in fire station and
control room it shall initiate:
c An audible and visual alarm in Control Room, fire station, maintenance workstation
8 When 25% LFL is reached, it shall be added:
a A common audible alarm and a common visual alarm blue flashing light in concerned
process plant area.
b An audible and visual alarm in Control Room, fire station, maintenance workstation &
concerned area operator shelter
9 Flammable gas detectors for hydrocarbon gases shall be located on two criteria
10 General area coverage detectors shall be as follows:
a Between process units handling flammable gases and liquids and process units having
open flames
b Around process units handling high pressure flammable gases greater than 20barg.
Specific locations based on past industry experience.
11 Detectors shall be provided in following locations:
a on gas compressor seals and
b on seals for pumps, which handle flammable liquids, inside entrance to ventilation
intakes and on manifolds and hydrocarbon valves to be defined by Company
12 Type of flammable gas detectors shall be such that concentrate of flammable gas be
measured and displayed in range of 0 to 100% lower flammability limit LFL.
Flammable gas detection in buildings
Buildings are divided in 2 categories as follows:
Process buildings:
1 Instrument Equipment Shelter IES
2 Electrical Substation SS
3 Operator Maintenance Shelter ZM
4 Sulphur Weigh station Building WS
5 Sulphur Weigh station Truck Driver Building J2
6 Process Chemical Shed PCS
7 Compressor Shelter CPS
8 Smoke room SM
9 Fire Point Shelter FPS
10 Analyser shelter
Non process buildings:
1 Laboratory
2 Storage building
3 Chemical store
4 Cooled chemical store
5 Maintenance building
6 Fire station
7 Gate Houses
Process buildings except analyser shelter
1 Three flammable gas detectors shall be provided at air intake of HVAC system, if any /
2 A hydrogen H2 gas detector shall be provided in battery rooms of substations and IES,
where seal batteries are used.
3 When 10% of LFL for flammable gas detector or H2 detector is reached, each detector
shall give:
a An individual visual alarm bleu flashing light on concerned matrix panel showing

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location of gas detection

bAn audible and visual alarm blue flashing light at entrance and in concerned building
cAn audible and visual alarm in control room
dAn audible and visual alarm in fire station
eAn audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
fWhen 2 out of 3 HC detectors or 1 out of 1 H 2 detector reach 25% LFL, following actions
shall be added:
g An audible and visual alarm in Control Room,
h An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
i An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
j An audible and visual alarm in concerned area operator shelter
4 Ventilation system shall be stopped and dampers closed, except for H2 detection in
battery room.
5 Cut off power supply of Operator maintenance shelter for flammable gas detection at air
intake of Operator maintenance shelter
6 Each H2 detector located inside a battery room shall cut off battery feeder.
Analyser shelter
7 Two flammable gas detectors shall be provided at each air intake of HVAC system.
8 One flammable gas detector shall be installed inside the analyser.
9 When one detector reaches 10% LFL, it shall give:
a A general audible alarm in IES associated with concerned plant area.
b An individual visual alarm blue flashing light on concerned matrix panel showing
location of gas detection.
c A visual alarm in analyser shelter.
d An audible and visual alarm in control room.
e An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
f An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
g Shutdown of sockets located inside Analyzer shelter.
10 When 25% of LFL is reached by one detector, following actions shall be added:
a A general audible alarm in IES associated with concerned plant area.
b An individual visual alarm blue flashing light on concerned matrix panel showing
location of gas detection.
c A visual alarm in analyser shelter.
d An audible and visual alarm in control room.
e An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
f An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
g Shutdown of sockets located inside Analyzer shelter.
11 If 2 out of 2 detectors reach 25% LFL, following action shall be added:
a Ventilation system shall be stopped and dampers closed.
b An audible and visual alarm blue flashing light in concerned process area
c An audible and visual alarm blue flashing light in concerned process area operator shelter
Non process building
1 Two flammable gas detectors shall be provided at air intake of new HVAC system, if any
/ required, depending on detection philosophy.
2 When one detector reaches 10% of LFL, it shall give:
a An individual visual alarm on concerned control or matrix panel showing location of gas
detection and system buzzer shall be activated.
b An audible and visual blue flashing light alarm, if any at entrance and in concerned
c An audible and visual alarm in control room
d An audible and visual alarm in fire station
e An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation

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3 When 2 out of 2 detectors reach 25% LFL, following actions shall be added:
a An indication in control room
b An indication in fire station
c An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
d Ventilation system shall be stopped and dampers closed
Flammable gas detection for packages
1 Three flammable gas detectors shall be located at each air duct inlet of package.
2 For flammable gas detection distribution and installation for packages, refer to
“Instruments furnished with packages” When 10% LFL is reached, each detector shall
a A general audible alarm in IES and substations associated with concerned plant area.
b An individual visual alarm blue flashing light on concerned matrix panel
3 Signal shall be sent via data highway to fire and gas detection system in fire station and
control room to initiate:
a An audible and visual alarm in Control Room
b An audible and visual alarm in Fire Station
c An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
4 When 25% LFL is reached, it shall be added:
a An audible and visual alarm in Control Room
b An audible and visual alarm in Fire Station
c An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
5 When two out of two detectors reach 25% LFL, following actions shall be added:
a A common audible alarm and a common visual alarm blue flashing light in concerned
process plant area.
b Shutdown of machine
c Close ventilation dampers and shutdown ventilation fans
d Isolate power supply to all equipment not suitable for zone1
Toxic gas detection
1 A toxic gas detection system shall be furnished.
2 Signal from detectors shall be sent to IES and then to CR.
3 CR shall send a signal to a panel in fire station.
H2S gas detection in open areas
1 H2S detectors shall be located on two criteria
2 General coverage detectors shall be as follows:
Between flares
1 Inside area handling substantial quantities of H2S and containing operating personnel
Specific location detectors shall be as follows:
1 On seals of gas compressors handling H2S
2 On seals of pumps handling fluids containing H2S
3 On areas of control valves handling gases that have a significant percentage of H2S
On sulphur Sumps
1 Concentrations of H2S gas shall be measured and displayed over selectable range of 0-50
2 First alarm point shall be set at 10 parts per million ppm volume H2S
3 Second alarm shall be set at 20ppm.
Fire Protection Design Basis
1 When 10ppm is reached, each detector shall give:
a A general audible alarm in IES associated with plant area concerned and operator shelter
b An individual visual alarm orange flashing light on concerned matrix panel, showing
location of gas detection
2 Signal shall be sent via data highway to fire and gas detection system in fire station,
control room and maintenance workstation. It shall initiate:

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aA common audible alarm and a common visual alarm orange flashing light in concerned
process plant area.
b An audible and visual alarm in Control Room
c An audible and visual alarm in fire station
d An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
3 When 20ppm is reached, following alarms shall be added:
a A common audible alarm and a common visual alarm orange flashing light in concerned
process plant area.
b An audible and visual alarm in Control Room,
c An audible and visual alarm in fire station
d An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
e H2S Gas Detection In buildings
Process buildings except analyser shelter
1 Two H2S detectors shall be provided at air intake of HVAC system, if any / required
2 When 10ppm of H2S is reached, each detector shall give:
a A general audible alarm in IES associated with concerned building.
b An individual visual alarm orange flashing light on concerned matrix panel, showing
location of gas detection
c An audible and visual alarm orange flashing light at entrance to and in concerned
d An audible and visual alarm in control room.
e An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
f An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
3 When 1 out of 2 detectors reach 20 ppm, following actions shall be added:
a An audible and visual alarm in control room.
b An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
c An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
d The ventilation system shall be stopped and dampers closed.
e Analyser shelter
f One H2S detector shall be provided at each air intake of HVAC system.
g In units containing H2S, one H2S detector shall be provided inside analyser shelter.
4 When one detector reaches 10ppm, it shall give:
a A general audible alarm in IES associated with concerned plant area.
b An individual visual alarm orange flashing light on concerned matrix panel, showing
location of gas detection
c A visual alarm orange flashing light in analyser shelter
d An audible and visual alarm orange flashing light in concerned process area
e An audible and visual alarm in control room
f An audible and visual alarm in fire station
g An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
5 When one detector reaches 20ppm, following actions shall be added:
a An audible and visual alarm in control room.
b An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
c An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
d An audible and visual alarm orange flashing light in concerned process area. If concerned
detector is located at HVAC air intake, ventilation system shall be stopped and dampers
Non process buildings
1 Two H2S detectors shall be provided at air intake of new HVAC system if any / some
required, depending on detection philosophy.
2 When one detector reaches 10ppm, it shall give:
a An individual visual alarm on concerned control or matrix panel, showing location of gas

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b An audible and visual orange flashing light alarm if any / required at entrance to and in
concerned building
c An audible and visual alarm in control room.
d An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
e An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
3 When 1 out of 2 detectors reach 20 ppm, following actions shall be added
a An individual visual alarm on concerned control or matrix panel, showing location of gas
b An audible and visual orange flashing light alarm, if any /required at entrance to and in
concerned building
c An audible and visual alarm in control room.
d An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
e An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
f Ventilation system shall be stopped and dampers closed.
SO2 detection
1 SO2 detectors shall be used in sulphur handling units as fire detectors:
2 SO2 is a product of sulphur combustion.
3 When 3ppm is reached, each detector shall give:
a A general audible alarm in IES associated with concerned plant area.
b An individual visual alarm red flashing light on concerned matrix panel, showing
location of gas detection
c An audible and visual alarm in control room
d An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
e An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
f A common audible alarm and a common visual alarm red flashing light in sulphur
handling units.
g Concentration of SO2 gas shall be measured and displayed over selectable range of 0-20
h SO2 detectors shall be provided in sulphur handling units for liquid sulphur pumps,
sulphur sump, sulphur plant incinerators, reaction furnaces.
Cl2 Detection
1 Cl2 Detectors shall be provided to chlorine packages and connected to Fire & Gas system.
Closed circuit television monitoring systems
A closed circuit television system shall be supplied.
1 Closed circuit television and monitoring system shall be in accordance with Manual call /
egress gate points
2 A system of manual call points and egress gate points for initiating a fire alarm shall be
provided as part of plant fire protection system.
3 Manual call points connected to Fire and Gas system shall be clearly recognized,
provided with signs and located as follows:
a Along roads in plant area at intervals not exceeding 50 m, preferable at or near
4 Inside plant and positioned:
a At the exit doors of IES
b Along logical escape routes
c At each exit door of electrical substation
d At each exit door of operator shelter
e Near sulphur loading bay.
f Also manual call points shall be located at emergency exit point from process areas
usually normal entrance and exit.
5 Egress gate points box containing key for plant fence door shall be located as follows:

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a At each egress gate inside plant

b When there is a double fence for plant and for sulphur truck road, at each egress gate
outside plant and at each egress gate for sulphur truck road.
6 When operated, manual call points and egress gate points shall give:
a A general audible alarm in building or IES associated with concerned plant area.
b A general audible and visible red flashing light alarm in concerned process plant area
c An individual visible alarm red flashing light on matrix panel
7 Operation of manual call points and egress gate points shall be sent via data highway to
Fire and Gas Detection System in fire station and control room, it shall initiate:
a An audible and visual alarm in Control Room,
b An audible and visual alarm in fire station
c An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
Fire detection
Fire detection in open area
1 Fusible plug detectors shall be installed on equipment protected by a fixed deluge system.
2 These shall activate concerned deluge system.
3 Pressure drop in fusible loop shall be detected by one low pressure switch PSL and
firewater flow rate in deluge pipe should be detected by one high pressure switch PSH.
4 PSL shall give:
a A visual alarm red flashing light on matrix panel
b An Air low pressure alarm in control room
c An audible and visual alarm in fire station
d An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
e An audible and visual alarm in concerned process area
5 PSH shall give:
a A general audible alarm in concerned IES
b A visual alarm red flashing light on matrix panel
c A High water pressure alarm in control room
d An audible and visual alarm in fire station
e An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
f A common audible alarm and a common visual alarm red flashing light in concerned
process plant area.
g A pressure transmitter shall be added on deluge system fusible loops.
h In case of Low air pressure in fusible loop, this transmitter shall send a signal to plant
Fire detection in buildings
1 Optical smoke detectors and heat detectors ‘rate of rise’ type shall be used.
2 When executive action is expected, voting is required based on two separated loops with
a maximum of 6 detectors per loop in case, system is not addressable.
3 If executive action is not required, only one loop shall be installed with a maximum of 6
detectors per loop in case, system is not addressable.
4 Heat detectors shall be installed in offices, smoking areas, HVAC rooms of IES and
substations, battery rooms of IES and operator shelters.
5 Smoke detectors ionization type shall be installed in building corridors, WCs, UPS rooms
of IES, control room of IES, battery rooms, switchgear room of electrical substation,
power generation enclosures and diesel driven engines enclosures. Fire detection by one
detector on one loop shall give:
a A visual alarm red flashing light on matrix panel in IES associated with concerned
building with system buzzer.
b A general audible alarm in IES associated
c An audible and visual alarm red flashing light at entrance to and in concerned building
d An audible and visual alarm in control room

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e An audible and visual alarm in fire station

f An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
6 Fire detection by two detectors on two separate loops shall give following additional
a A general audible alarm in IES associated
b An audible and visual alarm red flashing light at entrance to and in concerned building
c An audible and visual alarm in control room
d An audible and visual alarm in fire station
e An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
f Stop ventilation system and close fire dampers of concerned building
g Release after an adjustable ‘time delay’ automatic extinguishing system allocated to
concerned loops when applicable.
h Where there is an executive action, 2 detectors shall be installed per 50m² per BS 7273,
which should be provided on separate loops.
i When installed for alarm only, one detector to be installed per 50m² with a maximum of 6
detectors per loop shall be provided.
j Smoke and heat detectors in enclosed rooms shall be looped separately i.e. to include all
smoke detectors in ceiling void to be in separate loops and all smoke detectors in floor
void to be in another separate loops i.e. not to club detectors at ceiling void and detectors
from floor void in same loop. A remote indicator shall be provided for each detector
installed in ceiling and floor.
7 Fire detection for packages
a For flammable gas detection distribution and installation for packages refer to
“Instruments furnished with packages”
b At least two rates of rise heat detectors shall be optimally located in each enclosure
compartment of packages.
8 When any / whatever detector is activated, following alarm shall be initiated:
a A general audible alarm in IES associated with concerned plant area.
9 Signal shall be sent via data high way to Fire and Gas Detection system in fire station and
control room; it shall initiate:
a An audible and visual alarm in fire station.
b An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
10 When two detectors are activated, following alarms and actions shall in addition be
a A common audible alarm and a common visual alarm red flashing light in concerned
plant area,
b An audible and visual alarm in Control Room
c An audible and visual alarm in Fire Station
d An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
e Shutdown and electrical isolation of machine,
f Stop fuel supply when applicable Shut down of ventilation system and closure of fire
dampers when applicable
g Release after an adjustable time delay of CO2 extinguishing system 30 sec.
11 Fire detection in Non process buildings
a Fire detection philosophy is fitted to installation. For each building, fire control panel
shall be provided.
b If necessary, fire detectors shall be relocated or recovered.
12 One detector obtains executive action or one loop, no voting by two separated loops. Fire
detection by one detector or one loop shall give:
a An individual visual alarm on concerned control or matrix panel associated with
concerned building
b An audible and visual red flashing light alarm, if any / required at entrance and in

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concerned building
c An audible and visual alarm in main control room
d An audible and visual alarm in fire station
e An audible and visual alarm in maintenance workstation
f Ventilation HVAC system shall be stopped and dampers closed.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 26
Chapter 13
Environmental clauses for plant Industrial
city in Construction Contracts
Basis For A Fire Protection Water System
1 Firewater shall be readily available at all appropriate locations, at required pressure and
flow. Firewater should not be used for any other purpose.
Fire water rate
Fire water rate design criteria
1 Quantity of water required for fire protection shall be calculated based upon criteria of
Firewater ring main system
1 Firewater ring mains of required capacity shall be installed to surround all processing
units, loading facilities, warehouses, workshops and utilities.
2 Normally, these units shall also, be bound by service roads.
3 Large areas shall be subdivided into smaller sections, each enclosed by firewater mains
equipped with hydrants and block valves.
4 Minimum size of fire water main shall be 8” / 200 mm
5 Firewater mains shall be provided with full bore valve flushing connections, so that all
sections and dead ends can be properly flushed out.
6 Flushing connections shall be sized for a fluid velocity in relevant piping of not less than
80% of velocity under normal design conditions, but not less than 2 m/s.
7 Firewater mains shall be installed underground in order to provide a safe and secure
8 Depth of cover shall not be less than 1.1m.
9 A pressure transmitter shall be installed on main header every 500m and connected to
Plant fire Alarm System.
10 Firewater mains network pipe sizes shall be calculated using an approved computer
program. Complete calculation shall be based on design rates at a minimum pressure of 7
bar g at takeoff points of each appropriate section and calculations made to prove that
pressure drop is acceptable with a blocked section of piping in network.
11 Firewater ring main pressure shall be such that under fire conditions a pressure of 7 barg
exists at most remote location under corresponding design flow conditions. Maximum
allowable velocity in system is 3.5m/s.
Firewater mains - installation and material selection
1 Piping materials shall conform to Design Specification.
2 At each main tee, number of isolation valves shall be number of branches minus one.
3 Block valves shall be incorporated in ring main system, so that sections can be isolated
for maintenance etc.
4 These sections shall be selected, so that number of consumers is not more than 6.
5 Valves shall be butterfly / gate valves with position indicators.
6 Firewater ring main systems shall be equipped with hydrants, monitors, hose reel stations
and deluge valves.

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1 Firewater mains shall be provided with permanent hydrants, located in strategic positions
around utilities units / areas.
2 In process areas, hydrants shall be provided with a top mounted water monitor. Each
hydrant shall have an isolation valve in addition to hydrant valve.
3 Hydrants shall be per ones with 4 x 2 1/2 outlets.
4 Take off points shall be on side of header.
5 Hydrants connected to buried lines do not require bottom drains.
6 Spacing between hydrants shall not exceed following:
a Around utility areas 70m / 3 length of hose
b Around process unit, 50m / 2 length of hose
7 Hydrants shall be readily accessible from roads and located in such a way that possible
damage by road traffic be minimized, provided with a guard post and concrete drainage
8 Location shall not be less than 1.5 m from edge of road shoulder and at least 12m from
road crossings, sharp road curves and buildings or other structures.
1 Firewater mains shall be provided with permanent monitors spaced note more than 50 m
around processing units.
2 Monitors to be installed on firewater hydrants shall be located at least 15m away from
protected equipment to ensure accessibility in case of a fire.
3 Rotation, elevation and nozzle adjustment shall be done manually without gears.
4 When monitors are in use, it shall be possible to leave monitor unattended operating
5 Monitors shall comply with following requirements:
a Upstream of mounting flange, each monitor shall be provided with a butterfly valve
accessible from grade.
b Monitor shall have a capacity of at least 120m3 / hr at 7 barg. Larger capacity monitors
require Company approval.
c Min / max operating pressure to be respectively 6 /16 barg.
d Water monitor shall have a 2½ inch threaded end allowing easy connection of an
adjustable nozzle of constant flow fog to jet stream type.
e Monitors shall be of such design that hydraulic forces jet reaction, considering pressure
surges when opening upstream block butterfly valve are balanced.
f Monitor shall be able to rotate 360 degrees by means of a turret, lockable in any / every
g Elevation setting shall be from 15 degrees below to 85 degrees above horizontal i.e. a
total 100 degrees.
h Rotation and elevation movement lever operable, setting and locking shall be easy.
Moving parts shall be fully protected / enclosed against sand and salt spray.
i Monitors and nozzles shall be of materials and coatings suitable for use with seawater in
outdoor weather conditions.
6 Monitor shall be tested and certified by an independent authority to be approved by
7 Manufacturer shall provide a copy of certified test report.
8 As a minimum test report shall include following data:
a Foot print width x depth, i.e. area where 80% of total water flow hits horizontal plane
through raised face of mounting flange for jet and 30 degrees fog both at 30 degrees
elevation, Throwing distance / trajectory measured from nozzle exit to center of foot
print, Pressure at monitor inlet flange, Flow rate, Diameter of used hose connection,
Wind speed and direction,
b Angle between wind direction and water trajectory

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Firewater supply
1 Firewater supply storage shall be a volume equal to 12hours consumption at maximum
main pump flow rate.
2 Well water being saline shall serve an emergency source only.
3 Complete fire water main system must be flushed with fresh water after being used for
emergency purpose.
Firewater pumping facilities
1 Firewater shall be provided by pumps of horizontal split case centrifugal type.
2 Number of pumps shall be according worst case scenario.
3 Firewater pumps are installed in a location considered to be safe from effects of fire,
clouds of combustible vapour and from collision or crash damage by vehicles.
4 Firewater pumps shall be electric driven with one diesel driven backup.
5 Pumps as well as, drives shall comply with requirements of NFPA20 and applicable
Design Specifications.
6 Power of drives for both main and standby units shall be so rated, that it is possible to
start pumps against an open discharge with pressure in firewater ring main system under
non fire conditions, normally at 2 to 3 barg.
7 When pressure in firewater ring main system drops below minimum required static
normally approximately 2.7 barg, first firewater pump shall attempt to start
8 Thereafter, at 30 seconds intervals, next designated available pump shall also, attempt to
start if the system pressure is less than 10 barg.
9 Contractor shall define startup logic.
10 Automatic starting facilities shall be configured to allow system testing including
simulation of alarm activation, while standby system remains operational.
11 Manual starting of each pump unit shall be possible at pump, at control room and at fire
station. Manual stopping of each pump unit shall only be possible at pump station.
12 Operation of the main firewater pumps shall actuate an alarm in control room and fire
station panels indicating system pressure.
13 System shall be protected from surge and hammering.
14 Hydraulic studies of system shall be performed to ensure that water hammer does not
occur at all expected operating conditions.
15 Hydraulic calculations shall be performed using approved software to verify that
firewater pumps capacity flow rate and pressure is satisfactory to achieve required flow
rate in each area at 7 bars g minimum. This shall apply for both electrical and diesel
driven pumps
16 Response time for starting firewater pumps and for feeding plant area shall be measured
on site for adjustment, if necessary.
17 A ring main surge analysis shall be performed.
18 Diesel engines of firewater pump shall meet requirements of NFPA 20 and applicable
Design Specifications. Following additional requirements shall also, apply:
a Capacity of diesel storage tank shall be such that engine can operate on full power for at
least 12 hours.
b Tank shall be installed at a safe distance from engine with bottom at least 0.2 m above
suction valve of diesel injection pump or as specified by pump vendor.
c Tank shall be provided with a sump, an expansion dome, a level gauge and a low level
alarm, which should sound, when level of diesel has reached the ‘2 hour diesel’
remaining level.
d Tank shall be provided with one connection for refilling directly from diesel distribution
e A clutch shall not be installed between diesel engine and pump.
f Discharge line from pump shall be fitted with a check valve, a test valve, a pressure
gauge and a block valve with a locking device.

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g Test line arrangement shall allow testing of either pump, while spare pump remains
available for service.
h Test valves shall have a common return line with a flow metering unit.
i Each pump shall be connected separately to a common manifold.
j Pump discharge manifold shall be connected to firewater ring main system by a separate
pipeline with a block valve of same size, as ring main.
k Firewater ring main pressure shall be such that under fire conditions, a pressure of 7 barg
exists at most remote location under corresponding design flow conditions, maximum
allowable velocity in system being 3.5 m / s.
l Batteries for diesel pump and fire pump controllers shall be located in normally air
conditioned areas.
Deluge systems
Hose reels
1 Hose reel stations for process units shall be designed
2 Hose reels for buildings shall be designed as hose reel stations, but without associated
foam station, as for process units.
Foam Compound Storage
1 Foam compound Storage is necessary.
2 Contractor has to determine suitable quantities and mode of storage.
Portable and Mobile Fire Fighting Equipment
1 Portable and mobile Fire Fighting equipment, in accordance with requirements shall be
available at first line of attack and for backing up of fixed fire protection systems.
Hose boxes
1 Hose boxes shall be installed at every other hydrant or monitor.
2 Each box shall contain 4 fire hoses and 2 water branch pipes.
Fire / Safety point shelters
1 A weatherproof fire point shelter shall be located near each process and utility unit at non
hazardous area duly equipped with following:
a 8# fire hoses in weatherproof cabinet.
b 2# x 75 kg ABC wheeled dry chemical powder fire extinguishers.
c 3# spray / jet nozzles.
d 1# Foam making branch pipe complete with pickup tubes and probes.
e 5# Jerry cans each contains 25liters foam ‘Fluoro protein foam’ FP70 - AFFF type may
be considered as an alternative.
f 2# Breathing Apparatus sets 30min in weatherproof boxes.
g 1# Stretcher
h 1# First Aid Box
2 At chemical handling areas, fire point shelters shall also, be equipped with chemical
resistance gears boots, gloves, face shields and coveralls
Fire extinguishers
1 Extinguishers shall be positioned within process units and along walkways, such that
travel distance between extinguisher and possible fire hazard is limited to 15meters for
process units and 30meters for other areas.
2 For compressor handling flammable gas, one extinguisher to be provided within 5meters
of equipment at each floor level.
3 In buildings, fire extinguishers shall be installed in concealed type cabinet combined with
hose reel.
4 Dry chemical powder cartridge type suitable for types A, B and C fires shall be provided
in process unit, utilities unit and near transformers.
5 These shall be provided at pumps, compressor handling flammable products and at
vessels with a liquid hold up more than 1 m3.
6 These shall also, be provided on high level walkways. Units shall also, be provided in

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7 Wheeled ABC dry chemical powder extinguisher shall be located in fire point shelters
8 CO2 extinguishers shall be used for electric and / or electronic equipment fires such as
switchgear houses, substations, instrument equipment shelters, analyzer buildings and
9 CO2 extinguishers shall be installed close to electrical and / or electronic equipment with
travel distance 6m maximum.
10 Wheeled Carbon Dioxide extinguishers shall be supplied for substations and boiler areas.
11 For offices, no water extinguishers shall be provided, but only 9kg dry powder and 5kg
CO2 extinguishers.
12 Water hose reels each containing 1.5”diameter fire hose of maximum length 31m shall
also, be installed connected to fire water system.
Fire fighting steam
1 If necessary, utility connections from low pressure steam system shall be provided for
steam lances with 15m long electrically earthen hoses.
2 Steam lances should be used to smother small fires caused by leakage from equipment
handling flammable products on or above auto ignition temperature
First aid boxes
1 One first aid box, each shall be installed in each operator shelter, fire point shelter,
electrical substation and IES building.
2 Substations shall be provided with Suitable first aid boxes.
Breathing apparatus
1 30min Breathing Apparatus BA sets shall be located in fluids containing H 2S Process,
Utility areas, operator shelters, IES, analyzer rooms and SCADA shelter, fire point
2 Breathing apparatus BA sets shall be kept inside weatherproof boxes per each one.
3 Additional BA 10% shall be provided in fire station as backup.
4 A breathing air supply for maintenance shall also, be provided
Fire blankets
1 Wall mounted Fire Blankets shall be provided and installed within Process and Utility
units at strategic locations.
Fire fighting vehicles
1 Fire Fighting vehicles and ambulance shall be provided for new plants per requirements.
Safety Showers & Eye Washes
1 Safety Showers and / or Eye Washes shall be provided in chemical handling areas
Fire Training Facility
1 Fire training facility shall be located with a safety distance of 100meters from all units.
2 A branch from firewater network shall run to fire training facility.
3 This branch shall be fitted with 2 hydrants and 2 hydrants with top mounted monitors.
1 Main objective of fireproofing of steel structures is to prevent escalation of fires to an
unacceptable level providing a temporary protection, until full firefighting capabilities
can be deployed.
2 Judicious application of fireproofing shall delay an eventual collapse of steel structures
and allow it to occur gradually depicting visible signs that provide time for isolation of
affected equipment as well as, for operating and firefighting personnel to evacuate safely.
3 For specific information as to requirements for fireproofing, refer to specifications &
Fire Station
1 Fire station shall be designed per requirements.

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1 For large processing complexes, addition of satellite or new fire stations shall be
considered based on minimum response time to farthest point from main fire station).
Fire Protection Requirements Per Area
Gas turbines, Emergency generators and compressors enclosures
1 An automatic CO2 fire suppression system shall be installed to protect inside of gas
2 Emergency generators and flammable gas compressor enclosures for protection against
hazardous gas mixtures and fires
3 Inerting enclosure by reduction of oxygen shall suppress and extinguish fire.
4 Automatic CO2 shall meet requirements of NFPA 850 and NFPA 12.
5 All equipment shall be UL and / or FM approved or Vendor National approval.
6 CO2 bottles shall be equipped with pressure indicators and with weighing indicator
connected to Fire and Gas System.
7 Each system shall comprise a dedicated fire and gas detection and protection system with
extensive requirements with respect to detection, visible / audible alarms, logic, delay of
agent release, area ventilation etc.
8 Dedicated fire and gas system shall meet requirements of NFPA 850, 70 and 72.
9 Gas turbines and compressor sets installed in open air shall be protected by a fixed water
spray system.
General process areas
1 Fixed installed fire protection and firefighting systems Monitors
2 Fixed installed, manually adjustable and operated water monitors shall be positioned at
strategic points around hazardous areas.
3 For specification of monitors refer to design & specification requirements
4 Water spray systems or deluge systems, Open automatic water spray systems shall be
installed for protection of following equipment:
a All pumps handling products close to or above their auto ignition temperature.
b Pumps handling C4 and lighter products
Requirements Notes:
1 Pump and a width of 1.5m around pump shall be covered by water spray.
2 Water rate directly over pump shall be approximately 40dm3 / min / m2 and on area
around pump 20dm3 / min / m2.
3 All compressors handling C4 and lighter products, which are not installed in enclosures
and cannot be covered by fixed installed, manually adjustable and operated water
4 Water rate shall be 40dm3 / min / m2 of ground surface.
5 All vessels, columns and exchangers normally holding a liquid volume of C4 and lighter
products of more than 5m3
6 Water rate shall be 10.2 dm3 / min / m2 of equipment surface.
7 Vertical vessels and columns shall be fully sprayed up to a height of approximately 15m
above potential source of fire, excluding skirt.
8 For equipment installed in congested areas, where escalation could occur, a spray system
shall be provided at potential source of fire, generally pumps with additional protection to
cover a resultant spill fire and facing surface areas of adjacent equipment applying water
rates as given above.
9 Items of equipment containing flammable products, which are installed in locations,
where a chimney effect occurs in event of a fire or pumps handling flammable products
located underneath air cooled heat exchangers or critical flanged connections.
10 Water rate shall be 20dm3 / min / m2 of ground surface for pumps and of equipment
surface for other items.
11 Each deluge system shall be fed from two different separated headers and provided with
drainage facilities. Deluge valves shall be located at least 15m away from protected

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equipment, protected against radiant heat by a suitable protection wall and against
collision by crash barriers painted in fluorescent red and white paint. Each automatic
deluge valve system shall be provided with an air reservoir as a backup in case of
instrument air failure. It shall be mounted on a skid. Deluge systems spray nozzles shall
have blow off plastic caps.
12 Flushing facility for deluge valve systems shall be provided to prevent salt deposits
accumulation and to prevent system piping corrosion.
13 Deluge system shall initiate local fire alarm. Deluge system activation shall also, give
alarms as well as, indication at both main control room, fire station and automatically
start main pump. Each deluge valve shall be provided with strainer and bypass
Hose reel station
1 Hose reel stations shall be provided in process units. Two stations shall be positioned
within 23 meters walking distance from any / every point within production facilities
2 Hose reel stations shall be equipped with 31meter of 1.5”, 19mm internal bore, 500 # non
collapsible rubber hose and adjustable flow, combination straight stream fog type all
brass nozzles.
3 Reels shall allow hose to be put into service, without unwinding reel. Manifolding
including an eductor shall be provided at each station to permit use of water only or to
allow introduction of foam from a 115liters stainless steel foam tank.
4 Hose reel stations shall be protected inside weatherproof closed cabinets.
Portable fire fighting equipment
Steam lances
1 Low pressure steam lances with associated utility connections shall be located proximate
to pumps, compressors handling flammable products at / above auto ignition
temperatures and in sulphur recovery units.
1 Fire protection systems shall be installed in buildings.
2 Protection of a building is based on fighting fire from both inside and from outside of
building. Firewater shall be available close to and inside some buildings.
3 Type of fire protection systems applied depends on location, equipment to be protected
and particular fire hazard.
4 Equipment replacement and its replacement value shall also, be considered, when making
an assessment for design of fire protection systems. Protection and detection shall be
normally provided in areas, as defined below. Protection for specific buildings shall also,
be given.
5 Where relevant, all doors to enclosed spaces shall be provided with an instruction plate,
which clearly indicates about, what type of extinguishing agents are installed in particular
Fire protection for building areas
6 Instrument Equipment Shelter IES and Electrical Substations SS
a CO2 fire extinguishers shall be provided.
7 IES except HVAC, SS, except HVAC.
a An automatic Inergen fire suppression system shall be installed for protection against
b Inerting enclosures shall suppress and extinguish fire.
c Automatic system shall meet requirements of NFPA 2001.
d All equipment shall be UL and / or FM approved or Vendor National approval.
e Inergen bottles shall be equipped with pressure indicators. All Inergen system shall be
activated directly from approved control panel PLC and should not be interfaced with any
separate control box.

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f Where chances of failures are more important, Inergen activation signal from PLC shall
be wired in duplex to reduce malfunction i.e. one pair from each PLC.
g Inergen release to different rooms in IESs shall be distinguished i.e. Inergen gas shall be
released only in room, where fire is detected and not to whole IESs.
h Manual mechanical activation of Inergen cylinders shall be provided, in case of
automatic activation fails.
i At Inergen release, pressure calculations shall not exceed limits to avoid door damage
and floor tiles flying. Calculations shall be integrated with HVAC ventilation system
design i.e. integrity test should be carried out and provided to Company for review.
j Door switches shall be designed to inhibit overriding each others i.e. action from one
switch manual or auto shall not be changed from any other switch.
k Systems and procedures shall be established to de energize system, when area is
l Lockout system shall be provided to all suppressant systems.
m HVAC control panels shall be protected by automatic release CO2 system.
n Manual call points shall be provided at each exit door.
Operator shelter
1 No hose reels shall be installed.
2 Only 9 kg dry powder portable extinguishers shall be installed.
Chemical shed
1 Fire protection shall consist of 9kg dry chemical powder fire extinguishers and hose reel
with 31m hose connected to fire water supply.
Hydrocarbon type fire
1 This specification describes minimum fireproofing requirements for protection against a
hydrocarbon type fire. Hydrocarbon fire is defined in U.L. 1709.
2 Protection is necessary for vessel skirts and other steel support structures, where their
sudden collapse due to fire would seriously endanger personnel, lead to release of large
quantities of flammable products and / or toxic materials, lead to consequences beyond
property limit including environmental damage or endanger major equipment.
3 In special cases, Fireproofing is required for critical control and electric cables.
4 Fire exposure resistance time shall be of 2hours, when exposed to a hydrocarbon fire as
defined in UL 1709 or in BS 476 Part 20, Appendix D.
5 Extent of fireproofing shall be shown on construction drawings. Fireproofing details shall
be in accordance with standard drawings.
6 Standard fireproofing material is lightweight vermiculite concrete for steel structures and
intumscent mastic for critical control and electric cables.
Fireproofing Zones
1 Only specific structures and equipment located within a Fire Proofing Zone FPZ shall be
fireproofed. A FPZ shall only be applied to a plant or system with a maximum operating
inventory of more than 5metric tons of flammable product.
2 In this context, a “system” is smallest volume of piping and equipment including vessels
that can be “blocked in” in event of a fire.
3 These zones shall be identified early in detailed engineering phase of Project
4 For liquid pool fires, FPZ is a volume, which a cylinder shall have a radius of 9m from
Potential Source of Leakage PSL and a height of 9m above Hazard Level HL.
5 For liquid or vapour torch fires, FPZ is a volume with a special shape.
6 Radius of sphere shall be 9m.
7 Sphere / bullet storage shell up to their connecting flanges and nozzles containing
liquefied gases shall be considered as Fire Potential Equipment.
Structures Supporting Equipment
1 Steel structures located within a FPZ shall be fireproofed, when supported equipment

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contains a total of more than 2metric tons of flammable product or has a total mass
including contents of more than 10metric tons or contains toxic material or sudden failure
is likely to cause danger to personnel.
2 Steel structures within a FPZ supporting air coolers shall be fireproofed, if air cooler
contains a total of more than 1metric ton of flammable product or total mass of air
cooler/s supported by structure exceeds 2.5metric tons including contents.
3 Steel columns, beams and any / every members within FPZ designed for purpose of
reducing effective buckling length of columns shall be fireproofed.
4 When resistance to mechanical damage is required towards bottom of a column,
fireproofing shall be made of reinforced concrete erected from grade level up to a
minimum 1.8 m height.
5 Stairways, walkways and platforms designed mainly for live loads and top surfaces of
beams supporting floor plates, gratings or equipment are normally not fireproofed.
6 In early stages of design features, which shall be considered include:
a Comparison of cost and construction time for prefabricated concrete structures versus
steel structures and fireproofing
b Fire protection policy and plant availability
c Minimizing need for bracing in a framework, where fireproofing is required.
d Weight of fireproofing
e Increased overall dimensions of fireproofed members
f Prefabrication
7 Measures to protect supporting steel structures from torch fires generating thermal
radiation level of 350KW / m² are in descending order of preference:
8 A judicious location and orientation of PSL’s relative to supporting steel structures in
order to avoid impact of accidentally released product jets and in case of ignition of
resultant jet flame on structure.
9 Application of fire shielding, either near PSL or near surfaces to be protected to deflect
jet or jet flame and thus avoid impact
a If neither of above is possible or practical, application of fireproofing as specified.
Steel Pipe Supports
1 Individual pipe supports and steel structures supporting overhead piping located in an
FPZ shall be fireproofed, if one or more of following apply:
2 Pipe is a flare line or an emergency depressurizing vent line.
3 Pipe contains toxic material.
4 Pipe is connected to equipment, which would be severely damaged by additional nozzle
loading in event of loss of pipe support.
5 Pipe runs beneath an air cooler, whose steel support structure is fireproofed including
horizontal members.
6 Pipe carries firefighting water and / or other utilities, which would reduce firefighting
capability in event of loss of support.
7 Pipe is an instrument airline or hydraulic control line, whose loss would interfere with
ability to shut down plant.
8 Spring hangers shall be fireproofed with suitable easy removable covers such as PYTEC
fire protection system or equivalent.
9 Columns of pipe racks and pipe supports shall be fireproofed from HL up to 0.3m below
lowest horizontal member of structure.
10 Diagonal bracing for resisting only lateral forces shall not be fireproofed.
Vessels and Exchangers
1 Outside of skirts of vertical vessels located within an FPZ shall be fireproofed, if vessel
contains a total of more than 2metric tons of flammable product, total mass including
contents being more than 10metric tons or it contains toxic material. Inside of skirts shall
be fireproofed, if diameter is 1.2meter and above.

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2 Inside and outside fireproofing of vessel skirts shall be in accordance with reference
Standard Drawing
3 Supports for Insulation and Fireproofing
4 Saddles supporting horizontal vessels and exchangers shall not be fireproofed.
5 If there are flanged pipe connections within circumference of skirt of vertical vessels,
Fireproofing shall be applied to inside of skirt as well.
ESD Valves
1 Actuators of ESD valves, when match “Emergency Shut Down Philosophy”, Protection
flow chart shall be fireproofed using flexible covers.
2 Flexible covers shall be installed directly on actuator casing with uniform thickness.
3 Fire protection shall protect actuators at least 30minutes assuming a continuous total
exposure to fire with a flame temperature of 1100°C.
4 Critical Control and Power cabling serving safeguarding systems shall be installed and
fire protected against direct radiation and flame impingement.
Codes and Standards
Following latest codes and standards to extent specified herein shall apply.
Alternate standards and codes meeting requirements of referenced standards and codes may be
used with approval of Company.
1 American Welding Society Publication AWS
2 AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code
3 Underwriter’s Laboratories, Including UL
4 UL1709 Fire Resistance Rapid Temperature Rise
5 Occupational Safety & Health Administration OSHA
6 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29
7 British Standards
8 BS 476 Part 20: 1987 New Appendix D: Hydrocarbon Curve Torch Fire
9 Decision Flow Chart for Fireproofing of Structures Supporting Equipment
1 Standard fireproofing material is lightweight vermiculite concrete.
2 Alternative proprietary system with proven track record may be used. Extent of
fireproofing shall be as indicated on design drawings.
3 Required thickness of fireproofing material shall be calculated according to criteria Hp/A
and from data derived from fireproofing Manufacturer’s data sheets.
1 Light weight vermiculite Concrete shall be used as fireproofing material.
2 Any / every proprietary cementitious fireproofing system should incorporate a water
repellent and / or seal coat layer to protect material from staining and / or ingress of
detrimental substances.
3 Minimum curing period shall be 7 days.
Material Performances
1 Two hour protection based on testing according to UL1709, hydrocarbon curve or
according to BS 476 Part20 Appendix D.
2 Shore hardness shall be at least 40.
1 All application procedures and materials used shall be in strict accordance to
manufacturer’s published manuals.
2 Any / Every deviations from these established methods shall be submitted to Contractor
for approval and Company for review, before application on Site.
General Considerations for Application of Materials
Surface preparation
1 Steel work surfaces, which are to be fireproofed with lightweight vermiculite concrete
shall be prepared and painted in accordance with Specification for Painting.

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2 Where alternative fire proofing materials are proposed, specification for surface
preparation and painting shall be considered as integral part of this fire protection and
details be submitted for approval to Contractor.
Fireproofing supports and mesh reinforcement
1 Applicator in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations shall submit for
approval detailed procedure for fireproofing installation to Contractor, prior to
commencing work.
2 Mesh reinforcement shall be plastified / coated & galvanized or be stainless steel type to
ensure durability of fire protection against environmental corrosion.
Top coat
1 Any every seal coat or paint system for application to external surfaces of fireproofing
materials must be recommended by manufacturers & also, shall approved by Contractor.
Accidental damage
1 Columns steel members, which have fire proofing of light weight vermiculite concrete
and which are located within 1.5m of an access way for vehicles and maintenance
equipment shall be protected from damage.
2 Type of protection proposed shall be submitted for approval to Contractor.
1 At all locations, where steelwork emerges from fireproofing, interface shall be sealed.
Application methods on steel profile
Depending on sizes of steel profile:
1 For steel profile up to 200mm between wings / flanges “Solid Fill” method shall be used.
2 For Steel Profile above 200mm between flanges “Following Profile” method shall be
3 Boxed configuration is not allowed.
Inspection and testing
1 Inspection and testing shall be carried out in accordance with site QR / QA / QC
procedures provided by fireproofing material manufacturer.
2 Applicator shall ensure that all work is inspected at all stages for quality control in
respect of reinforcement strength, coverage, thickness, finish uniformity and application.
3 Applicator shall ensure that all materials meet service conditions and design
4 Acceptance of applied thickness shall be based upon random measurements, but in no
case shall be less than minimum stated within fireproofing manufacturer’s application
specification and this document.
1 Repair of damaged or defective areas shall be accomplished in same manner as original
coating as specified in this document and manufacturer’s instructions.
2 Repair materials and procedures shall be approved by Contractor, prior to commencing
repair work.
3 Surface finishing of repaired material shall be identical to finish of adjacent original
approved application.
Employer – Project owner
Safety Task Analysis Risk Reduction Talk STARRT –
1 A process that utilises employees to identify and resolve environmental, safety and health
related hazards associated with a task, prior to its being performed.
Job Hazard Analysis JHA
1 Identifies key job steps, tools, equipment, potential environmental, safety and health
hazards, hazard control practices, essential personal protection equipment (PPE) for
larger, more complex and usually repetitive jobs.
2 It is prepared by a team normally consisting of a representative from environmental,

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safety and health department, employee supervisors and field engineering representative
3 A specific activity or subpart of a job i.e. installing a pipe hanger, building a concrete
form or installing electrical power to a fabrication area
Hazard Control Sheets
1 A series of risk assessment sheets used for assisting line supervision in developing
STARRT / JHA process.
Site Manager
1 Ensure that this procedure is being applied for control of all activities through
Contractor Supervision and Subcontractor Management
Health, Safety and Environment Supervisor / Manager
1 Is responsible for development of this procedure and monitoring compliance
Site Manager – (Subcontractor)
1 Shall ensure that sufficient resources are provided to implement this procedure and that
procedure is understood and applied correctly.
Site Superintendents / Supervision & Subcontractor
1 Shall be thoroughly familiar with this procedure with their individual
responsibilities regarding its implementation and enforcement
2 Shall carry out regular inspections daily of their work areas to ensure that
requirements under this procedure are being followed.
Guidelines for STARRT
Subcontractor Supervision shall ensure employee involvement in STARRT process by:
1 Ensuring that all employees under their charge are trained in STARRT process
2 Establishing a system to follow up with all their crews to verify that STARRT
process is being correctly implemented
3 Requiring employees to participate in an individual STARRT review, prior to start
of each shift for each new task
4 Supervisors shall discuss hazards relating to project / facility with employees to
compile information necessary to complete STARRT card
5 Upon completion of STARRT card, supervisors shall review requirements of card
with employees performing work and supervisor should sign card.
6 Card shall be translated into common spoken language and displayed for review in
immediate work area.
7 STARRT cards are to be returned to supervisor and forwarded to Subcontractor
Safety Supervisor’s office as appropriate at end of each shift or completion of
work task.
8 Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that cards are properly completed, signed
and returned.
9 STARRT cards should be reviewed for proper usage / completion by Health,
Safety and Environmental Supervisor and maintained on file in subcontractor
HS&E Office.
Guidelines for Job Hazard Analysis JHA
1 JHA may be included as part of a work plan or work package and requirements of
JHA be incorporated into hazardous work permits HWP as well as, project /
facility specific SHE plans as appropriate.
2 A JHA of specific jobs or operations is required for, but not limited to following:
a High risk jobs
b New jobs or tasks that present unspecified or unknown hazards
c Jobs or tasks involving new equipment, machinery or procedures
d Major job categories that shall be repeated frequently.

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eJobs or tasks that have historically experienced a repeated or significant rate of

accidents, injuries, exposures or near misses
f Jobs involving environmental remediation of hazardous waste
g Jobs or tasks that in professional judgment of responsible SHE Representative,
require a formal JHA.
h Jobs or tasks are broken down into a series of successive steps or activities.
i Required or anticipated tools and equipment for each step or activity are to be
included. All potential hazards within each step or activity are identified.
3 Include following hazard categories in JHA:
a Chemical exposures / Oxygen deficiency / Exposures to ionizing and non ionizing
/ radiation / Electrical hazards / Physical hazards / Fire and explosion /
Temperature extremes / Excessive noise / Biological hazards
4 Input should be solicited from multi disciplinary professional staff for hazard
evaluation. This input should include safety, industrial hygiene, health physics
and engineering personnel.
5 After all known suspected or potential hazards have been identified and accident
experience reviewed, a plan must be developed with solutions to eliminate or
control hazards.
6 Elimination or control of hazard should be implemented first by engineering
methods, then by administrative methods and as a last resort, by proper use of
Personal Protection Equipment PPE.
Guidelines For Using Hazard Control Sheets
1 Hazard Control Sheet applicable to a work activity shall be used as a reference on
developing a STARRT card or a specific Job Hazard Analysis.
2 In circumstances, where a STARRT card or JHA are not deemed necessary then
Hazard Control sheet may be used as a guideline for conducting a task team talk
by supervision to their employees.
1 BS SHE Procedures / Attachments / STARRT Card
2 Job Hazard Analysis and Control Program Sheets
3 Safety Task Analysis Risk Reduction Talk STARRT Card
4 Notation:- Y-Yes, N-No, Na-Not Applicable

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 27
Chapter 13
Environmental clauses for plant Industrial city in Construction Contracts
JHA & Control Programmes
Job Description:
Primary Hazards Risks:

Electrical Y N Na
Locked & Tagged
Try & Test
Shored / Battered
Ladder Provided

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Daily Inspection
Entry Permit
Hazards (Body)
Fall Potential
Pinch Points
Electrical Shock
Slip -Trip
Flying Particles
Thermal Burns
Manual Lifting
Sharp Object
Hot Work
Confined Space
Breaking Process
Critical Lift Plan
Personnel Basket
Emergency Equipment
Fire Extinguisher
Safety Shower
Permit Displayed
All Conditions Met
Assembly Area
Hazards (Environmental)
Airborne Particles
Hot / Cold Surfaces
Hot / Cold Materials
Heat Stress
Proper Equipment
Man Lift
Personal Basket
Jlg Lift
Hand Tools
Poared Tools
Good Conditions
Operator Certificate
Proper Rigging
Current Inspection
Trucks, Tractors, Etc
Overhead Work Or
Floor Opening

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Fixed Barricades
(Tape) Danger
(Tape) Caution
Hole Cover / Cleat
Handrails / Toe board
Process Equipment
Valves Locked
Tags Hung
Blinds Installed And Tagged
Standby Person
Confined Space
Fire Watch
Sandblast Person
Traffic Watch
Fire Blanket
Fire Extinguisher
Cylinders Secured
Moved Sparks
Sparks Contained
Hazards (Chemical)
Msds’s Reviewed
Chemical Burn
Skin / Eye Irritant
Personal Protective Equipment
Work Gloves
Chemical Gloves
Anti vibration Gloves
Wet Suits
Foot Guards
Rubber Boots
Mono Goggles
Face Shield
Fresh Air
Ear Protection
Safety Harness
Burning Goggles
Hard Hat
Safety Glasses

Print Employee Name Employee Signature

Supervisor Name (print) Supervisors signature

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Job Hazard Analysis JHA & Control Program Sheets.

Job Hazard Analysis
Description: Location: Page of
Key Job Steps Potential Injury Tools or Equipment Used Engineering
Or Health Effect Safe
PPE etc.

Responsible Safety & Health Representative:

Date: Date:

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme Sheets
001 Civil Works Evacuation
002 Civil Works Concreting and Shuttering
003 General Transportation of Gas Cylinders
004 General Gas Cutting
005 General Grinding
006 General Welding
007 General Diesel Engines
008 Mechanical Installation Radiography
009 Mechanical / Commissioning Pressure Testing
010 Electrical Installation Cable Drum Handling
011 Electrical Installation Cable Pulling
012 Electrical Installation Cable Laying / Cable Termination
013 General Material Handling
014 General Handling of Steel
015 General Handling of Timber
016 Civil Concrete Pours
017 Civil Steel Fixing
018 Civil Backfilling of Excavations
019 Mechanical Installation Transportation / Lifting of Heavy Equipment
020 Temporary Works Erection of Scaffolding
021 Temporary Works Provision & Maintenance of Safe Scaffolding
022 Temporary Works Dismantling of Scaffolding
023 General Use of Hazardous Substances
024 Civil Works Erection of Fencing
025 Civil Works Fabrication of Gates
026 Civil Works Erection of Gates
027 General Removal of Waste Material
028 Mechanical Erection of Steel Work
029 Mechanical Installation of pipeline and Valve Fittings
030 Electrical Electrical Work

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031 Civil Works Rock Drilling

032 Civil Works Rock Blasting
033 Site Preparation Earthworks
034 General Site Transport

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- ...A - 001.......................................
1 Cables / pipelines buried underground.
2 Existing Structures / Buildings.
3 Existing pipes being struck or cracking at joints.
4 Vehicles / Plant driving into excavation.
5 Personnel falling into excavation.
6 Collapse of excavation.
7 Accumulation of Gas / Water
Control Measures
1 Cable avoidance tool to be used, prior to excavating in order to determine cable routes.
2 Services drawings to be used to determine cable / pipeline route.
3 Trial hand digging to be undertaken in order to verify cable / pipeline route.
4 Detailed study to be undertaken if excavation work is to be carried out adjacent to
existing and / or temporary foundations / buildings.
5 Temporary shoring or supporting of structures in order to prevent collapse to be
approved and completed prior to commencement of excavation.
6 Pipe-work / Cables exposed by excavation to be supported.
7 Stops / Barriers to be provided where necessary at excavation edges in order to prevent
vehicles driving into them.
8 Banks men / persons to be provided whenever vehicles are working adjacent to
9 Guardrails to be erected around excavations, where risk of falling 2 meters or more.
10 Excavations deeper than 1.1 meter to be adequately opened / benched or supported.
11 Adequate means of access / egress into excavations to be provided.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- ...A - 002.......................................
Concreting And Shuttering
1 Unsafe means of access onto shuttering.
2 Manual and mechanical handling.
3 Handling and use of cement / concrete.
4 Use of hand tools / power tools.
Control Measures
1 Access for personnel to carry out work on shuttering to be planned.
2 Safe means of access to be provided at all times in order to prevent risk of falls from
3 Suitable and sufficient craneage to be provided in order to alleviate manual handling
of shuttering and associated components.

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4Manual handling procedure to be developed and implemented.

5Handling to be controlled by experienced slingers where necessary.
6Banks men / persons consideration of high wind conditions and associated risks to be
7 Personnel to be provided with appropriate PPE Personal Protective Equipment during
work with cement / concrete - gloves, rubber safety footwear, RPE Respiratory
Protective Equipment, hearing protection etc.
8 Training to be given on hazards associated with work with cement / concrete.
9 Hand and power tools to be properly maintained.
10 Defective tools shall not be used.
11 Dangerous moving parts of machinery to be guarded.
1 Wash out area for concrete trucks to be identified to prevent build up of waste

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 003.......................................
Transportation Of Gas Cylinders
1 Fire / Explosion during transportation.
2 Manual handling and health risk.
Control Measures
1 Cylinders to be supported during transportation in order to prevent them from falling
2 Cylinders to be segregated by type in order to prevent fire / explosion risk.
3 Valve caps to be fitted to all gas cylinders during transportation.
4 Loading / Offloading of cylinders to be carried out by competent person utilizing
correct slinging techniques.
5 Cylinders being offloaded from a vehicle should not be dropped to the ground and
shall not be rolled.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 004.......................................
Gas Cutting
1 Cylinder explosion.
2 Damage to eyes.
3 Fire.
4 Explosion risk - Live plant.
Control Measures
1 Oxygen cylinders valves / fittings to be kept free from grease / oil.
2 Flashback arrestors to be fitted to gas cylinders.
3 Gas hoses and gauges to be maintained in a safe condition and inspected daily.
4 Defective hoses and gauges are to be replaced immediately.
5 Cylinders to be used in the vertical position and secured against falling.
6 Personnel carrying out gas cutting operations shall wear suitable eye protection.
7 Suitable measures e.g. Provision of fire blankets / fire watchers shall be taken to

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prevent risk of fire during cutting operations.

8 Prior to gas cutting operations in Life plant areas, gas checking shall be carried out
and work shall proceed in accordance with permit to work PTW requirements.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 005......................................

1 Damage to eyes / hearing / other body parts.
2 Fire / Explosion.
3 Wheel burst.
Control Measures
1 Grinders to be maintained in good condition and inspected prior to use.
2 Guards to be fitted to grinders.
3 Changing of abrasive wheels to be carried out by trained and authorized personnel
using proper disc spanners.
4 Personnel carrying out grinding work shall wear suitable eye protection and hearing
5 Grinding operations in Live plant areas shall be carried out in accordance with permit
to work requirements.
6 Grinding operations shall be controlled in order to prevent risk of injury to other
personnel from sparks / metal splinters.
7 Housekeeping in areas at grinding operations to be maintained to a high level.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 006......................................
1 Damage to body parts.
2 Fire / Explosion.
3 Electrocution.
4 Health impairment.
Control Measures
Welders shall be provided with and wear following personal protective equipment:-
1 Welding gloves
2 Overalls
3 Welding goggles with correct filter
4 RPE where identified
5 Flammable materials shall be removed from areas where welding is to be undertaken.
1 If it is not practicable, other suitable precautions shall be taken to alleviate fire and
explosion risk e.g. Provision of fire blankets / fire watcher.
2 Fire extinguisher to be immediately available in area of any / every welding operation.
3 Before welding operations are carried out, materials involved and their respective
byproducts shall be identified, risks assessed and necessary control measures
identified in order to prevent possible respiratory disease / systemic poisoning e.g.

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cadmium, stainless, galvanized, lead coated materials.

4 Welding cables and cable joints shall be maintained in a good condition.
5 Welding returns should be firmly connected to metal on which welding is taking
place. This to be carried out by means of well constructed earthing clamps only.
6 In order to prevent risk of Arc Eye injury to other personnel, suitable screens to be
placed around welders working area.
7 Damp, humid and wet conditions shall be a consideration for voltage and type of
transformer used.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 007.......................................
Diesel Engines (Process Areas)
1 Engine exhaust fires.
2 Over speeding of the engine in live plant areas.
Control Measures
1 Spark arrestors to be fitted to diesel engine exhausts.
2 Chelwyn valves shall also be fitted where needed

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Mechanical Installation
REF No:- ...A - 008.......................................
1 Exposure to radiation.
Control Measures
1 Site radiography shall only be carried out by competent and experienced
2 Site radiography to be carried out in accordance with procedure for site radiography
set out in Employer SHE Manual.
3 Local working rules shall be submitted by NDT Non Destructuve Testing contractor,
prior to work
4 Emergency equipment e.g. local shielding, sand bags, tongs to be provided on site.
5 Warning signs / barriers / flashing lights / alarms to be provided.
6 Radiation meters to be calibrated and certification
7 Contractors, adjacent working and security to be notified in advance.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Mechanical / Commissioning
REF No:- ...A - 009.......................................
Pressure Testing
1 Bursting of blinds / pipes / fittings under pressure testing.
Control Measures
1 Pressure testing of piping shall only be carried out by competent and experienced
2 Pipe work under test and surrounding area to be barricaded / cordoned off and suitable

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warning signs to be displayed.

3 Personnel shall be instructed not to enter areas, where pressure testing is being
4 A written procedure for gradual pressurization to be developed.
5 All fittings e.g. sight glasses, gauges, bursting discs likely to fail under test pressure to
be removed.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Electrical Installation
REF No:- ...A - 010.......................................
Cable Drum
1 Cable drum falling.
2 Trapping injuries.
Control Measures
1 Damaged cable drums not to be used.
2 Vehicles to be sited with regard to site traffic and area for offloading to be
barricaded off.
3 Cable drums to be loaded / offloaded using slings of an adequate safe working
load. This operation is to be carried out by experienced and competent
4 Cable jacks to be placed on even surfaces.
5 Cable drums shall be located on cable jacks, designed for purpose and of a
suitable capacity and base.
6 Protruding nails on cable drums to be removed / bent over.
7 Cable drums to be checked when stored.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Electrical Installation
REF No:- ...A - 011......................................
Cable Pulling
1 Cable drum falling.
2 Trapping injuries.
3 Manual handling - back injuries.
Control Measures
1 Personnel to wear suitable gloves / footwear when cable pulling.
2 Cable jacks to be of a sufficient capacity and placed on an even surface.
3 Personnel shall be instructed in cable pulling techniques, including requirement for
ensuring good manual handling techniques are adopted.
4 Assessment of weight of cable to be pulled and numbers of persons required to be

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Electrical Installation
REF No:- ...A - 012.......................................
Cable Laying / Cable Termination

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1 Cable drum falling.
2 Trapping injuries.
3 Manual handling - back injuries.
Control Measures
1 Personnel to wear suitable gloves / footwear when cable laying / terminating cables.
2 Cable jacks to be of a sufficient capacity and placed on an even surface.
3 Warning signs to be positioned adjacent to cable laying / cable termination areas.
4 Personnel shall be trained in cable laying / cable termination techniques including
requirements for ensuring good manual handling techniques are adopted.
5 Cable terminations shall be carried out by trained and competent personnel using
suitable tools
6 Permit to work PTW system to be followed to ensure that glanding and termination of
cables are on electrically isolated panels.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 013.......................................
Material Handling
1 Manual handling - back injuries
Control Measures
1 Whenever practicable, mechanical lifting aids e.g. cranes, forklift trucks etc. shall be
used to alleviate requirement for manual handling.
2 Supervision shall assess weight, center of gravity etc. and determine number of
persons required to carry out work safely.
3 Personnel should be trained in manual handling techniques.
4 Gloves, Safety footwear and goggles to be worn by personnel engaged in material
5 Good housekeeping measures shall be enforced in order to prevent slips, trips and
falls during material handling.
6 Material shall be stored in designated areas.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 014.......................................
Handling of Steel
1 Trapping injuries.
2 Falling material.
3 Manual handling.
4 Slips, trips and falls.
Control Measures
1 Personnel to wear suitable gloves / footwear and goggles, when handling steel.
2 Personnel to be trained in slinging and banks man / person techniques in order to
ensure materials are lifted in a safe manner.
3 Suitable equipment is to be used to lift steelwork.
4 Steel shall be stored in a designated area on wooden skids / sleepers.
5 Good housekeeping standards shall be maintained in steel lay down areas in order to

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prevent slips, trips and falls.

6 Tug lines should be used, when lifting / traveling materials by cranes.
7 Personnel not involved in any steel handling operation to be kept clean of area of

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 015.......................................
Handling of Timber
1 Trapping injury
2 Slip, Trip and Fall
3 Hand injury
Control Measures
1 Personnel to wear suitable gloves / footwear, when handling timber products.
2 Timber to be de nailed in order to prevent puncture wounds.
3 Timber shall be stored in designated areas away from offices and other buildings.
4 Good standards of housekeeping shall be maintained in order to prevent slips, trips
and falls.
5 Swarm wood chips and sawdust must be removed in a timely manner to prevent
accumulation of a fire hazard.
6 Circular saws to be fitted with riving knives and guards.
7 Push sticks to be used for the cutting of timber by circular saws.
8 Personnel shall be instructed on safe operation of mechanical equipment.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 016......................................
Concrete Pours
1 Manual handling.
2 Defective plant / equipment.
3 Falling materials.
Control Measures
1 Personnel placing concrete shall wear suitable gloves / gums footwear and eye
2 Plant and equipment used during concrete placing to be operated by trained and
authorized personnel under close supervision
3 All plant and equipment shall carry current certification and be maintained in a safe
4 Defective plant / equipment to be removed from service and effective remedial
actions taken.
5 Slinging and lifting operations to be carried out by trained personnel
6 Unauthorized personnel must be prohibited from entering areas, where concrete
placing activities are being undertaken.
7 Access across reinforcing bars fixing shall be maintained with timber boarding to
provide a safe access and place of work.
8 Sufficient rest pauses shall be allowed to all members of crew & reenergize by some
cold / hot drinks

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Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- ...A - 017.......................................
Steel Fixing
1 Falling material
2 Slip, Trip and Fall
3 Manual Handling.
4 Cut injuries.
Control Measures
1 Experienced and trained steel fixers shall be used with adequate supervision provided.
2 Steel fixers should wear suitable gloves / footwear and eye protection.
3 Reinforcing Bars shall be lifted into the work area using certificated lifting equipment
and tackle.
4 Reinforcing Bar off cuts / wire to be removed in order to prevent slips, trips and falls.
5 Steel fixers to use proper tools in order to assist in bar bending typical activities.
6 Toolbox talks shall be conducted emphasizing hazards of bar bending pinch points
and handling steel reinforcing bar sharp edges
7 Exposed vertical bars that are sited / placed in a manner that can expose personnel to
risk shall be bent, covered or protected by some other means say protection Caps.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Work
REF No:- ...A - 018......................................
Backfilling of Excavations
1 Collapse of excavation.
2 Physical injury due to proximity of plant.
Control Measures
1 Only approved mechanical shovels / JCB are to be used to carry out this work.
2 Plant used to backfill excavations should carry current certification and maintained in
a safe condition.
3 Plant shall be operated by trained and authorized personnel
4 Banks men / Person shall be used to control backfilling operation in order to prevent
plant working too close to excavation edge.
5 Unauthorized personnel should be excluded from areas, where backfilling of
excavations goes on
6 A survey of area to be carried out, to assess risks to any / every adjacent structures
and / or utilities that may exist.
7 Operators to be briefed on any / every identified potential hazards.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Mechanical Installation
REF No:- ...A - 019.......................................
Transportation / Lifting of Heavy Equipment
1 Defective equipment.

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2 Overloading of vehicles.
Control Measures
1 Plant / Equipment used shall be maintained in a good condition.
2 Licensed and experienced operators shall be used to carry out this activity.
3 Loading of equipment to be carried out in accordance with company approval.
4 Loading shall be closely supervised in attendance of trained banks men / Person.
5 Rigging / Crane studies shall be undertaken, if required to ensure lifting operation is
carried out in a controlled and effective manner utilizing any / every existing lifting
points provided.
6 Weight of any / every such load shall be determined to ensure that overloading is
7 Banks men / Person shall wear reflecting vests or jackets or other means of personal

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Temporary Works
REF No:- ...A - 020......................................
Erection of Scaffolding
1 Scaffolders fall from height.
2 Scaffolders / Other personnel injured by falling materials.
Control Measures
1 Scaffold erection to be undertaken by trained scaffolders, working under competent
2 Safe means of access / egress to be provided and maintained for scaffolders carrying
out erection work.
3 Suitable and sufficient material shall be available in order for scaffold to be erected
4 Scaffolders to wear gloves, safety footwear, safety helmets and safety harnesses
during scaffold erection activities.
5 Scaffold components to be lifted using safe techniques. Components should neither be
thrown up to scaffolder nor to ground.
6 Unauthorized personnel to be excluded from area, where scaffold erection is being
carried out.
7 Scaffolds and access ladders to be tagged as ‘Safe to use’ by a competent person on
completion, prior to use

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Temporary Works
REF No:- ...A - 021......................................
Provision And Maintenance Of Safe Scaffolding
1 Collapse of scaffold
2 Personnel falling from scaffolding.
Control Measures
1 Detailed consideration shall be given to all scaffolding to ensure that it is properly
planned and erected to meet working requirements, designed to carry necessary
loading and maintained in a sound condition B.S. 5973 shall be followed as guidance.
2 Scaffolding shall be provided with adequate ties / supports in order to prevent

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3 Scaffolding shall be inspected and tagged prior to use
4 Regular inspections of scaffolding shall be undertaken and recorded in order to ensure
that structure is maintained in a safe condition.
5 Personnel working from scaffolds shall be instructed not to interfere or alter an
existing scaffold.
6 Effective actions to be taken by supervision in order to ensure that scaffolding defects
are rectified immediately e.g. guard rails replaced, toe boards replaced etc.
7 Only authorized scaffolders shall be allowed to alter scaffolding in any / whatever
way. Supervision shall liaise with scaffolders in order to ensure that coordination of
scaffolding maintenance.
8 Incomplete scaffolding to be clearly identified and personnel should be prohibited
from using such structures.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Temporary Works
REF No:- ...A - 022.......................................
Dismantling of Scaffolding
1 Fall off scaffold material, during dismantling.
2 Fall off scaffolders / other personnel during dismantling.
Control Measures
1 Dismantling of scaffolding to be carried out by trained and competent scaffolders
under supervision.
2 An assessment by supervisor in charge of best method of dismantling scaffold shall be
conducted that reduces overall risks, risk at falling material and maintenance of
stability of structure.
3 No ties or bracing shall be removed in advance of general dismantling.
4 Working platforms shall be dusted and cleared of all materials and debris, before
dismantling commences.
5 All possible access to dismantled sections of scaffolding should be barred and a
warning sign displayed.
6 Scaffold materials shall be removed carefully. Bombing of scaffold materials shall be
strictly prohibited.
7 Surplus boards and fittings shall be removed from platforms as work progresses and
at end of each day.
8 Tubes and fittings shall be stacked at ground level, unless first lift has been designed
to support extra loading.
9 Unauthorized personnel shall be excluded from areas, where dismantling of
scaffolding is carried out.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ...A - 023.......................................
Use Of Hazardous Substances
1 Health impairment.
2 Fire / explosion.
3 Environmental impact.

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Control Measures
1 Assessments on hazards and risks to health by potentially harmful substances shall be
carried out. These assessments shall detail control measures that should be taken to
reduce risks to health.
2 Material safety data sheets MSDS and assessments of risk and necessary control
measures to be considered / put in place prior to work being carried out.
3 Personnel shall be instructed to take appropriate precautions to protect their health
from hazards.
4 Training to be given in correct use and maintenance of personal protective equipment.
5 Hazardous substances shall be stored in a safe manner.
6 Materials shall be segregated in accordance with good practice e.g. keeping oxidizing
and reducing agents apart.
7 Contingency arrangements should be in place to prevent spillage of any / every
hazardous substance to ground.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- ....A - 024....................................
Erection of Fencing
1 Fall of material.
2 Manual handling.
3 Slip, trip and fall.
Control Measures
1 Erection of fencing to be carried out by personnel, who have been briefed in correct
method of work.
2 Good housekeeping standards shall be maintained during work.
3 Correct tools shall be used during stretching of mesh.
4 Posts shall be lifted with mechanical assistance in order to alleviate manual handling.
5 Personnel to wear gloves, safety footwear and safety helmets during work.
6 Training shall be given on hazards associated with work with cement / concrete.
7 Permit to work shall be required, when working adjacent to overhead lines,
underground utilities etc.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- ......A - 025.......
Fabrication of Gates
1 Falling materials.
2 Fire and explosion.
3 Damage to body parts.
4 Electric shock.
Control Measures
1 Gate fabrication to be carried out by personnel, who have been familiarized with
requirement for safe working practices.
2 Personnel to wear gloves, safety footwear and welding goggles with correct filter
during this work.
3 Welding shall be carried out in dry conditions and in accordance with requirements of

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Hazard Analysis and Control Procedure 006 Welding.

4 Gas cutting to be carried out in accordance with requirements of Hazard Analysis and
Control Sheet 004 Gas Cutting.
5 Good standards of housekeeping shall be maintained in fabrication area.
6 Fire extinguishers shall be provided.
7 Oxygen / Acetylene sets to be sited in an adjacent location with valve keys fitted and
secured upright and flash back arrestors fitted.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- .........A - 026................................
Erection of Gates
1 Fall of gate.
2 Damage to body parts.
3 Manual handling.
Control Measures
1 Gate erection to be carried out by trained personnel under supervision.
2 Personnel to wear gloves, safety footwear and safety helmets.
3 Sharp edges on gates to be removed by grinding, prior to erection.
4 Lifting of gates into position shall be undertaken, using suitable lifting tackle and

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- .........A - 027.......
Removal of Waste Material
1 Manual handling
2 Damage to body parts
3 Occupational health problems
Control Measures
1 Personnel engaged in removal of waste material shall wear gloves, safety footwear
and safety helmets.
2 Light waste to be swept up and removed in a wheel barrow.
3 Heavier waste e.g. steel off cuts, drums etc. should be removed, using mechanical
plant e.g. fork lift truck, excavator etc.
4 Waste material shall be stored in designated areas in skips.
5 Waste material classified as hazardous shall be removed by a contractor classed as
competent for task
6 Hazard sheet shall be followed for handling of any / every hazardous waste.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ......A - 028..................................
Erection of Steelwork
1 Falls from height.

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2 Structural stability.
3 Manual handling.
4 Falling materials.
5 Trapping injuries.
6 Slips, trips and falls.
Control Measures
1 Steel erection shall be carried out by trained and competent personnel working under
2 Method statements detailing proposed erection schemes shall be produced.
3 These method statements shall identify hazardous site features and other aspects
likely to impair safe erection.
4 Proposed methods for ensuring stability of framework and its components during
erection and until completion shall also, be addressed.
5 Steelwork shall be lifted into position, using suitable certified lifting tackle /
6 Trained banks men / slingers / persons shall be used to control the lifting operations.
7 Personnel should wear gloves, safety footwear and safety helmets.
8 Safety harnesses to be worn and attached to a secure anchor point, when erection
work is being undertaken.
9 Safe means of access onto steel work to be provided and maintained.
10 Good housekeeping standards shall be maintained in areas, where equipment erection
is being undertaken.
11 Area of site affected by erection operations shall be designated, as a restricted area:-
barriers and notices to be erected to prohibit entry to non erection personnel.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- .....A - 029..........
Installation of Pipeline & Valve Fittings
1 Manual handling.
2 Trapping.
3 Slip, trip and fall.
1 Installation shall be carried out by trained and competent personnel working under
2 Heavy fittings shall be lifted, using suitable certificated lifting tackle / equipment and
tug lines.
3 Personnel should wear gloves, safety footwear and safety helmets.
4 Suitable tools should be used to assist in installation of fittings.
5 Good housekeeping standards shall be maintained in areas, where installation work is
being undertaken.
6 Pipelines shall only be installed on structures, which have been mechanically
complete or are safe to work from.
7 Rigging studies shall be prepared for spool pieces / valves etc. Being placed inside
structures of limited access.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ................A - 030..........................

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Electrical Work
1 Fall from height.
2 Electric shock.
3 Fire and explosion.
Control Measures
1 Electrical work shall be carried out by trained and competent electricians
2 These persons should have technical knowledge and experience to understand
hazards, which may arise during work and precautions, which are required to be
3 Work on live conductors or on electrical equipment, which has been made dead shall
be carried out only under an appropriate permit to work PTW procedure.
4 Safe means of access to be provided for electricians required to work at height e.g.
ladders, scaffold towers etc.
5 Insulated tools should be used in order to carry out electrical work.

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- .............A - 031.............................
Rock Drilling
1 Cables / pipelines buried underground.
2 Existing structures / buildings.
3 Noise.
Control Measures
1 Cable avoidance tools to be used, prior to rock drilling in order to determine presence
of live cables.
2 Services drawings to be used to determine cable / pipeline routes.
3 Trial hand digging to be undertaken in order to verify cable / pipeline routes.
4 Temporary sharing or supporting of existing foundations / buildings to be carried out,
prior to commencement of rock drilling.
5 Personnel carrying out drilling work shall wear safety helmets, gloves, safety
footwear and hearing protection.
6 Unauthorized personnel should not be allowed in areas, where rock drilling is being

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Civil Works
REF No:- ........A - 032......
Rock Blasting
1 Use of explosives.
2 Noise.
Control Measures
1 Only trained and experienced shot firers to be permitted to use explosives.
2 Before explosives are used, a written system of work shall be prepared.
3 Personnel involved in blasting operation must be made aware of safe systems of work,
prior to be followed / work carried out.

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4 Consideration shall include: blast mats, audible alarms, site inspection and
5 Sentinels and visual warning signs should be posted around area likely to be affected
by blast.
6 Effective actions shall be taken to ensure that danger area is clear of all personnel /
animals immediately, before firing occurs.
7 An audible means of giving warning that a shot is about to be fired and to sound all
clear to be provided.
8 Police site personnel and other relevant parties shall be notified of shot firing times.
9 Existing foundations / pipes in vicinities of rock blasting shall be protected by shoring

Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

Site Preparation
REF No:- ................A - 033.....................
Earth Works
1 Movement of Heavy Mobile Plant
2 Dust
3 Noise
Control Measures
1 Drivers, operators and banks men / persons of mechanical plant and equipment shall
be trained, competent and at least 18 years of age.
2 Only authorized drivers and operators shall be allowed to use plant and equipment.
3 Drivers and operators to be trained not only in correct operation of plant and
equipment, but also, in limitations of its use and hazards, which exist, if it is not used
4 Preventive maintenance program shall be established to ensure that all plant and
equipment are systematically inspected, serviced, repaired and maintained as
5 Prior to earthworks commencing, overhead / buried electrical cables and other
pipelines shall be identified and precautions taken to prevent damage to these
6 Non essential personnel shall be kept well away from area of operation and trained
banks men / persons should be provided, where necessary.
7 Measures shall be taken to prevent dust from impairing visibility by use of water
spray on roads and if practicable, a one way system for traffic.
8 Site speed limits to be set and strictly enforced.
9 Plant items should not be parked, so as to cause an obstruction to other plant or site
activities, or so close together, as to cause danger to personnel in vicinity.
10 A stacking system to be operated away from area of activity, if required.
11 Plant shall be fitted with reversing alarms where appropriate.
12 Employees working in vicinity of earth moving operations should wear safety
helmets, safety footwear and high visibility vests.
13 Drivers should not remain on a vehicle being loaded, unless a suitable overhead
protective canopy is provided.
14 Personnel should stand well clear of loading operations.
15 Personnel shall be instructed to establish contact with driver, prior to walking in path
of a vehicle.
16 Sleeping under or against vehicles is strictly prohibited.

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Hazard Analysis & Control Programme

REF No:- ..........A - 034........................
1 Site Transport
1 Vehicle / Pedestrian Interface
2 Site Conditions
3 Contact with structures / overhead lines
4 Vehicle Defects
5 Falls into excavations
Control Measures
1 Site conditions shall be taken into account in selection of plant.
2 Drivers to be fully trained in election of plant and be aware of limitations of their
machines and in safe operating procedures.
3 Vehicles shall be maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in
good repair.
4 Basic maintenance to be carried out by driver / operator on a daily / weekly basis.
5 Defects found shall be repaired, before vehicle is put into service.
6 Periodic servicing of vehicles to be carried out in accordance with manufacturer’s
7 Speed limits shall be established and clearly displayed for traveling on site haul roads.
8 Personnel working adjacent to haul roads should wear high visibility jackets and
suitable warnings to be displayed, where people can see them in good time.
9 Possibility of vehicles coming into contact with overhead structures or power lines
shall be reduced by erecting height gauges of goad post type, constructed from non
conducting material, distinctively marked with red and white stripes or bunting.
10 Drivers to be instructed not to leave vehicles with respective engines running.
11 Drivers to be instructed not to carry unauthorized passengers.
12 Safe working procedures shall be planned in order to reduce possibility of personnel
being struck by reversing vehicles. These may include
a avoiding requirement to reverse by providing a one way system of
b exclusion of pedestrians from areas, where vehicles have to reverse.
c Provision of banks men.
d Fitting of reversing alarms to vehicles.
13 Vehicles shall be prevented from falling into excavations by
a clearly marking haul roads and securely fencing off immediate excavation
b providing a banks man to guide vehicle and warn personnel in excavation to
keep clear and
c by providing a fixed stop e.g. timber baulk securely anchored, well back from
14 Vehicles should not be overloaded and loads to be evenly distributed, secured and not
projecting beyond
15 On sides or back of vehicle, if some projection is unavoidable then load to be properly
marked in order to ensure that projection is clearly visible.
16 Drivers should not remain in their vehicles, whilst these are being loaded with loose
17 Loading and unloading of tipper lorries shall be attended by a competent banks man.
Tipper lorries should not be allowed to move off, until body have been lowered.
18 Dumpers should not be allowed to travel with body in a raised position, unless inching

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forward to discharge load.

19 Connections between trailers and towing units shall be securely fixed, using correct
towing pin and trailer parking brakes applied, before disconnection from towing

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 28
Chapter 13
Environmental clauses for plant Industrial city in Construction Contracts
Scaffold Procedure
1 Purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for erection, modification, dismantling
and storage of scaffolding that shall be constructed / used on project.
2 Implementation of these guidelines shall be essential to allow a means of safe access to
work fronts, using scaffolding that is assembled, inspected and maintained in a safe and
accident free environment.
3 Procedure shall provide guidance on about, how to manage "scaffold services" to ensure
that only well designed, erected and maintained scaffolds can provide safe means of
access and a safe working area for end users.
4 Specify minimum acceptable safety codes and specifications.
5 Define parties involved in scaffolding works
6 Identify responsibilities of parties
7 Describe types of scaffold approved including modular and any / every / all limitation/s
on its use
8 Outline minimum safe work practices to be applied during erection of scaffolds,
including use of fall arrest equipment and tools, training requirements and competencies /
skills certified / experience of scaffolding supervisors / workers.
9 Establish a procedure to control about, how scaffolds can be erected, modified and
dismantled safely, including any / every safety checks.
10 Highlight requirement for proper use of this scaffold system to other workers by
incorporating about, ‘how to use scaffold safely’ into ‘safety inductions’ to be imparted
necessary, before permission to enter site is granted
11 Required quality audits to be undertaken to ensure compliance with this procedure.

1 Following procedure shall cover all scaffolding erected, dismantled, modified and stored
on project, including any / every offsite or subcontracted elements of project that requires
scaffolding to execute works.
Compliance With Statutory Regulations
Following international standards shall be applied for project:
1 BS EN 39:2001 - Loose steel tube for tube and coupler scaffolds prEN 74-1 - Couplers,
spigots and base plates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part I: Couplers for tubes –
Requirements and test methods.
2 BS EN 12811-1:2003 - Scaffolds – Performance requirements and general design or
equivalent approved Codes of Practice.
3 BS 2482:1981 - Specification for timber scaffold boards
4 EN 354:2002 - Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Lanyards
5 EN 355:2002 - Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Energy
6 EN 361:2002 - Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Full Body
7 EN 362:2004 - Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Connectors

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8 EN 364:1992 - Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Test Methods
9 EN 365:2004 - Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - General
requirements for instructions for use and for marking
10 EN 795:1996 - Personal protective equipment against falls from height - Anchor devices
11 requirements for testing prEN 12402-4 - Personal flotation devices Part 4, Class D
(inland / close to shore. 100 N), safety requirements prEN 1263-1 – Safety Nets
12 Contractor shall obtain prior written approval in event, alternative standards are
13 Request for a substitution shall include a comparison of proposed alternative standards
with British Standard / Euro Norm listed above, highlighting any / every / all differences.
Scaffolding Representative
1 Employee of Contractor certified and approved to supervise and inspect scaffolding
1 A party having a contract with Contractor to carry out work required for realisation of
Subcontractor Scaffolding Worker
1 Employee of a subcontractor such as qualified scaffolders, scaffolding foremen and
2 supervisors, who are certified and approved to carry out scaffolding work
Subcontractor Scaffolding Inspector
1 Employee of a subcontractor certified and approved to carry out inspection of scaffolding
End User –
1 Any / Every party authorised to be on site that has cause to utilise scaffolding.
1 Contractor shall ensure that scaffolding provided by any / every subcontractor complies
2 safety and erection regulations for scaffolding.
3 Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that scaffolding is only erected, modified or
dismantled by or under direct supervision of a competent and experienced person.
4 No scaffolding should be modified by any person other than approved subcontractor
scaffolding workers.
Contractor shall require that subcontractors engaged in scaffold works:
1 Provide all scaffolding workers with overalls, hard hats, leather gloves, safety glasses and
safety boots as well as, ‘fall arrest’ safety equipment.
2 In addition, ear defenders, dust masks and life vests shall also, be provided where
3 Train all scaffolders in use of ‘fall arrest’ equipment, so that scaffolders are tied off at all
4 Provide scaffold workers, supervisors and inspectors, who are qualified and whose
qualification has been verified with trade tests.
5 Records of tests, qualification certificates, training and performance shall also, be
6 Provide qualified scaffold workers, supervisors and inspectors, who are trained in proper
use of fall arrest equipment and maintain records of qualification certificates, training and
7 Provide training for scaffold inspectors, supervision and labour from a competent
electrical specialist on, when scaffolds must be earthed.
8 Contractor shall implement a scaffold inspection and control system to be common
across project.
9 Contractor shall appoint sufficient number of suitably qualified and experienced

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scaffolding representatives to manage, supervise and audit inspection system used by

scaffold subcontractor staff and labour.
10 It is responsibility of Subcontractor to provide sufficient suitably qualified scaffolding
inspectors to provide an inspection signature, prior to access to scaffold being given to
the relevant workforce.
11 Subcontractor shall also, be responsible for Carrying out inspections, including scaffold
tube, boards, ladders and other materials within contractors approved storage area to
ensure no damaged tubes or boards reach site from storage area, prior to erection.
12 Defective materials shall be destroyed and disposed off from site.
13 Ensure that inspectors, foremen and scaffolding supervisors immediately report any / all
breaches of safety or discipline regarding integrity of scaffold by other discipline
contractors to Contractor’s scaffolding representative or their own safety representative.
14 Contractor’s scaffolding representative shall be responsible for:
15 Coordination and communication across all scaffolding subcontractors 100% audit of
special scaffolds
16 Auditing of scaffold inspection and control system for standard scaffolds
17 Auditing inspection of materials in storage areas
18 Providing safety training to end users on safe use of scaffolding onsite, including
checking that inspection date be current and not beyond 1 week validity
19 Contractor shall include instructions on safe use of scaffolding in site induction given to
all labour, staff and visitors, before site entry is permitted. This shall specifically include
prohibition of scaffold modification by any / every party other than qualified scaffolder
labour, obligation to immediately report any / every scaffolding defect/s observed and
authorisation to stop any / whatever work being carried out from it and immediately
remove a green scaffold tag when such defects are noticed.
Types of Scaffold
Special Scaffolds
1 A scaffold that falls within following categories shall be designated as nonstandard,
special construction and as such, requires additional safety checks specified below.
2 This includes requirement for Contractor’s representative to carry out 100% audit of all
special scaffolds and countersign tag and logbook.
Load Bearing Scaffold
1 Load bearing scaffold is one that is required to carry any / every load other than an
evenly distributed load of 2.5kN/m2 or is subject to point loading. Examples may include
scaffolds used as false work in supporting civil type structures such as concrete floors or
that system, which could be used as means of support for lifting equipment, namely chain
blocks and winches.
2 This type of scaffold shall always be approved in advance by Contractor’s representative
and supported with drawings & relevant load calculations.
3 Erection of this type of scaffold cannot commence, until full approval has been granted
and it may not be utilized, until a full inspection by Contractor’s representative is carried
out and installation assembly approved.
Engineered Scaffold
1 Any / Every scaffold structure in excess of 38m height shall be designed by a competent
engineer and approved by Contractor’s SHE Manager
Suspended Scaffolds
1 Bosun’s chairs and gondola type scaffolds are not covered by this specification.
2 Permission for their / respective use shall only be given by Contractor’s SHE Manager
following submission of detailed method statements specific to particular proposed
3 Use of Bosun’s Chair shall be permitted only in exceptional circumstances and then only,
with approval of Company’s SHE Manager.

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Cantilever Scaffold
1 Cantilever scaffold shall be erected from beams, which protrude beyond face of building
or structure.
2 Contractor shall implement same approval and inspection requirements, as for load
bearing scaffolds detailed above.
Note: Supporting data provided for approval shall include details of proposed fixing method.
Hanging Scaffolds
1 Hanging scaffold shall be one that is suspended from a point of support above intended
final working platform.
2 Contractor shall implement same / necessary approval and inspection requirements, as for
cantilever scaffolds, including details of proposed fixing method.
Mobile Scaffolds
1 Mounted on castor wheels consisting of four or more standards.
2 Wheels must be locked, when users are on scaffold.
3 When moving scaffold, no personnel should be present on it for any reason.
4 Maximum height / base ratio for a mobile scaffold shall be: Indoors: 3.5:1 Outdoors: 3:1,
up to a maximum of 3 lifts or 6m.
Standard Scaffolds
1 Subcontractor may elect to use scaffold types rated as suitable for differing loads for
routine construction activities in accordance with categories listed below.
2 Where this approach is adopted, subcontractor shall specify about, how different load
capacities shall be readily and visually identified to ensure that workers do not create
safety hazards by wrongly loading up scaffolds, which as a minimum this shall require /
should be given identification on scaffold safety tag.
Heavy Duty
1 Scaffold erected for use of multiple disciplines, civil, mechanical, piping, electrical, with
a maximum allowable weight of 2.5kN/m2
Light Duty
1 Main purpose of this type of scaffold is for painting, plastering, glazing and light
electrical work and in some cases, inspection requirements with a maximum allowable
weight of 1.5kN/m2.

1 Safety During Erection, Modification and Dismantling of Scaffold
Below are basic principles that should be adopted as a minimum requirement:
1 Use and Care of Fall Arrest equipment
2 Fall arrest equipment shall consist of a full body harness with 1.75m double lanyards
incorporating integral shock absorbers, one of which to be tied off to a secure anchorage
at all times.
3 Each lanyard shall terminate with a 55mm opening scaffold hook for one handed
operation, Inspection of which equipment should be carried out by a competent person at
intervals recommended by manufacturer or at an absolute minimum of one /1 month.
4 Records of these inspections shall be kept and be made available for safety audits.
5 An approved person, specifically trained to carry out inspection of fall arrest equipment
shall train all project scaffolding personnel in ‘use, inspection and maintenance of fall
arrest equipment’.
6 Records of this training shall be kept.
7 Fall arrest equipment shall be worn at all times and 100% tie off be required for all
persons, when following situations occur:
8 Work is taking place 2m or greater above a working platform / grade.
9 Work takes place at any / whatever height above a significant hazard (e.g. uneven or
rocky surface, water etc.).

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10 Work is outside confines of a complete platform.

11 Work is taking place from mobile working platforms.
12 When raising or lowering materials with a double guarded handrail provided.
13 Anchor Points shall wherever possible be above shoulder height.
14 Always clip on to Ledgers supported with load bearing couplers, Guardrails supported
with load bearing couplers, Transoms supported by ledgers in lift above fixed at both
ends by single couplers
15 Never clip on to Standards, Ledgers supported with putlog or half couplers, Ledgers or
guardrails within a bay, where it has a joint, Guardrails supported with a putlog or half
couplers, Transoms below foot level, Transoms when under slung below ledgers.
1 Tool belts to be provided and worn at all times.
2 No adjustable, open ended or homemade wrenches to be used.
3 Only correct socket type wrench shall be used, when tightening couplers, which should
assist in reduction of hand and wrist injuries.
4 Apply correct torque on coupler and reduce risk of slippage and tools falling to ground
1 During any /every scaffolding works erection, modification, dismantling, warning tape
and signs shall be erected to prevent others entering work area.
Working in a Marine Environment
1 When working close to or over water, PPE requirements shall be reviewed.
2 A full Job Safety analysis shall be conducted and where appropriate, fall prevention
equipment would be replaced by life vests for works over water.
3 In addition, a suitable boat shall be readily accessible, equipped with at least one boat
hook, one ring buoy and 20m of 10mm polyester rope.
Confined Space Working
1 Work in any / every confined space shall be carried out in accordance with Confined
Space Entry Procedure required to be developed for project, which typically requires use
of a permit system for entry, low voltage power supply for lighting and provision of a
trained watchman.
Requirements Specific To Scaffolding Works
1 To prevent hazards from falling objects, protection by means of a physical barrier e.g.
scaffold boards shall be provided inside and out, above entry points to confined space
areas such as tanks and other equipment items.
2 Scaffolding erected inside equipment shall generally be built up from floor.
3 Where it is proposed to construct a cantilever scaffold attached to a support ring or
similar, attachment method shall be provided by a purpose made clamp.
4 Attachment by adapting use of jacking devices such as adjustable base plates shall not be
5 Contractor’s SHE Manager shall review and approve any / every proposed method.
Protection From Falling Objects During Demolition
1 Contractor shall ensure that all horizontally stored or erected tubes are closed with a
purpose made plastic end cap to prevent objects being inserted into tubes e.g. small tools,
rubbish etc. that subsequently falls out during demolition.
Regulations For Scaffolding
1 Only metal scaffolding systems shall be used.
2 Scaffolding built with tubes and couplers shall be in accordance with BS EN 39 and use
galvanised steel tubes with a minimum 48.3mm outside diameter, wall thickness of
3.2mm and yield strength of 235N/mm2.
3 Couplers shall comply with prEN 74-1.Where proprietary quick assembly / modular
scaffold systems are used, contractor shall provide full technical data and seek written

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prior approval before use.

4 Modular scaffolds shall be subject to approval and installed in accordance with
manufacturers written instructions.
1 Use of rope, cable or homemade ladders shall not be permitted on project, unless
specifically permitted by HSE Manager.
2 Wooden ladders shall not be permitted
3 Metal / Aluminum ladders shall not be used near or in vicinity of electrical installations
4 Extendable ladders shall be permitted for access only and should be no longer than 10.5m
5 Minimum overlap shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations or 1m,
whichever is the greater.
6 No ladders are to be utilized as supports for working platforms.
7 One person only shall be allowed on a ladder, always facing rungs, when ascending or
8 No tools or objects are to be carried by user.
9 Inspection of ladders shall be carried out as required.
10 Any / Every defective ladders discovered in inspection shall be removed from site.
11 Ladders shall be installed on a firm base, erected with a 1:4 slope 1 horizontal to 4
vertical with 1 meter or 5 rungs protruding above landing platform and a sideways exit or
entry provided to landing platform.
12 Safety bars or gates at landings shall be installed. Ladders providing access to high
working platforms shall have a landing platform every 5m.
13 Landings shall be 2000 x 1200mm as a minimum and not be utilised as storage places.
14 As minimum, ladders shall be secured at both top and bottom using clamps.
15 Where they are required to ensure stability, additional intermediate support points shall
also, be secured with clamps.
16 Ladders should be installed at earliest possible phase of erection and removed as late as
possible to minimise need for scaffolders to climb around structure
17 A minimum of 200mm clearance is required vertical and horizontal area behind ladder
Scaffold Planks
1 Scaffold planks providing working platform shall be slip resistant. If timber boards are
used they should be 38mm thick and comply with BS 2482.
2 It is recommended that cleats should be used to fix down boards with underside of boards
clamping to top of scaffold wherever possible.
3 If this is not feasible, ensure fixing from top causes no tripping hazards.
4 Timber boards shall be adequately supported by transoms and bearers spaced at a
distance of 1.2m to 1.5m as required by loading of scaffold.
5 Every board shall have three supports, unless its thickness or span is sufficient to prevent
sagging under load.
6 Timber scaffold boards shall extend a minimum 50mm beyond putlog or transom with a
maximum permissible overhang of 4 times board thickness.
7 Prefabricated metal planks shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s
8 Boards should be butted together on all scaffolds except circular structures, but when
lapped boards are used, beveled pieces to minimize risk of tripping should be fitted at
9 Minimum width for platform shall be 600mm / 3 boards
Guard Rails and Toe Boards
1 A guard rail shall be provided at outer edge and ends of all scaffolds. It shall be 1m or
more above working platform level.

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2 A mid rail shall also, be provided located half way between top of toe board and guard
3 Toe boards should also, be fitted on outer edges of scaffold structure. Toe boards shall be
minimum 150mm high with a maximum gap of 12mm between board and scaffold.
4 Guard rails, mid rails and toe boards shall also, be provided with a distance between
ledge of a working platform and an adjacent wall to excedd 225mm.
1 All scaffolds must be constructed on an area that has been compacted
2 Regular scaffold inspections shall include a check for undermining of foundations by
other subcontractors.
3 If any / some undermining is apparent, inspector shall remove any / every personnel
working on relevant scaffold, then close down scaffold by means of scaffold tag system
and inform SHE representative.
4 No scaffold bases are to be constructed by means of temporary supports i.e. laying
scaffold board over voids or trenches to support sole plates is not permitted.
5 Load at base of a standard of a high scaffold may exceed two 2 tonnes.
6 A load of this magnitude may cause subsidence, if load id not properly distributed over a
sufficient area.
7 When required, supporting earthwork shall be compacted to ensure a sound foundation.
1 Generally, provision of a continuous timber soleplate of 200mm x 200mm x 38mm shall
be satisfactory to distribute load from a base plate to ground.
2 However, in some cases, in addition to ground compaction, it may be necessary to
increase thickness and area of soleplate.
Earthing of Scaffold
1 Scaffolding that carries lighting or small power circuits greater than 50V shall be bonded
to protective carrier of circuit that it carries.
2 Below this voltage, no bonding is required and for circuits above it, earthing shall be
designed and installed by a competent person qualified electrician.
Scaffold Inspection & Control System
1 Contractor shall establish a system of control for scaffolds.
2 Proposed system shall be illustrated by producing typical flow schemes / diagrams /
charts showing about, how process is controlled from request stage through to
demolition. Responsibilities of each party and methods of communication between them
shall clearly be defined on flow schemes.
3 System shall include registration and inspection of new build scaffolds, subsequent
recorded periodic inspections and use of a tagging system with following features:
a A register / logbook of scaffolds shall be established for recording a scaffold request
from an end user and allotted an unique identification number for scaffold to be built.
b Upon completion, before scaffold is allowed to be used, scaffold shall be inspected by a
qualified inspector and date and name of inspector shall be recorded.
c Inspection is only valid for seven calendar days. Any / Every scaffold erected for longer
than 1week must be re inspected to revalidate inspection tag.
d Scaffolds must also, be inspected after bad weather, which may affect scaffolds strength
and stability.
e Subsequent daily checks and inspections following modifications shall be recorded in
Register / logbook concluding / entering with a record of dismantling date.
f A standard checklist shall be developed by Contractor and used for all inspections across
site. Checklist shall include a check of whether earthing of scaffold is required.
g Status of a scaffold shall be indicated on site by using a tag attached to structure itself.
Tag consists of two elements, a holder and an insert.
h Holder shall be placed on scaffold structure as soon as possible, after initial erection and

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as close as possible to point of access or ladder access.

i Where a scaffold has more than one access, a tag shall be attached at all of entry points.
j Scaffold tag has a hole in top, which must be placed over a tube in order to secure it.
k Holders must not be affixed by any other means.
l Scaffolds must not be used, if they have a red “DO NOT USE SCAFFOLD” symbol on
m Scaffold tag insert is green in colour and when it is present, it signifies to potential users
that it is safe to use.
n When a scaffold has been inspected and passed, tags are to be signed by responsible
inspector using a permanent ink pen.
o Green insert contains more significant information than holder and is used to record
details of statutory inspections, maximum allowable loading.
p While RED holder is in place, access to scaffold structure is prohibited to non scaffold
q When a scaffold is to be structurally modified, scaffold crew assigned work shall remove
green scaffold tag and barrier off area.
r Tag shall therefore, only comprise red holder with “DO NOT USE SCAFFOLD” symbol
and only scaffold personnel allowed on scaffold.
s Once modification is complete, scaffold should be re inspected by inspector, prior to use
and when accepted, GREEN tag would be inserted into holder signifying it being safe to
t If a scaffold requires a minor modification for a short period due to construction reasons
e.g. removal of handrail or board to allow pipe installation, only scaffold personnel shall
be permitted to make modification.
u Contractor shall develop a detail procedure to control these types of modifications that
cover following non exhaustive list of concerns:
v Provision of ‘standby’ scaffold crew to ensure minimal waiting time for workers
requiring modifications
w Safe use of scaffold during work that created requirements for modification i.e. use of fall
arrest equipment by all scaffold users.
x Re inspection and recertification of scaffold

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 29
Chapter 14
Safety, Health, Environmental & Security
Standard Procedures
Environmental Control
1 Adherence to requirements within Environmental Control Procedures shall minimise
impact of construction activities to land, air, water, flora and fauna.
2 These requirements apply to all construction activities and applicable locations
throughout camps, Preparation of Access Ways and work areas associated with
installations under control of Contractor.
3 Environmental Control Procedure describes requirements during construction for Spill
Prevention and Response / Waste Management / Dust Control / Traffic / Noise and
Vibration Control.
4 Responsibilities, management, coordination and review of these environmental activities

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are to be implemented by Site Manager in coordination with QR / QA / QC and SHE

1 Environmental Control Procedure ECP describes environmental compliance activities for
Contractor Construction personnel and their contracted entities.
2 Objectives of ECP are to define specific environmental activities required to:
a Comply with provisions of Contract,
b SHE standard specification and other applicable environmental legal documents,
c Mitigate environmental impact of construction activities & fully comply with
Environmental Protection Practices.
3 Contractor Construction team shall comply with this Procedure during construction,
startup and initial operation of system.
4 Each subcontractor involved in construction activities shall be provided with a copy of
this Procedure and required to comply with its contents.
5 Periodic reviews of Procedure shall be performed to confirm its adequacy &
effectiveness, so that Procedure be updated to meet practical requirement.

1 Employer means-Project owner
2 Employer Representative- Person authorised by Employer to act on its behalf
3 Contractor Representative- Person authorised by Contractor to act on their behalf.
4 Waste Material or effluent or other unwanted surplus substance that requires disposal,
because it cannot be re used or recycled or there is no economic demand for it.
1 Contractor Site Manager has overall responsibility for ensuring that environmental
controls described in this ECP are effectively implemented on Site in coordination with
QR / QA / QC Manager as well as, site SHE Manager.
Safety, Health & Environmental Impact Assessment
1 Safety, Health, and Environmental Assessment preparation includes an assessment of
impact of Construction activities and Construction Camp on environment and suggests
measures to mitigate impact.
2 Suggestions made are summarised in table 1 along with control measures that Contractor
shall be undertaking.

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Table 1: Environmental Issues and CONTRACTOR Control Measures. Construction

Environmental Issue Suggestions for implementation CONTRACTOR’s Control
Contaminated Land. Soil from areas of contamination shall be CONTRACTOR shall contact local
Contamination of Land by removed and disposed of to any / some authorities for disposing
any / every accidental oil approved landfill. contaminated soil in approved land
spills or any / every effluent fill
during construction activities.
Protection of ground Any / every wash water runoff requires a A silt retention trap shall be
Waters and Wadis. system of temporary impoundment and constructed at all wash water
Ground waters and others settling to remove silt, before returning to facilities.
water sources like Wadis are ground. This retention shall allow settling of
utilised for agriculture and This shall be carried out during site sand, silt and grease etc. and only
cattle feeding by local preparation. clear water surface shall runoff to
population and weeds and Sewage must be treated and only treated ground.
plants growing in area. water allowed to run out to ground. Sewage Treatment plant shall be
This water source has to be Sewage treatment plants shall be installed installed at each camp to control the
protected from any / every and operational along with construction sewage water outlets.
pollution from construction camp
activities. In isolated locations, local methods shall
be followed.

Site Preparation. CONTRACTOR to have a traffic Temporary haul roads shall be

To bring existing site areas to management system in place with constructed and kept as clear as is
a level, where work can be temporary haul road and traffic practicable from sand.
started conveniently with segregation, where practicable. Dust suppression measures shall be
clear concept. Site preparation Dust control measures to be implemented. used to control dust such as water
includes many activities Roads shall be maintained to reduce dust sprays over affected areas.
as practical.

Temporary roads shall be constructed for Top layer of fine dust shall be
Dust shall be exacerbated by site traffic. graded away from traffic route as
site activities such as stripping Water spray bowsers shall be used. practical

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Environmental Issue Suggestions for implementation CONTRACTOR’s Control

and vehicle movements. Water shall be sprayed to suppress
Area experiences sand storms. flying of dust.
Noise. Regular inspection of all equipment All equipments shall be maintained
Excessive Noise level created working in project shall be done, so as to to acceptable noise level, as
by constant operation of maintain minimised noise levels in recommended by manufacturer
plants and equipment. accordance with manufactures Noise protection equipments shall
recommendations. be used by personal, if required to
work in high noise level areas
Construction Camp. Sewage treatment plant to be installed in Sewage Treatment Plant shall be
Camps shall provide both camps. installed and maintained to meet
accommodation, catering and Traffic segregation must be implemented. requirements arising from sewage
sanitation for approximately, Dust suppression methods must be at camps.
all workforce personnel. implemented. Heavy traffic shall be separated
Waste arising from these from light vehicles and separated
camps shall be significant, as access roads maintained.
shall traffic to and from Grading road and water spraying
camps. regularly shall control dust.
Oil Spillage. Use of Bunded storage for any / every oil Oil and fuel products shall be
Possible chances of oil leaks or fuel products for containing accidental stored in bunded area for containing
and spills from fuel refilling leak any / every accidental leak.
tankers, storage tanks and Availability of recovery facilities for any / Recovery materials like absorbents,
from brake down of every leaked pollutant sand and sand bags shall be
equipment shall contaminate Use of drip trays while refueling or available in vicinity to immediate
ground and pollute adjacent handling fuel or oil products. use
ground water. Drip trays shall be used to contain
leaks, while handling oil or
Recovered contaminated soil and
associated materials shall be
collected and disposed in safe

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Spill Prevention and Response

1 Contractor should believe in prevention first and foremost, by applying commitment with
best practices throughout construction.
2 However, in event of an unforeseen natural disaster or manmade incident that results in a
threat to environment, Contractor shall be prepared to respond in a timely and effective
manner that should limit environmental damage to a minimum.
3 In many cases, major pollution incidents can be prevented, if appropriate pollution
prevention measures are applied at an early stage.
4 Planning of applicable methods is key to any / every success, therefore, both preventative
measures as well as, incident response strategy should be addressed as given below.
Spill Prevention
Following procedures shall be carried out to reduce possibility of a spill that may be harmful to
environment or to health and safety of staff:
1 Appropriate precautions shall be taken so far as is reasonably practicable to protect
storage areas and equipment from vandalism.
2 Stores of potentially polluting material shall be situated on an impervious base and
surrounded by an impervious bund capable of containing a volume 10% greater than
3 Valves shall be checked periodically on routine SHE inspections to ascertain that they are
4 Special consideration shall be given to any / whatever leakages arising from surface
runoff around temporary stockpiles of materials.
5 All stationary diesel and petrol operated construction equipment shall have impervious
drip trays placed beneath them during operation.
6 Every / Any spillages into drip trays shall be collected for safe disposal.
7 Vehicles and mobile equipment shall be regularly inspected and maintained to confirm
that these do not leak or drip.
8 Operators shall be instructed in respective SHE training to notify supervisors, if there
occur any / whatever problem/s with their respective vehicles, whereby appropriate
maintenance must be given.
9 Maintenance of construction plant maintenance shall be closely supervised and measures
should be implemented to prevent hydrocarbon contamination.
10 These measures shall include use of drip trays, absorbent materials close at hand and
careful disposal of any / every used materials.
11 Major equipment and vehicles shall be refueled on an impervious base.
12 Care shall be taken not to spill any fuel and absorbent material/s should be close at hand.
13 Stationary equipment with impervious drip trays shall be refueled in situ; fuel containers
shall be sealed after use and stored on an impervious base away from water bodies.
14 Higher levels of dust containment materials / methods shall be used for contaminated
excavated material than used for other material.
15 Appropriate measures may include:
a use of fine water sprays to thoroughly moisten all surfaces and maintain surface moisture;
b use of protective fences or screens to provide shelter from winds;
c minimising unnecessary handling of material and enclosure of excavated material in wind
proof containers, prior to removal from site.
Spill Response
Magnitude of discharge / spill shall determine extent of actions that have to be made necessary
Key actions in responding to a spill to minimise its environmental impact are:
1 An Early Detection
2 Regular inspections to be conducted and training shall be carried out / imparted to enable
an early detection.
3 It is everyone’s responsibility to be aware of potential pollution risks.
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Notify Supervisor / Emergency Team

1 Notify supervisor, who shall notify Site Manager or SHE Manager.
2 Emergency services shall be notified as necessary.
Assess Safety Risk To Humans
1 Only, attempt containment and cleanup operations of spilled substances, when it can be
performed safely.
2 If spilled material is flammable, eliminate sources of ignition near spill area.
3 Personnel and neighbours are to be evacuated, if they are prone to risk
4 Secure area and establish perimeter control at a safe distance from spill.
Stop Source of Spill.
1 When it can be performed safely, stop source of spill.
2 Pollution control equipment shall be available from site administration offices, storage
and refueling areas.
3 Contain Spill, If Liquid.
Liquid spills
1 If spill is liquid, its path shall be blocked or diverted and then soaked up using an
absorbent material.
Gaseous spills / leaks
1 A gaseous leak must be stopped at source as soon as, possible and shall then disperse in
2 It is not practicably possible to contain a gaseous leak, but weather conditions should be
checked to assess most likely direction pollutant shall take, if it poses a risk to human
health followed by involved area evacuation.
3 No spills shall be rinsed away. Contaminated soils and cleanup materials from spills must
be handled properly, using personal protective equipment.
4 These should be stored in a suitable container that is then labeled and taken away to be
further stored in appropriate location for subsequent safe disposal.
5 Screen / cover stockpiles of polluted matter to prevent dispersion.
Dispose With Care.
1 Contaminated soils and used cleanup materials shall be treated as hazardous waste and be
disposed of accordingly at a designated disposal site.
Document Incident.
1 Site SHE Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that a report is filed containing
information on date, time, location, type and quantity of spilled material, description and
cause of incident, action taken, name of person reporting incident and recommended
actions for ensuring incident does not reoccur.
Spill Response Materials
1 Spill response / pollution control materials shall be stored in a safe location on site in
close proximity to storage and waste areas.
2 This material is to be used to contain and clean up pollution, for that care shall be taken
to dispose of any / every absorbent materials properly.
3 They shall not be washed away. Site SHE / HSE Manager shall keep stocks well
maintained and replenished.
4 Spill Response materials shall include following:
a Sand / Sand bags / Buckets and Shovels / Storage Containers
b Sand is one of most versatile containment materials, which can be used to soak up
spillages of oil, chemicals and used in sand bags to block off substances from sensitive
areas or channel them to a predetermined collection point.
c Sand stocks must be dry and buckets with shovels readily available.
d Mechanical loading shovels, excavators and dump trucks may also, be available for sand
distribution and clean up.
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5 Storage containers for contaminated materials and earth shall be bund, located in waste
storage area, labelled and treated as hazardous waste.
Waste Management
1 It is Contractor’s policy to minimise and reuse / recycle waste materials, whenever
possible and to dispose of remaining wastes in accordance with this Procedure.
2 Before wastes can be disposed of appropriately, these first need be categorised and
segregated. This in practice is often made difficult due to wide range of solid, chemical
and effluent waste that requires to be segregated stored and disposed of.
3 Site Manager is held responsible for allocation of a trained official to guide and control
classification, storage, handling, transport and disposal of wastes.
4 Waste can generally be classified as either:
a Domestic and municipal waste
b Non hazardous industrial waste
c Hazardous waste
In table 2, over, storage and disposal methods for reusable / recyclable materials, domestic
waste, nonhazardous construction waste, hazardous waste / waste water and sanitary waste are
These notes have been extracted from project experience gained from various sites

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Table 2: Waste Storage and Disposal Controls

Category Storage Disposal
All Wastes A specific area to be designated for Waste shall be transported to
storage of waste, before it is designated area agreed with Local
disposed off site. Authorities, which is concerned
Selected sites should stand away Municipality.
from water bodies, drainage ditches Disposal of waste should be done at
and be located on hardcore to designated area as necessary
minimise risk of soil contamination. supervised by Local Authorities.
Containers should be bunded where Vehicles delivering waste to disposal
necessary. area should be covered, where
Fire prevention systems and necessary to prevent dropping,
pollution control equipment shall be leaking, sifting or blowing of solid
provided for storage facilities, where waste from vehicle.
necessary to prevent fires or releases Any / whatever spillages or waste lost
of hazardous materials to from disposal vehicle en route to
environment. disposal site should be promptly
Storage areas should be made cleaned up.
inaccessible to animals and visitors. Before starting work, HSE / SHE
Storage containers shall be of Manager shall confirm that drivers
sufficient size and number to contain have been imparted with specialised
all solid wastes generated between training related to handling and
collections. disposal of their / related cargo.
SHE / HSE Manager shall maintain a
working file, keeping a record of
waste being disposed.
This shall include date, time, type of
waste, approximate volume of waste
and disposal method.
Landfill and incineration site shall be
periodically inspected.

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Category Storage Disposal

Reusable /
Timber Reusable material shall be kept in an Reusable materials shall be sent to
Metals orderly manner and in an accessible Yard for appropriate recycling
Paper location.
Domestic Waste An adequate number of containers Domestic waste shall be disposed off
Food Waste shall be strategically placed through Municipality facilities.
Domestic Trash throughout construction areas and
temporary facilities.
These should be regularly collected
and taken to main waste storage
All food waste shall be properly
stored in containers with sealed tops
to minimise possibility of vermin
Non Hazardous Construction debris and demolition Combustible waste shall be taken to
Construction Waste material shall not be allowed to Municipality Incineration area
Combustible e.g. non accumulate, such that it presents an
reusable timber, card environmental, health and / or safety Non combustible waste shall be taken
packaging wastes hazard. to Landfill area.
Non combustible e.g. Inert construction waste shall be
concrete etc. segregated into combustible and non
Flammable substances must be kept
away from sources of ignition.
Hazardous Waste: Site Manager shall confirm that a Hazardous waste shall be disposed of
According to UN trained official is allocated to guide in area designated by municipality.
classification, and control classification, storage, It shall remain segregated and in
hazardous wastes can handling, transport and disposal of labeled storage containers.
be categorized as wastes. SHE / HSE Manager
follows: Hazardous waste shall be retained in

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Category Storage Disposal

Explosives a secured area with an impervious shall maintain a register
Gases including toxic bunded base. of all hazardous waste
and flammable gases Area shall be away from sources of and disposal methods.
Flammable liquids ignition.
Safety Data sheets shall
including solvents This area shall be at least 17m away
be consulted SHE / HSE
Flammable solids from water bodies and drainage Manager.
Oxidizing agents and ditches.
organic peroxides Different types of hazardous waste General points above in ‘ALL
Toxic and harmful shall be stored separately to avoid WASTES’ section apply.
substances including adverse chemical reactions and Incompatible hazardous wastes shall
toxic metals facilitate eventual treatment. not be transported together.
Radioactive Hazardous waste shall be stored
Corrosives, including separately from non hazardous
acids and alkalis waste.
Other dangerous Hazardous waste shall be stored in
substances. tightly closed leak proof containers
Hazardous wastes made of or lined with materials that
generated on site are compatible with hazardous waste
may include: to be stored.
Contaminated Land Containers shall be clearly marked
Chemical Wastes with appropriate warning labels to
including cleaning accurately describe their contents
fluids, lubricants, and detailed safety precautions.
paints, dye, coating Labels shall be waterproof, securely
substances, solvents, attached and written in Local
corrosion inhibitors, language and English.
biocides, emulsions Where ever possible chemicals
etc. should be kept in their original
Batteries / Capacitors container.
Hydrocarbon Waste Hazardous chemicals shall be stored
Fire extinguishants and handled in accordance with
manufacturers Material Safety Data

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Category Storage Disposal

Sheet MSDS.
Spill prevention measures shall be
adhered to.
Site SHE / HSE Manager shall
maintain a register of all hazardous
waste and disposal methods.
Safety Data sheets shall be consulted
by Site SHE / HSE Manager.
Equipment, materials and skills shall
be readily available to deal with
Washing facilities shall be available.

Sanitary Waste and Storage / Treatment Treated effluent water shall be used
Waste Water Fresh water supplies shall be for irrigation and dust control, after it
Waste water and segregated from wastewater in has been analysed to confirm that it is
sewage arising from accordance with Health safe for these purposes related
camp. Requirements of Contract utilisation.
Documents. Sewage treatment plant shall be
No wastewater shall be injected into erected and commissioned operational
groundwater. during first phase of camp occupancy.
All wastewater shall be allowed for
settling silt, before allowing to drain
to ground
All camp units shall be connected to
a sewage main, which runs through
a PVC pressure line to a treatment
system located adjacent to camp.
Treatment system shall be based
upon use of an extended aeration
activated sludge process with an
aeration system and solids

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Category Storage Disposal

separation using settlement would
consist of twin streams, each with
adequate capacity.
All treated effluent shall gravitate /
move by gravity to a chlorine
contact tank, where chlorination
operates to achieve a chlorine
residual of 0.5-1.0ppm, prior to
passing to a designated collection
basin located adjacent to camp.
Facilities shall be maintained by
contractor to minimise interruption.

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Dust and Emissions

1 Most prevalent construction emission is fugitive dust, however, emissions of Carbon
mono oxide “CO” and related exhaust gases are likely to emerge from diesel generators
as well as, from activities such as onsite painting, refueling of equipment, application of
adhesives, waterproofing chemicals and incomplete combustion of fuel in construction
2 Note that none of planned activities shall cause release of H2S gas.
3 Dust and Emissions occurrence must be controlled during construction to an acceptable
level by following controllable suggestions:
a Avoid unnecessary idling of vehicles and machinery.
b Fuel, paint and chemical containers should be kept sealed, when not directly in use.
c All vehicles and Construction Plant should be properly maintained to minimise excessive
exhaust emission.
d Where possible, engines shall be located away from work areas.
e Should problems arise, for example, defective equipment, which results in generation of
fumes, gases or odours onsite, operators would be instructed through respective SHE /
HSE Awareness Training to shut down and notify supervisors to facilitate appropriate
mitigation response.
f Dust be controlled as far as is practicable.
4 Control measures can significantly help minimise dust in most cases, apart from in case
of sand storms.
5 If a severe sand storm occurs, Site Manager should decide, if work requires to shut down.
6 After storm, roads should be cleaned. Fugitive dust emissions should be minimised by
implementing following controls:
a Water spraying.
b This shall be conducted at a frequency to keep surfaces moist.
c Treated wastewater or ground water shall be used for this purpose.
d All concerned persons shall be required to fully cover with sheeting or spray water on
open bodied trucks hauling sand, gravel or soil between onsite and offsite areas.
7 Any / Every transgressions should be immediately brought to attention of hauler
concerned by Site SHE / HSE Manager.
8 Failure to comply with this requirement shall result in offender being prevented from
accessing site.
9 If sandblasting operations are required, these operations should be located and scheduled,
so as to minimise noise and dusting effects on adjacent work areas.
10 Excavation faces not being worked should, if required, be moistened.
11 Deliveries of finely ground materials should be in bag form or stockpiled in specified
locations, where material can be suitably covered.
12 Minimum drop heights shall be used during material transfer.
13 Roads around site particularly at site entrance shall be monitored on a regular basis.
14 These shall be kept as clear from dust and dirt as is practicable.
15 Should it found to be necessary, road in vicinity of site entrance shall also, be swept.
16 Construction personnel shall be required to enter site over prepared surfaces and parked
in designated lots.
17 Should problem areas arise, which result in excessive dust generation onsite, workers
should be instructed through SHE / HSE Awareness Training to notify respective
supervisor to facilitate appropriate response.
Following traffic controls shall apply:
1 Construction area access shall be limited to only for construction vehicles.

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2 Non essential vehicles parking on site shall be restricted to designated areas.

3 Site access shall be limited to established roadways.
4 Traffic shall be routed to site avoiding residential areas as far as, is practicable.
5 Majority of construction vehicles shall be restricted to designated parking areas, for
which, parking regulations be established and enforced.
6 All road surfaces shall be maintained in safe and passable conditions.
7 Vehicle washing facilities shall be established on site.
Environmental Friendly Practices
Environmental Friendly Construction Practices
1 Follow all permit and environmental mitigation requirements.
2 Stay within project boundary.
3 Watch for and avoid flagged exclusion zones onsite.
4 Leave wildlife and vegetation alone.
5 Conduct with care project activities that can affect wildlife and vegetation e.g. clearing to
avoid unnecessary disturbance.
6 Do not dump waste in streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, wetlands, natural drainages or other
sensitive areas.
7 Implement and maintain erosion control and storm water measures as appropriate, such
as drainage ditches and trenches to divert flows away from active work areas, structures
to prevent situation from reaching surface waters and sedimentation ponds to settle out
storm water particulates.
8 Place drip pans under all standing mobile equipment.
9 Respond to spills by stopping source of spill and immediately notifying supervisor.
10 Contain any / every spill and clean it up using absorbent materials.
11 Do not rinse spill away.
12 Document, report type and quantity of spilled material, date, time, cause of spill and
cleanup as required.
13 Maintain equipment in proper operating condition.
14 Stockpile overburden, spoil and fill at least 50feet / 17m from surface water and
wetlands, whenever possible.
15 Recycle treated wastewater as dust control, if allowed and where practicable.
16 Avoid using oil as a dust suppressant.
17 Store wastes in properly designated areas. Label all containers accurately.
18 Store hazardous waste securely in closed containers.
19 Ship hazardous wastes to appropriate treatment and disposal facilities, per local
20 Do not burn anything, except untreated wood.
21 Recycle / reuse welding rods, used batteries, used oil, solvents, paints, paper, glass, scrap
wood or metal, where required and as much as possible.
22 Immediately, stop work and notify supervisor, if human remains or archaeological arte
facts are found.
23 Immediately, stop work and notify respective supervisor, if contaminated soil showing
unusual colour or giving odour or underground storage tanks are discovered.
24 Ask respective Supervisor or Environment, Safety and Health representative, if
respective personnel/s has / have any / certain questions.
My Life Truths Volume II - Part 30
Chapter 15

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Sample Only
Sub Contracts
1 It is intended for sake of information exchange as well as, for dissemination to readers
particularly, those, who are / have been aspiring to appear for PE / IntPE certification
2 Data included herein is not claimed to be entirely original in essence. Based on
experience, a collection has been done / made & amended to my understanding of
practical aspects of contracts & engineering in field as well as, in designs.
3 Main contract forms relating to EPIC contracts have not been included, for that
constitutes a top serial / secrecy level document & young engineers may not draw much
benefit, but nevertheless, a practical understanding of subject may be drawn from
provided information for all examination as well as, practical purposes.
Contracting Co
Plant Project
Seller technical services agreement
Sub Contract:
1 This subcontract is entered into as of date, day of month, 2025, between Contracting Co
Ltd. (hereinafter called "Contractor") and ‘name a company’ organised and existing
under laws of country with its principal offices located in address (hereinafter called
2 Whereas, Contractor has been awarded project for building of Facility for Petrochemical
Industry located at ‘unknown’;
3 And whereas, Subcontractor acknowledges that it has sufficient knowledge and
understanding of nature, location and infrastructure of Jobsite:
4 And whereas, Subcontractor is able to perform all specified Works in accordance with
terms and conditions of this subcontract;
5 Now therefore, it is agreed as follows:
6 Subcontractor's Work/s consist/s of provision of technical assistance and direction to
Contractor during installation and / or commissioning of Subcontractor furnished
Products supplied under Purchase Order (Relevant Purchase Order Number), Equipment
Description and all associated requirements, which are more particularly described in
relevant Exhibits.
7 All Works specified below shall be performed by Subcontractor in accordance with all
provisions of this subcontract, consisting of following Subcontract Documents:
8 Subcontract Form of Agreement
a EXHIBIT "A" General Conditions
b EXHIBIT "B" Special Conditions
c EXHIBIT "C" Statement of Work and Compensation / Consideration
9 Based on satisfactory performance by Subcontractor of this subcontract, Contractor shall
pay to Subcontractor as / for full consideration, agreed compensation in accordance with
prices set forth in Exhibit "C" and with payment provisions of this subcontract.
10 This subcontract embodies entire agreement existing between Contractor and
Subcontractor and supersedes all other previous writings.
11 Parties shall not be bound by or liable for any statement, representation, promise,
inducement or understanding not set forth herein.
1 Contractor: Subcontractor:
2 Contracting Co. Ltd ABC
3 Authorised Authorised

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4 Signature: Signature:
5 Print Name: Print Name:
6 Print Title: Print Title:
7 Contracting Co. Ltd
8 Plant Project
Construction Subcontract General Conditions
Table of Contents
GC Title
1 Independent Subcontractor
2 Authorized Representatives
3 Notices
4 Subcontract Implementation & Interpretation
5 Order of Precedence
6 Standards & Codes
7 Laws & Regulations
8 Permits
9 Taxes
10 Labor, Personnel & Work Rules
11 Commercial Activities
12 Publicity & Advertising
13 Safety & Health
14 Environmental Requirements
15 Site Conditions & Natural Resources
16 Differing Site Conditions
17 Title to Materials Found
18 Survey Control Points & Layouts
19 Subcontractor's Work Area
20 Cleaning Up
21 Cooperation With Others
22 Responsibility For Work, Security & Property
23 Subcontractor's Plant, Equipment & Facilities
24 Illumination
25 Use of Completed Portions of Work
26 Use of Contractor's Construction Equipment
or Facilities
27 First Aid Facilities
28 Inspection, Quality Surveillance, Rejection
of Materials & Workmanship
29 Testing
30 Expediting
31 Force Majeure
32 Changes
33 Disputes
34 Records & Audit
35 Warranty
36 Back charges
37 Indemnity
38 Patent & Intellectual Property Indemnity
39 Assignments & Subcontracts

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40 Suspension
41 Termination For Default
42 Optional Termination
43 Final Inspection & Acceptance
44 Non Waiver
45 Severability
46 Survival
A-1 Contractors Project SHE / HSE Plan including Owner’s Commitment to Safety, Health
and Environment & Owner’s Safety, Health and Environmental Policies
A-2 Selection Criteria for Lower tier Subcontractors
Exhibit "A"
Construction Subcontract General Conditions
GC-1 Independent Subcontractor
1 Subcontractor represents that it is fully experienced, properly qualified, registered,
licensed, equipped, organized and financed to perform Work under this Subcontract.
2 Subcontractor shall act as an independent entity and not as an agent of Contractor or of
Owner in performing this Subcontract, maintaining complete control over its employees,
all its suppliers and further subcontractors on any / every tier.
3 Nothing contained in this Subcontract or on any lower tier purchase order or subcontract
awarded by independent Subcontractor shall create any contractual relationship between
any supplier or subcontractor on any tier and either Contractor or Owner.
4 Subcontractor shall perform Work hereunder in accordance with its own methods subject
to compliance with Subcontract provisions.
GC-2 Authorized Representatives
1 Before starting work, Subcontractor shall designate in writing an authorized
representative acceptable to Contractor to represent and act for Subcontractor specifying
any / every / all limitations of such representative's authority.
2 Such representative shall be present / dedicated or be represented at Jobsite at all times,
when work is / remains in progress duly empowered to receive communications in
accordance with this Subcontract provisions on behalf of independent Subcontractor.
3 During periods, when Work is suspended, arrangements shall be made for an authorized
representative acceptable to Contractor for any / every emergency work that may be
required. All communications given to authorized representative by Contractor in
accordance with this Subcontract shall be binding upon Subcontractor.
4 Contractor shall designate in writing one or more representatives to represent and act for
Contractor and to receive communications from Subcontractor.
5 Notification of changes of authorized representatives for, either Contractor or
Subcontractor shall be provided in advance in writing to other party.
6 Subcontractor shall not change its Representative, without prior written approval of
GC-3 Notices
1 Any / Every notice/s required hereunder shall be in writing and may be served, either
personally on authorized representative of receiving party at Jobsite by facsimile, by
courier or express delivery or by certified mail to facsimile number or address of that
party, as shown on face of Subcontract Form of Agreement or at such facsimile number
or address, as may have been directed by written notice.
GC-4 Subcontract Implementation and Interpretation
1 Subcontractor shall follow and utilize Contractor’s “Implementation Documents” such
as, but not limited to Project procedures, plans, regulations, rules, report formats and

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forms established to meet requirements of and transmit information necessary under this
Subcontract, including any / every revisions thereto.
2 This shall include Contractor approved Subcontractor submitted plans, means and
methods for Work.
3 Implementation Documents are neither intended to nor shall supersede provisions /
requirements of Subcontract Documents.
4 All questions concerning interpretation / construction or clarification of this Subcontract
or applicable standards and codes, including discovery of conflicts, discrepancies, errors
or omissions or acceptable performance thereof by Subcontractor shall be immediately
submitted in writing to Contractor for resolution.
5 Subject to provisions of General Condition titled "Changes" all determinations,
instructions and clarifications of Contractor shall be final and conclusive, unless
determined to have been fraudulent or capricious or arbitrary or so grossly erroneous as
necessarily to imply bad faith or not supported by substantial evidence.
6 At all times, Subcontractor shall proceed with Work in accordance with determinations,
instructions and clarifications of Contractor.
7 Subcontractor shall be solely responsible for requesting instructions or interpretations and
solely liable for any / whatever costs and expenses arising from its failure to do so.
8 All dates and time periods referred to in this Agreement relate to Gregorian calendar.
9 Unless expressly stated otherwise, “days” shall mean consecutive calendar days.
GC-5 Order of Precedence
1 All Subcontract Documents and subsequently issued Change Notices / Orders and
Amendments are essential / integrate parts of this Subcontract with a requirement
occurring in one is binding as though occurring in all.
2 In resolving conflicts, discrepancies, errors or omissions, following order of precedence
shall be applicable to be used:
3 Subcontract Form of Agreement
a Exhibit "C" - Quantities, Pricing and Data
b Exhibit "B" - Special Conditions
c Exhibit "A" - General Conditions
d Exhibit "D" - Scope of Work
e Exhibit "D" - Technical Specifications and
f Exhibit "E" - Drawings
GC-6 Standards & Codes
1 Wherever references are made in this Subcontract to standards or codes in accordance
with which Work under this Subcontract is to be performed, edition or revision of
standards or codes current on effective date of this Subcontract shall apply, unless
otherwise expressly stated.
2 In case of conflict discovery between any / whatever referred standards / codes and any /
whatever Subcontract Documents, Contractor shall determine governing document.
3 Based on this resolution subcontractor shall continue job without any delay, subject to
provision that matter of not accepting Contractor’s resolution may be communicated in
writing for future claims, if so any.
GC-7 Laws & Regulations
1 All applicable laws, ordinances, statutes, rules, regulations, orders or decrees in effect at
time Work under this Subcontract is performed shall apply to Subcontractor, its
employees as well as representatives.
2 Subcontractor shall obtain all licenses necessary to carry on business in country or
countries and any / every political subdivisions thereof, wherein any / every part of Work
is performed shall give all required notices shall furnish any / whatever necessary bonds,

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securities or deposits required by relevant authorities to permit performance of Work in

any / every or all jurisdictional areas.
3 Subcontractor shall obtain all necessary licenses, temporary permits, authorizations and
give all notices required from it under laws of nation (state, national, municipal, local or
other laws).
4 Subcontractor shall not, under any circumstances, enter into negotiations with any
governmental authority or agency to develop acceptance of variations or revisions to
nation law.
5 Subcontractor shall hold harmless, defend and indemnify Contractor and Owner from and
against any / every liability or penalty, which may be imposed upon by nation
governmental authorities on Contractor and Owner by reason of any / every alleged
violation of laws of nation arising out of Subcontractor’s acts or omissions or of those of
its personnel, while performing Work in national jurisdiction.
6 Subcontractor shall be fully aware of latest local statutory requirements and ordinances,
which laws would be included within Subcontract price for all technical, commercial and
financial effects of conforming with requirements of all local regulatory bodies having
any / every effect whatsoever on performance of this Subcontract, which effects would be
Subcontractor’s entire and sole liability as well as responsibility.
7 Subcontractor acknowledges that it is fully aware of latest statutory requirements of
relevant bodies, for which price has been included within Subcontract for all technical,
commercial and financial effects of conforming with requirements of all local regulatory
bodies having an impact whatsoever on performance of this Subcontract, which effects
are Subcontractor’s entire and sole liability as well as responsibility.
8 Subcontractor shall ensure that it is and its lower tier subcontractors are officially
registered in nation to extent required by applicable laws and that they and their
respective employees would comply with sponsorship, immigration, residence and
employment laws, while residing in nation.
9 If Subcontractor discovers any / certain discrepancy or inconsistency between this
Subcontract and any / certain applicable law, ordinance, statute, rule, regulation, order or
decree, Subcontractor shall immediately notify Contractor in writing.
10 If during term of this Subcontract, there occurs statute changes or imposition of new
laws, ordinances, statutes, rules, regulations, orders or decrees (but excluding changes to
tax laws, where such taxes are based upon Subcontractor's inventory, income, profits /
losses or cost of finance and any / whatever taxes that may be levied on Subcontractor’s
staff, agents and employees) in nation not known or foreseeable at time of signing this
Subcontract, which become effective impacting adversely cost or time of performance of
this Subcontract, Subcontractor shall immediately notify Contractor with detailed
documentation of such effect in terms of both time and cost of performing Subcontract.
If Work is affected by such changes and Contractor concurs with their effect, an equitable
adjustment shall be made pursuant to the General Condition titled "Changes." This
provision of subcontract is very delicate in essence to be dealt with properly, so as to
prevent parties from harming each other.
GC-8 Permits
1 Except as otherwise specified, Subcontractor shall procure and pay for all permits,
licenses, certifications and other applicable governing authority fee requirements and
inspections other than inspections performed by Contractor or Owner and would furnish
any / required documentation, bonds, security or deposits required to permit performance
of Work as a whole or in parts.
GC-9 Taxes
1 Subcontractor shall be liable for and would indemnify Contractor against all taxes,

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imposts, duties, withholding taxes, charges or other dues or assessments of whatsoever

nature, levied on or chargeable to Subcontractor or its other subcontractors in nation or
elsewhere and payable on or in respect of anything / whatever done under Subcontract or
in connection therewith.
2 All taxes, imposts, duties, withholding taxes, charges or other dues or assessments of
whatsoever nature levied on or chargeable by government of nation on Subcontractor or
its subcontractors, which are introduced after effective date in respect of anything /
whatever done under Subcontract or in connection therewith and of which, Subcontractor
could not have been aware, shall be paid by Subcontractor and its lower tier
subcontractors, without any delay and reimbursed by Contractor at actual cost.
3 Under no circumstances whatsoever, shall Contractor be liable to reimburse
Subcontractor or its subcontractors, their servants, agents, staff or employees assigned to
perform Work or provide any services hereunder in respect of any tax, to which such
servants, agents, staff or employees are or may after effective date be subject or which
Subcontractor or its subcontractors may by law or contract be required to pay or
reimburse and which is levied by government of nation or any other government or
jurisdiction on any payments made to or income, receipts or revenues of such servants,
agents, staff or employees.
4 All payments relating to registration charges or sponsorship to enable Subcontractor and /
or its subcontractors to work in nation shall be to sole account of Subcontractor.
5 Provided that imports into nation are effected through ports in nation and provided
further that procedural requirements of concerned authorities are complied with,
Subcontractor shall not be liable for payment of any customs duty levied by government
of nation on goods imported for performance of Work under this Subcontract as Owner is
exempt from such duty.
6 Subcontractor shall therefore, import all goods into nation only through ports in nation
and secure release of goods imported for performance of Work from customs authorities,
without paying any customs duty thereon. Contractor shall give to Subcontractor within
five / 5 working days of receipt of Subcontractor’s request such reasonable documentary
support as Subcontractor may require for purpose to represent to relevant authorities case
of custom exemption on goods imported for project under this subcontract.
7 For avoidance of doubt, this exemption shall not apply to Subcontractor’s construction
plant and equipment / material imported in connections with temporary works.
Furthermore, Subcontractor alone shall be liable for any / every customs duty levied in
respect of imports through ports other than ports in nation and / or on account of failure
to comply with procedural requirements of concerned authorities.
8 All port dues, landing pilotage, lighterage and all other dues and charges whatsoever,
relating to importation of goods shall be to sole account of Subcontractor.
9 Subcontractor shall pay all taxes, levies, duties and assessments of every nature due in
connection with Work under this Subcontract and would make any / every and all payroll
deductions and withholdings required by law and hereby indemnifies and holds harmless
Contractor and Owner from any / every liability on account of any / every and all such
taxes, levies, duties, assessments and deductions.
10 Aforesaid provision has been introduced to meet requirement of governments, which
consider exemption of any / whatever customs duties on certain goods to be used for
permanent inclusions on certain significant project.
GC-10 Labour, Personnel & Work Rules
1 Subcontractor shall employ only competent and skilled personnel to perform Work and
remove from Jobsite any / whoever Subcontractor personnel determined to be unfit or to
be acting in violation of any / whatever provision of this Subcontract. Subcontractor is

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responsible for maintaining labor relations in such manner that there is / exists harmony
among workers by complying with as well as, enforcing Project and Jobsite procedures,
regulations, work rules and work hours established by Contractor and Owner.
2 Contractor may at its sole discretion, deny access to Jobsite to any / whosoever individual
by written notice to Subcontractor. In event, an employee is excluded from Jobsite,
Subcontractor shall promptly replace such individual with another fully competent and
skilled to perform Work.
3 Subcontractor shall, to extent permissible under applicable law, comply with provisions
of all labour agreements, which apply to Work performed under this Subcontract. If
required by terms of any / whatever such labour agreements, Subcontractor shall
immediately, after Subcontract award, agree to comply with and be bound by terms of
such labor agreements.
GC-11 Commercial Activities
1 Neither Subcontractor nor its employees shall establish any commercial activity or issue
concessions or permits of any kind to third parties for establishing commercial activities
on Jobsite or any other lands owned or controlled by Contractor or Owner.
GC-12 Publicity & Advertising
1 Subcontractor shall not make any announcement, take any photographs or release any
information concerning this Subcontract or Project or any part thereof, to any member of
the public, press, business entity or any official body, unless, prior written consent is
obtained from Contractor.
2 Taking of photographs or video of Owner’s existing facilities is not permitted, without
prior written consent of Owner and Contractor.
3 All photographs or videos taken by Subcontractor shall be treated as confidential
information subject to provisions of General Condition titled ‘Nondisclosure’ shall apply
GC-13 Safety & Health
1 Subcontractor shall be solely responsible for conducting operations under this
Subcontract to avoid risk of harm to safety & health of persons and property, for
inspecting and monitoring all its equipment, materials and work practices to ensure
compliance with its obligations under this Subcontract.
2 Subcontractor shall be solely responsible for developing and implementing a safety,
Health and Environment Plan SHE / HSE pursuant to terms of this Subcontract.
Subcontractor’s SHE / HSE Plan shall as a minimum conform and comply with:
a All applicable laws, ordinances, statutes, rules, regulations and codes governing safety
and health in workplace;
b Subcontractor’s specific Scope of Work under this Subcontract; and
c Contractor’s safety and health standards as set forth in Special Condition titled “Safety,
Health & Security Requirements as well as, Contractor’s and Owner’s SHE / HSE Plans,
including revisions thereto.
3 Owner’s Commitment to Health, Safety and Environment and Owner’s Health, Safety
and Environmental Policies included within Contractor’s SHE / HSE Plan as Appendix 1
4 Contractor highlights following as key requirements for any / every site work, requiring
Contractor approval, in order to allow above work to proceed. These must be submitted
for Contractor’s approval 10 working days, before start of work on site.
5 A full and comprehensive risk assessment of activities and instigating mitigating
measures to reduce risk of any / every major accident to ALARP
6 A Project specific SHE / HSE Plan including interface document between Project and
existing Operations in line with Operator Code of Practice, Management of Contractor
SHE / HSE and details of necessary resource to implement it.

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A Project specific Emergency Plan

1 Sub Contractor shall ensure that any / every SIMOPS activities are identified and
formally reported to Contractor. SIMOPS reports shall be submitted 10 working days,
before start of any work on site.
2 Sub Contractor may propose use of its own procedures to replace some or all of those
listed in Contractors SHE / HSE Plan, subject to participating in an Interfacing Process
with Contractor to agree any / every substituted procedures. Results of any / every
Interface Meeting shall be documented by Sub Contractor and submitted in an SHE /
HSE Interface Plan 10 working days, before start of work on site.
3 Subcontractor shall provide written details of about, how it shall comply with all relevant
recommendations specified in Phase HSEIA and its component documents i.e. QRA,
4 Subcontractor shall abide by all Contractor’s and Owner’s SHE / HSE requirements /
regulations and all relevant legislation / statutory requirements, including all laws, rules
and regulations as amended from time to time of governments of nation or any / every
other agency or authority, whether relating to existing facilities, Site, systems, plant,
installations or Project and would make available all such requirements and regulations
applicable to Subcontractor’s employees and its other subcontractors / instruct them to
observe and abide by said regulations.
5 Subcontractor shall when preparing all subcontracts and purchase orders, attach an
instruction that all applicable SHE / HSE requirements of this Subcontract shall be
complied with and clearly state that terms of all such requirements are available on
request and shall notify Contractor of any / every violations of such requirements and
recommend corrective actions thereof.
6 Subcontractor shall take all other precautions necessary to protect persons and property
from damage or injury arising out of Work and would obligate its subcontractors or other
persons under its direction and control to comply with statutory, Owner and Contractor’s
own regulations as applicable to security of Site and accommodation areas.
7 Subcontractor shall take all necessary precautions to avoid causing damage to services,
including service lines such as cables, pipelines etc. buried or otherwise and would be
liable to owners of such utility services for any / every damage thereto, arising out of or
in relation with performance of Work by Subcontractor, its employees, agents or
subcontractors, without prejudice to provisions of General Condition “Indemnity.”
8 Within thirty 30 calendar days, after Subcontract award and in any event, prior to
commencing work at Jobsite, Subcontractor shall submit its SHE / HSE Plan to
Contractor for review and approval.
9 To extent allowed by law, Subcontractor shall assume all responsibility and liability with
respect to all matters, regarding safety and health of its employees and employees of
Subcontractor’s suppliers and subcontractors of any / every tier with respect to risks
under this Subcontract.
10 Subcontractor’s failure to correct any / every unsafe condition or unsafe act by its
employees, suppliers or subcontractors regardless of tier may, at sole discretion of
Contractor be grounds for an order by Contractor to stop affected work or operations,
until unsafe act or condition is corrected to Contractor’s satisfaction at Subcontractor’s
11 If unsafe act or condition continues, including items such as poor housekeeping, despite
notice and reasonable opportunity to effect a resolution, Contractor may at its sole
discretion, correct unsafe act or condition at Subcontractor’s expense pursuant to General
Condition titled “Back charges” or terminate this Subcontract pursuant to General
Condition titled “Termination For Default.”

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12 Subcontractor shall assign to Jobsite, on a full time basis, one (or more as necessary for
compliance with terms of this clause) SHE / HSE representative/s acceptable to
Contractor. Such SHE / HSE representative/s shall be physically located at Jobsite, be
responsible for carrying out Subcontractor’s SHE / HSE plan, have authority for
correcting unsafe acts or conditions by Subcontractor, its employees and employees of
Subcontractor’s suppliers or subcontractors of any / every tier and would participate in
periodic SHE / HSE meetings with Contractor. Subcontractor, instruct its personnel on
requirements of Subcontractor’s SHE / HSE Plan, coordinate with other Jobsite
contractors and subcontractors on SHE / HSE matters required for Work.
13 Unless otherwise specified by Contractor, Subcontractor shall furnish all safety
equipment required for Work, require use of such safety equipment and provide safety
instructions to its employees. All safety equipment must be manufactured to a standard
acceptable to Contractor as set forth in Special Condition titled “Safety, Health &
Security Requirements.”
14 Subcontractor shall maintain accident and injury records, as required by applicable laws
and regulations. Such records shall be made available to Contractor upon request.
Subcontractor shall furnish Contractor with a weekly and monthly summary of accidents,
injuries and labor hours / man hours / workforce hours lost to work related injuries of its
employees and employees of Subcontractor’s suppliers and subcontractors of any / every
tier in an approved format designated by Contractor. Subcontractor shall develop and
submit for Contractor’s approval a set of SHE / HSE Key Performance Indicators and
report monthly on performance of these. Sub Contractor’s reporting procedures shall be
described in detail in SHE / HSE Plan.
15 Subcontractor shall develop and fund an SHE / HSE Incentive scheme covering its entire
scope of work and describe such scheme in its HSE Plan. Scheme shall recognise
requirement for working with other Sub Contractors to integrate to some extent, with an
overall scheme for site.
16 Subcontractor shall immediately report to Contractor any / every death, injury or damage
to property incurred or caused by Subcontractor’s employees and employees of
Subcontractor’s suppliers and subcontractors of any / every tier.
17 Subcontractor shall acknowledge that it has received and reviewed a copy of Owner’s
and Contractor’s Health, Safety and Environmental SHE / HSE requirements and
GC-14 Environmental Requirements
1 Throughout performance of Work, Subcontractor shall conduct all operations in such a
way, as to minimize causing impact upon natural environment and prevent any / every
spread or release of contaminated or hazardous substances.
Subcontractor shall:
1 Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, statutes, rules and codes
governing environmental requirements and conduct Work based on requirements of this
Subcontract, including compliance with permit requirements and Project plans and
2 Provide all documentation required by all levels of governing authority or Contractor
concerning environmental requirements.
3 Provide and maintain effective planning and field control measures for following
a Wastewater discharges to land, surface water or groundwater,
b Extraction / supply of water,
c Storm water management,
d Spill prevention and response,

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e Erosion and sedimentation control,

f Air emissions and dust control,
g Noise control,
h Waste and hazardous waste management and
i Work area restoration, including revegetation
j Archeological and Palaeontological discoveries
4 This shall include obtaining certifications; conducting requisite analyses and monitoring
of such activities, as required by Subcontract Documents, permit conditions or other
applicable law utilizing appropriate equipment and proceeding in accordance with permit
5 Be responsible for developing and maintaining a written Environmental Compliance Plan
in accordance with Subcontractor’s established practices, including, but not limited to
compliance with all applicable laws / regulations and requirements of Owner’s and
Contractor’s Project SHE / HSE Plan as well as, Project Construction Environmental
Control Plan CECP.
6 Subcontractor shall have sole responsibility for implementing and enforcing its
Environmental Compliance Plan.
7 Sub Contractor Environmental Compliance Plan shall be submitted for Contractor
Approval 10 days before start of work on site. Contractor’s review of Subcontractor’s
plan shall not relieve Subcontractor of its obligations under this Subcontract or as
imposed by law.
8 Subcontractor shall be solely responsible for adequacy of its Environmental Compliance
Plan, Comply with all access restrictions, including prohibitions on access to certain areas
on or adjacent to Jobsite, require its personnel and those of its suppliers and
subcontractors of any / every tier comply with all signage and flagging related to such
restricted areas.
9 Restricted areas may include, but are not limited to: designated wetlands; environmental
mitigation study areas; cultural / historical / archaeological sites; designated fish, wildlife
or vegetative habitat.
10 Require that its personnel do not hunt, fish, feed, capture, extract or otherwise disturb
aquatic, animal or vegetative species within Project boundary or while performing any /
every tasks in performance of Work.
11 Subcontractor shall not proceed with any renovation or demolition work, until asbestos
surveys and notifications have been completed to appropriate regulatory agencies, in
accordance with division of responsibility outlined in Project’s CECP and Contractor
specifically authorizes that work to proceed.
12 Should asbestos containing materials be uncovered during Subcontractor’s Work,
provisions of subclause below shall apply.
13 Immediately stop work in any / every area, where contaminated soil indicators such as
odour or appearance, unknown containers, piping, underground storage tanks or similar
structures are discovered; or any / whatever other materials, which are reasonably
suspected to be toxic or hazardous.
14 Subcontractor shall then immediately notify Contractor and stop work area shall be
determined by Contractor duly confirmed in writing. Activity in stop work area shall only
resume upon Contractor’s written approval.
15 Immediately stop work in any / every area, where cultural resources or artifacts with
archaeological or historical value are discovered and immediately notify Contractor.
Stopped work shall proceed in manner set forth in sub clause 9 above. No artifacts, items
or materials shall be disturbed or taken from area of discovery. Neither Subcontractor
nor any of its suppliers and subcontractors of any tier shall have property rights to such

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artifacts, items or materials which would be secured and guarded, until turned over to
Contractor or appropriate authorities. Subcontractor shall also, require that its personnel
and those of its suppliers, subcontractors of any / every tier comply with this provision to
respect all historic and archaeological sites in area.
16 Manage, store and dispose of all hazardous waste generated by Subcontractor during its
Work in accordance with national, regional, local requirements and as outlined in Project
CECP. This includes, but is not limited to: waste minimization; hazardous waste
generator registration; hazardous materials inventory with Material Safety Data Sheets
MSDS for each hazardous material on site; employee training; hazardous waste spill
management and reporting; proper storage of hazardous waste; equipment
decontamination; onsite and offsite transport of hazardous waste; selection, use of offsite
interim and final disposal facilities.
17 Subcontractor’s obligations under General Condition titled “Indemnity” apply to any /
every liability arising in connection with or incidental to Subcontractor’s performance or
failure to perform as provided in this clause.
18 In event any / every preexisting contamination is found at Work site, immediate
notification shall be made by Sub Contractor to Contractor. Contractor shall liaise with
company, who shall evaluate and assess remedies required after sampling and testing
such contaminated material in and around locality of such material discovery. Company
shall provide Contractor with all results of any / every test and sampling program, which
is to be passed to Sub Contractor to provide support to company in assisting company or
third parties to have contaminated waste removed from site and disposed of in
accordance with all applicable rules, regulations and legislation. Work in affected area
may only resume, after specific written authorization is received from company
GC-15 Site Conditions & Natural Resources
Subcontractor shall have sole responsibility for satisfying itself concerning nature, location of
Work, general and local conditions, including, but not limited to following:
1 Transportation, access, disposal, handling and storage of materials;
2 Availability and quality of labor, water, electric power and road conditions;
3 Climatic conditions, tides and seasons;
4 River hydrology and river stages;
5 Physical conditions at Jobsite and Project area as a whole;
6 Topography and ground surface conditions and
7 Equipment and facilities needed / required preliminarily to and during performance of
8 Failure of Subcontractor to acquaint itself with any / every applicable condition/s shall
not relieve Subcontractor of responsibility for properly estimating difficulties, time or
cost of successfully performing Subcontractor's obligations under this Subcontract.
GC-16 Differing Site Conditions
1 Subcontractor acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to character, quality and
quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encountered insofar as this
information is reasonably ascertainable from inspection of Jobsite, including all
exploratory work as well as, from drawings and Specifications provided under this
2 Where Contractor or Owner has made investigations of subsurface conditions in areas,
where work is to be performed under this Subcontract, such investigations are made by
Contractor or Owner for purpose of study and design.
3 If records of such investigation are included in Subcontract Documents, interpretation of
such records shall be sole responsibility of Subcontractor.
4 Neither Contractor nor Owner assumes any responsibility whatsoever in respect to

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sufficiency or accuracy of such investigations, records thereof or of interpretations set

5 There is no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied that conditions indicated by
such investigations or records thereof, are representative of those existing throughout
such areas or any part thereof or that unforeseen developments may not occur or that
materials other than or in proportions different from those indicated may not be
6 Subcontractor shall immediately notify Contractor in writing before proceeding with
any / every work, which Subcontractor believes, constitutes a differing site condition
with respect to:
7 Subsurface or latent physical conditions at Jobsite differing materially from those
indicated in this Subcontract or
8 Previously unknown physical conditions at Jobsite of an unusual nature, differing
materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in
work of character provided for in this Subcontract.
9 Contractor shall then investigate such conditions and make a written determination.
10 If Contractor determines that such condition does constitute a differing site condition,
Subcontractor may then pursuant to General Condition titled "Changes," submit a written
proposal for an equitable adjustment setting forth impact of such differing site condition.
11 Failure of Subcontractor to give required immediate notice of differing site condition
shall be made grounds for rejection of claim to extent Contractor or Owner is prejudiced
by such delay.
GC-17 Title to Materials Found
1 Title to water, soil, rock, gravel, sand, minerals, timber and any / every other materials
developed or obtained in excavation or other operations of Subcontractor or any / every
of its lower tier subcontractors and right to use said materials or dispose of same is
hereby expressly reserved by Owner.
2 Neither Subcontractor nor its subcontractors of any tier nor any of their respective
representatives or employees shall have any right or interest in said materials nor shall
they assert or make any claim thereof.
GC-18 Survey Control Points & Layouts
1 Survey control points as shown on drawings shall be established by Contractor.
2 Subcontractor shall complete layout of all work and be responsible for execution of Work
in accordance with locations, lines and grades specified or shown on drawings, subject to
such modifications, as Contractor may require, while work progresses.
3 If Subcontractor or any / either of its lower tier subcontractors or any / either of their
representatives or employees move or destroy or render inaccurate any / whatever survey
control point, such control point shall be replaced by Contractor at Subcontractor's
4 No separate payment shall be made for survey work performed by Subcontractor.
GC-19 Subcontractor's Work Area
1 All Subcontractor work areas on Jobsite shall be assigned by Contractor.
2 Subcontractor shall confine its operations to areas so assigned.
3 Should Subcontractor find it necessary or advantageous to use any / certain additional
offsite area for any / certain purpose whatsoever, Subcontractor shall at its expense
provide and make its own arrangements for use of such additional offsite areas.
GC-20 Cleaning Up
1 Subcontractor shall at all times keep its work areas in a neat, clean and safe condition.
Upon completion of any / whatever portion of Work, Subcontractor shall promptly
remove from work area, all its equipment, construction plant, temporary structures and

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surplus materials not to be used at or near same location during later stages of Work.
2 Upon completion of Work and prior to final payment, Subcontractor shall at its expense
satisfactorily dispose of all rubbish, remove all plant, buildings, equipment and materials
belonging to Subcontractor and return to Contractor's warehouse or Jobsite storage area,
all salvageable Contractor or Owner supplied materials. Subcontractor shall leave
premises in a neat, clean and safe condition.
3 In event of Subcontractor's failure to comply with foregoing requirements, Contractor
may accomplish cleaning up at Subcontractor's expense.
GC-21 Cooperation With Others
1 Contractor, Owner, other contractors and other subcontractors shall be working at Jobsite
during performance of this Subcontract and Subcontractor's work or use of certain
facilities may be interfered with as a result of such concurrent activities.
2 Contractor reserves right to require Subcontractor to schedule order of performance of
Work in such a manner, as shall minimize interference with work of any / either of
parties involved.
GC-22 Responsibility For Work, Security & Property
Work in Progress, Equipment and Material.
1 Subcontractor shall be responsible for and bear any / every and all risks of loss or damage
to work in progress, pursuant to Special Condition titled "Title & Risk of Loss," to
equipment and materials.
Delivery, Unloading and Storage.
1 Subcontractor's responsibility for materials and plant equipment required for performance
of this Subcontract shall include:
2 Receiving and unloading;
3 Storing in a secured place and in a manner, subject to Contractor's review
4 Outside storage of materials and equipment subject to degradation by elements shall be in
weather tight enclosures provided by Subcontractor;
5 Delivering from storage to construction site all materials and plant equipment as required;
6 Maintaining complete and accurate records for Contractor's inspection of all materials
and plant equipment received, stored and issued for use in performance of Subcontract.
1 Subcontractor shall at all times conduct all operations under this Subcontract in a manner
to avoid risk of loss, theft or damage by vandalism, sabotage or any / every other means
to any / every equipment, materials, work or other property at Jobsite.
2 Subcontractor shall continuously inspect all equipment, materials and work to discover
and determine any / all conditions, which might involve such risks and be solely
responsible for discovery, determination & sequential correction of any / all such
3 Subcontractor shall comply with Contractor's and Owner's security requirements for
Jobsite. Subcontractor shall cooperate with Contractor and Owner on all security
matters, promptly complying with any / all Project security arrangements established by
Contractor or Owner. Such compliance with these security requirements shall not relieve
Subcontractor of its responsibility for maintaining proper security for above noted items
nor it be construed as limiting in any manner Subcontractor's obligation with respect to
all applicable laws and regulations and to undertake reasonable action to establish and
maintain secured conditions at Jobsite.
1 Subcontractor shall plan and conduct its operations, so as not to:
2 Enter upon lands in their natural state unless authorized by Contractor;

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3 Damage, close or obstruct any utility installation, highway, road or other property, until
permits and Contractor's permission thereof have been obtained;
4 Disrupt or otherwise interfere with operation of any pipeline, telephone, electric
transmission line, ditch or structure, unless otherwise specifically authorized by this
Subcontract or
5 Damage or destroy cultivated and planted areas and vegetation such as trees, plants,
shrubs and grass on or adjacent to premises, which as determined by Contractor do not
interfere with performance of this Subcontract. This includes damage arising from
performance of work through operation of equipment or stockpiling of materials.
6 Subcontractor shall not be entitled to any extension of time or compensation on account
of Subcontractor's failure to protect all facilities, equipment, materials and other property
as described herein. All costs in connection with any / all repairs or restoration necessary
or required by reason of unauthorized obstruction, damage or use shall be borne by
GC-23 Subcontractor's Plant, Equipment & Facilities
1 Subcontractor shall provide and use for Work only such construction plant and
equipment, as are fit to producing quality and quantity of work and materials required by
this Subcontract within time or times specified therein on Schedule.
2 Subcontractor shall mobilise to site all necessary construction plant, equipment and tools
of every kind required for performance, execution and completion of Work. If such
construction plant, equipment and tools brought on Jobsite are not sufficient in opinion of
Contractor, Subcontractor shall provide at its expense such additional construction plant,
equipment and tools, as Contractor deems necessary.
3 Before proceeding with Work, Subcontractor shall furnish Contractor with information
and drawings relative to such equipment, plant and facilities as Contractor may request.
Upon written order of Contractor, Subcontractor shall discontinue operation of
unsatisfactory plant, equipment or facilities and either modify unsatisfactory items or
remove such items from Jobsite.
4 Subcontractor shall, at time any / whatever equipment is moved onto Jobsite, present to
Contractor an itemized list of all equipment and tools including, but not limited to power
tools, welding machines, pumps and compressors, which list must include description,
quantity and serial number, where applicable. It is recommended that Subcontractor
identify its equipment by color (other than yellow), decal and etching. Prior to removal
of any / every / or all equipment, Subcontractor shall clear such removal through
Contractor. Subcontractor shall not remove construction plant, equipment or tools from
Jobsite, before Work is finally accepted, without Contractor's written approval.
5 All Subcontractor’s construction plant, Goods and other things provided by
Subcontractor shall, when brought on Jobsite, be deemed to be exclusively intended for
purpose of Work, which or any / every part thereof, Subcontractor shall not remove same,
while required at Jobsite.
GC-24 Illumination
1 When any / whatever work is performed at night or where daylight is obscured,
Subcontractor shall at its expense, provide artificial light sufficient to permit work to be
carried on efficiently, satisfactorily and safely permitting thorough inspection.
2 During such time periods, access to place of work shall also, be clearly illuminated.
3 All wiring for electric light and power shall be installed and maintained in a safe manner,
meeting all applicable codes and standards.
GC-25 Use of Completed Portions of Work
1 Whenever, as determined by Contractor, any / every portion of Work performed by
Subcontractor is suitable for use, Contractor or Owner may, upon written notice, occupy

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and use such portion. Use shall not constitute acceptance or relieve Subcontractor of its
responsibilities or act as a waiver by Contractor or Owner of any / whatever related terms
of this Subcontract.
2 Subcontractor shall not be liable for normal wear and tear or for repair of damage caused
by any / whatever misuse during such occupancy or use by Contractor or Owner. If such
use increases cost or time of performance of remaining portions of Work, Subcontractor
shall pursuant to General Condition titled "Changes," be entitled to an equitable
adjustment in its compensation or schedule under this Subcontract.
3 If, as a result of Subcontractor's failure to comply with provisions of this Subcontract,
such use proves to be unsatisfactory to Contractor or Owner, Contractor or Owner shall
have right to continue such use, until such portion of Work can without injury to
Contractor or Owner, be taken out of service for correction of defects, errors, omissions
or replacement of unsatisfactory materials or equipment as necessary for such portion of
Work to comply with Subcontract; provided that period of such operation or use pending
completion of appropriate remedial action shall not exceed twelve 12 months, unless
otherwise mutually agreed in writing between parties.
4 Subcontractor shall not use any permanently installed equipment, unless such use is
approved in writing by Contractor. When such use is approved, Subcontractor shall at
Subcontractor's expense properly use, maintain and upon completion of such use,
recondition such equipment as required to meet specifications.
5 If Contractor or Owner furnishes an operator for such permanently installed equipment,
all services performed shall be under complete direction and control of Subcontractor,
while such operator be considered Subcontractor's employee for all purposes, other than
payment of such operator's wages, Workers' Compensation Insurance or other benefits.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 31
Chapter 15
Commercial Sub contracts Sample
GC-26 Use of Contractor's Construction Equipment or Facilities
1 Where Subcontractor requests Contractor and Contractor agrees to make available to
Subcontractor certain equipment or facilities belonging to Contractor for performance of
Subcontractor work under Subcontract, following provisions shall apply:
a Equipment or facilities shall be charged to Subcontractor at agreed rental rates;
b Contractor shall furnish a copy of equipment maintenance and inspection record, which
be maintained by Subcontractor during rental period;
c Subcontractor shall assure itself of condition of such equipment, assuming all risks and
responsibilities during its use;
d Subcontractor shall as a part of its obligation under General Condition titled "Indemnity,"
release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Contractor and Owner from all claims,
demands and liabilities arising from use of such equipment.
e Contractor and Subcontractor shall jointly inspect such equipment before its use and
upon its return. Cost of all necessary repairs or replacement for any / whatever damage
other than normal wear shall be at Subcontractor's expense and
f If such equipment is furnished with an operator, services of such operator shall be
performed under complete direction and control of Subcontractor, while such operator be
considered Subcontractor's employee for all purposes, other than for payment of wages,
Workers' Compensation Insurance or other benefits.
GC-27 First Aid & Medical Facilities

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1 Sub Contractor shall establish a Clinic to provide for entire construction workforce.
2 This shall be staffed on a 24hour a day basis by qualified medical personnel, including
3 Clinic provision is in addition to provision of qualified first aiders and first aid facilities
by each Major Sub Contractor.
4 Subcontractor shall be responsible for providing first aid and first aid facilities for all
Subcontractor’s and its lower tier subcontractor’s personnel employed in performance of
Work in and around Jobsite, including Subcontractor’s camp location.
5 Such facilities shall conform to laws and regulations of nation and company with all
medical requirements.
6 The construction site is located in an area where international standard hospitals are
available. There is also, a hospital about … km from construction site. Therefore, an
infrastructure and organisation is already established with which Sub Contractor shall
establish agreements that allow extension for use of these facilities by all personnel on
plant area.
7 Where Contractor or Owner have first aid facilities at Jobsite, they may at their option
make available their first aid facilities for treatment of employees of Subcontractor, who
be injured or become ill, while engaged in performance of Work under this Subcontract.
8 If First Aid facilities and / or services are made available to Subcontractor's employees
then in consideration for use of such facilities and receipt of such services, Subcontractor
hereby agrees:
9 To include as a part of its obligation under General Condition titled "Indemnity"
obligation to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless, Contractor and Owner from
all claims, demands and liabilities arising from use of such services or facilities; and
10 In event, any / either of Subcontractor's employees require offsite medical services,
including transportation thereto, to promptly pay for such services directly to providers
thereof. It is also, added that a full time ambulance facility shall be available on plant
location to meet any / every emergency.
GC-28 Inspection, Quality Surveillance, Rejection of Materials & Workmanship
1 Any / Every inspection or testing of any / every part of Goods or Work at any / every
location for its preparation, that check is required under codes and standards specified in
Subcontract, shall be responsibility of Subcontractor.
2 Subcontractor shall allow Contractor and / or Owner freedom of access at all reasonable
times to all places, where Work is performed or relevant information is stored for purpose
of reviewing conduct and progress of Work for purpose of quality assurance.
3 Contractor shall have free access to all documents in Subcontractor’s possession prepared
or in course of preparation in performance of Work, including those services performed
by its subcontractors within three / 3 working days of written request.
4 All material and equipment furnished and work performed shall be properly inspected by
Subcontractor at its expense and at all times be subject to quality surveillance / quality
audit by Contractor, Owner or their authorized representatives, who upon reasonable
notice be afforded full and free access to shops, factories or other places of business of
Subcontractor, its suppliers and subcontractors of any / either tier for such procedures.
5 Subcontractor shall provide all necessary equipment, fuel, power, tackle, labor,
instruments, safe and adequate facilities, drawings, documents and samples as requested,
provide assistance and cooperation including stoppage of work to perform such
examination as may be necessary to determine compliance with requirements of this
Subcontract. No Work shall be covered up or put out of view, without consent of
Contractor and Owner. Subcontractor shall afford full opportunity for Contractor and
Owner to examine any / every Work, which is about to be covered up or put out of view

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and / or to examine foundations, before equipment or Systems are placed thereon. Failure
of Contractor or Owner to make such quality surveillance or to discover defective design,
equipment, materials or workmanship shall not relieve Subcontractor of its obligations
under this Subcontract nor prejudice rights of Contractor or Owner thereafter, to reject or
require correction of defective work in accordance with provisions of this Subcontract.
6 Subcontractor shall notify Contractor at least eighteen 18 days in advance of date on and
place at which, any / every part of Goods or Work shall be ready for testing. Should any
postponement become necessary, Subcontractor shall provide written notification at least
nine 9 days, prior to originally scheduled date for inspections outside of nation and
seventy two 72 hours, prior to originally scheduled date for inspections within nation.
Contractor shall give Subcontractor twenty four 24 hours notice in writing of its intention
to attend test or ask for a postponement of not more than forty eight 48)hours, if required.
7 If any work is determined by Contractor or Owner to be defective or not in conformance
with this Subcontract, provisions of General Condition titled "Warranty" shall apply.
GC-29 Testing
1 Unless otherwise provided in Subcontract, testing of equipment, materials or work shall
be performed by Subcontractor at its expense, in accordance with Subcontract
2 Should tests in addition to those required by this Subcontract be desired by Contractor,
Subcontractor shall be given reasonable notice to permit such testing.
3 Such additional tests shall be at Contractor's expense.
4 Subcontractor shall furnish samples as requested, provide reasonable assistance and
cooperation necessary to permit tests to be performed on materials or work in place,
including reasonable stoppage of work during testing.
GC-30 Expediting
1 Equipment and materials furnished and work performed under this Subcontract shall be
subject to expediting by Contractor or its representatives be afforded full and free access
to shops, factories and other places of business of Subcontractor, its suppliers and
subcontractors of any / every tier for expediting purposes.
2 As required by Contractor, Subcontractor shall provide detailed schedules and progress
reports for use in expediting and cooperate with Contractor in expediting activities.
GC-31 Force Majeure / Unknown Events / Unexpected Events
1 No delay or failure in performance by either party shall constitute default or give rise to
any claim for damages to an extent such delay or failure is caused by Force Majeure.
Unless such Force Majeure substantially frustrates performance of this Subcontract,
Force Majeure shall not operate to an excuse, but only to delay performance.
2 Term "Force Majeure" as employed herein shall be defined as strikes, excluding strikes
occurring among employees of Subcontractor or its subcontractors of any / every /
whatever tier or other industrial disturbances of a general nature, acts of public enemy,
wars, undeclared wars, acts of terrorism acts of governments including governments of
nation or else, blockades, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, earthquakes,
lightning, civil disturbances, explosions and any / every other cause or event, which is
unavoidable, insurmountable and similar to kind herein enumerated or equivalent forces
not within control of Party affected thereby, which that Party is unable to overcome by
exercise of due diligence.
3 Delays attributable to and within control of Subcontractor's suppliers or subcontractors of
any / every tier shall be deemed delays within control of Subcontractor.
4 If Subcontractor's performance of this Subcontract is delayed by a Force Majeure /
Unknown Events / Unexpected Events occurrence, Subcontractor shall immediately
provide Contractor written notification of delay and its estimated duration. Immediately

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upon termination of Force Majeure occurrence, Subcontractor shall:

a Notify Contractor of resumption of work and
b Submit a plan to minimize and mitigate effect of Force Majeure / Unknown Events /
Unexpected Events occurrence upon completion of Work.
5 Any / Every claim on part of Subcontractor for an extension of time by reason of a
suspension under this clause shall be made within a reasonable time, after end of
suspension. Subcontractor shall promptly submit for review a revised schedule for
performance of Work. Subject to provisions of this General Condition, as set forth below,
such extension shall be sole remedy for delay.
6 If a suspension of any / whatever obligation by virtue of this clause lasts for a continuous
period of Thirty 30 days, Contractor may terminate this Subcontract forthwith in whole
or in part by so notifying Subcontractor in writing.
a Such termination by Contractor shall take effect on receipt by Subcontractor of written
b Upon such termination both Parties shall be released from any / every further obligations
under Subcontract, but both Parties retain all rights and claims arising, prior to effective
date of termination.
c Provisions of this paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to Subcontractor save that
Subcontractor shall have right of termination only, after suspension under this clause lasts
for a continuous period of ninety 90 days.
7 If Contractor elects not to terminate Subcontract as stated above then Work shall be
deemed suspended with effect from expiry of said thirty 30 day period and thereafter,
provisions of General Condition titled Suspension shall apply
8 Force Majeure / Unknown Events / Unexpected Events shall not include financial distress
of either Party.
GC-32 Changes
1 Contractor may at any / whatever time without notice to sureties, if any by written
Change Notice unilaterally make any / whatever change in Work within general scope of
this Subcontract, including, but not limited to changes:
a In drawings, designs or specifications;
b In method, manner or sequence of Subcontractor work;
c In Contractor or Owner furnished facilities, equipment, materials, services or site/s;
d Directing acceleration or deceleration in performance of Work and
e Modifying Subcontract Schedule or Subcontract Milestones
2 In addition, in event of an emergency, which Contractor determines endangers life or
property, Contractor may use oral orders to Subcontractor for any / every work required
by reason of such emergency. Subcontractor shall commence and complete such
emergency work, as directed by Contractor. Such orders shall be confirmed by Change
3 All other modifications to this Subcontract shall be made / conducted by written
Amendment signed by both parties.
4 If at any / certain time, Subcontractor believes that acts or omissions of Contractor or
Owner constitute a change to Work not covered by a Change Notice, Subcontractor shall
within eight / ten 8 / 10 calendar days of discovery of such act or omission, submit a
written Change Notice Request explaining in detail basis for request. Contractor shall,
either issue a Change Notice or deny request in writing.
5 If any / certain change under this clause directly or indirectly causes an increase or
decrease in cost of or time required for, performance of any / relevant part of Work under
this Subcontract, whether or not changed by any / certain order, an equitable adjustment
shall be made and Subcontract modified accordingly.

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6Contractor shall not accept any request for a Change Notice from Subcontractor, where
scope of Works and concept of Project’s overall objectives are not affected, where
requested Change Notice is merely a closer definition, change in detail or alteration in
manner in which, Works are to be carried out or which is normal engineering
development. Should any work or Goods be required, which are not denoted in
Specifications or elsewhere in Subcontract, but which in reasonable opinion of
Contractor and by exercise of Subcontractor’s stated expertise and application of normal
good engineering and construction standards can be considered necessary for proper
execution of Works then Subcontractor shall perform this work or furnish said Goods, as
if so denoted, without request for a Change Notice.
7 If Subcontractor intends to assert a claim for an equitable adjustment under this clause, it
must within eight 8 calendar days, after receipt of a Change Notice, provide written
notification of such intent and within a further twenty 20 calendar days, pursuant to
Special Condition titled "Pricing of Adjustments," submit to Contractor a written
proposal setting forth nature, schedule impact and monetary extent of such claim in
sufficient details to permit thorough analysis and negotiation.
8 Any / Every delay by Subcontractor in giving notice or presenting a proposal for
adjustment under this clause shall be grounds for rejection of claim if and to extent,
Contractor or Owner is prejudiced by such delay. In no case shall a claim submitted by
Subcontractor be considered, if asserted after final payment under this Subcontract.
9 Subcontractor shall also, demonstrate through critical path programme and logic diagram,
specific effect on Schedule of each Change Notice, which in Subcontractor’s opinion
shall result in a revision to completion date and / or to any / whatever specific Milestone
date that has been established in Subcontract.
10 Failure by Contractor and Subcontractor to agree on any / proposed adjustment shall be
named a disputed item within meaning of General Condition titled "Disputes."
11 Subcontractor shall proceed diligently with performance of Work pending final
resolution of any / every request for relief, dispute, claim, appeal or action arising under
Subcontract and comply with any / every decision of Contractor.
12 Subcontractor shall maintain separate accounts for each Change Notice.
GC-33 Disputes
1 Subcontractor shall not be entitled to claim and neither Contractor nor Owner shall be
liable to Subcontractor or its lower tier suppliers or subcontractors in tort including
negligence or Subcontract, except as specifically provided in this Subcontract.
2 Any claim arising out of or attributable to interpretation or performance of this
Subcontract, which cannot be resolved by negotiation shall be considered a dispute
within meaning of this clause.
3 If for any / whatever reason, Contractor and Subcontractor are unable to resolve a claim
for an adjustment, Contractor or Subcontractor shall notify other party in writing that a
dispute exists and request or provide a final determination by Contractor. Any / Every
such request by Subcontractor shall be clearly identified by reference to this clause and
should summarize facts in dispute and Subcontractor's proposal for resolution.
4 Contractor shall, within thirty 30 calendar days of any / every request by Subcontractor,
provide a written final determination setting forth contractual basis for its decision and
defining about, what Subcontract adjustments it considers equitable. Upon
Subcontractor's written acceptance of Contractor's determination Subcontract shall be
modified and determination implemented accordingly or failing agreement, Contractor
may in its sole discretion pay such amounts and / or revise time for performance of Work
in accordance with Contractor's final determination.
5 If Contractor’s final determination is not accepted by Subcontractor, Parties agree to

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proceed in accordance with Special Condition SC-45 titled “Arbitration”.

6 Subcontractor shall not at any time suspend performance of Work or any of its
obligations under Subcontract pending resolution or settlement of a dispute and would
proceed with all due diligence with Work and all its other obligations in full compliance
with Subcontract.
GC-34 Records & Audit
1 Subcontractor shall maintain records and accounts in connection with performance of this
Subcontract, which shall accurately document incurred costs, both direct and indirect of
whatever nature for a period of five 5 years from expiration of Subcontractor's warranty
unless otherwise specified by applicable law.
2 Contractor and / or Owner or its duly authorised representative shall have access at all
reasonable times to Subcontractor’s and its other subcontractors’ books, records,
correspondence, instructions, invoices, plans, drawings, receipts, vouchers and
memoranda of every description pertaining to Work for purpose of auditing and verifying
cost of Work or for any / every other reason associated with Work. Such right shall not
extend to audit of makeup of any / every lump sum price, any / every fixed prices, unit
rates or percentage markups contained in Exhibit “C” and to audit of changes agreed on
lump sum basis. Subcontractor is under no obligation to provide priced copies of
subcontract agreements and purchase orders, relating to any lump sum price.
3 Contractor and / or Owner and its authorised representatives shall have right to reproduce
any / every / whatever of aforesaid documents. Subcontractor shall include in its
subcontracts a similar obligation on part of its subcontractors.
GC-35 Warranty
Engineering and Design Warranty
1 Subcontractor warrants that design, basic and detailed engineering of Project and any /
every part thereof shall be performed by Subcontractor in accordance with accepted
international standards of good engineering, management and industrial practices;
conform to specifications and descriptions set forth in Subcontract documents; meet
performance guarantees stated in this Subcontract and function accordingly.
Construction Warranty
1 Subcontractor warrants that construction and workmanship under this Subcontract shall
be executed in a professional and workmanlike / good work person ship like manner, be
free from defects and conform to specifications and other requirements contained in
Subcontract documents or with other specifications mutually agreed upon.
Warranty of Goods
1 Subcontractor guarantees title to all goods procured and / or supplied by it and warrants
merchantability and fitness of such goods for use intended under this Subcontract.
2 Subcontractor further warrants that all goods designed, specified and procured by it and
used for or included in Installations shall be new and conform to specifications contained
in Subcontract or with other specifications mutually agreed upon and that such goods
used for or installed shall be procured only from good, reputable and responsible vendors.
3 If any / whatever such items are found defective, Subcontractor shall at Contractor’s and /
or Owner’s option, rectify or replace such defective item at its own cost.
Decennial Structure Warranty
1 Subcontractor warrants safety, soundness and stability of Installations and its liability
therefrom shall be subject to mandatory provisions of laws of nation.
Painting & Coating Work Warranty
1 Subcontractor warrants that paint and coatings used on Installations shall be free from
defects, fit for purpose.
2 Its respective preparation and application shall be carried out in conformity with

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specifications in a professional and workmanlike / good work person like manner by

certified personnel
1 If at any / every time until expiry of the warranty period, Work, Installations or design or
basic and detailed engineering thereof, are shown to be defective, deficient or otherwise
inadequate by reason of any act, breach, default or omission by Subcontractor, whether
negligent or not or should Subcontractor fail to comply with representations and
warranties set forth in this Subcontract then Subcontractor shall at its own cost and
expense, promptly re perform all necessary work, whereby such corrections and changes
to Work, Installations and design, basic and detailed engineering thereof are carried out,
as are necessary to remedy or correct said defects, deficiencies or inadequacies and to
meet said representations and warranties, including without limitation:
a procuring, testing, inspecting, insuring, freighting and shipping of repaired or
replacement goods to Jobsite;
b dismantling affected goods, Installations and reinstalling repaired or replacement goods,
Installations and testing or retesting whole or any / whatever part of Installations so
2 If Subcontractor fails to meet its warranty obligations or to re perform work or rectify or
remedy any defects, deficiencies or inadequacies in Work, Installations within a
reasonable time, after receipt of a written notice by Contractor so to do then Contractor
may re perform work or rectify or remedy defects or deficiencies or inadequacies or
procure services of others to do so at Subcontractor risk, who shall bear all costs incurred
as a result thereof and Contractor would be entitled to deduct whole or any / whatever
costs or expenses incurred from any / whatever monies due to Subcontractor under this
Subcontract or otherwise recover them from Subcontractor.
Saving of Other Rights
1 Foregoing warranties shall not be interpreted as a limitation upon, but are in addition to
all other warranties and guarantees, expressed in Subcontract, which shall apply in all
respect of Work.
Warranty Period
1 Warranty Period is as defined in Special Condition SC-1 titled “Definitions”
2 Except as otherwise stated in below with respect to Decennial Structure Warranty and
Extensions to Warranty Period, guarantees, representations and warranties given by
Subcontractor, liability of Subcontractor to correct and remedy defects, deficiencies or
inadequacies shall apply throughout Warranty Period and provided that Subcontractor
has fulfilled all its warranty and other obligations under this Subcontract and subject to
Subcontractor having issued to Contractor a form of release in a format agreed by
Contractor, Contractor shall issue final acceptance certificate to Subcontractor at end of
Warranty Period.
3 Any / Every Work re performed, replaced, remedied or rectified hereunder shall itself be
warranted by Subcontractor on terms of this clause for a single period of twelve 12
months commencing from date of acceptance by Contractor of such re performed,
replaced, remedied or rectified Work, provided however that Warranty Period shall not in
aggregate exceed twenty seven 27 months from effective date of issuance of Plant Test
Run Certificate or twenty four 24 months from effective date of last Provisional
Acceptance Certificate, but without prejudice to provisions below in respect of any
extended warranty.
4 If in period following commencement of Warranty Period, re performance or rectification
of any / every defective, deficient or inadequate Work causes entire plant or systems to be
shut down, representations and warranties and liability of Subcontractor to correct and

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remedy defects, deficiencies or inadequacies shall remain in force and issuance of Final
Acceptance Certificate be deferred by a period of time equal to period from shutdown
until completion of re performance or rectification of defective, deficient or inadequate
Work and acceptance thereof by Contractor.
Extensions To Warranty Period
1 Subcontractor’s liability to re perform, rectify and remedy defects, deficiencies or
inadequacies in Work, Installations shall extend beyond Warranty Period in following
2 Subcontractor’s decennial liability to OWNER stated above shall continue, until it
expires in accordance with laws of nation
3 Subcontractor shall be considered to have discharged any painting warranty on expiry of
a period of five 5 years from date of issuing last Provisional Acceptance Certificate.
4 Any / Every other warranty obligation expressly stated in Subcontract to survive
Warranty Period.
Subcontractor's Primary Responsibility
1 Subcontractor shall be primarily liable with respect to all guarantees, representations and
warranties set forth in Subcontract, including warranties with respect to its subcontractors
or vendors, whether or not, any event or defect, deficiency or inadequacy is covered by a
subcontractor or vendor warranty and Contractor requires only seek recourse from
Subcontractor for re performance, rectification or remedial action.
2 Subcontractor warrants to Contractor and Owner that equipment and materials furnished
under this Subcontract shall be new, of clear title and of most suitable grade of their
respective kinds for their intended uses, unless otherwise specified. All workmanship /
work person ship shall be first class and performed in accordance with sound
construction practices acceptable to Contractor. All equipment, materials and
workmanship shall also, conform to requirements of this Subcontract.
3 Subcontractor warrants all equipment and material it furnishes and all work it performs
against defects in design, equipment, materials or workmanship for a period from Work
commencement to a date twelve 12 months after acceptance of Project as a whole by
4 If at any / every time during warranty period, Contractor, Owner or Subcontractor
discovers any / whatever defect in design, equipment, materials or workmanship,
immediate written notice shall be given to other parties. Subcontractor shall within a
reasonable time, propose corrective actions to cure such defects to meet requirements of
this Subcontract.
5 Contractor at its sole discretion may direct Subcontractor in writing and Subcontractor
agrees to:
6 Rework, repair or remove and replace defective equipment and materials or re perform
defective workmanship to acceptable quality at a time and in a manner acceptable to
7 Cooperate with others assigned by Contractor to correct such defects and pay to
Contractor all actual costs reasonably incurred by Contractor in performing corrective
actions or
8 Propose and negotiate in good faith an equitable reduction in Subcontract price in lieu of
corrective action.
9 All costs incidental to corrective actions including demolition for access, removal,
disassembly, transportation, reinstallation, reconstruction, retesting and re inspection as
may be necessary to correct defect and to demonstrate that previously defective work
conforms to requirements of this Subcontract shall be borne by Subcontractor.
10 Subcontractor further warrants that any / every and all corrective actions it performs

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against defects in design, equipment, materials and workmanship for a period of twelve
12 months in addition to any / every existing warranty period following acceptance by
Contractor of corrected work.
Warranty Shutdown Inspection
1 At an appropriate time to be decided at Owner’s and / or Contractor’s sole discretion, but
in any / every case prior to end of Warranty Period, a warranty shutdown of Installations
shall be conducted to inspect and record condition of Installations. Shutdown may at
discretion of Contractor be performed in modular fashion to suit Owner’s operational
2 Contractor shall provide Subcontractor a notice of twenty one 21 days in respect of its
plan for warranty shutdown of Installations. Subcontractor shall attend inspection of
Installations during said warranty shutdown along with Owner and Contractor personnel
and assist Owner and / or Contractor in recording all defects and deficiencies in
Installations. Any / all defects and deficiencies observed in Installations shall be rectified
by Subcontractor in accordance with its warranty obligations under Agreement.
3 Should Subcontractor fail to attend inspection of Installations as notified, Owner &
Contractor shall have right to proceed with inspections on its own. Any / whatever
defects and deficiencies observed by Owner and / or Contractor and notified to
Subcontractor following such inspection shall be rectified by Subcontractor, without
recourse to another inspection.
4 Subcontractor shall prior to commencement of remedial work, demonstrate its readiness
in terms of adequate resources and manpower and all such work would be performed on a
round clock basis.
GC-36 Backcharges
1 Contractor may, in addition to any / whatever other amounts to be retained hereunder,
retain from any / whatever sums otherwise owing to Subcontractor amounts sufficient to
cover full costs of any / either of following:
a Subcontractor’s failure to comply with any / whatever provision of this Subcontract or
Subcontractor’s acts or omissions in performance of any / whatever part of this
Subcontract, but not limited to violation of any applicable law, order, rule or regulation
including those regarding safety, hazardous materials or environmental requirements;
b Correction of defective or nonconforming work by redesign, repair, rework, replacement
or other appropriate means, when Subcontractor states or by its actions indicates that it is
unable or unshalling to proceed with corrective action in a reasonable time and / or
c Contractor agrees to or is required to take action or perform work for Subcontractor such
as cleanup, offloading or completion of incomplete work.
d Contractor may also, backcharge against Subcontractor for work done or cost incurred to
remedy these or any / every other Subcontractor defaults, errors, omissions or failures to
perform or observe any / whatever part of this Subcontract. Contractor may, but shall not
be required to give Subcontractor written notice, before performing such actions or work
or incurring such cost.
2 Cost of backcharge work shall include:
a Incurred labour / workforce costs including all payroll additives;
b Incurred net delivered material costs;
c Incurred lower tier supplier and subcontractor costs directly related to performing
corrective action;
d Equipment and tool rentals at prevailing rates in Jobsite area and
e A factor of sixty percent 60% applied to total of Items for Contractor's overhead,
supervision and administrative costs.
3 Backcharge notice may request Subcontractor's concurrence for Contractor to proceed

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with required action or work. Subcontractor’s failure to concur shall not impair
Contractor's right to proceed with action or work under this or any other provision of this
4 Contractor shall separately invoice or deduct from payments otherwise due to
Subcontractor backcharge costs. Contractor's right to backcharge is in addition to any /
all other rights and remedies provided in this Subcontract or by law. Performance of
backcharge work by Contractor shall not relieve Subcontractor of any of its
responsibilities under this Subcontract including, but not limited to express or implied
warranties, specified standards for quality, contractual liabilities, indemnifications as well
as, meeting Subcontract Milestones of Special Condition titled "Commencement,
Progress and Completion of Work."
GC-37 Indemnity
1 Subcontractor hereby releases and shall indemnify, defend, hold harmless Contractor,
Owner, their / respective subsidiaries, affiliates and officers, agents, employees,
successors, assignees and authorized representatives of all foregoing from and against
any / every and all suits, actions, legal or administrative proceedings, claims, demands,
damages, liabilities, interest, attorney's fees, costs, expenses, and losses of whatsoever
kind or nature in connection with or incidental to performance of this Subcontract,
whether arising before or after completion of Work hereunder in any / whatever manner
directly or indirectly caused, occasioned or contributed to in whole or in part or claimed
to be caused, occasioned or contributed to in whole or in part by reason of any / every act,
omission, fault or negligence, whether active or passive of Subcontractor, its lower tier
suppliers, subcontractors or of anyone / everyone acting under its direction or control or
on its behalf.
2 Foregoing shall include, but is not limited to indemnity for:
a Property damage and injury to or death of any / every person including employees of
Contractor, Owner or Subcontractor.
b Breach by Subcontractor of any / every representation, warranty, covenant or
performance obligation of this Subcontract.
3 Subcontractor's aforesaid release, indemnity and hold harmless obligations or portions or
applications thereof, shall apply even in event of fault or negligence, whether active or
passive or strict liability of parties released, indemnified or held harmless to fullest extent
permitted by law, but in no event shall these apply to liability caused by shallful
misconduct or sole negligence of party released, indemnified or held harmless.
GC-38 Patent & Intellectual Property Indemnity
1 Except in respect to items that have been specified by Contractor or are supplied to
Subcontractor by Contractor or on Contractor’s behalf, Subcontractor shall at its expense,
indemnify, defend and hold harmless Contractor and Owner from and against any / every
claims, actions, suits costs including legal and experts’ costs, expenses and liabilities of
every kind and nature, which may be brought against or incurred by Contractor or Owner
at any / every time for infringement or alleged infringement of any / every intellectual
property that may be specified or used by Subcontractor or its subcontractors relating to:
a use, design, composition, mode of fabrication or other particulars of Installations or any /
every one or more of elements of apparatus, structures, systems, plant or any / every
combination thereof or any / every part thereof furnished or specified for Work.
b use of any every raw, unfabricated or unassembled materials, composition of various
materials, fabrication procedure, heat treatment or other things entering into manufacture
of said element of apparatus, structures or systems or plant or any / every part thereof or
c use of any / every construction methods, tools, machines or construction devices used in
or specified for execution of Work and

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ddesign, process and / or technology used in installations, plant, systems or incorporated

2 Contractor shall promptly notify Subcontractor in writing of such claims or institution of
such action or suit and permit Subcontractor to conduct Contractor’s defense.
Subcontractor shall pay all costs and expenses of any / every such action or suit,
including compensation and expenses of experts and counsel of its choice and selection.
Subcontractor shall also, pay and hold Contractor and Owner free and harmless from
expenses incurred or any / whatever damages or other sums awarded or assessed in any /
every such action or suit.
3 Contractor reserves right to conduct its own defense and be represented by counsel of its
own selection, but in either event agrees to cooperate in defense of any / every such
action or suit and to furnish all evidence in its control.
4 In connection with any / whatever claims, actions, suits or liabilities referred to in above,
Subcontractor reserves right to acquire at its expense, immunity from suit or licence
under intellectual property on which such claims, actions, suits or liabilities are related
for construction, operation or use and maintenance of Installations by Contractor in
accordance with design, specifications and procedures furnished and / or approved in
writing by Subcontractor or its subcontractors.
5 Contractor also, reserves right, in connection with such claims, actions, suits or liabilities
of making such alteration to Work or Installations at Subcontractor’s expense, as may be
required to eliminate alleged infringement, provided however that such alteration does
not impair safe operation or use of Installations or unreasonably interfere with their
continuous operation or results in any / every cost or expenses on part of Contractor.
GC-39 Assignments & Subcontracts
1 Any / Every assignment of this Subcontract or rights hereunder in whole or part, without
prior written consent of Contractor shall be void, except that upon ten 10 calendar days
written notice to Contractor, Subcontractor may assign monies due or to become due
under this Subcontract, provided that any / every assignment of monies shall be subject to
proper setoffs in favour of Contractor and any / whatever deductions provided for in this
2 Subcontractor shall not subcontract to any third party for performance of all or any
portion of Work, without advance written approval of Contractor. Purchase orders and
subcontracts of any / every tier must include provisions to secure all rights and remedies
of Contractor and Owner provided under this Subcontract and must impose upon lower
tier supplier and subcontractor all duties and obligations required to fulfill this
3 Subcontractor shall in selection of any / every proposed lower tier subcontractor, ensure
that such proposed subcontractor complies with selection criteria, as defined in Appendix
A-2 to these General Conditions.
4 Copies of all purchase orders and subcontracts are to be provided to Contractor upon
request. Pricing may be deleted, unless compensation to be paid thereunder is
reimbursable under this Subcontract.
5 No assignment or subcontract shall be approved, which in essence, amounts to relieve
Subcontractor or its sureties if any, of their responsibilities under this Subcontract.
6 Subcontractor shall be fully responsible for any / every part of Work performed by its
lower tier subcontractor/s for their acts, omissions by persons, either directly or indirectly
employed to same extent, as it is for acts and omissions of persons directly employed by
7 Subcontractor shall ensure that lower tier subcontractors are officially registered in nation
to extent, it is required by applicable laws and that they and their employees, comply with

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sponsorship, immigration, residence and employment laws, while residing in nation.

GC-40 Suspension
1 Contractor may by written notice to Subcontractor, suspend at any / every time
performance of all or any / whatever portion of Work to be performed under Subcontract.
Upon receipt of such notice, Subcontractor shall, unless notice requires otherwise:
a Immediately discontinue work on date and to extent specified in notice;
b Place no further orders or subcontracts for material, services or facilities with respect to
suspended work, other than to extent required in notice;
c Promptly make every reasonable effort to obtain suspension upon terms satisfactory to
Contractor of all orders, subcontracts and rental agreements to extent, these relate to
performance of suspended work;
d Continue to protect and maintain Work, including those portions, on which work has
been suspended and
e Take any / every other reasonable steps to minimize costs associated with such
2 Upon receipt of notice to resume suspended work, Subcontractor shall immediately
resume performance under this Subcontract to extent required in notice.
3 Extra cost incurred by Subcontractor in giving effect to Contractor's instructions under this
General Condition shall be borne and paid by Contractor, unless such suspension is:
4 Otherwise provided for in Subcontract or
5 Necessary by reason of default on part of Subcontractor
6 Provided that Subcontractor shall not be entitled to recover any such extra cost, unless it
gives written notice of its intention to claim to Contractor within ten 10 days of Contractor's
order. Contractor shall settle and determine such extra payment and / or extension of time to
be made to Subcontractor in respect of such claim, as shall by mutual agreement be fair and
7 If Subcontractor intends to assert a claim for equitable adjustment under this clause, it
must pursuant to General Condition titled "Changes" and within ten 10 calendar days
after receipt of notice to resume work, submit required written notification of claim and
within twenty 20 calendar days thereafter, its written proposal setting forth impact of
such claim.
8 If progress of Work or any part thereof is suspended on written order of Contractor and if
permission to resume work is not given by Contractor within a period of ninety 90 days
from date of suspension then unless such suspension is otherwise provided for in
Subcontract or necessary by reason of default on part of Subcontractor, Subcontractor
may serve a written notice on Contractor requiring permission within twenty eight 28
days from receipt thereof to proceed with Work or that part thereof, in regard to which
progress is suspended and if such permission is not granted within that time,
Subcontractor by a further written notice so served may, but is not bound to, elect to treat
suspension, where it affects part only of Work as a lawful termination by Contractor of
such part under General Condition titled Optional Termination hereof or where, it affects
whole Work, as termination of Subcontract by Contractor.
GC-41 Termination For Default
1 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Subcontract, Subcontractor shall be
considered in default of its contractual obligations under this Subcontract if it:
a Performs work, which fails to conform to requirements of this Subcontract;
b Fails to make progress, so as to endanger performance of this Subcontract;
c Abandons or refuses to proceed with any / either of Work including modifications
directed pursuant to General Condition titled "Changes"
d Fails to fulfill or comply with any / either of terms of this Subcontract;

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e Engages in behavior that is dishonest, fraudulent or constitutes a conflict of interest with

Subcontractor's obligations under this Subcontract or if
f Subcontractor becomes insolvent or makes a general assignment for benefit of creditors
or reasonable grounds for insecurity arise with respect to Subcontractor's performance.

2Upon occurrence of any / either of the foregoing, Contractor shall notify Subcontractor in
writing of nature of failure and of Contractor's intention to terminate Subcontract for
default. If Subcontractor does not cure such failure within forty eight 48 hours from
receipt of notification or sooner, if safety is involved or fails to provide satisfactory
evidence that such default shall be corrected within a reasonable time, Contractor may,
by written notice to Subcontractor and without notice to Subcontractor's sureties if any,
terminate in whole or in part Subcontractor's right to proceed with Work, following
which, Contractor may prosecute Work to completion by another Subcontract or by any /
some other method deemed expedient. Contractor may take possession of and utilize any
/ every data, designs, licenses, equipment, materials, plant, tools and property of any /
every kind furnished by terminated Subcontractor considering these necessary to
complete Work.
3 Subcontractor and its sureties, if any shall be liable for all costs in excess of Subcontract
price for such terminated work reasonably and necessarily incurred in completion of
Work including cost of administration of any / every purchase order or Subcontract
awarded to others for completion.
4 Contractor shall not be required to obtain competitive tenders for completing such work,
but may make such arrangements as in Contractor’s judgment shall best accomplish
timely completion.
5 Upon termination for default Subcontractor shall:
a Immediately discontinue work on date and to extent, specified in notice and place no
further purchase orders or subcontracts to extent that they relate to performance of
terminated work;
b Inventory, maintain and turn over to Contractor all data, designs, licenses, equipment,
materials, plant, tools and property furnished by Subcontractor or provided by Contractor
for performance of terminated work;
c Promptly obtain cancellation upon terms satisfactory to Contractor of all purchase orders,
subcontracts, rentals or any / all other agreements existing for performance of terminated
work or assign those agreements, as directed by Contractor;
d Cooperate with Contractor in transfer of data, designs, licenses, information and
disposition of work in progress, so as to mitigate damages;
e Comply with other reasonable requests from Contractor, regarding terminated work and
f Continue to perform in accordance with all terms and conditions of this Subcontract such
portion of Work that is not terminated.
6 If, after termination pursuant to this clause, it is determined for any reason that
Subcontractor was not in default, rights and obligations of parties shall be same, as if,
notice of termination had been issued pursuant to General Condition titled “Optional
GC-42 Optional Termination
1 Contractor may, at its option terminate for convenience any / every Work under this
Subcontract in whole or from time to time in part at any / whatever time by written notice
to Subcontractor. Such notice shall specify extent to which, performance of Work is
terminated giving effective date of such termination. Upon receipt of such notice,
Subcontractor shall:
a Immediately discontinue Work on date and to extent, specified in notice and place no

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further purchase orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities, other than, as
may be required for completion of such portion of Work that is not terminated;
b Promptly obtain assignment or cancellation upon terms satisfactory to Contractor of all
purchase orders, subcontracts, rentals or any / every / all other agreements existing for
performance of terminated work or assign those agreements as directed by Contractor;
c Assist Contractor in maintenance, protection and disposition of work in progress, plant,
tools, equipment, property and materials acquired by Subcontractor or furnished by
Contractor under this Subcontract and
d Complete performance of such portion of Work, which is not terminated.
2 Upon any / every such termination, Subcontractor shall waive any / all claims for
damages including loss of anticipated profits on account thereof, but as sole right and
remedy of Subcontractor, Contractor shall pay in accordance with following:
a Subcontract price corresponding to work performed in accordance with this Subcontract,
prior to such notice of termination;
b All reasonable costs for work thereafter performed as specified in such notice;
c Reasonable administrative costs of settling and paying claims arising out of termination
of work under purchase orders or subcontracts;
d Reasonable costs incurred in demobilization and disposition of residual material, plant
and equipment and
e A reasonable overhead and profit on these items of this paragraph.
3 Subcontractor shall submit within thirty 30 calendar days after receipt of notice of
termination, a written statement setting forth its proposal for an adjustment to
Subcontract price to include only incurred costs described in this clause. Contractor shall
review, analyze, verify such proposal and negotiate an equitable adjustment after which,
Subcontract shall be modified accordingly.
GC-43 Final Inspection & Acceptance
1 When Subcontractor considers Work or any / every Contractor identified independent
portion of Work under this Subcontract to be complete and ready for acceptance,
Subcontractor shall notify Contractor in writing. Contractor with Subcontractor’s
cooperation shall conduct such reviews, inspections and tests as may be reasonably
required to satisfy Contractor that Work or identified portion of Work conforms to all
requirements of Subcontract. If all or any part of Work covered by Subcontractor’s
notice does not conform to Subcontract requirements, Contractor shall notify
Subcontractor of such nonconformance on which Subcontractor take corrective action
followed by corrected work re inspected, until all Subcontract requirements are satisfied.
2 Contractor shall issue a Notice of Provisional Acceptance for individual portions, which
have been satisfactorily inspected, subject only to Contractor’s Final Acceptance of Work
as a whole.
3 Contractor’s written Certificate of Final Acceptance of Work under this Subcontract shall
be final and conclusive, except with regard to latent defects, fraud or such gross mistakes
as amount to fraud or with regard to Contractor’s and owner’s rights under General
Condition titled “Warranty”.
4 Mechanical Completion, Provisional Acceptance and Final Acceptance are as defined in
Special condition SC-1 titled “Definitions”.
GC-44 Non-Waiver
1 Failure by Contractor to insist upon strict performance of any / whatever terms or
conditions of this Subcontract or failure or delay to exercise any / all rights or remedies
provided herein or by law or failure to properly notify Subcontractor in event of breach or
acceptance of or payment for any / every / whatever goods or services hereunder or
review or failure to review designs shall not release Subcontractor from any of warranties

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or obligations of this Subcontract and not be deemed a waiver of any right of Contractor
or Owner to insist upon strict performance hereof or any of its rights or remedies as to
any prior or subsequent default hereunder nor any termination of work under this
Subcontract by Contractor operate as a waiver of any of terms hereof.
GC-45 Severability
1 Provisions of this Subcontract are severable. If any provision shall be determined to be
illegal or unenforceable, such determination shall have no effect on any other provision
hereof and remainder of Subcontract shall continue in full force and effect, so that
purpose and intent of this Subcontract shall still be met and satisfied.
GC-46 Survival
1 All terms, conditions and provisions of this Subcontract, which by their nature are
independent of period of performance shall survive cancellation, termination, expiration,
default or abandonment of this Subcontract.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 32
Chapter 15
Commercial Sub Contracts
1 Owner’s Commitment to Safety, Health and Environment & Owner’s Safety, Health and
Environmental Policies is provided in :
a Project Safety, Health & Environmental Plan
b Early Works Emergency Preparedness Plan
c Simultaneous Operations SIMOPS
2 Subcontractor shall provide Works in accordance with requirements of these plans, which
are provided somewhere else

Selection Criteria for Lower tier Subcontractors
Subcontractor shall comply with following Selection Criteria in selection of its lower tier
Licenses and Certificates
1 Valid Trade License from nation’s authorities covering services to be provided along
with oil and gas classification for those subcontracted services to be provided within
2 Valid Registration Certificate from nation’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry covering
services to be provided along with oil and gas classification for those subcontracted
services to be provided within nation
Experience and Capability Requirements
a Structured organisation, manpower / workforce and equipment in a condition that allows
safe operation and in quantities that would meet job requirements
b Adequate direct experience in jobs of similar scope and order of magnitude in last five
c Current workload and availability of resources to comply with schedule requirements
d Documented QR / QA Systems and Procedures typically compliance with ISO 9001
e Documented Safety, Health and Environmental Systems and Procedures typically
compliance with ISO 14001

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f Excellent Safety Record

g Compliance Requirements
h Compliance with subcontract scope
i Compliance with Specifications
j Compliance with schedule requirements
k Commercial
l Financial soundness and solvency
Name Contracting Co. Ltd
Onshore Gas Development Project
Construction Subcontract Special Conditions

SC Title Page
1 Definitions
2 Insurance
3 Contractor - Furnished Drawings & Specifications
4 Contractor - Furnished Utilities & Facilities
5 Contractor - Furnished Materials & Equipment
6 Contractor - Furnished Permits
7 Subcontractor - Furnished Drawings, Data & Samples
8 Commencement, Progress & Completion of Work
9 Subcontract Schedule
10 Temporary Access & Haul Roads
11 Safety, Health & Security Requirements
12 Explosives
13 Performance & Payment Securities
14 Measurement For Payment
15 Invoicing & Payment
16 Pricing of Adjustments
17 Quality Assurance Program
18 Title & Risk of Loss
19 Component Warranties
20 Applicable Law
21 Modifications To Exhibit “A”
22 Release of Consequential Damages
23 Nondisclosure
24 Measurement System
25 Liquidated Damages
26 Key Personnel
27 Language Requirements
28 Drugs, Alcohol & Weapons
29 Right To Work Tools & Work Product
30 Importation of Equipment, Materials & Services
31 Provision of Documents
32 Contractor Review of Documents
33 Labour
34 Customs & Duties
35 Component Warranties
36 Conflict of Interest

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37 Arbitration
38 Hazardous Waste Handling
39 Deficient Works
40 Goods & Services

B-1 Owner Furnished Insurance

Construction Subcontract Special Conditions
SC-1 Definitions
1 Owner means Company, its authorized representatives and successors in interest.
2 Contractor means Contracting Co. Ltd. and all of its authorized representatives acting in
their professional capacities.
3 Subcontractor means [To Be Designated] …………, its authorized representatives,
successors and permitted assigns.
4 Project means Onshore Gas Development Project for Owner, located in nation, for which,
Work under this subcontract is being performed.
5 Project Document/s means Subcontract, all hard copy and electronic versions of Project
documents, which shall include, but not be limited to all FEED documents, drawings,
P&IDs, PFDs, isometrics, plot plans, general arrangements, specifications, materials
requisitions, data sheets and calculations, indices, manuals, reports, procedures,
estimates, accounts, summaries, compilations, agreements including subcontractors
agreements, related materials and any / every other document defined or described in
any / all foregoing.
6 Provisional Acceptance means stage, when all work for Project has been satisfactorily
completed barring any / every minor exceptions, as determined by Owner and Owner’s
issuance of Provisional Acceptance Certificate/s to Contractor for Project under Owner /
Contractor EPC Contract.
7 Final Acceptance means expiry of Warranty Period and when Subcontractor has fulfilled
its obligations under Owner / Contractor EPC Contract.
8 Warranty Period means period commencing on effective date of issuance of Plant Test
Run Certificate for Project under Owner / Contractor existing Contract and ending after
fifteen 15 months from effective date of issuance of Plant Test Run Certificate or twelve
12 months from effective date of last Provisional Acceptance Certificate, whichever is
earlier, as such period may be extended in accordance with General Condition
“Warranty” and without affecting or diminishing Subcontractor’s warranty obligations
under this Subcontract, which have arisen from date or effective date of first Provisional
Acceptance Certificate if any / whatever.
9 Work means all stated or implied activities to be performed by Subcontractor as required
by Subcontract Documents.
10 Jobsite means all locations in nation, where Installations are to be permanently
constructed, erected, tested, operated and maintained and all other locations, where
construction activity shall be performed under this Subcontract, including temporary
installations required for execution of Works.
11 Subcontract Milestone/s means established completion date/s set forth in Special
Condition titled "Commencement, Progress and Completion of Work."
12 Subcontract Schedule means Work execution schedule developed and approved pursuant
to Special Condition titled "Subcontract Schedule."
13 Effective Date means date, when Subcontract is deemed to have come into force, which

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date is specified in Form of Agreement.

together with their respective appendices and attachments of this Subcontract
15 Existing Facilities means Existing Plant, equipment, installations and other facilities at,
near or adjacent to Jobsite owned or operated by Owner or its Affiliates.
16 Goods mean any / every and all things including, but not limited to materials and
equipment including spare parts required for and to be incorporated in Work.
17 Installation/s means permanent facilities including System/s, Plant, buildings, structures,
civil works, amenities and facilities or any / all of which constitute Project as described in
18 Plant means unit/s described in EXHIBITS ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ to be constructed, erected,
installed and tested as part of Work.
19 Specifications means specifications, drawings and procedures included or referenced to
in Subcontract documents or implied therein and any / all modifications or additions
thereto, as may from time to time be approved by Owner or Contractor.
20 System/s means a grouping of equipment and components, including foundations,
structures, mechanical, electrical, control systems, piping and associated parts that
perform a single service, function and operation as a licensed process, utility system and /
or facility, which defines a specific Plant function
21 Nation means country, where work is executed.
SC-2 Insurance
1.0 Insurance To Be Provided By Subcontractor
1 Without limitation to its obligations and responsibilities under this Subcontract,
Subcontractor during whole period of Subcontract from commencement until issue of
Final Acceptance Certificate shall at its own expense, obtain and thereafter, maintain in
full force and effect or cause to be obtained and maintained insurance policies set forth
below to be effected in name of Subcontractor. Subcontractor shall cause insurers or
underwriters thereof, to waive their rights of subrogation against Contractor and Owner
indemnified parties and where feasible, to include names of Contractor and Owner, as
additional assured parties.
2 Subcontractor shall require same insurance from its subcontractors under same
conditions, as required herein.
A. Worker’s Compensation Owner's Liability
1 Worker’s Compensation and Owner's Liability Insurance covering employees of
Subcontractor for all compensation and other benefits required of Subcontractor by
Worker’s Compensation or similar statutory insurance laws of any / every nation or
political subdivision thereof, to which Subcontractor’s operations under this Subcontract
are subject in respect of liability for bodily injury by accident or disease, including death
resulting therefrom sustained by any / every employee of Subcontractor arising out of and
in course of his / her employment.
2 Limit of liability under Owners Liability Section shall be not less than United States
Dollars one million US$ 1,000,000/- per occurrence or per valid rate per country of
project location as case may be.
B. Motor Vehicle Third Party and Passenger Liability
1 Motor vehicle Third Party and passenger liability insurance in respect of death of or
injury to persons and / or loss or damage to property in respect of motor vehicles used by
Subcontractor in connection with execution of Work and shall ensure that subcontractors
maintain such insurance in respect of motor vehicles used by them.
2 Such insurance shall provide an unlimited indemnity for death of or injury to persons and
equivalent of not less than United States Dollars one million US$ 1,000,000/- per

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occurrence for loss of or damage to property, which would be extended as may be

necessary to cover any / every additional cover required by statutory requirements in
country of location of the Work.
C. Construction Plant and Equipment
1 Temporary works and all construction plant and equipment brought on Site by
Subcontractor or its subcontractors for use in connection with Project and any / every
other property under care and custody of Subcontractor not covered by Contractor hereof,
to their full value against all loss or damage from whatever cause arising.
D. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Craft or Floating Equipment
1 Insurance in respect to any / whatever vessels, craft and other floating equipment owned,
chartered or hired by Subcontractor or its subcontractors, used in connection with
execution of Work shall cover all risks of physical loss or damage, howsoever arising
including war, civil war, strikes and like up to a limit equivalent to value of such vessels,
craft or floating equipment and including marine third party liability insurance in respect
of legal liability to third parties of not less than United States Dollars two million US$
2,000,000/- together with protection and indemnity risks with a member of International
Group of P&I Clubs, including endorsements for charterers liabilities, pollution for
maximum limits, cargo legal liabilities, removal of wreck, full collision liabilities and full
coverage for all crew liabilities.
2 Such insurances shall contain an express condition that amount realisable under Liability
Section of Policy is either up to limit of Sum Insured or to actual amount of claim,
whichever is lower and shall be free from application of limitations of ship owners'
liability under nation, per Maritime law or any other law in force relating to ship owners'
E. Aircraft Insurance on Aircraft or Helicopters
1 All aircraft or helicopters owned or hired by Subcontractor or its subcontractors used in
connection with execution of works / services against all risks of physical loss or damage,
howsoever arising, including war, civil war, strikes and like up to a limit equivalent to
value of such aircraft or helicopters and including legal liability to third parties and
passenger liability up to a limit of not less than United States Dollars two million US$
2,000,000/-)per accident.
F. General Third Party Risks Insurance
1 General third party liability insurance, covering liabilities arising out of any / whatever
activities of Subcontractor
2 Such insurance shall have a limit of liability not less than United States Dollars two
million US$ 2,000,000/-
Evidence of Insurance
1 Subcontractor shall furnish Contractor within thirty 30 days from effective date with
certificates of insurance issued by relevant insurers or underwriters, evidencing risks
insured against pursuant to provisions of this clause also, showing all parties assured and
respective levels of indemnity.
2 Notwithstanding above, in respect of risks that Subcontractor can demonstrate are not
imminent immediately upon effective date, Subcontractor shall provide insurance
certificates not later than thirty 30 days, prior to commencement of relevant activity.
1 All deductibles provided under insurances arranged by Subcontractor, as required under
this clause, amounts of which Subcontractor acknowledges to have seen shall be for
account of and paid by Subcontractor.
Insurers To Be Used
1 For Work performed in nation, insurance policies arranged in accordance with this clause

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shall also, comply with Law with one or more of following national insurance
Notice to contractor and remedy on subcontractor's failure to insure
1 Subcontractor shall provide Contractor with timely advance notice of any / whatever
changes in terms of policies, which are to be carried by Subcontractor under this clause,
including any / every cancellation notices.
2 If Subcontractor fails to keep in force insurance, which may be required to effect under
terms of this clause, then Contractor may effect and keep in force any / every such
insurance and pay premium, as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time,
deduct amount so paid by Contractor in respect of such premium from any / whatever
money due or which may become due to Subcontractor or recover same, as a debt due
from Subcontractor.
Protection of Contractor’s Rights
1 Approval by Contractor of any / whosoever insurer or terms of insurance proposed by
Subcontractor shall not relieve Subcontractor from any obligation or liability under or
arising from this Subcontract or under mandatory provisions of law.
Costs & Incidental Expenses
1 All costs and incidental expenses incurred in relation to preparation of claims under
policies arising out of matters, for which Subcontractor is responsible under Subcontract
shall be borne by Subcontractor.
2.0 Owner Furnished Insurance:
1 Without limitation of Subcontractor’s obligations and responsibilities under Subcontract,
Owner shall at appropriate time, insure subject to following provisions at its own expense
in joint names of Owner and Contractor and its subcontractors performing works at work
Jobsite in respect of :-
a Land, Sea and Air Transit Insurance
b All materials, machinery and other property of whatsoever kind for incorporation in
Works during marine shipments, land and air transportation.
c Such insurance shall include an insurer’s waiver of subrogation in favour of Contractor
Indemnified Parties and shall be subject to London Institute Cargo Clauses.
Insurance of Work in Progress during Construction
1 Works, Goods for incorporation or intended to be incorporated therein, Owner’s
equipment if any / whatever, all in connection herewith and Existing Facilities, but
excluding items, which Subcontractor is required to insure under this Special Condition,
subsection 1.0 titled “Insurance To Be Provided By Subcontractor”, shall be insured,
against insurable physical loss of damage to replacement value thereof, from
commencement of construction at Jobsite, until completion of Work and also, during
Warranty Period
General Legal Third Party Risks Insurance
1 Physical loss of or damage to any / every Third Party property or injury to or death of any
/ every Third Party, which may arise out of or in connection with execution of Project,
such insurance to be on a combined single limit of not less than US Dollars Twenty
Million US$20,000,000 in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of
one event.
Deductibles to Owner’s Furnished Insurance
1 Deductibles provided under insurance to be arranged by Owner shall be for account of
and paid by Subcontractor as follows:
a If following loss or damage to Work or other loss or damage insured pursuant to this
Special Condition, subsection 2.0, titled “Owner Furnished Insurance”, a claim is made
under a policy of insurance effected by Owner, Subcontractor shall be paid amounts, if

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any / whatever recovered from such policy upon rectifying loss or damage or settling
relevant liability, as case may be and after deducting amounts due to Owner, if any /
whatever, in respect of Owner’s expenses.
b Provided, however, that Subcontractor’s liability for rectification of any such loss or
damage shall not exceed deductible amounts per occurrence specified in Exhibit “B”,
Appendix B-1.
c Owner undertakes to make on account payments to Subcontractor to fund cost of
rectification of any / every such loss or damage in excess of United States Dollars Ten
2 In event of any / every failure by Subcontractor to make good in accordance with terms
of Subcontract, such loss or damage to Project, which falls within deductibles and
exceptions aforesaid, Owner may deduct applicable amounts from sums otherwise due to
Subcontractor under Subcontract or recover same, as a debt due from Subcontractor.
Claims Procedure
1 Subcontractor and / or its subcontractors shall notify insurers with one copy to Owner
and one copy to Contractor of any / every occurrence likely to give rise to a claim under
Owner’s insurances as soon as possible and in any / event within three 3 days of such
occurrence coming to notice of Subcontractor.
2 Subcontractor shall also, submit in coordination with Owner entire claim documents to
Insurers directly and would handle all claim negotiations directly with Insurers.
3 After approval and signature of claim discharge receipt and letter of subrogation by
Owner, actual settlement of claim amounts due to Subcontractor shall be effected by
Insurers directly to Subcontractor’s account, with claim amounts due to Owner being
affected by Insurers directly to Owner’s account.
1 In accordance with submittal requirements outlined above, Subcontractor shall deliver
original and two 2 copies of Certificate/s of Insurance required by this clause and all
subsequent notices of cancellation, termination and alteration of such policies to:
a Eastern Co. Ltd
b Attention: Project Subcontracts Manager
c Reference: Subcontract No.
SC-3 Contractor-Furnished Drawings & Specifications
1 Contractor shall furnish specifications and prints of engineering design drawings for each
part of Work under this Subcontract. Such drawings shall give information required for
preparation of shop detail drawings by Subcontractor.
2 Subcontractor shall, immediately upon receipt thereof, check all specifications and
drawings furnished and would promptly notify Contractor of any / every omissions or
discrepancies in such specifications or drawings.
3 All drawings listed in Exhibit "E" Drawings are integrated part of this Subcontract,
however, Subcontractor shall perform work only in accordance with drawings marked
"Issued for Construction" IFC, which may be issued by Contractor after execution of this
Subcontract. Such IFC drawings shall be issued by Subcontract Change Notice and upon
issuance, become an integrated part of this Subcontract, superseding or supplementing
original Subcontract drawings. If Subcontractor considers such issue to be a change
affecting cost or schedule provisions of General Condition titled "Changes" apply.
Subcontractor shall perform work only in accordance with IFC drawings and any / every
subsequent revision/s thereto, and with Contractor reviewed drawings submitted by
Subcontractor in accordance with Special Condition titled "Subcontractor-Furnished
Drawings, Data & Samples."
4 Two 2 copies of such specifications and one 1 full size reproducible copy and three 3 full

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size prints of such drawings shall be furnished to Subcontractor without charge. Any /
Everey additional copies of such specifications and drawings shall upon Subcontractor's
request, be furnished to Subcontractor at actual cost.
SC-4 Contractor - Furnished Utilities & Facilities
1 Utilities listed below shall be furnished by Contractor, without cost to Subcontractor,
provided that all such utilities would be furnished at outlets existing on Jobsite and
Subcontractor would, at its expense, extend such utilities from said outlets to points of
use and at completion of all Work, remove all materials and equipment used for such
a None
2 Facilities. Facilities listed below shall be furnished by Contractor. Such facilities may be
used by Subcontractor without charge, provided that any / every such use shall be subject
to written approval of Contractor.
a None
SC-5 Contractor - Furnished Materials & Equipment
1 Contractor shall furnish to Subcontractor, at Contractor’s designated warehouse or
Jobsite storage area, items listed below to be incorporated into or used in performance of
Work under this Subcontract or a designated area agreed with Subcontractor.
2 Such items shall be furnished, without cost to Subcontractor, provided that Subcontractor
shall at its expense, prepare a material request, load at Contractor’s warehouse or Jobsite
storage location, transport to points of use, unload and care for such items, until final
disposition thereof.
3 At time of acceptance of any / every such item from Contractor, Subcontractor shall sign
a receipt therefore.
4 Signing of such receipt without reservation therein shall preclude any / every subsequent
claim by Subcontractor that any / every / all such items are received from Contractor in a
damaged condition and with shortages.
5 If at any / certain time after acceptance of any / every such item from Contractor any /
every / whatever such item is damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed, such item shall be
repaired or replaced at expense of Subcontractor.
6 Items required to be replaced may at its option, be furnished by Contractor.
7 Upon completion of all Work under this Subcontract, Subcontractor shall at its expense,
return all surplus and unused items to Contractor's designated warehouse or Jobsite
storage area.
8 Contractor shall exert every reasonable effort to make delivery of such materials and
equipment, so as to avoid delay in progress of Work.
9 However, should Contractor, for any / whatever reason, fail to make delivery of any /
every such item and a delay result provisions of General Condition titled "Changes"
apply. Subcontractor shall take all appropriate action to mitigate consequences of such
10 Materials to be furnished by Contractor:
SC-6 Contractor-Furnished Permits
1 General Condition titled "Permits" notwithstanding, Contractor shall without cost to
Subcontractor, furnish permits listed below, however, Subcontractor would as necessary,
provide Contractor and Owner with assistance in obtaining such permits.
2 Subcontractor shall in accordance with said General Condition titled "Permits", provide
all other permits. All such Contractor furnished permits are available for examination at
project office of Contractor during regular business hours.

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3 Permits to be furnished by Contractor:

a One
SC-7 Subcontractor-Furnished Drawings, Data & Samples
1 Contractor review and permission to proceed does not constitute acceptance or approval
of submittals including, but not limited to, design details, calculations, analyses, test
methods, construction methods, rigging plans, certificates or materials developed or
selected by Subcontractor and does not relieve Subcontractor from full compliance with
Subcontract requirements.
2 Drawings
3 Where drawings are required for:
a Fabrication of Subcontractor furnished equipment or materials,
b Installing Subcontractor furnished equipment or materials or
c Planning and performance of Work under this Subcontract;
d such drawings shall be submitted by and at expense of Subcontractor, before fabrication,
installation or performance is commenced, allowing at least thirty 30 calendar days for
review by Contractor, unless otherwise shown on Subcontract Schedule.
4 Such drawings shall include, but not be limited to, match marks, erection diagrams and
other details, such as field connections for proper installation, erection of equipment or
materials and performance of Work.
5 Drawings of a specific piece of equipment shall identify components with manufacturer's
part number or reference drawing number clearly indicated.
6 If reference drawing numbers are used, review data of such drawings shall be included.
7 Drawings shall indicate design dimensions, maximum and minimum allowable operating
tolerances on all major wear fits e.g. rotating, reciprocating or intermittent sliding fits
between shafts or stems and seals, guides and pivot pins.
8 Sequence of submission of all drawings shall be such that all information is available for
reviewing each drawing, when it is received.
9 All drawings submitted by Subcontractor shall be certified by Subcontractor to be
correct. These drawings shall show Subcontract number and would be furnished in
accordance with Subcontract Drawings and Data Requirements Forms.
10 Contractor shall conduct a review of Subcontractor's drawings and a reproducible
drawing marked with one of following codes would be returned to Subcontractor.
11 Code Notation numbers with nomenclature
a Code 1 Work may proceed.
b Code 2 Revise and Resubmit. Work may proceed subject to resolution / successful
incorporation of indicated comments.
c Code 3 Revise and Resubmit. Work may not proceed.
d Code 4 Review not required. Work may proceed.
12 Although work may proceed on receipt of a drawing with a Code 2 notation,
Subcontractor must resolve comments indicated, resubmit and obtain a Code 1 notation,
before release for shipment or completion of affected work.
13 Samples
a Where samples are required, these shall be submitted by and at expense of Subcontractor.
b Such submittals shall be made not less than thirty 30 calendar days, prior to time that
materials represented by such samples are needed for incorporation into Work.
c Samples shall be subject to review and materials represented by such samples would not
be manufactured, delivered to Jobsite or incorporated into Work, without such review.
d Each sample shall bear a label showing Subcontractor's name, Project name, Subcontract
number, name of item, manufacturer's name, brand name, model number, supplier's name
and reference to appropriate drawing number, technical specification section and

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paragraph number, all as applicable.

e Samples which have been reviewed may at Contractor's option, be returned to
Subcontractor for incorporation into Work.
14 Certificates and Data
15 Where certificates are required, four 4 copies of each such certificate shall be submitted
by and at expense of Subcontractor. Such submittal shall be made not less than thirty 30
calendar days, prior to time that materials represented by such certificates are needed /
required for incorporation into Work. Certificates shall be subject to review and material
represented by such certificates would not be fabricated, delivered to Jobsite or
incorporated into Work without such review.
16 Certificates shall clearly identify material being certified and would include, but not be
limited to providing following information: Subcontractor's name, Project name,
Subcontract number, name of item, manufacturer's name and reference to appropriate
drawing, technical specification section and paragraph number, all as applicable.
17 All other data shall be submitted as required by Subcontract Documents.
18 As Built Drawings and Specifications
19 Drawings:
a Progress As Built/s. During construction, Subcontractor shall keep a marked up to date
set of as built per practice preferably red line / blue line drawings on Jobsite as an
accurate record of all deviations between work as shown and work as installed. These
drawings shall be available to Contractor and Owner for inspection at any / every time
during regular business hours.
b Final As Built/s. Subcontractor shall at its expense and not later than thirty 30 calendar
days after Final Acceptance and before Final Payment furnish to Contractor, a complete
set of marked up as built reproducible drawings with "As Built" clearly printed on each
c Subcontractor shall accurately and neatly transfer all deviations from progress as built/s
to final as built/s. As built drawings shall be provided, where specified and as required to
reflect as built conditions.
20 Specifications:
21 Progress As Built/s.
a During construction, Subcontractor shall keep a marked up to date set of as built
specifications on Jobsite annotated to clearly indicate all substitutions that are
incorporated into Work. Where selection of more than one product is specified,
annotation shall show, which product was installed. These specifications shall be
available to Contractor and Owner for inspection at any / every time during regular
business hours.
b Final As Built/s. Subcontractor shall at its expense and not later than thirty 30 calendar
days after Final Acceptance and before Final Payment furnish to Contractor a complete
set of marked up as built specifications with "As Built" clearly printed on cover.
Subcontractor shall accurately and neatly transfer all annotations from progress as built/s
to final as built/s.
22 Endorsement:
a Subcontractor shall sign each final as built drawing and cover of as built specifications
and would note thereon that recording of deviations and annotations is complete and
SC-8 Commencement, Progress and Completion Of The Work
1 Subcontractor shall carry out Work with due diligence in accordance with good practices
and standards of workmanship in order to meet key dates detailed in Schedule.
2 Subcontractor shall complete Work under Subcontract to meet following Subcontract

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Milestone dates. As provided in this SC-8, Handover means “Complete all Work,
including all mechanical completion, testing and commissioning activities, provide all
technical assistance and training, deliver all documentation including O&M Manuals,
bring into operational use and handover to Contractor“
3 Subcontractor shall give Contractor full information in advance, as to its plans for
performing each part of Work. If at any / certain time, Subcontractor's actual progress is
inadequate to meet requirements of this Subcontract, Contractor may notify
Subcontractor to take such steps as may be necessary to improve its progress. If, within a
reasonable period as determined by Contractor, Subcontractor does not improve
performance to meet Subcontract Milestones set forth above, Contractor may require an
increase in Subcontractor's labour force, number of shifts, overtime operations, additional
days of work per week, expedited shipments of equipment and materials, and an increase
in amount of construction plant and equipment, all without additional cost to Contractor.
Neither such notice nor Contractor's failure to issue such notice shall relieve
Subcontractor of its obligation to achieve quality of work and rate of progress required by
this Subcontract.
4 Noncompliance with Contractor's instructions shall be grounds for Contractor's
determination that Subcontractor is not prosecuting Work with such diligence as shall
assure completion within times specified. Upon such determination, Contractor may
terminate this Subcontract pursuant to General Condition titled "Termination For
5 Subject to warranties, which survive warranty period, Work shall be considered complete
upon issuance to Subcontractor by Contractor of Final Acceptance Certificate.
SC-9 Subcontract Schedules
1 Subcontractor shall within ten 10 calendar days of subcontract award, submit for
Contractors written approval a 30 / 90 day kick off schedule.
2 Schedule shall clearly show all activities in detail, including start and completion of
mobilisation and discreet work elements and work element interrelationships necessary to
complete all services and separable parts for a period of ninety 90 calendar days
following subcontract award / notice to proceed.
3 In addition schedule shall show in summary, proposed plan and approach for
performance of all major subdivisions of work during entire contract period.
4 It shall contain sufficient details to assure Contractor of feasibility of plan and approach
proposed by Subcontractor
a Level of detail required;
b Tasks in 90 days schedule should be sufficiently detailed to describe activities that
include, but not limited to following:
c Mobilisation
d Construction and installation of any / every temporary works
e Issue of any / all technical deliverables required by Contractor
f Required permitting activities
g Approvals required by Subcontractor from Contractor
h Early activities required for material purchases
i Provision of such financial instruments, as may be required by agreement
j Provision of such insurance documents that may be required by agreement
k Issue of Subcontract schedule
l Issue of progress measurement / reporting procedure
5 Subcontractor shall within thirty 30 calendar days of Subcontract award and before first
progress payment is made, submit to Contractor for its written approval a Subcontract
Schedule. Schedule shall consist of a precedence network diagram using critical path

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method CPM to show each individual essential activity in sequence to meet Subcontract
Milestones of Special Condition titled "Commencement, Progress & Completion of
Work." Diagram shall show durations and dependencies, including contractual review
periods, permitting activities and off Jobsite activities such as design, fabrication of
equipment, procurement, delivery of materials, and items to be furnished by Contractor.
It shall show total float and free float times. Float shall not be considered to be for
exclusive benefit of either Contractor or Subcontractor. Extensions of time for
performance required under other Subcontract clauses shall be made only to extent that
equitable time adjustments for affected activities exceed total float available along their
6 Activity listing shall show following information for each activity on diagram:
a Identification by node number;
b Description of task or event;
c Duration;
d Personnel by craft;
e Equipment;
f Earliest start and finish dates; and
g Latest start and finish dates.
7 In addition, Subcontractor shall submit a complementary and detailed narrative
description of its plan for performing Work. Narrative description shall summarize
equipment and personnel requirements by craft to complete a resource loaded schedule
and provide other schedule assumptions such as planned work week, shift patterns,
permitting, deliverable times required by Contractor and any every other salient points
related to methods to be employed in completing work.
8 Planned progress that is envisaged from plan shall be described by way of a series of “S”
curves related to progress for Overall Subcontract, Procurement and Construction
activities, calculated using procedure and methodology described in SC -14.
9 Subcontractor shall promptly inform Contractor of any / every proposed change in
schedule and its narrative and should furnish Contractor with a revised schedule and its
narrative within ten 10 calendar days after approval by Contractor of such change.
Schedule and narrative shall be kept up to date, taking into account actual work progress
and should be revised, if necessary, every thirty 30 calendar days. Revised schedule and
narrative shall as determined by Contractor, be sufficient to meet requirements for
completion of any / every separable part and all Work as set forth in this Subcontract.
10 During performance of Work, Subcontractor shall submit to Contractor periodic reports
on actual progress. Such progress reports shall include following:
a Monthly A copy of Subcontract Schedule showing actual progress to date overall
and for major parts of Work, as compared to planned progress. To be provided on every
last Thursday of month
b Monthly A ‘job hour’ comparison by craft of actual versus planned staffing;
c Weekly A ‘three week’ ‘look ahead’ personnel forecast by craft. Variation from
approved schedules and plans shall be noted and rationalized;
d Weekly A rolling ‘four week’ schedule showing ‘one week’ actual progress and a
three week look ahead forecast. Variation from approved schedules and plans shall be
noted and rationalized;
e Weekly A weekly report of quantities installed versus total quantities on items of
Work selected by Contractor;
f Weekly A weekly report of labour productivity comparing actual versus planned
job hours on items of Work selected by Contractor. Variation from approved schedules
and plans shall be noted and rationalized;

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g Daily A daily force report listing all personnel by craft and work assignment and
h Daily A daily plant and equipment report showing construction facilities and plant and
equipment utilized in Work.
i As required, Other reports as may be required by Contractor from time to time to
satisfy itself that work is progressing as planned in appropriate manner.
11 Schedules and reports shall be furnished in hardcopy and / or electronic files as specified
by Contractor. To permit electronic exchange of schedule data to greatest extent possible,
Subcontractor shall use Primavera P3TM / Updated scheduling software version 3.1 /
whatever number it may be. Contractor may provide coding structure to Subcontractor
for development of schedule. Where applicable MS suite of software may be used.
SC-10 Temporary Access and Haul Roads
1 Subcontractor shall at its expense, construct and maintain temporary access and haul
roads as may be necessary, including any every hard standing/s and provision of adequate
temporary bridging of pipe and cable tracks for proper performance of this Subcontract.
Subcontractor shall submit a layout of all proposed roads, prior to road construction.
Layout shall show widths of roads, direction of traffic, curves, grades and related
information in sufficient details for review by Contractor. Roads constructed on
Contractor’s or Owner's land or rights of way shall be subject to Contractor’s and / or
Owner’s approval.
2 All Temporary Works shall be properly designed and substantially constructed to carry
such loads as should be imposed on them. Subcontractor shall submit for approval of
Owner and / or Contractor its drawings and calculations relating to strength and stability
of any / whatever Temporary Works as well as, methods proposed for erection thereof. If
Owner and / or Contractor upon receipt of such drawings and calculations is not satisfied
with any aspect of Temporary Works, they may require Subcontractor to take additional
measures at Subcontractor’s own cost.
3 All Temporary Works supplied by Subcontractor shall be removed on completion of
Work to Contractor’s satisfaction.
SC-11 Safety, Health and Security Requirements
1 In development and implementation of its Safety, Health & Environment Plan SHE /
HSE Plan and performance of Work, Subcontractor shall conform and comply with
Contractor’s Safety, Health & Environmental Standards.
2 In performance of Work under this Subcontract, Subcontractor shall establish and
maintain a security program, implementing and supplementing Project security
requirements. This requirement shall include a written Security Plan which should be
submitted to Contractor for review and approval within thirty 30 calendar days after
Subcontract award is made and in any / whatever event, prior to commencing work at
Jobsite. Such program shall include:
a Controlled access to office, warehouse, material and equipment sites
b Physical security of office, warehouse, material and equipment sites to include periodic
security checks of all work areas assigned to Subcontractor.
c Control of material and equipment packaging, transportation and delivery to Jobsite
d Accountability procedures for storage, requisition and issue of material and equipment
e Personnel security to include, but not limited to compliance with Project related work
rules access, badging, prohibited activities and items etc.
f Communications security to include, but not limited to use of radios, radio finders,
beacons etc.
g Compliance with Project Emergency Response Plan to include, but not limited to
emergency notification lists, personnel accountability procedures etc.
h Compliance with all Project security programs and coordination measures, with

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Contractor, Owner and others on Jobsite, established for that purpose.

i Prompt reporting of incidents of loss, theft or vandalism to CONTRACTOR,
subsequently detailed and provided in writing.
3 Subcontractor’s Security Plan shall be added as an appendix to its Project SHE / HSE
4 Subcontractor shall ensure that all manual / non manual personnel on Jobsite, whether
direct or indirect are issued with safety personal protection items to a minimum of hard
hat, safety shoes, overalls, ear plugs and safety glasses meeting quality requirement as
defined in Project Safety Procedure and acceptable to Contractor. High Visibility vests
shall also, be provided for any personnel working in vicinity of moving or unloading
vehicles or near to lifting and handling of heavy loads or working in low light conditions.
Any / Every personnel without minimum foregoing shall not be allowed access to
Jobsite. In event of Subcontractor’s failure to comply with foregoing requirements,
Contractor shall furnish necessary personal protection items and backcharge
Subcontractor under Exhibit ‘A’, General Conditions GC-36, titled ’Backcharges’
5 Subcontractor shall strictly ensure availability on Jobsite throughout duration of
Subcontract, adequate supplies of good quality chilled potable water for all
Subcontractor’s personnel. Contractor reserves right, at Subcontractor’s expense to have
potable water samples analysed and certified fit for consumption. In event of
Subcontractor failure to comply with foregoing requirements, Contractor shall furnish
necessary chilled potable water and means of distribution, and backcharge Subcontractor
under Exhibit ‘A’, General Conditions GC-36, titled ’backcharges’
6 Safety and Security of Owner’s Existing Facilities
a Safety of Existing Facities, their uninterrupted operation and safe and unhindered access
thereto by Owner and its Affiliates shall be of paramount importance in relation to
Subcontractor’s performance of Work.
b With regard to any / every part of Work requiring interties or interfaces with Existing
Facilities, to extent that it directly affects Existing Facilities or requires access to Existing
Facilities, determination of sequence of performance of Work, working practices, number
of Subcontractor’s personnel admitted to Existing Facilities and issuance of work permits
thereof shall be subject to prior examination and approval of Owner or relevant authority.
c Subcontractor’s safety personnel shall assist Owner & Contractor to determine safety
levels related requirements for such activities within Existing Facilities, but final decision
shall rest with Owner.
SC-12 Explosives
1 Explosives shall be transported to Jobsite only, when required to perform Work under
this Subcontract and with prior notice to and written approval of Contractor.
Subcontractor shall be responsible for properly purchasing, transporting, storing,
safeguarding, handling and using explosives required to perform Work under this
Subcontract. Subcontractor shall employ competent and qualified personnel for use of
explosives and notwithstanding any other provision in Subcontract to contrary shall
assume full responsibilities for cost of any incidental or consequential damages caused by
improper use of explosives. Residual surplus explosives shall be promptly removed from
Jobsite and properly disposed of by Subcontractor.
SC-13 Performance and Payment Securities
1 Unless expressly waived by Contractor, Subcontractor shall, within ten 10 calendar days
after subcontract award and prior to commencing Work or entering Jobsite, furnish to
Contractor following securities:
a Subcontractor hereby agrees to provide to Contractor, within Ten 10 days of coming into
force of this Subcontract, an unconditional and irrevocable first demand Performance

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Bank Guarantee in form set out herein and in amounts provided for below. Such
Performance Bank Guarantee, cost of which is deemed to be included in subcontract
price shall be to secure Subcontractor’s obligations under this Subcontract
notwithstanding any / whatever Changes, alterations or extensions of time that may be
given or agreed upon.
b Performance Bank Guarantee shall remain valid until settlement of all issues between
Parties following termination of this Subcontract, pursuant to provisions hereof or until
issuance of Notice of Final Acceptance excluding painting works by Contractor
whichever is earlier. Performance Bank Guarantee shall be provided by a bank registered
in national or a prime international bank nominated by Subcontractor and approved by
c Performance Bank Guarantee shall be issued in currency of US Dollars and equivalent to
ten percent 10% of subcontract price. Value of Performance Bank Guarantee shall be
increased or decreased in steps of ten percent 10% each time subcontract price is
increased or decreased by an amount equal to ten percent 10% of original subcontract
d Value of Performance Bank Guarantee shall be reduced to fifty percent 50% of its then
current value upon issuance of Notice of Provisional Acceptance last issued.
e Prior to issuance of Notice of Final Acceptance excluding painting works and with
specific reference to extended painting warranty provisions as described in General
Condition entitled “Warranty”, Subcontractor shall automatically provide an
unconditional and irrevocable first demand Performance Bank Guarantee modified with
reference to specified painting works from a bank registered in national or a prime
international bank and approved by Contractor. Value of subject Bank Guarantee shall be
calculated to be a sum equal to five percent 5% of estimated value of painting works.
Such value to be agreed between both Parties, prior to issuance of last Notice of
Provisional Acceptance and shall remain valid for duration of warranty period for
painting works.
2 Contractor may make a claim on Performance Bank Guarantee in respect of any / every
breach of contract or liability of Subcontractor whatsoever arising under Subcontract
including without limitation and for avoidance of doubt any / every breach of Warranty
or failure to comply with requirements of General Condition entitled “Warranty”.
Contractor in making any such claim shall not be obliged to notify Subcontractor
specifying default of Subcontractor upon which, it bases its claim. Contractor shall on
making any / every claim under Performance Bank Guarantee, comply with requirements
and procedures stated in Performance Bank Guarantee.
3 In event that Performance Bank Guarantee has an expiry date that shall expire prior to
expiry of relevant periods referred to in this Special Condition, Subcontractor should
procure that a prime international bank approved by Contractor shall, prior to date falling
thirty 30 days before expiry of Performance Bank Guarantee, have extended or provided
a replacement Performance Bank Guarantee in an amount equal to Performance Bank
Guarantee to take effect at least twenty one 21 days prior to expiry of Performance Bank
Guarantee being replaced.
4 In event that Subcontractor fails to extend or replace Performance Bank Guarantee or
Subcontractor fails to renew or reinstate Performance Bank Guarantee in stated amount to
be maintained, Contractor shall be entitled to :-
a make any / certain immediate call on Performance Bank Guarantee up to full amount
thereof ;
b retain for its own account from monies received pursuant to any / every call any /
whatever amount, which it would have been entitled to demand from time to time under

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Performance Bank Guarantee had it been extended or replaced and

c retain monies received pursuant to ‘a’ and ‘b’ above, until Subcontractor procures an
extension or replacement of Performance Bank Guarantee or period for which,
Performance Bank guarantee is required to be provided pursuant to terms of Subcontract
5 In event that Subcontract clauses allows an advance payment then Subcontractor shall be
required to provide to Contractor, prior to any / every advance payment, an advance
payment bank guarantee equal to 100% of advance payment value, which shall be
unconditional and irrevocable being effective, until full amount of advance payment is
recovered by Contractor.
6 Such securities shall be issued in a form and by a bank acceptable to Contractor.
Subcontractor shall vary value of such securities as necessary and called for by issuing
bank to equal all subcontract changes made pursuant to General Condition titled
"Changes" including, but not limited to increase or decrease in scope, value and schedule
acceleration or deceleration.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 33
Commercial Sub Contracts Sample Continued
SC-14 Measurement For Payment
1 To establish a basis for payment against lump sum items set forth in Exhibit C,
Subcontractor shall within ten 10 calendar days after Subcontract award, provide a lump
sum breakdown Schedule of Values, which proposes:
a Contractor shall review Subcontractor's Schedule of Values, determine appropriate tasks
and values for progress payments and accordingly, advise Subcontractor in writing.
b At level 1 A breakdown between Engineering, Procurement and Construction
c At level 2 A breakdown for each Level 1 activity a reasonable number of measurable
interim tasks required to accomplish each element within an area.
d Progress measurement shall be based upon physical progress against each activity /
various sub activities and deliverables required according to a set of weighted values,
which have allocated in considerations to effort required to complete calculated at Levels
e For working out weightage of various activities within each area and within each phase of
Project, following basis shall be used:

1 Engineering - Man hours / Workforce

2 Manufacturing & Delivery Civil items and other - Cost
SITE procured small items excluded
3 Construction and Pre commissioning - Man hours/ Workforce

1Relative weightings / weighing factors for developing overall S - Curves against above
three phases and for each area shall be developed and agreed, prior to implementation
with Contractor
2 These weightings / weighing factors shall remain fixed for duration of works.
Weighted Value System;
1 Each activity or deliverable listed in Level-3 schedule shall be assigned weightings /

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weighing factors based on man hours / cost depending on estimated work content.
2 Activity or deliverable weight factors shall be computed based on estimated man hours /
cost as a fraction of total man hours / cost for each Area / Phase / Discipline etc. and for
whole subcontract.
3 Weight factors thus computed from Level-3 / Level-4 schedules shall be rolled up to
Level-2 and Level-1 by Area / Phase / Discipline etc. in line with agreed Work
Breakdown Structure WBS.
Progress Measurement
1 In case of Engineering Services / Manufacturing & Delivery activities, progress against
each activity / sub activity level shall be based on assigning certain predefined %
progress representing achievement of specific intermediate control points required to
complete activity / deliverable.
2 In case of Construction progress against each activity / subactivity level shall be
measured based on quantity of work completed as a percentage of total quantity of work
to be completed, again based on / for each commodity on a series of interim control
3 Total progress of each subcontract Area / Phase / Discipline etc. shall be computed by
multiplying activity % progress by its weight factor and thereafter summing up products.
4 Achievement of any deliverable at an intermediate Control Point stage does not
automatically mean achievement of said Control Point progress. Subcontractor’s Progress
Measurement System shall make necessary allowance for deduction of weighted
progress, if deliverables are rejected by Contractor, as not being of required standard.
5 Overall progress of Subcontract shall be calculated by integrating progress against each
Area / Phase / Discipline etc. as described above.
Progress Measurement / Weightage System Proposed for Project
1 Details of weighted values for various major activities are to be proposed by
Subcontractor, for review / approval by Contractor, prior to implementation.
Subcontractor shall propose detailed system for measuring progress of subcontract for
Contractor’s review and approval, prior to implementation.
1 Following activities shall not be assigned any weightage. This would mean that the man
hour / workforce hour requirements against following activities shall not be considered
for progress computation:
a Project Management
b Project Control
c QR / QA / QC
d Subcontract Management
e Mobilization / Demobilization
2 Subcontractor shall then provide a schedule of monthly progress payments / Estimated
Payment Schedule required to perform Work in accordance with Subcontract Schedule
approved pursuant to Special Condition titled "Subcontract Schedule." Estimated
Payment Schedule shall apply with either Schedule of Values, a reasonable estimate of
progress on tasks represented by unit prices or a combination thereof.
3 Written monthly estimates shall be prepared by Subcontractor for Contractor's approval
covering amount and value of work satisfactorily performed by Subcontractor up to date
of such estimate. Such estimate may be made by strict measurement or by estimate or
partly by one method and partly by other. Estimates shall not include materials or
equipment not incorporated into Work. Quantity of work to be paid for under any / every
item for which, a unit price is fixed shall be number of Contractor approved units of work
satisfactorily completed in accordance with specified unit measurement for payment

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provisions of this Subcontract.

4 Subcontractor shall make all surveys necessary for determining all quantities of work to
be paid under this Subcontract. Copies of field notes, computations and other records
made by Subcontractor for purpose of determining quantities shall be furnished to
Contractor upon request. Subcontractor shall notify on / to Contractor, prior to time such
surveys are made. Contractor, at its sole discretion may witness and verify such surveys.
Measurements and computations shall be made by such methods as Contractor may
consider appropriate for class of work measured and estimate of quantities of work
completed should be compatible with reporting requirements of Special Condition titled
"Subcontract Schedule". Dividing limits, lines or planes between adjacent items or
classes of excavation, concrete or other types of work, where not definitely indicated on
drawings or in specifications shall be as determined by Contractor.
5 Contractor shall review Subcontractor's monthly estimate and return an approved copy to
Subcontractor. Pursuant to Special Condition titled "Invoicing & Payment,"
Subcontractor shall prepare and submit to contractor invoices in accordance with
approved monthly estimates.
SC-15 Invoicing & Payment
1 Subcontractor shall prepare and submit invoices as follows:
a Subcontractor submits estimates by 20th of month and
b Contractor reviews estimates with Subcontractor and upon approval, returns them for
submittal with Subcontractor's invoice on 1st scheduled working day of following month.
c Subcontractor shall certify in each invoice that there are no known outstanding
mechanic's or material men's liens and that all due and payable bills have been paid or are
included in application for payment.
2 Within sixty 60 calendar days after receipt of a correct invoice in Nation shall pay
Subcontractor ninety percent 90% of approved invoice amount retaining balance
Retainage / Retention pending Final Acceptance of Work or as otherwise specified
3 Contractor may, as a condition precedent to any / every payment, require Subcontractor
to submit for itself, its subcontractors, immediate and remote and all material suppliers,
vendors, laborers and other parties acting through or under it, complete waivers and
releases of all claims against Contractor or Owner arising under or by virtue of this
Subcontract. Upon request, Subcontractor shall in addition furnish acceptable evidence
that all such claims have been satisfied.
4 Any / Whatever amounts otherwise payable under this Subcontract may be withheld in
whole or in part if:
a Any claims are filed against Subcontractor by Contractor, Owner or third parties for
which, Contractor or Owner is or may become liable;
b Subcontractor is in material default of any Subcontract condition including, but not
limited to schedule, quality assurance and SHE / safety and health requirements;
c Subcontractor has not submitted Schedules as defined in Special Condition titled
"Subcontract Schedule,"
d Proper insurance certificates or not provided proper coverage or proof thereof and
e Required Performance and Payment Bonds or Contractor approved equivalent securities;
f Plans e.g. SHS, Security, Quality etc. required, prior to start of construction.
g Adjustments are due from previous overpayment or audit result or
h Offsets in favour of Contractor in other transactions are asserted.
5 Contractor shall pay such withheld payments, if Subcontractor:
a Pays, satisfies or discharges any / every claim of Contractor, Owner or third parties
against Subcontractor under or by virtue of this Subcontract or

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b Cures all defaults in performance of this Subcontract.

6 If claims filed against Subcontractor connected with performance under this Subcontract
for which, Contractor may be held liable, if unpaid e.g. unpaid withholding and back
taxes are not promptly removed by Subcontractor after receipt of written notice from
Contractor to do so, Contractor may remove such claims and deduct all costs in
connection with such removal from withheld payments or other monies due or which
may become due to Subcontractor. If amount of such withheld payment or other monies
due to Subcontractor under this Subcontract is insufficient to meet such costs or if any /
every claim against Subcontractor is discharged by Contractor after final payment is
made, Subcontractor and its surety or sureties, if any / whatever, shall promptly pay
Contractor all costs incurred thereby regardless of, when such claim arose or whether
such claim imposed a lien upon Project or real property upon which, Project is situated.
7 In event a lien is filed, Subcontractor shall remove lien or see that it is removed or should
furnish a bond for full amount thereof within seven 7 calendar days of notice by
Contractor or as otherwise, specified by applicable law. Upon Subcontractor's failure to
promptly comply with foregoing requirements, Contractor may remove such liens.
Subcontractor shall reimburse Contractor for all costs in connection with removal of such
liens and Contractor may deduct such costs from payments or other monies due or which
may become due to Subcontractor.
8 Upon receipt by Subcontractor of Contractor's Notice of Final Acceptance of Work under
this Subcontract, Subcontractor shall prepare as required above, an estimate of all
remaining works satisfactorily completed under this Subcontract. Upon Contractor's
approval of such estimate, Subcontractor shall prepare and submit its final invoice in
accordance with approved estimate.
9 Upon receipt by Subcontractor of Contractor's written notice of Final Acceptance of
Work under this Subcontract, Subcontractor shall prepare a written statement for
Contractor's approval of amount and value of all remaining Payment Milestones or other
works satisfactorily completed under this Subcontract. Upon Contractor's approval of
such statement, Subcontractor shall prepare and submit its final invoice in accordance
with approved statement.
10 Unless otherwise specified by applicable law, Contractor shall within sixty 60 calendar
days following Final Acceptance of Work and after submittal of such final invoice, pay to
Subcontractor amount then remaining due, provided that Subcontractor shall have
furnished Contractor and Owner for itself, its subcontractors, immediate and remote and
all material suppliers, vendors, laborers and other parties acting through or under it,
waivers and releases of all claims against Contractor or Owner arising under or by virtue
of this Subcontract, except such claims, if any as may with consent of Contractor and
Owner be specifically excepted by Subcontractor from operation of release in stated
amounts to be set forth therein.
11 Contractor shall reduce value of Retainage / Retention Money to five percent 5% of final
Subcontract value, until expiration of warranties provided under General Condition titled
"Warranty." However, upon Contractor's written approval all Retainage / Retention
Money may be paid and an acceptable security substituted for this requirement.
12 No payments of invoices or portions thereof, shall at any time constitute approval or
acceptance of any work under this Subcontract nor be considered a waiver by Contractor
or Owner of any of terms of this Subcontract. However, title to all equipment and
materials, which has vested in Contractor or Owner pursuant to Special Condition titled
"Title & Risk of Loss" shall not be part of Subcontractor's property or estate, unless
otherwise specified by applicable law in event Subcontractor is adjudged bankrupt or
makes a general assignment for benefit of creditors or if a receiver is appointed on

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account of Subcontractor's insolvency or if all or any portion of this Subcontract is

13 Subcontractor shall submit all invoices in original and two 2 copies to:
a Eastern Co. Lt
b Attention: Accounts Payable
c Reference: Subcontract No.
d A copy of invoice to be sent to
i. Project Accounting Manager
ii. Plant Project
14 Invoices shall be submitted and payment should be made in currency of this Subcontract
15 Each copy of invoice shall be supported by copies of full supporting documentation.
16 Failure to specify full Subcontract number or to submit full supporting documentation
may be cause for invoice rejection or delay in payment.
17 Invoices shall be prepared / signed and shall should following information: -
a Subcontract Number.
b Subcontractor 's full name and address.
c Subcontractor 's bank, bank addresses and account number.
d Description of work performed in accordance with Exhibit "C" of this Subcontract.
e Unique Invoice Number
SC-16 Pricing of Adjustments
1 When costs being a factor in any / whatever determination of a subcontract adjustment
pursuant to General Conditions titled "Changes" or "Disputes," Subcontractor shall
propose upward or downward price adjustments in one of following methods, as directed
by Contractor:
a Using unit prices from Subcontract;
b Estimating new unit prices, where appropriate, subject to negotiation;
c Estimating a lump sum price for change, subject to negotiation and
d Establishing separate cost accounting records, subject to daily end of day written
approval by Contractor of all allocable costs on a Force Account basis. Reimbursement
of reasonable and approved incurred costs, plus specified rates for overhead and profit, as
defined below shall constitute basis for Force Account adjustment of Subcontract price.
2 When Subcontractor is directed to propose price adjustments pursuant to 2 or 3 above, it
shall provide cost breakdown information for purpose of and in sufficient detail to permit
analysis and negotiation including, but not limited to labor categories, job hours and
rates, equipment and material quantities, sources and calculations, overhead costs and
allocations, profit computations and reference data upon which, estimates are based. If
for any / whatever reason, Contractor and Subcontractor are unable to agree upon a
Subcontract price adjustment, following provisions, which establish and define allowable
costs and rates for Force Account work pursuant to 4 above shall also, define allowable
costs and rates for a determination by Contractor.
Direct Labour
1 Incurred direct labor wages for technical, craft and manual labour for all classifications
through lead engineer, foreman or equivalent are allowable for period of performance of
change. General supervision and management above lead engineer, foreman or
equivalent and indirect labor e.g. surveyors, office personnel, timekeepers and
maintenance personnel are not allowable as direct costs, but are recovered in overhead
and profit rates established by this clause. Payroll additives are allowable and include
taxes, insurance premiums, paid absences and social and retirement benefits required by
law, labour agreements, published company policies applying uniformly to
Subcontractor's work force or which are normal and customary.

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2 Contractor shall have access to Subcontractor's certified payroll records for verification
of labour costs.
1 Approved incurred construction equipment, facilities and vehicle net rental costs plus five
percent 5% for subcontractor’s overhead and profit are allowable, except tools and
equipment having original purchase prices of less than $500 each, which are deemed to
be covered in overhead and profit rates established by this clause. If operating costs are
not included in rental rates they are also, allowable.
2 Reasonable equipment charges for approved Subcontractor owned construction
equipment having original purchase prices of more than $500 each shall also, be allowed,
provided such charges are:
a Agreed upon Subcontract unit rates or
b Based upon calculated values, allocating ownership costs over useful life of equipment
plus operating costs such as fuel, oil, lubricants and maintenance and a profit of ten
percent 10% on such costs or
c Appropriately discounted to standby rates for idle time reasonably required.
d When operated use of equipment is infrequent and as determined by Contractor, such
equipment need not remain at work site continuously, which charges shall be limited to
actual hours of use. Equipment not operating, but retained at location of changes at
Contractor's direction shall be charged at standby rate.
e For cost of both rented and owned equipment to be allowable, Contractor must agree in
writing, prior to these being used that individual pieces of equipment required are
appropriate for work, and that mobilization and demobilization costs are allocable to
change and acceptable. This is in addition to daily end of day approval of operating time
for such equipment.
1 Approved incurred costs for material incorporated into changed Work or required for
temporary construction facilities made necessary by change shall be allowable at net cost
delivered to Jobsite plus five percent 5% overhead and profit for Subcontractor.
1 Approved incurred costs for lower tier subcontracted tasks shall be allowable plus five
percent 5% overhead and profit for Subcontractor, provided that Contractor has approved
lower tier subcontract pursuant to General Condition titled "Assignments &
Subcontracts" before any / every work is performed.
Overhead, Profit & All Other Costs
1 In addition to overhead and profit provided in given / included provisions above,
Contractor shall also, pay an amount equal to fifteen percent 15% of total direct labour as
described in 5 above for changes resulting in a Subcontract price adjustment, excluding
this percentage markup of less than $25,000 or shall pay ten percent 10% for changes
resulting in adjustments of $25,000 or more.
2 This amount shall be deemed to be full consideration for all overhead, interest and profit
for all additional costs e.g. supervision and tools and for all impacts of change on all
elements of Work whether or not changed.
SC-17 Quality Requirement / Assurance Program
1 Within thirty 30 calendar days after Subcontract award, Subcontractor shall submit a
Quality Management System Documentation for approval by Contractor, consisting of
following documents or their respective Contractor determined equivalent:
a Quality Management System Manual setting out Subcontractor’s corporate quality
management system or a copy of an independently approved ISO 9001:2000 Certificate
b Project specific Quality Plan applicable to Scope of Work or Services

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cIndex of relevant Project or Corporate Procedures

dDraft Project Audit Schedule
2Project specific Quality Plan shall address all activities and locations, relevant to Work
and should demonstrate about, how all work performed by Subcontractor would conform
to Subcontract requirements.
3 Plan shall define documented quality system responsibilities and activities to be applied
by Subcontractor throughout Work in accordance with requirements of ISO 9001 / ISO:
2000 and make reference to all relevant Subcontractor procedures and manuals.
4 This plan shall address interfaces between Contractor, Subcontractor and other relevant
organizational entities. Plan shall include an organization chart showing Subcontractor’s
corporate and Project organization responsible for managing, performing and verifying
Work. Organization chart shall be supported with a reporting and functional description
of Subcontractor’s Project organization and identification of quality related
responsibilities of key positions.
5 Plan shall be updated as necessary throughout Subcontract, to reflect any / all changes to
Subcontractor’s documented quality system.
6 Subcontractor’s documented plan shall identify that all quality documents are approved
and that there remains no outstanding corrective actions, technical queries or concessions,
which are not fully resolved or closed out.
7 Subcontractor’s documented quality system shall provide for issuance of a “stop work”
order by Subcontractor or Contractor at any / whatever time during Work, when
significant adverse quality trends and / or deviations from approved Quality Program are
8 Contractor reserves right to perform Quality Management System Audits of
Subcontractor’s approved Quality Requirement / Assurance Program, including suppliers
and subcontractors of any / every tier at any / every stage of Work.
SC-18 Title & Risk of Loss
1 Title to Work, Project Documents and to all goods and other items supplied or to be
supplied by Subcontractor or its subcontractors to Contractor or Owner to be
incorporated as a permanent part of installations under this Subcontract shall pass to
Contractor or Owner on whichever is earlier of following dates:
a when delivered to Site;
b when delivered to custody of Subcontractor or its shipping agent;
c when Subcontractor receives payment from Contractor for Work, Project Documents or
goods or other items by Subcontractor.
2 Materials or operating equipment of any / every kind left over or meant to be left over
during and after completion of Work, as well as, construction special tools and erection
equipment, temporary structures, forms supplied and any / whatever other incidental
items not forming part of Project, if furnished by Subcontractor or its subcontractors,
shall remain property of Subcontractor or its subcontractors, as case may be and should
be removed by Subcontractor, prior to or upon completion of Work.
3 All construction plant, goods and other things provided by Subcontractor shall, when
brought on Site be deemed to be exclusively intended for purpose of Work and
Subcontractor should not remove same or any / whatever part thereof, while required at
SC-19 Component Warranties
1 In addition to General Condition titled "Warranty" Subcontractor shall obtain or provide
for benefit of Contractor and Owner and their successors in interest, warranties or
guarantees for equipment, materials and work furnished by suppliers and subcontractors
of any / every tier.

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2 Such warranties or guarantees have to run for period set forth in applicable specification
of this Subcontract or when not specified, that period customarily provided by supplier.
Subcontractor shall use its best efforts to enforce such lower tier warranties or guarantees
on its own behalf or if requested by Contractor or Owner on behalf of Contractor or
3 Subcontractor shall provide warranty documentation by Final Acceptance or as otherwise
required by this Subcontract.
SC-20 Applicable Law
1 This Subcontract shall be interpreted under laws of project nation.
2 All work performed in nation shall be subject to laws, regulations and orders of nation.
3 Such laws include without limitation any / every law being national, state, municipal,
local or other requirement, ordinance, rule, decree, regulation or order of any / whatever
governmental authority or agency of nation state, national, municipal, local or other.
SC-21 Modifications To EXHIBIT “A”
1 None
SC-22 Release of Consequential Damages
1 Neither party shall be liable to other for consequential damages, resulting from or arising
out of this Subcontract, including without limitation, loss of profit, loss of business
opportunity, idle facilities or resources, loss of property or mineral rights or business
interruption, however caused.
SC-23 Nondisclosure
1 Subcontractor agrees that for a period of fifteen 15 years following issue of Final
Acceptance Certificate, it shall not, without prior written consent of Contractor, disclose
or make available to any third party other than subcontractors, vendors or licensors or
use, directly or indirectly, except for performance of its obligations under Subcontract,
terms of Subcontract, Project Documents or any information acquired directly or
indirectly from Contractor or Owner in connection with Project or Subcontract, before or
after effective date unless:
a information was known to Subcontractor as evidenced by its written records, prior to
obtaining same from Contractor;
b information was in public domain, prior to time of disclosure to Subcontractor or
c information is disclosed to Subcontractor by a third party, who did not receive same,
directly or indirectly, from Contractor or Owner and who has to best of Subcontractor’s
knowledge, no obligation of secrecy with respect thereto.
2 Subcontractor shall take all steps, which may be necessary or appropriate including
obtaining of written confidentiality undertakings or agreements in order that its
employees, agents and representatives adhere to provisions of this clause. Appropriate
clauses to carry out purpose and intent hereof shall also, be included in all subcontracts
SC-24 Measurement System
1 Subcontractor shall use Metric SI system of measurement for all designs, specifications,
drawings, plans and work, except as otherwise directed in writing by Contractor.
SC-25 Liquidated Damages
1 Parties hereby agree that damages, which Contractor shall sustain as a result of
Subcontractor's failure to meet key Subcontract Milestones are difficult or impossible to
determine with certainty and therefore, have in good faith estimated as fair compensation
and not as a penalty, liquidated damages as set forth below. If Subcontractor fails to
deliver equipment or materials or perform services within time frames specified in
Subcontract for Subcontract Milestones listed below or any / whatever extensions
evidenced by a Change Notice / Order or duly executed Subcontract Amendment,
Subcontractor shall pay to Contractor as fixed, agreed and liquidated damages for each

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calendar day of delay sum/s specified below, which amounts would be independently
calculated for each Subcontract Milestone indicated:
a # Subcontract Milestone Daily Liquidated Damage Amount
b Mobilization $
c Completion of Site Preparation $
d Completion of Foundation Formwork $
e Completion of Concrete Pour $
f Completion of All Work $
2 Application of liquidated damages shall not effect a change in Subcontract Milestones or
relieve Subcontractor of its obligation to improve its progress, pursuant to Special
Condition titled "Commencement, Progress & Completion of Work," to achieve or
mitigate failure to achieve any Subcontract Milestone.
3 Payments of liquidated damages shall become due immediately upon failure to achieve a
Subcontract Milestone. Contractor shall be entitled to withhold from payments due, offset
against other obligations, deduct from Retainage / Retention money and draw down on
letters of credit LCs or performance securities any / every / all liquidated damages due
from Subcontractor.
4 Nothing in this clause shall operate to restrict any other rights and remedies available to
Contractor or Owner at law or under this Subcontract.
SC-26 Key Personnel
1 Subcontractor shall not reassign or remove key personnel listed below, without prior
written authorization of Contractor.
a Name Title / Position
b Contractor’s organization charts together with deployment schedule and key personnel
shall be subject to prior approval of Contractor.
SC-27 Language Requirements
1 Subcontractor shall prepare all Project Documents and drawings and Parties should
conduct all communications in connection with Work in English language.
2 Any / Every documentation received by Contractor in any / whatever other language shall
not be accepted and must be resubmitted in English, unless it is an official certificate, in
which case, it must be accompanied by an "approved" legal English translation.
3 Any / Every impact on cost or schedule relating to this requirement shall be
Subcontractor’s sole responsibility.
SC-28 Drugs, Alcohol & Weapons
1 Subcontractor's personnel shall not bring onto Jobsite, or any other location, where
provisions of this Subcontract apply:
a Any firearm of whatsoever nature, knife with a blade exceeding four 4 inches 100
millimeters in length or any other object, which in sole judgment of Contractor is
determined to be a potential weapon.
b Alcoholic beverages of any nature.
c Illegal or Contractor or Owner prohibited non prescription drugs of any nature, without
2 Subcontractor shall abide by and enforce requirements of this clause to include
immediate removal from Work under this Subcontract of any / every employee, who has
violated requirements of this clause or whoever Contractor in its sole judgment,
determines has violated requirements of this clause.
SC-29 Right to Work Tools & Work Product
1 All drawings, reports, microfilms, software, results, studies, calculations, data and any /
every other documents or information including as built drawings, operating and
maintenance manuals in respect of systems, plant, installations or Project produced or

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prepared by or for Subcontractor or its subcontractors in physical or electronic form for

and in course of or as a result of performance of Work shall be exclusive property of
Owner and for avoidance of doubt, Owner may use and disclose same freely, without
reference to or consent of Subcontractor or its subcontractors
2 Subject to provisions of Special Condition “Nondisclosure”, Subcontractor is hereby
granted a non terminable, non exclusive, royalty free licence to copy and use drawings,
reports, microfilms, software, results, studies, calculations, data and any / all other
documents or information including as built drawings, operating and maintenance
manuals referred to in above in connection with Subcontractor’s normal business
SC-30 Import of Equipment, Materials & Services
1 Subcontractor shall import into nation all equipment, materials and services not locally
available and required for performance of Work, subject to all provisions, which grant
Contractor, Owner or Subcontractor an exemption from or reduction of any / whatever
customs duties, import and export taxes or other charges per Exemption. Subcontractor
shall not perform or omit any act which results in prejudice to such Exemption.
2 Subcontractor shall be responsible for all clearances, fees, charges and requirements of
whatsoever nature for import of such equipment, materials and services including all port
dues, landing pilotage, lighterage and all other dues and charges whatsoever, relating to
importing equipment, materials and services.
3 In executing its obligations under Subcontract, Subcontractor shall use ports in nation
International Airport for import of all Goods, materials, equipment, machines,
accessories, spare parts and tools as well as, construction special tools, erection
equipment and any / all other incidental items to be delivered to Jobsite. Owner or
Contractor shall not be responsible for payment of customs duty, if any / applicable, in
event import of Goods are made through a port other than a port named in nation.
Subcontractor shall use local means of transport available in nation.
4 If Exemption accrues directly to Contractor or Owner as a rebate of Subcontractor's
payment, Contractor shall reimburse Subcontractor for documented cost of any /
whatever such exemption paid by Subcontractor to a duly authorized governmental
agency having jurisdiction over equipment, materials or services to an extent Contractor
or Owner receives such rebate.
5 If Exemption includes obligation to re export, Subcontractor shall diligently comply with
such obligation.
6 Subcontractor shall provide only equipment and materials for which, channels of supply
and supplier representatives have been established in or are readily available within
nation and upon which, no undue restrictions of any nature exist for service, repair or
replacement e.g. product line discontinued or excessive import / export clearances.
7 If Subcontractor's action or failure to acts, result/s in loss of full benefits of any /
whatever available Exemption or otherwise, prejudices Contractor, Owner or any /
whatever third party, Subcontractor shall reimburse Contractor for loss.
8 Owner, at its own discretion, reserves right to make final, unilateral and specific selection
of any whatever / proposed carriers, insurers, suppliers of services to be performed within
nation or of specific products or components to be furnished
SC-31 Provision of Documents
1 Subcontractor shall provide and shall ensure that its subcontractors, vendors and licensors
provide electronic and hard copies of all Project Documents for Contractor’s permanent
files in accordance with type, status and time requirements defined within documents
making up this Subcontract.
SC-32 Contractor Review of Documents

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1 For all documents submitted by Subcontractor to Contractor for its review / approval,
Contractor shall respond within ten 10 working days of receipt, unless a longer period is
specified in Exhibits, provided that said documents are complete in every respect and
have been subject to Subcontractor’s internal review and check process.
2 If any / every document is commented upon or rejected by Contractor, Contractor shall
provide a written explanation of reasons, whereupon Subcontractor shall re submit such
document within five 5 working days of receipt with such modifications, as may be
necessary to reflect Contractor’s requirements.
3 Any / Every document resubmitted shall be reviewed / approved by Contractor within ten
10 working days of receipt, provided all included / noted Contractor’s comments have
been incorporated by Subcontractor in revised document to Contractor’s satisfaction
SC-33 Labour
1 Except as otherwise specifically stated in this Subcontract, Subcontractor shall arrange
for mobilization / demobilization of its personnel including visas, licenses, residence
permits, work permits and applicable security passes for entry and egress of personnel in
accordance with Project requirements.
2 Subcontractor shall be responsible for and provide at its sole cost and expense all
messing, housing, working and living conditions of labour / workforce and all necessary
accommodation and other facilities for its personnel as required for performance of
3 Subcontractor shall also, be responsible for and provide at its sole cost and expense for
all transportation for its personnel, between their points of origin and nation, if applicable
and all transportation as may be required for performance of Work in and around Site and
to and from nation City as applicable.
4 Subcontractor shall at all times during Subcontract, conform in all respects with and carry
out all obligations imposed on it by provisions and requirements of any / every applicable
law in country, where any / every part of Work is performed or regulation issued,
including without limitation all national laws, regulations and requirements, including
any / every labour law/s and requirements to employ a nation agent or to enter into
association with a nation partner.
5 or who are in possession of valid "No Objection Certificates" entitling them to work in
nation for Subcontractor. Contractor shall assist Subcontractor in obtaining "No
Objection Certificates" by issuing suitable letter of recommendation. Subcontractor shall
submit this letter to Department of Labour in order to receive such certificates. Contractor
accepts no responsibility for obtaining "No Objection Certificate(s)" for Subcontractor’s
6 Contractor shall be at liberty to object to and require Subcontractor to remove forthwith
any / every person employed by Subcontractor in or about execution of Work, who in
opinion of Contractor has committed misconduct or whose employment is otherwise
considered detrimental to best interests of Project. Such person shall not be re employed
on Work, without written permission of Contractor. Subcontractor shall at its own cost
use its best endeavours to immediately replace such person with a competent substitute.
7 Subcontractor shall in its dealings with labour for time such labour is employed on or in
connection with Work have due regard to all recognised festivals and religious days and
other customs. Subcontractor shall also, observe all relevant local customs.
8 Subcontractor shall not, other than in accordance with statutes, ordinances and
government regulations or orders, import, sell, give, barter or otherwise dispose of any
alcoholic liquor or permit or offer any such importation, sale, gift, barter or disposal by
its subcontractors, agents or employees.
9 Subcontractor shall not give, barter or otherwise dispose of to any person or persons, any

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arms or ammunition of any kind or permit or offer same.

10 In event of an outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, Subcontractor shall comply with
and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements, as may be made by government
or local medical or sanitary authorities for purpose of dealing with and overcoming same.
11 All Subcontractor’s personnel visiting or working in nation must be in possession of valid
inoculation certificates, as required from time to time.
12 Upon outbreak of any / every strike involving any / whatever of Subcontractor’s or its
subcontractor’s employees and / or agents engaged in Work, Subcontractor shall
forthwith give details thereof to Contractor.
13 Subcontractor shall, without delay inform Contractor of any / every accident at or around
Site or in connection with execution of Work or any / every injury, loss or damage to
any / every personnel and / or property of Subcontractor indemnified parties, Contractor
indemnified parties or of third party and report such occurrences to competent authority,
whenever such a report is required by law.
14 Subcontractor shall be responsible for and to ensure observance of all provisions of this
Special Condition by its subcontractors employed in execution of Subcontract.
15 If Contractor so demands in writing, Subcontractor shall promptly remove from Project at
Subcontractor’s own cost, any / whoever of its employees or employees of its lower tier
subcontractors, who in Contractor’s sole and absolute discretion are not co operative, are
careless or are not qualified to perform work assigned to them or for any / whatever other
reasonable cause.
SC-34 Customs & Duties
1 In connection with performance of this Subcontract, Subcontractor acknowledges that
import and customs laws and regulations of nation shall apply to furnishings and
shipments of any / all goods, products or components thereof, to nation.
2 Subcontractor specifically acknowledges that aforementioned import and customs laws
and regulations of nation prohibit among other things, importation into nation of certain
products or components.
3 Contractor at its own discretion, reserves right to make final, unilateral and specific
selection of any / whatever proposed carriers, insurers, suppliers of services to be
performed within nation or of specific products or components to be furnished, in
accordance with terms and conditions of this Subcontract
SC-35 Component Warranties
1 In addition to General Condition titled Warranty, Subcontractor shall obtain or provide
for benefit of Contractor and Owner and their successors in interest, warranties or
guarantees for equipment, materials and work furnished by suppliers and subcontractors
of any / every tier.
2 Such warranties or guarantees are to run for period set forth in applicable specification of
this subcontract or when not specified, that period customarily provided by supplier.
3 Subcontractor shall use its best efforts to enforce such warranties or guarantees of any /
every tier on its own behalf or if requested by Contractor or Owner on behalf of
Contractor or Owner.
4 Subcontractor shall provide warranty documentation by Provisional Acceptance or as
otherwise required by this subcontract.
SC-36 Conflict Of Interest
1 Subcontractor shall conduct its operations in a lawful manner consistent with highest
ethical standards of business community.
2 Each Party shall use all efforts to prevent a conflict of interest situation from arising.
Such efforts shall include, but not be limited to, establishing precautions to prevent its
employees, agents or representatives from making, receiving, providing or offering gifts,

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entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations for purpose of influencing

individuals to act contrary to best interest of other Party.
3 Subcontractor shall promptly notify Contractor of identity of any / every employee, agent
or representative of Contractor or Owner, who has at any / whatever time, either before,
during or after performance of Work, acquired any / whatever financial interest in
Subcontractor’s business or received any / whatever financial benefit, directly or
indirectly, from or through Subcontractor.
SC-37 Arbitration
1 Any / Every dispute, claim or difference arising out of or related to Subcontract or any /
every breach thereof shall first be resolved amicably between Parties, but, if attempted
resolution fails, such dispute, claim or difference shall be referred to and finally settled by
arbitration in nation’s City under Rules of Arbitration of International Chamber of
Commerce ICC by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with said Rules.
2 Subcontractor shall not at any time suspend performance of Work or any of its
obligations under Subcontract, pending resolution or settlement of a dispute and should
proceed with all due diligence with Work along with its other obligations in full
compliance with provisions within Subcontract.
3 Arbitration proceedings and all papers in connection therewith shall be in English
language. Arbitrators’ decision shall be final and binding on Parties to contract and
delivered award may be enforced by any / whatever court of competent jurisdiction.
SC-38 Hazardous Substance Handling
1 In event that Subcontractor encounters any / any pre existing hazardous waste,
Subcontractor shall immediately contact Contractor.
2 Subcontractor shall be responsible for proper containerization, labeling, manifesting,
storage and transport of hazardous waste. Subcontractor shall also, be responsible for
ensuring that all waste profile work and land ban disposal notifications required at
recycling, treatment, storage and / or disposal facilities have been properly completed in a
timely manner and in accordance with national law.
3 All Subcontractor equipment, debris and used or surplus materials must be fully
decontaminated, prior to removal from designated work areas. Subcontractor shall
submit decontamination and contaminated material control procedures for Contractor
review and acceptance. Subcontractor shall obtain Contractor's authorization to remove
any / every such equipment, debris and used or surplus materials from Jobsite.
SC-39 Deficient Works
1 If, from commencement of Works up, until expiry of Warranty Period, any part of Works
performed by Subcontractor or its Lower Tier Subcontractor’s is found to be defective,
deficient or in any respect, does not conform to Specifications for any reasons, including,
but not limited to, Subcontractor’s failure to :-
a execute Works in a good and workmanlike manner with diligence and dispatch or correct
or cause to be corrected any / every defect in Works or
b comply with any / every other provisions of Subcontract or
c deliver goods in conformity with Subcontract,
2 Then without detracting from any / all other rights of Contractor under this Subcontract
or at law, Contractor shall have power to require Subcontractor and Subcontractor should
upon receipt of written notice from Contractor and at expense and for account of
Subcontractor, re perform, remedy or cause to be remedied such deficient part of Works,
remove from Site any / all goods which, in opinion of Contractor are not in conformity to
requirement. Such works / goods should be removed and properly re executed
notwithstanding any / whatever previous test thereof, or interim payment thereof, without
imposition any cost to Contractor.

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3All replacements and / or repairs and / or alterations shall be made by Subcontractor at

such times and in such a manner that they shall cause minimum of interruption in
operation of Works or Installations by Owner and / or Contractor. Contractor and
Subcontractor shall agree on schedule for such remedial work.
4 Contractor and Subcontractor shall agree on schedule for such work, which should be
undertaken without involving additional cost to Contractor, save where additional work is
not result of a failure by Subcontractor to conform with this Subcontract and Contractor
has accordingly authorised a Change Notice for performance of such remedial work.
SC-40 Goods And Services
1 In procuring Goods and services, Subcontractor shall give preference to nation oriented
subcontractors and Vendors and to such Goods and services as are available in local
market of a suitable type / quality and provided that their respective prices are
competitive or equal to others.
2 All lubricants shall be procured from operator Distribution, if available, except where
they contradict or conflict with technical specifications or manufacturer’s

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 34
Company Furnished Insurance
Appendix 1
Technical Services Contract
1 Contractor’s Project Safety, Health & Environmental Plan Including Owner’s
Commitment To Safety, Health & Environment & Owner’s Safety, Health &
Environmental Policy
Eastern Contractor Co. Ltd
1 Plant Development Phase Project
Section "B"
1 Technical Services Subcontract-Special Conditions
Table of Contents
SC Title
1 Definitions
2 Insurance
3 Progress of Work
4 Rights to Work Tools & Work Product
5 Payment
6 Quality Management System
7 Non disclosure
8 Release of Consequential Damages
9 Applicable Law
10 Modifications to Section "A"
11 Procedures & Documents
12 Reports
13 Language Requirements
14 Subcontractor Mobilisation / Demobilisation Responsibilities
15 Provision of Documents
16 Contractor Review of Documents

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17 Labour / Workforce
18 Title
19 Customs & Duties
20 Dispute Resolution
21 Utilities, Facilities & Services
22 Security & Property
23 Work Week, Overtime & Crew Rotation Schedule
24 Administrative Assistance
Technical Services Subcontract-Special Conditions
SC-1 Definitions
1 Contractor means Contracting Co. Ltd & all its authorised representatives, acting in
their respective professional capacities.
2 Final Acceptance means stage, at which Subcontractor has fulfilled its obligations under
Purchase Order, including expiration of warranty period.
3 Installations means permanent facilities constituting Plant Development Phase Project of
which, Products are a portion
4 Owner means Company and its successors in interest and assigns.
5 Purchase Order means the purchase order existing, between Contractor and
Subcontractor for supply of Products being installed at Jobsite. Purchase Order is an
entirely separate agreement to this subcontract.
6 Provisional Acceptance means stage, when Installations have been accepted by Owner
in accordance with terms of Contractor’s prime contract and commencement of warranty
period provided in Purchase Order General Condition entitled “Warranties and
Guarantees” shall start upon issuance of last Provisional Acceptance Certificate.
7 Products mean/s goods, materials, articles, equipment, supplies, drawings, data,
processes, all other property, services, including design, expediting, inspection, delivery,
installation and testing, specified or required to furnish under Purchase Order.
8 Project means Onshore Gas Development Project for Owner located in Plant Area for
whom, Work under this subcontract is being performed.
9 Project Documents mean/s subcontract, all hard copy, electronic versions of Project
documents, which shall include, but not be limited to all documents, drawings, P&IDS,
PFDS, isometrics, plot plans, general arrangements, specifications, materials requisitions,
data sheets, calculations, indices, manuals, reports, procedures, estimates, accounts,
summaries, compilations, agreements including SubContractors agreements, related
materials and any / every other document defined or described in any / whatever of
10 Subcontractor means ABC or its authorised representatives, successors & permitted
11 Warranty Period means twenty four 24 months from effective date of last Provisional
Acceptance Certificate
12 Work means all stated or implied activities to be performed by Subcontractor, as
required by Subcontract Documents.
13 Jobsite means those locations as specified in Scope of Work, Plant Area
14 Subcontract Milestones means established completion dates set forth in Special
Condition titled "Commencement, Progress & Completion of Work."
15 Subcontract Schedule means Work execution schedule developed and approved
pursuant to Special Condition titled "Commencement, Progress & Completion of Work."
SC-2 Insurance
Insurance to be provided by Subcontractor

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1 Without limitation to its obligations and responsibilities under this subcontract,

Subcontractor during performance of this Subcontract shall at its own expense, obtain &
thereafter maintain in full force and effect or cause to be obtained and maintained
insurance policies set forth below to be effected in name of Subcontractor. Subcontractor
shall cause insurers or underwriters thereof, to waive their rights of subrogation against
Contractor and Owner indemnified parties and wherever feasible, to include names of
Contractor and Owner as additional assured parties.
2 Subcontractor shall require same insurance from its SubContractors under same
conditions, as required herein.
Worker’s Compensation (Employer's Liability
1 Worker’s Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance covering employees of
Subcontractor for all compensation and other benefits required of Subcontractor by
Worker’s Compensation or similar statutory insurance laws of any / whatever nation or
political subdivision thereof, to which Subcontractor’s operations under this subcontract
are subject in respect of liability for bodily injury by accident or disease, including death
resulting therefrom, sustained by any / whoever employee of Subcontractor arising out of
and in course of his / her employment. Limit of liability under Employers Liability
Section shall be not less than United States Dollars one million US$ 1,000,000/- per
occurrence or as required according to relevant national laws.
Motor Vehicle Third Party and Passenger Liability
1 Motor vehicle Third Party and passenger liability insurance in respect of death of or
injury to persons and / or loss or damage to property in respect of motor vehicles used by
Subcontractor in connection with execution of Work and shall ensure that SubContractors
maintain such insurance in respect of motor vehicles used by them.
2 Such insurance shall provide an unlimited indemnity for death of or injury to persons and
equivalent of not less than United States Dollars one million US$ 1,000,000/- or
according to relevant law of nation, per occurrence for loss of or damage to property,
which would be extended, as may be necessary to cover any / every additional protection
necessary by applicable statutory requirements in country of location of Work.
General Third Party Risks Insurance
1 General third party liability, insurance covering liabilities, arising out of any / whatever
activities of Subcontractor. Such insurance shall have a limit of liability not less than
United States Dollars two million US$ 2,000,000/- or according to applicability of
relevant national law.
Evidence of insurance
1 Subcontractor shall furnish Contractor within thirty 30 days from effective date with
certificates of insurance issued by relevant insurers or underwriters providing evidence of
risks insured against as well as, pursuant to provisions of this clause also, showing all
parties assured and levels of indemnity.
1 All deductibles provided under insurances arranged by Subcontractor as required under
this clause, amounts of which Subcontractor acknowledges to have seen shall be for
account of and paid by Subcontractor accordingly.
Notice to contractor and remedy on subcontractor's failure to insure
1 Subcontractor shall provide Contractor with timely advance notice of any / all changes in
terms of policies, which are to be carried out by Subcontractor under this clause,
including any / whatever cancellation notices.
2 If Subcontractor fails to keep in force required insurance, which may be necessary per
provisions & law to effect under terms of this clause then Contractor may effect that,
keep in force any / every such insurance, pay premium as may be necessary for that

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purpose, which premium amount, if paid to insurer by Contractor from time to time, such
paid amount sum, contractor shall deduct that paid premium amount from any / whatever
money due or which may become due to Subcontractor or recover same as a debt due
from Subcontractor.
Protection of contractor’s rights
1 Approval by Contractor of any insurer or terms of insurance proposed by Subcontractor
shall not relieve Subcontractor from any obligation or liability under or arising from this
subcontract or under mandatory provisions of applicable law.
Costs and incidental expenses
1 All costs and incidental expenses incurred in relation to preparation of claims under
insurance policies arising out of matters connected therewith, for which, Subcontractor is
responsible under subcontract shall be borne by Subcontractor
1 In accordance with submittal requirements outlined above, Subcontractor shall deliver
two 2 copies of Certificates of Insurance required by this clause and all subsequent
notices of cancellation, termination and alteration of such policies to:
a Contracting Co. Ltd
b Attention: Project Subcontracts Manager
c Reference: Subcontract No.
SC-3 Progress of work
1 Subcontractor shall furnish sufficient personnel, equipment & facilities, who / which
shall work such hours, so as to assure prosecution of Work to completion. Timely
performance of Work is essential to this Agreement and Seller should perform Work with
all due diligence and expedition to meet contract requirement, helping achieve milestones
2 If progress of Work is behind schedule due to delays, including, but not limited to low
productivity, default and / or negligence, Seller shall immediately take such steps as
Buyer considers sufficient to expedite rate of progress of Work, including, but not limited
to working overtime and mobilising additional manpower, resources & explore every
possibility needed / required / maintained in interest of jobs to achieve completion date.
3 Subcontractor shall from time to time be required to provide to Contractor for approval
an original and subsequently updated Subcontract Schedule, showing all activities and
necessary sequence of operations needed / required for orderly performance and
completion of Work. Subcontractor shall adhere to approved Subcontract Schedule
submitting periodic progress reports and / or proposed schedule changes in form and
manner directed by Contractor.
SC-4 Rights to work tools & work product
1 All drawings, reports, microfilms, software, results, studies, calculations, data and any /
all other documents or information, including as built drawings, operating and
maintenance manuals in respect of systems, plant, installations or Project produced or
prepared by or for Subcontractor or its SubContractors in physical or electronic form for
and in course of or as a result of performance of Work shall be exclusive property of
Owner and for avoidance of doubt, Owner may use and disclose same freely, without
reference to or consent of Subcontractor or its SubContractors
2 Subject to provisions of Special Condition “Nondisclosure”, Subcontractor is hereby
granted a non terminable, non exclusive, royalty free license to copy and use drawings,
reports, microfilms, software, results, studies, calculations, data and any / all other
documents or information, including as built drawings, operating and maintenance
manuals referred to in foregoing in connection with Subcontractor’s normal business
development. Documents in either form should be used only for works purpose by

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anybody / everybody connected directly or indirectly to works.

SC-5 Payment
1 Subcontractor shall submit one only invoice at defined intervals, after satisfactory
completion and approval of Work as contained herein.
2 Subcontractor shall submit its invoice in form and format directed by Contractor in
original and two 2 copies to:
a Contracting Co. Ltd
b Attention of ----- Accounts Payable
c A further copy of invoice should be sent to:
d Project Accounting Manager- XY
3 Invoice shall be submitted and payment made in currency, as exhibited within this
4 Invoice shall be supported by Contractor approved timesheets, originals of receipts,
invoices for any / all reimbursable items and by such other supporting documentation that
Contractor may require or consider necessary. Each copy of invoice shall be supported
by complete documentation as original.
5 Failure either to specify full Subcontract number or to submit full supporting
documentation may be a cause for invoice rejection or delay in scrutinizing correctness of
contents as well as, ratification of payment.
6 Invoice shall be prepared and signed, including following information as well
a Subcontract Number -- Number.
b Subcontractor's full name and address.
c Subcontractor's bank, bank addresses and account number.
d Description of work performed in accordance with Exhibit "C" of this Subcontract.
7 Any / Every amount otherwise payable under this Subcontract may be withheld in whole
or in part, if Subcontractor is in default of any / whatever condition of this Subcontract.
8 Contractor reserves right to recover any / every overpayments made to Subcontractor,
either by an error or due to any / every other reason.
9 Subcontractor shall submit a copy of draft invoice fifteen 15 days, before actual invoice
submission date to enable expedition of queries to invoice, if applicable. This invoice
may be handled on perusal level with relevant officer.
10 Subcontractor shall certify in invoice that there are no known outstanding liens, that all
due and due bills have been paid or are included in application for payment.
11 Within sixty 60 calendar days after receipt of correct invoice, Contractor shall pay
Subcontractor one hundred percent 100% of approved invoice amount.
12 Subcontractor shall promptly pay all claims of persons or firms furnishing labour /
workforce, equipment or materials used in performing Work under this subcontract, as a
condition precedent to any / every payment by Contractor.
13 Contractor may require Subcontractor to submit all satisfactory evidences of payment
made and release to genuine beneficiaries of all such claims.
14 No payment of Subcontractor’s invoice or portions thereof, shall at any time constitute
approval or acceptance of work under this subcontract nor be considered a waiver by
Contractor or Owner of any of terms of this subcontract. However, title to all equipment
and materials for which, payment has been made, which whether or not, have been
installed in Work as well as, title to all completed work, whether paid for or not shall vest
in Contractor or Owner as case may be by automatic application of provision of
subcontract. Subcontractor's property or estate in event, Subcontractor is adjudged
bankrupt or makes a general assignment for benefit of creditors or if a receiver is
appointed on account of Subcontractor's insolvency or if this subcontract is terminated,
titles of items procured as well as, installed for permanent inclusions shall stand

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transferred to contractor, but all other items belonging to subcontractor procured for
temporary purposes shall remain in subcontractor’s title, which items could be used for
purposes of this subcontract by contractor, until works are completed .
SC-6 Quality management system
1 Within fourteen 14 calendar days after subcontract award, Subcontractor shall submit
Quality Management System package containing a minimum of following intending
documents or their Contractor determined equivalent: for approval,
2 Quality Requirement / Assurance Manual giving in full Subcontractor’s corporate quality
management system with an updated copy of an independently approved ISO
9001:2000 / 2015 Certificate.
3 Project Specific Quality Plan giving all descriptions proposed to be followed for quality
profiles on project including all formats intended to be used for practical purposes of
inspections, checks, tests etc. Plan shall also, include organization chart, staffing
responsibilities, duties & about materials, procurement & whatever else, is feasible to be
included within to elaborate proposal leading to a confirmation that works shall definitely
be prosecuted according to provisions of quality assurance management.
4 Index of relevant Project or Corporate Procedures
5 Project Internal Audit Schedule for whole currency of project
6 Plan shall define documented quality system to be applied by Subcontractor throughout
Work in accordance with requirements of ISO9001:2000 / 2015 & make reference to all
relevant Subcontractor procedures and manuals.
7 Subcontractor’s documented quality system shall provide for issuance of a “stop work”
order by Subcontractor or Contractor at any / whatever time during Work, when
significant adverse quality trends and / or aberrations from approved Quality
Management System are observed.
8 Contractor reserves right to perform Quality System Audits of Subcontractor’s approved
Quality Programme, including lower tier suppliers and SubContractors at any / every
stage of Work.
SC-7 Nondisclosure
1 Subcontractor agrees that for a period of fifteen 15 years, following Final Acceptance of
Project under the Owner / Contractor Contract, it shall not without, prior written consent
of Contractor, disclose or make available to any third party other than SubContractors,
vendors or licensors or use, directly or indirectly, except for performance of its
obligations under subcontract terms of subcontract, Project Documents or any
information acquired directly or indirectly from Contractor or Owner in connection with
Project or subcontract before or after effective date unless:
a Information was known to Subcontractor as evidenced by its written records, prior to
obtaining same from Contractor;
b Information was available in public domain, prior to time of disclosure to Subcontractor
c Information is disclosed to Subcontractor by a third party, who did not receive same
directly or indirectly from Contractor or Owner & who has to best of Subcontractor’s
knowledge, no obligation of secrecy with respect thereto.
2 Subcontractor shall take all steps that may be necessary or appropriate, including
obtaining written confidentiality undertakings or agreements in order that its employees,
agents and representatives adhere to provisions of this clause. Appropriate provisions
shall be included in this regard within all further subcontracts executed to be executed
between subcontractor & other lower tier subcontractors.
SC-8 Release of consequential damages
1 In no event shall either party be liable to other party in contract, tort including, but not

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limited to negligence or otherwise for any of following categories of damages, costs,

losses or expenses:
a loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of goodshall, loss of use, loss of opportunity, down
time costs, costs of obtaining or maintaining finance and
b indirect or consequential damages, costs, losses or expenses of whatsoever nature.
SC-9 Applicable law
1 This Subcontract shall be interpreted under laws of nation
2 All works performed in Plant Area shall be subject to laws, regulations and orders of
nation. Such laws include, without limitation any / every law national, state, municipal,
local or other requirement, ordinance, rule, decree, regulation or order of any / whatever
governmental authority or agency of state, national, municipal, local or other.
3 All works performed in nation shall be subject to laws, regulations and orders of nation.
Such laws include, without limitation any / every law national, state, municipal, local or
other, requirement, ordinance, rule, decree, regulation or order of any / whatever
governmental authority or agency of nation
4 Subcontractor shall maintain in full force & affect its trade license, commercial
registration and other requisite licenses allowing to legally do business in nation as well
as, to perform its obligations under this Subcontract. Subcontractor shall provide
Contractor with such evidence as Contractor may require to make sure or ascertain that
such licenses, permits, temporary permits and authorisations are in full force & effect &
could be passed on to client.
SC-10 Modifications to section "a"
Following modifications to Section "A" apply to this subcontract:
1 None
SC-11 Procedures & documents
1 Subcontractor shall prepare and submit to Contractor for approval, coordination, for other
procedures documents expressly required under Subcontract or which are otherwise
deemed necessary by Contractor to be submitted for execution of Subcontract.
2 All O&M Manuals, manufacturing record books shall be provided in originals and
defined number of copies with best quality hard print and electronic software format
specified in Purchase Order. All documents required for commissioning shall be
provided under Purchase Order six 6 months, prior to commissioning.
3 Under Purchase Order, Subcontractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all
information supplied by Contractor for use in connection with Products is sufficient,
adequate and accurate. If however, during performance of Work under subcontract,
Subcontractor finds any / certain deficiency in said information, it shall promptly notify
Contractor in writing of any / every discrepancy or of any / every deficiency in provided
information. Failure of Subcontractor so to notify Contractor shall not relieve
Subcontractor of any of its responsibilities or liabilities under this Subcontract or at law.
SC-12 Reports
1 On a weekly basis, Subcontractor shall provide to Contractor a concise summary report
in agreed format on / at an appointed day or time or as directed by Contractor, describing
work accomplished during reporting period, work forecasted to be completed during next
reporting period including a summary of problem areas.
2 On completion of Work, Subcontractor shall submit a final report outlining Work
performed and status of Products. This report should be submitted within ten 10 calendar
days of completion of Work. Final report must be accepted and approved by Contractor,
before Subcontractor's invoice is submitted.
SC-13 Language requirements
1 Official status for language use on this contract is in English. Subcontractor shall prepare

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all additional Project Documents, drawings and involved Parties conduct all
communications in connection with Work in English language. Any / whatever
documentation received by Contractor in any / whatever other language shall not be
accepted, unless it is an official certificate in which case, it must be accompanied by an
"approved" legal English translation. Any / Every impact on cost or schedule relating to
this requirement shall be Subcontractor’s sole responsibility.
SC-14 Subcontractor mobilization / demobilization
1 Except as otherwise stated, Subcontractor shall arrange and provide for mobilization /
demobilisation of its equipment and work forces including, but not limited to provisions
for temporary facilities, customs clearance and customs claims, work permits, applicable
licenses, immigration and emigration of all personnel.
SC-15 provision of documents
1 Subcontractor shall provide and ensure that its SubContractors, vendors and licensors
provide electronic and hard copies of all Project Documents for Contractor’s permanent
record files in accordance with type, status and time requirements, defined within
contract documents.
SC-16 Contractor review of documents
1 For all documents submitted by Subcontractor to Contractor for its review / approval,
Contractor shall within ten 10 working days of receipt, unless a longer period is specified
in Exhibits, review / approve documents, failing which response, it shall be presumed
that approval is granted, provided that said documents are complete in every respect and
have been subject to Subcontractor’s internal review and check process.
2 If any / whatever document is commented upon or rejected by Contractor, Contractor
shall provide a written explanation of reasons, whereupon Subcontractor shall resubmit
such document within five 5 working days of receipt incorporating amendment or
modifications, as may be necessary to fulfill Contractor’s requirements.
3 Any / Every document resubmitted shall be reviewed / approved by Contractor within ten
10 working days of receipt, provided all of Contractor’s comments have been
incorporated by Subcontractor in revised document satisfactorily
SC-17 Labour / Workforce
1 Subcontractor shall be responsible for and provide at its sole cost and expense all
messing, housing, working and living conditions of labour / workforce with all necessary
accommodation / other facilities for its personnel as necessary / required for performance
of Work.
2 Subcontractor shall also, be responsible for and provide at its sole cost and expense for
all transportation for its personnel, between their points of origin and jobsite, if
applicable, all transportation as may be required for performance of Work in and around
Jobsite / to and from jobsite.
3 Subcontractor shall at all times during Subcontract conform in all respects with, carry out
all obligations imposed on it by provisions and requirements of any / every applicable
law in nation, where any / whatever part of Work is performed or regulation issued.
4 Subcontractor shall only employ in jobsite nation such persons, who are nationals or who
are in possession of valid "No Objection Certificates" entitling them to work in jobsite
nation for Subcontractor. Contractor shall assist Subcontractor in obtaining "No
Objection Certificates" by suitable letter of recommendation. Subcontractor shall submit
this letter to Department of Labour in order to receive such certificates. Contractor
accepts no responsibility for obtaining "No Objection Certificates" for Subcontractor’s
5 Contractor shall be at liberty to object to and require Subcontractor to remove forthwith

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any / every person employed by Subcontractor in or about execution of Work, who in

opinion of Contractor has committed misconduct or whose employment is otherwise
considered detrimental to best interests of Project. Such person shall not be reemployed
on Work, without written permission of Contractor. Subcontractor shall at its own cost
use its best endeavours to immediately replace such person by a competent one.
6 Subcontractor shall not give barter or otherwise, dispose of to any person or persons any
arms or ammunition of any kind or permit or offer same as aforesaid.
7 In event of an outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, Subcontractor shall comply with
all such regulations, orders and requirements as applicable / may be made by Government
or local medical or sanitary authorities for purpose of dealing and overcoming
community health issues.
8 Subcontractor shall in its dealings with labour / workforce for contract duration time
ensure that workforce is given due regard respecting their respective all recognised
festivals and religious days and other customs. Workers shall be allowed to celebrate
their festivals etc. under rules of job nation. Subcontractor shall also, observe all relevant
local customs.
9 All Subcontractor’s personnel visiting or working in jobsite or in nation must be in
possession of valid inoculation certificates, as required from time to time, according to
provisions by national health authorities.
10 Subcontractor shall take all necessary steps to avoid any / whatever expected labour
unrest, but in event of its occurrence, Subcontractor shall promptly give this information
with relevant details thereof, to Contractor.
11 Subcontractor shall without delay inform Contractor of any / every accident in
connection with execution of Work or any / every injury, loss or damage to any / every
personnel and / or property of Subcontractor indemnified parties, Contractor indemnified
parties or of third party and report such occurrences to competent authority, as required
by law.
12 Subcontractor shall be responsible for and to ensure observance of all provisions of this
Special Condition by its other lower tiers SubContractors employed in execution of
SC-18 Title
1 Title to Work, to Project Documents, to all Products and other items supplied or to be
supplied by Subcontractor or its SubContractors to Contractor or Owner to be
permanently included for installations under this subcontract shall pass to Contractor or
Owner on earlier of following dates:
a When delivered to Jobsite;
b When delivered to custody of Subcontractor or its shipping agent;
c When Subcontractor receives payment from Contractor for Work, Project Documents or
goods or other items by Subcontractor
2 Materials or operating equipment of any / every kind left over or meant to be left over
during and after completion of Work, if furnished by Subcontractor or its other
SubContractors shall remain property of Subcontractor or its subcontractors, as case may
be and be removed from jobsite by Subcontractor or its other subcontractors, prior to or
upon completion of Work.
SC-19 Customs & duties
1 In connection with performance of this subcontract, Subcontractor acknowledges that
import of items / customs laws and regulations of nation shall be complied with fully for
all shipment pertaining any / all good/s, product/s or component/s thereof.
2 Subcontractor specifically acknowledges that aforementioned import and customs laws
and regulations of nation prohibit among other things import / importation into nation of

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certain products or components.

3 Contractor at its own discretion reserves right to make final, unilateral and specific
selection of any / whatever proposed carriers, insurers, suppliers of services to be
performed within nation or of specific products or components to be furnished in
accordance with terms and conditions of this subcontract.
SC-20 Dispute resolution
1 Any / Every dispute, claim or difference arising out of or related to Subcontract or any /
every breach thereof shall first be attempted to be resolved amicably between contracting
Parties, but if such resolution fails, dispute, claim or difference shall be referred to be
finally settled by arbitration in Plant City under Rules of Arbitration of International
Chamber of Commerce ICC by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with said Rules.
If DAAB operates on project, prior to referring dispute to arbitration, it should have been
referred to DAAB. Dab stands for Disputes Avoidance & Adjudication Board appointed
by both parties to Contract
2 Subcontractor shall not at any time suspend performance of Work or any of its
obligations under Subcontract, pending resolution or settlement of a dispute and proceed
with all due diligence with Work / all its other obligations in full compliance with
3 Arbitration proceedings and all papers sent or presented in connection therewith shall be
conducted in English language. Arbitrators’ decision shall be final and binding on
Parties followed by adjudication of award by any / whatever court of competent
jurisdiction. In India, adjudication on award is not required by competent court, because
Arbitration Tribunal has been vested powers of court for purpose of adjudication of
Arbitration Award.
SC-21 Utilities, facilities & services
1 Following utilities, facilities & services may be provided for Subcontractor's use, unless
otherwise indicated herein at existing outlets at Jobsite or at points to be selected by
Contractor subject to Subcontractor requesting such utilities, facilities & services, prior to
a Raw and potable water in limited quantities
b Local support labour / workforce required as well as, any / whatever necessary erection,
installation or service equipment, instruments, rigging and standard maintenance tools to
be itemised by Subcontractor, prior to mobilisation & office space, where necessary in
opinion of Contractor for performance of Subcontractor's Work & obligations under this
c Sanitary facilities
d Limited use of telephone & fax services at Jobsite for purposes connected with this
Subcontract and subject to prior Contractor approval. Personal use of telephone & fax
services shall be to Subcontractor’s account.
e Limited reproduction facilities for photocopies and blue lines for purposes connected
with this Subcontract.
f Limited electric power
2 Timing of use of such utilities, facilities & services shall be subject to Contractor's
SC-22 Security & property
1 A security force to guard perimeter & patrol interior of Jobsite shall be provided by
Contractor. Provision of this security force shall in no way be construed to be an
assumption of responsibility by Contractor with respect to safety & security of
Subcontractor's employees or Subcontractor's property or in respect of any damage or
loss thereto, which should remain Subcontractor's sole responsibility.

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SC-23 Work week, overtime & crew rotation schedule

1 Subcontractor shall perform its Work on a schedule commensurate with applicable labour
laws and as agreed with Contractor. Subcontractor’s normal work schedule shall be 60
hours per week 6 days - 10 hours / day. Subcontractor may with Contractor approval, if
requested by Contractor, work such incidental overtime, as be deemed practicable and
necessary for proper execution of Work.
2 Subcontractor’s work cycle for its personnel is as follows:
a As defined in relevant exhibit
b Travel time associated with work cycle rotation, if any is included in specified time off.
SC-24 Administrative Assistance
1 Owner shall, if required upon request of Contractor provide assistance to Subcontractor to
apply for necessary licenses, visas, work permits, other documentation and approvals
necessary for conducting its operations in nation in connection with performance of its
obligations under this Subcontract including, but not limited to immigration and egress of
2 Said assistance shall be limited to provision to Subcontractor by Owner through
Contractor, letters addressed to government departments responsible for these matters.
3 All further actions necessary to obtain required permits and approvals shall be
Subcontractor’s sole responsibility, which being understood that neither Owner nor
Contractor be liable for any costs or delays whatsoever due to obtaining of such licenses,
visas, work permits or other documentation and approvals or due to non obtaining of
same for any reason whatsoever. Copies shall be issued to
a Contracting Co. Ltd
b Onshore Gas Development Project

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 35
Seller technical services agreement
Exhibit "C"
Contracting Co. Ltd
Onshore Gas Development Project
Statement of work and compensation
Table of contents
S # Title
1 Statement of Work 2
2 Compensation & Payment
1. Statement of work
1 Subcontractor undertakes to provide Contractor with services of personnel qualified to
provide technical assistance during installation and / or pre commissioning and
commissioning, performance, initial operations & maintenance of Products supplied
under Purchase Order at Owner's Jobsite at Plant nation
2 Following information should be properly tabulated
a Required number of personnel for various stages of job
b Estimated commencing date at jobsite
c Estimated work duration
d Number of visits
3 Above quantities and durations are estimated only that may change as commencement
date approaches. Contractor shall give Subcontractor ---- days Subcontractor to insert
notice for mobilisation of Subcontractor’s personnel.

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4 Subcontractor's personnel shall report to Contractor’s Construction Manager or respective

representative and comply with instructions for all such matters concerning work
schedule, labour / workers relations, working conditions and like. Contractor
Construction Manager or representative shall administer this Subcontract and prepare any
/ every necessary amendments including, but not limited to amendment of statement of
Subcontractor’s Work during installation and / or pre commissioning and commissioning,
performance, initial operations & maintenance of Products described in Purchase Order
referenced herein.
2. Compensation & payment
1 Contractor shall provide construction equipment, normal construction tools, labour /
workers assistance, accommodation, food, laundry, transportation to and from
accommodation to Jobsite and transportation to and from XY airport or nation’s City to
2 Subcontractor understands that labour / workers and equipment provided by Contractor
shall be fully supervised by Contractor, while Subcontractor representatives would only
direct and advice Contractor’s supervision, if so required for optimum utilization of
contractor’s resources. Contractor shall be responsible for job schedule.
3 Should Subcontractor demobilise at request of Contractor and be asked to remobilise,
round trip rate included within relevant Section shall apply.
4 Should additional work be required, daily rates defined in relevant Section shall apply.
2.1 Agreement Price
1 Provided always that Subcontractor shall perform and observe all its obligations under
terms and conditions of Subcontract, Contractor should pay in manner set forth in
Subcontract, Subcontract prices defined / detailed below, which would be deemed to be
full and total compensation for execution of Work in accordance with Subcontract to
satisfaction of Contractor.
2.2 Firm Price
1 Lump sum prices, daily rates and hourly rates stated herein for performance of Work
shall remain firm in respect of all works performed and services provided to perform
Works and should be deemed to provide for any / every and all fluctuations in costs of
salaries, wages, materials, fees, rentals, taxes and insurances & all unforeseen.
2 Lump sum prices, daily rates and hourly rates together with any / every additional sums
or provisions specifically included in Subcontract are all inclusive and include without
limitation, salaries and wages, travel allowances, bonuses, travel expenses, vacation,
public holiday pay and allowances, sick pay, medical expenses, insurances, cost of home
office support services, overheads, head office costs and profit for Subcontractor's
representatives at Jobsite and any / all SubContractors employees. Contractor shall
supply transport to and from site to city, camp accommodation, meals, laundry etc. for
personnel provided by Subcontractor. SubContractor shall take care for welfare of its
employees according to requirement of labour / workers contracts provisions defined by
national laws.
2.3 Declaration By Subcontractor
1 Subcontractor certifies that it has carefully examined and is fully familiar with all
provisions included within Subcontract documents & that it has satisfied itself as to
nature and location of all Works, general & local conditions to be encountered & all other
matters, which can in any / whatever way affect Work, costs or schedule thereof.
Subcontractor further certifies that it has carefully checked all words and figures in
schedule of prices, that it has carefully reviewed accuracy of all statements made in
Subcontract and that it is solely responsible for all omissions on its part in preparation of
Subcontract, that it understands & interprets correctly contract implications & impacts

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very well as well as, quantum of works covered within scope of SubContract.
2.4 Lump Sum Prices, Daily Rates & Hourly Rates
1 In form of Lump Sum price, full consideration for satisfactory performance by
Subcontractor of Work and subject to payment provisions of this Subcontract, Contractor
shall pay to Subcontractor compensation in accordance with following:
2 Subcontractor shall be paid a lump sum in respect of installation support and pre
commissioning work for Products. Lump sum price shall include for all costs of
whatsoever nature incurred by Subcontractor at Jobsite including, but not limited to
labour / workers & any / whatever necessary materials, tools & equipment.Total lump
sum price for Installation and Pre Commissioning work
---------------------------------------------- US Dollars / national currency
3 Subcontractor shall be paid a lump sum price in respect of commissioning, startup and for
two months operation of Products. Lump sum price shall include for all costs of
whatsoever nature incurred by Subcontractor at Jobsite including, but not be limited to
labour / workers & any / all necessary materials, tools & equipment.
4 Total lump sum price for Commissioning, Startup & for two months operation
----------------------------------------------- US Dollars / national currency
5 Subcontractor shall be paid a lump sum price in respect of mobilising each
Subcontractor’s representative following Contractor’s written approval of proposed
representatives. Lump sum price shall include all costs of whatsoever nature incurred or
to be incurred by Subcontractor in mobilising and demobilising respective representative
including any / all necessary materials, tools and equipment & also, including all required
transportation to Jobsite / travel time to and from Jobsite.
6 Total lump sum price for mobilization / demobilisation each round trip
-------------------------- US Dollars / national currency
7 Not to Exceed Value
8 Not to exceed value of this Subcontractor Technical Services Subcontract is
------------------------- US Dollars / national currency. This is based upon total of items
-----, ------ & ---.
9 If in any / every subsequent amendment to this Subcontract, work is released against
daywork rates, it is responsibility of Subcontractor to notify Contractor in writing, when
cumulative value of Work carried out reaches 75% of any / every / whatever not to
exceed value. A maximum “not to exceed” value may be varied only by issue by
Contractor of a formal amendment to Supplier Technical Services Subcontract. Should
Subcontractor provide services in excess of not to exceed value, Contractor shall not be
liable for payment for those excess services, unless a formal amendment to Subcontractor
Technical Services Subcontract has been issued.
10 Subcontractor is requested on basis of above quoted lump sum prices / costs to advise
rates for approved working hours during normal work days for each representative 6 days
per week / 10 hours per day -Friday / Sunday per local practiceis deemed observed a non
working day.
a Category of Personnel Daily Rate US Dollars
b Technical Supervisor
11 Subcontractor is requested on basis of above quoted lump sum prices / costs to advise
overtime hourly rates for approved overtime hours i.e. Hours worked in excess of 10
hours a day or 60 hours a week
a Category of Personnel Friday and Local Holiday Hourly
Overtime Rate US Dollars
b Technical Supervisor
c Category of Personnel Other Overtime in Excess of 10

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hours / day 6 days per week including Night Shifts US Dollars

d Technical Supervisor
3 Orientation:
1 If it has not already been issued to Subcontractor, prior to execution of this Subcontract,
Subcontractor must familiarise itself with relevant orientation information by contacting
Mr.[AB] TBATo be appointed – Construction on site on Mobile telephone number 00-
000 [AB] TBA, Fax number 00-----.[AB] TBA or E Mail .[PN] TBA
on site and for obtaining necessary orientation information pack no less than three 3
weeks, prior to departure for Jobsite in order for all necessary permits, visas and project
clearances to be confirmed prior to departure.
1 GC-1 Entire Agreement
2 GC-2 Changes
3 GC-3 Price & Payment
4 GC-4 Force Majeure / Unknown Events / Unexpected Events

5 GC-5 Title & Risk of Loss

6 GC-6 Testing, Inspection & Expediting
7 GC-7 Quality Standards
8 GC-8 Warranties & Guarantees
9 GC-9 Infringement
10 GC-10 Compliance
11 GC-11 Assignment
12 GC-12 Suspension
13 GC-13 Termination for Convenience
14 GC-14 Termination for Default
15 GC-15 Non Waiver
16 GC-16 Governing Law
GC-1 Entire agreement:
1 This Instrument / Contractual Document embodies entire Agreement between Buyer and
Seller. Either Party shall not be bound by or liable for any statement, representation,
promise or understanding not set forth herein. Nothing contained in proposals,
correspondence, discussions, order acknowledgments or others of Seller’s forms has any
effect on this Agreement, unless specifically incorporated herein formally or by
supplementary documentation.
GC-2 Changes:
1 Buyer shall not consider any requests for a change, where scope of Work and concept of
overall objectives of this Agreement are not changed or are merely a closer definition or
change in detail of technical specifications. Buyer through its authorized Procurement
representative may at any time direct in writing changes including, but not limited to
changes in any one or more of following:
a drawings or specifications;
b additions to or deletions from quantities ordered;
c delivery schedule;
d method of shipment or packing;
e place of delivery.
2 If any / every such change causes an increase or decrease in cost of or timing required to
provide Products an equitable adjustment, actually reflecting negotiated effect of such
changes may be made in agreed price or delivery schedule or both & this Agreement may
be modified by written amendments or revisions executed by authorized representatives.

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Any / Every notification by Seller for adjustment under this Changes clause must be
asserted as soon as, reasonably practicable, but in no event later than seven 7 days from
date of receipt by Seller of notification of change. Burden of demonstrating that such
directions constitute a change shall be upon Seller. If Seller fails to so notify Buyer then
any work or services carried out pursuant to such directions shall not be construed as a
change. If it is subsequently shown that any Seller proposed change was not well founded
then all costs associated with such proposed change shall be to Seller’s account
notwithstanding any dispute existing between Buyer and Seller, as to whether Buyer’s
instructions constitute a change, Seller shall forthwith proceed with carrying out Work in
accordance with Buyer’s instructions.
3 If this Agreement requires Buyer to review and comment on Seller’s technical
documents, Seller shall submit within 10 working days from date of Seller’s receipt of
such comments any / every request for adjustment, which would result from
implementation of Buyer’s comments. No adjustment shall be made hereunder, unless
Buyer through its authorized procurement representative confirms change in writing.
GC-3 Price & payment:
1 Prices herein specified, unless otherwise expressly stated shall include all taxes and
duties of any kind, which either party is required to pay with respect to sale of Products
covered by this Agreement, but should include all charges & expenses in connection with
packing of Products & their carriage to place of delivery to Buyer, unless specifically
excluded. Seller shall be paid, except as otherwise stated in this Agreement upon
submission of correct invoices prices stipulated herein for Products delivered & accepted
however, payment may be withheld or portions thereof, may be deducted, if in Buyer’s
reasonable opinion, Seller is not performing work in accordance with provisions of this
Agreement or if proper setoffs in favour of Buyer in other transactions are asserted.
Buyer reserves right to make payments due hereunder directly to Subcontractors of
Seller, whenever Buyer has reason to believe that Seller has not paid or is likely not to
pay such Subcontractor’s amounts due to them on a timely basis. Correct invoices shall
include documentation as reasonably agreed between Buyer and Seller sufficient to cover
provisions of each payment milestone and sufficient to allow Buyer to certify in writing
to Company that all liens relating to or arising out of Works covered by invoices have
been released or discharged.
2 Seller shall maintain at all times an adequate, complete, correct and confidential set of
records & accounts pertaining to all financial & nonfinancial performance of Seller under
Agreement. Buyer & Company shall have right to examine with advance notification
such records & accounts of Seller for all activities of Seller related to its performance of
Agreement. All reimbursable amounts paid to Seller are subject to justification & audit
during course of Agreement & up to & including a period of five 5 years, after end of
calendar year in which, final invoice was submitted by Seller to Buyer provided that
Buyer may not audit components of any lump sum prices under this Agreement. Buyer's
claims for errors may be presented to Seller anytime within time period mentioned above.
In event such audits reveal any discrepancy or error, a written response to Buyer's claim
shall be made by Seller as soon as, practicable & in no event later than twenty 20
working days from date of such claim. Any / Every payment determined to be due to
Buyer shall be paid promptly by Seller. Seller agrees that Company shall have right to
enforce audit rights contained in this Article directly against Seller.
3 Buyer & Company shall have right to examine with advance notification such records &
accounts for limited purpose of verifying requests for payment, when progressive
advancement of works forms basis for such payment or for evaluating reasonableness of
proposed price adjustment requests.

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4 Payment terms are net sixty 60 days from receipt of correct invoice, subject to any / all
limitations as provided elsewhere in this Agreement. Invoices shall be mailed at time of
shipment or achievement of specific milestones, as defined in this Agreement & any /
every cash discount period offered by Seller shall be computed from date Products are
transferred to Buyer or correct invoice is received, whichever is later / provided any /
every required supporting certification documents are received by Buyer. Foregoing
payment & cash discount periods shall be extended by period of any / every delay caused
by an error in invoice requiring correction. Buyer may elect to pay Seller through
Buyer’s electronic disbursement system EDS. Seller shall advise Buyer in writing within
twenty 20 working days, prior to due date of first invoice of bank & account number into
which, EDS payments may be made to Seller.
5 No payment made under this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by Buyer of
performance by Seller of any of its obligations hereunder / per this agreement & in no
event shall any such payment affect warranty obligations of Seller as set forth in General
Condition Article # related to, “Warranties and Guarantees.
6 No later than thirty 30 working days after date of Provisional Acceptance, Seller shall
lodge with Buyer a final payment claim and endorse it “Final Payment Claim” “Final
Payment Claim”. Seller shall include in that claim all amounts that Seller considers to be
due from Buyer under this Agreement.
GC-4 Force Majeure / Unknown Events / Unexpected Events:
1 Term Force Majeure / Unknown Events / Unexpected Events as employed herein shall be
defined as strikes excluding strikes occurring among employees of Seller or Seller Group
or Seller other industrial disturbances of a general nature, acts of public enemy, wars,
undeclared wars, acts of governments including governments of nation, blockades,
insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, earthquakes, lightning, civil disturbances,
explosions & any / whatever other cause or event which is unavoidable, insurmountable
& similar to kind herein enumerated or equivalent forces not within control of Party
affected thereby and which that Party is unable to overcome by exercise of due diligence.
Force Majeure / Unknown Events / Unexpected Events shall not include financial distress
of either Party and late delivery of Products or late performance by Seller or Seller’s
Subcontractor, unless such late delivery or performance is itself caused by Force Majeure
/ Unknown Events / Unexpected Events.
2 Delays attributable to & within control of Seller’s Subcontractors of any / every tier shall
be deemed delays within control of Seller.
4.2 Notice of Occurrence.
1 If due to Force Majeure, Seller is temporarily rendered unable, wholly or in part to
comply with its obligations under this Agreement & is claiming that a Force Majeure /
Unknown Events / Unexpected Events condition has arisen then Seller shall within
twenty four hours of becoming aware of such condition, notify Buyer of same, act
diligently to overcome, remove & / or mitigate effects of event of Force Majeure /
Unknown Events / Unexpected Events, notify Buyer on a continuing basis of its efforts to
overcome, remove & / or mitigate event of Force Majeure / Unknown Events /
Unexpected Events & notify Buyer immediately, when aforesaid disrupting condition
has ceased.
4.3 Notice of Impact
1 In addition to its obligations under General Condition Article 4.2, “Notice of
Occurrence” if Seller claims there existed / started a Force Majeure condition, Seller shall
a within three days of becoming aware of such condition notify Buyer in writing of nature
and cause of such Force Majeure condition

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b state up to what extent, condition shall delay Seller’s performance of contractual Work.
2 Immediately upon termination of Force Majeure occurrence, Seller shall
3 Notify Buyer of resumption of work and Submit a plan to minimize and mitigate adverse
effect caused by Force Majeure occurrence on contractual works.
4.4 Effect.
1 Any / Every Work or any / every portion thereof that is impacted upon by Force Majeure
shall be deemed suspended for duration of Force Majeure. Any / Every claim on part of
Seller for any / every extension of time by reason of a suspension under this clause shall
be made within a reasonable time, but no later than ten 10 working days after end of
suspension. Seller shall promptly submit for review a revised schedule for performance
of Work. Subject to provisions of this General Condition as set forth below, such
extension shall be sole remedy for delay.
2 If a suspension of any / whatever obligation by virtue of this clause lasts for a continuous
period of Thirty 30 days, Buyer may terminate this Agreement forthwith in whole or in
part by so notifying Seller in writing. Such termination by Buyer shall take effect on
receipt by Seller of written notice. Upon such termination, both Parties shall be released
from any further obligations under Agreement, but both Parties retain all rights and
claims arising out of such termination of contract, prior to effective date of termination.
3 If Buyer elects not to terminate Agreement as stated above then Work shall be deemed
suspended with effect from expiry of said thirty 30 days period. Thereafter, provisions of
General Condition titled ‘Suspension’ shall apply save that extra cost, if any / whatever,
of Seller’s standby and any / every other additional costs incurred by Seller in giving
effect to Buyer’s instructions under this Article to be borne and paid by Seller.
4 Any delays in or failure of performance by affected Party other than obligations to pay
monies hereunder shall not constitute a default hereunder, if and to extent, such delays or
failures of performance are caused by Force Majeure events that impact Seller’s ability to
achieve promised ship dates specified in this Agreement.
GC-5 Title & risk of loss:
1 Buyer and Seller agree that title of Products shall be transferred to Buyer at earlier of
a Equipment released by Buyer’s inspectors or
b time that Seller receives payment from Buyer for Products or
c delivery to Jobsite. Buyer may request Seller to provide temporary storage, which Seller
agrees to do so at no additional charge, until revised date of delivery to delivery point
specified in Agreement
2 Seller hereby confirms that title remains with Buyer though Equipment is stored in
Seller’s facilities and said Equipment shall not be subject to any liens or bankruptcy
3 Transfer of title shall not relieve Seller of its obligations to fulfil data and document
requirements according to Agreement
4 Seller hereby confirms that Equipment shall be stored safely and properly in Seller’s
facility with maintaining full value insurance coverage for Equipment for fire, theft and
third party liability.
5 Seller shall be responsible for loss or damage to Buyer’s Equipment, while in Seller’s
care, custody and control regardless of any / whatever transfer of title.
6 Warranty duration of Equipment in custody at Seller facility shall carry same warranty
provision as stated elsewhere in this Agreement.
7 Seller shall indemnify Buyer and Company against any / all damages, injury or death,
which may occur as a result of Buyer owned Equipment being located at Seller’s facility
8 Seller shall be responsible for every risk of loss to Products, until delivery of all Products
to delivery point/s specified in this Agreement is affected, even if, title transfer and
payment have occurred.

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9 Seller shall be responsible for maintaining Equipment in accordance with Seller’s storage
procedures, while in Seller’s care, custody & control.
GC-6 Testing, inspection & expediting:
1 Seller shall notify Buyer with fifteen 15 working days written notice in advance of date
and place of any / every inspection or testing, so that Company and Buyer may witness
those tests. Irrespective of whether or not, Buyer witnesses such tests, Seller shall provide
Buyer copies of those test results as soon as, such information becomes available.
Should any / every postponement become necessary, Seller shall provide at least ten 10
working days written notice, prior to originally scheduled date. In event that any /
whatever part of Equipment fails to comply with specifications detailed in this
Agreement and Seller has to re perform Work, all costs associated with this re inspection
shall be to charged to Seller’s account. Seller shall allow Buyer, Company or Company’s
authorized representatives access to any place, where Products are being manufactured
or such Products are being prepared for incorporation into FACILITY for purpose of
inspecting production and observing tests on such Products.
2 No shipments of Products shall be permitted, prior to release for shipment by Buyer. Any
/ every Products requiring inspection or quality surveillance by Buyer, if shipped before
such inspection or quality surveillance has affected / taken place shall automatically be
considered as rejected.
3 Products including all warranty work shall be subject to expediting by Buyer. Buyer’s
representatives shall be afforded free access during working hours to Seller’s plants.
Seller agrees to procure a similar right for Buyer and Company for expediting purposes
with respect to Seller’s Subcontractors. As required by Buyer, Seller shall supply
schedules, progress reports and un priced copies of Seller’s purchase orders and
subcontracts for Buyer’s use in expediting. Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of any /
every actual or anticipated delays immediately upon discovery. Such notice shall include
an estimated period of delay, cause & corrective actions being taken. Slippage in Seller’s
schedule may be deemed to be reasonable grounds for insecurity in which event, Buyer
may demand in writing that Seller provide adequate assurances that Seller would deliver
Products in accordance with requirements of Agreement.
4 If requested by Buyer, Seller shall allow Company or its authorized representative to be
present at any / whatever tests, observations or inspections that Buyer is given right to
witness or conduct pursuant to this Article “Testing, Inspection & Expediting.”
GC-7 Quality standards:
1 Seller shall ensure that Products comply with standards of quality specified by this
Agreement or those customary / conventional in industry, if no requirement is specified.
Buyer’s quality surveillance representative shall be afforded free access during working
hours to plants of Seller. Seller agrees to procure a similar right for Buyer for quality
surveillance purposes with respect to Seller’s Subcontractors in order to monitor
compliance with quality requirements. Buyer’s right to inspect, examine & test Products
shall extend through manufacturing process, time of shipment & a reasonable time after
arrival at final destination. Seller’s failure to adhere to standards of quality required
under this Agreement shall be deemed to be reasonable grounds for insecurity. Buyer
may demand in writing that Seller provide adequate assurances of Seller’s ability to meet
said standards.
2 Products shall not be deemed accepted, until finally inspected & accepted by Buyer’s
representative at final destination. Making or failure to make an inspection, examination
or test of or payment for or acceptance of Products shall in no way relieve Seller from its
obligation to conform to all of requirements of this Agreement / & shall in no way impair
Buyer’s right to reject or revoke acceptance of nonconforming Products or to avail itself

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of any other remedies to which, Buyer may be entitled, notwithstanding Buyer’s

knowledge of nonconformity, its substantiality or ease of its discovery. If requested by
Buyer, Seller shall allow Company or its representative to be present at any / every
surveillance, inspection, examination or testing that Buyer is given right to conduct or
observe pursuant to this Article “Quality Standards.”
GC-8 Warranties & guarantees:
1 Seller warrants that Products shall be free from liens & from defects in design, material,
workmanship, title and should conform in all respects to terms of this Agreement as well
as, to applicable drawings issued for manufacture, produced new of best quality, if no
quality is specified. Seller shall require such warranties or guarantees that should be
included in all of Seller’s subcontracts and material purchase orders. Unless warranty
period is otherwise specified in this Agreement, following warranty shall apply:
a Twelve 12 months after effective date of last Provisional Acceptance Certificate issued
by Company pursuant to Company / Contractor Contract or with respect to liens, title or
latent defects at any time, it appears that Products or any / every / whatever part thereof,
do / does not conform to these warranties & Buyer so notifies Seller within warranty
b Seller shall promptly correct such nonconformity to satisfaction of Buyer at Seller’s sole
expense, failing which, Buyer may reject or revoke acceptance, cover by making any /
every reasonable purchase of Products in substitution for those rejected and Seller be
liable to Buyer for any / whatever additional costs for such substituted Products or Buyer
may proceed to correct Seller’s nonconforming work by most expeditious means
available and costs for such correction to Seller’s account or Buyer may retain
nonconforming Products & an equitable adjustment reducing order price to reflect
diminished value of such nonconforming Products to be made by written revision.
2 Any Work re performed, replaced, remedied or rectified shall itself be warranted for a
single period of twelve 12 months commencing from date of acceptance of such re
performed, replaced, remedied or rectified Work provided however, that warranty period
shall not in aggregate exceed twenty four 24 months from effective date of last
Provisional Acceptance Certificate issued by Company pursuant to Company /
Contractor Contract, but without prejudice to any extended painting warranty, as detailed
3 Seller warrants that any paint and coatings used in Products provided under this
Agreement shall be free from defects, fit for purpose & its preparation & application
should be carried out in conformity with specifications in a professional & workmanlike
manner by certified personnel. Seller shall be considered to have discharged painting
warranty on expiry of a period 5 years from date of issuing of last Provisional
Acceptance Certificate by Company.
4 Seller’s liability hereunder shall extend to all damages proximately caused by breach of
any / whatever of foregoing warranties including incidental damages such as
disassembly, removal, inspection, re installation, re testing, costs of transportation to &
from point of repair or warehousing.
GC-9 Infringement:
1 Seller shall protect, defend, release, indemnify & hold harmless Buyer & Company
Group from and against any / all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages,
proceedings, causes of action & expenses including court costs, attorneys' fees & other
litigation costs on account of or by reason of any / every claim or suit for alleged
infringement or misappropriation of any / every Intellectual Property arising from
manufacture, sale, use or other disposition of any / every article or material furnished
hereunder by Seller including Products Seller Furnished Items or performance of any /

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every work or part thereof. Provided that Buyer itself receives notice promptly e.g. From
Company etc. & receives all necessary authority, information & assistance for Company,
Buyer shall notify Seller promptly in writing and render Seller all necessary authority,
information and assistance. If, by reason of any / every such suit or threatened action
concerning Intellectual Property, Buyer or Company is enjoined from using any /
whatever Seller Furnished Items or part thereof, Seller at its own expense shall diligently
procure right to use such Seller Furnished Items or infringing or misappropriating
operation or substitute equivalent, but non infringing or non misappropriating Seller
Furnished Items or operation or modify Seller Furnished Items or operation to make such
items or operation non infringing or non misappropriating, but at least equivalent to
infringing or misappropriating equipment & / or operation. Seller hereby grants Buyer &
Company an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty free license to use all Intellectual Property
contained in any / every Work or Products with respect to Project.
GC-10 Compliance:
1 Seller warrants that all Products shall have been produced, sold, delivered & furnished in
strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations to which Products are subject.
Seller shall execute and deliver to Buyer any / all documents as may be required to effect
or to produce evidence for such compliance. All laws and regulations required to be
incorporated in agreements such as this one are hereby incorporated herein by reference.
2 Seller hereby agrees to indemnify, defend & hold Buyer, Company and its respective
affiliates harmless from & against any / all claims, legal actions, final judgments,
reasonable attorneys' fees, civil fines and any / all other losses, which any / either of them
may incur as a result of sale or delivery to Buyer hereunder of Products, which do not
meet all requirements of such laws & regulations.
3 All Applicable Laws and regulations relating to export and import of any / every work
shall apply to Seller. When required by Agreement shipping / delivery terms, Seller shall
obtain any / every necessary export license in a timely manner to avoid shipment delays.
If Buyer is required by Agreement to obtain any / every necessary export license or to
meet import rules and regulations of destination country, Seller is to timely provide all
necessary compliance assistance to Buyer & its authorized representatives. To extent
required by Applicable Laws, Seller shall register with any / every applicable
governmental entity of nation, if any. Failure to so register may result in cessation of
Work and / or fines or penalties being levied against Seller by applicable governmental
entity & any / whatever fines and / or penalties shall be for / charged to Seller’s account.
Seller shall indemnify, defend & hold harmless Buyer from any / all penalties, suits,
liabilities or costs including attorney fees proximately caused by Seller’s failure to
comply with applicable export & import rules & regulations or other Applicable Laws or
to comply with its export & import obligations set forth in this Agreement
GC-11 Assignment:
1 Unless a benefit is expressly conferred on a third party herein or is derived through
assignment as provided for in this Article 11, it is not intended that a third party should
have right to enforce a provision of Agreement pursuant to Contracts Rights of Third
Parties Act 1999. Buyer & Seller may by agreement rescind or vary Agreement without
consent of a third party to whom right of enforcement of any / whatever of its terms has
been expressly provided.
11.1 Assignment by seller
1 Seller shall not assign, pledge or declare any trust of whole or any part of Agreement nor
any benefit, burden, interest, right or cause of action arising under Agreement. Any /
every assignment of this Agreement or of any / all rights hereunder in any / whatever
manner in whole or in part by operation of law or otherwise, without prior written

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consent of Buyer shall be void. Upon ten 10 working days, written notice to Buyer &
upon approval by Buyer, Seller may assign monies due or to become due under this
11.2 Subcontracting of Whole
1 Seller shall not subcontract whole nor substantially whole of scope of Work under this
11.3 Subcontracting of Part
1 Seller shall provide Buyer with details of any / every major part of Work or Products it
intends to subcontract along with a list of its proposed Subcontractors for Buyer’s
approval. Seller shall not subcontract any major part of Work to any person or third party,
without prior written consent of Buyer which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld
or delayed. Neither such consent, if given nor any subcontracting shall relieve Seller
from any liability under Agreement. Seller shall be responsible for acts, defaults &
omissions of any / every subContractor, its agents, employees or workmen as fully as, if
those are acts, defaults or omissions of Seller, its agents, employees or workmen.
2 Seller shall make its best efforts to include in its suborders and subcontracts with its
Subcontractors provisions to secure all rights and remedies of Buyer provided under this
Agreement. Seller must impose upon Subcontractors all general duties & obligations
required to fulfill its scope of Work. Seller shall provide Buyer with copies of all
suborders and subcontracts, excluding details of pricing upon execution of such
suborders and subcontracts.
11.4 Assignment Provision in Subcontracts
1 All suborders and subcontracts shall contain provisions that Seller shall not waive,
release or impair, giving Seller an unrestricted right to assign relevant suborder or
subcontract & all benefits, interests, rights & causes of action arising under it to Buyer &
provisions, whereby Buyer may subsequently assign suborder or subcontract as it
11.5 Assignment of Subcontracts
1 Seller, if so requested by Buyer shall make its best efforts to assign relevant suborder or
subcontract & all relevant rights and obligations, including benefit of any / every
guarantee or warranty from SubContractors to Buyer or as Buyer may direct.
11.6 Assignment by BUYER
1 This Agreement together with any / every benefit, burden, interest, right or cause of
action arising under Agreement shall be assignable to Company & upon written notice
from Buyer to Seller shall be assigned to Company. In event of such assignment, this
Agreement shall remain in ‘full force & effect’ be enforceable by Company or its agents
designated in writing pursuant to terms hereof. In addition, in event of such assignment,
Seller shall if required by Buyer, enter into a Novation of Agreement with Buyer and
with assignee.
2 In addition, Buyer may assign this Agreement or may pledge or otherwise, deal with
benefit & / or burden of Agreement and any / every benefit, burden, interest, right or
cause of action arising under Agreement to any / all its Affiliates or to any / whatsoever
other party, provided that financial situation of assignee is reasonably acceptable to
Seller. In such a case, Seller shall be entitled to request financial information on
assignee. In event that Seller is not reasonably satisfied with financial standing of such
assignee, Seller shall have option to request Buyer to remain ultimately jointly &
severally liable for payment obligations under Agreement.
GC-12 Suspension:
1 Notwithstanding any / every other provisions of this Agreement, Buyer may at any /
whatever time suspend or extend time for Seller’s performance upon ten 10 working

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days, prior written notice of such suspension or extension. Thereafter, Seller shall
resume performance as directed by Buyer. In event of such suspension or extension,
Seller shall be entitled to reimbursement for additional costs reasonable & necessarily
incurred by Seller in implementing / effectuating such suspension or extension period.
Seller shall have right to seek accordingly an equitable adjustment to time for completion
to an extent that such additional costs are actually incurred, if claimed within thirty 30
calendar days after resumption of performance. Should said suspension last in excess of
180 calendar days, Buyer & Seller shall meet to mutually agree whether or not, to terminate
this Agreement under provisions of General Condition Article 13 provided, if Parties are
unable to agree, this Agreement shall continue in ‘full force and effect’.
GC-13 Termination for convenience:
1 Seller’s performance under this agreement may be terminated by Buyer for its
convenience in accordance with this clause in whole or from time to time in part
whenever Buyer shall elect. Any / every such termination shall be effected by delivery to
Seller of a notice of termination specifying extent to which, performance under
Agreement is terminated & date upon which, such termination becomes effective. Upon
receipt of any / every such notice, Seller shall unless notice requires otherwise:
a (1) immediately discontinue work on date & to extent specified in notice;
b (2) place no further orders for materials other than as may be necessarily required for
completion of any portion of work that is not terminated;
c (3) promptly make every reasonable effort to either obtain cancellation on terms
satisfactory to Buyer of all orders to sub suppliers or assign those orders to Buyer;
d (4) assist Buyer upon request in maintenance, protection & disposition of property
acquired by Buyer under this Agreement.
2 If requested in writing within thirty 30 calendar days after notice of termination, Buyer
shall pay to Seller as full compensation:
a (1) all amounts due & not previously paid to Seller for Products completed in accordance
with this Agreement, prior to such notice & for work thereafter completed as specified in
such notice;
b (2) a reasonable amount for any / all Products then in production; provided that no such
adjustment shall be made in favour of Seller with respect to any Products, which are
Seller’s standard stock;
c (3) reasonable costs of settling & paying claims arising out of canceled orders;
d (4) a reasonable profit for costs incurred in performance of work terminated; provided
however, if it appears that Seller would have sustained a loss on entire Agreement had it
been completed, no profit shall be included.
3 Total sum to be paid to Seller under this clause shall not exceed total Agreement price as
reduced by amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by Agreement
price of Work or Products not terminated. It shall not include any consideration for loss
of anticipated profits on terminated Work or Products all claims for which, Seller agrees
to waive.
GC-14 Termination for default:
1 BUYER may terminate whole or any / every / whatever part of Seller’s performance
under this Agreement in any / whatever one of following circumstances:
a (1) If Seller or its creditors seek relief under any / whatever bankruptcy law or if Seller
should become insolvent or make an assignment for benefit of creditors or file a
voluntary petition of bankruptcy or if receivership proceedings should be instituted
against Seller
b (2) if Seller fails to make delivery of Products or to perform within time specified herein
or any / every extension thereof or

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c (3) if Seller delivers nonconforming Products or

d (4) if Seller fails to provide adequate assurance of Seller’s ability to meet quality
standards or delivery dates of this Agreement or
e (5) if Seller fails to perform any / either of other provisions of this Agreement in
accordance with its terms or so fails to make progress as to endanger or jeopardize
performance of this Agreement.
f In event of (1) above, buyer shall have an immediate right to terminate for default.
g In event of (2), (3), (4) or (5) above, Buyer shall provide Seller with written notice of
nature of failure expressing Buyer’s intention to terminate for default.
h In event, Seller does not cure such failure within ten 10 working days of such notice,
Buyer may by written notice, terminate this Agreement.
2 In event Buyer terminates this Agreement in whole or in part as provided in this clause,
Buyer may procure upon such terms & in such manner as Buyer may deem appropriate,
Products similar to those so terminated & Seller shall be liable to Buyer for any /
whatever additional costs for such similar Products, provided that Seller should continue
performance of this Agreement to extent not terminated under provisions of this clause.
3 Seller agrees to assist Buyer in event that re procurement action is necessary as a result of
default by cooperation in transfer of information, in disposition of work in progress or
residual material & in performance of other reasonable requests made by Buyer.
4 If after notice of termination of this Agreement, it is determined for any reason that Seller
was not in default under provisions of this clause or that default was excusable under
provisions of this agreement, rights & obligations of either Party shall be same as if,
notice of termination had been issued pursuant to Termination for Convenience clause.
GC-15 Non waiver:
1 Failure by Buyer to insist upon strict performance of any of terms & conditions hereof or
failure or delay in exercising any rights or remedies provided herein or by law or to
properly notify Seller in event of breach or acceptance of or payment for any Products
hereunder or review of design shall not release Seller from any of warranties or
obligations of this Agreement & not be deemed a waiver of any right of Buyer to insist
upon strict performance hereof or a waiver of any of its rights or remedies as to any such
Products regardless, when shipped, received or accepted or as to any prior or subsequent
default hereunder nor shall any termination of this Agreement by Buyer operate as a
waiver of any of terms hereof. A requirement that a Seller furnished document is to be
submitted for or subject to "Authorization to Proceed", "Approval", "Acceptance",
"Review", "Comment" or any combinations of such words or words of like importance
shall mean unless Agreement clearly indicates otherwise, that Seller shall before
implementing information in document submit document to obtain resolution of any
comments with Buyer’s authorization to proceed. Such review shall not mean that a
complete check shall be performed. Authorization to proceed shall not constitute an
acceptance or approval of design details, calculations, analyses, tests or construction
methods or materials developed or selected by Seller and would not relieve Seller from
full compliance with requirements of this Agreement.
2 Those provisions of this Agreement that by their very nature survive payment, final
acceptance or termination under Agreement shall remain in full force & effect after such
acceptance and payment.
GC-16 Governing law:
1 Validity, construction, interpretation & effect of this Agreement shall be governed by
laws of nation, excluding any / every choice of law rules, which would refer matter to
laws of another jurisdiction.
2 No modifications of these General Conditions shall be valid, unless reduced to writing &

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signed by both Parties.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 36
Sub Contracts
Special Conditions
SC-1 Definitions
SC-2 Confidentiality Agreement
SC-3 Backcharges
SC-4 Safety for Buyer & Company Representatives
SC-5 On Site Services of Seller’s Representatives
SC-6 Release against Liens & Claims
SC-7 Completion & Delivery
SC-8 Compliance with Laws & Hazardous & Toxic Substances Requirements
SC-9 Safety, Health, Environment & Indemnity
SC-10 Buyer Furnished Equipment Including Materials
SC-11 Taxes & Duties
SC-12 Laws & Regulations
SC-13 Dispute Resolution
SC-14 Intellectual Property
SC-15 No advertising
SC-16 Ethical business Consideration
SC-17 Language
SC-18 Survivability
SC-19 Subcontractor Relations
SC-20 Retention of Documents
SC-20 Contract Validation
SC-22 Order of Precedence
SC-23 United Nations Convention on Contracts
SC-1 Definitions:
1 "Affiliate" shall mean any / every corporation or other entity that directly or indirectly,
through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by or is under common
control with another corporation or entity. Term "control" with respect to any / every
entity means possession directly or indirectly of power to direct or cause direction of
management and policies of such entity, whether through ownership of voting, securities
by contract or otherwise.
2 "Agreement" means this purchase order including General Conditions, Special
Conditions, Technical Services Agreement, all exhibits, schedules & supplements hereto,
each of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference as amended from time to time.
3 "Applicable Laws" means laws, regulations & orders of nation & all other laws
applicable to FACILITY, Work, Agreement, Jobsite or any / every Work Site or
Company, Seller or Buyer as appropriate.
4 "Contractor" means Contractor entity executing this Agreement.
5 "Buyer" means Contractor, To extent that Buyer is not ultimate consumer of Products
being herein purchased. All rights, benefits & remedies conferred upon Buyer by this
Agreement shall also, accrue on and be available to and are for express benefit of
Company / Client / Facility Owner for whom Products are purchased.
6 “Buyer Group” means Buyer, its Affiliates, its joint venturers, its Sub Contractors of

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any / every tier, but excluding Seller & its & their respective directors, officers,
employees including agency personnel, servants, agents & Invitees, but does not include
any / every member / whoever so of Seller Group or Company Group.
7 “Data” means ideas, knowhow, inventions, designs, models, drawings, prints, samples,
transparencies, specifications, reports, manuscripts, working notes, documentation,
manuals, photographs, negatives, tapes, discs, electronic files, software or any / every
other similar terms.
8 "Dispute" means any / every dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to
Agreement or breach thereof, including any / every question regarding its existence,
validity or termination, which Parties shall address in accordance with Special Condition
Article 9, “Dispute Resolution”.
9 “Effective Date” means date of this Agreement
10 "Equipment" means any / every / all materials, supplies, equipment & facilities of
whatever nature, specified in Agreement, intended to become a permanent part of
11 "FACILITY" means facility to be constructed / built at Jobsite including all types of
buildings, interconnections and utilities.
12 "Force Majeure" means an occurrence of type and impact as more fully described in
General Condition Article 4, “Force Majeure”.
13 “Intellectual Property” means patents, trademarks, services marks, copyrights, trade
secrets & other forms of comparable property rights protected by an Applicable Law.
14 “Invitees” mean a third party invited to Worksite by a Party in connection with Work.
Company Invitees exclude any / whoever members of Buyer Group & Seller Group &
excludes any / every other Company Contractors. Buyer & Seller Invitees exclude any /
every members of Company Group.
15 “Jobsite” means location, where FACILITY is to be constructed.
16 "Notice of Dispute" means notice set forth in Special Condition Article 13, “Dispute
Resolution” which may be served by one Party to other Party in connection with a
17 "Company" means ………………………. & / or other successor & assigns in interest for
whose benefit PRODUCTS are purchased.
18 “Company / Contractor Contract” means that certain contract entered into between
Company & Contractor entitled “Facility Plant Onshore Phase, Agreement No 12345678
19 “Company Group” means Company, its Affiliates, Company’s’ Other Contractors
carrying out work in connection with Project & its & their respective directors, officers,
employees including agency personnel, servants, agents & Invitees, but does not include
any member of Buyer Group or Seller Group.
20 “Company’s Other Contractors” means all Contractors of Company other than Buyer
that have executed a contract with Company.
21 “Party” means singularly Buyer or Seller & collectively Buyer & Seller. "Products"
means goods, materials, articles, equipment, supplies, drawings, data, processes & all
other property & services, including design, expediting, inspection, delivery, installation,
& testing, specified or required to furnish items ordered hereunder specified in
22 "Project" means design, procurement, construction, commissioning, testing ownership &
initial operation & maintenance of FACILITY with carrying out all activities incidental
thereto pertaining to Onshore Plant Project Phase according to provisions within this
contract or agreement.
23 “Project Documentation” means this Agreement and all hard copies with electronic
versions of Project documents including, but not be limited to drawings, P&IDs, PFDs,

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Isometrics, plot plans, general arrangements, materials requisitions, datasheets &

calculations, indices, manuals, reports, procedures, estimates, accounts, summaries,
compilations, agreements including Subcontractor agreements, related materials & any /
whatever other document defined or described in any / whatever of foregoing.
24 “Provisional Acceptance” has meaning set out in Company / Contractor Contract.
25 “Punch List Items” means those items identified as incomplete work under Company /
Contractor Contract in accordance to latest approved drawings & specifications under
such contract, but which shall not prevent safe operation of plant or equipment & be
rectified by Buyer.
26 “Seller Group” means Seller, its Affiliates, its joint venturers, its Subcontractors & its
respective directors, officers, employees including agency personnel, servants, agents &
Invitees, but does not include any member of Buyer Group or Company Group.
27 “Start Up Date” means day on which, feedstock is introduced into FACILITY or part
thereof with intent to operate FACILITY or part thereof.
28 “Subcontractor” means any / every company, individual or entity with whom, Seller or
any / whatever of Seller’s suppliers or SubContractors of any / every tier enter/s into an
agreement to perform any / whatever Work or to whom, Seller otherwise delegates
performance of any / whatever Work.
29 "Taxes" means income or profits tax, employment tax, withholding tax, social security
tax, Contractor tax, sales tax, property tax, consumption tax, value added tax, use &
excise tax, turnover tax, capital tax, customs duties, import & export tax & all other taxes
that are based on revenues & compensation for services derived under this Agreement.
30 "Warranty Period" means period of time set forth in General Condition Article 8,
“Warranties and Guarantees" for all or any / some of items & works..
31 "Work" means work, jobs, services, goods, deliverables & activities to be performed or
provided by or on behalf of Seller under Agreement as more fully defined in Section 1,
“Scope of Work” including all necessary ancillary equipment, personnel & tools of trade
to effect such work, jobs, services, goods, deliverables & activities.
32 “Work Site” means locations, where Work is performed including all & every / any /
every applicable locations through which, Work shall be manufactures, assembled,
processed or transported.
SC-2 Confidentiality agreement:
1 Seller agrees to keep & maintain strict confidentiality about all Project Documentation &
affairs of Buyer and Company, their Affiliates, details Products & Work, which may be
revealed to Seller as a result of its performance of Agreement respecting to all data
collected, analyses made & reports or material prepared by Seller hereunder
“Confidential Information”. Seller shall discuss business of Buyer or Company / their
Affiliates only with representatives of Buyer or Company respectively. Seller shall not
disclose to or discuss with a third party any affairs of Buyer or Company or their
Affiliates, without specific authorization of Buyer or Company respectively.
2 Provisions of this Article 2 shall expire twenty five 25 years after Agreement Effective
Date & shall not apply to information that is or becomes publicly available, without fault
of Seller, its Affiliates or their respective Subcontractors, directors, officers, employees,
servants, agents or Invitees or
a is disclosed to Seller by a party, who is not under any legal obligation to Buyer or
Company, their Affiliates or prohibiting such disclosure or
b is known by Seller as evidenced by written record before disclosure under Agreement,
c Information is disclosed to Seller by a third party, who did not receive same, directly or
indirectly, from Buyer, Company or its respective affiliates & who has to best of Seller’s
knowledge, nothing is developed by Seller without benefit of any information of Buyer,

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Company or its respective Affiliates or

d is required to be disclosed by a court of competent jurisdiction or by a governmental
agency, provided that, if Seller is required to disclose any / whatever such Confidential
Information pursuant to this Article 2.6, Seller informs Buyer, prior to such disclosure in
sufficient time to enable Buyer to seek an appropriate protective order.
e is required to be disclosed in an arbitration, mediation or court proceeding in order to
enforce or defend Seller’s rights after taking reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality
in such proceedings
3 Parties acknowledge that disclosure of any Confidential Information, except as expressly
permitted by this Agreement shall cause irreparable injury for which Buyer does not have
an adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, Buyer may seek injunctive relief against breach
or threatened breach of any / whatever of undertakings in Agreement regarding
confidentiality, in addition to any / whatever other legal remedies that may be available.
4 Buyer and Company shall have no obligation of confidentiality with respect to any
information disclosed to Buyer by Seller Group & Buyer & Company would be free to
use or disclose any or all of such information contained in any drawing, record or other
document to third parties without accounting to Seller. Therefore, unless, any such
information is specifically & clearly identified in writing as requiring confidentiality,
provided however, that any disclosure of product of Seller’s Work by Company to third
parties shall be represented to third party as Company’s own work product, with no
reference to Buyer or Seller.
SC-3 Backcharges:
1 In event Products or Work are found to be defective as to workmanship or materials or
not to be in conformance with this Agreement, it is responsibility of Seller to promptly
correct any deficiency, when so directed. Buyer shall take reasonable measures to
discover such noncompliance as quickly as practical however, failure to do so shall in no
way relieve Seller of its responsibility during term of this Agreement & for warranty
period to promptly make such modifications as are required.
2 If upon being notified by Buyer of deficient Work or Products & having been directed to
correct deficient Work or Products by a specific date, Seller states or by its actions
indicates its inability or unshallingness to comply then Buyer shall proceed to
accomplish corrective work by most expeditious means available to it & backcharge
Seller for cost of required work. Cost categories for which Seller is liable hereunder are
same as those prescribed in General Conditions Article titled "Warranties and
3 Cost of such back charge work shall be computed as follows:
a Labour shall be charged at actual cost plus 60% to cover payroll additives.
b Material shall be charged at net delivered cost.
c Equipment and Tool Rentals shall be charged at prevailing rates in area.
4 50% shall be added to items a, b and c for Buyer’s indirect costs, overhead, supervision
and administration.
5 Before proceeding on such backcharge work if available, Buyer shall furnish Seller with
a written estimate of cost of performing work & solicit Seller’s signed authorization to
proceed. Regardless of Seller’s shallingness to provide such written authorization, Buyer
when forced to proceed with work, upon completion of work shall invoice Seller for
actual costs incurred, computed as shown above or withhold such sum from funds still
due Seller.
6 In event, Buyer has to expend additional time performing expediting, inspection or
engineering activities, because Seller states (or by its actions indicates) inability or
unshallingness to complete work in accordance with terms of this agreement, Buyer shall

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proceed to perform additional expediting, inspection or engineering to facilitate

completion. This action shall be taken using Buyer’s personnel or agents & Buyer would
backcharge Seller for cost of work at a rate of US ---- Dollars / other currency per hour
plus actual & reasonable expenses.
SC-4 Safety for buyer & company representatives
1 Seller shall ensure safety of Buyer and Company representatives, while present at or in
Seller’s plants and plants of Seller’s Subcontractors for any purpose in connection with
Products or any part thereof, being furnished by Seller under this Agreement. If at any
time, a Buyer representative deems that conditions at Seller’s plants or plants of Seller’s
Subcontractors are unsafe and promptly notifies Seller accordingly, Buyer’s
representative/s shall be entitled to suspend their activities (including but not limited to
any activities relating to expediting, quality surveillance and delivery) at such plants,
until such time, as unsafe conditions are resolved by Seller to Buyer’s reasonable
2 If any Buyer activities are suspended under this clause, Seller shall promptly reschedule
any work required to be conducted in presence of a Buyer representative and Seller to be
fully liable for any resulting delays. Seller shall also, be liable for all costs (including but
not limited to costs for labor, transportation and lodging) incurred by Buyer due to any
such suspension and subsequent resumption of Buyer activities at Seller’s plants or plants
of Seller’s Subcontractors under this Agreement.
SC-5 Onsite services of seller’s representatives:
1 Seller agrees that terms and conditions of attached Technical Services Agreement shall
apply upon Buyer or one of its Affiliates requiring services of Seller’s representative/s at
Jobsite to provide guidance during erection / startup or operator training.
2 Representative shall be subject to Jobsite safety & procedure requirements inclusive of,
but not limited to insurance requirements.
3 A technical service subcontract shall be issued by Buyer or one of Buyers’s Affiliates,
which Seller hereby agrees that it shall execute such a technical service subcontract upon
request of Buyer or one of its Affiliates.
5.1 Scope of Services
a Seller’s representative/s is required to provide technical assistance, expert guidance &
direction to Buyer during installation of Seller’s Products, so as to ensure that Products
become fully operational in accordance with requirements of this Agreement.
5.2 Seller's tax obligations.
1 Except as otherwise set forth in this Article, Seller assumes full & exclusive
‘responsibility & liability’ for & shall make its Affiliates as well as, Subcontractors
similarly responsible for timely filing all applicable returns with promptly paying, when
due all Taxes, levies, fees, duties, assessments, including other similar charges that are
levied on Seller by any / whatever country.
5.3 Registration with Tax Authorities.
1 If required by country in which Work is being performed, Seller undertakes to register
with relevant tax authorities of such country.
SC-6 Release against liens & claims:
1 Seller shall be solely responsible for payment of all its obligations & payment by its
Subcontractors of their obligations. Seller shall keep Company’s property free of liens
filed by its Subcontractors. If any / every such lien is filed against Company’s property,
Seller shall within ten 10 working days of such filing, commence appropriate action to
remove such lien & should thereafter, diligently pursue release of such lien. Seller shall
defend any / every action arising from its impacts, which result in assertion of a lien
including a worker’s, mechanic’s, vendor’s or material man’s lien or other similar

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remedy. Buyer may audit Seller’s relevant records if a worker’s, mechanic’s, vendor’s or
material man’s lien or other similar remedy is asserted & Seller does not as soon as,
practical secure release of or bond same. Seller’s obligations set forth herein shall apply
to such worker’s, mechanic’s, material men’s and vendor’s lien and related items as
result from Seller’s failure to pay its employees & Subcontractors. Seller further agrees
to use its best efforts to incorporate substance of this provision into all whatsoever
agreements with Subcontractors are entered into / are executed
2 Seller & not Buyer or Company shall be solely responsible & liable for all injuries to or
death of persons or damage to or loss of property of Seller or any of its Subcontractors
occurring in or about any of its shops or factories or other places, where Work under this
Agreement is performed, including any injury or death to employees of Seller or any of
its Subcontractors & Seller releases Buyer & Company for all liabilities therefrom
SC-7 Completion & Delivery
1 Products shall be completed by dates specified in Agreement, except as varied by any /
every change order. Strict compliance with such dates shall be essence of Agreement.
2 Seller shall provide at its own expense such reports, bar charts, schedules or data as
Buyer deem necessary from time to time during performance of Agreement to confirm
that Products be completed by required dates.
3 If Seller fails to commence performance of Work on receipt of Agreement or if, it
appears that Seller may not be able to complete Products by required date or Seller fails
so to do, Buyer may terminate Agreement in accordance with General Conditions Clause
14 “Termination for Default” or take other actions as appropriate.
4 Any / every part of Products ready for delivery before Buyer has authorised delivery shall
be stored by Seller at its own risk & expense.
1 In event Products fail to meet performance guarantees contained within material
requisition or elsewhere in this Agreement then Seller shall make good such failure in
order to meet required guarantee in a time frame acceptable to Buyer.
SC-8 Compliance With Laws / Hazardous & Toxic Substances Requirements:
1 In performance of this Agreement, Seller shall
a (i) comply with & perform Work in accordance with all Applicable Laws, rules,
requirements & ordinances including, but not be limited to those relating to
environmental law, toxic or hazardous materials, occupational safety & health
b (ii) remove & dispose of any / all pollutants, contaminants & other chemicals released
upon or around Jobsite or other Work Site arising from performance of Work, if any to
extent, such release is due to such performance. If this Agreement calls for transfer to
Buyer / Company by Seller of any / whatever chemical substance or mixture or any /
whatever material, which may generate or release a chemical substance or any / every
hazardous agent, Seller shall provide before or with said transfer, a Material Safety Data
Sheet Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 & label,
which are current, accurate & complete, which include, but are not limited to a statement
of Product hazards & precautions for safe use. Copies of Material Safety Data Sheet
shall include Purchase Order number, shipping location & be sent to shipping location
identified in this Agreement.
SC-9 Health, Environment & Safety & Indemnity:
1 Seller shall protect, defend, release, indemnify & hold harmless Buyer / Company Group
from & against any / all health, environmental & safety claims, demands, liabilities,
losses, damages, proceedings, causes of action & expenses including court costs,
attorneys' fees & other litigation costs on account of or by reason of any / every & all
citations, notice of violations or complaints, abatement obligations, assessments, fines &

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penalties, which may be assessed by any / every & all federal, state, local or other
government health, environmental & safety enforcement agencies arising out of
execution of WORK & to extent based upon any / every & all violations of law by Seller
SC-10 Buyer Furnished Equipment Including Materials:
1 If Buyer furnishes Products to Seller for Seller’s use in performing Work under this
Agreement, title of said Products shall remain with Buyer. Seller shall have full
responsibility for Buyer owned Products including, but not limited to risk of loss, while
at Seller’s or Seller’s Subcontractor’s facilities.
2 Seller shall acknowledge receipt of Buyer owned Products in good order.
3 Title remains with Buyer though Products is stored in Seller’s facilities & said Product
shall not be subject to any liens or bankruptcy proceedings.
4 Products shall be stored safely and properly in Seller’s facilities & have full value
insurance coverage for fire, theft & third party liability provided by Seller.
5 Seller shall indemnify Buyer / Company against any / all damages, injury or death, which
may occur as a result of Buyer owned Products being located in Seller’s facilities.
SC-11 Taxes & duties
1 Seller shall be liable for & should indemnify Buyer against all taxes, imports, duties,
withholding taxes, charges or other dues or assessments of whatsoever nature, levied on
or chargeable to Seller or its Subcontractors in nation of jobsite or elsewhere & payable
on or in respect of anything / whatever done under Agreement or in connection therewith.
SC-12 Laws & regulations:
1 Seller acknowledges that all Applicable Laws & regulations shall apply to manufacture,
sale & delivery of Products. Seller shall execute & deliver to Buyer any / all documents
as may be required to effect or to evidence such acknowledgment. All laws and
regulations required to be incorporated in agreements, such as this one are hereby
incorporated herein by reference.
SC-13 Dispute resolution:
Resolution by Parties
1 In event of any / every dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to
Agreement or breach thereof, including any / whatever question regarding its existence,
validity or termination a "Dispute", Parties shall attempt to settle such Dispute by mutual
discussions to be held between Parties. Either Party may deliver to other Party, a written
notice setting forth nature of Dispute & relief or remedy requested a "Notice of Dispute"
to commence this process of mutual discussions. If Dispute has not been resolved by
execution of a written agreement within thirty days 30 of delivery of a Notice of Dispute,
Dispute may be referred to mediation by agreement of both Parties.
1 Parties shall jointly select a neutral mediator & schedule mediation.
2 Mediation contemplated by Parties is intended to be a voluntary process to promote
understanding & where possible, to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution of their
3 A Party may withdraw from mediation at any / whatever time.
4 Mediation process shall be confidential & all information disclosed in mediation shall be
treated as compromise & settlement information for purposes of any / every applicable
rules of evidence.
5 Parties shall jointly share cost of mediation services.
Binding Arbitration
1 In event, a Dispute is not resolved by execution of a written agreement within sixty 60
days of delivery of a Notice of Dispute, Dispute shall be settled by binding arbitration in

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accordance with Rules of Conciliation & Arbitration of International Chamber of

2 Arbitration shall be held in nation or anywhere / wherever as agreed. Proceedings shall
be in English language. Parties undertake to carry out award without delay & waive their
right to any / every form of appeal of award insofar as they may validly waive such
rights. Awards shall be final and binding on Parties & judgment on any / every award
may be entered in any / competent court having jurisdiction.
3 Arbitrators may award attorneys’ fees & expenses / cost of arbitration including
administrative, arbitrator / expert witness fees & expenses to prevailing Party. Each
Party waives any / every defense to arbitration, suit, pre or post judgment execution or
attachment based on sovereign immunity.
4 In India, Arbitral Award is legally treated equal to Judicial Decree for purpose of
Execution. In case, DAAB exists on project, disputes may also, be referred to DAAB,
prior to referring to Arbitration.
Selection of Arbitrators
1 Parties shall agree on number of arbitrators to be appointed to resolve a Dispute. In
event, Parties agree to appoint a single arbitrator, this arbitrator shall be jointly selected
by both Parties & be neutral / knowledgeable in subject matter of Dispute / experienced
in arbitral proceedings. In event, Parties agree to appoint three arbitrators, each Party
shall select one arbitrator & these Party appointed arbitrators shall select a third neutral
arbitrator, who must be knowledgeable in subject matter of Dispute & experienced in
arbitral proceedings. In event, Parties cannot agree on number of arbitrators or on a
specific arbitrator or a Party or Party appointed arbitrators fails to appoint an arbitrator,
then International Chamber of Commerce ICC shall specify number of arbitrators and / or
nominate an arbitrator or arbitrators as case may be.
Joinder of / in Related Arbitration
1 For purposes of this Special Condition, Seller hereby agrees upon request of Buyer to be
joined as either a third, fourth or further party as case may be to any / whatever
arbitration proceedings between Company & Buyer that arise out of or in any / every way
relate to Work, Products or Agreement a “Related Arbitration”. Seller hereby agrees that
any / every such Related Arbitration to which Seller may be joined pursuant to this
Article shall continue under same arbitration rules, as those under which, it was
commenced & with same arbitration tribunal.
Tolling of Limitation Periods
1 Upon delivery of a Notice of Dispute, all applicable statutes of limitation, prescriptive
periods & defenses based on passage of time shall be tolled while negotiation, mediation
and / or arbitration are conducted pursuant to Special Condition Articles through Parties
should take such action, if any / whatever required to effectuate tolling.
SC-14 Intellectual property
1 All Project Documents required to be delivered to Buyer in respect of Products produced
or prepared by or for Seller or Subcontractor in physical or electronic form for & in
course of or as a result of performance of Work shall be exclusive property of Buyer.
2 Subject to provisions of this clause, Seller is hereby granted a non terminable, non
exclusive, royalty free license to copy & use drawings, reports, microfilms, software,
results, studies, calculations, data & any / all other documents or information including as
built drawings, operating & maintenance manuals in connection with Seller’s normal
business development.
SC-15 No advertising:
1 Without Buyer’s prior written approval Seller shall not publish or permit to be published
or supplied to press or other news media including in house magazines and speeches,

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any / whatever information regarding or photographs of Work, including award of this

Agreement or Company’s business
SC-16 Ethical business considerations:
1 No member of Seller Group shall enter into any business arrangement with any director,
employee or agent of Buyer or Company, without prior written notification to Buyer and
2 No member of Seller Group or Buyer Group as case may be shall pay any fee,
commission, material remuneration or other value to or for benefit of any government
official in connection with Agreement for purpose of influencing an act or decision in
such government official’s capacity or inducing such government official to influence
government in violation of National Corrupt Practices Act / any / whatever Applicable
3 If such payments are made by Seller, Buyer or Company shall have right to require Seller
to pay Buyer amount of prohibited payment & Buyer shall have right to terminate
Agreement forthwith for default.
SC-17 Language:
1 All notices, directions, documents, drawings & other information provided by Parties to
each other & to Subcontractors shall be conducted in English. Language for day to day
conduct of business pursuant to Agreement also, shall be English.
SC-18 Survivability:
1 All provisions necessarily requiring survival beyond any termination of Agreement
including, but not limited to those relating to audit, choice of law, confidentiality, dispute
resolution, indemnity, insurance, taxation, title & warranty shall survive any such
SC-19 Subcontractor relations:
1 Seller shall provide Buyer with a complete list of all Products that Seller intends to
procure from Subcontractors & a list of all proposed Subcontractors.
2 Seller shall secure Buyer’s approval for any / every proposed major Subcontractor at
any / every tier, prior to suborder placement.
3 Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
4 Determination of major Subcontractors shall be at Buyers sole discretion, based on
consistency as well as, authenticity of proposal.
5 All Work performed by any / every Subcontractor is to be performed in strict accordance
with requirements of Agreement, pertaining to conduct of Work.
6 Company shall have no obligation to pay or to cause payment of any monies to Seller or
any Subcontractor or any other person acting through, under or on behalf of Seller or any
SC-20 Retention of documents:
1 Seller shall at no additional cost to Buyer, retain all project documentation for a
minimum period of ten / 10 years from effective date Agreement.
SC-21 Contract Validation
1 Additional provisions:- Invalidity or non enforceability of any portion or provision of this
Agreement shall in no way affect validity or enforceability of any other portion or
provision hereof. Any invalid or unenforceable portion or provision shall be deemed
severed from this Agreement & balance of Agreement be construed & enforced, as if
Agreement did not contain any such invalid or unenforceable provision.
SC-22 Order of precedence:
1 All Agreement documents & subsequently issued Revisions are essential parts of this
Agreement, making mandatory implication of a requirement occurring in one part &
other party to be binding, as though occurring in all. In resolving conflicts,

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discrepancies, omissions, mis recital or errors, following order of precedence shall be

a Agreement amendments
b Agreement
c Agreement terms
d Section 11 - Special Conditions
e Section 10– General Conditions
f Data Sheets and drawings
g Specifications
SC-23 United Nations convention on contracts
1 United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods shall not apply
to this Agreement. All provisions mandated according to said convention shall be
disclaimed in & excluded from any / every further contract, subcontract or purchase order
entered into by Seller in connection with this Work or Project in any / every form.

My Life Truths Volume II - Part 37
Chapter 16
World References
Softwares List in General- Please, these are record softwares /
codes for general information only. Use updated versions only.
1 OLGA 2000-dynamic / slugging study,
2 INFOWORKS-drainage network modeling,
3 FRED- Shell FRED (fire, risk, explosion & dispersion) software,
4 Fault tree+ Fault tree, event tree & markov analysisi software.
5 T hazop- Hazop software, T risk- QRA tool,
6 SACS- offshore structural analysis,
7 CAESAR II- pipe stress analysis,
8 WANDA- liquid network simulation program incl. Unsteady hydraulic behavior,
WATNET- water network analysis,
9 TWO PHASE- steady state hydraulic analysis,
10 PIPE PHASE- steady state hydraulic analysis & complex network analysis,
11 TRANSIM- transient & dynamic analysis,
12 HYSYS-process simulation & modeling,
13 GAS- pressure drop calculation in gas pipeline, calculation of control valves,
SENSYCALC- calculation of orifices,
14 VALTEC- valve sizing program,
15 NELSIZE- valve sizing program,
16 EDSA- electrical systems analysis & simulation,
17 LOADFLOW- calculation of electric load flow s/c & motor starting conditions,
18 CABLE- calculation of electric cable sizes,
19 VABI- calculation of lighting levels,
20 A/C LOAD- air conditioning calculation program,
21 TECHNOSOFT- structural calculation program,
22 MICROFEAP-finite element analysis program-structural engineering,
23 DECIDE- structural design of reinforced concrete,
24 STAAD PRO- structural analysis & design,
25 STRESS- 3 D structural calculations,

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26 CONCRETE –concrete calculations,

27 CORSUR- corrosion data base,
28 MATHCAD- mathematical calculations- all disciplines,
29 MANIFOPRO v.5- GIS data processing

Codes & Standards
1 Contractor to note that Client shall not provide these or any other International &
National Codes / Standards / Specifications.
2 Survey & Investigation Works As provided in documents
3 API 520 Part I and II Recommended Practice for Sizing, Selection & Installation of
Pressure Relieving Devices in Refineries
4 API 521 Guide for Pressure Relieving & Depressurising Systems.
5 API STD 610 Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Chemical & Gas Industry Services
6 API STD 613 Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical & Gas
Industry Services
7 API STD 617 Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Chemical & Gas Industry Services
8 ASME Section VIII, Div.1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. NACE MR 01-75
Standard Material Requirements, Sulphide Stress Cracking Materials for Oil Field
9 API 2000 Venting Atmospheric & Low Pressure Storage Tanks, fourth edition,
September, 1992.
10 API 2610 Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance & Inspection of Terminals and
Tank Facilities
11 Mechanical
12 National Standards Not provided Construction Standards Instrumentation & Control
International Standards
13 BS 5308 Part 1 Instrument Cables – Polyethylene Insulated Cables
14 BS 5308 Part 2 Instrument Cables – PVC Insulated Cables
15 BS 5345 Installation and Maintenance Requirements for Electrical Apparatus – Type of
Protection (I)
16 BS 6121 Cable Glands BS 7405 Guide to Selection of & Application of Flowmeters for
Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits
17 ISO 5167-1 Specification for Square-Edged Orifice Plates, Nozzles & Venturi Tubes
18 ISO 5168 Methods of Measurement of Fluid Flow Estimation of Uncertainty of a Flow
Rate Measurement
19 ISO 5210 Industrial Valves – Multi-Turn Valve Actuators
20 ISO 5211 Industrial Valves – Part-Turn Valve Actuators TS/AS/009 Technical Standard
on Non-Relieving over Pressure Protection (Netherlands Steam Institute)
21 NACE MR-01-75 Material Requirements Sulphide Cracking Resistant Metallic Material
For Oil Field Equipment
22 IEC 60051 Direct Acting Indicating Analogue Electrical Measuring Instruments
23 IEC 60079 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmosphere
24 IEC 60227 Specification for PVC Insulation & Sheath of Electrical Cables IEC 60331
Fire Resisting Characteristics of Electrical Cables
25 ASTM A106 Standard specification for carbon steel pipes
26 ASTM D695 Standard test method for compressive properties of rigid plastics ASTM
D1599 Standard test method for short time hydraulic failure pressure of plastic pipe,

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tubing & fittings

27 ASTM D2105 Standard test method for longitudinal tensile properties of “fiberglass”
(glass fiver reinforced thermosetting resin) pipe & tube
28 ASTM D2290 Standard test method for apparent tensile strength of ring or Tubular
plastics & reinforced plastics by split disk method
29 ASTM D2412 Standard test method for determination of external loading characteristics
of plastic pipe by parallel plate loading
30 ASTM D2992 Standard practice for obtaining hydrostatic or pressure design basis for
“fiberglass” pipe & fittings
31 ASTM D3517 Standard specification for “fiberglass” pressure pipe ASTM D3567
Standard practice for determining dimensions of “fiberglass” Pipe & fittings
32 ASTM D3681 Standard test method for chemical resistance of “fiberglass” pipe in a
deflected condition
33 ASTM D4161 Standard specification for “fiberglass” pipe joints using Flexible
elastomeric seals
34 ASTM F412 Standard terminology relating to plastic piping systems
35 ASTM D883 Standard terminology relating to plastics
36 ASTM D1600 Standard terminology for abbreviated terms relating to plastics ASTM
D2310 Standard classification for machine made “fiberglass” pipe ASTM D2517
Standard specification for reinforced epoxy resin gas pressure pipe & fittings
37 ASTM D2996 Standard specification for filament wound “fiberglass” pipe ASTM D2997
Standard specification for centrifugally cast “fiberglass” pipe ASTM D3262 Standard
specification for “fiberglass” sewer pipe
38 ASTM D3754 Standard specification for “fiberglass” sewer and industrial pressure pipe
39 ASTM D4024 Standard specification for machine made “fiberglass” flanges ASTM
F1173 Standard specification for thermosetting resin fiber glass pipe & fittings to be used
for marine applications
40 ASTM D3839 Standard practice for underground installation of “fiberglass” Pipe
41 ASTM D790 Standard test method for flexural properties of un-reinforced & reinforced
plastics & electrical insulating materials
42 ASTM D2925 Standard test method for beam deflection of “fiber glass” Pipe under full
bore flow
43 ASTM D2143 Standard test method for cyclic pressure strength of reinforced,
thermosetting plastic pipe
44 ASTM D1598 Standard test method for time to failure of plastic pipe under constant
internal pressure
45 ASTM D2924 Standard test method for external pressure resistance of “fiberglass” pipe
46 ASTM C581 Standard practice for determining chemical resistance of thermosetting
resins used in glass fiber reinforced structures intended for liquid service
47 ASME B31.3 Process piping
48 ASME B31.4 Pipeline transportation systems for liquid hydrocarbons & Other liquids
49 ANSI B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges & Flanged Fittings
50 ANSI B16.9 Steel Butt Welding Fittings
51 ANSI B16.10 Face-to-Face & End-to-End dimensions of Valves
52 ANSI B16.20 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges - ring joint, spiral wound
53 ANSI B16.21 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
54 ANSI B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges - NPS - 26" to 60ANSI B36.10 Welded and
Seamless Wrought Steel Pipes
55 ANSI B36.19 Welded and Seamless Austinitic Stainless Steel Pipe BS 1868Steel Check
Valves for Petroleum Industry

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56 BS 1873B Steel Globe & Check Valves for Petroleum Industry

57 S 5351 Steel Ball Valves for Petroleum Industry
58 BS 5352 Steel Gate, Globe & Check Valves, smaller than 2" NB
59 BS 6755 Testing of valves
60 BS EN 10204 Metallic products – type of inspection
61 NACE MR0175 Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic
62 Materials for Oilfield Equipment
63 NACE RP0286 Electrical isolation of Cathodically protected pipelines ISO 14692EJMA
STD Standards of expansion joint manufacturers association, Inc Civil & Structural
64 National standards / specifications- QP shall not supply copies of these standards.
65 EPIC Contractor shall have to obtain its own copies from Ministry of Municipal Affairs
& Agriculture. Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS). Qatar Highway Design Manual
66 Marine Breakwater
67 BS 6349- British Standard Code of Practice for Design of Maritime Structure.
68 US Army Corps of Engineers Shore Protection Manual:
69 1984 CIRIA Report 154: 1991 – Manual on use of rock in coastal and shoreline
engineering Delft Hydraulics Report no 483: 1983 – Conceptual design of rubble mound
breakwaters HR Wallingford Ltd R&D Technical Report W178.
70 Overtopping of seawalls – Design & Assessment Manual Delft Hydraulics Computer
Program ‘Breakwater’ Version 3.0 Conceptual Design Tool for Breakwater Structures
71 ES.2.14.0003 for Navigation Aids, Rev. A (listed under 5-B)
72 Telecommunication
73 CCWP FEED Phase- II: Mechanical specifications & references there to.
74 Also, references have been to various tender documents during professional experience
used for collection of information purpose only
75 AASHTO - American Association of State Highways & Transportation Officials
76 ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
77 ACI - American Concrete Institute
78 AGA - American Gas Association
79 AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association
80 AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
81 ALPEMA - Brazed Aluminum Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Manufacturers Association
82 AMCA - Air Movement & Control Association
83 ANSI - American National Standards Institute
84 API - American Petroleum Institute
85 API (MPMS) - API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
86 ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
87 ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning
88 ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
89 ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials
90 ATEX - Atmosphere Explosible
91 AWS - American Welding Society
92 BS - British Standards
93 CINI - Stichting Isolatie Nederlandse Industrie
94 CEB - Comite Euro-international du Beton
95 CICIND - International Committee on Industrial Chimneys
96 CONCAWE - European Organisation for Environment, Health and Safety
97 DIN - Deutsches Institut Fur Normung
98 EEMUA - Engineering Equipment & Materials Users Association
99 EIA - Electronics Industry Alliance

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100 EJMA - Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association

101 EN - Comite European de Normalisation
102 ERA - Electronics Representatives Association
103 FCI - Fluid Control Institute
104 FEM - Federation Europeene de la manutention
105 FIP - Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte
106 HEI - Heat Exchange Institution
107 HTFS - Heat Transfer & Fluid Service
108 ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organisation
109 IEC - International Electrical Committee
110 IEEE - Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
111 IP - Institute of Petroleum
112 ISA - Instrument Society of America
113 ISBN - International Standard Book Number
114 ISGOTT - International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers & Terminals
115 ISO - International Organisation for Standardisation
116 ISSMFE - International Society for Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering
117 ITU - International Telecommunications Union
118 MIL-HDBK - US Military Handbook
119 MSS - Manufacturers Standardisation Society
120 NACE - National Association of Corrosion Engineers NAMUR
121 NAS - National Standards Association
122 NEN - Nederlands Normalisatie-Institutuut
123 NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
124 OCIMF - Oil companies international marine forum
125 PrEN - Draft EN Standard
126 RAL - Deutsches Institut fur Gutesicherung und Kennzeichnung
127 SMACNA - Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
128 SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Council
129 TEMA - Standards of Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
130 TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association
131 UBC - Uniform Building Code
132 UL - Underwriters Laboratories Inc
133 USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency
134 VDE - Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker
135 VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
136 WRC - Welding Research Council APPENDICES
137 AASHTO Guide for design of pavement structures
138 ACGIH Threshold limit values for chemical substances & physical agents, an
biological exposure indices
139 Advisory Circular Obstruction Marking & Lighting (issued by Aviation
140 AC70/7460-1K
141 AGA-9 Report 9, Measurement of Gas: Ultrasonic Meters
142 AGMA 6011 Specification for High speed helical gear units
143 AISC Steel Construction manual
144 ALPEMA Plate-fin heat exchangers
145 AMCA Publication 203 Field performance measurement of fan systems
146 ANSI/ASME B1.1 Unified inch screw threads
147 ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 Pipe threads, General purpose (inch)

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148 ANSI/ASME B16.3 Malleable iron threaded fittings classes 150 and 300
149 ANSI/ASME B16.5 Pipe flanges & flanged fittings NPS ½” to NPS 24”
150 ANSI/ASME B16.9 Factory-made wrought steel butt welding fittings
151 ANSI/ASME B16.10 Face-to-face & end to end dimensions of valves
152 ANSI/ASME B16.11 Forged steel fittings, socket-welding & threaded
153 ANSI/ASME B16.20 Metallic gaskets for pipe flanges - Ring-joint, spiral-wound
& jacketed
154 ANSI/ASME B16.21 Non-metallic flat gaskets for pipe flanges
155 ANSI/ASME B16.24 Cast copper alloy pipe flanges & flanged fittings
156 ANSI/ASME B16.25 Butt welding ends
157 ANSI/ASME B16.34 Valves: flanged, threaded & welding ends
158 ANSI/ASME B16.36 Orifice flanges
159 ANSI/ASME B16.47 Large diameter steel flanges NPS 26” to NPS 60”
160 ANSI/ASME B16.48 Steel line blinds
161 ANSI/ASME B16.104 Control valve seat leakage
162 ANSI/ASME B31.1 Power piping
163 ANSI/ASME B31.3 Process piping
164 ANSI/ASME B31.4 Pipeline transportation systems for liquid hydrocarbons &
other liquids
165 ANSI/ASME B31.5 Refrigeration piping
166 ANSI/ASME B31.8 Gas transmission & distribution piping systems
167 ANSI/ASME B36.10M Welded & seamless wrought steel pipe
168 ANSI/ASME B36.19M Stainless steel pipe
169 ANSI/ASME B46.1 Surface texture
170 ANSI B133.8 Gas Turbine Installation Sound Emissions
171 ANSI/FCI 70.2 Quality control standard for control valve seat leakage
172 ANSI/ISA S51.1 Process instrumentation terminology
173 ANSI/ISA S75.02 Control valve capacity test procedures
174 ANSI MC 96-1 Temperature measurement thermocouples
175 API (MPMS) Chapter 12 Calculation of petroleum quantities
176 API (MPMS) Chapter 2 Cylindrical Tanks
177 API (MPMS) Chapter 4 Proving systems
178 API (MPMS) Chapter 5 Metering
179 API (MPMS) Chapter 6 Metering assemblies
180 API 5L Replaced by ISO 3183
181 API 6D Specification for pipeline valves
182 API 6FA Specification for fire test for valves
183 API 15LE Specifications for polyethylene (PE) line pipe
184 API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance Inspection, rating, repair
& alteration
185 API RP 520 Part 1 Sizing, selection, & installation of pressure relieving devices
in refineries
186 API RP 520 Part 2 Sizing, selection, & installation of pressure relieving devices
in refineries
187 API RP 521 Guide of pressure relieving & depressurizing system
188 API 526 Flanged steel pressure relief valves
189 API 527 Seat tightness of pressure relief valves
190 API 530 Refer ISO 13704 (Calculation of heater tube thickness in petroleum
191 API 536 Post combustion NOx control for fired equipment in general refinery

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192 API 541 Form-wound squirrel cage induction motors – 250 HP and larger
193 API 546 Form-wound brushless synchronous motors – 500 HP and larger
194 API 551 Process measurement instrumentation
195 API 552 Transmission systems
196 API 554 Process instruments & control
197 API 555 Process analysers
198 API 560 Refer ISO 13705 (Fired heaters for general refinery services)
199 API 582 Welding guidelines for chemical, oil & gas industries
200 API 594 Check valves; wafer, wafer-lug & double flanged type
201 API 598 Valve inspection & testing
202 API 600 Steel gate valves - flanged & butt welding ends, bolted & pressure seal
203 API 601 Replaced by ANSI/ASME B 16.20
204 API 602 Compact carbon steel gate valves - Flanged, threaded, welding &
extended body ends
205 API 608 Metal Ball valves - Flanged, threaded & welding ends
206 API 609 Butterfly valves; double flanged, lug & wafer type
207 API 610 Centrifugal pumps for petroleum, petrochemical & natural gas Industries
– not used – refer to BS EN ISO 13709
208 API 611 General purpose steam turbines for petroleum, chemical & gas industry
209 API 612 Special purpose steam turbines for petroleum, chemical & gas industry
210 API 614 Lubrication, shaft-sealing & control-oil systems & auxiliaries for
petroleum, chemical & gas industry services
211 API 616 Gas turbines for petroleum, chemical & gas industry services
212 API 617 Axial & Centrifugal compressors & expanders - Compressors for
petroleum, chemical & gas industry services
213 API 618 Reciprocating compressors for petroleum, chemical & gas industry
214 API 619 Rotary-type positive displacement compressors for petroleum, chemical
& gas industry services
215 API 631M Measurement of Noise from Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers
216 API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
217 API 662 Plate heat exchangers for general refinery services
218 API 670 Machinery protection systems
219 API 671 Special purpose couplings for petroleum, chemical & gas industry
220 API 672 Packaged, integrally geared centrifugal air compressors for petroleum,
chemical & gas industry services
221 API 673 Centrifugal fans for petroleum, chemical & gas industry service
222 API 674 Positive displacement pumps - Reciprocating
223 API 675 Positive displacement pumps - Controlled volume
224 API 676 Positive displacement pumps - Rotary
225 API 677 General purpose gear unit for petroleum, chemical & gas industry
226 API 681 Liquid ring vacuum pumps & compressors
227 API 682 Shaft sealing systems for centrifugal & rotary pumps
228 API RP 686 Machinery installation & installation design

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229 API 934 Materials & Fabrication Requirements for 2-1/4Cr-1MO & 3Cr-1Mo
Steel Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels for High Temperature, High Pressure Hydrogen
Service, 1st Edition, 2000
230 API 945 Avoiding Environmental Cracking in Amine Units- Third Edition.
231 API 2000 Venting atmospheric & low-pressure storage tanks, non refrigerated
and refrigerated
232 API 2218 Fireproofing practices in petrochemical processing plant
233 API 2510 Design & construction of LPG installations
234 API 2550 Method for measurement & calibration of upright cylindrical tanks
235 API RP 500 Classifications of locations for electrical installations at petroleum
facilities classified as Class 1, Division 1, Division 2
236 API RP 505 Classifications of locations for electrical installations at petroleum
facilities classified as Class 1, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2
237 API RP 572 Inspection of Pressure Vessels
238 API RP 576 Inspection of Pressure-relieving Devices
239 API RP 651 Cathodic protection of aboveground petroleum storage tanks
240 ASCE Design of blast resistant buildings in petrochemical facilities
241 ASCE 7-95 Minimum design loads for buildings & other structures
242 ASHRAE Handbooks - Refrigeration
243 ASHRAE Handbook- HVAC applications
244 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals
245 ASHRAE Handbooks - HVAC systems & equipment
246 ASHRAE 16 Method of testing for rating room air conditioners & packaged
terminal air conditioners
247 ASHRAE 23 Methods of testing for rating positive displacement refrigerant
compressors & condensing units
248 ASHRAE 30 Methods of testing liquid chilling package
249 ASHRAE 37 Methods of testing for rating unitary air-conditioning & heat pump
250 ASHRAE 40 Methods of testing for rating heat operated unitary air-conditioning
equipment for cooling
251 ASHRAE 52.1 Gravimetric & dust spot procedures for testing air cleaning
devices used in general ventilation for removing particulate matter
252 ASHRAE 55 Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy &
253 ASHRAE 62 Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality
254 ASHRAE 63.1 Method of testing liquid line refrigerant driers
255 ASHRAE 70 Method of testing for rating performance of air outlets & inlets
256 ASHRAE 79 Methods of testing for rating room fan-coil air conditioners
257 ASHRAE 111 Practices for measurement, testing, adjusting & balancing of
building heating, ventilation, air conditioning & refrigeration systems.
258 ASHRAE Guideline 1 HVAC Commissioning Process
259 ASHRAE Guideline 4 Preparation of operating & maintenance documentation for
building systems
260 ASHRAE Guideline 5 Commissioning of smoke management systems
261 AASHTO GDPS 4 Guide for design of pavement structures
262 AASHTO T180 Standard Method of testing for moisture-density relations of soils
using a 4.45 kg rammer & 457 mm drop
263 ASME B16.3 Malleable iron threaded fittings, classes 150# & 300#
264 ASME PTC 1 General instructions for performance test codes

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265 ASME PTC 4.1 Steam generating units

266 ASME PTC 4.4 Gas turbine heat recovery steam-generating units
267 ASME PTC 6 Steam Turbines
268 ASME PTC 9 Displacement compressors
269 ASME PTC 10 Performance test code : compressors & exhausters
270 ASME PTC 16 Gas Generators
271 ASME PTC 19.3 Temperature measurement – Instruments and apparatus
272 ASME PTC 22 Performance test code : gas turbines
273 ASME PTC 26 Speed governing systems for internal combustion engine /
generator sets
274 ASME Section I Power Boilers
275 ASME Section II Material specifications Part A, B, C and D
276 ASME Section III Creep design basis fatigue analysis
277 ASME Section IX Qualification standard for welding & brazing procedures
278 ASME Section V Non-destructive examination
279 ASME Section VIII Div. 1 and 2, Boiler & vessel code
280 ASME RTP-1 Reinforced thermoset plastic corrosion resistant material
281 ASTM A 48 Standard specification for gray iron castings
282 ASTM A53 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black & Hot Dipped, Zinc
Coated, Welded & Seamless
283 ASTM A 105/105M Forgings, carbon steel for piping applications
284 ASTM A 106 Seamless carbon steel pipe for high temperature service
285 ASTM A 123/A123M Standards - Specification for zinc (hot dip galvanised)
coating on iron & steel products, version A
286 ASTM A 167 Standard specification for stainless & heat resisting chromium-
nickel steel plate, sheet & strip
287 ASTM A 179/A179M Seamless cold-drawn low-carbon steel heat-exchanger &
condenser tubes
288 ASTM A 182/A182M Forged or rolled alloy-steel pipe flanges, forged fittings &
valves & parts for high-temperature
289 ASTM A 193/A193M Standard specification for alloy steel, stainless steel &
stainless steel bolting materials for high temperature service
290 ASTM A 194/A194M Standard specification for carbon alloy & steel nuts for
bolts for high pressure or high temperature service, or both
291 ASTM A 213/A213M Seamless ferritic & austenitic alloy - steel boiler,
superheater & heat-exchanger tubes
292 ASTM A 216/A216M Specification for carbon steel castings, suitable for fusion
welding, for high temperature service
293 ASTM A 234/A234M Pipe fittings of wrought carbon steel & alloy steel for
moderate & elevated temperatures
294 ASTM A 240/A240M Standard specification for heat resisting chromium nickel
stainless steel plate, sheet & strip for pressure vessels
295 ASTM A 262 Standard practices for detecting susceptibility to intergranular
attack in austenitic stainless steels
296 ASTM A 269 Standard specification for seamless & welded austenitic stainless
steel tubing for general service
297 ASTM A 276 Standard specification for stainless steel bars & shapes
298 ASTM A 285 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel,
Low & Intermediate-Tensile Strength
299 ASTM A 307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts & Studs, 60,000

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P.S.I. Tensile Strength

300 ASTM A 312/A312M Seamless & welded austenitic stainless steel pipes for
general service
301 ASTM A 320/A320M Alloy-steel bolting materials for low-temperature service
302 ASTM A325 Standard Specification for Structural bolts, steel, heat treated,
120/105 ksi minimum tensile strength-AASHTO no:M164.
303 ASTM A 333/A333M Seamless & welded steel pipe for low-temperature service
304 ASTM A 334/A334M Seamless & welded carbon & alloy - Steel tubes for low-
temperature service
305 ASTM A335 Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for
High-Temperature Service
306 ASTM A 350/A350M Forgings, carbon & low-alloy steel, requiring notch
toughness testing for piping components
307 ASTM A 351/A351M Specification for steel castings, austenitic, for high
temperature service
308 ASTM A 352/A352M Specification for steel castings, ferritic & martensitic, for
pressure containing parts suitable for low temperature service
309 ASTM A 353/A353M Pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, 9% nickel, double
normalised & tempered
310 ASTM A 358/A358M Standard specification for electric-fusion-welded austenitic
chromium-nickel alloy steel pipe for high temperature service
311 ASTM A 388/A388M Practice for ultrasonic examination of heavy steel forgings
312 ASTM A 392 Standard specification for zinc coated steel chain link fence fabric
313 ASTM A395 Standard Specification for Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining
Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures
314 ASTM A 403/A403M Wrought austenitic stainless steel piping & fittings
315 ASTM A 420/A420M Piping fittings of wrought carbon steel & alloy steel for
low-temperature service
316 ASTM A 450/A450M Standard specification for carbon, ferritic alloy &
austenitic alloy steel tubes
317 ASTM A 453/A453M Standard specification for high temperature bolting
materials, with expansion coefficients comparable to austenitic steels
318 ASTM A 463/A463M Standard specification for steel sheet, aluminum-coated by
hot-dip process
319 ASTM A 491 Standard specification for aluminum coated steel chain link fence
320 ASTM A 516/A516M Pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, for moderate & lower-
temperature service
321 ASTM A 522/A522M Forged & rolled 8 & 9% nickel alloy steel flanges, fittings,
valves & parts for low-temperature service
322 ASTM A 525/A525M Specification for general requirements for steel sheet, zinc
coated (galvanised) by hot dip process
323 ASTM A 530 Standard specification for general requirements for specialized
carbon & alloy steel pipe
324 ASTM A 537/A537M Pressure vessel plates, heat treated, carbon-manganese-
silicon steel
325 ASTM A 553/A553M Pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, quenched & tempered 8
and 9 percent nickel
326 ASTM A 609 Specification for Longitudinal-Beam Ultrasonic Inspection for
Carbon and Low-alloy Steel Castings

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327 ASTM A671 Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for
Atmospheric & Lower Temperatures
328 ASTM A672 Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for
High Pressure Service at Moderate Temperature
329 ASTM A 765/A765M Carbon steel & low-alloy steel pressure-vessel-component
forgings with mandatory toughness requirements
330 ASTM A 770/A770M Specification for through-thickness tension testing of steel
plate for special applications
331 ASTM A 790/A 790M Standard specification for seamless & welded ferritic /
austenitic stainless steel pipe
332 ASTM A961 Standard Specification for Carbon & Alloy Steel Pipe, Electric-
Fusion-Welded for High Pressure Service at High Temperature
333 ASTM B 148 Specification for aluminum bronze sand castings
334 ASTM B 165 Standard specification of nickel-copper alloy
335 ASTM B 209 Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet &
336 ASTM B 418 Standard specification for cast & wrought galvanic zinc anodes
337 ASTM B 423 Standard specification for seamless & electric welded low-alloy
steel tubes
338 ASTM B 574 Standard Specification for Low-Carbon Nickel-Molybdenum-
Chromium, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low- Carbon Nickel-
Molybdenum-Chromium-Tantalum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-
Copper & Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy Rod
339 ASTM B 637 Standard specification for precipitation-hardening nickel alloy bars,
forgings & for going stock for high temperature service
340 ASTM B 668 Standard specification for UNS N08028 seamless pipe & tube
341 ASTM B 695 Standard Specification for coatings of zinc mechanically deposited
on iron & steel
342 ASTM B 764-04 (Includes change to title) Test Method for Simultaneous
Thickness & Electrode Potential Determination of Individual
343 Layers in Multilayer Nickel Deposit Step Test (R)
344 ASTM B 839-04 Test Method for Residual Embrittlement in Metallic coated,
externally threaded articles, fasteners & rod – inclined Wedge Method (R)
345 ASTM B 851-04 Specification for automated controlled shot peening of metallic
articles prior to Nickel, autocatalytic nickel or chromium plating or as final finish
346 ASTM C 27 Standard Classification of Fireclay and High-Alumina Refractory
347 ASTM C 155 Standard Classification of Insulating Firebrick
348 ASTM C 165 Standard test method for measuring compressive properties of
thermal insulation
349 ASTM C 167 Standard test method for thickness & density of blanket or batt
350 ASTM C 177 Standard test method for steady-state heat flux measurements &
thermal transmissions properties by means of guarded hot plate apparatus
351 ASTM C 240 Standard test method of testing cellular glass insulating block
352 ASTM C 273 Test for shear properties in flatwise plane or flat sandwich
constructions or sandwich cores
353 ASTM C 303 Standard test method for dimensions & density of performed block-
type thermal insulation
354 ASTM C 390 Criteria for sampling & acceptance of pre formed thermal

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insulation lots
355 ASTM C 401 Standard Classification of Alumina & Alumina-Silicate Castable
356 ASTM C 461 Standard test method of mastic & coating used in conjunction with
thermal insulation
357 ASTM C 518 Standard test method for steady state heat flux measurements &
thermal transmission properties by means of heat flow meter
358 ASTM C 533 Standard specification for calcium silicate block & pipe thermal
359 ASTM C 547 Standard specification for mineral fibre pipe insulation
360 ASTM C 552 Standard specification for cellular glass thermal insulation
361 ASTM C 585 Standard practice for inner & outer diameters of rigid thermal
insulation for nominal sizes of pipe & tubing (NPS system)
362 ASTM C 591 Standard specification for unfaced pre formed rigid cellular
polyisocyanurate thermal insulation
363 ASTM C 592 Standard specification for mineral fibre blanket insulation &
blanket-type pipe insulation
364 ASTM C 612 Specification for mineral fibre block & board thermal insulation
365 ASTM C 623 Standard test method for Young’s modulus, shear modules &
Poisson's ratio for glass & glass ceramics by resonance
366 ASTM C 680 Standard practice for determination of heat gain or loss & surface
temperatures of insulated pipe and equipment systems by use of a computer program
367 ASTM C 795 Standard specification for thermal insulation for use in contact with
austenitic stainless steel
368 ASTM C 871 Standard test methods for chemical analysis of thermal insulation
materials for leachable chloride, fluoride, silicate & sodium ions
369 ASTM C 876 Standard test method for half cell potentials of uncoated reinforcing
steel in concrete
370 ASTM C 892 Standard specification for high temperature fibre blanket thermal
371 ASTM C 1497-04 Specification for cellulosic fiber stabilized thermal insulation
372 ASTM D 312 Standard specification for asphalt used in roofing
373 ASTM D 420 Guide to site characterization for engineering, design &
construction purposes
374 ASTM D 511 Test method for calcium & magnesium in water
375 ASTM D 512 Test method for chloride ion in water
376 ASTM D 513 Test methods for carbon dioxide, total & dissolved, in water
377 ASTM D 516 Test method for sulphate ion in water
378 ASTM D 5162 Standard practice for discontinuity (holiday) testing of non-
conductive protective coating on metallic substrates
379 ASTM D 610 Test methods for evaluating degree of rusting on painted steel
380 ASTM D 635 Test method for rate of burning & / or extent & time of burning of
self-supporting plastics in a horizontal position
381 ASTM D 653 Terminology relating to soil, rock & contaminated fluids
382 ASTM D 790 Standard test methods for flexural properties of un-reinforced and
reinforced plastics & electrical insulating materials
383 ASTM D 1066 Practice for sampling steam
384 ASTM D 1126 Test methods for hardness in water

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385 ASTM D 1248 Specification for polyethylene plastics moulding & extrusion
386 ASTM D 1250 Standard guide for petroleum measurement tables
387 ASTM D 1293 Test method for pH of water
388 ASTM D 1426 Test methods for ammonia nitrogen in water
389 ASTM D 1452 Practice for soil investigation & sampling by auger borings
390 ASTM D 1557 Standard Test methods for laboratory compaction characteristics
of soil using modified effort
391 ASTM D 1587 Practice for thin-walled tube geotechnical sampling of soils
392 ASTM D 1621 Standard test method for compressive properties of rigid cellular
393 ASTM D 1622 Standard test method for apparent density of rigid cellular plastics
394 ASTM D 1623 Standard test method for tensile adhesion properties of rigid
cellular plastics
395 ASTM D 2487 Standard practice for classification of soils for engineering
396 ASTM D 2563 Practice for classifying visual defects in glass reinforced plastic
laminate parts
397 ASTM D 2583 Standard test method for indention hardness of rigid plastics by
means of barcol impressor
398 ASTM D 2856 Standard test method for open cell content of rigid cellular plastics
by air pycnometer
399 ASTM D 3014 Standard test method for flame height, time of burning & loss of
mass of rigid thermoset cellular plastics in a vertical position
400 ASTM D 3039/3039M Test method for tensile properties of polymer matrix
composite materials
401 ASTM D 3370 Practice for sampling water from closed circuits
402 ASTM D 3441 Deep, quasi-static cone & friction cone penetration tests of soil
403 ASTM D 3744 Test method of aggregate durability index
404 ASTM D 3764 Standard practice for validation of process stream analysers
405 ASTM D 4541 Standard test method for pull & off strength of coating using
portable adhesion testers.
406 ASTM D 5162 Standard practice for discontinuity (holiday) testing of non-
conductive protective coating on metallic substrates
407 ASTM D 6122 Standard practice for validation of multivariate process infrared
408 ASTM E 162 Standard test method for surface flammability of materials using a
radiant heat source
409 ASTM E 21 Elevated temperature tension test of metallic materials
410 ASTM E 84 Standard test method for surface burning characteristics of building
411 ASTM E 94 Standard guide for Radiographic Testing
412 ASTM E 96 Standard test method for measurement of water vapour transmission
of materials
413 ASTM E 110 Standard test method for indentation hardness of metallic materials
by portable hardness testers
414 ASTM E 165 Standard test method for liquid penetrant examination
415 ASTM E 413-04 Classification for Rating Sound Insulation (R)
416 ASTM E 446 Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2in. (51mm) in

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417 ASTM E 709 Standard guide for magnetic particle examination

418 ASTM E 966-04 Guide for field measurement of airborne sound insulation of
building facades & façade elements (R)
419 ASTM E 1687-04 Test method for Determining Carcinogenic Potential of Virgin
Base Oils in Metalworking Fluids (R)
420 ASTM E 1972-04 Practice for Minimizing Effects of Aerosols in Wet Metal
Removal Environment (R)
421 ASTM E 2235-04 Test method for determination of decay rates for use in sound
insulation test methods (R)
422 ASTM F 552 Standard terminology relating to chain link fencing
423 ASTM F 567 Standard practice for installation of chain link fence
424 ASTM F 668 Standard specification for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) & other organic
polymer-coated steel chain link fence fabric
425 ASTM F 1043 Standard specification for strength & protective coatings on metal
industrial chain link fence framework
426 ASTM F 1249 Test method for water vapour transmission rate through plastic
film & sheeting using a modulated infra red sensor
427 ASTM G 57 Standard test method for field measurement of soil resistivity using
Wenner four electrode method
428 ASTM G 93 Cleaning methods for material & equipment used in oxygen enriched
429 ASTM SI-10 Practice for use of International System of units (SI)
430 ASTM Volume 04.03 Traveled surface characteristics
431 ASTM Volume 04.08 Natural building stones; Soil & rock
432 ASTM Volume 11.01 Water (I)
433 ASTM Volume 11.02 Water (II)
434 ATEX Directives Protective equipment & systems intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres;
435 AWWA M45 Fibreglass Pipe Design- First Edition
436 AWS A5.1 Specification for covered carbon steel arc welding electrodes
437 AWS A5.11A5.11M Nickel & nickel alloy welding electrodes for shielded metal
arc welding
438 AWS A5.14/A5.14M Nickel & nickel alloy bare welding electrodes & rods
439 AWS A5.17/A5.17M Specification for carbon steel electrodes & fluxes for
submerged arc welding
440 AWS A5.18 Specification for carbon steel filler metals for gas shielded arc
441 AWS A5.4 Specification for stainless steel electrodes for shielded metal-arc
442 AWS A5.5 Specification for low alloy steel covered arc welding electrodes
443 AWS A5.9 Bare stainless steel welding electrodes and rods
444 AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural welding code steel
445 BS 88 Cartridge fuses for voltages up to & including 1000V AC & 1500V DC
446 BS 171D Identification of Pipe Lines & Services. BSI, UDC (621.643/644) –
447 BS 336 Specification for Fire hose couplings & ancillary equipment
448 BS 381C Colours for Identification, Coding & Special Purposes
449 BS 417 Specification for galvanised low carbon steel cisterns, cistern lids, tanks
and cylinders
450 BS 449 Use of structural steel in buildings

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451 BS 466 Specification for Power Driven Overhead Travelling Cranes, semi goliath
& goliath cranes for general use
452 BS 476 Fire tests on building materials & structures
453 BS 476-3 Fire tests on building materials & structures – Part 3: classification &
method of test for external exposure to roofs
454 BS 599 Methods of testing pumps
455 BS 709 Methods of destructive testing fusion welded joints & weld metal steel
456 BS 729 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron & steel articles
457 BS 743 Specification for Materials for Damp Proof Courses
458 BS 747 Specification for Reinforced Bitumen Roofing
459 BS 750 Specification for underground fire hydrants & surface box frames &
460 BS 812 - 123 Testing aggregates - Method for determination of Alkali-Silica
reactivity - Concrete prism method
461 BS 848 Fans for general purpose
462 BS 952 Glass for Glazing
463 BS 1113 Specification for design & manufacture of water-tube steam generating
plant etc.
464 BS 1133 Packaging code
465 BS 1184 Specification for Copper & Copper Alloy Traps
466 BS 1188 Ceramic Wash Basins & Pedestals
467 BS 1191 Specification for Gypsum Building Plasters
468 BS 1230 Gypsum – Plasterboard
469 BS 1245 Specification Metal Door Frame (steel)
470 BS 1253 Gullies for Buildings
471 BS 1376 Specification for colours of light signals
472 BS 1377 Methods of tests for soils for civil engineering purposes – parts 1 to 9
473 BS 1377 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Part 3 Chemical
and Electrochemical tests, Part 9 In-situ tests.
474 BS 1414 Specification for steel wedge gate valves (flanged & buttwelding ends)
for petroleum, petrochemical & allied industries
475 BS 1449 Specification for steel plate, sheet & strip
476 BS 1494 Specification for fixing accessories for Building Purposes. Fixing for
Sheets, Roof & Wall Coverings
477 BS 1501 Steel for pressure purposes
478 BS 1503 Specification for steel forgings for pressure purposes
479 BS 1521 Specification for waterproof building papers
480 BS 1635 Recommendations for graphical symbols & abbreviations for fire
protection drawings
481 BS 1640 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings for petroleum industry
482 BS 1722 Part 10 Fences - Part 10: Specification for anti-intruder fences in chain-
link & welded mesh
483 BS 1726 Coil springs
484 BS 1787 Steel Windows for Industrial Windows
485 BS 1868 Specification for steel check valves (flanged & butt welding ends) for
petroleum, petrochemical & allied industries
486 BS 1873 Specification for steel globe & globe stop valves (flanged & butt
welding ends) for petroleum, petrochemical & allied industries
487 BS 1876 Specification for Automatic Flush Cisterns for Urinals
488 BS 1881 Testing concrete

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489 BS 1990-1 Wood poles for overhead power & telecommunications lines
490 BS 2000 – Part 72 'Methods of test for petroleum & its products Part 72 -
Determination of viscosity of cutback bitumen'
491 BS 2080 Specification for face to face, centre to centre, end to end & centre to
end dimensions of valves
492 BS 2573 Rules for design of cranes
493 Part 1 Specification for classification, stress calculations & design criteria for
494 Part 2 and AMD 3952 and AMD 5013 Specification for classification, stress
calculations & design of mechanisms
495 BS 2654 Specification for manufacture of vertical steel welded non-refrigerated
storage tanks with butt welded shells for petroleum industry
496 BS 2690 Methods of testing water used in industry
497 BS 2853 Design & testing of steel overhead runway beams
498 BS 2972 Methods of test for inorganic thermal insulating materials
499 BS 2997 Specification for Aluminum Rainwater Goods
500 BS 3083 Specification for Hot Dipped & Hot Dipped Aluminum / Zinc Coated
corrugated steels sheets for general purposes
501 BS 3148 Methods of test for water & making concrete
502 BS 3165 Specification for rubber & plastics suction hoses & hose assemblies for
fire-fighting purposes
503 BS 3381 Spiral Wound Gaskets for Steel Flanges to BS 1560
504 BS 3402 Specification for Quality Vitreous China Sanitary Appliances
505 BS 3505 Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) pressure
pipes for cold potable water
506 BS 3573 Specification for polyolefin copper conductor telecommunication cables
507 BS 3602 Specification for steel pipes & tubes for pressure purposes; carbon &
carbon manganese steel with specified elevated temperature properties
508 BS 3603 Specification for carbon & alloy steel pipes & tubes with specified low
temperature properties for pressure purposes
509 BS 3605 Austenitic Stainless steel pipes & tubes for pressure purposes
510 BS 3606 Specification for steel tubes for heat exchangers
511 BS 3621 Specification for Thief Resistant Locks
512 BS 3790 Specification for endless wedge belt drives & endless V-belt drives
513 BS 3958 Thermal insulating material
514 BS 3974 Specification on pipe supports
515 BS 4022 Specification for pre-fabricated gypsum plasterboard
516 BS 4027 Specification for sulphate resisting Portland cement
517 BS 4076 Steel Chimneys
518 BS 4082 External dimensions for vertical in-line centrifugal pumps.
519 BS 4131 Terrazzo Tiles
520 BS 4211 Specification for ladders for permanent access to chimneys, other high
structures, silos and bins
521 BS 4320 Specification for metal washers for general engineering purposes
522 BS 4346 Joints and fittings for the use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes
523 BS 4370 Methods of test for rigid cellular materials
524 BS 4449 Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete
525 BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete
526 BS 4514 Un-plasticised PVC Soil and Ventilation Pipes of 82.4mm mean outside
diameter and accessories of 82.4mm and other sizes

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527 BS 4721 Specification for Ready Mixed Building Mortars

528 BS 4735 Laboratory methods of tests for the assessment of the horizontal burning
characteristics of specimens no larger than 150mm x 50mm x 13mm of cellular plastics
and cellular rubber materials when subjected to a small flame
529 BS 4787 Internal and External Wood door sets, door leaves and frames
530 BS 4800 Schedule of paint colours for building purposes
531 BS 4868 Profiled Aluminium Sheet for Buildings
532 BS 4880 Urinals, Stainless Steel Slab Urinals
533 BS 4882 Specification for bolting for flanges and pressure containing purposes
534 BS 4991 Specification for propylene copolymer pressure pipe
535 BS 4999-140 General requirements for rotating electrical machines
536 BS 4999-144 General requirements for rotating electrical machines Part 144:
Specification for the insulation of bars and coils of high
537 voltage machines, including test methods
538 BS 5041-1 Fire hydrant systems equipment-Specification for landing valves for
wet risers
539 BS 5041-2 Fire hydrant systems equipment-Specification for landing valves for
dry risers
540 BS 5051 Specification for Security Glazing
541 BS 5135 and AMD 5172 Specification for arc welding of carbon and carbon
manganese steels
542 BS 5224 Masonry Cement
543 BS 5234 Partitions (including Matching Linings)
544 BS 5250 Code of Practice for the Control of Condensation in Buildings
545 BS 5262 Code of Practice for External Rendered Finishes
546 BS 5306 Part 0 Guide for the Selection of Installed Systems and Other Fire
547 BS 5306 Part 1 Hydrant Systems, Hose Reels and Foam Inlets
548 BS 5306 Part 2 Specification for Sprinkler Systems
549 BS 5306 Part 4 Specification for Carbon Dioxide Systems
550 BS 5306 Section 6.1 Specification for Low Expansion Foam Systems
551 BS 5306 Section 6.2 Specification for Medium and High Expansion Foam
552 BS 5306 Part 7 Specification for Powder Systems
553 BS 5308 Instrumentation cables
554 BS 5351 Specification for Steel Ball Valves for the Petroleum, Petrochemical and
Allied Industries
555 BS 5352 Specification for steel wedge gate, globe and check valves 50mm and
smaller for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries
556 BS 5353 Steel plug valves
557 BS 5357 Code of Practice for Installation of Security Glazing
558 BS 5368 Methods for Testing Windows
559 BS 5385 Code of Practice for the Design and Installation of Ceramic Floor, Wall
Tiles and Mosaics
560 BS 5395 Part 2 Code of Practice for the Design of Helical & Spiral Stairs
561 BS 5395 Part 3 Code of Practice for the Design of Industrial Type Stairs,
permanent ladders and walkways
562 BS 5422 Methods for specifying thermal insulating materials on pipes, ductwork
and equipment (in the temperature range-40°C to+700°C)
563 BS 5427 Code of Practice for use of profiled sheet for roof and wall cladding on

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564 BS 5492 Code of Practice for Internal Plastering
565 BS 5499 Code of Practice for Escape Signs, Route Signage, Safety Signs
including Fire Safety Signs
566 BS PD 5500 Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels
567 BS 5503 Specification for Vitreous China washdown WC pans with horizontal
568 BS 5504 Specification for wall hung WC pans
569 BS 5506 Specification for wash basins
570 BS 5520 Specification for Vitreous chain bowl urinals (rimless type)
571 BS 5588 Fire Precautions in the Design, Construction and Use of Buildings
572 BS 5628 Code of Practice for the structural use of Masonry
573 BS 5642 Sills and Copings, Specification for Sills and Copings of Pre-Cast
Concrete, Cast Stone, Clay ware, Slate & Natural Stone
574 BS 5713 Specification for Hermetically sealed flat double glazing units
575 BS 5731-4 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy
576 BS 5744 Code of practice for safe use of cranes
577 BS 5750 Quality systems
578 BS 5872 Specification for locks and latches for doors in Buildings
579 BS 5977 Lintels – Method of Assessment of Loads
580 BS 5930 Code of practice for site investigation
581 BS 5950 Structural use of steelwork in building
582 BS 5970 Code of practice for thermal insulation of pipework and equipment (in
the temperature range of -100oC to +870oC)
583 BS 5996 Ultrasonic testing and specifying quality grades of ferritic steel plate
584 BS 6072 and AMD 3960, Method for magnetic particle flaw detection 4542 and
585 BS 6073 Pre-cast Masonry Units
586 BS 6100 Part 1 Glossary of building and civil engineering terms - Part 1: General
and miscellaneous
587 BS 6100 Part 2 Glossary of building and civil engineering terms - Part 2: Civil
588 BS 6150 Code of Practice for Painting of Buildings
589 BS 6031 Code of practice for earthworks'
590 BS 6121 Specification for mechanical cable glands
591 BS 6217 Code of Practice for Built up felt roofing
592 BS 6218 Code of Practice for Mastic Asphalt Roofing
593 BS 6229 Code of Practice for Flat Roofs with continuously supported covering
594 BS 6231 Specification for PVC-insulated cables for switchgear and control gear
595 BS 6259 Code of Practice for the design, planning, installation, testing and
maintenance of sound systems
596 BS 6262 Code of Practice for Glazing of Buildings
597 BS 6290-4 Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries
598 BS 6349 Code of practice for maritime structures - Part 1 through Part 7
599 BS 6364 Specification for valves for cryogenic service
600 BS 6375 Performance of Windows

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World References Continues
601 BS 6387 Specification for performance requirements for cables required to
maintain circuit integrity under fire conditions
602 BS 6398 Specification for Bitumen Damp Proof Courses for Masonry
603 BS 6399-1 Loading for buildings – Part 1 Code of Practice for dead & imposed
604 BS 6399-2 Loading for buildings – Part 2 Code of Practice for wind loads
605 BS 6399-3 Loading for buildings – Part 3 Code of Practice for imposed roof loads
606 BS 6431 Ceramic Floor & Wall Tiles
607 BS 6437 Specification for polyethylene pipes type 50 in metric diameters for
general purposes
608 BS 6452 Beads for Internal Plaster & Dry Linings
609 BS 6467 Electrical Apparatus with protection by enclosure for use in presence of
combustible dusts
610 BS 6510 Specification for steel windows, sills, window boards & doors
611 BS 6510 Steel sub frames, sills & window boards for metal windows
612 BS 6515 Specification for Polyethylene Damp Proof Courses for Masonry
613 BS 6572 Specification for Blue Polyethylene pipes up to nominal size 63mm for
below ground use for portable water
614 BS 6651 Code of practice for protection of structures against lightning
615 BS 6656 Guide to prevention of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmosphere by
radio frequency radiation
616 BS 6701 Telecommunications equipment & telecommunications cabling -
specification for installation, operation & maintenance.
617 BS 6730 Specification for black polyethylene pipes up to nominal size 63mm for
above ground use for cold potable water
618 BS 6755 Inspection & testing of valves, Parts 1 and 2
619 BS 6883 Elastomer insulated cables for fixed wiring in ships & on mobile & fixed
offshore units
620 BS 6941 Specification for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres with
type of protection N
621 BS 6925 Specification for Mastic Asphalt for Building & Civil Engineering
622 BS 7121 Code of practice for safe use of cranes.
623 Part 1 and AMD 9093 General
624 Part 2 Inspection testing and examination
625 BS 7281 Specification for polyethylene pipes for supply of gaseous fuels
626 BS 7354 Code of practice for design of high voltage open terminal stations
627 BS 7357 7.5litre WC flushing cistern
628 BS 7361-1 Cathodic Protection
629 BS 7364 Specification for Galvanised Steel Studs & Channels for Stud & Sheet
Partitions using Screw Fixed Gypsum Wallboard
630 BS 7953 Entrance Flooring Systems, Selection, Installation & Maintenance
631 BS 8004 Code of practise for Foundations
632 BS 8007 Code of practice for design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous
633 BS 8102 Code of Practice for Protection of Structures Against Water from
634 BS 8110 Structural use of concrete
635 BS 8203 Code of Practice for Installation of Resilient Floor Coverings

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636 BS 8204 Screeds, Bases and In situ Flooring, Concrete Bases & Cement Sand,
Screed to Receive Flooring
637 BS 8207 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency in Buildings
638 BS 8212 Code of Practice for Dry Lining & Partitions using Gypsum Plasterboard
639 BS 8214 Fire Door assemblies with nonmetallic leaves
640 BS 8215 Code of Practice for Design & Installation of Damp Proof Courses in
Masonry Construction
641 BS 8217 Code of Practice for Built up Felt Roofing
642 BS 8218 Code of Practice for Mastic Asphalt Roofing
643 BS 8290 Code of Practice for Suspended Ceilings
644 BS 8300 Design of Buildings & their approaches to meet needs of Disabled
645 BS 8500-1 Concrete - Complimentary British Standard to BS EN 206-1-Method
of specifying & guidance for specification'
646 BS 8500-2 Concrete - Complimentary British Standard to BS EN 206-1-
Specification for constituent materials & concrete
647 BS DD IEC TS 60695 Fire Hazard Testing-Part 7-3: Toxicity of Fire Effluent –
Use & Interpretation of Test Results
648 BS EN 179 Building Hardware - Emergency Exit Device Operated by a Lever or
Push Pad
649 BS EN 196 Method for testing concrete
650 BS EN 197-1 Cement, specification & conformity for common cements
651 BS EN 206 Concrete, specification, performance, production & compliance &
652 BS EN 274 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances
653 BS EN 295 Vitrified Clay Pipes & Fittings
654 BS EN 329 Sanitary Tapware Waste Fittings for Showers
655 BS EN 403 Respiratory protective devices for self rescue - Filtering devices with
hood for escape from fire - requirements, testing, marking
656 BS EN 411 Sanitary Tapware Waste Fittings for Sinks
657 BS EN 508 Roofing Products for Metal Sheet-Specification for Self Supporting
Products of Steel, Aluminum or Stainless Steel Sheet
658 BS EN 593 Specification for butterfly valves
659 BS EN 607 Eaves gutters & fittings made from PVCU
660 BS EN 612 Eaves gutters & rainwater down pipes of metal sheet
661 BS EN 649 Resilient Floor Coverings-Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Polyvinyl
Chloride Floor Coverings
662 BS EN 654 Resilient Floor Coverings – Semi flexible Polyvinyl Chloride Tiles
663 BS EN 764-1 Pressure Equipment Part 1: Terminology-pressure, temperature,
volume, nominal size
664 BS EN 806 Specification for Installation inside buildings conveying water for
human consumption
665 BS EN 837-1 Specification for bourdon tube pressure & vacuum gauges
666 BS EN 877 Cast Iron Pipes & Fittings, their joints & accessories for Evacuation
of Water from Buildings
667 BS EN 934 Admixtures for concrete
668 BS EN 997 WC Pans & WC Suites with Integral Traps
669 BS EN 998 Specification for Mortar for Masonry
670 BS EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete
671 BS EN 1011 Parts 1 & 2 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic

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672 Part 1 General welding for arc welding
673 Part 2 Arc welding of ferritic steels
674 BS EN 1057 Copper & Copper Alloys-Seamless Round for Water & Gas in
Sanitary & Heating Applications
675 BS EN 1063 Glass in Buildings-Security Glazing-Testing & Classification of
Resistance against Bullet Attack
676 BS EN 1125 Building Hardware-Panic Exit Devices Operated by a Horizontal
677 BS EN 1154 Controlled Door Closing Devices
678 BS EN 1158 Building Hardware- Door Coordinator Devices
679 BS EN 1254 Copper & Copper Alloys – Plumbing Fittings or Capillary Brazing
to Copper Tubes, Manufacturers Association
680 BS EN 1303 Building Hardware-Cylinders for Locks
681 BS EN 1329 Plastic Piping Systems for Soil & Waste Discharge
682 BS EN 1451 Plastic Piping Systems for Soil & Waste Discharge within Buildings
683 BS EN 1452 Plastic Piping Systems for Water Supply
684 BS EN 1455 Plastic Pipe Systems for Soil & Waste (Low and High Temperature)
Within Building-Acrylonitride Butadiene-Styrene
685 (APS) Specification for Pipes, Fittings & System
686 BS EN 1492-4 Textiles Slings- Safety Part 4: Lifting Slings for general service
made from natural & manmade fibre ropes
687 BS EN 1514-7 Flanges & their joints - Gaskets for PN-designated flanges Part 7:
covered metal jacketed gaskets for use with steel flanges
688 BS EN 1519 Plastic Piping Systems for Soil and Waste Discharge (Low & High
Temperature) Within the Building Structure –
689 Polyethlene (PE) Specification for Pipes, Fittings and the System
690 BS EN 1527 Building Hardware – Hardware for Sliding and Folding Doors
691 BS EN 1565 Plastic Piping System for Soil & Waste Discharge (Low & High
Temperature) Within Building. Styrene Copolymer
692 Blends (SAN + PVC) Specification for Pipes Fittings & System
693 BS EN 1566 Plastic Piping Systems for Soil & Waste (Low & High Temperature)
within Building Structure – Chlorinated Poly
694 (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC-C) Specification for Pipes, Fittings & System
695 BS EN 1670 Building Hardware-Corrosion Resistance
696 BS EN 1634 Fire Resistance Tests for Door & Shutter Assemblies, Fire Doors &
697 BS EN 1906 Building Hardware- Lever Handles & Knob Furniture
698 BS EN 1935 Building Hardware- Single Axis Hinges
699 BS EN 1982 Specification for copper alloy ingots & copper alloy & high
conductivity copper castings
700 BS EN 10160 Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal to or
greater than 6mm (reflection method)
701 BS EN 10223 Specification for zinc coated hexagonal steel wire netting
702 BS EN 12051 Building Hardware-Door & Window Bolts
703 BS EN 12056 Gravity Drainage Systems Inside Buildings BS1184 Specification
for Copper & Copper Alloy Traps
704 BS EN 12056 Part 3 Gravity drainage systems inside buildings- roof drainage
layout and calculation
705 BS EN 12350 Testing fresh concrete

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706 BS EN 12350-2 Testing fresh concrete- slump test

707 BS EN 12390 Testing Hardened Concrete
708 BS EN 12390-3 Testing hardened concrete- strength of test specimens
709 BS EN 12445 Industrial, Commercial & Garage- Doors & Gates
710 BS EN 12620 Aggregates for concrete
711 BS EN 12635 Industrial, Commercial & Garage Doors & Gates- Installation &
712 BS EN 12639 Liquid Pumps & Pump Units- Noise Test Code / Grade 2 & grade 3
of Accuracy
713 BS EN 12680-2 Founding Ultrasonic examination of Steel castings for highly
stressed components
714 BS EN 12810-1 Façade Scaffolds made of Prefabricated Components- Part 1:
Products Specifications
715 BS EN 12810-2 Façade Scaffolds made of Prefabricated Components- Part 2:
Particular Methods of Structural Design
716 BS EN 12811-1 Temporary Works Equipment-Part 1: Scaffolds-Performance
Requirements & General Design
717 BS EN 12825 Raised Access Floors
718 BS EN 12952 Water tube boilers
719 BS EN 13024 Glass in Building- Thermally Toughened Borosilicate Safety Glass
720 BS EN 13124 Windows, Doors & Shutters Explosion Resistant
721 BS EN 13139 Aggregate for Mortar
722 BS EN 13162 Thermal Insulation products for buildings- Factory made mineral
723 BS EN 13163 Thermal Insulation products for buildings- Factory made products
of expanded polystyrene
724 BS EN 13164 Thermal Insulation products for buildings- Factory made products
of extruded polystyrene
725 BS EN 13310 Kitchen Sinks
726 BS EN 13553 Resilient Floor Coverings- Polyvinyl Chloride Floor Covering for
use in special wet areas
727 BS EN 13586 Cranes- Access
728 BS EN 13813 Screed Material & Floor Screeds
729 BS EN 13892-3 Methods of Test for Screed Materials Part 3: Determination of
Wear Resistance
730 BS EN 14329 Inland Navigation Vessels- Installation of Berths & Loading Areas
731 BS EN 50054 Electrical apparatus for detection of combustible gases, general
required test methods
732 BS EN 50055 Electrical apparatus for detection of combustible gases,
performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating up to 5% (V/V) methane in
733 BS EN 50056 Electrical apparatus for detection of combustible gases,
performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating up to 100% (V/V) methane in
734 BS EN 50174 Part 2 Information Technology- Cable Installation- Installation
Planning & Practices inside Buildings
735 BS EN 55022 Radio disturbance characteristics information technology
736 BS EN 60076-10 Determination of transformer & reactor sound levels
737 BS EN 60534-8 Industrial- process control valves Part 8: Noise considerations

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738 BS EN 60651 Specification for Sound Level Meters

739 BS EN 60849 Sound systems for emergency purposes
740 BS EN 60947 Specification for degrees of protection of enclosures of switchgear
& control gear for voltages up to 1000V AC and 1200V DC
741 BS EN 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
742 BS EN 61496-1 Safety of Machinery- Electro-Sensitive Protective Equipment-
Part 1: General Requirements & Tests
743 BS EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanised coatings on fabricated iron & steel articles-
Specifications & test methods
744 BS EN ISO 4126-1 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure- Part
1: Safety valves
745 BS EN ISO 5667-19 Water Quality- Sampling- Part 19: Guidance on sampling in
marine sediments
746 BS EN ISO 9000 Quality management systems-Fundamentals & vocabulary
747 BS EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems- Requirements
748 BS EN ISO 9002 Quality assurance
749 BS EN ISO 10204 Metallic Products-Types of Inspection Documents
750 BS EN ISO 14692 Parts 1-4 Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries- Glass
Reinforced Plastics (GRP) Piping
751 BS EN ISO 15465 Pipework- Strip Wound Metal Hoses & Hose Assemblies
752 BS EN ISO 15614-1 Specification & Qualification of Welding Procedures for
Metallic Materials- Welding procedure test Part 1: Arc & Gas
753 Welding of Steels & Arc Welding of Nickel & Nickel Alloys
754 BS ISO 4308 Cranes & lifting appliances-Selection of wire ropes
755 BS ISO 15175 Soil Quality- Characterization of Soil Related to Ground Water
756 BS PD 5304 Safe use of machinery
757 CEB-FIP Model code for concrete structures
758 CEMA 300 Screw conveyor dimensional standards
759 CEMA 350 Screw conveyors
760 CEN EN 1822-1 High Efficiency Air Filters (HEPA & ULPA)
761 CGA/GAS 02-DIR Directory of cleaning agents for oxygen service
762 CICIND Manual for inspection & maintenance of brickwork & concrete
763 CICIND Model code for steel chimneys
764 CINI Handbook for insulation - Issued by: Commission of Dutch insulation
industrie, Ceintuurbaan 182, 1403 AK, Bussum, Netherlands
765 CONCAWE No. 2/79 Method for Determining Sound Power Levels of Flares
Used in Refineries, Chemical Plants & Oilfields
766 CONCAWE No. 3/77 Test Method for measurement of noise emitted by furnaces
for use in petroleum petrochemical industry
767 CONCAWE Report 87/59 Predictions of noise radiated from pipe systems, an
engineering procedure for plant design.
768 CSA 22.2-157 Intrinsically safe and non incendive equipment for use in
hazardous locations
769 CSA 22.2- 30 Explosion proof enclosures for use in Class 1 hazardous locations
general instruction No 1-2R
770 DIN 0875 Radio interference suppression of electrical appliances & systems
771 DIN 3852 Part 2 Stud ends & tapped holes with pipe thread for use with
compression couplings

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772 DIN 4030 Evaluation of liquids, soils & gases aggressive to concrete
773 DIN 19234 Measurement & control; electrical distance sensors; DC interface for
distance sensor & signal converter
774 DIN 45635-22 Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Machines;
Enveloping Surface Method, Flares
775 DIN 45635-47 Measurement of noise emitted by machines: Airborne noise
emission Enveloping surface method Chimneys
776 DIN 45681 Detection of tonal components of noise & determination of a tone
adjustment for assessment of noise emissions
777 DIN 50129 Testing of metallic materials, testing of welding filler materials for
liability to cracking
778 DIN EN 1870-12 Safety of Woodworking Machines- Circular Sawing Machines-
Part 12. Pendulum Cross-cut Sawing Machines EURO 123.30
779 DIN EN 10204 Inspection documents for delivery of metallic products
780 DIN EN 50277 Measurement & control, electrical distance sensors, DC interface
for distance sensor & signal converter
781 DIN EN ISO 15607 Specification & Qualification of Welding Procedures for
Metallic Materials- General Rules supercedes DIN EN 288-1 Edn. EURO 94.70
782 DIN RP-B401 Cathodic Protection Design
783 DIN V 19250 Control technology; Fundamental safety aspects to be considered
for measurement & control equipment
784 DIN VDE 0801 Principle for computers in safety related systems
785 DIN VDE 0101 Erection of power installations with rated voltages exceeding 1
786 EEMUA Pub. 106 General specification for silencers & acoustic enclosures
787 (Formerly OCMA NWG-4, 1979), replaced by EEMUA Pub. 161
788 EEMUA Pub. 132 Specification of 3 phase cage induction motors
789 EEMUA Pub. 140 Noise procedure specification (Formerly OCMA NWG-1, Rev.
2, 1980)
790 EEMUA Pub. 142 Acoustic insulation of pipes, valves and flanges (formerly
OCMA NWG-5, 1982)
791 EEMUA Pub. 143 Recommendations for tube end welding, tubular heat transfer
equipment. (Formerly OCMA specification No. TEW 1)
792 EEMUA Pub. 161 Guide to selection & assessment of silencers & acoustic
793 EEMUA Pub. 201 Process plant control desks utilising human computer
interfaces- A guide to design, operational & human interface issues.
794 EIA RS 232, 422 & 485 Interface between data terminal equipment & data
communication equipment employing serial binary data
795 EIA/TIA 222 Structural standards for steel antenna towers & antenna supporting
796 EIA/TIA 232 Interface between data terminal equipment & data communication
797 EIA/TIA 422 Electrical characteristics of balanced voltage digital interface
798 EIA/TIA 423 Electrical characteristics of unbalanced voltage digital interface
799 EIA/TIA 455 Standard Test procedures for fibre optic fibres, cables, transducers,
connecting & terminating devices
800 EIA/TIA 568 Commercial building telecommunications cabling standard

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801 EIA/TIA 569 Commercial building standard for telecommunications pathways &
802 EIA/TIA 606 Administration standard for telecommunications infrastructure of
commercial buildings
803 EJMA Standards of Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association
804 EN 54 Fire protection & fire alarm system
805 EN 81 Safety rules for construction and installation of lifts & service lifts
806 EN 287 Approval testing of welders for fusion welding
807 EN 288 Approval of welding procedures for metallic materials
808 EN 292 Safety of machinery- Basic concepts, general principles for design
809 EN 294 Safety of machinery- Safety distances to prevent danger zones to be
reached by upper limbs
810 EN 349 Safety of machinery-Minimum gaps to avoid crushing parts of human
811 EN 563 Safety of machinery- Temperature of touchable surfaces- Ergonomics
data to establish temperature limit values for hot surfaces
812 EN 571 Part 1 Non destructive testing- penetrant testing Part 1: General principles
813 EN 614 Safety of machinery- Ergonomic design principles
814 EN 837-1 Pressure Gauges, Part 1: Bourdon tube pressure gauges. Dimensions,
metrology, requirements & testing
815 EN 1043-1 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Hardness testing.
Hardness test on arc welded joints
816 EN 1418 Welding personnel. Approval testing of welding operators for fusion
welding & resistance weld setters for fully mechanized & automatic welding of metallic
817 EN 1964 Transportable gas cylinders- Specification for design & construction of
refillable transportable seamless steel gas cylinders of water capacities from 0,5 litre up
to & including 150litres
818 EN 10028 Flat products made of steel for pressure purposes
819 EN 10164 Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to
surface of product; technical delivery conditions
820 EN 10204 Metallic products-Type of inspection documents
821 EN 41003 Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to
telecommunications networks
822 EN 50014 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-General
823 EN 50015 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-Oil
824 EN 50016 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-Pressurized
825 EN 50017 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres- Powder
826 EN 50018 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-Flameproof
827 EN 50019 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-Increased
828 EN 50020 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-Intrinsic
829 EN 50021 Type of Protection ‘n’
830 EN 50028 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-

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Encapsulation 'm'
831 EN 50039 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres-intrinsically
safe electrical systems ‘I’
832 EN 50057 Electrical apparatus for detection & measurement of combustible
gases; performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating up to 100% lower
explosive limit
833 EN 50058 Electrical apparatus for detection & measurement of combustible
gases; performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating up to 100% (V/V) gas
834 EN 50081 Electromagnetic compatibility- Generic emission standard
835 EN 50082 Electromagnetic compatibility- Generic immunity standard
836 EN 50091-2 Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)
837 EN 50160 Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution
838 EN 50174 Information technology cable installation
839 EN 50209 1999 Test of Insulation of Bars & Coils of High-Voltage Machines
Supersedes BS 4999-144; 1987 (F)
840 EN 55011 Limits & methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics
of industrial, scientific & medical (ISM) radiofrequency equipment
841 EN 55011M Limits & methods of measurement of radio disturbance
characteristics of industrial, scientific & medical radio frequency equipment
842 EN 55022 Limits & methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics
of information technology (ITE) equipment
843 EN 61000-4-5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing &
measurement techniques- Section 5: Surge Immunity Test
844 EN 61779 Parts 1 to 5 Electrical apparatus for detection & measurement of
flammable gases. Part 1: General requirements & test methods
845 Part 2: Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume
fraction up to 5% methane in air
846 Part 3: Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume
fraction up to 100% methane in air
847 Part 4: Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume
fraction up to 100% lower explosive limit
848 Part 5: Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume
fraction up to 100% gas
849 EN 187101 Optical telecommunications cables to be used in ducts or direct buried
850 ERA 69-30 Current rating standards for distribution cables
851 FM 3610 Intrinsically safe apparatus & associated apparatus for us n Class 1, 11
& 111, Division 1 & Class 1, Zone 0 & 1
852 Hazardous (classified) locations
853 FM 3615 Explosion proof electrical equipment-general requirements
854 FIP Guide to good practice grouting of tendons in pre stressed concrete
855 FIP Recommendations for acceptance of post tensioning systems
856 HEI Steam surface condensers & addendum 1 Steam Jet Vacuum Systems
857 HTFS Handbook sheet JMI Allowing for fouling in heat exchanger design
858 ICAO Annex 14 Regulations
859 ICAO July 1990 Annex 14 to Convention on International Civil Aviation
860 IEC 34-9 Rotating Electrical Machines-Part 9: Noise Limits
861 IEC 225 Specification for Octave-Band & Fractional-Octave-Band-Analogue &

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Digital Filters
862 IEC 651 Recommendations for Sound Level Meters
863 IEC 60034 Rotating electrical machines
864 IEC 60038 IEC standard voltages
865 IEC 60044 Current Transformers
866 IEC 60044-1 Current Transformers
867 IEC 60044-2 Voltage Transformers
868 IEC 60050 International electrotechnical vocabulary-Electrical installations of
869 IEC 60051 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments &
their accessories
870 IEC 60056 High voltage alternating current circuit breakers
871 IEC 60060 High voltage test techniques
872 IEC 60068 Environmental testing
873 IEC 60071 Insulation coordination
874 IEC 60072 Dimensions & output ratings for rotating electrical machines
875 IEC 60073 Basic & safety principles for man machine interface, marking and
identification, indicating devices & actuators
876 IEC 60076 Power transformers
877 IEC 60079 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
878 IEC 60085 Method for Determining Thermal Classification of Electrical
879 IEC 60096 Radio Frequency Cables
880 IEC 60099-1 Lightning arresters Part 1 – Non linear resistor type arrestor for a c
881 IEC 60112 Method for determining comparative & proof tracking indices of solid
insulating material under moist conditions
882 IEC 60113 Diagrams, charts, tables
883 IEC 60120 Dimensions of ball & socket couplings of string insulator units
884 IEC 60137 Bushing for alternating voltages above 1000V
885 IEC 60146 Semiconductor converters
886 IEC 60156 Method for determination of electric strength of insulating oils
887 IEC 60157 Low Voltage Switchgear & Control Gear
888 IEC 60158 Specification for Control Gear for Voltages up to & including
1000VAC &1200VDC
889 IEC 60168 Tests on indoor & outdoor post insulators of ceramic material or glass
for systems with nominal voltages greater that 1000V
890 IEC 60204 Electrical equipment of industrial machines
891 IEC 60214 On load tap changers
892 IEC 60225 Octave, half octave & third octave band filters, intended for analysis
of sound & vibrations, replaced by IEC 61265
893 IEC 60227 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rate voltages up to including
450/750 V
894 IEC 60255 Electrical relays
895 IEC 60265 High voltage switches
896 IEC 60269 Low voltage fuses
897 IEC 60282 High voltage fuses
898 IEC 60289 Reactors
899 IEC 60296 Specification for unused Mineral Oils for Transformers & Switchgear
900 IEC 60292 Low Voltage Motor Starters

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My Life Truths Volume II - Part 39
World references Continue
901 IEC 60298 AC metal enclosed switchgear & control gear for rated voltages above
1kV & up to & including 52kV
902 IEC 60300 Reliability & maintainability management
903 IEC 60304 Standard colours for insulation for low frequency cables & wires
904 IEC 60309 Plugs, socket outlets & couplers for industrial purposes
905 IEC 60317 Specifications for particular types of winding wires;
906 IEC 60331 Fire resisting characteristics of electric cable
907 IEC 60332 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions
908 IEC 60364 Electrical installation of buildings
909 IEC 60383 Tests on insulators of ceramic material or glass for overhead lines with
a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V
910 IEC 60398 General test conditions for industrial electroheating equipment
911 IEC 60408 Low Voltage Air Break Switches, Air Break De connectors, Air Break
Switches, De connectors & Fuse Combination Units
912 IEC 60422 Maintenance & supervision guide for insulating oils in service
913 IEC 60433 Characteristics of string insulator units of long rod type
914 IEC 60439 Low voltage switchgear & control gear assemblies
915 IEC 60445 Identification of apparatus terminals & general rules for a uniform
system of terminal marking, using an alpha numeric notation
916 IEC 60470 High voltage a c contactors
917 IEC 60473 Dimensions for panel mounted indicating & recording electrical
measuring instruments
918 IEC 60478 Stabilized power supplies, DC output
919 IEC 60493-1-1992 Low voltage switchgear & control gear assemblies, Part 1:
Type tested & partially type tested assemblies
920 IEC 60521 Class 0.5, 1 & 2 alternating current watt hour meters
921 IEC 60529 Electrical apparatus ingress protection
922 IEC 60534 Industrial process control valves- Part 8 noise considerations
923 IEC 60542 Application guide for on load tap changers
924 IEC 60549 High voltage fuses for external protection of shunt power capacitors
925 IEC 60551 Determination of transformer & reactor sound levels
926 IEC 60584 Thermocouples
927 IEC 60593 Internal fuses & internal overpressure disconnectors for shunt
928 IEC 60605 Equipment reliability testing
929 IEC 60617 Graphical symbols for diagrams
930 IEC 60623 Vented nickel cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cells
931 IEC 60654 Operating conditions for industrial process measurement & control
932 IEC 60688 Electrical measuring transducers for converting a c electrical
quantities to analogue or digital signals
933 IEC 60694 Common specifications for high voltage switchgear & control gear
934 IEC 60695 Fire Hazard Testing-Part 7-1: Toxicity of Fire Effluent- General
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935 IEC 60721-2-1 Classification of Environmental Conditions

936 IEC 60726 Dry type power transformers
937 IEC 60742 Isolating transformers & safety isolating transformers
938 IEC 60751 Industrial platinum resistance thermometer sensors
939 IEC 60794 Optical fibre cables
940 IEC 60801 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement &
control equipment
941 IEC 60815 Guide for selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions
942 IEC 60831 Shunt power capacitors of self heating type for a c systems having a
rated voltage up to & including 1kV
943 IEC 60849 Sound Systems for Emergency Purposes
944 IEC 60851 Winding wires- test methods
945 IEC 60871 Shunt capacitors for a .c power systems having a rated voltage above
946 IEC 60894 Guide for test procedure for measurement of loss tangent on coils &
bars for machine windings
947 IEC 60896 Stationary lead acid batteries, general requirements & methods of test
948 IEC 60898 Electrical accessories – Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for
household & similar installations
949 IEC 60902 Industrial process measurement & control terms and definitions
950 IEC 60905 Loading guide for dry type power transformers
951 IEC 60909 Short circuit calculation in three phase AC systems
952 IEC 60947 Low voltage switchgear & control gear
953 IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
954 IEC 61024 Protection of structures against lightning
955 IEC 61078 Analysis techniques for dependability- Reliability block diagram
956 IEC 61089 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors
957 IEC 61099 Specification for unused synthetic organic esters for electrical
958 IEC 61131 Programmable controllers
959 IEC 61241 Electrical apparatus for use in presence of combustible dust
960 IEC 61285 Industrial process control- safety of analyser houses
961 IEC 61293 Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to electrical
supply- Safety requirements
962 IEC 61481 Live Working- Portable Phase Comparators for Use on Voltages from
1kV to 36 kV ac
963 IEC 61508 Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic
safety related systems
964 IEC 61511 Functional safety: safety instrumented systems for process industry
965 IEC 61518 Mating dimensions between differential pressure (type) measuring
instruments & flanged on shut off devices up to 413 bar
966 IEC 61634 High voltage switchgear & control gear-Use & handling of sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6) in high voltage & control gear
967 IEC 61641 Guide for testing under conditions of arcing due to internal fault
968 IEC 61850 Communications networks & systems in substations
969 IEC 62086-1IEC 62086-1 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
970 IEC/CISPR 11 Limits & methods of measurement of radio disturbance
characteristics of industrial, scientific & medical (ISM) radiofrequency equipment

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971 IEC/CISPR 14 Limits & methods of measurement of radio disturbance

characteristics of electric motor operated & thermal appliances
972 for household & similar purposes, electric tools & similar electric apparatus
973 IEC/CISPR 22 Limits & methods of measurement of radio interference
characteristics of information technology (ITE) equipment
974 IEEE 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding
975 IEEE 115 Guide: Test procedures for synchronous machines
976 IEEE 421.2 Guide for identification, testing & evaluation of dynamic
performance of excitation control systems
977 IEEE 421.5 Recommended practice for excitation system models for power
system stability studies
978 IEEE 519 Recommended practices & requirements for harmonic control in
electrical power systems
979 IEEE 802 Standards for local & metropolitan area networks
980 IGC 33/97/E Cleaning of equipment for oxygen service (EIGA- European
Industrial Gases Association)
981 IP Code Part 2 Design, Construction & Operation of Distribution Installations
982 IP Code Part 7 Petroleum Measurement Manual- Density, continuous density
983 IP Code Part 9 Liquefied petroleum gas, Vol I large bulk pressure storage &
refrigerated LPG
984 IP Code Part 13 Petroleum Measurement Manual- Fidelity & security of
measurement data transmission systems, electric and/or
985 electronic pulsed data cabled transmission for fluid metering systems
986 IP Code Part 15 Area classification code for installations, handling flammable
987 ISA 5.1 Instrument symbols & identification
988 ISA 5.2 Binary logic diagrams for process operation
989 ISA 5.3 Graphic symbols for distributed control shared display instrumentation,
logic & computer systems
990 ISA 18.1 Annunciator sequences & specifications
991 ISA 55.1 Hardware testing of digital process computers (codes of BS-588 practice
for testing computer based systems)
992 ISBN 92-67-10188-9 ISO guide to expression of uncertainty in measurement
993 ISGOTT International safety guide for oil tankers & terminals
994 ISO 15 Rolling bearings-radial bearings- boundary dimensions
995 ISO 31 Quantities & units
996 ISO 281 Rolling bearings-dynamic load ratings & rating life
997 ISO 636 Welding Consumables- Rods, Wires & Deposits for Tungsten Inert Gas
Welding of Non alloy and Fine grain Steels Classification
998 ISO 888 Bolts, screws & studs: nominal lengths & thread length for general bolts
999 ISO 898-1 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel & alloy steel –
Part 1: Bolts, screws & studs
1000 ISO 1000 SI units & recommendations for use of their multiples & of certain
other units
1001 ISO 1101 Technical drawings; Geometric tolerancing, tolerancing form,
orientation, location & run out; Generalities, definitions, symbols, indications on
1002 ISO 1109 Refractory products- Classification of dense shaped refractory products

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1003 ISO 1132 Rolling bearings- tolerances- definitions

1004 ISO 1461 Metallic coatings: hotdip galvanised coatings on fabricated ferrous
products: requirements.
1005 ISO 1461 Galvanised coatings on fabricated iron & steel articles
1006 ISO 1680-Parts 1 & 2 Acoustics- Test code for measurement of airborne noise
emitted by rotating electrical machinery
1007 ISO 1813 Belt-drives-V-ribbed belts, joined v-belts including wide section belts
& hexagonal belts-Eletrica conductivity of antistatic endless V-belts electrical
conductivity- characteristics & methods of test
1008 ISO 1927 Prepared unshaped refractory materials (dense & insulating)-
1009 ISO 1940 Mechanical balancing of rotating bodies
1010 Part 1- Mechanical vibration- balance quality requirements of rigid rotors
1011 ISO 1996 Part 1 Acoustics- Description, assessment & measurement of
environmental noise
1012 ISO 2063 Metallic & other coatings thermal spraying zinc aluminum & their
1013 ISO 2186 Fluid flow in closed conduits- Connections for pressure signal
transmissions between primary & secondary elements.
1014 ISO 2204 Acoustics- Guide to International standards on measurement of
airborne acoustical noise & evaluating its effects on human beings
1015 ISO 2245 Shaped insulating refractory products Classification
1016 ISO 2314 Gas turbines-Acceptance tests
1017 ISO 2372 Mechanical vibration of machines with operating speeds from 0-200 r/s
Basis for specifying evaluation standards
1018 ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes - Cross cut test for adhesion
1019 ISO 2548 Acceptance tests for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps
1020 ISO 2715 Liquid hydrocarbons; Volumetric measurements by turbine meter
1021 ISO 2808 Paints & varnishes- Determination of film thickness
1022 ISO 2954 Mechanical vibration of rotating & reciprocating machinery
1023 ISO 3046 parts I to VI Reciprocating, internal combustion engines
1024 ISO 3170 Petroleum liquids-Manual sampling
1025 ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids- Automatic pipeline sampling
1026 ISO 3183 Petroleum & natural gas industries- Steel pipe for pipelines-Technical
delivery conditions
1027 Part 1: Pipes of requirement class A
1028 Part 3: Pipes of requirement class C
1029 ISO 3511 Process measurement control functions & instrumentation- symbolic
1030 ISO 3549 Zinc dust pigments for paint-Specifications & test methods
1031 ISO 3582 Cellular plastics & cellular rubber, laboratory assessment of horizontal
burning characteristics of small specimens subjected to a small flame
1032 ISO 3601 Part 1 Fluid systems Sealing devices-O rings
1033 Part 1: Inside diameters, tolerances & size identification code
1034 ISO 3690 Welding & allied processes- Determination of hydrogen content in
ferritic steel arc weld metal
1035 ISO 3743 Acoustics- Determination of sound power levels of noise sources-
Engineering methods for special reverberation test rooms
1036 ISO 3744 Acoustics- Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using

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sound pressure- Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting surface
1037 ISO 3746 Acoustics- determination of sound power levels of noise sources using
sound pressure. Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface of a reflecting
1038 ISO 4021 Hydraulic fluid power- Particulate contamination analysis- Extraction
of fluid samples from lines of an operating system
1039 ISO 4032 Hexagon nuts style 1: products grade A & B
1040 ISO 4200 Plain end steel tubes, welded & seamless- General tables of dimensions
& masses per unit length
1041 ISO 4406 Hydraulic fluid power-Fluids-Method for coding level of contamination
by solid particles
1042 ISO 4624 Paints & varnishes-pull off test for adhesion
1043 ISO 4628 Paints & varnishes- Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings-
esignation of intensity, quantity & size of common types of defects
1044 ISO 5024 Petroleum liquids & gases-Measurement-Standard reference conditions
1045 ISO 5167 Measurement of fluid by means of orifice plates, nozzles & venturi
tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full
1046 ISO 5199 Industrial pumps-Technical specification for centrifugal & rotary
1047 ISO 5211 Part turn valve actuator attachment
1048 ISO 5752 Metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems- Face to face & centre-to-
face dimensions
1049 ISO 6141 Gas analysis-Calibration gas mixtures-Certificate of mixture
1050 ISO 6142 Gas analysis-Preparation of calibration gas mixtures-Weighing methods
1051 ISO 6143 Gas analysis-Determination of composition of calibration gas mixtures
– Comparison methods
1052 ISO 6326 Part 1 Natural gas-Determination of sulphur compounds-Part 1:
General introduction
1053 ISO 6327 Gas analysis-Determination of water dew point of natural gas-Cooled
surface condensation hygrometers
1054 ISO 6385 Ergonomic principles in design of work systems
1055 ISO 6570 Parts 1, 2 & 3 Natural gas-Determination of potential hydrocarbon-
liquid content Part 1: Principles & general requirements
1056 Part 2: Weighing method
1057 Part 3: Volumetric method
1058 ISO 6974 Natural gas-Determination of hydrogen inert gases & hydrocarbons up
to C8 - Gas chromatographic method
1059 ISO 6975 Natural gas-Extended analysis-Gas chromatographic method
1060 ISO 6976 Natural gas-Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and
Wobbe index from composition
1061 ISO 6978 Natural gas-Determination of mercury
1062 ISO 7235 Acoustics-Measurement procedures for ducted silencers-Insertion loss,
flow noise & total pressure loss
1063 ISO 7411 Hexagon headed bolts- product grade A & B
1064 ISO 7415 Plain washers for high strength structural bolting, hardened and
1065 ISO 7730 Determination of PMV and PPD indices & specifications of conditions
for thermal comfort
1066 ISO 7731 Ergonomics-Danger signals for public & work areas-Auditory danger

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1067 ISO 8297 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of multisource
industrial plants for evaluation of sound pressure levels in environment
1068 ISO 8501 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints & related
products-Visual assessment of surface cleanliness
1069 ISO 8502 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints & related
products-Tests for assessment of surface cleanliness
1070 ISO 8503 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints & related
products-Surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned steel substrates
1071 ISO 8504 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints & related
products-Surface preparation methods
1072 ISO 8995 Principles of visual ergonomics-lighting of indoor work systems
1073 ISO 9002 Quality systems-Model for Quality Assurance in Production,
Installation & Servicing
1074 ISO 9606 Approval testing of welders. Fusion Welding
1075 ISO 9613 Part 1 Acoustics- Attenuation of Sound During Propagation Outdoors”
– Part 1 Calculation of Absorption of Sound by Atmosphere
1076 ISO 9613 Part 2 Acoustics-Attenuation of Sound During Propagation Outdoors” -
Part 2 General Method of Calculation
1077 ISO 9614 Part 1 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources
using sound intensity. Part 1-Measurement at discrete points
1078 ISO 9614 Part 2 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources
using sound intensity. Part 2-Measurement by scanning
1079 ISO 9951 Measurement of gas flow in closed conduits-Turbine meters
1080 ISO 10012 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment
1081 ISO 10081 Classification of dense shaped refractory products
1082 ISO 10101 Parts 1, 2 & 3 Natural gas-Determination of water by Karl Fischer
1083 Part 1: Introduction
1084 Part 2: Titration procedure
1085 Part 3: Coulometric procedure
1086 ISO 10303 Standard for exchange of Product Data (STEP)
1087 ISO 10441 Petroleum & natural gas Industries-Flexible couplings for mechanical
power transmission-Special purpose applications
1088 ISO 10474 Steel & steel products-Inspection documents
1089 ISO 10494 Gas Turbines & Gas Turbine sets-Measurement of emitted airborne
noise- Engineering / survey method
1090 ISO 10715 Natural gas-Sampling guidelines
1091 ISO 10723 Natural gas-Performance evaluation for on-line analytical systems
1092 ISO 10816 Mechanical vibration-Evaluation of machine vibration by
measurements on non rotating parts
1093 ISO 11014 Safety data sheet for chemical products-Content & order of selection
1094 ISO 11064-2 Ergonomic design of control centres-Part 2: Principles for
arrangement of control suites
1095 ISO 11124 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints & related
products. Specifications for metallic blast cleaning abrasives
1096 ISO 11126 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints & related
products. Specifications for non metallic blastcleaning abrasives
1097 ISO 11127 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints & related
products. Test methods for non -metallic blastcleaning abrasives

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1098 ISO 11546 Part 2 Sound Insulation Performance of Enclosures-Measurement In-

1099 ISO 11691 Acoustics-Measurement of insertion loss of ducted silencers without
flow-Laboratory survey method
1100 ISO 12213 Parts 2 & 3 Natural gas-Calculation of compression factor –
1101 Part 2: Calculation using molar-composition analysis
1102 Part 3: Calculation using physical properties
1103 ISO 12944 Paints & varnishes. Corrosion protection of steel structures by
protective paint systems.
1104 ISO 13443 Natural gas-Standard reference conditions
1105 ISO 13686 Natural gas-Quality designation
1106 ISO 13691 Petroleum & natural gas Industries-High speed special purpose gear
1107 ISO 13704 (API 530) Calculation of heater tube thicknesses in petroleum
1108 ISO 13705 Fired Heaters general refinery service
1109 ISO 13706 Air cooled heat exchangers for general refinery services
1110 ISO 13709 Centrifugal pumps for petroleum, petrochemical & natural gas
1111 ISO 14001 Environmental management systems-specification with guidance for
1112 ISO 14313 Petroleum & natural gas industries- pipeline transportation systems-
pipeline valves
1113 ISO 14691 Petroleum & natural gas Industries-Flexible couplings for mechanical
power transmission-General purpose applications
1114 ISO 15156 Petroleum & natural gas industries-Materials for use in H2S-
containing environments in oil and gas production, petroleum & natural gas Industries
Part 1: General Principles for Selection of Cracking-Resistant Materials-Part 2:
1115 Cracking Resistant Carbon & Low Alloy Steels & use of Cast Irons-Part 3:
Cracking Resistant CRAs (corrosionresistant alloys) & other alloys
1116 ISO 15175 Soil Quality – Characterization of Soil related to Ground Water
1117 ISO 15607 Specification & qualification of welding procedures for metallic
materials-General rules
1118 ISO 15613 Specification & Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic
Materials-Qualification based on pre production welding test
1119 ISO 15614-1 Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic
Materials-Welding Procedure Test –
1120 Part 1: Arc & Gas Welding of Steels & Arc Welding of Nickel & Nickel Alloys
1121 ISO 17846 Welding & Allied Processes-Health & Safety-Wordless precautionary
labels for equipment & consumables used in Arc welding & cutting
1122 ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality & / or environmental management systems
1123 ISO/DIS 9241 Ergonomic requirement for office work with visual display
terminals (VDT's)
1124 ISO/DIS 9857 Petroleum & liquid petroleum products-Continuous density
1125 ISO/DIS 11429 Safety of machinery-system of auditory & visual danger &
information signals
1126 ISO/DIS 11064 Ergonomic design of control centres

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1127 ISO/DIS 14532 Natural gas-Terminology

1128 ISO EN 10168 Steel Products-Inspection Documents-List of Information &
1129 ISO/IEC 3352 Acoustics-assessment of noise with respect to intelligibility of
1130 ISO/IEC 11801 Generic cabling system for customer premises
1131 ISO TR 5168 Measurement of fluid flow-Evaluation of uncertainties
1132 ISO/TR 7849 Estimation of airborne noise emitted by machinery using vibration
1133 ISO/TR 10465 Parts 1-3 Underground installation of flexible glass-reinforced
thermosetting resins (GRP) Pipes
1134 ISO/TR 12765 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits-Methods using
transit-time ultrasonic flow meters
1135 ISO/TR 15608 Welding-Guidelines for a metallic material grouping system
1136 ISO/TR 17671-5 Welding-Recommendations for Welding of Metallic Materials-
Part 5: Welding of Clad Steels
1137 ISO/TR 17671-7 Welding-Recommendations for Welding of Metallic Materials-
Part 7: Electron Beam Welding
1138 ISO/TR 18569 Safety of Machinery-Guidelines for understanding & use of safety
of machinery standards
1139 ISSMFE Report of subcommittee on standardisation of penetration testing in
1140 ITU-T G.175 Transmission planning for private / public network interconnection
of voice traffic
1141 ITU-T G.611 Characteristic of symmetric cable pairs for analogue transmission
1142 ITU-T G.621 Characteristic of 0.7/2.9 mm coaxial pairs
1143 ITU-T G.651 Characteristic of 50/125 micrometre multimode graded index
optical fibre cable
1144 ITU-T G.652 Characteristic of a single mode optical fibre cable
1145 ITU-T K.8 Separation in soil between telecommunications cables and earthing
system of power facilities
1146 ITU-T K.11 Principles of protection against over voltages & over currents
1147 ITU-T K.12 Characteristics of gas discharge tubes for protection of
telecommunications installations
1148 ITU-T K.19 Joint use of trenches & tunnels for telecommunication & power
1149 ITU-T K.20 Resistibility of telecommunications switching equipment to over
voltages & over currents
1150 ITU-T K.21 Resistibility of subscriber’s terminal to over voltages & over currents
1151 ITU-T K.25 Protection of optical fibre cables
1152 ITU-T K.34 Classification of electromagnetic environmental conditions for
telecommunication equipment: basic EMC requirements
1153 ITU-T K.51 Safety criteria for telecommunication equipment
1154 ITU-T L.3 Armouring of cables
1155 ITU-T L.10 Optical fibre cables for duct, tunnel, aerial & buried application
1156 ITU-T L.12 Optical fibre joints
1157 ITU-T L.13 Sheath joints & organisers of optical fibre cable in outside plant
1158 ITU-T L.14 Measurement method to determine tensile performance of optical
fibre cables under load
1159 ITU-T L.36 Single mode optical fibre connectors

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1160 ITU-T P.54 Sound level meters

1161 ITU-T T.6 Facsimile coding schemes & coding control functions for Group 4
facsimile apparatus
1162 MIL-A-18001K Anodes, sacrificial zinc alloy
1163 MIL-HDBK-217 U.S. Military Handbook: Reliability prediction of electronic
1164 MSS SP 44 Steel pipe line flanges
1165 MSS SP 58 Pipe hangers & supports-Materials, design and manufacture
1166 MSS SP 69 Pipe hangers & supports-Selection & application
1167 MSS SP 75 Specification for High Test Wrought Butt welding Fittings
1168 MSS SP 97 Integrally reinforced forged carbon steel-Branch o’lets or o/let fitting
1169 NACE MR 0103 Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive
Petroleum Refining Environments
1170 NACE MR 0175 Replaced by ISO 15156
1171 NACE RP 0177 Mitigation of alternating current & lightning effects on metallic
structures & corrosion control systems
1172 NACE RP 0178 Fabrication details, surface finish requirements & proper design
considerations for tanks & vessels to be lined for immersion service
1173 NACE RP0186 Application of cathodic protection for external surfaces of steel
well casings
1174 NACE RP 0188 Discontinuity (holiday) testing of protective coatings
1175 NACE RP0193 External cathodic protection of on grade carbon steel storage tank
1176 NACE RP0196 Galvanic anode cathodic protection of internal submerged
surfaces of steel water storage tanks.
1177 NACE RP0285 Corrosion control of underground storage tank systems by
cathodic protection.
1178 NACE RP0290 Impressed current cathodic protection of reinforcing steel in
atmospherically exposed concrete structures
1179 NACE RP0387 Metallurgical & inspection requirements for cast galvanic anodes
for offshore applications
1180 NACE RP0388 Impressed current cathodic protection of internal submerged
surfaces of carbon steel water storage tanks.
1181 NACE RP0492 Metallurgical & inspection requirements for offshore pipeline
bracelet anodes
1182 NACE RP0572 Design, installation, operation & maintenance of impressed
current deep ground beds
1183 NACE RP0575 Internal cathodic protection systems in oil treating vessels
1184 NACE TM 01-77 Laboratory testing of metals for resistance to sulphide stress
cracking in H2S environment
1185 NAMUR NE 43 Recommendation for signal levels to extract failure information
from digital transmitters with analogue output.
1186 NAS 1638 Cleanliness requirements of parts used in hydraulic systems
1187 NEMA 250 Enclosures for electrical equipment (1000 volts maximum)
1188 NEMA SM23 Steam Turbines for Mechanical Drive Service
1189 NEN 547-2 Safety of machinery-human body dimensions, principles for
determining dimensions required for access openings
1190 NEN 1005-3 Manual handling
1191 NEN 3410 Safety requirements for high voltage & low voltage installations in
potentially explosive gas atmospheres

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1192 NEN-EN 457 Safety of machinery-auditory danger signals, general design

requirements, design & testing
1193 NEMA MG 1 Motors & Generators
1194 NFPA 10 Portable fire extinguishers
1195 NFPA 11 Low expansion foam systems
1196 NFPA 11A Medium & High expansion foam systems
1197 NFPA 11C Mobile foam apparatus
1198 NFPA 12 Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems
1199 NFPA 15 Water spray fixed systems for fire protection
1200 NFPA 20 Installation of stationary pumps for fire protection
1201 NFPA 58 Standard for storage & handling of liquefied petroleum gases
1202 NFPA 70 National electrical code
1203 NFPA 72 National fire alarm code
1204 NFPA 90A Installation of air conditioning & ventilation systems
1205 NFPA 496 Standard for purged & pressurised enclosures for electrical equipment
in hazardous (classified) locations
1206 NFPA 750 Water mist protection systems
1207 NFPA 2001 Clean agent extinguishing systems
1208 NPR 2760 Mutual influence of pipelines & high voltage circuits
1209 OCIMF Design & construction specification for marine loading arms
1210 OCIMF Recommendations for oil tanker manifolds & associated equipment
1211 PrEN 1005 Safety of machinery-Human physical performance
1212 PrEN 12437 Safety of machinery-Permanent means of access to machines &
industrial plants
1213 RAL Colours from Deutsches Institut fur Gutesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V.
1214 S.34 Engineering recommendation S.34 A guide for assessing rise of earth
potential at substation sites
1215 SFA 3009 Special protection
1216 SMACNA HVAC systems-Testing, adjusting & balancing
1217 SMACNA HVAC systems-Duct design
1218 SMACNA HVAC air duct leakage test manual
1219 SMACNA HVAC systems-Applications
1220 SSPC SP1 Surface preparation specification No 1-Solvent cleaning
1221 SSPC PA 2 Paint application specification No 2-Measurement of dry paint
thickness with magnetic gauges.
1222 TEMA Standards of Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
1223 TNO Green Book Method for determination of possible damage to people &
objects resulting from releases of hazardous materials (CPR 16E – 1992)
1224 UBC 1997 Volume 2 1997 Uniform Building Code: Volume 2; Structural
Engineering design provisions
1225 UL 698 Safety standard for electrical industrial control equipment for use in
hazardous (classified) locations, Class I, Groups A,B,C & D & Class II, Groups E, F & G
1226 UL 698UL 698 UL standard for safety industrial control equipment for use in
hazardous (classified) locations.
1227 UL 886 Outlet boxes & fittings for use in hazardous (classified) locations
1228 UL 913 UL standard for intrinsically safe apparatus & associated apparatus for
use in Class I, II and III, division I, hazardous (classified) locations
1229 UL - 1709 Rapid rise fire test of protection materials for structural steel
1230 USEPA 40 CFR Part 60 40 Code of federal regulations-Protection of environment
Part 60-Standards of performance for new stationary sources

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1231 VDE 0510 Specification for electrical storage batteries & battery plants
1232 VDI 2055 Thermal insulation for heated & refrigerated industrial & domestic
1233 VDI 3733 Noise in pipes
1234 VDI/VDE 3845 Industrial process control valves; interfaces between valves,
actuators & auxiliary equipment
1235 VGB R-450-Le Guideline for Boiler Feed water, Boiler Water & Steam of Steam
Generators with a Permissible Operating Pressure of >68 bar
1236 WRC 107 Local stresses in spherical & cylindrical shells due to external loadings
1237 WRC 297 Supplement to WRC bulletin 107

Dear Reader,
This is a part Volume namely Volume II of My Life Truths
1 Thanks indeed for taking interest in reading above work intended to provide projects
practical information exchange to those, who aspire to develop their professional skills to
a level, making themselves more useful in professional fields fitting conveniently within
industry environment, by getting fast opportunity for learning professional aspects to
some extent.
2 Purpose of above work is to bring to young engineers, projections of necessary
operations & activities conducted by various professionals on industrial projects.
3 I am basically a civil engineer by formal education experienced on reinforced concrete
buildings & similar heavy structures in general.
4 It is certainly a fact that during earning experience in profession, one does not confine to
one’s discipline only, for multidiscipline projects are involved in profession & by virtue
of interface exposures, professional is forced to grasp some knowledge of other
disciplines, otherwise problem solving shall be near impossible.
5 This envisages every practicing engineer to accept criteria that hesitation to interact with
relative disciplines should be discarded by being ready to adapt that with full
6 This kind of approach & conduct shall provide multi facet of coordinated knowhow
through discussions, meetings, report preparations, statement preparations, exposure to
datasheets, reading design basis, FEED documents, contract conditions etc.
7 It is also, suggested that should someone of you have certain descriptive experience on
some projects, must share that experience by documentation on web or otherwise for
transferring learning to juniors.
8 World has been changing & developing extremely, fast in science and technology forcing
us to accept facts as well as, update or face obsolete status.
9 University knowledge helps confined to understanding engineering & technology
principles, without exposing to world of real applications.
10 Students should not expect also, that type of knowledge to be imparted with by
professional teachers of engineering universities, who in fact unfortunately, have never
been exposed to virtues of profession.
11 I have seen many managers on projects who had no engineering formal degrees, but
occupied senior managers positions in particular from western nations, with having
considerable exposure & grasp as well as, capability of application in fields successfully.
12 I have done some other works on writing as follows

Civil Engineering Buildings Practice published in 1996 by CBS publishers 11 Darya Ganj,
New Delhi 110002, India
1 This book contains various aspects of building engineering from site management

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viewpoint, contract administration viewpoint, design philosophy & general engineering

in field as well as, in design office
1 Buildings design application software based on Kani’s Rotation Contribution Method
giving calculations on excel format.
2 This application covers scope of RCC frames from 1 bay 1 storey to 5 bays 8 storey by
using links, interlinks, hyperlinks etc
3 Further volume RCCBDS 2004 & 2005 were also, commenced, but could not be
completed due to reason that engineering community did not take any interest in Kani’s
Rotation Contribution methods, however applications shall be continued later, when I
have free time in future.
Home Plans
1 I also, had worked on a volume of civil engineering home plans in decade nineties, but
unfortunately, that is still in cold box, without having affected any formal publication.
2 Also, I conceived a township project schematically in nineties that could not take off due
to lack of provision of financing by promoter.
3 In addition to aforesaid, many other useful files are available on web for practical
4 I have also, personal interest in using date of birth numbers interpretations, using spiritual
movements within body that work is available on web, though it is not relevant to
engineering. Only educated persons can understand philosophy of this subject.
5 By this note, I conclude.
Regards & Thanks once again for your valuable time as well as, interest shown.
Hope work has been useful to you. Please write suggestions.

Eng Suraj Singh FIE
Professional Engineer PE 28 / IntPE(India)
Institution of Engineers India
Member Engineers Mobiity Forum / IPEA
Cracking Furnaces Ethylene Cracking Plant

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