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12.4 Learning outcomes On these pages you will earn to: oscillations and deseribe the motion of an oveillating object + explain what is meant by the amplitude, the period, the frequency and the angular frequency for an oscillating object explain what is meant by phase difference between two objects oscillating at the same frequency relate the frequency and angular frequency of an oscillating object to its time period ol Figure 1 Oscillating motion 178 describe simple examples of free Measuring oscillations res of oscillations in everyday lle, A car that y ‘a short time afterwards. Every mi am and down for There are many + bounces rill 0 aaa Peeilator to deve its internal clock. A child on a swing basa ckvvards repeatedly. I this simple example, one fal gn does fram maximum height at one side tO MAXIMUM Height og at in, Te Towwest point is referred 102s the equilibrium yr sea eld eventially comes 10a standstill. The child in mga as itis where the ™otin said 10 oscillate about equilibrium Tacs hehe Further examples of oscillating motion include: «+ an object on a spring moving up and down repeatedly, + a pendulum moving to-and-fro rep from side-to-side, edly, + a ball bearing rollin + a small boat rocking from side to side. Displacement v. time for an oscillating object An oscillating object moves repeatedly one way then in the opposite ditecinn through its equilibrium position. The displacement of the object (i.e, mag and direction) from equilibrium continually changes during the motion ig full cycle after passing through equilibrium, the displacement of the objec: + increases as it moves away from equilibrium, tien + decreases as it returns to equilibrium, then + reverses and inereases as it moves away fron: direction, then. equiTibrium in the opposite + decreases as it returns to equilibrium ‘The amplitude of the oscillations is the maximum: displacement of the oscillating object from equilibrium. IL the amplitude is constant and no fio forces are present, the oscillations are described as free oscillations. See Topic 12.5, The time period of the oscillating motion is the time for one complete git oscillations» One full cycle after passing through any position, the object ps6 trough that same position in the same direction. The frequency of oscillations is the number of cycles per second made bY oscillating object. encsinal ‘The unit of frequency isthe hertz (Hz) which is 1 eycle per second For oscillations of frequency f, the time ‘The angular frequency w of the oscillating motion is defined as ah ‘The unit of « is the radian per second (rads-) ] Powered by @ CamScanner ry ference pate hildeen 0” adjacent identical sings, The gr ion is the same, a8 the swings are lem Ge Hglacemment on One Sie a certain time, ag St ggilate ut Of Phase. Their Phase ditteres sue corresponding 104 Traction of a cycle ve peri 62.0 8and one child reaches maximum displacemer i fer than the other child : ae ee oon ri Her chill, the later child will always be po orellations time period Trot the al. Hone child reaches, later than the other. "ice stays the same as they » equal to ie For ex ample, a quarter 0.58) pehind the other child ci 935) teh her child. Their phase difference, in radians, is e057 ase : gat ots set tthe Same feu os _ their pl ney, pAt Ty e difference, in radians, "yor eacemen isthe time between successive instants wher mn displacement in the same directi aie 1 the two objects are at Figure2 Phase diference the pha: vires cen degrees is 30 Tp 1 miemro objects oscillate in phase if Ar = Ty. The phase difference of 27's perore equivalent 0 zer0, sible of phase differences z ° 0257, 0s0T, sealerencein 0 z 7 ed Pasedifeence 0 ” 80 indeees yest 1 describe how the velocity 0 from the moment he jumps the moment he next returns jumper chan wes 3. An object suspended from the lower end of a vertical ine starting platform to spring is displaced downwards from equilibrium by the platform. a distance of 20mm then released. It takes 9.65 to undergo 20 complete cycles of oscillation. Calculate: 2a What is meant by free escillauions? a its time period, b A metre rule is clamped to a table so that part ofits length projects at right angles from the edge of the |B its frequency of oscilla table, as shown in Figure 3. A 100g mass is attached 4 Wo identical pendulu tothe free end of the rule, When the free end of small metal sphere attached to a thread of a certain the rule is depressed downwards then released, the jength, Each pendulum makes 20 complete cycles Mass oscillates. Describe how you would find out if of oscillation in 16s. State the phase difference, in the oscillations of the mass are free oscillations. radians, between the motion of X and that of ¥ i ns X and Y each consist of a a X passes through equilibrium 0.2s alter ¥ passes through equilibrium in the same direction, X reaches maximum displacement at the same time © : as Y reaches maximum displacement in the opposite direction. table mover Powered by 8 CamScanner 12.2 The principles of simple harmonic motion Learning outcomes On these pages you will learn to: + draw and describe graphs to show the changes in displacement, velocity and acceleration during simple harmonic motion * define simple harmonic motion An oscillating object speeds up as it returns to equilibrium and it slows down as it moves away from equi Figure 1 shows one way to record the displacement of an oscillating pendului track sheet of paper (eg. newspaper) Figure 1 Investigating oscillations The variation of displacement with time is shown in Figure 2{i). Provided friction is negligible, the amplitude of the oscillations is constant The variation of velocity with time is given by the gradient of the displacement v. time graph, as shown by Figure 2 (ii. «+ The velocity is greatest where the gradient of the displacement v. time graph is greatest (ie. at zero displacement when the object passes through equilibrium) « The velocity is zero where the gradient of the displacement v. time graph is zero (i.e. at maximum displacement) ‘The variation of acceleration with time is given by the gradient of the velocity ¥. time graph, as shown by «The acceleration is greatest where the velocity ¥, time graph is eto and occurs at maximum displacement eae This hee ra ere Thieme te nice by comp, igure 244) andl (i) itecty, it 6a bsg the acceleration is always in the opposite direction to the displacement, amplitude displacement Figure 2( Disples Figure2(i) Velocity time acceleration Figure 2 (i) Acceleration v. time 4 Powered by (9 CamScanner Oscilations sxworts one direction i referred 1098 the post satve direction, the acceleration direction is f aie iplacement direction, ® always the opposite sign onic motion is defined a: WI : cna lefined as oscillatin, 1g Motion in wh hich the Seleration i aponional to the displacement Masi the opposite direction tothe displacement Acceleration, a = ~ constant x displacement x jpeconstant depends on the time period Tj, of the oscillations. The shorter th lations. The shorter the 1 The time period is independent of he faster the oscillations which me: pent “ means the larger the acceleratic jie 23, the constant inthis equation fs, where theanguatirequenejy aay are ap th angular frequency, pn = 2% Where % 8 the (= 2a. amplitude of the oscillate therefore the defining ‘Therefore, x. the ~Q2xfi'x, and the acceleration equation for simple harmonic motion is # when Spa acceleration a xedleration, a = ~w where x= displacement gular [requeney = = § Th Thisequation may also be writen as a= (efx, where f= frequency 1 Asmall object attached to the end of a vertical spring (Figure 3) oscillates with an amplitude of 25mm and a time period of 2.05. The object passes through equilibrium moving upwards at time f= 0. What is the displacement and direction of motion of the abject a feyde later, —b_ } cycle later, © Jeycle later, dL cycle later? Figure 4 3. A simple pendulum consists of a small wei the end of a thread. The weight is displaced from equilibrium and released. I oscillates with an amplitude of 321mm, taking 208 to execute 10 oscillations. Calculate: Zope nso ‘auibr so ais frequency - by its initial acceleration, Figure 3 4 For the oscillations in 3, the object is released at Foy awe ra 0. State the displacement and! calculate the the oscillations in 1, calculate: rsieration when 2 the fre quency, amentiss 21 EOS: ® the accelervion of the objec ens ape are 1425mm, it 0. =25mm Powered by (9 CamScanner 123 Learning outcomes On these pages you will learn to: * recall and use the equation =x 10 solve simple harmonic motion problems * recall and use x= xysintas a solution to the equation a= nuty 3 Figure 2 Circles and waves g the xaxls he bob oscillates along the Beer eee amplitude of oscillation, x) 182 More about sine waves Circles and waves cireular motion, as show Consider a small object P i uni Measured from the centre : x=rcos#and y=rsin # whe eet 1 shows how the x-coord i Ik Me per ae cota eal ae same Shea The shape of the curve is i es simple harmonic motion curves in Top nin Fe | ince at O. the coordinates of Pare, ia gle between the avis and thea nate changes as angle © changes Oscillating shadows en simple harmonic motion and sine curves, considerte shan atc ball (P) in uniform circular mation on te a sewer longsite se pendulum ob shadow of ball battery ballon tuentable Projector Figure 2 Comparing simple harmonic motion with circular motion jon and Tother words, Pand Q at any instant have the same horizontal poston the same horizontal motion, The accelensvn of Qs therefore the same acceleration of P, * Because the ball is in uniform ei the minus sign indie (see Topic 11.1), a= Hlar motion, its acceleration « On towards O, Since speed = * The component of acceleration of the the acceleration of P, a, ball parallel wo the sere (2a)? res = = (nox the bob's motion is the same Because as the motion of the ball’s shadow: ole bone eee wi nis equation for simple haemonie ‘motion and it shows eeeeably (202 oral guise 2af. the This is the de! constant of py 4 Powered by (9 CamScanner - ave solutions oscillating at frequency fin simple harn ‘grdisplacement xis given by a= -Qaf?x = way jn ny obie sion a" sat e displacemer fhe ral velocity {ie. the displacement and velo wei 1=and the object is mo piczo ine isis placement at time fis given by iy Sin wt, This i fencarest the screen. sevelocity at time fis given by v D when the ball is nearest the scree nt isdxplacement at time / later is given by 3 tiplacement of Q varies with time if fpasat maximum positive displacement. 1 inthe CIE exams, you are expected to be able to use the ‘equations x= Ay sin wr and» = xj cos wt, which give the displacement and ve'os.s) at time ralter ze Ohad been al 2 The general solution is theinstants when this physics specifications ovad when 0. The g 3 The time period Ty does regardless of whether the amplitude is large or smal. ‘The symbol A is sometimes used for amplitude instead of % 1 An object oscillates in simple harmonic motion with time period of 3.0's and an amplitude of 38mm. Calculate: 4 its frequency, b its maximum acceleration. mple ce with, The displacement of an object oscillating in 8 rmonic motion varies with time in accords the equation x/mm = 12sin 101, where fis the I'seconds after the object’ displacement Was ats 'aximum positive value. @ Determine: the amplitude, © Calculate the displacement of the object the time period. onic motion, its fon of displacement with time depends on the initial displacement and at time = 0). For example: 1g 10 Maximum displace how the tstyaement of he bob's shadowy Q varies with time i= Os when the ball Yo Cos wt where its maximum velocity vp ty This is how the velocity of the bob’s shadow varies with time if time xy when f= 0 and the object has zero velocity at that instant, then Ay €08 wt. This is how the the instant when Q nitial displacement sin (et + 6), where g is the phase difference between syeral solution is not required in * vt depend on the amplitude of the oscilla Forexample, the time petied of an object oscillating on a spring is the same, ‘oscillations en A small object « with a time period of 0.488 and an amplitude of 15mm, Its displacement, Xx from equilibrium at time fis given, by x= xjcosut. Calculate frequi ney. oe its displacement and acceleration at r= 0.205, Solution rod 1-1 - 20am a f= a> 7am = 708 15mm =0.015m, 2.08 = 13.1 rads” 0.015 130% 1 x= 0.015cosut (13.1% 0.20) = (13.12 =1.30 « 10) =2.23ms x =sge08 xm) Figure 3. Graphical solutions 3. An object on a spring oscillates with a time period of 048s anda ration of 9.81 ms: cale a b its amplitude, s frequency, 4. An object oscillates in simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 12mm and a time period of 0.275, Calculate: a its frequency, b its displace i at 0.105, ii at 0.205 after its displacement was zero and it was moving towards the maximum posit displacement, ‘nt ani its velocity: 183 Powered by 8 CamScanner

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