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Periodic Test-II – 2022


Name: _________________________________ Grade: 10 Sec: ____

Subject: SCIENCE M Marks: 80
Date: 16 /09 /2022 Time: 3 hours

General Instructions:
(i) The question paper comprises four sections A, B, C and D. There are 36 questions in the
question paper. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Section–A - question no. 1 to 20 - all questions and parts thereof are of one mark each. These
questions contain multiple choice questions (MCQs), very short answer questions and
assertion - reason type question. Answers to these should be given in one word or one sentence.
(iii) Section–B - question no. 21 to 26 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each.
Answers to these questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words.
(iv) Section–C - question no. 27 to 33 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each.
Answers to these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words.
(v) Section–D – question no. - 34 to 36 are long answer type questions carrying 5 marks each.
Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
(vi) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions.
A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(vii) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.

No Questions Marks

1 Which of the following are exothermic processes? 1

(i) Reaction of water with quick lime
(ii) Dilution of an acid
(iii) Evaporation of water
(iv) Sublimation of camphor (crystals)
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (iv)
2 Barium chloride on reacting with ammonium sulphate forms barium sulphate and 1
ammonium chloride. Which of the following correctly represents the type of the reaction
(i) Displacement reaction
(ii) Precipitation reaction
(iii) Combination reaction
(iv) Double displacement reaction
(a) (i) only
(b) (ii) only
(c) (iv) only
(d) (ii) and (iv)
3 Which one of the following processes involve chemical reactions? 1
(a) Storing of oxygen gas under pressure in a gas cylinder
(b) Liquefaction of air
(c) Keeping petrol in a china dish in the open
(d) Heating copper wire in presence of air at high temperature
4 Which of the following statements is correct about an aqueous solution of an acid and of 1
a base?
(i) Higher the pH, stronger the acid
(ii) Higher the pH, weaker the acid
(iii) Lower the pH, stronger the base
(iv) Lower the pH, weaker the base
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

5 Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of 1

(a) strong acid and strong base
(b) weak acid and weak base
(c) strong acid and weak base
(d) weak acid and strong base.

6 Why do the walls of the trachea not collapse when there is less air in it? 1
7 Food moves down the gut by peristalsis. Which region of the brain controls peristalsis? 1

8 What happens if conducting tubes of circulatory system develops a leak? 1

9 State one structural difference between the following pair of terms: 1

(i) Dendrite and Axon

10 When an object is kept within the focus of a concave mirror, an enlarged image is formed 1
behind the mirror. This image is:
(A) real
(B) inverted
(C) virtual and inverted
(D) virtual and erect A

11 The correct sequencing of angle of incidence, angle of emergence, angle of refraction 1

and lateral displacement shown in the following diagram by digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 is:

(A) 2, 4, 1, 3 (B) 2, 1, 4, 3
(C) 1, 2, 4, 3 (D) 2, 1, 3, 4

12 The Change in focal length of an eye lens is caused by the action of the 1
(a) pupil
(b) retina
(c) ciliary muscles
(d) iris
13 Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation of a rainbow? 1
(A) Reflection, refraction and dispersion
(B) Refraction, dispersion and total internal reflection
(C) Refraction, dispersion and internal reflection
(D) Dispersion, scattering and total internal reflection

14 Study the following ray diagram: 1

In this diagram, the angle of incidence, the angle of emergence and the angle of
deviation respectively
have been represented by
(A) y, p and z (B) x, q and z
(C) p, y and z (D) p, z and y

15 The optical phenomena, twinkling of stars, is due to 1

(A) Atmospheric reflection
(B) Total reflection
(C) Atmospheric refraction
(D) Total refraction

For the question number 16, two statements are given- one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labeled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) (d)and (e) as given
a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true.
e) If both are false

16 1

Answer Q. No 17 - 20 contain five sub-parts each. You are expected to answer any four sub-parts in
these questions.

17 Each capillary cluster in the kidney is associated with the cup-shaped end of a tube that 1x4
collects the filtered urine. Each kidney has large numbers of these filtration units called
nephrons packed close together. Some substances in the initial filtrate, such as glucose,
amino acids, salts and a major amount of water, are selectively re-absorbed as the urine
flows along the tube. The amount of water reabsorbed depends on how much excess
water there is in the body, and on how much of dissolved waste there is to be excreted.
The urine forming in each kidney entually enters a long tube, the ureter, which connects
the kidneys with the urinary bladder. Urine is stored in the urinary bladder until the
pressure of the expanded bladder leads to the urge to pass it out through the urethra.
The bladder is muscular, so it is under nervous control, as we have discussed elsewhere.
As a result, we can usually control the urge to urinate.

1) The substance which is not reabsorbed into the blood capillaries surrounding the
tubule of a nephron is mainly:
(a) glucose
(b) amino acid
(c) urea
(d) water

2)The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for

(a) nutrition
(b) excretion
(c) respiration excretion
(d) transportation

3)The procedure of cleaning the blood of a person by using a kidney machine is known
(a) glycolysis
(b) hydrolysis
(c) dialysis
(d) photolysis

4)The excretory unit in the human excretory system is called:

(a) nephron
(b) neuron
(c) nephridia
(d) kidney

5) Which of the following is the correct path taken by urine in our body?

18 Chemical reaction, a process in which one or more substances, the reactants, are 1x4
converted to one or more different substances, the products. Substances are either
chemical elements or compounds. A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms
of the reactants to create different substances as products. Study this table related to the
different types of reactions / processes and answer the questions that follow.

(A) The reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a single substance
under suitable conditions is 4
(a) combination reaction
(b) combustion
(c) decomposition reaction
(d) photosynthesis.

(B) Which of the following is essential for photosynthesis?

(a) Sunlight
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) Glucose
(d) Both 'a' and 'b’.

(C) When a chemical compound decomposes on absorbing light and energy, then the
reaction which takes place is known as
(a) photosynthesis
(b) photodecomposition
(c) combination
(d) thermal decomposition.

(D) Which of the following reaction is an example for combustion reaction?

(a) C + O2 → CO2
(b) Zn + H2SO4→ ZnSO4 + H2
(c) Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
(d) 3Mg + N2→ Mg3N2

(E) Which of the following reaction is an example for displacement reaction?

(a) C + O2 → CO2
(b) Zn + H2SO4→ ZnSO4 + H2
(c) BaCl2 + Na2SO4 → 2NaCl + BaSO4
(d) 3Mg + N2→ Mg3N2

19 A group of students measured the pH of some substances they found in their homes. 1 x4
Their results are given in the following table:

(A) Which solution is the less acidic?

(i) Apples
(ii) Vinegar
(iii) Lemon Juice
(iv) Black Coffee.

(B) Which solution is the most alkaline?

(i) Household ammonia
(ii) Washing soda
(iii) Baking soda
(iv) Toothpaste.

(C) Which solutions are neutral?

(i) Salt
(ii) Sugar
(iii) Milk
(iv) Both (i) and (ii)

(D) What will be the litmus test if the solution is basic?

(i) Red litmus will turn to blue
(ii) Blue litmus will turn to red
(iii) No change in colour
(iv) It will change into orange pink.

(E) Arrange the following in order of the increasing basic strengths. Baking soda,
Toothpaste, Household ammonia, Washing soda.
(i) Baking soda, Toothpaste, Household ammonia, Washing soda
(ii) Baking soda, Toothpaste, Washing soda, Household ammonia
(iii) Washing soda, Baking soda, Toothpaste, Household ammonia
(iv) Baking soda, Household ammonia, Toothpaste, Washing soda.

20 Rear view mirror is a device that allows the driver to see rear ward. It usually finds its 1x4
place at the top of windscreen inside the cabin. This device is one of the most basic but
essential safety devices in the vehicle .It provides assistance to the driver during
overtaking, parking in reverse gear etc. Generally, vehicles also have a pair of mirrors
attached to the body from outside. They are popular as ‘side mirrors’ or Outer Rear View
mirrors (ORVM) which serve the same purpose. Almost all modern cars mount their side
mirrors on the doors-normally at A-pillar rather than the wings (the portion of the body
above the wheel well)

1) A real image of an object is to be obtained. The mirror required for this purpose is :
(a)Convex mirror (b) concave mirror
c)Plane mirror (d) either convex or concave mirror

2) A boy is standing in front of and close to a special mirror. He finds the image of his
head bigger than normal, the middle part of his body of the same size, and his legs
smaller than normal. The special mirror is made up of three types of mirrors in the
following order from top downwards:
(a) Convex, Plane, Concave (b) Plane, Convex, Concave
(c ) Concave, Plane, Convex, (d) Convex ,Concave , plane

3) A convex mirror is used:

(a) By a dentist
(b) for shaving
(c) as a rearview mirror in vehicles
(d) as a light reflector for obtaining a parallel beam of light

4) Linear magnification (m) produced by a rear view mirror fitted in vehicles:
(a) is equal to one
(b) is less than one
(c) is more than one
(d) can be more or less than one depending on the position of object.

5) A concave mirror cannot be used as:

a) a magnifying mirror
b) a torch reflector
c) a dentist’s mirror
d) a rear view mirror
21 (i) What is meant by the term hydrated salt? 2
(ii) Give two examples of hydrated salt which are white and state their chemical
22 Name the three products of ‘chlor-alkali process’? Write one commercially or industrially 2
important material each that can be prepared from each of these products.

23 How do we detect smell of hot spicy food from a distance? 2

24 What is phototropism? State its cause. Describe an activity to demonstrate it. 2

List two differences between nastic movements and tropic movements. 2

26 State two positions in which a concave mirror produces a magnified image of a given 2
object. List two differences between the two images.

27 A student heated 2g of lead nitrate in a boiling tube. 3
(a) What changes would be observed as a result of heating.
(b) Name the type of reaction that took place.
(c) Write the balanced chemical equation for the above reaction.
28 a) Write the chemical name and chemical formula of washing soda. 3
(b) How is it obtained from sodium chloride? Give equations of the reactions.
(c) Why is it called a basic salt? Give its anyone use.

29 (a) Mention the pH range within which our body works. Explain how antacids give relief 3
from acidity. Write the name of one such antacid.
(b) Fresh milk has a pH of 6. How does the pH will change as it turns to curd? Explain your
(c) A milkman add a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk. Why does this milk
take a longer time to set as curd?

30 Touching a flame is an urgent and dangerous situation for us. Trace the sequence of 3
events which occur when you touch a flame.

31 How are power and focal length of a lens related? You are provided with two lenses of 3
focal length 20 cm and 40 cm respectively. Which lens will you use to obtain more
convergent light?

32 Explain why the color of the clear sky is blue. 3

State 8 3
33 State the laws of refraction of light. If the speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 10 m/s, find
the absolute refractive index of a medium in which light travels with a speed of 1.4 ×
108 m/s.
34 i) Draw a diagram of human circulatory system and label the parts that match the below 5
a) the blood vessel that carries oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs-A
b) the chamber of the heart that pumps the blood into the pulmonary artery-B
c) a large vein that carries oxygen-poor blood to the heart-C
d) the blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the heart-D
ii) How opening and closing of stomata takes place?

35 i)What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various 5
ii) In single celled organisms diffusion is sufficient to meet all their requirements of food,
exchange of gases or removal of wastes but it is not in case of multicellular organisms.
Explain the reason for this difference.

36 (a)If the image formed by a lens is diminished in size and erect, for all positions of the 5
object, what type of lens is it?
(b) Name the point on the lens through which a ray of light passes un-deviated.
(c) An object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length
20 cm. The distance of the object from the lens is 30 cm.
Find (i) the position (ii) the magnification and (iii) the nature of the image formed.


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