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Here's a more detailed explanation of the steps in a simplified manner:

1. Simulate NI-PCI 6221M in MAX:

- Open a program called Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).
- Look for a device called NI-PCI 6221M in the list of devices.
- Right-click on the device and select an option that says "Simulate Device".
This will make a pretend version of the device for testing.

2. Create an empty project and save it in the "FirstProject" folder:

- Open a program called LabVIEW.
- Create a new project by choosing "File" at the top and then selecting "New"
and "Project".
- Choose a location on your computer where you want to save the project and give
it a name like "FirstProject".
- Save the project by selecting "Save As" or right-clicking and selecting "Save
As". Choose the "FirstProject" folder as the location to save it.

3. Create a virtual folder and a VI for single acquisition with simulated DAQ:
- Right-click on the project in the project explorer (usually on the left side
of the LabVIEW window) and choose "New" and "Virtual Folder".
- Give the folder a name like "Temp".
- Right-click on the "Temp" folder and choose "New" and "VI" to create a new VI
(Virtual Instrument).
- Give the VI a name like "FinitAcq".
- Design the front panel and block diagram of the VI to match the provided
- To find functions, controls, and indicators, you can use a feature called
Quick Drop by pressing Ctrl+Space and typing what you need.
- Save the VI by clicking on "File" at the top and selecting "Save" or by
pressing Ctrl+S.

4. Save "" as "" in the "Temp" virtual folder:

- Right-click on the "" in the project explorer and select "Save As".
- Type the name "" and choose the "Temp" folder as the place
to save it.

5. Close "" (not ""):

- Look for the tab of the "" in the LabVIEW window.
- Right-click on the tab and select "Close" to close it.

6. Add "Acquire" and "Exit" buttons to the front panel:

- Open the "" in the project explorer by double-clicking on
- Look for the "Acquire" and "Exit" buttons in the LabVIEW window.
- Drag and drop those buttons onto the front panel of the VI, placing them where
they are shown in the provided specifications.

7. Modify the block diagram as presented in the specifications:

- Look at the block diagram of the "" in the LabVIEW window.
- Create a while loop by dragging it from the toolbar and placing it on the
block diagram.
- Make the "Acquire" button visible inside the while loop by right-clicking on
it and selecting "Visible".
- Create a "Value Change" event for the "Acquire" button by right-clicking on it
and selecting "Create" and "Event" and choosing "Value Change".
- Refer to the provided specifications to know exactly what changes to make in
the block diagram.
- You can learn more about loops, shift registers, and event-driven programming
in Lab
VIEW by referring to the LabVIEW Core 1 Participant Guide.

8. Save "" as "" in the "Temp" virtual

- Right-click on the "" in the project explorer and select
"Save As".
- Type the name "" and choose the "Temp" folder as the place
to save it.

9. Add a "Save to LVM" button to the front panel:

- Open the "" in the project explorer by double-clicking on
- Look for the "Save Button" control in the LabVIEW window.
- Drag and drop the "Save Button" control onto the front panel of the VI,
placing it where it is shown in the provided specifications.

10. Modify the block diagram for saving the acquired waveform to an LVM file:
- Look at the block diagram of the "" in the LabVIEW
- Use an express function called "Write to Measurement File" to save the
acquired waveform. You can find this function by right-clicking on the block
diagram and selecting "Express" and then "Write to Measurement File".
- Configure the file location to be in the "Data" folder that is accessible in
the LabVIEW Project Explorer window.
- Use a shift register to store the data acquired by the existing "Acquire:
Value Change" event so that it is available for saving.

11. Convert Finite Measurement example to JKI State Machine:

- Analyze the existing "Finite Measurement" example and try to understand how
it works.
- Learn about the JKI State Machine architecture in LabVIEW and how it can be
used to organize code and handle different states and events.
- Modify the existing code of "" to follow the JKI State
Machine structure. This may involve creating states, events, and transitions based
on the desired behavior.
- Make sure that the functionality and behavior of the VI remain intact after
the conversion.

12. Complete and upload the task as an individual file:

- Save the modified "" and any other related files.
- Close the "" and return to the LabVIEW project explorer.
- Right-click on the LabVIEW project and select "Add Files" or "Add Folder" to
add the necessary files for the JKI State Machine implementation.
- Select all the files related to the JKI State Machine implementation,
including the modified "" and any additional files or
dependencies required.
- Create a new folder named "JKI_SM" or a suitable name to contain the uploaded
- Right-click on the newly created folder and select "Save All to Folder" or
"Copy to Folder." Choose the "JKI_SM" folder as the destination.
- Compress the "JKI_SM" folder into a ZIP file, naming it "" or a
similar suitable name.
- You can then upload the "" file to the desired platform or share it
with the appropriate recipient.

I hope these detailed explanations help you understand the steps better. Remember
to adapt the instructions to your LabVIEW version and interface, and feel free to
ask if you have any further questions!

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