Loan Application Form

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ene -H-. ASSOCIATED UDYOG (© Helpdesk: 020-27451344, 020-27451345 ev NINDILI ANNI NIE TETD @ veaunichin @ lnfo@aunishiin fee. with MistyotComorte lta, Goto na Rogstored Oice: No. 16051188, First Flor, CIN. U88999PN2020PLNI95932 Fusion Park Morwadl, Pimp Pune ta} MIN For Office Use Member ID. Loan Account Number Scheme Code Please fill the Form in English and In BLOCK Letters. Tick ¥ wherever applicable, Date | wish to apply for below ticked loan and request you to process the loan application as per details provided in the form. Loan Against Deposit Loan Against Immovable Properly Loan Against Gold, Siver & Jewellery Loan Against Insurance Policy Loan Against National Savings Cerificate Loan Against Other Government Security Please upd you Iles tails by fling up Membership Update Frm fh cate of ary changes in profil) ne Fete leans aha [Sora Fether's/Husband's Name Member ID eee en PAN ‘Occupation: Salaried Seltemployed Professional Retired Other If professional: Doclor caycs Coneuliant Architect Other IF Seltemployed: Type of company: Proprietor Partnership/LLP Pvt, Ud Public Lid Other Nature of business: Retailer Manufacturer Service Provider __Agricultrist Other IF Salaried: Type of company Proprietor Parinership/LLP Pi, Lid Publclid Gov. © MNCs PSU ther. Employer/Business Details: Designaton: Experience in Current Job / Business Yes Months Total Experience in Job/Business Ys Months ‘Company's / Employer's Name ‘Company's / Employer's Add District Email (off) Tel. (off) Income and Expenditure Details ‘Average Monthly Income: z {in words) {in words) ‘Average Monthly Surplus: z (in words) EMI Tenure (Months) No. of EMls Paid ‘Outstanding Bal. 2) Bank/Finances EMI Tenure (Months) No. of EMIs Paid ‘Outstanding Bal Peru Teena Family Details Family Size: No. of Adults) No. of Children No. of Dependents EEE hho copie ofthe documents ook fo I have attached copy of, as Proof of Idontity & copy of, as Proof of Address, Required Loan Amount: & (in words) Loan Purpose: Agriculture Business Expansion Medical Expenses Purchase of House Marriage Expenses Repay Other Loan Education Travel Expenses Home Renovation Other Tenure days months year(s) Preferred Repayment Frequency: Daily Weekly Monthly Repayment Instructions: | wish to settle my instalment/EMI with ‘debit fo my Nidhi Savings Account number ECs PoC TTD ithe dota a por elected fan yp Deposit in Associated Udyog Nidhi Limited FD/RO Account No. Balance Available in Account & Immovable Property Property Type: Commercial Residential Mix Plot ‘Usage: SelfOccupied Rented Agricultural Vacant Property Addross: Landark District Pin Code State/UT. Country Ownership: SelOwned Jointly Owned Other_— Land Type: FreeHold. Lease Hold UDS/Land Area (Safi) Constructed Area Present market value Gold, Silver & Jewlery Details of the Pledged Articles Appraisal S.No Full Deals of Jewels lodged cant | weihttom | Weston | Verified the weights & Fineness of gold/siler/jawellery. Purily 2¢ given is corte. ‘Other Observation (Damaged, Broken, Defective etc.) a} b) ‘Appraisers Name Insurance Policy Poli No Date of ixuance Sum Assred Co & Branch name ‘Anna Pre Promion pel Gowt, Securities (National Savings Certificate, Kian Vikas Patra ete.) San/Poet fice Date of herament Face Vale Preset value ue die Peru Teena Cash Cah Amount pemied far lerdng ‘Account ‘Cheque ee ee eres) Credit to my Savings Bank Account, fil the details below (S27 Name as in bank records Bank & Branch Name: AIC No, Fee Nomination in respect of Gold, Silver & Jewallery pledged with and in the custody of Astociated Udyog Nidhi Limited | nominate she following person to whom in the event of my death the Gold, Siver & Jewellery pledged and in sho custody of Associated Udyog Nighi Limited, particulars whereof are given above, may be returned by Associated Udyog Nidhi Limited upon payment of outslanding emount in full which includes principal, intereet and ether charges ae apol-cable Name and address of Nominee: Relationship with Appl ‘As the nominee is minor on this date | appoint (Guardian) Name ‘Address: any): Age | confirm that pursuant 0 this nomination, the nominee shall become ontiled to the rtum of the Gold, SIver & Jewellery Pledged and inthe custody of Associated Udyog Nidhi Limited, agsinst payment of all oulanding of Associated Udyog Nidhi Limited, 10 the exclusion of all ther porsone & rogardoss of any other disposition made by me, whather to'ameniay o° etherwice and | further confi, declare and state that on such return Associated Udyog Nidhi Limited shall stand released & discharged from al/any lailty whatsoaver Date: Place: | declare, confirm, agree: 1. Name of the company Associated Udyog Nidhi Limited (hereinaier referred to as "company"; 2. | hereby confirm having read and understood the terms & conditions given on reverse page and displayed by the company on its novice board. | hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions which govern the loans and amendments thereto made from time fo time will be binding on me when displayed by the company on its notice board; 3. | certify that he information provided by me in this application form is rue and correc in all respects and company is ented to verify ths, | confirm thal the aached copies of financials/bank statements /ile/legal documents tc. are submited by me against my loan application and certify thal these are true copies. | furher acknowledge the ‘company's right fo seek any information from any other source in this regard. | understand that all ofthe above-mentioned information shall form the basis of loan that the company may decide to grant to me at its sole discretion; 4. | agree to the applicable schedule of charges, fees including the key fac informed to me by company and at more particularly mentioned in the "Schedule of Charges” on reverse page of this Application and changes thereto made from time fo time willbe applicable on me when displayed by the company fn its notice board. | authorise company to debit my loan accoun! wih company for any fees, charges, inferest elc. as may be applicable; 5. | hereby declare thal the secuniy/es referred to herewith belong to me and Iam the owner of the same; 6. | agree to receive SMS aleris/Phone cals related to my application stalus and account aciviy that the company will end/make, from time to time, ‘on my mobile number as mentioned in this application form. | undertake to intimate the company in the event of any change in my mobile number and residential or employment/business address; 7. | hereby confirm thal the official of the compeny have read and iranslated accuraiely he terms and conditions related to ‘his application in my vernacular language and I have completely understood the same; 8. | confirm thal company's representalive/staff will not receive any payment in cash/bearer cheque or kind along with or in ‘connection with this loan application from me; 9. | understand and agree that this declaration is final and irrevocable, and that itis not subject to cancellation or amendments, Signature of Applicant Please aff recent Passport Size Photo Please Sign across the Photograch Date:D DM Mf Signature of Applicant Place: Name: Peru Teena ee eae Name: Name: Address. Address: Mobile or Phone Number Mobile or Phone Number Pee er ‘The terms & conditions, fees & charges related ‘o the loan application have been explained to me in language, by Mr,/Miss./Mrs. (_ Eimployee Designation ), and | declare that | have understood and ‘consented to all the terme and conditions and also fo the declarations and undertakings and | agree to abide by the same. | also underiake to pay said fees & charges as per Associated Udyog Nidhi Limited's norms, as and when demanded, Date: D DJ MMA. Place: Signature of Applicant | confirm hat, | have explained the terms & conditions, fees & charges related to the loan application to the applicant in vernacular language known to him/her and the applicant affixed the above signature in my presence. Signature & Employee ID of the Company Official FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Verification by Employee: In person Verification carried out on__/__/_at am/pm by: Emp. Name! Emp. ID. Signature of Employee Processing Fees Details Chea No. ‘Cheque Dae DO/MM/VTYY Drawn on / Bank and Branch ‘oun (2 MOST IMPORTANT TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1, Interest: a) bres willbe charged in the account as sanction, Reset of intrest wil be as per sipuited inthe sanction, heres isto be calculsted on dally blence due lo Astocisted Udyog Nidhi Limited sa long at the aroun du from the borrower isnot paid int enily and the came wll form pat of he principal and carry intros atthe applicable rale at monthly ress, b} Associated Udyog Nidhi Lied will ako offors fo kogp its borrowars informed of any chango in intrest rates trough the annual stamens of accounts, cepay init offices and general announcemants from time fo ime. 2. Penal Interest: Panal tree! 2% wil be levied in he account in cate oo} Nonpayment of any inilen! of prneipal and/or nterex, cots and ahr charges due, onthe moun! in deft fom ‘he date of defauky or 8) Any regulary nthe Lass account or ¢)Osfau in furvshing information at preecrioed/ealled for by Assos Udyog Nich Lmied or d) Noncomplance af any ofthe fem & condvions ofthis Agreement. 3. Fee & ofher charges: Foss and olher charges as appleable on aplication a) All tervice charges such as processing fees, documentation charges, inspection charges ec. will be charged from the applicant as per sanction before release of rad facy b} All inet event-based charge te legal oes, chargoe for ishonour of chequee/ECS mandst, charges for drawing oF Crect Information Report from Credi Information Compania Ike CIB. etc, regsration of charge wh CERSAL in case of mangage of propery etc. willbe recovered fom she apalcant immodisiely on occuring of the event ) Processing Fee paid by fh Borrower for avaling he loan ie nomefundable. 4. Secuy of Loan: Applicant mus! be ho Uundicouted cnner of he aforesaid att'/propery/inerument. 5. Disbursement: a) The borrowsr shall bmi all slvant documents ax merioned in he Sanction Late/Laan Agreement before dureement, 8) 2efoe dsbursemen” of Loan, applicant 'o ensure that all necessary story and aher aperovale/oarmissions have been bina c} Borrower fo comply win all recondtone for debureomen ofthe loan as mentioned inthe Sanction Late 6, Recovary of dues a chal be the lblity of the borrowar fo ensure thal he EMls/Inetalments ae regulary pad onthe due dates; b) Inthe event of defaults recovery procets of overdues thall be followed purely ae per the drectons laid down under he respective laws) at per loan ype and at mentioned in the Sanction Leter/Laan Agreement, d) Inimation/Reminders/Notces} shall be given to borcower prior Io infaing stops for recovery of overdue, under the respective laws} as per lan ype and as mmantoned in fhe Sanction Lerer/Loan Agreement. Other General Conditions: 3) The lan ‘0 valuarsia shal not exceed 80%, (For Loan again! Gald,Siker & Jowallery}; b} The loan agains! immovable propery chal not excaed 50% of the va of propery offered ae secur <) The repayment period of god loss shall nol exceed one year The repayment petod of loan against immovable propety shal nol exceed 7 years The repayment period of loan agains! depos shall not exceed th unaxoired period of he depos. Tho above Ist i ils and may vary on caso fo cato basis. All disputes arising out of and/or rebting to this including any cooral documont shall bo {governed by Laws of cia and shal be subject axlusive jurisdichon of he Courls/Tibunas at Pune, Maharasha,

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