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The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in developing an understanding of the challenges
of managerial decision-making as well as possible solutions to address these challenges. You
need to review the following three articles and course materials as posted on the course website,
and then answer the questions below.

• Blackman, R. (2022). Why You Need an AI Ethics Committee. Harvard Business

Review, 100(4), 118-125.
• Candelon, F., di Carlo, R. C., De Bondt, M., & Evgeniou, T. (2021). AI Regulation Is
Coming. Harvard Business Review, 99(5), 102-111.
• Wilson, H. J., & Daugherty, P. R. (2022). Robots Need Us More Than We Need Them.
Harvard Business Review, 100(2), 84-95.

1. The Basics

a. In writing your assignment, you should answer the following three questions:
• What are the main points of each article?
• Do you think that managers can make completely rational decisions using AI?
(You must explain your answers based on the three articles as listed above and on
what you have learned from BFSM 4002.)
• Do you think that AI can completely replace human decision-making in the
workplace? (You must explain your answers based on the three articles as listed
above and on what you have learned from BFSM 4002.)
b. You do not need to include an introduction or a conclusion to the paper. Your paper
should be organized in line with the above questions.
c. Use 12-point Times New Roman, 2.54 cm margins, left justified, double-spaced, and
single-sided. The body of the paper will be 2,200 -2,500 words (excluding the title
page and the bibliography). Any words beyond the maximum will not be read and
will not be included in your grade.
d. All in-text citations and references must be written in accordance with American
Psychological Association (APA) guidelines (

2. Layout

a. The title page of the paper should have the course name, date, and your full name.
Student number is not required.
b. Number the pages, bottom right.
c. Use the questions as sub-headings. Put them in bold italics. (You don’t need to start a
new page for each answer.)

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3. Submitting the Assignment (see Appendix I for the grading sheet)

a. Submit your assignment in a MS WORD file to the course website on Blackboard no

later than 11:00 am, Wednesday, April 19, 2023.
b. Failure to submit your assignment on time will result in a 20% reduction of the
assignment marks for every calendar day late.

4. Evaluation Criteria

a. The degree to which each listed question is answered thoroughly.

b. Your demonstrated insight into the theoretical and practical implications of the
c. The degree to which the paper is well written. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and
adherence to technical requirements are all important. Make sure you allow
yourselves sufficient time to edit, review, and edit again your writing.
d. The appropriate use of APA guidelines.

5. Plagiarism

This assignment is your own work and you are responsible for what is in it. If there is plagiarism,
then you are all jointly responsible for it. Plagiarism is a very serious offense and the
consequences are severe. Make yourself aware of them. If you have any doubts about what
constitutes plagiarism in general or questions about a specific situation, please ask me before you
submit. I would be happy to help you.

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BFSM 4002
Mid-Term Individual Assignment Grading Sheet

Student Name: ________________________________________________________________

Max. Grade Comments

1. What are the main points of the article, “Why You

Need an AI Ethics Committee”?

2. What are the main points of the article, “AI

Regulation Is Coming”?

3. What are the main points of the article, “Robots

Need Us More Than We Need Them”?

4. Do you think that managers can make completely

rational decisions using AI? (You must explain your
answers based on the three articles as listed above
and on what you have learned from BFSM 4002.)

5. Do you think that AI can completely replace

human decision-making in the workplace? (You
must explain your answers only based on the three
articles as listed above.)



Lack of clarity; information presented is lacking

focus; ideas are not communicated effectively

APA style, grammar, syntax, & spelling (1-10)


Late penalty [20%/day]


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