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Journal of Engineering Education Transformations ,

Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707


Overcoming Covid19 Effect to Implement NAAC:

Mind Mapping

Suresh Akella1, Kantipudi MVV Prasad2

CEO, Akella Systems (Incubation Center) & Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Director of Advancements, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
1 ,

Abstract :The sudden impact of Covid19 in India preparing the NAAC Document. All seven criteria of
coincided with the NAAC assessment submission the NAAC system were mapped to socio, scientific
decision at Sreyas Institute of Engineering & and spiritual practices through which all humans were
Technology at Hyderabad, India. Institute decided to brought up. The relationship is communicated via
document the upgraded National Assessment and zoom meetings to all staff and the criteria in charge.
Accreditation Council (NAAC) version and submit it Commitment improved as they related the known
to the NAAC board during February 2020; Covid19 imbibed knowledge they possessed.
started spreading in India. By March first week, a total
lockdown started, and all educational institutions
were closed. Along with quickly adapting to online
classes, online examinations for the benefit of Keywords: Covid19; Mind Mapping; NAAC;
student's the staff also adopted the online media to Baghavad Gita; Engineering Institute; Pedagogy.
complete the NAAC documentation as per the new
standards laid by NAAC. To motivate the staff, who I. Introduction
were technically knowledgeable, a lateral thinking
approach was adopted. The criteria aspects were The human mind is a bundle of biochemicals that
mapped to the socio, spiritual, scientific, and generate paths of electric fields for developing ideas,
management aspects to bring the group together to following instructions, giving priorities, putting
focus on achieving their common goal for the institute efforts into completing committed work. Edward de
of achieving the assessment and approval of the Bono [1] explained why some people always seem to
upgraded NAAC procedures and standards. Within have new ideas while others of equal intelligence
the Covid locked down period of about five months, never does. The old patterns of thinking can be closed,
the required five years of data of all aspects of all and new ways can be developed as the basis for
criteria were collected with co-operation among the mapping knowledge of common interest and
staff, and the submission was completed in September awareness to the NAAC criteria and discussing with
of 2020. This report is to focus on the mind mapping all to develop similar mind patterns. The areas of
used initially to bring the faculty team together for common knowledge points are addressed here.
SWOT analysis [2], the success of any project is
dependent on the correct estimation and knowledge of
the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
of the team who take the project. Early planning of this
Suresh Akella
CEO, Akella Systems (Incubation Center) & Professor,
awareness helps set the right persons in the right place
Dept.of Mechanical Engineering to complete the job within the required timelines.
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 21

The outcome of any academic institution is the for the mind to follow as it can formulate efficient
students' performance in the examinations. Exam ones, unknown to us.
results, Akella et al., mapped [3] a Gaussian
distribution to the exam results of boys and girls of Another important aspect of any activity is the
different branches for engineering education. growth, both at personal knowledge and career actions
Students of many engineering colleges in Telangana and for the institute activities. Growth can be
are affiliated with universities. Examination associated with an accelerated increase. Many models
adherence to the university schedule constraints the represent values that increase with time. Shape
othe r activities planned like the NAAC functions such as involute models, exponential
documentation. H. L. Rathva [4] explained the five models, cycloidal profiles. Other forms can be used,
elements of nature, as described in the Vedic but the Fibonacci increase in growth is often seen in
scriptures, to control nature Earth, Water, Fire, Air, nature, which can fit better. Fibonacci can be used in
and Ether. Knowing its importance will help in gigantic shapes of change like the galaxies or for small
making the environment a friend to humans and shapes of sunflower seeds formation. Whereas an
nature to life. Realization of why Covid19 could Involute profile is used in a finite change to increase
overcome our inherent strength of immunity to fight and then decrease form like in a gear tooth. Jeffrey R.
such a virus should be contemplated. Chasnov [8] defined the Fibonacci series and the
golden ratios. In nature, these growth patterns are
Pratik Patel [5], has presented the Plan-Do-Check- visualized, correlated, and established. To make this
Act (PDCA) cycle. However, the method is applicable growth happen according to a pattern shown is an
to process, business and organization as generally intricate management challenge.
utilized by the industry. PDCA is proposed here for the
Internal Quality Improvement of the Institute The common platform that relates to many of our
pedagogy. team members is Goparaju Purna Sudhakar [9], who
used Baghavad Gita in his Ph.D. research. He felt it is
Benzon & Hays [6] classified natural intelligence relevant in today's stressful work demands. Baghavad
as being grouped into five classes that operate the Gita, BG, can improve morale, build confidence,
neural tissues. (1) The modal principle subserves of bring assertiveness, create job satisfaction. BG can be
feelings, (2) The diagonalization principle subserves used to provide a balanced personal and work-life.
the decision principle subserves coherence, (3) Many international companies are using Bhagavad
Action, (4) The discrete resolves into a figural Gita to have matured mindset in their employees and
principle, and the fifth activity (5) The indexing yet meet their business objectives. Harmony among
principle, which is implemented through the neural all the stakeholders makes the path of growth smooth.
mechanisms of language. These principles work as
ordered modes. The present work considers the four Bhavesh A. Kinkhabwala, Ravi Gor [10], narrated
modes of Buddhi, Manas, Chitta, and Aham, which the Adi Sankaracharya, A saint spreading Vedic
operate with a centered Atma as the core, is written in knowledge across India during the 8th century. He
the Vedic scriptures. was a young boy of about seven years who was gifted
with Vedic knowledge and took up sannyasa, giving
G. Binnig et al. [7] used Artificial Intelligence to up worldly life to revive true dharmic Hinduism. He
understand if machines can be made to think like was acclaimed as the Bhagwatpad Jagadguru Adi
humans. The complex thinking procedure of the mind Shankaracharya, a world guru in all scriptural
is not completely understood, but we approximate knowledge. He formed four Matts on the four North,
machines to operate with some assumed algorithms of West, South & East corners of the country to represent
data acquisitions, analysis, and operations. This the four Vedas. These Matt places of worship still
ability to handle unknown new situations with the prevail as the pillars of the Hindu Sanatana Dharma.
available historical data is regarded as intelligence. In
machine learning, we have control over the design of The present initiation of the work to motivate our
the intelligence, and we can modify it as we feel staff to complete NAAC work is an important
required. Similarly, in this work, we assume that the milestone for the institute. Datta Sawant [11]
human mind, our natural intelligence, can also be described the Best Practices of Top (NAAC)
mapped to think in the way we feel is required to solve Accredited Institutes (State-wise). The NAAC [12]
the problems at hand. We do not give any algorithms developed and published the upgraded manual [12]
22 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

for the institutes to follow. Sreyas Institute follows the schools, colleges, and higher education fields.
Affiliated UG Colleges format for its accreditation. A
series of best practices of various institutions as per The disruption was total and for a prolonged
seven criteria of assessment and accreditation, some period. Alternate routes were quickly evolved and
are case studies. Best practices reflect the credibility adopted to minimize the effect on psychology and
and cheerful life of a college. maintain the academic schedules to provide timely
graduation. In this study, it was important for the
Though ancient, the Sanatana, time immemorial, institute to provide online classes to all branches and
knowledge in the scriptures is very vast. The concepts sections of the four-year engineering programs
derived indicate the reliance on ancient scripts even in operating from home with all Covid constraints of any
the current day global business scenario. Baghavad movement outside. Also, to provide extra time for
Githa, [13] written by Veda Vyasa, Is the learning by completing the NAAC formatted five years data with
Arjuna the greatest warrior who requested God, analysis requires ultimate commitment from all staff.
Baghavan, Sri Krishna to be his guru to teach him if it To obtain this commitment, this program of mapping
is right to fight a war with his cousins and friends and knowledge onto the NAAC criteria was initiated. The
relatives which will be destroying everyone. Lord assumption was to provide a uniform opening of mind
Krishna gives total knowledge of what is right and patterns and goal paths in all members to benefit the
wrong in all aspects of life in 700 slokas, poems. institute in the long term, which is for the 'Sreyas',
These poems provide the basic rules to lead a long-term happiness of all the institute's stakeholders.
righteous life. The inputs for this knowledge of
Bhagavan were also available in the Vedas [14], 2. Mind Mapping
eternal, Sanatana scriptures.
Indian Scriptures, Patanjali [15], the sage who
Patanjali [15] wrote this in Yoga Sastra, the introduced meditation forms, yoga to control the self,
knowledge of meditation. The concept of thought- has divided the control of a person by four parts
related action is given as Vritti. It has two modes centered at Atma the hub, Figure 1. The four parts of
Pravritti, attitude, the external operations form. the mind are Buddhi which is intelligence and takes
Nivritti is the inner character. This model has decisions from inputs of the other three parts. In a way,
flexibility in defining the reformation of patterns in it controls the mind-body and soul, Atma.
Chitta is the record keeper, the memory of the
The period of scheduled NAAC work coincided being. It has a record of the past, present and will take
with the Covid19 pandemic. This caused concern it forward into the next James, lives. It has
about whether we could meet the schedules planned gyanaindriyas or knowledge senses. The past,
by our institute. Uday K umar et al. [ 16] , Vasanas, the present Samskaras, attitude is driven by
chronologically mapped the occurrence of the this part. The control of the mind is through bio-
Covid19 virus attack in India from the end of electro-chemical patterns and reactions. These
Februray2019 until May. Our NAAC work was also reactions are patterns, Vritti created by your
planned for this period. This mind tuning by mapping interaction of the four parts of the mind.
important knowledge to NAAC criteria was initiated
to put all members of the NAAC group in a common Manas is the external operating mind assisted by
platform of planning and execution. The activities the five senses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. The
were primarily remote with network connections to actions of the body and the four arms are controlled by
share data, discuss analysis, review and validate. The the manas to do physical work.
technical institutions were severely affected as the
government did not want to risk students acquiring the Ahamkara is the identity of the person, I. It's
Covid virus as they can transmit widely in the hereditary, origin, name, qualification, nation,
classrooms. Strict implementation of only having religion, competence, fame, richness, etc. It is driven
distance education was possible. New skills were by desires, Kama. It lives in duality; likes-dislikes,
obtained by staff to convert to online classes. Pravat happiness-sorrow, hatred-love, mine-thine, etc.
Kumar Jena[17], in his paper, summarized the impact
of the Covid-19 pandemic on Indian academic Atma is subtle to all our five senses, residing at the
systems. The pandemic severely affected the Indian center. It is the destination of the distinctiveness of
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 23

Evaluating all activities that are taken and

commitments that are made, and the actions
performed are for the long-term benefit of the society.
Sreyas leads to perpetual happiness as opposed to
Preyas, which provides temporary short-term

This mind mapping exercise aims to tune all staff

to act towards a common goal psychologically.
Unifying thoughts from Baghavad Gita, Scriptures,
Science, Engineering, and Management oriented all
the staff to a righteous common path. This path of
Sreyas made us commit to establishing and following
the NAAC defined pedagogy.

Fig 1: A four-way control of human activities [15]

total happiness. Sat-Chit-Ananda, Being-aware-bliss.

In the spiritual path, the Chitta, Manas, and Ahamkara
paths, patterns are closed. So the mind, Buddhi,
resides at the center of mind, the Atma the hub of a
being, a state of pure happiness.

In this work, the educational system brings all

Sreyas Institute stakeholders especially, the staff who
are the core of establishing the academic procedures.
An effective and efficient educational system will
develop students to be global achievers in the
profession of their choice. This is possible only if the
entire staff have the same culture of values, integrity,
purpose, the commitment to oneness in body,
Fig. 2:Nachiketa bowing to Lord of Dharma, Yama[18]
knowledge & thought. The concepts of the following
Pedagogy are shared with the students by verbal 3. The Goal Of Sreyas Institute Is To Establish A
presentations and by display in course notes. The Quality System To Enhance Pedagogy
unity of students and staff in attaining academic goals
propagates through the "SHREYAS" of the institute. Sreyas Institute of Engineering & Technology is
affiliated with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
A. Sreyas: The story of Nacciketa University, located in Hyderabad, India. It was
established in 2011 in a very green eco campus with
Nachiketa, a boy five-year-old was gifted by his international-level resources for education. The
father, to lord Yama, the lord of righteousness, institute's Governing body formed an Internal Quality
dharma, as an offering. The young boy waits for three Assurance Cell, IQAC, to establish, monitor, and
days meditating at his doorstep. When Yama comes, enhance pedagogy. OBE, an institutional outcome-
he is impressed by this boy's devotion and gives him a based education, was formed based on Bloom's
boon of knowledge which spells the right way to live, Taxonomy levels. Obtained National Board of
Sreyas or to while away in pleasures Preyas. Sreyas, Accreditation, NBA ranking for the programs
the institute's name, drives the stakeholders, incorporated.
management, staff, and students on a righteous path.
24 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

Further, the institution's quality was subject to known prior spiritual and ethical knowledge as
assessment and accreditation by the national council, defined in the NAAC Criteria.
NAAC. This report is the experience of unifying all
the stakeholders, management, staff, students, The following part of the document describes
parents, and society to a mindset by mapping the different aspects of mind mapping. It is like nurturing
allotted seven criteria in NAAC, shown in Table 1. a plant by plowing the ground and adding manure
The statutory requirements of each criterion are watering to grow to its full potential. Growing is the
provided by the council with required formats and inherent property or nature. We add our inputs to
expected standards. All staff of each of the accelerate its performance. Similarly, the defined
departments, programs are allotted an aspect to methods, formats, documents, and procedures defined
concentrate on. This work attempted to bind all by a by NAAC are the inherent needs. The mapping to
common mindset to attain the common goal of quality. motivate and create open patterns of common
The mapping is basically from the academic systems' mindsets the mapping given below is given to all
members of NAAC implementation.
Table 1 :Naac Criteria For Affiliated Institutes

Marks Criteria Mapped To

100 1. CURRICULAR ASPECTS: Design, Develop, Planning, PDCA, Gaussian Distribution, Fibonacci
Implementation, Flexibility, Enrichment, Feedback. Series

350 2. TEACHING & LEARNING EVALUATION: Enrolment, Diversity, Svetaketu, BG, Shankaracharya
Learning Process, Teacher Quality, Evaluation, Performance outcomes,
Student feedback.
110 3. RESEARCH, INNOVATION, EXTENSION: Support, Resources, BG, Elon Musk, Industrial Projects
Environment, Consultancy, Extension, collaboration, Publications,
Innovations Patents.


Library, Maintenance.
140 5. STUDENT SUPPORT & PROGRESSION: Support, Progression, SWOT, Kaizen, BG, Meditation
Participation & Alumni

100 6. GOVERNANCE LEADERSHIP: Vision Mission, Strategy, Nalanda, Nagarjuna, BG

Empowerment, Finance, IQAC, Management.

100 7. INSTITUTIONAL VALUES & BEST PRACTICES: Social BG, 5 Elements of Nature,
Responsibility, Best practices & Distinctiveness Shankaracharya.

4. Naac Criteria Related To Shared Knowledge A. Curricular Aspects:

The seven criteria are provided by NAAC. The Deming's cycle or Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)
sub-criteria are considered to collect the designed cycle, shown in figure 3 is the basic operation
mind Mapping content. This is not a general mapping procedure to obtain a goal in a given time period. The
but would depend on the group's culture and their curricular aspects are scheduled by the university,
common knowledge. The topics chosen should not be Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, to which
outside the present knowledge of the members. The our university is affiliated. The aspects are governed
topics like water or manure offered to plant should be by the central Government Under Graduate Council,
readily accepted. University Grants Commission (UGC); All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE); Telangana
An easily absorbed mapping of known information State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE). The
will open the patterns of thought, vritti, in all the norms of the 8th-semester engineering program are
minds uniformly. A path for the common goal in planned with the schedules, syllabus, and examination
establishing the NAAC procedures becomes s ch e d ul e s g i v en . Wi t h in t h e b o u n d ar y o f
attainable and with sustenance.
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 25

i nd ep en d en ce, th e p la nn i n g o f r e so u r ces ,  The optional flexible courses might give

implementation and execution, review of outcomes, completeness to present needs.
Outcome Based Education, OBE, and finally, areas of
gaps are The Engineers who graduate from a normal  UGC and AICTE have evolved a new policy with a
Major program with 64% credits and a Minor
program with 36% credits required to obtain
graduation in two fields.

Enhancing the growth, Figure 5. It gives a series of

natural growth, like inlaying sunflower seeds from
center to outside, seashell of a snail, galaxies shape.
The series is given by discrete number series. 0, 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8,13, 21, 34… the series defined by Fn=Fn-1+Fn-
2. Any term is a sum of the previous two terms. This
series is popular as many natural occurrences fit this
increasing scale of growth. Another important aspect
is that the ratio of Fn-1/Fn =6.18 and Fn-2 /Fn =3.82
are constant for any number of occurrences, n.
Leonardo Da Vince's aspect exclusively on human
parts to be possessing and named it Golden Ratios.
Also, the Indian sages observed this series of
occurrences in nature. They created the swastika with
the arms to the Golden Ratios. The institute's growth
Fig 3. PDCA Cycle [5] in all aspects should follow the Fibonacci series.
distribution of overall attainments of professional
academic and technical skills in practical application.
The natural distribution Figure 4. Has the following

 Skills and Academics form the completeness of

Engineer; flexible courses are provided.

 Projects are added to perform to customer

satisfaction and fulfill present industrial norms.

 The university defines the central core subjects by

about 64%. Fig 5. Fibonacci series of numbers [8]

B. Teaching & Learning Evaluation


pṛcchāmi tvāṁ dharma-sammūḍha-cetāḥ

yac chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan me

śiṣyas te 'haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam

“Baghavad Gita 2.7 Verse.”

The verse is when Arjuna, the unbeaten warrior

Fig 4. Gaussian, Normal distribution [3] was confused about why he should have a war with
26 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

relatives, friends. Offered himself to be a disciple of

Lord Sri Krishna and sought SREYAS to quit or to
fight. God, Krishna offered him the knowledge to
make the right decision. That knowledge in verse form
is the Baghavad Gita, BG. Arjuna realized through
this learning.

A true disciple always is protected by the teacher.

In every class, there will be the best students but
require the support of a teacher. A teacher who advises
what SREYAS for him is is continually respected.
Learning always requires dedication discipline, as
revealed by Svetaketu. Figure 6.
Fig. 7: The feet of teacher [15]
blesses Svetaketu, has learned about the knower, and
has attained him. Tat-you and Tvam-HE are Asi-same.
No learning is easy to acquire test your students until
they learn all to perfection.

Student Feedback: Figure 7. It tells the importance

of a teacher by Swamy Adi Shankaracharya tells there
is no achievement more significant than the feet of the
guru, teacher. If we cannot bow down to see our
teacher's feet, no achievement is an achievement, and
no attainment is good enough. A Student should revere
the professor, take his blessings and learn from him.
Fig. 6: Teacher Blessing Svetaketu “Tat Tvam Asi”[13]
Svetaketu as a five-year boy, was sent to gurukul to Earlier, It was teacher-centric learning. The
study Vedas, Puranas, Shruthi's, Smruthies, Puranas. teacher's feedback was important. Now it is student-
He completed the twelve-year program with top centric teaching. Today's Student feedback is
grades in each aspect. Graded as the highest-rated essential.
performer, he left the ashram and went home. His
father, Udalaka asked him what he learned when he C. Research, Innovation, Extension
said that knowledge of the knower was not taught; his
father said his learning was incomplete and sent him Research starts with a literature survey. Knowing
back to the gurukul. His guru said understanding the what is done before and reported in authentic, Verified
'Knower' was a difficult course. Since Svetaketu journals or publications. Not only it gives us current
insisted that he wanted to learn this knowledge, his knowledge. We plan to update the technology in
guru offered him to take care of the four hundred cows performance, knowledge, production, service, etc.
in the ashram. He has to take these four hundred cows There are eighteen chapters in Baghavad Gita. At the
to the forest, breed them and return when they number end of every chapter, references to the earlier
up to a thousand. Svetaketu lives with the cows, takes references are given below. Om Tat Sat iti: The three
them to the river, bathes them, and grace enjoys new sacred words of eternal truth are the beginning of the
calves' birth. His life with the cows makes him forget scriptures & Vedas. From here is the origin of
all his earlier learnings, including the language and
numbers. The students from the ashram keep Srimadbhagavad Gitasu: The God's verses.
watching and counting and tell the guru that the cows
numbered 1000. They lead the cows and Svetaketu to Upanishadsu: Taken from the essence of Vedas which
the ashram, count in front of the guru, and tell him they are Upanishads.
count to thousand. The guru negates and says the
Brahmavidyayam: From the Knowledge of the
count is not thousand but thousand and one. He
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 27

YogaSastre: About the science of Union of the self

with Paramatma.

Sri Krishna Arjuna Samvade: Given by Lord

Krishna during his holy dialogue with his disciple

The name of the chapter delivered is mentioned.

Innovation: Elon Reeve Musk is a role model for

innovators. Thinking above all other dreams and
making it happen is phenomenal for a person born on
28 June 1971, and building products to building a
business worth 100 billion US$. He is the founder,
CEO, CTO, and chief designer of SpaceX; Tesla;
Boring Company; Neuralink; and OpenAI. Riches
follow a true inventor; the following text is one of his
quotations. A true inventor is always driven by his
drive to follow what could be brought to society to
lead a better life.

"Failure is an option here. If things are not failing,

you are not innovating."

Innovation: Today, there is value for innovations

registered as Intellectual property Rights, IPR. In
Fig. 8:Core competence leads to innovations
Figure 8. The Refrigeration and Airconditioning
group, a new cooling system for Electrical Vehicles, is
seen. Many new ideas are incorporated and will standard should become a habit for allemployees.
qualify for patenting. Patenting an innovation requires Maintaining the academic calendar keeping only
required activities in an institute and flawlessly
novelty, non-obvious work to experts in the area,
executing is important. This provides time
should be socially beneficial, have commercial value,
and be documented. optimization. 5S can be used in planning and in mind
management too.
Infrastructure & Learning Resources:
D. Student Support & Progression:
Maintenance of resources is as essential as
providing the resources. Japanese mastered the The freshmen have an orientation of about two to
maintenance of Resources using the simple 5S, Figure three weeks. The spread of students is very wide.
9, system. It is important at Sreyas Institute as the
availability of world-class Resources. The first step is
sorting the required and useless parts at regular
intervals and sorting them, removing all unwanted
parts as space is important. Also, retrieving is easier
when only required items are made available.

Fig 8. Core competence leads to innovationsThe

next step is keeping the required sorted pieces in
identified places, easy to retrieve. Next, the placed
parts, tools, dies, or machines to be cleaned to shine as
new items ready to use consistently. These three steps
should be practiced becoming a rule or standard.
Finally, the sorting, placing, shining methods to Fig 9. Maintaining Resources 5S [9]
28 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

Some come from Hyderabad city with English as a One such Scholar was Professor Acharya Nagarjuna,
medium of instruction. Some come from rural who learned at the Nalanda University and came
schools, some from Telugu as a medium of down to south India, of present-day Andhra Pradesh,
instruction. There are some students from other states. and established a Nagarjuna University, a Centre for
These students come with different Strengths, Middle Path, Buddhist teachings. As a tribute to this
Weaknesses. A formatted data is taken on different great scholar and saint, the Nagarjuna University was
parameters. An awareness of the opportunities to formed in 1975 and later converted to a technical
Engineers is shared. Also, the threat of a disciplined university and moved to the city of Guntur. Our
approach to learning all key core subjects is not institute Sreyas Institute is affiliated to Jawaharlal's
learned to perfection. Figure 10. Displays SWOT. new technological University Hyderabad.

tasmāc chāstraṁ pramāṇaṁ te


jñātvā śāstra-vidhānoktaṁ

karma kartum ihārhasi

BG, IQAC establishes systems: Institutional

Quality Assurance Council, IQAC, is guided by the
verse in BG. Scriptures, rule books have to be
Fig 10. SWOT [2] followed without any deviation. The dos and don'ts
E. Governance Leadership: specified should be strictly followed by those who
want career growth and should be followed by all. The
śanaiḥ śanair uparamed work done according to rules will lead to success.

buddhyā dhṛti-gṛhītayā divan bhāvayatānena

ātma-saṁsthaṁ manaḥ kṛtvā te devā bhāvayantu vaḥ

na kiñcid api cintayet parasparaṁ bhāvayantaḥ

Any progress is obtained by continuous small śreyaḥ param avāpsyatha

steps, as told by BG. Just like a steep hill climber.
Complete dedication is required in seeing the hold of BG Strategy for Institute happiness: Right strategy
every step, and any wrong move will cause a will take the institute to its goal. Baghavad Gita says
dangerous fall. Small steps will lead you to the top of mutual understanding is a win-win strategy. Just like
the mountain without any diversion. The professors the relationship between humans and God, we pray,
have to teach this discipline of progress in achieving and God provides help. Similarly, the strategy of
goals. mutual co-operation helps the growth of the institute.
Like in the relationships below:
Starting an institute affiliated with a university is
so important that it should have a lasting effect over  Stakeholders and Management
generations and centuries. Nalanda University in the
400-600AD in northern India was one such university.  Management and Governing body
The learning there was so rigorous that scholars from
them could guide kings to rule according to dharma  Management & Staff
sastra, righteous ways. From China and countries east
of India, it was here that would send their scholars  Staff & Students
who would learn the Sanskrit language and take
courses up to 12 years to master this sastra knowledge.  Students & Society
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 29

F. Institutional Values & Best Practices: 3. Now it is student-centric teaching. Today student's
feedback is important.
The misuse of natural resources is playing havoc.
Unseasonal rains, storms, melting of polar ice, rise in The distinctiveness of the institute and the
water levels, possible shortening of shores, rise in professors should be of the highest level so that the
overall temperatures, change in seasons many students will also obtain such distinction.
unpredicted environmental changes are happening.
The worst shock to the world is given by the Covid19 Methodology of the Implementation of Mind
virus attack. A more responsible approach to being Mapping to complete NAAC documentation as
friendly to the ecosystem is required. The Indian scheduled. The different views of the heads of the
scriptures give importance to the 5 elements which departments were taken in a brainstorming session
constitute nature and all living beings, Figure 11. It is online. It was decided that All staff be trained to take
also important to move from the gross. online classes by first experimenting within their
department staff before presenting to students.

Students will be given multiple inputs like class

notes, videos of online classes if they miss them.
Exams will be conducted both objective type for
testing the concepts and subjective to test the
Fig. 11: Environment responsibility [4] analytical ability of the subject.
Earth element which can be felt, seen, and held to NAAC work will be parallelly taken up. Where
more subtle elements. The subtlest element is ether, in data is required, limited staff with covid precautions
the space between planets that cannot be seen, felt, or will obtain. They will also help their colleagues by
held. Important knowledge is always subtle and gathering information for others too, minimizing
understanding them will lead to the higher plane of physical movements. A motivating class was
learning. requested so that s common goal with knowledge of its
purpose is known to all. With this background, the
Distinction: Swami Shankaracharya was revealed above Mind Mapping of NAAC criteria to known
what he is to his guru. Figure 12. He was only seven knowledge was conceived and presented to all.
years old and was wandering in the forest searching Knowledge was shared as PPTS, and the recorded
for the right guru. Suddenly, he knew his guru was Video was circulated to all. The participation of all
meditating in a covered cave with a small hole the size staff was total. Heads of the departments who were
for the little finger to enter. He requested his guru to made the criteria in charge had online reviews. IQAC,
accept him to be his disciple and bless him the the central coordinating council reviewed and gave
knowledge. His guru Questioned him, who are you? suggestions for soft copies.
To which he revealed himself to be a pure bundle of
happiness representing lord Shiva and nothing else. The mission was completed. The documents were
submitted for assessment as scheduled by September
He introduced himself, and he says he is not his end.
name, not the senses, not the elements of nature but a
pure bundle of happiness representing Lord Shiva. He 5. Conclusions
also said he does not represent the five elements of
nature, nor the five senses direct him any feelings or  The Covid19 pandemic disrupted the scheduled
emotions do not sway him. He has no relations nor NAAC up-gradation to the latest assessing
friends, and he is a pure bundle of happiness standards.
representing Lord Shiva. So happy was the guru he
came out and accepted him as his disciple.  All staff was trained to software skills in accessing
server data and for classroom teaching.
1. A student should revere his professor, take his
blessings and learn from him.  To motivate the staff and bring them to a common
mindset of meeting NAAC completion.
2. Earlier it was teacher-centric learning. The teacher's
feedback was important.
30 Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 36 , No. 2 , October 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

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World Journal, Vol. III.
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interest but related topics to be indicative. [10] Bhavesh A. Kinkhabwala. (2018). A Source of
Learning Leadership Traits and Skills for
 The mapped subjects should not be a repetition of Sustainable Management Practices. Purusharta.
the real content to be obtained or actions to be
taken. [11] Datta Sawant (2019). Best Practices of Top
(NAAC) Accredited (State-wise) Colleges in
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achievement will spread happiness. Multidisciplinary Studies (ISSN: 2348-1390).

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