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Sentence Thisis the letter which Paula sent after staying with Sue and Jim for jumble the weekend. Work with your partner to put Paula’s letter into the correct order. Coastguard Cottages, Dunmore, Skye, Scotland Wednesday, 5th January Dear Sue, a) | 1 think you'd like it up nere ~ the cottage is miles from anywhere so you'd have real peace and quiet. b) | Living in the country is wonderful but it is good to get back to civilisation once in a while © | That punch" certainly lived up to its name ~ no wonder we all had hangovers the next day! oO 4) _| I'm mentioning it now so that you can keep your diary free for that time. e) | Just a quick line to thank you again for the lovely weekend in London, 1) | Well, that’s all for now. 9) | There's plenty of fishing for Jim, too — he can even go shark-fishing if he’s feeling ambitious! h) | Anyway, it certainly got everyone into the party spirit quickly, which is what you want at New Year, after all i) | It was such a nice change from my usual surroundings. | Now, what about you coming up to see me during the Easter holidays? k)_ | Thope Jim has recovered from his party by now! oooood0o0d0 | Drop me a tine as soon as you can. "puncte drink mace of itn spice et 4 Format Paulas eter (above) could be divided into tnree paragraphs. Write a Barnmary of the inc main parts of tho loter ithe bones below H+ Salutation |, (ear Sue) Signature Connectors Useful Janguage In the jumbled letter, the connectors are in italics. Look back to check how the following words are used. needless to say consequently no matter as regards to sum up Use one of these to fill each blank below. 1 Ihave visited many countries; 1_______have useful experience of different cultures and customs: 2 Ican swim, ski and sail Tthink I have the necessary qualities for the job. ‘qualifications, I have a post-graduate degree from a British university. 4 He was one hour late for the interview. __ he didn’t get the job. how early I get up in the morning, | still can’t get, to work on time. Complete the following sentences in a logical way. 1 She is very brave; she'll tackle any challenge, no matter 2 As a psychologist he has a great deal of experience in 3 He's interested in doing all sorts of ‘do it yourself” jobs; these Include ———_ 4 This post would give me a chance to travel, which —___ 5 I'd like to sum up this letter by Now make up your own sentences using the words in italics. Vocabulary Match the following words which come from the text with their correct definition. Use your dictionary to check your answers. 1 controversy a) at fault 2 glued to —_—_—b) uninteresting 3 toblame ©) person who pays rent to stay in someone's house 4 lodger 4) pattern of behaviour caused by disorder of the i 5 syndrome _¢) (informal) continually close to 6 flop confined to the house e.g, through ill health 7 housebound g) collapse, sit down heavily 8 blessing —_—h) strong impression or effect 9 impact ’)_ a gift from God, something one is glad of 10 banal BD protonged argument, especially over social, moral or political matters Writing first 1 Look at the folowing opening paragraphs of four different for and . Aaguinot texts ands wth yeur porters decide which are te mosvicast Paragraphs | [fteresting, Can you say whys ‘ ® -Weeking mothers mean neleted cies" No doubt a sizabe “Tere are two sides to stv sine population id ike to fae up and ich the pendeman | | every question, This ‘shomade this Gaim the other cay, Yet tere ae many, 10, ho spell he ouidagice within’ Soho ah the mother who Gros forts | | neem for military Toren gol covure slg of the one who saya tome? service ms well Sevying she c D ackage bodys con| | Speak roughly o your ili. And beat him when he specs. bbe a good idea but it depends. Let us look a the pros and cons Of the situation, ‘This verse comes from the children’s book ‘Alice in Wonderland?” and is, of courte, not intended to be taken seriously, But the question of hhow we should discipline our children is very much in the news. It is ‘now against the law in Britain for a teacher to smack a child in school ‘and it's suggested that the same law should be extended to parents, So what are the rights and wrongs of smacking your chiki? Making your connectors text ‘flow’ A ‘for and against’ composition should not just consist of a list of ideas. Sentences need to be linked by suitable words (Firstly, Moreover, In Conclusion, etc.) Ideas within individual sentences need to be moulded ‘too, and the correct and Varied use of connectors is important in giving your writing style. In the text below, the writer is outlining the disadvantages of a career in acting. First read Text A, which is really just a list of points. Then use connectors to improve the style of the text (B) by choosing suitable words to fill the blanks. Text A ‘You should realise that acting isa risky career. Every year thousands of young, hopefuls leave drama school. Few achieve the fame and glamour they seek. It {sm fact that anyone who does make it into an acting company has got to be prepared for hard work and unsociable hours. Maay companies expect you to rehearse all day but also t0 ‘give your all’ on stage in the evening. No place here forthe lazy. It isa fact that much of an actor’s life is spent touring. You will have to be prepared for uncomfortable nights in cheap boarding-houses ‘Most actors spend a lot of time ‘resting’ (that is, waiting for employment). They have to be prepared to take on extremely menial jobs just to make ends mect. ‘A career in acting should only be considered by those with energy, enthusiasm, resilience ~ and, of course, talent! Text B fo) you should realise that acting is a risky career. Every year, thousands of young hopefuls leave drama school (@) "few achieve the fame and glamour they seek. @) itis a fact that anyone who does make it into an acting company has got to be prepared for hard work and unsociable hours; (4) ______ many companies expect you ()_____‘to rehearse all day but also to ‘give your all’ on stage in the evening. No place here for the lazy. It is ©) —_ 'a fact that much of an actor's life is spent touring, (7) you will have to be prepared for uncomfortable nights in cheap boarding houses. (g) ____ most actors spend a lot of time ‘resting’ (that is, waiting for employment), they have to be prepared to take on extremely menial jobs just to make ends meet. (9) —____ 8 career in acting should only be considered by those with energy, enthusiasm, resilience ~ and, of course, talent! Writing 4a) Atfirst b) To begin with ) At the beginning 2 a) yet b) only © except 3 a) Secondly b) As well ©) Moreover 4a) so ) in fact 0) as 5a) notonly b) in addition —_c) furthermore 6 a) in addition b) too 9) also 7 a) asa result b) therefore 9 50 Ba) Due to _b) Besides ©) Since 9 a) Finally b) To sumup _—) In total 1 Text jumble Here is a ‘for and against’ text about using animals for experiments. Working with your partner, put the sentences into a logical order. You may like to copy and cut the text into strips to do this exercise. a) | This is because drugs which are tested and found safe for animals can have « completely different effect on humans. b)| And, finally, when animals suffer purely for our fashion and beauty industries, surely this is the time to draw the line. ©) | The elimination of polio and the discovery of penicillin each depended on animal testing and there was no satisfactory alternative. 4) | Bombs have been placed in fur departments of shops and food contaminated with poisons before it leaves the factory. e) | To begin with, over 90,000 animals die every week in British laboratories, yet many researchers admit that experiments can be ineffective. f) | Secondly, it must always be remembered that if drugs weren't tested on animals first, children could die as a result of taking untested drugs. @) | This would surely be an indefensible situation. h) | However this medical use needs to be strictly limited and alternative techniques — like cell-culture — should be used. whenever possible, i) | Yet although we may violently disapprove of such actions, have Animal Rights groups got a valid point to make? i) | Allin all, it would seem that the use of animals in experiments is essential in promoting medical advances. k) | People in Britain have been shocked by the acts of terrorism carried out by Animal Liberation groups over the past few years. | First of all itis a fact that the major discoveries in medicine have come from experiments on animals. m)| There is another side to the question, however. oo i eed st page 22 fr deitons assess ‘emma Toeatgy tn) Pious ac) assure) discriminate) sngenous lad) pander bali) siious lad) } inspiration i) pjuiced la) biased) estat, | ition) presume | concent fait) ust ‘very vm) conse) gather rave ed) reckon ) | centerpiate ‘ens Potion tn reflect) nical fed grasp) ontniste od) seepbcol etic (a) dete 0) uessmor in) paradox in) specu) detbora 6 Inch to) pessnist (ac) suppose eee 050225 0: io academe in, ad) sroduae vn) | intensive (ao) sft in) conscierbous lad) ignorant od) | krowiedgeabe ta} seminar 0) | crm) intone ad) recur speci veeds tn) | curriculum in) intellectual tr, a) ‘mock exam in ph) ‘ution ind | stancelearingtn gin) iget add lage suri ‘rush up (on) practie and moro you sits or | place together tn the th about sare by frowkedge ot sate ‘arising ale septate bi came (aroun to) chnge yor spinan o dean because Ffomsten youraee Somesnehaspersncedyauto agree | puree cut she acoriang or competed vane | proien by trkng cata aout come up with irk of soreting suc a an dee ora | road up fetefornation ons parker stot by | hn | onZabout) ——Feadng alo about foco upto ses someting any cet wh swat Up on] sla srrering vty ad, spel for figure out beable tounderstand semethng or save anexamncton arc nfersond wt sonore | take ia Unerstndt eveber something | isan wy ey bene he wey {hay hear or rac accept someting tod | Srrea ar te tek sonore na tavece satiate alti coco | Selevngcomedg tha! na Soneiveny cwree think over cone proleror section ese | make out see, ear crundersad someone or | ink trough conser the act abet someting en Eerietirg wth Sey, soe Suunbed nd hocupr ay nl over think carfuly abou someting over a | think up ‘vent or iagine something, espeisly period of bm | srowice eee ‘account accou fr gel an accour of, take no account, "ake aecourt of, on accourt af, by all scccurts, on ss avant | associat associate sth wh balance (rag) in te balance, strike a balance, upset/aer/ ‘esse once, baie baweevel, bases bake bacie bass for, ona dalytemporan/ete basi, onthe bass ‘olfhat belief express belts), Deke ayhat, corto to popu bale, beyond bale, nthe ele inst, corlar/ndey helt ice spreadtin/strong/gronng betel brain pick sb’ bras rack your ras), the brains bei, ‘rabless, brainchild (, branstons, brainwash braowave ‘conclusion ring sth ta 2 conduson, come to / aie at/ Teach 2 concusion, um/lea to conclusions, in ene, cons of logeal concn fregane Phrases, patterns and collocations ‘how consderaion for, uider cosier a for sb's Consideration, oto! consderaton for | doubt cout’ hat, have your doubts aut, cast doust on, ‘aise doubts, in doubt, doubt a to / abou, beyond (ay) doubt, (reasonable doubt, wnthout a deus, open ‘cube ream dream o'/about/hat, have «deem, 2 dam to, | Obeyond your widest dreams,» dream came ie, your reams ne a eam | focus focus onthe focus ofa, foes, tof focus, Tocus grou, maryermary/malor facts impression have/give te ale] imgression hat, do an "imresson ol creatinake an iipression (0, ‘ner the imoression that, est moressons mental meke a mental nate (o/about), metal artnet, rentals, metal ae, mectal Reath mind ake up your mind cross/si you mind haye/bear in ‘ind have a cnetack md, take your md of, rng tO ‘ind. to mind aber, en your mn state of mind, awro/beaadosen/ absent | misapprehension under tie mseporehension th consideration tke ita consderaten, ge consideration to, “Wntng se erm Unit perspective putin perspective, fom acter / 2 | lerent/'sb5 / ete perspective, irom the perspective of | in prspective, out of perspective, a sence of perspectve Drinciple have pincinles, sandy / stick to your oineioes, ‘ice of st, prince that, rpc, 3 | ater an sete of pine, agnnst 5 recipes, Setof omnes ‘question beg the question, as the question (,a/no (ueston fn question, gut of he question, without ‘question, beyond aves, some question over / 35 | 27 abut, enka qusston sons sense th, see sense, rake senso) have the ‘sense To, comet your senses, 2 sense of, ina/ene sonse, common sense ‘ide side wth sb, take sides, soe both sides ofan | ‘argent ook onthe gh ade, on he ours ‘te, by ss 68 on 3's Se, of eer side!) straight stats stag out, s/t the record ‘oig, getieme sgt tthe pore. gets sag, thie/see sag stat takng, stage rswer | view view sth 2, ake the view that ae a deponr ven of, | Come into es, view of, wh 3 vet, ve on/sboUY” that nse, verbo poi fv >lUlUlUl 0 to your head it sucess goes to your head, it mekes you think that you are better or more important than. masineoranttien | yourealy ae | Ihave your nits about you be abe fo think uicky and make sensible decisions in the dark (about) not knowng very much about someting, because other people are Keeping it secret rom you know whats what know the important facts about a stvation hotnav aie sad on _ytne sy wy lone teh aa sata not ace te wo rte tres vg spre tone cain at pte tn ns ey OREN ea bite andtns tester fusr eli oven oo sontig mers bed on toute semcr head | Guison ont wate her sve serge tases soni | fing ball sorting tt rgs abel sas falar y, ough ou erat emer the crcl dels round the bend rary splat dra or ory ct very sal ease erences at oe ot norant take atoek Sen Some tne ng cot he tuto youn ele ie wha to ons | Word formation ] Rural assume assuroton asamng, assuring, essaned | judge einen, clay ude, elon, Balove selve,bt, adel, ible asl teen us itibeate, dobervne noseye lose topes rant anaes opiion oponses cenclve concesttz, cores concerts, conecha, anal eon. ansean rato, rattan. Inhoeovai, tnecnecnby {tren bron onze colon, cane, erknsty reason reasonag. snails, ntemonade, convinee comicton, (unicominced, (uricorvincingty) reasoned, (unlreasonably feces, esd decwiness, ceodne, sone nso, ere) thee tone (lemstn,rarcence sonst, ei define delriton, defined, defintvet,(miesitely) seranesthest, sensi, rene setsby, doubt —_ doubler, doubttully|, undoubte Hess, ee ods dobry do ates | ay ie, tte, rai, elton, nomtires, trouttansesstnteriobe, rose, infogeat, mpi toughest imagine imagraton, magnings, imaginary, Wes Weanoed (urdmaghatielh) sdom, unwise) Topic vocabulary: Thinking A. Circle the correct word, 1 Don'tbe so optimistic / pessimistic. Everything's going to be fine, yout see! 2 Most newspapers are usualy biased / prejudiced towards a ceria poiica cuiook, 3. lim slighty dubious / eynial about whether Sean's idea is going to work 4 To suggest that's possible to create a society without crime isa ite naive / sceptical, itt ‘5. The onl ingenious / plausible explanation Ian think of i that Jenna go the dates wrong. 6 Please cont baffle / discriminate me with nads of technical terminology. Use plain, simple Eng sh 7s not aay eyo assume / assess someone's sutabty fap sty taint then a short interview. 8 How can the government justify / speculate spencing so much on the armed forces? Looking at the damage, would estimate / deduce that the panting willcostat least €2,000 to restore propery. 10 | dort tink you shoud reflect / presume that lots of people are going to help you with this project. B Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. More than one word might fit in each gap, ‘but try to use all the words, Concentrate * consider + contemplate * deliberate = gather * grasp * ponder + reckon + suppose 1 tock me quite a long time to ‘what the aim ofthe game was. 2 Thejuny are stil , ut they'e expected to reach a verdict soon, Bn from your tutor that youre thinking of changing course 4 You realy have to very hard when you are doing caligraphy. 5 Im seriously asking for 2 pay cise tomorrow 6 How long do you itl take to get to Manchester? F VEO enna | could borrow your lecture notes this weekend, coud I? 8 ityouve ever the question Whiy does the universe voter to exist, then this is the book for you 9 Lets not even the possibilty of fature F Write one word in each gap so that each second sentence has a similar meaning tothe first sentence. 1 need to consider your offer very carefully before | make a decision, need to ‘ver your offer very careful before | make 2 decision, 2 Lee had the briliatidea of booking a clown forthe endo arm party. Lee came: ~~ the bil kdea af booking a clown fr the encof term party 3 I's time you realised that you've got responsibiltes now. It time you faces - ve the fact that youve got responsibilities now. 4 rm goirg to have to imarove my spoken German before | go to Munich rm going to have to brush ry spaken German before | goto Munich 5. didn’ tke te idea at first but ow Ido | it ke the idea at fist but fve round it now. 6 fsa general rowladge quiz so you can't do any revision for There's nothing to swot 2s ifs a general knowledge quiz 7. We were right atthe back of the ha sal couldnt hear what the spesker was saying, | was unable to ‘ut what the speaker wes saying because we were right a the back of the hall 8 We finaly thought ofa way to get the band into the hotel without the press hrowin. We finaly puzzles away to get the bad into the hotel without the press knowing, ‘9 The found outa ft of information about the history of English language teaching rece Ihe been 1 on he history of English language teaching recent. G Phrasal verbs with out, such as puzzlo out, ae often connected to the idea of finding Which of these phrasal verbs with out are also connected to this idea? Dic you find out vat time the parents! meeting is? ‘ve been checking out whether its better to go by ferry or pane Susie reckons sie’ eussed out a great way to go to the club fr fre. We al piled out ino the playground. I cant figure out how to change my pesswors, ‘The band were completely drowned out by all he sereaming fons. Im going to sound Bob out about his investing in the campary Two essays really do stand out fom the rest. Janis good a keeping sectets, so youl have to worm it out of her! [None of us could fathom out why the experiment wast working K. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning tothe first sentence, using the ‘word given, Do not change tho ward given. You must use between three and eight words including the word given 1 never thought that we'd have legal problems. crossed th ee sn that we'd have legal problems 2 Ive decice that teaching is nt the rignt profession for me. conclusion he ‘hat teaching i not the right profession for me 3 Cou you tel me where you were ast night, Mr Johnson? account oud you von YOUF whereabouts last right, Mr Johnson? 4 The journalist pretended tnt she was a parent of one ofthe cicren false The ouralst that She was apart af one f the chen, 5 You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equa measure in tsb. strike You nave t0| Tog ac lateral thinking in is job 6 et tel Ange because I dc’ want to hurt Ed's feelings. consideration Udit te Ange. - Eddie Idioms L. Complete using the words in the box. bel + bend + dak + hairs © head + leg + stock + two + upiake + what + wits * wood ‘The name Aan Hickson ings a but cart lace him, Stop wasting time siting and look athe bi picture. ‘Ack Simon about the sales targets. He avays knows what's Youve got to have your shout you to succeed n abversing Dent ot success goto your il you? Noone tld us that Diana was leaving, but we a ut RD adnan tet Im gong to go round the... they dont tur that muse down soon Lets take of he siustion before we make a fn decson Hw di they manage to keep me completly inthe nnn about ti for $0 lon? The problem with Jane is that sometimes se cart see the forthe tees. It took Dan long time to understand what was going on, He's usually cucker on the. than tha athe? 12 Franky, youre completly wrong and you havent got 3 to stand on Topic vocabulary: Learning D_ Choose the correct word. Letter to the editor. ———— “The Prim: Niisters omens ystniay on easton sping miss the ot, the stander lation syst also eds mo oval. sly the syste nl isthe wees ames shang cil) the | ries and st (2) sta ar nota pt irl peti Sco hrs to | ch tein cl ot ech arin, my Hor yard dager Sr example hs jas poe telat worth > @ fo exams hese eet en el, nortan xaos, as her ESE wl be nat ae Tyres @ xu the on se a ing ly ig er re (3) vt | sates orl she ge ital tor suspect he ltr “aly, che twat (6 1 dest ot Stud y(n non Aoi pric rat it soa ls sil veces Fig action. ow may tds oer cay Fw the fst idea what sheers tween (3) seme das wor nd ming se of sere els ies? Sho they hae be tah hs scl? Ha vy of are ely able oo abt a a sil it’s essa at irs bests thera acer te yoni. ~ no ficient way? ded, hw my sider (10). nn fo ies ty anew spe ve np Cgich words coreg Tests ting ou dildo 1 Arequests Bdesres —Ceeds D wants 2 Ainattenive ignorant intensive D conscientious 3 Acramming ——Blectunmg Creating D practising 4 Afalse B mock Cake Dacia 5 Aknowledgeable Bintolectusl — C academic Dintetigent 6 Atmetabie Blectue ——C seminar D curriculum 7 Alesson Beubject ——Ctuiton D tutorial 8 Avriting Boing over C plagiavising O repeating © Arevewng Brevison —-Cdistance learning self'study 10 Acuity Bgraduste — C depart Dext

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