Achievers A2 - Speaking Worksheets

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Speaking Worksheets

Speaking Worksheet 1 page 60

Speaking Worksheet 2 page 61

Speaking Worksheet 3 page 62

Speaking Worksheet 4 page 63

Speaking Worksheet 5 page 64

Speaking Worksheet 6 page 65

Speaking Worksheet 7 page 66

Speaking Worksheet 8 page 67

Speaking Worksheet 9 page 68

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1 Speaking Worksheet 2

1 Get into groups of three students. 3 You can use these expressions:

2 You want to find the perfect room-mate for summer How often do you …?
camp. Interview the students in your group. Ask your How many times …?
partners as much information as you can. Find your What time do you …?
similarities and differences and decide if they would be I do this every day.
good camp room-mates. I like …
always, never, sometimes, rarely
A How often do you have a shower?
B I have a shower every day. 4 Decide how similar you are to both students. S
Student 1 Student 2 Student 1 Student 2

have a shower We are exactly the same.

go to bed at We are similar.

get up at We are different.

tidy your room We are totally different.

do homework
go out
have dinner

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2 Speaking Worksheet
Student A
1 You are the coordinator of the after-school sports 2 You can use these expressions:
program at your school. Student B is interested in
We have ...
signing up for an after-school sport. Answer his / her
You need ...
questions about the sports you are offering. Get the
We meet on ...
student’s personal information and fill in the sign up
card. 3 Swap worksheets and roles.

B What after-school sports do you offer?

A We have baseball, tennis, ice hockey and volleyball.

What: baseball What: ice hockey

When: Monday, Wednesday and When: Monday, Friday and
Saturday Saturday
Where: at the school baseball field Where: at the local ice rink
Equipment: baseball bat, helmet Equipment: ice skates, hockey stick

What: tennis What: volleyball

When: Tuesday and Friday When: Tuesday and Thursday
Where: at the school tennis court Where: at the school gym
Equipment: tennis racket Equipment: knee pads

Student B
1 You are interested in signing up for an after-school sport. 2 You can use these expressions:
Student A is the coordinator of the after-school sports
What after-school sports do you offer?
program. You are meeting with the after-school sports
What time is ... ?
coordinator to sign up. Find out:
I like ...
What sports are offered I’m interested in ...
When and where the activity meets
What equipment is needed 3 Swap worksheets and roles.

B What after-school sports do you offer?

A We have baseball, tennis, ice hockey and volleyball.

Sign Up Card Student A Student B

After-school sport
Experience playing sport

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3 Speaking Worksheet 4
Student A
1 You are going to prepare a Chicken Salad with Grapes for 2 Now swap roles. Student A comes to see you to get his /
some friends. You need to see Student B at the English her ingredients. Here is the list of prices.
Store to get the ingredients. In the English Store you ‘pay’
by saying sentences in English.
I’d like...
How much is that?
Recipe A
Item ‘Price’ in English sentences
Chicken Salad with Grapes
> chicken > grapes > peppers Butter Say how often you go out to eat.
> lemon > oil Green Beans Describe your country’s eating habits.
Onions Name five objects you can find on a
B Can I help you?
table at dinner.
A I’d like a chicken, please. How much is that? 1
B Let’s see. For that you have to describe your favourite sport. Pasta Describe your favourite family recipe.
A OK. My favourite sport is basketball. I love it because … Tuna Discuss three foods that are healthy.

Student B
1 You work at the English Store, a special shop where 2 Now swap roles. You are going to prepare a Tuna Pasta
people come to get food and ‘pay’ in sentences in English. Salad with Green Beans. Go to the English Store and ask
Student A comes to your shop to ask for various things. Student A for the ingredients.
Here are the prices.

I’d like... Recipe B

How much is that? Tuna Pasta Salad with Green Beans
Item ‘Price’ in English sentences > tuna > pasta > green beans
> onions > butter
Chicken Describe your favourite sport.
Grapes Describe your family. B Can I help you?
A I’d like a chicken, please. How much is that?
Lemon Discuss three things you love doing in
your free time. B Let’s see. For that you have to describe your favourite sport.

A OK. My favourite sport is basketball. I love it because …
Oil Discuss two foods you love and two
foods you hate.
Peppers Talk about something you’re studying
at the moment.

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4 Speaking Worksheet

1 Cut out the cards and place them face down on a desk
or table.
Student A: Pick a card, read and discuss. A T he first time I rode my bike, I broke my leg. I was six
Student B: Pick a card, but before reading and discussing, years old.
repeat what Student A said for his / her card. B The first time you rode a bike, you broke your leg. You
Student A: Pick another card, but before reading and were six years old.
discussing, repeat what Student B said for his / I usually go to the city centre by bus.
her card. A You usually go to the city centre by bus.
Last night I had pasta.

The last time

The first time When I was six I travelled by
Last night I…
I rode a bike... I went on… ship or ferry

My friend My parents I usually go to

rt. doesn’t like My first trip on
always take the city center
going to a plane was...
the… by...
school by…

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5 Speaking Worksheet 6
Student A S
1 You are meeting with Student B to discuss this year’s 4 You can use these words and expressions:
end of school trip. You think a trip to the beach is better
I think ... isn’t as ... as...
than a trip to the mountains.
The beach is ... than ...
2 Fill out the information about your suggestion for this I prefer ...
year’s end of school trip. beautiful, ugly, cheap, expensive, interesting, boring, near,
far, popular, unpopular, quiet, noisy, safe, dangerous
Trip to the beach
What to see
How many days?
Fun activities 1
3 Compare your trip with your partner’s suggestion. Use
the information you wrote in exercise 2.
A I think a trip to the beach is better than a trip to the
mountains because you can go for a swim every day.
B But the beach is boring, and going to the mountains is

Student B S
1 You are meeting with Student A to discuss this year’s 4 You can use these words and expressions:
end of school trip. You think a trip to the mountains is I think ... isn’t as ... as...
better than a trip to the beach. The beach is ... than ...
2 Fill out the information about your suggestion for this I prefer ...
year’s end of school trip. beautiful, ugly, cheap, expensive, interesting, boring, near,
far, popular, unpopular, quiet, noisy, safe, dangerous
Trip to the mountains
What to see
How many days?
Fun activities 1
3 Compare your trip with your partner’s suggestion. Use
the information you wrote in exercise 2.
A I think a trip to the beach is better than a trip to the
mountains because you can go for a swim every day.
B But the beach is boring, and going to the mountains is cheaper.

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6 Speaking Worksheet
Student A 2 Role play the conversation with Student B.
B W here were you on the day you were arrested? What were
you doing?
A I was shopping in a clothing store, when a police officer told
me to empty my bag. I couldn’t believe it! Then ...
3 You can use these words and expressions:
I couldn’t believe it!
I’m not sure.
as, after, before, as soon as
when, while
annoyed, upset, embarrassed, sad, hungry, thirsty, nervous,
frightened, angry, happy, calm
witness, judge, shoplifter, pickpocket, detective
4 Swap worksheets and roles.
1 You just got back from a trip overseas. While travelling,
you were falsely accused of shoplifting and spent two
days in jail. Now, you are going to tell your story to a
journalist from a local newspaper. To prepare, write
down the details of what happened on a separate piece
of paper.

Student B
2 Role play the conversation with Student A.
B W here were you on the day you were arrested? What were
you doing?
A I was shopping in a clothing store, when a police officer told
me to empty my bag. I couldn’t believe it! Then ...
3 You can use these expressions:
Were you … ?
What were you … ?
What time did you … ?
Why … ?
What … when … ?
4 Swap worksheets and roles.
1 You are journalist writing a story about a person from
your town who was falsely accused of shoplifting while
on holiday overseas. To prepare, write down a few
questions on a separate sheet of paper.

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7 Speaking Worksheet 8
Student A 3 You can use these expressions:

1 You are going to study in Ireland for a trimester. The I’ve been …
student exchange organization representative (Student I love …
B) is trying to find the perfect host family for you. In I hate …
a telephone interview, answer Student B’s questions I‘ve never …
about your English education, personality and interests. 4 Swap worksheets and roles.
B How long have you studied English?
A I have studied English for four years at school.
B And have you ever stayed with a host family before?
2 At the end of the conversation, describe what you look
like so that your new host family can identify you when
you arrive at the airport.
I am short and slim. I have dark blonde hair and...

Student B 3 You can use these expressions:

1 You are a representative from a student exchange Have you ever … ?

program in Ireland. You are trying to find the perfect Do you like … ?
host family for Student A. In a telephone interview, ask Are you interested in … ?
Student A questions about his / her English education, How long have you … ?
personality and interests. 4 Swap worksheets and roles.
B How long have you studied English?
A I have studied English for four years at school.
B And have you ever stayed with a host family before?
2 At the end of the conversation, ask Student A to
describe what he / she looks like so that the host family
can identify him / her in the airport.

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8 Speaking Worksheet

1 In pairs, you are going to rank the jobs from best (1) 3 You can use these expressions:
to worst (6).
A … can earn a lot of money.
2 First, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of If you’re a … , you can
each job and write them in the table below. Consider If you want to be a … , you must …
these factors: You have to …
You need to …
• Salary I think …
• Opportunities (meeting people, long holidays etc.) I (don’t) agree.
• Education and training
• Duties 4 Then discuss the ranking you give each job from the
• Dress code and other rules best (1) to the worst (6) in the table. You don’t have to
• Timetable agree with each other.
• Place of work 5 Compare your results with the rest of the class. Which is
A L et’s start with the business person. What do you think are the the best job for the whole class?
advantages of that job?
B Well, they can earn a lot of money and they don’t always have
to study much.
A Yes, but they often have to work very long hours.

Business Person Farmer University Professor Doctor Police Officer Fire Fighter



Ranking (1-6)

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9 Speaking Worksheet
TABOO TOWN 4 Without using the words on the cards, take turns
describing the places and trying to guess the names of
1 Taboo words are words that you cannot use. Cut out the these places in a town (in bold).
cards below and put them face down on a table.
2 Mix them around. Without showing the other person,
take six cards each. food
3 Turn your cards over so that only you can see them.
There are some words written on the cards. These words
are your taboo words. A Y ou can buy things to eat at this place. In the future, this
place will be only on the internet. You have to go to this
place often.
B Is it a supermarket?
A Yes, it is!
5 You can use these expressions:
You can …
This place is …
People usually …
If you want to …
Is it …?

cinema shopping library bank


film buy book money

see shop buy account

police station pharmacy hotel park

police drugs bed play

crime doctor sleep tree

stadium Town Hall museum restaurant

sport government art eat

football city exhibition food

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