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“VGEC- Satweek Gohel 

- WebIMS QA Practical Test”

Q.1) Prepare test cases for login module where there are three fields - username
and password, forgot password which sends a link to the registered username
and/or email

Test Case: Valid Login

Description: Attempt to log in with valid username and password.

Input: Valid username, valid password

Expected Output: Successful login and access to the user account/dashboard.

Test Case: Invalid Username

Description: Attempt to log in with an invalid username.

Input: Invalid/Non-existent username, valid password

Expected Output: Display an error message indicating that the username is not recognized.

Test Case: Invalid Password

Description: Attempt to log in with an invalid password.

Input: Valid username, incorrect password

Expected Output: Display an error message indicating that the password is incorrect.

Test Case: Blank Username and Password

Description: Attempt to log in without entering any username and password.

Input: Blank username, blank password

Expected Output: Display error messages for both fields indicating they are required.

Test Case: Forgot Password - Valid Username

Description: Use the "Forgot Password" feature with a valid username.

Input: Valid username

Expected Output: The system should send a password reset link to the registered email address
associated with the username.
Test Case: Forgot Password - Valid Email

Description: Use the "Forgot Password" feature with a valid email address.

Input: Valid email address

Expected Output: The system should send a password reset link to the registered email address.

Test Case: Forgot Password - Invalid Username

Description: Use the "Forgot Password" feature with an invalid username.

Input: Invalid/Non-existent username

Expected Output: Display an error message indicating that the username is not recognized.

Test Case: Forgot Password - Invalid Email

Description: Use the "Forgot Password" feature with an invalid email address.

Input: Invalid/Non-existent email address

Expected Output: Display an error message indicating that the email address is not recognized.

Test Case: Forgot Password - Blank Username/Email

Description: Attempt to reset the password without entering any username or email.

Input: Blank username, blank email

Expected Output: Display error messages for both fields indicating they are required.

Test Case: Forgot Password - Multiple Registered Emails

Description: Use the "Forgot Password" feature with a username associated with multiple email

Input: Valid username with multiple registered email addresses

Expected Output: The system should send password reset links to all registered email addresses
associated with the username.
Q.2) There is a program which takes age as input and outputs the category.
write all test values/cases for testing it out thoroughly

0 - invalid
>0 & <=16 - child
>16 & <=40 - Adult
>40 & <=55 - Mid Age
>55 - Old Age

To thoroughly test the program that categorizes age into different categories, we need to consider
various boundary values, edge cases, and some typical values. Here are the test cases to cover
different scenarios:

1. Test Case: Invalid Age (Negative Value)

- Input: -5

- Expected Output: Invalid (since age cannot be negative)

2. Test Case: Invalid Age (Zero)

- Input: 0

- Expected Output: Invalid (since age cannot be zero)

3. Test Case: Age = 1 (Smallest Child)

- Input: 1

- Expected Output: Child

4. Test Case: Age = 16 (Largest Child)

- Input: 16

- Expected Output: Child

5. Test Case: Age = 17 (Smallest Adult)

- Input: 17

- Expected Output: Adult

6. Test Case: Age = 40 (Largest Adult)

- Input: 40

- Expected Output: Adult

7. Test Case: Age = 41 (Smallest Mid Age)

- Input: 41

- Expected Output: Mid Age

8. Test Case: Age = 55 (Largest Mid Age)

- Input: 55

- Expected Output: Mid Age

9. Test Case: Age = 56 (Smallest Old Age)

- Input: 56

- Expected Output: Old Age

10. Test Case: Age = 100 (Largest Old Age)

- Input: 100

- Expected Output: Old Age

11. Test Case: Age = 1000 (Very Large Age)

- Input: 1000

- Expected Output: Old Age

12. Test Case: Age = 17.5 (Decimal Age, should be treated as Adult)

- Input: 17.5

- Expected Output: Adult

13. Test Case: Age = 40.2 (Decimal Age, should be treated as Adult)

- Input: 40.2

- Expected Output: Adult

14. Test Case: Age = 41.9 (Decimal Age, should be treated as Mid Age)

- Input: 41.9

- Expected Output: Mid Age

15. Test Case: Age = "twenty-five" (Non-numeric input)

- Input: "twenty-five"

- Expected Output: Invalid (since the input is not a valid numeric age)

16. Test Case: Age = NULL (Missing input)

- Input: NULL

- Expected Output: Invalid (since the input is missing)

17. Test Case: Age = Empty String (Missing input)

- Input: ""

- Expected Output: Invalid (since the input is missing)

18. Test Case: Age = 16.00000 (Rounding edge case)

- Input: 16.00000

- Expected Output: Child

Q.3) There is a text box which only accepts values between 0 and 99.
write test cases to test the implementation of the text box.

1. Test Case: Valid Input (Within Range)

- Input: 42

- Expected Output: The text box should accept the input value without any errors.

2. Test Case: Minimum Valid Input (Lower Bound)

- Input: 0

- Expected Output: The text box should accept the input value without any errors.

3. Test Case: Maximum Valid Input (Upper Bound)

- Input: 99

- Expected Output: The text box should accept the input value without any errors.

4. Test Case: Input Below Lower Bound (Negative Value)

- Input: -5

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that the value is below the allowed range.

5. Test Case: Input Above Upper Bound (Overflow)

- Input: 105

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that the value is above the allowed range.

6. Test Case: Non-numeric Input

- Input: "abc"

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that only numeric values are allowed.

7. Test Case: Decimal Input

- Input: 15.75
- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that only integer values are allowed.

8. Test Case: Input with Leading Zeros

- Input: 007

- Expected Output: The text box should accept the input value as 7 (leading zeros should be

9. Test Case: Input with Leading and Trailing Spaces

- Input: " 25 "

- Expected Output: The text box should accept the input value as 25 (leading and trailing spaces
should be trimmed).

10. Test Case: Empty Input

- Input: ""

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that the field is required.

11. Test Case: Input with Special Characters

- Input: "42!"

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that only numeric values are allowed.

12. Test Case: Input with Thousands Separator

- Input: "1,234"

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that only numeric values without commas are allowed.

13. Test Case: Input with Scientific Notation

- Input: "5e3"

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that only standard numeric notation is allowed.
14. Test Case: Input with Leading Plus Sign

- Input: "+77"

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that the plus sign is not allowed.

15. Test Case: Input with Leading Minus Sign

- Input: "-20"

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that negative values are not allowed.

16. Test Case: Input with Decimal Point but No Fractional Part

- Input: "36."

- Expected Output: The text box should not accept the input value and display an error message
indicating that only complete numbers are allowed.

17. Test Case: Input with Whitespace Characters

- Input: " 42 "

- Expected Output: The text box should accept the input value as 42 (leading and trailing spaces
should be trimmed).
Q.4) In the gender textbox, the allowed values are “Male” and “Female” only.
Write a Validation message that should be displayed when a user enters an
invalid value.

"Invalid input. Please enter either 'Male' or 'Female'."

Q.5) There is a name field in the form which should not take special characters
but the implementation done by the developer is accepting the special
characters. Write a defect for this.

The "Name" field on the form is currently accepting special characters, which is incorrect as it should
only allow letters and spaces. This can lead to potential issues with data integrity, user experience,
and introduce a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

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