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Introduction about Workshop

we are about to launch 3 Day “Workshop” for teachers in the state of

Jammu & Kashmir, India.

Main objective of this workshop to make friendlier with effective

learning between the teachers and children is to prepare friendlier and
effective learning with increase learning outcome, for all government
and government-aided school students.
In Jammu & Kashmir, we have Kishtwar Division, 3 Sub Division, 12
Blocks, 84 Villages, and 508 Schools, where around approx. 1 lakh
students and approx. 20k students are studying in Primary Classes.

Stakeholders Involved
- District Education officers (3 Subdivision)
- Block Education officers (13 Blocks)
- Extension officer
- Resource Person
- Head Masters
- Teachers
- Students

- All team members (Location) of Kavailya Education Foundation
Jammu & Kashmir Team.

Flow of Workshop
We are targeting to give three days’ workshop in our division of
Jammu & Kashmir, to the Teachers,
Program Leader, Gandhi Fellows, after that all the Fellows will give
Workshop to all the teachers in their respective cluster, and teachers
will train to the students.

Flow of Workshop of teachers

13 Blocks, 1 (3 Days) Workshop
Extension Officer, Cluster Officer Subject, Resource Person
Impact in Numbers
Beneficiaries Numbers
Schools 508
Teachers (Primary Schools) 370
Students (Primary Classes Students) 18000

Implementation Plan
We are launching a Workshop, many variables go into a workshop
launch and many things that need to go right, so it’s critical for the
various teams involved to work together, first of all before launching
the program we will meet with all the concerned team members and
will take their valuable ideas and suggestion so that we could know
about team members thoughts, what they think and how we can
complete it in a team.
After taking ideas and suggestions from the team, I will present my
ideas and tentative planning to all the team members.
Note- Our workshop is about to implement on 15th July 2023
my tentative planning for the program launch, which I will present to
my team, is that-

Task Completion Date and Responsible Persons planning and analyzed

Every day of workshop invite today session and memorized.
Looking required logical supports and prepare them to before the workshop
start day.
Discussion with all concerned Peoples.
Strategize Internal Team Members.
Make curriculum for the Workshop of Trainers and Teachers.
First Week of July’23 Research and Innovation team
Discussion with the Headmasters, Teachers, briefs them about the
Finalized the workshop on the date
Permission letter from DEO.
Draft Invitation Letter and Signed send on Second Week of June’23
Communication Team and Teachers
Make Brochures with curriculum
Session rooms and facilitators responsibilities distribution
MS Power point, Activities planned according to the objective
Tea and Lunch Facilities.
Teaching instructions and manual document.
Video visuals regard Teaching methods to the beneficiaries.
Develop awareness to Stakeholders and community for about the teaching
instructional method.
Create groups and giving them to presentation of their understandings.
Feedback from all the stakeholders about workshop.

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