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Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Methods, Meanings, and Mechanisms

Nancy C. Andreasen, MD, PhD; Stephan Arndt, PhD; Randall Alliger, PhD;
Del Miller, PharmD, MD; Michael Flaum, MD

Background: The "group of schizophrenias," nor- tionalrelationships of the various symptoms of schizo-
mally referred to single nominative, is phenom-
with a phrenia.
enologically heterogeneous. Its symptoms represent mul-
tiple psychological domains, including perception, Results: The results confirmed previous reports by our
thinking, language, attention, social interac-
inferential group and others suggesting that the symptoms of schizo-
tion, emotion expression, and volition. Studies of psy- phrenia fall into three natural dimensions, as assessed by
chopathology have simplified this complex array in sev- the correlational interrelationships: positive symptoms
eral ways, one of which is a subdivision into positive and subdivide into psychotic and disorganized dimensions,
negative symptoms. while a third negative dimension also emerges.

Methods: This study examined the positive vs nega- Conclusion: Because these dimensions have impres-
tive distinction in a sample of 243 patients with schizo- sive consistency across studies, future work must exam-
phrenia or schizophreniform disorder who were evalu- ine their relationship to clinically relevant concepts such
ated with the Scale for the Assessment of Negative as prognosis or etiology and examine four different as-

Symptoms and the Scale for the Assessment of Positive pects: longitudinal course, neural mechanisms, relation-
Symptoms. A two-stage factor analysis was applied, be- ship to treatment, and interrelationships in other patho-
ginning with a principal components analysis applying logical conditions.
varimax rotation, followed by an extension analysis. The
purpose of these analyses was to evaluate the correla- (Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1995;52:341-351)

GROUP of illnesses that their minds around" the concept of schizo¬
weconventionally refer to phrenia. First, we typically use a single
as "schizophrenia," typi¬ word to refer to a disorder that may be
cally using a single nomi¬ etiologically and pathophysiologically het¬
native for simple verbal erogeneous and therefore constitutes
convenience (and perhaps out of intellec¬ multiple illnesses that should properly
tual laziness), is diverse in nature and cov¬ be referred to as "the schizophrenias."
ers a broad range of cognitive, emotional, Second, this disorder is also cross-
and behavioral domains.1-3 The symp¬ sectionally and symptomatically hetero¬
toms used to define schizophrenia in stan¬ geneous; that is, two patients given this di¬
dard nomenclatures, such as DSM-ÍV4 or agnosis may have totally different and
International Classification of Diseases, 10th nonoverlapping symptom patterns, if the
Revision,5 include various forms of delu¬ current DSM-ÍV diagnostic criteria are ap¬
From the The Mental Health sions, hallucinations, thought disorders, plied. Stated succinctly, these paradoxes
Clinical Research Center and abnormalities in emotional expres¬ reduce to: the schizophrenias are a poly¬
(Drs Andreasen, Arndt, Alliger, sion, social interaction, attention, and vo¬ thene construct.
Miller, and Flaum), lition and drive. From the perspective of Investigators have used a variety of
Department of Psychiatry cognitive psychology, these symptoms rep¬ mental mechanisms and intellectual strat¬
(Drs Andreasen, Miller, and
Flaum), and Department of
resent a variety of systems, including in¬ egies to cope with the confusion and chaos
Preventive Medicine and
ferential and abstract thinking; language;
Environmental Health appetitive drives; auditory, visual, and tac¬
(Dr Arndt), The University tile perception; and a host of others. This
of situation presents us with several para¬
Iowa Hospitals and Clinics,
College of Medicine, Iowa doxes that make it difficult for both nov¬
City. ices and experienced professionals to "get

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The SANS and SAPS ratings used in these analyses were

SUBJECTS completed at the consensus conference conducted at the
time of discharge by the research team; they are based on
Subjects in this study consisted of 243 patients with an agreement between the research psychiatrist who has
eitherschizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder who cared for the patient throughout the hospital stay, nursing
were consecutively admitted to the Mental Health Clini¬ personnel who have observed the patient on a daily basis,
cal Research Center (MHCRC) at The University of Iowa and a research assistant assigned to follow each patient.
Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. All patients admitted Thus, they represent longitudinal rather than cross-
to the MHCRC receive a comprehensive evaluation that sectional ratings. All the raters participated in weekly train¬
includes the CASH as well as weekly ratings using the ing and calibration meetings to ensure that ratings re¬
SANS and SAPS. All the patients were diagnosed using mained stable over time and that rater drift did not occur.
DSM-II1-R diagnostic criteria. Diagnoses were estab¬
lished using two consensus conferences, one occurring DATA ANALYSIS
shortly after admission and the second occurring at the
time of discharge. Senior MHCRC medical staff partici¬ Data analysis was conducted in two stages. An initial prin¬
pated in these consensus diagnostic sessions, which cipal components analysis was used to validate the previ¬
involved integration of cross-sectional interview data ous three-dimensional results and to provide structural defi¬
with repeated longitudinal assessments and information nition for an extension analysis. Based on our earlier
obtained from family members and previous treating work,9'-98 we selected delusions, hallucinations, bizarre/
physicians. The subjects in this study consisted of 229 disorganized behavior, positive formal thought disorder,
patients having a diagnosis of core schizophrenia and inappropriate affect, affective flattening, anhedonia/
14, schizophreniform disorder. Patients also received a asociality, and avolition/apathy as the symptoms for the ini¬
comprehensive general medical evaluation (history and tial analysis. Alogia and attentional impairment were with¬
physical examination) and were excluded if they suf¬ held for the extension analysis because the specific purpose
fered from a general medical or neurological disorder. of this part of the study was to determine the interrelation¬
The clinical and demographic characteristics of these ships between items on these subscales to guide decisions
patients are summarized in Table 2. Seventy-four concerning future revisions. Our previous analyses sug¬
patients were female and 169 were male. gested that these two symptoms might be factorially com¬
plex. In the principal components analysis, the criterion
RATINGS used to select the number of factors was eigenvalues greater
than unity. A maximum likelihood factor solution veri¬
The ratings of positive and negative symptoms used for fied the number of factors. The initial factor solution then
analysis in this particular study were taken from the was rotated to simple structure using the varimax
SANS and SAPS scales in the "Current Condition" sec¬ procedure.
tion of the CASH. These particular ratings were selected To study the dimensional nature of the individual items
for analysis because they were considered to provide the in the SANS and SAPS as well as the global items excluded
purest and most accurate measure of core or trait symp¬ from the preliminary principal components analysis, an ex¬
toms in this group of patients. As administered in the tension analysis of the principal components factor struc¬
MHCRC, the CASH involves repeated evaluations and ture was explored.107 This statistical procedure requires cal¬
assessments throughout the hospital stay, including a culating factor scores from the principal components analysis
3-week medication washout period for most patients. and correlating them with the item scores. Correlations also
Ratings of positive and negative symptoms for the cur¬ were computed for the alogia and attentional impairment
rent condition assess each sign or symptom at its worst items that were not included in the principal components
during the past month; for those patients (particularly analysis. Statistical tests of these correlations are appropri¬
first-episode patients) who have been ill for longer than ate because the items that were not included in the factor
a month, but with clearly defined onset, the symptom is solution are free to vary. However, because there are 50 items
rated at its worst during the entire episode. These rating correlated across three factors, finding significant correla¬
instructions are designed to permit investigators to cap¬ tions capitalizes on chance. Therefore, a Bonferroni cor¬
ture the manifestation of each symptom in a way that rection was applied to the statistical tests. A significance
will reflect the underlying pathophysiology to the great¬ level of .001 was used to test the correlations.
est extent possible. Because nearly all the patients were Finally, multiple R2 values were calculated between
evaluated in a medication-free state, we were able to the individual items of a given symptom and its global rat¬
observe positive symptoms emerge that might otherwise ing. The purpose here was to provide a measure of inter¬
have been covered over through treatment effects. Fur¬ nal consistency between a global rating and individual items
ther, we also were able to evaluate negative symptoms of a symptom. A large R2 suggests that the item ratings, taken
independent of drug side effects. The reliability of the together, differentiate subjects in a manner similar to the
various SANS and SAPS items has been assessed repeat¬ global rating. This lends support to the validity of the glo¬
edly and has been found to be good to excellent for most bal rating. The global rating should reflect symptom se¬
items, using both interrater and test-retest reliability verity as a function of the observable behavioral charac¬
measures.2,30,58 teristics sampled by the item ratings.

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produced by that observation. One strategy has been to it combined within a single theoretical model methods for
identify core symptoms that are either highly specific or thinking about onset, cross-sectional symptoms, out¬
pathognomonic. Examples include the Bleulerian four A's, come, treatment, and underlying neural mechanisms.43-52
or more properly six A's (associations, affective, ambiva¬ Crow proposed that a positive type of schizophrenia was
lence, autism, attention, and avolition).6 Kraepelin con¬ characterized by acute onset, prominent positive symp¬
curred with Bleuler in that if any symptoms could be con¬ toms, normal brain structure and function, a biochemi¬
sidered fundamental or core, they would be "a weakening cal disorder involving dopaminergic transmission, good
of those emotional activities which promptly form the response to neuroleptics, and better outcome, while the
mainspring of volition and the loss of the inner unity of negative type was characterized by an opposite pattern and
activities, intellect, emotion, and volition."7 Schneide- most important by underlying structural abnormalities that
rian first-rank symptoms represented an alternative ap¬ were irreversible and led to poor neuroleptic response.

proach to identifying pathognomonic symptoms.8-10 The While the Strauss formulation was purely descriptive, the
Bleulerian-Kraepelinian emphasis ran aground because Crow formulation returned the positive/negative distinc¬
of concerns about both specificity and reliability, while tion to a Jacksonian tradition in form, if not content, by
the Schneiderian influence has been reduced because of rooting thinking about positive and negative symptoms
nonspecificity.11-24 In the turbulent conceptual waters that in brain-behavior relationships.
were produced in the absence of a single clear guideline One elemental component in discussions of posi¬
as to the essence of the
group of schizophrenias, the con¬ tive and negative symptoms during the past decade has
cept of positive and negative symptoms emerged for a time involved discussions about the best methods for defin¬
as a calming influence.25-52 This approach to discussing ing and rating these symptoms. Two scales, the Scale for
the symptoms of schizophrenia has dominated the past the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) and the
decade. Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS)
were developed in 1982 to permit exploration of the clini¬
See also pages 352 and 361 cal and neural correlates of these symptoms in schizo¬
phrenia and related psychotic illnesses, with the recog¬
The earliest comprehensive discussion of positive and nition that they would be relevant to the study of various
negative symptoms was presented by Hughlings- affective disorders as well.30-42
Jackson, a 19th-century neurologist, although Reynolds These scales draw on constructs of cognitive psy¬
had made an earlier, less extensive presentation.25-27 Jack¬ chology and identify domains that are relevant to the study
son was writing in a era when evolutionary theory pro¬ of schizophrenia: perception, inference, language, behav¬
vided the prevailing worldview, and he developed a model ioral monitoring, behavioral activity, emotional expres¬
of brain function that reflected it: the brain was orga¬ sion, conceptual and verbal fluency, pleasure drives, vo¬
nized like an onion, with deeper primitive layers to which lition, and attention.53 57 Early versions of the SANS and
higher, more civilizing layers were added. Jackson ap¬ SAPS identified 10 symptoms that corresponded to these
plied this model to the understanding of various syn¬ domains, five of which were positive and five ofwhich were
dromes, including the psychoses. He suggested that posi¬ negative: hallucinations, delusions, positive thought dis¬
tive symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations, order, bizarre/disorganized behavior, catatonic motor be¬
represented release phenomena; they were symptoms aris¬ havior, affective blunting, alogia, anhedonia, avolition, and
ing when a higher cortical regulator or organizer had been attentional impairment.30 33 Following Jacksonian think¬
lost and the activity from a lower level therefore emerged ing, the first five of these symptoms were considered to
unchecked. Negative symptoms, such as avolition or emo¬ be positive because they represented distortions in nor¬
tional blunting, were due to "dissolution"; that is, they rep¬ mal functions that could be due to injury at a higher cor¬
resented a diffuse or generalized loss of higher centers. tical level, while the five negative symptoms simply rep¬
While Fish53 and others34 in Britain had echoed Jack- resented a loss of a function.53 A principal components
sonian concepts, Strauss et al28 were the first to write a com¬ analysis of the first sample to be studied with these scales
prehensive discussion of Jacksonian ideas in relation to revealed a first factor that accounted for 42% of the vari¬
the group of schizophrenias in recent times. They pro¬ ance and that had large positive loadings on affective flat¬

posed that three kinds of manifestations of schizophrenia tening, alogia, avolition, anhedonia, attentional impair¬
could be used to evaluate prognosis and outcome: posi¬ ment, and catatonic motor behavior, with negative loadings
tive symptoms, negative symptoms, and disordered rela¬ on delusions and hallucinations.31 A second factor had large

tionships. They suggested that positive symptoms were rela¬ positive loadings on positive thought disorder and bi¬
tively nonspecific and prone to fluctuate, while negative zarre behavior. Because catatonic motor behavior was in

symptoms and disorders of personal relationships were fact extremely rare, it was subsequently dropped from the
more fundamental and likely to have greater prognostic positive symptom list in early versions of the SAPS, al¬
significance. They also proposed that this conceptualiza¬ though methods for rating it remain in the more exten¬
tion be largely descriptive, rather than rooted in a Jack¬ sive structured interview that contains the SANS and SAPS
sonian model of brain function. Although forward- scales, the Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and
looking, this set of ideas did not capture the collective History (CASH).58
imagination of psychiatric investigators to the same ex¬ Since that early study, many subsequent investiga¬
tent as Crow's29 formulation of the two-syndrome hypoth¬ tions have explored the concept of positive and negative
esis in 1980. Crow's two-syndrome model of schizophre¬ symptoms, and the terms have achieved widespread use
nia has been widely discussed and studied, largely because at the clinical level, suggesting that they may meet an im-

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portant conceptual need by simplifying or clarifying us toward revisions that can be used in the future to
thinking about the nature of the symptoms of schizo¬ explore these three dimensions. We report herein on a
phrenia.34-52·59-96 Discussions of the distinction between factor analysis of a sample of 243 patients. To answer
positive and negative symptoms have also produced many some specific psychometric questions raised by our

questions and problems, however. Two of the most ba¬ earlier work, we have conducted the factor analysis in
sic questions have echoed conceptual history as it has two stages, using an initial principal components
moved from Jackson to Strauss to Crow. Why should a analysis to provide a firm structural definition of the
symptom be classified as negative or positive? Should it dimensions, followed by an extension analysis to
be based on some hypothesized brain-behavior relation¬ examine two of the negative symptom scales (alogia
ship, as it was for Jackson and Crow? Is it sufficient to and attention) in more detail. This analysis was
show a relationship at a descriptive level, using correla¬ delayed until we were able to amass a sample of
tional and factor analytic techniques and demonstrating adequate size. Samples of 10 to 20 subjects per vari¬
predictive validity using measures such as onset, out¬ able in a multivariate analysis are normally recom¬
come, or response to treatment? Can these symptoms be mended, suggesting that 100 to 200 subjects would be
assessed cross-sectionally, or must longitudinal or re¬ desirable for a study analyzing 10 symptoms. A mini¬
peated measures be added as well? If one postulates re¬ mum sample of 200 has been recommended for stable
lated groups of symptoms, how are they related to one estimates in factor analysis.107
another, ie, must they be independent, or do they have
some type of interactive influence on one another? What
effects do other confounding factors have on the assess¬
ment of positive and negative symptoms, such as neu¬
roleptic medication or coexisting depressive symp¬
Means and SDs of global ratings on the SANS and SAPS
are shown below.
toms? Are any of these symptoms specific to
Symptom Mean (SD)
schizophrenia, or do they occur in other disorders? Avolition
One large body of literature has adopted the 3.59(1.16)
Anhedonia 3.89 (0.92)
descriptive strategy and applied correlational and fac¬ Affective flattening
tor analytic techniques to examine the interrelation¬ 2.78(1.23)
Inappropriate affect 1.67 (1.62)
ships between positive and negative symptoms. A total Positive formal thought disorder 2.13 (1.45)
of four have been completed to date within our own
Bizarre behavior 2.43(1.34)
center,31-36,97,98 while we know of JO others that have Delusions 3.50(1.25)
been completed in other centers.46'96,99-106 A review of Hallucinations 2.81 (1.73)
these studies suggests a surprising convergence of
results and indicates that, at a descriptive level, three Pearson correlations among the SANS and SAPS
dimensions rather than two are required to account items are shown in Table 3.
for the interrelationships among the symptoms of The principal components analysis of the eight items
schizophrenia. The positive symptoms subdivide into yielded a three-factor solution. The three factors ac¬
two dimensions, one of which is typically composed of counted for 66.59% of the total variance. The maximum
delusions and hallucinations and represents a psycho¬ likelihood analysis agreed with the prinicipal compo¬
sis dimension, while the other is typically composed of nents estimate of the number of factors. The test for two
disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and inap¬ common factors produced a significant lack of fit (maxi¬

propriate affect and represents a "disorganization mum likelihood 2=27.296, d/=13, P-C012), while the
dimension." The negative symptoms remain robust as three-factor solution fit the data well ( 2=2.292, df=7,
originally conceptualized, apart from attention, which P<.927). Furthermore, the third factor provided a sig¬
sometimes loads with other negative symptoms but nificant contribution ( 2=25.004, dj=6, P<.005) to the
occasionally shows a relationship to the two positive solution.
symptom dimensions. As noted in a recent review by Table 4 shows the principal components factor
Minas et al,104 even our original 1982 study31 supports structure after the factors were rotated to simple struc¬
the existence of three dimensions, since a varimax ture using the varimax rotation procedure. The first fac¬
rotation produces a three-factor solution. The various tor reflects a negative symptom dimension and ac¬
factor analytic studies are summarized in Table I. counts for 27.94% of the variance. Avolition, anhedonia,
Given that they represent samples collected from all and affective flattening all load highly with this factor.
over the world (England, India, Italy, Australia, Spain, All three of these negative symptoms have a correlation
and the United States), that many are based on small greater than 0.80 with the first factor. The second fac¬
samples, and that they have used a variety of different tor, accounting for 20.65% of the variance, reflects a dis¬
factor analytic techniques, the convergence of results organization dimension. Inappropriate affect and posi¬
is striking. tive formal thought disorder have strong loadings with
Because of the convergence, and because the this factor. Bizarre behavior loads on the disorganiza¬
SANS and SAPS are widely used throughout the world tion factor, although it also loads on the negative factor.
in research investigations to explore the effects of The third factor reflects a dimension indicative of psy¬
treatmentand neurobiological correlates of schizo¬ chosis that accounts for 18.00% of the variance. Delu¬
phrenia, have conducted a fifth analysis of the
we sions and hallucinations load highly with this third
SANS and SAPS in their current incarnation to guide factor.

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*PCA indicates principal components analysis; SANS, Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; and SAPS, Scale for the Assessment of Positive



The analysis of alogia and attentional impairment is re¬

ported in Table 5. The alogia and attentional impair¬
ment items, as well as the global ratings, do not consis¬
tently correlate significantly with a single factor. The item
correlations for alogia load with either the negative factor
or the disorganization factor. The global rating for alogia
correlates most highly with negative symptoms. Simi¬
larly, the items and global rating for attentional impair¬
ment correlate most strongly with the negative factor, but
also show correlations with the disorganization factor. ings are shown again for comparison. The items
constituting avolition, anhedonia, and affective flatten¬
EXTENSION ANALYSIS OF THE SANS ing all correlated significantly with the negative factor. Uni¬
AND SAPS ITEMS formly, the highest correlations for these items with the
three factors occurred on the negative factor. None of the
Table 6 reports the results of the extension analysis per¬ items correlated with the psychotic factor, although three
formed on the individual items that constitute the vari¬ of the items (grooming and hygiene, ability to feel inti¬
ous global ratings. The factor loadings for the global rat- macy and closeness, and decreased spontaneous move-

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*SANS indicates Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; SAPS, Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms.

ment) had modest but significant correlations with the dis¬ also have reported correlation matrices, and most have com¬
organization factor. mented on the fact that indices ofinternal consistency within
The items constituting positive formal thought dis¬ the positive symptom scale, usually as measured by Cron-
order all correlated significantly with the disorganization bach's a, have been low, suggesting that positive symp¬
factor. Except for the derailment item's significant corre¬ toms are not a homogeneous concept. Thus, recent re¬
lation with the psychotic factor, none of the items corre¬ ports from other centers suggesting the nonhomogeneity
lated with either the negative or the psychotic factor. of positive symptoms are not a surprise and are consistent
The items constituting bizarre behavior, however, with observations that we have made since the original de¬
did not show as distinctive factor loadings as positive for¬ scription of rating scales for positive and negative symp¬
mal thought disorder on the disorganization factor. Al¬ toms in 1982. Cronbach's for positive symptoms as re¬
though three of the four items had their highest corre¬ ported in 1982 was .397 compared with .849 for negative
lations with the disorganization factor, many of the items symptoms.31 Taken as a group, these studies conducted over
also correlated significantly with the negative factor. This the past decade comprise more than 500 patients and rep¬
mirrors the split loading of the global rating of bizarre resent the largest repeated and systematic study of the cor¬
behavior with the negative factor and disorganization fac¬ relational relationships between the symptoms of schizo¬
tor in the principal components analysis. phrenia that has been completed to date.
The items constituting delusions and hallucina¬ At the descriptive level, the conclusions seem clear.
tions clearly correlated with the psychotic factor. All these Like schizophrenia itself, the symptoms are hetero¬
correlations were the highest for the psychotic factor. Only geneous when assessed using the correlational methods
grandiose delusions correlated significantly with an¬ of factor analysis. Such a consistency of results within a
other factor. Because of a low base rate (mean item rat- single group and from other groups throughout the world
ing=0.21, SD=0.71), the delusions of jealousy item failed is quite reassuring, given the difficulties in replicating find¬
to correlate significantly with any factor. ings that often occur in the study of schizophrenia.
The multiple R2 values for all global ratings with their Nevertheless, we should also remind ourselves what
respective scale items were all greater than 0.70 and most factor analysis can and cannot tell us. Factor analysis is es¬
were greater than 0.80. Thus, the individual items dem¬ sentially a data reduction method. It demonstrates which
onstrate good internal consistency. items in a group are highly correlated with one another,
indicating that they co-occur together. Demonstrating that
COMMENT they co-occur does not necessarily prove a conceptual re¬
lationship or an etiological relationship, however. The re¬
A fifth factor analysis study from our group has again shown lationship is simply descriptive until other methods are used
that positive and negative symptoms do not subdivide neatly to demonstrate that the relationship has conceptual, diag¬
into two categories. These results are quite similar to four nostic, clinical, or biological meaning. Extensive addi¬
previous studies completed at Iowa. The first study,31 re¬ tional study is needed before inferences can be made con¬
ported in 1982, was interpreted at the time as suggesting cerning these aspects of the interrelationships between the
the possibility of only two dimensions, but this finding is symptoms of schizophrenia. One cannot infer that these
primarily the result of not subjecting the data to varimax symptoms are likely to have a common mechanism or eti¬
rotation; after rotation, the factor structure appears simi¬ ology, nor can one infer that they have important prog¬
lar to that observed in the study herein.104 Our second nostic significance. This must be demonstrated through em¬
study,36 reported in J986, suggested the possibility of four pirical research. The robustness of the findings across
factors, with the first and second representing two differ¬ various groups does suggest good generalizability, but at
ent aspects of negative symptoms; the third, psychoti¬ this point the generalizability is limited to core schizophre¬
cism; and the fourth, thought disorder. Our third study,97 nia, since most studies have been limited to samples com¬
reported in 1991, again suggested that the symptoms might posed of patients given that DSM diagnosis. The applica¬
be best described by the dimensions of psychoticism, dis¬ bility of these relationships to other patients within the
organization, and negative symptoms. A fourth study,98 re¬ schizophrenia spectrum or to other diagnostic groups (eg,
ported in 1993, had similar results. Most of these studies psychotic mania or depression) is still an open question.

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*SANS indicates Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms;
SAPS, Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms. The highest
correlations (r>0.4) on a factor for a given item is boldfaced.

Should the vocabulary used to discuss the symptoms * The

highest correlation on a factor for a given item is boldfaced.
of schizophrenia be changed and references to positive and
negative symptoms be dropped altogether? Changes in us¬ XP<.001.
age will no doubt evolve naturally. A terminology that speaks
of positive and negative symptoms using the words descrip¬
tively to refer to exaggerations of normal functions vs loss tent item is revised and defined differently. Poverty of speech
of normal functions seems to have found a comfortable lin¬ and poverty of content are linked conceptually and yet cur¬
guistic niche in clinical usage, since it provides a modest con¬ rently defined in such a way that they cannot be correlated
ceptual simplification to clinicians grappling with the com¬ with one another; the definitions specify that poverty of speech
plex symptomatology of schizophrenia. Positive symptoms involves limited speech, while poverty of content involves
are readily understood as those that are more florid and that speech that is adequate in amount but empty in content. Thus,
tend to be more associated with exacerbations of the illness, one or the other of these possible components of alogia can
while negative symptoms tend to have a basic underlying be present but both cannot occur together. Because factor
persistence. Looked at in a more fine-grained way, positive analysis separates uncorrelated items, it pulls apart two symp¬
symptoms subdivide into two dimensions: psychoticism (de¬ toms that are associated conceptually through sharing the
lusions and hallucinations) and disorganization (positive fundamental characteristic ofintellectual emptiness. In fac¬
formal thought disorder, bizarre behavior, and inappropri¬ tor analysis studies, poverty of content tends to spill over
ate affect). As we move toward discussing these three dimen¬ to positive thought disorder, which also is characterized by
sions of psychopathology, we must keep in mind that they abundant speech that is difficult to understand. Thus, defi¬
are dimensions and not subtypes. That is, although a fac¬ nitional changes may be needed for poverty of content as
tor analysis can pull them apart statistically, these dimen¬ its relationship to alogia is evaluated in future studies.
sions often overlap within given individuals. Unitary catego¬ Future directions in the study of the symptoms of
rization without overlap defines a subtype, while dimensions schizophrenia should emphasize efforts to link clinical de¬
have magnitude, may overlap, and can be additive. scription with models, meanings, and mechanisms. Tech¬
These results suggest specific future directions for the niques such as factor analysis will take us only part of the
use of the SANS and SAPS. Because of their wide use, they way to understanding the symptoms of this illness and its
have not been subjected to extensive revisions to date, since interrelationships. Empirical description alone will lead to
such tinkering can be confusing and disruptive for the in¬ intellectual bankruptcy. Until symptoms are linked to clini¬
vestigators who use them. Work on revised versions of the cally relevant concepts such as prognosis or etiology, no
scales currently is under way; however, this work will em¬ firm conclusions can be reached about the best way to di¬
phasize designing the scales so they can be used more ef¬ vide or group the symptoms of schizophrenia. The ulti¬
ficiently to explore the three dimensions, will involve a more mate level of understanding will be based on learning how
detailed description of various aspects of attention so their these symptoms are produced at the level of brain mecha¬
components and correlates can be examined, and will in¬ nisms. Future studies also should pursue at least four dif¬
volve more work on other subitems such as poverty of con¬ ferent aspects of these dimensions: their neural mecha¬
tent of speech. As of now, we believe the current results sug¬ nisms, longitudinal course, relationship to treatment, and
gest that in dimensional analyses, negative symptoms may interrelationships in other pathological conditions apart
include alogia, affective blunting, anhedonia, avolition, and from schizophrenia.
attention. Attention should only be considered a negative The robustness of these three dimensions suggests that
symptom at a provisional level, however, because it has the they are a launching platform for exploring neural corre¬
least robust correlation and may ultimately be heterogeneous. lates. Our ability to build models will be limited necessar¬
Alogia may be better assessed if the current poverty of con- ily by our relatively limited understanding about how cog-

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*SANS indicates Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms;
SAPS, Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms. The highest
correlation on a factor for a given item is boldfaced.

and neuroimaging to examine interrelationships between

them and their underlying neural mechanisms.
A second way in which these three dimensions should
nitive functions such as attention or language are mediated be explored is an examination of their longitudinal course.
in the normal brain. A consensus has clearly emerged that Past and current wisdom suggest that negative symptoms
simple localization models (ie, localization of language in are likely to be more persistent and fundamental, while psy¬
the left hemisphere perisylvian area) are not sufficient, that chotic symptoms are associated more with exacerbations.
language may be bilaterally represented, and that it is based The disorganization dimension is conceptually newer, less
on distributed parallel processing. The distributed pro¬ studied, and less clear. To some extent, the meaning of these
cessing models ofbrain function currently proposed in cog¬ dimensions may be disorder specific; disorganized speech
nitive neuroscience almost certainly reflect a more real view tends to remit in mania, while it tends to persist in schizo¬
of how the brain works, but they also complicate building phrenia.108 Investigation of the longitudinal course of symp¬
models that will link the understanding of psychopathol- toms has important implications for understanding neural
ogy to neural mechanisms. Nevertheless, we will be un¬ mechanisms, since symptoms that wax and wane are prob¬
able to understand what these various symptoms mean un¬ ably produced by mechanisms different from those of symp¬
til we can define them at the neural level. Thus, future toms that remain more persistent. Identification of differ¬
explorations of these dimensions will use the techniques ent patterns of course across disorders also may lead to iden¬
of experimental cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, tifying different mechanisms for a given symptom within a

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given disorder. For example, although hallucinations occur A final strategy must involve the study of these di¬
in schizophrenia, delirium, mania, and lysergic acid mensions in relation to treatment. Again, clinical lore in¬
diethylamide-induced psychosis, the time pattern is differ¬ dicates that some symptoms and dimensions are more ame¬
ent in all four disorders. The first stage in
examining the course nable to treatment than others. Psychotic symptoms in
of symptoms must, however, establish a solid empirical base. affective disorders tend to respond well to neuroleptics and
The companion article in this issue of the ARCHIVES109 on also respond well, although less robustly, in schizophre¬
the longitudinal course of these three dimensions provides nia. Observations such as these are powerful for generat¬
an example of one preliminary effort at empirical descrip¬ ing hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms of symp¬
tion of the course of symptoms and dimensions. toms and dimensions. As the therapeutic armamentarium
Examination of these three dimensions in other patho¬ grows to include medications that affect various compo¬
logical conditions is another important avenue for explo¬ nents of individual transmitter systems (eg, the various
ration. Both the three dimensions and the individual symp¬ classes of dopamine receptors), as well as other transmit¬
toms discussed in this report also occur in other disorders. ter systems (eg, serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamate,
Table 7 and Table 8 provide an illustrative crosswalk. To y-aminobutyric acid), our understanding of the neural
the extent that there is a commonality of symptoms or di¬ mechanisms of these symptoms will grow. Much work also
mensions across disorders and that evidence from other vali¬ needs to be done at the simple descriptive level. For ex¬
dators suggests a commonality of mechanism, we may be ample, nearly all factor analysis studies completed to date
able to obtain additional leverage on building models to ex¬ have evaluated treated patients with variable levels of chro-
plain dimensions or symptoms. For example, "hypofron- nicity. It should be interesting to determine whether the
tality" has been repeatedly reported in schizophrenia and, same dimensions are found in first-episode patients or in

using techniques from neuroimaging, has sometimes been untreated patients.

found to be associated with negative symptoms.110"112 Hy- As these explorations progress, we should be prepared
pofrontality also has been observed relatively consistently to entertain the possibility that each of the various individual
in depression, using both neuroimaging techniques and le¬ symptoms may have somewhat different mechanisms and
sion methods. 'B115 Obvious conceptual links exist between that our correlational observations suggesting three dimen¬
negative symptoms and depressive symptoms. Although stu¬ sions may begin to fall apart. For example, delusions and
dents of psychopathology in the past have often emphasized hallucinations are correlated consistently in almost all stud¬
specificity and attempted to identify pathognomonic symp¬ ies completed to date. At the neural level, however, they very
toms, it may be that identifying commonalities among symp¬ likely are produced by different mechanisms. Thus, future
toms across disorders is a more helpful strategy for identi¬ explorations of the mechanisms and meanings of the three
fying underlying neural mechanisms. Again, the first step dimensions of psychopathology consistently noted in stud¬
must be descriptive. Only a modest literature currently ex¬ ies to date should not assume that the matter is prematurely
ists that applies standardized rating techniques to the study closed and that three dimensions are sufficient. Alternately,
of mania, depression, the dementias, and other disorders that it is also possible that these apparently separate and uncor-
share many of the symptoms of schizophrenia.37116·117 related dimensions could be due to a single mechanism.

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