Chemistry-TermII-Set2 21649

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Date : 08/04/2022 SET 2
Time : 2Hrs Maximum Marks: 35

General Instructions :
1. There are 12 questions in this question paper with internal choice.
2. SECTION A – Q.NO 1 to 3 are very short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
3. SECTION B – Q.NO 4 to 11 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.
4. SECTION C – Q.NO. 12 is case based question carrying 5 marks.
5. All questions are compulsory.
6. Use of log tables and calculator is not allowed.


1. Identify the order of the reaction from the following graph and derive the expression for rate
constant of the same. [2]


2. (a) Arrange the compounds in the order of increasing boiling point.

CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3, CH3COOH, CH3 – C - CH3 , CH3 - CH2 - CHO

b) There are 2 – NH2 groups in semicarbazide , but only one is involved in the formation of
semicarbazone. Why? [1x2]

3. Write short notes –

(a) Gabriel Pthalimide reaction.
(b) Reaction of 1 and 2  amine with Hinsberg’s reagent. [1x2]


4. (a) Differentiate between Physical and Chemical adsorption. [2 differences].

(b) State the conditions the colloidal solution must satisfy to exhibit Tyndall effect.
(c) What is Zeta potential?

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(a) Differentiate between multimolecular and associated colloids [2 differences].
(b) Which one of the following would be most effective in coagulating AgI sol prepared by
adding KI to AgNO3 solution ? Justify.
(i) Na 3 PO 4 (ii) Na 2SO 4 (iii) NaCl

(c) What will be the physical state of DP and DM in foam? Give one example. [1x3]

5. Account for the following :

(a) Transition metal ions / compounds are coloured.
(b) Basic strength of hydroxides of 4f series decreases from La to Lu.
(c) I.E3 of iron is low. [1x3]

6. Carry out the following conversions. -

(a) Propanal to Butanal.
(b) 4 – Methylaniline to 2–Bromo–4–methyl aniline
(c) Ethyl iodide to Methylamine. [1x3]
(a) Complete the sequence of reactions –

A  H 2O C6H 6 C Ethyl benzene

(b) An alkene ‘A’ having molecular formula C 4 H 8 on oxidation with hot KMnO4 / H+ gives B,
C and D . ‘B’ when treated with Cl2 in presence of red P4 and on subsequent reaction with
aq KOH gives lactic acid. Identify A,B,C and D. [2+1]

7. (a) Differentiate between Order and Molecularity of a reaction (2 differences).

(b) The rate constant for radioactive decay of 14C is 1.2x10-4 year -1 .
An archeological artifact containing wood had only 80% of the activity found in living tree.
Estimate the age of the sample. (log 2 = 0.3010)
(a) Decomposition of H2O2 catalysed by I in alkaline medium
H2 O 2 I 2H2O + O2
has rate equation represented as Rate = k [H2O2] [I ] . Based on rate equation suggest a
mechanism of the reaction.
-1 1th
(b) The rate constant of a first order reaction is 60s . How much time will it take to reduce to
of the initial concentration? [log 2 = 0.3010]. [1+2]

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8. Give reasons –
(a) Dialkyl cadmium is considered as superior to Grignard reagent for the preparation of ketones
from acid chloride.
(b) Amines have lower boiling point as compared to alcohols of comparable molecular masses.
(c) Carboxylic acids do not give characteristic reactions of carbonyl group. [1x3]

9. Justify the following :

(a) CrO3 is a good oxidizing agent but MoO3 and WO3 are not.
(b) Transition metals form large number of complexes.
(c) Ti4+ ion in the presence of external magnetic field will get repelled whereas Ti3+ gets
attracted. [1x3]

10. (a) Complete and write the mechanism for the given reaction –

H-COOH +CH3 - CH2 – OH A+B

(b) What happens when Pent-3-ene-l-nitrile is treated with DIBAL-H and subjected to
further hydrolysis? (Give reaction)
[2 +1]
a) Distinguish between the given pair of compounds :
(i) Formic acid and Propanoic acid.
(ii) Benzamine and Methanamine

b) What happens when aniline is treated with Conc.H2SO4 and heated to 453 – 473K?
(Give reaction). [2+1]

11. (a) What are ambidentate ligands ? Give one example.

(b) What will be the hybridization state of the central metal ion in the complex [NiCl4]-2 ?
Also calculate the magnetic moment.
(c) Explain bonding in metal carbonyls. [1x3]


12. Read the passage and answer the following questions :

There are two principal types of electrochemical cells. A galvanic cell is an electrochemical
cell that produces electricity as a result of spontaneous reaction occurring inside it. A net cell
reaction is expressed in terms of two half reactions and each half cell reaction has a definite value of
standard electrode potential. Knowing the standard potentials, standard EMF of the cell can be
determined which can further be used in the calculation of free energy change and equilibrium
constant. A cell can also be set up in which two electrodes can be of the same type. For example both

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can be hydrogen electrodes but the concentration of H+ ions in the two solutions can be different.
Such cells are termed as concentration cells.
An electrolytic cell is also an electrochemical cell in which a non-spontaneous reaction is driven by
an external source of current. Electrolysis and electrolytic cell have wide applications in metallurgy
and industry such as extraction of metals like Na, K, Mg, from their molten chlorides, preparation of
chlorine from brine, refining of metals etc.

(a) If hydrogen electrodes are dipped in two solutions of pH = 3 and pH = 6, are connected by a salt
bridge, what is the EMF of the resulting concentration cell which is represented as

H 2 /H  (c1 ) || H  (c 2 )/H 2 , where , c2 > c1

(b) For the reaction –

Cu(s)  Cl 2 (g) CuCl 2 aq 

E O 2  0.34V and E1o/ 2Cl   1.36V Find log K.

Cu / Cu 2 / Cl

(c) Electrolysis of brine solution results in the liberation of Cl2 in preference to O2. Why?

(d) Predict the products of electrolysis when aq CuSO4 undergoes electrolysis using
Pt electrodes.

E O 2  0.34V E HO O / O  1.23V , E HO O / H  0.83V E O   1.96V

Cu / Cu , 2 2 2 2
, SO 2  / S O 2 
4 2 8


(d) Calculate the EMF for the Mg – Al electrochemical cell from the given data.
Molar concentration of Al3+ and Mg2+ are 1 x 10-4M and 1 x 10-2 M respectively.

EO  2.37 V, E O 3  1.66V [1+1+1+2]

Mg 2 /Mg A1 /Al

******Good Luck******

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