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Refinery Process Design

Practice questions
Unit I

1. What is the significance of ASTM curves, TBP curves and EFV curves in
ASTM curves, TBP curves, and EFV curves are all types of distillation curves that are
used to characterize the composition of a liquid mixture. They are all based on the
principle of fractional distillation, which separates a mixture of liquids by boiling point.

ASTM curves are the most common type of distillation curve. They are measured using a
single-stage distillation apparatus, and they do not provide as much detail as other types of
distillation curves.
TBP curves are measured using a multi-stage distillation apparatus with a high reflux ratio.
This allows for a more accurate separation of the components in the mixture, and it results
in a more detailed distillation curve.
EFV curves are measured using a single-stage distillation apparatus under equilibrium
conditions. This allows for the determination of the bubble point and dew point of the
mixture, which are important for understanding the phase behavior of the mixture.
The significance of these different types of distillation curves lies in their ability to provide
different levels of detail about the composition of a liquid mixture. ASTM curves are the
most commonly used type of distillation curve because they are simple and easy to
measure. However, they do not provide as much detail as TBP curves or EFV curves. TBP
curves are more accurate than ASTM curves, but they are also more difficult to measure.
EFV curves are the most accurate type of distillation curve, but they are also the most
difficult to measure.

The choice of which type of distillation curve to use depends on the specific needs of the
application. For example, if a simple and easy-to-measure distillation curve is sufficient,
then an ASTM curve may be the best choice. However, if a more accurate distillation
curve is required, then a TBP curve or an EFV curve may be necessary.

2. How can ASTM distillation curves be converted to TBP distillation curves?

3. What are the average temperatures used in the characterization of distillation
curves, and what is their relevance?

Mean Average Boiling Point (MABP): The MABP is the arithmetic mean of llall the
boiling temperatures within the distillation range. It provides a representative average
temperature for the mixture being distilled. The MABP is relevant as it gives an
indication of the overall boiling behavior and composition of the liquid mixture.

Volume Average Boiling Point (VABP): The VABP is calculated based on the volume
percentage of the liquid distilled at different temperatures. It represents the boiling point
at which a specific volume percentage of the liquid has been vaporized. The VABP is
useful for understanding the distillation behavior and composition of different fractions
within the mixture.

Both MABP and VABP are important in distillation curve characterization as they
provide valuable information about the boiling points and distribution of components
within a liquid mixture. These average temperatures help in assessing the separation
efficiency, evaluating the quality of the distillate, and determining the presence of
impurities or contaminants. By analyzing the MABP and VABP, one can gain insights
into the volatility and composition of the mixture, which is crucial for various industrial
processes and quality control purposes.

4. Explain the concept of pseudocomponents and their application in distillation

curve analysis.

A pseudocomponent is a hypothetical component that is used to represent a group of

similar components in a mixture. Pseudocomponents are used in distillation curve analysis
to simplify the analysis and to improve the accuracy of the results.

In a distillation column, a mixture of components is heated and vaporized. The vapors are
then passed through a series of trays, where they are condensed and collected. The
temperature at which a component vaporizes is called its boiling point. The boiling points
of the components in a mixture will vary, and the distillation curve will show a series of
peaks, one for each component.

The number of peaks on the distillation curve can be very large, making it difficult to
analyze. Pseudocomponents are used to reduce the number of peaks on the distillation
curve. A pseudocomponent is created by grouping together components that have similar
boiling points and physical properties. The number of pseudocomponents used will depend
on the complexity of the mixture.

The use of pseudocomponents can improve the accuracy of distillation curve analysis.
When a mixture is represented by a single pseudocomponent, the boiling point of the
pseudocomponent will be the average boiling point of the components in the mixture. This
will reduce the error in the calculation of the distillation curve.

Pseudocomponents are also used in other types of analysis, such as vapor-liquid

equilibrium (VLE) calculations. VLE calculations are used to determine the composition of
the vapor and liquid phases in a distillation column. The use of pseudocomponents can
improve the accuracy of VLE calculations.

Here are some of the benefits of using pseudocomponents in distillation curve analysis:

Improved accuracy: The use of pseudocomponents can improve the accuracy of distillation
curve analysis by reducing the error in the calculation of the boiling point and other
properties of the mixture.
Reduced complexity: The use of pseudocomponents can reduce the complexity of
distillation curve analysis by reducing the number of peaks on the distillation curve.
Improved computational efficiency: The use of pseudocomponents can improve the
computational efficiency of distillation curve analysis by reducing the number of
calculations that need to be performed.
Overall, the use of pseudocomponents can be a valuable tool for distillation curve analysis.
By improving the accuracy, reducing the complexity, and improving the computational
efficiency of distillation curve analysis, pseudocomponents can help engineers to make
better decisions about the design and operation of distillation columns.

5. What is the significance of P (paraffinic), N (naphthenic), and A' (aromatic)

components in distillation curve analysis?

In distillation curve analysis, P (paraffinic), N (naphthenic), and A' (aromatic)

components are used to classify the different types of hydrocarbons in a mixture. This
information can be used to understand the properties of the mixture and to make decisions
about how to process it.
Paraffinic hydrocarbons are the simplest type of hydrocarbon. They have a straight chain
of carbon atoms. Paraffinic hydrocarbons are typically the lightest components in a
mixture. They have low boiling points and are relatively non-polar.
Naphthenic hydrocarbons have a ring of carbon atoms. They are typically heavier than
paraffinic hydrocarbons and have higher boiling points. Naphthenic hydrocarbons are
also less volatile than paraffinic hydrocarbons.
Aromatic hydrocarbons have a ring of carbon atoms with alternating single and double
bonds. They are typically the heaviest components in a mixture and have the highest
boiling points. Aromatic hydrocarbons are also very non-polar.
The significance of P, N, and A' components in distillation curve analysis is that they can
be used to identify the different types of hydrocarbons in a mixture. This information can
be used to understand the properties of the mixture and to make decisions about how to
process it. For example, if a mixture contains a high percentage of paraffinic
hydrocarbons, it may be possible to use a simple distillation column to separate the
mixture into its component parts. However, if a mixture contains a high percentage of
naphthenic or aromatic hydrocarbons, a more complex distillation column may be

In addition to understanding the properties of a mixture, the P, N, and A' components can
also be used to determine the quality of a product. For example, a high percentage of
aromatic hydrocarbons in a gasoline product can lead to poor fuel economy and
emissions. By understanding the P, N, and A' components of a mixture, it is possible to
make sure that a product meets the required specifications.

6. Explain the procedure for calculating the refractive index of a petroleum blend
using distillation curve data.

7. How does the conversion of ASTM data to TBP data impact the accuracy and
reliability of distillation curve analysis?

8. What are the limitations of using distillation curves in the characterization of

petroleum blends?

Distillation curves are a useful tool for characterizing petroleum blends, but they have
some limitations. These limitations include:

They do not provide information about the chemical composition of the blend. This can
be important for understanding the properties of the blend, such as its volatility, stability,
and combustion characteristics.
They can be affected by the blending process. The distillation curve of a blend may be
different from the distillation curves of the individual components of the blend. This is
because the blending process can cause changes in the physical properties of the
components, such as their molecular weight and polarity.
They are not always accurate. The accuracy of a distillation curve can be affected by a
number of factors, such as the purity of the samples, the temperature and pressure of the
distillation process, and the type of distillation apparatus used.
Despite these limitations, distillation curves can be a valuable tool for characterizing
petroleum blends. When used in conjunction with other analytical techniques, such as gas
chromatography and mass spectrometry, distillation curves can provide a comprehensive
understanding of the properties of a petroleum blend.

Here are some additional limitations of using distillation curves in the characterization of
petroleum blends:

They are not sensitive to small changes in composition. This can make it difficult to
distinguish between blends that have very similar compositions.
They can be time-consuming and expensive to conduct. This can limit their use for
routine quality control or research applications.
Despite these limitations, distillation curves remain a valuable tool for characterizing
petroleum blends. They are relatively simple to use and can provide a quick and easy
overview of the composition and properties of a blend.

9. How can the characterization factor be calculated from distillation curve data,
and what is its importance?
10. Discuss the practical applications of distillation curve analysis in the petroleum
11. Define VABP
12. Define MeABP
13. Explain the Daubert method for converting ASTM to TBP data.
14. Explain the Riazi and Daubert method for converting ASTM to TBP data.
15. How do you convert the ASTM to TBP data using Edmister correlation?

Problems on ASTM to TBP, VABP, MeABP, characterization factor, API

Unit II
1. What is the dew point and bubble point in the context of multicomponent
hydrocarbon mixtures?
2. How are the dew point and bubble point temperatures determined for a
multicomponent hydrocarbon mixture?
3. What are the factors that influence the dew point and bubble point
temperatures of a multicomponent mixture?
4. Explain the design principles of a multicomponent distillation column using
shortcut methods.
5. What are the key steps involved in designing a multicomponent distillation
column using shortcut methods?
6. Discuss the advantages and limitations of using shortcut methods for the
design of multicomponent distillation columns.
7. How does Hengstebeck's method contribute to the design of multicomponent
distillation columns?
8. What are the main assumptions made in Hengstebeck's method for
multicomponent distillation column design?
9. What are the benefits of using computer methods for rigorous distillation column
design in multicomponent systems?
10. Describe the process of utilizing computer methods for rigorous distillation
column design in multicomponent systems.
11. Differentiate between design methods and rating methods.
12. Explain the following methods: Lewis Matheson , Thiele Geddes, Relaxation,
Linear Algebra

Problems on: Shortcut

distillation Unit III
1. What are the main products obtained from a CDU (Crude Distillation Unit) and
VDU (Vacuum Distillation Unit)?
2. Give the design of a general distillation column.
3. How does the process of overflash occur in a CDU and what are its implications?
4. Explain the function and role of a furnace heater in refinery distillation.
5. What are side strippers in the context of CDU or VDU processes, and how do
they contribute to the overall operation?
6. Discuss the different types of refluxes used.
7. What are the key functions and purposes of vacuum devices in a VDU?
8. Explain the concept of cut, gap and overlap with a neat diagram.
9. Define degree of difficulty of separation.
10. Explain Flash zone and its significance.
11. Explain the requirements for a crude oil column design.
12. What is the Packie
method? Problems based on F-

Unit IV
1. What are the key components and their functions in the architecture of a CDU
(Crude Distillation Unit)?
2. Draw a neat labelled diagram of CDU clearly showing the locations of the
various draw offs like kerosene, LGO, HGO and Naphtha.
3. What are the design aspects that need to be considered when designing a CDU?
4. Explain the significance of ASTM gaps in the distillation of crude oil and its
impact on CDU design.
5. How can the steam requirements for a CDU be estimated?
6. How do you calculate the flash zone temperature in a CDU?
7. Discuss the methods used for estimating the residue temperature in a CDU.
8. Explain the process of estimating the product TBP (True Boiling Point) curve
from the crude oil TBP, EFV (End Point of Fractionation) curve, and Packie
9. What is the role of the EFV curve in estimating the product TBP curve in a CDU?
10. Describe the Packie curve and its importance in CDU design and product
estimation. Problems based on: Calculation of product temperatures based on Gaps or

Unit V
1. What is the need for mass balances in refinery operations?
2. What are split fractions? What are the types?
3. How is the mass balance across the CDU performed?
4. How is the mass balance across the VDU performed?
5. How is the mass balance across the alkylator performed?
6. How is the mass balance across the isomerizer performed?
Problems based on CDU balance, Alkylator balance, Isomerizer

Unit VI
1. What is the purpose of furnaces in refinery operations?
2. What are the common applications of furnaces in refineries?
3. Can you provide an overview of the essential details and components of a
typical furnace?
4. What are the primary reactions that occur within a furnace during the refining
5. What is the net heating value of a fuel, and how is it different from the gross
heating value?
6. What are the different types of furnaces used in refinery operations?
7. Explain the concept of radiative convective arrangement in a furnace and its
8. How does a vertical cylindrical furnace differ from other types of furnaces in
terms of design and operation?
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cabin and box-type
furnaces in refinery processes?
10. Discuss the phenomenon of coking in furnaces and its impact on operational
11. What is a heat recovery system in furnaces, and how does it contribute to
energy efficiency?
12. Explain the role of a stack in a furnace and its connection to draft control.
13. How is draft control achieved in a furnace, and why is it important?
The overall energy requirements in crude oil distillation, also known as refining, are significant
due to the energy-intensive nature of the process. Crude oil distillation involves separating
crude oil into various fractions based on their boiling points. Here's an explanation of the
overall energy requirements and energy-saving strategies in crude oil distillation:

1. Heating the Crude Oil: The first major energy requirement in crude oil distillation is heating
the crude oil to vaporize it. The crude oil is typically preheated using heat exchangers, and then
further heated in a furnace to reach the desired temperature for distillation.

2. Vaporization and Fractionation: As the crude oil is heated, it undergoes vaporization, and the
vaporized components rise through the distillation column. The energy required for
vaporization depends on the specific properties and composition of the crude oil.

3. Separation and Condensation: In the distillation column, the vaporized crude oil components
condense at different heights based on their boiling points. Cooling and condensation of these
components require energy, usually provided by heat exchangers or cooling systems.

4. Reboilers and Stripping Steam: Reboilers are used to provide additional heat at the bottom of
the distillation column to maintain vaporization and separation. Stripping steam is often injected
at certain stages to enhance separation. Both reboilers and stripping steam require energy input.

To achieve energy savings in crude oil distillation, several strategies can be implemented:

1. Heat Integration: Heat integration involves optimizing heat transfer within the process. This
can be achieved by maximizing the use of heat exchangers, where the heat from the outgoing
hot streams is transferred to incoming cold streams, reducing the need for external heating or

2. Improved Insulation: Insulating the distillation equipment and pipelines effectively can
minimize heat loss and improve energy efficiency by reducing the amount of energy required to
maintain operating temperatures.

3. Advanced Control Systems: Implementing advanced process control systems can help
optimize the operation of the distillation process. These systems can monitor and adjust
variables such as temperature, pressure, and flow rates to ensure efficient operation and reduce
energy consumption.

4. Side Stream Utilization: Identifying opportunities to utilize the excess heat or byproduct
streams generated during crude oil distillation can contribute to energy savings. These streams
can be used for heating purposes in other parts of the refinery or for generating steam or
5. Process Optimization: Optimizing the design and operation of the distillation process,
including column internals and tray or packing design, can improve separation efficiency and
reduce energy consumption.

6. Energy Recovery Systems: Implementing energy recovery systems, such as waste heat
recovery units or cogeneration systems, can capture and utilize waste heat generated during the
distillation process for other purposes within the refinery, such as heating or power generation.

7. Energy Management and Auditing: Regular energy management and auditing practices can
help identify areas of energy waste, track energy consumption patterns, and implement energy-
saving measures systematically.

By adopting these energy-saving strategies, crude oil distillation processes can reduce energy
consumption, improve operational efficiency, and lower operating costs, contributing to a more
sustainable and environmentally friendly refining operation.

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