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A. Background Information
Sociology is a scientific study of human life, social behavior of individual or social groups of a
whole society. Its teaches us to see the world in a different way from our familiar or regular
view. It also teaches us of what we regard as natural, inevitable, good and true may not be
so and the things we take for granted are actually shaped by historical events and social
process. In sociology we learn about the human behavior, how society shape a person
thinks and how society works.
The sociological imagination requires us to think ourselves away from the familiar routines
of our daily lives in order to look at them from a new point of view. In sociology the
sociological imagination help us to understand how the social world worked, helps us to
understand ourselves better, it also influence us to make decisions, change the way of our
thinking etc. Sociological imagination also helps us to understand what is going on in a
situation. In sociological imagination it shows what is acceptable or not acceptable in the
society. In sociological imagination there are so many things that people react in different
ways, they think in differently and make decisions on their own perspective. A sociological
imagination allows us to see that many events which are appear to concern only an
individual but actually reflects in larger issues. To think that Divorce may be a private things
which may be a traumatic for a person who goes through it but it can be a public issue that
has an impact on pension provision, welfare benefits system housing needs. So from private
issue divorce can become a public issue as well. Like divorce unemployment problem can be
also a public issue from private issue. Unemployment can be a personal issue for a person
who loses his job but it become a public issue when millions of people are unemployment.

Again there are some researchers who described the society and how society changes in
different time through their perspective. The founders of sociology are Aguste Comte, Max
weber, karl Marx , Emile Durkheim. They all describe the society in different ways. Auguste
Comte invented the word of sociology. Comte thought for theoretical science of society and
systematic study to improve it. Durkheim explain that social facts are all those institution and
rules of action which constrain or channel human behavior. Karl Max explain the changes
associated with the Industrial Revolution. His primary focus was on the development of
capitalism. Karl identify two main element in capitalism one is capital and the other is wage-

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