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“My name is Alex and I'm room 114, and i want to make a complain.”

“What seems to be the problem sir?”

“Well, first of all, i couldn’t sleep not even a minute last night, because of the neighbors from the
next floor. They trown a party in the middle of the night, and invited the most disturbing people ever
known to this world!”

“I am very sorry to heat theat sir. I was informed even from others tenants about this. I will try to
talk to them, but I don’t think that i will do that much.”

“But why?”

“Well, those people are friends with the manager of this building and they ask for his permision, if
they can make some parties. If they realy be disturbing you, our team can give your money back with
a bonus, or to make a reservation in another place. How that sound?”

“It seems promising. I will choose another room please.”

“Allright sir. Pack your bags and at 10 O’ clock someone will come at your door to help you move
your stuff to your new place. Hope that you will feel better there!”

“Me too. Thanks for your servicies.”

“My plesure!”

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