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ee Signo: Signal is an e lectromag netic ulave thal carries informatton . “throug h phy steal medium . ja eal Signals which ave continuous can have-any value in Limited range - tg. old Transmitters, Trans oucers , ete voltage ww) ~» svt ie =5vi} Time (t) a Segnal = Digi tal Signad Signals which ony have limited value in any ree tg Computer , cd's , “pvo'§, ete oo Timett) sali Devices used tn oligital ckts generally operate in oneof the two “etates- ON and OFF. TTevels can be represented Bans terms LOW ¢ HIGH. +ve i¢ > low lov) ¢ Htgh(sv) =ve df => ww (sv) 4 “High cov) Co Suipeees ne cord * Basic Di tal cirouils :- ‘| The basié operattons are AND, OR, NOT [NAL IPL OP . [2 | NoT Gate A150 Ysa Ac of ia a | Truth Table = A=A| : * Only Logie Gate that cal hive only 4 Y= AORBOR...ORN “S20 — eee Truth Table Input (A) | output cy) [AE Y= A+B 0 | _¥ OR Gake performs B 0 x Simple adattion 0 et vy ed of Signals. 1 i ¢ RISslo F/O[O | [a] AND Gake a Y=AanD BAND... ANDN ~~ [pe y. =A Bee N Neue = ABiON | Truth Table Input Output Et Cee ee oO ° 0 ¥ AND Gate pecforms ° 4 ° simple multtplicaton (ee oO 0 Of signals. 1 i 4 Y [4] Exclusive -0R Gate VE “oR gate | XOR Gate ; 7 ; : Ac \ PRsisy oY AY AXORBXOR. +1 XORN N =AOBO---ON "| Truth Tab le Input Outpue Ale [vae8 Dal ° 0. | Gives HIGH output 0 4 a when Opp! numbex Of 2 | i ~ Gtgnals 18 HIGH. 2 4 0 F ‘ / Is] Exclusive NOR gatei/ Es Sh L = DY V=AxNORBENOR +++ XNORN f aaa. ——s AOB O11 ON Truth Table L | Erp we output | A B |Y=4OB i Ire om a | Tust complimene i 0 4 oO op Ex-OR Gate, | A o © a L at ed Be —~ w# Universal Gates => Boz, eithex NAND er NOR 18 Gufficlent for realtsatton of any logical expression . ¢ [GE] NAND Gate CAND Gate + NOT Gate) Me aN: Baga (= ¥ _ Y= NOT (CAanb Band... ANDN) N ey AIDA dae = ABN * OMplimenta Gake tor AN Y=NOT (Aor Bor... ore) = AtBtir tn Truth Table Input Output a B Y= AtB O° oO Et Ee complimentary Gate ° ec oO for OR Gate: Et oO oO el ei ° _ZAND Gake |— | based on these tho digds 1$ Known as Binary Numbet system. a o | In middle of 19th century, English mathematteian L Boolean Algebra. => Digital Signals are diserete in nature ¢ can only have oe of the tuto values 0 oni. A numbee system George Boole developed nue for aman ipulatton of binary variables, Knonin as Boolean Algebra. Boolean Theorems: A +0 aA : Truth Table . LHS RES Hence Proved. LHS = RHS Hence Proved @) na 0. Prooy Truth. Table LHS|RHS oO ° ° LHS = RH nee Proveck vou) He Proof : Truth ‘Table A [uns [Ris 4 ee LHS = RHS feo | 10 Henve Provecl OPAREA Proof i Truth Toble A_| LHS} RHs a i 8: NMI ES LHS= RAS | 2A Hence Proved : Bree (GP GOO Truth Table a ALA | ins [Reg Ree bc hso7——_ a 5 A a aod olo Se Res ae ~ ee eo = L] |e ens «| 8) 2 "Y H g/2]8 Bs ical 3/S|/e¢ Zs a le ERS =/S|£ $ 4 uv Pe lle: a x |e ee ce = 2) S22 | 212 ais ee ee Erle) zs d|m Sule T/S}ojo : lo] E/ O17} 9] 4] a - 2 & oe t)Olola} ala 2 DI — + 4 2 <|Slalolololalo Jz] o}o AE 3 7 QV] O}A/Olalo Blolo si§ : : Fact echo =8 1<] 9 H|O/q)O}anlo =|z I< “ele 4 ; ; 2}olAdla SIEls| o}- Ble = Reo ee is} 7] 2 & Re Sls) ABt+AC Ale [co [a8] ae | bc [ins] ens oO oO} oO 0 0 0 0 0 Ovo) 2 0 Sl oO a A 4 LHS=Rie +f 0 a 0 0 0 oO 0 0 Hente o| ee eae ee ee Proved PUCmOm mone Oo fo fo Ta © |. |e Ge Ral Bee paar O | Oo a|dtr| dt Sea awake o Sanda (AD) OxB) AsO) CBr =(A+B)CA+C) A{ Ble | axplate)| atc) inst Rus CRRCR| Om MORI TOL| o | 5 ee On eens ota} alo 6 2 COMME iela | a SAGER anlage a Hente d “214 lols lo fo Proved i a i BP) a Tet Hots Te To RT Bi x i Latence | Proved _ +tB+Ctraae Ae BIC.) | Proof: Pruth Toble- Als [ars[ a | @ [ths | res ° 0 a el 1 Dal “LHS=RHS oe o EH Al By et co || o Henve eg 0 HB) Bo Pa o | 0 Prvved el 4a Be} (0 0 © ie @ *| AND Gate With inverted input. Pe DL ee es a4 LY Y 0 0 EL a Bl a Ss Se io |e i 6 ° fT SOR al i o ° O. | + OR Gate with inverted input. A Bis Buty fa ¥ 0 0 1 Mia [eed 4 Mos (awinisat des [ot ' ‘ 4 6 0 a 4 a 4 0 0. 3 | ee eee trp NA | “A B A B) | Y a Y Olmalie © 2 4) @aumliizo B p " ° al de 0 4 \ eS a 0 el ol ee ee as et A B A 4 x 0 0 eb 8 —Zd Oi td - | ue 0 6 (Ene ° # Universal Gakeg = | NAND Gate 4 NOR Gate are Known as universal jokes because using them we can implement any type of ciratit ¢ Mainly using * one type of gate. S only e Typ iA _NAND:- _@ NAND Gate as NOT Gate pie 2—Efp—1 AtA A __@ NAND Gate as OR Gate Le J I@ NAND. Gate as AND Gate Y= AB-AB Y = AB+AB ‘8 = ORt @ NOR Gate as NoT Gate ¥. Vea =A @ NOR Gate as AND Gate ; Y= BtA ¥. =A-8 5 —_ © © nor Gate as’ OR Gate iA 8 x Examples of IC Gates =) + | 1c 7400 1s quadruple 2-input NAND Gake Lavailable in i4—pin DIP. 3 | It has 4 identical , inolepenclent 2-input NaNp Gates Tt requires +5V D.C. Supply. | yy ey ee i Vee 1 fee ; poeeua| ira = = | TO Tos GND 1 3 Meee ms fF * Some Electric ckts => a oe St 82 = | TV Bub 3) = AND Operatton | Si me py fi By = OR te OH | a peta = XoR operation tt Number System In any number system , there is ovdered sets Lsymbols knowin as aigths with vules detined top [performing avithmette operattons. Pe Uv + | Colleton of these ollgtts makes NumMbew wih in_ general has tio parts ~ integer f fradton, [sek apank by vadix point. LON)e td n-tdn-2...dt lo 1, d 2... -am | Integer portion | Eracttonal portion | VT Raatty point N=a number b= vaclix or base of number bystem _N= noo igus in integer poytton. m= No.of oliguts 1 4ractonal portion. Ldm-1 = M88 om = LSB Digits are placed side by wide 4 each posttton assigned a wieght or index. g = Number Symbols useol Exam plt System Cai or dp) Binary | 2 | od i041, 04 octal eC 0,4,2,3,%,5, 6,4 3607.25] Decimal 10 0,4,2,3,4,56,5,89] 9984. S21 Hexa- 46 ]0,4.2,3,4,56,5,89] GFA. | Decimal A,B,C DEF ne | i as convert ‘a number ‘trom one system to Ghomabs ultiply each a wltth respeltive tndex ¢ then ae them iy Clow. cape COs > we need to Convert from bimagy +o decimal SO here index is 9” * (x25) Cix25) + SOTERA D ETO ETALDERCEP OE Cixo')+ (1x27 D+ Cox2-9)+ (1x24) 644 90+ 8t4to4 t/ot4/y +4/46 (410. 842.5)20 ii) (92546. 23)2= C?)i0 l=) Here, vadix=4% q hence index util be 4”. »| (3X44) + (2x49) + (OXF) + (AKFS) + COx4") + (2K 4 (SXF Z 4208 + 6864 24S+ 44640. 28594 +0.0612 (814% +34 69)s0 Wi) (S442 .224)—> C2) 30 => ($x 89) + (4X8) + (1 x84) + (2x8) (2X8) 4 xe Dt KS? > 2560+ 44S HB 4+2+0-25 0.081264 0.0019S3I2¢6 = (8019. 283203) 10 iv) (DF 3A3.A3) 16 = (2) a0 => (138x164) + (15x 162) + (3x16%) + (10x16) + (4 x16°)4 (10x16) + (3x 167%) = 851968 + SINYO+ IS t+ lEOtdt 0.629¢ 0- OUP SFO = (914343. 6364)10 me) (60)y = 6X4 +0X4 =(42)10 (Fi) s6245x46 + 4x4 = (244) 40 (looloo))» = o$+294+0% = (43)s0 (42+ 244-43) 35 = (240) 40 | 7 = ie (319.83) 9 ~ (DF F3)16 + (10ll.01)2= 02) 40 | => (819.88) = 9x97 4x94 9%1 48X94 9x 9-2 | = (261, 9258) 40 __COF.F3) = 13x16 + 15x41 41S KIB 14 OX1b 2 | =(223. 9492 188) 10 | ClOl Ol )s = 28x1 +92%x142°x) + 2-2x) =| = (41025) 45 [Car $258 ~ 228. 9490188 + 11-25) 10 =| (49.22666412) 10 | ‘| To vonvert any numbex from Decimal —to- | srs Va BUSY dividin: ue by o¢ Keept ey traue op Crematndéers. 2g convent CiB)ao = CP)e => Number Quottent . Rematnder, | 13/2) 6 Ad Se 3 Ges 3/2 —_ ae ayo 0 MET 3 Bie. Opie. (13)jp= ClOll), tonvert (0.65625 )iy = (Pa x2 x2 me. ieee [pe win =) 0.65625 a 0.62 DB 0125 Os ES OES: 1.28 Os “40 v v v v v d 0 a os Soe (0. EEE (0.10101) 2 (ea5. cae ae Bea CHOI, 10a = (9FC: D336 + (892-92) 40= CP). GxFPE GRY AGKAF ART THOT 42X49 = (G24. 4956268) a0 1X87 4 ARB + IMI FOXB TEENIE +6 8S = (424, 8410938) 410 x24 4 [gos gone + ixal pix/s V2 71+ 1K 273 thx 2 "4 y= (oF. 6845) 10 vi Re 3 TOKIb ISX LOT IOKIFISX LOT +OX1b > BO oisses 924219)10 \asxssa) B24. 4956268 + 421. 8910988 -29 6845-2556. goyaia+ 92.32) | = (1242. 824598) 40 0.68628 5 0.9425 5 0.6251 > 0129 OS x2 (ers x2 fixe TS 4.94250 0.625 HW .2S 0S YO) v v L v L 4 0 al 0 ed (0.65625) 19 = (0.10101) o (645, 992), + (4171. 676)g- CIl0ll. (Ola ~(9FC: 0336 | + (892-82) 40= C2). ExXFt4 GRPASNAFOKZ N+ OXF? 42X99 = (624. 4956268 )so L1X¥874 9x 8+ IX1 + 6xe FEN 3?% 46X83 = (424. 8410988) a0 1x24 4 1xoS 4ox2eesixel gix/eIX2 7+ 1K 2°38 41x 274 VE 2%. 6845) 10 yi ) SIKIb* ISX (Ot(Ox1 TIS X 1671+ Ox1b-F BY ose, $2219) 10 V4 ys34e0t of IBY (324, 4956268 +421. 8410988 -24.68FS- 2556. G24219+ &92.32°) = (1242. 824398) 40 = sll 1242/9 > 198 R=0 gl WNISGi0. wis 16 3 i. } asY 3 3 4 6 Erm fa g PEI 3 > 0 iss 7 aa i aie ts J. if 0.824998 04 24 98 2 0.824888 0:-4235a> Os xg x 9 x9 “3.424082 8.824938 1 .4D03.S% 2 FBR HG | _ 0. 81g HE 0.806902 aR x9 = 0/4893 2. | 1242884998 )i9= C1880. ¥343 92), | * | Signeol Binary Numbers : 4806902 2.462118 + ay | | a Sign-M nitude Representatton => *| An addttttonally be is used as Sgn bE f tb is placed as anost syntteank BEA 0 bie if Used tO represent +ve number dit used to represent -ve number. loll oo 2) 004000 =) 1 Negative 3) * postttve oa S(t )io ea GOD (493 ) 16 (3) O14 4> 4444 =) © postive 2 © Negative Sa I) 21(2*+2!+2°) 1G 0 = (-Y40 EAE sh | | Seal ise | 4 = = = #_1'S Complement + «| Tn binary numbec, if each 4 ts replaced by 0 4 each LO by i, resulting MUMbe% ts Known A one’s [eonpliment of “first numbew: 44 [i O1ooitt oo! [=> 4's complement: (011000110 2> HOlloto =) 00100104 is 16 complement. # 2's Complement :- T} 4 is adolect to 1's complement of a binary number Xesulting MuMber is Known as 2's complement. | pecimab Wo. [8 n= Magn 1'S complem| 2's wmple al Oo004d 000d 0001 2 COMO 11] > COLO 81} 0010 3 Moiide G| COA a 4h OOD 4 0100 0 100 0100 gi 0104 oiod D101 a 0140 140 Oj4o a a O44 owne Wi, Olne “8 aaa = | 4000 -4 Higa 4000 | 1004 = 16 1110 1004 1010 rae 14104 1010 d0f4 ] = 4 Asoo © ho ty i100 | | es dold 1100 1404 =a 41040 4d04 e220 | =i 1004 | aaiaia pee ill | = 1000 eee S| t.4. 1) 01004110 |=) Numbew: 010041110 = |) a's womp: do 100 04 wer: 4 = m0 al Wei al @ © See) 2> 00140104 > Numb! 00140404 I's WMP! 11001040 Add i: Et MeO O10 14 tH Binary Arithmetic [1] BinarY Adatton : Augendl| Adolenct] gum Camy | Resutt | o oO 0 or a oO att a oO 4 4 0 a ° if | el abe 4 40 24 > Add: 4044 andl 1100 i 0401 and t444 i) Ein ae Oats 0 a Gy) ele ORO) Gt Aoi a f pt of HO) M0 6 ey 3 www Wow wo ©. WI 6400.15 00001000 4,010 08 Gane Deh 4 Tae zi ee) tq. 1) 01004510 “4 [> Numbew: of OOLL10 ry io | VS womp: do 410004 F nega” | i | Foitovio q 2) 001410104 f [> Numbev: 0014 0404 Pee emai dv OO 40 4 0 lon clcl et ae Et | HOO woe F if Binary Arithmetic g 1 Binal Aadlton \ or ‘ [Augen] Adler] gum i] comy | Resute 0 0 0 O a , 0 at 4 ° aM i 4 oO fe o iil r | 4 4 0 Ele oatG. i ) Add: 41011 anol 1400 _j 0401 and 4444 i => rn at oi od : Gy a ayor0 eS 2 hea P | P Ee Ogee) iit sO Mt 40 a 7 1 pret Wu) we a) Ww OU FON CIT (©) OVO O° 6 WOO 100000014 an: (+) a ipded a. ey ee peta 20 Olam | [minuend|subhahend|Oitberence Borrow. = 0 oO 0 9 , oO Peet ii J LS 0 4 20 to al 0 10 Odo -ooNlt > of st2 Ott Obid = OO! 1m 00" A Oo.0 Binary Multipluation : ce 1 O.0 4° Mulltpltcand cee eee omemmey UAT tp [ler RON Ona 000 0 Pouttal B07 On Produuts. poo 0. ¥ fet 1 ordi Ot Final Product 4] Binary Divisten: J 4001 ) 4410404 (1101 = 1004 1044 1004 4004 ~1004 00 Page No] Dato | : x Gubtraution Using 2's complement :- S + | Binary Subhautéh can be performed by addtn [a's ebinplemenk of subtrahendl to minuend. = | final carey ts generated , oliseard carry and Tansee tf wiven by rematning bits whtth is [positive. If pinat carn ts Overg, ansvuiek U [negative ¢ % in 2's complement form. 2 Da Cm 4 Minuend al eto 1 1 918 womplement of subtrahend EemONOr. 0 ES | Biseard final coy = | The answer t& 00f0 = (+2) 4 | 2 & Od Oat Minuend > 7 | =F 4) 10 04 9's complement of subtahend ia TOU } Final carry =0 BANE 4 negative 4 us tn 2's complement pom i's comp C1110) = 0007 PS tom ee hod 41 = 0040. Ftmat ant =) - 0040 = (-2)19 , | | | tt arithmetic Ctreutts t+ Halp Addex => pee , Input output ] A sum Carry Values (Sum) = Values (Ex-0R) 0 oC values (Carry )= values (AND) B 0 0 ° ad 4 oO zt 4 et al oO 0 0 (e) d oa (OD) Half Subhactor => Tnpub outpuk A | B lott. | Boron payee | © 0 | value LOIF+) = Valute (Ex-0R) Oma 4 Ee a8? 2 0 | Value (Boron!) = Value (4-8) 1 4 0 (Olea | ——_— = }>— De nO$ = t Standard Representation for logte Met, — 1)| Proouict of sum posJ =) & Z L — | i = == — => =o — | Yes ay + t tT 7 a ——) ~ ~ [ gum 07 Product [ 20P]> \ Y a PST =| — | — = Y ep =o ae “Design a okt por Y= (A+BC). (8+CA) =} Ee + BC): (B+CA) p tl] Y= Ale+eA)+ BC (B42) ‘| “| Y= ABHAC + Bc+ AB 5 i] Y= AB+AC + BC — 1p : —. LA be fi A A = a a3 boo z L Ne —. 4 : 1 f — ees ees ‘ ay = | t ! level 3 13 level t levee =z | | i level & level 4 t No.of gates in @ =0s5" [No.of Gates 19 @) =04 No. op “gates in © =04 shee Types of gates in @= 02 Types of aours in@ = 02 Types aes G@ = On Propagation clelayin @ = SF levels E Propagation ol ip. @ = 2 levek Propigatton al u©= 2 lever Page Not eS forms contaty. nae th term in gor q POs then these are ABC+ ABCt ABCt ABC) (D+ D) ABCDt ABCDt ABCD+ ABCD+ ABCD+ ABCDt Aged + ABGD f(A, Bc) = 4 (AtA) Care) Cera) ‘(ABH AG + ABS) (cre) ABC + ABCt+ABC+ABC + mBe +ABe +A BCI [Bate apa “que Convert ae a) Into canonical Sop torm + i [f(A 8.)= ABH ACH BC = AB(C+C)+ A(BtB)E+(AtA) BC = ABC+ABC+ABC+ABG + ABCTABC = ABCt ABC + ABC +ABC iD ¢ (A8,¢, D)= AC+BD l= AlB+B) © (D+D) + (AtA)B (C+O)D =(aBO+ AB ©)(0+b) + (ABD+ ABD)(Cte) = ABCD+ ABCD+E ABCD t+ ABCD+ ABCDt+ABCDT : Apcp +ABeED = ABCD ABCD+ABC Dt ABCD + ABCD+ ABCD+ ABCD by Into canonical pos form:- i) lA, Bo) = (AtB) CAtE) (Bt) = (AtB+0)(AtO+7) (0tBtSE) =(AtBt c.0)(Ate-B+2)(A-A+B+C) = (atercia $B+e)(AtBte) (A+B +C)(AtBte) (AtBtc) = (are+c)C Ate +e )(AtB+e) (AtB+e) ii 4(A,B,€,D)= (A+D) (6+ 8) Zz AiB.Bt0.c+0) (A-A+BtC+D-D) =(arptc.c+o)CAtB+ ce 4D) (AtBtct+D.b) (A+B+ctD-d = (ALB 4C4D) (AtBte+0) (atBt c4d) (Ata tetd) CatBtce+p) (AtBtctd) (AtB+CtD) (AtB+C+ 5) =(AtB +04) (AtB+C +0) (ATH ACL) (CAMB +2 40) (atBtctb) (AtB+c +p) (AtB+C+B) Fpfttiitt || lays ™ alOfol/Afa]olo}]xa}alo hel © oi = SIRE ES es 2/2) Ny \< cS Dfofol/S]Al a] alalolo els y 3/3/38 3 alabdla]alalolololo 8} a] 8 a | Salis Slicl Ss = 2 & 2 ELC] O] PS] Sls{Olofof sysfs) sl aAyapa] a a3 z 3) ] (ER a S13] 5] {e9 | |S a 8 spe} |e afo]/7]O;sfolafolsfoj;slela}o{alojx | sf ele G Sel. ial 5/3] 3].-|. [31>] - = dja al o}4 a cs ‘i = =| 3/2) o/s ee 9/9/44 5 4 S| 3/8] 3 2/§ af: ei /2alel [l8 a ike Ul{o}O] C/o] Of4/a/H/a/O/ 9] aofo]afa}|ala egi2 =| S| rls H]-5 Shale +—j—_+_+ mI ie oF eo]olo/ofofofofo]a]ala/a/ola]a}a : bs ie initerm (mi) Maxterm (Mj) At+B+C+D =Me AtB+C+D=M1 A+B+CtD=M2 A+ B+CtD= m2 A+ BYCHD =a A+B +c+D=mMe | A+ B4t 4+D=Me A+B #04 D= My AtB+tCtD= Me A+B+ ctD=Ms3 A*B+C*D=My A+B +4CtD =my | A+B+Ct+D =m ABCD = Msy AtBtCtD= me A+B+CtD=™Mi4 AtBtC+D=Me| 4 | Convert in POS torn in f (A.B, C) =B =| fUA Bed= AvAt Bt ere j =(+B+ ce) (AtB+c.) | = (A*B+¢) (AtB+e) (AtBtC) (A+B eS) Mo. Ms. 4. Me = ffm (t,t 4 em) aes (aaxterms) = Dim (2, 8, 6) #) Ra (Minitems ) ; a + _Karnaygh Map representatton of lopte = Lam eth A raphical technique of represent aN pe es 7 Tovides § pees ™methool tin, ooo ales: aie ieinpneas ns 7 Po Nate NG 00 OL 41 | ae J aay In _an n-vartobte k- Map there are 2” cous, a | cpN® 00 OL a By a = od 44 10 A4B+Ct+p | At+B+e+D AtB+c+p| AtB+cab ATB+Ct A4B+C4D | AtB+ ey A+B+C4+5 HO) AxB+e4d| eabacan AtB+tip| Ata +eaD | OO;AtB+e4d -01] A+B+c4+5 AL; A+B +040 ques Draw K-map ¢ truth table for JAB. 6,D)==™M00,3,%, 9,11, (2, 4,15). Sol" Give $48, C.D) = 59110, 3,9, 9, 14,12, 44, 15) t (tan. vil steed 2) To finol k-map @ Truth table Solutton i ; | PaO |e eo) A peo | 0 al 2 ae a 0 ° Dr | oO el ae. 1 pel 4a j|20 | 0 6 0 tae Hf o 0 4 Bl. oO 8 Wome [a | 4 4 Ac | 0 | 2 2 zl | cE O 0 af i | a 0 | 0 o a 0 | 4 t a 7 0 ° af dyad et 9 peal eera|aers| 0 4 4 4a i. ti of inimize the tunekons ¢ © f$AB.t,.d)2sm(015, 28 | a Gee | #AB, C0 = Em (04,5, 7.8, 11, 18, 415 flABC D)= BCD ACD+ABC4 BDA ACD @ $ae.c.d) = TM (1. 2,4,6,9, M, (2.15) 609) Given =| 4tA,B,C.d)= IMU, 2,4, 6,9, U1, (2, 15) TW find k-map , ckt ogg ram. | oluttow | er@®i00) von) fl) 40 00 pe G@) fire, c,o) = aber + eb +Bep 7 abe a Sol? 5} Given ome lNCrybee p)aABCDt cb + BE O+ #6 cb | To_finol i Ee | k-ma, elet cllagram oP a. — Solutton me — fA. 8, C.D) = ABCD+ CD+BECD+ABCH = TBE, | ie t (aaa varlables IITA | a : a 7 actualy present ¢ in both nae Ey C form . : etal feske | Gl ololn|AlalA}]elolojolnfxala|njojo ale Elgaa| |[elojefofols||als]ala}4]ajofe}olo Sic £12 PLO} of O]O] OfololOlajalal aja] alata © S| ais < | Ses XS S323 so 8p [- a] 2} sJolalolafofn] of nm] O}4]o] a] o}a | ©] Of o]a}ajofolm]s]ofo}a}afol of a]a +2 | alolololol] a}a}s] eo] 2] ofol]a] alal 7 e S]] —f- & s EEE [Slololofo/ofofoleola] a] a] ajapapayty fe A oO [S/Q}/0/> a] O] Ol 4 oO a a PP [Sfoyo]® a] a} O} 0] O : o fs wo dh} O/C} Oo o|O| am ala | a os Fa | ay sya Lae == a Bi= GoGeG, + Ge GoGs + GaG1G2+ Gah he = Gs lG- O41)+ Gs (@ OG) 2 Ga (G04) +3 (& OG) = G2 G. © Gs Sommer tte ttt ota = — 2 | JG ee eee ff zene B= GOGO GO Ge Gs Ba” et ee Ge =) aa Ga —= >-—— Bi Ge a8 tf Binay pera D iP Dare oS 0 J} XOR: Uxor7 o/p Es aetee rs Ea, Eo na _ ty as a Bo Da Do eee i ot a ae oes ‘ Eo Ex a o/p Ea BCD > Excess 3 q Excess 3 + BcD tO Excess 3 code converter | \ NS es een G Eg = Bs + B28. + Bi Bo Ei = Bi Bo Bs + BiBoBs + BiB0 Bs (Gi oy Nevis) Beene. Bs 1B: OB. E,= Bi 8, + 8:85 = By (Bi +Bi) Eo=6o FF Excess 3 to BCD code conver ter :- >) For Bs BSc. Ese 50 | 04 | j oo] | | | { oi] | | | Beal | to| I x i Bs =~EsEo t FiE Es en —| For Ba ane Bo = EoEi + Filo tEiFo Bs =E1i } | Por Ba Bi = Ba Eo t Es bo SEIOE. > For Bo Bo= Ez Fo + Fi Eo =i Ques> Simplify the usin Ay. SolM= 4-6 26,24, 30, $1) Aa S olCeting function £ ?mple 23) £0, 2,3,5,9,8, 11,13, 46 = . | 48, 19,09, 22, 1 =) ACDE +BCD+ DEA +ABD+ ACDE + BCDE + aBCE + ASCE tees als 0) ee ‘, ‘, i Mult plexer (many to 4) 7 * |The muittplexer Cor olata selector) clreube 2 i < _ special combinattonal efreutl that gates one ee lowk of several inpuk t0 Single outpur, a o e + In_mMulttplexer, input selected_ts controlled z f | Set of Sele inputs. For selecting 1 our of q inputs -for connectton to outputs a set o Fl seleue topuls-ts required , nthere 2 cl “Normally, a shobe lor enabie) tnput OM F incorporated: thich helps tn caseaalin (ibaa a a oa 7 | ey active Wr). ; d rl | oc re at ad | CSP ENTET al (na a =o Ai cee} | Bm Tnpuls ; Multiplexee -—— Yoo) Tn-\ eG ee | Sma $4 So | Selet “Truk | (select Lines) Aeauiou | z. Oe le cs A ae dalad 7 ed Io=81SoLo Tie | T2 t= a + — Toe6, [Ta go in gues> using 8:41 MUX. Sol Sv LE [Tmplemenk fundton $(A.8,¢ /= 2m (4.4, 6.3) = as Saal pees ¢ (A,B, 0) ~—+—} 14 MUX Vv z™(,25 1 MUX. o,4l 12,13, 44) pai 8 ae aig somal jee 88,0) To Ta « Bia MUX 33 T4 ™% —|I¢ |2230 br Se c,d Quest) Implement funetton fas, CD) Page No. | ai oe De-Multiplexer LC Decoders ] +| The clemultiplexer perfonns teverse operation of ‘muttiplerey . Th accepts Single input 4 distributes it over several outputs . The number 0¢ Output lines &%6 N anol number oF geleck Lines ig MM, kthere N=2™. The olata tnput Di wil appeax on output line clelectedl by geleue tnpubs + E oS/EN /8T. 3.19) jae 00%) De-mMuUx -_-— 4 peuple x/p : | GIVE) eA | Dewodee Be So) Sree es /EN eT yor G HE lx ns SSeeeE 2a hI o (os Decoder, \ gues Implement \Half Adolex. using 2:4 a i Soe Bm care i | Yo 0 AS ory a Ll B—| So duoder zl Xs OO 4 - - ; ; Queg) Implement Half Subtratoy using 27% D&wodu eed oe $o)o= 2 1 4 0 0) Omg | o 4 aa ees 10 ee, to Dendy fo | Ys i 1 | | Queso) Implement FUu golden ising 8:8 devoder, TIS Bee ws re we An —TS0 = 8 | 8:8 —s By + pevoder Coj>-—J $2 al = a { _ “quest Tmplemen- Full gubhrauor. using 8:6 dewelen. gol9=> In put Outpute ; oe An | Bo} Cn-t Dn| Cn Ou None |- |" Ol) Oj 3/20} aa 1 Ouleaelconl an feast} | OPE oieeam2O || 4 | a Oo; 0 Haz} 0. | di 0 a Oo oO i 4 if 0 oO 0 al a cel a zi 4 a | Glee | An ——80 = Dn - | 3:8 Xs a | 9 T bende Ye Ls - | COvnaamnm|o? Yo cee) Cn | ae | gt quei2> Implement the functtons s- | fs =>m (0,',2, | f= =m (2.4, g= =m (o.! decoder. 8, 8,9, 13), &,9,.10, 19, 10,1, 15) Asis suitable pee lea Cn Sn j Full Adder 4 Fu eub rad Cy-1 maps 0 Bn eh i Draw k- Euu Add [An | _ Quel3> $ol% | (nT NT cnti)t Ai Bite Memoy cel . a ~ Oe cross coupleol inverters a5 memory element. CG The baste of teal memory circuit % knowin as Htp-Plop. TY has two stable states wihub are [Knowinias rstate f Ostate: It can be obtatned _by using NAND, on BLAS Gee +| The outpuk @ ¢ @ are Luray 8 com plementary. + | Q@=4 18 1 Stoke Cor set state) Q=0 tb O State (or reset state). - | Tf cirult & in 4 state, tk wntinuous to rematn Ten thts Stake ¢ similarly tf te & tn O siate, [qb continues to remain Yin thy state. This property of cirmik ts referredl as é Memory”. # ne cell witth Proviston for enteniog Data He8 tot $=R=0 > No change WEWNS-0 => @=di@a0 (sek Stete) $20, R=1 => 0-0, Q-41 (Reset state) T@=Rei >> 0-0-4 Cprohtbtted (nput ) * clocked S-R Fitp Flop [THs often required +o sek on reset = o a) Leell tn synchronism with train of puls q Known es clock. - co if gh 4 [Ck=i, cirutF & iO Enable gtak ee [Ck=0, cirulk win disable etek. | —+ | Inputs | output i | Sn | Ro Qntt i Cn Qn i Te 26 A Cole 0 rd 4 a e eS | | 3 0 1 ek Flip-F lop J R bK—. q | *) Preset & clear ; ean ona ny applications this degired to initially [sek on Meset the Fitp-Flop ie. inital Stake of Flip-Flop is t0 be assjgned. * Thw t% accompitshed by using oliret, or asynch- [=nous inputs, referred as preset LPR) ¢ cleat Clr) | inputs. | PresettPr) if aan + 1 {ot = SS Pi) 8) t [roears |B? Clea (er) om g | exear: TS) ck S-R R ————} Ftp Flap q ayn Normal FLIP FOP Clear 2 a Ones | preven ae ig St r x 7 |g k_Fllp- Flop S"R Fltp The uneerfainthy in Stee of = [udheo Sn=Rned (4 row! of ae fable) canbe pee Bye Ae eltminated by converting teinto Jok Alp AQ S= 7g EaK 9 as : = [sale ag fee Ce! ee Ley ey | R= kQ | Cr = Page No. Date Qn+4 i) al Kn In —— | pPr Race- Around conditton : — Tt +| Those cirwik wihose outpws can chee in_time pertod (then clous signa uJ are Known a, Level Triggered Cirurits Leading edge ce | cE i" wv logging edge | ok + x0 a sees [iy Qoa= Qn! | = = | Edge Trtpo eh Fitp Flop Master Slave I-K -Flo Logic Symbol) [x isR Fltp Flop #) Exctkakton Table Oo 0 a ona x oO opi 1770 se x Bt 1 x * @ns)| In | ko 0 Qn Qn+)| Sn| Ro hae T@n Qn O-p1 i> 6 fei! on TT: Ko |Qnts K Tk Fitp Flop Jn 0 ee eel ee eh sz | : |x ee Fltp Flop { Output = iat | aisle, E.T. —— eae Gn [Gon] Do ° ° O+0 | 0 pit) 3 oes | ito | o | api [a O-4 lee aig ced 5 eee ese. \¥ cx —o tL —9o T KR 7 [rae ree ae | Ckt - Diagram Coie Syrobol i a To4gle [% T-Fitp Elop 4 knaidn $ Tene | E.T- Th | One | Qo |Qn+1| To | 0| Qn Oo+o ‘Onl [1 | & ops | 4 | ip 0 gal dpa | o | ——————— Oimosc | coal =e | Ck ——ce —= § K a | [zee =Dt logic Symbol Ckt ON ee 4. oy _Queis> Convert &R Filp Flop into TK Fitp Flop « Bol %5 [Jn [kn | @n [Qn] So | Ro | Ee PO oreo) .o | o | x | Truth t-| | 0 | 0 oe HK |, | eae Oto} 0 | 0 | x mommies io | o[ 2 | ee ales ete sO. | Pompe. 4 ailien0) Pam 4 | 4 | 0 Peo | oo] 4 215) Convert &R Flip. lag ‘nto _D Fitp Flop? 801° Bn | @n Qntt| Snis| Bo 0 Oto | oO x Tth 0 Bet, 0 Re fees] Table” a oe. i Te | i Ae 7 xan ote || Chie. | olin. * | | Do 1 =s 40 | vies | | pmo o Quelé> Convert SR Flip Flop into T Fitp Flop 2 Sol To | 8v | Qnat | sn | Rn | a 0 Oo 2) Oo ha Truth , 0 tose a lox 0 Tobie” A U|h 0 Spe ele, 0 4 4460 | Ome: | TNS 9 4 THRO QO 4 kemapicly 0 lees eye OLA ot 2 Re ee Sn= Th &y Rn = To Qn 0 ne Pago No lop into T Aes Flop ae Qn | To | Ko x o x oly pete —- JI ®p + bila oa clk Kk — gueig} converte TFitp Flop to D Fitp Flop? $010 = To | Qn |Qnei] Do _ © D 0 0 0 ud os Types eee [nents oO ze a Be | oa Cups TNO CR eS] —Olo]4 ica Gf itl ao D1? Dn= On tT On Ta © Qo ) | | | | 1G Sut2e), Conver T Fltp Flop to DF i" Flop? ‘ 80153) Do'[ Qn [Oneal 1 Hi © a] Hoa om won| ri | Oa ona | | Ee Om eae Fe | 1 L TIP 2 id Broo 7 < eels Olol4 Th = G5 % +Dn Op ee Pee, E {5 a -— ES | (esta [eon Q eo Es A # |REGISTERS +| A register ts composed of qroups of Fllp-Flop if | to Ustore group of BUR. Por N Fltp Flops ane requtred. storing N-bU- word The olata can be entered and Petmeveot in to orMs I S 8erial Temporal coole) For 2> Parallel _( Spactal vale) Form. (a) SB (b) a)serial Form 6) Parallel Fon i ae are classtfteol olependling upon Way th olala ts entereol retrieve Le Seriat-in, Sertel-out [srso7] [tS Sertad-in, parauel-out [srpol tid Parallel-tn, sertak-out [ prso] Li Parauu-tn , Parallel —out [pred] Bester in bthtch data are entered or/and taken out in sertal form are referred as 2 Rep leters. since bits are shifted in FFs, wl renee of TE pulses etther tn taht directton (right - shifk register) or in left directton (lft - sh E reo ther) 4 . In bi-dtreecttonal shyt r ister, date can be [shefted from left to righ a4 wietlas to veverse oltretton. | y4: IC #4295 A af et a Sle ass " 3/&/3 sels aps we -nd 8 ve: HI sy a x al So a] x | au] of pe j K) = =| | T [3 | t Register i- | she fa ee thy ie) ay *5 [43 | *5 Be FORO | Y4Y aaa) BNO - ~¥| Sertal Input :- Z oo o! ol Te Shite Requtes for Sertal T/p n have form of y sertal Input :- 3 2 3 = © Se | ] 1 ~ T 4 ] | | | | | 1 — T 4 Pet _ : ail) TT Lo : at “A gro 1 2 . - 4 ol a a a : : ti _— : aay! ; = 7 SSS 4 7 i i 7 = { 1 oo 1 Ay! : 5 ol o, o, 5 i t , Te y | : os : a of on r — 1 a 1 o ~ — ' an ' : ; 1 O1 ° ° oO: ° Ta Th Ts i Te waveforms 04 Ghift Requter tov Serial T/p. v G ~The dala niord in Serial form is applied at serial input after clearing FLTP-FLOPs using clear line. | The preset enable “is t0 be hela atY 0 go that | Pr for every FLIP-FLOP is 4: ‘data inpwe corresponds to LSB (0) at sertak t/p ¢ first etouc putse A yalltng edge (TA) of first - clot pulse of Oulpur of FEA gayi be OF Ourpuke of aul othe Fr are Q since tne | in puss are 0+ 4 + The process Of Gana nord Starts witty ¥% Bi-directional Regtster Mole) TT ——— = ae | ee —¥ To —OS | or fect Claes | or Cr Ck) amr an —_t— F- ——b f+ Cly ae J s : I A 4-Bub Bi-dtrectional Sheft Requstem. be | 1 Pn ae —— ees af _ fen

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