Ace RapportBuilding

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6 Secrets To

Build Rapport
With Manager
In this e-book, we will be sharing Top 6
Secrets To Build Rapport with Your

See, the world is progressing at a great

speed, and the dynamics of the work
culture has substantially shifted from
what is used to be.

Now, the conventional mode of

hierarchy, and performance evaluation
has transformed into a much more
comprehensive approach.

This means, that just because you have

worked in an organization for a longer
time, doesn't mean that you will ALWAYS
be due for the next promotion or growth
opportunity. It is very well possible that a
relatively new joiner may fetch that prize
from you.
The key to shine and ACE CONFIDENCE is
by Building Rapport With Your Manager!

Basically, rapport building is the art and

science of building real professional
relationship at your workplace. The key
element stays that both manager and
employee should feel supported and

Rapport Building is important as it

fosters and accelerates your career
growth by developing real and genuine
working relationship.

For Example : Do you remember trying to

avoid your college just because your best
friend was not coming that day? Yeah, its
the same concept. Association brings
affiliation to a place ,and inspires to
enhance performance.
First Secret - Demonstrate your interest
towards work, bring in innovation to your
work process and showcase your
initiative for approaching growth

Here are some pointers to help you with

the same :-

Maintain a strong work ethic.

Arrive in office at proper time.
Try to share added value.
Figure out efficient ways to complete
a task.
Brainstorming ideas for a new project.
Build trust with your consistent
performance and efforts.
Ask to collaborate in new
Second Secret - The best way to build
rapport is by establishing trust and
factor of being relatable. This gives a
common ground to ponder, discuss and
share about.

Here are some pointers to help you with

the same :-

Discuss with your manager about

career graph.
Seek their opinion on performance or
Empathize with your manager, and
show them respect.
Establish common grounds and topics
for healthy discussions.
Don't flaunt your conversations
with manager to your team mates.
Third Secret - Rapport building is about
inspired bonding , and NOT about
desparate leveraging. Don't force the
bond, instead approach it with pure and
genuine intentions.

Here are some pointers to help you with

the same :-

Do not desperately try to talk about

all the topics.
Instead, pick a common ground and
develop depth in that topic.
Over a passage of time, interact
about that topic with your manager to
develop multi-dimensional view.
Be selectively personal, vulnerable
while exploring conversations.
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Fourth Secret - Professional rapport
building is different than personal
rapport, because this type has purpose.
One can't talk to manager all day, and
wasting time. You need to deliver value.

Here are some pointers to help you with

the same :-

Don't be a complainer , instead work to

become a solver.
Adopt growth mindset, and talk in
terms of solutions instead of problems.
Focus on effective and optimal
utilization of resources.
Up-skill yourself and gain value to
share value.
Work on your Soft Skills to rise as
effective team player.
Fifth Secret - People connect better with
those, with whom they can relate and
stand. Understand how your manager
prefers to communicate, and how is their
non-verbal communication while you
interact. Learn and Mirror!
Here are some pointers to help you with
the same :-
Clearly ask your manager about their
availability, preference and mode of
communication like email, meet, etc.
Try and subtlely mirror the tone,
gestures, & volume of your manager.
Always remember to keep the essence
of your personality, improvise,
adapt and grow!
Sixth Secret - Don't run behind your
manager to grab promotion. One should
not be needy and desparate with ill and
selfish motives. Instead, focus on your
bond with genuine, positive and powerful
intentions, focus to radiate good vibes
and share value.
Here are some pointers to help you with
the same :-
Focus on building lasting and genuine
professinal rapport with your
Always think positive about them, and
your bond with them.
Do not participate in Office Gossip, this
may change your frequency and derail
your from your path.
Be kind, humble, smart and with a
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