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Education ac vanes Look at the sentences below and fil in the gaps using the appropriste word or exprossion From A, 8 or 1. He gota good grade in hismaths but ___hs English xa. Apased lest C falls 12. Shohadto__her Fist Contzate ram thre tae. Acstudy Bike C make 2. Se her driving tt test time! ‘A.passed B.succesded C.won 4. Hels __ medicine becouse he wants to become doctor Acstudying B.leaning C acqulrng 5. Hes __tospeakFranchat college Acstudying B.learning C tecehing 5. Shs_hesaf to spank Jars, Aleaming B.studhing ¢.texhing 7. she fiom Eanburgh Unversy last yea Aleit B gradusted posed '8 Wiereed to ___ young people about the dangers of akohol educate 8 bring upc rae gem {or my history tsttomerrom, Aloaming S.rovsing C rmanberg 10.School_nove woot cant wat forthe holdays to begin ‘A.breaks inte B.breaksup —C bresks down M1. nmy county, tis_ to go to school between the ages of Sand 16 Alegal B.requred compulsory 12. Myfovcurite _at school wesalays Histo. A.tople B.subject C. object ‘ook 2, NOUNS ‘Look at the definitions belom, and writ the words they dafina inthe grid onthe nat page Tha fst lettar of each word has been given to you. Ifyou de it correctly, you wil find the nama we give toa ‘student at university Inthe shaded vertical sip. Use your dictlonary te help you. 1. Adhd st school. (eg, The plano teacher thinks she is her bestp____) 2 Aperson whois studying a a cllege cr university. (ec, She's brian 3. A diploma fom » university. (eg, She hac In mathematic fom Onford Unversity) 4. Amecting ofa small group of university students to dscuss a subjoc with teacher. (29. The French beng hel inthe confarence roam) 5. Atalk given toa clas of students, usualy ata university ercallege (eg, Weare acing tea cn pollution. Kieinqesoa 2ypeds-oido Education © Asun ofmoneyte help (ag, Notmany studanisgetefullg___) 7. teaching sesion bebvean a tutor and one or mare students. (eg, Wehadet on fusien histor) 3 Allthe people whe workin a company, shee, ccllage or other organization (¢,Three members of ___ are away sik) 9. Apersonwith adeoree from aunnersty. (eg, Nesag of London Universty) 10. An ares of knonledge that you sestudying, (eg, Mathsis hisweckest s_____) 11. The points given to student fora testora piece of work. (eg, She get topm in Englsh) 12 Ascheolthat sfunded bythostate (eg, Howont toa. 7 13. Astheolfor little chidren. (eg, We send our youngest son tothe local ) 3 2 W 7 3. k '. what's the difference? Use your dictionary to help you find the difference between the following paits of words. viene [ve teacher anda profezor “ate ord a gemaster jp. «primary choc! and » secondary school 5. graduate in Britain and o graduate in the USA [2 fer and a grant 6 astateschoal and agublicschool ‘ask 3. IDIOMS, COLLOQUIALISMS AND OTHER EXPRESSIONS Look at these sentences and decide which of the idioms and colloquiaisms in bold is correct. In aach santonce, there are two expressions which wa de net use in English 1. He gets up ear to 9010 collage and comas Rome lat, 1 aap tllng hm he shoulcn't ‘buy 2 dog witht talls/ burn the candle at oth ends / try to wear two pals of wouser 2. Sally aways oes her homework on tne and buys the teacher Intl presents. The other children hate her Shas such ataachers toy / tears jewel / teacher's pet 5. Hell have to pull hs sock up /polsh his heed / empty his washing besket and work hard or hel fall ne exame 4. Sho cide’ wore hard encugh ard flunkad pledged /squidged her exams ‘5. Thay dd goto school, but ehase the tiger! emptiod thtr hese / played truant and wont fihing teas 6. Hanover comar toi Engl loteane Ha alvaysemuiking J skiving / shrinking, Food and drink TERS Read the text In the box bolow and match the words in ‘underneath. Use your dictionary to check your answers. [recently went ona cookery coun. was very thing work Fist of ll hadte kar Pow to prepare food. The teharshoned us how to marine mest before we cocked I, basta wht ie ‘wae cooking and oven how to slit ance it had aon coke. We wre ako shawn how ta chop, ‘rate ae de vegetables. hed never realised before how many diferent was thee are of ‘ooking foo had tear how tor, bake, roast. gl barbecua. sty and steam the bast part ofthe couse was tying ou the food we had cookad Some of tha tudonts would bla the ‘food eutiouly and (inthe case of the drinks we had prepare sip delstly before thes would pwllow, on the other hand, would gobble and gulp, smote without van Bethering to chew i prope ist 1. tomake something oft with your teeth te sao food or Vauis quel. ‘te make food inc small laos by rubbing over a metal tol awe te cock over 2 pan of boting water by alewing the hot mis fom tha mater o pass through small bole na container with food in to cook feed outdoors on a metal gil over wood or cheroal 6. to soak maat or fh in amicute cf wine and herbs, et before coking it ” 7 tweatsomething by taking small bes '8, toma food er iq pass down your trot irom your mouth to the stomach, 9. woeat gots 10 to pour melted fat and jas over moat a 11 ooking, 11 twee semething mt thin places 12. to cok food ino o fat in shallow pan 1. t cok food wna ver strona hes ret above it 14 to dink something by taking ony sal amount of aud ats tne 15. to et feed int smal places with ka 18, to cok vogetables or mast qucky in oto. hinaza fod soften cookad inh way 17 to cookin an evento any ort quel or fat. rea and eats ar ually cock ths Way 18 10 ct fod into small cubes, 1, cook ood (especie mee aver fieo nan oven Food and drink faesd. the text in tha box Below and match the words in bold with thelr definitions underneath. Use your dietionaty to check your ‘ecb wee oat, Teal food eet pe ingedere oir sane loos Elirad det fy proue oad Saser vas a" 1. thadsoup as 8 followed by chen and cis for the witha of ‘een salad, ond ally delicous of towbar eo 2. My frond Tim 2 ‘he woritast mest Hi girlfriend ment estan foc that expos “animals including @ppsand chee) shes a 3 Inthe restaurant, chose my food from the 7 and mhen thd fed, paid the ‘and lef the water asa 4 mon ‘becazs Tin tying to lose weight, oI suppose | should eat more but Fm afraid ant rest hamburgers, pizzas and other 5: | bought a realy good boot lst meek, but cant find some ofthe need for ‘he cahes. 6. shallws have cinnar at home or hell we eat out? | know lets do bt of both. ll go tothe chinese and bring something back 7. Nations tl us that we should ant 2 We should eat es food sch ar mant and cheese, end should eat more foods that contain. Tike bro breed and vegetabies 8. Cokes ane ects contain lots of fond Pid youtrow? Jia ean be ura 2 aye }you shoud ata balances diet. Diet refer: tothe sorts of foe you eat balanced ciet maa that frousat eh ight amount fom tha diferent food groups mon a det When youre ana cit, you et less because youwantt lose weight 5. IDIOMS, COLLOQUIALISMS AND OTHER EXPRESSIONS ‘The expressions In Bold, which wrong sentances below Use your dletionary to help you rearrange them. 1. The exam wasse ean! fens buterFingers 2 | don ia hore tims; they’ bananas. 3. | dort get paid very much in my new jek. fact my bos pays me sour grapes. | Jane eal angry with her borinnd as fara sha concerned, ho not warm 26 toast 5: Ive|ustseen the boss are he looks really an think there's different ket of fish 5. sha becama very ambatasid and har fara tumod cool ae 2 cucumber 7 Wr Lewis worcertl man Hos a ciferent ex chalk and cheese 8. Youre mad can, completly nat my cup of teat 8. tm always cropping things and breaking them. im sch apace of cake 10. Altough Joe nd Bran ata brother, thayracomplately diferent They're tha salt ofthe earth, 11 The bark robbers were packed together Ike serdnes when the pole questioned then, and told ‘hem everyting they knaw about the robbery. 12 tm pot atall cold. n fect Tim the flavour ofthe month, 13. Andy i always calm ad flaca He never pani. He's ard a 2 bootoot 14 Steven cit congratulate me when got the ob. twas probably peers. 15. twat to cronded on to tran vs spl the Beane 16. dont mind you boring my umbrella without asking but to borrow my cx? That's touble broming Free time activities roca the boner talow tn the secand box, you wil se tof verbs we ute to sny thet we Uke something. Im the shed bor. you wil see a staf adecves that we use 10 describe why we enioy “ferent setts Use your dtonary to check that you understand all the word ad expressions, than wt 2 feu sntences to say what yu enjoy dolng in your tee time, 2nd why you enoy doing them ‘watch een fs, eos los sorting events Moot mates go fouramers Iitento thera, mani ‘ay ports octal, vllal tems af, badnnon tabla wri et) ay ces, co games, computer oars bead games, cas, cad Games ‘ay muscalnsrument te plana, he guar, he wll, the sarphane, the drums ‘sinning, camping hing, hoping, rueing aging dinbing waking, king honesiding satin. nosing 95093 (9 the drama, the have, conc, sows the pub estan, the ray, mans, lees fob mates, uae parks tea books, magazines, evens, Jour, comes calle stamp porta, angus, ons, wes of ar, psintings seis ith your and pubs, ban, all, rights, returns, atone, te) su tha raat For cis Me photapaphy cocking painting wnting creming, sewing and knting ther are ‘spc eb We nal wa ey of ther vets, toy phtogachy king shotorah Aco that you do ous the ous orcad ooo arate Tike * enjoy + love © adore + am fond of am keen on # mad. shout + am erazy_ about Interesting + creative + challenging + fun + exciting + relaxing Inspiring + amusing » entertaining + stimulating + therapeutic » sociable ypads-o1do. Aaeynqeson topic-specific vocabulary Geography Tak Per od fer och the words onthe lft wth a examp on the riht. Thar av sme words on the et right Use te check what these moa mate + city + waterfall ‘county + canal range © valley ‘the Atlantic + Ankara + Munich province + ocean + mountain ‘the Sahara + Niagara + Everest harbour + island + river Merico + Bali + the Suez + Asia ‘capital (city) + village * country ‘the Himalayas * the Nile + Ohio continent + desert + stream town and cotny ‘complete the text with words fom the box. safer + amenities + peaceful + nature + pollution + commuters + jams crowded + suburbs + fresh * rush hour + countryside + rural » stressful fields + public + _nighthfe + _urnen + cosmopolitan, ve ahans prefered an _ Yate ton _aye i mchrather nein a iy than the ‘becuse there's so much more to do. The_ i ret-lots of brs restaurants nd nights an ‘thereat of _ suchas spors centres senming pol, museums andso on What party Ie eth ach my home cy s0__; hare are esl here rom aor he word, ‘Ofcourse, wh so mary people everwhere ean get vey _ epi during the_m myer, thsisbetneen 7 and inthe moming. and beeen &ard6 inthe evening) At those times, the ans and bus ate packed wth __coming to he cyto work. an then going back 0 the_ around ‘the cy where mary of them In. Those whe dont uie_tareport vet the yin tha om cacy th causes webleaic __ontha oad, andof ousalo of _, which mates the a ey nd upleetnt ean ge ute at ine, ‘covsequert ts gosto getaway fom tect naw anthem and get bak o_o of vey 3k geen __ord__villagswher the nly oie the ound of bd and sees. ao much _ ths es cme and the roads ater a danguous. Health ravens ‘Complete the text below with one of the words or expressions from the box. fallill » recuperate + examine + operate « take exercise + suffer + refer weat + look after + keep fit + get well + cure + pick up Mos people beleve ts vey mporane 9 Imcrdert0 2 but even the fe fusoncansometinass. no mati how aid Vey & ‘ai heath you do become tof couse youwart 3. {soon poubie With most mina ass sch a3 ‘old fs usualy posible 6. our by ting os of et nd rng en oF lig emave you Tem athing more serious you wl hve to got your doc. few ou and pasos. ‘ov wh medione ch yu an 1 ‘fom your Teal amit you hve an ural nay, your doy may ya ‘posal or hosel who may dacde 12 "se oui you! Massa You wll han foeso sna ths ean ake ong time aca nouns ‘Maciel word, There ate 12 worde hidden inthe box. Look a the definition onthe lft fina the words thot maten them Inthe box he fa leter ofeach word has been Nene 1 voomweres daca deste ad orminon pation 2 pesonwho leks air sick pease 5 Ser wan by 2 doer tas phamaast asking er dug tobe prepared and sold to a pxtent Soca wo spd in suger 6) 5 Separenentim ahospal for selene cms SERENA i or tiny nto by doctor dani. (9 17. toom erst coms a Pesta with bea for 5 above. (w) 4 peromwho tues ang ens mental dese (9) 5. Speed time fora mestng tsar decor or dentist.) fo. fekal pect etched we aha CO 1 prolesional rue wo fags e woman ge ith, often at ame (m) 12 Sngein tha way aed worse look showing Wat das We esant nd has bean rotcadby Se patent doco) 7 cma oe 7 ee ee fe [x [ww fe @ Aaeinqe2on >1y90ds->1do Health ‘Tapa ious, conoou_LiMs anp oTwea exrnesgo 2 Your condition towthandge, «= @ 2 You look washed ot ® 4 Yor ewe come down with something «= @ 5 You we om ft me fiddle, = @ 6 Yu we im tae O 7 You hove token 9 tm for the wore You are not featng youre = 8 You me Wid op with something: «= To you feel use: © 1 You fool on top of the wont @ 12 You festa 8 12 Youre glowing ° te Youre im the pk @ 15 You look te death wamed up: @ 1 you feel 8 be rough: e 1 Youre at deste dor: © 18 vovtea peu ofheats: © @ SFG GKGHKHFFGHBGHKBHFHHBEE Learning languages ‘Complete the sentences with ¢ word or words Tom the Box challenging * look It up + parrotfathion + coming along * menclingual [getby + rewarding * mother tongue * pckcomaup * accent © maltingusl communicate» calf accze centre + recycle + lingua franca + natve * progres fluent + second language + bilingual + pronunciation 1. rope speak sof arent languages n my county bi the Iseagoh misused ‘neta poised eden the mai langue of ommaaion 2. Mysto! san exit where we a seo o tapes watch videos nd we conoutes ‘omproeou then 23 tha trl problem wih ny Engh Nobody can ndentand wordy “4 Aays cama geed cena around why. yu don undead a werd. yeu an then 5. when youleuna naw werd youshould wy 2 ‘asmuch as posible your wren ord spatan Emon {det leam sash atchcl bt managed © hen Las uavelg sow San, 2. har on ua reset res ang not Amenan ts someting between | There ae type tetany oc ne whch ghar tenet ofthe word and ‘ne which okie he worn esas bngusge inky Eg vl Layer | pana my PT stay th yelp ny FE, re em Sui fr he RE a ely at making doe 10. of couse sea god nah ve spoken Ra myles my_ ao speakrech 11 wy nan ech Spann ond Forges are _ spe tham party ke of hose ours. soos jou aula at 12 when at Gen hoo ee wetter othe esha and in Nowrad what heal Inever learnt tos Roper 13 mya wrt great but hen 0 aan ly restaurants shops bas et. ‘teal oops snot whet tying te ‘4 Leaming language ane _ bu tisaloys_eszealy when you ia you ce ‘eth poe inh ew out pads-aido: Aue|nqe2en 21 The media {ook at the dues, and use them to help you rearrange the letters in bold in the sample Sentancos, The fist lettat af each word has been ‘Use those words to complete the Crossword. You will find slot of the srawors in the cuss to the other sentences. us 085 1. A.parson who writs for nowspapars or other paticdials. The eojurtlsn asked the police chief some difeult questions. 4. The amount of space (ina newspaper) or time (on television) that & glven toa story or place of ‘There wasn't much ogveerca ofthe Arsenal-.werpoo! match 5. Photographers who follow famous people to teke pictures of them for nevspepers ‘They ware followed by the rapsonalz from the theatre tothe hotel 6. Aroutine placed in a computer program which destroys or corrupt files "think there's @ stu on the computer 7. The people watching a TV programme or listening to # radio broadcast. The football match attracted an endaceul of almost 20 milion. 9. Te move information or programs from a computer network to an individual computer. \sitllegal to aownidod music fom the Internet? 11, A factual film about arse abject Did yousee the mogdurtayen about South africa on BBC! lastnight? 13. Words in large letters on the front page ofa newspaper Have yousean this dheneall: QUEEN II RAP GUN VIDEO SHOCK? 15. A frequency band for radio or T, or 2 station using thi band ‘The news ison anehcal 4 at 7 o'dock 18. A Journalist in charge of 2 nenscaner or a person who gets a radio or TV programme ready. Fe rots te the etordl of The Tima’ to complain abeut the story they had printed, 20. An important item in 2 TV news programme, or an important article on a special subjectin 2 ‘newspaper "read an interesting urfeat on the future of information technology 2 ‘Tebring outa book oF « nenapaper forsale “They vere ested not to blighus the book, but went ahead anyway. 23. A TWer radia show. Last night we watched « rammrogep om if in 17h century France 24, 4 collection of related pages on the internet, ceated by a company or individual Hyou want to knaw more about Bloomsbury books, vist their shateab at wna bioemsbury com. use down (4) 2. A Journalist who wtes reports of events for @ newspaper or TV programme ‘The BOC sent a poporer to cover the earthquake. 3. The action to ban newspapers, books or fms, or part of them ‘The government imposed stct press ennscorsi to stop rumours being spread. 4 The numberof copies of a magazine, nenspaver, etc which ae sod. The paper has leullonat of almost 2 milion. The Media Tha programme wil be acoasd on Monday a 80 adh rend dleaght a Britain Areingezon >y10ds-21de topic-specific vocabulary Money Tak vanes Look atthe conversation between the bank manager and the customer, and fil inthe ‘with an appropriata word from the box. ‘bank + lend + withdraw + eam + awe + afford + save deposit + borrow + spend + pay back open Manager: So, Mr Jensen. How can help you? ustomer ket) £5000 to by ener car ar was wondering your bank ‘oud help ma Manager, 1500, Can ase fyou (2) ‘money to any other banks? Customar: Yas £800 wo the midst bank, Manages. Right nea wo ak you about your salary Could you tal me how much you {G)__exch month, ond how much ofthat you sally manage to ( > Customer: I make about £1200 month end | usualy mos ofthat on rent bls ood and genralvngexperes. usualy have about £250 left at th and of he ‘month Manager weagree to ()__youthe money. how much could you, @ ‘sch month? to cunomer: About £200 Manager: Well tht would probaly be fine. Now 3s you den utenti) ths, ou rus (0) ‘av eccount here We wl then he ,000n ‘hat aroun, apd son at goes im youn (12) re Teka, NOUNS {xolin the iference between the fellowing pis or aoups of words, Use your dconary to back ard» ulna wcety 2 aquest account ond sana account 3. enltamal and e danast 44 eattement ond » blonce 5 cath anda cheaue 6 a.andcad a debit card anda cheave uarantce card 7. abilandarecept osama oder and 2 crac debit 9 alan and an ovat

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