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Unit 1: Families and Relationships

1 Maternal (a) Realted through the mother’s side of the family My maternal grandfaher is quite old now
2 Rewarding (a) Worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it Teaching can be a very rewarding career.
is useful or important
3 Stable (a) Firmly fixed or not likely to move or change My stable upbringing prepared me for anything.
4 Extended family A family group with a close relationship among the Both of my parents come from very large
members that inclubes not only parents and children but families so my extended family is very large. I
aslo uncles, aunts, grandparents,… hae 25 cousins!
5 Striking resemblance A very strong and noticeable similarity between two There is a striking resemblance between my
people or things sister and me.
6 Adolescence (n) The period of time in person’s life when they are Adolescence brings about major changes in a
developing into an adult young person’s body.
7 Character (n) All the qualities and features that make a person His character is quite different from his father’s.
different from others
8 Connection (n) The state of being related to someone or something else There is a very close connection between a
mother and a newborn baby.
9 Interaction (n) Communicating with somebody, especially while you Children need physical interactions.
work, play or spend time with them
10 Nature (n) The basic qualities of a thing It’s difficult to define the exact nature of the
11 Parent (n) A mother or a father of a person or an animal It is difficult to be a good parent.
12 Relation (n) In connection with something I am writing in relation to the job advertisement
in yesterday paper’s.
13 Relative (n) A person who is in the same family as somebody esle All her close/distant relatives came to the
14 Resemblance (n) The fact that two people of things look like each other or Everyone tells me that the physical resemblance
are similarin some other way between me and my maternal grandmother is
very striking.
15 Sibling (n) A brother os a sister How many siblings do you have?un
16 Upbringing (n) The way in which a child is cared for and taught how to In country, there have a strict religious
behave while it is growing up upbringing.
17 Accommodate (v) To provide with a place to live or to be stored When parent relate to a child, they do a lot of
work, figuring out what the child needs and then
accommodate those needs.
18 Break down (v) To fail, to become very bad The realtionship between my parents and me
has broken down.
19 Develop (v) To (cause something to) grow or change into a more It is important to develop a good working
advanced, larger, or stronger form relationship with your colleagues.
20 Endure (v) To countinue to exist for a long time Children who experience a rewarding friendship
before the birth of sibling are likely to have a
better relationship with that endures throughout
their childhood.
21 Have sth in common To have the same interests, ideas,... as somebody else We don’t really have much in common.
22 Inherit (v) To be born with the same physical or mental She inherited a passion for music from her
characteristic as one of your parents or grandparents grandfather.
23 Nurture (v) Care for and protect somebody/something while they Parents want to know the best way to nurture
are growing and developing and raise their child to adulthood.
24 Play a role the duty or use that somebody or something usually has The family played an important role in the
or is expected to have education of their children.
25 Relate (to) (v) To be able to understand a situation or someone’s When parents relate to a child, they do a lot of
feeling work, figuring out what the child needs and them
accommodation those needs.
26 Close (a) Knowing somebody very well and liking them very much The relationship between my brother and me is
very close.
27 Close-knit (a) Having strong relationships with each other and taking a We are a close-knit family.
close, friendly interest in each other’s activities and
28 Paternal (a) Relatived throuhg the father’s side of the family How old is your paternal grandmother?
29 Striking (a) Very strong and noticeable There is a striking resemblance between my
sister and me.
30 Active role Involved in something; making a determined effort not Both of my parents played a very active role in
leaving something to happen by itself. our school life, and our home life, and they
taught us to resolve our conflicts in a very fair
31 Family gathering An occasion when many members of an extended family Our family gatherings are pretty chaotic, but fun.
get together.
32 Immediate family To refer to a person’s parents, spouse, children, and My immediate family is relatively small, just my
siblings. parents, my two brothers and me.
33 Maternal instinct The natural way that a mother has to behave or react in I think I have a very strong maternal instinct,
a particular way around her child or children. because I love talking care of small children.
34 Sibling rivalry The jealousy, competition and fighting between brothers The study found a strong connection between a
and sisters. lack of friends and sibling rivalry.
35 Stable upbringing Refers to a situation where a person has stable, loving My stable upbringing prepared me for anything.
parents and much support in their growing up.
36 Adulthood (n) The state of being an adult Studies have shown that stress in adulthood can
be ralated to unhappy childhood.
37 Bond (n) A close connection joining two or more people We used to fight a lot when we were growing up
but there is a really close bond between us now.
38 Brotherhood (n) Friendship and understanding between people The group tries to promote a spirit of
brotherhood among its members.
39 Childhood (n) The time when someone is a child He lived in the same house thoughout his
40 Conflict (n) An active disagreement between people with oppsing This evidence seems to conflict with the findings
opinions or principles from previous studies.
41 Fatherhood (n) The state of being a father The idea of fatherhood frightens me.
42 Friendship (n) A relationship between friends Their friendship goes bach to when they were at
school together.
43 Instinct (n) The way people or animals naturally react or behave, I don’t think just anyone can be a good parent.
without having to think or learn about it Not everyone has the right instinct.
44 Mothehood (n) The state of being a mother Teenagers are unprepared for motherhood.
45 Relationship The way in which two or more people or things are If young children have good friends then they
(between/with) (n) connected will have a good relationship with their brother
or sister.
46 Rivalry (n) A situation in which people, businesses,… compete with When we were little there wasn’t very much
each other in the same thing sibling rivalry.
47 Teenager (n) A young person between 13 and 19 years old Teenagers who fight with they brothers or sisters
may behave in a way that is socially
48 Temperament (n) The emotional character or state of mind of people or I think I have my father’s temperament – we’re
animals, as shown in their behavior both very stubborn!
49 Tie (n) A strong connection between people or organization Even though we don’t live together any more the
family ties are still very strong.
50 Adopt (v) to legally take another person’s child in to your own They’ve adopted a baby girl.
family and take care of him or her as your own child
51 Establish (v) To start having a relationship with, or communicating I have established a close connection with an
with another person, company, country, or organization. older member of my family.
52 Interact (v) To communicate with or react to This is not usually the case when two children
are interacting.

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