Documentary Video: Project Management Plan

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Project Management Plan

Documentary Video

Sidi Najem
ID Number: 0096
Date accomplished: 29/04/2020
Sidi Najem

Table of Contents

Human Resources..........................................................................................................................22

Sidi Najem

 Description of the project

A project is: “a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.”
(PMI 2008, p.4).

This project has a timeframe with a start and a finish; and it is leading to a unique result,
which is the production of a documentary video. This project is funded and oriented by the
Mauritanian government to produce a documentary video about the old city of Chinguitti. The
documentary aims to spot the light on one of the main landmarks of the country. It is a part of the
government’s vision for tourism. The purpose of this documentary is to promote Chingutti to
tourists as well as the Mauritanian local people. The technical aspects of the making of the
documentary will be covered by a local production company called ZEIN Production and the
national TV AL-MOURITANIYA. This project is on the basis of the Project Management Plan
8+1: scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risks, procurement, and integration.

 Overview of the Project’s Background

Chinguitti can be considered one of the most underrated historical sites in the world generally
and in the Arab world specifically. The old city represents a significant era of the modern-day
Mauritania’s civilization. It is important for countries to develop strategies in order to boost
tourism sector and promote to their main landmarks. Therefore, this project will be a promotional
and cultural documentary for Chinguitti. It is sponsored by the ministry of tourism and the
ministry of culture. The documentary will show Chinguitti from all angles and flick the dust off
the historical sites there. It will be broadcasted and publicized on the national TV and social
media. Most of the project phases will take place in Chinguitti. It is a part of the plan that the
government will facilitate the process of this mission and provide a suitable environment to
complete it.

 Analysis of the Project Stakeholders

Sidi Najem

According to Landau (2017), a stakeholder is an individual, group, or organization that has an

effect on the project or affected by its process and/or outcome. Stakeholders can have a positive
or negative impact on the project and they can be inside or outside the sponsoring organization.
In this section all the stakeholders are identified, categorized and analysed.

The stakeholders of this project are as follows:

 The Project Manager: the leader of the whole project that directs the project team and
responsible for monitoring and supervising all the project’s aspects and phases.

 The Technical Team: this is a part of the project team; it includes the members of the
production entity that will work on the documentary. And they are as follows:
o Director: the technical team leader who is responsible for the directing of the
documentary video.
o Video Editor: responsible for the montage and editing of the sound and visuals,
and merging the scenes of the documentary video.
o Camera Men: 2 camera men responsible for the footage and the shooting of the
documentary scenes.
o Audio Engineer: responsible for the quality of the audio during shooting and
o Script Writer: writes the content and information that will be presented by the
o Presenter: presents the documentary, do the narrative part when it is required and
conduct the short interviews with participants.

 The Financial Management Team: this is a part of the project team; it is the responsible
entity for the management of the financial resources. It consists of:
o Financial Manager (FM): responsible for the planning and monitoring of the
financial resources.
o Financial Manager Assistant (FMA): responsible for applying the financial plan
and undertaking the financial dealings and accounts settlements.

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 Logistics Team: this is a part of the project team; it is responsible for the coordination of
the facilities and preparing the best conditions for the project to take place. This team
o Logistics Manager (LM): makes sure that all the supplies needed are provided
and that the project can run smoothly without the lack of any sort of means and
o Logistics Manager Assistant (LMA): provides the assistance to the LM by
gathering and tracking all the information regarding the logistics.
 The drivers:
o Two Drivers

 The Participants: this includes the people that will give statements in the documentary;
and they are:
o Historian: this is the credibility element of the documentary and will give
informational statements throughout the video.
o Chinguitti Mosque Imam: will be interviewed and gives statements about the
o Chinguitti Library-Keeper: will give statements about the library.

 The Government: this is the sponsor of the project and it is represented by:
o The Ministry of Tourism
o The Ministry of Culture

 Tourists: these are the main target for this project. And they are divided into:
o Foreign Tourists
o Local Tourists

 The Local People of Chinguitti: some of them will be interviewed, especially the
traders of Chinguitti Market.

Sidi Najem

These stakeholders are divided into two categories: internal stakeholders & external
stakeholders. The internal ones are those who are within the organization. Meanwhile, the
external ones are those who are outside the organization (Surbhi, 2017). In this project’s case
the organization is a combination of the project team and the government. The schedule
below identifies the internal & external stakeholders:

Internal Stakeholders External Stakeholders

o The Project Manager o Participants

o The Technical Team o Tourists

o The Financial Management Team o The Local People of Chinguitti

o The Logistics Team

o The Government

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The diagram below shows the analysis of the stakeholders’ level of participation in terms of the
interest and influence:


Financial Management Team Technical Team The Government

Logistics Team Project Manager


Local People of Chinguitti Tourists

Low High

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The influence in this project is measured by how much contribution and impact the
stakeholders have on the completion of the project. Meanwhile, the interest is measured by the
benefits stakeholders will have out of the successful completion of the project.

The government and the project manager have very high influence and interest rates
because they play the major role in completing the project and its success is for their good. The
financial management team, drivers and logistics team have very high influence, but with
very low interest because they play a main role in completing the project. However, they do not
expect significant benefits from its success. On the other hand, the technical team have a very
high influence rate but relatively high interest because they play a major role in completing the
project, and they expect benefits such as the good reputation in their field if the project

Participants have relatively high influence rate and medium interest rate because they help in
varying the content of the documentary but they are not expecting significant benefits if the
project succeeded. Local people of Chinguitti have very low influence rate with medium
interest rate because they are not involved in the making of the documentary, but the success of
the project will help in increasing awareness about their city. Finally, tourists have very low
influence rate but relatively high interest rate because they have no impact on the making of the
project but the project’s success will let them have a clearer idea about Chinguitti when they
think of visiting it.

Sidi Najem

According to Grant (2020), the scope is a section in the project planning where the objectives
of the project and requirements are stated. This section includes: a scope statement, the objective,
key-deliverables, specifications of the project, equipment, assumptions and constraints.

 Scope Statement
This project has outlined equipment, assumptions and constraints; and will be completed
through achieving all the listed key-deliverables in order to meet the specifications and
the objective.

 The Objective
This project has one objective, which is creating a medium-length, promotional, and
informative documentary video about Chinguitti within the designed timeframe and

 Key-Deliverables
 Getting the crew
 Getting equipment
 Departing from Nouakchott to Chinguitti
 Writing the script
 Shooting & Recording
 Editing & Montaging
 Finishing
 Distributing

NB: Returning from Chinguitti is not included as a key deliverable, because it has no
real impact on the completion of the project as the departure to Chinguitti does. In
addition, the last key-deliverable (Distributing) can be achieved in Chinguitti itself.

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Anyhow, the most important factor is that the return from Chinguitti will be individual
(this will be discussed further in the project scenario in the budget section).

 Specifications
As the project is a documentary video, these are its aimed and required specifications:

 Length: 30 to 35 Minutes.
 Video: Full HD image (1,920x1,080 pixels); aspect ratio: (16:9)
 Audio: M4A quality (which is the highest audio quality)

 Equipment
 Vehicles: 2 vehicles:

- one Mini Bus Toyota HIACE (for transporting the crew)

- one four-wheel drive Toyota Land Cruiser Pickup (for transporting equipment)

 Cameras: 3 cameras:

- Panasonic GH5

- DJI Mavic 2 Pro (Camera Drone)

- SCL-P11x15 Wide Angle Camera Zoom Lens – Sony Pro

 Tripods: 2 tripods of VCT-R640

 Camera Light: one camera light Sony HVL-LBPC LED Video Light

 Microphones: 2 microphones:

- RODE NTG-3 Shotgun Mic

- Zoom H5 4-Track Portable Recorder

 External Battery & Power Banks:

- 1 of Qi-Infinity Surface Pro 4 External Battery

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- 2 of PXWAXPY Portable Charger 25800mAh Power Bank

 Memory Cards & External Hard Drive:

- 3 memory cards for the cameras 256GB Sand-Disk Ultra

- One Seagate Portable 1TB External Hard Drive

 Camera Bags: 3 of LOWEPRO Dry-Zone 200 Backpack

 Computer: Apple MacBook Pro 2016 16GB RAM 15-inch

 Assumptions
 All the work team and materials will be provided at the right time and along the
project’s life cycle.
 There will be electricity and water most of the time during our stay in Chinguitti.
 Transportation, nutrition and accommodation will be provided.
 The authorities will facilitate our locomotion and the access to historical sites in
 There will be good work conditions for the work team.
 The local people of Chinguitti and participants will be cooperative and
understanding in relation to the project’s execution.

 Constraints
 The work hours during the day will be limited due to the heat factor.
 If some materials broke down, there are few technicians in Chinguitti and they are
not as skilful and competent as those who are in Nouakchott.
 Not all the areas of Chinguitti have electricity and internet coverage.

Sidi Najem

Time phase in the PMP highlights all the details related to the schedule of the project in terms of time. As any other
project, this project has a start date, finish date and a duration. This section includes:

o Milestones
o WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
o Gantt Chart

Start Date 01/07/2020

Finish Date 16/08/2020
Duration 47 Days

As the table above shows, this project is to be completed within just over a month and a half. The overall duration of
the project is determined by the sum of durations of all activities that do not go in parallel in all key-deliverables. The
a ± 4 m+b
formula was used to calculate the exact duration of each activity. In addition, an expert judgment was taken
into consideration to estimate the duration of the whole project. According to the well-known Mauritanian producer and
director Barick (2020), this type of projects usually takes 40 to 50 days to be completed. Both formula results and expert
judgment are in the same interval, which is a duration of more or less a month and a half.

a ± 4 m+b
The formula gave a result of 47 days for the whole project lifetime. The formula is simply: {most optimistic
time + (most likely time × 4) + most pessimistic time} ÷ 6

-For example:

Most optimistic time: 2 days

activity A Most likely time: 3 days a ± 4 m+b
Duration using =3
Most pessimistic time: 4 days 6

 Milestones

A milestone as defined by Harned (2018), is a sign that indicates and marks a significant phase in a project’s lifetime.
In this project the milestones are represented in the completion of key-deliverables. The date of completing each
deliverable will be marked as a milestone in the development of the project.

5th/Jul 6th/Jul 9th/Jul 18th/Jul 3rd/Aug 11th/Aug 12th/Aug 16th/Aug

-Getting crew ≠
-Getting equipment ≠
-Departure to Chinguitti ≠
-Writing script ≠
-Shooting & Recording ≠
-Editing & Montaging ≠
-Finishing ≠
-Distributing ≠
- The table below demonstrates the milestones of this project:

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As the table shows there are 8 milestones, and each milestone is the finish date of the 8 key-deliverables.

The Work Breakdown Structure details all the activities to be done to achieve all the key-deliverables. The diagram
below shows all the activities of all the key-deliverables and the connection between them:

1.The Documentary Video WBS

NB: the difference of colours between the key-deliverables does not have any signification; it is used just as a
differentiator or a marker for each key-deliverable in the Gantt chart that will come below.

There are 28 activities/tasks in this project. Each key-deliverable includes a number of activities that must be done in
order to achieve it. All key-deliverables go in an order from 1.1 to 1.8, and all activities within each key-deliverable go in
an order as well.

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The next table shows the duration for completing each key-deliverable and the team responsible for it:

Team A: Logistics Team & Financial Management Team

Team B: Director, Camera Men, Audio Engineer & Presenter

Team C: Director & Video Editor

Team D: Project Manager, Director & Video Editor

NB: The Financial Management Team are involved in most of the project’s key-deliverables and activities but in an
indirect way. However, the direct involvement is where they coordinate with the Logistics Team. Also the drivers are
not involved directly in the completion of the key-deliverables.

Key-deliverables Done by Start Date Finish Date Duration (Days)

Getting Crew Project Manager 01/07/2020 05/07/2020 5
Getting Equipment Team A 01/07/2020 06/07/2020 6
Departure to Chinguitti Team A 07/07/2020 09/07/2020 3
Writing Script Script Writer 10/07/2020 18/07/2020 9
Shooting & Recording Team B 19/07/2020 03/08/2020 16
Editing & Montaging Team C 04/08/2020 11/08/2020 8
Finishing Team D 12/08/2020 12/08/2020 1
Distributing Project Manager 13/08/2020 16/08/2020 4

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 Gantt Chart
The chart below details all the activities’ start dates, finish dates and durations. It also shows the activities that can go in parallel.

01-Jul 06-Jul 11-Jul 16-Jul 21-Jul 26-Jul 31-Jul 05-Aug 10-Aug 15-Aug 20-Aug
Activity 1.1.1
Activity 1.1.2
Activity 1.1.3
Activity 1.2.1
Activity 1.2.2
Activity 1.2.3
Activity 1.3.1
Activity 1.3.2
Activity 1.3.3
Activity 1.4.1
Activity 1.4.2
Activity 1.4.3
Activity 1.4.4
Activity 1.5.1
Activity 1.5.2
Activity 1.5.3
Activity 1.5.4
Activity 1.5.5
Activity 1.6.1
Activity 1.6.2
Activity 1.6.3
Activity 1.6.4
Activity 1.7.1
Activity 1.7.2
Activity 1.7.3
Activity 1.8.1
Activity 1.8.2
Activity 1.8.3

The chart shows that a lot of activities must finish so that the next activity can start. For example: activity 1.1.2 must finish to start activity 1.1.3.
However, some activities can be done at the same time; for example: activity 1.2.1 can go in parallel with activity 1.2.2. And the same thing
applies on key-deliverables; they all must go in the designed order except for 1.1 and 1.2, because their activities can go in parallel.

Sidi Najem
This section details the direct costs of the project in order to know how much fund is needed. The indirect costs will be covered by the sponsor,
but they are not included in the budget and they are mostly utility costs such as water, electricity, telephone, internet etc.

 Baseline
As for the direct costs, the total fund needed for this project is 1,461,329 MRU (New Mauritanian Ouguiya). The approach Bottom-
Up was used to determine the budget, but not based on cost estimates for each task. Instead, it is based on cost estimates for all the means
a ± 4 m+b
and tools used to achieve the key-deliverables. The formula and expert judgment were used to determine the costs. Expert
judgment of the producer and director Ely Barick was used to determine labour costs. An online research for prices was used to
a ± 4 m+b
determine the costs of equipment and their delivery, and the formula was used when there is more than one price. As for
a ± 4 m+b
vehicles, an expert judgment was used, and that is an owner of car rentals agency called Ghazali. The formula was used also to
determine the costs of logistics.

 Budget
The budget below details all the costs of the project:
NB: drivers are paid by the rental agency, so they are not included in the labour costs.

-If the budget is not very clear, here is the Excel Document of it (Excel document size couldn’t be inserted properly to fit in the page):

The budget shows the detailed costs of each mean to achieve the key-deliverables. The total cost of labour is 619000 MRU; the total cost of
equipment is 681305 MRU and the total cost of logistics is 161024 MRU. And the grand total is 1427329 MRU, which is the total cost for
completing the project.

To understand better the mechanism of costs, here is the scenario:

After renting the vehicles, obtaining all the materials and signing contracts with the crew; the project manager, the director and the script
writer will travel to Chinguitti and start working on the script. Then, the script writer will leave Chinguitti, and the shooting crew will come to
start shooting and recording. After that, the shooting crew will leave Chinguitti, and the video editor will come to start working on the editing
and finishing parts. Finally, the video editor, the director and the project manager will head back to Nouakchott and the project manager will do
the distribution part. And of course, the project manager and the director are there in Chinguitti during the whole project making. As for the
transportation, the vehicles rented and their drivers will do the work. The crew will be camping in a rented and furnished big house in Chinguitti
and order food from nearby restaurants.

Sidi Najem

NB: The Financial Management Team and the Logistics Team are not heading with the crew to Chinguitti. However, they are doing their job
remotely from Nouakchott, and their role finishes once the distribution part starts

Sidi Najem

This section of the PMP is to set measurable criteria to evaluate the quality of the project’s
outcome. Basically, the project’s quality depends on to what extent the project’s objective is
achieved. Therefore, there will be a set of criteria to measure to which degree this project fulfils
its requirements. The 8 key-deliverables will be examined throughout the project lifecycle to
determine the quality of the final result of the project (the documentary video). Each key-
deliverable will be given one of the following ratings:

o Low Quality: if what is achieved is lower than what is aimed to.

o Good Quality: if what is achieved is almost what is aimed to.
o High Quality: if what is achieved is exactly what is aimed to.

NB: the quality evaluation is based on what is mentioned in the scope statement and objective
in the scope section.

 Getting the crew

Quality Low Good High

Some of the selected crew All of the selected crew All of the selected crew
members are not highly- members are highly- members are highly-

Criteria qualified and behave qualified but behave qualified and behave
unprofessionally all the unprofessionally professionally all the
time. sometimes. time.

Did the selected crew have a decent experience in the field? Were they punctual and hard-
working? Did they respect the contract?

Sidi Najem

 Getting equipment

Quality Low Good High

One or more of the All materials work All materials work
materials is faulty. Some of effectively but some of the effectively and they are
the materials are not materials are not available all available as required
available as required in the as required in the scope. in the scope.

Have the materials been delivered on time? Were they set up properly? Were the vehicles rented
in a good state?

 Departing from Nouakchott to Chinguitti

Quality Low Good High

There is a lack of Well-prepared. Arrival at Well-prepared. Arrival at
preparation. Arrival is late, the right time, and the right time, and

Criteria and accommodation is not accommodation is accommodation is good

convenient. acceptable or excellent.

Was safety ensured? Were the drivers qualified and drove in the right speed? How were the

 Writing the script

Quality Low Good High

Information collected is There is enough There is enough
not sufficient. The script is information collected. The information collected.
too long or too short. It is script is within the The script is within the

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not coherent neither required length, but it is required length, coherent

catchy. not coherent neither and catchy.

Did the script align with the idea of the documentary?

 Shooting & recording

Quality Low Good High

The selected sites are not The selected sites are The selected sites are
attractive neither relevant. attractive and relevant. attractive and relevant.
Scenes are not shot Scenes are shot Scenes are shot
professionally. The sound professionally, but the professionally. The sound
and recordings are not in a sound and recordings are and recordings are in a
good quality. not in a good quality. good or excellent quality.

Did the recordings and scenes align with the idea of the documentary?

 Editing & montaging

Quality Low Good High

The merging of scenes, The merging of scenes, The merging of scenes,
audio and video is not audio and video is audio and video is
accurate. The sound and accurate. The sound and accurate. The sound and
visual effects are not visual effects are visual effects are
integrated professionally. integrated professionally, integrated professionally.
The video is too long or but the video is too long or The video is within the
too short. too short. right length.

 Finishing

Sidi Najem

Quality Low Good High

Generally, the Generally, the Generally, the
documentary documentary documentary
communicates its designed communicates its designed communicates its

Criteria message poorly. There are message, but there are designed message
several undetected flaws minor mistakes and very perfectly. All the flaws
and mistakes. few flaws undetected. and mistakes are

Did the documentary video meet the objective and specifications mentioned in the scope?

 Distributing

Quality Low Good High

There is a poor The coordination with the The coordination with
coordination with the national TV and social the national TV and social
national TV and social media activists is relatively media activists is
media activists. The are acceptable and the excellent and smooth.

Criteria some problems in the documentary’s copies that The documentary’s

documentary’s copies that are given do not have any copies given do not have
are given to them (e.g. problems. any problems.
huge size of the file, wrong
copy etc.)

Human Resources
Sidi Najem

This section provides all the necessary information related to the human resources. This is
including: the acquisition of the work team, the planning for it and its structure.

 Acquisition

This explains how the work team will be acquired. As mentioned in the introduction, the
Technical Team will be acquired by signing contracts with ZEIN Production and AL-
MOURITANIYA TV to provide the required crew. As for the Financial and Logistics teams,
they are provided by the government. There are several candidates, but the project manager will
select the best work team based on qualifications, interest, and experience. And that will be done
through some interviews with the candidates. As for the selection of the providing companies
and institutions, that will be explained further in the procurement section. The work team will be
selected based on the nature of the project, and the types of roles it requires.

 Planning
This is where the roles, responsibilities, required skills and staffing relationship are identified.
The next table details them:

Role Responsibilities Skills Required Staffing Relationship

o Directs and leads the Technical skills and Responsible for the whole
project team. experience in managing this project team, and all of the
Project Manager o Supervises the whole type of projects, project team members
project and communication, leadership, respond to him.
communicates with the problem solving and
sponsor. decision making skills.

o Leads and supervises Technical skills and Responsible for the whole
the whole Technical experience in directing, Technical Team, and all
Director Team. leadership and members of the Technical
o Makes sure that the communication skills. team respond to him/her.
technical work is as

o Editing & montaging the Technical skills and Responds to the director who
documentary video. experience in editing & is also his/her link with the
Video Editor o Responsible for montaging, computer skills, project manager, and in an

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recordings, visual and communication skills equal position with the rest of
audio effects integration the project team.
in the video.

o Responsible for the Technical skills and Respond to the director who is
footage and filming of experience in filming, also their link with the project
the documentary. knowledge of how to use manager, and in an equal
Camera Men o Making sure that all various cameras and position with the rest of the
scenes are shot as communication skills project team.

o Responsible for the Technical skills and Responds to the director who
quality of the audio experience in audio is also his/her link with the
Audio Engineer during the shooting & engineering, communication project manager, and in an
recording phase. skills. equal position with the rest of
the project team.

o Responsible for Technical skills and Responds to the director who

collecting all relevant experience in script writing, is also his/her link with the
Script Writer information. communication skills. project manager, and in an
o Writing a coherent and equal position with the rest of
catchy script. the project team.

o Presents the Technical skills and Responds to the director who

documentary through experience in presenting is also his/her link with the
Presenter the script. programmes & project manager, and in an
o Be the narrator when it documentaries. equal position with the rest of
is required. Communication skills. the project team.
o Interviews participants.

o Responsible for Technical skills and Responds to the project

monitoring the financial experience in financial manager, responsible for the
The Financial Manager resources. management, problem Financial Manager Assistant,
solving and communication communicates with the
skills. Logistics Team, and in an
equal position with the rest of
the project team.

o Responsible for applying Technical skills and Responds to the Financial

The Financial Manager the financial plan. experience in finance and Manager who is also his/her
o Undertaking the accountancy, negotiation link with the project manager,
financial dealings and skills, and communication and in an equal position with
accounts settlements.

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skills. the rest of the project team.

o Makes sure that all the Technical skills and Responds to the project
The Logistics Manager supplies and facilities experience in logistics manager, responsible for the
needed are provided. management, problem Logistics Manager Assistant,
o Ensure that the project solving and communication communicates with the
can run smoothly
skills. Financial Team. And in an
without the lack of any
sort of means and equal position with the rest of
equipment. the project team.

o Provides the assistance Technical skills and Responds to the Logistics

The Logistics Manager to the Logistics Manager experience in logistics, Manager who is also his/her
by gathering and communication skills. link with the project manager,
tracking all the and in an equal position with
information regarding
the rest of the project team.
the logistics.

 The Project Team Structure

The organisational diagram below shows the structure of the project team. It is a process-based
structure, and it goes with what is mentioned in the staffing relationship in the previous table:

Project Manager

Logistics Manager Financial Manager
Sidi Najem Video Editor
Assistant Assistant

Script Writer

Camera Men

Audio Engineer


As the diagram shows, the project manager leads the whole team through commanding the
three teams of the project: the technical team (lead and represented by the director), the logistics
team (lead and represented by the logistics manager), and the financial team (lead and
represented by the financial manager). The technical team is commanded by the director and
communicate through him with the project manager; and none of them is commanded by the
other (technical team). The logistics team is commanded by the logistics manager, and the
financial manager is commanded by the financial manager.

Sidi Najem

This section is for the communications aspect of the project. It includes an analysis of the information that will be exchanged among
the stakeholders. In this project, communications will take an informal form most of the time.

 Stakeholders’ Needs for Information

The table below explains how each stakeholder is involved in the exchange of the project’s information.

Who? What? How much? When? How?

The government should be Detailed information From the beginning until Through report most of
The Government (the sponsor) informed and updated regarding each key- the end and on a regular the time and rarely face-
about everything related to deliverable and phase of basis, whether weekly or to-face.
the project development. the project. daily.
All information regarding Detailed information of From the beginning until Through reports and
The Financial Management Team the project planning in all the costs expected. the last key-deliverable phone calls mostly and
order to monitor the and on a regular basis; it rarely face-to-face.
spending. is likely to be weekly.
All information regarding Detailed information of From the beginning until Through phone calls
The Logistics Team the facilities and equipment the means needed to the last key-deliverable mostly and reports
of the project. complete the project. and on a regular basis sometimes.
and; it is likely to be daily.
All information related to Detailed information From the beginning until Through face-to-face
The Technical Team the project objective and regarding the technical the last key-deliverable, interaction most of the
requirements. aspect. and on day-to-day basis. time and rarely through
phone calls.
They should be given all Everything related to the The information Through face-to-face
information regarding locomotion, but almost regarding the locomotion interaction mostly and
locomotion, but they are nothing related to the should be on a regular sometimes through
The Drivers relatively detached from project. basis and from the phone calls.
the project work. beginning until the last
key-deliverable; day-to-
They should be given a Only information regards In the middle of the Through phone calls and
The Participants general idea regarding the to their interviews. project they should be face-to-face interaction.
project. informed about their
They are not supposed to Only few information Only if they ask and will Through face-to-face
The Local People of Chingutti be informed about anything about the project in be answered with a lot of interaction only.
related to the project’s general. confidentiality.
They are not going to be Basic information regards Occasionally. On media through
Tourists informed anything to what the documentary posters and adverts.
regarding the project itself. is all about.
However, the result of the
project will be
communicated to them,
which is the documentary.

Sidi Najem

 Communication Flow-Chart
The chart below shows the channels of information exchange among the stakeholders:


Local People of

Drivers Technical Team (the crew)

Project Manager

Logistics Team Participants

Management Team

As the chart shows, there are the nine stakeholders’ groups of the project. The double-sided arrows signify direct communication
between the two sides, whereas the one-sided arrow is a direct communication but from one side. And the doted arrow signifies an
indirect communication between both sides that is not programed neither regularised. It is clear that communication revolves around
the project manager. He is the centre of the communication flow and mediates communication between different stakeholders. As for
the government, it communicates to tourists through media and posters, but it is a one-way communication from the government to the
tourists without a response. And for the local people, there is no communication organised with the rest of the project’ stakeholders,
but there could be some communication with the technical team because they might encounter them during shooting phase.
Nevertheless, communication flow is very limited and it might occur or might not. That is why the arrow is doted basically.

As for informal communications, the whole project team will be close to each other, so there will be some informal communication
that might not follow or respect the formal guidelines of communication. And that will be through some informal conversations and
small talks.

Sidi Najem

“All projects are risky since they are unique undertakings with varying degrees of complexity
that aim to deliver benefits.” (PMI 2008, p.397).

This project also might encounter some unwanted events or outcomes in the future. Therefore,
this section is to manage risks. It includes risk assessment, and risk control.

 Risk Assessment
This will be divided into three parts: risk identification, risk analysis, and risk prioritisation.

 Risk Identification: The next table shows the risks that might occur; and their causes
and categories. Risks are categorized based on the knowledge areas in addition to
technical and external risks. The risk identification is based on an online research for
similar projects, and the project manager’s point of view.

Risk Identification
Category Risk Cause
o Project runs behind schedule. o Some activities are running late.
o Misestimating of the time needed for
certain activities.

o Project goes over the budget. o Misestimating of the baseline.

o Funds are provided later than they should be. o Sponsor faces problems in cash-flow
or lack of communication between
the project team and the sponsor.

o Some key-deliverables are not achieved o Lack of preparation, professionalism

properly. or inaccurate planning.
o The documentary video is not as required. o The process of the work is not as it
should be or technical issues occur.

o Some members of the project team leave o A sudden ill occurs.

suddenly the camp. o a conflict happens between parts of
the team members.

o Communication does not happen effectively o Technical issues or misunderstanding.

between the project team and the sponsor, or o Interpersonal issues.

Sidi Najem

within the project team.

o Project team does not communicate at all.

o Vehicles break down. o The drivers are not good or an

external factor occurs.
o Electronics get virus or break down (cameras, o Anti-virus is out of date or
computer..). uninstalled.
o Sudden damage.

o Extreme weather events. o Seasonally heavy rains or floods

(Especially in the period of the
project; it usually happens)

Risk Assessment Matrix

Low Medium High
High 3 6 9
Medium 2 4 6
Low 1 2 3
 Risk Analysis: after identifying the risks, they are analysed based on their impact and
probability to happen. This is going to be measured by the risk assessment matrix below:

As the table shows, there are numbers to measure the probability and impact of the risk. The
risk is whether high, medium or low. Each risk will be given a number based on its probability
and impact numbers, and where they meet. So, if the risk has a high probability and high impact,
then its risk number would be 9. The same thing if the risk has a low probability and a high
impact; the number for that risk would be 3. For example, the risk that the project team does not
communicate at all has a low probability and a high impact. As result the number for this risk is

Sidi Najem

 Risk Prioritisation: after analysing each risk using the risk assessment matrix, risks
are prioritised based on their likelihood to occur and impact. The next table categorizes
each risk:

Risk Identification
Category Risk
High Risk (9)  Extreme weather events.
 Project runs behind schedule.
 Project goes over the budget.
 Some key-deliverables are not achieved properly.
 Communication does not happen effectively between the
Medium Risk (4-6)
project team and the sponsor, or within the project team.
 Vehicles break down.
 Electronics get virus or break down.

 Funds are provided later than they should be.

 The documentary video is not as required.
Low Risk (1-3)  Some members of the project team leave suddenly the camp.
 Project team does not communicate at all.

As the table shows. There are three categories for the risks: high (9), medium (4-6), and
low (1-3). These categories are based on the numbers in risk assessment matrix. Risks are
prioritised by the category, so if the risk is in category high (9) then it has the maximum
priority; and so on and so forth with medium and low categories.

 Risk Control
This is the planning for dealing with the risks if they occur.

 Risk response planning: All low risks are going to be accepted since they are not
likely to occur; and also to avoid using extra resources for something that has a low
chance to happen. As for medium risks, some of them will be mitigated, whereas others
will be accepted. That is due to the likelihood of their occurrence and the noticeable
impact resulted by that. The only high risk exist will be accepted, because there is no
control over it. However, in case it happens there will be some actions to be taken, but

Sidi Najem

that completely depends on the situation and how far the project reached. There is no
avoidance or transfer in this risk response planning.
 Risk Resolution: Apart from the risks that will be accepted, the medium risks will be
mitigated through the following resolutions as the table below shows:

Risk Resolution

 Project runs behind schedule.  Strict and regular monitoring for the
activities deadlines and milestones.

 Project goes over the budget.  Strict and a regular monitoring for the use of
the resources throughout the project.
 If an activity or a key-deliverable costed less
than what was estimated, the rest of the
money will be saved in case needed in the

 Some key-deliverables are not achieved properly.  Strict and a regular monitoring for the
quality throughout the project.

 Communication does not happen effectively  Creating a network of connection between

between the project team and the sponsor, or all the parts that will communicate to each
within the project team. other (easing communication through
providing: telephones, internet, physical
 Creating a nice atmosphere to work and
reinforcing the social connection among the
project team through some fun games and
feasts for instance.

 Vehicles break down.  Examining the vehicles on a daily basis (tires,

engine, lights…etc.)
 Giving the drivers a limit of speed and
monitoring them.

 Electronics get virus or break down.  Installing an anti-virus and assuring it is not
out of date.
 Setting up the materials in a proper way
from the beginning.

Sidi Najem

This section is about the resources needed to complete the project. This includes the project team
and equipment. What is to be acquired? How to acquire it? And when?

 What is needed?

This project requires a well-qualified project team, and equipment. The project team required
is mentioned in details in the HR planning section (director, video editor, camera men, audio
engineer, script writer, presenter, financial manager, financial manager assistant, logistics
manager, and logistics manager assistant). The equipment required are also stated in details in the
project scope section (vehicles, cameras tripods, camera light, microphones, external battery &
power banks, memory cards & external hard drive, camera bags, and computer ).

 How to acquire?

To identify the supplier for the technical equipment an online research was conducted. There
is no local supplier able to provide all the materials needed. Therefore, ORBIT Electronic from
Algeria was selected as it is rated in the reviews 4 out of 5; it is also near as it is from a
neighbouring country, and with cheaper prices than other candidate suppliers such as ELOF from
Senegal and SNE SOMETEL from Tunisia.

As for the vehicles there were three candidate companies: STP, MSS, and MSP. They were
listed because they are the top three companies in their field in Mauritania. Eventually MSP was
selected as it is the only company among the three that has the required vehicles, and in cheaper
prices than what cars’ rentals agencies usually charge.

Concerning the project team, it was acquired through contracts. The technical team was
provided by a legal contract with ZEIN Production company and AL-MOURITANIYA TV.
ZEIN Production was selected because they are simply the best in the country. This is proven by
the numbers of followers and views that their work has in addition to the undeniable quality.
They relatively charge more than similar companies such as 07 Production and MELOBORD.
However, their quality of work worth it. AL-MOURITANIYA TV will provide the presenter
through a contract; it selected because it is a TV channel for the government, which is the
sponsor and will facilitate the negotiation. This is in addition to the fact that AL-

Sidi Najem

MOURITANIYA has the best journalists and TV presenters in the country. Both the technical
team and the financial team are provided by the government and acquired through a legal
contract. The government suggested several finance and logistics experts, and the project
manager selected among them based on their availability and interest in the project.

 When to acquire?

Technical equipment 06/07/2020
Vehicles 01/07/2020
Technical team 05/07/2020
Project Team
Logistics & financial teams 01/07/2020

Sidi Najem

To conclude, this project has a clear objective, which is producing a high-quality
documentary video about the old city of Chinguitti within the designed timeframe and budget.
To attain this objective, all key-deliverables must be achieved. And to monitor that, there are set
milestones to track the progress of the work phase by phase until the final result is reached. The
project requires a set of resources that must be provided by the sponsor in order for it to take
place and complete. And to assess the project quality, there is a set of criteria for each key-
deliverable that will be examined throughout the project. Moreover, to successfully complete,
this project requires a committed and professional work team, and an effective communication
between the different parts of the stakeholders; especially the project team. Finally, there are
risks that might encounter the project in the future; and they are analysed and will be tackled
according to the plan.

Sidi Najem


 (Accessed: 19/03/2020)

Peter L, 2017 ‘What Is a Stakeholder and How Do You Manage Them?’

‫شنقيط‬-‫مدينة‬-‫في‬-‫السياحة‬/amp/ (Accessed: 19/03/2020)

Article translated from Arabic to English under the title of ‘Tourism in Chinguitti’

 (Accessed: 21/03/2020)

Mitchell G, 2020 ‘What Is Scope?’

 (Accessed:

‘Step-By-Step: How to Make a Documentary’

 (Accessed: 21/03/2020)

Casey S, 2019 ‘Audio File Types- 5 Popular Options to Consider’

(Accessed: 21/03/2020)

‘Low-Budget Documentary Filmmaking Gear Check-List’

project-plan (Accessed: 23/03/2020)

Brett H, 2018 ‘How to Use Milestones in Project Management’

 PMI 2017, A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK), 4th
edition, Project Management Institute.

Sidi Najem

 Max Cortesi 2020, Project Management course, The Higher Institute of English.


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