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Speaking test result

1. How do you think you USE English so far

I need to be more confident to speak english with my friend. So far i just listen my children
speak each others, I know what they are talking about but i confuse to answer their question.
2. Who used to feel like this? Even until today?
Of course I feel it. Because I need some time to think the sentence and grammar. It’s to long if
another person wait for my answer so I prefer to answer in bahasa.
3. What methods have you tried to learn english?
I used to read an english book, watch some movie with english subtitle, and listen music.

Why do you think it doesn’t work?

Because I need to be more confident to speak english. I think learn english in my age is to late
and I feel ashamed if my grammar have a lot of mistake

4. A response to this context

Before I share my opinion, let me introduce my self. My name is Fanny Septiana

Murdipura. You can call me Ibu Fanny. I work as a teacher at Sekolah Dian Harapan
Holland Village Manado. My subject is social studies for grade 7 and 8. I have almost 5
years of teaching experience. In my opinion, teaching and learning system is supported
by several things, namely:

a. Technology
Technology is supportive of learning and helps children to find and clarify a lot of
information from the internet. Technology can also support communication and
establish relationships, especially for students who are unable to attend the class.
Technology can also increase the level of participation and enthusiasm of students

b. Face to face
Good teaching and learning is not limited by time and place, both directly or
indirectly meeting. If students have a good motivation for learning then in any
condition they can still learn.

c. Group projects
Teaching and learning for me is also about cooperation and socialization with
others. This is what’s the differentiation between home schooling and ordinary
schools. Group assignments are one way to train our students about socializing.

d. Attending lectures
I believe that learning is process. Students can experience learning from beginning
to the end, so that the knowledge gained by students can be comprehensive.

e. Learning facilities
Good learning does not rely on facilities. Facilities are very helpful for learning, but
not everything. Where there are students and teacher, for me learning will still go
on. Facilities only as a support. The spirit of teaching and learning is the main key to
success in studies

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