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“Management is doing things right; leadership is

doing the right things.” -Peter F. Drucker

One who goes first and leads by example so that others are
motivated to follow is in a nutshell, the definition of a leader. A leader is
one who leads by example, influences with selfless motives, inspires others
to pursue their dreams and to thrive on taking risks.
To manage is defined as the act of controlling, directing and or
administrating. Management involves organizing and coordinating the
activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.
Moreover, Leadership is a quality that needs to be developed but
management is a science and an art has to be learned. leaders have visions,
have to do with faith /risk in the opposite Managers have realistic
expectations and have to do with facts/rules. Leaders seek effectiveness
and do the right thing; the other ones seek efficiency and do things right.
TO LEAD is to provide direction, thrive on opportunity and inspire people;
TO MANAGE is to enforce control, live for the job well done and regulate
people.. In other words, “ Heart in Leadership… Head in Management” .
In the end we can create a new term, THE LEADAPRENEUR SKILL
The true skill of enabling viable organizations is to balance leadership and
management skills. You need both and that is what leadapreneurs do. You
need to achieve goals today but also prepare for tomorrow’s change.

MPI 1-3

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