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Project appraisal- Financial analysis and Sales performaance analysis

Case Analysis
On Jan .3 2018, ABC corp. issued 2000 stocks par $10. ABC then hired salesmen for the operation.
The company bought inventories at $8 and sold then at $10, the salesman are paid based on 5%
sales commision. Other operating expenses is 7% sales. Normal unit sales/person is 80/month.
The following is the Salesmen report for the 2018-2020: i=6% Tax 35%
2018 2019 2020
Andrew Bryan Set Andrew Bryan Set Andrew
Jan 82 80 81 86 84 87 76
Feb 81 88 81 76 85 88 77
Mar 82 82 81 86 85 88 78
Apr 84 76 81 76 86 89 78
May 85 70 80 86 86 89 79
July 87 64 80 86 87 90 79
Aug 88 59 79 76 87 90 80
Sept 86 53 79 81 88 91 80
Oct 90 87 79 90 88 91 81
Nov 73 81 88 76 89 92 78
Dec. 93 94 88 91 89 92 72
MV of stock Beginning $10 Ending $11 Beginning $11 Ending $12 Beginning $13 Ending $15

Prepare a comprehansive annual report of ABC performance for 3 years as well as for the sales and salesmen performance.
Show also your financial statement and stock price evaluation and analysis
Prepare your conclusions and recommendations.
Unit sales Total Sales COGS Gros profit Operating Exp Sales Comission
Bryan Set
83 83 243 2430 1944 486 170.1 121.5
84 83 250 2500 2000 500 175 125
84 84 245 2450 1960 490 171.5 122.5
85 92 241 2410 1928 482 168.7 120.5
85 90 235 2350 1880 470 164.5 117.5
86 90 231 2310 1848 462 161.7 115.5
76 89 226 2260 1808 452 158.2 113
77 88 218 2180 1744 436 152.6 109
71 77 256 2560 2048 512 179.2 128
77 76 242 2420 1936 484 169.4 121
72 75 275 2750 2200 550 192.5 137.5
Beginning $13 Ending $15 0 0 0 0 0

les and salesmen performance.

Income before tax Tax Net income EPS ROI

194.4 68.04 126.36 0.06318 0.006318

200 70 130 0.065 0.0065
196 68.6 127.4 0.0637 0.00637
192.8 67.48 125.32 0.06266 0.006266
188 65.8 122.2 0.0611 0.00611
184.8 64.68 120.12 0.06006 0.006006
180.8 63.28 117.52 0.05876 0.005876
174.4 61.04 113.36 0.05668 0.005668
204.8 71.68 133.12 0.06656 0.006656
193.6 67.76 125.84 0.06292 0.006292
220 77 143 0.0715 0.00715
0 0 0 0 0
2018 2019 2020
Andrew Bryan Set Andrew Bryan Set Andrew Bryan Set
Jan 82 80 81 86 84 87 76 83 83
Feb 81 88 81 76 85 88 77 84 83
Mar 82 82 81 86 85 88 78 84 84
Apr 84 76 81 76 86 89 78 85 92
May 85 70 80 86 86 89 79 85 90
July 87 64 80 86 87 90 79 86 90
Aug 88 59 79 76 87 90 80 76 89
Sept 86 53 79 81 88 91 80 77 88
Oct 90 87 79 90 88 91 81 71 77
Nov 73 81 88 76 89 92 78 77 76
Dec. 93 94 88 91 89 92 72 72 75
Unit sales Total Sales COGS Gros profit
Exp Comission
Income before tax Tax Net income

257 2570 2056 514 179.9 128.5 205.6 71.96 133.64

249 2490 1992 498 174.3 124.5 199.2 69.72 129.48
259 2590 2072 518 181.3 129.5 207.2 72.52 134.68
251 2510 2008 502 175.7 125.5 200.8 70.28 130.52
261 2610 2088 522 182.7 130.5 208.8 73.08 135.72
263 2630 2104 526 184.1 131.5 210.4 73.64 136.76
253 2530 2024 506 177.1 126.5 202.4 70.84 131.56
260 2600 2080 520 182 130 208 72.8 135.2
269 2690 2152 538 188.3 134.5 215.2 75.32 139.88
257 2570 2056 514 179.9 128.5 205.6 71.96 133.64
272 2720 2176 544 190.4 136 217.6 76.16 141.44

0.06682 0.006682
0.06474 0.006474
0.06734 0.006734
0.06526 0.006526
0.06786 0.006786
0.06838 0.006838
0.06578 0.006578
0.0676 0.00676
0.06994 0.006994
0.06682 0.006682
0.07072 0.007072
2018 2019 2020
Andrew Bryan Set Andrew Bryan Set Andrew Bryan Set
Jan 82 80 81 86 84 87 76 83 83
Feb 81 88 81 76 85 88 77 84 83
Mar 82 82 81 86 85 88 78 84 84
Apr 84 76 81 76 86 89 78 85 92
May 85 70 80 86 86 89 79 85 90
July 87 64 80 86 87 90 79 86 90
Aug 88 59 79 76 87 90 80 76 89
Sept 86 53 79 81 88 91 80 77 88
Oct 90 87 79 90 88 91 81 71 77
Nov 73 81 88 76 89 92 78 77 76
Dec. 93 94 88 91 89 92 72 72 75
Unit sales Total Sales COGS Gros profit
Exp Comission
Income before taxTax Net income EPS

242 2420 1936 484 169.4 121 193.6 67.76 125.84 0.06292
244 2440 1952 488 170.8 122 195.2 68.32 126.88 0.06344
246 2460 1968 492 172.2 123 196.8 68.88 127.92 0.06396
255 2550 2040 510 178.5 127.5 204 71.4 132.6 0.0663
254 2540 2032 508 177.8 127 203.2 71.12 132.08 0.06604
255 2550 2040 510 178.5 127.5 204 71.4 132.6 0.0663
245 2450 1960 490 171.5 122.5 196 68.6 127.4 0.0637
245 2450 1960 490 171.5 122.5 196 68.6 127.4 0.0637
229 2290 1832 458 160.3 114.5 183.2 64.12 119.08 0.05954
231 2310 1848 462 161.7 115.5 184.8 64.68 120.12 0.06006
219 2190 1752 438 153.3 109.5 175.2 61.32 113.88 0.05694

2018 2019 2020
Andrew Bryan Set Andrew Bryan Set Andrew Bryan
Jan 82 80 81 86 84 87 76 83
Feb 81 88 81 76 85 88 77 84
Mar 82 82 81 86 85 88 78 84
Apr 84 76 81 76 86 89 78 85
May 85 70 80 86 86 89 79 85
July 87 64 80 86 87 90 79 86
Aug 88 59 79 76 87 90 80 76
Sept 86 53 79 81 88 91 80 77
Oct 90 87 79 90 88 91 81 71
Nov 73 81 88 76 89 92 78 77
Dec. 93 94 88 91 89 92 72 72
MV of st Beginning $10 Ending $11 Beginning $11 Ending $12 Beginning $13 Ending $15

Andrew Bryan

Mean 245.3636 Mean 242.5455

Median 246 Median 247
Mode 244 Mode 247
Standard Deviation 9.749592 Standard D 12.50891
Sample Variance 95.05455 Sample Var 156.4727
Range 34 Range 39
Minimum 227 Minimum 218
Andrew Bryan Set Maximum 261 Maximum 257
244 247 251 Sum 2699 Sum 2668
234 257 252 Count 11 Count 11
246 251 253
238 247 262
250 241 259
252 237 260
244 222 258
247 218 258
261 246 247
227 247 256
256 255 255
2020 Unit Sales
Set 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019
83 243 257 242
83 250 249 244 Mean 242 Mean 240.0909
84 245 259 246 Median 242 Median 245
92 241 251 255 Mode #N/A Mode 245
90 235 261 254 Standard Deviation 15.3688 Standard D 17.59235
90 231 263 255 Sample Variance 236.2 Sample Var 309.4909
89 226 253 245 Range 57 Range 60
88 218 260 245 Minimum 218 Minimum 213
77 256 269 229 Maximum 275 Maximum 273
76 242 257 231 Sum 2662 Sum 2641
75 275 272 219 Count 11 Count 11
$13 Ending $15

Deskriptif analisis adalah membandingkan anta
Mean 255.5455
Median 256
Mode 258
Standard D 4.457884
Sample Var 19.87273
Range 15
Minimum 247
Maximum 262
Sum 2811
Count 11

Mean 251
Median 252
Mode 242
Standard D 7.549834
Sample Var 57
Range 26
Minimum 242 Minimum penjualan
Maximum 268 Maximum penjualan
Sum 2761 Ini adalah total Penjualan
Count 11

alah membandingkan antara tahun

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