Little Red Riding Hood-Simplified Script

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Little Red Riding Hood Puppet Script

(1)Narrator: Once there was a little girl who lived with her mother in a house near the forest. The little girl always wore a
red coat and hood. So everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother said to her:

Mother: Grandmother is not feeling well. I have a basket with fruit, cakes and honey. Can you take it to her?

Red Riding Hood: Yes, Mother. (Chatting on her cell phone)

Mother: Be careful going through the forest. And don't play around along the way. Grandmother is waiting for you. And
stop chatting on Facebook, BBM, twitter or whatever you are using!

Red Riding Hood: Yes, Mother. (Chatting on her cell phone again)

(2)Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood took the basket and was on her way to Grandmother's house when a horrible wolf
came near Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Good Morning, Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going on this beautiful day?

Red Riding Hood: I am going to see Grandmother on the other side of the forest. She is sick and I have fruit, cakes and
honey for her.

Wolf: Take some flowers for her. There are so many to here in the forest.

Red Riding Hood: I cannot stop. Mother said I must not play around along the way.

Wolf: Take some pretty flowers for her. She will like them. You will make her really happy.

Red Riding Hood: I think you’re right.

(3)Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood put her basket on the floor and began to pick flowers. At that moment, the wolf ran
away and went to the other side of the forest. When he came to Grandmother's house, he walked to the door and knocked.

Grand Mother: Who is it?

Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. I have fruit, cakes, and honey for you.

Grand Mother: Come in dear. The door is open.

(4)Narrator: when the wolf was inside, he ran over to the bed and ate grandmother completely. He put on grandmother’s
clothes, and went to bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. Then somebody knocked at the door.

Wolf: Who is it?

Red Riding Hood: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. I have fruit, cakes and honey for you, and a many pretty flowers for

Wolf: Come in (speaking in wolf’s voice) ahem (clears throat); Come in (faking grandmother’s voice) The door is open.

(5)Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood went in and stood for a moment in the doorway.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! What big ears you have!

Wolf: The better to hear you with, my dear. Come closer.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! What big arms you have!
Wolf: The better to hug you with, my dear. Come closer.

(6)Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood walked closer to the bed.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! What big eyes you have!

Wolf: The better to see you with my dear. Come closer.

(7)Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood walked even closer to the bed.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! What big teeth you have!

Wolf: The better to eat you with!

(8)Narrator: The wolf grabbed Little Red Riding Hood and ate her completely.

Wolf: mmm yummy. This is better than pizza, or hamburgers. (Yawning) ahhh, I’m full, and sleepy. I’m going to take a

Woodcutter (1): Where’s Snow-white?

Woodcutter (2): She is living with 7 dwarfs! And what about Sherk?

Woodcutter (1): hahahaha! He is with Fiona and the donkey! Listen! Somebody is sleeping but she is not the

Woodcutter (2): It is the wolf! Let’s go and get him!

Woodcutter (1): I have you at last, you devil!

(9)Narrator: The woodcutter killed the wolf with his axe. Then the woodcutter took a knife, and very carefully he pened
the wolf's stomach. Out came Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, safe and sound.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! I am so happy to see you!

Grand Mother: And I am happy to see you, child. (They hug each other)

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m really hungry.

Grandmother: Let’s go inside and eat.

Woodcutters. Yes, let’s go.

Woodcutter 2: I want some pizza.

(They go in, and come out the house with a sign that says “The End”)

Narrators: Rocío – Josué – Roberto - Oscar

LRRH: Valeria

Wolf: Alejandro

Mother and Grandmother: Vanessa

Woodcutter: Douglas – Gustavo –

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