Guatemala - 403

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Guatemalan independence

(september 15 1839)
Internal Causes:
-Decline of the Colony System
-Economic Revolution
-Indigenous Uprising
-High Taxes
Heroes of the Independence of Guatemala

Mariano Gálvez
He participated in independence activities and in the drafting of the invitation to the meeting on September 15.

Pedro Molina
He founded the newspaper "The Constitutional Editor" in which he expressed his independence ideas, he was a
spokesman for the popular classes.

Dolores Bedoya de Molina

On September 15, he played music and rockets exploded in the square to attract the people and celebrate

José Francisco Barrundia

Man of liberal thoughts, he participated in the Bethlehem conspiracy, for which he was persecuted and sentenced
to death.

José Cecilio del Valle

Honduran, he was editor of the newspaper "El Amigo de la Patria", he asked for consultation with other provinces
about obtaining freedom. He drafted the act of independence.

Miguel de Larreinaga
Nicaraguan, he held judicial and administrative positions in the country.
The economic repercussion was greater, since an important source of income for
the public Treasury disappeared - the flows from the Indies - and trade was
reduced, which delayed the industrialization process in Spain.

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