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VOL 3 eISSN-2348-0173
ISSUE 4 (2015)

Impact Factor (2014) – 0.815 by International Scientific Indexing (ISI) UAE



Shaikh Imtiyaz I.1*, Dave Alankruta R.2, Harisha C.R.3, Shukla V.J.4,
Padhar Bharat C.5

1. Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Contact
No. +919824890835, Email - imuheman007@gmail.com

2. Associate Professor and I/C Head, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University,
Jamnagar, Contact No. +919824171817, Email - alankruta@yahoo.com

3. Head, Pharmacognosy laboratory, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Contact No.
+919727682594, Email - harishkumar33@ymail.com

4. Head, Pharmaceutical laboratory, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Contact No.
+919428317368, Email - rx_shukla@rediffmail.com

5. Ph.DScholar, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Contact No.
+919638435942, Email - dr.bharat1987@yahoo.in

Article Received on - 17th Aug 2015

Article Revised on - 3rd Sept 2015
Article Accepted on - 6th Sept 2015

All articles published in IJAAM are peer-reviewed and can be downloaded, printed and
distributed freely for non commercial purpose (see copyright notice below).
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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/deed.en_US), which permits unrestricted non commercial
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Shaikh Imtiyaz I. et.al., Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015;
VOL 3 eISSN-2348-0173
ISSUE 4 (2015)




*Corresponding Author ABSTRACT:

Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa, a polyherbal formulation is recommended for the
Shaikh Imtiyaz I.
management of Mukhadushika. The disease Mukhadushika resembles with Acne,
Ph.D. Scholar,
Dept. of Kayachikitsa, which is a chronic inflammatory disease involving the pilosebaceous apparatus. It is
IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved one of the cosmetic disorders all over the world. It is characterised by the formation
University, Jamnagar, of papules, pustules and is often accompanied by oily seborrhea. The sites of
Contact No. +919824890835, predilection are face, shoulder, chest and back. Though Chandraprabha Udvartana
Email - Lepa is widely used for the local treatment of Acne, but till date its
imuheman007@gmail.com pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical study has not been carried out.
Authentication of raw drug of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa and phytochemical
evaluation of finished product is the aim. Present study deals with the
pharmacognostical identification of the ingredients of Chandraprabha Udvartana
Lepa and its physicochemical analysis. Powder microscopy revealed the presence of
compound starch granules of Sarsapa, Epidermal cells with brown content in
surface view of Sarsapa, Fragment of parenchyma of Charoli, Oil globules of Charoli,
Organic brown contents of Charoli, Parenchyma cells with starch granules of
Charoli, Simple starch granules with concentric lines of Masura, Starch granules of
Masura etc. Physicochemical parameters such as total ash value (6.036%), water
soluble extract (14.3%), and methanol soluble extract (16.8%) were assessed in
preliminary physicochemical scanning. HPTLC revealed maximum 5 spots in short
wave UV 254 nm. And 4 spots were obtained in long wave UV 366 nm.
QR Code IJAAM Pharmacognostical study revealed genuinity of raw drugs. Physicochemical and
HPTLC studies inferred that the formulation meets the minimum quality standards
as reported in the API at a preliminary level. The inference from this study may be
used as reference standard in the further quality control researches.

Key Words: HPTLC, Pharmacognosy, Physicochemical analysis, Chandraprabha

Udvartana Lepa

INTRODUCTION twenties itgradually decreases and is occasionally

Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine with vast seen after the age of thirty. It occurs in bothgirls
numbers of compound formulations for various and boys in the later, in somewhat sever form.[3] In
disease entities. Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa is the present era of science and technology, there
a formulation of three ingredients (Table No.1) has been increasing acceptance as well as public
mentioned in Rasatantrasara evam Siddhayoga interest in natural therapies in both developing
Samgraha, which is meant for curing Acne.[1]All the and developed countries. At this time, No one can
drugs of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa having assure drug industries insulation from
Pitta Shamaka, Raktshodhaka and Varnya effect adulterations and quality decrement. Thus quality
can be used as local treatment for Mukhadushika control for efficacy and safety of herbal medicines
(Acne). [2]Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease is of main concern. [4, 5] Maintaining the quality
involving the pilosebaceous apparatus. It is one of standards of the herbal formulation is a big
the cosmetic disorders all over the world. It is challenge. The development of this traditional
characterized by the formation of papules, system of medicine with the perspective of safety,

pustules and is often accompanied by oily efficacy and quality will help not only to preserve
seborrhoea. The sites of predilection are face, the traditional heritage but also to rationalize the
shoulder, chest and back. Acne affects the parts use of the herbal and herbo-mineral products in
where sebaceous glands are large and numerous. It healthcare.[6,7] Initial step in quality
develops at puberty when the sebaceousglands are standardization of compound formulation is to
most active. In the preadolescent period, establish the presence of each ingredient in the
seborrhoeaoleosa and some comedones appear, finished product, [8] followed by the
frequently as fore runners of the disease, because pharmaceutical analysis. In the present study,
teen agers aremost susceptible to acne, the Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa was subjected to
condition is called acne juveniles. In the late pharmacognostical (powder microscopy), HPTLC,

Shaikh Imtiyaz I. et.al., Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015;
VOL 3 eISSN-2348-0173
ISSUE 4 (2015)

densitogram and pharmaceutical evaluation for Observations and results:

various physicochemical parameters in order to The initial purpose of the study was to confirm the
prepare a preliminary profile of formulation for authenticity of the drugs used in the preparation of
future. Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa. For this, coarse
powder of all the ingredients was subjected to
MATERIAL AND METHODS organoleptic and microscopic evaluation
All the raw drug materials were collected from the separately to confirm the genuineness of all the
pharmacy. The ingredients and parts used of the raw drugs. Later after the preparation of Lepa
drugs are given in table- 1. Churna, pharmacognostical evaluation was carried
Pharmacognostical study:
Raw drugs were identified and authenticated by Organoleptic evaluation: Organoleptic features
the Pharmacognosy laboratory. The identification like color; odor and taste of the Chandraprabha
was carried out based on organoleptic characters Udvartana Lepa were recorded and are placed in
of Lepa,[9]later pharmacognostical evaluation of the table no 2.
Lepa Churna was carried out. Lepa Churna was
dissolved in small quantity of distilled water, Microscopic evaluation:
filtered through filter paper, studied under the Microscopic evaluation was conducted by
Corlzeisstrinocular microscope attached with powdering the Lepa Churna and dissolving it in the
camera, with stain and without stain. The distilled water and studied under microscope for
microphotographs were also taken under the the presence of characteristics of ingredient drugs.
microscope. [10, 11] The diagnostic characters are Compound starch
granules of Sarsapa, Epidermal cells in surface
Method of preparation of Chandraprabha view of Sarsapa, Epidermal cells with brown
Udvartana Lepa: content in surface view of Sarsapa, Fiber fragment
Ingredients enlisted in the table no.1 were made of Sarsapa, Fragment of endosperm cells of
into coarse powder and sieved in mesh no.60.The Sarsapa, Fragment of parenchyma of Charoli, Oil
powder was mixed well and prepared globules of Charoli, Organic brown contents of
Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa. Charoli, Parenchyma cells of epidermis in surface
view of Charoli, Parenchyma cells with starch
Pharmaceutical evaluation: granules of Charoli, Scalriform vessel of Masura,
Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa was analyzed by Simple starch granules with concentric lines of
using qualitative and quantitative parameters at Masura, Simple starch granules with hilum of
pharmaceutical laboratory. The common Masura, Starch granules of Masura, Stone cell of
parameters mentioned for Lepa Churna in Ayurved Masura, which are placed with micro photographs
pharmacopeia of India and C.CR.A.S guidelines are 1-15.
total Ash value, pH value, water and methanol
soluble extracts.[13] On its base the parameters Physico-chemical parameters:
were selected. Presence of more moisture contents Physico-chemical parameters of the Lepa Churna
in a sample can create preservation problem. like loss on drying, total ash values were found
Hence loss on drying was also selected as one of within the normal range. Methanol and water
the parameter.[ 14, 15] soluble extractive values were found to be 14.3%
and 16.8% respectively. Details is shown in table
High performance thin layer chromatography: no.3

Methanol extract of Chandraprabha Udvartana

Lepa was spotted on pre-coated silica gel GF CO254 High performance thin layer chromatography:
aluminum plate as 5 mm bands, 5 mm apart and 1 Densitometry scanning of the HPTLC pattern

cm from the edge of the plates, by means of camag, showed 5 spots at corresponding Rfvalues 0.01,
linomate V sampleapplicator fitted with a 100 µL. 0.09, 0.11, 0.29, 0.70 in short wave UV 254 nm. and
Hamilton syringe was used as the mobile phase. 4 spots at corresponding Rf values 0.01, 0.08, 0.18,
After development, densitometry scanning was 0.70 obtained in long wave UV 366 nm (Table
performed with a camage TLC scanner III no.4). Though it cannot be possible to identify
reflectance absorbance mode at 254 nm and 366 particular chemical constituent from the spot
nm under control of win CATS software (V 1.2.1 obtained, the pattern may be used as a reference
camage).The slit dimensions were 6.00 x 0.45 mm standard for further quality control researches.
and the scanning speed was 20 mm per second. [16] (HPTLC Photographs1-5)

Shaikh Imtiyaz I. et.al., Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015;
VOL 3 eISSN-2348-0173
ISSUE 4 (2015)

DISCUSSION values are the criteria to judge the identity and

Powder microscopy of Chandraprabha Udvartana purity of crude drugs, were total ash, water soluble
Lepa revealed the diagnostic characters like and acid insoluble ashes are considered.
compound starch granules of Sarsapa, Epidermal Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa contained 6.036%
cells in surface view of Sarsapa, Epidermal cells w/w total ash and 4.098% w/w acid insoluble ash.
with brown content in surface view of Sarsapa, The results revealed that Chandraprabha
Fiber fragment of Sarsapa, Fragment of endosperm Udvartana Lepa is free from unwanted organic
cells of Sarsapa, Fragment of parenchyma of compounds and production site was good enough
Charoli, Oil globules of Charoli, Organic brown keeping sample free from dust and other solid
contents of Charoli, Parenchyma cells of epidermis matters. The 14.3% w/w of water soluble
in surface view of Charoli, Parenchyma cells with extractives and 16.8% w/w methanol soluble
starch granules of Charoli, Scalriform vessel of extractives were present in Chandraprabha
Masura, Simple starch granules with concentric Udvartana Lepa indicating that the drug is having
lines of Masura, Simple starch granules with hilum good solubility in water.[17]
of Masura, Starch granules of Masura and stone cell In HPTLC study 5 spots at 254 nm and 4 spots at
of Masura which authenticate genuineness of the 366 nm were obtained, indicating its possible
raw drugs of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa. components of matrix which may possess its
Taste of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa was therapeutic effect.
Madhura (Sweet), because majority of contents of
Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa having Madhura CONCLUSION
(Sweet) taste. Aromatic odor may be due to sweet The formulation was subjected to
aroma present in each ingredient. Moisture pharmacognostical study reveal genuineness as
contents should be minimum tom prevent that all the ingredient microscopical characters
degradation of product. Excess of water in were observed. Physico-chemical and HPTLC
formulation encourage microbial growth, presence studies inferred that the formulation meets the
of fungi or insects and deterioration following minimum quality standards as reported in the API
hydrolysis. Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa at a preliminary level. The inference from this
contains 4.10% w/w moisture, showing that Lepa study may be used as reference standard in the
should be protected from humid atmosphere. Ash further quality control researches.

Table: 1 Ingredients of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa [1]

Drug name Latin name Part used Proportion

Pitta Sarsapa Brassica Compestris Seeds 1 part
Masura Ervum Lens Seeds 1 part
Chiraungi Bauchanania Latifolia Nuts 1 part

Table: 2 Organoleptic characters of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa

Parameter Results
Color Orange
Odor Aromatic
Test Sweet
Consistency Coarse powder

Table No. 3 Physico-chemical analysis of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa


Parameter Value
Loss on drying at 110 0C 4.10 %
Ash Value 6.036%
Acid insoluble Ash 4.098%

Water soluble extract 14.3%

Methanol Soluble extract 16.8%
Particle Consistency
Weight of moderately coarse powder (Above 60 mesh) 68% w/w
Weight of moderately fine powder (between 60-80 mesh) 20.6% w/w
Weight of fine powder (between 85-120 mesh) 0.7% w/w
Weight of very fine powder ( below 120 mesh) 0.22% w/w

Table No.4 Rf Values of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa

Rf Values at 254 nm Rf Values at 366 nm.

HPTLC 0.01, 0.09, 0.11, 0.29, 0.70 0.01, 0.08, 0.18, 0.70

Shaikh Imtiyaz I. et.al., Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015;
VOL 3 eISSN-2348-0173
ISSUE 4 (2015)

Figure 1 Compound starch granules of Figure 2 Epidermal cells in surface view Figure 3 Epidermal cells with brown
Sarsapa of Sarsapa content in surface view of Sarsapa

Figure 4 Fiber fragment of Sarsapa Figure 5 Fragment of endosperm cells of Figure 6 Fragment of parenchyma of
Sarsapa Charoli

Figure 7 Oil globules of Charoli Figure 8 Organic brown contents of Figure 9 Parenchyma cells of epidermis
Charoli in surface view of Charoli


Figure 10 Parenchyma cells with starch Figure 11 Scalriform vessel of Masura Figure 12 Simple starch granules with
granules of Charoli concentric lines of Masura

Figure 13 Simple starch granules with Figure 14 Starch granules of Masura Figure 15 Stone cell of Masura
hilum of Masura

Shaikh Imtiyaz I. et.al., Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015;
VOL 3 eISSN-2348-0173
ISSUE 4 (2015)

Figure 16 3D MWL of methanolic extract Figure 17 Densitogram of methanolic Figure 18 Densitogram of methanolic
of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa. extract of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa extract of Chandraprabha Udvartana
Densitogram of methanolic extract of at 254nm Lepa at 366nm
Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa at 254nm.
Densitogram of methanolic extract of
Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa at 366nm

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Source of Support – Nil Conflict of Interest – None Declared

Shaikh Imtiyaz I. et.al., Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Chandraprabha Udvartana Lepa, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015;
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