Regression Completion Document

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Sana Saeed
Nafees Naqvi

Reviewed By:
Rana Shabbir (Principal SQA)
Kamran Ghaffar (Manager)
• Introduction:
This document serves as a formal record of the completion of regression testing for the
Degree37 Atlanta Blood Services (ABS). Regression testing is an essential part of the
software development life cycle, ensuring that changes or enhancements to the application
do not negatively impact existing functionalities.

• Purpose:
The purpose of this document is to confirm that regression testing has been successfully
performed on the Degree37 Atlanta Blood Services (ABS). It outlines the scope of the
testing, the test environment, the test cases executed, and the results obtained during the
regression testing process.

• Scope:
The scope of regression testing includes the following:

• Test all major functional areas of the application affected by recent changes.
• Verify that new features do not cause any adverse effects on existing functionalities.
• Confirm that defects reported in the previous testing phases have been appropriately addressed
and resolved.
• Validate the overall stability and reliability of the application after implementing changes.

• Test Environment:
The regression testing was conducted in the following environment:

• Environment: Production
• Operating System: Windows, Mac
• Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Chrome

• Regression Test Cases:

Please refer to the test Rail link for a comprehensive list of test cases executed during this
regression testing phase.

Test Rail Link: Test Cases Degree37 Maintenance

• Regression Test Results:
The summary of the regression test results is as follows:

• Total Test Cases Executed: 400

• Total Test Cases Passed: 369
• Total Test Cases Failed: 9
• Total Test Cases Skipped: 22
• Overall Pass Percentage: 92%
• Defects:

Any defects identified during regression testing were reported in the issue tracking system and
assigned to the development team for resolution. The defects were tracked using the following

• DM-228 - [ABS VAL | Donor Portal | Modify Appointment | Displaying Previous Ineligible Dates During
Appointment Modification] - [To-do]
• DM-224| ABS (Validation) | Donor Portal | Cache Value Persists in Fields Despite Clearing Cache - [To-do]
• DM-222| ABS (Val) | Donor Portal | Forget Password | Password Reset Bug - Concurrent Login Session Not
Detected - [To-do]
• DM-225 | ABS (Validation) | Admin & Donor | Multiple Appointments | Incorrect Error Message Displayed After
Modifying and Canceling Second - [To-do]
• DM-223 | ABS (Val) | Donor Portal | Forget Password | Password Reset Bug - System Allows to Reuse same
Previously Used Password - [To-do]
• DM-226 | ABS Val | Admin Portal | Email Template | Incorrect Variable Usage in Admin "Forgot Password"
Functionality - [To-do]
• DM-221 | ABS (Validation) | Donor Portal | Profile Section | Disappearing Options for Searching and Creating
Group - [To-do]

Note: Certain test cases could not be executed as they were dependent on the Drive
Management feature, which has been removed from the ABS admin portal. Consequently,
these cases were skipped during the regression testing process.

• Conclusion:
The regression testing for Degree37 Atlanta Blood Services (ABS) has been successfully
completed. The application has been thoroughly tested, and any identified defects have been
addressed and resolved. Based on the test results, the application is deemed ready for
production deployment.
• Recommendations:
Based on the regression testing outcomes, the following recommendations are provided:

• Consider conducting additional testing (e.g., smoke testing) after production deployment to
ensure the application's overall performance and stability.
• Monitor the application closely in the initial post-deployment phase to quickly address any
unexpected issues that may arise.

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