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Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (1 - 3). ¿Cuál palabra de la columna de la
derecha (A - E) concuerda con cada descripción? Sobran dos opciones más. En las preguntas 1 - 3,
marque la letra correcta A - E en su hoja de respuestas.



1. (___) From a long time ago A. queen

2. (___) Valuable objects, such as: gold, silver or jewelry. B. castle
3. (___) A large strong building with high walls. C. treasure
D. ancient
E. battle

¿Dónde puede ver este aviso? En la pregunta 4, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

A. In a lake
Do not feed the ducks! B. In a hall
C. On a Beach

Complete la conversación. En las preguntas 5, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

5. I have to pass the English test! A. Me too!

B. Thank you!
C. That’s nothing!

Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio. En las preguntas 6 - 8, marque A, B
o C en su hoja de respuestas.
I am Megan. I'm 14 ,but I'm 1.83 meters tall. All my friends are (6)_________ than me and I'm the
(7)________ person in my family. Everyone thinks I'm (8)__________ than 14. On the bus they
think I'm an adult. When I started secondary school, everybody stared at me. People were
unfriendly in elementary but it’s easy now and I've got a lot of friends.

6. A. more old B. older C. the oldest

7. A. most tall B. taller C. tallest
8. A. more old B. older C. the oldest
Lea el texto y responda las preguntas. En las preguntas 9 - 10, marque A, B o C en su hoja de

In 1820 there was a revolution in Peru, which was then a Spanish colony. José de San Martín and
the rebel army were marching to Lima, the capital. The Spanish Viceroy wanted to save all the gold
and silver that he and the Catholic Church were stealing from the Indians.

The treasure was too big to hide anywhere near the city. The was a life-size statue of the Virgin
Mary made of pure gold with a crown of large diamonds, 113 smaller gold statues of saints, 200
boxes of rubies and sapphires, 1,000 diamonds, 273 swords decorated with gold, silver and
diamonds, 150 gold cups, 10,000 gold coins, 550 gold ingots and 275 silver ingots.

The Viceroy decided to send the treasure to Spain, but he didn’t have a ship. The Bishop of Lima
recommended the British sea Captain William Thompson. He was a respected trader and a Roman
Catholic. The Viceroy agreed and his men loaded the treasure aboard Captain Thompson’s ship,
the Mary Dear. He also sent ten of his soldiers onto the ship to guard the treasure.

The Mary Dear sailed out of Lima just before the rebels captured the city. That night Captain
Thompson and his crew attacked and killed the Spanish guards and threw their bodies overboard.
They changed course, sailed to Cocos Island and buried the treasure in the jungle. They wanted to
return in a year and divide up the treasure. But their luck ran out the next day when a Spanish
warship captured their ship.

The Spaniards hanged the crew of the Mary Dear the next day, but not Captain Thompson and his
first mate, who promised to show the Captain of the Spanish ship where the treasure was. The
Spanish ship landed on Cocos Island and Captain Thompson, the mate and six Spanish sailors with
pistols walked into the thick jungle. That was the last time that somebody saw them. Since then
many people have tried to find the treasure on Cocos Island, but nobody has ever found it.

9. Which was the name of Capitan Thomson’s ship?

A. San Martin B. Mary Dear C. The Bishop

10. What did the Capatain Thomson and his crew with the treasure?
A. They sold it. B. The took it to England. C They buried it.

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