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See Writing Part 1 (essay) Task information «Tho essay task in Part tests yourability towrite + Your essay must be well organised into paragraphs ‘an opinion’ essay forthe teacher of an English «with good linking expressions. ass +s your reader will be a teacher, you should use «+ There ia question orstatement to discuss and you fairly formal language. are also given some notes to guide your writing. «You should write full sentences with correct ‘You should write between 140 and 190 words grammar anc punctuation, using a good range of ‘+ You should allow about 40 minutes for this ask, Fanguage with accurate spelling. Including time to plan your work and check for mistakes atthe end. Useful language: ordering points or reasons; adding information ‘A. Where would you use these linking expressions? Put them under the correct headings. (Feats, frst Fa, On balance. Incorcusion, Next, Lasty, Last but notleest, To sum up, Fratie Then Tobesin wth, To conclude, Secon {for the first point | forfurther points | for the last point | in the conclusion sty coo a 12. Some linking expressions are used at the begining of a sentence, but somo are not Circle the comet words in tales. 1 Inthe city there are more places to go. Aso /Tbo, they stay open later. 2 Working ina coal mine isa hard job. Furthermore (As well, it can be dangerous 3 Treveling by trains mote relaxing than driving. I's better for the environment, besides oo, 22 You have to find somewhere to play. As well As well as that, you need to buy al he sports equipment. '5 In winte, the nights are much longer. Too /in ation, i alot colder then. 6 Making your own furniture isan enjoyable hobby. It saves money, as well n addition. ‘Look at this exam task. Would you answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question? In your English class you have been discussing animals, Now your teacher has now asked you to write an essay. Write an eesay, using all the notes and giving reasons for your point ot view. tis wrong to keep animals in z00s? Notes wht about: 41 how the animals are treated 2 learning about the arimals 3 noneeueen YOUF OWN de) Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style, Quickly read the essays on page 36 written by strong First candidates, A and B (languege errors have been contected). Ignore 1-40 and answer these questions ebout each essay. 1. Does it include * only arguments that answer ‘yes! to the question, followed by the writer's opinion? + only arguments that answer ‘no’ to the question, Followed by the writer's opinion? arguments on both sides, followed by the writer's opinion? In which paragraph does the writer discuss note 1? Where does the writer discuss note 2? Which point is the viter’s own idea? Now read the essays again and complete questions 1-10 with the following notes. You can use the same note mora than once, + Writer's own opinion * Gives an example sums up points already made + Expression that links points * Gives reason + Tells the reader what to expect © Contrast link Essay A In my opinion, keeping animale 2008 snot as cue 2 pape ‘say sometimee ie ven useful for tree main reasons. First ofall they take care of the animels, giving them the best food. ‘Th annals are claaned every day and they va in good conditions. “Tore i lage numberof scientiats tat care for tho ancl for instance hey eaten a ease, ‘Secondly, thore re some arenas thet are dsappearing because they have been hunted without ary control. the zo they ae ay from thase hunters, so they are safe anit s posible to prevent ‘them disappearing, Final therwis also an edueationalreason, Chien can soe erent imal from all ver the wor ave and from my point of view this in th boot way ofaaning. Tey aso learn to take care other sn ‘the mest important thing, to love ther. tn conclusion, | balleve keesing anim in a 00 is ro more erel than kesping tham at home. The only mportart thing is to cae for them. Essay B Keaping animals in 2008 san important issue taday bacause hore are many people i favour of arma rights, n tis essay intone to ‘examine the arguments for and against Keeping animals in zoos. (One ofthe strangest aqumentsinfaveuris tho fact that eileen can 188 animals from other counties. Consaquenty visting 2008 can help them learn about nur. Furtnernaro, 2006 can halp protect some ld of animal, which ight be in danger f extinction. On the other ane, there are several arguments agains. To begin sith, itis known that animals in 2008 sur from loneliness sins thay arnt ivingin thei ntural environment Secondly, hey donot tbanave a they would do they were fee, because they have to get tna to anew way af ving even if they have been born inte z00. Lat, pple can use thar to carry eat experiments. (On balance, | am notin favour of Keeping animals In expiviy because, as! nave shown th ke ia, which is very sod ters on epnon ves 4 reason (0) Tea. reader what to ett @ a ® ® =e Sums up pants slready made tines the background ines a reason | Seer CC Writing Part 1 (essay) Action plan 1 Read the instructions, the question or statemet and he two notes you ste given 2: Decide whether to write for or anit or whether o give arpuments gee: 3 Think ofa thie dea to edd to the notes you are gen, wit this down, then make a plan. ni ts eet iets ea Mea ace eee ead ee ete ee ee SECT G, fe and duimee Sat ere dee tel tah gic your em opinion Rere andor jour as paragraph. 5 writen fey formel se, ncudng linking expresions from iets niger ea 6 \Wrte teas two sentences about each main point, ving reasons apeaheaesress 7 Gve your opinion by summarsing your main pint [nw condudiig aarp 8 Chock your esay for istakes and tht youhave written at last 140 word Note down a feo useful expressions for eee Read the exam task below. 1) Whe are you wating for? 2 What must you waite about? {3 What two main points must you include? 44. Which other min point wil you adc? ‘You have had a discussion in your English class about cifforont ways of watching music concerts. Now your Engl teacher has asked you 19 ‘write an essay. \Wirite an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point cf view. Which is better: attending a concert, or watching the same concert at home, for example online or on TV? Notes ite abou Ta M08 wae oh of 1 corer regres wet soars Yo dieageen men any 2 atmesanere | (Tia HT y0u ate going 0 write for wad eins | our points Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. balance the essay 3 (our own idea

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