Interviu Casa Smart

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A Smart House - Interview

"Hi, Mr. Jony, my name is Duduc Alex and I came here in the name of News Fox, to take an
interview about your family's smart house."

"My pleasure! What do you want to know?"

“Well, my first question: Why did you and your family choose to move into this smart house?
Was it a good decision?”

“First of all it helps your daily routine and makes your life easier.”

“But aren’t you scared that somebody with the right technology can steal from your house?
For example your goods and your information?”

“No, because it has the latest security system, with lots of passwords and protocols. The
house’s main servers can be only accessed by my, and by its CIO, so nobody can break into
it. The front door has a fingerprint system, and every place in the garden is monitored with
high quality cameras, and I get a notification if an intruder tries to get inside.
This makes every vacation more peaceful, knowing that no one will steal my favorite things.”

“When do you think that every house will be like this one?”

“To Be honest, it is a long way before this happens. This technology is hard to produce and
costs a lot of money and resources. I’m not the one that chooses, but, I think that in 5 or 10
years you will find at least a smart house on every street.”

“Don’t you think that the people are the problem?”

“No. How could you resist this temptation? This type of life brings you a lot of benefits!”

“Well…Busy people don’t have that much time to do the shopping , to clean the house or to
mow the lawn. Is this house the solucion?”

“Actually, I am one of them, and this house helps me alot. By reading the bar codes of the
empty food or supply packets, they are put on a shopping list, which is forwarded to the
nearest supermarket.But is not the same for the cleaning, there is just a cleaning robot that
vacuums the floor, every time I want to, and a dispositiv that purificate the air, the rest it
needs to be done by my and my family.It will be too boring to let the technology to do
everything for you.
It was a good decision and I will never regret it!”

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