Exer-1 2 Questionnare

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Differential Equations

Exercise No. 1-2


Test 1. Transformation of points Test 3. Choose two problems. And submit your
complete solution.
1. Convert the following points into their equivalent
polar coordinates. 1. Prove that the parametric equations of the Kappa
curve x = a cos t cot t and x = a cos t satisfy its Cartesian
1. (5, 2) 3. (–2, 6) 5. (, ln e) form y2(x2 + y2) = a2x2.
2. (3, –3) 4. (–3, –2) 2. Prove that the parametric equations of the Cardoid
x = a cos t (1 – cos t) and y = a sin t (1 – cos t) satisfy its
2. Convert the following points into their equivalent Cartesian form, (x2 + y2 + ax)2 = a2x2
rectangular form.
1. (5, 105) 4. (2.5, 1.2 rad) 3. Given the Folium of Descartes in Cartesian form:x3 +
3a sec tan 
2. ( 7 , 90) 5. (2, 8 rad) y3 = 3axy. Derive its polar form r = .
1  tan 3 
3. (3, 150)
4. Given the polar form of the Lemniscate of Bernoulli
3. Convert the following points into cylindrical r = a cos 2. Derive its Cartesian form: (x2 + y2)2 =
2 2

coordinates: a (x – y2)
2 2

1. (3, 1, 5) 4. (–2, 4, –6)

2. (5, 2, –7) 5. (–5, –4, 8)
> Individual Submission
3. (4, –5, 6) > Deadline: On or before Friday,
August 4; 8:00 am
4. Convert points in Item 3 into spherical coordinates:

5. Convert the following points into rectangular

1. (2, 30, –3) 4. (3, 7 rad, 75)
2. (5, 2, 7) 5. (6.2, 30, 0.5)
3. (–8, 45, 6)

Test 2. Transform the following equations into their

designated coordinate system
1. x2 + 2x + 4y + 3 = 0 into polar form.
2. r = 2 tan  sin  into rectangular form.
3. x = 2 + cos t, y = 1 – 3 sin t into rectangular form
4. 2x – 3y + z = 12 into cylindrical form.
5. 2x – 3y + z = 12 = 1 into spherical form.

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